
Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating. Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating: advantages, disadvantages and selection features Pp r glass fiber reinforced pipe

All about the lawn

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass, appeared later than analogs with aluminum foil. But they quickly began to gain popularity in the field of plumbing when installing water supply and heating systems.

The technical standards of this type of equipment are in many ways superior to unreinforced PP pipes and successfully compete with reinforced aluminum.

Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes are marked with PPR-FB-PPR or PPR / PPR-GF / PPR, where the FB (fiberglass) and GF - glass fiber markings mean the presence of fiberglass, and PPR is a universal polypropylene brand that is successfully used in heating and hot water supply systems.

According to the marking, the pipes are three-layer products: polypropylene - fiberglass - polypropylene.

But due to the fact that they are produced using coextrusion technology (connection of jets different materials into a single integral structure practically at the molecular level), layers not glued as for example with aluminum reinforcement.

That is, with their multi-layer the equipment is homogeneous and does not have the ability to delaminate.

Plastic glues together the fibers of glass, or fiber, located in the center, and subsequently it is they that do not allow deformation of sufficiently soft polypropylene.

Due to this design, fiber-reinforced PP pipes are stiffer than simple ones... This complicates the installation procedure to some extent, but reduces the risk of sagging and allows the use of smaller diameter samples for heating and plumbing systems.

Another nuance - the rigidity of the inner layer contributes to significant reduction in linear expansion characteristics for polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass. This is one of the reasons for the use of glass fiber reinforced PP pipes in heating systems.

The thickness and amount of the reinforcing composition is calculated in accordance with GOST standards. Fiberglass elements do not penetrate either into the outer layer, where they would interfere with the welding joints, or into the inner layer, which would lead to a violation of sanitary standards. The absence of metal eliminates the appearance of hardness salts- this means that all connections become literally monolithic.

During manufacture, fiberglass is dyed in different colors, but they are not an indicator of any operational or technical characteristics. In terms of standard sizes, they correspond to other types of reinforced PP pipes., which allows using standard fittings and replacing individual sections of pipelines from old-style material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the design disadvantages of fiber-reinforced propylene pipes, it can only be noted that, in comparison with models reinforced with aluminum, their expansion coefficient is slightly higher - by 5-6%.

But in comparison with unreinforced ones, it is three times lower, by 75%, which allows to increase the distance between the fixtures and reduces the cost of installation. And:

  • They are much thinner than unreinforced PP pipes, which is very important when they are carried in walls, while the conductivity of the coolant is 20% higher.
  • A layer of fiberglass prevents the pipeline from breaking through, which provides wear resistance and increased durability - up to 50 years.
  • The strength and tightness of the connections does not require regular maintenance.
  • Due to its good insulating properties no condensation and heat losses are minimal.
  • Small thermal expansion minimizes the risk of damage.
  • In addition, during installation, they do not require calibration and stripping, which is necessary for pipes, foil-reinforced made of aluminum.
  • Thermal conductivity corresponds to that of conventional PP pipes and is lower than that of aluminum-reinforced pipes.
  • Cases of delamination of AL polypropylene products are known, which is excluded during coextrusion with glass fiber.
  • All materials are non-toxic and completely harmless.
  • They are lightweight and easy to install... They are connected in any way - socket or butt soldering, threaded or flange connection.
  • Chemical resistance allows you to withstand even a low-quality coolant.
  • High permeability due to the smooth inner surface, respectively, and the absence of deposits.
  • Pipes elastic, abrasion-resistant and low-noise, are resistant to pressure build-up.
  • Withstand temperature values ​​in the range of -10 - +95 Celsius.
  • When reaching and even exceeding critical marks FB pipe can expand and sag, but will not burst.

True, some are concerned about the possibility of fiber particles getting into the water. To avoid such a possibility, pipes can be processed with a facing tool - this will exclude contact of the reinforcing layer with water.

Criterias of choice

Looking at the marking of the pipe, you can immediately understand for what purposes it is intended, since abbreviation PN stands for "nominal pressure", and the numbers - its working indicator.

