
Olympiads for students of SPO and VO. Online Olympiads for students in English Competitions for students distance learning

Conifers in design

Dear participants, after passing the Olympiad, it will be possible to order the production of a personal diploma. Also, the production of a diploma can be ordered at the link.

Many Olympiads for students

Many students are familiar with subject Olympiads since school days. At school, each student seeks to demonstrate his knowledge and receive an attractive diploma for them, which will remind the student of his victories. Often, a good result at the All-Russian Olympiad opens a "ticket" for admission on a budgetary basis to any university without passing certain tests and out of competition.

Olympiads are not only about schooling, participation can also be created to unleash the talents of university students. The desire to participate in student-type Olympiads is not getting smaller, everyone can try their luck in the competition and prove themselves in various test tasks. In order to prepare well for the Olympiads, there is little knowledge gained at school, little knowledge gained in pairs, it is necessary to carefully study each section, and repeatedly check your knowledge. Online tests in various disciplines may be best suited for testing.

Olympiads for students 2018-2019

The pedagogical portal "Sunlight" provides an opportunity for novice students, or students of various courses, to prove themselves in exciting Olympiad tests. Tests serve as self-evaluating tools. If you want to check the passed material, or prepare for real olympiads, then it is better not to find online olympiads. Online tests really help to prepare well for passing real Olympiads. In the student education program, there are more complicated and in-depth sections, however, they need to be carefully studied, read more information on these sections, and read the material not only from university provided books, but also take information on various sections from other sources.

Online tests 2016-2017 for students are created as, by and large, all Olympiads are presented for students. The questions in some way can also be similar, although it all depends on what program you study at, what university. Despite this, most of the questions presented in our tests will be able to assent to you and look for answers, and if any question from the ones presented in this section comes across to you on the test, then you can easily pass it.

The solution of tests for students on the portal "Sunlight"

Our portal contains numerous tests that have the ability to feed students' knowledge, stimulate a greater desire to learn and develop, have an assessment system that will be useful to all students who want to pass the Olympiad with a high score. All tests presented in this section are designed for middle and high school. Each test consists of 10 questions, and answers are also provided to them. It will be useful for young and talented students to remember the old school sections, prepare even better and take the Olympiads with "Hurray!"

Our pedagogical international portal "Sunlight" provides an opportunity to prove yourself in various test tasks and creative competitions. On our pedagogical portal you will find interesting tasks that are studied in the school curriculum with deepening. Each test gives you the opportunity to independently develop yourself and assess your strengths.

Each student has a personalized diploma

Despite the fact that you are a university student, you can use the tests presented in this section to train your memory. Using our portal, you can perfectly prepare for the presented Olympiads, and there is also an opportunity to receive an award in the form of a diploma.

It is up to you to create a diploma yourself. This way you have the chance to gain unlimited experience in diploma creation. You receive rewards upon completion of the test, having previously paid the registration fee before creating.

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On the portal "Sunlight"

International Olympiad in English "Christmas traditions"

The International English Olympiad "Christmas traditions" consists of 10 questions. It is aimed at the development of logical thinking, attention, the ability to analyze and compare, the development of positive motivation for learning English, the formation of respect, interest in the culture of the country of the target language, testing knowledge on the topic: "Christmas".

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International Olympiad in English "English communication"

International Olympiad in English "English communication" tests the formation of intercultural communication (communication in English), knowledge of colloquial cliches. International Olympiad in English "English communication" consists of 10 questions in a test form.

