
Methodical recommendations for organizing the current and general cleaning of premises of therapeutic and prophylactic institutions (7833). Algorithm for cleaning

Decorative Cultures for Garden

Holding general cleaning is an unconditional need for all catering enterprises, children's and medical institutions. It can be performed by personnel or professional company. In the second case, there are many advantages, and the price of work will be low and accessible to everyone. The key feature of such works is the presence of specialized equipment and a detailed following sanitary-epidemiological standards. Cleaning is carried out in all institutions on an ongoing basis - daily and more thorough (general) - once a week.

Rules and requirements for general cleaning when working with food products

For food enterprises also exist their sanitary rules. These are the standards for which sanitary and epidemiological workers are focused when checking institutions. Sanitary standards are taken back in the period of the USSR and in the period modern Russia Only refined in the form of SNiP. The sanitary requirements of retailers or production enterprises concern all aspects of food, general cleaning and requirements for them are only part of the entire actions complex.


Obstract name: General cleaning in the department, processing of objects, care for patients

Artist: Nurse Department Resuscitation

Busurmanova A.T.

Uralsk, 2017

Cleaning in the premises of therapeutic and preventive organizations is one of the links in the chain of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the in-hospitality infection. At the same time, cleaning from dirt, dust, substrates of biological origin and disinfection, i.e. Destruction on surfaces of microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases.

Exist next species Cleaning:

I. Wet cleaning;

II. Spring-cleaning;

III. Cleaning by type of final disinfection.

Application area

Rules apply to medium and junior medical personnel of clinical units. Cleaning personnel must pass a qualified documented training in harvesting.

Senior medical sisters and sisters of the hostess departments are monitoring control over harvesting.

Control and monitoring of cleaning services are carried out by the service of infectious control.

Equipment list

4.1. Special clothing (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

4.2. Cleaning equipment (vehicles, brushes, mops, rams, pulverizers);

4.3. detergents and disinfectants permitted to use in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4.4. Capacities for cleaning behavior should be marked, used for intended.

Algorithm for general cleaning.

1. Definition

2. The general cleaning is carried out once a week according to the approved schedule with processing and disinfection of equipment, furniture, inventory in the following premises:

3. Operating blocks;

4. Dressing offices;

5. Gathering halls;

6. Procedure Cabins;

7. Manipulation offices;

8. Sterilization;

9. Chambers of intensive therapy;

10. Viewing offices;

11. Invasive rooms;

12. Premises with aseptic mode.

13. General cleaning 1 time per month according to the approved schedule and on epidemiological indications is carried out with the processing of walls, gender, equipment, furniture and equipment in the following premises:

14. Chambers;

15. Auxiliary premises;

16. Cabinets.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparation for general cleaning:

a) wear special clothes (bathrobe, hat, mask, gloves);

b) bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) are subjected to chamber disinfection or treatment with disinfectory solutions;

c) the premises of the maximum free from furniture or push it to the center of the room, to provide free access to the surfaces and objects;

e) prepare working solutions (detergents and disinfectants) according to the instructions for the preparation of solutions;

e) make medical waste and disinfect the tank.

2.2. General cleaning:

a) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture, as well as equipment of the cabinets to handle 0.5% detergent (50g. Powder for 10 liters of water or disserter with detergent *) and washed off clean water;

b) ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables, and other furniture, as well as equipment of the cabinets to handle irrigation method or wiping with a rare, moistened with a disinfectant approved concentration;

c) after which the room is closed on a certain exposure of a disinfectant solution;

d) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

e) all surfaces are washed off with water and dry (walls, ceiling, furniture, equipment, equipment) pure rag;

e) cleaning is completed by washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

) Then quartzing (according to the list) is carried out in terms of rooms, followed by ventilating;

g) after cleaning the vehicles are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, are washed under running water until the smell of disinfectant is disappeared and dried;

h) Special clothing is rented in the laundry;

and) on holding general cleaning and quartzing The nurse notes in the journal of general cleaning and quartzing.


