
The value of the Tarot card is a dozen cup. Values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200bof dozens of cups in Tarot

Where to begin

By itself, a dozen bowls are traditionally considered an indicator of a home, homemade hearth and family relationships. Its appearance in the scenario may indicate the presence / influence of the relevant forces in this matter, and sometimes that the events described by other cards (favorable or not) will affect the family life and the nearest environment of the questioning.

Key features of dozens of cups are the highest harmony, completion and filling. This is undoubtedly an omnant for a successful future. This is the "seventh heaven", execution and even "overflow" of desires, when nothing unparalleled is left.

In general, this is a "card-holiday", it is considered long as an decoration of any scenario and her appearance is a very good sign, whatever we are talking about. This is not only a favorable card, but also influential: it is believed that it strengthens good cards in the scenario and rejects unfavorable. If the questioning is interested in the prospect of achieving a goal - he is waiting for success. If you are worried about some difficult situation - there is no danger in it, everything will be resolved for the better over all expectations. If depressing circumstances have developed - a dozen bowls are similar to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Mostly eventful meaning of dozens of cups - real, deep, beneficial love and all that is connected with it, unity with your beloved person, full satisfaction with personal life. The conclusion of marriage for love, solved family life, support and understanding of the family.

Exit to a qualitatively different standard of living and personal development.

Cheerfulness, self-esteem, enjoying every minute, maximum emotional satisfaction.

Delight of being, full-fledged bright life. The enjoyment of emotional and spiritual harmony, the deepest essential satisfaction with life, how it is now equipped. It would be possible to say - peace and peace in the shower, but this card carries more than the idyllic peace and peace. It is always an indicator of some exaltation of feelings, euphoria related to the performance of cherished desires and aspirations (mainly in personal life).

This period, when a person opens the perfection of human love, an understanding of what he needs for happiness when he was lucky to meet the key people in fate. With this card, a sense of complete satisfaction in the relationship - and loved, and friendly, speaking that the emotional potential of a person is now revealed completely, he feels the blessing of heaven, unity with the world, thanks to fate.

Within the framework of this map, the inner world is a deposit (sometimes unexpectedly for the person himself), is presented to others. The map, by the way, is similar to a photo of family happiness, but notice - both children, and in particular adults are located back to the viewer. We can easily guess about their joyful emotions, but not because they are "smiling in the lens." Their happiness does not depend on the viewer, it is intimate, in something in charge and belongs only to them.

This is one of the cards that shows the internal perfect state of consciousness, when in the human opposite thing itself, we closely intertwined and merged in harmonious unity (conscious and unconscious, male and female, spirit and body). It is natural to complete the table, especially when it comes to an emotional cycle (bowls).

This is a map of happiness ... and dissatisfaction for any genuinely seeker. Arcan describes a tangible connection between the material and the spiritual world, the embodiment of the dream, but he carries a rather painful lesson. You can get absolutely everything that the soul wanted, and to state that, with full happiness, it was still without satisfaction something ... as if there were even higher levels. And this level in principle is unattainable in the earthly life, this "something" lies beyond the face of the material world.

This discovery is not the easiest truth - the soul is given to you, it is more, it is more than all your earthly dreams. They are able to raise you, but at the same time do not satisfy to the end ... you are given that it seems to be even exceeding your needs, but Ideal is not ideal, and abundance is not enough!

This is the lesson of dozens of chashes carrying barely awareness, almost invisible longing, a quiet and meaningless bounce of the Spirit, designed to the limit of earthly happiness as in the wall, behind which there was a true happiness ... and to achieve it is not given. This inexplicable shade of dissatisfaction makes the knight seeking the Grail, think about where he planted his armor in this paradise, and slowly morally prepare for thanksgiving and parting. He is already feeling that sooner or later it will be necessary to leave the idyll of dozens of bowls, no matter how precious it is ... Having survived, let go of it and go further, in the call of the Spirit, to meet her Higher I.

Light and shadow (advice and warning)

They came good times. Carpe Diem! Seize the day! This advice will extract the maximum benefit from the positive situation, which is now consistent. It's time to establish advice and love, reconcile, strengthen family values, fully open the soul to meet life.

As a warning, a card can talk about some non-normal, unreasonable positive in worldview, absolute idealism, some pink glasses, which, naturally, sooner or later give a crack and scratch the nose. Idealization may refer to anything - work, relations, set goals and in general this better of the worlds ...

In addition, we can talk about the loss of your own identity and your own way in life due to the fiction in the needs and expectations of their households. The card can also report on the current copendionship, about the constant need to suppress itself, adjusting to the desires and interests of loved ones, obey family circumstances. This is the case when family happiness, which is called, got and "the enemies of a person's homemade" (especially in the presence of tens of rods, but this is already related to combinations).

It may be a temptation of feelings in extreme form, forcing a person to exchange a narrow way of spiritual search to earthly idyll, where to look for nothing and it seems, everything has already been acquainted.

The work is not just done by the duty - the man of her lives, loves her, it is fruitful not only in business, but also emotionally.

The card can talk about the achievement of a serious purpose, a sign celebration about the successful end of the project. This is not just a cheerful friendly break Troika cups - this is a triumph! This is what changes life, gives the transition to a new level, because everything is achieved. In principle, the card can also describe a person who has departed from affairs, but with well-deserved honorable and in security.

