
How to drill a hole in the glass at home: We disassemble all the options. How to drill glass at home and provide a flat hole

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How to drill a hole in the glass. You may need skill in cutting and drilled windows without accessing specialists. Perhaps you want to independently make a coffee table with a glass countertop. I purchased a new aquarium, and want to make a hole in it for without problem drainage of water. How to drill glass yourself and without damaging it.

So, how to drill a hole in the glass at home, you can with many options, the most famous we describe below.

How to drill a glass thin

In thin sheets, when cutting, it can be easily folded, the holes are made using conventional sand and molten tin, or lead.

In a metal circle, small sizes are melted with a piece of tin or lead. While the metal slowly moves from a solid state into liquid, it is necessary to wet cold water, and then put it carefully in the place of the alleged drilling. In the slide of sand with a thin and long object we make the desired deepening.

In the resulting hole slowly pour hot tin or lead.

After five to ten minutes, the sand around the widged metal gently hits the side. It is necessary to wait five to ten minutes, depending on the amount of metal, after this time, the frozen piece is lightly lifted upwards. Together with him should be the corresponding size of a piece of glass.

Presumably, this method should work, but there are insignificant errors in the form of uneven edges of the hole and chips.

How to drill a glass thick

Thick sheets require attachment of considerable effort. It will not be a loot, as in the previous version. Wisdom will not be, but caution will be required.

So, how to drill glass a piece of glass treated glass on a flat surface, which will definitely not tremble or shake during work. In the place of the upcoming drilling, we apply a label around which with the help of the usual, all the children known, plasticine is not a very tall round side. Inside the created "crater" we pour turpidar, and fill it with the well to the end.

After that, we take a drill or a screwdriver, in which the usual drill is inserted, designed for work with the metal, or what has a sharp tip covered by winning. Insert the end of the drill in the well and start drilling.

It is very important that there are no significant physical strength during drilling and so that the drill worked at the smallest speeds.

How to drill a hole in the glass of any thickness?

The methods described above are distinguished by their unreliability and impracticality. After all, it is very difficult to predict the result from these experiments and not everyone has the opportunity to melting the house of tin or do something similar.

For the same way, how to drill glass: We will need to spend a little spend in a construction store for the purchase of a special napping with a diamond coating. The principle of working with it is very simple: the nozzle is inserted into the screwdriver, which is set on the smallest speed, the glass is placed on a solid surface, the template is stacked on top of the glass, the drilling place is poured cold waterAnd the drilling process itself begins. The template can be made in advance from an unnecessary small size of a piece of glass or wood - this is not fundamentally.

Drill glass just enough if there is special drill. This is a solid alloy drill, sharpened in a special way and coating with diamond dust on the cutting surface. The glass is placed on a solid surface and an electrical or mechanical drill on small revolutions gently drill the hole of the desired diameter.

The pressure on the drill must be small, axial beats are minimal. As with the drilling of the metal, the tip of the drill is preferably cleaned Mineral oil or turpentine.

How to drill glass if there is no special drill? With sufficient skill, you can drill a hole of a small diameter in a glass of carbide drill with a winning tip for concrete. The best for this is the drill with four cutting edges, sharpened under a stupid angle. Wetting the tip, after the initial recess on the glass is formed, be sure to.

All other ways to drill glass at home, known since useful Soviets The "Science and Life" magazine is popular in the USSR are variations on drilling drilling with diamond spraying. For example, if there is no carbide drill, how to drill glass? You can take the usual metal drill, drag its tip under a rather stupid angle (155-160 degrees), handle it to impart the necessary hardness. Pour on the glass in the place where the opening of the wet fine-grained sand is needed and very neatly, without pressure, proceed to drilling. The drill must be raised from time to time and gently sprinkle sand into the resulting hole. Special care is needed at the final stage - a slightly stronger pressure can trigger the crack in the glass.

Hardening drill At home, it is carried out as follows: The tip of the drill is greatly warmed up with a gas burner or on a gas burner, and then cooled in mineral oil or seaside. The drill prepared in this way for the drilling of the metal is no longer suitable, but will be perfectly drilled tile tile. For the same principle, glass is drilled with a copper tube. A tube of such a diameter is selected what a hole is needed, inserted into the drill, a wet small sand is poured into place of drilling, the tube and forward is filled with the same sand. When drilling with a copper tube Also need special caution and accuracy at the final stage. Sand in the tube can be additionally mixed with mineral oil or turpentine.

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The drilling of glass is a process that requires special equipment that is possible without risk only at the factory. Tools help calculate the allowable pressure on the glass, the speed of rotation of the drill and so on.

Even enough thick glass is a fragile material. Independent unprepared drilling of holes can easily destroy it.

