
What a blanket is better to choose for the winter. Fillers for blanket

Conifers in the garden design

The blanket is one of the main accessories of the bedroom, the well-known attribute of good, long and comfortable sleep. Traditionally, this product is made of wool and fluff, however, in the modern era, most of the accessories of this kind are made of synthetic fibers.

By what criteria should choose a blanket

Modern shops please buyers with a huge assortment of a wide variety of storage facilities. They do not bypass the attention and blankets. What is worth paying attention to which blanket is better to buy, and what parameters just neglected?

  • Filler. All sleeping accessories of this type are divided into two large groups - made of natural material or artificial synthetic fibers. Lovers of classics, no doubt appreciate the fluff or wool - warm, pleasant to the touch, having a lot of other advantages. The main minus it is the price, the impossibility of full washing, as well as complex care along with high allergenity. Products on a synthetic basis differ significantly from each other, have a number of advantages and disadvantages, while acting as a reasonable alternative to standard classics;
  • The size. Size - important. The blanket must be selected strictly under the size of the bed, naturally considering its own preferences and dimensions. Modern standards suggest the possibility of acquiring one-time, one and a half and double options, or an individual order to tailor the products of non-standard sizes;
  • Case. The fabric of the blanket cover should not only be pleasant to the touch, but could also easily be removed and stitched, to be tight enough to hold the filler if necessary. On the domestic market are covers predominantly from silk, jacquard, knitwear, satin and bosquarters;
  • Heat insulation. Modern high-quality products are equipped with marking indicating the degree of thermal insulation blankets in the form of sun or levels. If they are absent, then you can adhere to the general data - the wipes are mostly thick synthetic and light down products;
  • Hypoallergennos. Allergies are contraindicated in fluff and wool, and optimal option Synthetic and bamboo.

Popular Fillers - Pros and Cons

Do not buy a cat in the bag! Be sure to carefully examine the product by analyzing it in the above criteria. First of all, pay attention to the filler - the basis of any blanket, and the blanket with which filler is better to buy, we will tell you further.

Bird fluff

Most often used filler from Poha Geese. Traditional option of animal origin, high-quality structure, but high price. Long service life of this kind of products has become possible due to modern technologies for processing the source material, as a whole, we can say that the bird fluff is good filler For a blanket.

Pluses of blouse from a bird fluff:

  • Good thermal insulation properties along with high-quality thermoregulation;
  • Air permeability. Such products create a good microclimate, due to the possibility of circulating air masses;
  • Resistant shape. Blankets made of bird fluff, rather elastic, does not dilute, perfectly holds the form;
  • Low weight. Pooh blanket is the easiest among all possible options;
  • Durability. Modern products of this type can serve up to two decades;
  • Antistatic effect. Pooh filler is not susceptible to static electricity.

Cons of bird fluff filler:

  • Cost. Blankets from the goose fluff - one of the most expensive;
  • Weak moisture exchange. Well-passing air, the poch along the way holds a significant part of moisture, which entails the gradual reference of the product;
  • Potential allergenicity. In such products, the likelihood of dust mites in the filler structure is very high;
  • Special care. Pooh blanket requires special storage conditions and regular treatment against ticks.

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Sheep wool blanket

A rather popular natural filler, which clearly wins the bird fluff due to lower cost, but it has additional disadvantages.

Pros blankets sheep wool :

  • Good heat capacity. Sheep wool warms well, keeps heat for a long time, while in a number of countries used as the prevention of muscular atony and osteochondrosis;
  • Air exchange. Like a bird fluff, this filler creates optimal conditions For microcirculation of air masses;
  • Balanced moisture exchange. The sheep's wool blanket absorbs well and gives moisture, remaining dry long period of time;
  • Antistatic effect. The material is not subject to static electricity;
  • Low cost. Blankets with such a filler are available to the wide masses of the population and cheaper not only a bird fluff, but also some products on a synthetic basis.


  • Allergy. Animal wax in the structure of the filler, as well as dust pliers, often present in the blanket, increase the risks of allergic reactions in humans;
  • Little service life. On average, sheep wool blankets serve about 4 years, after which they are quickly gluable and losing the form;
  • Weight. Products of this kind have a high mass comparable to cotton allegations;
  • Complex care. Products can not be erased, only chemical surface cleaning is used with caution.

Advantages and disadvantages of blankets from camel wool

This filler came to us from the Far East. Blankets based on it are popular in Russia, relatively inexpensive, serve a long time and are an excellent alternative to sheep wool products.


