
Church wine. How did Koror come in Russia? Kahors: the story of one transformation of church wine origins

Secrets for harvesting and storage

In indispensable attributes of Light Easter are not only painted eggs and cake, but also wine, symbolizing the blood of Christ. However, it is not all wines to sanctify in the church, but only Koror. This is the only alcoholic beverage that priests are used in religious rites. It can be drunk and during the Great Post. True, only on weekends and very temperate doses.

The Russian Orthodox Church uses the Cahors for the sacrament of communion. Fastened wine is also used in the sacrament of the Eucharist - a rite that helps the believer connect with God. After a forty-day post, the Christians fell in bread and wine, symbolizing the body and blood of Christ as an act of mutual sacrificial love.

There are many versions of why this precise version of wine began to use for religious rites.

So, according to the rules described in the Izvestia of the teacher, which was first printed in 1699, the Church should use for the communion only a non-chosen vine. The color of the drink is not specified, however, it is believed that, since during the Holy Communion, the blood symbolizes the blood of Christ, the rich red shade of the kagora is more suitable for this purpose.

In addition, the church wine should not be water, herbs and sugar extracts. Such a drink is very strong, so it is diluted with water in the church.

How did Koror come in Russia?

The word "Cahors" itself came to Russian from France. There, the fault of this variety is called the sound of the word "Cahors".

For the first time, Koror is mentioned in the chronicles of the XIII century. The birthplace of a rich red beverage with tart, France is considered sweetish taste. According to the chronicles, the Koror began to produce the lot on the right bank of the River, where rare varieties of grapes are grown, of which the most delicious, and therefore are expensive wines. However, it should be noted that the recipe for the church kagora differs significantly from French.

But how wine began to produce in Russia, it is unknown so far. On the territory of the Russian Empire, the winemaking was not engaged up to the XVII century. According to one version, the production was decided to establish because the supply of wines from Greece, Italy and France for religious rites did the treasury very expensive. On the other, the winemaking in Russia began to be engaged in the decree of Peter I - the famous connoisseur of the whole overseas. The choice toward the fastened wine could fall and because it is one of the few drinks that could withstand long-term transportation without losing his taste.

Since it was impossible to repeat European technology, the recipe for the Kagora produced in the southern territories of the country was different from the original. In the Russian Empire, the fortified wine was made from Cabernet and Saperav grape varieties. This was added to him an unusual sweet taste and aroma. black currantand sometimes chocolate.

How do CAGOR?

Koror refers to the types of fortified dessert red wine. In Russia, in addition to the domestic, you can find Kahors from Azerbaijan, Moldova and Abkhazia.

Modern Korgers produce not only from Cabernet-Sauvignon and Saperavi grapes, but also Moorlake, and Malbek. There are only berries with sugar content not lower than 22-25% for recycling. Special attention is paid to their processing, since the color of the beverage depends on the selected method - one of its main characteristics.

The technologies for the production of dessert wines are different - each manufacturer has their own secret. For example, in the manufacture of the Abkhaz Kagora, named after the ancient monastery "New Athos", grapes are crushed and the resulting mezuge is heated to a temperature of 55-60 ° C for 10-24 hours.

This heat treatment contributes to a more complete transition from the mezgi into wort of tanning, coloring and other extractive substances, due to which the wine acquires intensive color, a noble bouquet and a full velvety tart taste, in which the tones of prunes and other fruits are particularly distinguished.

In the Crimea, another technology is in the process of manufacture of wine to the heated crushed grape mass add grape brandy, after which the drink is withstanding until complete readiness.

Korvor has always been considered a special drink with therapeutic properties.

Diseases under which Lekari discharged Cahors, innumerable. Most often, the korger saw heated with colds and disadvantages, added to enhance the properties healing herbs And natural honey. There is information that the knowledgeable world of this was used by Kororom: for example, Peter I treated them their sick stomach.

Of course, the use of the kagora is not limited to the church challenges. This dessert wine is served to fruits and confectionery, sweet dishes, also korvor perfectly combined with hearts and spicy vegetable and meat dishes. For some big events, Kahvo does not fit, as they drink it a little and small sips, thinking about the eternal.

Place of Cagora in Orthodoxy

The Bible says that Jesus Christ himself compared himself with a grape vines, and a father's god - with a grape, which carries out of trees, cutting off barren branches. The transformation of water in wine is the first miracle committed by Jesus Christ during a marriage fever in the city of Cana, near Nazareth.