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International Linguistic and Regional Studies Olympiad "Traveling to Britain"

The International Linguistic and Regional Studies Olympiad "Traveling to Britain" is intended for 1-5 year students and is a task aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge in the country of the target language. The Olympiad consists of 15 test questions. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad for students in English "Perfect Grammar"

International Olympiad for students in English "Perfect Grammar" is designed for students of 1-5 courses and is aimed at testing and activating knowledge of English grammar. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English Quiz "UK Holidays"

The international quiz in English "Holidays of Great Britain" is intended for students of 1-5 courses and is aimed at broadening their horizons, at enhancing knowledge of the culture and geography of Great Britain, at developing interest in learning English. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International quiz in English "English traditions and customs"

International quiz in English "English Traditions and Customs" is intended for 1-5 year students and is aimed at broadening their horizons, at enhancing knowledge of the culture and geography of Great Britain, at developing interest in learning English. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English quiz "Amazing English"

The international quiz in English "Amazing English" tests your knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of the English language. The international quiz in English "Amazing English" consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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The Web Quest in English "Around the UK" is intended for students of 1 - 5 courses. The web quest combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and exploratory learning - all three learning methods are closely related to the processes of finding, comprehending and processing information. Web Quest in English "Around the UK" is a problematic task with elements of role-playing game, for which the information resources of the Internet are used.

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The Web Quest in English "Discover British Literature" combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and exploratory learning - all three learning methods closely related to the processes of finding, thinking through and processing information. The Web Quest in English "Discover British Literature" is a challenging role-playing task that uses Internet resources.

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The Window on Modern Britain Web Quest combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and exploratory learning - all three teaching methods are closely related to the processes of finding, understanding and processing information. The Window on Modern Britain Web Quest presents is a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, for which the information resources of the Internet are used.

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International Olympiad in English "Management Words"

The International English Olympiad "Management Words" tests the knowledge of vocabulary on this topic, colloquial cliches. International Olympiad in English "Management Words" consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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The International English Olympiad "Valentine's Day" is presented in the WebQuest format The International English Olympiad "Valentine" s Day "is a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, for which the information resources of the Internet are used.

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International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts"

International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts" is intended for students of all areas of study, aimed at developing lexical skills, testing knowledge of culture and arts: music, literature, etc. International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts" consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Business English" tests the knowledge of vocabulary on a given topic, colloquial cliches. The International Business English Olympiad consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Planning a Business"

The International English Olympiad "Planning a Business" tests the knowledge of the vocabulary on a given topic. The International Business English Olympiad consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Jobs and Work"

This Olympiad checks the vocabulary of students on the topic "Work and profession", contains questions about various types of work, professional terms, etc. International Olympiad in English "Jobs and Work" consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Modal Verbs"

The International Olympiad in English "Modal Verbs" tests the knowledge of English grammar: the use of modal verbs. International Olympiad in English "Modal Verbs" consists of 10 questions in a test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Technical English"

International Olympiad "Technical English" is intended for students of 1-5 courses of technical specialties and is aimed at checking, activating and expanding vocabulary on the topics studied. This Olympiad develops an interest in learning English, allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Medical English"

International Olympiad in English "Medical English" is intended for students of 1-5 courses of medical specialties and is aimed at checking, activating and expanding vocabulary on the topics studied. This Olympiad develops an interest in learning English, allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Language and Culture"

The International Olympiad in English "Language and Culture" is intended for students of all areas of study and is aimed at developing intercultural communication, testing knowledge of culture, holidays and customs of other countries. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Ecological problems"

The International English Olympiad "Ecological problems" is intended for 1-5 year students and is aimed at enhancing and expanding the vocabulary on the topic "Environmental problems", fostering a careful and caring attitude towards the environment. In this Olympiad, you need to watch a video clip and answer 10 questions.Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "English Grammar Test"

International Olympiad in English "English Grammar Test" is intended for students of 1-5 courses and is aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge of English grammar. The Olympiad includes all the main grammatical topics studied by students (English Tenses, Pronouns, Adverbs, Articles, Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech). This Olympiad develops and allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. The assignments consist of 15 test questions. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International English Olympiad "Listening Skills"

International Olympiad in English "Listening Skills" is designed for 1-5 year students and is aimed at checking the formation of listening skills. Listening is one of the most important skills in learning a foreign language, as it teaches you to comprehend speech by ear. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Vocabulary Olympiad "English Vocabulary Test"

The International Vocabulary Olympiad "English Vocabulary Test" is designed for 1-5 year students and is aimed at checking, activating and expanding vocabulary. This Olympiad develops an interest in learning English, allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Business English"

The International Business English Olympiad tests the formation of the ability to effectively construct a speech utterance within the framework of a foreign language business communication. The Business English International English Olympiad consists of 15 test questions. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "English learning"

International Olympiad in English "English Learning" is intended for students of 1-5 courses and is aimed at enhancing and expanding vocabulary, generalizing and systematizing knowledge of English grammar. This Olympiad develops an interest in learning English, allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "My Vocabulary"

International Olympiad in English "My Vocabulary" is designed for students of 1-5 courses and is a task aimed at activating and expanding vocabulary. The Olympiad consists of 15 test questions. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English Olympiad "All About Britain"

The International English Olympiad "All About Britain" is intended for 1-5 year students and consists of 15 questions. This Olympiad is aimed at testing knowledge about the country of the target language, the sights of Great Britain, and its culture. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Word formation"

International Olympiad in English "Word formation" is intended for students of 1-5 courses and consists of 10 questions. This Olympiad is aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge about the rules for the formation of words in English using suffixes and prefixes, to activate and expand vocabulary. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of registration of award documents is 100 rubles.

Try to solve your problem using the help section.

Common situations and their possible solutions.
  1. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the position of the event in which you paid the registration fee or with the event page on the official website. pay attention to terms for evaluating works or forming an award document , in some cases they can take several business days.

Please note that weekends and holidays are not included in the time frame for the formation of award documents. The formation of award documents is carried out only after the funds are credited to the account or confirmation of payment and the provision of all documents necessary for participation.

  1. In some cases, a letter with award documents can be sent to the "Spam" or "Mailings" folder, carefully check your mailbox, specified when making an application for the event.
  2. If you did not receive the award documents within the established timeframe and all the conditions for participation in the event were met by you, immediately write an e-mail address: in which indicate:
  1. Your problem (in a free, understandable form);
  2. Full name of the participant;
  3. Name of the event;
  4. Result (if provided);
  5. Date and amount of payment.

For a quicker solution to the problem, please attach to the letter a scanned copy or a screenshot confirming the payment (check, receipt, etc.). Additional information may be needed when solving your problem.

An incorrectly specified email address is a common cause of this problem. Perhaps you did not specify your main E-mail and forgot about it, this also occurs.

  1. Carefully check all possible e-mail addresses that you could indicate when passing the Olympiad or testing. It so happens that mail services define a message as "Spam", because a file is sent in it - an award document for the event. We kindly ask you to check the "Spam" and "Mailings" folders.
  2. If after checking your e-mail it turns out that the award document has not been sent, be sure to contact the technical support service.

For a faster solution to the problem, please, when contacting, indicate the full name of the participant, the date of the test / Olympiad, the date, time and method of payment, if possible, attach a screenshot or scanned copy to the letter confirming the payment.

Studying at a higher educational institution is a new stage in the life of students. Universities also regularly hold subject Olympiads, the purpose of which is to get a real picture of the level of knowledge of students. This form of control of skills and abilities is familiar to many since school days. Some graduates chose for themselves the right to enroll in a budgetary place at the university precisely because of winning prizes in the All-Russian Olympiads. Timely disclosure of talent can give a student an impetus to further development in the process of obtaining the chosen specialty.

To become a professional, a school knowledge base and abstracts written in pairs are not enough. It is necessary to improve yourself every day, to deepen your knowledge of the leading disciplines. And simple ones will help you test your abilities online tests.

Olympiads for students 2016-2017

The curriculum at the university has its own specifics, and the pedagogical portal "site" seeks to match it as much as possible when drawing up tests. Students of various courses, both beginners and those preparing for graduation, can take part in creative competitions.

If soon there is a real Olympiad or exams, go online tests, they will identify weaknesses in knowledge in a particular discipline. To get a high score, it is necessary to use not only information from textbooks, but also, without laziness, look for additional sources.