Why drill glass generally? This is usually done to install fixtures and fittings, depending on the specifics of a particular product - for decorative purposes or for functional needs, if we are talking, for example, about the windows.

Another important moment - This is the processing of the edges of the holes after drilling. In order for them to be safe, they are annoying (remove the champions at the drilling site). In addition to functional (Zenkovka, it is required to install the fastener of the "flock"), the cenquiries have another purpose - glass protection.

After drilling holes, glass becomes more vulnerable, but the zenkovka will not allow cracks to appear, and the glass will last longer.

The cost of holes of various diameters:

from 70 rubles Diameter up to 8 mm

from 130 rubles Diameter from 8 to 25 mm

from 160 rubles Diameter up to 25 to 37 mm

from 400 rubles Diameter from 37 to 50 mm

The price depends on the thickness of the material, the diameter of the holes and their number per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe product.

Accurate drilling of holes

There are several restrictions:

  • holes should not be too small - not menna glass thickness
  • they should be plane not too close to the edge - the distance from the edge of the product to the edge of the opening of at least the radius of the hole

This is especially important if the product will temper.

The drilling of the glass at the factory is safe, quickly and cheap. Thanks to the established clear work and the presence of everything necessary equipmentThe masters in record rapid deadlines will be treated with glass, drill the desired holes of the required diameter and in the desired quantity.

At the factory, you can drive a drilling in the glass of any thickness in the range from 4 mm to 19 mm and more. In this case, the diameter of the hole itself can be both completely tiny - from 4 mm and more impressive, up to 100 mm.

At home, create such holes, without damaging the glass and without creating cracks on it, it is almost impossible.

During drilling, water cooling is used, which does not allow glass to overheat, is one of the secrets of the absence of a microcrack drilling site. The glass is subjected to minimal stress, the drilling occurs immediately on both sides - this ensures uniform load.

When placing an order, you can specifically specify the purpose of drilling: it can be setting the loop, lock, fasteners, etc. The maximum error when drilling with special equipment can be 1 mm - it is truly jewelry. Any glass, except for the tempered, can be processed. The tempered at any impact immediately crouches the fragments, even subject to the use of better equipment.

One of the fragile materials is glass, to work with which it is necessary very careful. To gently drill a hole in the glass without forming cracks in it, you should adhere to the recommendations, carefully select tools for work.

Special crowns and drills

First of all, you need to purchase special devices. To do this, you will need:

  • Drill with a pointed end.
  • Drilling crowns.

A drill with a pointed end Mainly applies in cases where you need to make a small hole. Copsens can be ordinary or with diamond spraying, which provides smoother drilling. But it is difficult to work with such a product, therefore it is preferable to apply the second option.

To do a large diameter holes apply drilling crowns with diamond spraying. The use of abrasive spraying is allowed, but with such a product, the drilling is not enough high quality. Therefore, it is recommended to use products precisely with diamond spraying, because with such crowns less likely that glass will crack.

Depending on what hole you need to get, you can use the drills of different diameters.

Required tool and equipment

In addition to the drill to work, the equipment will need:

  • Drill.
  • Scotch.
  • Stencil (a dense cardboard or plywood sheet is suitable).
  • Water.
  • Gloves.
  • Protective glasses.

Drillmust be with adjustable speed of rotation. It can be replaced by a screwdriver that is more gentle. You can apply both manual and electrical. The main thing is to be minimal drill bit. It is recommended to use a drill at a speed of 250 - 1000 rpm.

Stencilwe are needed in order to accurately drill a hole. For this, it is pre-drilled by the hole of the desired diameter, and then it is applied to the glass.

Scotchadditionally, protects against small glass fragments. Waterit will be needed to cool the surface that will be drilled. For individual protection of the skin, it is necessary to have gloves, as well as glassesthat protect the skin and eyes from fragments.

Preparation of glass

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the surface on which glass will be drilled. It is best to use a table that is steadily on the floor. It is desirable to be seen with a tight fabric or cardboard so that during the work does not damage its surface. It will also prevent glass from the formation of cracks.

It is impossible to drill glass on the weight, so a smooth surface is used, to which the material will fit tightly.


  • Glass degreases with alcohol.
  • Sleeps soft dry cloth.
  • Located on the prepared surface.
  • Scotch is glued to the alleged place of attachment.
  • Applied stencil with drilled hole.

With the use of the stencil, you can more accurately make the necessary hole. It is necessary to ensure that the distance from the edge of the glass was at least 25 mm, otherwise the product can crack.

There is a second method without using a stencil. It takes the usual plasticineand glued on the glass around the hole for drilling. Plasticine will perform the role of sides. Inside the water is poured, which will cool the glass.

