
Casing for a well with your own hands. Well under the water with your own hands in private household: detailed installation instructions

All about the lawn

You bought a plot of land with a good strong home, but there is a problem with water supply. The central has long failed, and the water on the site has to be delivered. How to solve a question with regular water supply and is it possible to do something at all? Solve the problem will help arrange a well in the cottage of wells with their own hands for drinking water. From the article you will learn what works need to be done to provide a country area with good drinking water.

Determination of a well drilling

First of all, it is necessary to get acquainted with the neighbors and find out how they solved the issue of water supply. If they already have wells on the plots, look at their location. It is possible that neighbors enjoy bridal water. In this case, you will need a study of soil reservoirs on the site. Research results are usually investing in a construction project. From the documents, you will learn the level of the flow of aquifer and the duct line of surface groundwater.

The next step will be the determination of a well drilling site in the country. The most simple and frequently used method of water search method is a framework method or a rod method. A man holds two curved metal wires in the arms stretched forward. Trying not to change the arrangement of hands, moves along the site. In a place where the underground key flows closest to the surface, the wire will start spinning and crossed. Having determined the drilling area, you need to choose the type of wells for you under water.

The right choice of place, depth and well materials in the country is a guarantor of obtaining clean drinking water in sufficient quantity.

Types of wells

The choice of the type of well, the volume of drilling works and drilling technology depends on the depth of the waterproof layer.

1 - Waterproof Soils, 2 - Water Fence with Ripper, 3 - Verkhovodka, 4 - Well on the upper aquifer, 5 - Waterproof soils, 6 - First aquifer, 7 - Artesian Waters, 8 - Artesian Well, 9 - Sandy Well.

If the aquifer is at a depth of 3 to 12 meters. It can dig it by hand two people. In the people, this kind of wells is called a needle. A small depth of water intake requires a particularly thorough determination of the drilling site.

The arrangement of the well-needle must be as removed as much as possible from the cesspool, sewer pipes.

One of the variants of the well device can be drilling right in the basement under the house. In this case, the water will be easily and just even in the strongest frosts. Dacha owners are installed on the well and manual column.

The sandy well is used in the occurrence of aquifer not more than 50 meters. The arrangement of such a well in the country will have to be performed using special equipment. The well name itself suggests that water is extracted from a sandy aquifer. The quality of the produced water can be different. It is necessary to make an analysis in SanEPIDS to determine the suitability of water for drinking. After the end of drilling in the well, the pump is lowered with a filter. It will be possible to periodically get to clean.

The artesian well is the deepest. It is impossible to try independently, so the team of specialists with a powerful drilling rig is hired. The plastic carrying water lies at a depth of more than 50 m. The largest well depth is 200 m. If the neighbors do not have a well of this species, make an order for drilling experimental well to determine the depth of aquifer. In order to save money, it is worth a negotiation with the neighbors to drill one well into several houses. Water is enough for everyone.

what better well Or a well at the cottage and which of the presented species is suitable for you to determine yourself. If you do not plan water consumption in large volumes and on the plot suitable primer, Stop the choice on the well, well-needle or sandy. Great water consumption can provide only an artesian well.

Drilling well in the country

Specialists use special drilling plants, and for drilling well with their own hands it is necessary to prepare a winch, a bur and a strong reliable tripog. As a drilling tool, we choose durable ice-free.

For the arrangement to purchase:

  • several types of pipes that differ in diameter;
  • valves;
  • powerful depth pump;
  • good quality filter;
  • caisson.

  1. Step number 1. In the drilling site, dig a hole with a sides of 1.5 m and a depth of 1 m. Waste inside plywood or boards.
  2. Step number 2. Set over the shurf tripogo and secure the winch. With the help of a structure consisting of a rod connected to one pipe, raise and lower the boring. Fix the rods with a clamp.

The diameter of the well depends on the used pumping equipment. The main requirement is the free movement of the pump in the pipe. The size of the pump should be 5 mm. Less internal diameter of the pipe.

It is better to drill well in the country better by a shock way. It is advisable to do it together. One twists the bar, using a gas key, and the partner beats the chisel from above. It is desirable to remove and clean the curl every half meter. During the passage of the primer of the soil, the car can be changed to alleviate labor and speed up the process. Clay soils are easier to pass a spiral brown. Solid soil with gravel content is bass. For the sand layer, they use the car spoon. With the help of ulutes raise the ground.

