
Kitchen renovation real photo examples. Where to start repairs in the kitchen: sequence, choice of materials How to start repairing a kitchen with your own hands

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Renovation work in no other room of the apartment will be as difficult as in the kitchen. Unlike all other rooms, here it is important to ensure not only comfort, but also maximum practicality and durability, to choose the right combination household appliances, plumbing, furniture and finishes. This task is not the easiest one, therefore it is necessary to approach its solution with all thoroughness.

First steps towards renovation

Perhaps the very first decision on the way to carrying out a full-fledged kitchen renovation is to understand how the result should look like, and what steps should lead to its implementation. To create a design project for renovation in the kitchen, it is not necessary to involve a professional designer - you can, after thinking well, draw up a plan yourself, however, it is definitely not worth starting repairs in an apartment without an exact plan.

In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the repair needs. For example, in a new building there is no decoration, but all communications, as a rule, are present, and they are new, that is, there is no need to replace them - accordingly, you just need to select equipment, furniture and decoration. If the same communications are still in good condition, but the need to change the finish is ripe, you need to find a way to dismantle the old coatings so as not to damage what is not yet planned to be replaced. As for the overhaul, in this case it is worth starting with the complete dismantling of everything, including the window block, but the sequence of further restoration should be chosen correctly.

The importance of planning

Before starting the repair, it is important not only to see the final picture, but to clearly understand what sequence of steps the plan will consist of, as well as how many consumables will be needed, and how much it will all result in. Agree, it makes no sense to first assemble kitchen cabinets, and then replace pipes inside them- so you can ruin both, create unnecessary inconveniences, and therefore lose money.

Experienced people do not advise relying entirely on the very first master whose number you found - try to get even a little closer to specialists in the field of home repair. Repairmen, seeing an inexperienced newbie, are likely to try to sell you unnecessary goods and services, and will also provide you with a “bonus” in the form of a surcharge, so have a clear idea of ​​what you would like to see in your kitchen after renovation, and how much it costs. Be sure to find out the prices of consumables and the cost of materials in different places - this way you will reach a fair value, and even be able to save money.

When choosing consumables, focus on the main materials that are not directly related to the decor. Only by creating a reliable and durable basis for the decor, you will be sure that you have not wasted your money., because the latter can be quite expensive and lead you astray, prompting you to save where saving is inappropriate. Even after calculating everything carefully, do not grab the phone right away - put the project in your head for a while, think over the details a few more times so that there are no doubts left. If no objections come to mind (or they have already been taken into account in the final plan), it remains only to postpone the full amount of the cost of the repair - and only now you can call the masters and agree on the exact date of the work.

Phased sequence of repair work

A little earlier, we mentioned that the correct algorithm of actions, involving the stages of performing the repair in a strict logical order, is already half the success and reducing the risk of unforeseen expenses and delays. To explain in detail how it should look like step by step order overhaul, we will briefly consider all the main types of work.


If the repair is carried out in a new building, that is, from scratch, and there was simply no previous repair in the room, this stage will not have to go through - there is simply nothing to dismantle. However, with a major overhaul of an old kitchen, this stage cannot be avoided, and certain difficulties may arise already here. The fact is that this step in the repair process is usually the easiest one, as you know, to break - not to build. Many owners prefer to dismantle before repairing on their own, however, in the case of a kitchen, this is not always so simple - the same pipes without necessary tools it is not so easy to make out. If there is a man in the house who knows how to work with his hands, you can try to do it yourself, significantly saving on the services of workers, but if you are confident in own forces no, you can't do without their help. The same applies to non-capital repairs - if the task does not include the complete destruction of the kitchen to bare walls and floors, you should not risk taking apart the structures with your own hands.

An important point in dismantling is garbage disposal. There is usually a lot of it, and it can be even more difficult to take it out on your own than to destroy the old finish. Removal may be a separate service, the cost of which should be specified in advance. Expect to buy dozens of bags, which will also cost you a certain amount.

Wall and ceiling preparation

In general, this stage would be appropriate to refer to dismantling, but not everyone understands that the removal of the same old paint- this is also dismantling. All that is needed first is to clean the walls down to concrete. Many types of wall and ceiling finishes require installation exclusively on a perfectly flat surface, so it makes sense to clean the walls and ceiling from dirt, grease and mold, and level them.


This is the first stage when, during the renovation of the kitchen, we will not only break, but also introduce something new. As a rule, the dismantling of the old window and the installation of a new one are performed by the same masters, the whole procedure usually takes a little time - no more than two hours are spent on replacing one block. They begin with the installation of windows for the reason that their replacement provokes the destruction of the adjacent sections of the wall, which means that after finishing finishing or even preparatory work it's too late to do this. Please note that for many companies, the installation of the window itself and the repair of the slope are different services that are performed by different craftsmen, therefore you need to plan everything correctly so that further repairs do not spoil the fresh slope.


This stage is quite difficult to plan, and it is in this part that inexperienced planners often make mistakes. Before doing wiring, you should think carefully about the configuration of electrical appliances in the kitchen - since we are doing overhaul, it is worth doing everything right away so that there is no need for extension cords and tees. If the electrical wiring is hidden in the walls, they should be punched out, and then the surface should be leveled, although today the wires are not always hidden inside for ease of possible replacement. It is important to bring out the ends of the wires for future outlets, switches and lighting fixtures, although they have not yet put covers on them, limiting themselves to protruding (and unconnected) contacts.


The installation of plumbing structures in general resembles the installation of electrical wiring with the only difference that geographically these works are a little more limited. In terms of the renovated premises, you should think in advance about where all the equipment that needs to be connected to the water supply and sewerage system will be located. In many modern kitchens, these communications are no longer limited to just one sink - quite often in the same room you can also find a washing machine, and dishwashers are increasingly being acquired.

Wall and work area decoration

After the installation of communications, it's time to gradually move on to the stylistic design of the room. Start off Finishing work usually advise from above, gradually moving down - so splashes and falling fragments of finishing materials will not damage the new floor, and will not even stain it - there is simply no such thing yet. Materials must be selected in strict accordance with the destructive conditions that prevail in the kitchen. A prerequisite for any kitchen decoration is increased resistance to high temperatures and moisture (both liquid and vapor). The part of the wall immediately adjacent to working area(the so-called apron), should have even more refined qualities, for example, it can withstand any temperature, not burn even in direct contact with fire, and also be easily cleaned of any kind of contamination.


To protect the floor from dirt or damage from working tools, they go to putting it in order last. Refining it is perhaps the most time-consuming part of a kitchen renovation. Since during major works it is supposed to pour a new concrete screed, and it dries very slowly. It is unacceptable to start laying on a screed that has grasped incompletely - with such an ill-considered decision, you will greatly reduce the service life of the coating.

In some cases, the flooring steps are intertwined with the wall and ceiling steps. For example, if the main work on the preparation of the walls has been completed, and it remains only to paint them, but for some reason a long break is foreseen in the performance of work, you can pour the concrete screed right now. Then they switch to painting the walls after it dries, but still before laying the floor covering - by themselves, paint splashes on the screed are not terrible if they are then covered with a laminate or any other floor on top.

Arrangement of furniture, appliances and accessories

When all of the above steps have been passed, the customer has a neat and beautiful, but still empty and impractical kitchen at his disposal. Its further arrangement is divided into two stages - professional and independent. Modern kitchen does not represent a set of separately taken accessories - many of its components are interconnected, therefore the owner simply cannot cope with the installation of this entire system on his own. The final design of the same electrical system, the installation of equipment with its connection to the main communications, and even the assembly of the kitchen unit - all these are tasks that are usually entrusted to professionals. Although because of this you do not even need to know the exact order of installation, experienced people advise to be present during such an assembly - this helps to control the quality of the work itself.

The last stage is carried out independently and involves bringing the kitchen to the final condition for everyday use. It consists in arranging furniture and dishes, hanging window textiles and generally ennobling the room, and starts with a more banal thing - general cleaning... In practice, finishing the kitchen can take several weeks, but you can use the room earlier - right after all the equipment has been connected, the headset is assembled, and the dining table is brought in.

Major mistakes

Inexperience often turns out to be a big problem for customers who, in their zeal to do everything as quickly as possible, often face the problem of excessive and thoughtless waste of money, or even with a complete impossibility to bring their plans to life, although part of the money has already been spent. To warn readers, here are some of the most common mistakes.

The first, it is also the main mistake, is to start repairs without any plan in the hope that it will be possible to figure it out on the fly. A kitchen renovation, especially a major one, in principle, cannot be extremely fast, it will certainly take several weeks, but by doing as indicated above, you risk plunging the room into chaos for months or even years. Without sufficient information about the cost of the desired result, many owners start work that are unable to finance in full, which is why the original project has to be redrawn many times right along the way. You should not be surprised if the result with such an attitude will be very little reminiscent of what was intended, and it’s also good if the kitchen can be used in the end, simply without inviting guests to it. In the worst case, such an option is not excluded, in which it will only be possible to break everything, and there will not be enough money for adequate restoration.

Another huge mistake is going too far ahead of making money into consumables. Even with very careful planning of kitchen renovation, expectation and reality rarely coincide - there are too many details here that need to be coordinated. It's also good if, already in the process of repair, the masters or you yourself simply come up with an option of how to do it better than it was planned - then, having the materials on hand for the implementation of the original plan, you can breathe and abandon the changes. It is much worse if it turns out that the original plan for some reason is not subject to implementation at all, or its implementation threatens with certain inconveniences during further operation. In this case, it turns out that the money for the purchased finishing was wasted, and the cost of repairs, of course, will increase - or you will have to put up with what we have.

An even more global mistake is buying furniture early. This option is even more striking work for the future, the headset itself or the table itself can be quite expensive, and they are selected strictly by design. Having bought such accessories, you will no longer be ready to easily change something else, which means that it will be really difficult to deviate from the original plan, even if flaws are found in it.

It is often a mistake to contact a designer. His services are expensive, but he will never do absolutely everything for you. He tries to please you as much as possible, because he will only slightly narrow down the possible choice of finishes, furniture and equipment, he will make all these details harmonize, but he will coordinate every step with you, so you still have to go shopping.

The basis of any kitchen is a working triangle - a stove, a refrigerator and a sink. Therefore, this area should be located in accordance with the principles of ergonomics. Everything else, incl. various decorative or auxiliary accessories, installed as it is convenient for the owner of the apartment.

How to avoid mistakes when planning a kitchen?

The kitchen is a room with specific conditions. Moisture, temperature changes and other factors will destroy any material that is unstable to their effect. Therefore, the walls and partitions in the kitchen must be moisture resistant. What is more important - economy or aesthetics - is up to the owner of the apartment. In the first case, both ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware or linoleum can be used to finish the floor. Well, the walls can be finished with both tiles and washable wallpaper or water-based paint.

The working triangle must be tiled. It is in this part of the room that the most aggressive operating factors are present.

Any mistake made during the planning and renovation of the kitchen leads to serious inconveniences during operation. For example, if you place kitchen furniture and equipment along one wall, you have to literally run between the stove, refrigerator and sink. Therefore, the best option is a U-shaped layout or the organization of a functional area in the form of an island. Although, the island arrangement of the working triangle is possible only in a really large and spacious kitchen.

Under no circumstances should household appliances and kitchen furniture be allowed to obstruct the aisles. So, the distance between the facades of the U-shaped kitchen should be at least 1.2 m.In this case, it is obvious that we are talking about small kitchens, all drawers and cabinet doors should open without interfering with each other or overlapping too much space. And it is better if the handles of cabinets, nightstands and drawers in such a kitchen are small and do not have sharp edges and corners.

What not to do when setting up a kitchen

At the same time, it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out a high-quality and cheap repair of the kitchen. However, at the same time, it is quite possible to save both energy and money. Therefore, you should not succumb to the pressure of advertising and buy super-expensive, but on the allotment, materials that are completely ordinary or, worse, not suitable for finishing the kitchen. For example, floors and work surfaces made of marble instead of tiles will cost you a lot, and as a result, you will have serious difficulties in maintaining. After all, marble has a porous structure, which means that dirty and greasy stains that will appear on it during operation, you will not be able to withdraw.

The electrical circuit of the kitchen should be planned with a margin and for the future, that is, with the expectation of replenishing the arsenal of kitchen electrical equipment. It is imperative to provide for the protection of consumers from short circuits and other troubles that, for various reasons, may arise during the operation of the apartment. The sockets should be placed as close as possible to the places where the stationary electrical equipment will be located - a refrigerator, a water heater, an oven, a microwave oven, an extractor hood, etc.

By the way, it is not recommended to place the oven, built-in dishwashers, steamers, etc. too high or low. For drywall walls, in this case, it is necessary to provide for reinforcement adequate to the weight of the equipment.

The base of the kitchen should not be too high. As a rule, modern household appliances are designed to be placed no more than 10 cm above the floor. This way you can save about half the money that you were going to spend on buying a basement tile.

Kitchen lighting and ventilation

Kitchen - multifunctional room so both general and local lighting should be sufficient here. It is best to equip the backlight in several levels. For example, the first will be a lamp above the dining table, and the second will be built-in under top lockers kitchen wall fixtures.

The placement of lighting fixtures, or rather the wiring to them, is performed even at the stage of rough work. Therefore, the location of all lamps, chandeliers, as well as sockets and switches should be calculated in advance. The wiring needs to be laid with some margin. In addition, it will be useful to provide one or more additional outlets, to which it will subsequently be possible to connect a new power line.

If there is a possibility of connecting an additional number of consumers in the circuit over time, the parameters of the main electric wire are taken in accordance with the value of the total load on the network, that is, similarly with a margin.

In the kitchen, there must be an extractor hood, which in most cases is located above the stove or hob... It also happens that, due to a lack of living space, heating boilers have to be placed in the kitchen. Both the hood and the heating boiler are connected to the chimney. In addition, the kitchen should have a second chimney window, because gas appliances work in it. Even if the equipment and chimneys are located far from each other, it is not at all necessary to make massive air ducts. For example, the hood can be purchased with a charcoal filter, which will need to be changed from time to time. Well, as for the heating boiler, think, maybe you electric will do or, gas water heater, the requirements for the placement of which are not as stringent as for the boiler equipment?

Do not forget about the little things

The atmosphere that prevails in the kitchen depends entirely on how well the ratio is selected:

  • ergonomics;
  • efficiency;
  • design;
  • practicality;
  • reliability and durability.

Beautiful and almost timeless, but too expensive cuisine will not satisfy you. On the contrary, too cheap, clumsy work furniture or low-quality kitchen equipment will simply annoy you. On the other hand, if you are going to buy, then it is better to have a reliable and, most importantly, comfortable stove, refrigerator, bedside tables, cabinets, etc. Every little thing will play a role here, but so that you can still do right choice, try using this algorithm:

Ultimately, two factors will be paramount in the process of choosing the design and functionality of a kitchen - your taste and the thickness of your wallet. In any case, you should not rush to make a choice - in the age of the Internet, you can find anything and anywhere.

You can save well on used furniture and kitchen equipment. If you don't care who dined at this table before you, but you really like the table itself, then why not buy it? In the end, such furniture will cost almost half the price of new furniture. And who knows, maybe its quality will be much higher than that of modern representatives of furniture products?

The kitchen itself will not become cozy, modern and beautiful if it is not equipped to your liking. How to renovate your kitchen when you have no idea where to start?

After all, now building and facing materials are expensive, and you still need to hire craftsmen. However, this is not necessary at all. I will tell you where to start setting up your kitchen, and what important points take into account.

You can do a good repair yourself. To do this, you need to know exactly what the room should be in the end and move towards the goal according to the drawn up project and plan.

How to design a kitchen?

To visually visualize the arrangement of furniture and kitchen equipment, you will first need to draw up a detailed drawing.

Planning and measurements

Draw on the plan everything that will be in the renovated room, indicating the dimensions of each piece of furniture:

  1. In the first step, measure kitchen furniture, sink, hob.
  2. Then specify the location pipes, heating radiator, sockets, ventilation duct and hood.
  3. After that, start measuring household appliances. For example, a microwave oven, refrigerator, TV, food processor, dishwasher and washing machine, etc.

I advise you to measure the equipment with the doors open. At least for the refrigerator and microwave, this must be done.

  1. Now you will need to think about the location of the measured furniture. and equipment. If you want to put a new set for the kitchen, dock it on the plan with a sink, hob and built-in equipment.
  2. Determine the size and number of drawers on the working surface of furniture, as well as the location of the handles on them. Remember to plan the lighting, quantity and location open shelves, cornices, glass doors.

  1. Select apron sizes and define facing material for him. The best way for the apron - ceramic tiles.

We select materials and calculate how many are needed

Think about how to do it yourself cheaply and beautifully:

  1. Pick a design and color range kitchens... If it is small, then the best option- light colors in decoration and furniture, which will make the room wider and taller.

  1. Then make a list of the required building and facing materials ... You need a lot of them:
  • plaster and putty for leveling the ceiling and walls in the kitchen, as well as a floor screed if it is uneven;
  • adhesive for wallpaper and tiles;
  • drywall and profiles for the ceiling and possibly walls;
  • paint, tiles, linoleum and other finishes for all surfaces.

  1. You will also need to buy new ones. electrical outlets , wire, as well as pipes for water supply, sewerage and ventilation. If you need to change the window, add it to the list.

By counting the number necessary materials, find out their cost and make rough estimate... So you will decide on the financial expenses that lie ahead. If the cost is too much for you, try replacing this or that material with a cheaper option.

The beginning of the repair - we get rid of unnecessary things and change the eyeliner

Before starting repairs, you will need to free up and prepare space.

We take out and break, everything that is possible

  1. Remove all kitchen equipment from the room first. Then take out the furniture, leaving only the built-in furniture. If the repair is supposed to be overhauled, disassemble it too.
  2. After that, free the walls, floor and ceiling from the old cladding. Knock down the tiles and floor tiles, remove paint, wallpaper, linoleum, remove baseboards.

Whitewash and water-based paint can be easily removed if pre-wet warm water... From old finish walls and ceilings of a different type (oil, latex, acrylic paint) you can get rid of it with a special wash.

  1. If the kitchen is going to be redeveloped, demolish the old partitions and remove the door. If you plan to change the window, dismantle it along with the box.

After finishing cleaning, you can start repairing the kitchen with your own hands.

We lay engineering communications

Start the installation of utilities with electrical wiring... Arrange the outlet points so that it is convenient to use the kitchen equipment.

You will need electrical outlets near the work area: for refrigerator, microwave oven, hood, hob, TV, etc. Provide an outlet for local illumination.

Next, take care of the ventilation system.... Replace its old duct with new pipes. For ventilation to be effective, that is, forced, you will need an electric hood with a fan. Place it 60 cm above the hob.

Plumbing and sewerage system it is better to assemble from metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes... They are lightweight, but strong, durable, are not afraid of temperature extremes and are easy to install.

Installation of utilities is a responsible business and requires certain skills. If you do not have them, then entrust the repair of this stage to professionals.

Ceiling, wall and floor decoration

After completing preparatory stages repair, you can start facing work.

Start from the ceiling... It can be done:

  • hinged from plastic panels or drywall sheets;
  • tensioned from polymer or fabric panels;
  • a very inexpensive option is also possible - just paint the surface.
  1. If you settled on painting, then choose a moisture resistant paint. For example, a water-dispersible acrylic, latex or silicone compound.
  2. Before staining align the ceiling surface gypsum plaster and smooth with putty.
  3. If you have chosen a stretch ceiling, keep in mind - you need to mount it after wall cladding.

  1. Budget wall cladding- is to paste over them with wallpaper. It is best if they are washable, as water splashes on them, grease and soot accumulate. Wallpaper for painting is also a good solution. They are practical and beautiful.
  2. Section of walls in the working area in most cases it is tiled. However, you can tile all the walls in the kitchen. This solution would be very practical.
  1. If the floor is concrete... A screed for it can be made from a ready-made self-leveling mixture or a homemade cement-sand mortar.

  1. When the floors are wooden... Check the strength and replace the floorboards as needed, then level them with plywood.
  2. If you want to install underfloor heating system. First level the base with a screed. Then lay the heating wires or pipes. Do this as recommended by the manufacturer's instructions. Next, fill the warm floors with another layer of screed.

After leveling the base, lay the chosen flooring: linoleum, tiles, laminate, etc.

How to install a skirting board

When making renovations in the kitchen, do not forget about the floor skirting boards. Metal or plastic slats are best for the kitchen. Wooden skirting boards are impractical, as they are afraid of water and cleaning agents without a protective coating.

The usual length of plastic skirting boards- 2.5 m. To calculate how many you need, measure the perimeter of the kitchen, add 2 m to the resulting figure and divide the number by 2.5. By the number of internal and outer corners, buy also corner pieces.

It is convenient to cut plastic skirting boards with a metal saw... They must be installed starting from one of the corners or doors. The strips are fastened with plastic dowels.

In addition to floor skirting boards, there are also ceiling counterparts (baguette). They close the gaps between the ceiling cladding and the walls, emphasize the abutments between these surfaces and make the design of the room more aesthetically pleasing.

Ceiling molding can be plaster or plastic... The latter option is installed after wall and ceiling cladding.

The final stage of renovation - we put furniture and kitchen equipment

  1. If you decide to renovate everything during the renovation of the apartment, you will have to change the kitchen door. It can be made of MDF, wood. It can also be completely glass or with glass inserts.

However, such a door needs constant maintenance. The laminated MDF counterpart is more practical and no less beautiful. In addition to the usual swing doors, you can also supply sliding doors. Such a canvas will save a lot of space in the kitchen.

  1. Next put kitchen set according to the originally drawn plan.
  2. Then you need to install the sink... The best option if it is made of stainless steel.
    Use its cardboard packaging as a template for inserting the sink into the countertop. Before making a hole, outline its outline along the cardboard. Then cut out the seat with an electric jigsaw. When installing the sink, secure it tightly with self-tapping screws. Next, install the mixer.

  1. The finishing touch of the renovation is the installation of kitchen equipment... With a microwave, refrigerator and dishwasher, you will not have any difficulties. They just need to be put in place and connected to the outlets.
    If in the working area of ​​the kitchen will be installed Washer, you will have to connect it to the sewerage and water supply. Connect the hob to the gas pipe with a special hose.


Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation and design is not so difficult. The main thing here is to plan everything correctly, purchase a sufficient amount of materials and do everything carefully, slowly. The video in this article will help you understand how to update the kitchen in your home. Ask questions in the comments if you have any questions.

It seems to be not so difficult to make a kitchen renovation with your own hands. But this appearance is false. After all, this room, in addition to aesthetics, should also be functional. Not to mention the practicality and ergonomics. Therefore, it is very important to correctly approach the repair processes, which are carried out in a certain sequence. After all, the quality of the end result is not just good quality building materials. This is precisely the consistent technology of each construction operation. That is, speaking of updating kitchen space, we must talk about everything: from the sequence of kitchen renovation to minor nuances.

The principle of repair in the kitchen

This principle is simple. And it can be determined by the sequence of actions - from dirty events to clean ones. To give you an idea of ​​what this is about, here's an example of an incorrect sequence. First, they pasted wallpaper or laid tiles on the walls, and then began to pour the screed onto the floor. Most importantly, this sequence must be followed when renovating the entire kitchen or when renovating just a part of it.

Therefore, the entire repair process can be divided into four main stages: dismantling, replacement of communication networks, leveling of the surfaces to be repaired in the kitchen, and their finishing. This is the basic sequence of kitchen renovation. It will need to be translated on the plane as well. It is very important here to respect the priorities, which are based on the nuances of building technologies. For example, if you are pouring a screed, then you must immediately be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to enter the room for several days. Therefore, it would probably be better to first spend renovation work walls and ceiling, and then move on to the floor base. Although all this is controversial, therefore each master is trying to find his own path of movement along the technological chain.

Dismantling - the first stage of renovation in the kitchen

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But, as for that sequence from dismantling to finishing, this is the main line of construction operations. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the old finishing materials and communication systems. True, it should be noted that everything will depend on what kind of repairs are planned to be carried out in the kitchen: major or cosmetic.

  • In the first case, dismantling will be performed globally, even with the removal of windows and doors. It is even possible to re-plan the space with the construction or dismantling of partitions. In this case, you can destroy everything without leaving any materials or items that can be used somewhere else. Everything goes to the trash.
  • WITH cosmetic repairs all wrong. Basically, finishing materials are dismantled, surfaces are checked for defects, which are repaired. The alignment of these surfaces is imperative. Replacement of communications can be partially or completely made. Finishing is required.

Sequence of repair operations

So, the sequence of work after the dismantling. If the sewerage, water supply and heating pipes were dismantled, then it's time to restore them. But here the question is - the gasket will be made open or closed way? If closed, then the pipe wiring is being done right now. If open, then you have to wait until the walls are aligned. As for the electrical wiring, it is almost always closed in the kitchen.

But now we need to fill in the screed. We will not delve into the details of this process, but we will indicate that most often the repair of the floor base is associated with the screed. Therefore, manufacturers have long established the production of ready-made mixtures that are diluted with water and poured onto the floor. It is not difficult, not difficult. The main task is the horizontal evenness of the screed layer.

After that, you can go to the ceiling and walls. The first is aligned first, then the second. To do this, you can use either putty mixtures or drywall sheets. If the house was built of brick, then before leveling the surfaces of the walls, they will need to be plastered.

Related article: How to make a lamp from spoons with your own hands

Now to the question, which is easier: putty or drywall. In terms of the simplicity of the work, both options are not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But the plasterboard structure is assembled faster, while the finished surfaces have almost maximum evenness. But experts do not recommend using GCR in kitchens, even moisture resistant. Therefore, the ceiling can be sheathed, for example, plastic panels... This material is two in one. It also aligns the ceiling surface and immediately decorates it. Moreover, for the kitchen it is an ideal finishing material.

As for the walls, it is better to level them with putty. True, it will take a lot of time. Because the sequence of applying layers of putty mixture and others different materials like this:

  • First, the wall is primed. It will dry for 4-6 hours.
  • Then it is puttyed with a thick layer. This removes the main drop in the plane. This layer will dry for a day.
  • Another coat of primer that dries for 4-6 hours.
  • A thin layer of putty - final leveling. Dries up to 8 hours.
  • If the walls are painted or wallpaper is pasted on them, then the surfaces will have to be additionally sanded with sandpaper. If cladding will be made ceramic tiles, then even a small plane difference of up to 2 mm is admissible, not to mention grinding.
  • Another layer of primer, which will dry for 4-6 hours.

Leveling walls with a primer

Add the time to carry out all these operations here, it turns out that leveling the walls with putty will require 3-4 days. That is, the renovation of the kitchen will be delayed only because of the drying of each building material that is laid or applied wet.

So, the sequence of repairing the kitchen with our own hands led us to the floor base. In principle, the floor has already been repaired, all that remains is to finish it. The sequence of wall and floor finishing will depend on what material it is decided to decorate with one or the other surface. That is, in what order to carry out finishing operations.