  • Heat capacity. Products from this filler are no less warm, rather than other products on a natural basis;
  • Air and moisture exchange. Camel wool contributes to the microcirculation of air masses and moisture at the same time;
  • Resistant shape. Blankets from this material perfectly hold the form and are not dilated;
  • Low weight. Filler-based products Light and thin;
  • Antistatic effect. The camel wool is not electrified;
  • Durability. Blankets based on the above filler serve an average of 20 years.


  • Allergy. The problem of all fillers on a natural animal basis is an increased risk of steam ticks;
  • Cost. The price for the blanket is lower than the down, but still high compared with synthetic analogues;
  • Tactile sensations. Most spying products can only be used with a dense duvet cover and as a closed case.

Blankets with a filler of the swan fluff

Natural Swan Pooh in modern production blankets is not applied due to extremely high high-cost source material. Instead, a synthetic analogue is used - tensulite. The artificial filler has a number of specific properties, and the products from it are ideal for the offseason in the autumn-spring period.

Pluses of Swan Pooh:

Minuses of blankets from Swan Pooh:

  • Electrostaticity. The material greatly accumulates statics;
  • Moisture resistance. Absolutely does not absorb and does not produce moisture;
  • Bad microcirculation. The filler practically does not let the air masses, which creates the danger of overheating the body.

Polyester fiber as filler in a blanket

Whole group of fillers last generation combined with one such general designation as polyester fiber. This includes microfiber, comforter, hollofiber, silicone fiber and ecoiber. The above-described products are slightly different in appearance, but have identical properties.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Do not cause allergies and harmless to health;
  • Elastic form. There is no keeping and rolling, fillers are well kept form;
  • Heat capacity. Perfectly keep warm due to a special hollow structure;
  • Weight. Little weight of products regardless of subtype of such an artificial filler;
  • Life time. Blankets on polyester fibers can serve 10-15 years.


  • Electrostaticity. Products are subject to static charge accumulation;
  • Moisture resistance. There is no moisture microcirculation - bad absorption and zero return of the fluid.

Bamboo Fiber Blankets

The modern type of filler on a completely vegetable basis, obtained by regenerating cellulose from the stems of a classic bamboo stem.

The advantages of bamboo blankets:

  • Hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness. There are no allergens in the filler, static electricity, it does not absorb smells;
  • Weight. The weight of the products is higher than that of the fluff, but below other synthetic analogues;
  • Air exchange. Perfect microcirculation of air masses;
  • Care. Does not require special care, it can be erased even in an automatic machine.

Disadvantages of bamboo blanket:

  • High thermal conductivity. Weakly holds heat, therefore it is used mainly for summer blankets;
  • Weak moisture exchange. The material is badly absorbing moisture, but at the same time it gives it well;
  • Terms of operation. The average service time is about 2 years.

Eucalyptus fiber

One of the most modern species Filler on a vegetable basis is made from eucalyptus stems by cellulose regeneration. Alternative names - Liocell and Tentale.

Blankets based on material have good thermoregulation, but rather roads.


  • Hypoallergenicity. The filler cannot start ticks, the fibers themselves do not cause allergies;
  • Heat capacity. The material from which the blanket is made is one of the warmest;
  • The form. Tentsell has an elastic soft structure, does not fit and is not deformed;
  • Air and wet permeability. Liocell has wonderful breathable, antistatic and moisture properties, which creates the maximum balanced microcirculation;
  • Care and service life. Eucalyptus fiber blankets do not require special care And serve until 10-12 years.


  • Big value. Blankets based on this material are the most expensive;
  • High probability of fake. Due to high cost, many manufacturers replace part of plant fibers on synthetic analogues, which significantly worsens the above described beneficial features Blankets.

Cotton blankets

Until recently, under the cotton filler meant classic wool. Modern technologies have significantly changed this type of fiber by making it more elastic and durable. Good thermoregulation and low cost - these are the main parameters of today's cotton.


  • Hypoallergenicity. It does not cause allergies, harmless to the human body and biosphere;
  • Cost. This type of filler is the most affordable and inexpensive;
  • Heat capacity. Cotton blankets are one of the warmest.


  • Large mass. Average blanket with such a filler can weigh 2-3 kilograms;
  • Weak moisture exchange. Cotton absorbs fluids well, but does not evaporate them;
  • Life time. The filler is very quickly spoiled and loses consumer properties, an average of 1 year, a maximum of 2 seasons.

Conducting fiber

This type of vegetable filler is obtained by treating and wringing flax. Products based on it has an average cost, universal and has a number of advantages.


  • Antibacterial and hypoallergenicity. Cannol fiber does not cause allergies, and also does not contain pathogenic microflora;
  • Excellent microcycrolation. Blankets based on this material of air and moisture permeable;
  • Life time. The term of the filler operation is calculated by decades;
  • Heat capacity. Filler-based blankets are well warmed and universal - can be used in any season.

