
How to connect the deep pump: stages of work. Installation of a downhole pump: Mounting rules of the submersible pump, tips, video

Onions, beets, carrots

Installing the pump in the well is the first step towards the arrangement of the autonomous water supply. After all, the water pumps the pump. And the performance of the autonomous system depends not only on the characteristics of the aggregate itself, but also on the method of installing the pump in the well.

Therefore, in this article, we will consider the installation process at once several varieties of pumps.

Pumps for wells are divided into surface and submersible options. The first are located above the water, and the second - in the water. Moreover, two hoses are departed from surface units: suction (it is immersed in water) and pressure (it is associated with water supply).

From the submersible unit, in turn, only one hose is departed - pressure. Since the place of the suction hose in the design submersible pump It occupies a special pipe located in the upper or lower part of the housing.

In addition to the installation method, the pumps for wells can also be classified as the type of design of the working chamber. And according to this sign, pumps are centrifugal and vibration.

The working chamber of the vibration pump is separated from the engine compartment with an elastic membrane, which vibrates, creating alternate loop and compression cycles. Therefore, the vibration pump is not afraid of a strongly ridden water, nor dirt.

The operating chamber of the centrifugal pump is equipped with a special node - the impeller, which the motor shaft rotates. As a result, water moves along pipes under the action of a centrifugal force generated by the impeller. Well, the pump itself needs and in the preliminary fill in the water of the working chamber, and in cleaning the flow of the flow. Otherwise, the impeller will be bored with sludge and sand or simply burns against friction about the wall of the delivered camera.

How to install a pump in the well?

The design differences described above also affect the performance of the aggregates, and on the methods of installing pumps in the well. That is, the submersible pump is mounted completely different than superficial. Therefore, below text we will look at both technologies separately.

Installation of the surface pump in the well

Surface pumps are mounted either indoors, or at the ledge of the well (in the caisson).

So installation surface pump The well is implemented as follows:

  • The hose of the desired length is attached to the suction nozzle.
  • At the end of the hose, the check valve is mounted - a special fitting that prevents the water plum into the well after turning off the pump.
  • The reversal valve is fastened with a mesh filter that protects the pump and the valve from the possible penetration of the ral particles.
  • The hose supplemented with a filter and valve is immersed in the well on the desired depth.

However, the connection of the pump to the well can be equipped with an adapter. And in this case, the hose will be connected not to the suction pipe of the pump, but to the adapter fitting.

If the surface pump is supplied with a remote ejector, then a more complex system consisting of two hoses - pressure and suction is introduced into the well. And on the end of the suction hose, the check valve, ejector and filter are mounted. And the pressure hose is connected to the side fitter of the ejector (by removal).

Installing the submersible pump in the well

Submersible pumps are mounted directly in the well mine. Therefore, the diameter of such an aggregate must correspond to dimensions casing. Moreover, the pump should not be included in the "Veritir" pipe - in this case he is simply "overheating" due to problems with the cooling of the engine compartment. However, in the passport of the device always indicate the minimum possible diameter of the borehole casing, guarantees the lack of problems with the cooling of the pump.

Well, the installation of the deep pump in the well is as follows:

  • The return valve is fixed on the pump nozzle - it will save the owner of the well from the need to control the filling of the working chamber of the unit, preventing the water plum after turning off the pump.
  • An additional cup-shaped filter is fixed to the suction pipe - it levels the threat of the hosted of the working chamber.
  • The injection hose is fixed to the reverse valve, along which the water will go up (from the well). The suction piping of this model is missing. The second end of the hose is fixed or to the hydroaccumulator, or to the inside of the adapter, with which the "output" is placed from the well.
  • Power cord ( electrical cable) Connect with an injection hose using special clips or polymer screeds. Wire, in this case, is not categorically recommended - it can "Pour" a cable or hose.
  • In the eye (brackets) in the upper part of the pump housing, a polymer rope is carried out (twine). The unit will hang in the well on this rope.
  • The resulting design should be omitted into the well. Moreover, the pump must support only the rope. Operate the bundle "Cable + Hose" - is strictly prohibited. However, before omitting the pump in the well, the rope can be connected with a bundle with the same screeds. In this case, you will have to stop the possible "recess" of the rope and pressure hose.