All cleaning in the registries are held together with the nurse, the nurse begins cleaning with a clean zone, i.e. Manipulation table, dressing table, medical cabinets, refrigerator, couch, work desk of nurses, and a nurse wipes the windowsill, chair, door, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes floor washing.

In the wards, the Sanitary starts with beds, windowsill, door handles, sanitary nodes and finishes floor washing.

Dining tables, bedside tables and fridge for products processes distribution.

Washing window glasses is carried out at least 1 time per month from the inside, at least 1 time in 3 months outside and as dirty.

* When cleaning is carried out with a remuneration with a detergent effect, the 1st stage of processing of 0.5% of the detergent solution is canceled.

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Page Creation Date: 2017-08-26

General cleaning rules

It is conducted under the control of older honey. Sisters branch, sister hostess. General cleaning (washing and disinfection) of the operational block, procedural, dressings, resuscitation and postoperative chambers, dental office, CSO. Buffet - handouts and other cabinets that require aseptic mode is carried out 1 time in 7 days.

The general cleaning of the premises of the steamed offices and other functional premises and the cabinets is carried out according to the approved schedule at least 1 time per month and the epide. Indications (in the event of an infectious disease).

Stages of general cleaning:

  1. Dress down. Clothes: bathrobe, headdress, gloves, mask (respirator).

  2. Move the existing furniture and equipment to provide free access to panels (walls) and plinths.

  3. Open the window, fraamuga

  4. Wipe the surfaces of the furniture, walls to the height of their coloring (to the height of the existing tile) detergents (soda, soap) to remove mechanical and other contaminants in order to more effectively effect on the processed surfaces of the disinfectant. Then the room (floor, walls), the equipment is wiping with a rigray richly moistened with one of the disinfecting solutions.

  5. Turn on the bactericidal lamp for 60 minutes.

  6. Wear clean sanitary clothes (bathrobe, gloves, mask). Wash off des. A solution of pure (sterile) with a rare, moistened with tap water.

  7. Turn on the bactericidal lamp to 30-60 minutes

  8. Wire a room for at least 30 minutes.

  9. Mark the date of general cleaning, specify the desired des. Means and its% concentration, quartzing time in the "journal of general cleaning journal" and "Journal of accounting for a bactericidal lamp"

  10. Conduct disinfection of used cleaning equipment and vessels.
As des. Tools for general cleaning are used:

  • 6% hydrogen peroxide with o, 5% solution detergent 60 minutes

  • 0.2% Zavol-Solide or Deochlorine solution 60 min

  • 0.2% Sulfochlorantina solution for 60 minutes

  • 2.3% Deefect solution 60 min

  • 2% Dulbatic DTB / L 45 min

  • 1% Lizaphin solution 60 min

  • 0.5 solution Lizafin-special 60 min
Used for general cleaning des. The means must be replaced at least 1 time in the quarter and in the case of unsatisfactory results of laboratory control of the external environment.

Compiled on the basis of:

  1. The order of the Ministry of State Unitary Enterprise No. 720 of 07/31,78 (paragraph 5.20) "On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat in-hospital infection."

  2. The order of MZRF No. 345 of 26.11.97 "On the improvement of measures for the prevention of hospital infections in obstetric hospitals".

  3. San Pin 5179-90 "Sanitary rules of the device, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other healing hospitals" (claim 9.2).

  4. B.M. Thai, L.P. Zueva "Infectious Control in LPU" St. Petersburg, 1998.

  5. Guidelines for the use of des. funds.


accounting of general cleaning


on the use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation to disinfection air and surfaces in the premises (prepared on the basis of the leadership of R. 3.1.638-98 "The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for disinfection of air and surfaces in rooms").

    Ultraviolet bactericidal radiation is an effective prophylactic sanitary-anti-epidemic agent, aimed at suppressing the vital activity of organisms in the air and on the surfaces of the premises. It is among the means that reduce the level of proliferation of infectious diseases and complements the mandatory compliance with the current sanitary standards and the rules on the device and the content of the premises.

