
Bouquets of dried flowers. Bouquet of dried sets

Decorative Cultures for Garden

What is herbarium, you know, probably, everyone who has ever studied at school. We collected leaflets and twigs, diligently arched them, shifting with old newspapers and magazines, and then neatly pasted into the albums and sign the names of the plants. But natural materials You can use not only in cognitive purposes. In skillful hands, they turn into bouquets and decorative compositions for decorating the interior, in postcards and paintings

By the way, if you do not have time to stock dryweight from autumn, not all is lost. Especially where the snow has not yet fell. Look around: here you are silent in the wind of the "Bills" of field cereals, here the seeds remained on the ash ... someone maybe there is a bouquet in a vase, someone has flowers houseplants... And also, having left for the summer weekend, you can walk around the cones and branches in the nearest forest ... In general, there would be a desire - and there is a material! Let's see how the "treasures" collected can be ordered ...

Bouquets and compositions from dried flowers

Some plants, hidden, perfectly retain natural shape and even color - exactly they are most often becoming a material for winter bouquets and decorative compositions. These flowers and cereals usually do not even require any special efforts - they are enough just to put in a vase (without water!) Or suspend somewhere in a dry room.

It is not always possible to preserve the natural color of the plants - many of them even with the right drying are discolored. What to do with it? Depends on your flavors, preferences and creative designs. You can admire the texture, picking up the appropriate framing for fading colors. Such compositions are perfectly combined with ceramics, uncoated linen web, wooden interior objects.

Love bright? There are no problems either - you can dry those plants that do not lose their color, but you can paint leaves and dry inflorescences Those paints that seem to you most suitable for the planned composition. With its advice on, as with the help of which materials it is better to do, our readers are divided into the discussion of the issue.

So that the composition was durable and looked well in the interior, it is important to choose to choose for her vase or other suitable capacity. And here it is worth considering everything: and color gamut The bouquet, and the texture of plants, and the features of the situation where it is planned to place it. Do not be afraid of original, bright, non-standard solutions - Use unexpected combinations and materials to implement their creative fantasies

Drawing up the interior with dried flowers, do not limit yourself to dried plants. Corses, twigs of trees and shrubs, bright bunches of rowan or viburnum, the fruits of decorative pumpkin, even beautiful stones - much of what gave us nature can be used for such still lifes and arrangements. Do you know that even from vegetables Can I make a luxurious winter bouquet? Surprised? See the publication - and surprise even more))

By the way, in anticipation of the approaching New Year holidays, it is worth remembering the traditional christmas wreaths and garland - That's where drieds and other natural materials will be more than appropriate! And use such a wreath in the decor you can different ways: Hang on entrance door or on the wall; make the basis of the composition of candles or fruits; Small wreaths - wonderful decor for festive table

Details about how to make a spectacular autumn composition of dried flowers, what materials for this choose which professional techniques should be used, will tell in the next video Florist Irina Vorobyeva

Compositions from dried flowers in the interior

A little to make a beautiful bouquet - it is important to pick up for him successful place in the house. And this is also an exciting creative process that is able to make us look at the usual interiors in a new way. Perhaps it even wants to remake something, change, supplement the situation with new details ...

For example, as you like this outdoor vase with drieds? A huge bouquet revives monophonic gray walls; Its color scheme "echoes" with color, which painted the back of a garden bench, and bright colors of the welded rug

Or this is a cute and tender flower arrangement in a wicker basket - an elegant addition to a water tap of an unusual shape made "under ancient"

By the way, in the bathroom, dried flowers can become a good alternative to live plants that will suffer from lack of lighting. Only worth remembering: increased humidity For dry compositions are destructiveTherefore, it is possible to use a similar decor only under the condition of good ventilation.

Take a look like strict, laconic lines of bouquets from cereals and the Lunarium (well) can become an elegant addition to festive serving Table.

Choosing a place for the flower arrangement, it is very important to successfully pick up the background. It must harmoniously combine with it, not competing in brightness and expressiveness, and also advantageously emphasize the texture of natural material

And you can give the will of fantasy, imagine yourself with a painter and make up the compilation of still lifes, worthy of the Master's Brushes)) do not own painting? Try to photograph your masterpieces!

