
Which heat regulator can be put on the battery. Thermostat on heating batteries

All about the lawn

The thermostat for heating radiator has another name - thermal head. The main function of this node consists in changing the intensity of the movement of the coolant in the pipes, this task is implemented different ways, it all depends on the type of device. A thermostat is installed directly on the heating radiator. In the event of such a need to dismantle it easily. However, it is important to adhere to the rules, in particular, all repair work Performed before the start of the heating season.

The temperature of the coolant can not be adjusted. For example, in apartment buildings, the heating system works on a different principle, and there is no possibility to set the necessary parameters hot water In each apartment. In such cases, the problem is solved if the device is uncomplicated by the principle of operation - the thermostat on the battery. With it, it changes the volume of the coolant in the pipes, which leads to a decrease in the air temperature in the room. Pros of such devices:

  • all processes are performed in automatic mode, the user does not have to be constantly located near the heating radiator;
  • zonal change of parameters ambient: In some rooms, you can turn off the radiator, the desired temperature is maintained;
  • reducing the volume of the spent heat source, which reduces heating costs;
  • in the event of a breakdown of the heating device, you do not have to wait for the entire riser of the heating system apartment houseFor which the communal service is responsible, it is enough to turn off the radiator.

In addition, if you set more functional thermostators, it will be possible to turn off the heating device on the object by reaching the specified air temperature value. The process involves a built-in or made thermostat for the radiator, it transmits data on environmental parameters. This possibility additionally reduces heating costs.

Device and principle of operation

The instruments offered in the market have the same design. They also function according to a single principle. Main nodes:

  • valve;
  • thermal head with rod and bellows.

The last of the elements is removable. You can connect different thermal heads to one valve. The electronic analog device is somewhat more complicated: the design is provided by a microprocessor responsible for adjusting the temperature in the room. The principle of operation of the thermostat is based on the change in the lumen section of the valve. To normalize the microclimate indoors, it is necessary to reduce the volume of the coolant, which falls out of the pipe into the radiator.

The thermoclap is connected to the head by means of a cape nut and rod. The latter of the elements is moved inside the design under the influence of the load rendered by the medium in the bellows (gas, liquid). When heated there is an extension of the substance. The pressure inside the head is growing. As a result, the rod lowers, partially or completely overlapping the lumen in the valve.

When the air indoors is cooled, the temperature control settings are changed manually or automatically. If a device equipped with a befron is installed, the rod returns to its original position after the characteristics of the working medium will change. Electronic devices interact with the thermostat. This element is often embedded in the design of the thermostat. There is another option: set the thermostat on the heating battery.

The market offers simpler thermostators - mechanical type. They are equipped with valves and cranes. Such devices are distinguished by a primitive device. They contain valve, valve. There is no bellows inside the design. All actions to adjust the parameters of the coolant and the environment performs a person: if necessary, the valve partially overlaps the lumen inside the valve, which leads to a decrease in the coolant volume. When the air in the room cools, it is necessary to return the device to its original position.

Selection of thermostat

Before buying, the characteristics of devices are studied. different speciesCompare their functionality. Heating thermostators are chosen taking into account the criteria:

  1. Design type: mechanical, electronic, electromechanical.
  2. Compliance with the size of the pipe and valve.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bthe internal lumen section. In some models, the value of this parameter is initially small. As a result of adjustment, the cross-sectional area is further reduced. This leads to the essential cooling of radiators. Such a battery knob is better not to apply, because the air parameters in the room will vary greatly.
  4. The location of the temperature sensor. It can be built-in or rendered. In the first case, the air temperature data in the room will be more accurate, since the device is at some distance from the radiator, which means it is not exposed to direct heat. The transmitted sensor is purchased when the radiator is recessed in a niche or is close to the windowsill, provided that thermostatic element Located in the vertical plane.
  5. For two-pipe I. one-pipe system The heating is chosen by different thermostators.
  6. Device adjustment accuracy. The mechanical version of the design is simply arranged, and a person bears responsibility for changing the parameters of the coolant, since all manipulations are performed manually. When choosing electronic regulators, the level of sensitivity of the automation is taken into account. Information about the magnitude of the measurement error must be requested from the manufacturer.
  7. Appearance of the device. Gas-filled, liquid and electronic thermostators are characterized by attractiveness. Automatic models of such devices are equipped with displays.
  8. Price category. Equipment for the heating system must be certified, have a guarantee. Manufacturers who have won confidence of users: Danfoss, Royal Thermo, Oventrop, heat-adjust.

