
House for the game with your own hands. How and from what to build a children's game house in the country

Preparing plants for winter

In order for the dwarf in the country or near the house, it was examined by the garden or what other places where they should not be, they need an interesting corner for them. As a rule, parents come to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to create a playing area or a sports corner - depends on the age and desire of children. The children's playground made independently the fact that during its construction it is possible to provide for its gradual transformation. After all, what is suitable for 2-3 year old babies, no longer like 5-6 years, and even more older children. And besides, a children's playground is more often built with so much of the considerations of savings, how much of the desire to please the child: who knows the best parents what your child likes ... someone needs a pirate ship, and someone has his own, the house With a porch, door and all the necessary attributes.

Danish playground with their own hands - place for games of favorite siblings in the country or in the yard

Select location

It will be necessary to solve a difficult task. First, it is desirable that the playground can be viewed from the house, and from the room in which someone is most of the time. Ideally, if the site is viewed from several rooms or points. Secondly, it should be located away from the cozpostrokek with "aromas", if there are such. Thirdly, it is advisable to take into account the fertility of the soil: the game complex can be distinguished by a non-frozen area or with a complex geology: there is no need to have no need to make a maximum of 30-40 cm to burn pillars.

When choosing a place, it is not bad to place a children's game area near the wall or major fence. These zones can be completely used sharply, and in this case they can be used for games. For example, make a mini-clade on the wall, consolidate the rope stairs, a stylist board and other no less interesting for children. You probably know what your children like, and if you don't know - you can figure out: fences and walls enough, place different devices on different sites And watch where your child is delayed longer. So find out what games it pulls it more, you will know in which direction to move on.

Chapel board on the fence - children entertainment and the development of shallow motility hands

It is necessary to take into account the illumination. The place of children's games should not be constantly in the shade, but also not needed the sun. Approximately 2/3 of the site must be in the shade (, swing), and 1/3 - in the sun -, if there is, the zone of active games. If the shadows on the site does not happen, you will have to invent a canopy or put a large umbrella.

At the same time, pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe estimated site on the permanent draft. Children, of course, need to temper, but not in this way. Even when choosing a place for a children's game area, note that electrical appliances or any shields, automata and other similar devices have been located near. Children are curious and ingenious, so it's better not to risk.

What area is needed

A little about the area you want to stay under the children's playground. Little children need not so much place - sandbox, several completely simple shells, a small pool, if you consider it possible. It is not bad to have a lawn or a smooth, smooth piece with some suitable coating where you can get into your pleasure. That's all. All this is enough space in 4-5 square meters. meter.

For young children, it is desirable to disappear zone. This will give you the opportunity not to be constantly near, but to do notice about your affairs: Chada in sight and safe. The fence can be any - the case in your imagination, desire and opportunities. The main requirement - it should be safe and durable or absolutely inaccessible for the defensive. For example, as a chain grid, which you see in the photo above. It happens with a plastic coating of bright colors and looks not so severe as usual.

Rabits-Rabita with PVC coating - a good option for the fence of playgrounds

If for any reason this option does not like, you can put a stakenik who will be the children in height somewhere on the shoulders, the distance between adjacent placters should be so that the head penetrates there. Stakeni can be calculated by different colors.

Stakenatnik - a familiar fence in unusual performance

Just pay attention to that the tops have been rounded and have no sharp corners, were well processed: the offices are very upset by children. Fasten the stakenik need firmly. With the calculation of something, Chad will necessarily hang on them and jump.

It rarely applies a fence from the rope, but it looks good, the functions are performed excellent: firmly, safe, aesthetically attractive.

Rope fence for the playground - firmly, inexpensive, reliably and safe

For older children, the fence is a relic. For them, the field of activity is the entire area, and they can only distract something interesting. Square here is also needed more. If possible, take away the children to 7 years 8-9 m 2, from 7 to 12 years old - up to 12 m 2. There is already a set of shells more serious, therefore, large areas are required.

Planting for the playground

This is a difficult topic with a completely difficult choice. While the children are small, they are perfect for them (there is a special composition of herbs with high resistance to abrasion). It is not so attractive outwardly, but it is able to endure small peasants with almost no damage. Lack of lawns - the need regular care: Watering, haircut, etc.

For small children, the perfect coating on the playground - lawn grass

With the load from the games of grown children, the lawn no longer cope. Especially in the zone of active games: near the slide, swing. These are the most problematic sites. If you leave these sections "As is", during the rain, a puddle is formed under them, after a couple of "races", turning into a swamp. There is a good solution: make a draining pillow of rubble, and on top of it fall asleep sand or lay a rubber coating like what is used in stadiums. It is durable and firmly.

