
What kind of temperament is suitable for the profession of a psychologist. How to choose a profession by temperament? Choleric: a brief description


Professions for choleric people can be very diverse. Find out how to choose the one that will be combined with an active character, and which it makes sense to refuse or once again weigh the pros and cons.

The choleric person feels passionate about meeting difficulties. He loves risk and active pastime. At times, he tends to overestimate his capabilities. Energetic, but not always able to complete the matter. In communication, impulsiveness, emotionality, openness and straightforwardness, sometimes aggressiveness, are manifested. The choleric person has a very wide circle of communication and contacts, but relations with most of the environment are rather superficial. In companies, the choleric person often plays the role of a leader or ringleader. The choleric's speech is fast, sometimes confused, always emotionally colored, supported by bright gestures and facial expressions. The choleric strives for new things and quickly gets tired of monotonous activities, restless. He makes decisions quickly, but often regrets them and reconsiders his position. Performance is highly dependent on mood, which generally changes frequently.

Study and preparation for exams

Boredom is the main enemy of the choleric person; the choleric person is practically unable to force himself to study and work through boredom. That's why it is important to organize your training in such a way that the material is interesting. Change the reading of the textbook by watching a popular science film on the topic, visiting an exhibition, group discussion with classmates, solving non-standard problems in the subject. For a successful study, it is important for a choleric person to assimilate the material using all channels of perception.

Organize your preparation for the exams in such a way as to study the material in separate semantic blocks, find for yourself in each block some clue that will help you remember the rest of the material, try to make the material hook you emotionally as much as possible. Actively discuss obscure, complex and uninteresting topics with people interested in them - and you will easily become infected with their interest.

Professions for choleric

Choleric people achieve great success in those professions where the human factor is significant, where it is important to be able to establish contacts and win over... The choleric person easily joins in a new activity for himself, quickly adapts to changes. And, on the contrary, he can hardly endure monotonous monotonous activity, quickly getting tired of it. Choleric the need to thoroughly study a subject or hone the necessary skill is difficult a. To maintain performance at a high level, he needs constant emotional support, maintaining interest in work, and new ideas. High resistance to stress allows choleric people to be good leaders.

Profession choleric is suitable reporter, radio and television presenter, director, sales manager, PR specialist, guide-translator, designer, advertising and insurance agent and, of course, a number of others. Choleric people often make good entrepreneurs, businessmen. A choleric person can be successful in a wide range of professions if his activities are structured according to a project type (a specialist takes on a specific task, solves it from start to finish, and then takes on a completely new task). It is important to choose a profession and a place of work where efficiency is assessed not by the time worked, but by the results: it is easier for a choleric to work according to his own schedule.

The way of the profession, categorically unsuitable for choleric, maybe work on a conveyor belt or the activity of an archivist. However, such monotony may also be typical for the profession of a journalist, if he is required to publish several articles a day in a certain style and format. Therefore, the choice of not only the profession itself is important, but also the specialization, coupled with the place of work.

In general, a choleric person is more likely to be successful in professions associated, rather, with communication than with documents and technology. And also - in professions that require more flexibility than corrosiveness.

Everyone wants to have a high-paying job, which will not be a burden, but a joy. And sometimes the salary is not bad, and the working conditions are quite tolerable, and even the team is surprisingly friendly and welcoming, but the work does not bring satisfaction. What's the matter? It turns out that the whole problem is in the natural character of a person, his individual characteristics, which affect the course of various mental processes - we are talking about temperament. Today, psychologists are increasingly conducting research on the relationship between temperament and profession.

It will be interesting for you to immediately familiarize yourself with:

Choleric temperament and profession

1. Business qualities

Choleric workers compare favorably with other types of temperament in that they are least susceptible to stress. Even if they have a tense situation at work, they very quickly recuperate and again rush into battle. Most often, choleric people are excellent leaders, so they can easily and effectively manage any processes - they make the best, albeit strict, bosses.

