
Alignment of walls with plaster with a laser level, lighthouses or rules: how to install beacons or guides, what schemes are there? Tips, how to choose and install beacons under the plaster walls, video examples.

Doors, windows

Installation of beacons for plaster walls - an important stage of all work. From how correctly the lighthouses are exhibited, the evenness of all coatings depends, so it is important to approach the installation procedure comprehensively.


Wall plastered - Mandatory stage repair work. Properly applied plaster makes walls smooth, the finish coating on such walls is perfect. However, in order to correctly perform all plastering, you must first install beacons.

In itself, plastering is designed to fully improve appearance walls, transform them. It is about concealing irregularities and disadvantages. In addition to eliminating all defects, with the help of plaster you can align the walls, and sometimes even change the proportions of the room, adjusting the length and width of the walls.

Lighthouses are needed so that the plaster can be applied perfectly smooth layer. Even experienced builders do not fail without installing beacons for plastering.

Lighthouses are different speciesHowever, the purpose of using them is alone: \u200b\u200bhelp maximize the walls. Also, the lighthouses greatly simplify the process of plastering, because they are based on the rule.

By installing beacons correctly, it will be minimized the mixture consumption. It will be possible to save on the material. This is especially true, since usually the purchase of plaster and work on plastering is decent. However, it is worth it in mind that the amount of material affects not only the correctness of the installation of beacons, but also the quality of the surface. If it is badly damaged, uneven, then the material will need a lot. Levels strongly reduce the required amount of material if the surface is relatively smooth.

The choice of height for the installation of beacons affects the choice of the mixture. In particular, the level of fastening of beacons depends on the composition of the plastering mixture. For some of these, pre-installation of the plastering mesh is required, which also affects the distance between the beacon and the wall. The role also plays the fact that some plaster formulations are applied by a relatively thin layer (5-10 mm), and some - thick (up to 60 mm). When exposing beacons, you need to keep in mind every factor.

Lighthouses for plaster walls are not specialized. They can also be used when aligning the ceiling, if such a time-consuming and expensive method of design is chosen for it, as shuffling. A feature of the lighting schemes is their versatility: they can be applied not only for walls, but also for ceilings.

Important is the specificity of the installation of beacons in niches, as well as around door or window openings. This step needs to pay special attention.

Pros and cons of use

Part of the professional Masters-Plastellov advises to use lighthouses, the other half dissuade from it. It is worthwhile to figure out why such contradictions arose. The benefits of using beacons include:

  • Speed \u200b\u200bof work. After the lighthouses are installed, work on the alignment of the walls will be held much faster.
  • Simplicity.Align the walls after the beacons are installed, it becomes much easier, so the job will be able to perform even a beginner.
  • Perfectly smooth surface. If you do not use lighthouses, it will not be so good to align the walls.

There are here and its cons:

  • Increased consumption of material. Thus, the plastering layer increases on the thickness of the lighthouse, which leads to increased financial costs.
  • The need for additional time. Work on the installation of lighthouses takes additional time, requires additional efforts, so some neglect this training. And in vain.
  • Possible damage to the finish coating. If low-quality metal lighthouses are used, they can rushing over time. Rust stains will appear on wallpaper or in decorative coatingAnd repair will have to redo.
  • Also, someone can stop from the use of beacons that the wall will have to be specifically prepared for their installation.

Everyone in the right to decide whether it is necessary or not to install beacons for the plaster walls, however, we strongly recommend the beginners not to neglect this step. It is difficult to smooth the walls without lighthouses, it is difficult to experience inexperienced people. There are several types of lighthouses. This means that there is always the opportunity to choose the most suitable option.

Everything else, one of the negative traits of the use of beacons is the need for dismantling. After plastering the beacons, made not from plaster, be sure to remove, since if they leave them, there may be unexpected incidents, complications. Dismantling of beacons is also a difficult process, because it is important to extract extraneous devices from the coating carefully so as not to damage the layer of plaster.

The positive point is that the beaches themselves are inexpensive. This applies to all species. In addition, some of them can be made of the existing plaster material, which, firstly, will reduce the cost of the solution, and secondly, will save on the purchase of lighthouses.


There are several varieties of lighthouses. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages caused by the material from which they are made, as well as their size. Metal, plastic and beams are isolated from plaster. There are also drywall and wooden lighthouses, but they are used much less often, so it makes sense to consider only three popular varieties.

  • Metal.Metal lighthouses are of different lengths, heights. In length, the varieties of 250 cm and 300 cm are distinguished, and in height - 6 cm and 10 cm. There are T-shaped and L-shaped profiles. The first are used when working with the wall plane, the second - to secure on the corners. Metal lighthouses builders choose more often, because it is easy to work with them, they are available at a price, produced in a variety of sizes. The master gets the opportunity to save a lot of time when installing such models. In addition, they are strong enough.