To remove moisture from the area of \u200b\u200bthe playground, the ground is removed to the depth of 15-20 cm, they fall asleep and trambed rubble, they pour over the top and also tram the sand. Both layers of about 10-15 cm. During construction, it can be stopped at this: to land on this site is already not bad. But the sand is gradually cleaned, and it will have to be periodically updated. You can disseminate the rubber mat. It is already more serious, only you will need to make a small bias so that the water from it during the rain rolved. Someone places just rubber mats that are replaced by wear.

Another way out is to float the entire platform with small, sainted sand. Its periodically will need to smooth and shove, but this is perhaps the most practical way out.

The coating for the game playground from the sand - from the category "Quickly and without much hassle"

Another option is to pour crushed bark. Another question is that it is not possible to take a bour from this. But if there is - try. The coating is soft and not honeycomb. Only it is necessary to grind well and remove the chips that can be there.

From the more technological you can offer the following:

  • Regus. The factory rubber coating is placed on a flat concrete or asphalt base. The cost is $ 25-70 per square meter.
  • Coating from rubber crumb with the addition of binder. It is poured on the prepared aligned platform (it is possible to compacted sand, laid out on top of the rubble). Price - 25-80 $ per square meter.
  • Modular PVC high density systems. Plates that are connected on the principle of puzzles. The price of "square" - 50-70 $.
  • Artificial grass. It is placed on the prepared base from quartz sand and rubber crumb, requires a water lead. Depending on the height of the pile costs from 40 to $ 80.

It is difficult to choose. Too many mutually exclusive requirements and desires, but something will have to choose. The most common option is the lawn, the second most popular - sand. The remaining covers apply only in places - in the most "loaded" parts.

Children's playground equipment selection

Plan the elements of the playground is best with children. After all, it is for them that you are going to build a gaming zone, and it is for their desires to listen. " Often we try to reproduce the fact that in our understanding it should be interesting for them, and then we wonder that the deforest plays anywhere, but not on the site, which was built with such love. All because you have embodied your desires and expectations, and not children's. Listen to what the child wants, go through guests who already have such structures, see where the child spends longer. On this basis, you can already build something.

For kids, a sandbox must be in the playground. It develops their coordination, allows you to develop faster. Conventional design - four boards - not a problem, but I want it to be still beautiful. For boys, the sandbox machine will be interesting. It is made of painted in two colors moisture-resistant laminated plywood.

Under the hood - a toy box. Inside in the cockpit, also there is a "entrance" in this box.

In general, wooden cars for boys are excellent fun. They are enthusiastic there. Another option from the old barrel.

Behind, by the way, you can also arrange a sandbox ...

One more interesting idea - How to make a shadow above the game area: fix on the height of the rod, throw the awning through it, making a kind of tent. And not hot, and the shadow is.

Almost ship ...

Children's houses

Detail of the Games is the most popular among the children: your house, in which you can hide from the all-grant of adults, establish your rules. For children, it does not matter what their home was built. They play a tent from the fabric, halary from branches. There are a lot of design that quickly and easily "are built". And even the smallests can be attracted to this construction: in the house built with his own hands it will be even more interesting to play.

For example, salas. Watch for playing children. This is exactly the construction that they erase most often. IN different regions They call it differently: someone's own "headquarters", someone "house", a shala, hubuda. Usually the sticks are used, bedspreads, another rebunny material. Based on this "halabudation" and several next designs of houses for children are made.

The cheapest way to build a summer children's house: folded a few poles in the slas, put around the baskets and wait a couple of weeks until they grow up. The shape of this living hush can be any: in the form of a cone, as in the photo, a traditional chaolash, more like a house, etc. Tie a thrill between themselves with twine, plastic clamps or something similar. It is only important to provide a fairly stable framework, otherwise the squeezed children can fill up the structure.

In general, waiting for the plants will not necessarily grow. You can sew a fabric case, make an entrance as in Wigwam ... opportunities for the use of fantasy sea.

The fast and absolutely safe way to build a children's chaolash is on the hoop to secure the cloth cloth. This design hang, for example, on a tree. Under it, decompose mats, give the panel to the edges. It turns out a great summer house, in which children will be nezarko and cozy.

Chaolars of hoop and fabric - fast, cheap, safe

Moreover, such a design is suitable not only to girls. Hang on the hoop camouflage mesh or camouflage fabric. The boys will definitely arrange headquarters in it.

If your child dreams of a house, like you, options are even more. It is usually built by frame technology: Crave the pillars in the corners, they are fixed with lower and top straps. Lower strapping is the base for the floor, the top is the ceiling. If the house is planned high, the sandbox is often placed at the bottom. The house located on top closes it from precipitation and the sun.

