
Homemade juices recipes. Vegetable juice for the winter


Of the canned homemade juices, apple is the most popular, because it is easy to prepare in large quantities, but vegetable juices deserve no less attention. It is especially important to take advantage of the season to prepare tomato juice, because in winter it can be used not only as a drink, but also for making sauces and dressings.

If some of the tomatoes are replaced with carrots and tomatoes, the juice will acquire new flavors. Choose bright, juicy carrots and large, fully ripe peppers for cooking.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg.;
  • sweet bell pepper- 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Home cooking

1. Prepare the necessary products for juice from vegetables. We select the ripe tomatoes without damage, wash them well, remove the stalks. We remove the seeds from the pepper, rinse. Peel the onion.

2. To grind vegetables, take a juicer. Put the chopped ingredients in it one by one. Put the resulting mass in a saucepan over low heat for 15 minutes.

3. In the process of cooking, remove the resulting foam.

4. Wash cans for preservation and rinse in cool water, put to dry on a towel.

5. Pour the still bubbling juice into jars, seal them tightly.

6. Turn the finished preservation upside down until it cools completely.

Despite the abundance of juices in the store, many housewives prefer to harvest juices for the winter from the gifts of their own garden and vegetable garden. And they are doing the right thing, because harvesting the juice yourself, you can not only be 100% sure of its quality, but also make a bouquet of different juices according to your own taste. You can canning juice for baby food or for the whole family, it can be “just” juice or juice as a remedy - there are many options.

To prepare the juice, you will have to arm yourself with some devices. It can be an electric juicer for juicing apples, pears, carrots and other juicy but dense fruits and vegetables. To obtain juice with pulp, a meat grinder or a similar design with a special attachment is suitable. In some farms, you can find wooden hand screw presses - the juice is squeezed dry with their help. Juice cookers often live in urban kitchens.

Juice obtained using a press, meat grinder or juicer can be preserved in two ways. At hot spill Freshly squeezed juice is heated to 70-75 ° C, filtered, boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into sterilized dishes and rolled up. For pasteurization the juice is heated to 80 ° C, filtered, reheated to 85-90 ° C and poured into sterilized jars, which are then pasteurized in water at a temperature of 85 ° C: 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, 1-liter - 20 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 35 minutes. Juice cans and bottles should be filled almost to the top to reduce the possibility of spoilage. Juice from the juicer is immediately poured into prepared cans and rolled up.

After rolling up, leave the jars and bottles with juice in a dark place at room temperature for a couple of weeks - during this time, low-quality juices will definitely show themselves: the juice can ferment, become cloudy or moldy. If such an embarrassment occurs, pour the juice into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. You cannot re-roll such juice.

NS wound juices homemade can be done for no longer than a year in a dark, cool place. At high temperature the juice loses its taste and nutritional qualities, and becomes discolored or turns brown in the light. Not fatal, but not aesthetically pleasing.

The quality of the finished juice directly depends on the quality of the raw materials. Fresh ripe healthy vegetables, fruits and berries are used to obtain juice. Unripe foods have a weak aroma, they are low in sugar and vitamins, and overripe produce little juice. Sour juices are prepared with sugar or blended (mixed) with other, more aromatic and sweet juices. For different types juice requires a different amount of sugar. For example, apricots, cherries, gooseberries, currants and blueberries require 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. For raspberries and plums, 70-75 g of sugar is enough. For pears and apples - 50 g of sugar, and the least amount of sugar is needed for making juice from grapes - only 40 g per 1 kg of berries.

Different fruits and vegetables produce different amounts of juice. So that you don't miss the amount of containers, our site offers an approximate table of juice yield from raw materials (based on 10 kg of fruit or berries):

- apples - 4-6.5 l
- pears - 4-6 l
- cherries - 4-6.5 l
- black currant - 5-6.5 l
- red currant - 6-7 l
- gooseberries - 4-6.8 l
- strawberries - 5-6.5 l
- raspberries - 5-6.5 l
- grapes - 5-6.5 l

The amount of juice depends on the method of obtaining it, the ripeness of the products, the variety and other factors.