They have their drawbacks. For example, during the installation of a metal lighthouse, it is easy to deform if you commit any awkward movement. Such beacons are dangerous to "forget" in the walls, as they can rosure, and this rust will perform on the finish coating. Lighthouses need to be attached to a solution that will ensure their rigidity (for example, gypsum).

  • Plastic.Lighthouses made of plastic on their device resemble steel, but they have their own characteristics. So, for the manufacture uses the plastic of increased strength. Plastic products are easier and fixed with metal, thanks to which they are easier to work with novice. Lighthouses made of plastic are not deformed, unlike metal, but they break if an effort is made. One more positive trait It is that lighthouses can be left in plaster, without worrying that something happens later, because plastic does not rust and does not oxidize.

However, not everything is as simple as it may seem at first glance. Plastic lighthouses are only suitable for plastering inland wallsSince plastics does not tolerate low temperatures. Also, if you set the beacons incorrectly, they are deformed under the pressure of the rule. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that the walls will not work perfectly smooth.

  • Plaster.The manufacture of such beacons can only professionals. They are formed immediately when performing plaster works from the plaster itself, after which they give the right form by the rule. An obvious plus consists in saving material, however minus - the unavailability of manufacturing for the beginner.

Also recently, so-called string lights appeared, which are a metal cable, stretched between two carbine. It is inherent in the general minus of all metallic options - the exposure to rust, but it is much easier to work with it. All levels are performed flawlessly smooth if it is right to fix the carbines.


Depending on which type of beacon is selected, the material consumption depends. It is logical to assume that in the first place - beacons from plaster as the most economical representative. You will not need to spend extra plaster even on the consolidation of lighthouses.

In second place - string beacons. It will take to spend a little more composition, only to close the carbines, but in the rest of the plaster for the sealing of the cables themselves is practically not needed. They are thin enough and almost imperceptibly in the thickness of the coating.

A little greater consumption will be at the installation of metal lighthouses. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that it will be necessary enough a large number of Enclosure enclosure after removal of beacons. It is important to take into account both the installation of beacons. Do not make the distance between the beacon and the wall surface more necessary. Remember that if you decrease the plaster layer only 1 cm, you can save up to 10 liters of plaster per 1 m2.

Maximum consumption of plaster - when using plastic beacons. This is due to the fact that from all listed options, the samples of plastic are the thick of the most thick. According to statistical data, a layer of material when using similar options by 6 mm more than when installing metal, which is just due to the difference in the thickness of the beacons themselves.

With regard to the calculation of the required number of beacons themselves, it is done quickly and simply. First you need to measure the length of the wall. So, you will need:

  • one light with each part of the wall;
  • one lighthouse with each of the sides of the door or window opening;
  • one lighthouse for every 1-1.3 m wall surfaces.

2 (on the sides of the wall) + 2 (on the parties of the door) + 4 (one lighthouse for every 1.25 m surface) \u003d 8 beacons.

It is easiest to calculate the number of lighthouses when you have a ready-made room plan on your hands. On it you can portray where the levels will be.

When choosing a distance between the beacons, repel from the length of the rules available in stock. So, the step between them should be less than the length of the rule so that during the work it looked freely on the lighthouses.

However, the step of step less than the meter is also not recommended: it will complicate further work on the extraction of beacons from the wall.

Tools and necessary materials

Before exposing lighthouses, you need to get the necessary tools and materials. They will many times easier with lighthouses, will help to spend all the events quickly and efficiently. From the tools you will need:

  • Directly yourself lighthouses. If wooden bars are used as lighthouse profiles, they must be impregnated with a special antibacterial composition.
  • Kelma or spatulas for applying a fixing solution. And you need to purchase both large tools and small ones. They will be useful not only for direct fasteners of beacons, but also for preliminary surface preparation.
  • All sorts of levels: laser, hydro- (Waterpas), bubble. Each of the listed tools greatly facilitates work to determine the horizontal lines and the further calculation of the location of the beacons.

  • Plumb. It is necessary directly when determining verticals, on which the beacon profiles will be fixed.
  • Rule. Along with the level and plumb, this tool is used to determine the horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Colored chalk and pencils for marking.
  • Bright fishing line or cord. These materials will be needed to build levels, constructing diagonals.

  • Perforator. We are necessary to drill holes under the dowel. In the future, lighthouses will be built in fixed dowels. In addition to the perforator, you need to purchase a set of special drills of different diameters.
  • Roulette. It is best to choose building options from a metal with a length of 8 m, because you can capture all the distance both vertically and horizontally and diagonally the wall.
  • Screwdriver Set. It will be useful as cruciform samples, and with a direct slot, but it all depends on what a hat has a dowel.

If we talk about additional materials, it will be necessary to purchase a primer. Need to be needed liquid primer deep penetration for the processing of the base and the paste-shaped for applying to the posted surface. For fastening of beacons, plastic clips or so-called "ears" may be needed. If there is a choice, then it is better to give preference to "ears": they will be able to significantly save the plaster.