After the unit is immersed in the well on the desired depth, the rope is fixed on a special bracket, placed on the outside of the casing's tip.

What depth to lower the pump? The answer to this question depends on the depth of the well itself, the reliability of the filtering elements and the quality of the aquifer. Usually, the pump "hang" in the meter from the bottom of the well. However, a variant of the pump is also possible to the upper limit of the filter element of the casing.

However, in any case, you need to measure the depth of the pump immersion with its power and pressure. Therefore, ordinary pumps are immersed to 7-10 meters, the aggregates with an ejector - to a mark of 15-20 meters, and the depth equipment - to 25-40 meters.

How to replace the pump in the well?

Unfortunately, the pump may break, like any other mechanical device. And after breakdown, the pump will have to be removed from the well for repair. Well, in the most difficult cases, a complete replacement of the pump in the well, along with all filters and safety elements.

And this procedure looks like this:

  • The system is disconnected from the power supply and disconnect from the water supply.
  • The pump is pulled out of the well, winding the removed pressure hose and an electrocabel in the bay. Moreover, the procedure of "lifting" of the pump involves significant physical exertion. Therefore, in this case, it will have to use at least three, four people: two-three pulls, and one cuts the screed and wars the hose and cable.
  • After removing the pump, it is disconnected from the check valve, gets rid of the filter element and is repaired (in place or in service).
  • During the repair of the unit, free partners can explore the hose and cable, on the subject of integrity defects.

After cleaning and repairing the whole system is going, fixed with polymer ties and immersed on the old place.

After drilling well on panstone It will be completed, and the water in the mine will be completely purified from sand and clay, it is possible to begin the final stage of the arrangement of an individual water supply system - installation of a well pump. Before conducting mounting work You must select the pump correctly, as well as to buy materials and fixtures you need to connect it.

What pump is suitable for a well

The selection of pumping equipment is starting with the definition of the type of model. All pumping plants are divided into surface and submersible: the first are set in close proximity to the water source, and the second during operation should be fully immersed in the liquid. Surface models are easy to maintain and cost them are somewhat lower, however, most of these aggregates are designed to suction depth within 7-9 meters. In addition to conventional surface pumping stations, ejector installations are manufactured, which are able to raise water from a depth of 25-40 meters. Their design requires immersion in the well not one, but two pipes - suction and pressure.

For deep wells more suitable option Submersible models are considered. When choosing an electric pump, you must pay attention to the principle of operation of the equipment. It is not recommended to lower vibration devices in the mine. The installation of such a pump in the well will lead to the erosion and casing of the source.

In cases where there is a significant amount of abrasive impurities in the water, you should stop your choice on screw or screw pumps. They do not differ high productivity, but resistant to sand, clay and lime. If water contains no more than 0.15% of solid particles, it is best to purchase a centrifugal unit. The centrifugal junction of the pump allows the supply of large volumes of fluid to the height of the pressure to 100 or more than 100 meters.

Many manufacturers produce models specifically designed in deep wells. They are characterized by smaller sizes of the housing, have protection against engine overheating, often additionally completed with the electric cable and cable, the length of which corresponds to the maximum immersion depth.

Surface pumps are easier to install and cheaper than submersible models, but they are effective only for wells to a depth of 8 meters

An important parameter when choosing a model is the diameter of the housing. It must be 15-20 mm less than the internal dimensions of the casing. Otherwise, the equipment can work with failures and fails much ahead of timestated by the manufacturer. It should also be paid to the features of the power supply of the unit. For household supply, it is quite enough power of single-phase installations.

