
Chechens cut off the heads of soldiers. Captured a huge video archive of militants

Water supply, options, device

Let's go back three years ago. Recall that, capturing the power, Dudayev regime began to not only train and arm the militants, but also to psychologically process the local population. In the media, from day to day, a thick stream of materials was going through, where the unacted enmity was to Russian, hatred for Moscow, allegedly seeking to "enslave" the Chechen people once again.
These souls sowed for three years in the souls of many residents of Chechnya grain distrust and malice gave their shoots. Anti-Russian moods began to manifest everything. An increasing number of inhabitants of nonsense has been subjected to humiliation, violence and simply physical extermination. The tone of this campaign terror was asked as punishers from illegal armed formations.
With the beginning of combat operations of the federal troops, the animal face of Dudayevshchina was exposed to the end. The raw murders, rape, torture, mockery over the bodies of the dead - that is the evil sweep, which the militants have wrapped the peaceful population, on the Russian servicemen. Chechnya seemed to be a victim of a giant terrorist act, such an explosion in Oklahoma City, but erected into an enon degree.
Thus, Dudayev's regime pursued several goals. First, demoralize Russian soldiers and officers, sow among them panic, suppress them will. Secondly, to cause a response from the federal troops to later blame the Russian army in cruelty and at the same time aggravate the feeling of revenge among the militants. And thirdly, to repel the desire to negotiate the voluntary handling of weapons from the field commanders.
Dudayevsky regime skillfully manipulated public opinion. Foreign and Russian journalists were empty to the places where held

captured Russian servicemen, willingly allowed to talk with them. Part of the soldiers even returned to their parents.
And at the same time, seeking to intimidate federal troops, Dudayevsky militants showed incredible cruelty to prisoners.
Currently in these unseen witness of eyewitnesses. What is it - Babi Yar, Auschwitz, Tskilka? No, this is Chechnya of the beginning of 1995, where Dudayev's militants seem to be aimed at surpaste the sadistic records of the Nazis.
... After an unsuccessful New Year's attack in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil market, the outskirts of Grozny, two BMPs fell into the hands of Dudayevtsev with the seven fighters. Three wounded immediately put on the ground, poured gasoline and set fire to it. Then, on the eyes of this wild spectacle, citizens of the militants stripped the fools of the remaining four soldiers, hung them behind their feet. Then they began to be methodically cut off their ears, pump out eyes, plow the belly.
The cobblers checked three days. Local residents were not allowed to bury the dead. When one of the men became particularly persistently asking to betray the remains of the soldier of the earth, he was immediately shot. The rest were warned: "So it will be with everyone who is suitable for the bodies."
... Not far from the checkpoint of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny there is a grave of an unknown soldier. Eyewitnesses are told: when the militants set fire to the martiality of the infantry, one of the Russian soldiers pulled out the wounded comrade and, shooting him, took him to the basement. Dudayevtsi were able to take a soldier in captivity only after his cartridges ended. The Russian guy has disbanded in a bath, where more than two days were brutally tortured. After having achieved, the gangsters in a rage killed him with the automatic queues of the hand and legs, cut off the ears. On the back tried to cut a bloody star. Already a dead soldier threw on the road, as usual banning to bury. But under the cover of the night, the locals still betrayed his body of the earth.

No matter how painfully read about it, continue the chronicle of horrors. If not to say this terrible truth here, it is unlikely that we will hear anything like other, antipatriotic human rights defenders like "Serzh" Kovalev.
... Taking advantage of the lull, marines, including the elder sailor Andrei Belikov, began to be taken into a safe place wounded and killed. Already in the evening they went to the outskirts of the village, where, according to intelligence information, the local woman was hiding seriously wounded.
When the car drove up to the house, the light of the headlight snatched from the darkness of the soldier hung on the gate. Not far in the puddle of blood lay the second. The hostess of the house found on the floor behind the stove. Nagaya, disfigured beyond recognition, with a piece of forehead. The sheet was derived: "Russian pig".
Documented: Dudayevsky militants tortured prisoners and officers. Thus, at the opening of the body of the lieutenant-border guard A. Kurilenko, military doctors discovered traces of the cavity of the skin of the chest, multiple chopped and cut wounds, as well as symmetrical bore holes on the forearms - the result of hanging. In about the same way, the body of the two comrades - Lieutenant A. Gubankov and Private S. Ermashev were mutilated. They did not take direct participation in hostilities, and were abducted by militants in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Assinovskaya.
At the same Assinos, two officers from the helicopter crew were brutally killed, intended for the transportation of the wounded. On bodies - traces of mockery.
As you know, the Red Cross does not shoot. But during the operation in Chechnya 9 was killed and a lot of medical workers were injured. And at the moment when they were either assisted wounded, or were in sanitary cars with a clearly designated red cross. So, the militants covered with children and women attacked the autocolon with medical property in the area of \u200b\u200bNazran and Jesz Toko beat three women - army health workers.
General Lev Rochlin, commander of the 8th corps, confirmed the information that when mastering the Council of Ministers in Grozny, crucified bodies of Russian servicemen were found in the openings. Often the soldier's corpses mined, which led to the losses among doctors and sanitation.
Here are still terrible evidence in stingy telegraph lines:
Soldier (identity is not installed). Cut left eyes. Rassed. Killed two shots in the emphasis.
Ordinary V. Dolgushin. Died from explosive injury. In the study of the body, it was discovered: after death, the soldier was cut off the right testicle.
Junior Sergeant F. Vedenov. On the neck - cutting wound. Lanes are damaged, carotid artery. Scrolved right ear.
Among the most disgusting crimes of Dudayevsev - the use of civilians, children and women in hostilities. Sometimes of the living people worked out some kind of Japanese Kamikaze.
Educator Eduard Shabazov from the 74th motorized rifle brigade says:
"On January 31, I was sitting in the ambush when I saw a lower Chechen flew to us. Weighing the tutor of the machine gun, aimed. But looking at it, I saw: I was completely the boy. Unwittingly lowered the machine. To our BMP he had me meters fifteen, when the cry was crushed And she clicked the shot of a Chechen sniper. It turned out that the boy was all crawled by a plate, a viscous explosive, according to his destructive strength, many times more powerful told. From the blow of the bullet on the back of the guy worked the detonator. It was ripped into pieces. At the same time, the three soldiers were injured. Our BMP. The explosive wave dumped to the ground. Jumping, I saw about a dozen teenagers running to our cars, the same "living shells".
As noted above, the locals often used Dudayevts as a living shield.
The militants often installed guns, tanks under the cover of hospitals, schools, residential buildings, thereby causing artillery and mortar federal fire on them.
Thus, Dudayevtsy in every way to draw into the conflict of civilians of Chechnya, to instine fear in them, cause hatred of the federal army. And sometimes the most isoor methods are sometimes going. So, changing into the form of Russian soldiers, the bandits attack the peaceful villages, rob, kill people - just to blur the opponent's innocent blood.
Say, on January 6, a small child was burned on one of the streets of Grozny militants. The killers were in the form of soldiers of the Russian troops. The crime was filmed on the video film. Apparently, the organizers of this wild provocation were assumed to scroll through it somewhere abroad to accuse the Russian army in the cannibal crimes.
It is significant that during the fighting in Grozny Dudayevsky snipers led fire on civilians, and mainly in the legs. There were cases when men and women were cut into tendons or caught their chains. Such inhuman ways wanted to prevent civilians, primarily Russian, leave the city and thereby to protect themselves from the shelling to some extent.
No less cruelty differed and mercenaries. At the interrogation, one of them - a resident of Volgograd O. Rakunov said that, together with Dudaevsky militants, he was repeatedly attacked by Russian residents both in the Grozny, and in the village of Pervomaysky. The Rakunov admitted: they put the girls in the car, hugged into the city of Shawli, to the headquarters, they raped there, and then shot.
To some extent, Dudaevsky militants managed to achieve their own. Some of the Russian residents of Grozny intimidated to such an extent that they did not even dare to approach the soldiers of the federal troops, if there were Chechens nearby. I fear that the revenge followed. In the city, everyone knows how Dudaevtsy revenged one woman not, who had a few days had covered the wounded Russian soldiers at home. Shortly after she handed over the fighters to the hospital, she was shot. Apparently, in the edification of others ...
It is difficult to believe that all this happened on the land of Chechnya, where the concepts of honor, dignity - not empty words. Where to offend a woman, hit the child, shoot the opponent once considered a shame for a real mountaine.

