
Corrugation for drawing - how to disguise it in the interior? Five ways: how to hide the ventilation pipe in the kitchen.

Conifers in the garden design

Hide the corrugation from drawing in the kitchen in several ways - in a multi-level ceiling of plasterboard, inside upper cabinets, Behind the stretch ceiling or in a plastic box.

None modern kitchen Cannot do without drawing. This device provides high-quality indoor air purification, eliminating it not only from unpleasant odorsFormed during cooking, but also from particles of fat, soot and other contaminants. Setting the drawing requires certain knowledge and a competent approach, while the equipment should not only work properly, but also to fit into the interior, harmonizing with the surrounding details. So before installing the product, you need to think about how to hide so that it does not port appearance premises.

Today Shops household appliances Offer two types of hoods:

  • flowing
  • circulating.

The first option requires the presence of an air duct through which the device will connect to the ventilation shaft with a pipe. Circulation models do not need to be summarized, and operate due to air purification using filters. They have a diverse design, but care is much more difficult than flowing, as they need to be regularly replaced by filters.

Types of pipes

Not always the hole of the air duct is located next to the household appliances. Sometimes its location can even be on the opposite wall from the kitchen headset. This causes a lot of problems when installing an exhaust, and requires the mandatory use of the pipe that will connect the device and ventilation. Pipes differ in each other with materials, form, as well as cross section. From the most popular, plastic and corrugated options can be distinguished.


Plastic pipes consist of separate sections, sleeves and other elements. They can be round or rectangular in cross section. In the round tube, air is subjected to the least resistance, so this option is considered more efficient. Rectangular models are easier to enter in the kitchen interior, they are less visible on the wall than round.

Plastic pipes have a number of positive qualities:

  • Unlike a metal structure, when the hood, the noise from the plastic pipe is not heard.
  • Smooth plastic walls do not accumulate particles of fat and other contaminants, which you can not say about the corrugated version.
  • The air passing through the plastic tube is subjected to the smallest resistance.


This option is considered simpler in the installation. With the installation you can cope on your own, without resorting to the help of the wizard. One end of the corrugation is attached to the hood itself, and the other to the ventilation hole.

Among the advantages of corrugations, the following can be distinguished:

  • The ability to stretch in length for a long distance.
  • Low price compared to other types of pipes.
  • Easy installation.

Decor options

So that the interior of the kitchen looked harmoniously and attractive, all the elements still at the design of the design project should be thought out to the smallest detail. It is impossible to ignore such details as water supply and gas communications, wires, etc. Not exception is the ventilation pipe. Such an unattractive element should be hidden from eyes. It can be done different ways, for example, to use a drywall design, a cabinet of a kitchen headset, plastic box, stretch ceiling, etc.

Loft style interiors can afford not to hide a metal corrugated pipe, but, on the contrary, make an emphasis on it.

Plasterboard design

You can hide the air duct by sowing it with sheets of plasterboard. This design can play not only a functional role, but also decorative, that is, to become a successful element of the interior. If the plasterboard box should not be too high in the interior, then it is possible to decorate it with the same finishing materials as the kitchen walls.

The first stage of work will be the creation of a crate in the size of the pipe. This can be made from a metal box. Then, the crate should be seeded with sheets of drywall and fasten on the wall or ceiling. Such a design can have any shape and size. It looks good together with the suspended multi-level ceiling made of the same plasterboard.

Stretch ceiling

In addition to plasterboard design, the pipe from the drawing can be hidden in the stretch ceiling. This is one of the most inconspicuous options, but there are nuances here.

Do not forget about possible malfunctions that may arise in the operation of the air duct. In this case, it will have to disassemble the ceiling, as it will not be possible to get to the pipe with another way.

This will lead to additional financial costs. And in order to return an attractive appearance to the interior, you will have to turn to a specialist in stretch ceilings.

Plastic box

It is possible to effectively hide the pipe using a plastic box. Such options exist in various design, have a wide selection of forms, colors and decor. Some models can even be equipped with an embedded backlight. But the option with a plastic box is suitable only if the duct hole is located in close proximity to the exhaust.

Wardrobe headset

Embedded kitchen setperfect option for modern interior Kitchen. It is comfortable and functional, besides, one of which is located right above hobmay become good shelter for drawing and pipes.

Typically, the design of this module involves the presence of side panels and rear walls, as well as facades. The internal space of the cabinet is allocated only for exhaust pipes, shelves and other elements are absent. But externally, he does not stand out in any way, and the headset and the interior as a whole looks organically and holistically.