"I am a true grape vine, and my father is - grapework; All I have a branch that does not bring the fetus, it cuts off; And every, bringing the fruit, cleans the fetus more, "- it is stated in the Gospel of John.

Koror is, perhaps, the only representative of the group of typical classic wines, made by order, which was made by the Russian Orthodox Church in order to commit a redemptionful victim of Jesus Christ the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Thanksgiving).

With his name, he must be the French city of Koror, located near the Pyreneev, in the vicinity of which the intensively painted grape varieties - Saperavi, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Mattress, Bastardo, Merlot, etc. Such a responsible order could only be charged with experienced winemakers familiar with production technology Red wines. As for the variety and quality of wine used in worship, then this is said in the "news of the teacher" - "Wine vine should be used to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist, as the Savior himself committed the fault on this. The grape wine must be red for the appearance of the anti-the Savior's prenemic blood for sensual explosions, especially since the Savior's undoubtedly by the Savior at the Last Savior Evening, which was generally used in Palestine. And the Holy Church of Correspondence used in the sacrament of the Eucharist Red Grape Wine. "

Ancient Russia, without having his vineyards, did not establish a clear taste for the guilt. Our ancestors liked the wine more sweet, like other chopped drinks containing sugar (honey, beer), therefore, and the church wine ordered church wine had a traditional taste - sweet.

The history of Russian church wines originates in the XVII century. In the first years of dissemination of Christianity in Russia, church wine was imported from Greece priests - Greeks, and then Italian wines were used for this purpose. Stalloat Cathedral 1551 admitted use in monasteries only Fryazhsky wine (Russian chronicles called the Italians called fryajami). In the future, wine was purchased by the Russian Church in Mozoan, Makarev and Novgorod fairs from foreign merchants. And only at the beginning of the 18th century, Persian merchants brought the Transcaucasian vines into Astrakhan and transferred them to a local monk for landing near the monastery. The harvest of these loses gave the first church wine in Russia. In 1613, the command of the king Mikhail Fedorovich, the monk was instructed to supply wine for the church table and in 1658 the Voevod Romadanovsky sent 41 barrel of church wines to Moscow. From the royal diploma of January 17, 1659, in the name of the Astrakhan governor Prince Dmitry Lviv and Nikifora Beclemenev, it is known that Pasyunos Padavin, who was ordered to prepare exclusively church wine. The governors were obliged to ensure that Russian people who are given in training are somewhat "skill" in the cooking of church wines and could do good wine without a masters.

The wine produced came to the cathedrals, monasteries and churches only from the maintenance of Saint Synod, which received this right in 1733. At this time, Volosiest and Moldovan wines were used as church fault. These wines produced in the wine-growing areas of Russia were dry. In the rest of the regions, imported overseas wines were used. Countries of manufacturers were chosen to send wines fastened, which better tolerated long-term marine transportation. In the XVII-XIX centuries, the types of koror from France and Benycaro were such as the wines from Spain.

By the end of the XIX century, the presentation of church fault was as sweet, moderately - strong, intense - red and without impurities. Crimean wines answered the greatest extent of Russian church wines. In Crimea, the owner of famous Gurzuf Gardonin gardens was initiated in Crimea. By this time, dessert wines like Kororus spread throughout Russia as church. At the same time, red dry wines are used by the Church.

Church wine on the basis of the decision of the Moscow Congress of Wine Trades and winemakers from 1902 "is distinguished from the entire mass of wines consumed in Russia, in a completely separate group to be managed by the spiritual department and may be a church-heading sweet and church-heading dry."

The big need for church fault, which was spent not only for the needs of the Church, but also for wedding celebrations, named, alert, as well as during diseases, as the people attributed healing properties to him, led to his unthinkable falsification. Artificial wines of this type were made in Moscow, Rostov, Odessa, Nizhny Novgorod from water, blueberry, bread alcohol, beet sugar, molasses, prunes, and often with the addition of sugar, aniline dye, salicylic acid. At the same time, the canons of the Orthodox Church were prescribed that "the wine is not the essence, and all the juices from various vegetables and berries are sources, this apple, pear, cherry, crisp, crimson and other sim these ...", "except this, It should not have a sour, sharply, not molded, did not start and did not be frozo. "

Metropolitan Stavropol and Baku Gideon notes that "good church wine ... Very and very necessary, but only good. The church sees and patients and infants and dying and bad if the wine is poor quality, sour, unpleasant taste. Sin, temptation and complaints. "

Cases of falsification of both foreign and domestic wines are celebrated in the XVII century. The new-selling charter of 1667 established the need to comply with the quality of church fault "... Church (wine) to import good, without a submersion, for church cons ..." Even a number of royal decrees were issued about the quality of church wines and measures to prevent their fakes. Decree of 1683 gave the right to a duty-free import of wine from abroad, and another decree set a ruble duty. In both cases, the punishment for falsifying wine was particularly determined.