You may also need a thickener for a mixture or a glue composition if it is planned to mount the beacons per solution. Such additives contribute to the rapid setting of the mixture and, accordingly, quick fixation of the beacon in the desired place.

Surface preparation

Before putting beacons, the surface must be prepared regardless of which walls are planned to plaster - brick, foam or gas-block, drywall, concrete or other. The process of preparing the base consists of several stages, each of which is very important. You can not pass any.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the wall, and we are not only about the wallpaper, but also about plaster, paint or something else. Pay attention to the specificity of the procedure. So, wallpaper will have to be deleted anyway, like water-emulsion paint. If the walls are covered oil paint (It is almost impossible to remove it), then you can leave the paint, pre-making notches to improve the adhesion of plaster and oil composition. Old stucco can also be saved if it is not falling off, "not enclosed", but if there is at least the slightest fears, the coating is better to dismantle. It is extremely important not to regret the time and well cleaned the surface of the base.

The walls are well ground using liquid primer deep penetration. Please note that priming work is conducted 2-3 times. Every time you need to wait until the previous layer of primer will dry out.

Depending on the type of surface, before installing beacons and plastering, you may need to apply a certain material on the wall. So, for brick walls, additional processing will not need. Concrete surfaces need to be treated with liquid cement mortar. Wood and metal walls are additionally strengthened by special plaster grids that are fixed between beacons.

In principle, on this preparatory work can be considered finished. Before the start of any repair activities, it is necessary to protect the adjacent items and surfaces with a painting ribbon: to dub the door jambs, glue the ribbon on the floor and on the ceiling, where they fit to the walls. So it turns out to fully protect the environment and will not need a lot of time on cleansing adjacent surfaces.


It is important to determine exactly where to put lighthouses. Not only the correct placement geometry, but also the evenness of the walls depends on the correctness of the markup. The markup process is called the heating of the walls. It is not so difficult to fulfill it, as it may seem at first glance. Everything that will need is knowledge of the geometry school year. Stages of work:

  • First you need to determine the smooth wall. To do this, apply the long rule to different parts of the wall alternately, noting the protruding places or depressions with different colors. For example, a green chalk can be noted bulging, and in blue - depressions.
  • Measure 2 m from the upper boundary of the wall. It is best to carry out measurements at the junction of two walls in the corner. Using the laser level, drop the horizontal. After measured 2 m up from the line, adjacent to the floor, and also build the horizontal.
  • Upon top horizontal line, measure 10 cm from the corner joints. In these places, drill holes and install screws into them.

  • There is an easy way to build smooth verticals. This uses a plumb. The cord with a plumbing is attached to the upper screw and lowers until the distance from the floor is 3-4 cm. As soon as the plumb will stop fluctuate, points to the bottom horizontal. Here also drill holes and install screws.
  • Next, 10 cm are measured from each screw and drill holes again, setting screws. Here will be located extreme lighthouses.
  • The distance between the point of the location of the extreme lighthouses should be divided into several approximately equal parts of about 1-1.3 m in length. Please note that it is better to postpone points along the upper horizontal, and on the bottom to mark the corresponding removal. In each of the new points, drill holes and insert screws.
  • If the wall has a door or window opening, then it needs to retreat from 10-15 cm on each side. Additional lighthouses will be installed here. Be sure to determine the evenness of the door or window opening using a level or plumb. Even if the opening is smooth, the vertical is still better to determine the plumb.

  • Now pull between the extreme screws the fishing line around the perimeter and diagonally. Next, screw the screws until the fishing line is slightly touched by the speaker. Diagonal fishing rods must slightly touch, be on the same level, lie in the same plane.
  • Further, all screws that determine the position of beacons are twisted until they are slightly touching the fishing line. It is important that they exactly touch them slightly, and did not rest in the fishing line. So denotes the thickness of the plaster layer. Make sure that the screws lag behind the wall at the distance are not less than the height of the selected beacons. If this is not the case, then consequence the position by twisting all the screws at an equal distance.

How to fix?

After the markup is made, it is necessary to determine exactly how lighthouses will be fixed. Fasteners depends on the type of lighthouse used, from the material from which it is manufactured. There will be no problems if you make lighthouses directly from the plaster with your own hands. Lighthouses from other materials - metal, plastic, wooden - can be mounted in two ways:

  • Used plastering. For fasteners, it can be selected as a solution that plaster and modified equivalent: plaster with additives that are responsible for the rush rate, gypsum solution and others. Slap solution is applied from top to bottom along the line on which the lighthouse will be attached. Then metallic or plastic profile It is tightly interpreted into the solution until it is not fully stamped with screws of screws. Equality profile relative to the vertical is verified using the rule. If the profile in the process is deformed, then it is promptly replaced by another. After the profile is installed as it should, the surplus plaster is removed from it, and then go to the next beacon.