Types of thermostators

Such devices are divided into 2 main groups:

  • mechanical;
  • automatic (electronic).

Filling a bellows: gas, liquid. Each options have their own advantages. The devices are functioning according to a similar principle, but differ in terms of sensitivity to changes in environmental parameters. The method of adjusting the mechanical device manual. Electronic analogs do not require human participation.

The thermostatic element is divided into types taking into account the difference in the valve configuration:

  • straight;
  • angular (for vertical, horizontal installation);
  • a device having 3 nozzles to connect to a radiator, driving and bypass, is called a three-way valve.

The thermostat on the heating battery is also selected and taking into account the working medium. Select 2 types:

  • gas-filled;
  • liquid.

The working environment fills the bellows, which is inside the thermal head. In the same conditions, liquid and gas behave differently, which determines the level of efficiency of the device.


Such devices are represented by the following options:

  • valve with valve;
  • instruments equipped with a crane.

The last option is less preferred, since it is intended for other tasks, but can also be used to change the volume of coolant in the radiator. This is a manual thermostat. Turn the crane is needed until it stops. If you regularly leave it in half the position, the inner valve is deformed with time.

The valve instruments are offered in two versions:

  • needle type;
  • the mechanical thermostat specially designed for installation on the radiator.

The first is manually controlled. To change the volume of the coolant, you need to turn the valve. The disadvantage of such devices is the reduced area of \u200b\u200bthe internal lumen section. Because of this, the level of efficiency of the regulator is significantly reduced. The advantages include the possibility of installing in a half position, when such a need occurs, the valve can completely close the lumen inside the valve.

Special mechanical type thermostators intended for installation on the radiator are distinguished by an improved design. They do not require the direct participation of a person in the process of changing the parameters of the coolant. However, such devices function without connecting to a power source.

Positive traits:

  • acceptable cost;
  • autonomy: devices do not require connection to a power source, and therefore can function in any conditions;
  • a simple work process, management.

These devices have accuracy lower than that of automatic analogs.


Thermoregulators of this species are programmable devices. The design provides for the ability to change and monitor environmental parameters. The automatic thermostat is equipped with a screen on which the air temperature is displayed. The user can set the desired value of this parameter. Throughout the heating season, the thermostat will maintain the temperature, opening and overlapping the valve. This feature is provided by the built-in microprocessor.

There are models of regulators that control the work of the entire heating system: pumps, boiler. To ensure the ability to change the parameters of the coolant in automatic mode, the thermostat is used. It transmits the temperature to the thermostat. There are the following varieties of electronic devices:

  • with open logic;
  • with closed logic;
  • simple models like mechanical counterparts, but equipped with a display.

In the first case, the device is amenable to reprogramming. Due to this, it is possible to configure the regulator in accordance with the characteristics of any heating system. Analogs with closed logic cannot be reprogrammed. However, the possibility of changing the main parameters. These types of thermostat are representing a group of digital technology. Their cost is higher than simple electronic analogues with a trimmed functionality.

The main disadvantage of automatic regulators is the need to connect to the source of energy. In this capacity can be a power supply. The thermostat consumes the minimum amount of energy. This allows you to operate it for a long period without the need to replace the power supply.

Liquid and gas filled

Their design has already been considered above. Such devices represent a group of mechanical regulators, they consist of a valve, spring-loaded rod, a bellows, inside of which contains gas or liquid. The substance must necessarily be able to expand under the influence of high temperatures. Thanks to this property there is an increase in pressure inside the head. Paraffin is often used as a liquid medium.

Gas-filled and liquid devices are similar in terms of efficiency. The advantage of the first of the regulators for heating batteries is a faster reaction to air temperature fluctuations in the room. The plus of the device filled with liquid is a high accuracy rate when transmitting a pressure that increased inside the bellows, spring-loaded stock. So, both varieties of devices implement their main function Essentially effectively.