Step-by-step instruction

After the markup is made, the bulk of the work is performed. For this, the drill is preparing, which is tightly inserted into the drill. It is necessary to check that it was well fixed. Then the drill is turned on and on low revs are made to the marked site of drilling. Drill must be kept strictly perpendicular to the glass.

When the recess was approximately 3 mm, it is necessary to stop and drop in it some water. To remove heat from glass that is allocated when drilling, turpentine or kerosene is also used.

Water is necessary for cooling the surface of the glass.

Then continue the drilling also at the minimum speed. You can not press the tool during operation, because the glass is very fragile, and the drill may break if not adhere to these recommendations.

Rules of drilling

So that the glass has not cracked while drilling, you must adhere to several rules:

  • The drill is included with the minimum speed of rotation.
  • Keep the tool at right angles to the glass.
  • Do not apply to a drill.
  • Drill slowly in several goals.
  • After each journal, we keep the recess with water.

You need to drill in several goals not only to avoid overheating of the glass, but also overheating the tool. The drill is also heated, so it needs to be constantly wetted.

When the hole is done, you can remove small roughness, which were formed around it using fine-grained emery paper.

If drill to hold is easily, then cracking can be prevented. In addition, the drill can not be shoved from side to side. It must be held strictly at right angles.

You can familiarize yourself with the method of drilling thick glass. For this purpose, a method in which the hole is made on both sides are applied.

How to make a hole with a large diameter than drill size

If you need to perform a hole with a diameter somewhat large than the diameter of the existing drill than the drill size, you can use the glass cutter. For this, the hole is drilled along the scheme described above. Thereafter:

  • A nail is inserted into the hole.
  • A small rope is attached to the nail.
  • The end of the rope is tied to the glass cutter.
  • Circle is done.

It is necessary to choose a nail to choose the diameter of the hole so that it does not hang out, and stood firmly. The length of the rope, which is attached by one end to the nail, and the other to the glass cutter, you need to calculate so that it is equal to the radius of the desired hole.

After the witching of the circle, glass cutter needs to make neat tapping movements. Due to this circle will come out of the hole. Then the rough edges in the cut scene are processed by sandpaper.

How to be if there is no needed drill

Quite often at hand there are no suitable drill. Therefore, you can use their replacement:

  • Make a tempered drill.
  • Use copper wire.

To do tempered drillit is possible by simple technology: the usual drill is taken, it is clamped with passups and hold the end of the product above the gas burner. When the edge turns, it needs to be instantly dip in the surguck. After a couple of minutes, the drill gets, cleared from the Surguc particles.

To correctly make glass drilling with a tempered drill, you can use the scheme described above. The only difference is the need for constant wetting of the drill so that it does not overheat.

Copper wireit is used if there is no drill at hand. For this wire is clamped into a drill. Then a special solution is prepared from emery powder (it is better to take coarse-grained), camphors, as well as a turpidar in the proportion of 0.5: 1: 2. When everything is ready, the mixture is poured on the glass at the site of drilling, and then the hole is done.

How to make a hole without drilling

If you do not have the desired drill and drill at hand, that is, another way to make a hole in the material. You can use the old method. When you need to have:

  • Sand.
  • Tin (or lead).
  • Any thin and long object (you can take a wooden wand with a pointed end).

Work begins with degreasing glass, which is poured small hill Wet sand. In it there is a slightly funnel. The recess is made to the glass surface. The center of the funnel must coincide with the diameter of the future hole. Then melting a mixture of tin or lead (which is called solder) and poured into a funnel.

Metal vessel and gas burner are used to prepare the solder.

After a few minutes, the sand is cleaned. It gets the frozen metal, at the end of which will be frozen glass. It should be easily separated from the surface. As a result, there is perfectly even through hole in glass.

When drilling glass, the main thing to adhere to the technology of work and properly select the material. To make a high-quality hole in the material without damaging it, it is desirable:

  • It is better to use a drill with diamond spraying.
  • Carefully select the diameter of the drill.
  • Correctly select the working surface: it should be stable.
  • So that the glass does not slide, the table is covered with cloth, cardboard or plywood.
  • Do not drill a calene glass that can burst into small fragments.
  • Do not put pressure on the drill while working.
  • All actions do not rush, constantly wetting the hole with water. This will help to avoid overheating of the material and will prevent the formation of cracks.
  • Work in protective gloves and glasses so that fragments did not get into the skin.
  • Before starting work, it is better to take off holes on an unnecessary piece of glass.

When drilling holes, you do not need to try to make all the work for 1 time. This is a rather laborious process and requires a lot of time.

It often seems that such a fragile material, like glass, can be treated only by the experienced master. But if a beginner with understanding will react to work, it will be slow, calmly, leisurely, then you can perfectly drill a hole in the glass.