But the hanging cabinet over the cooking panel can also be used for circulating type exhausts. In this case, only the body of the device itself will be hider, only the bottom panel with the control buttons will be visible. Since the pipe in this option is absent, the internal space of the cabinet may have a shelf that will be used for storage of dishes or products.

If there is confidence in own power And at least minimal skills, the setting of the exhaust pipe can be performed independently. In addition, find a suitable step-by-step instructions With photo on the Internet will not be difficult. Otherwise, it is better to contact a specialist, and not be afraid for the quality of the installation, as well as the subsequent work of the hood.

Before mounting the pipe, you must learn some tips:

  • Its diameter should not be less than the size of the ventilation opening.
  • Too long tube, more than three meters, can negatively affect the quality of the drawing.
  • The angle of its bend should not be more than 90 degrees.
  • To protect the pipeline from reverse thrust, it is necessary to use special valves (plastic or film).
  • The smaller the bends of the pipe, the more efficient the work of the hood.

If you comply with all the above installation tips, you can get good resultAt which the extractor will work efficiently and serve for a long time. And in order to hide an unattractive metal or plastic tube from the eye, you can use various methods: from lockers headset, to a plasterboard box. In any case, it is necessary to navigate the kitchen interior and personal preferences.

Flowing extract B. short time Can cope with contaminated air in the kitchen. However, for the successful operation of such a device, connecting to the ventilation network at home is required. You can connect the hood with a corrugated or plastic pipe, but the additional equipment has a negative impact on the appearance of the kitchen room. How to hide a hood and a pipe connecting the device with ventilation, read further.

Possible disguise methods. Their advantages and disadvantages

To close the pipe connecting the hood from the room, you can use in one of the following ways:

  1. hide the pipe under the stretch ceiling or suspended. This method allows you to fully hide the connecting pipes, which is a significant advantage. However, the ceiling level will have to lower the level of work, which will largely reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as call the wizards, as it is impossible to carry out the web of the canvas without special equipment and certain skills;

It is possible to hide ventilation pipes under the tensioning web only with the ceiling height in the room more than 2 m 60 cm.

  1. close the system with a decorative box, which can be made of wood, metal (most often used stainless steel) or plasterboard with subsequent painting or finishing plastic panels. The box can be made and install yourself. This work can be performed even novice masters. To give individuality to it, you can insert additional lamps or LED tape;

  1. install additional lockers of embedded furniture. Additional cabinets can be ordered in a specialized organization or make independently. In addition to the ability to hide the pipes when choosing this method, additional places for storing kitchenware appear;

  1. painting the corrugation pipe into any color corresponding to the decoration finish, and thereby make it a separate interior item. This method is the least expensive and fastest. But it should be noted that the possibility of using paint is available only when finishing the kitchen in the styles of Modern or Haitete.

What is the way to choose? Solve each user independently based on personal preferences.

How to make a box yourself

So, the easiest and most reliable way to hide the hood in the kitchen is the manufacture and installation of the box. Work is performed in several stages:

  • preparation
  • installation.

Preparation for the manufacture of box

In progress preparatory work Need:

  • develop a sketch of the future design and determine its dimensions for counting the required amount of materials;
  • purchase materials for work;
  • prepare tools.

The size of the box design is determined in accordance with the diameter of the exhaust pipe and the distance from the exhaust to the connection site with the ventilation system.

For the manufacture of a box of plasterboard or wood, you will need:

  • metal guides for frame or wooden bars;
  • plasterboard (woodcrew, veneer and other selected materials);
  • finishing materials (wallpaper, paint, decorative panels etc);
  • fasteners (dowels, selflessness, clamps in order to fix the air duct).

From the tools will be required:

  • roulette, construction level, marker;
  • drill and perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • lobzik;
  • a hammer.

Production and installation of the box

Work on the manufacture and removal of drawing into the cabinet is performed in the following order:

  1. marking. On the initial stage It is necessary to determine the location of the guide frame and the locations of their mounting to the wall and the ceiling;
  2. mounting frame frame. The manufacture of the frame begins with the installation of horizontal guides and only after they are installed, you can start the mounting of vertical cuts;

  1. fastening the duct;

To eliminate noise while the exhaust and ventilation network is operating, the space between the connecting pipe and the cable lining can be fill in mineral Vata. or any other insulation.

  1. frame covering selected material;

  1. conducting decorative finishes.

Process independent manufacture Boxes for ventilation from plasterboard are presented on video.

For a similar scheme, you can hide the pipes of water, sewer or in any room.