  • Fastening without a solution. This option is more modern, because specially designed devices are used here - plastic fasteners or "ears". If there is a choice between plastic locks or "ears", choose the second, since here the thickness of the most fixing element is insignificant, therefore, a smaller layer of plaster mortar will be required. Locks are screwed at the site of screws used for marking, and then the profile simply snaps into fasteners. Please note that remove plastic fastening elements from the wall is quite difficult, so many leave them directly in the wall.

Seek an ideal and even plastered surface, without resorting any devices, what is called "by hand", only masters plaster are capable of the highest classWith great professional experience. But how to be if the execution of plaster works is required, especially for its own home ownership, and the cost of inviting professional plaster seems excessive?

In order for the plaster, performed by their own hands, it turned out more or less smooth, the method of plastering "under beacon" was invented, that is, a guide that allows it to achieve its relatively high-quality surface.

What is lighthouses? Typically, these guide rails from a tree or metal designed to align the surface of plaster. If the rails from the tree have a cross-section of a square or rectangular shape, then metal - can be made of aluminum, bent tin, sometimes even from plastic, a series-shaped or brazing section. TAVR is such a standard form of a cross section of a profile, similar to a dual-letter, but with the missing one of the shelves.

Metal lighthouses

It is preferable to use beacons to align the wall or other type of plaster with a profile in the form of a brand. These lighthouses do not require removal after the end of plastering. Metallic or plastic railway racks required height and profile can always be found in stores serving production construction work.
When installing lighthouses, it should be remembered that exterior anglesIn places where door, window, radiator and other types of openings must necessarily be framed by beacons. It is best for this special perforated corners of tin.

Wooden lighthouses

Lighthouses made of wooden rectangular rails and with a profile in the form of a channel after setting the plastering solution is usually removed. Wooden rails, in front of how to put them as lighthouses on the wall, should be impregnated with the compositions of water-repellent properties. Otherwise, when contacting with a wet plastering solution, they can be interrupted or twisted that it will not allow to perform a smooth coating.

This type of lighthouses is poorly distributed and practically not used in repair work.

Preparatory work

Installation of beacons usually does not require special preparation of the plastered surface.
One of the destinations of plaster is just its ability to hide all the shortcomings and flaws that occur when laying the walls, the ceilings. The most important attention should be paid to consumables, tools and fixtures that will be required when installing beacons.

Tools and fixtures for lighting installation

Place marking installations

Lighthouses are installed on the walls vertically (in rare cases there may be a horizontal location of beacons). Their parties facing plasterer are aligned in the same plane. This plane will be the upper surface of the stucco coating.

Before putting beacons for the working surface plaster, that is, the one that is subject to plastering, it should be placed correctly. The markup process can be divided into the following steps:

  • measure from the left corner, the horizontal distance with dimensions of approximately 10 ... 15 cm;
  • using a construction plumb at the died distance to spend a vertical direct line over the entire height of the plastered surface;
  • from this first vertical line, measure the distance corresponding to the step of the lighting installation and draw the next vertical line using a plunde, and so, along its entire length, until the surface is over.

The distance between the beacons in the plaster of the walls, that is, the step of their installation is usually taken from 600 to 1000 mm. Increase this distance is inappropriate, as in this case the weight of the rail-rules will increase, and efforts to align the plaster layer will increase.

The last lighthouse should be installed at a distance of 10 ... 15 cm from the right corner. To comply with this condition, the step between the penultimate and last beacons can be reduced.

How to install lighthouses on the wall

The main leveling element for all methods how to properly put lighthouses under the plaster, allowing to seek their location in the same plane, are screws with flat hats, screwed into plastic dowels, which, in turn, are installed in the walls in advance drilled holes On the axes of markup. Usually used dowel screws with a diameter of 6 mm. The holes in the walls are drilled in the same diameter.

First, the screws are screwed down so that their caps are from the wall at about a distance equal to the thickness of the plaster layer, minus the height of the lighthouse profile. The final alignment of the caps can be performed by several methods:

- with the help of diagonally fixed segments of the kapron cord or thread. Binding to the plane formed by intersecting diagonals and conducting direct rail (you can use a segment of the loyal profile or rack-rule) seeks the location of screws of screws in one plane, by screwing them or unscrewing with a conventional screwdriver.

- With the help of a plumb in the corners at the desired distance from the wall, the vertical strained thin cords or byproof yarns are installed. Another cord or thread is horizontally and attached its ends to verticals so that he can move freely. Raising or lowering this horizontal cord, aligned on it and are installed on one level of the screws of the screws.

- To align the screws of screws, water and bubble levels or laser levels are used, combined with a rangefinder.