As a result of perennial discussions concluded that the best option The fight against this evil will serve to ensure proper control from the church, starting with the process of grape processing and ending with bottling of finished wine.

The history of church wines is made in our time. In the agrofirm "South" on Taman made wine Church, consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexia II, which became a laureate of many international competitions, received recognition and blessing of wine Grace. That's what the creators write Grace Metropolitan Stavropol and Baku Gideon: "The unique church wine grace ... fully corresponds to those strict requirements that are presented to the guilt used in worship, especially in the sacrament of the Eucharist ... the product called you Grace Yes, it is highlighted by the grace of the All-Russia Spirit and will be all the children in the health of the soul and bodies.

It should be noted that the concepts of "Cahors" and "Church Wine" are not synonymous. Church wine can be represented only by Kororo or Benicaro, as well as their mixture. However, not every korger can be used as church fault. For example, an old high-quality koror, in the color of which bulbous brick tones prevailed, with a three-time dilution with water will not be able to respond to this indicator the requirement of church wines.

Thus, the koror, originally made as church wine further expanded its value, becoming the founder of a special group of wines. Kagoras include highly extractive sweet wines with intense red color, manifesting in taste. Black-core, cherry-thunder and other specific tones due to grape varieties and technology.

Irina Kamshilina

Prepare for someone much more pleasant than for yourself))


One of the popular alcoholic beverages is the koror, which is for most residents of the former Soviet Union Means its local, domestic wine. In reality, the name of this drink occurred from the French provincial town of Cahors (Kaor), which is located in the south-west of the country. This type of wine is popular not only due to its taste, but also a number of positive properties for the body.

Types and varieties of wine

Under the kororon is meant two absolutely different types Wines. If you are gourmet of this alcoholic beverage, then must be able to distinguish its varieties:

  • Koror or, more correctly, Kaor - in the West, this is a red dry wine of French origin, which is produced in the vicinity of the cavos in the valley of the Lo River. This variety is no less than 70% composed of Malbec grapes, and the remaining 30% falls on the share of Tannat varieties, Merlot. Vineyards grow on terraces on the banks of the River Lo, as well as on the surrounding hills. Kator is distinguished by dark color, so before it was called "black wine". Foreign grade is still decorated with tables of the best restaurants in the world.
  • What is Koror in Russia? In the post-Soviet space under Koror, the fastened dessert wine of dark red color is meant, which is produced in any country by thermal processing. To do this, the grapes of the Caberne-Sauvignon variety. When cooking wort and mezga heated to a temperature of 65-80 degrees, after which the wort is being fermented, and the finished products are withstanding at least 2-3 years. This type of drink is produced in Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova. It contains 16% sugar, 16% alcohol.


On the territory of today's region of Kersie, where the city of Kaor is located, the production of wine was engaged in times Ancient Rome. For all those century that there is a wine-making in this region, the share of Kagora fell a large number of Tests: He knew and fall, and ups. At one time, this region supplied the products to the Royal Yard, but there were periods when he was completely oblivious.

Nature was also different to Kaoru, because nature was different, because Twice for history, she completely destroyed the vineyards: at the end of the XIX century, the vines died due to the invasion of Filloxers, and in the middle of the last century - from unprecedented frosts. In the Middle Ages, Kahors competed with Bordeaux wines, incl. And abroad: in England "Black Wine" was supplied along with the claret. The British, who actively imported him by many centuries, included this variety of wines even in the diet of the officers of the Royal Fleet.

It is believed that among fans of such wine were King Francis I (1494-1547), Pope John XII (1244-1334). Due to the fact that in February 1956, the region where the town of Kaor is amazed by strong frosts, Malbeck grape variety has become even more dominant in it. At this time, in the Caore, the vineyards occupy about 4.2 thousand hectares of the Earth - the landing density is at least 4000 vines per hectare.

The appearance of wine in Russia

Wine Koror in Russia is traditionally used in the sacrament of the Eucharist, i.e. Holy Communion. When his wine in Russia has not yet been produced, imported this alcohol products, incl. And for religious purposes, from Italy, Greece. In the future, the sacred synod recognized Koror in 1733 single winewhich can be used for church needs.