Pipes in the kitchen look unattractive, especially when there are many of them. They spoil the appearance of the cozy room, and create problems for designers. It is impossible to get rid of the communications necessary for the life, so they have to mask. How to hide the ventilation pipe in the kitchen and hide other internal networks, this article will tell.

Pipes spoil the appearance of the room

How to hide pipes in the kitchen

Water pipe and sewage

Methods that are used to hide such pipes depend on their location.

  • If you need to hide the supply and removal of water, which is used by sanitary devices and household kitchen appliances, the question is solved in several ways. With rare exceptions, plumbing and sewer pipes Put on the floor level. Therefore, such pipelines without problems are hidden inside the Tumba furniture heads.
  • Otherwise it is about the risers. According to project standards, they pass in the toilet or bathroom located near the storage room, but, in no case, not in the kitchen. The only reason, because of which they may turn out to be, is considered to be redeveloped when the kitchen for practical considerations is combined with the storage room. To hide such communications, one method is used - plastic or plasterboard box are built around them.

An example of using ready-made plastic boxes

Replacing old pipes will save from risks associated with unexpected damage to old structures. If this happens, the kitchen will have to be partially repaired. Replacing the box is particularly problematic if they are covered with plasterboard, which, in turn, is covered. decorative tile.

Gas pipes

Again the gas pipe is more complicated by others. The reason is that gas services do not give permission to sew such pipelines into the box, since it is unsafe in high-rise buildings. Even with the slightest leakage, the gas accumulates in a closed space and if even a small spark can explode, causing irreparable destruction and lead to human victims.

Because of such difficult circumstances, you will have to apply fantasy and work hard. Do not violate the prescribed rules of controlling instances will help the following techniques:

  1. Use to mask the bottom of the gas pipeline furniture stands. The upper part can be almost completely hidden with the help of hinged lockers of the same headset. The space between the couches and cabinets is sewn the false panel, which performs the function kitchen Apron. So at the same time, we achieve two goals - functional modern furniture appears and an unsightly gas riser is sewn.

Communications are hidden behind the cabinets and mounted cabinets kitchen furniture

  1. Take advantage of the usual cable channel that is intended for laying electric wires. Although his aesthetic appearance causes disagreement, the task of the disguise it performs immaculately. It is difficult to disagree that the appearance of a white neat box is much more attractive than uneven painted paint pipeline.

Other methods that help carry gas risers in the kitchen are used. Much depends on the fantasy, mastery and material capabilities of the owners of the apartment. The easiest way to decorate is to paint the paint pipe in the tone, which is harmonizing with kitchen walls.

Masking methods of risers

Ventilation channels

When solving the question, how to hide the ventilation pipe in the kitchen in this case, the fact is taken into account that they are placed under the ceiling. Then wisely hide ventilation elements over suspended systems. This is done as follows.

  • If the ventilation profile has a small cross section, it is hidden behind the suspended ceiling of plasterboard or plastic.
  • With a large cross section of the pipeline, it is placed in the box made of the same materials. This technique allows you to maintain the height of the room and break it on the functional zones. The box can be positioned so that its dimensions and position coincide with the kitchen countertop, then to illuminate the working area, place the point illumination into it.
  • If the height of the ceiling or other considerations do not allow suspended ceiling or box, come up with your solution to the problem. Some use ready-made ventilating channels from plastic, which, thanks to cute appearance, harmoniously fit into the situation kitchen space.
  • Sometimes the ventilation pipe is placed along the walls on attached lockers. If such a design is viewed, then complement the furniture with a decorative protrusion. With it, you can finally hide foreign objects from eyes.

Heping risers

Heating system Mounted so that all rooms are heated, and the kitchen is no exception. The question of how to hide heating pipes in the kitchen arises for various reasons. When the heating is running next to the window, it closes with curtains. But kitchen curtains They often differ from classic options characteristic of living room or bedroom. It is fashionable to shadow the blinds of the blinds, and they do not protrude beyond the window opening. Or the pipeline on the wall prevents the furniture as the owner wants it.

Regardless of the reasons why the heating riser is masked, you can only make it in one way - hide in the wall. Conduct the case in practice at the same time and simple, and difficult. In this case, the complete replacement of the old tube from the metal of the new - copper or propylene (other material does not fit). For this, the wall cuts into the wall (the depth and width is 50 mm), in which the new riser is placed. At the same time, some nuances should be taken into account that are associated with welding quality, fastening the connected elements, their thermal insulation, etc. Ends the replacement of the fines cement mortar, putty and wall trim.