Step number 3. The first sign of approaching the aquifer is the emergence of a wet breed. Works continue while the bump does not reach the waterproof layer.

Studying a well in the country

Having reached the required level, proceed to the arrangement of the well for water in the country. A good quality filter can be made with your own hands. This requires a casing, perforation and filtration grid. Collect the filter column from the pipe, filter and sump T lowered it into the well.

Now you should prepare a mixture of coarse sand and fine-meal rubble. Purplify the mixture between the pipe and the wall of the well. At the same time, download the water to rinse the filter.

Square to do with a screw centrifugal pump with a screw centrifugal pump. Water pump off until it goes to the surface clean, transparent. Pump tie to the safety cable and omit into the pipe. Now you can connect the well at the cottage with the water supply in the house.

The model and power of the pump for the well depends on the size of the casing, the depth of the well and its remoteness from the house. Surface pump Used for shallow wells. For all other, you need a well submersible model.

  • Learn the level of groundwater of your site.
  • For drilling a small well, a depth of 5 m to use a garden bur.
  • The mechanical drill device is better rented.
  • The pipe-water should not reach the bottom of the well to a maximum of 0.5 m.
  • Equip the ventilation holes on the pipe leading to the well.
  • After starting the well, the water is given to the examination.

Now you know how to drill a well in the country yourself and make her star. Provide your family drinking water at the cottage for each man. The main thing is not to be afraid and enlist the support of relatives and friends. Without them, solve the water supply problem is very difficult. And how did you decide the problem with water on cottage plot? We are interested in learn about your experience. Leave comments on the article.

How to Burn the Well (video)

Emailing well on water (video)

No country house can exist without normal water supply. Carry water with me when visiting cottages in weekend Days? This option is not even considered, as it is unlikely enough even on domestic needs. Constantly bother the neighbors with requests to replenish your water supply? It is possible only to the time, until time - every human patience has a limit ... The water source will be all the more necessary if country house It is planned for a long or even permanent accommodationAnd on the adjacent area there is a desire to breed some colors or agricultural crops. Outputs - connect to the system of centralized water supply (in most cases it is simply impossible or associated with too large financial costs), or to equip the source of autonomous water supply on its territory.

Video: Ground arrangement of well

All these questions will definitely be considered in a separate publication of our construction portal.

Country house or cottage cannot do without water. Without moisture, there will not be pumbling and well fruit plants, delight the gaze of the owner. The absence of a centralized water supply or water supply on a schedule is an inconvenience that can be corrected by drilling well on its site. It is cheaper to do it with your own hands and it is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Make sure you can see the video.

Types of wells

Before you start creating a well with your own hands, it is necessary to deal with what types of hydraulic structures exist. Depending on the depth of groundwater, it distinguishes 3 main types of wells.

"Abyssinian Well"

Abyssinian Well - a well, the depth of which is usually no more than 10-12 meters. Own the name of the technology is obliged to Abyssinian district in Ethiopiawhere in the XIX century the British military has learned how to produce water in this way in the conditions of semi-desert. Average daily flow rate - no more than 25 cubic meters.

The benefits of such a well include:

  • simplicity of design and installation;
  • low cost of work and materials;
  • lack of special permits for drilling;
  • low rigidity of the ruling water;
  • the possibility of placement of the well inside the house.

Disadvantages of this type of wells:

  • the high probability of entering the water of various pollutants from a nearby landfill or toilet due to the shallow depth of the well;
  • such drilling is not suitable for all types of soil.

Sandy squabble

The sandy well is used in areas with a depth of groundwater from 10 to 50 meters depending on the location of the layer of aquiferFrom which the water will flow into the system. On average, about 20 cubic meters of water can be downloaded per day from such a well.

The advantages of the well on the sand are as follows:

  • simplicity of project implementation;
  • small costs of drilling and components;
  • no permissions government agencies;
  • the ability to fulfill all the work with your own hands without applying expensive special equipment.

Disadvantages of the well:

  • the need for constant water pumping;
  • sometimes it is required to install additional filters with an inflated concentration of some chemical elements;
  • a small average daily consumption.

Artesian well

The artesian well gives water from deep breeds that have much deeper than 50 meters. Because of the high depth and high pressure, it is best to carry out all work on drilling and commissioning of a well with the help of specially trained personnel and intended for this technique, despite the recommendations of the video from the network.

Such a well has a number of benefits:

  • water provision at once several households due to high average productivity;
  • the ability to refuse OT. depth pumps due to high pressure in the system;
  • high quality water.