Additional materials

The list of required materials depends on the installation of which borehole pump will be carried out. For surface models, you will need a feed valve with a filter and a suction hose for immersion in a mine with a sufficient degree of rigidity. When using an ejector model, you will need to purchase two pipes with a diameter corresponding to the inlet holes of the pumping part.

To connect the submersible well pump with your own hands, you will need to purchase the following:

Cable for fixing the pump installation in the mine. If the equipment is already equipped with a cable, it should be checked its length, make sure the strength and resistance to moisture. The cord must withstand weight, 5 times higher than a pump mass.

Electrical cable. The length of the cable is calculated so that it does not resist, but also not stretched.

Pipe for connecting to water supply. Usually, the installation of the pump in the well is carried out with the help of plastic pipes of the corresponding diameter outlet. Choosing pipes, take into account the distance to the aqueous mirror: with a depth of up to 50 m, you can buy plastic, designed for pressure at 10 bar, from 50 to 80 m - up to 12.5 bar, and over 80 should choose a pipe that reduces the impact of 16 bar. Connecting the pump to the well is carried out with metal pipes, However, this option is more costly, and the presence of compounds between individual elements Increases the likelihood of loss of tightness of the feed pipe and leakage formation.

Durable steel knot on shaft headband for fixing the pump.

Fastening for fixing the electrical cable on the feed pipe.

Installation of surface equipment

Surface models are installed in the room (if the water source is located near the house) or in a pre-prepared insulated well (caisson) near the mouth of the mine. The installation platform should be smooth, the unit is recommended to additionally fix the bolted joints.

Pump installation scheme in a well

How to connect the well-type borehole pump type? A feed valve with a filter is dressed on the bottom of the suction pipe, the upper end is connected to the incoming hole of the pump part. Ejector models are equipped with a remote unit, which is connected to the bottom of the pipes, the upper ends of the suction hoses are attached to the inlet pipes.

The suction piping should be completely sealed: during suction of the air in the pipe or on the joints between the blades of the pumping part of the pumping part, jerseens will be created that prevent normal fluid pumping.

Usually, the surface pump for the well for the well includes:

  • expansion membrane tank for constant maintaining pressure in the system and softening the hydrowards at the time of the engine start;
  • the automation unit that starts the engine when the pressure drops in the plumbing and turns off when the pressure is raised to the specified parameters;
  • filters for water purification from impurities.

All listed devices can be purchased separately or buy already collected pump station, fully ready for connection to the water supply system. Before the first launch, the pipe and the camera with the impeller are filled with water.

General installation scheme of the submersible pump and connect all the necessary elements to the house water supply

Connecting the submersible type pump is carried out in several consecutive steps.

Preliminary work

Before installing the pump in the well, it is necessary to thoroughly check the barrel along the entire length. In cases where, during the execution of earthworks, the requirements for the drilling of the mine were not complied with the jacks of casing, there may be a narrowing or curvature. If the present defects impede the free passage of the case of the submersible pumping installation, they must be eliminated.

To fix the unit, a solid steel frame should be made, which dresses on the ledge of the well. It dries a hole for fixing the cable.

Stages of mounting

Preparation of the suspension system.

The assembly is started: a check valve is installed on the inlet nozzle, which prevents the outflow of water from the system when the engine is turned off, then, if necessary, a cup-shaped filter is mounted to prevent the installation of abrasive impurities into the working part.

The assembled unit is connected to the feed hose with an adapter. To ensure tightness, it is recommended to use the winding. The fastening cord is pulled through the insides in the case of the eye and securely fixed. If the electrical cable is not provided in the design, it will also be connected to the device. It is very important to provide reliable protection From the penetration of moisture: the connection is insulated with a shrink tube, and on top of it - a waterproofing coupling.