There are several of the most common ways to install beacons for wall plaster:

  • with the help of the fooling by quick-crumbling gypsum solution;
  • with the help of special plastic clips-latches;
  • with the help of clips like "Kremer".

Lighthouses are installed and fit into screws of screws with a gypsum divorced in water. After grappling the solution, the place of installation of beacons is additionally enhanced by filling the gaps between beacons and wall, with the help of the same plaster or plastering solution, after a complete setting and hardening of which can already be directly started to apply plaster.

Instead of gluing lighthouses to chubs with plaster, you can use plastic clips-latches, which are pre-put on the screws before they are screwed into the dowels. After aligning the caps, the clip is snapped on the loaf profile, reliably pressing his shelf to the screw.

Another way is the use of Kremer clamps, perforated plates worn on the screws after their alignment. With this plate, or with the help of pliers or Passatizes, the profile of the Rake Lighthouse, tightly pressing it to the screw of the screw.

Performers who already have experience performing plastering, but which, but still not enough to completely abandon beacons, can use the method of their pre-device from the plastering solution. For this, the screws must be installed (dismissed) to the distance from the wall corresponding to the thickness of the stratum of plaster.

After that, ribs or crests from a plaster mortar with a cross section in the form of a trapezium are arranged along the line of the markup, and a large facet is adjacent to the wall, and less need to thoroughly align in one level with screws of screws. The surface of this ridge, which will serve as a rail-rule guide must have an ideally smooth surface, since otherwise all its defects, curvature, wave-imagination and distortion will be inevitably repeated on the main plastering coating.


The other day we got another order for tile work in a regular urban apartment: kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Before the tile is still far away, you need to stack the walls. Make a plaster on metal lightams. There are other ways of plaster, but a little later about them. Today we will tell you how to install beacons using a rail and profile level. This method is quite fast, but requires some skill.

So in order. Show the installation of beacons on the example of the kitchen. We have naked brick walls, frontal and left - smooth, without any special problems, and on the right - a tricky piece of the wall at the window with a gas pipe and heating risers that need to somehow get around.

Plaster lighthouses are produced with a thickness of 6 and 10 mm - "six" and "dozen". The six, most often, is used in cases where you need to make the minimum layer of plaster, or when the beacons after plastering are removed from the walls. For example, if the wall is prepared under painting or wallpaper. Over time, the beacons in the wall can be covered with rust, and red stripes come from paint or wallpaper (new repairs are provided). If the wall, as in our case, is preparing under tile tile, extract beacons there is no need. Therefore, we use the top ten - it is less deformed and easier is set. The standard height of the walls in our apartments - 2m 50cm plus-minus 5 cm. Naturally, Chinese manufacturers are known, and they make lighthouses just such a length - 250 cm. (There is, however 3m).

How to determine the number of beacons?

The wall, ranging from the angle, divide the vertical strip of a width of no more than 1.5 m (such a rule is most convenient to plaster). On the borders of these lanes and we will put beacons.

To install the lighthouses we will need plaster plaster Rotband - it is plastic, quickly freezes, well kept beacons, provides convenience and quality of installation. Normal painter spatula. Bucket, water. Aluminum rail 240-250 cm long and profile meter level.

Instead of the rail, you can use a hard wooden bar or a strand board. They must be smooth and one width over its entire length, the more accurate these parameters will be, the better, the quality of plaster depends on it. To keep the level to the rule every time, we attached it in the middle of the rails with a mounting ribbon, got this design.

On the rail, too, there are peephole vertical levels, but it is located on the edge to look - you need to become either on the stool, or go to the floor.

And so - the bubble at the level of the eye, conveniently.

Before installing beacons, from the walls it is necessary to post the sand with a rigid brush or broom, brick masonry Mocked with water, spraying it with a tassel, a pulverom, a bucket - as convenient.

To preliminarily estimate the degree of vertical wall, put the rail to it and look at the level.

So we can understand where the Rotangand is put under the beacon: if the wall is tilted outside, at the top, if at the bottom - below. Well, strictly vertical masonry in our homes is a big rarity.

We mix rotband.

Those who are seriously engaged in repairs are used to mix the power tools: a powerful low-swivel mixer with an appropriate nozzle.

Drills for these purposes use undesirable - they have high speeds with relatively low for such power purposes - can burn in a blue flame, although small volumes can be kneaded and drill. As a last resort, we knew your hands - everything starts with it. Page in the instructions on the package. Must get soft, sticky, plastic mass.

It is not necessary to knead too much to have time to work out the stucco to frozen.

Places of installation of beacons can be labeled with a pencil vertical line. Over these lines, with a spatula, you need to sketch "lepts" of Rotband (magnitude with a hassle). First of all, we install beacons near the corners - at a distance of 15-20 cm from the corner. We recruit and span on the wall so that the cakes securely stuck. Distance between points - about 30 cm.

Then we apply a lighthouse to the tortillas and slightly add it with your fingers on each of the points of Rotband.