Minuses: Practically absent, excellent universal balance price and quality.

Silk blankets

The classic filler of animal origin, known from ancient times. The starting material is obtained as a result of direct reproduction with the help of larvae of a lichwood silkworm.

Ideal for use in the offseason, but it costs more than synthetic analogues.


  • Hypoallergenicity. The only appearance of the natural filler on an animal basis, which does not cause allergic reactions. Inside the structure of the material, pathogenic microorganisms will not be treated;
  • Antistatic effect. Products based on this filler are not electrified;
  • Life time. The average service life is more than 10 years;
  • Good microcirculation. The structure of products perfectly passes moisture and air masses;
  • Simple care. The product does not require regular washing, easily dried and ventilated.


  • Cost. For such products, the price is one of their highest among the blankets of any type;
  • Thermal conductivity. Silk has a high thermal conductivity and poorly holds heat in winter time.

How to choose the size of the blanket?

The blanket is selected based on their size sizes, as well as individual client dimensions. Modern product sizes include the following types of products:

For adults:

  1. Single and one-time. Typical dimensions - 140 at 205, 145 at 215, 150 per 200 and 160 per 210 centimeters;
  2. Double classic. Sizes - 172 at 205, 170 per 200, 175 at 210, 180, 210 and 180 per 215 centimeters;
  3. Double (Eurostandard). Typical dimensions - 200 to 220 and 220 per 240 centimeters;
  4. Non-standard options for order.

For children, 100 and 110 per 150 centimeters are considered to be classical sizes.. Teenagers are suitable classic one-time options.

Duvet covers under the blankets are selected with a reserve of 5-10 centimeters in width and height.

Way of sewing and finishing blanket

Blankets in addition to all of the above criteria, are also divided by the method of sewing and finishing. Possible options:

  • Cassette assembly. The most popular option. The work fabric consists of sections of a particular shape with a filler. Typical cell size - 10 or 15 centimeters for each of the faces. The advantages of the method - protection against deformations and damage blankets, long service life;
  • Unidirectional firmware. Hardware trap in one plane. The easiest and cheapest, but least reliable option, since there is no full fixation of the filler and the structures of the product;
  • Karostete. Variation of a quilted blanket with machine decorated processing in several directions and creating a beautiful pattern. Beautiful appearance Products, the best compared to the previous option, fixation, but insufficient versatility and reliability, compared with the cassette assembly.

How to choose an optimal blanket?

We recommend choosing a blanket, not just suitable in size, price tag and color, but also corresponding to modern sanitary and hygienic standards. It is desirable that the selected products are hypoallergenne, hygroscopic, heat, and also provided good microcirculation of air masses. Do not forget about other nuances:

  • IN summer period time and offseason is better to choose a blanket based on silk or bamboo filler with high thermal conductivity;
  • In winter in early spring Or late autumn, the optimal option will be products based on eucalyptus or cotton. Alternative - blankets from fluff and wool, however, they require additional care;
  • Universal promonant version - flax-based blankets;
  • For children, sick and pregnant women, select the products are quite light by weight, in order to additionally do not overload the body.

Choose a blanket carefully and with the mind - you will definitely smile good luck!

Comfortable sleep is very important to maintain and preserve health. It is in a dream that we restore the strength and get a charge of cheerfulness for upcoming accomplishments. Or do not get if you do not have the opportunity to sleep well. At the same time, sleep quality depends not only on the time we can allocate on vacation, but also from the conditions in which we carry out this period. We have already written about. Today we will talk about choosing a better blanket.

The first thing to determine is the size. Today, the market has been represented in the broader assortment products from different countries. Accordingly, almost every country has its own standards for which manufacturers work. Basic gradation highlights children's blankets, one-and-half and double. About Tom, "Women's Happiness" will tell separately. Now our task is to deal with adult blankets.

The quality of the blanket directly affects sleep and health. For example, a natural wool blanket soothes, relaxes.

Choose warmth

We feel in different ways to external temperatures. Someone and in the winter strule sleeps under a light blank, and someone and on a hot summer day, I want to wrap heavily. Therefore, the warmth of the blankets should be chosen, proceeding exclusively from its subjective sensations. If you sleep together, but you have different requirements for comfortable temperatures, you should sleep under separate blankets. Sometimes such a "distance" of spouses even recommend psychologists.

For the warming ability of the blanket correspond to the filler and thickness. Also, as a hint manufacturers put blankets on the label dots denoting heat: From 1 to 5. Five indicate the most warm, winter options. Descending warming properties decrease, and one point, respectively, denotes a light blanket-plaid, suitable for summer nights.

A dying blanket is chic in the studuy winter nights. But it is able to cause allergies.