Raul Chaguchiyev was released from the Chechen captivity - the son of the former Vice Prime Minister Chechnya, captured by the past summer. For more than a year he was sitting in the pit along with other prisoners. That's how it was.
After the first Chechen war, Magomed Chaguchiyev, a former member of the Government of Dock Zvezaeva, moved with his family to Dagestan (he is now the Chairman of the Union of the Peoples of the Caucasus and Vice-Rector of the International Accounting University). On November 10, 1997, Chaguchiyeu in Moscow called the daughter-in-law and reported that his 24-year-old son Rustam was missing in Makhachkala. Daniyl Shhixidov, the son of the Government of Dagestan, Hizry Shhisidov, was driving home, and together they went somewhere. No one saw Rustam.
"I hired people from the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs," says Chaguchiyev, "hired and criminals. Whole somewhere 50-60 people, but no one could know anything. Rumors were the most diverse. Up to the fact that the son allegedly kidnapped Khachilaev . And suddenly, on August 16, a certain Albeck Gelagayev came to Moscow on August 16 and said that he knew where Rustam was located. They took his some Said and Sherwan on the order of Wahhabis. A week later I flew to Makhachkala and on the same day Together with the eldest son Raul was in Grozny. "
At first they stopped at the house of Gelagayev on Koltsov Street. Soon the Albeck came with the news that it does not work yet and should come in two days. "On August 30, we were already met by Said," he continues Chaguchiyev. "He said that everything agreed on everything, and together we went to a suburb of Grozny. When they stopped, we were surrounded by people in camouflage form. Instructed cars, they put the bags on our heads. And taken away. Where we arrived, we were put in the basement, where there were still ten hostages. "
Magomed Chaguchiyev got out of the basement pretty quickly. On December 7, his wife bought him. He prefers not to talk about price.

In the wolf pit
Raoul stayed in captivity without his father. Now he says that if there is hell on earth, he is in the basements of Urus-Martan.
The conditions were terrible, the hostages were sitting as herring in barrel. The pit size is three to four meters, no more. They slept in turn, the blanket was one at all. From the ceiling all the time dripped water, on the floor of the mud. Somehow the bandits "cleared" over them and threw the cardboard sheets, but they instantly splash. Feed the prisoners every other day: loaf of bread and a jug of water at all. But sometimes they had to starve the week. Salt was given not to all, only Muslims. For some reason, the bandits thought that the "Kafiram" did not hold salt on the Qur'an. Instead of Paras, there was a bucket that was not taken out for several days. True, the candles captured regularly.
"Once alone, the gangsters threw a live wolf to the basement, and they themselves watched what will happen," Raoul says. - The wolf fell right at my legs, I saw him grin, eyes and white teeth sparkled in a hottest, like stars. When he buried, I thought that's all, here she is death. The wolf looked around, overwhelmed and noticed by the pit. He ran through our bodies, heads, walls. It continued, it's probably an hour. So scary I have never happened. Wolf rushed like a hooked and crawled, and From above, the gangsters laughed loudly and caught his stick. I walked everything before my eyes. I didn't feel anything and did not understand. Finally, the beast collapsed to the floor. Chechen Isa, who was sitting with me in the pit, tried him to stroke him, but the wolf clung to him In hand and almost tearned. The guards shot a wolf, and leaving the snakes and scorpions next time. We have dug deep hole in the ground and the wolf buried.
Or, still, remember, in March, in the Ingush Stanice, the Archonikidsee of Peter Sukhonosov was stolen from the Pokrovsk church? He sat with me. May 9, on the Victory Day, we sat in the pit and played checkers who made from cardboard and linoleum pieces. Suddenly a man comes in a mask, in his hands a knife and a large metal bowl. He called Hamzat. "Well," says, "didn't eat three days? Nothing, today the meat will be. Hey you, come here."
He pointed to the priest. What happened next? He killed the old man, and then cut off the phalange of the fingers of Ise. Chechen did not want to ask his relatives about the redemption before the camcorder. He is a Highlander. He, too, wanted to cut off the little finger (Raoul showed a deep scar on his hand. - Kommersant), but for some reason changed his mind. All these executions Hamzat always removed the video and then looked at himself from time to time. This person should tell in more detail. He is the only one of the Wahhabis, who I saw without a mask. "

House Palach
"The fact is that one day Hamzat pulled me out of the basement and took to his house. In all of him in the Urus-Martan, five houses located next door. We rose to the second floor, a large room was furnished or rich. Leather furniture, beautiful wall , paintings, expensive radio equipment.
"Amir Bagautdin came to me yesterday (Magomed Bagautdinov, the leader of the Dagestan Wahhabitov. - Kommersant leader - began Hamzat." He asked for you, but I said that you were not selling, and spat him in my face. "After all, I am also an Amir. I He fought - he was a regimental execution of Hattaba. Look the certificate, you see, it is written: "Palace". At the time, he was silent, the blood went out. While the wife told him back, I realized that he had tuberculosis, and very launched. I ask He has: "Why are you not treated?" Allah gave life, Allah will take, "said Wahhabite. - I have to still live, I only twenty-five. In general, I was not always a pall. Before the war, he worked as a doctor-oncologist in the Urus-Martan Hospital, finished the medical faculty of Grozny University. "
I was surprised how a doctor could have turned into a sealing sadist for several years? Hamzat was sitting opposite me: strong hands, dressed in the uniform of the German production, the radio, on the side two pistols: Stackin and "Beretta". "From the first I kill Kafirov, and from the second Muslims," \u200b\u200bKhamzat explained. "I put on my knees, I look into my eyes and shoot. I always have a weapon in oil, you see ...".
At this time, his young wife, no more than sixteen years old, got a syringe and scored brown liquid from bubble. I guessed why Hamzat was scolding his right elbow all the time. Wife made him an injection. "Hattab says that vodka for the Russians, and Allah gave us here," he showed his hand to his garden, where hemp and poppy grew.
Raul believes that under the influence of drugs, Hamzat was more humane to prisoners. "But as soon as the breaking began, it was Shaitan. Real Shaitan. He somehow and I offered to" take the soul "and kill one of the hostages."
"I sat in one basement with three British and the New Zealander, who worked in Chechnya under the contract with Chechenlecom, - continues Chaguchiyev. - In my eyes, Hamzat cut off their heads. New Zealander fought for a long time in convulsions. After his release, I learned Why they were killed. In Urus-Martan, two Wahhabi groups representing two different teip. First, foreigners seized one of the numerous mobile groups that are constantly engaged in the abduction of people in Chechnya. They sold them to Barayev's gang, which, in turn, transferred Hamzat's hostages. Then a quarrel began between Barayev and Hamzat: they argued about the size of the repurchase and about who and how much money should receive. It was not possible to negotiate, and the prisoners were finished off. And before the penalty, it was forced to admit to the camcorder in espionage. Then the Wahhabis sold their bodies People Maskhadov for $ 1 million.

Under bombs
Magomed Chaguchiyev says that he has repeatedly sent people to Chechnya with money for redemption, but they disappeared. Raoul spent in captivity for almost a year, when at the end of this summer he called his father's assistant to the Krasnoyarsk Governor Swan and said that the entrepreneur Salautdin Khalilov was known in Chechnya. In Soviet times, he headed in Chechen-Ingushetia, the Association CenterpetsStroy, and Chaguchiyev knew him since then.
One of the participants of the operation to liberate Raul Chaguchiyev, Ahmed, remembers it reluctant: "I will not live in the details, I live in Chechnya. I would have money, I would have spit on everything and went abroad. We have blood revenge, she For years goes, they can get in 20 years. "
Khalilov took about a month to find out where the hostage is. Several times Khalilov came to Hamzat, but all the negotiations went to a dead end: Wahhabite requested a non-promotional redemption. Several jeeps proposed by Salautdin did not suit him.
Then the assault plan was developed. On October 7, under the evening of Khalilov, along with his hundreds of his supporters, I came to the outskirts of Urus-Martan and blocked the village. Then, with five bodyguards, he went to Hamzat, allegedly for negotiations. On the threshold of the house they met the brother of the owner, who was shot in place. Three guards opened shooting, but they managed to cry with grenades. "When we heard shooting, explosions and screams," Raoul says, "one of the Wahhabis opened Luke and began to shoot at us out of a gun. One hostage killed, a few wounded. One bullet hooked me back on tangentially. But, fortunately, Wahhabita quickly Shot. The first brought me out, planted in a jeep and went to the nearest forest. One of the guys who participated in the assault, died in my hands. In total, five people died on our part.
At one two hours, we came to Grozny, home to Salautdin. The gate opened his wife, with a pistol on his side. In Chechnya, it is impossible in another. In the courtyard, he was brewed in a large boiler. For the first time in 15 months, I poked meat. I thought I would die from this. "
According to Ahmed, in the day, when Urus-Martan bombed Russian aviation, from the house in which he kept the prisoners, even the foundation was left. "We pulled the hostages in time," he is sure. "In addition to Raul, they freed eight."
Ahmed himself doubts the effectiveness of missile bombing strikes: "Only two Wahhabis and dozens died in the same Urus-Martan, if not hundreds, women, old people and children. Wahhabits have long been in the mountains. I have seen killed refugees in the Ingush-Chechen border ".
From the besieged Chechnya Raul Chaguchiyeva was exported through Georgia. There were no documents for the former hostage. According to Raul, Georgian border guards had to give two pistols of Stechkin and $ 500 to missed.
The younger son of Chagaciyeva and disappeared without a trace. And a week before Magomed turned to Khalilov, he recognized from one Dagestan "authority" that Rustam was killed in Dagestan in the same 1997, three days after the abduction. It turns out that in Chechnya, he was looking for in vain.