Now I put to the rack's beacon and gently begin to put pressure on it, while watching the level of the eye, seeking it to show a vertical position.

If necessary, enhance pressure at the top or bottom. We assign a rail. It is necessary to adjust the gypsum solution to the spatula so that it covers both sides of the lighthouse and kept it after the frozen, they remove all surplus that will continue to interfere with the work.

If the beacon somewhere turned to the left and right - carefully with the hands of the hands. If there is a need to increase the layer of plaster under the beacon - gently pull it away from the wall and smear more Rotband. That's how the beacon fastening point should look like. Gypsum above him should not speak.

We wipe the rail from the gypsum, once again put, align, if necessary, the beacon in terms of the level, check the installation correctness. Please note that there should be no deflection, gaps between attacked rack and the beap.

If the wall is tilted outside, the lower edge of the beacon should be pressed to it almost close. If tilted inside - the top edge should be pressed.

If it does not work out immediately - do not worry, install a couple of beacons - and it will work out. It remains to wait until the gypsum is free.

How to install intermediate lighthouses (on a long wall or just between two adjacent beacons).

After the angular lighthouses are installed, we need to install another one, between them, since the width of the wall is, in our case - 230 cm, it will be hard to work hard and inconvenient. It is clear that the central beacon should be in the same plane with neighboring. How to achieve this. If there is a rake equal to the width between beacons, it is possible to use it, otherwise, and also when the wall is very long, or the rail does not allow the pipe, the thread is stretched.

With the help of the rail, it is done like this: first you need to wait until the gypsum solution is freezing, which holds extreme beacons. This will require approximately an hour and a half, depending on the room temperature. At this time, you can install beacons on other walls.

The bottom of the lighthouse is pressed with the help of the rail, while its edges will not lie on neighboring lighthouses.

Now I put to the lower edge of the rail and, trying to hold the bottom stationary, give it to the top, seeking the vertical position of the rail and the beacon under it.

We check the correctness of the installation by pressing the rail to the extreme lighthouses, while the intermediate beacon should also touch the rail. Checking is done in several places (from above, in the middle, below) for reliability, you can check and diagonally.

Installing an intermediate lighthouse using thread.

If the wall is long, or use the rails interfere with the pipes, then the thread is stretched between the extreme, already installed beacons at the bottom and above the wall. We drive two dowel-nails, stretched between them the thread should lie on intermediate beacons.

The tempered beacon is pressed into plaster as long as the thread will not have a barely noticeable gap.

If extreme beacons are installed correctly, then when checking intermediate, the level should show the vertical.

In places in passing pipes, you need to look at the situation where the beacon or a piece should be added. For example, right plot kitchen wall With the pipes of the width of just about half a meter, it demanded the installation of three lighters. And in the bathroom we have even a design:

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High-quality wall decoration implies their ideal leveling in terms of level and the creation of the maximum smooth surface without sinks and sinks of the solution. It is quite difficult to achieve this, but the task greatly simplifies the special guides, fixed on the plane chosen - the so-called lighthouses.

We suggest you carefully read the information you suggested below and watch the video - installation of beacons for plaster.

Lighthouses are peculiar rails, relying on which, the plaster solution is rareled along the wall of the rule. If you put them strictly in one vertical plane, then there will be no problems with the level equalization with your own hands, work will take at least time.

Of course, with the installation of lighthouses will have to be tinted, but this time will pay off in the future, and will have a positive effect on quality.

Previously, the guides for plaster were often made from smooth wooden bars of the same cross section, from plaster or from the same solution to be used to align. Now there are metal lighthouses on sale, greatly facilitating and accelerating work.

However, they have certain shortcomings that we will tell a little later, so the old ways have many masters still in demand.

Installation technology

Before you tell how to put lighthouses for plaster, we will stop at the preparation of the surface, choosing tools and consumables.

What lighthouses to choose

To begin with, you should decide whether you will use ready-made metal, wooden guides or independently produce them from the plastering solution.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • In the first case, the work will take less time, but the lighthouses after leveling the surface will have to be extracted from the layer of plaster with the subsequent sealing of the defects formed.

Note. Conscientious masters for a question, whether it is possible to leave beacons in the plaster, they are negative, since over time they begin to rust, and rust stains can perform on the surface. And sharp drops of temperature can lead to cracking of the solution along metal guides. Although in constantly heated dry premises the risk of such consequences is small.

  • The method of manufacturing beacons from a solution is more time-consuming and long, but you do not have to make an extra work on their extraction.
  • Wooden lighthouses are almost not used today, as the tree is characterized by the ability to absorb moisture and deform that negatively affects the quality of alignment. They find active application only when finished wooden houses clay plaster.

To decide on the choice, look at the video how to set lighthouses under the plaster.


To work, you will need a construction level (better laser), Kelma, a spatula and two rules - long and short. From the shortest length to which the solution will be spilled, the distance between future beacons is depends: it should be 10-20 cm less.