If the house is planned at the ground level, construction can be started differently. To set the blocks on which it will stand in the level, to lay a bar (80 * 80 mm or 100 * 100 mm), combine it into a rectangle, copold the angles with metal overhead plates. After fixing to the lower frame in the corners of the rack, which will be support for the walls and roofs.

Some kids like to have a house, exactly, like adults: with a porch, a real door and a window, a sofa ... Such also parents have been done more than once. The basis is the same: the timber from which the frame of the construction is collected, and it is silent depending on the desire. Faster working with sheet material, such as waterproof plywood, longer - with boards or clapboard.

House, like a fairy tale - carved, on hemp

Hills for children

No less popular at the defeats Gorki. Quick descent delivers a lot of pleasure. Here for parents and difficulties arise. What makes a children's hill? The traditional coating is a sheet of stainless steel - now it became very expensive, and leave him on the street without supervision dangerous - will take it. The usual steel will not go - very quickly rust, so you have to look for a replacement. Several options:

And only a slide in the country or near the house is very rare. This is usually only a part of the game complex, which includes various shells: rope and conventional stairs with different angles of inclination, suspended tracks, grids, swing on chains or ropes, pillars with crossbars and, in general, all that can be invented. Several ideas can be found below in the photo gallery.

Wooden slide - only part gaming corner For children at the cottage, a set of stairs, a swing with a children's slide


Suspended are popular not only in children, but also in adults. There are a lot different options - From models for babies, older children. Some of them you saw in the photo above. To create such entertainment, there are not so many materials: chains or ropes on which the seat will be mounted.

If you use ropes - you need to regularly check their condition: they are less durable from the sun effect and can be pulled out. The chain is more reliable in this regard: they are withstanding heavy loads, but represent another danger: the links of the chain shifting can pinch the skin. Very painful, and large hematomas are obtained. But there is a way out. To stick was safely, on the chains in those places where they are taken for them, hoses wear. Their shell protects the hands of children and adults who rock swing (or ride themselves).

Only here is no hope - a curious defortion loves to pick up the tubes, so consider them periodically. Sometimes covers from very dense tissue type of tarpaulin are used as a protective layer.

Often questions arise how to mount chains or ropes to the crossbar. The most popular Karabina solution. But they have two drawbacks: when they swinging, they are quite creaked, besides, they gradually wear out. The wear rate depends on the mass of rocking children (they are not always sitting on the swings one by one) and on the intensity of use. Partially solve both problems can be periodic lubricant, but only partially. The second option is to use bearings, but there can not do without welding. Several options for how to attach the swing to the crossbar, see the photo below.

Where to get similar devices? In stores selling rigging. Perhaps you will find other ideas there.

Often the question arises: how and what makes the seat. Yes, from anything. Even from a tire or from a piece of tarpaulin, an old chair - wooden or plastic, just a piece of blackboard. The craftsmen are managed and the old armchair to use.

Circle lined with ropes - great option

Old stool on a swing - why not?

By changing them and hanging them only slightly above the ground, we will not have a swing, and the simulator for the development of equilibrium. Particularly interesting to boys will be an option with a board from Skate. And on a wide platform you can swing and sitting ...

Stairs and suspended tracks

The stairs are one of the key elements that connects all the scattered parts into a single whole, allowing you to move from one projectile to another. They are made of well-treated wood. Steps should be round (in diameter at least 5 cm, to take their hands comfortable) and straight. You can make steps rope: it is harder to rise, but they develop well coordinate.

The rope rise is difficult, but it is very interesting to overcome

Hang on one side of the rope grid, make a rope staircase. Shells from the rope are not in vain are present in all extreme shows. They are safe, but require well-developed coordination of movements and agility. First, the kids are hard, but it is on such "shells" and pulls them.

Rope wall and staircase - a great way to make a platform more interesting for games

Here is the main set of elements from which children's playgrounds are collected. For older boys, you can add a horizontal bar and rings. They already need not only develop coordination, but also muscular power. In general, ideas can be a lot. Some of them are in the photo below. We hope that the playground made by your efforts will bring joy to children, and you are pleasure: always nice to look at your own hands.

Photo of playgrounds and elements

Water mattress in the heat - the best place recreation

Rope from the platform from the rope - to coordinate movements

Children's playground with a house at high legs - drawing with dimensions

One of the options for a children's house with a sandbox under one roof

Hemp - comfortable projectile

Children's Corner - Pirate Ship

Metal complex - for those who can boil metal

In the warm season, children especially like to spend time on the street. To the younger family members were near the house, it is best to organize a game zone for them to panstone.