Leonid Berer

"Once the bandits threw a live wolf into the basement, and they themselves watched that it would be. The wolf fell right at my feet. When he buried, I thought that everything was, here she was death."
"He killed the old man, and then cut off the phalange of the fingers of Ise. He did not want to ask his relatives about the camcorder. He's a hustlee."

September 1999. Dagestan. Already a month, as the flame is disassembled in the Mountains of the Botlih, Tsumadinsky and Buinaksky districts of the "liberation" war. She came out from the neighboring Chechnya unexpectedly and insidiously.

There in the mountains there is a war, and here, north, in the Novolak district relatively calmly. On the eve, however, the commander of the militia shared information that several thousand militants accumulated on that side, but somehow it was not believed that such forces were gathered for the green peaceful hills. Militants without that tight. Most likely, the detachment of some local field commander was simply activated.

The head of a small outpost, which took only five days ago, the dominant height of the southwestern outskirts of the village of Tukhchar, senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin did not exercise and, having come to contact with the "vertex", and reported the situation to his command, adding that they were with that The parties are monitored.

In response, he received an indication of the tripper vigilance, set additional observation points. For the River Aksai - Chechnya, a large village of Ishhoy-Yurt - a gangster nest. Forcing is ready for battle. Position for Baempshka is selected successful. The trenches are equipped, the installation sectors are targeted. And the garrison is not a green youth, but twelve proven fighters. Plus, the neighbors of the militia to the left and two posts of the Dagestan police below, at the strengthening of which the Kalachevtsy arrived are military personnel of the operational brigade of the internal troops. There would only be enough ammunition: except BMP-2 with full ammunition, there are still PCs with seven-seven-stroke cartridges, SVDs and 120 cartridges to her, the old "Kalashnikov handling" with a three-hundred-and-weighting cartridges and four stores in car gunners. He has a detachment from the depths, there is still a bait grenade launcher and four grenades - ergadeshki. Not thick, but in the case of which they promised to send a profile: the battalion stands in the Doci, it is not far.

However, in war as in war.

"Tyulenev," Sergeant Tashkin called, "the vertex" asks to raise vigilance. Tonight I will check the posts!
- The night was stuffy and lunar. In two kilometers, the ominous lights of the Chechen village were shining, he smelled severely mint, and in the grass until the morning shrewd the restless grasshoppers, interfere with listening to the night silence.

Hardly later, Tashkin raised the rest of the fighters and moved to the neighboring slide, from where, from the positions of the militia, which happened on the adjacent side was visible much better even without optics. From here it clearly looked at the Chechens, almost without taking murdered, the shallow river is moving. The latter doubts dispelled, this is the war. When the militants walking with a thick chain became visible to the naked eye, Tashkin gave the team to the opening of fire. The silence broke the machine gun turn, two two-reaching militants fell, and other trunks were laughed in front of the militant. The walker took the battle when the sun was barely thought out of the mountains. The day promised to be hot.

As it turned out, the militants still reached Kalachevtsev. Of the same considerations that in the forehead, I do not take it, they hit the main forces on it from the rear, from the side of the Dagestan village of Hamiyah. Immediately I had to forget about all carefully verified sectors of the shelling and leave the equipped position for Baempshka. It turned into a nomadic, informative damage to the enemy "Shaitan-Arbu".

The militants realized that it was not possible to knock off the fighters from the height, but without it to enter the village was risky. Posted on his outskirts, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village cemetery, they tried to get a soldier from there. But it was not easy for them to do it. No less resistant, supported from the height of fire, fought at the bottom and Dagestan police. But the poorly armed militias were forced to leave their positions, which immediately occupied the militants.

Field commander Umar, who led operations from the neighboring Ishhoy-Yurt, was noticeably nervous. For the second hour, his detachment, which was part of the so-called Islamic regiment of a special purpose, actually trampled in place.

But the unequal battle could not last endlessly. The ammunition ended, the forces melted, the amount of wounded increased. The militants have already captured one checkpoint, and then the village police department. Now they broke into the village and almost surrounded the slide. And soon, BMP, which was only for only a minute later in the field of view of the enemy, fueling the moving river Zul with beardes. The crew of the heroic "doubles" managed to get out of the outside, but the fire was very burded by the gunner of the Siberian Machine of Private Alexey Balagaeva.

The type of burning equipment with exploding ammunition caused the ads of militants, distracted for a while their attention from continuing to hold the height of the servicemen. But the commander, realizing that now it is not just dangerous, but also impossible, and most importantly, it is inexpedient, I decided to leave. The path was one - down to the defense of the Militiamen of the second gearbox. Under the guise of a changing car, they were able to descend from the slides, taking off all the wounded. To eighteen defenders of the only thing now, the resistance point in the village of Tukhchar was added even thirteen.

The Russian officer managed to keep the life of all his subordinates, to bring them from the slide. At 7.30 in the morning of the fifth of September, the connection of the "Vertain" with the stamping "Tukhchar" was interrupted. Realizing that it was not possible to destroy the federals, and with the next storming there will be a loss, to the last defenders fell behind concrete blocks
The villages of the militants sent elders:

The militants ordered to say that without weapons went out, guaranteed life.
"We will not give up," the answer followed.

There is still a chance to get out of the battle, they counted, retaining life, weapons and honor. Recalculating and dividing the cartridges, fraternally embraced finally, soldiers and policemen, covering each other with fire, rushed to the nearest homes. The wounded dragged on themselves. Having hit under the tight fire of militants, Senior Lieutenant Tashkin and four more fighters jumped into the nearest build.

A few seconds before this, Sergeant Militia Abdulkashim Magomedov died here. At the same moment, the half-breeding building was surrounded, it was not possible to leave. Ammunition were on the outcome. The militants are again offered to give up. However, they themselves do not risk going to the storming of the hotel, where only a handful of armed people lit up. Press on the psyche. Promise in case of refusal to burn alive. Gasoline prepared. Give time to meditation. In the end, they will be sent a parliamentant who has seen a host of the host for one day. Were there any oscillations at that moment our guys?

I always want to live and everyone. Especially acute it is felt per minute of the clutch when you realize that life is so beautiful! And the sun, such a gentle, who stood now in Zenith, was such a bright, such life-affirming. The day really turned out to be hot.

I did not believe the sweet speeches of militants Vasily Tashkin. Heart-stool and some experience suggested to the officer that they would not leave them alive these inhumans. But looking at his boys, in the eyes of which hope was read, the officer still decided and left the shelter ...

Instantly disarming the fighters, roughly pushing them in the backs in the back, the militants drove the warriors towards the smoking ruins of the PPC. This was soon led to the burnt and wounded flooring of BMP ordinary Alexei Balagaeva. Soldier, changed to a civilian dress, hid in his house Gurum Japarov. Did not help. Local guys-Chechens told about the location of the guy by the militants.

The meeting on the fate of military personnel was short. Amir Umar on the radio station ordered "executed Russian dogs", too many of his warriors they put in battle.

- The first was brought to the execution of Private Boris Erdneev from Kalmykia. The blade cut his throat. The inhabitants of Tukhchara, seeing from horror, were observed for violence. The fighters were defenseless, but not broken. They went away from life incasionable.

They died in Tukhchar

The execution of Russian soldiers, Chechen militants, were filmed on the camcorder, which impassively recorded the last minutes of the life of warriors.

Someone takes death silently, someone escapes from the hands of the executioner.

Now not far from the place of execution is again the checkpoint of the Dagestan police, covering the road to the Chechen village of Galaita. Five years have passed, much has changed in relations between neighboring republics. But also with caution and distrust, the inhabitants of Tukhchara look in the direction of a restless and unpredictable neighbor.

No more on the high rise of military outpost. Instead, an Orthodox cross is towers, a symbol of eternal victory of life over death. They were thirteen, six accepted death, going on Golgotha. Let's remember their names:

"Cargo - 200" arrived on the Kizner Earth. In the battles for the liberation of Dagestan from the gangster formations, a native died by the village of the collective farm "Star" and a graduate of our school Alexey Ivanovich Parabino. Alexey was born on January 25, 1980. He graduated from the Upper Master School. He was very inquisitive, a bold, brave boy. Then - study in Mozhginsky GPTU No. 12, where he received a profession of a mason. To work, however, I did not have time, called in the army. He served in the North Caucasus for more than a year. And so - .

There were several fights. On the night of 5 to September 6, the infantry combat vehicle, at which Alexey served as a layman operator, was transferred to Lipetsky Omon, and protected the block post under the village. At night, the militants set fire to BMP. The soldiers left the car and walked, but he was too unequal. All wounded brutally finished. We are all grieving about the death of Alexei. Consolation words are difficult to find. On November 26, 2007, a memorial plaque was installed on the school building.

At the opening of the memorial plaque, Alexey - Lyudmila Alekseevna and representatives from the Division of Youth from the Area were present. Now we are starting to make an album about him, there is a booth in a school dedicated to Alexei.

In addition to Alexei, another four student of our school participated in the Chechen campaign: Eduard, Ivanov, Anisandra, Anisimov Aleksyov, and Kiselev Alexei, awarded the Order of "courage" very scary and bitterly when young guys die. There were three children in the pairs' family, but the Son is the only one. Ivan Alekseevich, Alexei's father, works by a tractor driver in the collective farm "Star", mother Lyudmila Alekseevna - a school worker.

Erdneev Boris Oozinovich (a few seconds to death)

(Used essay "Protecting Tukhchar")

Of the Chechen killers in the hands of justice, only three were in hand: Tamerlan Khasaev, Islam Mukayev, Arbi Dandaev

Tamerlan Khasaev got the first of the thugs in the hands of law enforcement agencies. Convicted to eight and a half years for the abduction of man in December 2001, he was serving the term in the colony of a strict regime in the territory of the Kirov region, when a consequence due to the video film seized during the special operation in Chechnya, it was possible to establish that it was one of those Who participated in a bloody carne on the outskirts of Tukhchara.

In the order, Khasaev was in early September 1999 - one of his friends seduced his opportunity to get a trophy weapon in a campaign to Dagestan, which then could be profitable. So Khasaev was in the gang of Emir Umar, who submitted to the notorious commander of the Islamic Regiment of Special Appointments' Abdulmalik Mezhidov, Deputy Shamil Basayev ...

In February 2002, Khasaeva transferred to Makhachkala SIZO and showed the entry of execution. He did not unlock off. Moreover, there was already an indication of the residents of Tukhchara, confidently identified Khasaev in photograph sent from the colony. (The militants were not particularly hidden, and the execution itself was visible even from the windows of the houses on the edge of the village). Khasaev stand out among the White T-shirt-dressed in camouflage.

The process of the Khasaeva case was held at the Supreme Court of Dagestan in October 2002. He recognized himself guilty only partly: "I admit participation in the NVF, weapons and invasion. And I did not cut the soldier ... I just walked over to him with a knife. Before that, killed two. When I saw this picture, I refused to cut, gave the knife to another '.

"They first started," Khasaev told about the Boy in Tukhara. - BMP opened fire, and Umar ordered grenaderates to take positions. And when I said that there was no such persuade, he put three militants to me. Since then, I myself had both a hostage. "

For participation in an armed rebellion, the fighter received 15 years, for the attic of weapons - 10, for participating in the NVF and illegal wearing weapons - five. For encroaching on the life of the Hasaev soldier, in the opinion of the court, he earned the death penalty, but in connection with the moratorium on its use, an alternative penalties was elected - a lifelong conclusion.

Islam Mukayev (25 years of imprisonment - in 2005)

It is known that in July 1999, Mukaev joined Karpinsky Jamaat (called so on the Grozny microdistrict Karpinka), headed by Emir Umaro, and in September took part in the raid on Dagestan. After the fight, the bandits captured the post by losing four people. Among them was the cousin Mukayev.

He, like other relatives of the dead militants, were offered to take part in the execution of soldiers to "take blood revenge." Mukayev said that cut the throat could not. However, during execution he helped kill the commander of the platoon of Vasily Tashkina. The officer broke out, and then Mukaev hit him and kept his arms until another fighter finally finished his senior lieutenant.

Arbi Dandaev (Lifetime in 2009). The remaining participants in the massacre still in the "federal wanted list". April, 2009

In the Supreme Court of Dagestan, the third process in the case of the execution of six Russian servicemen in the village of Tukhchar Novolak district in September 1999 was completed. One of the participants of the execution, 35-year-old Arbi Dandaev, who, according to the court, personally cut the throat of the senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin, was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

Former employee of the National Security Service of the Ichkeria, Arbi Dandayev, according to the investigation, took part in Bundy Shamil Basayev and Dagestan in 1999. In early September, he joined the squad under the leadership of Emar Umar Karpinsky, which on September 5, the same year invaded the territory of the Novolaksky district of the republic.

From the Chechen village, Galayta militants went to the Dagestan village of Tukhchar - the road guarded the blockpost, which was carried by the Dagestan police service. They were covered with BMP and 13 soldiers from the brigade of internal troops. But the militants went to the village from the rear and, capturing after a short combat of the village police, began to fill the hill.

BMP burned to the ground inflicted a considerable damage to the attackers, but when the ring of the environment began to shrink, senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin ordered to drive out the armored vehicle from the trench and open fire across the river along the car, which brought the militants.

The ten-minute zamanka was for Soldier's fatal: a tower was demoling from a grenade launcher at BMP. The gunner died on the spot, and the driver Alexey Polangaev was contuge. The surviving defenders of the checkpoint got to the village and began to hide - who are in the basements and in attics, and who are in corn thickets.

After half an hour, militants, by order of Emir Umar, began to search the village, and the five servicemen who hid in the basement of one of the houses, after a short shootout I had to surrender - in response, a shot of a grenade launcher came to the machine line. After some time, Alexey Polangaev joined the captives - the militants "calculated" him in one of the neighboring houses, where his mistress was hiding.

By order, Emir Umar prisoners were taken to the clearing near the blocking. Further scrupulously recorded the operator of militants to the chamber. Four appointed by the executive officers of the Palag militants alternately fulfilled the order, cutting the throat to the officer and three soldiers (one of the servicemen tried to run, but he was shot). With the sixth victim, Eirm Umar was personally dealt.

Umar Karpinsky (Edilsultanov) in the center. Amir Karpinsky Jamaat. Personally dealt over Alexey Polaniyov - died after 5 months when trying to breakthrough from Grozny.

Arbi Dandaev was hidden from justice for more than eight years, but on April 3, 2008, Chechen police detained him in Grozny. He was charged with participating in a sustainable criminal group (gang) and those committed by the attacks, armed with the aim of changing the territorial integrity of Russia, as well as in an encroachment to the life of law enforcement officers and the illegal turnover of weapons.

According to the materials of the investigation, the fighter Dandaev appeared to the obey, admitted to the crimes committed and confirmed his testimony when he was taken to the place of execution. In the Supreme Court of Dagestan, however, he did not recognize his guilt by stating that the appearance was under coercion, and refused to testify.

Nevertheless, the court recognized his former testimony by admissible and reliable, since they were given with the participation of a lawyer and no complaints from him did not receive. In court, a video of execution was investigated, and, although it was difficult to know the defendant Dandaye in the bearded wardrobe, the court took into account that the record was clearly audible, as the name of Arbi pronounces.

Residents of the village of Tukhchar were also questioned. One of them recognized the defendant Dandayeva, but the court treated him to his words critically, given the old age of the witness and confusion in his testimony.

Speaking in the debate, the lawyers Konstantin Sukhachev and Konstantin Mudunov asked for a court or resume the judicial investigation, conducting expertise and providing new witnesses, or justify the defendant. The accused Dundaev in the last word declared that he knew who led the penalty, this man is free, and he can call him the name if the court resume the investigation. The judicial investigation was resumed, but only in order to interrogate the defendant.

As a result, the investigated evidence did not leave the doubts that the defendant Dandaev was guilty. Meanwhile, defense believes that the court hurried and did not investigate many important circumstances for business.

For example, I did not interrogate the execution of the execution of the execution of execution in Tukhchare Islana Mukayev who had already been convicted in 2005 (another executioner, Tamerlan Khasaev, was sentenced to life imprisonment in October 2002 and died shortly in the colony).

"Almost all significant for the defense of the petition was rejected by the court," Kommersant in Konstantin Mudunov said. "So, we repeatedly insisted on repeated psychological and psychiatric examination, since the first was carried out using a falsified outpatient card. The court rejected this petition. He was not sufficiently objective, and we appeal the sentence. "

According to the references of the defendant, the deviations in the psyche appeared at Arbi Dandayev in 1995, after in Grozny, Russian servicemen wounded his younger brother Alvi, and after some time the boy's corpse was returned from the military hospital (the internal organs were removed (relatives bind it With the human body trafficking in Chechnya who flourished).

As defense stated in the course of the debate, their father Hamzat Dandayev made the initiation of a criminal case on this fact, but it is not investigated. According to lawyers, the case against Arbi Dandayev was headed to prevent his father to achieve the punishment of the guilty of the least of the younger Son. These arguments were reflected in the sentence, but the court considered that the defendant we change, and on the fact of the death of his brother a matter of a long time was initiated and nothing to do with the considered.

As a result, the court retrained two articles concerning weapons and participation in the gang. According to the judge, Shikhali Magomedov, Dandaev's defendant acquired weapons alone, and not as part of the group, and participated in illegal armed groups, and not in the gang.

However, these two articles on the sentence did not affect them, since the statute of limitations expired. But Art. 279 "Armed Mount" and Art. 317 "The encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer" was pulled for 25 years and life imprisonment.

At the same time, the court has taken into account and mitigating circumstances (the presence of young children and a jaws with a guy), and aggravating (the onset of serious consequences and the special cruelty with which a crime was committed).

Thus, despite the fact that the state prosecutor asked for only 22 years, the court sentenced the defendant Dandayev to a life sentence.

In addition, the court satisfied the civil lawsters of the parents of the fourth dead soldiers to reimburse non-pecuniary damage, the amounts on which were from 200 thousand to 2 million rubles.

New details of the Tukhchar tragedy

... Fights of 1999 in Novolak district, tragic events responded in the Orenburg region, and in Topchikhinsky district of the Altai Territory, and in other Russian villages. As they say in the Lakskaya saying, "the war does not give rise to sons, the war takes the born sons." The bullet of the enemy, killing his son, wounds and the heart of the mother.

On September 1, 1999, the platoon commander Senior Lieutenant Vasily Tashkin received an order to navigate to the Chechen-Dagestan border on the outskirts of the village of Tukhchar Novolak district. Not far from the village at the height of the fighters died the trenches, prepared a place for the infantry combat vehicle. From the nearest Chechen village of Ishhuyurt to Tukhchara two kilometers. The border river for militants is not a barrier. For the nearest slide, the other Chechen village of Galaita, where it was fully armed with the teeth of the militants.

Having told a circular defense and watching the village of Ishhuyurt in Binoculars, Senior Lieutenant Vasily Tashkin, a graduate of the Novosibirsk School of Internal Forces, fixed the movement of militants, the presence of fires, surveillance for his post. On the heart of the commander was restless. His task is the fire cover of two police checkpoints: at the entrance to Tukhchar and on the way out of it towards Galaita.

Tashkin knew that the policemen were armed only by small-arms perceived the appearance of his BMP-2 with soldiers on armor. But he also understood what they are, military personnel and policemen, danger. Novolaksky district was for some reason weakly covered with troops. It was possible to count on themselves only on themselves, on the combat commodity of the internal troops and Dagestan militia. But thirteen servicemen on one BMP - is it all the outpost?

The BMP gun was directed to the height, behind which the Chechen village of Galaita was located, but the militants were early in the morning of September 5, not where they were expected: they opened fire from the rear. Forces were unequal. The first shots of BMP effectively hit the militants who were striving to knock out the fighters of internal troops from height, but radio frequencies were clogged with Chechens, and it was not possible to contact anyone. Militiamen on the checkpoint also fought in the ring. Weakly equipped with fire facilities, reinforced only by the thirty servicemen of the internal troops, they were doomed to death.

Senior Lieutenant Tashkin, fighting at height, did not wait for help. Among the Dagestan police ended ammunition. Cuts were already captured at the entrance to Tukhchar and the village department of the police. All the furyless fighter of militants for the surrounded height. On the third hour, BMP battered was chopped, caught fire and exploded. "Metal burned like a haystone. I would never have thought that iron could burn with such a bright flame, "the eyewitnesses of that unequal battle said.

The enemy has been rejoiced. And it distracted. The defenders of the police gearboxes are covered by fire, Senior Lieutenant Tashkin and his guys, the burdens of injured on themselves, managed to break out from the height. Mechanic BMP Alexey Polangaev, all burned, ran into the first house ...

Today we are in Tukhchara visiting a woman who tried to save the lives to the wounded driver-mechanic BMP Aleksey Polangaev. This story struck us to the depths of the soul. Several times we had to turn off the voice recorder: Ten years later, Atikat Maxudovna Tabiyev tells, pouring down bitter tears:

"This day I remember yesterday. September 5, 1999. When the militants entered the area, I firmly stated: "I will not go anywhere, let them leave those who came to our land with bad intentions." We sat at home, waited for what would happen next with us.

I went out into the yard - I look, the guy stands, the wounded soldier, walks, holds for the gate. All in the blood, burned very strongly: no hair, the skin was filtered on the face. Breasts, shoulder, hand - all have been fragments. I sent the older grandson Ramazan for the doctor, led Alexey to the house. All clothes were in blood. My daughter and I was burned and so burnt his military uniform, and so that the militants did not learn interrogation, which was burned, the remains of the fire were collected in the bag, thrown into the river.

The doctor lived next door to us, the aunts Mutalim, he came, washed and bandaged Wounds Alexei. The guy was terribly moaning, it was seen that the pain of unbearable, wounds because deep. The doctor is risening some fragments, the wounds smeared. We gave Alexey Dimedroll to fell asleep and calmly calmed down. The wounds fought blood, the sheets had to change and hide somewhere. Knowing that the militants can go, to search the house, I nevertheless not thinking to helping the wounded Alexey.

After all, the wounded soldier who expired in our house was hit by the wounded soldier, for me he was just a son, whose son. Somewhere I am waiting for my mother, and no matter what nationality it is and what religion. She is also a mother, like me. The only thing I asked Allah, so that the Most High gave me the opportunity to save him. The wounded guy asked for help, and I thought only about what you could save him. "

Activity through the rooms leads us to the most remote. In this distant, she hid the room from Siberia, closing the door to the castle. As expected, the militants were soon granted. They were sixteen. Local Chechen showed militants at Active House. In addition to her daughter, houses were her juvenile sons. The militants searched the basement, chosen the cellar, shed.

Then one of the militants sent an automatic in the direction of children and shouted: "Show where the hiding Russian!" The gangster grabbed the nine-year-old Grandson of Ramazan for the collar and slightly raised him: "Where did the mother and grandmother hide the Russian soldier? Say! " Admitted weapons on Ramazan. I packed my body and said: "do not touch children." From pain in the eyes of the boy, tears came up, but he shook his head on all the questions and stubbornly answered: "There is no one in the house." Children knew that they could shoot them, but they did not give out Alexey.

When the gangsters sent a machine to me and their team sounded: "Show where Russian!" - I just shook my head. Bandits threatened that the house would blow up. And I thought: I'm next to the next, there, in the next room, there is a Russian guy, which has been bleeding. His mother and relatives are waiting. If you even kill us, I will not give it. I die all together. Realizing the vainness of threats, the bandits continued to be searched. They heard, probably, Alexei's moans, began to shoot the castles, hacked the door. Bandits from joy shouted "Allah Akbar!", Jumped on the bed, where he was wounded by Alexey.

The daughter of Gurun ran to them into the room, she, sobbing, looked at Alexei. And I did not go into the room, could not look into his eyes ... When they brought the guy, I began to ask, begging, so that they did not take it. One of the bandits pushed me away and said: "Grandma, do not protect the Russians, if you defend, die the same death."

I speak to them: This is the same wounded and burnt soldiers, the wounded do not share on their own and strangers. Wounded need to always assist! I am a mother, how can I not protect him, wounded, the trouble will come to you, and you will be protected.

I cling to their hands, I asked, begged to let go of Alexey. Frightened nineteen-year-old boy looks at me and asks: "What will they do with me?" My heart burst. I told them that I do not consider Russian enemies, and never distinguish people by national sign. On the Sharia, great sin - distinguish between people on a national basis. We are all humans.

"Go away, grandmother, and do not teach us," said the gangsters, took away Alexey, left the yard. And I walked behind him. It was very difficult for me that I could not save him. I cried overnight and walked behind them. Even the Chechen, who neighborly lived, told the bandits: "Leave him guys, not a tenant he!"

In one of the nearby houses there were several Russian soldiers, they opened fire, and the militants entered into battle, and Alexei was thrown near the wall under the supervision of one of their. I ran to Alesh, hugged him. We both bitterly cried ...

Again and again, he stands in front of his eyes: That's it with difficulty rises to the feet, swinging, keeps over the wall and looks straight on the militants. Then turns to me and asks: "What will they do with me, mother?"

Actik Tabiyev from pain closes his eyes: "The gangsters said that he was exchanged for his prisoners. How could you believe their words? Even if they shot me, I would not let you go aleas. And she should not let go. "

Activity shows us the route for which Alexey was taught. When it comes to the wicket, falls to the ground and shoes. As then, 10 years ago. Also, she fell at the gate and sobbed, and Alexei surrounded by two dozen gangsters, they took a reprisal.

Tea Active, Gurun says: "Not far from Tukhchara on the checkpoint I, working as a cook, fed the police. Although it was not in my duties, cared about the Russian guys, the use of serve on the border with Chechnya. He headed the company Senior Lieutenant Vasily Tashkin, there were only 13 Russian guys. When a wounded Alexey entered our house, the first question was: "Guly, are you living here?"

I did not have time to warn my sons that Alexey could not be issued, and was amazed how my boys were kept. When the militants, sending an automatic on them, asked for the guys: "Where are you a Russian hiding?", The boys stubbornly answered: "We do not know."

Alexey, when he came to himself, asked me to bring a mirror. There was no living space on his face, there was no solid footprints from burns, but I started comforting it: "You're beautiful, as before, most importantly, I left the trouble, did not burn, everything will be fine." He looked into the mirror and said: "The most important thing is alive."

When the bandits hacked the door and went into the room, sleepy Alexey did not understand what was happening. I told him that he was taken to hospital. Having woke up, he said softly: "Guly, who is imperceptibly removed from me a token, if something happens to me, take into the draft board."

The militants shouted: "Lift quickly!" He was not able to get up. The boyly was the guy, says to me: "Guly, so that I do not fall in front of them, keep me and put on me a shirt."

In the courtyard, my mother ran up to him, it was impossible to look at her, she cried, asked the gangsters to let him go. "We must cure him," Chechens said. "I myself will cure him here," I asked.
"Who is a Russian hide, those are waiting for the same fate," said the fighter. And in his own language, he says each other (I understand the Chechen language a little): "To slaughter, or what is it here?" ...

Not far from Tukhchara, along the way to Chechen village, Galaita, militants cruelly dealt with six Russian guys. Among them was the driver-mechanic BMP Alexey Polangaev. Aunt Active never looks in the side where the soldiers executed. She always mentally asks for forgiveness from Native Alexei, who live in a distant Siberia. She tormented that she could not save the wounded soldier. No people came for Alexey, but beasts. However, sometimes even the animals easier to save human life.

Later, when one of the local accomplices of militants will appear before the court, he admits that the manual behavior of the Actik struck even the militants themselves. This low growth, a thin woman, risking his life and the lives of his loved ones, in that cruel war tried to save the wounded soldier.

"In a brutal time, you need to save the wounded, to show mercy, to unite good in the hearts and souls of the Russians and Caucasians," Just and Mudro tells the aunt of Active and flashes that he could not save Alyosha's soldier. "I'm not a hero, I do not brave a woman," she complains. - Heroes Those who save lives. "

Let me argue, Aunt Active! You made a feat, and we want to bow low to you, the mother whose heart does not share the children on their own and strangers.

... On the outskirts of the village of Sherry Kalachites, Omonov Metal Cross installed Omon Metal Cross. Folded at its base slide stones symbolize Calvary. Residents of the village of Tukhchar do everything possible to perpetuate the memory of Russian soldiers who died, defending Dagestan land.

Excerpts from the testimony of internally displaced persons who fled from Chechnya in the period from 1991-1995.

A. Kochedykova, lived in Grozny: "I left the city of Greoznaya in February 1993 due to the constant threats to the action by armed Chechens and non-payment of pensions and wages. I threw an apartment with all the situation, two cars, a cooperative garage and left with my husband. In 1993, the Chechens killed my neighbor on the street. 1966 .. She broke through his head, broke the ribs, raped.

From the apartment near the veteran of the war Elena Ivanovna was also killed.

In 1993, it was impossible to live there, they killed around. The cars were undermined directly with people. From the work of Russians began to dismiss without any reasons.

The apartment killed a man born in 1935. Nine knife wounds struck him, his daughter raped him and killed immediately in the kitchen. "

B. Efankin, lived in Grozny:

"In May 1993, in my garage I was attacked by an armed machine and a gun two Chechen guys and tried to take possession of my car, but could not, because She was repaired. They shot me over his head.
In the fall of 1993, a group of armed Chechens brutally killed my friend Bulgarian, who refused to voluntarily give his car "Volga". Such cases were massive. For this reason, I drove out of the greek. "

D. Gakypyyyy, lived in Grozny:

"In November 1994, the neighbors-Chechens threatened with murder with the use of a gun, and then kicked out of the apartment and settled in it themselves."

P. Kyskova, lived in Grozny:

"On July 1, 1994, four teenagers of Chechen nationality broke my arm and raped, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plant" Red Hammer ", when I returned home from work."

E. Dapkylinets, lived in Grozny:

"On December 6 and 7, 1994, he was very beaten for refusing to participate in Dydayev's militia as part of Ukrainian militants in with. Chechen-Ayl. "

E. Bapsykova, lived in Grozny:

"In the summer of 1994, I saw from the window of my apartment in Grozny, as a garage belonging to the neighbor of the MKTchan H., armed people of Chechen nationality were approached, one of them fired in the foot of the MKTchan H., and then took the car from him and drove."

G. Tarasova, lived in Grozny:

"On May 6, 1993, in Grozny, my husband was missing. Tarasov A.F. PRESSORY THAT IS PLAYED FORMULATED Chechens in the mountains work, because He is a welder. "

E. Khobova, lived in Grozny:

"On December 31, 1994, my husband, Pusher and Brother, Eremina A., killed the Chechen sniper at the moment when they were removed on the street the corpses of Russian soldiers."

H. Trofimova, lived in Grozny:

"In September 1994, Chechens burst into the apartment of my sister, Vishnyakova, raped her in front of children, beat her son and took a 12-year-old daughter Lena with them. So she did not return. Since 1993, my son has repeatedly beaten and robbed Chechens. "

V. Ageev, lived in Art. Petropavlovsk Greoznensky District:

"On January 11, 1995, Russian soldiers shot in the village of Dydaevsky militants."

M. Hpapova, lived in Gudermes:

"In August 1992, our neighbor, Sargsyan R.S., and his wife, Sargsyan Z.S., tortured and burned alive."

V. Kobzayev, lived in the Greozno region:

"On November 7, 1991, three Chechens from the machine guns fired at my cottage, I was miraculously alive.
In September 1992, armed Chechens demanded to free apartment, threw a grenade. And I, fearing for my life and the life of relatives, was forced to leave Chechnya with family. "

T. Alexandrov, lived in Grozny:

"My daughter was returning home in the evening. Chechens dragged her into the car, beaten, cut and raped. We were forced to leave the greek. "

T. Vdovchenko, lived in Grozny:

"The neighbor in the staircase, the KGB employee V. Toltenka, early in the morning, the armed Chechens were pulled out of his apartment and after a few days his dismissed corpse was discovered. She did not see these events in person, but O. K. told me about this (the address K. not specified, the event took place in Grozny in 1991). "

V. Hazapenko, lived in Grozny:

"In Grozny, he lived before November 1992, Dydaev found the fact that crimes were open against the Russians, and no one was punished for this from Chechens.

He had first disappeared by the rector of the Greazno University, and after a while his corpse was accidentally found wicked in the forest. With him they did, because he did not want to liberate the position occupied by him. "

A. Shezpetilo, born 1961:

"Grozny lived until the end of April 1994 he worked in Art. Kalinovskaya HAYPA P-on the director of the music school. At the end of 1993, I returned from work from Art. Kalinovskaya in Grozny. The bus was not, and I went to the city on foot. The car "Zhiguli" came up to me, the Chechen was released from Kalashnikov's automaton and, threatening the murder, stuffed me into the car, took me to the field, I mocked me there for a long time, raped and beat. "

Ya. Yunysova:

"The son of Zaire in June 1993 was taken hostage and held it for 3 weeks, they let go after paying 1.5 million rubles.".