See how the same vase with Lunaria can look different. Complementing the arrangement by various elements, changing the background, combining all sorts of interior items, accessories and natural materials, you can get an infinite number of images, each of which is characterized by its own character and mood

Those who at least once tried to draw up such compositions will certainly confirm: it is very interesting, creative occupation. Just for long winter evenings))

And the interesting selection of diverse ideas of the use of dried flowers and natural materials in the interior decor can be found in the next short video:

Paintings from dry leaves and colors

Gentle flowers and leaves, carefully straightened and dried under the yoke, can become a wonderful material for creating real paintings made in appliqué techniques. The easiest option is images of bouquets or stylized flower beds. For such pictures, it is better to select small plants and combine them so as to achieve the most natural composition, "similar to the real"

Another option is the composition in the spirit of an old herbarium. it exquisite decoration interior or original gift to a plants amateur. For this kind of paintings it is better to choose nonsense plants - wild herbs, cereals. And if you want brighter colors, place plants on a contrasting black background.

Floral painting, or oshibana - The type of art in which instead of brushes and paints uses dried herbs and flowers. You can use parts of dried plants, and other natural materials - Beresto, Soloma, Moss, and so on. And here already fantasy florist is practically no limited - natural material obeys the will of the artist, transforming in accordance with his intentions

This is a very interesting technique that allows you to create unique works that will decorate your interior or become an original creative gift. Detailed master class to create paintings from plants - in the next video

Those who are interested in this type of creativity can see another master class. In our eyes, a picture is born, and watching the work of the florist is a fascinating and cognitive occupation. Each Master has its own techniques, secrets and tricks, so you can definite something important and useful for yourself. And let it be confused that this lesson consists of two parts: time to view both will be required no more than for the previous plot

In the second part - the completion of the picture, as well as important subtleties of the preparation and storage of natural materials for creativity

Well, in order to fully present the capabilities of the Oshiban, it is worth a selection of works presented in the next small video. Looking at some pictures, it is impossible to believe that they are not written with brush and paints, but petals and leaves. Amazing, fascinating, fantastic creations of the skillful hands of florist artists - see, admire, charge inspiration

Do together with children

Natural materials are perfectly suitable for children's creativity. The ability to see a flower or a bird in scattered twigs, cones and seeds is a manifestation of creative abilities that preferably identify and develop from early age. The older the child becomes, the more difficult ideas that he can come up with and embody. The smallest, of course, it will be necessary to help adults - and in the preparation of materials, and in the embodiment of designs.

Bouquet of natural materials and plasticine

Such crafts of kids learn from kindergarten. This lesson is very useful for the development of the child, and from the compositions created by his hands you can make a whole exhibition at home or in the country. Interesting and intelligible video tutorial will help you if your own childhood has already been forgotten))

Postcard with dried sets

Older child can make a panel or a postcard with elements of natural materials. Here uses the technique of appliqué, which kids are also sewn enough. The larger the details of the future product, the easier it is to cope with them a novice florist. Well, those children who already have skills like this creativity can use for decor and small flowers, thin twigs and leaves.

It is necessary to immediately warn the child that this material is very fragile, and working with it requires patience, prettiness, accuracy. But as nice own hands Make a beautiful gift to mom, grandmother or your favorite teacher!

Preparation of material

But the embodiment of any of these wonderful ideas is impossible, if not assembled and properly necessary natural materials are not prepared. Therefore, let's talk a little about how to properly approach this issue.

As we remember, floristic compositions are there volume (for example, bouquets) or flat (panel, postcards, paintings). Accordingly, the material for them will require different. In any case, of course, you need to take care that our plants save their charm, have not lost the form, nor color when drying. But methods can be different

Plants for bulk floral compositions More often dried, hooking "down head" in a dry, well-ventilated room. It is important to remember that the sun's rays should not fall on stems and inflorescences, otherwise they will lose their color. Be sure to follow the humidity of the air: in the raw room, the grass will be routine, can be covered with mold, their decorative qualities will be hopelessly lost.

