
Vegetable juices for the winter at home. How to cook vegetable juice


I want to offer you a vegetable juice recipe that can be harvested for the winter. It can include almost any vegetables on you taste. The basis for such juice take the tomatoes, and then add carrots, beets, bulgarian pepperEven you can apples. Here, of course, do not do without the juicer, because almost all ingredients must be skipped through it.

Exit: about two liters of juice, everything will depend on juiciness of vegetables.
Vegetable juice ingredients:
Tomatoes 1.5-2 kg
Sweet beet 500 g
carrot 500-700 g
Sweet pepper 5 pcs.
The main component of vegetable juice will be tomatoes, skip them through the juicer, put it on a moderate heat in a saucepiece with thick walls.
Wash and clean all carrots, cut into pieces that will be convenient to send to the juicer.
Sull carrot juice. Well, if you use juicy and sweet carrots, the juice will be tastier.
Sweet beets Clean and rinse with water. Cut it with slices, skip through the juicer. Vegetable juice for the winter
Add carrot and beet juice to the saucepan, where it is brewed tomato juice. The ratio of vegetables in such a juice is adjustable, that is, add more of those ingredients that prefer. By the way, in such juice it will be possible to add a little apple freshly fed juice, try.
Sweet pepper burn over the gas burner, fold into the package, wrap and leave for 10 minutes. The skin is then easily. You can do it in the oven, for example, as in the recipe for salad of baked vegetables.
Remove the core, put the pepper into the bowl of the blender.
Grind pepper in mashed potatoes, add a mixture into a saucepan with juice, continue cooking. Such pepper will give a slightly smoked aroma, and give the juice thickness. You can also skip it through the juicer and pour juice into the scenery.
Boil juice on low heat for 20-40 minutes, salt and add sugar.
After that, wipe juice through the iron sieve, the juice will acquire a silky consistency.
You can add thick to borsch, in the process of cooking for a roaster, or cook something else. I will tell about it next time.
Put vegetable juice Again on the stove, boil for about 10 minutes on small fire. At this stage, you can lower the pod hot peppers, for fans of sharp sensations. Prepare sterilized bottles and covers to them. Boil the juice and tighten the covers, turn the bottles, take a warm plaid on top, cool down and remove it until winter in a dark and cool room.
Enjoy delicious I. useful juices, After all, it is so easy to prepare them and inexpensively in season.

Hello lovers of a healthy lifestyle!

Today I will tell you and show how from carrots, beets and celery (such vegetables have been found in my refrigerator) to prepare delicious and useful fresh juice. It would also be cool and treat you ... But the Internet capabilities are not limitless! 🙂

We take dirty vegetables. Never buy twisted and washing root roots (you know, such simplications are sold in aircuts with ventilation holes). It seems to me that the nutritional value of them is doubtful, and I have a healthy nutrition. Carrots, beets, potatoes and other roots (this is rooting?) Only in prior odds are stored without loss of quality.

While unwashed vegetables

So, on the juice, we have carrots today, beets (Buryak) and Celery's root. As for me - a great combination!

Carrots and beets carefully mine in warm water using a metal brush. I do not cut a skirt, because I read Sergeyevna's Shatalova Galina that vegetables with a skin are better digest and digested.

After washing, we cut a knife with a knife (the place where the tops grow from) and all flaws. Dense upper layer of celery root also cut off. It turned out quite attractive pure vegetables.

The same set of vegetables after washing and trimming

Give the juicer. It is stored in my assembled form, so no preparatory action is needed. Only turn on the network. Yes, and do not forget under the spout to substitute the hunter (special pitcher). You can simply substitute a cup, but then you will succeed with foam. About it next.

Install the juicer, we substitute the tank for the juice

Earlier, I already wrote about how to choose the juicer, most convenient for vegetable frisses. Who did not read, read.

I have a good model - for lazy. I love such a technique!

A wide neck allows you to cut the raw material. Therefore, I do not need to pre-cut vegetables. That is, my actions for preparing for the release of juice are minimal.