The pipe, the hose and the cable are straightening along the entire length, and then with the help of clamps or clips are connected together, following the cable to be placed more free

Lowering the device in the mine

After preparing the suspension system, you can switch to the lowering of the unit into the well. Perform it slowly and extremely neatly, trying to make the body not in contact with the walls of the casing. To protect the device and walls of the mine from damage, you can wear a protective ring on the housing. It is necessary to stay only for the fastening cable, while watching the hose and the electrocabel to be too stretched.

There is little space between the walls of the casing and the pump. Therefore, it is better to let the submersible pump in the well very carefully

The depth of immersion depends on the filling of the well and manufacturer's recommendations. Before performing work, you must carefully read the instructions. As a rule, the optimal distance to the bottom should be at least 1 m, with a lower arrangement, the likelihood of ingested the device of abrasive particles increases. The recommended distance from the top of the case to the water mirror is at least 50 cm. After reaching the pumping installation of the recommended depth, the cable is fixed on the frame.

Connecting a well pump

Before connecting the pumping equipment, a trench is digging from home to the well, the depth of which will be greater than the drainage depth. The trench contains a supply pipe and an electrocabel. If there is no possibility to make communication at the same depth to the house, which is above the level of frosting, the output should be well insulated.

Connection diagram of the well pump is the same as in surface models: a hydroaccumulator with an automation unit and filters for water purification are connected to the feed tube, the cable is connected to the household power supply.

Properly performed installation of the pump in the well with your own hands will provide long-term operation of the equipment and the uninterrupted flow of water into the water system at home. If you need to replace or preventive maintenance, the pump is easy to lift onto the surface and again omit in the mine.

The townspeople with great joy change to registration: to become a resident of a country village and nice, and prestigious and useful for health. True, such a change of habitat means that interruptions with electricity and walking with a bucket of water for most of the immigrants will become familiar realities. You can put up with this, but you can fight. To buy and install the same generator, you need quite some time. But everything is much more complicated with the source of water. Himself look for a place for the well difficult, and digging it is generally dangerous for life. It is best to contact the specialists who will make this work for you. They will say whether it is possible to drill and install the pump in the well on the plot, if this option is more suitable for you.

Mounting and commissioning rules

Before installing the pump in the well, you need to check whether there are no irregularities, curvatures or essence of the casing. All this can not only significantly complicate the installation, but also reduce the service life of the equipment. If the difference in the diameters of the pipe and the pump is too small, all surface defects will affect its work, if the pump can be burned too much. The fact is that in the latter case will not be ensured by the speed of water, which is necessary for cooling the engine. The minimum allowable values \u200b\u200bmust be specified in the technical documentation.

The pump is suspended on a piping cord that can withstand the load on the gap, which is five times higher than its weight. To avoid suction of the node on which the suspension is fixed, it is tied at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the inlets, and its tips are melted. If the pump is lowered less than ten meters, by the end of the cord you need to attach an additional spring suspension to repay the vibration. It can be a medical harness or tape of flexible rubber.

It is impossible to use iron wire or a cable as a suspension, since they are broken down on an aluminum pump housing.

Power cord, a kapron suspension and a metal-plastic pipe fasten with a tape with a step of 70-130 centimeters. The first bunch must be at a distance of at least 20-30 centimeters from the pump nozzle.

The pump suspension is selected with such a calculation so that it can withstand the load, which is 5-10 times higher than the weight of the pump. And the attachment assembly should be ten centimeters from the inlets

Connecting the pump to the well does not involve the use of threaded connections. They reduce the strength of the pipes, are subject to corrosion. Flaband compounds will last much longer. When using them fastening bolt. It is necessary to insert from above, and the nut is from below, since the bolt that fell into the well can lead to a serious accident.

The upper end of the injection pipeline is attached to the support plate. Then the check valve is installed on it (if it is not on the pump), the valve, knee, pressure gauge and connect the equipment to the water supply system.

Next, the suspension should be attached to the crossbar. This is the last thing to be done before omitting the pump in the well. When lowering, it should not touch the walls. If this cannot be guaranteed, the case is better protected by a rubber ring.