You can prepare any juices for the winter according to your taste and possibilities. "Culinary Eden" offers you several recipes: both simple, one-component, and unusual blended juices. Get down to business!

Before juicing, you should prepare cans and bottles. They should be sterilized over steam for 15 minutes. The lacquered metal lids must be sterilized in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

For juice, it is good to select aromatic sweet and sour apples. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar (according to the table or to taste) and bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling begins, remove the pan from the heat and pour the juice into the jars, roll up with sterilized lids, turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Grape juice. Carefully sort and rinse the grapes, pick the berries from the brushes and place in a saucepan so that they are ¾ full. Pour water over the grapes 1 centimeter higher than the berries and put on fire. Bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes and pour into prepared jars, filtering through a cloth. Roll up, turn over and wrap up immediately.

Crush washed strawberries with a wooden pestle, filter and drain into enamel pot... Put on fire, heat to 85 ° C and incubate for 5 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up and set to pasteurize at 90 ° C for 20 minutes.

Tomato juice. Peel the coarse parts of the tomatoes, cut into slices and place in an enamel saucepan. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes. Wipe hot through a sieve, pour back into a saucepan, add salt at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of juice and bring to a boil. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Wipe the washed berries through a sieve or pass through meat grinder. To the resulting mass, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil over medium heat and pour into sterilized jars or bottles. Roll up or seal, cool.

Cucumber juice with tomato paste. Rinse young cucumbers, sort and pass through a juicer. Add to the resulting juice tomato paste at the rate of 30% of the total mass (300 g of paste per 700 ml of juice). Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add sugar and nutmeg to taste, pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

In the same way, you can prepare cucumber juice with the addition of juice of currants, strawberries, raspberries. Cucumber and berry juice can be mixed in proportions from 30% to 50%. You can add sugar to taste.

Wash healthy elastic roots thoroughly, cut off the skin with a stainless knife, cut into slices and pass through a juicer. Beet juice can be blended with any fruit juice (up to 30%). Add sugar to taste, bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Carrot juice. Juice the carrots. Mix with any sour juice (250 ml for each liter of juice), add 100 g of sugar for each liter of the resulting juice and put on fire. Bring to a boil and pour immediately into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Rinse the sorted berries, mash with a wooden crush and filter through a cloth. For each liter of juice obtained, add 100-200 g of sugar and put on fire. Heat the juice to 85-90 ° C, pour it into sterilized jars and put it to sterilize at a temperature of 100 ° C: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes.

Roll up. You can do without sterilization, simply by bringing the juice to a boil and pouring it into sterilized jars.

Sea buckthorn juice in a juicer. Place the berries in a juicer, add 250 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries and prepare the juice. Pour it hot into the jars and roll it up. During storage, a layer of sea buckthorn oil forms on the surface of the juice - before use, it can be drained and used in medicinal purposes or shake and drink with juice.

Pour the cherries with a small amount of water, put a flat plate of a smaller diameter in a saucepan, put oppression on it, put on fire and heat without boiling. When the berries are tender, strain the juice through a cloth and pour into sterilized jars.

Plum juice with pulp. Remove the seeds from the plums, place in a saucepan and heat over low heat until softened. Wipe through a sieve, add sugar at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 kg of plums. Bring the juice to a boil and pour into sterilized jars, n reaching 1-2 cm to the brim. Put to sterilize in boiling water: 0.5 liter - 7 minutes, 1 liter - 10 minutes.

Blackberry juice. Sort out and washed blackberries, crush with a wooden pestle, filter and put on fire. Heat the juice to 90-95 ° С and pour hot into the jars, roll up, turn over and cool.