Passing online tests will not take long, but there is no need to rush. Read each question carefully and then compare your answer to the correct answer. Online tests 2016-2017 for students are very similar in structure to tests with offline contests. Therefore, testing knowledge in life will no longer scare students so much, they can easily navigate in a set of tasks and will be able to properly allocate time.

Solve the Olympiad for students on our portal

Our tests give students an incentive to develop, look for new sources of knowledge and ultimately succeed as qualified specialists. Olympiad assignments correspond to the middle and high school level with additional in-depth elements. It remains to answer only 10 questions, indicate your version, after which you can check with the correct answer. We do not limit students in time, they can complete each task for a long time, fully concentrating on it.

The Olympiads will help future specialists assess the level of their knowledge. Passing the test an unlimited number of times is a chance to hone your skills and learn a lot of new facts that the teacher does not always talk about at lectures and seminars. Our doors are also open for teachers whose purpose is to control the knowledge of their students.

Get a diploma in olympiads for students

University students must keep in their memory not only relevant information provided in the educational process. The basic knowledge gained in middle and high school will help you become a good specialist, and just a well-rounded personality.

On our portal you will find assignments that will help you prepare for any test slices of knowledge. Create a diploma you can do it yourself in a convenient online form in your personal account. Pay the registration fee in any convenient way, select the colorful layout you like the most and enter your personal data in the appropriate fields. Following the prompts, you will spend no more than five minutes to create a document. After that, you can download the diploma to your computer and then print it out. Unleash your potential today!

University is not only about lectures and seminars. Students have a variety of ways to spend their free time. One of them is participation in competitions for university students. This will appeal to those who like to engage in research activities and study some disciplines in depth.

We will tell you which Olympiads for students in the 2019-2020 academic year you can participate in in Russia, abroad or remotely.

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All-Russian Olympiad for Students

The most complete information about all Olympiads for students in 2020, which are held in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, is contained on the information portal All-Russian Student Olympiad. The site contains:

  • announcements of future Olympiads and competitions;
  • regulatory documents of events (regulations, application forms, etc.);
  • the results of the competitions held;
  • news from the world of education;
  • information about the central working group, whose members oversee this direction.
Conveniently, the number of participants who have already submitted applications is indicated next to the announcement of each Olympiad.

On the VSO website, you can easily find an Olympiad in one direction or another, but here are mainly stationary events.

College Students Olympiads

Olympiads in academic disciplines are also held for students of technical schools. You can see their list and submit an application on this website of the Academy for the Development of Project Activities in Education.

In addition, they can be found on the websites of universities that are interested in admitting graduates with secondary vocational education.

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Free Olympiads for students

When choosing an Olympiad, it is worth remembering that most stationary contests involve payment of an organizational fee. Its cost is indicated in the regulations on the holding of the Olympiad.

To simply check your knowledge and not waste money, you can go through one of the All-Russian online Olympiads for students. They are developed by teachers and displayed on special sites.

Teachers often add points to students for participating in specialized Olympiads

Internet Olympiads for students

For those interested in online student contests, we recommend checking out the following resources:

Most of the distance olympiads for students on these sites are created in the form of 10-20 test tasks. You can go through the presented online Olympiads for students free of charge, but you will have to pay org for registration of the diploma. contribution (from 100 rubles).

These portals will also be useful for teachers: any of them can create their own Olympiad for students 2019-2020 online on the website

In addition to free online olympiads for students with a certificate on the sites, you can apply for a conference or order the publication of a scientific article.

International Olympiads for students

Unfortunately, there is no website on the Internet that would present an up-to-date list of international student olympiads. You should look for announcements about them on the websites of universities and institutes.

For example, the MSU website contains relevant international online Olympiads for students and schoolchildren. Students of any universities can participate in them.

Participation in student Olympiads should not lead to academic problems. Therefore, before submitting an application, make sure that you can submit all the work on time. If in doubt about your own abilities, contact the student help service. There are professionals who can cope with everything: from laboratory to diploma.