PN-10 with a wall of 1.9 - 10 mm are designed for temperatures up to 45 degrees, that is, they are applicable only in systems. Thin-walled, withstand pressure up to 1 MPa or 10 atm. Can be used for arrangement, but taking into account temperature regime ... Diameter inside and outside - 16.2 - 90 mm, 20 - 110 mm.

PN-20 with a wall of 16 - 18.4 mm are the most in demand, as they are practically universal. Suitable for cold water supply, heating, underfloor heating equipment. Withstand up to 95 Celsius and a pressure of 20 atmospheres. Have excellent bandwidth, used in private and comfortable homes, public institutions, enterprises... Diameter inside and outside - 10.6 - 73.2 mm, 16 - 110 mm.

PN-25 with wall 4 - 13.3 mm - are intended for arrangement of risers, heating and water supply systems, warm floors, for industrial purposes. The pressure during operation is 25 atmospheres, the temperature is 95 degrees. Not subject to thermal deformation. Diameter inside and outside - 13.2 - 50 mm, 21.2 - 77.9 mm.

When choosing polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass for mounting a heating system you need to build on your own requirements and technical characteristics of the product:

  • Maximum temperature readings;
  • Nominal pressure;
  • Diameter.

Accordingly, the most suitable polypropylene pipes with fiberglass for heating are PN-20 and PN-25 with d 16 - 40 mm, for underfloor heating - all three types... Models with a diameter of 20 to 24 mm are optimal for making connections to radiators. When installing smaller pipes, the internal seam formed during brazing can obstruct the free flow of water.

For risers, samples with a size of at least 32 mm should be selected, otherwise the inner diameter will be small for full circulation. Pipes with d 40, due to their massiveness, are often used for concealed installation.

Based on the above, we can conclude that a propylene pipeline with a GF layer is almost perfect option not only for sewer or plumbing, but also for heating system .

Besides fiberglass is an anti-diffusion barrier that does not allow the penetration of oxygen. Diffusion is fraught with acceleration of corrosion processes in all metal equipment - pumps, boilers, etc.

This happens especially quickly in water systems with high temperatures - hot water supply, heating.

Unreinforced PP pipes cannot boast of such a property. By many criteria, they are significantly inferior to reinforced fiber-reinforced fibers, especially regarding heating systems - polypropylene pipes without reinforcement are thicker, weaker, prone to deformation.

Polypropylene pipes are environmentally friendly; in many properties they show themselves superior to steel ones. They are more technological, their price is lower, they do not need to be protected from corrosion, the process of connecting them into a pipeline is much less laborious, and their service life is much higher.

They are mainly used for heating fiberglass reinforced or aluminum polypropylene pipes. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the coolant in heating systems can reach 100 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the clips laid on the clips do not reinforced pipes will linearly lengthen and sag, which requires the introduction of expansion joints into the pipeline.Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes, have a coefficient of linear expansion five times less than unreinforced. Their sagging is much less, which allows the clips to be installed at a greater distance from each other.

Historically, the first reinforced polypropylene pipes were pipes reinforced not with fiberglass, but with a layer of aluminum applied over the surface. Their price is slightly higher compared to unreinforced ones. But they have one inconvenience - before installation, such pipes must be stripped of aluminum, and this is quite painstaking work that increases the assembly time of the pipeline. For pipes reinforced with fiberglass, the reinforcing layer is recessed into the structure, which does not require such a cleaning before joining them.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes, price which are approximately the same as those covered with aluminum, have greater thermal resistance, since there is no metal in their structure. In view of this, they can be insulated with energy-flex or k-flex tubes with a wall thickness slightly less than pipes with aluminum.

In the warehouse of the organization, there are fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes available. Outside diameter from 20 to 110 mm.

Any water-type heating system presupposes the presence of circuits through which the coolant circulates. These pipe lines connect the boiler with all, up to the most remote, heat exchange devices - heating radiators. As a result, in a building or even an apartment of a large area, the general system can take on a very complex branched form, and the length of the laid pipes can be tens or even hundreds of meters.

Not so long ago, there was practically no alternative to steel pipes VGP. But, you must admit, their purchase, transportation and installation itself are very difficult, expensive and not available for everyone to do on their own. And, frankly, there are many other disadvantages of such pipes. Another thing is inexpensive, lightweight, easy to install, and just outwardly nice polypropylene pipes. True, not all of their varieties are suitable for such purposes, due to the characteristics of the material of manufacture. But fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating will be an excellent option.