  • high cost of installation;
  • high rigidity of water extracted;
  • need to receive in government agencies permits for drilling and operation Well.

After familiarization with the types of wells, their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose for yourself optimal option And start working.

How to drill the "Abyssinian Well" with your own hands?

After the place is chosen under the well, the pit is digging 1x1x0.5 m. Then proceed to drilling with a conventional garden drill, the diameter of which is 50 or 80 mm. As the auger is shred to the soil, the borax is exhausting with pipe sections.

The work continues until the aquifer will begin, determine which can be wet sand out of the trunk. Usually such a layer begins at a depth of 5 - 7 meters, but it happens deeper. Below 10-12 meters, drilling is not recommended, since the rise of water from such a depth will be problematic - the pump located on the surface will not cope with the lifting of moisture, but they are very tedious and irrational.

At the next stage, the boring is disassembled and proceed directly to the needle clogboard, which can be made with their own hands. It represents cut Pipe with Filter and Steel Cone TipWith the help of which the design enters the ground. The filter is made as follows: the slots are 2,5 cm in the pipe walls and a step in 2 cm (on a plot of 80 cm), this zone is wrapped with wire and top covered with a stainless grid with a size of 16x100 cm. The grid and the tip are fixed on the tin solder. It should be noted that all the components of the needle and the wellbore are made from one material - it will eliminate corrosion.

The needle together with pipes (1 - 1.5 m long) and fastening threaded couplings can be purchased in specialized stores.

Initially, the host, the needle is inserted into the wellborn well and plugged into the soil until about 20 cm of the pipe over the ground surface remains. Then to Ne. the following segment is screwed and the process is repeated Until full riding the entire design. During work, the free space around the pipe is covered with soil and trambed.

As for the tool for beating, here you can choose one of the approaches.

  1. With the help of a special grandmother, which is made in the form of a heavy cylinder (up to 30 kg). It has a cross-cutting channel and thanks to him can freely move around the pipe up-down, attacking the strokes on the rebab, fixed on the pipe wall. The channel can be muffled on one side, then the blows will be applied along the top of the pipe on which the coupling is screwed, but so you can damage the threaded connection.
  2. With the help of a solid metal rod, which is located inside the pipe and transmits the shock pulse directly to the tape tip of the needle. Together with the extension of the pipe, it is also necessary to lengthen this rod, at the end of work, it is extracted from the pipe.

After the whole design is clogged into the ground, the well need to pump Before the appearance of pure transparent water. It is best to do with a manual pump (ordinary manual column) or an electrical self-priming pump. When using an electric pump, a well before pumping should be pouring from above, otherwise the pump does not load water.

If all the work is performed correctly and soundly, then Abyssinka can work out a few decades, while not requiring special care. Occasionally, if necessary, you can clean the filter, feeding water under pressure in the well.

To learn more about the drilling of this type from the video on the network.

Drilling of sand well with their own hands

When preparing for drilling, the site is cleared on which they will work, from foreign items. Here the pit is reaping on 1 m depth, it will prevent the top layer of the Earth inside the mine.

A tripod or similar frame design is installed on the prepared platform, which can also be collected with your own hands. A winch is fixed on a trenogue, which during drilling will extract the car from the soil.

For rehabilitation in soil layers apply auger buckswhich is powered by handles usually two people. It is very important before starting work to expose the borrow strictly vertically with a minimum deviation.

During the execution of drill bur must periodically extract well from the wellbore For cleaning from the rock, not allowing its tightening to the ground, at which the reveuming of the auger will become very severe or impossible.

As the screw is immersed, the shaft, the rod, transmitting a torque to the working body, should be lengthened by respectively segments with a thread or some other connection.

When conducting work at sufficient depth, water can be supplied to the trunk to facilitate the rotation of the tool.

The feature of the drilling of such wells is the need to install shock tubes In the process of extracting the soil from the mine, which, as well as the boring, increases as well. While the upper layers of the soil are not tremended, you can neglect the plug, but as soon as the structure becomes unstable, the process of mounting pipes should be started immediately.

Clock is needed in order to prevent:

  • sowing of the walls of the mine;
  • entering poor-quality water from the upper layers;
  • clogging with further operation of the well.

For the manufacture of shockpipes typically use polymeric material. Between themselves pipes are connected by thread or special couplings. At the lower segment of the dummy pipe, holes or gaps for the fence of water from the aquifer are made. Such holes are made at a distance of 0.5 m from its end.