The pump in the well is needed very carefully, avoiding contacting and blows about the wall. Just in case, a rubber ring can be put on the housing

In order to measure the water level in the well, the gas pipe column is installed in the opening of the support plate. It is immersed below the dynamic level.

The megohmmeter needs to determine the insulation resistance of the motor winding with the lowered cable. After that, the control station to the pump is joined, check whether it is immersed in water and evaluate the operation of the electric motor under load.

What depth can and need to omit the pump?

The static level is the length of the segment from the ground level and to the water mirror in the natural state. Then the water begins to pump water. The level on which water will stop are called dynamic.

The pump falls below the dynamic water level by two meters, and at least one meter should remain to the bottom of the well.

In order for the engine to be cooled properly, the pump is needed to mark at least 30 centimeters below the dynamic level, and the optimal is considered a dive for two or three meters below this mark. It should be remembered that the distance to the bottom of the well should be at least 1-2 meters.

How to replace the pump in the well in case of an accident?

The need to replace the pump arises rarely, mainly due to the fact that the pump is incorrectly performed in the well. The reason for the accident can be in incorrectly selected power automation, and in the low power of the pump itself. For example, if it is designed for a 50-meter immersion, and in fact set to a depth of 80 meters, then the repair will be needed in a few months.

Automatic nutrition is configured to working, and from such a depth weak pump simply cannot raise it. As a result of constant work without a shutdown, it breaks quickly.

As in any situation, there are two outputs here: we call for repair professionals or do everything yourself.

Option number 1: We call specialists for the repair of deep pumps

First of all, this option is suitable for those who do not understand the pump equipment. Professionals can objectively assess the situation, identify the reasons that led to the malfunctions in the work of the equipment. Perhaps only the power automation works incorrectly, and the pump itself is in working condition. In this case, it is enough to properly configure.

Another plus for those who have already decided that such repairs he is not under power, this is a guarantee that the contractor gives. Also, in addition to basic work, you will fully configure the entire water supply system. Of course, for such services you need to pay, and if we are talking about the replacement of the pump, then the amount will be impressive.

Option number 2: Replacing the pump with your own hands

Without the replacement of the pump in the well only in the event that you are confident in its malfunction. If there are doubts, it is better to contact the specialists.

One work is simply impossible to do this work, you will need help at least five more people: on a 100-meter depth of a pump with a cable and suspension weighs about 250 kilograms.

    • First of all, you need to prepare a plumbing tool, an electric soldering iron, a construction hairdryer, a heat shrinking clutch, scissors and consumables.

Then we turn off from the wellhead pipeline running into the house and the pump power cable. After that, we unscrew the protrack element.

When the pump is raised, it is necessary to use the Insurer Cable. If the pump is broken, it will be impossible to raise it, and therefore use the well in the future too

  • The pump raised on the surface is disconnected from the highway. We perform the inspection of the pump, if it is still in working condition, replace the connecting mechanism, coupling and check valve. Older, most likely, have already lost their work properties, so it is better to put new ones. If the former pump repair is not subject to install a new one.
    Next, we connect the pipeline highway with the pump, solder power cable Nutrition, remembering the tightness of the connection and the heat shrinking coupling. Attach the insurance cable, check its stretch.

New pump prepare for immersion, solder the power cable and secure the safety cable

    Installing the deep pump in the well must be executed extremely gently. It is necessary to allow contact with the walls of the casing.

The pump in the well needs to be lowered very carefully - watch it not to hit the wall

    Tighten the well headband, connect the fittings to the strapping and configure the automation in accordance with the specified parameters.

Configure the power automation in accordance with the specified operating pressure parameters

The most convenient option for organizing water supply on the country site is a well. The deep pump runs quietly, and if the installation and commissioning were performed correctly, then the next time to look into the well you will have to do not very soon.

To combine important assemblies of the plumbing system, after the drilling of the well or the well is complete, a pipe for a well pump, connecting it with a headband. Thus, the fluid can freely fall from the soil to the surface, and after moving into the plumbing system and enter the crane.

But additional types of pipes can also be used in this system. We are talking about casing, which are used at the moment when a well is created. They perform the role of a protective system, that is, become a frame.

Both species differ significantly in both functionality, and by manufacturing material. Internal pipes are much more options, although in any case they must be high quality and resistant to moisture.

From such a parameter, as a material of manufacturing, the cost of the pipe, its service life and simplicity of installation depends in many respects. There are several options for how the connection may look, that is, an element through which water rises from the well to the surface.

One of the most popular materials from which a pipeline was made for many years in a row was steel. The advantage of such pipes is that they are very durable. Steel is well suited even to install in a well, where there is a significant mobility of the soil.

But this option has a significant disadvantage. It is about the metal tolerates poorly high humidityAs a result, after a short period of time, rust begins to appear in the trumpet. It penetrates B. drinking water And makes it unsuitable for use. Nevertheless, those owners of houses that receive water from well through steel pipes solved their problem using the installation of additional filters.

But not only in Rzavchin is the problem of steel pipes. They are the most expensive options for those presented in the modern market. Considering how much more worthy and cheap analogs offer producers in our time, steel products gradually go to no. Now they can not be called popular, but some still stop their choice on this option.

Pipes made of steel may fail very quickly. Over time, the rust begins not only to spoil the water, but also to skip it. Thus, arises urgency in replacement. This process is not simple and fairly expensive. Therefore, steel pipes are always expensive. The only option for saving is the replacement of only the most worn items.

For a long time, asbestos cement was the most popular alternative material of pipes for the pump in the well. Such constructions have been used for more than 50 years. Asbestos cement gives a guarantee of reliability and excellent strength. But at the same time, these pipes have many drawbacks.

First of all, it is worth noting that asbestos-cement products are distinguished with water in contact with water. As a result, the liquid becomes dangerous for use. Scientists have proven that the long-term use of water from such a material may cause the development of malignant neoplasms. Moreover, asbestos-cement pipes are sufficiently bulky, so they are difficult to mount. All difficulties and negative qualities of this material make it in our time not particularly popular. Like steel, asbestos cement gradually goes into the past.

More modern option Plastic is considered. Polyvinyl chloride pipes are very light, simply mounted and most conveniently transported. Moreover, they are safe for humans and reliable, as they do not spoil from water. For a long time, the fluid can move along plastic pipes, but no changes should occur. There are few disadvantages in such products. They mainly concern only use at great depths. If a well is more than 3 m, have to find another option.

If necessary, a conventional plastic pipe can be replaced by metal-plastic or polypropylene. In the first case, it is very convenient to use the material if you need to pave several curved water passages. Polypropylene pipes They are considered as simple as possible for installation. Therefore, they are chosen by many owners of houses that are engaged in the construction of water pipes by their own forces.

What to pay attention to when choosing a water pipe?

There are certain criteria for which the elements are selected for lifting fluid from a well or well. And the material here plays a very important, but not a major role.

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to such a moment as the diameter and the depth of the hole from which water will be supplied. Mandatory, the power of the pump and its type is taken into account. In addition, experts recommend paying attention to the level of water pressure and the depth of which it will rise. For many buyers, the cost of the product plays a major role. Here will be the leader plastic pipeswhich are not only easily mounted, but also cost relatively inexpensive.

The pipe diameter for the pump is selected based on the characteristics of the wellness itself. If it is small, that is, it is intended solely for domestic use in the country or in the house small SquareThat will be enough and the pipes, a hole in which up to 5 cm in diameter. It is not worth considering less than 3 cm, since this will not be enough for normal water supply at home.

It is advisable to choose light tubes, as they are easier mounted and do not overload the well. However, it is necessary to observe the balance between weight and rigidity. Pipe should not be too soft. Otherwise, it simply burst even with a small pressure. Very important characteristic when choosing a pipe for a well is the type and quality of the pump. For the standard variant and the well, the medium-sized is quite ordinary plastic pipes, a hole in which 5 cm in diameter. As for the polyethylene tube, it should be at least 32 mm. The connection of this element is carried out using a coupling.

Types of pumps

From what pump will be used to raise the fluid and move it along the water supply, the requirements for pipes depend. Therefore, before you choose your choice on a particular embodiment, you need to clarify which pump is used either only be installed on the site. There are 2 main types of pump for well. It can be manual or mechanical option. Each type can be additionally divided into subclasses.

Manual pumps may have a piston or hose system. The latter option is usually used if you need to raise water from a depth of more than 7 m. Piston - it is more convenient to apply in shallow wells.

As part of the hose pump there is a pump cylinder, which must be fixed at the very bottom of the water supply system. The kit includes hoses equipped with a piston and manual drive mechanism. It must be placed on the top of the well.

Piston pumps from hose differ slightly. But there is still a mounting features. Such a device must be fixed at the end of the water pipe. It is for this reason that piston pumps are not recommended to use where the depth of the well exceeds 7 m.

Mechanical devices are more complex, but convenient to use. This group is also divided into several species. Mechanical pumps can be gear, centrifugal and electromagnetic.

Centrifugal is considered optimal option for simple Dacha or small houses. Equipment pipes of a small size are connected to them, but this is quite enough for domestic use. Such devices are considered relatively inexpensive. They are resistant to rust, as stainless steel is made. In addition, centrifugal pumps can be equipped with several useful additions. For example, it is often used here a system of protection against inclusion in the absence of water. This allows you to protect the device from breakdowns and premature wear.

A feature of electromagnetic borehole pumps is that they serve for a very long time. There are no rubbing details that can wear out over time. During the installation, such a pump can be immersed directly into the water.

Hydraulic pumps are quite powerful and can be used for delivery. large number water. But for its uninterrupted work is necessary electricity. If there is no light in the house, then the water will turn off and turn off. It is not always convenient, as in some settlements, and especially countryside, electricity interruptions are not uncommon.

How to install water supply pipes

Immediately it is worth noting that it is convenient to immediately install and pump, and pipes. In this case, everything required calculations It is worth it in advance, otherwise you can face with a lot of difficulties. The descent of the pump in the well should be smooth. Moreover, if it is incorrect to pre-prepare, you can get an insufficient amount of water that is required to ensure the house. The absence of pressure will affect the comfort of tenants. As a result, they will have to choose between washing, using the soul or watering the garden. The simultaneous conduct of side procedures will be impossible.

Modern pumps most often equip the flange or threaded option to attach the pipe. Although the coupling type of connection is also used. Specialists are recommended for starting to attach the water-lifting element on the one hand, and only after that it starts to mount the second part of the pipe. It is not recommended to lower the design to the land. This may cause damage to important nodes or the displacement of certain parts.


Features of the installation of pipes and pump are largely dependent on the type of well. In some cases, the installation of ordinary devices will be carried out very difficult. In such situations, it is allowed to use flexible hoses that can replace water pipes. The main thing is that these elements are strong enough and safe for humans. In no case should not be distinguished in water harmful chemical compounds. In addition, it is worth making sure that the pipes are quite reliable, and all the fixes are high-quality. Otherwise, the plumbing will be repaired immediately after its first use.

Experts strongly recommend applying water pipes Only those options that have been developed and manufactured for these purposes. You should not take nylon hoses or fire pipes, as they quickly fail and can even spoil the pump. As a result, you will have to spend money on the purchase of a new set of non-sash equipment.

Own plumbing on the household plot is a huge plus, because it does not require a large effort to produce water for watering or water supply at home. After adjustment in the courtyard in the courtyard or well, a system for lifting liquid, as well as maintaining pressure in the water supply on the way from the well to the house. Because of its simplicity in maintenance and unpretentiousness, submersible pumps are installed in the well, which are still called deep or well. From the title it becomes clear that the unit is completely in water and raises it to the surface. In this article we will tell about how to connect the submersible pump to the network and the water supply system with your own hands.

What do you need to prepare?

For uninterrupted feed, automation is needed, which will follow the water supply system and trouble-free operation.

The minimum set for water supply from the well or the well consists of:

  • deep pump;
  • check valve;
  • float with a sensor;
  • pressure switch;
  • tank hydroaccumulator;
  • electronic control unit.

Consider the assignment of these items.

The pump is the main power element that produces water lifting from the well. The check valve is a bypass membrane, which is installed directly at the output of the power unit, preventing the reverse outflow of the fluid from the pipe.

Float sensor - an element of automation that follows the water level in the well. It depends on its position, it will be given permission to start the motor or not. Also, instead of the float, an electrode level sensor is installed. The sensor connection circuit is provided below:

Pressure relay Another automation element directly controlling the start of the immersed unit and responding to a change in pressure in the plumbing.

The hydroaccumulator is a passive pressure support system in a pipe, smoothing sharp jumps and pressure drops. Works in a pair with pressure relay. Prolongs the pump resource, increasing the time and turning off the engine, by accumulating water into the tank.

We dealt with the elements of the system, let's talk in more detail about how to connect the submersible pump to automation.

The procedure for installing the water system

The location of the devices should provide access for maintenance and control of the operation mode. Be sure to provide ease of replacement of non-working parts. Combine about protecting against precipitation and freezing. To connect the submersible pump to the mains, it is necessary to use a special cable with WFP or KVV marking. Isolation of these wires is designed for long lasting in water, without loss of flexibility and insulating properties. The imported analogue has an Aqua RN8 marking.

We recommend connecting the borehole pump to electricity through it necessary to control the isolation of the device and cable included. After all, on time, the identified and eliminated problem is a saved budget and nerves of the head of the family.

To install the pump and put water through the pipes, we will need:

  • watercupping aggregate itself;
  • special tank - hydroaccumulator;
  • pressure switch, chosen under the tank of the hydroaccumulator tank;
  • uS coupling for connecting the pressure switch to the hydroaccumulator;
  • canguage coupling, to transition from size to size;
  • brass adapters;
  • fittings, plastic pipes, fuma ribbon.

As a rule, the installation and connection of the submersible pump begin to produce, starting with the strapping of the hydroaccumulator, the sets of equipment on it. All assembly stages are presented in order in the photo:

The first stage is the preparation process. In the second snapshot, the FUM ribbon produces a winding of a threaded connection. Next, we make the installation of an American connection, which allows you to further make a simple assembly and disassembly. On the fourth and fifth picture, it is shown to install a pressure switch and a pressure gauge for visual control of the process in the system. After this stage, the process of mounting the exhaust knee from PVC pipes to the tee with sensors is shown. On the eighth and ninth photo, the setting of the collet clamp and the pressure pipe is visible. The tenth picture shows the installed group connected to the water supply. Well, the last steps are opening and connecting to the relay unit.

If your system consists of one automation node, a pressure sensor, then on the terminals of this device indicate the Line input and the "Motor" output. That is, the entrance from the "LINE" socket and the connection of the Motor submersible pump. More advanced automation consists of electronic block.

The starting pump control unit provides uninterrupted water supply to the system, protecting the engine from dry stroke, reacting to the presence and water level around the pump. The block produces a smooth start and a smooth stop, extending the engine of the engine, monitors the mode of its operation.

Control block diagram:

The dry stroke is the operation of the engine without a sufficient amount of water or without it, which causes overheating of the engine windings, destruction of isolation, the failure of the motor. All because water in the deep pumps plays the role of the cooler, because It passes through it and cools the case.