Now many lovers and professionals are engaged in dried sets. There are special schools for drying plants and composing compositions of them. Dry bouquets can stand in a year, two, but a picture made of dry flowers, and five, six years.

We also offer to your attention a master class on making a passecut from dried flowers. In the composition and now it is also customary to include healing herbsFor example, such as the yarrow, sorrel, mint, - these herbs will help with flu, they clean the air in the room and prevent the spread of bacteria. It is these properties that are used in the manufacture of aromatic sachets from dry flowers and healing herbs.

All drywheels in the people are also called "immortals" for their properties for a long time to maintain their color after drying.

But there is a separate flower with such a name. There are many types of "cultural" drylows, including well-known helichrizums.

Walked field or decorative flowers In summer and autumn. In the workpiece, you should not tear wild flowers with your hands, as many of them are perennial. "Cultural" dried flowers is also better cut off with scissors. Then tie into small bundles and hang down the heads in a dry room. If you are in the village or at the cottage, then hang flowers in the attic. The city can also be in the kitchen.

Some dried flowers:

Non-mechanic or geletry It happens the most different color: yellow, orange, red, white. It is necessary to cut into buds or semi-abrupt.

Gypsophila or Krecera Highly appreciated decorators for their openwork and airiness. Cut them when all small flowers completely dissolve.

Lunaria (Lunnitsa)- For the composition, it is used transparent with a pearl chip septum septum septum, similar to silver coins.

Decorative Luc - Small and large purple balls. To give them more decorative ViewThe stem is cut off, and in its remaining tip is pasted wire.

Schaerolar mooringit has dark blue inflorescences. They cut them off when two or three inflorescences will be dissolved.

Rogoz.cut when it starts to warm. A few days later, it acquires brown.

Sync chores Attracts your pricklers.

Mahrome throat (pearl) White color, which is cut at the end of flowering.

Physaliscut after the purchase of bright orange painting. When drying, you can hang down and down and up heads.

Barley Grivachesi am very decorative, his spikelets resemble a nick. Cut at the very beginning of flowering and immediately wrapped the roll in paper, in this form stored.

You can cut them off at any time of the year, each torn leaf in the forest is laying between the sheets of newspaper paper, which turn into a roll and stored in this form. With such material, you will make any composition.

The composition, in contrast to the simple bouquet, can include branches, roots, fruits, cones, any natural materials. Fantasies from dried flowers are autumn, winter and spring. In summer, the material is harvested.

For example, for winter compositions, dried plants are used with bright large fruits - syngue, Mordovnik, a scer. Borshevik shoots look very impressive, some umbrellas that reach impressive sizes. It grows by the roads. During the flowering period, when touching it, you can get skin burns. So use gloves.

To shoot Borshevik looked prettier, you can cut them a little. An interesting composition can be made up of rally, wheat, barley. If all the cereals to put on and tie with small snops, strengthen on one canvase, it will be a decorative wall panel. Recently, artificial flowers began to include artificial colors, it turns out a beautiful combination.

But the most interesting thing is that dry flowers are so highly appreciated that even artificial drunks do. If not many flowers for the composition used before, it is now at the disposal of phytodizainers about two hundred plants. Their number increases every year. Drying colors is a whole science with its own rules. We will introduce you to some of them.

Flowers can be dried not only in air, but make gaskets from moisture-absorbing substances. Previously, the flowers were dried by a semita - fell asleep her in the base of the flower. However, the manka is heavy, besides, it is not always sufficiently dry. The drying gasket can be done from the wool - to lay each leaflet with small lecking.

Some plants can be dried in a microwave oven. Not necessarily at low temperature. The oven is quickly gaining a heat, moisture out of flowers comes out lightning. The plants taken out of the furnace are very fragile, and it is necessary to handle them carefully. As long as they do not raise a little moisture from the air, it is better not to touch them.

And one more way to dry flowers: flat flowers of the chamomile type are dried in the sand, clean, shallow, dry. It is poured by a layer of two centimeters. The flower stem must be trimmed and pasted into the base of the wire. With it, you can create an unusual flower shape. Then you need to lower his head down in the sand and carefully fall asleep with a spoon.