2. Ultrafiolet bactericidal installations should be used in rooms with an increased risk of disseminate infection pathogens (clause 4.2):

Operational, preoperative sterile CSO zones, chambers for premature and injured children.

Dressing, dairy rooms, residential wards, non-sterile CSO zones.

3.Realous rate of the disinfectant room for one irradiator in cubic meters as follows: - for the irradiator with a dB-30-1 lamp, 30 cubic meters, for the irradiator with dBm-30 lamp 45 cubic meters

4. The resource of the lamps is: for dB30-1-5000 hour, for DBM-30-800 hours.

5. As lamps work, a bactericidal flow is reduced to compensate, after the expiration of 1/3 of the nominal service life of the irradiation increases by 1.2 times; After 2/3 of the term - 1.3 times

6. Care of the bactericidal irradiator is carried out after disconnecting the power supply:

  • no less often 1 time a month, I wipe the outer surfaces with a damp soft napkin with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with the addition of 0.5% of the washing agent type "Lotos"; reflective soft napkin; Lamp-cloth moistened in alcohol.

The instruction is based on:

  1. Manuals "The use of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiation for the disinfection of air and surfaces in the premises" R.3.1.638-98

  2. Manuals for the expirators of bactericidal OBN-01, OBN-15-01


Rules for current cleaning

Wet cleaning of premises (floor washing, furniture watches, equipment, windowsill, doors, etc.) is carried out at least 2 times a day, if necessary, more often, with the use of detergents (soap-soda solutions) and disinfectants.

The use of powdered synthetic detergents for wet cleaning of the premises is not allowed.

All cleaning equipment should have a clear labeling with an indication of premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for purpose and stored separately.

A set of harvesting inventory

Floor washing buckets

Thai (Pans) for washing panels

Swabers for washing panels (walls) and floor

Blank for washing panels and floor washing

Yershi for washing and disinfection of toilet bowls.

Separate harvesting equipment (buckets, basins, mops, rags) are highlighted for cleaning in operating, postoperative, resuscitation chambers, procedural cabinet, buffet - dispensing, chambers, corridor, toilet (sanitary room).

Cleaner handling rules after use

  1. Disinfection with des. Drive and the necessary exposure.

  2. Ringing in running water

  3. Mandatory drying

  4. Proper storage.
Storage is carried out in a specially reserved room on racks. Inventory for the floor and panels are stored separately, not touching. The rag dry on the lattices.


  1. San Pin 5179-90 (paragraph 9.1)

  2. Order number 720.

  3. Order No. 288 MZSSR of 23.03.76

The general cleaning assumes the treatment with a solution of disinfectant walls to the ceiling, ceiling, gender, workers and hard-to-reach surfaces, equipment, windows, including internal surface glasses (according to graph). Window washed warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon ammona alcohol per 1 liter of water or permitted special detergent for windows.


I stage:

Wear special clothes;

Move away furniture and equipment for cleaning walls and sex for them;

Carry out mechanical cleaning of walls and gender from contamination, using a clean rag (1st rag) and a detergent solution, the space for heating batteries and between them to handle 2 shems, moistened by deeschor;

Wash off the detergent solution with tap water;

Apply to all surfaces with a clean rag (2nd rags) disinfecting solution, withstand the exposure.

Stage II:

Remove the apron, change gloves;

Wash all surfaces with tap water using sterile rag

(3rd rags);

Wipe the washed surfaces with pure rag (4th rags);

Wash the floor by the "two buckets" method;

Praying the floor is carried out by the method of "two buckets" (Fig.20). For this purpose, two tanks (buckets) are isolated, which label "1" and "2". The capacity of "1" poured the required amount (3-4 l) of the disinfectant solution; In the capacity "2" - pure tap water. Cleaning rags are wetted in a container solution "1" and carefully wipe the treated surface. Then the rods are sealed in the tank "2", press and again wetted in the solution of the container "1" and the untreated surfaces of the floor are smeared. The solution in the container "1" is changed

after disinfection of 60 m², water tank "2" -

as it is contaminated.