The option is not excluded that it helps to solve two tasks at the same time - hide the riser and reduce heat loss through the outer wall. In this case, the wall is trimmed with plasterboard, under which the insulation is hidden with the pipe. If it is a struggle for each centimeter of the useful area, the firmware is made only on one side of the window.

Decorating hanging pipe

On a note! For any method of masking internal networks, remember that fluids or gases pass on them, which, with an emergency, begin to leak. Therefore, the ideal disguise is considered a collapsible design that easily provides access to the pipeline.

You can only disguise the pipes on your own, you only need to apply the received recommendations and personal fantasy. Successes!

Video: An example of masking pipes in the kitchen

Make a kitchen cozy and beautiful seeks every mistress, because she and her family spend a lot of time. Functional furniture, beautiful dishes, stylish decoration The windows are important components of the aesthetic attractiveness of the room. But often the tube does not fit into the overall stylist, providing ventilation of the hood over the stove. What ways can you hide it so that the space remains stylish and beautiful?

Air duct - an integral part of the flow hood - is a flexible corrugated tube with silver metal coating in diameter. Only in some interior styles (loft, high-tech) is acceptable to maintain the appearance of the ventilation pipe unchanged, since it does not spoil it, but, on the contrary, it will emphasize the features of the kitchen. All other options for the decor of the room suggest that the air duct will not be too attractive from the eye. There are several options to hide the pipe.

Installation of plasterboard box around the exhaust ventilation pipe is the simplest and functional way of preserving the aesthetics of the room. As a crate, it is recommended to use a metal box that coincides in size with the diameter of the air duct. Further, the crate is facing drywall sheets throughout the pipe along the wall and ceiling.

When mounting a plasterboard box at the same time, you can equip an additional backlight of the working area, since the design is located at the top of the room. Finish finish Usually serves staining of sheets in color, harmonizing with the overall design of the kitchen interior.

Sometimes this method of hiding the ventilation pipe is combined with the installation of a two-level suspended ceiling.

An interesting solution can be the installation of a multi-level ceiling in the kitchen. In this case, a portion of the pipe passing upstairs is hidden behind the lower edge of the second level located above working areaWhile the remaining ceiling space is higher. This ensures the zoning of the room, and the unsightly externally ventilation pipe remains hidden under the plasterboard design.

Application for this purpose stretch ceiling Creates some problems: in case of problems in the work of the drawing air duct, the ceiling canvas will have to be dismantled, and this is very consumed by time and means an event.

Hide the pipe from the drawing and more simple way. It is enough to install over the exhaust the suspension cabinet, which coincides with styles with kitchen furniture. True, use it for the purpose, as a storage space, no longer succeed: at the bottom and upper parts you will have to cut a hole that coincides with the diameter with the ventilation pipe, and remove the traditional shelves. Nevertheless, the overall interior decor will be preserved, and it is unlikely that someone guess that no spices and fine utensils are stored behind the locker door, but hidden an exhaust air duct.

To fully hide the pipe, passing along the ceiling, you can install mezzanine, which will also perform the "storage" function of the corrugated duct.

Plastic box

The most low-cost and easy way to hide the ventilation pipe is to purchase a rectangular plastic box or a rounded form, which coincides with the diameter and the length of the exhaust duct. Plastic design is attached to the walls and ceiling, reliably hiding the unsightliness of the appearance of the corrugations.

The box can be pure white or have a shade suitable for the entire kitchen interior. If after repair the design of the room is assumed to be changed, then the plastic surface can be painted in the appropriate color.

Strosion of walls and ceiling

Solve the issue of the hidden tube will drastically help the stroke of the walls and the ceiling. This method is suitable for masters having skills to work with a construction tool, and is justified only if repair works are already in the premises.

It is easy to labby the wall and the ceiling, it is impossible to prepare to work: find out whether the electrical wiring is not running in places, take into account the wall thickness, since the depth to which the drawing air duct must be sufficient.

You can hide the ventilation pipe in different ways - dry-mounted plasterboard, plastic box installation, mounting the suspended ceiling, hanging the locker above the exhaust. It remains only to choose the most suitable optionwhich will preserve the harmony and aesthetics of the interior of the kitchen room.

Hood for the kitchen has become an indispensable attribute of each house. The functionality of this device depends on its principle of operation. There are two types of models - circulating and driving on a removal. The first type of devices is distilled by polluted air through the filters returning it back. Flowing mechanisms are better carried out cleaning, because the smoke air and particles are completely removed through the exhaust air ducts.

The extractor will not break the interior of the apartment, if the corrugation is correctly hidden

One hundred percent result of the operation of such an instrument spoils one problem. The snag is that the spacious hall and beautiful kitchen design will ruin the corrugated duct drawing. If you choose a circulation model in which the pipe is absent, the air purification level will be lower. What to do in a situation where it is impossible to remove the air duct? The answer is simple - to disguise the corrugation or close it from foreign eyes.

How to hide the pipe from exhaust equipment

How to hide the pipe from the exhaust if it disrupts the design of the room? If the kitchen is furnished in the style of High-tech - you are lucky. In such design, there is a large number of metal parts, against which the corrugation does not stand out. But what if the style of the room does not imply the presence of such a design element. Owners of kitchens, made in this way, hide the air duct will have difficult and costly methods. Let us consider it more detailed way to remove the pipe from the field of drawing in the kitchen.

Embedded furniture

Using hinged cabinet (High, to the ceiling itself), in which the hood is assembled, you can completely hide the air duct. But for this it will be necessary to break the hole for the pipe directly above the stove, and this does not always allow the layout of the house and the location for the central ventilation.

Built-in wardrobe will help to hide the corrugation

The locker hiding the hood with the air duct is bought in the finished form, but you can perform furniture to order. So you will pick up the dimensions and appearance. Plus this method - you will have a couple of extra shelves right above the stove for the essential items when cooking: salt, spices, matches, etc.

Gypsum Carton

Such a box can be made personally. The principle of installation is the same as in other plasterboard structures:

  1. The exact breakdown and measurements are made on the walls.
  2. Mounted grille. To do this, you need a metal profile and rifle bolts.
  3. Plasterboard sheets are cut under the size of the lattice and are fixed with self-drawing.
  4. Finishing box - the last stage of the installation. Here you are free to do anything - putty with further painting, painting patterns, finishing decorative stone or plating by plinths. Some people shook the box with the same wallpaper as the room is saved. Any option is suitable for this kind of work.

The positive side of this method - the box is performed in the style that suits the design or tastes of the owner: straight, curvilinear, coil form, fesomas, etc. Cook individually. Free the designer inside yourself and do everything you want. The main thing is that the result pleased you.

Some people kill two hares at once, making a suspended ceiling. It can close the nerves of the ceiling and hide the corrugated pipe at the same time. Once having spent, you can make a good repair, and the air duct hidden behind the plasterboard will no longer require additional costs.

The minus of this method is a breakdown of the air duct. In the event of faults in the work of the drawing, a complete check of the exhaust elements will be required, and for such an analysis you will have to remove part of the ceiling.

Circulated with plastic duct air duct - perfect solutionif the extractor is located close to the vent channel, and the pipe does not have large number Flames. The use of this method in other cases worsens air outflow.

The high level of noise insulation of plastic boxes makes this method functional than other ways to mask corrugations.

Plastic box allows you to significantly reduce the noise level from the exhaust

Manufacturers produce products of different colors and sizes, which simplifies the choice. You can pick up a finished box for kitchen of any color and design. The duct disguised in this way looks stylish, so satisfying the most picky designer.

Installation is so simple that is carried out without connecting specialists - connect the installation elements as the designer, and the case is done. Another positive moment - plastic is easy to clean clean water. If the air duct is polluted strongly, calmly use household chemicals, because plastic trumpet Not afraid chemicals. Plastic is easy to paint, which makes it profitable for possible redevelopment or repair in the kitchen - the new style and color of the kitchen will not be a problem.

Designer fashion

There are people who have found a brilliant decision, how to hide the corrugation from the hood in the kitchen. Not best way Something to hide than leaving it in the most prominent place. Designer idea to use the corrugation as an element of decor allows not to hide the pipe at all. Just the opposite - everything is possible that the air duct has paid maximum attention. For this, the pipe is painted with bright colors and becomes a throw. Sometimes corrugations are decorated with objects (decoupage applies).

Furniture visor - original and easy-to-executive solution. The mounted visor is used when the kitchen cabinets do not get to the ceiling. The top of the kitchen furniture is made by the speaker, and the corrugated pipe is laid back to the wall.

Thus, the air duct becomes invisible below. If the pipe transition is visible to the ventilation channel, this place is stained with the color of the wall or cubs with a box of plastic or drywall. The minus of this design - the corrugation will often be washed, because the dust accumulates on this element and the fat and greed are accumulating. No one sees it, but the accumulation of such a number of soot in one place leads to the reproduction of bacteria.

What to choose?

Each methods involves the pros and cons. One method is easier, but not so exquisied than the rest. The other requires labor costs and investment, but the result of the work will be awesome. Weigh all "for" and "against" and choose the method that fits you in design and price. Whatever decision you have taken, the result will please you.