Leave in the sand for four days. Sew on a hot dry day. Surride a little differently volumetric flowers - roses, peonies. They in the stem is inserted into the wire, but dried their heads up, and the flowers are gently falling asleep with sand.

Leave in this form for twelve days. The branches of shrubs and trees can be progressing, then they stand for a long time and look very beautiful. Two-thirds of water takes one third of the glycerin solution, a flower or a branch of seven or eight days is put in this solution.

The main principle of any composition: it should be a bright center. Of the dry, as well as from the living, colors, you can make any compositions: triangular, oval, sickle.

The main thing is, desire and fantasy. No wonder B. beautiful interiors In winter, they are trying not to put artificial flowers, but use exquisite, bright dried sets. If you decide to make a composition, first of all define its purpose. It can be desktop, wall and outdoor. Exquisitely looks a wall panel from drywalks.

The latter usually put in large halls. The wardrobe or shelf will suit the drop-down bouquets of medium or large size, depending on the height of the room, and the mini-bouquet is on the shelf inside the seat. Dry wreath is appropriate for decorating icons. The front and cuisine are usually decorated with desktop compositions that create on braid, on the "braids" of herbs and urine, on corygas or foam.

When you have determined the location and size of the composition, proceed to the selection of vases and material. Be sure to pay attention to the color of the walls so that the composition is harmoniously fit into your interior. For the base of compositions from dried flowers, foam applied. At the flat vase, attach it with a sticky ribbon, and tie a rope to a basket or snag. Polyfoam will be better to look if it is tinted with green or brown gouache; If the stalks in plants are thin, pour the foam with a seboard or needle.

For dry compositions, you can use wall baskets. Now a novelty has appeared - at special exhibitions you can purchase a special sponge, "oasis" or Feoflor. It is used as a foundation and "soil" for the arrangement composition.

It is designed for both the composition of dried flowers and for living colors. The composition most effectively looks when the highest plant is equal to 1 -1.5 sizes of a high vase, counting from its throat, or 1-1.5 diameter of a flat vase. From ne. large number Dry flowers and leaves can be made linear, silhouette compositions that look like a thin graph on a light background. Volumetric compositions require a large amount of material.

The upper part of the bouquet is made from plants of lighter tones and smaller in size. Dark and large flowers are located at the bottom of the bouquet. As we have noted, it is especially important in the bouquet to highlight the color stain or the original flower form or a bunch of colors.

All other plants must enhance the composite center. If the bouquet has a vertical form, the composite center must be slightly higher or slightly lower than the middle of the bouquet, and in the horizontal form - a little left or a little to the middle of the middle. Red color is harmony with white, yellow. Orange and yellow colors are combined with blue, blue, purple. White color Enhances all other paints.

Success to you, lovers of tender, exquisite beauty of dry flowers!

Throw away dried flowers? And in vain! Continued.

Bouquets donated or cut into the country, defeating the last time, dry and you are mercilessly thrown away. In vain hurried! From the dried colors you can create remarkable interior decorations. It is wreaths, and composites with candles and other objects, and fragrant Pomanders.

If you are interested in the foregoing, I bring to your attention a few master classes on this topic. Everything is simple enough, but the result will please you.

So, we have: the remnants of hydrangea, Nigella, Nikandra and any little things collected by "SUCEKAM".

The remnants of the hydrangea will go well on a small wreath, which can be hung on the door, both indoors and outside.

For wreath, we will need:

The billet from the floral sponge in the form of a ring;
- cardboard;
- instruments.

1. Cut from the cardboard the ring to which then take our wreath.

2. We glue a ring to the cardboard, make a fastening loop from the wire. You can use a decorative tape.

3. We understand the hydrangea for inflorescences. Wire studs are dripping flowers: first to the outer edge, then to the inner.

4. After that, "score" the central part of the wreath.

5. You can leave it in this form. If the mono-color do not like it, - you can add a bright bow, or dilute more rich elements: Physalis, roses, decorative elements.

6. Another composition that is suitable for the bathroom, bath or sauna. Take a braided sneakers for a sauna, they will fix on it the ready-made sponge "mini-deco". This option is used for compositions that need to be attached to some subject: mirror, frame, etc. On the bottom there is already a sticky tape, with which this oasis is attached. But we, given the uneven surfaces, we will use the wire and hot glue.

7. From the reverse side, the wire loop should be attached.

8. Around Brepim Rafia, fixing it with stiletts.

9. Then begin to place the leaves, the remains of "luxury". All you like.

10. Marine stars are added here, just shells, petals of artificial colors, a lotus box, etc. There is everything limited to your fantasy.

11. Perhaps you want to hang such "laptops" in the kitchen. Then add bunches of fragrant herbs, a pen, etc.

12. Any corner of your home will be warm and cozy when things created by their own hands appear there. I offer you another option that is suitable for the bathroom. In this composition we will use the candle.
The scheme of work is already familiar to you. Basket - Floral clay, "Zhabka", Oasis.


14. To the candle with the help of Teip-tape (you can use tape) Freaky toothpicks. In such cases, we do not use glue - it will easily change the candles.

15. Insert the candle in the sponge.

16. The lower part is closed by Rafia.

17. Then use the selected materials. Nicandra and Nigella again used here.

19. Another option to use dried flowers. It is quite simple.

Pomander is a small ball consisting of various fragrant materials. It can be sworn into the bedroom, in the closet, in the bathroom, not forgetting, however, that the aromance is not shown to everyone.

So, we will need:

Floral sponge ball
- Dry petals of any plants,
- Wire,
- Ribbons.

20. Bend from the wire with a pin. We tie a tape on it and tightly stick into an oasis.

21. After that, start sticking the petals - as you like. You can open them and simply sculpt the ball smeared into the crumb.

The season of summer colors and flower flavors in most regions of Russia lasts long, and in the grudges and rainy autumn days and in the gray frosty winter months so you want to return to the summer fragrant garden.

Save the summer mood will help compositions from dried flowers, which will fill the house with heat, paints and a thin aroma. At the same time, it is quite fascinating to grow the flowers-dried flowers and make the composition of them with their own hands, with their own hands, is quite fascinating.

What flowers are called drieds: 20 of the most popular species

Theoretically anyone flowering plant After drying, it can be considered a dried flower, but from the point of view of floristics, not every plant can preserve the integrity and aesthetics after cutting and drying. Most of the stars of the flower bed as drying lose the brightness of the paints and the flower shape, become fragile and quickly drop the leaves and petals. Therefore, for artistic crafts, only some special species use. In this case, not only buds and blossomed flowers are found, but also seed boxes or fruits.

Drycakes are relatively durable, in comparison with other garden and field colors and herbs, but without special treatments, domestic bouquets and crafts can keep freshness no more than a year. For summer residents, this option is very convenient: to choose the spring of the most likets and varieties, make a cut, prepare the material, decorate the house for the winter period, and with the beginning of the new season, to implement fresh ideas.

For most drunks, unpretentiousness is characterized by cultivation conditions and resistance to adverse weather factors. Having a little place in the garden for these plants, you should not prepare for additional troubles. Most species are distinguished by high drought resistance and lightness.

In order not to get confused in the variety of varieties, newcomers in this area can be selected only a few species. This will help this photo and delights with brief descriptions.

Ammobium Winged . Perfect for cultivation in the middle lane of Russia. Forms numerous small baskets. In floristics, they use blossomed inflorescences with high escape.

Helipteruum . It has several species and varieties that differ in view, size and color inflorescence. It is harvested during the full disclosure of flowers.

Helichrum (Immorter, Cmin, "Feline Paves"). May have simple and terry inflorescences of white or red color, varieties with multicolor inflorescences are derived. At a distance, fluffy inflorescences very much resemble the soft paws of cats, which has become the basis for the popular name. The workpiece of the material starts in half a random.

Statza (Kermek) . Forms shield inflorescences consisting of small brightly colored flowers. The greatest attractiveness are bouquets cut into the height of flowering.

Keeranthemum (Drying) . On thin, highly branching stems are formed small simple baskets of white, purple, pink or red color. Cut off during the full dissolution of inflorescences.

Amaranth . Differs in large cyutious inflorescences on a robust stem. For the winter bouquet use brushes in the beginning of flowering phase.

Martamus (Safflower Kratchen). Forms large flowers Yellow, orange and red color, which are cut in full flowering phase.

Gomfren. . Very popular drummer with white, lilac, red and pink spherical inflorescences and decorative leaves.

Saledia . Interesting view With dense, yellow, spherical inflorescences at a slim shoot without leaves. For compositions, small beams of several inflorescences are often used.

Corosion periry . It is characterized by major inflorescences - panicles, which, depending on the species, can be yellow, orange, red, purple and even gentle-cream.

Mordovnik . Refers to "Buckles", has large, blue, softening inflorescences.

Feverweed . Another bright representative of the Quicks. It is distinguished by the heart-colored sceneries with an openwork leaf wrapper.

Physalis ("Lanterns") . This plant is not grown in for the sake of the inxpeated white flowers, but to obtain fruits surrounded by enlarged cup of bright carrot. From the side such lanterns look paper.

Breeze (shake) . Popular grass-driedweight with spectacular numerous colosum-shaped inflorescences of milk color.

Lagurus (Take track) . Another representative decorative herbs with lush inflorescences resembling a hare tail.

Lunaria (Lunnik) . One of the few dried flowers, which can decorate the summer garden with its flowering, and the house with its fruits. For arrangements, it is not quite fruitful, and the remaining elements after the destruction of the pods. Translucent partitions in the form of the moon look very cute.

Onion aflyatunuy. One of the representatives of the decorative onions, which has recently been gaining popularity.

Nigella . Forms delicate single flowers of different colors. For floristics, the value is decorative seed boxes.

Tansy . Even after drying it medicinal plant Highlight phytoncides, cleaning air. IN middle lane Russia is often found in a wild form.

Echinacea. Another medicinal plant that will complement the winter bouquet. Cut is not inflorescences, but a seed head after the dedication of petals. Instead of Echinacea, you can use Gaylardia. Such fluffy balls on the straightless escape will be added to the composition more originality.

List of plants from the group of "drycellov" is not limited to our 20-CO. Everything decorative grasses (millet, barley grivoy, muscantus, polypogon, bonfire popped and dr.) Great for winter arrangements. For fragrant bouquets, spicy herbs inflorescences (Issop, Lofant, Melissa) are used. Often there is a lavender in compositions. Very optional to land required plants In its garden, the appropriate material can be found among wildflowers.

Rules cutting and drying drycases

For dried flowers there is no single period of cutting. When to cut inflorescences depends on the specific type. Flowers are focused on their many years of experience. The general is that the plant for the time cut should enter into the desired phase of growth: if we need flowers, then such a phase will be a full dissolution of floral bud, and if seed boxes and fruits, then - the ripening of seeds at the end of the vegetation. It is impossible to dry up and fading plants on the root. Cut must still be green shoots, full of vital energy.

Cutting must be carried out in dry weather. Before this prepare a place to dry and required tools. The room should be dry, ventilated and dark. As a material for future handicrafts, the brightest and large copies without defects and a sign of the disease are chosen. Inflorescences are cut along with long escape. The longer the escape or blooming, the more convenient to carry out drying, and the surplus can always be trimmed.

To obtain qualitative material To work, you need to know how to slight dryweights. From cut shoots make small beams that bind and hang out inflorescences. For some species, drying is required by inflorescences (for example, for the silence).

Without access sunlight Dried flowers retain a bright natural color. To bleach plants (if further staining is planned), every two days they are sprayed with water from the spray with the smallest spray.

Material for paintings and panels dried by placing, giving them the desired shape and securing the threads on the board. In the future, inflorescences and fruits are kept in cardboard boxes before use.

Air drying is the easiest and affordable wayBut there are alternative options. Drying moisture-absorbing silica gel is used for large flowers (peonies and roses). For this, the flowers fall asleep with a mixture of silica gel with sand and leave for 3 - 5 days, checking the state of inflorescences daily to prevent the cut. For the manufacture of paintings and panels, it is possible to use the material obtained by a familiar with childhood of herbaric drying. More experienced amateur florists also use drying in glycerin.

In floristry stores, you can buy dyes and varnishes to extend the life of the future composition.

Using drunks for home decoration

Floristics allocates for drywear not the last role, while amateur flower flowers do not always imagine how you can use drunks in the interior.

All variety of floral arrangements can be divided into the following blocks:

  • winter bouquet;
  • picture;
  • decorative panel;
  • copyright;
  • compositions in the form of baskets and wreaths.

Looking for ways to decorate the house by deluntons, the very first thing that comes to the head is a live bouquet in decorative vase. Such an idea seems the easiest and easily feasible. However, to make a bouquet of dried flowers with their own hands, you need to know some tricks. Vaza It is advisable to select dependencies from the prevailing tones in a bouquet.

For example, light yellow "straw" bouquets are well combined with wood, glass and clay, and for multicolor compositions you can pick up a bright ceramic vase.

When drawing up a bouquet, tosses with inflorescences are disassembled and binds to a floral ribbon. Then separate elements Collected in a common bouquet and also bind.

Material for paintings in the form of flat applications is dried by pressing. Herbarium can be made from favorite garden colors or collect field plants. As decorative elements You can use not only inflorescences, but also leaves, seeds, curved shoots. On dense monophonic paper, they laid out any composition, fix everything with glue and placed ready job Under the glass photo frames.

The manufacture of bulk paintings, which use cut signed inflorescences with a preserved form.

A bright panel of dried flowers will certainly fit into the kitchen interior. For the manufacture of such a panel, as shown in the photo, you will need to first make the base in the form of a ring, and then fasten the workpiece: Spirea, Rye, Pijm, Cmin, Rose, Astra, Chrysanthemum. List of dried flowers can be completely replaced.

Copyright can be the most different depending on the latitude of fantasy. The most popular is Topiari - a small tree that brings happiness.

To compile compositions with drieds, any woven basket will suit. As a base for fastening colors, a floral sponge is used, which is filled with a basket. From above, the sponge is masked with moss and proceed to the attachment of dried flowers. In the future, you can only replace the flowers on more recently.

Completely, it looks in the interior of a wreath of dried flowers. Taking up very little space on the wall or on the door, they are able to fill the room with a special aura. For the manufacture of a hoop, you can use dry twigs, flexible willow shoots, metal rods or wire. Material not natural origin is masked by a wool or cotton thread.

Grow drunks by cottage plot Will not work. Most species grow beautifully not only in the context of the Moscow region, but also in the Far East. Moreover, high summer temperatures can negatively affect the growth of shoots and inflorescence. But if it is not possible to grow your flowers, high-quality material for creative craft can always be purchased in floristry stores.

Bouquet of roses

Rosa Queen flowers. It is beautiful in ground fitting, cut bouquets and is no less good in dry compositions. The main thing is to fully withstand the procedure and gain patience.

For the compilation of the composition will be needed:

  • roses (the more, the better, but not less than 9 pieces);
  • scissors or garden secateurs;
  • floral briquette (sponge);
  • beautiful flower pot;
  • greens for design bouquets (you can use gypsophile, leaves of irises or gladiols)
  • pine twigs with bumps (but it can be without them)

We dry flowers. Divide roses into two or three bundles, 5-6 pieces each. Roses buds in the drying process are very reduced in size, so it is better to prepare the colors "with a stock".

Each ligament to tie the cord for the stems and hang down down the buds in a dry darkened place, so ka on the bright light, the color of petals can fade.

After 10 days, the roses are dried, retaining the elegance of the outlines.

A typical kitchen or construction knife cut the floral briquette under the size of the pot so that it is free to fit into it.

As additional elements in the composition you can add elegant branches with cones, decorative butterflies figurines and everything that will tell you a fantasy.

Such a bouquet of dry roses will enjoy the tablet note in the interior of your apartment or country house; As a pot, you can use shallow vases, kashpo and even ordinary circles with a suitable pattern.