According to one of the versions, Peter I, suffering from the disease of the stomach, began to drink Kaor at the insistence of doctors. It is believed that the high opinion of the Russian emperor about this drink and influenced the XVIII-century for the decision of the clergy to import this variety for church needs. Another reason why this graduate of Russia began to use this variety of drinks: the wine was diluted with water (and today this procedure is performed), but even after that, the drink retained its rich taste, aroma, color - it was thick, extractive.

The official requirements for Russian church wine were sweet, no, and there was no dry variety until the end of the XIX century were used in Orthodox churches along with desserts. In the XVIII century, Russian priests began to order Kaor in France, but why they asked him to do it sweetly, still unknown. Traditional kagoras remain, as well as several centuries ago, dry drinks - on French standards, only 2 grams of sugar per liter are allowed.

The development of its own production of this alcoholic beverages in Russia began approximately at the end of the XIX century, the more carriage is a matter of expensive. The initiator was the Moscow industrialist P.I. Gubonin, which landed extensive vineyards in his estate in Gurzuf. He was supported by other enthusiasts of domestic winemaking, among whom was even Prince L.S. Golitsyn. At that time, a special technology was developed. Due to this, such sweet fastened varieties appeared as "Cathedral", "Easter", "South Coast", etc.

What do koror

The drink refers to the category of dessert red varieties, which differ in dark ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, softness and thin cocoa chocolate tones in a bouquet and taste. Produce it in many wine-growing regions of states former USSR. The main feature of the preparation of this wine is thermal processing. Grapes, which is used as a raw material for drink, begin to be assembled when the sugar content in it reaches 220 g / dm3 (22%). According to the variety of grapes, domestic and French drinks have nothing to do.

In France

A foreign version of the drink, which is dry French wine, is made mainly of Malbek grapes. A smaller share is formed by Tannat varieties, Merlot. Vineyards of this region spread out on the territory of the Lot Valley, on the limestone plateau. Thanks climatic features Cairo juice from berries is particularly concentrated. In 1971, local vineyards were able to receive status (classification) AOP (Appellization D "Origine Protegee) - Wine with a protected geographical indication. At the same time, pink, white wines from the cavaround are not called Kororozh.

Church Wine

The drink that has been widespread in Russia is a fortified wine with pronounced taste and bright color. For the production of church beverage, such grape varieties are used as Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi, moratistle and some others - and Malbek should not be in the composition. The choice is based on the degree of sugar, which should be about 22-25%. For domestic products, a relatively high alcohol content (11-16.5%), sugar (160-193 g / l) is characterized.

Production technology

To prepare a red dessert wine, grape varieties (Saperavi, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cache, Mattress, Merlot) are used, which, with complete physiological maturity, can accumulate at least 450 mg / dm3 anthoxians of the process. For processing, grapes are used, the sugar content of which is 22-25% and more. The crushing of raw materials are carried out in hard mechanical mode with the obligatory branch of the ridges - often on centrifugal crushers.

The resulting crushing mezdu is treated with one of several methods, different from each other, the depth of exposure. The purpose of processing is to extract the maximum amount of extractive and coloring substances from solid elements of the berries. The winemakers use wide distribution of the following ways:

  • The mezu is sulphitated, transfusion into the aggregates like the syropdic boilers, after which it is perfectly mixed and heated until 100-110 ° C is heated. Next, the resulting consistency is boiled 5-10 minutes and stirred intensively. Then the MEZU is cooled and the compartment of the press fractions and the Sumlome-Sumbeck are performed. In some cases, the mezu can alopulate or fissure and then alopulate.
  • The mezu is sulphised in accordance with the calculation of 100-150 mg / dm3, after which heated to 55-60 ° C with multiple stirring. It is then withstanding 1,5-2 hours, not forgetting to stir for excluding local overheating, and leave in the "self-forming" mode to a temperature of 25 ° C. Sumlo samothek is selected, and the glass mezdu is pressed. In this case, the method of worsty-samothek is combined with the first press fraction and subjected to fiction with further alcohol to 16-17% vol. This method is used for the most part for the preparation of ordinary kagors.
  • Grapes for the preparation of alcoholic beverages are divided into two streams. The first consists of high-solid varieties of berries, including low-value (for example, doves), the ezu is subjected to heat treatment according to one of the known modes. As for the second stream of berries, it includes high-quality red varieties, processed according to the scheme, which provides for the faming of mezgi, its spirit and insisting. Next, the wine materials are mixed with each other with respect to 1: 1, subjected to an ordinary processing method. The described technology is more complies with the requirements of the production of church wines.