Small-sized houses placed on trees or just on Earth in the garden, turn into a favorite place for games from the kids. The main thing is to create a comfortable environment in the gaming zone.

Options for organizing such zones - many, and from this article you will learn about the most original ideas Creation of houses for children in the country area with their own hands.

Photo examples will demonstrate to you, what kind of game buildings and zones look like, and you can decide with the design. After you meet interesting ideas, you will probably want to please your child and his friends in such a convenient place for games.

Children's house In the country, do it yourself, photo

Popular ideas

Before proceeding with the independent creation of a children's playing house on a household plot, you need to choose the concept of a minibar. First of all, think about the appointment of the construction: Exceptionally the game area is it or a comfortable place for a full-fledged holiday with a comfortable furnishings?

Depending on the desired result, select the optimal option to create a house for children in the garden. Among the most popular ideas can be allocated:

Examine other options for game houses: such buildings may vary both by design and configuration, dimensions used by materials and design features.

House for children at the cottage, photo

Methods of decoration

Deciding with the design features, you need to decide what the dimensions of the orphanage will be. If you do not have the opportunity to allocate large square Under the organization of the game area, make the structure of small sizes, freeing it from unnecessary internal elements so that children can move freely and not injured.

If the country area is large, take a spacious house. Its inner space can be divided into several zones. In such a house, a large children's company will be able to play.

An important parameter is the height of the structure, because the stay in the house must be comfortable both for small children and for children higher and older. The higher you make the structure, the better.

A good idea is to create zones in which you can climb on the walls: for this you need to lay on the floor of the mat to ensure the safety of children. If the building is planned to be erected from a tree, its parameters are better to discuss with professionals.

You also need to choose the appropriate project of the country house designed for the pastime of children in the fresh air: the structure can be both an open type and closed. Open adjustments are combined with a gaming outdoor zone; They are usually equipped with walls with one or two or three sides.

Closed buildings are designed from walls from all sides. They may have windows and even small balconies, There are entirely isolated structures.

Children's house for giving with their own hands: Photos and ideas from girlfriend

Recommendation: optimal solution - Make a children's house minimum with two windows. The presence of window openings will provide good lighting inside the house in the daytime and will give adults the opportunity to look after the kids.

An independently designed children's house in the country area may be stationary, and mobile. Mobile construction can be moved to various zones on the site, taking into account the existing conditions or guided by the possibility of observing children's games, for example, from the country cottage.

The windows are best made a height of 60 centimeters, and the doorways are higher than the growth of the kids somewhere on 25 centimeters. The height of the doorways for the doors can reach and the ceiling so that not only children can enter the house, but also adults.

If you build a garden house hosted on a tree, you need to decide: where exactly to construct it. It is necessary to take into account the features of the growth of the branches, the size of the tree and its age.

Do not build a house for children on trees coniferous rocks: their branches practically do not miss light rays. It is best to design a house at the bottom of the crown, in this case the height of the structure of the structure from the earth's surface will increase simultaneously with the growth of the tree.

It should also decorate in advance how you will decorate the house. For example, you can decorate it with the drawings of children if the building is located on Earth. Or color the facade and walls from the inside in different colors. Connect children to the choice of paints.

How to make a children's house at the cottage, photo

Choosing materials

Simple and in a short time, plastic children's houses are designed, if you use ready projects. Such buildings are hygienic and practically exclude the likelihood of injury by children. Plastic structures are lungs, they can be mounted on any plot. Another advantage of such mini-houses is an abundance of color solutions.

If you do not have the opportunity to build such a house yourself, buy a ready-made model of plastic structure. Selection is offered several options.

Children's house at the cottage, photo

The house for games kids can be constructed from plywood sheets. Plywood - budget material, little weighs and is characterized by simplicity of installation. The plywood sheets are used to create simple and small in the size of children's houses, where you can make windows of the desired form, and the walls are beautifully painted.

But the most popular option is wood structures. Such houses are environmentally friendly and naturally shrug in the country landscape. In addition, wood is subjected to visual transformations. It is also worth noting such advantages of wooden buildings such as strength, durability and safety of operation.

Children's houses for garden cottages, photos

In addition, how to construct a house for children in the garden, you need to take into account the features of decorating build structures if you select this material:

  • walls from the inside and outside need to be grinding so that they become even, and children were not injured;
  • blood should not be designed smooth, otherwise small fidgets will be closed on it;
  • so that the structure does not collapse ahead of time, treat it with protective compositions;
  • even simple wallpapers are suitable for decorating walls in a wooden house.

Children's houses made of garden for the garden and other structures of this type can be supplemented by other elements, such as swings, fences or sandboxes. Listed parts will make this zone more diverse and interesting.

If you are going to equip a place for children's leisure for a limited period, you can buy an inflatable model.