The size of the neck allows you to stick in the juicer of large vegetables

Turn on the toggle switch to the second mode. I used to press on the first, and then I read in the instructions (I sometimes read them 🙂) that carrots and beets are better pressed on the second (higher) speed. It was convinced that so the yield of juice turns out more, and the cake, respectively, land.

We send all our vegetables to the raw receiver of the working apparatus one by one, pressing on top of the pusher. They are erased about the sieve in an instant. Well, very fast!

The process of pressing juice. The finished jet juice flows into a hustler. The juicer vibrates, therefore the quality of photorgaph is low.

From the nose with a chest jet flows juice.

Look: from three carrots, one small beet and a quarter of Celery's root I got 400 ml of juice.

The resulting volume of juice - approximately 400 ml

The amount of juice, by the way depends on two factors:

  1. Juits of the feedstock (the juicy, respectively, the yield of juice is greater).
  2. Pressing speeds (and it, in turn, depends on the capabilities of your juicer).

Juice overflow into a cup. At the same time, taking a jug from under the spout, we substitute a plate in its place, in which the vegetables were lying before. I do that in order to drop, which 100% accumulate when parsing the juicer, did not fall on the table. I love washing and wipe as few objects as possible ... 🙂

The pitcher has a special partition that holds the foam is a foam separator. Work perfect!

It turned out a complete big cup of juice and a little more left in a jug

With juice what we do, what do you think? Right! Immediately drink. Delicious! Very helpful!

Accelerates metabolism. Contains a set of trace elements, vitamins, vital energy. Heads. Strengthens immunity (especially in combination with and).

Now, without postponing in a long box, we will deal with your favorite juicer in its original condition.

We start disassembled the juicer for washing. First, remove the lid.

Lock the locks, remove the lid.

We take out a sieve and a bowl in which the sieve is installed. Here then drops and fall - but we are prudent and we have a plate there! 🙂

Take out a sieve and bowl from the juicer

We take out container for waste. Look, by the way, the cake is not so much. And he is delicious. Put it all in the same plate. You can safely eat some part. I always do that. By the way, in the article about the choice of juicer, I described additional options for using cake.

The juicer is disassembled completely. You can wash the details.

Details of the juicer of mine in warm water. For the washing of the cortex, we use the brush (I do not know how you have, and in my model it was included).

I my immediately, while nothing stopped, so I do not apply detergents. I suggest and you do that. We care about your health and clean ambient, truth?

Well, the juice will drink, the details of the favorite juicer are neatly washed and dried. The case of the apparatus we wipe barely with a wet cloth. Yes, I hope you did not forget to pre-turn off the device from the network?

After the details are dried, the juicer can be collected and hidden. She lives right on the kitchen countertop (the kitchen is large and you can not particularly save space). Favorite technique should always be at hand.

Cake after cooking juice from 3 carrots, 1 beets and 1/4 celery

That's all.

If we talk about temporary costs, then:

  1. The preparation of vegetables I took about 5 minutes.
  2. The spin of the juice took about 1 minute.
  3. Disassembling the juicer and washing parts - 10 minutes.
  4. Writing an article is 45 minutes.

If you are not going to write about the preparation of juice from vegetables, then spend on the whole process for about 15 minutes. Not long, right?

About savings I am generally silent. Make Fresh's houses with their own hands every ten, probably cheaper than buying it in the outlet.

I wish you all health and pleasure from freshly squeezed vegetable juices!

Of the canned domestic juices, the most popular apple, because it is easy to cook in large quantities, but vegetable juices deserve no less attention. It is especially important to take advantage of the season to prepare juice from tomatoes, because in winter it can be used not only as a drink, but also for cooking sauces and gas stations.

If part of the tomatoes replace with carrots and tomatoes, the juice will acquire new flavoring shades. Choose a bright juicy carrot and large, fully dispensed peppers for cooking.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg.;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking at home

1. We prepare the necessary products for juice from vegetables. Tomatoes will seize ripe and without damage, well, well, remove the fruit. Peppers we deliver from seeds, rinse. Onions cleanse from the peel.

2. To grind vegetables, take the juicer. Alternately put into it sliced \u200b\u200bingredients. The resulting mass put in a saucepan on a slow fire for 15 minutes.

3. In the process of cooking, we remove the resulting foam.

4. Canned jars and rinse in cool water, put on a towel.

5. Still burrowing juice fill in banks, tightly climb them.

6. Finished preservation turn over the neck down to the complete cooling.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Winter billets are not limited only by vegetables and compotes, if desired, you can cook for the winter the beautiful stock of vitamins - juices from vegetables. The benefits of them will undoubtedly be much more than from purchased. Of course, many products are available and in winter and does not prevent anything from making fresh juice, but the beneficial substances will be much smaller in it, and the taste will be less pleasant. It is summer, the sun-trapped vegetables are best suited for cooking the most delicious homemade juice. When pressing or annealing juice, all the benefits come together with it, so that a cup of such a drink may well replace the whole vegetable eating. By the way, such juice can be included in or another holiday.

- tomatoes;
- Bulgarian pepper;
- carrot;
- sugar;
- Salt.


1. To prepare vegetable juice for the winter prepare the necessary products, namely tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper and carrots. In order for the drink to be preserved for several months, it is very important to correctly choose products - they should not even be a hint of damage, rotting, insect activities. Also, you should not choose surfing, too soft vegetables. All products thoroughly wash, clean from the peel and fruits.

2. Having slightly having ingredients from extra moisture, proceed to the tickness of the juice. We do it with any existing juicer. If it is not, you can take advantage of even a meat grinder, but after you have to press the resulting cleaner through the gauze.

3. We place the resulting mixture into a saucepan of the required volume, add some sugar and salt (to taste, on average per liter of vegetables juice - half of the table spoon salt and sugar teaspoon).

4. We put a saucepan on fire, bring to a boil and boil just a few minutes.

5. We prepare banks - carefully wash them and sterilize. To do this, hold them about a quarter of an hour over the ferry or rolling in the oven.

6. Pour the resulting vegetable juice for the winter by banks. It is necessary to try to pretend to the very top - so the likelihood that juice will deteriorate, significantly decreases.

7. We ride the prepared metal covers (they are sterilized in boiling water). We turn the banks upside down and put in a warm place until a complete cooling. During the week, it is better not to remove banks too far - if some kind of bank is spoiled, then for this period it will definitely manifest itself.

8. Home Vegetable Juice for Winter Ready! Having opened it in winter, it will be possible to enjoy the freshness and pleasant taste of summer vegetables.

We recommend that you see and others.

Despite the abundance of juices in the store, many mistresses prefer to harvest juices for the winter from the gifts of their own garden and the garden. And they do it correctly, because harvesting juice yourself, it is possible not only to be 100% confident in his quality, but also to make a bouquet of different juices on your own taste. You can put the juice for baby food or for the whole family, it can be "simple" juice or juice as a therapeutic agent - variants set.

For the workpiece of the juice, you will have to arma some devices. It can be a power plate for producing juice from apples, pears, carrots and other juicy, but dense fruits and vegetables. To produce a juice with a flesh, a meat grinder is suitable or a design with a special nozzle is suitable. In some farms, you can find wooden hand screws - juice with their help squeezes dry. And in urban cuisines most often lived.

Juice obtained using the press, meat grinder or juicers can be preserved in two ways. For hot spill Freshly squeezed juice is heated to 70-75 ° C, filtered, boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into sterilized dishes and roll. For pasteurization Juice is heated to 80 ° C, fixed, again heated to 85-90 ° C and poured into sterilized banks, which are then pasteurized in water at a temperature of 85 ° C: 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, 1-liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 35 minutes. Banks and bottles for juice should be poured almost fair, it reduces the possibility of damage. Juice from the Sokovarka is immediately bottled on prepared banks and rolled out.

After routing, leave banks and bottles with juice in a dark place when room temperature For a couple of weeks - during this time, poor-quality juices will definitely manifest themselves: juice can be touched, to blur or moldy. If such a confusion happened, pour juice into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. It is impossible to roll such juice.

H. wanted juice homemade cooking You can not for a longer year in a dark cool place. At high temperature, the juice loses its taste and nutritional qualities, and the light is discolored or drowned. Not deadly, but not aesthetically.

The quality of the finished juice directly depends on the quality of raw materials. For juice, use fresh ripe healthy vegetables, fruits and berries. The misappropriate products have a weak fragrance, there are few sugar and vitamins in them, and overripe give few juice. Sour juices are prepared with sugar or bathe (mixed) with other, more fragrant and sweet juices. For different species Juice requires a different amount of sugar. For example, for apricots, cherries, gooseberries, currant and blueberries are required 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruits. For raspberries and plums are enough 70-75 g of sugar. For pears and apples - 50 g of sugar, and the least sugar is needed to prepare juice from grapes - only 40 g per 1 kg of berries.

Different fruits and vegetables give a different amount of juice. So that you do not missed the number of packaging, our site offers an exemplary exit table from raw materials (based on 10 kg of fruits or berries):

- Apples - 4-6.5 liters
- pears - 4-6 liters
- Cherries - 4-6.5 liters
- black currant - 5-6.5 L.
- Red currant - 6-7 liters
- Gooseberry - 4-6.8 liters
- strawberries - 5-6.5 liters
- Malina - 5-6.5 liters
- Grapes - 5-6.5 liters

The amount of juice depends on the method of obtaining it, ripeness of products, varieties and other factors.

You can prepare any juices for the winter to your liking and opportunities. "Culinary Eden" offers you several recipes: both simple, single-component and unusual baked juices. For business!

Before squeeze juice, jars and bottles should be prepared. They should be sterilized over the ferry for 15 minutes. The lacquered metal covers must be sterilized in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

For juice, it is good to select fragrant sour sweet apples. Sick the juice, break it into the pan, add sugar (according to the table or to taste) and bring to a boil. Immediately after the start of the boiling, remove the saucepan from the fire and burst the juice on the banks, roll up with sterilized covers, turn the jars and wrap.

Grape juice. Thorish thoroughly and rinse grapes, tear the berries with the brushes and put in the pan so that they fill it on ¾ volume. Fill grapes with water 1 centimeter above berries and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil 10-15 minutes and break into prepared banks, turning through the fabric. Immediately roll up, turn and wrap.

The washed strawberry berries crush the wooden pestle, profile and drain the juice in enamel saucepan. Put on fire, heat up to 85 ° C and withstand for 5 minutes. Boil through sterilized banks, roll out and put pasteurize at a temperature of 90 ° C for 20 minutes.

Tomato juice. Clean tomatoes from coarse parts, cut into slices and put in an enameled pan. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes. In a warm form, wipe through the sieve, relyze in the pan again, add salt from the calculation of 10 g per 1 liter of juice and bring to a boil. Boil through sterilized banks, roll out.

Wash berries wipe through a sieve or skip through meat grinder. To the resulting mass, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil on medium heat and run over sterilized cans or bottles. Slide or encourage, cool.

Cucumber juice with tomato paste. Young cucumbers rinse, beat and skip through the juicer. Add to the resulting juice tomato paste From the calculation of 30% of the total mass (300 g of paste on 700 ml of juice). Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Add sugar and nutmeg to taste with hot on sterilized cans and sunk.

In the same way, you can prepare cucumber juice with the addition of currant juice, strawberries, raspberries. Cucumber and berry juice can be mixed in proportions from 30% to 50%. You can add sugar to taste.

Healthy elastic roots thoroughly wash, cut the skin with a stainless knife, cut into slices and skip through the juicer. Beet glass can be burned with any fruit-berry juice (up to 30%). Add sugar to taste, bring to a boil and run into sterilized banks. Sink.

Carrot juice. Slit carrot juice. Mix with any sour juice (250 ml per every liter of juice), add 100 g of sugar to each liter of the obtained juice and put on fire. Bring to boil and immediately burst through sterilized banks. Sink.

Loose berries rinse, frow it wooden pull and profile through the fabric. For each liter of the resulting juice, add 100-200 g of sugar and put on fire. Heat the juice up to 85-90 ° C, break into sterilized banks and put it sterilize at a temperature of 100 ° C: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes.

Sink. You can do without sterilization, simply bringing juice to boil and spill it from sterilized banks.

Season from sea buckthorn in a hooker. Place the berries in the Sokhovarka, add sugar from the calculation of 250 g per 1 kg of berries and prepare juice. Boil it hot on the banks and sunk. When stored on the surface of the juice, a layer of sea buckthorn oil is formed - you can drain it before use and use it therapeutic purposes Or shake and drink together with juice.

Cherry pour into a small amount of water, put a flat plate of a smaller diameter in a saucepan than a saucepan, put the puzzle on it, put on fire and warm up, without bringing to a boil. When the berries become soft, strain the juice through the fabric and run through sterilized banks.

Plum juice with flesh. Remove the bones from the drain, lay out in a saucepan and heated on low heat until complete softening. Wipe through the sieve, add sugar from the calculation of 50-100 g per 1 kg of draining. Bring the juice to boil and run through sterilized banks, n reaching 1-2 cm to the edge. Put sterilize in boiling water: 0.5-liter - 7 minutes, 1-liter - 10 minutes.

Blackberry juice.Locked and washed blackberry berries. Wooden pestle, profile and put on fire. Heat the juice up to 90-95 ° C and burst hot, roll over and cool down.

Apricot juice with flesh. Wash apricots and hand out in boiling water for 10 minutes before soft. Wipe through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Prepare sugar syrup (160-180 g of sugar per 1 liter of water): boil, filter through a dense fabric. Add the resulting syrup to the apricot mass from the calculation of 100 ml of syrup at 900 ml of apricots, thoroughly, bring to a boil and run into sterilized banks. Sterilize in boiling water: 0.5-liter - 25 minutes, 1-liter - 40 minutes.

In the same way, you can prepare juice from drain and peaches.

Disasselect grenade fruits, removing thin partitions, otherwise the juice will be bitter. Squeeze juice with press, stirring mezzing several times. The resulting juice Figure and warm up to 95 ° C, add sugar from the calculation of 100 g per liter of juice, mix and burst hot with sterilized banks. Sink. For long storage At the bottom of the cans falls precipitation and the juice is discolored. Before use, do not take care of it, but gently drain from the sediment.

Preparing in a hooker. Add sugar from calculating 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of currant to the berries. Ready juice run, sunk.

Blackfold juice rowan and apples. Mix the black-like rowan and apples in arbitrary proportions (to taste, as the juice of Arone is quite tart and low-year). For sweections, add 40-60 g of sugar per 1 kg of the mixture. Place the products in the Sokhovarka. Ready juice bully over sterilized cans, roll up and put upside down.

Rose hips with sugar. Place the prepared berries along with sugar in a shortcock. Sugar needs to be taken in the amount of 25-30 g per 1 kg of berries. Boil through sterilized banks, roll out. Rosehip juice can be burned with other juice, for example, with red currant juice, 50/50 ratio.

Juice from rowan with sugar. Wash the berries and let the drain of the water. Put in a small container, add a bit of heated boiled water and frow it with a wooden pestle. A little warm and squeeze. Add sugar from the calculation of 250-300 g of sugar per 1 l of juice, heat up to a temperature of 80 ° C and burst through sterilized banks. Put sterilize at 90 ° C for 20 minutes. Slide, turn over.

Take the berries, worry thoroughly, put it into a hooker and add sugar from the calculation of 150-200 g per 1 kg of berries. Ready juice burst hot on sterilized banks and sunk.

This is only a small toliary of juices recipes for the winter. Your fantasies can only be limited to your capabilities. Juices for the winter, cooked with their own hands, will only benefit you.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shufkaykin