Also, do not do without a perforator, dowel-nails, a roller for primer, a large bucket and a drill with a nozzle to knead the solution. Before installing plaster beacons, the walls must be prepared.

The preparation process includes the following steps:

  • Examination of the surface for the detection of coarse defects and deviations from the level;
  • If the solutions of the solution are detected, protruding elements of masonry, they are stitched using chisel and hammer;

  • After that, the surface is purified from dust and be sure to ensure a good adherence to the plaster mortar.

It is important! Neglecting this stage entails the risk of peeling plaster from the wall in the future. If you do not want to repair "from scratch" in the near future, be sure to fit the walls before installing beacons.

Installation of metal lighthouses

Finished lighthouses are a L-shaped or T-shaped perforated profile of galvanized metal. The galvanized layer protects the metal from corrosion, but in the process of installing or leveling the solution it is easy to damage it, so the appearance of rust over time is quite possible, and therefore profiles are recommended to remove from plaster when it grabs.

Buying lighthouses, make sure that they are smooth and stronger. Products made of fine metal in the process of plastering can be fucked, which will worsen the quality of the finish.

Now it's time to tell how to put lighthouses under the plaster - video and detailed description Will help you cope with this task without any problems.

So, you first need to post the situation on the wall of the future lighthouses, drawing vertical lines on it. The first should be located at a distance of 20-30 cm from the angle, all subsequent retreat from the previous rules for the length of minus 10-30 cm. Newbies are most convenient to work with a step between beacons no more than 1.5-2 meters.

Now you need to set landmarks for lighters. This is very responsible and scrupulous work.

The following instruction will help you execute it correctly:

  • On the battered lines, retreating from the ceiling by 20 cm, drill several holes for setting the landmarks - dowel-nails. For a wall height 2.5-2.7 m, 5-7 such holes are enough;
  • Drink dowels in all holes, in extreme top and bottom screw the screws;
  • Tension between self-drawing fishing line in all directions: vertical, horizontal and diagonal;

  • Determine the most protruding section of the wall;
  • Taking advantage of the level and screwdriver, which screws up into a dowel or twisted from it, achieve this position so that all stretched threads are located in one vertical plane and defended from the protruding section to the minimum distance for plaster;

  • Screw the screws into all the other dowels so that their hat is on the same level with a vertical stretched line. Thus, you will achieve their location in the same plane. Having finished the work, once again check the correctness of the level and, if necessary, adjust their position.

Let you spend a lot of time and patience on this work, but now the question is how to correctly put lighthouses for plaster, will decide quickly and simple. You will need only to put the profiles on the hats of the screws so that they rest in them along the entire length, and secure on the wall with a solution.

For this, the solution prepared in advance is applied with piles between the guidelines, they set the lighthouse, pressed it with a long rule to the hats of the screws, while simultaneously making sure in their correct vertical position. The excess solution protrudes through the holes of the perforation.

To secure the guides in a predetermined position, after setting the solution they are fixed with dowels or further coiled on both sides so that the solution does not go beyond the limits.

Council. To reduce installation time, use gypsum or alabaster for fastening - they will dry much faster than cement mixture.

The process of plastering on beacons is a topic for a separate conversation. Here I would also remind that when the solution on the aligned wall is grabbed, but it still does not fully solidify, the guides from it should be removed.

It should not cause difficulties: it is enough to board a fresh plaster from any edge, to expose the end of the lighthouse, after which it is gently and gradually tear it off the wall.

It is unlikely that the product can be used again, since when dismantling it is uniquely deformed. But its price is not so significant to save on it.

The remaining longitudinal recesses are purified from the residues of alabaster, wetted with water from the spray and close to the main solution. Self-tapping screws before this also need to unscrew.

Device of beacons from the working solution

Preliminary stage, namely the installation of landmarks for lighthouses, in this case the same as in the above case.

  • Knead the solution and apply it with bugs on protruding hats of self-tapping screws;
  • When he slightly grab, remove the surplus, protruding for the hats;
  • When the received labels are well hardening, cut the length of the long rule or a flat wooden rail to them vertically and squeeze the solution into the space between it and the wall;
  • Tighten the rake with a hammer over the entire length to align the resulting solution of the solution, wait for it when it starts to be captured and carefully remove;
  • If emptiness and sinks remained on a homemade beacon, set them down with eachver;
  • Repeat the procedure in all guidelines.

If you have metal PP profiles, you can proceed easier: to throw the solution across the height between the guidelines, lubricate the profiles inside the oil and press them into the solution, achieving contacting their inner surface with the hats of self-tapping screws. To do this, the profile is cut slope slightly less than the required length and moves up and down so that the solution inside is uniformly distributed.