When the aquifer is reached, the mine is deepened by another 300 - 400 mm, after which the drilling stops. Space near the casing filled with small rubble, Occasionals from the trunk. All dirty water and well is prepared for operation: the submersible electric pump is lowered (the minimum distance from the pump to the bottom of the well - 1 m) and all works are performed associated with connecting to the water supply.

The most important thing is to properly determine the depth of the aquifer and, accordingly, the well type. Make it just - all the necessary information can be found in the neighbors in the area.

Due to the extreme complexity of work on the drilling of the artesian well, it is best to trust their professionals.

When working with severe and dangerous working tools, it is necessary to comply with safety equipment so that there are no accidents.

Installation of expensive submersible pump It is necessary to trust the specialists to prevent his breakdown.

After commissioning the well (Abyssinian or sand) it is recommended to conduct an examination of the produced waterwhich is carried out in special laboratories.

All incomprehensible moments on drilling various wells with their own hands, without using the expensive special equipment, can be clarified by looking at the video from the network.

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B. the weakening option for the manufacture of an autonomous source of water supply is a well with its own hands without equipment in several existing technologies. Meanwhile ways, allowing to do without renting a drill machine. However, some equipment and tools home master will be needed.

Production of well without equipment with their own hands

Purpose, Nuances of the device

In comparison with the well well, there is smaller dimensions, allowing you to maintain the work space of the site. The mouth of the source is sealed much easier, precipitation and dirt do not fall inside. No need to remove a large number of Soil, export it from the construction site.

The well is constructed with their own hands without equipment in several ways:

  • by blurring soil with water;
  • removing the breed of the screw of the manual drill;

  • or iron of homemade fixture.

The most economical method is the Abyssinian Well, from which the ground is not retrieved at all. The soil is compacted when scoring extensive pipes, the column becomes operational, water enters the pressure line.

Methods of manufacturing, materials, tools

To make a well with your own hands without equipment according to the specified technologies, various tools will be required, materials. The budget will be considered below, pluses, minuses of water intake sources.

Manual screw bur

When choosing a classic drilling, you will need to purchase a hand-made tool with auger or removable knives. The technology consists of operations:

  • the casing - is usually made of polyethylene pipes, at the bottom perforated with slots or round holes, or a factory, homemade filter is joined at the bottom;

  • flushing - usually pumped 2 - 3 buckets very dirty water, then there is 1 - 2 cube with sand fluid, after which the quality is normalized;

Benefits of the method:

  • low Building Budget - Purchase of Bura + Making Block with Castles for Building;
  • the speed of the penetration - auger is a screw of the Archimedes, along which the soil independently moves up.

When choosing a beara with replaceable blades, labor costs increase dramatically. After several revolutions, the tool must be lifted to shake the breed. Anyway house master May do without helpers. The disadvantages of technology are:

  • complex positioning vertically;
  • numerous descents / lifts.

The diameter of the hand drill equipment is limited to 40 cm, if desired, you can find 50 cm augers that produce 3 to 4 producers of the Russian Federation. This dramatically limits the diameter of the casing, allowing you to lower low-power submersible pumps into it.

Helpful advice!As soon as the bee reaches the aquifer, the soil stops lingering on the auger, the blades. Further penetration is carried by washing, for which water under pressure is supplied.

Abyssinian Well-needle

There is a methodology for the construction of a source of water intake without ground removal. The hole in the ground is made due to the sealing of the adjacent rocks when driving a small diameter pipe. That is, the working tool after reaching the aquifer just becomes a casing.

So everyone necessary equipment Mounted on the pipe before the clogboard:

  • cone - slightly larger diameter than a pipe so that the compacted soil does not damage the equipment installed above it is made of steel bar on or blacksmatic equipment;
  • filter - the pipe is perforated with round holes, winding with a wire or V-shaped grid;
  • the pipe is 1 - 1.5 m, increases with the immersion of the column with threaded or welding compounds.

A well-span needle is manufactured without equipment, but a special tool is needed - grandmother. For the Abyssinian Well, a tripod is not needed, a rig, flushing pump. However, the shock blowing of a sledgehammer flatten up the top of the pipe, so another scheme is applied:

  • to the very top of the pipe is attached to the clamps tarely block;
  • ropes / cable are attached to the grandmother, roll through the pulleys of the block on different directions.

