
Fillers for blanket what is better. What a blanket is better and warmer: sheep or camel wool

Pests of garden plants

Regardless of climatic conditions, almost each of us uses a blanket. A high-quality and comfortable blanket is designed not only to warm, but also create comfort, provide comfort during sleep, and many modern fillers can give bed unusual, but very pleasant properties: for example, an antibacterial effect or a beneficial effect on the skin. How to choose a blanket that will delight you for a long time? How to do right choice Among the set of fillers, fabrics and different manufacturers? So that you can quickly find your way to comfortable sleep and enjoy rest, we give you this "guide" on the range of a variety of blankets.

What qualities are important for the blanket?

Choose the warmth of the blanket

When we choose a blanket, its very important quality seems to be heat. Therefore, first of all, we really look at the ability of the blanket to warm us on a cold night. Or maybe the opposite - if you choose a blanket for summer, it is important for you to not be too hot. In any case, the main indicator of the blanket is comfortable warmthwhich is capable of providing.

The heat of the blankets is provided by the type of filler and its density. So, natural wool warms much better than bamboo or eucalyptus. For hot weather or well-heated premises, the mentioned bamboo and eucalyptus, as well as silk and sea algae, are perfectly suitable. These fillers are not only light and breathable, they are also capable of creating a slight feeling of coolness on the skin with a hot climate in the room.

However, keep in mind that a very subtle wool blanket is hardly warmer than a magnificent bamboo blanket for winter. When choosing a blanket, it is important to choose a balance at which the blanket will be quite warm and not hot.

By the filling density, the blanket is assigned seasonality:

Summer (Light, Lightweight) - Filler density 200 g / m²

Winter (warm) - filler density from 300 g / m² and more

All-season (Universal) - The density of the filler is about 300 g / m². The all-season blanket differs from the winter more stitch, thanks to which the filler lays it tightly and accommodates less aircraft, which are designed to keep warm. Therefore, with a blanket density equal to the winter version, the all-season blanket is less warm.
The next most important quality for the blanket is its ability to skip air. Whatever cold air in your room, if the blanket does not breathe - you risk standing. And if the apartment warms, a stuffy blanket and can be torture. The air blanket that gives the body to breathe, warms better than the dense, because air layers that preserve the warmth of your body are formed between its fibers. By the way, the same "airbags" will be comfortable and in the warm room, because they are adjusted to the body temperature, keeping around you the most pleasant microclimate.

Pumbness and ease

If you chose a breathable blanket with sufficient warmth for you, you can think about the rest of the components of the comfort. The volume of the blanket or its pomp is a property that will give your bed the desired level of comfort. Most people prefer magnificent blankets, but some like more subtle and elastic options with pleasant severity.

The puff of the blanket can affect its warmth. As mentioned above, a large number of Air sucks inside the blanket makes it warmer than a tightly filled instance.

The weight of the blanket depends on different factors: on the weight and composition of the filler, the filling density. The hardest material for filling cotton. Therefore, cotton blankets are designed for lovers of pleasant gravity, weights. The rest of the blankets, both both natural and synthetic, have low weight.


The ability of the blanket to quickly absorb moisture, and then just as quickly evaporate it into the air - very important quality for the blanket. In providing a comfortable microclimate around your body, humidity is no less important than the temperature. Would you like to sleep under a warm and wet blanket? Of course not. But sweat in the norm stands out from any person, even if it is not very hot. It's necessary that the moisture does not accumulate on the skin, but quickly removed, evaporating into the air or absorbed into the blanket.

"Record holder" on hygroscopicity is a wool blanket. Sheep, camel or goat wool can very quickly absorb even a large amount of moisture, staying on the touch dry. This quality makes woolen blankets comfortable even for hot weather. Woolen blanket in summer? Why not? After all, it is well ventilated and removes excess moisture from the skin, thereby providing comfortable conditions For your sleep.

Easy care

The easiest of care is a synthetic filler (microfiber). It is easily experiencing machine washing at an average temperature (up to 40 degrees), the subsequent spin does not require special storage conditions.
Microfiber with the addition of natural fillers (bamboo, corn, algae) already require more delicate circulation, in particular, it does not recommend an intensive spin and high temperature.
Wool can be wrapped in a typewriter, but with maximum precautions: on the most delicate mode, in cool water, excluding the spin and twisting when drying.
A dying blanket we would not at all recommended to wash at home, it is better to contact a specialized laundry. A blanket filled with the purest elite silk, and is not to be washed at all! Maximum that you can afford - this is a surface cleaning of the case from accidental pollution.

Differences in the composition of the blankets affect the care of them, so be sure to learn the label from your blanket. You should not focus on similar products from other manufacturers - they may have a different composition, other content of natural additives in a synthetic basis, cover from another material, etc.

Why add the synthetics into the blanket or is it always natural - perfect?

If the filler is not enough elastic and light, as, for example, natural cotton, microfiber can be added to it, which has very high elasticity and low weight. The larger in the blanket of the synthetic microfiber - that it is more lighter. In addition, the synthetic has a low cost, which also affects the price of the blanket.

The bamboo filler is easy by weight, has a lot of valuable for healthy sleep properties, but - alas! - Does not have elasticity. A blanket filled with exclusively bamboo is difficult to make lush and air, so the bamboo is complemented by volumetric and elastic microfiber. So we get a comfortable magnificent blanket with useful properties bamboo

Wool is very demanding of care, moreover, with time, products can lose their qualities - volume, elasticity, airiness. And here the microfiber comes to the rescue: it gives the necessary properties, making a blanket more comfortable and practical compared to purely woolen.

The greater the microfiber blankets, the more cheaper, is more cheaper and more practical.
The more natural filler - the brighter its useful properties are expressed.

The main characteristics of different types of fillers

Paying attention to the key characteristics of the filler, it should be borne in mind that they are characteristic of the material in its pure form. That is, the larger the specified filler in the composition of the blanket, the brighter the specified property will manifest itself. For example, a blanket in which 100% wool is for the order of warmer and hygroscopic than the blanket with a 30% content of the same wool. Therefore, choosing the main filler for the blanket, also pay attention to its content in the total mass of the filler.

Table 1

High-cycled microfiber Light, lush and elastic, easy to care
Hypoallergenic, has a pleasant weight, undemanding for care
Gentle and soft, possesses natural antibacterial properties, not hot
Silky and lightweight, causes a feeling of coolness in the hot season
Beneficially affects the skin, nourish it, accelerate the healing of small damage, have a cosmetic action.
Suitable sensitive people, practical and easy to care filler (washing at 60 degrees)
It is very pleasant to the touch, useful for the skin - nourishes and moisturizes it, suits sensitive people and allergies. It has a light antibacterial effect.
Lush and very warm, soft guns plasticly take body shape
Sheep's wool
The most hygroscopic filler with the effect of "dry heat", has sufficient elasticity to be used without adding synthetic
Goat wool
The most tender wool, ideal for kids and people with sensitive skin, the effect of "dry heat"

The warmest wool, has a micro-massage effect, is used to warm out painful parts of the body, for the treatment of joints and muscles.

table 2

Easy care
Sheep's wool
Goat wool


+ This quality is not a "strength of" for this filler.
++ The quality under study satisfactorily for this filler
+++ One of the leading qualities of the filler, pronounced

Choose your blanket in our online store and buy it, not too much a minute, so as not to lose a single night of a healthy sleep in a cozy bed!

If, after reading this article, you still have doubts about choosing a blanket, our consultants will gladly help you choose your perfect blanket for healthy and strong sleep. Call, not postponing, and already tomorrow you can appreciate the comfort of our warm and cozy blankets.

Which blanket is better - sheep or camel? Answer uniquely to this question is very difficult. The sensations that occur when using each of the options may differ significantly. Therefore, it is worth listening to your own body that will definitely tell the right choice. However, immediately before purchase, it is necessary to deal with how to deal with these bedding, as they care for them and how durable they are with proper use. This will help determine the purchase without prior testing.

What are the blankets?

To date, the market actively offers a wide variety of plaid and blanket models. They can be made of both natural fibers and synthetic. The most common unfulfilled options is a fleece (with a density of more than 240 g / m. Sq.), As well as various insulation - from the usual synthetic procession, to more modern holofayber and artificial swan fluff.

The list of popular natural materials indicates:

  • Sheep's wool. It can be used in both the needle-free technique, when the plurality of thin needles is literally pure, painted chicken wool and as filler for segano products. Weaving is widely practiced, which gives a denser structure, so the blanket is better keeping the form and is not worn for a long time.
  • Camel's wool. Another popular insulation option. Its properties allow you to get lightweight, warm, environmentally friendly and safe products. Most often, the fur is paved between the layers of dense tissue and is stitched in advance by the selected pattern. Thus descended by blankets - perfect option For those who are used to sleep, hidden, even in the warm season. They perfectly keep the temperature, allowing the body to breathe
  • The most expensive and rare option is yak wool. Due to the limited habitat of these animals, such blankets can cost quite expensive. Made preferably in the technique of manual weaving and have unique antiseptic and medical properties.
  • Bamboo fiber blankets are lightweight, warm warm, easy to maintain and inexpensive models. This material is due to the structure, never gets into the case.

Benefits of wool

As mentioned above - the most common options for creating a coziness during sleep, blankets made of natural wool. The choice here is small, however, even sheep wool can differ significantly among themselves according to properties and composition. It all depends on the breed of animals, their age, the method of processing material and even haircut time. Buy blanket from sheep wool can not only in specialized stores, but also via the Internet.

The total advantages of wool can be attributed:

  • High hygroscopicity, the material absorbs moisture well, while maintaining the heat insulating properties.
  • Bactericidity - the high content of Lanolin eliminates the appearance in the material of pathogenic organisms. However, over time, the content of Lanolin falls, so the product must be regularly ventilated, shake, dry.
  • Exceptional heatmates that allow you to keep inside the most comfortable temperature regardless of external conditions.

Want to buy a blanket - camel wool or sheep wool better, solve only you.

Structure of wool

If we compare the structure of sheep and camel wool, the first has a greater density covered with small scales and strongly sick. This allows the wool canvas to maintain volume and low thermal conductivity. In addition, the scaly of the hair coating provides a reliable hitch with wolves, which is important when creating felt products. As for the second, it is incredibly easy due to the hollow of the hair structure. This ensures the smallest thermal conductivity, which is inferior only to a similar lama wool indicator - the most expensive material of this type.

For the manufacture of high-quality blankets, as a rule, camel fluff is used - undercoat. It is very hygroscopic and, due to elasticity, perfectly "breathes."

Despite the differences and camel, and sheep the blanket will become an excellent acquisition and will warm you in any weather. Buy a blanket from camel wool high quality can be in the online store "Catcher Dreams".

Consider the pros and cons of the most popular natural and artificial fillers and will figure it out for what cases they are suitable.

Bird fluff

The goose fluff is the most popular and traditional natural filler of animal origin.


  • High warming ability. Pooh is very warm and has excellent thermoregulation.
  • Air permeability. The fluff filler skips well, forming a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
  • Elasticity and displays. A down blanket quickly restores and does not lose a lush shape for a long time.
  • Low weight. No filler can compete with fluffy.
  • Antistaticity. Pooh does not electrify.
  • Durability. A dyed blanket serves to 20 years.


  • Allergy. Pooh -Ideal nutrient medium for dust ticks.
  • Bad moisture exchange. Blowing up to 45% of moisture relative to their own weight, the down does not evaporate it and quickly reuses.
  • High price. Blankets out of 100% fluff are the most expensive.
  • Complex care. Duct blankets need anticipating processing and special storage.

Quality is tested by time, and modern technologies brought it to a new level. Such a blanket will no longer, but its cost will pay off a long service life.

Sheep's wool

The second most popular (after a bird fluff) Natural filler.


  • Medical properties. Sheep wool for centuries is used to treat osteochondrosis and muscle pain.
  • The ability to warm dry heat. Warming properties of sheepskin is inferior only to fluff and camel wool.
  • Air permeability. Air freely passes through a woolen filler, keeping the temperature optimal temperature under a blanket.
  • High moisture exchange. Sheepskin, perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture, remaining dry.
  • Antistaticity. Sheep wool does not accumulate static electricity and neutralizes its negative effect.
  • Affordable price. This natural filler is cheaper than many types of synthetics.


  • Allergy. Allergic to wool can cause not only dust pliers, but also animal wax.
  • Slestability. Sheep blankets are glued after 3-4 years of operation.
  • Large weight. Heavy sheep blankets are only wadded.
  • Complexity in care. For wool only chemical cleaning is allowed.

Popular worldwide, because it is ideal to suit people who prefer the naturalness of animal raw materials in combination with affordable prices.

Camel's wool

Camel wool in the East is popular as sheep in the West, but the quality of the camel filler is considered higher.


  • Medical properties. Like sheep, camel wool warms dry heat, reduces muscle pain and reduces cold symptoms.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Camel wool warm like fluff.
  • Excellent moisture exchange. Camel filler perfectly evaporates and absorbs moisture.
  • Air permeability. Under the camel blanket it is impossible to stand.
  • Durability. Camel blankets serve up to 30 years.
  • Insislability. Camel wools are very elastic and perfectly hold the shape.
  • Ease. Camel blanket is not much harder down.
  • Antistaticity. Camel wool does not electrite and neutralize the action of static electricity.


  • Allergy. Beach of all allergies - dust pliers will fall in camel wool.
  • Throwing. This property is inherent only with raw materials collected from adult animals.
  • High price. The camel blanket is not less than a down.

Solving what filler for the blanket is better: Pooh, camel or sheep, keep in mind that their properties are in many ways similar. At the same time, in contrast to the dying, it has excellent moisture exchange, lighter and more durable sheep.

Swan Pooh (Tinsulyt)

Tieszulyt-activity filler, originally created as an analogue of a natural swan fluff.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Tinsulyt does not create conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and is absolutely harmless.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Artificial fluff is so warm as natural.
  • Ease. The standard "Lebiazhye" blanket weighs no more than 500 grams.
  • Elasticity. Tinsulyt does not fit, easily restores and keeps the form.
  • Simple care. Swan Pooh withstands numerous washing and dries quickly.


  • Zero hygroscopicity. Artificial fluff does not absorb moisture.
  • Electrifyability. Tinsulyt accumulates static electricity.
  • Does not let air. During sleep under such a blanket there is a possibility of overheating.

The most appropriate season for use is the offseason. In the summer, it will be hot under it, and in the winter cool.

Polyester fiber

Most of the polyester fibers make most artificial fillers of the last generation, such as Hollofiber, Comfortor, Ecofiber, Silicone Fiber, Microfiber. They differ in appearance, but their main qualities are identical.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Polyester fillers are absolutely harmless to human health.
  • Elasticity. Artificial fibers are well kept form, do not roll and do not fit.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Due to the hollow structure, polyester fillers perfectly holds heat.
  • Low weight. Synthetics of a little harder fluff.
  • Easy to care. All these materials are easily erased and dried quickly.
  • Durability. The service life of polyester fillers is at least 10 years.


  • Zero hygroscopicity. Artificial materials poorly absorb moisture.
  • Electrifyability. Such blankets quickly accumulate static electricity.

Synthetic fillers of the last generation can be a good replacement of natural fillers. The question of which blanket is better to buy, choosing from the variety of polyester fibers is not fundamental. Their consumer properties are approximately the same.

Bamboo fiber

Plant fillers confidently conquer the modern market. One of them is regenerated cellulose, obtained from bamboo stems.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Bamboo does not cause allergies himself and there are no pathogenic microorganisms in it.
  • Air permeability. This filler "breathes" and has good thermoregulation.
  • Ecology. Bamboo blankets do not electrify and do not absorb smells.
  • Ease. The average weight of bamboo blankets will be comparable with the weight of synthetic products.
  • Simple care. Bamboo blankets can be washed with machine gun.


  • Low warming ability. Such blankets are not very warm.
  • DISTRIBUTY. Bamboo filler serves no more than 2 seasons. Artificial fibers add to it to increase wear resistance.
  • Bad moisture exchange. A mixture of bamboo and synthetic fibers poorly absorbs moisture.

Some of the most eco-friendly. They will provide comfortable sleep in the warm season and offseason.

Eucalyptus fiber (tenzel, lio-cell)

Tentsell or lio-cells Another new plant filler. It is made from regenerated cellulose obtained from eucalyptus stems.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Eucalyptus does not cause allergies himself and pathogenic microbes are not multiplied in it.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Eucalyptus filler is the warmest of vegetable materials.
  • Elasticity. Tentsell (Liocell) keeps well and restores the form.
  • Air permeability. The eucalyptus blanket "breathes" and has good thermoregulation.
  • Good moisture exchange. Eucalyptus filler perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture.
  • Antistaticity. Eucalyptus does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Simple care. Eucalyptus blankets do not lose properties after machine washing.
  • Durability. The life of such blankets up to 10 years.


  • High price. Blankets from Eucalyptus are one of the most expensive in its segment.

Eucalyptus fiber has excellent thermoregulation and suits all people. When purchasing it, it is necessary to carefully study the label, because to reduce the cost of the cost, natural fiber is often mixed with artificial materials.


Recently, speaking of cotton blanket, it was meant that it was made of cotton-cheap and short-lived material. New technologies make it possible to produce a cotton fiber filler, better than wata.


  • Hypoallergenicity. Cotton does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for health and the environment.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Cotton blankets are very warm.
  • Inexpensive price. Cotton fiber blankets are the cheapest and affordable.


  • Bad moisture exchange. Blowing up to 40% moisture relative to their weight, cotton does not evaporate it into the environment.
  • Heavy weight. The weight of the blankets from one hundred percent cotton fiber can reach several kilograms.
  • DISTRIBUTY. A blanket made of pure cotton serves not for a long time, because it quickly comes up and loses consumer properties.

Blankets made of cotton fiber with the addition of synthetic preferably cotton products. They are the same cheap, but more durable and have better thermoregulation.

Hemp fiber, flax

Hemp and flax - natural vegetable fillers who are becoming increasingly popular and successfully competing with expensive silk.


    • Hypoallergenicity. These fillers do not cause allergies, skin irritations and dust pliers do not live in them.
    • High breathability. The air freely circulates inside them, creating a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
    • High moisture exchange. Len and hemp quickly absorb excess moisture and immediately evaporate, staying dry.
    • Antibacterial. Thanks to the presence of B. chemical composition Cannabis and flax selenium and silicon, pathogenic microbes are not multiplied in the blankets.
    • Low thermal conductivity. Linen and heating fibers have high heating properties and excellent thermoregulation.
    • Durability. These fillers serve longer than any other natural vegetable materials.
    • Easy care. Such blankets are easily erased and dried quickly.


  • High price. The cost of these fillers is much higher than bamboo and eucalyptus and is inferior only to silk products.

Linen and cannabis blankets are suitable for all people without exception. They can be used at any air temperature in the room, and their high price pays off by many years of use.


Silk is called blankets with fillers from flocculated fibers, produced by the larvae of a tute silkworm.


  • Hypoallergenicity. This is the only filler of animal origin, in which dust pliers and fungi are not breed.
  • Antibacterial. Silk is a good antiseptic, so pathogenic microorganisms do not multiply in it.
  • High moisture exchange. Silk perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture, creating a comfortable microclimate under the blanket.
  • Durability. The service life of silk blankets is at least 12 years.
  • Air permeability. Air freely circulates through silk hairs. The greenhouse effect under such a blanket is excluded.
  • Antistaticity. Natural silk does not electrify and does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Easy care. Silk blankets do not need to escape. It is enough to air from time to time.


  • High thermal conductivity. Silk blankets are suitable only for summer and offseason.
  • High price. The cost of such blankets is comparable to the cost of products from the fluff.

A blanket with filler from silk is quite expensive and will not work in the cold season. It is best to use it in the summer or in the offseason, when the temperature has not yet descended much.

Wool and downhole products are the warmest, their quality is tested for centuries, but many people they cause allergies. To exclude it, it is necessary to periodically carry out their antiquity processing, as often as possible dry and ventilate.

Silk and planting blankets will be a good alternative to fluff and wool products for people who prefer natural materials, but those prone to allergies. Given that the warming ability of silk and bamboo blankets is low, it is not recommended to use them in winter frosts. For cold weather, the products of flax, hemp, eucalyptus and cotton will be suitable.

Consumer properties of synthetic blankets of the last generation are very high today. The only indicator in which they are seriously inferior to natural products are insufficient moisture exchange. To prevent overheating, covering with such blankets, their density should be selected.

Before purchase, carefully examine the properties of the filler, find out the opinions of acquaintances that are already using a similar blanket. It will help you make a choice right, and sleep is healthy and strong.

A third of life man spends in a dream. Do not neglece comfort at these moments. Under the prickly, hot or allergic blanket about calm snow You can forget. So do not save when choosing bedding. A blanket - important element Full rest. And modern manufacturers can offer a large selection.

Criteria for choosing a blanket

Select the blanket is necessary according to the needs of the consumer. The main characteristics of the blanket with which you need to decide before purchase:

  • the size;
  • degree of heat;
  • filler.

The dimensions of the blankets of even one species are different. It is important to remember when choosing bed linen. In accordance with GOST in Russia and in the post-Soviet space, it is customary to produce blankets of the following dimensions:

Manufacturers can make blankets and other sizes. Linen should be selected by about 5 cm more in both directions.

The blankets are divided into warmth: winter, all-season, lightweight and summer. They differ in the density of the filler. Density in order: 420 GR / m2, 300-350 g / m2, 220-280 g / m2, 200-220 g / m2. Winter blankets can be covered in the coldest time. All-season are designed to sleep at any time. Lightweight blankets are ideal for summer and winter time in apartments with good heating. Light summer blankets are designed for warm season.

Characteristics of blankets with different fillers

The filler blankets determines the main quality of the goods and its cost. Therefore, the choice of filler is the most difficult question. Along with traditional natural materials: Puph, wool, silk, in the course of artificial fillers: Sintepon, Holofiber, artificial "Swan Pooh". Wide spread recently received bamboo blankets for the Russian market.

Natural fillers blankets

Natural fillers for blankets are used for a long time. Therefore, many buyers give them preference. The main disadvantage of organic materials is that they are a good habitat and reproduction of microbes, ticks and other unpleasant neighbors. Therefore, they are not recommended to people prone to allergies, down and woolen blankets. Another negative factor is good hygroscopicity. Screwing moisture worsens filler characteristics. Blankets need constant care.

Such blankets with organic fillers are offered on the market:

  • dying;
  • woolen;
  • silk;
  • bamboo.

To fill down the down blankets use the fluff of ducks, swan, goose, gagars. Such blankets are warm and easy, easily restore their shape. The blanket maintains heat due to air inside the filler. Air is characterized by low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thicker the product, the warmer. The best qualities have fluff swans, white goose Gagars.

The distinctive properties of woolen blankets are lightness, excellent warming characteristics, hygroscopicity. Use sheep wool, merino (Australian sheep), Lama, camel.

The cheapest sheep blankets. They are lighter. Possess therapeutic properties. Compared to camel blankets are considered less warm and contain less lanoline - a substance that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Sheep products are the most common among woolen blankets.

Camel wool - widely recognized therapeutic material. It has been used for improving and maintaining heat, improving blood circulation, removal of tension from muscles. It has the property to repel the dust and does not electrify. It takes well air, thanks to which the body "breathes." Blankets from camel wool lungs, comfortable, suitable for any season.

Merino wool is heavier, so better warms. Differs high quality. Lama's wool is soft and elastic. It does not appear rollers. A blanket from Lama is very warm and pleasant to the touch.

Council. When choosing a woolen blanket, segano products should be used for a cold period. For summer, you can buy thin blankets.

Silk blankets regulate the temperature of the human body. Therefore, they warm in cold time and cooled in summer. In addition, they have such characteristics as hypoallergenicity and dirt-repellence. They are very light and hygroscopic. Do not form dust mites. Perfect air perfectly. Excellent option for summer weather.

Bamboo as a filler is represented by Russian buyers not for a long time. However, immediately gained popularity due to the absence of shortcomings inherent in natural materials. Does not cause allergies. Moisture is quickly going and evaporates quickly. Does not contain bacteria. In the material there is a honey pectin, which is well affected by the skin. Pushes dust, removes static electricity. The temperature of the person has a regulating effect: winter warms, it cools in summer. It has a relaxing effect. Bamboo blankets contribute to a good sleep.

Synthetic fillers

Modern artificial materials possess a number of attractive properties. Created a large amount of artificial materials that are relatively inexpensive and

Previously, the blankets were made from a synthetic procession. Now this material is much less common because of its drawbacks. Through the synthetone, air is poorly passed, the body does not breathe. Blanket quickly loses view after washes. Modern substitute - Holofiber. It does not have pathogenic microorganisms. Does not absorb moisture, keeps the look after washing and can serve for a long time.

Artificial filler of the new generation - Swan Pooh. Blankets from this material belong to the economy segment. Products are characterized by soft and ease comparable to natural dying blankets. But unlike them are non-alimplens. They do not require such care as natural fluff. At low temperature, the blanket can be wrapped.

Council. People suffering from allergies, it is better to choose blankets from a holofiber. They have a neutral medium negative for habitat ticks and bacteria. Excellent consumer properties will provide long-term use of the product.

A sufficient large number of orders is familiar with the blankets from camel wool since childhood. Warm, some spiny, moderately rigid, while extremely lungs are such a basic characteristic of those products that were popular 20 years ago. Now these products are completely different - very soft, gentle on the touch, in stores you can buy blankets of the most pleasant colors. And if you consider a huge range of models, then before buying it is necessary to learn how to choose and purchase and purchase good blanket from high-quality camel wool.

What is better bamboo and sheep blankets?

What advantage and cons of these blankets today can be allocated? To the positive moments from such acquisition can be attributed:

  • Low thermal conductivity. This material perfectly retains the heat of the body in winter weather and does not heat up summer season of the year.
  • Excellent air impermeability.
  • Wear resistance.If you carefully care for a blanket, it will not lose its qualities for 2-3 subsequent decades. The service life of the product with everyday use is from 7 to 9 years.

  • Small weight- due to the special structure of the hairs of the camel wool.
  • Elasticity.Such a product does not change its original shape for a long time, even after numerous cleaning.
  • High degree of moisture absorption- Natural material perfectly absorbs the sweaty highlights of man and also perfectly evaporate.
  • Antistaticity. Camel wool does not accumulate electricity, and therefore will not attract dust.

Negative qualities of such blankets a bit:

  • Throwing. This characteristic refers only to camel wool products in age, and even if these woven blankets. When using a conventional ductile, you can completely neutralize this characteristic.
  • Allergy.Approximately 1% of people have allergies on camel wool. Many people ambiguously react to dust mites that live in this material. Thus, this blanket is not suitable for allergies. That is why it follows more often and efficiently to ventilate, to be cleaned annually with the help of chemical reagents.

  • Small color selection - From white to dark brown (camel wool is actually not amenable to processing chemical. Substances, dyes, does not want to keep color).
  • High price. The original product, especially if it is produced from the fur of small camel, it is expensive, which is quite justified by its positive qualities.

If you do not know what kind of blankets give preference - from a bamboo or from a camel wool, then you need to give preference to the first option only if you are allergic to the camel material or you have an asthma.

Today, many more acquire blankets from Rune Sheep, but in this case you should know that sheep wool products are significantly harder, they are not erased at all, they have not everyone likes the smell, and once every 3 months need to be given to chemical cleaning that financially Very expensive. The only advantage of a good sheep bedspread or other affiliation is more good thermal insulation and low cost, but a blanket of camel wool is incomparable warmer.

What is useful?

IN folk medicine Camel wool is actively used to reduce rheumatic pain and symptoms of bone diseases, it perfectly stimulates blood circulation, increases muscle tone, promotes high-quality relaxation.

The content of Lanolin substance in the camel wool is highest, if compared with other natural materials. It is this "animal" wax is distinguished and absorbed at normal body temperature and has the most healing qualities. In addition, camel blanket: significantly improves the metabolism, removes toxins from the body, rejuvenates the human skin, increases its elasticity, allows you to quickly remove any inflammation in the body, protects against electromagnetic fields.


Modern manufacturers offer consumers 2 types of products.

  • With an open surface. They are produced on modern equipment, thus obtaining the most thin, but very warm blankets. They may seem somewhat heavy and rude if they are made of wool already grown camels. The flexible and soft blankets produce from the real fluff of camels: they are also pleasant when tangible and very similar to traditional warm blankets. Lightweight blanket is usually worth a little cheaper.
  • With a closed surface.These are blankets in the form of covers with filler, which will flash along the entire length of the product. In this case, only wool is used, as it is easier when processing and much cheaper than the fluff. The woven coating makes such blankets do not be completely prickly, even more practical, especially if they use a filler from the fluff of camels-kids.

Closed models from each other differ in the manner of the location of the inner material in the case.

  • Quilted models from camel wool. It is one of the most inexpensive models, the firmware is made in the form of sewing lines going in parallel, with quite essential distances between these lines. The filler in such products is fixed rather poorly, often not very uniformly distributed, because of which it can comes.
  • Karoscal.These products are flashing using rows in the form of patterns along the entire surface of the blanket. Such a fix increases the highest quality, but the wool still moves into large and small lumps and comes to the top of the product through needle punctures.

  • Cassette. The product is stitched both longitudinally and transversely, thus forming small emptiness for the inner filler. In this case, the filler cannot move from one cassette to another, and therefore does not get into the lumps. These models are most popular with buyers.
  • The most expensive option is a jacquard-camel woolen blanket. Such types of blankets may consist of 100% of wool and cotton impurities or synthetic fibers. Jacquard with wool is also considered a very durable material.


Very often, as part of a blanket from a camel wool, you can meet various kinds of additional fillers.

If the "wool is 100%" specified on the tag - in front of you an explicit filler from a mixture of camel and sheep wool. Usually, the ratio in the percentage of these two types of wool is 40%, 30% by 70%, or 50%. The blanket with a mixture material is much harder, it is much more voluminous, but it is cheaper and retains the naturalness of a solid product.

Also very often in stores you can find the version of the blanket with the thermopower internal material. This is almost homogeneous material obtained in the process of passing wool through a heated shaft, where it is glued with artificial fiber. The value of the content of the woolen component in such a material is usually proportional to the price of the final product.

There are I. different types Blankets from the camel bed, for example, according to some standards the highest quality is considered the Pooh Mongolian animal Bactrian. The cost of such a blanket may be inaccessible for many people inaccessible and truly fabulous. It is very appreciated and a gentle fluff of non-working camel-babies, it is distinguished by special air and ease. Blankets from such a fluff refer to elite products, their cost sometimes also rolls.

Wool is much cheaper than the fluff, because it is stronger, heavy and tough. But very often recently you can find a product that combines in its composition both wool and the fluff is, for example, a downer camel blanket.

Products that are made from the fluff and woolen cover of the camel are perfectly kept the warmth of the body of an adult and child. The body thanks to them during dreams perfectly rests, and the skin is breathing. It is very good option for relaxation at home and in the country, the models are suitable for summer, and for winter season. Enjoyable when touched, has a structure of a silky surface, not spiny, comfortable for the body.


If you want to buy a truly suitable blanket for your bed, you need to focus on the sizes of your bed. Standard dimensions Blankets from camel wool will be reckoned:

  • 110x140 cm, 140x140 cm - baby blanket;
  • 140x205 cm -1.5-bed blanket;
  • 170x200, 172x205 cm - double blankets;
  • 200х220 cm - double-blast euro blanket;
  • You can also find a double-bedroom blanket for the Royal Size 220x240 cm.


Our consumer today has a huge demand for blankets from high-quality camel wool Mongolian manufacturers, as the wool of Mongol Camels is considered one of the best. The release of goods from the Mongol Camels was quickly mastered both European and domestic firms. To be completely confident in the high quality of the products being purchased, you should carefully read the tag on the product, paying attention to where the wool was going and in the name of the company that produced this product.

  • "Gobi". This is one of the most recognizable Mongolian commodity brands of high-quality blankets from natural wool without synthetic. These products immediately rush to the beautiful external species, quite acceptable cost, high performance.
  • "Aelita" (Ivanovo). This domestic manufacturer sew stylish blankets in durable covers made of natural fabric production of local factories. You can always in the product catalog, choose products of various completeness and density density to your taste.

  • Kamvolnaya factory Troitsk.It offers consumers of wool and light blankets. The most prestigious models - woolen " Karakum"And Pooh" Sahara».
  • Dargez. The Russian concern, which has long produced high-quality woolen quilted products and weightless blankets. List of models " Sahara»Focused on adult consumers, the collection of blankets" Camel"- on babies.
  • Billerbeck. The German-Ukrainian company offers stylish blankets for children made of combustible camel wool in a satin canvas.

How to choose?

If you want your blanket from the wool of a dugorble animal to light up as long as possible, then you need to know the basic rules for choosing this kind of product. First you need to pay attention to such parameters as:

  • The degree of heat.In order to learn this degree, you need to count the number of "points" in the marking of the product (usually from 1 to 5 points) or to ask the density of the material used (g / m2). The high-quality blanket from the camel wool is also selected depending on the period of the year, the quality of heating in the dwelling, personal taste desires:
  1. very warm(5 points; approximately 880-900 g / m2) - the best thing use in cold rooms, perfectly suitable for constantly freezing people;
  2. just warm (4 points; from 420 to 500 g / m2) - the best winter product most suitable for cold seasons;
  3. all-season (3 points; about 350 g / m2) - the most a good option For use throughout the year;
  4. lung(2 points; from 200 to 220 g / m2) - Such a blanket will be needed for cool premises in the offseason;
  5. summer(1 point; from 160 to 180 g / m2) - for cool summer or for operation as a warm blanket in winter.

  • The composition of the original material. The most expensive are models from the undercoat of young camel, because on soft composition and airiness this fur reminds light down. Products from such a fluff are unusually warm and completely not barbed, so used without an ordinary duvette. On the warmth and duration of use, you will love and the usual blanket from the camel wool. Modern manufacturers often connect material from wool and fluff with synthetic fiber. Remember that such a product will cost much cheaper than other blankets, but its insulation properties will be significantly lower. The percentage and ratio of the blanket components is always indicated on the tag.

  • Production quality. The main signs of the blanket with high quality characteristics are:
  1. homogeneousproduct structure;
  2. uniformity distribution of wool in models with a case;
  3. absence hairs of wool visible through the material covers;
  4. the edges of the products are best To be covered with baking or treated with an overlock, while the seams of the threads must mainly be strong and smooth;
  5. availabilitya high-quality and durable cover from natural fabric is the best use of tick and satin, and more eucalyptus fiber fabric use in elite models.

How to distinguish from fake?

Real estate among manons and excellent qualities of camel wool attract the attention of manufacturers who want from fake products to increase their profits: they change natural woolen fibers on artificial substitutes and cheap synthetic fibers. The cost of such a "camel" blanket is significantly lower, which attracts many inexperienced buyers. At the same time, it is not worth expecting all those positive qualities that the original product has, so it is better not to save on the purchase of such a kind.