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In addition to them, polypropylene pipes are also produced with aluminum reinforcement, therefore, in order to figure out which of them is better, it is worth comparing them. Only in this way will it be possible to evaluate and designate characteristics different types of these products.

Why are reinforced polypropylene pipes needed for heating?

The heating system will be reliable in operation if you select the right pipes for it that meet certain requirements. These criteria include the resistance of products to high temperature and pressure loads. to the aggressive effects of the coolant circulating through them. It is especially important to take these requirements into account if the pipes and their fittings are planned to be installed in a system connected to district heating.

In specialized stores, you can find reinforced polypropylene pipes with different wall thicknesses, made of materials of different quality, differing in resistance to high pressure and temperatures, ultraviolet exposure, and having a different coefficient of linear expansion. Therefore, if it is decided to install a new circuit or replace the old pipes with polypropylene ones, it is necessary to know the evaluation criteria that the materials used for these purposes must meet.

So, for the installation of a heating circuit, it is necessary to choose pipes that meet a number of important requirements.

  • The temperature of the coolant in the central heating system is usually 75 ÷ 80 degrees, but sometimes it can reach higher values, close to 90 ÷ 95 ºС. Therefore, when purchasing these products, it is worth choosing them with a margin of thermal stability, that is, their characteristics should indicate a temperature of at least 95 degrees.
  • Polypropylene is an excellent material for pipes, but it has a characteristic quality - a too significant coefficient of linear expansion with temperature changes (according to tabular data - 0.15 mm / m × ºС). A little? But what if we look at this matter "through the prism" of absolute values?

Suppose the heating circuit was installed at a temperature of +20 ºС. After starting the heating system, the temperature in the supply pipe is planned, even if only 75 ºС. So, we have a difference with an amplitude of + 55 degrees. With the above coefficient of thermal expansion, each meter of our circuit will increase in length by 8.25 mm. Even on a relatively small straight section of 3 meters, this already gives 2.5 centimeters of elongation, not to mention the longer sections. But this is already very serious!

As a result, pipes located openly deform, bend, jump out of their clip-fasteners. Naturally, at the same time, internal stresses in their walls grow, the connecting nodes are overloaded, the tightness of threaded connections on the fittings can be violated. The system clearly loses not only in the aesthetics of its appearance, but also in overall reliability.

But what happens to such pipes if they are rigidly embedded in the walls or floor? It is even difficult to imagine how large internal stresses are experienced by their walls. It is clear that there is no question of any durability of such a heating circuit.

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But for reinforced pipes, the coefficient of linear expansion is almost five times less. With the same initial data, the three-meter section will lengthen by only 4.95 mm, which is not at all critical. Of course, this does not eliminate the need to compensate for the linear expansion over very long sections, but the expansion joints themselves (loop or bellows) will be required much less, and they can be placed in places inaccessible to the eye.

  • In addition to high temperatures, the central heating system does not differ in pressure stability, since especially at the beginning of test activities after summer season, in it, as a rule, its uncontrolled jumps occur, up to powerful water hammers. Therefore, pipes must be resistant to pressure overload, and only products reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass have such qualities to a much greater extent.
  • The service life of pipes for heating systems declared by the manufacturer should be comparable to the durability of other devices and elements included in the general circuit. And in this position, reinforced polypropylene pipes have a clear advantage.
  • A good property of propylene is its inertness to the aggressive medium of the coolant, since the material of the walls should not be subject to corrosion and destructuring from the effects of various chemicals, the presence of which, alas, cannot be excluded in any way. central system heating.
  • Ideally flat surfaces of the inner walls of polypropylene pipes allow the coolant to circulate freely along the heating circuit.
  • Polypropylene has the ability to drown out the sounds of the coolant circulation inside the system, which distinguishes it favorably from traditional steel. Fiberglass-reinforced pipes have this advantage to a greater extent.

Marking of polypropylene pipes

Without exception, all polypropylene pipes must have an alphanumeric marking on their surface, which indicates their main physical, technical and operational characteristics. When purchasing pipes, it is recommended to carefully study the marking so as not to be mistaken in choosing the best option.

For clarity, consider the marking for example:

A- as a rule, the marking begins with the logo or the name of the company of the manufacturer of the material. In any case, those firms that really enjoy authority in this area of ​​production do not hesitate to put their name on each unit of their products. Well, if the manufacturer is "modest", and nothing of the kind is indicated in the labeling, this should be a reason to think whether it is worth purchasing such a product, whether it is a cheap imitation.

B- The following abbreviation indicates the structural structure of the pipe. The following designations are usually found here:

- PPR - polypropylene pipe without any internal reinforcement;

- PPR-FB-PPR - glass fiber reinforced pipe;

- PPR / PPR-GF / PPR or PPR-GF - a pipe reinforced with a composite material, which includes fiberglass and polypropylene;

- PPR-AL-PPR - pipe reinforced with aluminum foil.

- PP-RCT-AL-PPR - this complex abbreviation means that the pipe consists of several layers made of different materials. So PP-RCT - the inner layer is a modified polypropylene with improved thermostatic properties, AL - the middle layer is aluminum foil, and PPR - the outer layer is polypropylene.

V- The following designation, PN is a type of pipe, which largely speaks about its performance characteristics and areas of possible purpose, The numbers indicate the indicator of the nominal working pressure in the system (in bars or technical atmospheres):

- PN-10 - such pipes can withstand a pressure of 10 bar, and can be used for cold water supply or, as an exception, for installing piping to the underfloor heating circuits while maintaining an appropriate temperature regime, since they are designed for a temperature not exceeding + 45 degrees.

- PN-16 - products are designed for cold and hot water supply with temperatures up to + 60 degrees and working pressure up to 16 bar.

- PN-20 is the most popular option, since it can be called universal, since it is used for both hot and cold water supply, as well as for heating circuits. Pipes with such markings can withstand temperatures of 95 degrees and pressures up to 20 bar.

- PN-25 - such pipes are the most durable, withstand a pressure of 25 bar and a temperature of 95 degrees. They are used for installation in risers of heating and hot water supply systems, including for circuits connected to central heating.

The main standard dimensional parameters of pipes according to this classification are presented in the table below:

Ø Нр, mm PN -25PN -20PN -16PN -10
Ø Int, mm TC, mm Ø Int, mm TC, mm Ø Int, mm TC, mm Ø Int, mm TC, mm
16 - - 10.6 2.7 11.6 2.2 - -
20 13.2 3.4 13.2 3.4 14.4 2.8 16.2 1.9
25 16.6 4.2 16.6 4.2 18 3.5 20.4 2.3
32 21.2 3 21.2 5.4 23 4.4 26 3
40 26.6 3.7 26.6 6.7 28.8 5.5 32.6 3.7
50 33.2 4.6 33.2 8.4 36.2 6.9 40.8 4.6
63 42 5.8 42 10.5 45.6 8.4 51.4 5.8
75 50 6.9 50 12.5 54.2 10.3 61.2 6.9
90 - - 60 15 65 12.3 73.6 8.2
110 - - 73.2 18.4 79.6 15.1 90 10
Ø Nr - outer diameter of the pipe
Ø IN - Diameter of the inner pipe channel (nominal bore)
TS - pipe wall thickness

G- The next indicator is the outer diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its walls in millimeters.

D- The class of operation (the parameter is set by GOST for pipes of domestic production) indicates the recommended area of ​​application of this type of pipe:

Service class of polypropylene pipesLiquid temperature (operating / maximum), ºCPurpose of pipes
XB up to 20Cold water supply systems +
1 60 / 80 Hot water system with a maximum temperature of 60 ºC
2 70 / 80 Hot water system with a maximum temperature of 70 ºC
3 40 / 60 Low-temperature underfloor heating systems
4 60 / 70 Underfloor heating systems with high-temperature operating modes, classic heating systems heating with maximum heating agent temperatures up to 60 ºC
5 80 / 90 Heating systems with high temperatures, including district heating

F- The last alphanumeric designation indicates that normative document(GOST, ISO or TO, according to the standards of which these products are manufactured.