Taste characteristics and properties of dessert wine

Drinks Kahors are very tasty, but they need to trust correctly - try them to see them to feel the presence in the sky. Once they were considered tough, but today they hide many people. From other southwestern France's western France, this drink is distinguished by freshness and some vigor. Young wines have a rich color, which sometimes happens almost black. A complex and rich aroma of products is developing with time.

Mostly the color of wine is pomegranate, ruby-red, scarlet. During excerpt, this product begins to acquire brick and bulbous tones. The thick and dark red product has a tart taste and many notches, such as almonds, prunes, chocolate. Read more about taste Tones:

  • Cherry. Sometimes combines with some other flavors of berries, but over time it can develop in a creamy taste.
  • Liquorice. More than just fragrance, this bitter-sweet taste in the mouth something resembles lacquer wands.
  • Violet. It is considered a sign of a healthy grape and good terror. Often confused with black currant, because Very close to her.
  • Menthol. Fresh notice that gives the palette ease. If it is feeling right away, over time, this note may bring eucalyptus or anise to taste.
  • Truffle. It is considered a sign of products that is at the peak of taste, after 10 or more years of exposure. The fragrance is often associated with notes of root, mushrooms.

Chemical composition

Sweet red drink has in its composition not only vitamins (B, PP) and organic acids, but also tannins, bioflavonoids, amino acids, rubidium, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, sodium. Resveratrol, also included in this alcohol, has a property to destroy bacteria and mushrooms, protect against UV radiation. In addition, this substance has an antitumor effect. In the drink he moves from seeds and peel. Monks of France of the Middle Ages, though they did not know about the existence of such a substance, but beneficial features Local Kagora they were well known.

The composition has both calcium, potassium, magnesium, which are macroelements, i.e. basic " building materials»Organism. Iron, despite all expectations, this product has not so much, but it does not reduce its benefits for blood. The composition concentrates natural sugars, i.e. Glucose and fructose, without which the restoration after a long disease will be incomplete and not so effective as I would like.

What is useful to kahors

Wine is a source of antioxidants that protect cells and prevent age-related brain changes. This drink promotes longevity, like any other products containing polyphenol compounds. Wine antioxidants contribute to improved blood circulation, have a tonic effect and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Other advantages of Kagora:

  • Improves muscle performance, cardiovascular system. Cubilants that give products red, and procyanidines reduce the risk of stroke and develop heart disease. Resveratrol contributes to the dissolution of blood thickeners, which prevents ischemia. Moderate consumption of this red wine can reduce the risk of stroke to 50%.
  • Acids that are contained in red grapes are able to delay the growth of fat cells (which is important during obesity), due to which there is some weight loss.
  • Quercetin is able to kill some species cancer cells, For example, with a malignant tumor or lesion of the colon. Antioxidants of grapes can protect smokers from lung cancer. The use of red wine can be recommended for preventing prostate cancer.
  • It is capable of stopping the accelerated growth of blood vessels in organs of vision and prevent their degeneration.
  • Helps reduce the risk of depression, because There is an intensification of the response of the body to stress.
  • It may remove radionuclides, so it is widely used in the treatment of people who suffered from radiation irradiation.
  • Helps with anemia, avitaminosis (may even cure).
  • It can improve the results of drug treatment acne.
  • When used together with fish in the body, the level of useful omega-3 fatty acids increases.
  • Strengthens gums.
  • It has antiviral properties, due to which the risk of disease is reduced during epidemics.
  • It helps to improve digestion, accelerating metabolic processes, healing gastric ulcers.
  • It can facilitate the state in the existing diseases of the joints.
  • Well contributes to the restoration of bone tissue, liver cells.
  • It has a positive effect in Alzheimer's disease.
  • Helps with hypotension. The use of a certain amount of product in the morning improves blood pressure testimony and helps forget about dizziness, drowsiness, weakness.
  • Hot wine treat bronchitis, ORZ, inflammation of the lungs.

High-quality drink at the expense of their healing properties Slows aging. The value of the drink also is that it serves as the prevention of thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and some other diseases of the vessels. It is shown and people suffering from excessive cholesterol concentration in the blood. Scientists from France 10 years have watched oncoboles, trying to figure out the influence of wine on their body. The results were struck, because Mortality among people suffering from cancer, with daily use of 300-400 g of this product, reduced the mortality rate by 30%.