After that, one two workers at the same time raise the grandmother up to the talerous block, they release the cable. The grandmother strikes the platform, the pipe is clogged into the ground, the operation is repeated until the site is in the soil. Then the pipe is increasing, the reciphel and the thaley block rise above.

Despite the low construction budget (5 - 7 thousand rubles), the technology has some disadvantages:

  • difficulties in finding a grandmother, a supporting platform or the manufacture of these devices with their own hands;
  • polymer pipes cannot be used in shock drilling, steel pipe has a smaller resource.
Helpful advice!If necessary, you can fix the boobs to the pipe clamps on the pipe, pull out the jacks column to clean or replace the filter, check valve.

Cheeky drilling

Besides listed methods Can be made by a well with their own hands without equipment by the magnification method, which is also called shock-rope drilling.

For this, the sequence of operations is used:

  • trenoga - 1.5 - 2 m height is mounted on the mouth, the tall block is fixed at the top;
  • drilling - the ventilation is lifted by the cable to the tall block, it is released, it falls on the ground, filled with the rock, after extracting the Earth, the operation is repeated.

The venture is made from the pipe, the lower edge of which is pointed (chamfer) or has a teeth to destroy the layer. Inside the hinge, a round plug is installed in the size of the inner diameter of the pipe. When you hit the ground, the plug opens on the hinge, when removing it closes under the weight of the soil thawed.

(19 estimates, average: 4,37 out of 5)

The basis of the whole living world is water, so ancient people have always settled near the reservoirs - rivers and lakes. Modern world It is populated more tightly and it is not always possible to choose a suitable area for home or cottage on the shore of the reservoir. Well, if the site will be connected with central water supply, but it happens not always. Here in such cases there is a need for drilling a well to water. After all, if water can be brought in the canters for its own use, then it still does not have enough landing.

Modern technologies allow short time to drill with the use of self-propelled drilling rigs, but it is worth the pleasure of notice, therefore it does not run out of lovers of lovers interest in well arranged well without equipment. Moreover, if there is an elementary skill use tool, and this ability is probably available at each gardener, you will not be able to drill a well, of course, when the aquifer itself lies near the earth's surface. Together, it is not only a job, but also to satisfy your ambitions.

General information about the highway

Hydrogeologists denote three aquifers - depth of 12 meters deep, 13-50 meters and more than 51 meters. Obviously, the drilling of the well with their own hands is available only within the first aquifer. And with the use of special devices and in the light soil manually can also be mastered and the second level, but the third is available only by self-propelled installations of the hydraulication. To drill such an installation, you need to undergo a course of study and become a professional.

Horizon 0-12.

On the skyline of the highest level, the water intake structures are carried out, as a rule, in the form of "Abyssinian Well" - Name around the terrain in Ethiopia, which has become a generic driver of the method of extracting water from the depths. Drilling of wells under water in the upper layer is fraught with the fact that often the rigor has a brown shade, since it includes contaminants brought from the earth's surface. It is possible to use such a promotion to use this promotion, but it is desirable to drill a well deeper to a clean driver. The debit of the top level well does not exceed 25 cubic meters per day, this water intake has several advantages:

  • the design of simple and installation difficulties does not occur;
  • inexpensive materials are applied, which causes the low cost of work;
  • no water use permit is required;
  • lack of excess salts in water intake;
  • you can drill a well in limited space.

Disadvantages of this type of water intake Already designated above: this is the proximity of the surface with all its negatives. And also the fact that not all the soil will allow it with their own hands and without special equipment for 10 meters.

Horizon 13-50

For mining from this horizon under certain conditions, you can drill a well under the water with your own hands. It is the level of medium depth and often it consists mainly of sand, therefore wells on the water of this level are also called sandy. The driver here is crystal clear, but to get to it with the help of homemade equipment, it will be necessary to work well. Through the sandy well, it is possible to provide water intake with a capacity of 20 cubic meters per day. If the soils at the site of the construction of water intake make it possible to perform drilling wells into water, then the advantages of such designs are:

To unfavorable moments The operation of sand wells can be attributed to the need for their permanent flow rate, although, depending on the conditions of use, it can turn into a plus. Depending on the quality of the mined resource, the installation of filters may be required to absorb undesirable chemical compounds.

Horizon 51-200.

At such a depth, the artesian waters lie, that is, prisoners and among waterproof rocks and compressed by their pressure. On this horizon, surface contaminants cannot penetrate. The water wells from this level are called artesian and often under the influence of the pressure of mining layers they fountain.