Having received information about the classification of the pipe, you can immediately estimate the possible duration of its operation under the planned conditions. The following table will help with this:

Heat carrier temperature, ºСEstimated service lifeTypes of pipes
PN-25 PN-20 PN-16 PN-10
Maximum working pressure in the system (kgf / cm²)
20 10 33.9 21.7 21.7 13.5
25 33 26.4 21.1 13.2
50 32.3 25.9 20.7 12.9
30 10 9.3 23.5 18.8 11.7
25 28.3 22.7 18.1 11.3
50 27.7 22.1 17.7 11.1
40 10 25.3 20.3 16.2 10.1
25 24.3 19.5 15.6 9.7
50 23 18.4 14.7 9.2
50 10 21.7 23.5 17.3 13.9
25 20 16 12.8 8
50 18.3 14.7 11.7 7.3
60 10 18 14.4 11.5 7.2
25 15.3 12.3 9.8 6.1
50 13.7 10.9 8.7 5.5
70 10 13.3 10.7 8.5 5.3
25 11.9 9.1 7.3 4.5
30 11 8.8 7 4.4
50 10.7 8.5 6.8 4.3
80 5 10.8 8.7 6.9 4.3
10 9.8 7.9 6.3 3.9
25 9.2 7.5 5.9 3.7
95 1 8.5 7.6 6.7 3.9
5 6.1 5.4 4.4 2.8

Prices for glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes

reinforced polypropylene pipes

The structure of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement

As mentioned above, polypropylene pipes are reinforced to make them resistant to high temperatures and baric loads and to drastically reduce the linear thermal expansion sludge index. In order to decide which option is better to choose - pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass, it is worth comparing their main characteristics.

Fiberglass began to be used for strengthening polypropylene pipes much later than aluminum foil. Products reinforced with this material represent a three-layer structure, with the reinforcing layer located between two layers of polypropylene.

"Armopoyas" can consist only of fiberglass, or of composite material containing fiberglass and polypropylene. In any of these options, the layers have excellent adhesion to each other, practically becoming a monolithic structure.

Thanks to such a reliable soldering, the separation of the walls of a well-made pipe is even theoretically impossible.

Fiberglass perfectly restrains thermal expansion, which prevents pipes from deforming and stretching in any way when the temperature rises

This type of reinforced polypropylene pipes is produced in various dimensions. So, products with a diameter of less than 17 mm are mainly used for the installation of a "warm floor" system, pipes Ø 20 mm are well suited for in-house distribution of hot water supply, and from 20 to 32 mm (sometimes more) - for arranging the circuits of heating systems ...

The connection of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement is carried out by welding, sometimes by other installation methods. Moreover, with welding works this type of pipes does not require a rather laborious cleaning operation, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the work. The absence of these pipes in the design metal elements eliminates the appearance of deposits of hardness salts, and the joints of all parts of the heating system become completely monolithic.

Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass and aluminum reinforcement of PPR pipes

  • The first thing that needs to be said is that the coefficient of thermal expansion for pipes with aluminum and fiberglass reinforcement is practically the same, and ranges from 0.03 to 0.035 mm / m × ºС. Thus, both types, from this point of view, are equivalent.
  • The fiberglass reinforcement layer covers the entire space between the outer and inner polypropylene layers. Therefore, these pipes are tear-resistant, reliable and durable, and their design life is about 50 years. In pipes reinforced with aluminum, the reinforcing layer has a welded seam (and sometimes, in inexpensive products, even simply butted edges of the foil are lined with an overlap), which makes them more vulnerable to increased temperature and pressure.
  • Fiberglass-reinforced pipes are a good anti-diffusion layer that does not allow oxygen to pass to the coolant.

The diffusion process will certainly lead to an acceleration of the corrosive processes of the metal equipment of the heating system - this is a boiler, a pump, shut-off and control valves and other elements.

Since for products reinforced with aluminum, the foil layer is sometimes not continuous, the risk of penetration into the coolant increases. In addition, aluminum itself is very unstable to oxygen corrosion.

  • When installing pipes with fiberglass interlayer, the density and strength of their connections does not require regular monitoring and maintenance. If products reinforced with aluminum are installed, the reliability of the connection will depend on the quality of calibration and stripping them before installation.

The fact is that pipes with an aluminum reinforcing belt are a glued wall structure. If, in the process of soldering, a section of metal in contact with the coolant remains on the cut, then it is from here that the process of wall separation can begin. And this, in turn, with a high degree of probability will lead to initially swelling, and then to a breakthrough of the pipe body.

And for pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, which is an almost monolithic structure, this "Achilles heel" is absent.

And it is much faster and easier to weld pipes without stripping, especially since you do not need a special tool (shaver) for these purposes.

  • Fiberglass-reinforced pipes have good thermal insulation properties, which minimizes heat losses. On the other hand, pipes reinforced with aluminum foil have a slightly higher thermal conductivity.
  • All materials used in the manufacture of polypropylene reinforced pipes for heating are non-toxic and do not emit harmful vapors both in cold form and when heated. This applies equally to both types of pipes.
  • The resistance to chemical influences is not at all different, which allows both types to withstand the "aggression" of a low-quality coolant.
  • The temperature range within which these types of pipes are normally operated is from - 10 to +95 degrees. But, even with a short-term increase in temperature above the specified one, the pipe may sag a little, but no damage should occur on it.

Based on the considered characteristics of the data, we can conclude that the best option pipes PN-20 and PN-25 with diameters from 20 to 25 mm are used for installation in the heating system for supplying the coolant to the radiators. But when pipes with a smaller diameter are installed in the heating system, the inner seam formed during the soldering process can impede the free flow of the coolant.

For the installation of risers, pipes with a diameter of at least 32 mm are usually selected, otherwise it may also be small for the full movement of the coolant. Larger diameters can also be used on the collector sections of the system - the range of products on sale allows this.

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Fiberglass Reinforced Polypropylene Pipe Manufacturers

At the end of the publication - a small overview of high-quality polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, domestic and imported, which have earned positive feedback from professionals.


"METAK" is a Russian company that manufactures various polypropylene products for heating and cold water supply systems, including pipes reinforced with fiberglass, under the brand name "METAK FIBER". These products are excellent for installation in highly loaded heating systems.

The pipes are manufactured in a white design, have a maximum operating temperature of 95 degrees, and are designed for an operating pressure of 25 bar with a destructive pressure of 50 bar.

Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene three-layer pipes of the METAK company and their connecting parts (fittings) are manufactured in accordance with GOST. They are used to install cold and hot water supply pipelines, underfloor heating, system wiring and technological pipelines, so they can have different diameters.

This table provides information on the dimensions of the glass fiber reinforced pipes manufactured by this company. The total length for all products is 4000 mm.

Outer pipe diameter, mmInner diameter, mmWall thickness, mm
20 13.2 3.4
25 16.6 4.2
32 21.2 5.4
40 26.6 6.7
50 33.2 8.4
63 42 10.5
75 50 12.5

These products are great for heating systems country houses and apartments in multi-storey buildings. All METAK products comply with all domestic and European standards and requirements established for these products, as they are produced on high-tech equipment under the strict supervision of qualified specialists.

"FV Plast"

The Czech company "FV Plast" specializes in the development and manufacture of polypropylene pipes for pressure water pipes for serving cold drinking water, hot water supply and heating systems. The company produces polypropylene pipes and fittings for them only gray, with reinforcing aluminum and fiberglass layer.

FV Plast was one of the first to start manufacturing products reinforced with fiberglass - this product range is called FASER.

Prices for polypropylene pipes FV Plast

reinforced polypropylene pipes FV Plast

Characteristics of FV Plast FASER pipes reinforced with fiberglass:

  • The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 80 degrees.
  • A short-term temperature rise is allowed up to 90 degrees.
  • The operating pressure of the system is 20 bar.
  • The maximum allowable pressure is 36 bar.
  • The service life of the products, declared by the manufacturer, is 25 ÷ 50 years.

In addition to the pipes themselves, the company presents on the market all the necessary components for them, which allows using materials from one manufacturer to create heating circuits of any complexity with guaranteed ensuring its reliability.

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Kalde is a leading Turkish manufacturer of modern heating and plumbing systems assembled from PPR pipes and accessories. The material of this company is distinguished by the maximum protection against build-up and contamination inside the pipes during the entire service life. Reliable, lightweight, durable, comfortable and economical Kalde systems are inert to corrosion and chemical attack. They are produced in the widest range of diameters - from 20 to 110 mm.