They are suitable for those professions that require seething energy and increased concentration of attention:

TV reporter, artist, commodity expert, diplomat, supplier, journalist, entrepreneur, pilot, surgeon, dispatcher, coach, driver, manager, director, builder, cook, geologist, investigator, electrician.

A choleric temperament and a profession that requires monotonous and monotonous work are incompatible: energetic and impetuous choleric people will simply wither away from it:

librarian, accountant, florist.

4. Famous choleric people

Among the famous choleric people who have achieved the greatest success in life, the following people can be distinguished:

Peter I, A. V. Suvorov, A. S. Pushkin, D. I. Mendeleev.

Phlegmatic temperament and choice of profession

1. Business qualities

The main feature of phlegmatic people that makes them the most powerful is slowness. In the stressful situations that have arisen at work, only phlegmatic people are able to calmly analyze the situation and make the right decision. They "swing" for a long time, but the task entrusted to them will be performed perfectly. However, they will not do more or better than what is required of them.

Phlegmatic people are most productive in monotonous and monotonous work, exact sciences:

mechanic, agricultural worker, electrician, engineer, general practitioner, agronomist, driver, economist, botanist, physicist, astronomer, mathematician.

3. Contraindicated professions

A phlegmatic temperament and a choice of a profession that will require a bright, public life is an erroneous combination that will eventually exhaust the measured and quiet phlegmatic person. The following professions are categorically contraindicated for him:

surgeon, manager, artist, TV reporter, conductor, businessman.

4. Famous phlegmatic

Many of the phlegmatic people, with their regularity and unhurriedness, achieved great success and became famous:

I. A. Krylov, I. Newton, M. I. Kutuzov.

Temperament profession for sanguine people

1. Business qualities

A sanguine person was born to hold the position of a leader. It is from them that the most pleasant and sincere bosses are obtained. This is always a very calculating person who knows how to persuade and win over. The only thing that can cause them a stupor is some technical moments in which they are not at all strong.

manager, waiter, doctor, teacher, psychologist, organizer, educator, salesman, process engineer.

3. Contraindicated professions

Monotonous and conveyor work, which will require constant attention, is clearly not for sanguine people. So some professions can be immediately excluded:

weaver, clerk, accountant, watchmaker, radio installer, bibliographer, archivist, restorer.

4. Famous sanguine people

History knows the names of the following famous sanguine people, to whom the chosen profession by temperament brought fame and worldwide fame:

N. Bonaparte, A. I. Herzen, P. Beaumarchais.

Melancholic temperament and profession

1. Business qualities

Melancholic people love to work alone. These people are very emotional and sensitive, and therefore easily grasp the subtleties in the behavior of the people around them. They are perfectly capable of feeling art, music, literature. They are observant. Melancholic people become depressed from the slightest failure, they are very anxious and often unreasonably sad and sad.

Melancholic people need to choose professions that will provide them with a calm and safe environment that does not require them to change their activities frequently or react quickly:

teacher, artist, fashion designer, designer, composer, writer, geologist, veterinarian, agronomist, livestock technician, accountant, turner, locksmith, radio mechanic.

3. Contraindicated professions

A melancholic temperament and choice of a profession that will require constant communication with people will be a wrong option. The fine nervous organization of melancholic people cannot withstand the stress of such professions as:

doctor (especially a surgeon), rescuer, pilot, dispatcher.

There are people of 4 types of temperament - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperament is an innate property that is directly related to a feature of the human nervous system. This means that changing temperament is difficult enough. It is more important to choose a profession that matches your temperament. If you do not yet know your temperament, then there are special tests to determine it.

Professions that are suitable for choleric

The first temperament is choleric. Such people like to take risks, they get excited when faced with difficulties. They are quite energetic, but not always able to complete the matter. The reason for this is the rapid loss of interest in the case. The choleric person is very impulsive and emotional in communication, quite open and straightforward. He cannot sit in one place for a long time, has a huge number of acquaintances, as he constantly strives for communication. Loves to learn something new. His performance is highly dependent on his mood. But his mood, in turn, often and rather quickly changes.