Obviously, drilling of water wells of such a length is feasible only using special equipment And subject to the production technology, since the aquifer is under pressure. Nevertheless, in some areas it is necessary to make water intake and with such deep horizons simply because it is not in the upper layers. Important advantages of such water intakes, in addition to high quality, are the ability to provide water at once several water use objects and the option of installing the water pump.

To use artesian water, it will be necessary to issue permission for special use and attract a professional brigade with the relevant equipment, and it costs a lot of money. In addition, the softening of this driver will be softened, because it contains many dissolved minerals.

To form a certain opinion about general ideas about the types of water wells, it is possible to get acquainted with the technology of their construction. Availability for independent arrangement of water intake designs are wells:

  1. Abyssinian Well "with a depth of 12 meters.
  2. Sandy - up to 50 meters.

"Abyssinian Well"

Featuring a place to run out, it is necessary to make a half-meter recess in the ground in size in terms of 1x1 meters. For drilling well manually use garden Bur in the form of auger with a diameter of 56-82 mm. As the tool penetrates into the ground, the drilling rig, made of pipe segments, increase until the shell reaches aquifer. This water drilling technology is borrowed from professional drillings, the sequence of operations of operations are about the same.

A sign of the achievement of aquifer is a wet sand extracted by a brown from production. The usual depth of occurrence is 4-8 meters, and this is normal for a pump installed on the surface, and to make water intake from more than 10 meters depth - entails the installation of the submersible pump, which complicates the design of the water intake well.

Upon reaching the necessary depth of the drill, extract the reverse way, and immerse the so-called needle. This is a cut pipe with a tip in the form of a cone that facilitates the occurrence of construction in the production. It is equipped with a filter with a length of 80 cm in the form of a slot (2.5 cm) with an interval of 2 cm, a slit segment is wrapped with wire and a stainless grid. The entire design of the cone and filter should be of a homogeneous metal and fasten the tin solder. Metal homogeneity will reduce corrosion processes on the working body.

The needle, like the segments of the pipe with the threaded connections for drilling, can be bought in the trading network. Before you break through the well with your needle's hands, the latter is inserted into the wellhead part of the well from the calculation, so that the shank is at least 20 centimeters long over the surface. It is screwed to it the next bar (cutting pipe) and the design is driven into the well. So, gradually increasing the tube becoming, the design is completely immersed before the aquifer, and the space between the outer diameter of the pipe and the walls of the production is filled with soil and tamper.

Now it remains only pouring water intake manual or electric pump until it goes pure water. Next, the mouth is concreted and the plumbing is supplied to it. Special care Such water intake does not require. With a decrease in the efficiency of its work, you can clean the filter, submitting water under pressure in the well.

Sandy squabble

Watering wells on the water with their own hands in a piece of sandy little is different from the drilling of Abyssinian. To begin with, you should prepare the workplace, clean it from outsiders. Then issued asside part in the form of a meter recessTo prevent soil getting into the workshop. A tripod with a winch for the lifting of the tubular stava from the well is put on the mouth.

The working body for drilling is a screw boring, which turns two people with removable handles. You can make a bore for a well with your own hands from the ice cream, but you can just buy. It is important to prevent the well from the vertical leaving, so the feeding step should be considered with all the responsibility.

In the process of drilling, the production should be periodically cleaned from drilling slag, lifting the drilling projectile. With difficulty rotation of the drilling row at a considerable depth, it is possible to pour water into developing water to facilitate work. In order for the wells of the wells to be destroyed in the drilling process, they are attached to the pipes of a larger diameter than the working tool. The clip is also produced as the drilling rig extension. It is used to cover polymer pipes with coupling or threaded compounds. On the bottomhole section of the casing, holes and gaps for the penetration of water are made, they are located 50 cm from the end of the pipe.

Drilling stopsWhen the drilling projectile is deepened into the aquifer of 0.5 m. Then the space near the chuck is filled with gravel or small rubble, the wellbore is cleaned from the mud mass, after which the submersible electric pump is placed in the barrel at a distance of 1 meter from the bottom. Next - the determination of the mouth and the connection of the water supply system.

Now, having familiarized yourself with how to drill a well for water yourself, you can estimate your strength and make a decision. At the same time, it is necessary to interview the neighbors, how deeply in their sites is a waterproof layer. By making a decision on independent drilling of water intake, you should follow general requirements Safety in order not to get injured. And at the end of drilling, analyzes the extracted water in a specialized laboratory.