
How to care for the money tree? Money tree: description of the plant, care features.


Home care for money tree: video

The plant that growers and connoisseurs of all beauty love is the money tree. For many centuries, it has been believed that a flower is able to bring wealth and well-being to a home.

Africa is recognized as the native land of the plant. It belongs to the genus Crassula of the Tolstyankovye family, the people call the flower a fat woman or Crassula. Some plant species have leaves that look like coins, so the flower is called money.

A little about the money tree

In nature, Crassula is represented by shrubs and aquatic herbaceous plants... More than 300 subspecies of the money tree are known. Some of them prefer hot climates while others prefer humid environments.

External signs of a fat woman:

  • An uneven, powerful trunk, covered with dense bark, from which branches branch off. Height - 1-2 meters, diameter - up to 3 centimeters.
  • Thick leaves are green or dark green in color. Sometimes they are covered with red spots or surrounded by a dark red border. The size of the leaves is 2 - 3 cm in length and up to 2 cm in width.
  • The crown of the money flower resembles a ball. The plant is thicker if there is one sprout in the container.
  • The root system is weak compared to the overall size of the plant.
  • A fat woman who has reached the age of ten may begin to bloom. Flowers of a white or pinkish hue resemble half-umbrellas. The flowering period is in autumn or winter.

Money tree: home care

The money flower prefers bright rooms with windows facing the sun.

  • V summer period it is recommended to take the fat woman to fresh air.
  • The money tree is unpretentious to temperature and humidity. The temperature is around 26 degrees in summer and 22 in winter.
  • The fat woman is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves, which helps with its lack. Excessive watering is detrimental to the tree. Watering 1-2 times a week.

Flower leaves do not require additional spraying.

Transplant and reproduction of a money flower

It is better to do a plant transplant in the spring.

Reasons for a money flower transplant :

  • the recent purchase of a plant and the need to move it from the shipping container to a suitable soil for it;
  • the need to replace the pot with a larger one;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen situations (damage to an old pot or damage to the soil).

Transplanting requires a pot, drainage, soil and water. The dimensions of the container are not larger than the crown of a tree. If the pot is too large, then the fat woman will not have time to absorb water and rotting of the soil and roots will occur.

  • The drain is placed at the bottom of the pot.
  • Then the soil is poured. For a money tree, one that contains earth and sand is suitable. Or a ready-made land for succulents.
  • After the plant is immersed in the ground, it is watered abundantly. If necessary, add the topsoil to the limit of the root collar.
  • Then the flower is placed in a sunny place and left alone.
  • Spring is considered a suitable period for flower reproduction. The plant can be propagated by cutting off a leaf or part of the stem of Crassula with a thin blade. They are left in the shade for a couple of days and then submerged in water or soil to form a root system.

    Diseases dangerous for the money tree

    Signs indicating that Crassula is sick or under attack by pests:

    • Leaves are falling. Dropping leaves once a year or two is considered the norm. If this happens more often, it is a sign of excess water in the soil.
    • The leaves of the tree were covered with black spots. Sign sunburn... The flower should be rearranged away from direct sunlight.
    • The fat woman dries and fades. A consequence of extreme heat. You should take the flower out into fresh air, but not in the sun.
    • The growth of Crassula has stopped. A plant transplant is required. And it is necessary to examine the roots for pests. After transplanting, periodically feed.
    • The leaves are covered with reddish-brown or yellow dots. The plant overcomes the insect scabbard... To combat it, it is necessary to process each leaf with alcohol or kerosene. Then wipe them with soapy water and water.
    • The flower is covered with yellow spots and cobwebs. Started up in crassula spider mite... Special means should be used: actellic, rogor or neoron.
    • Formations around the base of the trunk, similar to cotton wool. The money tree is hit mealybug... If the flower is not badly damaged, then you can remove these formations with a brush dipped in soapy liquid. If the damage is serious, then the flower is treated with actellik.

    The money tree suits everyone. It does not need special content; minimal attention is enough for it. A healthy plant can decorate any apartment and create a cozy atmosphere. Symbolizing wealth and luxury, it will surely bring prosperity and prosperity to the family.

    The fat woman (crassula) or the money tree has long been popular not only among amateur flower growers, but also to many admirers of various signs and teachings of feng shui. It is known, for example, that the large leaves of the bastard and the height of the crown of the money tree testify to the good financial situation of the owners of the house. In addition, the indoor money tree is considered a source of favorable energy and an element that neutralizes negative emotions.

    In general, the bastard is a rather unpretentious and viable plant, suitable for growing even for a novice florist. But this does not mean that the coveted pot with a plant can be put on the window and only occasionally watered. The money tree must be looked after, as well as for.

    How to care for the money tree


    The fat woman tends to accumulate water reserves in the leaves - this helps her to survive in arid natural conditions in her homeland - in the tropics of Africa. The watering mode can be set by yourself: it is important that the earthen lump does not dry out. Remember that an excess of moisture for a fat woman is more dangerous than a lack of it, especially in the autumn winter period... Excess moisture makes the indoor money tree vulnerable to fungal diseases, as a result of which the leaves of the bastard darken and fall off.

    Seat selection

    The fat woman loves sunlight, but will feel best in a small shade. The indoor money tree periodically needs to be turned to the sunlight in different directions so that the fat woman grows symmetrically. In summer, a fat woman can tolerate extreme heat, but in winter optimum temperature plus 15 degrees for her.

    Top dressing and transplanting

    In the summer, every two to three weeks, the fat woman needs to be fed. The rest of the time, the plant also needs feeding, but not more than once a month. Top dressing is best done immediately after watering, while the soil is still wet. Ready-made fertilizers for cacti and succulents are suitable for feeding. Plant transplantation is usually required every two to three years. As a soil substrate, a special nutrient substrate for cacti is best suited. But you can make a mixture yourself by taking leafy soil, sand and humus in equal proportions.

    The fat woman has a superficial root system, therefore, the pot for planting is selected wide and not very deep, it is best that the diameter of the pot matches the diameter of the crown. A narrow and deep pot can significantly slow down tree growth.

    Formation of the crown and trunk

    The classic shape of the crown and trunk for a fat woman is the shape of a tree. But in order for the fat woman to grow into a lush tree, the crown needs to be formed - pinch the leaves. How to do it correctly? Wait until three or four pairs of leaves grow on the branch and a new bud appears. It needs to be removed - pinched. After a while, two or three new buds will appear at the site of the removed bud - these are new branches. If only one new kidney is formed, it must be pinched again.

    Do I need to shape the trunk of a money tree? The lower leaves growing from the woody trunk do not need to be torn off. These leaves will eventually fall off on their own, and you get a powerful, beautiful trunk.

    The fat woman reproduces well. Even from a leaf it is not difficult to get a new capable plant. Reproduction using cuttings is also not particularly difficult - we tear off or cut off the shoot we like from the tree, dry it a little and put it in a glass of water. Two to three weeks after the roots appear, the cutting can be planted in a pot with prepared soil.

    Diseases and pests

    The fat woman is practically not susceptible to disease, but root system decay can occur from excessive watering.

    At the same time, the trunk becomes soft, the leaves and branches sag, the plant is not stable. To get rid of root rot, carefully remove the plant from the pot, trim the rotten roots, and sprinkle the slices with charcoal.

    From insects - pests, which are very rare, but can also infect the fat woman, chemical preparations help well: "Aktara", "Fitoverm".

    Sometimes pests enter the flower along with the soil, so it is recommended to steam the soil in a water bath or bake it in the oven before planting.

    Fat woman and feng shui

    Due to its round, fleshy leaves and the ability to attract positive energy, the fat woman is called the money tree.

    If you want to have a fat woman, a magic talisman to attract financial well-being, then you will have to raise it yourself. Moreover, the stalk of the bastard must be plucked secretly or purchased a young plant in the store. A store-bought adult money tree will not have the same effect as a small stalk lovingly grown by you.

    It is also very important to correctly position the money tree in the house. The best place for him there will be a southeast direction - this is a zone of wealth in feng shui. Activation of the money tree will enhance the magical effect of attracting financial luck. It can be done as follows: when planting a young plant, bury a coin in a pot. To do this, you can take a special Chinese coin, but Russian ones are also suitable, for example, 5 or 10 metal rubles.

    Another way to activate the money tree: hang three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on the plant - the red ribbon will enhance the effect of the talisman.

    Which of the activation methods to choose is up to you, in principle, you can use two at once.

    From the very beginning, say affectionate words to your pet, do not skimp on compliments. The money tree will surely reciprocate you - it will grow and develop, and you will always have money.

    A fat money tree, subject to simple care rules, lives for a very long time, over the years it becomes stronger and in all its appearance really resembles a real tree with a powerful trunk and a spreading crown. And sometimes, but this happens quite rarely, the fat woman blooms. Then, according to belief, its owner is guaranteed one hundred percent financial success! Having reached the cherished heights, do not forget about your living talisman in the form of a small tree with leaves that look like coins.

    African countries, Central and South America, the lands of Madagascar and other parts of our planet are rich in outlandish flora. There, in the wild, many species of grasses, shrubs and trees grow. which people have transported to places with more severe climates. As a result, special conditions had to be created for their cultivation. This is how houseplants. The money tree has a similar story.

    origin of name

    The leaves of the plant are collected in a basal rosette, they are sessile, without petiole, they are distinguished by a rounded shape, reminiscent of a coin. The leaf plates are covered with a dense skin, and the pulp is inside. It is because of the external leaf structure and the associations arising in the imagination of a person, the plant received several names among the people - a fat woman, a money tree, a fat tree, a tree of happiness, a tree of luck.

    Folk omens

    It is believed that a fat woman growing in a home is capable of attracting prosperity and financial wealth. After all, it is not for nothing that the plant received such a name. For this very reason, many growers grow a money tree, the care of which, it turns out, is quite simple.

    There is an opinion that a rotting sick tree of good luck has the opposite effect. That is, its owner may face failure in business, loss of money. To prevent this from happening, a fat woman growing in a house must always be well-groomed and healthy.

    Sometimes it happens that the money tree, which seemed to be cared for according to all the rules, still withers and even dies. It turns out that it is very sensitive to the psychological atmosphere that prevails in the house. If residents are constantly experiencing stress, discomfort, then the same condition is transmitted to the green pet. Over time, the flower can not only get sick, but also die for no apparent reason.

    Watering the plant

    How to care for the money tree? This question is most often asked by people who decide to start growing a plant. There are some top tips for watering, replanting, feeding, and breeding a fat woman.
    The flower is very sensitive to the presence of moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to know the rules for watering the plant and strictly adhere to the recommendations.

    The money tree flower needs little moisture. In winter, it needs to be watered no more than once a month or completely exclude watering, and in summer, do this once every 2-3 weeks. In addition, the plant does not like to be sprayed. The procedure can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves or cause them to rot. Spraying is recommended only when it is necessary to remove dust and other contaminants. After watering, moisture should never remain in the pot pan. The water must be drained. If the soil in the pot does not dry out, remains damp for a long time, this means that the substrate or container has not been selected correctly. The soil may be too tamped or the pot is too large.

    Lighting conditions

    Too much or too little sunlight- a condition to which everyone immediately responds houseplants... The money tree will actively grow and develop if it is placed in a room with windows facing south.
    But at the same time, it is necessary to protect the fat woman from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned, which will lead to their death. To prevent this from happening, you can use partial shading of the window, thus accustoming the tree of luck to bright light.

    This advice applies more to plants that have green leaves. It is in fat women of this type that, when direct sunlight hits the leaf plates, the latter acquire a dark brown tint or reddish edges appear on them along the edge.

    An exception may be the variegated bastard. This is a species that requires abundant sunlight. It is also believed that for the flowering of the money tree, it is also necessary a large number of light, including direct sunlight.

    Known types of fat women, which feel good on west or east windows. Plants may not be located on the windowsill, but near window openings.

    The north window will not work at all for the lucky tree. After a while, the fat woman will lose its attractiveness - the stems will stretch out, the leaves will become thin. It is even possible for them to fall off.

    Temperature regime

    It is well known that temperature changes are very painful for many indoor plants. The money tree is one of them for whom the change in temperature during the day is only beneficial.

    In winter, the fat woman feels good even at 7-10 degrees Celsius. But optimal temperature regime for its growth and development - 16-18 degrees. At higher winter temperatures, the plant withers, sheds foliage, and loses its decorative effect.

    In the summer, it is best to rearrange the fat woman from the windowsill to the floor, where it is cooler. In summer, the money tree can be placed on the balcony, in the gazebo, in the open-air garden.


    Every florist needs to know how to transplant indoor plants. The money tree is no exception, and it has its own transplant rules.

    As a rule, the tree is transplanted for the first time after purchase in a store. From the transport container, the fat woman must be placed "for permanent residence" - in a suitable flowerpot. But this should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after it appears in the house. This is due to the fact that the money tree must adapt to new conditions, therefore, it is necessary to provide the green pet with a sparing regime, eliminating any negative impact on it.

    A wide, shallow pot is the best container that is suitable for planting a fat woman. In such a "dwelling" the roots of the tree will develop perfectly, delivering the necessary nutrients.

    A young plant requires a pot change after a year. The old money tree is replanted after two years. At the same time, the leaves and roots of the bastard require special care. Her leaves are very fragile, break off easily. The root system is rather weak, its location is superficial. After transplanting, very careful watering is required, since there is a possibility that the fragile roots can be damaged, which will lead to their decay.

    Soil selection

    There are no special requirements for the soil intended for planting the fat woman. Any type can be used. But the provision of drainage is a prerequisite that the plant requires. The money tree, as mentioned above, is sensitive to excess moisture, so a drainage layer in the pot is a must. It can consist of expanded clay, cork or other non-rotting material.

    Top dressing

    Some growers, caring for a money tree, ignore the procedure for feeding them. Experts advise against forgetting about it.

    The fat woman (money tree) requires feeding only during the period of active growth of stems and leaves. This occurs from late spring to mid-summer.
    The agent is applied to the soil no more than once a month. For feeding, use universal or special fertilizers. Those that are designed to fertilize cacti work well.

    Plant propagation

    The money tree flower is very easy to propagate on your own. Planting material can be obtained by separating a part of the stem with leaves from an adult flower. After that, the process needs to be anchored a little, then placed in the soil and covered with a glass or plastic container on top. After a few days, the new plant takes root and begins to develop.

    Similarly, you can root the leaf. It gives aerial roots, so leaf propagation is an even easier way than cutting.

    There are known cases of reproduction of the fat woman by seeds, but this option is rarely used by amateur flower growers.

    Susceptibility to diseases, their signs

    The question of how to care for a money tree should interest every amateur grower. Since the health of the plant depends on the observance of these rules. Although the fat woman is very resistant to diseases, they are still possible.
    The signs by which you can determine the presence of a disease in a flower are as follows:

    • rotten sheet plates;
    • darkened trunk;
    • baldness of the stems;
    • spots of brown or white on the surface of leaves and shoots.

    Causes of plant disease and measures to eliminate them

    Excessive watering can lead to rotten leaves in the fat woman. The money tree falls for the same reason. Darkening of the trunk also occurs from excess moisture. To eliminate the disease, you must stop watering. The fat woman can recover within a few weeks. If this does not happen, then a plant replacement will be required. You can restore it from the handle, having received a new money tree.

    Cases of pet infection with fungi are also known. Brown and whitish spots appear on the leaves and stems of the fat woman. In this case, the home money tree must be treated with a special solution produced by the industry.
    To save a fat woman from diseases, to save her decorative view, it is necessary to carefully monitor the development of the plant and immediately respond to all unwanted changes.

    Money Tree. Bloom

    The structure of the flower of the plant and the color of the petals depends on the type of fat woman. And, it turns out, there are several. Sometimes the flowers are collected in inflorescences or have a single arrangement on the stem. Their color is white, yellowish, pink, rarely red and bluish. In some species, in the process of flowering, the petals change their color.

    Direct sunlight is one of the necessary conditions in order for the money tree to bloom. Leaving, flowering plants are closely related. There are cases when plant breeders could not achieve the appearance of flowers in a fat woman. Some of its species bloom only in nature, this does not happen at home. Most often, the plant pleases its owners in the spring.

    Description of species

    The money tree belongs to the jumbo family, which has about 350 species. Most of them grow in the Southern Hemisphere in Africa and South America.

    Members of the family are very diverse in their own way. appearance, size, growing conditions. For example, some types of bastard grow only a few centimeters, while the shoots of others reach a height of 3-4 meters. These flowers are difficult to grow at home.

    The people are considered to be a fat woman as a tree that brings happiness. But you need to know that its leaves contain a large amount of arsenic and are completely unsuitable for human consumption. They can cause severe poisoning.
    As mentioned, the leaves different types zhiryanka have a different color: dark green, light green with a whitish bloom, gray with a reddish border along the edge of the leaf plate. Fat women with variegated leaves are also quite common. At the base of the leaf plate, white aerial roots are formed, which eventually acquire a brown tint.

    A plant like the bastard could not go unnoticed by lovers of indoor floriculture. Several types of money tree are successfully grown at home. Most often, the fat woman is oval, ovoid, oblique, silvery, medicinal.

    Ovate fatty tissue is sometimes called tree-like. These plants have a lignified trunk, the height of which can reach 1-1.5 meters. Under favorable conditions of detention, these indicators can increase.

    The puffy bastard is a species that is completely different from the usual money tree. It is used as groundcover, since it has shallow roots and a small stem height. For the joint cultivation of a lycopod fat woman in the same container with another plant, they choose such that they are similar in terms of growth.

    Today, artificially bred varieties of the fat woman are known. Some of them are interesting in that they differ in dwarf size, unusual color of leaves, crown shape and other features.

    Among flower growers, especially beginners, unpretentious indoor plants are very popular, which do not require constant attention, but at the same time are able to have a beautiful decorative appearance. One of these flowers is the money tree - caring for it at home is as simple and not complicated as possible, but in return the bush will delight you with a lush green crown and active growth. What is this plant, and how to grow it, we will talk about this in detail today.

    Botanical characteristic

    The money tree represents the family of Crassula and came to us from distant Africa. The hot climate in the homeland of the plant also determines the nature of the succulent: in conditions of high temperature and rare rainfall, it is forced to accumulate moisture in the shoots and leaves in order to provide itself with life-giving power in the intervals between rains. And for this, both shoots and leaf plates simply have to be thick and fleshy.

    The money tree has other names, among them: Crassula, dollar or monkey tree.

    A fat woman or a money tree can have an extremely varied shape. There are both tiny specimens a few centimeters in height and real trees up to 4 m in height. The main group of crassula is perennials, but annual species also occur in nature. Most plants have succulent shoots and the same structure of leaf plates, colored green with a blue, yellow or red tint and a matte bloom. In tree-like specimens, the trunks are lignified, but both groups are characterized by thickened powerful shoots, while the central trunk becomes covered with grayish bark over time.

    The bush has good branching ability and over time builds up a lush, rounded crown, but the root system is surprisingly small. Under the soil layer, short roots are hidden and often they simply do not support the total weight of the plant, and it collapses, especially if planted in too loose soil.

    The plant is called the money tree due to the shape of the leaves in some species - they look like round coins.

    The lush crown of the fat woman is very decorative in itself, but when bunches of white semi-umbellate inflorescences bloom on it, the flowering money tree becomes a decoration of the house.
    It is a pity that it is rarely possible to see such an unsurpassed sight, especially at home. And in nature, plants bloom only at the 11th year of life with the arrival of autumn or before winter.

    Popular types

    The genus Crassula is very numerous and includes up to 5 hundred succulents. Among them there are both crops growing in the form of a tree, and creeping plants, and even moisture-loving species who prefer to live in aquarium conditions. As indoor flower most often a tree-like bastard is grown - a lush, well-branched, bush with thick bare shoots and fleshy flat leaves in the shape of an egg. Leaves can be covered with a matte bloom or have a bluish tint.

    As home flower crops, there are also such varieties of the money tree, the photo of which is presented in the description:

    Landing features

    In order for the bush to actively build up the aboveground part, you need to know how to plant a money tree correctly, as well as what kind of land and pot it needs to pick up. The choice of the pot is due to the characteristics of the root system and the plant itself.
    Light plastic containers are not suitable for this flower, since the mass of the aerial part is several times greater than the "power" of the roots. The flowerpot must be quite heavy and stable, otherwise, under the weight of Crassula, it will turn over or the flower will be torn out by the roots.

    Preference should be given to wide bowls - in deep "cauldrons" the root will also go deep, as a result of which the trunk will stretch out and weaken.

    Particular attention should be paid to the choice of soil, giving preference to a moisture- and air-permeable substrate with a rather "heavy" structure, because a loose soil mixture will not be able to keep an adult specimen in an upright position. Most the best option there will be a purchased mixture for succulents or an equivalent ratio of such components:

    • sod land;
    • leafy land;
    • sand.

    To grow a large bush, the bastard should be planted one at a time.

    Every 2-3 years, the growing plant must be transplanted by the transshipment method, changing the flowerpot and the ground. It is imperative to lay drainage at the bottom of the container, and if very long roots have grown in the fat woman during this time, they can be cut.

    Growing conditions

    Caring for a money tree at home initially consists in creating conditions for the flower that are as close as possible to the natural growing environment of the plant. These include:

    1. Lighting. So that the bush does not stretch out, and its shoots do not fall, it is necessary to put the pot on the southeast windowsill. There will be enough light for the fat woman, and direct rays will not be able to damage it. South windows in summer time it is better to avoid, because the foliage can fade and fall from the excess of the sun, but in winter this is the most suitable place.
    2. Air temperature. For the summer, it will be nice to take the flowerpot out to the summer veranda - the money tree flower is very fond of fresh air. With the arrival of winter, the plant should choose a cool room with a temperature of no higher than 15 degrees Celsius. When wintering in a warmer room, the bush will not disappear, but partially shed its leaves.
    3. Air humidity. How tropical plant fat woman does not need high humidity and feels good in dry air. To remove dust, the leaves can either be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge.

    The money tree is a flower with a character that requires consistency. He is able to grow in almost any conditions, but he cannot stand permutations.

    Watering and feeding mode

    It is not difficult to grow a money tree at home, and caring for it, first of all, consists in observing the watering regime. Like all succulents, the flower is very sensitive to water stagnation in the soil, so it is important to avoid overflow. The consequences of missed moisture will be less deplorable: the leaves will soften, the twigs will sag, but after watering everything will rise together. But if the bush is regularly poured, it will simply rot.

    Depending on the season, the frequency of watering also fluctuates:

    • in spring, abundant soil moisture is enough for the flower once a week;
    • in summer, when it is hot, you will need more frequent watering - up to 2 times a week;
    • in winter, especially when the fatty is kept cool, it should be watered no more than once every three weeks.

    Water the money tree at home cold water it is impossible, otherwise it will throw off the foliage.

    As for dressings, all the nutrients necessary for the flower are contained in (in liquid form). Again, you do not need to overdo it: the maximum amount of dressings falls in the summer (twice a month), in spring and autumn they are halved, and in winter they are completely canceled.

    It is necessary to fertilize the fat woman on damp ground (after watering), in half the concentration indicated on the package.

    How to form a lush crown?

    The money tree itself branches well, but with the help of pruning, you can make the bush even more branched and rounded. It is necessary to start from "childhood", when a young plant reaches no more than 20 cm in height.

    Using scissors or just nails, you need to remove the topmost leaves. Very soon, new shoots form in this place. In the future, this procedure is carried out on all branches that grow straight and are in no hurry to branch, giving the bush the desired shape.

    Reproduction methods

    At home, the money tree is most often propagated by cuttings or leaves. They are rooted in water with further transplantation into a nutritious soil mixture or immediately in the ground.

    Those who like to experiment can try to propagate a fat woman seedling method... For this, the seeds are sown in a mixture of sand and earth in proportions 1: 2 and kept under glass until germination in a bright place. The grown seedlings dive into small pots.

    Flower as a healer

    Everyone has heard about the magical power of Crassula to attract wealth and success to the owner, but besides this, the money tree has medicinal properties... First of all, it cleans the air well from harmful substances, acting as a filter. In addition, junk juice:

    • wipe arthritic joints;
    • gargle with sore throat or sore gums;
    • make lotions for cuts, bruises, or wounds.

    The medicinal use of the money tree is exclusively external in nature. It is impossible to ingest juice or medicines prepared on the basis of leaves or shoots inside, since they contain arsenic in a concentration that is dangerous to humans.

    Problematic moments when growing Crassula

    In general, the fat woman is a flower with good immunity and more rarely, but unpleasant situations still happen to her. Most of them are associated with improper care and most often it is the falling of leaves from the money tree. If you notice that fallen leaves lie under the bush on the windowsill every day, the cause of the fall should be looked for in the following:

    • draft;
    • watering with cold water;
    • missed or poor watering;
    • the room temperature is too high.

    With an excess of moisture, the roots and trunk of the plant rot.

    Crassula pests can be attacked by:

    In general, caring for a money tree at home does not contain difficulties. If you have a desire and a little free time, you can grow from a small leaf in a short time lush bush, and with special luck - even to see its gentle flowering.

    Caring for the money tree in winter - video