Having a recreation area at the cottage or on a plot in front of the house, think about the installation: we collected best ideas Arbors with mangals, barbecue and a stove for a full-fledged holiday in nature.

The main methods of manufacturing a decorative grill for a gazebo are described in.

Traditional version of the building

How to build a gaming house? Consider the features of the construction of a house for defensions of 160 x 160 x 140 cm. The height of the structure will be equal to 90 cm.

To create a frame you will need:

  • 4 foundation modules in size 20x20x40;
  • 20 reliable corners for fasteners of 70x50;
  • 22 corners in size 90x40;
  • 11 Connection elements corner form 145x35;
  • 11 bars parameters 60x40x3 cm;
  • 4 hollow inside the board with parameters 135x28x6 cm.

For walls, the following materials will be required:

  • 4 packs of 10 lining in size 12.5x90x3 cm;
  • 2.7 liters of paint (shade of pine) and 0.9 liters of paint (color nut);
  • 2 curly cuts of 90 x 1.8 meters;
  • figure front sizes of 90 x 3 meters;
  • 4 corner of 60 x 60;
  • smooth FIG 20.5 m;
  • 2 wooden shields in size 140x20x1.8 for windowsill.

More will need 5 bars (50x50x3 cm), 0.17 cubic meters. Boards (25x130), 5 ondulin sheets, 3 skate ondulin sheets, 6 beam holders 2.1 m each. These materials are necessary to create a roof of the structure.

On a note! Board need to take edged.

For connecting materials, use screws. In addition to the materials listed, you will need runneroid. The cost of the purchase of raw materials and materials necessary for the design of the children's house is approximately 17 thousand rubles. The amount is not so small, but if you want to please your child, you will have to spend money.

We start the process independent construction Cute house for kids.

Working diagram and step-by-step instructions:

The wood house for children is ready to operate.

There are other ways to independently build houses for children games on a plot or in the garden. Features of such buildings you can think about yourself, but when you are built, do not forget about the safety and stability of the structure.

In reliable I. beautiful house Children will be able to play throughout the summer and in subsequent warm seasons.

DIY-designed houses will not only please the kids, but also turns into a highlight landscape design Your plot. Such buildings have aesthetic species and organically fit into the natural landscape.

Read about how to equip in the country: the main varieties of such buildings, photos with examples of successful forged arbors.

Methods and options for the installation of border ribbon for lawn are described.


How to build a beautiful children's house in the country area from the remedies, you can learn from this video:

Gallery Photo with examples of kindergarten houses

The idea of \u200b\u200ba trip to the cottage in a sunny silent summer day to relax with friends and children is always a good alternative to urban noisy pastime. Basically, for the urban resident, the limit of relaxation in nature is considered: the preparation of kebabs, small-scale work (enjoying) in a flower bed, playing badminton, cute conversations under the crowns of their own garden and the like.

Children's house will allow to diversify the rest of the child

In most cases, the bastard does not support such a holiday. He is too passive for them and not interesting. Maximum in half an hour, kids will become boring. On the joy of parents there is an option for solving the established problem. With the emerging difficulties will help to cope, bought or built by personnel, children's houses for giving. They look quite compact and colorfully. The poll of parents with similar designs confirmed the infinite joy of children during the play moments in orphanages.

To date, the best professionals are engaged in the design and development of such houses. The production process fully belongs to manufacturers by the manufacturers qualifying on sports specials. complexes.

In the modern market, this product is presented quite wide. In order for the purchase to be the most suitable for the price, in quality and coincided with the desire of the baby, you should not stop your choice on the first option. It makes sense to see different offers, perhaps not even a single store.

Considering the practicality of the house, it becomes clear that it should not consist only of upper overlap and walls. The design should be as interesting as possible for the baby and become a central zone for it. Choosing, attention should be focused on versatile design functions.

Flight of the children's fantasy is omitous and unreasonable. Working out models, manufacturers take into account and embody almost all the wishes of kids. For example, near the door opening, the current call and lanterns, an equipped terrace, small-sized furniture, kitchen equipment and many more similar children's joys. Also a house for games can be equipped with a ladder and a slide. Thanks to the combination of all kinds of components for games and entertainment, as well as the thoughtful creation of such structures, real children's game mini-complexes are obtained for recreation at the preservation areas.

Children's wooden houses

With the sudden need to take children, it is possible to quickly build a chalash from wooden building materials or branches. A variety of build will help one or more windows, a shop or a few chairs. All missing kids design elements will add themselves. The main thing, they will have their own place, which, in addition, you can decorate personally.