Kalde Fiber is a three-layer pipe with a white outer surface, made of polypropylene and reinforced with fiberglass. It is distinguished by excellent heat resistance, with the upper limit of the coolant temperature reaching 95 degrees. Even at such a temperature in the system, the pressure does not exceed 10 bar, the manufacturer decolors the service life of at least 50 years.

Prices for polypropylene pipes Kalde

reinforced polypropylene pipes Kalde

In addition to the above, the company also produces polypropylene pipes of various types:

  • PN10 and PN20 made of polypropylene, PPRC- without internal reinforcement.
  • PN20 and PN25, reinforced with aluminum foil - pipes for heating and heating supply, air conditioning systems and similar industrial use.
  • AL-Super is a polypropylene pipe, reinforced in the middle layer with aluminum foil, which does not require cutting or stripping.

The assortment of Kalde accessories is very diverse and is designed for different, even the most complex heating circuits.


"BANNINGER" is a German company that manufactures products that are distinguished by true European quality and undeniable operational reliability. The company produces polypropylene pipes and a full set of necessary components for them for the installation of heating circuits, hot and cold water supply. Distinctive feature is the unusual emerald green color of BANNINGER polypropylene pipes.

Products are distinguished by high plasticity, therefore they calmly react to high and low temperatures. The parameters of polypropylene parts were selected taking into account studies on the fatigue properties of the material, during operation for 50 years, at a constant temperature of 70 degrees and a pressure of up to 10 bar.

The range of the company includes polypropylene pipes without reinforcing materials, as well as with an aluminum and fiberglass layer. Within the framework of this article, the samples of the series "WATERTEC » and "CLIMATEC". Their use will provide the created heating circuit with guaranteed indicators of reliability and durability.

A few words in conclusion

In conclusion of the topic, I would like to recommend not to purchase pipes of unknown manufacturers who do not even mention the name of their company in the product labeling. Having saved a little, you can buy a product that will not last even one heating season, failing at the most inopportune moment. In such a situation, you will have to pay a much more serious amount to replace the pipes of the heating system, repair your own and, possibly, your neighbor's apartment.

One more little remark. One of the most frequently asked questions is the following: "What information does the color of the reinforcing layer located in the pipe wall carry?" The answer is simple - none. The color of the reinforcement is, rather, a "whim" of the manufacturer, the desire to distinguish their products against the general background.

By and large, any fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipe itself is designed for operation at elevated temperatures. So there will be a reinforcing "ring" in red, green, blue or gray - it doesn't matter at all. The main information is in the alphanumeric marking of the pipe and in its technical documentation, which, by the way, do not forget to get acquainted with in the store when choosing a material.

And, finally, to "consolidate" the obtained information about polypropylene pipes - watch the video clip attached below:

Video: Recommendations for the correct choice of polypropylene pipes

You may be interested in information on how to choose

Evgeny AfanasievChief Editor

Author of the publication 14.10.2016

The heating system is a very important component in the improvement of any room during the cold season. If earlier, when wiring the system, metal pipes, now, thanks to new technologies, most people use new types of pipes for these purposes. Polypropylene proved to be worthy replacement metal, it meets higher requirements than the usual plumbing material for us.


Currently, a lot of polypropylene products are produced in the world. The polymer belongs to thermoplastic plastics, in terms of production, it is very similar to low-pressure polyethylene, but they have different properties. Polypropylene pipes have the following technical characteristics:

  1. Density - 0.91 g / cm 3;
  2. High resistance and hardness to abrasion;
  3. Tensile strength 250-350;
  4. Does not undergo stress corrosion cracking;
  5. The temperature for melting is +175 о С, at +140 о С it begins to deform.

Conventional polypropylene pipes have one drawback - they have a large coefficient of thermal expansion. When the polypropylene system heats up, changes in volume occur and makes it difficult to perform installation work.

This problem was solved with the help of polypropylene reinforcement. It was necessary to introduce into the structure of the low expansion material... Fiberglass-reinforced products, according to the masters, today have become the best option material with the smallest expansion coefficient.

The reinforced pipe has a triple layer, the outer and inner are made of polypropylene, and fiberglass middle layer... Its use made it possible to produce durable products, because fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are in no way inferior to aluminum, and their installation is very simple and quick.

Fiberglass reinforced products are of superior quality and provide a more comfortable heating system operation. Each product has its own marking, it is indicated PPR-FB-PPR, popularly called them fiberglass. Fiberglass comes in different colors, but this does not play a role in the technical and operational characteristics of products.

Fiberglass polypropylene pipes can also be easily joined by socket welding. They do not need to be processed in advance, but this simplifies the installation process makes it fast on time. The integral structure of polypropylene pipes allows them not to delaminate.

Main advantages

Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating have many positive qualities, including:

Fiberglass Reinforced Pipes

Almost all types of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes are produced with a small diameter, since a larger diameter cannot create the required pressure in the heating system. For example, products with a diameter of 32 mm are suitable for risers, and for strapping batteries and wiring - 20 and 25 mm. All products are labeled, this always facilitates the purchase of polypropylene products of the required diameter.

In hardware stores, you can find pipes with markings from the manufacturer.

PPR - universal view, pipe features include resistance to high temperatures, pressure and strength, so they are suitable for creating a heating system.

PPR-FB-PPR - glass fiber reinforced, the layer of which is located between the inner and outer coating of the pipe.

The strength of the products is also marked, for example, reinforced pipes of the PN 20 brand are suitable for heating. The number in the marking indicates what maximum pressure the system can withstand in kg / cm 3. Such products are suitable for use in heating and air conditioning systems, in the creation of external drinking and technical water supply.

Brand of polypropylene products PN 20 is durable and flexible, in severe frosts they do not burst from freezing, and when the water begins to thaw, they retain all their properties. Fiberglass reinforced pipes have also found applications in agriculture, they are used in the construction of irrigation drainage systems, in the disposal of soil and waste water.

The longitudinal strip that is on the products indicates their intended use for use in certain conditions. So, red indicates suitability in a hot environment, blue - for a cold one, both strips together - the versatility of the material.

Application features

A material such as polypropylene has a high oxygen permeability, and at elevated temperatures a large number of oxygen can lead to the rapid destruction of metal-containing elements. Only use in the heating system reliable and high quality primary aluminum radiators, this is a must. If other radiators are used, then it is necessary to use a foil material that will reduce the oxygen level.

Manufacturers produce fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes with a length of 4 meters, it is recommended to connect them with fittings using socket welding. To perform such work, you need a special welding machine, with which you need to be able to work. Installation work uncomplicated, since pipes do not require preliminary preparation before welding.

Price of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene products

The cost of products always differs depending on the diameter, wall thickness of the pipes, as well as the brand of the manufacturer.

Russian pipes Lazar Snab, Perm glass fiber reinforced PN 20, diameter 20 mm white(they can withstand a pressure of 1 MPa with a temperature of +95 ° C for a long time), the price is for 1 mp. -33.28 rubles.

Polypropylene products of Turkish production PN 25 with a diameter of 35 mm in white (withstand a pressure of 1 MPa at a temperature of +90 ° C for a long time), the cost of a pipe is per 1 m. - 44.12 rubles.

Vodpolymer Kirov Russian production brand PN 25, with a diameter of 20 mm, white (capable of withstanding a pressure of 1 MPa for a long time, with a temperature of +90 ° C), the price for 1 m. is 22.70 rubles.

Banninger pipes made in Germany PN 20, with a diameter of 20 mm, with a wall thickness of 2.8 mm, green (for a long period of time they can withstand a pressure of 2 MPa with a temperature of +95 ° C), the price for 1 running meter is 70.00 rubles.

Banninger polypropylene products made in Germany PN 20, diameter 50 mm. with a wall thickness of 5.6 mm in green (for a long period of time they can withstand a pressure of 2 MPa, with a temperature of +95 ° C), the cost for 1 m. is 358.80 rubles.


Polypropylene is a non-toxic material, it does not rot, does not form fungus and mold, and does not transmit ultraviolet light. All these qualities confirm the safety of the material for human health. If all operating conditions are observed, polypropylene pipes with fiberglass can serve for decades.