Disinfection harvester in disinfectant solution, rinse and

be sure to dry in a special room;

Remove workwear, send to laundry;

Make a mark in the journal of general cleaning, magazine

registration and control of ultraviolet bactericidal installation.

Note: When using a disinfecting solution with a detergent effect, mechanical cleaning can be combined with disinfection. If the disinfectant does not require flushing, treatment includes only the surfaces of the surfaces with a disinfectant, followed by the irradiation of the bactericidal lamp.

Weekly (during general cleaning) lamp lamp bactericidal irradiates from dust and fat deposits with a marlevary napkin (the presence of dust on a lamp by 50% reduces the effectiveness of air and surface disinfection efficiency). To do this, turn the napkin in length, moisten the 96% alcohol, squeeze, roll one end of the napkin on the other side of the lamp, covering it into the ring. Then clamp both ends of the napkin with one hand and wipe the lamp along. The screen is processed with a tampon with alcohol 96%, pre-squeeze.

Technology for cleaning premises

By type of current disinfection

Current cleaning of the chambers is carried out in the morning and evening, cabinets, aseptic premises - before starting work and at the end of work, as it is contaminated during the work of younger medical staff in special clothing under the control of the medical sister.

Current cleaning includes:

Processing of working surfaces, equipment, doors, shells by wiping with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution, followed by flushing with tap water with a clean vet;

Irradiation of the room with a bactericidal lamp. The exposure time is calculated based on the data of the passport of a specific bactericidal lamp and the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed room. The time of operation of the bactericidal lamp is recommended to be recorded in the journal accounting of bactericidal lamps.


I stage:

Wear special clothes;

Processing successively working surfaces, equipment, doors, sinks with a disinfectant solution (use the tank for surfaces and pure rags).

Stage II:

Ruff a disinfect solution with pure tap water with clean

Wash the floor by the "two buckets" method (use a bucket for washing floors and a rag for

Turn on the bactericidal lamp, withstand the exposure;

Turn off the bactericidal lamp;

To air the room until the ozone smell disappears;

Disinfection rags, harvesting inventory in disinfectant solution, rinse and

be sure to dry in a special room.

Note: During the operation of the procedural (manipulative, dressing room) of the cabinet, the disinfection of the roller, the harness, the oilbox, the surface of the couch - after each procedure, the surface of the desktop - as dirty. Rafting, moistened with a disinfecting solution, is processed by hand, harness, oilcloth, couch surface. In the case of contamination of working surfaces during procedures, they should be carefully treated with a rare moistened with a disinfectant solution, then a disinfecting solution washed off with tap water with a clean vet. After use, it is necessary to disinfect the vehicle in the container for disinfection.

Road ventilation

To maintain a constant temperature and ensuring the purity of the air, the ward must be regularly ventilated: open the windows, fraamuga, and in summer time window.

The frequency and duration of ventilation depend on the time of year. In winter, ventilation chambers are made independently of the adopted ventilation system for at least 4 times a day to 15 minutes.

In summer, windows in the presence of grids should be open around the clock.

During ventilation, the nurse must well cover patients, watch therefore there are no drafts. The ventilation is a mandatory event and is not subject to discussion on the part of patients.

The use of bactericidal lamps

Bactericidal lamps are widely used to disinfect indoors, surfaces of fences (ceilings, walls and floor) and equipment in rooms with an increased risk of propagation of air-drip and intestinal infections.

They are effectively used in the operating blocks of hospitals, in the generic halls and other premises of maternity hospitals, as well as in bacteriological and virological laboratories, at blood transfusion stations, in the dressings and a clinic, in Tamburas of boxes of infectious hospitals, in the receiving clinic, dispensaries, medical couplings.

The air disinfection regimes are set out in the relevant regulatory documents and instructions on the use of specific disinfection equipment and disinfectants.

In order to reduce the separation of air to a safe level, the following technologies are used (Fig.21):

Effects with ultraviolet radiation with open and combined bactericidal irradiators used in the absence of people;

The impact of closed irradiators to carry out air disinfection in the presence of people.

The required number of irradiators for each room is determined by the estimated path, according to the current standards. When calculating the lamp mode, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the number and power of the lamps should be taken into account, as well as that as the lamps are working, a bactericidal flow is reduced to compensate, it is necessary after the expiration of 1/3 of the nominal service life to increase the irradiation duration of 1.2 times, 2/3 of the term - in 1/3 times.

In order to reduce the level of ozone concentration, it is preferable to the use of "terminal" bactericidal lamps. The "ozone" lamps can be used in the premises in the absence of people, it is necessary to ensure careful ventilation after the irradiation session.

The work of the lamp is registered in the journal.

Control of the sanitary condition of chambers, bedside tables, refrigerators (Fig.22)

In the reception places and in departments, lists allowed for transmitting products should be posted (indicating their limit quantity).

The bedside tables are allowed to keep soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush in a case, a comb in a case or in cellophane, magazines, newspapers. Candies, jam, cookies stored on another shelf bedside tables. Fruits and perishable products are stored in refrigerator.

Sour, dairy products are stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 days. Can not be stored in the refrigerator canned

meat, fish products.

Daily duty medical sister of the department checks the compliance with the rules and terms of the shelf life (storage) of food stored in the refrigerators of the department. When food is detected in the refrigerators with an expired shelf life stored without packages, without specifying the name of the patient, as well as having indication of damage, should be treated in food waste. On the rules for storing personal food, the patient must be informed when entering the department.


Collection of dirty linen is carried out in a closed container (adhesive or polyethylene bags, specially equipped and labeled liners or other (Fig.23) and transmitted to the central pantry for dirty linen. Temporary storage of dirty linen in compartments (not more than 12 hours) is allowed in Premises for dirty underwear with waterproof finishing of surfaces equipped with a washbasin, a device for air disinfection. The room and the inventory wash and disinfect.

In hospitals and clinics, central storehouses for pure and dirty linen are provided. In medical organizations of low power, clean and dirty underwear can be stored in separate cabinets, including built-in.

Washing linen should be carried out in special laundries or laundry in a medical organization.

Transportation of clean laundry of laundry and dirty linen in the laundry should be carried out in a packaged form (in containers) specially dedicated vehicles.

Transportation of dirty and clean linen in the same container is not allowed. Washing fabric packaging (bags) should be carried out simultaneously with the linen.

Fig.24 Disinfection camera
After extracting (death) of the patient, as well as with contamination, mattresses, pillows, blankets must be subjected to disinfection chamber processing (Fig.24). In the case of use for covering mattresses of covers, from a material that allows wet disinfection, chamber processing is not required. The bed and bedside table of the patient are subject to disinfection processing.

Hand processing before and after manipulation

Microflora of the skin of the hands consists of both constant and transient (temporary) microorganisms. Permanent live and multiply on the skin, and temporary appear only as a result of contamination of the hands. In the surface layers of the skin there are 80-90% of permanent microorganisms, the rest can dwell in deep layers of the skin.

Most of the constantly living microorganisms are unprecedented and do not cause any infections except skin. With deep penetration into the tissue during operational interventions, in injections and other penetrating procedures, as well as in patients with weakened immunity, they become a pathogenic factor and the cause of the nosocomial infection.

Provisional microorganisms, often present on the skin of staff, as well as obtained from polluted or infected patients, can be caused by nosocomial infection.

Examples of calculating the concentration of DV in working solutions

Example 1. The concentration of DV in the means (M) is 25%, the concentration of the working solution along the drug (C) is 0.5%. To obtain the desired concentration (x), you must perform the following calculations: (25 × 0.5): 100 \u003d 0.125%. Thus, the concentration of DV in the working solution is 0.125%.

If the tool contains a somewhat dv (for example, a polymer derivative of guanidine and an hour), then the concentration of each unit is calculated first, and then these concentrations are summed up.

Example 2. The concentration of one DV (M 1) in the agent - 25%, the concentration of the working solution along the preparation (C 1) is 0.5%, the other two (m 2) - 4%, at the concentration of the working solution on the drug (with 2) - 0.5%. Then: x 1 \u003d (25 × 0.5): 100 \u003d 0.125%, x 2 \u003d (4 × 0.5): 100 \u003d 0.02%. The total total concentration of two DV in the working solution is 0.125 + 0.02 \u003d 0.145%.

Table 1

Classification of the danger of disinsection

table 2

Hazard Class Biocidal zone Conclusion about the possibility and scope of drugs in disinfection
acute Podo-rogo
consumption rate consumption rate
Grade 1 - Extremely Dangerous < 10 < 1 Not recommended for use
Grade 2 - Highly Dangerous 10-30 1-5 Recommended for applying only the trade-tinent with the means of protecting the respiratory organs, eyes, skin in the absence of people with regulated conditions of application (consumption of funds, ventilation and wet cleaning).
Grade 3 - moderately dangerous 31-100 5,1-10 It is recommended for the use of promotional-volume and a population in everyday life with regulated applications (consumption of funds, ventilation, cleaning) in the premises of any type
4th grade - low hazardous > 100 > 10 Used without limitation of applications

Capacities with working solutions of disinfectants must be equipped with tight adjacent lids, have clear inscriptions indicating the means, its concentration, destination, preparation dates, limit The rootiness of the solution.

Marking of cleaning inventory

Inventory Purpose Marking Marking method
Buckets To wash toilet UB
Buckets For floors Apply oil paint on the outer surface buckets.
Buckets For sofas It is applied to oil paint on the outer surface of the bucket.
Brushes To sweep the floors in the toilets; UB
Brushes To sweep the floors of passenger and office space. For floors It is applied to oil paint or burned on a cutken brush
Sackcloth To wash toilet Red flap
Sackcloth for washing the floors of passenger and office space Green flap The flaps are surface burlap
Flannel For washing benches, sofas, walls and bulkstands of passenger premises Not marked


The general cleaning of the premises of the ward branches and other functional offices is carried out according to the schedule 1 time per month with the processing of walls, equipment, equipment, lamps.

General cleaning (washing and disinfection) of the operating unit, dressing, maternity halls, procedural, vaccination cabinet, manipulation, sterilization is carried out once every 7 days with treatment and disinfection.


  • minimizing the number of microbes;
  • reducing the risk of cross-infection.


  • a schedule indicating the date and hours of cleaning, approved by the head of the department;
  • disinfecting solutions with detergent;
  • pure rags (for ceiling and walls, furniture, tables of manipulation or sterile, refrigerator, etc.) two sets. Swabers for the floor and with a long handle for the ceiling and walls, two rams for batteries;
  • protective clothing for medical personnel (bathrobe moistureproof, respirator, hawp on rubber band, protective glasses, technical gloves, rubber shoes) two sets;
  • capacities for detergents and disinfecting solutions. Capacities should be clearly labeled (see Current cleaning).

Algorithm for cleaning

  1. On the eve of general cleaning, the rags are erased, if reusable mothers, it is possible to use a clean disposable rag.
  2. On the day of cleaning, cabinets, bedside tables, shelves are exempt. Furniture moves away from the walls. The refrigerator is defrosting.
  3. Feeling protective clothing.
  4. Preparing detergent - disinfectant solution. Currently, they are used as a detergent disinfectants of a new generation, which have detergent properties. Then the detergent solution is prepared according to methodical instructions to this drug. Disinfection mode (the concentration of the drug and exposure time) is specified in the methodological guidelines for the use of a particular disinfectant. The solution should be changed after cleaning 80-100 m² of surface - in general-general chambers and administrative and other premises that do not require special regime and no more than 60m² in the processing of premises with aseptic regime (procedural, postoperative chambers, etc.).
  5. Cleaning means clean the sinks.
  6. The cleaning agent with the brush is cleaning the plinth, then the cleaner with the labeling "for the plinth" is washed off.
  7. Mop with a long handle and winding with labeling "for walls" wet the ceiling disinfecting solution. The solution is applied in one direction.
  8. With this cleaning equipment, we welcome the walls in the direction of the door from the top (from the ceiling to the plinth).
  9. The winding with the label "for furniture" is wetted furniture, starting from the lid, and then the legs from top to bottom, but not reaching the floor 5-7 cm, so as not to contaminate the treated surface. At the end of the irrigation of the furniture, then with a rag, moistened by derazor, are wetted by raw pieces of furniture.
  10. Batteries are wetted by Deeschor Ersh.
  11. The mop with the rag "for the floor" is wetted by a disinfecting solution of the floor in one direction to the door.
  12. Include a bactericidal lamp, exposure by passport or according to the calculation of this room.
  13. Exposure of disinfectural shutter speed 60 minutes (room closed).
  14. To air the room and wash off the remnants of a disinfectant solution with a clean rag.
  15. Surfaces are cleaned with a clean rag dry in accordance with the aseptic regime.
  16. Include bactericidal lamp for 1 hour.
  17. At the end of the bactericidal irradiation, it is necessary to ventilate the room within 20-30 minutes.
  18. After cleaning, the harvesting equipment is disinfected in the same disinfectant solution, which was cleaned, rushes to the disappearance of the smell, dried on special lattices and stored in a dry form in a clean dry capacity, closed lid. In a special cabinet and dedicated place. Mops are wiped with a working disinfectant solution - the handle is turned off from top to bottom, then the crossbar, twice the interval of 15 minutes.

Current cleaning.

Current cleaning of premises (treatment of floors, furniture, equipment, windowsills, doors) should be carried out at least two times a day using detergents and disinfectants. The current cleaning of the premises is carried out in the morning and in the evening.


Creating security Clean ambient media for patients of medical personnel

Destruction and minimizing most microorganisms on the surface of non-living objects

Reducing the risk of cross-infection


Protective clothing for honey. Personnel (adhesive apron, respirator, hat, technical gloves, leatherette shoes)

Cleaning equipment: Clean Walls, Furniture, Floor, Mop. All harvesting equipment should be clearly marked (for cleaning what room and an object indoors, a cleaning type). Capacities for Dz. solutions. Capacities are clearly labeled (for disinfection of the room, an object in the room - walls, furniture, gender, etc.) Dz. Solution, mode. On the inner surface of the capacitance, a horizontal line should be, which indicates which volume of the disinfectant solution is necessary for the object being processed (the calculation is made by multiplying the area of \u200b\u200bthe object to consumption Dz. The means that is specified in the methodological recommendations on the use of this des. Tools). Disinfection mode depends on the branch profile.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Put protective clothing.
  2. Inspect the room (determine the level of pollution).
  3. Prepare a disinfecting solution.
  4. The cleaning agent is cleaned with sink.
  5. The vehicle is taken with the label "for the plinth" and smear the plinth from the door throughout the perimeter.
  6. The walls with the label "for the walls" are wiped with the walls of an elongated hand, but not less than 1.5m height from the floor. Walls are wiping down from top to bottom. At the same time, windowsides in one direction, batteries, batteries are wiped.
  7. The wind "for furniture" rubs the furniture, starting from the lid and then the legs from top to bottom, not reaching the floor 5-7cm so as not to contaminate the surface. At the end of wiping the furniture with a rapid disinfecting solution on the treated part of the furniture.
  8. Mop with the wind "for the floor" is rubbed by Paul Dz. solution in one direction to the door.