Apricot juice with pulp. Wash the apricots and blanch in boiling water for 10 minutes until tender. Rub through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Prepare sugar syrup (160-180 g of sugar per 1 liter of water): boil, filter through a thick cloth. Add the resulting syrup to the apricot mass at the rate of 100 ml of syrup per 900 ml of apricots, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars. Sterilize in boiling water: 0.5 liter - 25 minutes, 1 liter - 40 minutes.

In the same way, you can make juice from plums and peaches.

Disassemble the pomegranate fruits, removing thin partitions, otherwise the juice will turn out to be bitter. Squeeze out the juice with press, stirring the pulp several times. Filter the resulting juice and heat to 95 ° С, add sugar at the rate of 100 g for each liter of juice, mix and pour hot into sterilized jars. Roll up. At long-term storage a sediment falls to the bottom of the cans and the juice becomes discolored. Do not shake it before use, but carefully drain it from the sediment.

Prepared in a juicer. Add sugar to the berries at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of currants. Pour the finished juice, roll up.

Chokeberry and apple juice. Mix chokeberry and apples in arbitrary proportions (to taste, since chokeberry juice is rather tart and low in aroma). For sweetening, add 40-60 g sugar per kg of mixture. Place food in a juicer. Pour the finished juice into sterilized jars, roll up and put upside down.

Rosehip juice with sugar. Place the prepared berries and sugar in a juicer. Sugar should be taken in an amount of 25-30 g per 1 kg of berries. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up. Rosehip juice can be blended with other juices, such as red currant juice, in a 50/50 ratio.

Rowan juice with sugar. Wash the berries and let the water drain. Place in a small container, add a little warmed up boiled water and mash with a wooden pestle. Heat a little and squeeze. Add sugar at the rate of 250-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice, heat to 80 ° C and pour into sterilized jars. Put to sterilize at 90 ° C for 20 minutes. Roll up, turn over.

Sort out the berries, wash thoroughly, put in a juicer and add sugar at the rate of 150-200 g per 1 kg of berries. Pour the prepared juice hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

This is just a small fraction of the juice recipes for the winter. Your fantasies can only be limited by your capabilities. Do-it-yourself juices for the winter will only benefit you.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Hello lovers of a healthy lifestyle!

Today I will tell and show you how to make delicious and healthy freshly squeezed juice from carrots, beets and celery (I found such vegetables in my refrigerator). It would also be great to treat you ... But the possibilities of the Internet are not limitless! 🙂

We take dirty vegetables. I never buy peeled and washed root vegetables (you know, these are sold in small bags with ventilation holes). I think that the nutritional value their questionable, but I am about healthy eating. Carrots, beets, potatoes and other root crops (are they root crops?) Are stored only in their original form without loss of quality.

While unwashed vegetables

So, today we use carrots, beets (beetroot) and celery root for juice. As for me - a great combination!

Carrots and beets thoroughly wash in warm water using a metal brush. I do not cut the skin off, because I read from Galina Sergeevna Shatalova that vegetables with skin are better digested and assimilated.

After washing, cut off the top with a knife (the place where the tops grow from) and all the flaws. Cut off the dense top layer of the celery root. The result is quite attractive clean vegetables.

The same set of vegetables after washing and cutting

We take out the juicer. I keep it assembled, so no preparatory steps are needed. Only plug into the network. Yes, and do not forget to put a juice receiver (a special jug) under the spout. You can just substitute a cup, but then you will get the juice with a foam. More on that later.

Install the juicer, substitute the juice container

Earlier, I wrote about how to choose a juicer that is most convenient for fresh vegetable juices. Who has not read, read.

I have a good model for the lazy. I love this technique!

The wide mouth allows the whole raw material to be inserted. Therefore, I do not need to pre-cut the vegetables. That is, my steps to prepare for juicing are minimal.

The size of the neck allows you to insert large vegetables into the juicer

We turn on the toggle switch to the second mode. I used to squeeze on the first, and then read in the instructions (I sometimes read them 🙂) that it is better to squeeze carrots and beets at the second (higher) speed. I made sure that this way the juice yield is greater, and the cake, accordingly, is drier.