Traditional values \u200b\u200bfocus on high rating, fame, dignity, reputation, public recognition. Honor and honor, respect and rewards, favor of affairs. Satisfaction with your own achievements, full implementation of plans.
True fruitful cooperation, complete understanding with colleagues in work, work in a class team capable of achieving incredible results due to its cohesion, mutual assistance and ability to understand each other with a half-skin. This is a surrounded by people of its level, communication with which is easy, nice and productive.

A good moment to create a team of like-minded people. In general, this is a collective card (and not individual, unlike nine bowls) of success.

The ability to harmoniously combine family and professional life.

Successful joint business with relatives close to.

As a rule, talks about the remuneration for labor, gaining stability, output to a high standard of living. This is a success map, however, is not necessarily material (in this regard, there is no doubt of the dozen pentacles), showing that the person will be happy regardless of financial circumstances. "With Mil and in the Chaolache Paradise." Sometimes the card gives an inappropriate to understand that not in the money happiness, but in a loving family and the house that you can really call your own.

This is a good card when you fortunate about housing issues, as it literally means at home, sometimes it is precisely why the house inherited from parents (transferred to children). Indicates the possibility of acquiring real estate, good housing.

In some defolds, a dozen cups can literally indicate that the events described by cards unfold at the place of residence.

In principle, she talks about the security and favorable situation in life, and can be considered optimistic in terms of long-term security and economic well-being. Inheriting of family capital, profitable family business, welfare and safety.

There is an interesting thesis about dozens of bowls: "This is not the happiness that you can buy or earn: this is fate. Either it is, or it is not. "

This card, as well as any dozen, can be defined as "finished gestalt".

Here we are talking about climax in love, full satisfaction of the cherished heart desire.

This climax at this stage may look both as an explanation in love, and as sexy intimacy, and as a wedding, and as the birth of a child, and simply as a fixed, emotionally filled communications day after day. This is a map of a happy marriage and deep satisfaction with a joint life - in a word, "perfect success" in the matters of heart. She describes a honeymoon in a relationship (no matter what accounts) when people literally glue from happiness and are able to take and give it all-consuming.

This is a map of a huge emotional force, overwhelming feelings, miracle of proximity and passion. Absolute consent to the family, trust, tenderness, gratitude, unity, mutual understanding. Surrounding those whom you love and who loves you. Good family, home, homemade hearth and genuine happiness near him. This is an existential picture of the world, created by people who joined their lives and care about each other in genuine harmony. It may be a great new love, and the flourishing of the old. In any case, this is a map of family values \u200b\u200b- they themselves are strengthened when that person is met, the only and unique one.

If this card has fallen an insertionate individualist and a single, avoiding close relationship, it can be said that this is a crisis of the genre, a dream about creating a family and Copernaya coup is clearly settled in his soul. By the way, the card clearly indicates the upcoming wedding celebration, if the question concerned this topic (the same can be said about the birth of a child).

This may be a reconciliation map after conflict, openness and heat after a cold period. Gloomy and destructive thoughts and feelings remained in the past, fears, resentment and difficulties behind, and absolute confidence reigned between partners. She can talk about restoring the status-CVO in a shameless married relationship (how productively, other cards will show).

It may indicate good-neighborly relations to a strong friendship, to life in a big friendly family, home admiration, familyhood and on a special role of children in the life of an inappropriate.

Culmination in the process of healing, recovery, recovery.

Comfortable, stable, pleasure lifestyle.

Restoration of calm in the shower and equilibrium in life.

A dozen bowls absorb everything that can give us this suit of feelings, attachments and happiness, what can keep the soul of man on earth. Here you can recall the narratives of people who survived the clinical death and already seen themselves from the part.

They often tell about the temptation of freedom, the desire to leave this world - and how the thought of the family, children, the loved ones still bowed the soul to return to the body and continue the sake of their earthly path.

The inverted can indicate the environmental, radiation, finally, the energy pollution in which a person lives, on some non-trap from its habitat, the territorially unfavorable location of the house, which can be the source of unhealthy.

First of all, the value refers to the temporary loss of harmony in relations, family quarrels, testing of feelings, discord, unrest, irritation. This rivalry, confrontation, disagreement, discrepancy in opinions. The reason for the destruction of family happiness can be some external event (other cards may indicate it). Ancient interpretation condenses paints up to anger, indignation, violence (physical and emotional, including fierce scandals and an atmosphere in the house until the fight). When an inverted is a very good map, it causes the saying "to whom it is much given, with that many and asked", and here also "from love to hatred one step." It is a loss of really big happiness, because the pain is great. In the worst case, this is a divorce map.

The idea here is such that in the inverted position the map is consonant with Capricorn (sign, opposite cancer), and it is strongly influenced by Saturn: poverty, suppression, lack of happiness, sorrow, breakdown, loss of relationship, loss of friends, crushing, low-cost, contrasting, impossibility to a single solution or opinion.