M. Plight:
"In the spring of 1992, in Grozny on ul .. Dyakova completely plundered the wine-vodka shop. In the apartment of the head of this store, a combat grenade was brocked, as a result of the explosion of which her husband died, and she was amputated to her leg. "

I. Chekyleily, 1949.:

"From the greek left in March 1993. My son is 5 times robbed, filmed all over top clothes from it. On the way to the Institute of My Son, Chechens were greatly beaten, broke his head, threatened with a knife.

I personally beat and raped only because I am Russian. Dean the Faculty of the Institute was killed, where my son studied. A friend of my son, Maxim, killed our departure. "

V. Minkoeva, 1978 R.:

"In 1992, a attack was committed in Grozny to neighboring school. Children (seventh grade) took hostages and kept during the day. There were a group rape of the whole class and three teachers. In 1993, I stole my classmate M. in the summer of 1993 on the platform of the railway. A man was shot at my eyes in Chechens, "a man was shot."

V. Komarov:

"In Grozny, I worked as a nurse in a children's clinic number 1. We had Tethikov, the Chechen militants came to her and shot the whole family.
All life was in fear. One day, Dydaev, with his militants, ran into the clinic, where we were trapped to the walls. So he walked along the clinic and shouted that there was a Russian genocide here, since our building earlier belonged to the KGB.

I did not pay a salary for 7 months, and in April 1993 I left. "

Yu. Pletnev, 1970.:

"In the summer of 1994 at 13 o'clock I was an eyewitting shot on the Khrushchev Square of 2 Chechens, the 1st Russian and the 1st Korean. The execution was produced by four Dydaev Guardsmen who brought victims on foreign cars. The citizen passing the car was postal.

In early 1994, one Chechen had a grenade in the Khrushchev Square. The check jumped out, the played and a few more people who were near, were injured. There was a lot of weapons in the city, almost Y of every resident of the greek - Chechen.
A neighbor-Chechen was drunk, noisy, threatened with rape in perverted form and murder. "

A. Fedyushkin, 1945 R.:

"In 1992, unknown persons armed with a pistol took away the car Y of my kuma living in Art. Chermen.

In 1992 or in 1993, two Chechens armed with a pistol and a knife were tied to his wife (1949.) And the older daughter (1973), they committed them for violent actions, took the TV, gas stove and hid. Hapaded were masked.

In 1992 in Art. Chermen robbed my mother some men, taking the icon and cross, causing corporal damage.

A neighbor brother, who lived in Art. Chermen, in his car VAZ-2121 left the village and disappeared. The car was found in the mountains, and his very 3 months later discovered in the river. "

V. Doronina:

"At the end of August 1992, the granddaughter took the granddaughter on the car, but soon let go.
In art. Hingenediyk (Assinovka) In the orphanage, armed Chechens raped all girls and educators.

Yunysh neighbor threatened my son to murder and demanded that he sell him a house.
At the end of 1991, armed Chechens broke into the house to my relative, they demanded money, threatened by murder, the son was killed. "

S. Akinshin (1961):

"On August 25, 1992, about 12 o'clock in the territory of the country area in Grozny, 4 Chechens were penetrated and demanded that my wife who were there to enter into a sexual connection with them. When the wife refused, one of them struck her in the face of the Castet, causing bodily injuries ... "

R. Akinshina (1960):

"On August 25, 1992, about 12 hours at the cottage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 3rd mining of the Grozny Four Chechens at the age of 15-16, they demanded to enter into a sexual connection with them. I was indignant. Then one of the Chechens struck me with a tape and raped me, taking advantage of my helpless state. After that, under the threat of murder, I was forced to commit sex with my dog. ".

H. Lobenko:

"In the entrance of my house, the person of Chechen nationality was shot by 1 Armenian and 1 Russian. Ryssky killed for the fact that he stood up for Armenian. "


"There was a case when I snatched a bag.
In March - April 1994, the school-internat, where my daughter Hatsha worked, a drunk Chechen, who beat his daughter, raped her and then tried to kill her. Daughters managed to escape.

It was a witness as robbed a neighboring house. At this time, the tenants were in bomb shelter. "

O. Kalchenko:

"My employee, a girl of 22 years old, in my eyes, Chechens raped and shot on the street near our work.
Two Chechens were robbed me, under the threat of a knife selected the latest money. "

V. Kapaginin:

"They killed her son 08.01.95, earlier Chechens 04.01.94 killed the youngest son. "

"All were forced to take the citizenship of the Chechen Republic, if you do not accept, you will not get the ticket coupons."

A. Abidzhalyeva:

"We left on January 13, 1995 because Chechens demanded that the Nogai protect them from Russian troops. We clutch. BPAT for refusal to go to the troops beat. "

O. Bopichevsky, lived in Grozny:

"In April 1993, the apartment was attacked by Chechens, dressed in omeline. Robbed and carried all valuable things. "

N. Kolesnikova 1969 R., lived in Gudermes:

"On December 2, 1993, at the stop of the" plot of 36 "of the Step-industrial (Starindryslovsky) district of Grozny, 5 Chechens took me for his hands, they were taken to the garage, beaten, raped, and then drove the apartments where the drugs were raped. They released only on December 5th. "

E. Kypbanova, O. Kypbanova, L. Kypbanov, lived in Grozny:

"Our neighbors are family T. (mother, father, son and daughter) were found at home with signs of violent death."

T. Fefelova, lived in Grozny: "The neighbors (in Grozny) stole a girl of 12 years old, then vowed photos (where they mowed and raped over her) and demanded a ransom." 3 Saniev:

"During the battles in Grozny, I saw the women of women snipers among the fighters."

L. Davydova:

"In August 1994, three Chechens went to the House of Family K. (Gydep Semi). Musy shook under the bed, and a 47-year-old woman brutally raped (also using different items). Those of the week K. Died.
On the night of December 30, 1994, I set fire to the kitchen. "

T. Lisitskaya:

"I pledged in the city of Grozny at the station, every day I watched how robbed railway formulations.
On the night of the new, 1995, Chechens came to me and demanded money for weapons and ammunition. "

K. Celkin:

T. Syhykova:

"In early April 1993, theft was committed from our apartment (Grozny). At the end of April 1993, we had a VAZ-2109 car stolen. On May 10, 1994, my husband Bagdasafyan G.3. was killed on the street with a shot of a machine gun. "

Ya. Rydy 1971 R.:

"In 1993, the Armed with automata, Chechens, made a robbery attack on my apartment (art. HovVyovskaya). I made valuable things, my mother was raped, tortured with a knife, causing bodily injuries. In the spring of 1993, my mother-in-law and beetor were beaten on the street (Grozny).

V. Bochkapeva:

"Dyadevtsy took hostage director of the school of Art. Kalinovskaya Belyaeva V., his deputy carpenter V. I., Chairman of the collective farm "Kalinovsky" UPINA. Released at 12 million rubles ... not. Having received a ransom, killed hostages. "

I. Hependova:

"On January 13, 1991, I and my husband was a robbery attack by Chechens in his apartment (Grozny) - took away all valuable things, up to the earrings from the ears."

V. Malashin 1963 R.:

"On January 9, 1995, in the apartment of T. (Grozny), in which my wife and I came to visit, the three armed Chechens broke out, robbed us, and two raped my wife, T. and located in the apartment E. (1979 . R.)".

Yu. Usachev, F. Usachev:

E. Kalganova:

"My neighbors - Armenians were robbeled by the Chechens, their 15-year-old daughter raped. In 1993, the family of ppochoova P. E. was subjected to the robbery attack

A. Plotnikova:

"In the winter of 1992, I and my neighbors, Chechens selected orders for apartments and, threatening with automata, ordered to evaluate. I left in the city of Grozny apartment, garage, cottage. My son and daughter witnessed the murder of the Chechens of the neighbor B. - He was shot from the machine. "

V. Mahapin, born 1959:

"On November 19, 1994, Chechens committed a robbery attack on my family. With a car, they twitted a wife and children from the car. All beat their legs, broke the ribs. Wife raped. Selected gas-24, property.

M. Vasiliev:

"In September 1994, two Chechen militants raped my 19-year-old daughter."

A. Fedo:

"In 1993, Chechens robbed my apartment. In 1994, I was stolen by a car. Communicated in the police. When I saw my car in which armed Chechens were located, also announced this to the police. I was told that I forget about the car. Chechens threatened and said I left Chechnya. "

N. Komphazhkin:

"In October 1992, Dydaev announced the mobilization of militants aged 15 to 50 years. While working on the railway, Russians, and me, including Chechens protected as prisoners. At the station, I saw the Chechens shot a man unfamiliar to me from the machines. Chechens stated that they killed the roof. "

A. BypeMypzayev:

"November 26, 1994 was an eyewitness, as Chechen militants burned 6 opposition tanks along with the crews."

M. Panteleeva:

"In 1991, Dydaeva's militants assault took the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, while killing police officers, some colonel, wounding Major police. In Grozny, the rector of the oil institute was kidnapped, the proceductor was killed. In the apartment of my parents, armed militants broke - three in masks. One - in police uniform, under the threat of weapons and torture with a hot iron, selected 750 thousand rubles., Stolen cars. "

E. Dydina, 1954 R.:

"In the summer of 1994, I could never in the street beaten by Chechens. I beat me, son and husband. From the son removed the clock. Then I was dragged into the entrance and made sexual intercourse in the perverted form. One familiar woman told me that when she went to Kratznoda in 1993, the train was stopped, armed Chechens entered and took money and values. In Tambur, they raped and thrown out from the car (already in full speed) a young girl. "

I. Delleova:

"On August 2, 1994, two Chechens broke into my house (Gydepins) at night, the mother cut the neck, we managed to fight off, in one of the attackers learned the fellow school at school. I filed a statement to the police, after which they began to pursue, threaten the life of the son. I sent my relatives to the Stavropol Territory, then I left myself. My pursuers blew my house on November 21, 1994. "

V. Fedorova:

"In mid-April 1993, the daughter of my friend was dragged into the car (Grozny) and taken away. Those for some time they found it killed, she was raped. My friend in the house, which the Chechen tried to rape, at the same evening, the Chechens caught the same evening and all night were raped.

On May 15-17, 1993, two young Chechens tried to rape me at the entrance of my house. Chopped a neighbor in the entrance, an elderly Chechen.

In September 1993, when I drove to the station with a friend, my friend was pulled out of the car, beat him with my feet, and then one of the defendants of Chechens hit me in the face. "

S. gpigyanz:

"During the reign of Dydayev, the husband of Aunt Sarkis was killed, they took the machine, then the sister of my grandmother and her granddaughter disappeared."

H. Zyuzin:

"On August 7, 1994, a colleague on the work of S. Yu. L. His wife captured armed gangsters. On August 9, his wife was released, she said that they were beat, tortured, demanded a ransom, they were released for money. On September 5, 1994, a disheveled corpse Sh. Found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chemical Combine. "

"In October 1993, our employee A. S. (1955, the sender of trains, raped about 18 hours right at the station and beat several people. At the same time, the dispatcher was raped by the name of the world (1964. R.). Police talked to Criminals in Chechen and let them go. "

V. Rosvanov:

"The Chechens tried to steal the daughter of Wyat, she flew twice, and for the third time she was saved.

Sasha's son robbed and beat.

In September 1993, I robbed me, took off the clock, a hat.

In December 1994, 3 Chechens searched an apartment, broke the TV, filed, drank and left. "

A. Vitakov:

"In 1992, they raped and shot by T. V., 1960.P., Mother of three juvenile children.

They were dismissed neighbors, older husband and wife, for the fact that children sent things (container) to Russia. Chechnya refused to seek criminals. "

B. Yanoshenko:

"Another Chechens in Grozny have beaten during 1992, robbed apartment, broke my car for the fact that refused to participate in hostilities with the opposition on the side of the Dydewwsev."

V. Osipova:

"I left because of oppression. Worked at the factory in Grozny. In 1991, armed Chechens arrived at the plant and forcefully expelled the Russians to the polls. Then unbearable conditions were created for the Russians, the cooking robbers began, the garages blew up and the cars were taken away.

In May 1994, Son, Osipov V. E., traveled from Grozny, armed Chechens did not give to ship things. Then it was also with me, all things were declared "the property of the republic."

K. Deniskin:

"It is forced to leave in October 1994 due to the situation: constant shooting, armed robbery, murder.

A. Rodionova:

"In early 1993, warehouses with weapons were defeated in Grozny, armed. It came to the point that the children went to school with a weapon. Institutions, schools closed.
In mid-March 1993, three armed Chechens broke into the apartment of neighbors-Appy, took valuables.

There was an eyewitness in October 1993. The killings of a young guy, which is right in the afternoon of the stomach. "

H. Benesina:

"Lived in P. Assinovsky. The son was constantly beaten at school, he was forced to not go there. My husband at work (local state farm) was removed from the Russian governing positions. "

L. Hotel:

"In August 1993, in Grozny, when I was walking with my daughter on the street, Chechen grabbed the daughter among the White Day (1980), hit me, dragged her into his machine and took it. Two hours later she returned home, she said that she was raped.
Russians humiliated with all ways. In particular, in Grozny, a poster hung a poster: "Russians, do not leave, we need slaves."

View this material is contraindicated: persons of minor age, people with a weak and unstable psyche, pregnant women, people with nervous disorders, mentally ill.

This video is recommended for viewing to persons from the Memorial Human Rights Society, in particular Kovalev S.A., foreign citizens who are interested in the Chechen war, also Western journalists covering the topic of war in Chechnya.

02.11.2011. Found details on this case:

The Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic sentenced to 25 years in prison of some of Ilyas Dashayev. The verdict appears only one episode of the criminal activity of this young man of 19 born in 1982. This case still comes out for all sorts of frames and in their wildness, and in its cruelty.

The court found that the native of the village of Gakhi Dashayev as part of an armed gang, which was commanded by the sadly famous Golovonzz Islam Chalaev, in early October 2001, kidnapped three people - two women and a man. Bandits were taken to the village of Alchan Cala. At first they were interrogated and beat. Then one woman was cut off his head, the second shot, and the man was released. The crime of bandits, which later became the starting point for investigators of the Republican Prosecutor's Office.

At one time, Chechnya went a lot of shocking records. But here the investigators faced the fact that the bandits kidnapped the family in which Hasan Edilgireev's husband was Chechen, and Tatiana Usmanova's wife is Russian. Her girlfriend Lena Gaevskaya was also Russian. Later, at the trial, the only accused Dashaev - the remaining members of the gang together with the leader by the time were destroyed - tried to submit that the family was kidnapped allegedly for cooperation with the federal authorities.

But the state prosecutor considered otherwise. On the frames of terrible video, the last moments of the life of unfortunate women are captured, and one who will stand the nerves to watch the record will understand that the murders were committed only because Russian, according to bandits, should not live with a Chechen in the world and one family .

By the beginning of the 2000s, the situation in Chechnya has changed a lot compared with the middle of the nineties. If the first Chechen campaign did not have to persuade the Chechens to fight with federals, then after the attack of Bandaeva and Hattaba, people began to look at the role of so-called field commanders completely differently. Many Chechens realized that their real enemies were not at all in Russia, and began to help the federal authority to establish peaceful life in the destroyed republic.

These are Bandits Chalaev and did not give rest. Therefore, they, killing his wife and her girlfriend, let go of Chechens. The prosecutor's office is confident that the Chechen of Edilgireeva was not alive because he was less than his wife, collaborated with the authorities. Bandits needed to demonstratively to keep the Russian population with Chechens. Therefore, they were all filmed on the video, for this then they were replicated terrible shots in Chechnya.

In front of her husband, his wife was laid on the ground and pulled out a hole for the flow of blood. Dashaev kept unhappy behind his arms and legs. The first with a knife to the victim approached Arbi Khaskhanov. He made several suns on the neck of a woman. Then, adman of Barayev, who also cut the butcher on his throat for the knife. Completed the case of Dashaev, who separated the head of a woman from the body, and then stood up and holding her the hair with a satisfied view began to pose into the chamber. The operator, another of the gangsters, the most discerning Hamzat Tazabayev, nicknamed Tazik, was satisfied with the terrible action.

Edilgireev still can not remember without shudder, with what cruelty they killed his wife. The video shows that the executioners like their "work".

The prosecutor's office at the court demanded a life imprisonment for Dashayev, but the court did not agree with the arguments of the state prosecutor. The judge, though she considered the guilt of Dashayev proven, gave the defendant 25 years. The prosecutor's office did not agree with the verdict and the other day is going to file a cassation representation.

She believes that the demonstrative terrible murder requires maximum punishment. Bandits that are trying to make such bloody acts to ignite the flame of interethnic hostility, they should know that only one perspective is waiting for them - to sit behind bars until the end of their days.