The choleric person is suitable for professions in which it is important to win over and establish contact. Quickly gets used to changes. But the monotonous and monotonous work of choleric people is hard to endure. This kind of work will not suit them. For a choleric person to work well, his interest in work must be constantly “warmed up”, that is, to interest him in new ideas, for example. Such professions are suitable as: radio and television presenter, journalist, director, designer, sales manager. Choleric people also make good leaders and entrepreneurs.

Professions for the melancholic

The second temperament is melancholic. Such people are very sensitive, vulnerable and susceptible. Even the smallest event is always taken too personally. The melancholic person is very withdrawn. In his work, approval, support is always important to him, but he endures criticism with difficulty and very painfully. In his work he is very efficient and attentive.

He is suited for work that requires observation, attention to detail, but communication should be kept to a minimum (melancholic people are very uncommunicative). Suitable job: writer, artist, analyst, programmer. Not suitable for him: advertising agent, manager.

Professions that suit sanguine people

The third temperament is sanguine. A very active and cheerful person. He has a very high efficiency. He knows how to focus on the task at hand for a long time, but at the same time he knows how to quickly switch. The sanguine person is very sociable and open-minded. The circle of his friends and acquaintances is very wide. His self-esteem is quite stable and adequate, but sometimes it is a little overestimated. Organizational skills are highly developed.

Its performance is always stable and practically does not depend on external and internal factors. It is suitable for work where both mental and physical labor is used. It will not just work for him in an area where he will not have a clearly formulated and set task. Suitable professions: economist, salesman, administrator, journalist, lawyer, HR manager. Not suitable: clerk, radio installer.

Suitable professions for phlegmatic

The fourth temperament is phlegmatic. A person with a very stable nervous system. Such people are very balanced and stress-resistant enough, reasonable and not too talkative. To work, he needs a calm and familiar environment.

Such people can do their job for almost days. Their performance takes the maximum limit. Monotonous work suits him. Also, work that requires special care will be ideal for them. Suitable professions: engineer, agronomist, dispatcher, veterinarian, jeweler, system administrator, doctor. Doesn't fit: manager.

There are many factors to consider when choosing your profession. And if suddenly the profession that attracts you is not suitable for your temperament, you do not need to be upset. There are a huge number of specialties in the world, so a compromise can always be found.

At choice of profession it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the type of temperament. However, one should not confuse temperament with character.
Hard work and laziness, kindness and cruelty, neatness and slovenliness - all these are character traits that are not inherent in nature, but are formed throughout life.

How does temperament affect the choice of profession?

Honest or deceitful, smart or stupid, talented or mediocre can be a person with any type of temperament. The success of a person does not depend on his temperament, but on the abilities, knowledge, abilities, skills and orientation of the personality.

Temperament Is a set of individual characteristics of a person that characterize the emotional and dynamic side of his activity (mental activity and behavior). Certain properties and characteristics of temperament can favor or counteract the formation of personality traits.

Temperament is the basis for the development of a person's character, it influences the ways of communication and human behavior.

From a physiological point of view, temperament is determined by the type of higher nervous activity of a person (type of GNI).

Temperament affects:

  • The speed of occurrence of mental processes (speed of thinking, perception, duration of attention).
  • The intensity of mental processes (willpower, the strength of emotions).
  • Assessment and control of activities.
  • Disciplinary actions.
  • Pace, rhythm and acceleration of activity.
  • The focus of mental activity on certain objects (extraversion or introversion).

A detailed description of the types of temperament, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of temperament, video consultation on the relationship between different types of temperament, teachings about temperament in the schemes, read and watch.

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Temperament- an innate individual feature of a person, he is not subject to change. A person with any type of temperament may or may not be capable.

Temperament type does not affect a person's abilities, just some life tasks are easier to solve by a person of one type of temperament, others - of another.

Temperament and choice of profession

The influence of temperament on the choice of a profession of a melancholic

Melancholic is distinguished by excellent mental abilities, but at the same time they are unstable. Melancholic people easily and quickly grasp new material, but just as quickly can forget it.