Installation of thermostat with your own hands

The recommended mounting place is at the entrance to the radiator. The installation circuit of the regulator is determined by the type of heating system: single or two-pipe. In the first case important condition is the bypass installation. It is placed in front of the thermostat. This appears the possibility of disconnecting the heating device, then the coolant will pass through the bypass further on communications.

The heating temperature regulator inside the radiator must be embedded into the feed pipe. When choosing a place of installation, the direction of movement of hot water is taken into account. In most cases, the thermostat is embedded in the pipe, which is supplied to the radiator from above. Additionally, the valve valve is mounted in the lower part, which ensures the ability to drain the coolant in the event of a heating device breakdown.

Installation of the device

Installing the thermostat for heating radiators is performed during the period when the communications system is not filled with the coolant. Sequence of action when installing the control device on the pipe:

  • it is necessary to remove the battery, it is important to leave small sites pipes at the entrance to the heater;
  • connect the regulator valve to the radiator corks;
  • fix the second pipe on the underwear pipe.

For sealing uses flax or fum-tape. Mounting the thermostat can be performed independently if there is a suitable tool and equipment. Bulgarian is used for metal cutting. When connecting communications, redundant effort should not be applied, since you can thread the thread. The temperature controller is always in a horizontal position, which will avoid the additional effects of heat emanating from the radiator, since the heated air flows always rise to the ceiling.


The valve handle must be rotated until the required mode of operation is installed. Setting the thermostat on the battery is performed according to personal preferences. The valve provides a pointer and applied scale. The adjustment is stopped when the pointer is installed opposite the number corresponding to the desired mode.

How to remove the thermostat from the battery?

To do this, repeat the instruction that was given above. Considering that such actions in most cases are produced during the repair during the cold period of the year, it may be necessary to disable the heating system. Then drain the coolant. It will only remain to dismantle the thermostat for heating, for this, the fasteners are spinning.

Not so long ago, the heating system of the old sample was assumed only cast-iron batteries for heating the room, no matter what temperature regulators was discussed. Now, temperature regulators for heating radiators are installed now to ensure comfortable use and safety. With their help, you can control the flow, water temperature or other coolant. The system provides ease of use and allows you to save on the cost of heating the house, and when an emergency situation occurs, it will help to quickly disable the radiator from the riser.

Please note that in most cases the thermostat on the battery is the only way to disconnect it from the system. The rule is valid for all outdated installations, as well as some modern.

Types of thermostats for heating radiators

Depending on the principle of operation, thermostators are divided into mechanical and automatic. Another common classification is according to a sensitive environment that fills the bellows. Thus, devices belong to liquid (conductor - water) and gas-filled (gas). Consider a detailed classification, where thermostat is divided into 4 main types depending on the needs of the user and the characteristics of the system.

The mechanical thermostat is the cheapest, as a result of which the most common option.

Despite the fact that the complexation of thermostators remains the same for different typesThe main differences are in the control method. So, the mechanical model has a valve with division. To change the temperature, it is enough to rotate the valve to the appropriate division.

Electrical control mechanics

To set the temperature, such installations use a rotating wheel. When the desired temperature is reached, the internal key of the thermostat is closed and the signal to the main mechanism for opening or closing the valve is closed.

Electric servo thermostat

The device has a servo - a small electric motor replacing a mechanical valve on the housing. Management is carried out using commands served from electronic thermostat. Electronics are installed anywhere in the room for measuring the current temperature. Depending on the temperature, the servo rotates the axis and acts on the thermostat.

Electronic models in the heating system

Electronic thermostators - more comfortable analogue mechanical.

Such a thermostat for heating batteries repeats the principle of operation mechanical. The difference lies only in the fact that the device has a simple display and push-button control. Due to this, the price increases and the error in operation is reduced compared to the analogues. Such systems are considered the most progressive and allow you to set the temperature from the day to the week or more. Temperature can be set on the clock: the minimum when there is no one at home, and the familiar home activity.

Principle of operation and device

The design of the thermostat installed in heating systems.

The structure of the thermostat is quite simple: valve and thermal head. In the last element there is a cylinder with a corrugated wall - a siphon filled with a thermal conductory. This is usually gas or water. The rod connects the siphon and the valve that the flow. Electricity is not required for the operation of these elements, automatic communication is set between them.

The principle of operation of the thermostat for heating radiators suggests that gas or water (any coolant) with ambient temperature fluctuations change their volume.