Excess the sides of the sides need to be removed, and the profile is accurately removed after a while. You will have smooth beacons from plaster, which after aligning the entire wall plane will not need to be extracted.

If something in the description remains incomprehensible to you, and you have not fully understood how to install beacons for plaster - the video will help you to fill all the spaces.


High qualityly shook the surface is difficult not only physically. This work requires accuracy, accuracy. The greater the walls, the less problems and financial costs will arise with subsequent finish - putty, cladding ,.

The installation of beacons allows to reduce labor costs, consumption of plastering mixtures and time for the production of work. The proposed video in this article clearly prove it.

Lights - Tools for alignment of walls before applying plaster or other finishing material. To use them, not necessarily owning serious construction skills, work with them is simple.

Light for wall leveling - made of galvanized steel or aluminum long rail, having perforated holes. It is preferable to use a galvanized beacon profile in the work, since it is not amenable to rust, it can be left in plaster for a long time. Holes in the bearing need to better fix the profile.

In cross section, the rail resembles an inverted letter "T", its upper face serves when applying plaster guides, and the legs are used to fix the beacon in the solution.

Types of lighthouse profiles

The length of the beacons varies from 250 to 300 cm, width - from 20 to 22 mm, height - from 6 to 10 mm.

The size is selected depending on how strong the differences of the walls are. The greater the height of the rail, the more plaster leaves the wall.

Preparatory work

Before installing the beacon, it is necessary to prepare concrete walls to apply plaster. The remains of the old coating are considered, all the flaws of the surface are removed (the chips are filled with a solution of plaster, and the protruding elements are knocked down). Covered with the wall of the primer.

Tools for work:

  • level (hydroelectric system);
  • roulette;
  • scissors for metal;
  • a hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • capron thread;
  • rule;
  • pencil.

With the help of the roulette, the height of the wall is measured, metal scissors hang profile to the desired length.

The level is determined by the most protruding wall point. The more the difference between the main plane and this point, the more plaster you will need to align.

With the help of the construction level, the pencil mark on the lighthouses: 10 cm retreats from the angle, the location of the first, the next should be slightly less rule (approximately 15 cm).

Before setting beacons, you need to choose how to fix them. You can use special fastenings or secure them with a gypsum solution.

Installing beacons for fasteners

Lights for alignment of walls are installed in increments of 20 - 30 cm. Future fixation sites are marked with a pencil, and then drill holes for the installation of a dowel.

The first beacon must be set on the initial markup line, 10 cm from the corner. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the upper and lower dowels, between them stretch the plumb to align them. Twink screws at this stage better than a screwdriver, so you can achieve greater accuracy. Next, the installed profile is fixed along the entire length.
Similar actions are made with a lighthouse at the other end of this wall. After that, there are threads between the beacons, which will serve as a reference point for installing profiles in the middle of the wall. They should be tightened at least three places: from above, in the middle and bottom. Fit the threads are not on the profile, but on the dowel, so as not to knock down the lighthouse; stretch strong enough.

Installation of profiles for mortar

The second way to fix beacons involves the use of cement or gypsum solution. This is a budget option.

You can use ready-made putty mixtures or prepare them yourself. For this, one part of the gypsum is mixed to 10 parts of the cement-sandy solution. If you add more, the solution will dry faster.

A small amount of the mixture is applied to the surface of the wall every 10-15 cm along the location of the lighthouse scheduled in advance at a distance of 10 cm from the angle. Apply profile. Gently pressed. Align so that there are no beggars.

Excess the solution from the side surfaces of the profile and remove from the wall. Check again how long the lighthouse has been.

The same actions are done from another wall angle. Waiting for the solution will dry, securely fixing the profiles.

Between two lighthouses, located at different parts of the wall, stretch the threads. Next, you need to focus on the threads, install the remaining lighthouses. Surplus plaster remove.

Walking process

Alignment of walls with the help of beacons begin with surface treatment with antiseptic means and primer. After the walls are dried, apply a rough layer of plaster. At this stage, the task is to close all the irregularities. The solution is left to seek until the next day.

The second layer is aligned using the rule - it is applied to two closest lighthouses and carry out it up. Region along the profile itself do not close up to be more convenient to dismantle lighthouses after the end of work.

If after that there were holes on the surface, they are filled and again use the rule. So act until they do the perfect smooth surface.

Plastering angles are carried out using an angular cell. Call processing is transmitted when the main surfaces are already processed, and the solution is already reduced.

Removal of Mayakov

When the works are finished, lighthouses need to be dismantled.

For this purpose, pliers and curly spatula are used. The profile is drawn by a curly spatula, taking pliers, pull. While the stucco is still fresh, make it easy. The beacon should be taken carefully, without sharp movements, otherwise significant damage can be formed throughout the wall. To learn more about the process of extracting beacons from the applied plaster, you can see the video.

Holes from under dowels close up, the plaster is applied to the profile and align, focusing on the main surface of the wall.