We send all our vegetables to the receiver of raw materials of the working apparatus one by one, pressing from above with a pusher. They are washed off on a sieve in an instant. Well, very fast!

Juice extraction process. The prepared juice flows in a trickle into the juice receiver. The juicer vibrates, so the photo quality is poor.

Juice flows in a brisk trickle from the spout.

Look: from three carrots, one small beet and a quarter of a celery root, I got 400 ml of juice.

The resulting volume of juice is approximately 400 ml

The amount of juice, by the way, depends on two factors:

  1. The juiciness of the feedstock (the juicier, the more juice yield, respectively).
  2. Spin speed (and this, in turn, depends on the capabilities of your juicer).

Pour the juice into a cup. At the same time, taking the jug from under the spout, we substitute the plate in its place, in which the vegetables used to lie. I do this so that the drops that will drip 100% when the juicer is disassembled do not fall on the table. I like to wash and wipe as few items as possible ... 🙂

The jug has a special partition that retains the foam - a skimmer. Works perfect!

It turned out a full large cup of juice and a little more remained in the jug

What do you think we do with juice? Right! We drink immediately. Very tasty! Very helpful!

Speeds up metabolism. Contains a set of trace elements, vitamins, vital energy... Heals. Strengthens the immune system (especially in combination with and).

Now, without shelving, let's start bringing our favorite juicer back to its original state.

We begin to disassemble the juicer for washing. The first step is to remove the cover.

We snap off the latches, remove the cover.

We take out the sieve and the bowl in which the sieve is installed. This is where the drops fall - but we are prudent and we have a plate there! 🙂

Removing the sieve and bowl from the juicer

We take out the waste container. Look, by the way, there is not so much cake. And it's delicious. We put it all on the same plate. You can safely eat some part. I always do that. By the way, in the article about choosing a juicer, I described additional options for using cake.

The juicer is completely disassembled. Parts can be washed.

Wash the parts of the juicer in warm water. We use a brush to wash the strainer (I don’t know about yours, but in my model it was included in the kit).

I wash immediately, until nothing has dried, so I do not apply detergents... I suggest you do the same. We care about our health and cleanliness. environment, truth?

Well, the juice has been drunk, the details of your favorite juicer have been carefully washed and dried. We wipe the body of the device with a barely damp cloth. Yes, I hope you did not forget to disconnect the device from the network beforehand?

After the parts are dry, the juicer can be reassembled and hidden. She lives with me right on the kitchen countertop (the kitchen is large and you don't really need to save space). Your favorite technique should always be at hand.

Cake after juicing from 3 carrots, 1 beet and 1/4 celery

That's all.

If we talk about time costs, then:

  1. It took me about 5 minutes to prepare the vegetables.
  2. It took about 1 minute to squeeze the juice.
  3. Dismantling the juicer and washing the parts - 10 minutes.
  4. Article writing - 45 minutes.

If you are not going to write about making juice from vegetables, then spend about 15 minutes on the whole process. Not long, right?

I generally keep quiet about saving. Making fresh do-it-yourself at home every ten times is probably cheaper than buying it at a retail outlet.

I wish everyone health and pleasure from freshly squeezed vegetable juices!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Winter preparations are not limited only to vegetables and compotes, if you wish, you can cook on winter time an excellent supply of vitamins - vegetable juices. The benefits from them, undoubtedly, will be much more than from the purchased ones. Of course, many products are available in winter and nothing prevents you from making freshly squeezed juice, but there will be much less nutrients in it, and the taste will be less pleasant. It is summer, sun-saturated vegetables that are best suited for making the most delicious homemade juice. When pressing or squeezing juice, all the benefits come out with it, so a glass of such a drink may well replace eating a whole vegetable. By the way, this juice can be included in any other holiday.

- tomatoes;
- bell pepper;
- carrot;
- sugar;
- salt.


1. To cook vegetable juice for the winter we prepare the necessary products, namely tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots. In order for the drink to be preserved for several months, it is very important to choose the right products - they should not even have a hint of spoilage, decay, or insect activity. Also, do not choose overripe, too soft vegetables. We wash all products thoroughly, peel and peel them.

2. Having dried the ingredients a little to remove excess moisture, proceed to squeezing the juice. We do this using any available juicer. If it is not there, you can even use a meat grinder, but after that you have to squeeze the resulting gruel through cheesecloth.

3. Put the resulting mixture in a saucepan of the required volume, add a little sugar and salt (to taste, on average per liter of vegetable juice - half a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar).

4. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for just a few minutes.

5. We prepare the jars - carefully wash and sterilize them. To do this, you need to hold them for about a quarter of an hour over steam or bake them in the oven.

6. We pour the obtained vegetable juice for the winter into jars. You need to try to top up to the very top - this way the likelihood that the juice will deteriorate is significantly reduced.

7. Roll up prepared metal lids (sterilize them in boiling water). Turn the cans upside down and place them in a warm place until they cool completely. During the week, it is better not to remove the banks too far - if some bank is damaged, then during this period it will certainly manifest itself.

8. Homemade vegetable juice for the winter is ready! Opening it in winter, you can enjoy the freshness and pleasant taste of summer vegetables.

We recommend that you look at others

Recipes and tips on how to prepare juice for the winter, as they say, that there are stars in the sky, but traditional ways, which are most often used by our hostesses, only two.

In the first case, the juice is boiled for the winter with the addition of sugar and, if the recipe requires it, citric acid, then it is poured hot into jars and rolled up. In the second, the juice obtained by squeezing is filtered, boiled and, poured into cans, sterilized for 10-15 minutes, rolled up.

A couple of lines about the preparation of cans and lids: it is better to sterilize the cans in the oven and pour the prepared juice into hot cans, and boil the lids in a separate saucepan. Protect your hands!

The desire to ultimately receive high-quality, tasty juice for the winter requires a careful selection of products. They must be fresh and ripe. Even the smallest spoiled fruit or vegetable can spoil any of your juice. It is advisable to add sugar to the juice (about 100 g per 1 kg of fruit), although many housewives miraculously cope without it.

We have no doubt that the above tips will help you prepare great juice for the winter, and we will be happy to advise you how and from what.

Raspberry juice

2 kg of raspberries,
400 g sugar
300-400 ml of water.

Sort the collected berries and wash carefully. Berries collected with your own hands do not need to be washed. If you don't have a juicer, mash the raspberries with a wooden pestle or the crush you use to make mashed potatoes. Stir berry puree with sugar and transfer to an enamel pot with water, preheated to 60 ° C, and stir. Heat everything over the fire for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat, cover and let stand a little longer. After 15 minutes, filter the raspberry juice, using cheesecloth folded in several layers, and bring it to a boil. Pour the boiling juice into the prepared sterilized jars and roll up. Or, pouring into cans, cover them with lids and sterilize at a temperature of 85 ° C: 1 liter cans - 20 minutes, 3 liters cans - 30 minutes. Use any option convenient for you.

Raspberry juice turns out to be concentrated, before use it can be diluted with boiled water about 1: 5 and sugar added to taste.

Strawberry juice

Ingredients (for 1 kg of berries):
100 g of water
300 g of sugar.

For the preparation of strawberry juice, ripe, and not overripe, with a slight smell of fermentation, fragrant, sweet berries are suitable. Their color should be dark, not pink. The Victoria variety is just perfect for making juice. Sort the berries thoroughly, rinse, then remove the sepals. Chop the prepared berries in mashed potatoes, add water and heat the mass for 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 60 ° C. After that, squeeze the juice using the same gauze, mix it with sugar and pour it into heated sterilized jars to the very neck. Sterilize jars filled with juice: 1 liter jars - 20 minutes, 2 liters - 25 minutes, 3 liters jars - 35 minutes, then roll up with boiled lids and turn upside down.