In a quieter embodiment, it may be just a marriage without happiness, when the emotional energy of the relationship is blocked (they can specify other sampling cards) and there is a sense of inferiority of the Union. It may also indicate a taller idyll, false pathos. It is in mind that all sorts of family holidays are in mind, where deep contradictions are hidden for an externally safe facade and even drama, or simply turning into a ritual, which the participants themselves are with difficulty with difficulty, cannot wait for all this.

The card can predict the postponement family reunion after separation due to the intervention of some annoying circumstances, or actually this separation, the need to leave the house.

An inverted dozen cups can describe the "empty nest", from which the matured children scattered.
One of the options is the denial of the "tribal" system of values, the unwillingness to take part in the life of the family, maintaining her rituals, as well as the refusal of birth and raising children. Sometimes - the inability to appreciate the existing happiness to dignity.

The card can say that it is time to calm down and slow down in terms of dreams, having accepted the situation as it is, because it is the best that the fate can now be offered taking into account karmic merit.

Among the ancient traditional values \u200b\u200bis the loss of friends and friendship, the deposition of idols (deeidalization, expressing the language of modern psychology). Sorrow, crushing. A false heart. Gossip. Total egoism.

Figure arcanes in the scenario may indicate people or a person to which all this applies, or to identify the person, which is obstructed the interest of the questioning.

With lovers - excellent family relationships; Guarantee.

With the d'will - no joy and rest

With the tower - a big trouble, "everything was mixed in the house of the Blond."

With star - joy, positive feelings, blessing, light at the end of the tunnel

With the world - limitless happiness

With six bowls - happiness and joy, very bright relationships

With a triple swords - loneliness, broken heart

With nine swords - grief, despair, rage

The sun coming from Zenith.

The flourishing of civilization, which makes the beginning of the decline.

Society, people, people.

This card dropped as an indicator of happiness in marriage, which (happiness) no one expected. It was assumed that this was a cool deal, marriage for the calculation, and people unexpectedly really found each other, finding absolute psychological and sexual compatibility. The genuine idyll stole a pragmatic nurse before the loss of the pulse - no one assumed that, moreover, it was not part of the plans ...

The happiness of astral wanderings as an indicator of the condition of karmic memory (for those with it is activated). This is natural, because it is the culmination of the "water" suit of imagination and the unconscious. This card falls when the brightest memories of the experience of once passion and harmony in relationships are breaking into the psyche.

Key values \u200b\u200bdozens of cups in the literal position:

  • happiness, happy family (group, relationship);
  • house, family, family events;
  • marriage, long-term relationship, stability, calm;
  • joy, entertainment;
  • reconciliation, care, support;
  • teamwork.

Key values \u200b\u200bof tarot cards in an inverted position:

  • broken dreams, disharmony, feel not happy;
  • family troubles: quarrels, parting, problems with parents or children;
  • unwillingness to marry or create a family;

The Ten Cup map shows the idyllic picture: a friendly family in a picturesque countryside.

Just dressed man and woman stand back to us. They are near. The man gently hugs a woman for the waist. What testifies to love, tenderness, union, proximity and care. Their free hands are happily raised to the sky.

They got what they dreamed about and what makes them happiness. These are two children spinning nearby, and a small cozy house surrounded by trees and water.

Family house symbolizes stability and home comfort. Green garden - fertility sign. River means a free thread of feelings.

Rainbow from gold cups over his head blesses the scene. Cups symbolically depict the abundance of celestial gifts, and the rainbow means the end of difficult times.

Rainbow and Cups look like a lovi aura, positive emotions and heat that protects this home and family.

Dozen cups (cup) - value and interpretation in the literal position

Ten cups personifies happiness, joy, satisfaction, especially what is associated with family and relationships. It is an almost idyllic state of peace, love and harmony, where dreams are fulfilled and you enjoy your happy fate.

There are good times ahead that will bring even more joy and satisfaction. You found what you were looking for, so you can relax.

Ten cups - positive map for family, friends, groups and communities. Her presence may indicate that the family or the house of the road and are important for you. Desire to have a family.

This Arcan talks about a happy family life. All family members get along with each other. The surrounding situation is calm, there is no tension and conflicts. Everyone takes about each other and maintain in difficult times.

The appearance of dozens of cups in the scenario on Tarot maps can mean the upcoming family holiday. Family reunion or family celebration, when all members of a large family are going together.

Because the card is closely related to the concept of "father's house", it can be returned to home, where they grew up. For example, to care for the elderly or sick relative or simply plunge into nostalgia and go through the places where childhood passed.

It can be assumed that you are a household or just love your home and happy in it. It can also talk about the desire to acquire real estate or that it has already been acquired.

If you are in the process of buying a house and want to know if you are happy there, the presence of dozens of cups in this case serves as a good omen. This suggests that the house will be nice to settle. You will be surrounded by friendly neighbors.

Positive card in matters of feelings and love. It may mean the beginning of a new novel, as well as the official registration of already existing relationships. It is possible to speak about marriage to speak combined with a four or six sacks, or bowls, justice or in love.

Home improvement with a loved one. 10 cups can manifest a pair of having a child. Children are very important to you or play a special role in your life.

This map of Tarot in the scenaries is also a sign of the end of long tension, conflict, hostility. As a rule, this kind of unpleasant situations are associated with someone from family members or friends and therefore you are very closely perceived by you. They cause strong anxiety and excitement. However, the rainbow appeared on the map symbolizes the end of trouble. Peace and harmony are restored.

If you are one of the parties to such a conflict, the appearance of this Arkana means that you should take steps to reconciliation. Family can be ready to take you back if you apologize.

Dozen Cups (cups) - value and interpretation in an inverted position

In the literal position dozen cups - a map of happy families, love and respect. However, in the reverse position, something interferes with this ideal picture and the emotional connection is blocked.

Perhaps you hoped that it would be somehow a special person with a loved one. But everything goes wrong. You can quarrel, not to spend time with each other. Lack of care, irritation, tapping, heat atmosphere in the house.

At the moment, your hopes for harmonious communication are not justified. Strive to treat each other with respect and love to restore the harmony and the world in your relationship.

In addition, an inverted dozen cups may mean that you neglect your family because of the desire for material values. The desire to achieve career growth or "making money" takes a lot of time. You spend less and less time with relatives. Not observance of the balance between work and family.

One partner is the owner and fully controls another partner and relationship.

Disappointment. You got what they wanted, but the charm passed. Once seemingly ideal partner, turned out to be an ordinary person with his shortcomings. The family life is full of everyday routine and is not similar to the one that is shown in a romantic film. You have lost interest and enthusiasm. The life you planned, did not meet your expectations. Everything is not as simple as it seemed.

If you move beyond the city in search of a quiet life, it may be that you get at all what you expected. Instead of the peace of mind, there is a divorce from civilization. Neighbors are unfriendly. Feel someone else's in this setting.

An inverted map is associated with the lack of command spirit and a sense of community, unity.

Too house. Missing the family or friends who are far from which the connection is lost.

Also one of the meanings - the unwillingness to be at home or take care of him. It is difficult to feel "like at home."

Family celebrations or meetings are canceled. Unwillingness to attend such meetings due to past conflicts. Unwillingness to participate in the life of the family.

Care from the family, to live separately from relatives. There is no contact with your family or not at all. Adoption or rejection of the child. Family, relatives are not of great importance. Children grow up and leave the house. Families in need of help.

If the question is associated with children, an inverted dozen bowls can describe many situations. For example, your dream is to marry and have children, but your partner does not share this desire. This may cause parting. Or you can decide not to have children. Problems with conception (with appropriate surrounding or additional maps. For example, with an inverted empress). "Difficult child". Conflict parents and children.

Dozen Cups (Chash) - Relations and Love

In despusting for love, dozen cups promises happiness. It implies emotional satisfaction. Castle, "settle", create a family. You found the love you were looking for.

This is a peak in relationships. At different stages of relations, this peak may be an explanation in love, sexual proximity, the wedding, the birth of a child.

If you are worried if your partner is a good parent, the appearance of dozens of cups is a good sign. Your partner loving, devotee and family. This is the person with whom you can build a long relationship.

If the question concerns the wedding or birth of children, the appearance of this card in the scenario indicates that these events will soon occur.

At the same time, sometimes in the scenarios, the appearance of this card may not talk about a really existing situation, but about idealistic dreams and people's ideas about the ideal partner, romance, relationships. Drawn in the imagination picture of an ideal life.

There is nothing wrong. However, if your requirements are too high, it can be problematic to find a person corresponding to the ideal.

When the map turns over, the bowls roll over and their contents are poured. Where there were once love and happiness, now just empty vessels. It is possible that once a harmonious family situation or relationship is currently experiencing problems. Conflicts are possible, the insaneness of family life.

A couple or family, whose seemed to be everything, now falls apart. The idyll of the vertical card disappears in disappointment.

"A broken cup does not glue." Probably, as a couple, you tried to overcome the problems and start all over again. An inverted dozen talks about the futility of effort. In fact, the problems did not go anywhere. Wines, offense or anger are still present, despite all attempts to become a happy family.

According to such a map, the divorce is likely, but does not mean that it will definitely happen. For such an interpretation there must be relevant surrounding cards. One negative or inverted map in the situation does not mean their end. But it assumes the presence of difficulties between partners.

Work and career

In terms of work, ten cups has a positive value. It involves teamwork, fruitful cooperation. Friendly cohesive team. Recognition of merit.

Work associated with public or social activities aimed at helping families. To be at home due to child care. Work from home. Be a housewife.

A favorable card for creative professions such as an artist, writer, musician, designer. She promises inspiration and recognition. You are satisfied with what you are doing. Found their niche. This is what you like.

In an inverted position - work with disadvantaged families.

Your dream work did not meet expectations and disappointed. Or you overestimated your position. You promised "Golden Mountains", and the reality was completely different. Career priority over family.

Disappointment in the results of your work. Your work can remain unnoticed or not recognized. Disputes and conflicts in the workplace. The inability to work in a team.

With any scenarios, 10 kart is a map that foreshadows positive emotions. The appearance of this is this Arkana is always a kind sign associated with: new acquaintances, family well-being, happiness, etc. All changes that are waiting for a person can develop rapidly. But it happens not always.

Dozen Cups - a symbol of positive change in life

The value of an inverted card is associated with problems, sometimes even loss of loved ones. Understanding the values \u200b\u200boften becomes an obstacle for novice cartologists. Therefore, it is important to understand which information is carrying a dozen cups in combination with other cards.

Images dozens of cups in Tarot decks

Each deck of tarot cards is not only an energetically strong accessory, but also a set of colorful illustrations. The drawn characters may differ in small details, but the main actors always remain unchanged. So, the manifestation of differences is particularly noticeable in thematic decks that have become particularly popular in the last few decades.

But if cards refer to traditional Tarot schools - then the correct interpretation should always correspond to the illustrations. Even when comparing the same arcanes from the deck of different eras, you can easily notice something in common in the images. An example can even take a map of ten cups.

A dozen bowls, in direct understanding, is a harbinger of happiness and good change. So, and depicted a couple of young people look happy, because they have children. They together are happiness. And nothing can disturb the family idyll. It is these characters, the artist's creation that helps to know the interpretation of the card without any prompts and search for information.

Everything is based on feelings close to every person. Love, children and family hearth is what everyone wants to achieve. So, in the background, a dozen cups accommodates a light and cozy house, over which ten-filled bowls depended in the air. Depending on the deck of traditional schools Tarot, some details of the images may change. But one remains unchanged - this is a happy family.

Essential differences in illustrations are rarely observed. The only example of something else is the deck of Era Aquarius. A dozen cups here - this is a happiness illustration of two people. Characters are located in their family nest. The man standing on his knees, brings his head to his legs of his beloved.

Woman gently hugs him. The first impression of such a card is a sense of love that no one can break. Two lovers are separated from the whole world. They themselves make their future. Ten cups hung around the lovers. But unlike other decks, they are located on the sides of the characters.

Deep meaning of tens of cups

A dozen cups are easily interpreted, because all the illustrations on this map are huge streams of positive information. The cardologist remains only to build one mental chain, depending on what the combination of cards. Sacred meaning is simple. Family is a union. And it's not only in the physical sense of the word.

Love is feelings and emotions. So, the understanding of the Union carries spirituality. All stays in equilibrium. People are happy with the body and spirit, and their merger into a single family whole is harmony. So, in the scenarios, 10 Cups tarot the value bears a large flow of information. And it is possible to determine the exact sphere of well-being and good luck with the help of adjacent maps.

Only exhaustive work and the desire of something more will bring you happiness

If you pay the time to understand and interpret individual tarot cards, you can plunge into a whole magic world of mysterious and unknown. Over the ordinary picture hides the energy of centuries. So, 10ka Tarot Cups, binds material things with spiritual. The appearance of this Arkana in the scenario is not a simple luck, not a gift from heaven. Only exhausting work on oneself and the desire to achieve something more, able to give a person long-awaited happiness.

How not to call the achievement? Such an interpretation is quite often found in the traditional tarot. And if you build your judgments about any detail illustration, the chain of thought leads to all new and new factors and qualities that are rarely negative. So, most often, the Tarot Map is 10K Cups, predicts:

  • family happiness;
  • achieving spiritual equilibrium;
  • the beginning of a new and happy life;
  • dating;
  • success of a group of people;
  • execution of the desired;
  • unity of the body and spirit;
  • marriage.

Map 10 cups does not appear in front of a person by chance. Her interpretation is not luck, but well-deserved happiness.

Nuances understanding card 10 cups

Understanding a card - this is what magic predictions are being built. Incorrect information will not bring any benefit to a person, and sometimes he can even harm him. So, the value of "success" cannot be attributed to personal factors. After all, the map shows a family or a love alliance.

Duet, a group of people is a team, which means the success is common. For personal quality answers the other, the previous numbering card. Therefore, it is important to correctly read the illustration. The accuracy of the prediction itself depends on this.

The depicted Union is love and family happiness. It is important to deal with people's emotions and feel them. Family well-being cannot be built due to the desire or severe exhausting work of one person. He can only imagine it as his dream. Others who dropped alongside the cards send a cartoor to one single right interpretation. And this applies to any sphere of life or human activity.

10 cups is the prediction of something positive, in:

  • work;
  • family;
  • friendship;
  • spiritual development.

A dozen cups whose value is not bad, comparable to the long-awaited gift. If this card appears in the situation, you should not worry about the near future. Only there is one "but". A favorable interpretation of the card will be effectively only when 10 cups falls in a literal position.

Inverted position 10 cups

Opportunities do not meet desires - such a general interpretation of a card of 10 cups can be interpreted in different ways. But it is not necessary to look for a deep meaning in the image itself of an inverted card. All Wait decks and other representatives of the traditional Tarot school often use opposite values \u200b\u200bof the usual, direct interpretation.

Even in terms of numerology. 10 is the number of fortune. It is often compared with the wheel. So, it can roll in one direction - to success and happiness, and in another - failure and loss. Only in Tarot, such a direction of movement of the "Wheels of Fortune" is the location of the map itself, direct or inverted.

Most often, ten cups, which dropped up with "upside down", means:

Inverted dozen cups - perhaps will follow parting with a loved one

  • quarreling;
  • betrayal;
  • conflicts of interest;
  • loss;
  • relief of love relationships;
  • conflicts of "fathers and children."

Interpretation of cards in an inverted form may not have the opposite value to their direct analogues. So, with the concept of "luck", the concept of 10 cups does not make sense of failure or disappointment. More often, the interpretation of the inverted arcana means a missed opportunity. So, luck time has already passed or it will not come in the near future.