A house of rounded logs will look very original. Such a place will look fabulously. Children in it will present themselves with fabulous characters from their favorite fairy tales, and adults read them these fairy tales.

There are a variant of two-storey wooden houses. On the lower tier there are a small table and a benches, and on the top - thoughtful and practical area for entertainment. Such houses are equipped not only by ordinary ladies, but also a flooring under a slight bias, promoting development and training coordination and child agility. There are also similar models that the side part is equipped with overlapping with swings fixed on it.

Plastic children's houses

In the plastic houses many pluses. Plastics - this material is not afraid of water. Its at any time, if necessary, you can wash. He dries on a summer hot day very quickly. The weight of such a house is insignificant. If necessary, it can be transported to friends to their cottage (if the rest or event is scheduled for them) or to move without problematic to a more suitable one according to parents, place. In such houses, the percentage of child injuries will be almost zero. All plastic models are released with rounded, sloping corners and transitions.

It is convenient plastic in production and in that it allows you to create models of absolutely different colors and shades, it is possible to even create all sorts of drawings and ornaments. To date, plastic is the most commonly used material for equipment of places intended for children's rest.

Children's house do it yourself

Most children and adults are not familiar with the work of Tolkien "Lord of the Rings". Many reading the work or browsing the film were in the imagination of themselves on the site of one of the main characters. According to the "motives" of the work, you can construct a very original children's complex. Having bought a frame covered with a mesh and suitable in dimensions, you can proceed to the embodiment of fantasies. Children will be happy to participate in this. To decorate the walls and the ceiling, ivy or wild view of grapes is quite suitable. Doors can be issued from the existing material.

Children's houses do it yourself, drawings of structures

Specialized stores are quite widely presented houses for children's entertainment. Any buyer will be able to find an interesting option suitable for quality and cost.

At the same time, the construction of such a design personally can become an exciting and cognitive ticket for the Father and Son. First, this process can be made very interesting for the child. Secondly, the approximate scheme-drawing can be compiled together. Thirdly, the participation of the child in construction will give him certain skills, the concepts and skills that he will take advantage of becoming adults. Such a "game" contributes to the normal development of the child.

When a child is not yet suitable for a complete awareness of everything that happened to him together, you can draw and discuss the drawing on which the construction will be held.

The easiest and not intricate version of the house is a frame made of a tree for a predetermined drawing covered with a block house or clapboard. For such construction, it will be necessary:

  • source material (wooden bars)
  • block house or lining
  • roulette
  • level
  • screwdriver
  • hacksaw.

The process will not require special construction skills and will not take much time.

In such a house, you must need the floor. Make it usually from the boards. On the spot where the installation is planned, concrete column column, on them frame from wooden Bruschev And bonded boards (floor). This installation maximum will save wood from rotting processes.

Ideal dimensions for children's house - 2.5 x 1.5 meters. Let it require a little longer time and building materials, make a house not just one-room, but add a half-open terrace to it. The inner lining of the walls can be made of lining, osp or other suitable material. The roof overlap can be made from cellular translucent polycarbonate. In the walls it is recommended to place at least two window openings. Outside, they can be decorated with carvings. The color for painting the design will suit any. The main thing is that he liked the baby. Alternatively, when painting a game house, draw on the walls of your favorite cartoon heroes. What exactly - let the child choose.

How to make a children's house

The entertainment house can be in the form of a shala with two levels. The lower part will be designed for games, and the top for a more relaxed lying rest. Showing a fantasy, you can, in addition to the ordinary ladder, from the opposite side to make a slide for descent. The construction of it comes down to the connection between several boards, covering them with a smooth plastic and battle equipment on the sides.

Another option to design a house. For boys, he enjoys great success. The house can be made in the form of a ship. The construction of such a house will require much more effort, the drawing will need more detailed and clear. For the design of such a gaming area, you will need decor elements related to navigation: steering wheel, rope stairs, masts and so on. All the energy spent, the child will return to such a building with his joyful exclamations and admiration.

If the baby appears in the family, parents are trying to provide all the best for its existence and development. The newest toys, game furniture, games and sports corners appear in the house of happy parents. And what can be done to create a gaming area at the local area in a private house or in the country area. To give the kid of the ideal conditions for the realization of his fantasies, creating a small territory belonging to him personally, you can independently build a small children's house from undergraded inexpensive materials.

House for children from cardboard

Variants of children's houses manufactured with their own hands can be found plenty on the network. Some of them are not strong enough and have low resistance to atmospheric precipitation.

Others, on the contrary, too much material consumption and will require the provision of a budget proportionate to the manufacture of a residential building.

A small children's house - the start of construction

The sample suggested by your attention is deprived of the shortcomings of the designs described above, easy to manufacture, can be made of materials that remain from the construction of a house or other types of work.

To work on this product, you should prepare a series of sawn timber and tools. Take two boards 200 × 50 185 centimeters long and two of the same sections of 245 centimeters. Using a screwdriver and stainless self-tapping screws with a length of 120-150 millimeters, connect the parts at the corners so that the rectangular frame is.

In addition, two boards of 200 x 50 with a length of 235 centimeters will be needed. These details must be fixed inside the frame structure at an equal distance from each other and from the side longitudinal sides.

You should also stock up 25 x 150 boards with a length of at least 185 centimeters. Such boards will be required 17 pieces. Positions more subtle lumber on one of the sides of the base of the children's house and attach to the side sides of the frame and longitudinal raids using nails No. 60 or No. 70, or with the help of galvanized self-lengths of the same length.

If the upper boards are slightly played for the size of the base of your house, you can easily eliminate this drawback using manual or mechanical sawing. To do this, perform markup on the front surface of the flooring parallel to the side edges with the help of a solidly roving rack of sufficient length or cord. When using twine, it is necessary to pre-lubricate with coal or chalk, tightly pressing the plascapes along the markup line, slightly delay the stretched cord vertically and let go of the stranded cord. At the same time, a clear white or black line appears on the surface of the boards. After marking a joinery with a circular saw, sculpt the extra pieces and clean the ends of the parts with sandpaper.

Construction of frame walls of a house

The next stage is the construction of the walls of a children's house. They are frame structures made from a cross section of 30 × 70 millimeters. General domical dimensions, as follows from the photo above, significantly less than linear base size. Based on this and harvest the parts of the required length. The height of the walls depends on the growth of your baby. Try to make such a structure in which the child will be not only convenient, but also safely. To do this, it is necessary to know its growth and design the height of the walls with a reserve, as children at an early age grow enough.

Walls of the future house can be collected using self-tapping screws. They also represent frames in which several transverse parts increasing strength are installed.

The assembly of the house walls is better to produce on an even base, constantly controlling the angles with a joinery of the kitchen. Do not forget to assume the location of the window and door openings and install in these places crossbar corresponding to the sifted sizes. After all the work on the manufacture of pancake and short walls will be completed, check the correspondence of the linear dimensions of parallel elements. In case of inconsistencies, eliminate the marked disadvantages. Otherwise, the structure of the structure will be uneven. Upon receipt of satisfactory results, when control, you can proceed to the next step - the installation of the side walls of the children's house.

For this, it is also more convenient to use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Try to connect the walls not only among yourself, but also to attach each of them in several places to the base. It is better if the screw fastening screws to the floor will also fall into the longitudinal details of the lower frame. In this case, the strength of the house for children will be significantly higher.

Roof and roofing house for children

The next set of works is the construction of the roof of a small building. It will make a two-tie to ensure better drainage of rainwater. The basis for the installation of the roof will make from the regions of the same section as the frame wall panels. Along the whole house, we will skip one common rail, to which they connect several parts located. For the markup, it washed one of the rape rails from the end of the structure under the required angle and make the markup of the spike with a pencil.

Then disconse this rail and perform the marking of the remaining parts in the required quantity. After that, mount the lateral parts of the roof of the structure, connecting the rafted by self-drawing to the upper reikas of the wall frames and the longitudinal skate rail.

For the subsequent flooring, the roof of the orphanage must be pre-installed on the roof several sheets of plywood or OSB-plates. In the absence of details of sufficient area, some small, connecting on rafters are quite suitable.

In order to impart the completion of the design of the house, it is necessary to finish the inner and outer part of the walls. For these purposes, any kind of sheet moisture resistant materials will be suitable, as well as thin wooden slats. Welcome long and short side walls on both sides, capturing and frontal roofs.

When performing this type of work, it is possible to pre-perform marking and sawing of the finishing material or the installation of it directly to the place and performing the cutting along the edge of the elements of the building design.

The roof of the house can be painted with moisture-resistant paint or to see any roofing materialremaining from the construction of the main house.

Finish the process of independent construction of your children's house follows the external and interior decoration walls, installation of windows and doors.

Having made a house for children of one form or another, you will provide your baby to a big space for the development of fantasy, provide the first in life with your own living space, where he can invite his dear little to his heart.

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Children need not much for happiness. We buy toys toys from the store, referring not to the eternal shortage of time and forces that does not give something to do something. For example, a children's house from a tree, in which the defector could play all day, while at the same time spending this time outdoors. Making wooden house With your own hands, you will definitely make your kids!

But adults will need some materials. As for personal time, then on "construction" will have to spend a couple of days. And do not forget about reliable assistants, because a child with great enthusiasm will take part in the construction of his own home.

Plywood lodge with his own hands

Many underestimate the possibilities of ordinary plywood as building material. But if you build a structure with its use for a small daughter or son, it will be able to stand even on the street for several years. The main thing is to properly process plywood sheets and related materials. From plywood is quite simple to make a gaming house with their own hands. Pressed sawdusts have excellent characteristics of resistance to moisture at appropriate processing.

Chipboard - durable and affordable material, it is ideal when building a children's playing house. DSP is easy to handle and lead to the desired mind. If the house is built for daughter, it can be saved with colorful or pink wallpaper, if for a son - decorative wallpaper with a print of automotive topics. In general, the fancy field is huge, the main thing is to have a desire to realize the ideas, after consulting the child.

In addition to the chipboard sheets, wooden boards, nails and self-tapping screws will be required. And also - a small door. The door is manufactured and independently using wooden boards and metal loops.

Where you need a house

Before embarking on the "construction" of the house, it should be decisled with its purpose. This factor will depend on where the house will stand, and in what seasons the child will play there with their friends.

Select the following options:

  • house located in the residential premises;
  • house for the game in the warm season;
  • demi-season option.

These factors will affect the need for glazing the windows. Wall insulation and setting a small heater for tea party lovers in the fresh air in winter.

The house for children put in a children's or playroom. The child spends in his "dwelling" a fair amount of time and can add some of his toys there. This option requires the minimum number of building material. Rather, the house performs purely decorative functions, and almost completely can consist of beautifully decorated plywood. Such a house will be easiest to make it yourself.

Also, the house is put in the courtyard of the cottage or private house. The construction is used only in the warm season. Its windows do not necessarily be glazed, even in the doors sometimes there is no need. It is enough to do the appropriate holes in the construction of plywood and wood.

But you can build a children's house with your own hands for all-season use. Walls can be slightly insulated, glazed windows, and the door should close tightly. At least in winter, drink tea with friends in such a building. Here you can even install a small electrical heater.

Depending on the chosen domical option, additional materials will be applied:

  • glass;
  • mineral wool light insulation of walls;
  • elements of wiring.

Determine with dimensions

Dimensions of the house will depend on the age of the child. Children's wooden house can have a small size, but do not forget that the child grows, and after a couple of years, the construction will have to dismantle if now it has parameters 1.5x2.

Want to build your own hands a more durable house for your daughter or sons? Then you will have to make up a tightness of at least two meters. Plus roof. Total plywood height will be 2.5 meters. This is for the facade. For side walls, sheets of 2 meters high are suitable.

Width of the walls will have 2.5 meters. This is enough to place some furniture and toys inside the house.


Before buying materials for a house, you should decide which gender it will have. Let us dwell on the EU with a wooden floor that is suitable for street house. The floor on a small elevation of logs can be used in the cold season. Construction parameters may vary, therefore, we only provide a list of materials necessary for the construction, you yourself will more accurately determine the dimensions of sheets, doors and the length of the boards. Make it is quite simple, the design does not require complex calculations.

So, we prepare the following materials:

  • four plywood sheets;
  • four logs, they will be located in the corners of the house;
  • wooden lags with a width of at least 10 cm, they will need at least six;
  • wooden boards with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm for floor making;
  • thin thin boards for the roof.
  • boards for finishing and sealing walls;
  • material for the manufacture of window frames and the door frame if the windows are glazed, you will need wooden rails and glass;
  • the door on the loop.

Children's house can have a roof of metal tile.

It is necessary to take care of the lighting in the house. Then you will need a wire for connecting an electric flap. You can use the LED Tape Ceiling perimeter, this is the most economical and safe option. With your own hands, the wiring is quite simple, as a result, a wooden children's house will be lit in the evenings, which will delight the small household.

Build a wooden house

First you need to make the floor. He will be at the same time and the basement. Due to the fact that the floor is mounted on the lags, the construction can be transferred from one place to another if necessary.

Instead of nails, it is better to use tapeless screws instead of ordinary nails: the construction will live longer. In this case, you will have to arm and the screwdriver.

When the floor is ready, mounted the frame. First, the angular logs, then the boards, which will later keep the roof of the tree. From the outside, plywood sheets are attached with the help of screwdrivers. In the same way, the boards are sewn the roof. For its manufacture, you can use Phaneur, but it is from constantly exposure to water and sun rays quickly lose the properties necessary to protect the house.

On the walls outlauning space for windows and doors, outline them and mount the frame. Install the doors. We strengthen the design by mounting additional narrow boards. Optimal option There will be an installation of boards vertically on both sides of the windows. Children's house, made with his own hands, from the inside you can save wallpaper or paint funny pictures.

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