Red wines, among which there are also relatively cheap products, are considered an effective product to increase hemoglobin. In medicine, this alcohol is used for treatment not by glasses, but by certain dosages. Doctors advise to consume about 3-4 tablespoons - daily rate. To drink on the night the red drink is not necessary, otherwise it has a negative impact on health, because Can provoke a headache. To increase hemoglobin, you can drink 50 g of alcohol in the morning on an empty stomach or before you sit down, then getting it with nuts (4-5 pieces) and an apple (1 or 1/2).

To strengthen immunity

Red wine is a powerful healing agent to strengthen immunity, which enriches the body with the necessary trace elements, vitamins. For this purpose in folk medicine This recipe is used:

  1. In equal amounts, it is necessary to mix freshly prepared beet juice, carrots, garlic, black radish and lemon.
  2. Next, 250 ml of liquid honey and a kagora will be required to pour into the mixture.
  3. Ready Pour the glass container and sent to the refrigerator.
  4. Drink a kind of tincture is needed daily at 25 g 3 times for 27-29 days.
  5. It is recommended to conduct 3 courses of therapy with 35 days breaks.

Prevention atherosclerosis

As therapy and the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is finely scatter 1 kg of walnuts, after which, together with a shell, pour a bottle of red wine. Hold the mixture for 23 days in a darkened dry place. Drink a few sips in the morning until the end of the medicinal composition. Nuts can be replaced large head Garlic, pre-crushed. This method is recommended for people aged 38 years and older.

To remove radionuclides and protect the body from free radicals

A sweet red alcoholic beverage contributes to the removal of radionuclides from the body due to such a rare trace element as Rubidium. Organic compoundsRelated to the flavonoid class and contained in this product are capable of neutralizing free radicals. Due to this, the processes of aging the body begin to slow down.

Application in folk medicine

The people of Cahors have long been considered the elixir of youth, because With competent use, it is favorably affected by health. It is useful and to people suffering from excess weight, because Accelerates metabolism. Red wine together with several other ingredients is used with nervous and physical exhaustion, decline of forces, colds, pneumonia and other health problems.

With honey and radish with anemia

To improve blood formation and cure anemia (i.e., anemia) of any severity, you can resort to a mixture of the car with raisins, chocolate, radish. Preparation steps:

  1. grind the polonaogram of the root, dried fruits with a meat grinder.
  2. add 520 ml of liquid honey - it should be warm.
  3. the resulting mixture will be completed with grated bitter chocolate, then dilute the bottle of wine.
  4. insist the healing agent in a darkened place at least 9 days. It should be taken 25 g 3 times a day before meals.

Rubbing on wine with burning pepper for joints

Wide use among folk remedies In case of diseases of small and large joints, it has acquired a beverage based on bitter pepper. Cooking recipe is simple:

  1. Add to a bottle with wine 3 pod of the medium size, pre-grinding them.
  2. Insist the resulting mixture for 8 days.
  3. After expiration, straighten through the sieve and use as a rubbing for affected parts of the body.

With blueberries to improve digestion

Red wine-based compositions help and to solve some problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. To improve digestion, the normalization of the chair, body weight prepare:

  1. Take 30 g of dry berries of blueberries, fill in 240 ml of water and boil for 18-20 minutes.
  2. Next, add a glass of beverage, bring the resulting solution to a boil.
  3. Enjoy the composition and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The medical course is 3-6 days, after which you can repeat in a few weeks.

How to drink koror

Note that the koror is a dessert wine that is used with sweet dishes, but this does not mean that the drink cannot be drunk with a bird, meat, cheese, fruit and other dishes. It is best to use tulip-like wine glasses with a capacity of 240-260 mm. In this case, the drink must be served room temperature in the region of 17-20 degrees. In some cases, the red wine is appropriately served cooled to 12-15 ° C.

Cold alcohol is suitable for hot dishes, birds, meat. In disease gastric tract And heartburn, the koror is recommended to warm up a bit. To do this, you can simply hold a glass with a drink in the palms of 1-2 minutes. Drinking red wine is recommended for small sips and does not rush to feel the whole bouquet.

Among the cocktails, some popularity acquired "Kahors-Coborler". The volume of one portion without fruit does not exceed 100 ml, the main thing is to correctly calculate the ingredients. You will need for cooking:

  • cahors - 50 ml;
  • juice Juice - 25 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • liquor "Southern" - 15 ml;
  • fruits, berries - 50 g.