Melancholic type poorly adapted to independent managerial work. He is more suited to precise mental work, combined with diplomacy in dealing with people. A sensitive melancholic who is afraid to "open his face" is responsible for the fulfillment of the task assigned to him, which presupposes high efficiency and a calm atmosphere.

First of all, melancholic people can be recommended an intellectual field of activity, where they will feel quite confident and comfortable.
Melancholic people will reveal their abilities and potential in such intellectual areas of activity as: Internet, programming, analytics, planning, design, work related to large volumes of virtual information.
Often among melancholic people you can find people of art.

In the course of their activities, melancholic people are advised not to overload themselves with contacts with people and to avoid great emotional stress.

Melancholic temperament and choice of profession Video

The influence of temperament on the choice of a phlegmatic profession

Phlegmatic person is able to achieve better results in terms of the quality and volume of work performed in comparison with other types of temperament in similar conditions. However, to be successful, he needs a stable working environment.

The phlegmatic is indispensable in administration, in the areas of production, and also wherever the ability to maintain the current processes of activity in a stable state is required.

The thoroughness of a phlegmatic person who is heavy on the rise will be indispensable in those spheres of activity where pedantry, the ability to concentrate, and deepen are necessary.

Phlegmatic people should choose a profession where they can work calmly, without jerks.
The phlegmatic's tendency to systematic work, the ability to concentrate on the task at hand, thoughtfulness are the necessary professional qualities of a scientist or researcher. Phlegmatic people are excellent auditors, accountants, economists.

Temperament Phlegmatic and choice of profession Video

The influence of temperament on the choice of profession of a choleric

In the first place for choleric people is the human factor, communication, relationships and emotions, which makes them indispensable in areas related to communication, service, acquaintances. Choleric people will be able to self-actualize in professions related to law, politics, administration.

Choleric achieve great success in activities where perseverance, leadership qualities, pressure, unrestrainedness are valued. Choleric people have high ambitions, they boldly meet difficulties, load themselves with work.

Choleric people are perfectly suited for an activity that allows them to use indomitable energy, "the desire to change places", initiative and quick reactions.
Choleric people make excellent stuntmen and test pilots.

At the same time, enterprising choleric people are difficult to manage, their actions, at times, are unpredictable. Choleric people have excellent, but unstable working capacity. Instantly taking up a new business, he quickly burns out, his performance is declining. Choleric people easily and quickly get used to everything new. But it takes a lot of time for choleric people to develop sustainable new skills.

Positive qualities include the ability of a choleric person in new, unexpectedly changed conditions to instantly voice a fresh idea, ignite and lead others around him, while it does not matter who it will be a subordinate or a superior leader. The disadvantage of a choleric person as a leader is his focus on people, and not on the technical aspects of production.

Choleric temperament and choice of profession Video

The influence of temperament on the choice of profession of a sanguine person

Sanguine able to quickly switch from one activity to another, very mobile. Sanguine people easily manage their performance, which is usually very high and does not depend on external and internal reasons. The habits of a sanguine person appear quickly and easily. Formed skills are fixed and preserved for a long time.

The sanguine type of temperament does not impose any restrictions on the choice of profession. In work and in personal relationships, a sanguine person focuses primarily on the "human factor". The best areas for self-realization of a sanguine person are educational or educational work, where the emphasis is not on the technical sphere. The sanguine will be successful in the areas of organization and management. Sanguine people are excellent drivers, engineers and sappers. The natural flexibility of a sanguine person easily adapts to frequent traveling, changing places and people.

From the point of view of subordinates, a sanguine person is the most loyal, sincere, pleasant leader. However, technical issues cause great difficulties for a sanguine leader.

A strong character trait of sanguine people is the ability to win over, to persuade.

Sanguine temperament and choice of profession Video

Types of temperaments of famous people

No matter what type of temperament you belong to, you can always turn the minuses of temperament into pluses. Let us prove this statement using examples of different types of temperament of famous people.

Characteristics of the temperament of the Melancholic

People with a melancholic type of temperament, as we already know, are easily vulnerable, they hardly survive unpleasant situations, they keep all their experiences in themselves. Melancholic outwardly sluggishly react to the actions around him.
Classical melancholic people include such outstanding personalities as Charles Darwin, R. Descartes, F. Chopin, Lermontov, A. Blok, N.V. Gogol, Tchaikovsky.
The melancholic personality type, due to its emotional sensitivity, is able to react sensitively to various manifestations. Having overcome this lack of their temperament, these people became great, creative personalities.

Characteristics of temperament Phlegmatic

A phlegmatic person, in contrast to a melancholic, is, on the contrary, slow and unperturbed. A person with a phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by stable aspirations and mood, workaholism, perseverance in work and achieving goals. Emotionally, phlegmatic people are very secretive, sparingly show their feelings. It is almost impossible for phlegmatic people to piss them off until their personal interests are affected. It would seem that a negative trait of temperament, like the slowness of phlegmatic people, is more than compensated for by great achievements in professional activity. Bright phlegmatic - I. A. Krylov, M. I. Kutuzov, I. Newton.

Characteristics of the temperament of the Sanguine

Sanguine people are very hot and mobile. Their mood often changes. People with a sanguine temperament react quickly to everything that happens around them, easily copes with failures, forgetting about them. Sanguine people have a special attitude to work: if the work is interesting, he takes on it with enthusiasm, does it productively and very effectively, revealing his potential, but if the work is not interesting, then the sanguine person starts to fade away when doing it.
Sanguine people do an excellent job with a leadership position, they are respected by their colleagues.
Famous people included A.I. Herzen, V.A.Mozart, Beaumarchais, B. Napoleon, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Characteristics of the temperament of Choleric

Choleric type of temperament differs in impulsiveness in his actions, imbalance, mood swings, which are accompanied by emotional outbursts, which is why he is sometimes unable to clearly assess the situation.
However, choleric people, having gathered all their strength, at the right time are able to overcome serious difficulties and problems.
By their nature, all choleric people are leaders, they are able to lead both people below them in rank, and their own leaders.
Bright choleric people are such famous personalities as: the great commander A.V. Suvorov, Peter the Great, A.S. Pushkin.

Examples of temperaments from the life of famous people

From a letter to the wife of O. L. Knipper-Chekhova

"You write that you are jealous of my character. I must tell you that he is by nature harsh, I am hot-tempered, and so on. And so on. But I am used to restrain myself, because it is not appropriate for a decent person to dissolve myself. In the old days I was making the devil knows what" .
AM Gorky restrained the violent manifestations of his temperament. To do this, he deliberately switched to various side effects with objects. With people who expressed views opposite to him, A.M. Gorky tried to be impassive and calm.

Musketeers from the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers":

D. Artanyan - choleric
Aramis - melancholic
Porthos - sanguine
Athos - phlegmatic

They complement each other perfectly and are therefore invincible. Any group will work effectively if all four types of temperament are present in it.
Any group of people works more efficiently if it contains representatives of all four types of temperament.

  • Melancholic people are the first to feel in which direction the search should be started.
  • Choleric people perform the functions of fearless scouts.
  • Sanguine people are a source of positive emotions and constantly generate unexpected ideas.
  • Phlegmatic people analyze information and offer an informed decision.

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Temperament and profession. How to choose a profession in accordance with the type of temperament - choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic

Often people ask why the job is not satisfying. It would seem that everything is not bad - a tolerable salary, good working conditions and a friendly enough team, but something constantly worries and work annoys more and more every day.
It often happens that the whole problem is in the character of a person, especially your psychological type, your temperament.
Recently, more and more popular among psychologists are studies on the topic - the ratio of a person's temperament and his choice of profession.

Choleric temperament and profession

Choleric workers compare favorably with other types of temperament in that they are least susceptible to stress. Even if they have a tense situation at work, they very quickly recuperate and again rush into battle. Most often, choleric people are excellent leaders, so they can easily and effectively manage any processes - they make the best, albeit strict, bosses.

Choleric people are suitable for those professions that require seething energy and increased concentration of attention:
- TV reporter,
- artist,
- commodity expert,
- diplomat,
- supplier,
- journalist,
- entrepreneur,
- pilot,
- surgeon,
- dispatcher,
- trainer,
- driver,
- manager,
- director,
- builder,
- Cook,
- geologist,
- investigator,
- electrician.
These are the professions that choleric people should pay attention to.

3. Contraindicated professions

A choleric temperament and a profession that requires monotonous and monotonous work are incompatible: energetic and impetuous choleric people will simply wither away from it:

- librarian,
- accountant,
- florist.

Among the famous choleric people who have achieved the greatest success in life, the following people can be distinguished:

Peter I, A. V. Suvorov, A. S. Pushkin, D. I. Mendeleev.

Phlegmatic temperament and choice of profession

The main feature of phlegmatic people that makes them the most powerful is slowness. In the stressful situations that have arisen at work, only phlegmatic people are able to calmly analyze the situation and make the right decision. They swing for a long time, looking for several options for solving an issue or problem, but the assigned task will be completed perfectly. However, they will not do more or better than what is required of them.

Phlegmatic people are most productive in monotonous and monotonous work, exact sciences:

- mechanic,
- agricultural worker,
- electrician,
- engineer,
- therapist,
- agronomist,
- driver,
- economist,
- botanist,
- physicist,
- astronomer,
- mathematician.

3. Contraindicated professions for phlegmatic people

A phlegmatic temperament and a choice of a profession that will require a bright, public life is an erroneous combination that will eventually exhaust the measured and quiet phlegmatic person. The following professions are categorically contraindicated for him:

- surgeon,
- manager,
- artist,
- TV reporter,
- conductor,

- a businessman.

4. Famous phlegmatic

Many of the phlegmatic people, with their regularity and unhurriedness, achieved great success and became famous:

I. A. Krylov, I. Newton, M. I. Kutuzov.

A profession suitable for the temperament of the sanguine

A sanguine person was born to hold the position of a leader. It is from them that the most pleasant and sincere bosses are obtained. This is always a very calculating person who knows how to persuade and win over. The only thing that can cause stupor in sanguine people is some technical moments in which they are not at all strong.

- manager,
- waiter,
- doctor,
- teacher,
- psychologist,
- organizer,
- educator,
- salesman,
- process engineer.

3. Contraindicated professions for sanguine people

Monotonous and conveyor work, which will require constant attention, is clearly not for sanguine people. So some professions can be immediately excluded:

- weaver,
- clerk,
- accountant,
- master watchmaker,
- radio installer,
- bibliographer,
- archivist,
- restorer.

4. Famous sanguine people

History knows the names of the following famous sanguine people, to whom the chosen profession by temperament brought fame and worldwide fame:

N. Bonaparte, A. I. Herzen, P. Beaumarchais.

Melancholic temperament and profession

Melancholic people love to work alone. These people are very emotional and sensitive, and therefore easily grasp the subtleties in the behavior of the people around them. They are perfectly capable of feeling art, music, literature. They are observant. Melancholic people become depressed from the slightest failure, they are very anxious and often unreasonably sad and sad.

Melancholic people need to choose professions that will provide them with a calm and safe environment that does not require them to change their activities frequently or react quickly:

- teacher,
- painter,
- fashion designer,
- designer,
- composer,
- Writer,
- geologist,
- veterinarian,
- agronomist,
- zootechnician,
- accountant,
- turner,
- locksmith,
- radio mechanic.

3. Contraindicated professions for melancholic
A melancholic temperament and choice of a profession that will require constant communication with people will be a wrong option. The fine nervous organization of melancholic people cannot withstand the stress of such professions as:

- a doctor (especially a surgeon),
- rescuer,
- pilot,
- dispatcher.

4. Famous melancholic people

There are a lot of cultural figures among the famous melancholic:

So you should not ignore psychologists who advise you to choose a profession, coordinating it with your type of temperament. This will ensure you both job satisfaction, and a good mood every day, and a pleasant relationship with your boss and the team as a whole. The chosen profession by temperament will help to achieve much more success in career growth than a job chosen depending on salary or proximity to home.