It is also important to know about the emotional meaning of interpretation. In addition to life problems, 10 cups may mean:

  • rage;
  • indignation;
  • anxiety;
  • anger;
  • irritation.

Any experiences that the map reports are always associated with the past happiness. Other arcana fallen in the scenario can indicate the reason for the changes that have occurred in the human life. But one remains unchanged. 10 cups is a map that is able to strengthen or speed up the energy of events. So, at the usual position, a person in life comes a "white strip". And the inverted map indicates black.

Ability to change the situation

A 10 Cup card in an inverted position gives a person the opportunity to change the established life situation. Therefore, you should not be upset. It all depends on the actions of the person himself. 10 cups are only a vector that indicates what can be inaction. If the decoding with a dozen is interpreted from the negative side, and indicates problems, then everything can be changed by rethinking the situation and certain actions.

So, with quarrels, family disclaimers and other problems of human relations, you can understand the reason for indignations, to make concessions, etc. This approach will help change the future. Also in work. If a person is waiting for failure, hence he does something wrong. Having learned the cause and eradicate it, the situation can get better.

The image of this junior arcana is replete with the symbols of carrier joyful, bright and more than a favorable meaning. On the map, as a rule, spouses are shown, rising their hands to the rainbow shining in the sky. Next to the pair will be frowning their children.

The image of Arkana from the classic deck of Tarot Ridera White.

Clean, without a single cloud, the sky not only symbolizes the world and calm - it was a rainbow, which means Divine defense, patronage, mercy and absolute happiness. In addition, the Rainbow is a sign of the world after a thunderstorm, the end of the hail period, deserved joy. Against the background of the rainbow shine ten gold cups, meaning abundance, fun, relaxation.

Before the happy spouses, the green valley extends, where the river, meaning emotions, trees, symbolizing life, and a house, as a symbol of homemade, strength and security.

On a man you can see orange clothes, this color means vitality, young energy and fertility. A woman is ridicked in a red dress - a symbol of sexuality, but on top of it pied clothes of a blue color meaning spirituality. Spouses are harmonious, they perfectly complement each other.


A dozen cups means a peaceful, joyful maritime, symbolizes the house, native edges, a place where a person feels happy, harmony in the family. This card is very favorable if we are talking about feelings and sphere of emotions. It promises perfect and divided love, hot friendship and affection, absolute happiness. Often it may be a harmonious union or marriage.

However, in the case when the alignment is related to business issues, the Tent of Cups speaks of some difficulties in affairs, about obstacles to cope with which it will not be easy. At the same time, the younger Arcan reports that friendly contacts will be very useful in the business environment.

In an inverted position, a dozen cups means strong negative emotions, such as rage, anger, irritation or excitement. In addition, it can predict a quarrel or a gap of existing relationships, friendly or love.

Tarot Map Dozen Cups and its meaning in scenarios for love and relationships

Direct card in love means a harmonious union, happy relationship, altruism. This deserved long-awaited happiness, serious and sincere feelings, complete satisfaction in all spheres of relations. Describing a person, a dozen cups indicates its deep thin nature.

In an inverted form, a dozen cups means the relationship without joy, the feeling of a shortage of something in the emotional plan, small quarrels. Combinations with other maps will give a more complete picture of what is happening.

Tarot Map Dozen Cups and its importance in sobs to work and career

A direct card has the meaning of favorable mood to work, lasting position, impeccable execution of responsibilities and receiving decent payment. In addition, a dozen cups means receiving respect, encouragement. Another interpretation of this Arkana is positive changes or a bright victory.

An inverted dozen cups means looking for a right solution; Joyless routine weekdays, producing pain, as well as confrontation in the team, the presence of intrigues and gossip. Sometimes a dozen cups indicates a lack of professional knowledge and experience.

Interpretation of the Tarot Card Ten Cups in Signs on Health

In combination with negative maps or being an inverted, a dozen cups indicates hereditary diseases, increased pressure, water, varicose veins and a drug overdose hazard.

Combines with other maps:

Dozen cups in combination with senior arcanes:

With "jester" - lack of pressure on the part of family relations;

With "magic" - manipulating others;

With the "Supreme Priestess" - the successful end of the study period;

With the "Empress" - the possible motherhood promises to be cloudless;

With the "emperor" - happiness in the house, good relations with colleagues;

With Pope - spiritual relationship;

With "lovers" - in love - the Union of two hearts, marriage;

With the "chariot" - celebrations associated with marriage;

With "power" - achieving internal harmony, good health;

With "Hermit" - avoiding companies, striving for solitude;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - the situation will come into motion;

With "Justice" - the influence of others;

With "hanged" - the judgment of society can bring trouble;

With "death" - change in personal life;

With "moderation" - favorable relationships, harmonious communication;

With the Devil - an excessive desire to shine in society;

With the "star" - a common goal will unite two or more people;

With "Moon" - illusion, immersion in emotions, separation from reality;

With the "Sun" - absolute happiness in any kind of relations;

With "court" - deserved joy, happiness;

With the "world" - harmony in life.

Dozen cups in combination with some younger arcans

With "Ace of Wands" - the beginning of the relationship;

With the "Two Wands" - Moving is possible;

With the "Four Wands" - a family celebration;

With "seven wands" - criticism;

With "dozen wands" - the influence of loved ones is possible a visit of relatives, an unexpected receipt of money.

With the "Ace of Cups" - great love;

With "Two Cups" - Union, strong family;

With the "Four Cups" - longing for anyone;

With "seven cups" - illusory happiness;

With "nine cups" - present and bright happiness;

With the "PJ Cups" - a pleasant offer is possible;

With the "Knight of Cups" - a romantic date;

The "Queen of Cups" means a loved one, and the King of Cups is beloved.

With "Tuz Swords" - the difficulties in the family will be settled;

With Troika Swords - Serious Disagreements;

With the "Four Swords" - difficulties in personal life will be eliminated, but it will be difficult to achieve this;

With the "five swords" - problems in workers and business relations are possible;

With the "eight of swords" - the experience of the feeling of guilt;

With "nine swords" - experiences for their loved ones;

With the "Ten Swords" - a serious problem, a strong emotional shock;

With "PJ Swords" - minor disagreements;

With the "king of swords" - the interests of the family will be protected.

Four dozen in the defold promise loud success, before the onset of which a period of decline and sadness is possible. Obstacles arising during this period will be completely prosperous.

Three dozens mean legal problems, possibly related to the lawsuit. There may also be a letter of receipt of a business content that will report a favorable resolution of an existing problem.

Two dozen report the emergence of new duties, responsibility, the transition to a new job is not excluded. These changes will be favorable.

If the arcan means man:

In the Tarot Kingdom of Animal Kingdom, the tens of cups is represented by a pair of penguins - peaceful birds, which are a symbol of a strong friendly family, tremblely caring about their offspring.

A dozen cups may indicate a person who takes care of the interests of an inappropriate. As a rule, it is a friendly, open person, is quite emotional and possessing good intuition.

If the alignment is devoted to business issues and the topic of partnership or cooperation, the top ten Cups advises to conclude a business alliance with such a person.

If the topic of the scenario is feelings, then this card can mean a person experiencing clean, strong love.

The sign of the zodiac of this card is fish, which reminds about the accessories of the doasta of the Water Element Cups.

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The meaning of dozens of cups is an eternal joy ruler. On Arcana, an image of a happy couple with two young children. The spouses froze with their hands raised to the sky, on which there is a rainbow, designated ten beautiful bowls. Next to parents on Earth play two kids.

Adults are calm, their posture symbolizes gratitude to the highest forces for happiness and harmony, which is filled with their lives. In the astrological aspect of the card there is a connection of the moon and Jupiter in the zodiac cancer, which is a symbol of comfort and kindness.


In the literal position

The tent is most often indicated by plate, as a family card. She points to spiritual unity between people, mutual assistance, happiness and homemade comfort.

For those who have not yet connected themselves with wedding bings, this Arcan can act as a map of marriage or a successful union, which sooner or later will be legalized. Another meaning of Arkana is obligations to their close and attention to their interests and needs.

In inverted

In the inverted value, the card will be interpreted as the lack of mutual understanding between people, discontent and distrust, conflicts and attempts to put pressure on a loved one.

Most often, the one who has fallen out this card is currently poorly dissatisfied with the circumstances of his own life, but does not attempt to change it, culturing negative emotions.

Value in scenarios


He says that a person enjoys his own life. It is surrounded by comfort, his financial situation is stable, and health does not cause any concern. Thanks to the supply and harmony in life, it is in a state of complete peace and equilibrium.

In the inverted position, this card denotes bad housing conditions.. Perhaps the house where you live is located in a dysfunctional area, and there may be an environmental or energy pollution of the vital space itself.

Love and relations

In divination on a dozen cups is a climax map. She points to the peak of the development of feelings in the relationship between a man and a woman. For lovers, the Arkan can become a symbol of a proposal for marriage or the birth of a child.

For those who recently met their second half or is still in her search. The card can designate recognition in love, the first physical proximity or a familiarity itself with the future chosen.

Inverted Arcan indicates the loss of love and respect in relationships. Partners begin to experience irritation and discontent towards each other. Quarrels and conflict situations may be liked.


In the scenarios on a specific question, the direct position of the card indicates the affirmative response and the quick achievement of the desired result. Available problems and trouble will soon be settled, and you can enjoy the results of your work, get what long have dreamed of.

Inverted position talks about the risk to be devoted closest peoplewhich you have given our love for a long time and endless trust.


In the professional situation, a dozen cups are a symbol of what a person really loves his work, which is why it brings him not only good income, but also moral satisfaction. This is a triumph card, a successful completion of projects, transition to a new professional level.

In the inverted position, the Arkan has become a sign of disturbed harmony and mutual understanding in the team. The map means a breakdown of planned events, delays in affairs, conflicts with the bosses, the emotional rejection of their work.

Combination with other tarot

Senior Arcans:

  • With card "Jester" - You will feel free from commitment to close people.
  • With card "Mag" - You should not try to manipulate the opinions of others, you will quickly deploy to clean water.
  • With card "Supreme Priestess" - You will receive new knowledge that in the future will help you to get out of a difficult situation.
  • With card "Empress" - For a woman, the card indicates possible pregnancy, for men - paternity.
  • With card "Emperor" - Harmony in family, meeting with relatives, help and support for loved ones.
  • With card "Lovers" - Relations with your loved one will be marked by a joyful event.
  • With card "Chariot" - Expect to receive pleasant news, after which you have a long road.
  • With card "Force" - You are in a state of harmony with your inner world.
  • With card "Hermit" - Do not ignore the advice of others, you should enlist their support.
  • With card "Wheel of Fortune" - Imagine the intended you can only if you find like-minded people.
  • With card "Justice" - Do not give too much importance to public opinion.
  • With card "Hanged" - You will try to make a pawn in other people's plans, be careful.
  • With card "Death" - Changes in family life are possible, most likely not for the better.
  • With card "Moderation" - Internal conflict, during which you have to do a difficult choice.
  • With card "Devil" - The threat to get under someone else's influence, beware of fanatical and dependent people.
  • With card "Tower" - An unfavorable combination for love relationships, means a break, disintegration of the family.
  • With card "Star" - You will have new interests that will help you make useful dating in the future.
  • With card "Moon" - Do not dedicate others to your plans, let everything remain secret until it goes.
  • With card "The sun" - Joyful events and family events.
  • With card "Court" - Do not rise yourself over the surrounding, you only call dismissions and discontent.
  • With card "Peace" - Communication with people close to you in spirit and interests, feeling of unity with others.


  • FROM Ace of wands - Dedote the time to new ideas and projects.
  • FROM Two wands - The troubles associated with moving or traveling.
  • FROM Troika wands - and harmony in the family.
  • FROM Four Wands - Pleasant news, followed by a holiday.
  • FROM Five Wands - Disagreements between close people.
  • FROM Six wands - It is better to give up trips and travels.
  • FROM Seven wands - You can undergo attacks and criticism.
  • FROM Eight wands - Get the news from the old friend.
  • FROM Nine wands - Do not let your native interfere in your life.
  • FROM Ten wands - Conflict situations in communication with management.
  • FROM Page sack - News on family affairs.
  • FROM Knight wands - Soon you will be waiting for an unforeseen journey.
  • FROM Queen Wands - Wise woman will support in a difficult moment.
  • FROM King of Wands - Disagreements with a man who is higher in status.


  • FROM Ace Cups - We will experience the pleasure of communicating with your loved one.
  • FROM Two cups - Family idyll will be deceptive.
  • FROM Troika Cups - Get respect in the eyes of others.
  • FROM Four Cups - You will miss a close person.
  • FROM Five Cups - an unpleasant situation in relations with relatives.
  • FROM Six Cups - Not time to dream, it's time to act.
  • FROM Seven cups - Do not let me mislead yourself.
  • FROM Eight cups - There may be a sense of loneliness and helplessness.
  • FROM Nine cups - absolute happiness.
  • FROM Page cups - Get a good offer from the bosses.
  • FROM Knight Cups - Visiting a large-scale event.
  • FROM Queen Cups - Communication with a close friend.
  • FROM King Cups - An old friend will remind himself.


  • FROM Ace of swords - Settlement of family conflicts.
  • FROM Two Swords - Difference from the beloved person.
  • FROM Troika Sword - discrepancies in views can lead to quarrels in the team.
  • FROM Four Swords - The truce in the family will be temporary.
  • FROM Five Swords - We will become an object of someone else's aggression.
  • FROM Six Swords - A good moment to visit your loved ones.
  • FROM Seven swords - Do not neglect your duties.
  • FROM Eight Swords - A sense of guilt may appear.
  • FROM Nine Swords - Anxiety for someone from relatives.
  • FROM Dozen swords - Tragic events in the family.
  • FROM PJ Sword - Small family troubles.
  • FROM Knights of swords - Quarrels because of unwillingness to put up with other people's lacks.
  • FROM Queen Swords - Open conflict will lead to a break of connections.
  • FROM King of Swords - We will protect the interests of a loved one.


  • FROM Ace of pentacles - Get a business offer.
  • FROM Two pentacles - We have to compete for your happiness.
  • FROM Troika pentacles - You should devote more time to work.
  • FROM Four pentacles - Getting small amounts of money.
  • FROM Five pentacles - Do not ask for anyone any help.
  • FROM Six pentacles - Get support from.
  • FROM Seven pentaklee - Do not let the will with emotions.
  • FROM Eight pentacles - Offer on a new one.
  • FROM Nine pentacles - You should be more economical.
  • FROM Dozen pentacles - Financial assistance from relative.
  • FROM Page pentaklee - Unpleasant news from work.
  • FROM Knight pentacles - Getting a large amount of money.
  • FROM Queen Pentacles - Do not miss your benefit.
  • FROM King pentacles - Do not be debt to anyone.

On this day, the Arkan predicts success in all matters affecting the material aspect of life. It is probability that, having received such a card in the scenario, you will soon be raised to a new step up the career stairs. Relationships with close people will only deliver joy. Try to spend next to them as much time as possible.

Inverted dozen bowls Today is tensions in relations with others, incontinence in emotions. Be careful in contacts with unfamiliar people. I can try to put pressure on you, which will lead to difficult consequences.