Use glass Collins for cooking cocktail. Pre-fill on 2/3 crushed ice:

  1. The contents of the container thoroughly mix the spoon, decorate the fruit.
  2. For decoration, use the zest and slices of lemon or orange, strawberry, cherry, berries or fruits from canned compotes, fresh frozen berries.
  3. Equally distribute the fruits in the glass. Mix the contents with a spoon. If there is a need to add ice so that the glass is filled.
  4. Cocktail-cobbler is served with a teaspoon, straw.

Inexpensive, but tasty red wine cocktail with fruit and champagne is the "bell". To do this, you will need 1 bottle of kagora, 1/2 bottles of champagne, 1-2 pcs. Candied apples:

  1. Put the capacious apples into the larger tank.
  2. Pour chilled alcohol from above, then mix.
  3. Different from above with cold champagne to the edges.
  4. Leave it in a cold place.
  5. Boil cocktail on glasses. You can add apples from the container, decorate glasses with an apple slicer or a circle of orange.

Harm and contraindications

Often the question arises, how many degrees in Kagora? Genuine wine from the cavalus contains 16% alcohol, sugar. Both parameters may differ slightly depending on the country of production and excerpt, but in any case, large doses of alcohol (any) deteriorate greatly under most diseases. Drinks are categorically prohibited by pregnant women, children. There are contraindications associated with allergies to red grapes. Frequent use is associated with some risks:


What is Koror - from which grape varieties make, taste quality of dessert wine and the best manufacturers

Easter is nearing, the Resurrection of Christ is one of the most important, loved ones and trimmed in our Orthodox country of holidays. Indispensable attributes of this light holiday - Pussy (painted eggs), Easter, cakes and, of course, wine, symbolizing the blood of Christ.
But not all wine is suitable for the Easter table, only special - church. Of course, we are talking about Cagora - "church" wine, fault for communion. Cahors is an important part of the Orthodox culture through the century.

Among the huge number of names of various wines, Kator occupies a special, meaningful position in the table of rank wines. Kahors is a fastened red dessert wine that has a tart and a sufficiently soft taste, in which there are shades of prune or currant, chocolate or cocoa.

Motherland Kagora is France, its name has received wine in honor of the small provincial town in the south-west of the country, Kaor / Kahors /. The city of Kaor has a fairly unique geographical location: 200 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean, as much from the Mediterranean Sea and from the Pyrenean Mountains. Here and was first obtained Wine Kaor from the covers of the specific grapes "Malbek" / Oxrew /, which grows precisely in this area. There was a birth of this unique drink in the middle of the 13th century. At the same time, the technology of cooking this drink was significantly different from the classic cooking of wine.

Initially, pressing the collected grapes. To enhance the saturation of aromatic and taste / extractivity /, obtained, but not yet overwhelming grape juice / wort / heated in a special oven and kept at a temperature of about 70 degrees about 24 hours. Then natural cooling was carried out. After that, the fermentation process was held, further, withstanding the proportion, grape brandy was added to the resulting drink. The resulting wine, Kaor, was kept in wooden barrels, while the exposure time significantly improved the quality of the drink. All of these technological methods of production of the caaic made it possible to obtain wine quite strong, dense, with the presence of characteristic tones of jam and chocolate in it. At the same time, the color of wine got dark ruby, so Kaor nicknamed black wine.

Over time, were noticed medical properties This original wine. The drink contributed to the strengthening of the liver and additionally improved the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Kaor became known outside of France, his glory was silent to Russian Empire. The first popularizer of Cairo in Russia became King Peter 1, to which the best Lekari of that time recommended drinking this drink to improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Another popularizer of this wine became our Orthodox Church, because it was the red wine in the Russian Orthodox Church that was considered a symbol of the blood of Christ and this drink is used in many religious rites. Soon the Orthodox Church accepted Kaor as ritual church fault.

Until that time, Italian and Greek sweet wines were not always used as church fault in the rites. Kaor could be breeding with water and he did not lose his bloody-ruby color. But this drink had one drawback in the understanding of Russian people, he had a tart / not sweet / taste and did not really like parishioners. Since, in those days, there were no its vineyards in Russia, I had to buy wine in Italy and Spain. Preference was given to the French Kaoru, but in the order of French winemakers a condition was agreed that the drink should be sweet. The French performed this condition by adding a condensed syrup in the production process.

Kaor began to be delivered to Russia in sufficiently large volumes, while the name of wine in the Russian speech was transformed into Koror. Wine loved most Russians for their sweet and rich bouquet of color, taste and aroma. This drink was used as church wines in rites and in everyday life during orthodox holidays. Over time, the Kagora in Russia began to be lacking, since the grapes in France decreased and consumption in Russia increased. Therefore, at the end of the 19th century, work began on the preparation and start of production of Kagora in Russia. In Crimea / Gurzuf /, extensive vineyards of Saperavi varieties were laid / dye. This grape has high sugar content and the rich content of coloring substances in the skin.

Russian Kahors walked, like everything in Russia, his own way, who further widdled him from his French relative. Its domestic technologies for the preparation of church wines were developed, but the name was left for the same. In the Crimean technology obtained by the mezdu from the grapes of the "Saperavi" grapes, and then naturally cooled. At the same time, extractive substances go into wort, which then ferment and add grape alcohol / brandy /, and a condensed grape syrup. To improve the bouquet of taste and aroma, the best wine is maintained in wooden barrels for several years, thus obtaining a marching korger. Another part of the obtained wine is bottled and is classified as "ordinary".

According to alternative technology, for the receipt of the kagora, the grapes of any varieties that have high sugar content are used: Saperavi, Sauvignon, Kajet, Mattress, Morusel, Cabernet. At the same time, grapes on the vines are withstanding extra time so that it becomes and acquired a higher sugar content. Then squeeze the juice from the grapes, which is partially fermented and to preserve the increased sugar content, grape alcohol add to it. Next, the prepared composition is heated and kept at a temperature of 65 degrees.

Progress does not stand still, so far there has been a noticeable increase in the technological methods of the production of church wines. A separate group of wines was formed, to which dessert wines with a high degree of extractivity, intense ruby-colored, pronounced taste and aroma. You can change these parameters using various varieties grapes and their ratios, as well as using various technological processes. In this case, you can get a bouquet with raspberry elements, currant, plums, prunes, chocolate and cream.

The main characteristics of the kagorov are as follows:
-Opheld wines / not passing the process of exposure in wooden barrel should contain 16% alcohol and 16% sugar.
-Morch wines / past exposure process for at least three years / also have a fortress of 16% of alcohol, and the sugar content in them should be from 18-25%.

Koror is a fairly versatile wine, it can be used before the start of the meal, during and after meals. Here, every person will determine for himself best time For the use of this fabulous drink. The drink temperature should be room, and when receiving therapeutic purposes It should be slightly warm.

Currently, a fairly large range of carbon monoxide is produced.
-Rexia: "CAGOR №32" / used as church wine /, "black eyes", "South Night", "Church", "Cahors Taman", ...
-Ukraine: the most famous "Cagor South Coast", "Black Doctor", "Golden Field", "Partenit" ...
- Moldova: marching and collective "Chumai".
-Azerbayjan: marchy and collectible "Kurdamir" and "Shemach".
-Abshazia: Kahors "New Athos".

Church Wine

So calling. "C. Wine" is quite common in Russia, but from several million buckets annually on sale, only a small amount (about 500 thousand buckets) goes for the challenges of the Church when making the sacrament of the Eucharist, the most significant part (up to 4½ million) consumed Mostly by the middle and lower layers of the population at all kinds of festivities (christening, weddings, etc.), and sometimes also for the purposes of therapeutic. The concept and quality of C. Wine is exactly an accuracy of the Orthodox Church, but, according to canonical instructions ("news of teacher") and established custom, C. Wine should be dense-red, sweet and sufficient fortress; However, in the Transcaucasia and in Bessarabia, during worship, it is not sweet, and dry red wine. Itself, of course, the release of C. Wine satisfying the specified requirements is possible, so to speak, in a natural way, in all our wine-making areas, where soil and climatic conditions, and equally divorced grapes are suitable, in general, to obtain sufficiently strong and intensively painted wines. Some disadvantages of the latter, due to adverse atmospheric phenomena of unsuccessful years, can be corrected by the use of rational techniques of winemaking and bobbin farms. These techniques should be attributed to: the ricking of grapes on the bushes or on straw mats, thickening of grape juice. Welding (concentration), adding grape alcohol and, finally, pasteurization of the ready-made drink. Currently, in the market, along with a benign product, many falsifications are drawn, more or less skillfully fitted under C. Wine normal properties. As high varieties in trade offered wines of foreign origin - Cahors, Horn and Benicarlo; Then usually go called C. Red Wines, north Caucasus (mostly from Kizlyar) and finally, all sorts of other Bessarabian, Transcaucasian and Crimean wines are subjected to more or less significant alterations; It comes across a lot (especially in the outfits) and such "C. Wine", which and the drops of real grape fault does not contain.

V. Tairov.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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