Choose filler

If you, first of all, are interesting practicality and low price, it is worth stopping your choice on synthetic blankets. Modern materials (syntheps, holofiber) almost weighty, but at the same time warm, hypoallergenic and easily carry washing even in washing machine. If you are a supporter of ecology and naturalness, it is worth paying attention to cotton and bike blankets. Evaluate, for example, the range that Yaroslav Ivanovo offers. Classical products of Ivanovo textiles have long won the recognition of consumers.

Cotton and bike blankets are tested by decades of use.

From the most economical options, we turn to more expensive types of fillers. Woolen and dying blankets can be recognized as popularity. Warm natural woolen blankets - Excellent option for winter. In addition, sheep's blankets or camel wool are also useful for health: soothe nervous system, Help to remove muscle tension, reduce joint pain. Special cashmere, merino blankets and blankets from camel fluff are appreciated - Thin, gentle to the touch, supporting natural air exchange, as if knowledgeable features of the individual heat transfer of those who use them. There are also exotic for our consumer goat blankets skins, with open fur. They not only perfectly perform their heating function, but also very aesthetic looks.

Heavy cotton blankets gradually become the property of the past.

Punch blankets, like pillows, perins, were very popular 20 years ago. Some retain them loyalty to this day. After all, the student winter night is so cozy to wrap up in a soft rustling blanket, filled with the Pooh - at least the most valuable gaga or sophisticated swan, at least democratic geese or ducks. Even the essential weight of such blankets is perceived by many as dignity: under the protection of a down cockflower you feel not only warm, but also in relaxing security.

The memories of the past look. Heavy, quickly absorbing moisture and for a long time retaining its traces in the form of a poorly weathered smell, they, nevertheless, sometimes still occur, although rarely.

Bamboo is an exotic filler for our region, but since ancient times applied in the East.

Trendy today is natural filler - Bamboo Fiber. In winter, under such a blanket, warm, in the summer - cool. The small weight does not reduce its advantages. In care, it also does not cause special hassle. And finally, the most expensive option from the market offered on the market. Natural silk yarn rich in protein, like wool, has a beneficial effect on health. Blankets and bamboo, and with silk in practice proved their all-season: Under them is comfortable sleep and summer, and in winter.

but most natural fillers require attention and caring care. In addition, even the cleanest natural materials can cause attacks of allergies, especially after long-term use. Wool can attract mole, fluff - dust ticks, from which it is extremely difficult to get rid of. Wata after wetting comes, very poorly weathering. The most expensive blankets with natural fillers require professional dry cleaning: the usual wash for them is destructive.

Natural silk fibers are light as dandelion guns, warm in the cold and cooled in the heat.

Determine the number

Even if you can afford a costly universal natural blanket with a bamboo or silk filler, you still have a few blankets for different seasons. First, any blanket sometimes needs cleaning. Secondly, even psychologically nice from time to time to change its "night shell". Therefore, it is best to have 3-4 different blankets by choosing your favorite filler and optimal thickness. And even in the worst frosts you warmed you a thick down blanket, and in the hot summer nights there will be the finest blanket-blanket, replacing in the off-season "intermediate" options.

It would seem that choose a new blanket easier simple. We have no ancient RussiaWhen the blanket was considered a big luxury. The lucky owners of this subject stored him and were inherited or in the dowry, if the bride from the wealthy family ...

Choice complexity

The abundance of shopper stores is striking the variety of forms and colors. Thus, the blades and blankets needed to us, seeing cute transparent suitcases, seem so attractive. Yes, all such cozy, everyone wants to wrap up - designers are not in vain eating their bread. But, unfortunately, the trade species does not always guarantee the quality of the blankets. Some copies should not be purchased in any case, even if it was planned to purchase, so to speak, the economy option. A unfortunate choice can cost us not only astounding money, but also nerves, and even health. Agree, it's a shame to feel broken all day, not sleeping because of some kind of blanket.

In order not to be confused, looking at the shelves of a textile store, you need to think over at home, which blanket is better to choose. In many ways, everything will depend on individual preferences. Someone will fit the blanket warmer, and someone will be happy to a thin summer version. And if we are talking about a pair, maybe it is better to buy two blankets, so as not to spend the nights in the battles for your place warm? Another important question: how much time are you ready to give care for a blanket? It's easy for one to take care, while others are infrequently, but require certain time and strength.

To answer all these questions, you need to figure out which blankets exist. Let's try to illuminate the "strong" and "weak" sides of each type.

What are the blankets. Size, thickness, form

Dimensions of blankets

Single blankets can be combined into one group with one-time. According to GOST, the width of such products is 140-160 cm, and the length is 205-215cm. Sizes in centimeters on the packaging notes the domestic manufacturer, Europeans label them as 1-bed, 1,5-bed.

Along with such a blanket is cramped. But that's suitable option For not very large people sleeping alone, or for a grown child. For the warriors, of course, the blankets are needed more. Also, such a choice will delight spouses who love to sleep each under their blanket, and certainly, if the couple sleeps on the shifted beds.

By the way, doctorsrecommend to sleepunder With your own blanket to all, and especially people suffering from sleep disorders. Wrapped into a blanket, a person creates his own, special, comfortable microclimate, which may not come asleep nearby. Maybe this is not very romantic, but in reality, many couples prefer that every blanket has its own.

One witty man gave advice to spouses who quarreled because of the blanket. He said: "And you buy three blankets, seek them along the long seam by skipping under the bed. Then everyone can at least pull the blanket on his pleasure all night, everyone will be covered. " If the proposed option is not for your family, then two blankets good choice.

Double blankets , according to the same GOST, must have a length of 200 to 220 cm. The width of them from 172cm ("old" option) and up to 200cm (typical for modern products). European models have a 2-bed marking.

Blankets of this size are suitable for such happy couples, in which people feel comfortable, sitting at all alongside. Well, of course, real Russian warns will not cost without such a big blanket, where they fit them under one and a half!

Euro-maxi blankets have the largest size - 220x240. Some love to sleep on the beds up to 2 meters wide, and such blankets for them are the best choice.

Blanket shape

The blanket form is more often rectangular or square. Enjoy the most convenient. The exception can be the owners of an exclusive bed in the form of an oval, a circle, or heart (surprising, but it happens). True, the beliefs of exotic should take into account that by ordering the blanket of an unusual form, they will have to take care of the duvettes. For sale such not to meet. But what you can not go when the soul asks beauty!

Thickness blankets

The thickness of the blanket is also different. Winter blankets usually make thick, all-season blankets are thinner. The most subtle is, of course summer.

Speaking about the thickness of the produced blankets, it is necessary to dispel the myth that the thickness of the blanket, the warmer under it will sleep. To some extent, this, of course, is true if you compare blankets from the same material. Buying a thick blanket, we want warmth. However, solving which blanket choose, More intelligently draw your attention to the material from which it is sewn.

A thin woolen blanket warms no worse than a thick cotton. The thing is that the thermal conductivity of the blanket depends on the number of air spaces that are placed between the filler parts. What they are more, the better the thing keeps warm. For example, between the fibers of the air fluffs greater than between the fur in a sheep blanket, and between the threads of the cotton fabric are quite small. What of these blankets are warmer than?

Another busy fact: the presence of a duvette makes a blanket warmer. The airspace between the blanket and the duvet cover will be warm.

What materials are blankets

Pooh-feather blankets

These products are rightly considered the warmest. For lovers to rest in the cool bedroom they will become the best choice. For example, in Germany it is believed that for the highest-quality rest, the temperature in the bedroom should not rise above 10 o C. Where it can do without a warm down blanket! Of course, in our country, such conditions in the bedroom do not call traditional, but the harsh Russian winter coolness in the bedrooms (if not to say more) - the usual thing.

For packing such blankets use the fluff of waterfowl - geese, ducks, gagars. Duck blankets are cheaper than the rest, but lose in quality. Due to the characteristics of the structure of duck pulp, the blanket can gradually become a mercury. The most expensive and warmest products from the fluff of Northern Birds Gahar.

The choice of such a blanket will be justified if you like to sleep in warm, no matter what temperature in the bedroom. The main qualities of their quality are the best conservation of heat and absorb extra moisture, and another body under such a blanket "breathes."

The conscientious manufacturer processes its high-quality blankets with special means against malicious "fauna", but over time, various ticks, pajobs and other guests are still happy to settle and multiply in the filler, and the unlucky consumer cannot understand where he is allergic from. This is one of the reasons for the difficulties of the care of the product. However, care will be discussed in the details below, but as long as we consider next appearance Blankets, abundance presented on store shelves.

Woolen blankets

Woolen blankets can also be attributed to one of the warmest. As in the previous embodiment, a blanket of sheer sheep wool, and even better camels, will provide comfort sleep. It will also save heat, and the moisture will absorb, and the air circulation does not prevent.

All these qualities appreciated the New Zealander so highly, which is in caring for premature children, which have yet violated natural thermoregulation, they use only such blankets. From the wool do both winter blankets and more subtle - these all-season blankets.

Minuses of this choice are similar to those that pursue us when buying a down blanket. These are notorious allergies for wool, as well as on ticks and fungi, which, like us, feel great, shook in wool.

Cotton blankets

Cotton blankets are another kind of blankets made of natural material, only vegetable. He does not cause allergies, but he warms much worse. It is usually chosen as a summer blanket due to all the well-known hygroscopic properties of cotton. A duvet cover is not needed such a blanket. Erase it in a washing machine. Interestingly, in the US, it is customary to use blankets without duvetioles, but often to wash them. Sometimes Americans are just littered under the blanket sheet.

Wadded is, in general, also cotton blankets, but because of the unjustifiably complex care, considerable weight and worst qualities compared to the above-described fillers, they fell their popularity.

Bamboo blankets

Bamboo blankets possess many advantages. No allergies, hygroscopicity - above all praise, heat keep perfectly with a sufficient thickness of filling. Suitable for summer, and as an option of a all-season blanket, if the bedroom is not very cold. In addition, they are pretty simple in care and durable.

Silk blankets

These are leaders in wear resistance, ease of care and their operational characteristics. Such quality blankets are strongly ahead of bamboo, if we are talking about natural silk fillers. The only thing that can scare the buyer is a high price.

Synthetic blankets

Synthetic fillers are also very popular. Such blankets are unreasonably consider not enough attention. Solving what a blanket to choose, many are afraid of the word "synthetics", although if the material is high quality, use such a blanket is also nice and convenient. Many are happy to use them as a all-season option. A varieties of such fillers are quite a lot. Sintepon - very a budget option - It has worst qualities in comparison with more expensive hollofiber. In addition, synthetic fillers are stronger than "falling" in Komny over time. But such a blanket still can be quite a good choice, if only because it is hypoallergenically and easily erased in washing machine.

A minus is considered to be its smaller ability to absorb moisture compared to the blankets made of natural filler.

"Exotic" fillers

Blankets with unusual "fillings" also find their buyer. They are customary to attribute properties inherent in the filler itself. So, for lovers of exotic, blankets made of sea algae with the addition of eucalyptus. These fillers can be very good, but despite the assurances of sellers, they are unlikely to be able to show their miraculous qualities, being covered in a blanket. True, only the fact that the eucalyptus filler is one of the most warm and hygroscopic after the fluff and wool. Fans of "vegetable" blankets often prefer to buy this particular option, finding him the most successful.

Fabrics for outdoor coating blankets

Fabrics with which the blanket is covered outside ("covers") can be the most different. The most common is a hazard, satin, jacquard fabrics. Of them make blankets with any fillers. Exceptions make up products from feathers and fluff. They are sewn for them from a dense tick, so that feathers and gunki are not outside.

Very exquisite looked blankets, stitched from natural, artificial silk and satin. Satin blanket is nice to look at the touch. Such an accessory is able to become a real decoration of the most elegant bedroom. Under such a blanket, it is pleasant to relax in the summer - the satin slides a little skin. An excellent choice as a summer blanket for people who are not inclined to excessive sweating.

A third of life man spends in a dream. Do not neglece comfort at these moments. Under the prickly, hot or allergic blanket about calm snow You can forget. Therefore, it is not necessary to save when choosing bedding. A blanket - important element Full rest. And modern manufacturers can offer a large selection.

Criteria for choosing a blanket

Select the blanket is necessary according to the needs of the consumer. The main characteristics of the blanket with which you need to decide before purchase:

  • the size;
  • degree of heat;
  • filler.

The dimensions of the blankets of even one species are different. It is important to remember when choosing bed linen. In accordance with GOST in Russia and in the post-Soviet space, it is customary to produce blankets of the following dimensions:

Manufacturers can make blankets and other sizes. Linen should be selected by about 5 cm more in both directions.

The blankets are divided into warmth: winter, all-season, lightweight and summer. They differ in the density of the filler. Density in order: 420 GR / m2, 300-350 g / m2, 220-280 g / m2, 200-220 g / m2. Winter blankets can be covered in the coldest time. All-season are designed to sleep at any time. Lightweight blankets are ideal for summer and winter time in apartments with good heating. Light summer blankets are designed for warm season.

Characteristics of blankets with different fillers

The filler blankets determines the main quality of the goods and its cost. Therefore, the choice of filler is the most difficult question. Along with traditional natural materials: Puph, wool, silk, in the course of artificial fillers: Sintepon, Holofiber, artificial "Swan Pooh". Wide spread recently received bamboo blankets for the Russian market.

Natural fillers blankets

Natural fillers for blankets are used for a long time. Therefore, many buyers give them preference. The main disadvantage of organic materials is that they are a good habitat and reproduction of microbes, ticks and other unpleasant neighbors. Therefore, they are not recommended to people prone to allergies, down and woolen blankets. Another negative factor is good hygroscopicity. Screwing moisture worsens filler characteristics. Blankets need constant care.

Such blankets with organic fillers are offered on the market:

  • dying;
  • woolen;
  • silk;
  • bamboo.

To fill down the down blankets use the fluff of ducks, swan, goose, gagars. Such blankets are warm and easy, easily restore their shape. The blanket maintains heat due to air inside the filler. Air is characterized by low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thicker the product, the warmer. The best qualities have fluff swans, white goose Gagars.

The distinctive properties of woolen blankets are lightness, excellent warming characteristics, hygroscopicity. Use sheep wool, merino (Australian sheep), Lama, camel.

The cheapest sheep blankets. They are lighter. Possess medical properties. Compared to camel blankets are considered less warm and contain less lanoline - a substance that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Sheep products are the most common among woolen blankets.

Camel wool - widely recognized therapeutic material. It has been used for improving and maintaining heat, improving blood circulation, removal of tension from muscles. It has the property to repel the dust and does not electrify. It takes well air, thanks to which the body "breathes." Blankets from camel wool lungs, comfortable, suitable for any season.

Merino wool is heavier, so better warms. Differs high quality. Lama's wool is soft and elastic. It does not appear rollers. A blanket from Lama is very warm and pleasant to the touch.

Council. When choosing a woolen blanket, segano products should be used for a cold period. For summer, you can buy thin blankets.

Silk blankets regulate the temperature of the human body. Therefore, they warm in cold time and cooled in summer. In addition, they have such characteristics as hypoallergenicity and dirt-repellence. They are very light and hygroscopic. Do not form dust mites. Perfect air perfectly. Excellent option for summer weather.

Bamboo as a filler is represented by Russian buyers not for a long time. However, immediately gained popularity due to the absence of shortcomings inherent in natural materials. Does not cause allergies. Moisture is quickly going and evaporates quickly. Does not contain bacteria. In the material there is a honey pectin, which is well affected by the skin. Pushes dust, removes static electricity. The temperature of the person has a regulating effect: winter warms, it cools in summer. It has a relaxing effect. Bamboo blankets contribute to a good sleep.

Synthetic fillers

Modern artificial materials possess a number of attractive properties. Created a large number of artificial materials that are relatively inexpensive and

Previously, the blankets were made from a synthetic procession. Now this material is much less common because of its drawbacks. Through the synthetone, air is poorly passed, the body does not breathe. Blanket quickly loses view after washes. Modern substitute - Holofiber. It does not have pathogenic microorganisms. Does not absorb moisture, keeps the look after washing and can serve for a long time.

Artificial filler of the new generation - Swan Pooh. Blankets from this material belong to the economy segment. Products are characterized by soft and ease comparable to natural dying blankets. But unlike them are non-alimplens. They do not require such care as natural fluff. At low temperature, the blanket can be wrapped.

Council. People suffering from allergies, it is better to choose blankets from a holofiber. They have a neutral medium negative for habitat ticks and bacteria. Excellent consumer properties will provide long-term use of the product.

In winter, many of us think about how to buy not only high-quality warm clothing items, but also a good blanket, under which night sleep and day rest will be pleasant and comfortable.

The choice of blankets, first of all, depends on the personal preferences and needs of the buyer. However, today from the variety of materials and fillers granted in stores by manufacturers, they simply scatter eyes and head comes around. So how to choose a suitable accessory to sleep and rest in all respects? We will try to figure out.

All commercially available blankets can be divided into summer, winter and universal, that is, those that can be covered at any time of the year. A properly chosen blanket does not cause discomfort, under it is neither hot or cold. A good blanket must comply with the two main requirements - to provide natural air circulation and high thermal conductivity. Naturally, the properties described above depend on the material from which the product is made. To date, the most popular types of blankets are dying, silk, wool, wool and synthetic.

Weightless fluff

Pun blankets are soft, light, elastic and durable, they are able to keep heat in themselves and provide excellent air circulation. Under such a blanket in the winter is not cold, and in the summer is not hot. However, it should be remembered that the fluff, absorbing moisture, quickly reaches. In addition, dust pliers sometimes are sometimes breeding, and their livelihoods are harmful to health people. For allergies, dust pliers often pose a serious threat.

Most of the dying blankets from goose or duck fluff produce. The best and, accordingly, the most expensive, are manufactured using the Pooh Bird Gagara. The quality of the dying blankets also depends on the method of its sanding - the most reliable are the blankets stitched by the "squares", and not parallel "rows".

Universal silk

Warm wool

Woolen blankets are best preserved the warmth of our body. They are warm, sufficiently light and durable, while well absorb moisture - about a third of their weight, remaining almost dry. Thanks to this, the night rest microclimate improves, because during sleep, a person loses up to 0.5 liters of moisture. Woolen blankets can self-clean - the sweat sweat is easily and quickly disappears.

Woolen blankets are quilted and completed in the form of a blanket. Quilted blankets, being warmer, perfectly suitable for winter, and woolen light plaids for summer. As a rule, woolen blankets are made of sheep wool, less often from camel or goat. But, unfortunately, often woolen blankets fall to taste not only to people, but also moths ... Therefore, they have to be stored together with the means that scare these harmful and forever hungry insects.

Just wata

Wat - filler is environmentally friendly, well maintaining heat absorbing moisture and not causing allergies. The disadvantage of cotton blankets are the ability to strongly absorb a variety of odors and quite tangible weight.

Synthetics as it is

The main advantage of synthetic, in particular, a synthetic blanket is a relatively low price. In addition, synthetone blankets are lightweight, durable, non-allergy. They can be boldly to wash in a washing machine, as the syntheton does not forms lumps and does not fall. But the disadvantages of synthesis blankets are essential: they poorly absorb moisture and not long stored heat.

Bamboo blankets

Bamboo - Unique natural natural blanket filler. Bamboo blankets combine a huge amount of unique characteristics: bamboo fiber is much softer cotton, and the quality resembles silk or cashmere. Bamboo has good protective antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and at the same time from an energy point of view is the most viable plant. So, the Chinese believe that bamboo blankets contribute to long-lived. In India, such products are called a symbol of friendship, and in the Philippines - a real amulet, attracting positive moments of life. In the heat under such a blanket is cool, and in winter - warm and quite comfortable.

Children's question

Experts argue that from the above species, blankets of children, especially the smallest, are best fit woolen. Captive blanket, although warm, but very heavy. Synthetic - light, but synthetic and not very warm, and a downty warm and weightless, but can cause allergies. For mobile, restless kid the best option There will be a lung, but a big blanket.

How to choose?

Traditional criteria for choosing blankets several.

The first is the degree of heat. This criterion is very individual. If we talk about the materials, the warmeters are fluffs and wool. The first is perfectly holding heat, while passes air. The risk to stand under such a blanket is minimal. Wool has almost the same properties. Blankets with natural fillers - an excellent choice for winter.

The second criterion is the thickness of the bedroom. Modern manufacturers offer customers three options: Winter, summer and 4 seasons. Winter blankets, as a rule, the thick, dense and warm. Summer is much thinner, easier. The option "4 seasons" is convenient, practical. Such blankets usually consist of several separate modules with different fillers connected using buttons, buttons or other mounts.

Third criterion - biosafety. Pooh and wool, as you know, are not hypoallergenic materials. In addition, various microorganisms can be multiplied with them. Blankets with such fillers need constant proper care, periodic professional cleaning, processing. Synthetic wool substitutes and a bio-resistance fluff are not collecting dust, they do not cause allergies and attacks of choking. In addition, many materials significantly exceed natural in terms of heat conservation. Care for synthetic blankets is easier than natural. Most modern materials Macked in a typewriter. Liocell's blankets are recommended to wash at a temperature of no more than 60s, the tensulite is withstanding 40 ° C, the holofiber is less demanding on the conditions of care.

Fourth criterion - weight. The choice of blankets by weight is also the question of individual preferences. Lovers to cover heavy dense blankets can choose model with a filler from a goose fluff, cotton wool, sheep wool. Fans of warm and lightweight materials experts recommend bedding From Singrytegone, Syntipuha, Cashmere. Most modern artificial fibers are distinguished by low weight. At the same time, not only thermal qualities can be attributed to their advantages, but also ease of care (the suitability of washing in a conventional washing machine, drying at room temperature).

Fifth criterion - size. When choosing a blanket, you must consider how much it should be.

Among the most popular sizes, widely represented by all manufacturers, you can allocate:

Blanket double - perhaps the most popular size of the blanket among family pairs.

One-time blanket (it is also called a family blanket). His one-time is called because one person can be covered with comfort; and family - because It is such a size that is used in bedding sets of family linen. This size is ideally suited to people who love to sleep under a separate, "their" blanket. However, you should not forget that one-time blankets have their own "subspecies":

* 155x215 - the most practical and popular size. Sometimes such a one-and-a-half blanket can be called Euro-One-High. Under this size is the easiest way to find a set of bed linen.

* 140x205 - the so-called Soviet, or the English size of the one-and-a-half blanket. Ideal for people having a small bed. Such a size is often used for children, since the child under a large blanket may not be comfortable, and under such - optimally convenient.

* 160x205 - Pretty rare view One-hour size, which is also called "children's".

* 160x220 or 160x215 - Another non-standard subspecies of one-hour blankets.

Sixth criterion - price. The value of the blanket depends on the type of filler and size. On average, the price of a semi-third blanket in Khabarovsk ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles.