
Camel wool or Swan Pooh. I hide under the blanket! Sheep or camel wool, swan fluff or bamboo fiber

Cead furniture

Provide a good and deep sleep can correctly selected blanket. It should not be too warm and heavy, in order not to create overheating.

Ease of material and non-durability in care - the main qualities of only some of them. This article will allow you to decide once and for all how to choose a blanket from camel wool.

In order for the covers to serve for many years and did not lose the main properties, it should be chosen in several basic criteria.

Comfortable in all parameters of the blankets are obtained from the wool of the young camel, their cover is most close to the fluff. Good manufacturers Indicate the "age" of their materials.

A touch of good quality will also be told to the product: if the blanket does not rsch and has a homogeneous web, it says about his high class. The edge processing should be smooth. The case (if provided) can only be from natural materials, and most importantly, suitable for long exploitation.

By density vary from 200 g / m² to 420 g / m². Here, it all depends on what period it is purchased. Accordingly, a denser product is calculated on a colder season.

Do not know how to choose a blanket from camel wool? We will help you in this! If you look at how the blankets produce, you can make them division into 2 types.

  1. Closed wool. This type includes products from wool more mature camels. In order for the blanket not to be broke, apply a certain manufacturing technology, because of this they are called quilted. The principle of this: the woolen core is stitched between two half of the cover.
  2. Open wool. It already uses "young" wool and the product itself is more like a soft and beautiful plaid, rather than the blanket.

Also, the blankets are divided into lightweight and ordinary. Here the main criterion is the density of the product. Heavy, warm and, accordingly, dense products belong to ordinary blankets. While lightweight can be called the plaid. They have more interesting designThey are easier and designed for off-season, they can simply be hiding in the evening lying on the sofa.

Benefits Blankets from camel wool

How nevertheless, these products deserve such love, and how to choose a blanket from camel wool? Let's discuss their advantages and consider a number of the main advantages of these blankets in front of other analogs made of natural raw materials (for example, sheep wool).


Pork inside have a hollow structure, due to this, the weight of the finished product is several times less than a cotton blanket or blanket made from sheep wool. For comparison, you can see how much weighing a blanket of 170 x 200 cm from camel and sheep wool: 2000 g and 4000 g, respectively.


This is perhaps one of the largest advantages of product data. Camel wool is truly unique, because its owners live on expanses with a very large temperature difference. There, for example, the day unbearable bake, and at night the probability of frozen is very high. Its properties wool ships desert does not lose even when it becomes a blanket. Therefore, this product will warm at night, but at the same time in the heat will give the necessary coolness and will not allow to overheat.


One of the important properties of products from camel wool is the ability to absorb moisture (up to 30% of its own weight). Thanks to this, you can not be afraid to stand under such a blanket, it perfectly takes everything too much and immediately give it into the air.

Durability and wear resistance

Probably, many saw camel blankets, moving from generation to generation from the Soviet times. It is believed that the blankets from camel wool have a service life of about 7-15 years. Our story and life prove that even with constant use, these products can safely serve 30 years 30, or even more. At the same time, the maximum that it threatens, - to become just outdated in the design plan.


After washing, such a blanket is not welded, it will not hang out on the cover of a shapeless lump.


They do not form static electricity. Thanks to this, the crackle is excluded and even after sleeping on a blanket, the hair will not resemble a dandelion.

Ability to "breathe"

Again, due to the structure of the hair, the products from camel wool own excellent breathability, so under them almost impossible to stand. Everything else, they have a lot of useful properties:

  • blood circulation is improved, due to this, the fabric nutrition and metabolism is better.
  • neutralized toxins produced by the body;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, the rejuvenating effect occurs;
  • there is protection against the actions of electromagnetic fields;
  • the inflammatory processes occurring in the body are removed;
  • when osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis is stimulated to get rid of pain and unpleasant sensations.

We choose the manufacturer

Do you want to buy a blanket from camel wool? How to choose a manufacturer, we will tell right now!

There are several leading manufacturers: foreign (imported) brands and domestic.

The most famous foreign blankets are "Gobi" (Gobi), are produced in Mongolia. Products 100% natural, the product includes only the wool of Mongol camels without any impurities. Due to this, the brand is known worldwide, and considers one of the best options with the ratio of quality and price.

"Alvitek" - the near Moscow factory, producing from camel fluff and wool, both warm and lightweight. One of the collections is also called "Gobi", so when buying just this type you need to watch where it is produced.

"Aelita" - quilted blankets, thickened, ordinary and lightweight in cotton covers are produced in the city of Brides and Textiles - Ivanovo.

Trinity Kamavolna Factory manufactures woven blankets. The most famous their products are: "Sugar" (produced from the camel fluff) and "Karakuma" (camel wool).

"Fleece" - one of the famous russian manufacturers. The brand "Karakuma" is a blanket of natural pains, which is undoubtedly a sign of quality.

Dargez (Dargez) - the production line of stitched blankets from camel wool and fluff, is represented in two collections: children's "camels" and adult "sugar".

"Legebell" produces from the wool of Mongol Camels.

"Tylak" - the brand of all-season blankets of good quality with decorative elements and unchanged healing properties.

Review of children's sizes

When contacting the purchase of a blanket for a child, such requirements as the highest quality, unpretentiousness and safety are immediately advocated. The price, in the question, how to choose a blanket from camel wool for a child, plays a latter role.

Manufacturers have facilitated the task when choosing, they provide several sizes. Parents remains to consider optimal optionSuitable by the parameters of their croches and its crib. The dimensional rows presented on the market: 110 × 140 cm, 100 × 150 cm, 100 × 140 cm, 100 × 135 cm.

Children's products are hypoallergenic, do not cause irritation, dust are not collected, they are lungs and are not subject to molting. Manufacturers try to make their products as comfortable as possible for the most arring out of their consumers.

Do not know what best blanket From camel wool? How to choose? The price of you also interests? In this article you will find answers to all your questions!


In the choice covered from camel wool precisely the price, as not strange, is an excellent quality meter. This is explained by the fact that the quality wool itself is not cheaper, and the fluff is even more expensive.

Price scatter, of course, is, as in all kinds of goods, but you can say for sure that if there is 1500 rubles on the price tag of an adult blanket or plaid, then you can pass by. This product is either counterfeit or improper quality, or with a large percentage of impurities of other, cheaper, species of raw materials.

Provision policy in choosing blankets is:

  • 1500 rubles are offered children's sizes;
  • from 4000-7000 rubles are all-season semi-liter domestic producers;
  • from 10,000 rubles the same blanket, only the production of Mongolia;
  • from 11,000 rubles are offered products from the camel fluff related to the category of elite.

And if you still do not know how to choose buyers will help you.

Before a variety of selection bedding Buyers often puts the question in a dead end: what filler for the blankets is best? It is better to choose natural or synthetic? And if natural, what exactly: woolen, cotton, bamboo, silk or fluff? Before taking this, no doubt, a serious solution, because your choice will determine what you will be hidden for a long time, it is worth identifying which advantages have one or another type of filler.

So what filler is better for the blanket?

The next most popular option is. Among all types of wool, which serve as material for fillers, is the most. It distinguishes its ability to maintain heat, despite the low weight, and create an optimal microclimate under the blanket. Lighter sheep and noticeably stronger, according to its thermal properties, she is also ahead of it. The most elite and luxurious version of woolen fillers serves. Collect it manually and in a very small volume, which affects the cost of the blanket.

In general, woolen fillers characterize hygroscopicity, or absorbing moisture, the presence of lanoline - animal fat, which is responsible for wool and allergenicity.

Another popular filler claiming the title of the best. Its incredible lightness and warmth have already entered the legend. Pooh filler quickly absorbs moisture, but slowly dries, which refers to its disadvantages. Also can cause allergies and lead to the appearance of dust ticks. So that the blanket does not lose positive qualities, you need to dry and beat it.

It is distinguished by its peculiarity to destroy the harmful microorganisms falling on it. It also absorbs moisture well and warms. He is not deprived of therapeutic properties, because the bamboo itself is characterized by the ability to improve the emotional state of the person.

Choosing the best among fillers for blankets, it is necessary, first of all, to decide why you are going to buy a blanket. It is necessary to choose quality and, because it is impossible to save health. And choosing a blanket for cottages or for emergency situations, you can pay your attention to the synthetic filler, which takes up little space and with its functions can cope without difficulty.

Talking on the question, what kind of blanket is the warmest, you should consider what the product data is filled. Fillers are natural and synthetic. Both those and others have several advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the warmest blanket should be chosen, based on the own ideas about comfort. Let's try to figure out.

All materials used as fillers can be divided into two groups:

  1. Natural (fluff, feather, wool, bamboo);
  2. Synthetic (sintepon, holofiber).

Natural fillers blankets

Products of this group are the warmest, soft, pleasant to the body. But they are able to absorb smells, becoming a seating for dust ticks, do not always suit people prone to allergies.

Punch blankets

The perfect filler from the point of view of heat is considered fluff, as it is very warm and easy. The Puhu is usually added to the pen for maintaining the form. It is better if the content of the latter does not exceed 10%.

A dying blankets have a caliper, so they need to be dry regularly.

If the price does not scare, and I want to buy really the warmest and light blanket - the ideal option There will be products from the Pooh Gagara. Their cost is from 12,000 rubles.

Woolen blankets

This category includes products from sheep, camel, goat wool. Such blankets possess therapeutic properties, useful people with diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. They are able to absorb up to 30% moisture and sweat, while remaining dry. But woolen blankets are thin and more like a plaid.

The warmest, soft and expensive are goat wool products, more a budget option - from the sheep's wool (the more wool blanket, the easier it is).

Wadded blankets

Sufficient heavy, well absorb moisture, but also smells too. Wat has a property to get into the lumps. A cotton blanket is well holding heat, but interferes with air circulation.

Bamboo blankets

Products of a new generation, eco-friendly, light enough and warm. They are safe for health, they are well carried out and warm, easily erased, enough inexpensive (from 2500 rubles).

Synthetic fillers blankets

The products of this group are also light and soft, capable of carrying out warmth. Allergies are suitable, it is easy to clean, do not absorb the smell, cost much cheaper of products from natural materials.

Blankets from Singrytegone and Hallofayber

Sintepon is cheaper, not knocked in lumps, keeps heat, but does not regulate it. Under such a blanket you can stand.

Hollofiber is a bit more expensive, but also quality above. Such blankets are lightweight, breathable, they are easy to wash, they have good thermoregulation.

What a blanket to choose

When choosing a warm blanket, you should pay attention to the bedroom temperature.

  1. Bamboo blankets warm if the air temperature does not fall below + 22 ° C.
  2. At a temperature of + 19- + 20 ° C, synthetic blankets will not freeze.
  3. If the air in the bedroom is not heated above + 16- + 18 ° C, there will be woolen and dying blankets.

Based on this, it can be concluded that dying blankets are the warmest. However, each filler has its drawbacks to be paid attention to.

What a blanket to choose is a fairly common question. The domestic textile and light industry sweeps up with the progress and almost annually replenishes the market with new items. Each time on the shelves and in the catalogs of stores, pillows appear, blankets, blankets with high-quality, environmentally friendly and natural fillers. And the point is, the moment comes when we stand in confusion, solving the question of what to choose from it. Below is given a brief description of The most famous materials. You can only compare and choose an optimal option.

What material is better to buy a blanket?

The warmest blankets with natural fillers from the fluff and wool are considered the warmest. The only drawback is allergenicity. Therefore, their more often must be treated against ticks, airing outdoors and dry.

Silk and bamboo blankets are an excellent alternative, but little suitable for cold weather. Here, a good replacement will be eucalyptus, linen, cotton and hemp fillers.

Materials made of synthetic fibers today are inferior only in one - low moisture exchange rate.

Pooh and feathers

So, how not to make a mistake with the choice and find the same, soft, air, warm blanket that sweet dreams will give us? In addition to the fabric, the main thing in this question is the choice of filler. In this case, the question is purely individual. Therefore, it is worth examining the characteristics of the most popular materials today:

  1. Bird (goose) Pooh is the most popular filler used by our great-grandfather. The advantages of the goose fluff should be attributed primarily, its naturalness, ease, excellent thermoregulation, elasticity, anti-static, ability to maintain heat, pass the air, maintain and restore the shape of the product, and long service life. A dying blanket can warm you at night for 20 years.
  2. However, despite such advantages, there is a number of such serious disadvantages from the goose fluff, as allergenicity, the ability to absorb moisture and create a favorable medium for microbes reproduction. In addition, dying blankets are not practical: it is expensive, and in the care of picky.
  3. Another variant of a bird fluff - Lebiazhiy and his artificial analogue - Tinsulyt. Tieszulyt hypoallergen, harmless, does not fit and keeps the form, does not give to develop harmful microbes, it still keeps warm and very easy - "adult" blanket weighs only half aologram.

Woolen fillers

  1. From natural woolen fillers, the leader is camel wool, which gradually conquers Europe. Its quality is indisputable: if the members of your family often slip or suffer from pain in the muscles and joints, then choosing which blanket is better to buy a child, pay attention to the camel filler. The quality of this material is indisputable: it holds warm and easy, light, does not create a greenhouse effect, not electrified, it is capable of listening to 30 years. Buy camel blanket can even allergic and people with hypersensitive skin, however, it is better to preliminarily consult with experts. The dubious "plus" of this option is quite high cost.
  2. The next no less popular natural filler is sheep's wool. The main advantage of such a filler is the healing effect. It is especially recommended to those who suffer from muscle spasms and osteochondrosis. In addition, sheepskin misses heat, it does not delay and evaporate moisture, it neutralizes static electricity, it provides dry heat in crude and cold weather. Well, the most important thing is the price availability: sheep blankets are even cheaper than some synthetic.

The disadvantages include, alas, all the same allergenicity. Sheepskin is not capable of keeping the original shape for a long time, heavy by weight and requires special care.

Vegetable option

Bamboo fiber is considered the most eco-friendly fiber, or rather cellulose, regenerated from bamboo. She is hypoallergenna, has excellent thermoregulation, "breathing well." Blankets "on bamboo" are very lungs and easy to care. By the way, you can buy a bamboo blanket without leaving home, in the online store "Catcher of Dreams".

  1. Liocell, tentalel - another embodiment of the vegetable-natural filler based on eucalyptus fiber. If you can not decide which blanket is better to buy newborn, then eucalyptus filler - the best way. Firstly, it is shown to allergies, such a product keeps heat and shape for a long time, perfectly passes the air and moisture, not electrified. Eucalyptus blanket is unpretentious in care (calmly transfers numerous washers in a machine-machine) and can warp your baby for 10 years. The only drawback of this filler is the price.
  2. Previously, the role of a cotton filler was performed by the usual wool, but the development of the industry made this material more practical, hypoallergenic, warm and affordable. But he also absorbs a lot of moisture, heavier than others, and less durable.
  3. Fillers from hemp and linen fibers were not comic competition to expensive silk. Safe for allergies, perfectly passed moisture and air, durable, do not create a favorable environment for microbes, are simple in care.
  4. Funny fibers of natural silk are leading on all positions, except prices and thermal conductivity. This filler does not cause allergies, absorbs moisture, passes air, easy to use and durable (10-12 years old Silk blanket will delight and warm you at night).

As you can see, there are many options.

In the modern market, you can find blankets with the most different "stuffing" - for every taste and wallet. How to navigate in this wealth and make right choice? Such a variety of fillers for a blanket puts in a dead end. After all, each version of the filler has its own characteristics and properties. So what kind of blanket is better to choose?

Our article will help to understand and choose from the most popular fillers one that meets your requirements and you will go to the store, already knowing what you need.

What to take into account when choosing?

Choosing a filler for the blanket you need to consider much:

  • Season
  • Coating
  • Blanket sewing technology
  • Hypoallergenic properties
  • Blanket weight
  • Wear resistance

Only considering all the options, you can stop your choice on the filler, which will correspond to these parameters, and also at cost.

The consumer offers fillers from the swan fluff to holofayber. Therefore, you need to consider all properties and features different materialsTo determine the choice.

Camel's wool

This material features natural and elevated heat performance. In addition, it is very easy and convenient for use.

  • Wear resistance;
  • Easy by weight;
  • Possesses therapeutic properties.
    • Low resistance to moth, which "eats" camel wool with pleasure (naturprodukt!);
    • May cause allergies;
    • Dry clean only;
    • High price.

Sheep's wool

Already no one thousand years use sheep wool for blankets. Lungs and warm products have healing properties (Treat sick joints).

  • Very warm;
  • Treats sick joints;
  • Easily absorbs and evaporates moisture;
  • Low cost: the price of a sheep filler is lower than on camel, with almost similar quality characteristics.
  • High weight;
  • Allergenicity;
  • Difficulty in caring and cleaning.


An exquisite blanket from Cashmere is a choice of people who can afford the high cost of a product that has excellent performance properties.

  • ease;
  • high heat performance;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • strength and durability;
  • duration of use with preservation of properties;
  • aesthetics.
  • high price;
  • increased cleaning requirements.

Merino wool

Thin and twisted wool of the Australian Sheep Merino is used for the manufacture of blankets.

  • A good thermal stabilizer: well maintains heat and absorbs moisture, and in the heat retains a comfortable temperature;
  • i miss the air well;
  • Hypoallergenicity;
  • Medical properties: It has an antiseptic effect, the sedative effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Small wool knife: Choosing such a blanket You need to take care of a dyed material from a dense material;
  • Severe enough;
  • Very high cost.

When stored, the blankets with filler from the wool is important to use the means against moth.

Silk blanket

Filling from Silka - a special technology of flossing fibers of natural silk.

  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Microorganisms and ticks are not breed;
  • High indicators for moisture exchange;
  • Operational period of up to 12 years;
  • The blanket has antistatic properties;
  • Lack of greenhouse effect due to air exchange;
  • Easy to care.
  • Application Only B. summer time or offseason;
  • Only dry cleaning is recommended;
  • High cost of products, comparable with natural down.

Cotton filler

Cotton filling (not to be confused with cotton blankets) is made of natural cotton by modern technologiesand is a high-quality and hypoallergenic material. At the same time there are some minuses that limit the choice in its favor.

  • The material does not differ in durability and quickly loses operational qualities;
  • Heavy weight of the product;
  • Low indicators for moisture exchange, leaves almost 40% of non-evaporated moisture in the product.

Eucalyptus fiber

The eucalyptus filler of the tentuleel (lio-cell) is made from the fibers of the eucalyptus stems by regenerating cellulose. The finished product has a light and air structure, why the blanket itself seems to be weighty. Wonderful heat exchange properties make it possible to use the product and summer and winter. Like all other vegetable fillers, tentalel (lio-cell) have many advantages.

Extraordinary smoothness, does not allow delaying dust on the surface. The filler has a breathable effect, excluding the greenhouse effect under the blanket. High performance by moisture product: when moisture gets into the surface of the product, it is very quickly absorbed, and also quickly evaporates. The material has antiseptic and bactericidal qualities, so microorganisms and fungi cannot develop on the surface and inside the product. Eucalyptus fiber has a beneficial effect on the air in the bedroom, and the body has a relaxation effect, which greatly improves sleep quality. Therapeutic properties are expressed in the presence of healing extracts, which are rich in eucalyptus stems.

  • excellent values \u200b\u200bfor wear resistance with maintenance of operational qualities up to 10 years;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for the body;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • easy care allows you to erase the product without restrictions, while it is not completely deformed.
  • high price.

Bird fluff

From time immemorial, the fluff of birds was used to fill blankets. The most common fluff is a goose, which has both merits and disadvantages.

  • high rates for warming properties;
  • air permeability;
  • ease of finished product;
  • antistaticity;
  • long service life (about 20 years).
  • difficulty in care and storage;
  • low moisture exchange;
  • dust attracting, which can appear in the product, dust pliers may appear, and the person develops allergic reactions.

From the fluff of other birds, the Pooh of Gagars is popular, but its cost is so high that fillers for blankets on the gagachy Puhu are manufactured by individual orders.

When buying a down blanket, carefully examine the composition of the filler, namely the percentage of the powder and pen. The perfect content of the pen is not more than 40 percent.

Bamboo fiber

Bamboo filler - an environmentally friendly product confidently finds its consumers. It is made of bamboo stalks by processing into regenerated cellulose.

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • thermoregulation;
  • ease of product by weight;
  • easy to care.
  • low indicators for heating ability and moisture exchange;
  • lack of wear resistance;
  • small life.

Cannabis and linen fillers

Fillers from hemp and flax perfectly replace expensive at the cost of natural silk.

  • hypoallergenic (dust pliers do not harm);
  • good breathability and moisture exchange;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • antibacterial;
  • durable;
  • Easy to care (easily erased and dry quickly).
  • quite high cost.

Tiesusuite (artificial swan Pooh)

Consumers are often asked: what is Snepepuch?
Analogue of a natural swan fluff in synthetic design - tensulite.
Tinsulyt was designed by the Americans for the space program, as a high-tech material: warm, lightweight, elastic ...

  • hypoallergenically (does not accumulate malicious microorganisms);
  • good performance properties;
  • low thermal conductivity indicators;
  • small weight of the finished product;
  • the blanket is well holding a form, and at crumpled it quickly restores it;
  • you can fly often, but dries quickly.
  • bad microcirculation of air, which can be overheated under the blanket;
  • accumulates electrostatics;
  • practically does not absorb moisture.

Filler from wati

Captured blanket - classic genre.

  • inexpensive;
  • very warm;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture.
  • the product is very heavy;
  • easily deformed;
  • accumulates dust;
  • difficulties in care, can not be washed.

Sintepon is considered best alternative Watted filler. A blanket with synthepsum is so warm, but much easier than a cotton one.


A filler from a synthet board is an inexpensive material that is in demand as an inexpensive analogue of fillers from natural raw materials. Synthetic, optional fibers are produced.

  • Low cost;
  • Small weight of the product;
  • Lack of macks;
  • Hypoallergenicity;
  • Holds warmth.
  • Short life;
  • Loss of forms;
  • Over time, the property is significantly reduced.


Hollofiber fillers appeared not so long ago, but were evaluated by the consumer, as the best option that replaces the synthetic tube or silicone. Hollofiber is a material consisting of twisted, polyester, silicone fibers with a spring structure, which is characterized by elasticity and the ability to quickly recover. Empty inside the fibers contain air, which in turn saves heat. Finished products are distinguished by pleasant softness and elasticity. Produce blankets like offseason (lightweight option), and for winter. The material has all the properties of synthetic fillers.

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • lack of toxicity;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to fungi, bacteria and dust mites;
  • easy to care.
  • loses the initial lightness and elasticity after numerous styrics;
  • over time, loses shape;
  • too warm;
  • fast accumulate static electricity.

Silicone fiber

The silicone filler is no different from Singyprc, the only difference is the impregnation of the non-woven canvas with silicone, so its operational properties are better than the SingyDona. If you compare the cost, then it is slightly higher, but the difference is minimal, and in quality is better.

  • perfectly keeps heat even after reusable washed;
  • does not give shrinkage and does not lose shape;
  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • very easy and air.
  • "Feed" from the duration of operation to prevent this process, manufacturers specifically flash their products.


The structure of the material - air and fibers contribute to the preservation of heat. The cost of the product is available to use a blanket not only for sleep, but to take with them hiking, for long trips and other situations. It can be folded to a minimum value, and pulling, getting a good and warm blanket, as the material easily restores the form and is not inclined to deformities.

  • hypoallergenicity, microorganisms and ticks are not breed;
  • ease of care;
  • preservation of heat;
  • lack of absorption of foreign odors.
  • insufficient air permeability;
  • low ability to absorb moisture.

The proposed video materials will help answer the question: how to choose a blanket on the filler depending on the purpose, season of the year and the desired characteristics and how to prevent the most common errors when choosing it.

Nuances on choosing a better blanket

Wool and fluff - materials whose quality and operational properties do not have to doubt. But those who are inclined to allergic manifestations they can deliver trouble. Therefore, products require regular processing, ventilation and drying.

Vegetable and silk fillers Blankets are an alternative replacement of wool and fluff. Bamboo and silk fillers are poorly held warm, so they are little suitable for winters. It is necessary to stop the choice on products such as eucalyptus, cotton, flax and cannabis.

If you want an inexpensive filler, but at the same time well-holding heat - choose the synthetics, but note that there are low moisture indicators, so you need to buy for offseason and winter separately (taking into account the density).

How to respond about fillers?

I bought a blanket from a synthetone. It seems not bad, and warm. But after the first washing, the firmware was dismissed, and the filler himself got into a bunch. Need to buy another blanket.

Larisa Vasilyevna

We in Anadyr in the winter are very cold, so I was looking for a blanket that would truly warm. Bought from a bird fluff, but remained not very pleased. Heat, but moisture does not miss at all. Wake up all wet. It is necessary to immediately go, instead of drinking coffee at first, and then hygienic procedures.

Vadim Marchenko

I am a student. There is no money for a natural filler, so I bought with Hollofiber. Great thing! Heat and easy! Although they write that the holofiber blanket does not miss moisture, then I somehow did not notice it. We and the windows are not stuck, and the room is cool, but I am very comfortable!

Tinsulyt said not filler, but a bomb! I tried, and immediately removed. Unbearably hot! Under such a blanket, you can sleep on the street. Do not freeze.

Want to sleep comfortably and great? Choose a filler that is suitable for you! Knowing the features of its body, the conditions in the room at different times of the year, as well as given the financial capabilities, you can choose a filler that will meet your requirements. The benefit of materials is a great diversity. Pleasant, healthy and comfortable sleep!