The mechanical regulator is considered the most reliable and simple. With increasing temperature, the siphon is stretched, which allows the valve to close heat access to the battery. When lowering the working medium becomes less, and the siphon is compressed. Rose rod, allowing the valve to let heat into the battery. On temperature differences in this case affect drafts, sunlight, additional heat sources, temperatures outside the window.

The advantages and disadvantages of thermostators

Definitely, pluses at the temperature sensor more:

  1. Easy installation and control. Mount the mechanical device without assistance and special skills, having a minimum of tools. Managing mechanical and automodels Simple: The temperature is set by turning the wheel or by pressing the button.
  2. Install the thermostat together with the gas meter and will significantly reduce your communal costs. According to calculations for the average apartment, the installation of the thermostat and the meter is able to give up to 20% saving to power consumption.
  3. Advanced models allow you to program the work of the boiler for an hour, day and even a month. Temperature is set depending on the activity of the home owners.
  4. The system does not need the cost of operation.

But the device is not devoid of flaws:

  1. Complex elements require a specialist intervention and verified installation. And the cost of a high-quality auto programmer will be at least 300 dollars.
  2. Curtains may prevent the definition of the right temperature. When the state is lowered, the sensor will have to remove the temperature data behind the curtain. In such a situation, you must install a mobile sensor in the room.
  3. Low accuracy of the temperature set with manual valves and the inconvenience of manual adjustment to each battery.
  4. After installation, the mechanical models must be configured. With incorrect installation of the element, temperature control is disturbed.

Installing the thermostat for heating radiator

Installation of the temperature controller on the battery is not too complex lesson, but it is necessary to fulfill the preparatory activities and strictly follow some rules.

What you need to know before installing

So, before starting to fix the thermostat, first read some rules:

  1. Do not mount the thermostat on cast iron models, as this alloy is inert. The best choice - Aluminum or bimetallic radiators.
  2. Install the temperature regulator not lower than 0.8 m from the floor.
  3. The regulator is positioned so that it is convenient to configure it.
  4. Automatic models Do not mount for radiator screens or drapes, otherwise the sensor will not work incorrectly.
  5. In the case of installation of the device in a private house, the thermostat must be attached to the battery in the kitchen, living room or rooms on the upper floors.

It is worth noting that after the end of the heating season, the device must be opened. This is done so that the precipitate from the coolant is not formed on the valve.

Mounting process

Immediately before installing, be sure to break the feeding riser and drain water from the batteries. Only after that you can go to the installation. The latter is made according to the following plan:

  1. First, cut the pipe liner at a short distance from the battery.
  2. Disconnect the cut line and the crane (if available) from the heating device.
  3. When using a single-tube heating system, you need to boil the jumper between the reverse and feed line.
  4. From the tap of the temperature controller and the locking valve, you need to dismantle shanks and nuts, after that wrap them in the battery cork.
  5. Collect the pipe strapping and secure on the desired (selected) place.

Connection schemes

1. The feed line; 2. Battery; 3. Temperature adjustment sensor; 4. Lower crane; 5. Air vent (automatic or manual); 6. Jumper; 7. Reverse line; 8. Plug.

In the case of a single-tube system, the bypass diameter makes smaller on the size than the diameter of the line pipeline.

In a two-pipe system, the thermostat can be installed on the upper supply. It will be more convenient to adjust the temperature.


Thermostators showed themselves the most efficient devices in individual heating systems, also provide comfortable use and savings. Their use is advisable in rooms with the highest temperatures.. Such an arrangement and regulation will give the optimal effect.

Adjusting heating batteries in the apartment allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks, including the main thing in reducing the cost of paying some utilities.

This possibility is implemented in different ways: mechanically and automatically. However, when the parameters of the heating system, the average temperature in the room does not increase. You can only reduce it to the desired level, adjusting the position of the reinforcement. It is advisable to install such devices on batteries in homes where cool in winter.

The main factors explaining the need to change the level of heating batteries with the help of shut-off mechanisms, electronics:

  1. Free movement of hot water in pipes and inside radiators. In the heating system, air traffic jams can be formed. For this reason, the coolant ceases to warm the battery, since its cooling is gradually. As a result, the microclimate in the room becomes less comfortable, and over time the room cools. To maintain heat in the pipes, shut-off mechanisms installed on radiators are used.
  2. Adjusting the temperature of the batteries makes it possible to reduce the cost of paying housing heating. If the premises are too hot, the method of changing the position of the valves on radiators can be reduced by 25%. Moreover, the decrease in the heating temperature of the batteries by 1 ° C provides savings of 6%.
  3. In the case when the radiators heat the air strongly in the apartment, it is often necessary to open the windows. In winter, it is impractical to do it, since you can catch a cold. In order not to continue to open the windows in order to normalize the microclimate in the room, the controls should be installed on the battery.
  4. It is possible to change the temperature of the radiators heating at its discretion, and individual parameters are specified in each room.

How to regulate heating batteries

To affect the microclimate in the apartment, it is necessary to reduce the volume of the coolant passing through the heating device. It is possible only to reduce the temperature value. Adjusting the heating system is performed by turning the valve / crane or change the parameters of the automation node. The number of hot water passing through pipes and sections is reduced, at the same time the battery is heated less intensively.

To understand how these phenomena are interconnected, it is necessary to learn more about the principle of operation of the heating system, in particular, radiators: hot water, which falls inside the heating device, heats the metal, which, in turn, gives heat to the air environment. However, the intensity of the heating of the room depends not only on the volume of hot water in the battery. Plays an important role and type of metal from which the heating device is made.

The cast iron is distinguished by a substantial mass and slowly gives heat. For this reason, such radiators are inappropriate to install regulators, since the device will cool for a long time. Aluminum, steel, copper - all these metals are instantly warm and cooled relatively quickly. The installation of regulators should be made before the start of the heating season when the system does not have a coolant.

IN apartment house There is no possibility to change the average temperature of the water in the pipes of the heating system. For this reason, it is better to install regulators that allow you to influence the microclimate in the room in another way. However, this is impossible to implement if the coolant is supplied in the direction from top to bottom. In a private house there is access and the ability to change the individual parameters of the equipment and the temperature of the coolant. So, in this case, it is often impractical to mount the batteries on the batteries.

Valves and cranes

Such fittings is a heat exchanger locking device. This means that the adjustment of the radiator is carried out by turning the crane / valve in the desired direction. If you turn the reinforcement until it stops 90 °, the flow of water in the battery will no longer be. To change the heating level of the heating device, the locking mechanism is set to half the position. However, such an opportunity is not from any fittings. Some cranes can leak after short-term operation in this position.

Installing the shut-off reinforcement allows you to adjust the heating system manually. The valve is inexpensive. This is the main advantage of such reinforcement. In addition, it is easy to manage, and special knowledge is not needed to change the microclimate. However, there are deficiencies in shut-off mechanisms, for example, they are characterized by low levels of efficiency. Battery cooling speed is small.

Shut-off cranes

A ball design is used. First of all, they are customary to be installed on the heating radiator in order to protect housing from the leakage of the coolant. The reinforcement of this species has only two positions: open and closed. Its main task is to turn off the battery in the event of such a need, for example, if there is a risk of flooding an apartment. For this reason, the shut-off cranes are cut into the pipe in front of the radiator.

If the armature is in the open position, the coolant is freely circulating on the heating system and inside the battery. Such cranes are used if it is hot in the room. Periodically, the batteries can be turned off, which will reduce the temperature of the air temperature in the room.

However, ball shut-off mechanisms cannot be installed in half the position. With long-term operation, the risk of leakage on the site is increasing, where the ball valve is located. This is due to the gradual damage to the shut-off element in the form of a ball, which is inside the mechanism.

Manual valves

This group includes two varieties of reinforcement:

  1. Needle valve. Its advantage is the possibility of half the installation. Such fittings can be located at any convenient position: fully opens / closes the access of the coolant to the radiator, substantially or slightly reduces the amount of water in heating devices. However, there is a lack of needle valves. So, they are characterized by a reduced bandwidth. This means that after installing such reinforcements, even in a fully open position, the amount of coolant in the tube at the input of the battery will be significantly reduced.
  2. Control valves. They are designed specifically to change the heating temperature of the batteries. The advantages include the possibility of changing the position at the discretion of the user. In addition, such fittings are distinguished by reliability. Do not often have a valve repair if the structural elements are made of durable metal. Inside the reinforcement there is a locking cone. When turning the handle in different directions, it rises either falls than it helps to increase / decrease the area of \u200b\u200bthe passage section.

Automatic adjustment

The advantage of this method is the lack of need to constantly change the position of the valve / crane. Desired temperature will be maintained automatically. Adjusting heating in this way provides the ability to once set the desired parameters. In the future, the level of heating the battery will be supported by the automation node or another device installed at the inlet of the heating device.

If necessary, individual parameters can be set repeatedly, which affect the personal preferences of tenants. The disadvantages of this method include the essential cost of components. The more functional devices for controlling the amount of coolant in heating radiators, the higher their price.

Electronic thermostators

These devices externally resemble a regulatory valve, but there is a significant difference - the display contains the display. It displays the air temperature in the room you want to get. Such devices operate in a pair with remote sensor Temperatures. It transmits information to the electronic thermostat. To normalize the microclimate in the room, it is enough just to set the desired temperature value on the device, and the adjustment will be performed automatically. There are electronic thermostators at the inlet of the battery.

Adjusting radiators thermostats

The devices of this species consist of two nodes: lower (thermoventil) and upper (thermal head). The first of the elements resembles a manual valve. It is made of durable metal. The advantage of such an element is the ability to install not only automatic, but also a mechanical valve, it all depends on the user needs. To change the value of the heating temperature of the battery, the thermostat design is provided with a bellows, which puts pressure on the spring-loaded mechanism, and the latter, in turn, changes the area of \u200b\u200bthe passage section.

Use of three-way valves

Such devices are made in the form of a tee and are designed to be installed at the point of connection of the bypass, the inlet pipe into the radiator, the overall riser of the heating system. To improve work efficiency three-way valve Equipped with a thermostatic head, the same as the previously considered thermostat. If the temperature at the input in the valve is higher than the desired value, the coolant does not fall into the battery. Hot water is heading through the bypass and goes on along the heating rink.

When the valve cools, the bandwidth opens again and the coolant enters the battery inside. It is advisable to set such a device in case the heating system is a single-tube, and the pipe wiring is vertical.

To be able to regulate the temperature of the battery in the apartment, consider any kind of valve: they can be direct or angular type. The principle of installing such a device is simple, the main thing is to correctly determine its position. Thus, on the valve case, the direction of the coolant flow is indicated. It must correspond to the direction of water movement inside the battery.

There are valves / thermostats at the inlet of the heating device, if necessary, crane is also embedded at the output. This is done so that in the future it is possible to independently produce the drainage of the coolant. Adjusting devices are installed on the heating batteries, provided that the user knows exactly what pipe is supplied, since it is performed in it. At the same time, take into account the direction of movement of hot water in the riser: from top to bottom or bottom up.

Increased reliability differ crimp fittings, so they are used more often. Connection with pipes - threaded. Thermostats can be equipped with a cape nut. For compaction of the threaded connection, fum-tape is used, flax.


As you know, in order to highlight any room, it is required to correctly adjust the temperature indicators to the heating matches optimally comfortable conditions and provided a favorable microclimate in the dwelling. Therefore, it should be considered in more detail the features of such a device as a temperature controller for the heating radiator, which is intended to perform all these functions. In addition, it should be sorted out to how to regulate the temperature of the heating battery in various buildings, including private and apartment buildings.

The need to install thermostators

Such mechanisms are used for the following purposes:
  • saving heat heating produced;
  • maintain a comfortable temperature indicator in the dwelling.
Many owners to solve the second task still enjoy traditional ways, for example, cover the radiators with a bedspread or open windows for conducting. However, a much more modern solution will be the installation of such an instrument as a heating temperature controller that affects the coolant consumption in the heating system and capable of functioning both in manual and automatically.

It is very important to remember that when installing it is imperative, the presence of a special jumper located directly in front of the heating appliance. If it is not, the coolant consumption will not be able to adjust through the radiator, as it will have to do it through a common riser.

Speaking about savings, this factor is relevant for those owners, the residential premises of which is equipped with an autonomous heating system, as well as for housing and communal services, using accounting devices to pay heat coming from its manufacturers.

Installation of temperature regulators in multi-unit homes

To establish a heating radiator temperature regulator in an apartment building, it is necessary to deal with the fact that it is a heat accounting in such a design.

Publishing and returning pipelines are equipped with special retaining washers, before and after each of which controlled pressure sensors are located. Due to the fact that the diameter of these sensors is known, the ability to calculate the flow rate of the coolant circulating through the sensors. As a result, the difference obtained between water consumption in the supply and return pipelines will display the volume of water spent by residents.

Control at both sites are designed to carry out temperature sensors. Therefore, knowing what volume is spent heat and what is equal to its temperature, it is easy to calculate that the amount of heat that remains indoors.

In order to regulate the operation of heating, it was easier to constantly monitor the temperature of the temperature.

Make it will help one of two ways:
  1. Installation of a shut-off valve. Such a device is designed to partially overlap the pipeline system in the event that the return temperature is higher than the specified one. It is an ordinary solenoid valve. Such an option will be suitable for those houses where the heating system is relatively simple and does not differ in the large volume of the coolant.
  2. Three-way type valve device. This device also allows you to adjust the current coolant consumption, but it functions it is somewhat different: if the water temperature exceeds the norm, it is sent through the open valve into the feed pipe in more. By mixing with cooled water, the total temperature will decrease, and the required circulation rate will continue.
Such a design may differ slightly in different systems. The diagram of the device can be equipped with several temperature sensors, as well as one or two circulation pumps. In addition, mechanical type valves can be present, with which you can control the operation of heating without feeding any power.

Installation of mechanical regulators does not carry a special complexity. To establish such a device, it is only required to connect it with the flange in the elevator node. It is also important that the price of such devices is significantly lower compared to electronic mechanisms.

Installation of temperature regulators in private homes

As a rule, the automatic heating temperature controller is an integral part of the heating boiler in the autonomous heating system. Such a sensor can be mobile, that is, it can be transferred, and also is able to measure the temperature in the room.
In the electricity boilers, electronic sensors are used, which are directly related to installed ones (thermal electric heating elements) or with voltage arising from electrodes or on the winding of the boiler.

Systems of boilers, working in both the gas and the use of pyrolysis technology, are often equipped with mechanical regulators, most importantly of which are independence in terms of energy. But this option, definitely, does not imply the use of remote temperature sensors. See also: "".

Temperature sensors for radiators

Sometimes one temperature sensor has several heating radiators. It affects it, first of all, the installation scheme. But it is much more common to mount the regulator to each heating device separately.

Many owners set the usual system, called "Leningradka", the principle of operation of which is to use a single-looking home or one floor of a pipe having a rather impressive diameter, and in parallel, the heating batteries or convectors are embedded.

It is worth noting that in order to adjust the heating temperature, not only standard devices can be used.

Common mechanisms of this type include:

  • head on a thermostatic basis. It is an automatic sensor controlling the temperature of the coolant in the battery. The principle of its functioning is as follows: in the process of heating, liquid and gaseous substances are expanding (more details: "). This, as a result, leads to the fact that the heated product squeezes a special rod, overlapping, thereby accessing the coolant;
  • no less often applied instruments called chokes. They are special screw-type taps, with which you can adjust the carcanity permeability manually. Their cost is more affordable, and in addition, with their help you can control two-pipe heating systems;
  • the least expensive and simplest mechanism that helps adjust the temperature is a traditional valve. Of course, to operate in this case only modern modelsAnd not outdated screw appliances, as valves are very often broken in old mechanisms, and there is also a risk of leaks. A completely different situation is with the ball valves: even in a semi-open position, they are reliably and efficiently function for a long period of time.
In order for the device regulators of temperature controls as convenient as possible, many experts recommend pre-examine different photos These devices and detailed videos by their correct connection.

An example of heating temperature regulators on video:

Through the temperature control equipment, you can create the most comfortable and optimal microclimate in the house during the cold period of the year. Often, you can observe such a picture, as in some people in homes or apartments, the heating radiators are incorrectly carried out, they are opened in winter or even windows. This is explained by the fact that the inhabitants of these apartments or houses cannot create normal temperature conditions, not knowing how to adjust the heating radiator, and to restore the temperature balance, start cold air from the street. It is for this that is the installation of a thermostat for the heating radiator.

Types of thermostats and their principle of work

Temperature controllers for heating batteries are two types:

  • Automatic crane on heating battery;
  • Manual radiator temperature control of heating batteries.

With the help of the manual controller, the heating battery temperature adjustment is as follows:

  • Turning the flywheel of the valve, we give the valve stem.
  • The passage of the saddle diameter will change in this case, and the temperature will correspond to its value.

Manual thermoclap for heating radiator has several drawbacks:

  • It is not so effective as an automatic device;
  • Its protective cap can get out of order, if it is often kept in motion, that is, open or close the temperature controller for the heating radiator.

In the case of an automatic type regulator, the temperature valve on the heating battery will operate along with such a component as the thermal head on the heating radiator.

Thanks to the bellows, even the most minor changes will be recorded. temperature mode in room. In the case of a decrease in temperature, the contents of the thermal spray can begin to narrow, and then the valve stem will begin to retract, which will increase the flow of the coolant, and this, in turn, will increase the room temperature. If the room is excessively hot, the contents of the cylinder will begin to expand and, thus, the heat transfer of heating batteries will decrease.

Types and designs of regulators

Temperature regulators for heating radiators may vary by such a criterion as a method for receiving a signal to a thermostatic component. Thus, the signal can come from:

  • Coolant;
  • From the air outside;
  • From indoor air.

One of the first temperature controllers received a signal from the coolant, and the accuracy of its regulation was from 1 to 7 degrees.

However, such indicators were not enough. Adjustable cranes for heating radiators, which fix the temperature mode change in the room, analyze the data obtained and due to the fact that they can adjust the flow of the coolant, they will maintain the necessary temperature regime automatically. Such a thermostat for the heating battery does not require human participation, as it is automatic.

Another device model that can most quickly react to change the temperature regime consists of elements such as a sensor and a temperature regulator for the heating battery.

Elements such as a thermostat on the heating battery can be divided based on their structural features. Thus, the thermostat on the heating radiator can be:

  • With electrical control;
  • With direct action.

The thermostat for the heating radiator with a direct action is installed in front of the battery, and the signal to change the temperature it will receive from the coolant.

How to regulate the temperature of the heating battery? The temperature will be adjusted by opening or closing the coolant supply. The valve on the mechanical type heating battery is equipped with a special scale, which is located on its head. The numbers that are available on this scale help to set the necessary temperature regime.

Heating battery regulator The instruction of which is required to study, with electrical control, is divided into two subcategories:

  • Regulators that can control the pump or heat boiler;
  • Regulators capable of sending a signal to valves installed in front of the radiator on the pipe. This adjusting valve to the heating radiator, in turn, can adjust the heat supply. The valve size is selected based on the size of the diameter of the pipes.

Location of regulators

If the radiator is not covered with nothing, then the installation of thermostators on the heating batteries is better made on the heating device itself. However, if the design is equipped with a thermostat with a remote sensor, it can be placed from the valve at a distance of up to 8mm.

The thermostat can be installed on the horizontal area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe. In the place where the entrance to the heating radiator is located.

Installation of the device

Before making installation and how to adjust the heating batteries, it will be necessary to overlap the water supply to the heating system. After it is fused, you can proceed to this stage as the installation of cranes on the heating batteries:

  • It is necessary to cut pipes at some distance from the battery, then disconnect them.
  • Demonstrating the crane if its installation was produced before the battery.
  • From the valves of the shut-off type and thermostat, it is necessary to disconnect the shanks, and then wrap them into the radiator tubes.
  • Next, you need to assemble the strapping and set the place you chose.
  • Installing the thermal heads on the heating radiator will end in that there will be a horizontal type spread pipe. These pipes go with the strapping from the riser itself.


How to properly adjust the heating batteries? Setting up temperature control devices, first of all, be guided by the instructions from the manufacturer of these devices. In such instructions will be indicated as their specifications and other parameters and recommendations on their installation and configuration.

To adjust the heating radiators was more accurate, it is necessary to close all windows and doors to reduce heat leakage from the room.

It is best to install the temperature thermometer indoors room temperature. The valve must be opened to the stop and the air indoors will begin to heat up. Once the thermometer shows that the temperature rose by 5-7 degrees, the valve must be closed. After the noise of water and the valve will be heard, it will be necessary to remember the position of the head. Thus, it will be possible to configure the control equipment with an independent way, such operations, how to add or get the heating battery.