If you want to get juice with pulp, rub the berries through a sieve, mix the resulting mass with sugar, pour into jars, sterilize them and roll them up with boiled lids.

You don't often find cherry juice with pulp in the store. More and more common clarified cherry juice is on the shelves. Homemade juice is both healthier and tastier.

Cherry juice with pulp

4 kg of berries,
1 kg of sugar
2 liters of water.

Ripe, juicy and sweet, but not overripe cherries, without spots or damage, sort out, remove seeds and stalks and chop without turning into puree. Heat the crushed cherries in water to soften them, then rub with a wooden spoon through a fine sieve. Add sugar to the resulting juice with cherry pulp and, stirring, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, then let it boil and immediately pour into prepared sterilized jars. Cover the jars with boiled lids and sterilize for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the container you choose. Next, roll up the cans, turn them upside down and let them cool.

What is especially pleasing is that on the basis of this juice it will be possible to prepare delicious jelly, sauces for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes and other pastries in winter.

Cherry juice concentrate

5 kg of ripe dark-burgundy cherries,
5 tbsp. water.

Carefully sort out ripe, but not overripe cherries, separate them from the stalks and wash under the stream cold water by placing in a colander in small portions. Let the water drain so that the berries dry out a little. Then place the berries in an enamel pan, fill with water room temperature and, putting on fire, bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and simmer the berries, stirring with a wooden spatula and pressing lightly until they are tender. Strain the resulting broth through a fine sieve into a separate clean pan, and place the berries themselves in a sieve and put on top so that all the juice drains. Put the broth on fire again and boil over low heat for 1/3 of the original volume. Pour boiling juice into jars and roll up.

Juice from black currant

4 kg of currants,
400 ml of water,
1kg of sugar.

This advice applies rather to those who have country cottage area and currant bushes growing on it. Many novice gardeners make a serious mistake, waiting for the full ripening of the black currant berries. This turns out that half of the overripe berries simply crumble. You have probably noticed that the berries on one branch do not ripen at the same time, so the currant harvest can be removed in 2-3 doses, picking the ripe berries for juicing for the winter.

Sort out the collected currants, wash them thoroughly, put them in a bowl, which you usually use for cooking jam, pour the berries with water and put on fire. Boil until the juice is released, then strain the mass through cheesecloth folded in several layers, squeeze out the rest. Leave the juice obtained in this way for several hours, then carefully pour into a prepared saucepan, add sugar and heat well, without bringing to a boil. Stir to dissolve the sugar. Strain the juice, heat it up again and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Then pour the juice into clean sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and leave to cool.

Red currant juice

3 kg of berries,
1.5 l of water,
450 g sugar.

From the sunbeams, translucent red currant berries, you will get an incredibly aromatic and tasty juice, only for it you need to take ripe and sweet berries. Wash the berries collected together with the twigs, remove the leaves and debris accidentally stuck to the berries, and after putting them in a saucepan, mash a little. Then fill with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then strain through a sieve, add sugar, bring the juice to a boil and, reducing heat, leave to simmer for 3-4 minutes. Pour the juice into clean, dry jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

The juice is concentrated, dilute it with water before drinking. And if, in addition to water, add a little more sugar and gelatin to it, then you will get a great jelly for dessert.

Natural grape juice

Use fresh and ripe grapes for juicing. When choosing grapes, keep in mind that brown spots and pigmentation on them do not mean that the grapes are of poor quality, just make sure that the berries are not damaged. Wash the grapes thoroughly, let the water drain. Separate the berries from the brushes and squeeze the juice out of them. Then strain it through a few layers of cheesecloth and pour into an enamel pot. Put it on fire, heat it up to 85 ° C, pour it into prepared 3-liter jars and sterilize them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C, then roll it up.

If the juice is not sterilized, it must be brought to a boil, allowed to boil a little, then pour into hot sterilized jars to the brim and rolled up. Flip the jars with the lids down and leave in this position for 2 hours. Then store in a cool, dark place.

Today you can hardly surprise anyone with apple juice. Apples are a product available to everyone, and juicing is extremely simple. It is enough to take ripe, juicy apples, cut into slices, pass through a juicer or meat grinder, strain through cheesecloth, add sugar to taste, let it boil and, pouring into jars, roll up. But what if a recipe, tested over the years, is supplemented with, say, pears, raspberries or vegetables? It will turn out even tastier - that's all.

Apple-pear juice

5 kg of ripe apples
5 kg of ripe pears
1 bunch of oregano (optional)

Wash the collected fruits, cut into large slices. Then, using a juicer, food processor or all the same faithful assistant of our housewives - a meat grinder, squeeze the juice, alternating pieces of apples with pieces of pears. Strain the resulting juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, pour into a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, cook the juice for 30 minutes. While boiling, pour it into clean, sterilized jars, on the bottom of which, if desired, put a sprig of oregano. Sterilize 3 L jars for 30-40 minutes, then roll up the lids, wrap warm, let cool and put away for storage. Banks of smaller volume need to be sterilized for about 20 minutes.

Sugar-free apple, pear and raspberry juice

1 kg of apples
1 kg of pears
2 kg of raspberries.

Wash ripe and juicy fruits of apples and pears, remove the skin, cores and cut into slices. Squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. Moreover, do not mix apples and pears. Prepare two pans. Drain the resulting Apple juice, in another pear and bring to a boil. Sort out the raspberries thoroughly (you do not need to wash the berries), put them in clean thick gauze, squeeze out the juice and boil it. Mix together apple, pear and raspberry juices, boil everything again and, pouring into dry sterilized jars, roll up.

Unfortunately, the most healthy foods for some reason, they do not find the proper response among our children, spoiled by store-bought sweet drinks. Therefore, pumpkin, which is literally stuffed with all sorts of useful substances and vitamins, you can try to disguise by blending pumpkin juice with another, for example, apple juice.

Apple-pumpkin juice with pulp

4 kg of apples,
600 g pumpkin,
300 g of sugar.

Chop the pumpkin finely and steam until tender. Then wipe it through a sieve. For the preparation of this juice, it is advisable to use sour apples. Squeeze the juice from the apples, mix it with the pumpkin puree and add the sugar. Let the mixture boil and heat it over low heat for another 5 minutes. Then pour into hot jars and roll up immediately with sterilized lids.

Homemade tomato juice

tomatoes - how much to eat,
sugar, salt.

For tomato juice tomatoes of any kind are suitable. Take everything that is not suitable for salting, that is, "non-standard". Rinse them well under running water, cut into pieces, cutting out the place where the stalk was and slightly spoiled places. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer or fine-tuned meat grinder. If you decide to use a juicer, then pass the remaining cake through the juicer two more times, carefully applying it with a tablespoon, since the spray can fly in different directions. Pour the resulting juice into a large saucepan over low heat. Add salt and sugar at the rate: for 2 liters of juice - 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Stir, wait for the juice to boil. In the meantime, prepare 1L and 2L jars (the most the best option) and sterilize them in your usual way. Is the juice boiling? Then remove the foam, let it simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat, and then pour it into warm sterilized jars. Pour gradually to avoid cracking the jars. Roll them up and be sure to check, turning them upside down, for juice leaking from under the lid. Wrap the overturned juice cans in a blanket, let them cool, and then store in a cool storage area for the time being. Let them wait for their finest hour.

Another pumpkin juice recipe that everyone, without exception, will love. Teach your home to usefulness!

Pumpkin-orange juice

2 kg of peeled pumpkin,
2 oranges,
200-300 g sugar
30 g citric acid.

Cut the pumpkin and oranges into slices (do not peel the oranges), put the food in a saucepan and pour in just enough water to cover the food. Place a saucepan over medium heat and simmer until the pumpkin is tender. Discard the orange peels, puree with a blender, and then rub through a sieve. Put the resulting puree on the fire again, add sugar and citric acid and bring to a boil. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap up.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina