
Mikhail Zadornov - the best quotes. Zadornov- the values \u200b\u200bof our words Zadornov about the meaning of words in Russian

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"Man-quote" - so called the Russian Satirik writer and the Artist of Mikhail Zadornov. And indeed, his speeches are a real storehouse sparkling, sometimes the preoccupative and truly funny winged expressions. The humorist toured not only over the Americans and the disadvantages of the Russian man, he joked about life in general. And his humor has never been evil, but has always been honest, coming from the heart. We collected best quotes From the performances of the artist.

40 best quotes Zadornov

How are different peoples in different countries:
+10 degrees - Nodobit, Russians plant cucumbers.
2 - The Italians do not start cars, the Russians go with open windows ... Watch how the cucumbers grow.
0 - Water freezes in France, in Russia it thickens.
-5 - in Canada include heating. Russians for the last time leave the picnic, dump the cucumbers.
-25 - Public transport does not work in Europe! Russians stop there is a filling on the street ... go to the eskimo so that the hands do not murge. Sail with cucumbers.
-40 - Finnish special forces evacuates from Santa Claus's Lapland, felt boots for possible freezers prepare in Russia. Spin cucumbers for the winter.
-113 - Life on Earth stops. Russians have a bad mood ... a frozen ethyl alcohol, cucumbers have to lick.
-273 - absolute zero. Atomic movement stops. Russians swear: "Well damn! CHOOL! The tongue is about ... to cucumbers.

For me personally, the arrival of the end of the world is not so terrible, like the loss of the end of Scotch!

"We would have complemented each other well with you!" - exclaimed a kolobok, seeing the rider without a head!

If during the celebration of the new year it came to the cake - the holiday failed!

Do you know that the recently deceased bus driver rebelled out of the dead after the morgue worker slammed the door loudly.

By the summer I want to lose weight so that in last year's jeans it was possible not only to stand, but also to sit.

Only our man leaves the last piece on the plate - so that after dinner, do not wash the plate.

Only our man can thank his wife for tasty pasta in Flot and get for it in ear, because it was a carbonara pasta.

Few people know that Asters and Georgina do not like most of all.

I generally optimist. And the optimist is a person who comes to the cemetery and instead of crosses sees the pros.

A terrible acceptance is considered if the black cat breaks the mirror with an empty bucket!

An American thinks on the go, the German is standing, the Englishman is sitting, and Russian is then. First does, and then thinks how to break what has done ...

Brighton Beach ... Coast of the Atlantic Ocean ... They say that there are once decent beggar negros lived here. From the story it is known that if negros came to live somewhere, then everyone else was left from there. This is the only case when the blacks themselves left, after the Russians came there.

Still, it's amazing: we say "hot Finnish guys", meaning their slowness, "brakes", and the fastest riders in the world - it is Finns! Do you know why? They just do not have time to let go of the gas pedal!

I wondered astrologers. They say: "You have Mercury in Venus! You will live long. If you do not die early! "

Only a Russian man can drink tea for the night, and then thinking midnight: now go to the toilet or still to touch the toilet.

All nationalities in the world - nouns names, and only we, Russians, adjective.

How did you need to be disappointed in people so that the word "friendship" to name chainsaw?

You will say a person that in the universe 300 billion stars, - he will believe. You will say that the bench is painted, - he sures it!

Emergency in kindergarten №52. There are pupils middle group Captured the educator and mocked her over four hours. In particular: forced her to eat three dishes of manna porridge, sing a song about a Christmas tree under the accompaniment of upset piano, and then they forced to sleep during the day. In the evening, the children who searched after the irregularity, the children agreed to give only her parents.

Old age is when you get acquainted to tie the shoelaces and think what else to do along the way?!

If you fell in love and do not know how you get rid of this feeling, - marry!

Student - man dreaming to change the world. A young specialist is a man whom the world has already changed!

Do you know that in the trams, buses and trains men always sit with eyes closed because they painfully see how women are standing.

The shortest joke about America: McDonalds is a restaurant. "

How could it be called a weak floor that takes so much strength?

Plate on a vegetable stall: "Laron works before the onset of darkness."

You can get together with anyone if you live apart.

They lived long and happily, until they met each other.

Stools - those who are in fools.

Do you know that on August 31, it is impossible to sign up in one beauty salon on the manicure. All the time before September 1 ... Reserved by schoolgirls!

Carlson flew in the morning. Now waiting for the baby.

Moscow today resembles a homeless, who made a manicure, pedicure, put a tuxedo on dirty underwear and went to play a casino.

According to a classic Russian diet, it is necessary once a day. But from morning to evening!

If a person wants to live, then medicine is powerless. And if a person wants to live well, even legislation is impossible.

If you want to always be in a good mood, learn to rejoice in the trifles, say, salary. Trifle, but nice.

Announcement on the beach: "Do not hang on fungi!".

And only in Russia, a pedestrian, moving the road to the red light, can be shot down ... counter-running!

Only a Russian man, if it is allowed to do anything, will not do anything at all.

The best in 30 years: performance on video

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov left our world in November 2017. However, the memory of him lives, and the jokes and quotes of humorist are still appearing on the Internet - they have become so close and understood.

25 /11

I understand that with the meaning of Russian words that I wrote about in the past post, not everyone agrees.

Argued, objected, criticized, quit ...

I do not take offense: about b.and d.and - it is always b.e. d.and for the one who is offended. We repeat particularly picky: the vowels do not have a senseless function. We do not know at all what kind of knowledge was in words in antiquity. Moreover, many sounds were spoken by half-welded, as in today's Bulgarian word "Võlk". There or "A", or "O". Or maybe in general "s" ... However, you do not need to oppose my reflections the word " bidet" They say it, that, too, from " offense"? The word nonsense, the invention is alien to us, although it is called it from our word " tub" Or do you want to argue and this time, as if it was at the beginning of the word "bid", and then "Badja" appeared? Many, many steep words borrowed Western languages \u200b\u200bfrom our non-crude anti-warning Slavic. For instance, " boutique" From ours " booths».

But I'm not about that ... the hardest to take freshness and live water Russian words to people who are forty. They know too much! Only the knowledge of these is often format. It is necessary to have a courage to fall out for the "Frames". And without courage it seems that all his life will turn around. They say not to that.

At one time, the same happened with our historian Lv's Gumilyov. Nobody believed him, and his logic was called madness. Today, even scientists began to refer to his reflections on the passionality of the development of peoples in history.

That's why the opinion of scientists does not interest me today! When they criticize me and even allow themselves to be courageous and rude / under nickname!/, I do not pay any attention to it. Scientists have always insulted those who thought advanced. And sometimes on the fire, by the way, they were sent in favor of the Inquisition / that is, the authorities /. Almost all true advanced thinkers were subjected to persecution and criticism of the formatted scientific majority. Our scientists, as I have repeatedly spoken, do not open anything new, but only you caress the old one, then you mean, our own scientific works, dissertations and titles. And they are not interested in me, as I'm not going to become a scientist, write scientific works, defend your thesis, that is, to climb into their pocket. I wonder for me ved.aT O. ved.the essence of the native word to people, to this ready. And there are a lot of such, by the way! Much more than quillet trolleybuses.

No wonder Sergei Alekseev for the past day Vastered more than two hundred friends! I believe that we will be able to give secret knowledge with Serya, which will clarify their lives and does not harm anyone. As this knowledge does not carry any aggression and hostility.

By the way, the word " day"Also very interesting, from the word" westanos ": Walking day with night. In this word, woven of two energies - day and night - thin essence.

And "Night"? "There are no eyes"!

"Moon"? "Bump in the night"!

Greek Selena (the goddess of the moon) is "Syu Moon". "Syu-ray-in-night".

By the way, in Latin, the meaning of the word "moon" is the same - "Lux Noctis" / "Lucere Noctis" (light in the night / shining in the night). But in contrast to the languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic, the word "night" itself does not reveal there, as is not explaining the word "lucere". Vedic explanation! And in Slavic - there is, and ever will need to be taught.

In the early Semitic languages \u200b\u200b"Selena" decreased to " Syn" So called the God of the Moon in Sumero-Akkadian mythology. As well as synam. Temples were called in honor of God the Moon. This differed in the southern peoples: they worshiped the moon more than the sun. They can be understood. How can I worship the sun at such a heat?! Not of this, whether the nest flew out the words " Synah "and" synagoga?

And in English, if you say " sin."(As written) is" sin" I understand, again I blame me that I thought unscientific. And I do it with pleasure, because today what is unscientific, it happens ... to the detachment is logical. After all, at night with the moon who come to life? Death! And what do they call for? TO sin!

Nevertheless, to some criticism in letters, I should listen.

Sorry, pass ... "With lip.nasya ", of course, from the word" lip.cue ". "FROM lepy "- one who has merged eyelids. English " sleep."/ Sleep - closed eyes, with lip.eyelids.

But the most interesting thing is that in Greek " lip.oS "- fat. And fat because lip.cue. And because I. lip.oscape. In our country - "Zhirottsos".

In short, I answer this constructive criticism. I do not swim at all when I argue on these topics! But what should I do if Slavic words themselves sometimes reveal so exactly what it seems to be joke? The very word " offspring", About which I wrote in the past post and deciphering which was considered for the joke ... who was called offspringammi? Born on the side from in jumpbut. Of course, it looks like a joke. But in the most ancient times, they did not hesitate to reason on those topics that are considered shame today. Of those times it is a word to us and flew. Because you can't think more precisely. And the one who was born is not on the side, and was conceived in love, and not from jumpand those called from rockami. " Rock"Meaning Ariyev fate. Pro rock - A man who is eating fate. FROM rock - What is released by fate. W. rock - learn from fate ... and even the figure with rock. it timeDuring which the soul is on Earth, after the body is dying. For these so rock Days ends time Earthly human destiny. Of course, scientists, being in format-framework thinking, do not know such sublications. They are not ved.ayut! I repeat: they read the dissertations of each other and think they are scientists. And with each other voting: whom to consider scientists, and who is not. They are the word " forty»Produce from the number of sobular skins. Even arguing uninteresting.

In short, I myself am guilty when people believe that arguing on the theme of Russian language, I am pushing. Once I really sinned it, but then it was clearly warned that I would joke now. For example, the word "volatile" or "voting" decrypt as "feeding in a naked form." A "watchman" as "one hundred rye". Naturally, it is a joke. In fact, the "watchman" from the word "guard", "watching", a very different basis. Although B. english word "Watchman" moved into the word " storage"/ Warehouse, that is, the place you want to watch.

So I wonder the opinion is not scientists, but people seeking fresh knowledge. The format always leads to deafness. Deaf cannot be linked to folk songs that sing on Zavalinka during sunset. But the deaf and tuggy ear hears the low frequencies of heavy rockbut. What exact name is "heavy rock". "Hard luck". Low frequencies will crush energy, and fate all whom he spoiled rock, not very easy.

So, the conclusion ...

Once sometimes my readers think that I am swimming and joking, I will try to switch once again to thinking Sergey Alekseeva. He is not good! He had an ardent disciples. So let them be even more. Today, the main topic is "What does the word mean" WORD"And why exactly from this THE WORDS The Holy Book on Earth begins ... "

Sergey Alekseev. "Forty Russian lessons."


First lesson

As replacing the concepts and idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, using the language, you can check very simple. Stop a hundred people around the street of different ages and ask the question as in Crossword: "Representative of the Ancient Profession?". I am sure that ninetyly nine without thinking and will convinced - a prostitute. They serve them a very narrow circle of persons, do not bring taxes in the treasury, like oil workers and gas, but all because they speak endlessly talking, show and even sing! It's on a hearing, and we ourselves see the night, or then day butterflies, openly standing along the streets and roads. And perceive the world as babies, with the help of vision and hearing ...

But who said that they have the most ancient profession? Journalists, historians, researchers of the trade union movement? Probably, someone will certainly come off to some biblical plot, but check that there is no such allegation in the Holy Scriptures! Although there is a story about the harlot. And any sensible person will tell you that prostitution arises in one case: in contact with extreme poverty and intermediate luxury, when the concept of "civilization" is already being existed, and when commodity-money relations are reigning everywhere. In the oldest times, or as it was customary to speak, in a dilapidation, when in society, tribal morals were delivered, there was no concept of a family as we now imagine it. There were no hard family relationships And during the Neolithic period, this is when our ancestors with stone axes went in the skin. True, for some reason, the giant structures were built, which are now called observatory, in an unknown manner were tested and caught up to each other giant stone blocks, so you will not see the knife, the idols have erected in the form of a phallus, and sex turned into a cult and ritual. That is, women selling the body for money or food could not be in principle: the Kamenotesians were - they are not. And prostitutes appeared much later, where the beginning to flourish slavery, the usurists, change, that is, "civilized" economic relations, banking, depression, and all of them, including women, to commercial manrooms.

However, Sodom and Gomorra appeared in the same time. And this, I'm sorry, not such an antiquity, if the then produce and now in the heart of the current upcomers, changes and users of sales of sex.

But all the current schoolboy heard a different biblical phrase, having an indirect indication of one of the most ancient professions. It sounds like this: "In the beginning there was a word ...". To continue, I will return it to continue, and perhaps more than once, but now it is now other - the word "word" and why it was beginning.

Let's start with the fact that it is rare for its own openness, it did not suffer from a serious transformation, as well as the "sun", the "tree" of the middle kind, that is, it belongs to the nest of the cosmic, to the divine gift, and on a root basis, invalid Slavic.

And this root - fishing.

Even in the recent past in everyday life, that is, in a living, sounding tissue of the tongue, there was a whole family of words with this root - catch, catch, caught, catcher, deft, catcher, The accompanying summacre of verbs, by the way used in allegorical meanings. And now this fading fire is replaced by the only thing - huntinghaving a completely different sound, glow, internal temperature degrees and of course, other, consumer root and meaning - want - desire. Direct indication on the hunting value is preserved only in the proverb - on the catcher and the beast runs ...

Yes, catching, truly an oldest profession, ceased to be the main source of food, clothing, working cattle and other goods, turned into fun, entertainment, because it became simple hunt. However, the Great and Mighty retained its original sense in an underential form and put this root as a pearl into the sink, as a sacred sign in the treasury - in the very name of the "Language unit", the beginning of the gift of speech and thus presented it to us.

What kind of achievements are quite an earthly occupation of fishing wild animals awarded such the highest patronage of the language? And here it opens the magical meaning of the word word, his initial essence and essence of the profession covers, and our language becomes visible educational. After all, we are up to this afraid, reading articles, books, listening to lectures, pick up the grains of truth, evaporate mercury from the amalgam, in order to get your diligent spool. And the Russian language retained in its structure is equivalent to the root fishing In cases where you catch the beast or catch the truth. Hunters know, contact with live wildlife requires not only the art of trafficking, strength, endurance and perseverance - viscosity, as they say about fishing dogs. All knowledge as sensitive and carefully, like a wild deer, as dangerous, string and clawed, like a saber-toothed tiger or a cave bear, if you treat him ineptly, not deft. We now remember the expressions of the "deft mind", "Mind of Clek" and literally, studying some subject, we catch his essence To understand the phenomenon as a whole. All his conscious life hunt for truths.

That is, "the word" is what we caught, mining, the result of hunting, and therefore the expression "catch good luck" is: country house, this is a product extracted on fishing - what you were danoHowever, it was not presented in a ready-made, fried form, but only sent by the gods, released by rock, and this trepidate lan should still be managed to catch.

Application words fishing Regarding hunting again.

Now I will return to the Old Testament. "At the beginning was the word (caught luck, sacred mining). And the word was God ... " You hear the phrase got another sound and meaning. Of course, the hunters for truths were unlikely to catch celestialists, the trail along the trail and putting the traps; Here we clearly goes about the acquisition of God, or rather, divine knowledge, truth is the power and dexterity of my mind.

And so, the "word" - sacred mining

The proof of the primordial appointment of the root of "Lovo" is the word "sacred", for broadcast - Speak, but talking to the cherished, to pronounce some truths, to open knowledge. For other purposes there are words other, for example, to pray, solve (Relieve), to tell, learn, shave, chat, so chatting with a language or legs mean just only meaninglessly moving parts of the body. Broadcast You can only word sacredFrom here in Russian preserved and there is a precise definition: substance - Truth. And the catcher, knew the truth, the innermost knowledge is called veins. By the way, things can even be the fingers, judging by the "Word about the regiment of Igor ...". Listen to this line! "He (Boyan) his belong fingers on the strings of Yakladash, they themselves glory to the prince of rokotha ...". Rumble also talk but talk rocky, high, true, divine, so we have been saying that thunder rocky, expressing the forces of heaven. You could rumble or broadcast only in one place, with a large crossing of the people - on vesebecause these are single words, and initially veche is the square, the temple, the meeting, where do the prophetic truths open.

That's where we started the "word", we barely blurted out with him the dust of the times and sorted by the state-in-law of the German linguistics, which calls the sacred mining of the "language unit". The word has become educationalThat is, it entailed information from the area of \u200b\u200bthe history of the Slavic ethnos, his philosophy, psychology, applied sciences of the economy and environmental management is to hunt. As well as natural science, physics and even chemistry, since we are now producing, for example, of stones, ores, raw materials of iron, copper, uranium and other useful and not quite useful substances. But we are not already extracted for the sake of knowledge, but to do things - cars, rags, furniture and other things that sell on worry markets. Therefore, ninety-nine of the hundred oncoming transverse will tell you what profession ancient ...

- Oh Gods! Our Prasratus exclaimed, rising from Kurgan. - How did the language and the mind of my descendants!

However, the lesson continues, for "the word" has not yet disclosed everything that tait in its derivatives. Of course, of all the words and revolutions born from the root fishing, above all forests have increased the tree, the branches of which are slavic peoples. The whole Slavic world has grown, the crown of which spread over all four parts of the world - the eastern, southern, western, northern, united only by one general Slavonic language and culture - some special worldview and energy fieldother than the surrounding peoples. Their influence was so large that the felling to the Slavic tree, the foreign tribes were vaccinated, agreed to him without the help of a gardener, condemn their roots to dry off. So in the Slavic world, Ugri, Fina, Mordva, Chud Meroma, Muroma, all and many other language tribes, the names of which history did not even save the names of which history did not even save the names of which history. And the Volga Turkic-speaking Bulgars, for example, who came to the Danube, became Slavonic Bulgarians, slavs in essence. The nature of the Slavs, the method of prey of the urgent bread was also the most diverse: there were sedentary living with Sokhi., that is, landpash-oratai, or more precisely, aratai, there were half-first seasonal cattle workers, were those who lived the words - From hunting, and of course, it is waved to conclude that these, the last, and gave the name to the huge world slovenia. For example, because they were delivered, dominated over other tribes, differed by force, endurance, courage, deftly owned all types of weapons, could stand up for themselves and neighbors. In short, possessed the qualities of the leading group, since the hunting harsh life required this ...

But this is why the zankovka: Northerners, for some reason, were in the south and founded Novgorod-Seversky on the gum, where he also reigned the famous hero "Words ...", Igor. Probably they were engaged in fishing, but more sophisticated and pass, because mostly, this agricultural region and time impacts were inhabited there those who lived with Sokhi. - Chernihiv region. And in the north, in the impassive taiga wilds, where there was a hunting paradise, on the shores of Cold Ladoga, Volkhov, other rivers and lakes lived and indeed slovenia, However, not only the hunting was industrially - the same landfast, hand, that is, the robbing craft, judging by the excavations and bark grades, were magnificently literate and the right to ever defended the law on the party board. But at the same time, their brothers, slovaksturned out to be in Western Carpathians (Luzhitskaya culture), in the valleys among the mountains, where they were engaged in cattle breeding, arali Chernozem pashni in the pneakhnaya lowland and wide floods of rivers, which is why the hydrothimum was preserved, the river Orava, for example, and catching there was primitive, entertaining and could not feed. Other slovenia (Slovenians), Which in the days of Alexander the Macedonian (by the way, Slavyanina) were called Illyrians, found themselves in the Alps, where the deer also fired more for pleasure, and the urgent bread mined hiding, cattle breeding, viticulture and gardening.

And there were still West Slavic slovenians-Kashuba

From what country they all lived if they were kept in the name of their peoples to the name of their peoples? And it is not by chance! After all, other Slavs, and in fact the hunting hunting and inhabited in the forests, especially numerous rus, Drevlyan, Vyatichi, Curvichi, They wore a different self-confusion (with the exception of Vodny), which does not even have a hint of fundamental root fishing? Yes I. vntychi - sweeters - prophets - "Knowing," carry it only indirect signs. All kinds of nomads from the country in the country, countless resettlement of peoples are excluded, as evidenced by archaeological materials of excavations. In the Slavic world, to Western Europe, at that time there were immigrants from the Volga, with the Great River RA - Ugry-Hungary, Turks-Bulgars ...

And the fact is that the language memory, her educational potential so stable and mighty, which despite the influence of other cultures, especially Greco-Roman in Europe, retained in some slovenia their ancient addiction - craving for knowledge. The food could be mined anywhere and in any way, but if one or another Slavic people remained an adherent of irrepressible passion for the search and catching of knowledge, truths, if with its sacred mining continued to go to the Venerable area and broadcast, rumble of gloryThe information about this was maintained not only in self-registration, but also in the memory of those who have been cooled to this type of owner for one reason or another. For example, the Czechs, once former states with Slovaks. I.e, sllares, Slovaks, Solovinets Named those who owned in short, sacred mining and taught, enlightened, or rather, he was convicted of other, related to the spirit, Slavs and Inomes. The word "enlightenment", however, like the very word shine It does not happen from the actual word meaning the radiation of the solar or other light, but from veteran - greasy. By the way, from here and the "saint", for which we read even how prophetsTrue, already Christian.

Enter had the right one who himself was environmental, and here "the word" closely led us to the Scythian period, or rather, to mysterious skolotamwhat Herodotus wrote, pointing that it was self-calf Some tribes of the Black Sea Scythians. The "Father of History" himself was personally personally, in particular, in the city of Olbia (Olvia), Skolotov saw and even described them, but to figure out who they really call them and why they call them out so loudly, failed. But glory to him what exactly recorded them self-calfwithout freer sound. SCOLES - people with Kolo., that is, literally, from the sun, or more precisely, light, enlightened! Here we can say that these were special tribes of the Scythians or a certain priestly estate, at least a certain caste, because of the other Scythians of Herodotus separates and gives other names, more often Greek, or translates tribal to Greek self-espowering. True, sometimes a complete absurdity is obtained from such a translation. For example, the "Father of History" calls some Androphagha, claiming that they are cannibals living in the snow of the semidial side. Herodotus was not there, Samoyedov, or rather, did not see representatives of the Selfiest tribes, so everything confused ...

Not only respected by all times and peoples an antique academician submissions to us important information; Russian, fortunately, retained and self-calibration of mysterious Scythian tribes gathered by Herodotus in the Black Sea region, and their educational relationship. Enlightened chips were keepers of knowledge and teachers, for school School - the original Slavic wordborrowed by many languages \u200b\u200bof the neighbors. For example, in the Baltic Latvia and now sounds like "Skola", in English "Ze Skul", in German - "Shule". And try to translate to the heroes ...

Yes, you will say, you will not say, do you really need a swollen, then you mean, barbaries Scythians, marked the beginning school education In Europe, which we automatically consider more enlightened, advanced? "Conscience of the nation", late D.S. Likhachev and to him the current Patriarch of All Russia, Kirill, said: Slavic culture of a thousand years, the entire former story of solid darkness and the life of "snowy way," as written in the chronicles ...

But then where does the "enlightened and civilized" middle of the earth have a mediterranean, such an irrepressible thrust for the Northern Black Sea region? And the essence is not only in fertile chernozem, comfortable bays, the mouths of shipping rivers - trade routes, where as if mushrooms after the rain, Greek colonies were formed. After Greece, the climate for Ellinov is not so hot, without pants, with bare knees and sandals round year Do not pass: even in the Crimea there are snowy winter and frosts. Yes, and the neighborhood with the "world of barbar", quite troublesome, but no, stubbornly and persistently survive the Scythian shores!

With a few persistence and perseverance, historical and philosophical sciences are introduced into our consciousness of the idea that ancient world lived and developed exclusively by economic motivations, moreover, very primitive and ... studently similar to the motivation of the development of capitalism of the second half of the 19th century. That is, the ancient Greeks and our great-grandparents had ideas about the world exactly the same as Hegel, Feyerbach, Marx, Engels and other minds of the heyday of the European philosophical thought! It must have been looked into the future, read and decided to arrange their lives according to their teachings, which are based on only the economy associated with it, the tools of production and trade. And how else to explain the fear of the existence of the Old World, how the postulate is determined: he, the world develops from simple to complex? And we are to this afraid to live this delusion, at the same time admiring, for example, the perfection of the thought of ancient philosophers, the grace of art, while not thinking about what they were, the carriers of this thought and art? And that their more worried - knowledge or method of prey of the bread of urgent?

And we argue about the life of the letter according to your own views based on the closed economic model of the world order. Marxist-Leninist philosophy lives and wins ...

Fortunately, the ancient Greeks of this did not know and risking their lives and health, built their policies along the northern shores of the Cheremal Sea, densely intense with "barbaric" tribes of Scythians. Least trade with them, most of all fight, go to raids themselves and suffer from them, losing their cities (Olbia and was conquered at all and became Scythian), still imported wheat from Egypt, but continue expansion and at the same time ... Carefully Learn your dangerous neighbors. The causes of their persistent curiosity are started to open if you turn to ancient Greek mythology. "Rodnoophers" of the entire European and Mediterranean culture, they themselves told us about the reasons for so close interest in the cool northern shores of the Russian Sea, and in particular, to Skifam Slot. Recall the journey of the Jazon (Jason), about his swimming for Golden Rome. We are still in school True, we didn't explained to us that it was for a fleece, why it took the wonderful brand of the ski of Yazon. Yes, and then we were more chosen by the adventures and the misadventures of the expedition of mythical argonauts, and the reason for their campaign was not particularly attracted us. Well, fleece, probably with gold wool, and since there are no such a fairy tale, and composed to tell us about brave sailor and his comrades ...

The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint.

Sheep or laundry skin covered with solid coat of wool, only in slavic languages and adverbs are called ruNAnd we remember the expression "fine-mounted sheep", that is, with thin, high-quality hair, slightly strolled in a dense veil, suitable for yarn and weaving production of dear, soft cloth, so necessary in the cold climate. In Russian, there are no random consonances: Fleece and runes (type of letter) - single words. And this circumstance directly indicates that the scrolls of the Northern Black Sea region had a rune letter, which they recorded their mined knowledge on sheep parchment (soon) word. Moreover, using golden ink.. The practice of using such ink is known: sacred The list of the Avesta captured by the Grand Slavic Alexander Macedonian was filled with gold, on parchments from twelve thousand bullish skins. Imagine the amount of information?

The technology of letters with gold was difficult and painstaking, the parchment had previously cut down the sharpest pen-stale (hence the testimony, which was written in Russia " features and cuts"), After which the ink was introduced into this trail - most likely amalgam. Mercury evaporated, the yellow metal was bought to the parchment, leaving the finest pattern of signs.

Now open the medieval, handwritten book, preferably, expensive, which are stored in the departments of rare books and manuscripts large libraries. And immediately find out culture letterRather, echoes, atavisms of an ancient culture. Yes, it will be written by Cyrillic, but look into the bizarre Vycle title and offspring, where it is used sometimes gold or cinnabarfrom which mercury is mined. If there is such a knage, only runic and gold, scream parchment, then there will be a complete impression that the skin is covered with gold wool ...

And for comparison, open the books of a similar order, for example, Greek, Germanic, Germany Scandinavian and try to speculate about the antiquity of written traditions.

So the journey of Argonauts under the leadership Yazshe had a specific goal - to get word, to paint the scrolls of their sacred mining, get knowledge and writingwhom the Greeks did not have, however they knew perfectly who and where they own. Golden Rome at that time was called Vesta, later in the Indian version called Veda.

What is the mentioned sacred list of Persian Avesta, you ask?

But this is another lesson, and now homework : I propose carefully worker Myth of swimming argonautov, write down the names of all twenty-nine participants in the campaign in the column (those are mentioned in all lists) and see what will work out from the first letters. Doesn't it remind you of you?

Complicated - "Syu" and "falsely" - Syu false!
Revenge - me eats me
Gore. From the word "burning". The soul burns in the mountain.

"The Great Mighty Russian Language" - all know this quotation. But, in my opinion, even the author, feeling a deep meaning, laid down in our native speech and loving her, did not always understand how vigorously and mysteriously every russian word. Sometimes the commandments are not required. It is only necessary to reveal this word, see its natural meaning. For what? To understand how in life to become happier, how to die cheerful and healthy. I understand: "It's hard to live easily!" To make it easy to live easily, it is enough to submit to our native words - commandments.

Complicated. Consists of two words: "Syo" and "falsely" - Syu False! That is, you will lie - you will be difficult to live!
Envy. From the word addiction. Very simple and correct meaning - when a person envies, he loses his freedom, thoughts and is depending on those who envy.
Revenge. Today, most movie plots are built on revenge. And then the authors are surprised why they do not have a life. And do not teach people revenge. And you do not need to issue minus per plus. This is convinced by our native word: revenge - eats me! You will revenge and your own dark dreams and divids will eat you.
Today it is often said: "Positive", "negative". Words like everyone's understandable. But what is distinguished by foreign words From ours? The point is the same, but there are no secrets. Try my native "positively" to pronounce slowly several times and you will hear inside: "Live". That is, for life, it is good. And "positively"? Just from the word "posture." Yes, it is more suitable for our current subchalim society - what pose you accepted how much I rushed, so everything will be positive.
An even more wise word "negatively". Means "Departure from Trinity." You do not read the Trinity - you live negatively.
Mountain. From the word "burning". The soul burns in the mountain.
Sorrow. Soul bake.
Evil. It is no coincidence that the words "evil" and "ash" are single-tempered. From the evil of the soul turns into ash.
In Christianity, it is often mentioned that pride is not from God. Need humility. As a rule, they are talking about this multifaceless and not very convincing. But this is enough to reveal this word. Pride - to get grief. Worse only pride. And as satirik, let's assume that "Pride" is at all when the mountain inserts you a melon!
Great and instructive the word "sin". Grief arrived. You will sin - the grief will come to you inevitably.
Adultery. From the word "cross". Agree, all that "re-", then for a person - more superfluous. So it becomes clear what the crossbathing is leading to impotence and Viagra!
And finally, the most important word curious word for Russian man. It would seem, from the word "womb". But if you look into some etymological dictionaries, it turns out that the word "purple" is from the word "worm". Here it is a solution. How many people dream of losing weight, continuing to argue - gluttony! That is, please caress. Sorry for the sharpness, (but because I'm not in vain called a malignant satirist), I will still be tougher: worship - it is worms to feed.
All these words were born when our ancestors considered themselves not slaves of God, but sons. The difference is here - the Son of God sins less. For example, they never have a namusorit in nature, because he knows that his father created his nature. And he does not want her dad to her dad. And the servant of God will do it easily, because he knows that then asks for forgiveness from the Lord. And he will forgive him as teaches religion. Changed his wife - Lord, forgive me. The Son of God realizes that in this case, forgiveness needs to be asked for his wife, and not the father of her, since the father nothing to do with it! The servant of God ships the Lord. And he, in my opinion, is horrified by the wrong men of the whole world: "What are you loading me? And why should I answer all your sins? " No one can redeem the sins of the other - so considered our ancestors. If you want to see someone who is to blame for your troubles - come to the mirror.
Many Russian words have changed their meaning over time. And now we can not always guess their spring importance. For example, before the word "red" meant "beautiful." To "RA", to the light aspiring. And the color was indicated by the word "scarlet". Agree that "Krasno Girl" is not a virgin with red rye, but the "red angle" is not a place where alcoholics sit with the painted carts. And "Red Square" was so named, because it is bright and beautiful, and not because of her color.
And thanks to the words, it can be seen how faded the morality of our people and how we turned into slaves from the sons of God. For example, the word "suffer" used to "remove the suffer". Then the time of work was not on themselves, but on some uncle, and the harvest was reluctant. And now it came once again the peasant in his hut, wiped the sweat from his face and said to his wife: "I was so enforced for today!" I liked the word, he began to repeat it, so it stuck to our language. The same thing happened with the word "week." "Week" meant only one day - Sunday. It was one day in the saddemice, when you could not do anything. When the feud was causing suffering for our ancestors, one day of rest seemed not enough, I already wanted to do anything all seven days! So instead of the word "saddimitsa" in the language, the word "week" has a favorable ear consolidated.
Sometimes the words were repainted, from light turning into dark. The word "blue" - from the word "dove". Pigeons - lovers love. And now "Blue" causes a smirk and a grin. And even the songs about the blue puppy and the blue wagon sound somehow indecent. And when they say that Picasso was a "blue" period, modern youth believes that he changed the orientation at this time.
These are just some examples. Now think yourself - how do you want to live: waiting for you to insert the melon to you, or rejoicing, with honor and dignity. By the way, we often use these words together, attributing to them one value, although the initial values \u200b\u200bwere different. "Honor" - a female concept. Woman should obey his honor by the Smalod. And "dignity" - the word men. From the word, sorry, "worth". No wonder we say "Male dignity." And not only not in the sense that you have thought now. When a man lives with dignity - he has a direct back, he is directly standing with a highly raised head, he has an open look.
And, finally, you are for pleasure: the word "pleasure" from the ancient word "UD". Even in the pre-Christian times, the UD was called the men's sexual organ. The evidence can be found in Russian folk fairy tales, even at the column of them Afanasyev. Therefore, "pleasure" originally means - by the will of the male genital organ. Hence the "satisfaction" - creation by the will of the same body, and "lengthen", and the "rod", and "delets". But female pleasure is not supposed, they have no blow. Therefore, they should be nice, from the word "acceptance".
Of course, I allowed myself to go to some frams of decency in this note. Made it deliberately, because the truth should not be recessed in hypocrisy. And what is true, then not vulgarity. By the way, the word "vulgarity" cannot be translated into any language. It appeared in Russian, when for low-line jokes from theatrical layoffs of hyserides and the crochetons forced to pay a fine. This penalty was called "duty". So "vulgarity" is something that must be paid. If today they understood it, and introduced such a law, then Moscow could live on self-sufficiency, for funds received from the hemedy characters.
P.S. One of my familiar businessmen who does not believe in the hell, nor in God, having listened to my similar conclusions, said: "Maybe it's all and not true, but it sounds so beautiful that I want to believe!" I'm not sure that the thoughts that I shared with you are truth in the last instance, but I want to believe it ...

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Mikhail Zadornov
Thank you! Etymology of Russian life

© Zadornov M. N., 2015

© CJSC Publishing House CenterPoligraph, 2015

Shivering long-known words ...

Our ancestors-Slavs have lived among forests, fields and rivers. Of course, they felt the nature not as primitive as people in our time. Called the sounds that today's ear, rolling with urban noise, does not perceive. The drum membrane of mankind has dug away from the pop-top bombing.

In many Russian words there is a syllable " r." Today, many people know that, as a rule, he means sunlight. R.arc - light arc, r.destiny - get to get R.», - r.dost Boha, x. r.m - storage " R." Many other words: r.pitch r.but - not yet " R."... Until now, kids in their counts do not utter" one, two, three ", but" r.s, two, three "! "Once" - the word is more older than "one". It seems to indicate that the first of any act should be devoted to the Sun and Light. Gally, nothing. Who worships " light", That" saint».

It is strange that most of philologic scientists considers such arguments to amateur fiction. Like, why should the sun were called "RA"? But it's just!

With dawn on Earth, all living things wake up: birds, animals in the forests, jungle, prairies, savannas begin to knead the voices. I have come to spend the night and in the jungle of Brazil, and in the tent at the foot of Kilimanjaro. I woke up every morning with the sunrise. There is no better alarm, than the animal growl at dawn. Once and our ancestors awakened the same. They did not "shake" along nightclubs and disco with karaoke. Sleep went to bed with the onset of darkness, and woke up with the first roosters, flies and the surrounding beast, like me in a tent near Kilimanjaro. Together with all they, too, joyfully, semi-sowed, levers, envy the first rays of the sun. I am sure that the word " speech"It happened from the word" rid" Try ripping and pulling "R-r-r", after which, introducing himself to the ancestor of mankind, open your mouth in order to extend the greeting the sun. You will get "RA"! That's the whole secret. Multi-many millennia, living in caves, forests, river banks, lakes, our ancestors made the sound of "RA", waking up, yawning and rejoicing the first rays of the sun. With the development of consciousness, these processes began to be perceived inextricably. So "RA" is one of the main first alone of human PRACOM, which began to form from a simple lever.

Disputes, what kind of origin - Turkic or Aryan - the battle cry "Hurray!", Meaningless. This is a universal morning greeting Sun! And who for the first time he sounded as a call to the battle, does not matter. The main thing is that if in the morning you will raise your hands facing palms to the rising sun, and several times long and rollyly say: "Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! ", Feel how the whole body will be treated, and you charge joyful solar energy for the whole day!

The ancestors that Praprapra ... felt any natural trembling. And they tried to reproduce the sounds surrounding their sounds.

How does the bird sings before the rain? Listen: " drink-drink"! So the word appeared " drink" I went raining, the water was gained in the tub, in a bucket - clean, heaven! The bird has screamed! I also got drunk after the rain and swallowed. Later on the basis of " drink»Words formed:" drink», « food», « food»... You can continue this endless row with drinkevoi Forew, without which the life of any creature is impossible, including a person.

There will be a lot of millennia from the moment of the origin of this word-embryo. Life will change greatly. People will be afraid of nature - all sorts of religions will do everything for this. Ancient words will change, adapt to new living conditions, and the words-descendants, words-mutants: general pete, Peteomnik and even pizza. But in each of them the living energy of the Pravian mankind will be warm.

Many times in history is a short " drink"Will be painted with another meaning. For example, the gods so that they are strong, like people, you need to pour. But what? Singing! The song is the best food of the gods. So from " drink"Burned" sing"! A new tree has grown on this root and many words - leaflets: singing, song, songwriter and even ... Rooster (sings - Wow!). By the way, in the distant Praslavansky times the first Navar for the ear was cooked from Pet ear, so lust and called " ear».

In how! From the bird that sings "drinking drinking drinks" to the ear! And after all, it would seem, nothing in common between these words. Nevertheless, there is - the development of the world order. And, accordingly, speech, which has always been adjusted to new living conditions, as if he felt a change in world rhythm.

Pointing to something near or away, before people used to use short half-haul-half-bloods: "That" or "Syu". Why such words-exclamations arose? Watch for children who have not yet able to say: if they point to something nearby, hear the sounding from the child, similar to "Sy". And if the baby indicates the subject of the distance, says a word similar to "That". Children babies of all nations will be burned on one international children's "Esperanto"! If the baby's baby put in the crib next to the baby, they ... will understand each other!

Ancient legend of law: the language was one along the whole earth! But adults in pursuit of wealth and benefit it was broken into parts. And deprived the words of natural wisdom, taking them in tongues, made only the carriers of business information.

Those distant, not very well-told our ancestors as babies, "read" natural cosmic trembling forests, fields, the sea ... Their first exclamations were a continuation of the sounds of nature. At the dawn of his development, they realized that the sound could be frightened, warning, warm, climb and even excite! Sounds helped live in nature, gradually turning into speech. We spell up people, people developed speech.

Still in the word "growl" there is a very important sound - " c." He meant - " chu». « Chu"- Obereg. One of the first words for those who lived among dangers. For example, the first battleships with his first-grandfather in the forest. Suddenly something lusted in the bushes. Bear, slave? What kind of sound is published before listening? Chu! Why? This is only known to God created the phenomenon of resonance. Someday scientists will understand that language should be studied to those who know what a wave mechanic. Linguists without the help of quantum physicists will not reveal the speech first of humanity. Chu!Listened, in chumissing? There is no danger, you can go on. Here is the source of today's words " chuiS "," chuyka "," chuthyu "," chubefore". By the way, " chabefore "is for parents" chubefore"! From this embryo " chu"And the ancient charm" chur". Mean - feel RA - light, and it will save you.

ChurCIs are wooden pegs that Magi's Magitis put on the borders of the field, a border, the Kapiegi, so that they protect the holy land from the unclean power. Later, when the wars began, it was believed that they would be worn from the enemy. Now we have chocks simply, just inquisite lamps, although more recently the border poles in Russia were also called chocks. And then, sorry, and those supposedly unknown who lived behind these chocks. So natural " chu"It was degenerated into the clikuhu of today's migrant workers. So the spiritual life of a person was imparted in the history, but its heels developed.

How to be if the child had to save from danger - one he runs ahead ahead in the forest, and there the swamp, a pit, the abyss, and Bati still speech is not so developed, as we have, - just learned to hiss, asshole, troops , smack? Again, thanks to His Chuke, Daja shouts the chad: " Brr.». Brr.- Sounding, creating in environment Resonance warning of danger is the audio wave of the Oberega. Therefore, the forest spirit of danger Our ancestors were ordered Buron. Fights, disassembly, crimes - all berahs from Bera. The most dangerous beast is a bear. His initial true name - Ber.. But it is not necessary to utter in the forest out loud. Hear ber, which is cliche, and will appear. Therefore, I was invented by take Clikuhu-chased - Bear. As you like to call the bear - the owner, Toptygin, Bear, Kosolapov, but not Bero! To take it necessary to treat with respect! Ber is not dangerous only when sleeping. Rookery BeraberleoGA. Amazing but the most ber.a lie place in Europe was where the city now is Ber.lin. Magi, which in the West called Magicians, warned our Slavic ancestors: do not put the city here: Wake up Bera, he will wake up - everyone will not last. The Saints Soviets did not obey, founded the city, woke up Bera, and two millennia swept the buried Berned his rusty to all nations of Europe. And indeed everyone has not yet been impaired. Barely calmed! And who? Those Slavs that still retain natural wisdom in their own language and shiver the first words of mankind.

From Slavic " Ber."And the British" Bear "- bear.. And the Russian word " boerbY. "

From Ber.and it must be ber.fight! But this wisdom people forgot. Changed the meaning, living in the world consumption. Berera was not your home from Bera, but to save gold. And today we have a phrase "with ber.ega Cassa. " Means that the head of Sberbanks are hidden ber.с!

Bulgakov was also a difficult writer! I felt a very secret. Remember, his hero, who is not ber.eG himself Ot Ber.and on the first pages of the novel, - Ber.liosis!

Listening to our speech, studying the history and healing of the Slavic people, such chains of transformations can be built by many.

What should happen in the life of a person so that he began to hear the original meaning of the long-acquaintances, the usual words, the natural trembling of the native language?

It is quite possible to someone will simply read this book - about how a young journalist, a novice Satir writer, son famous writer, I went on a business trip to Siberia to write an essay about the anneaishers and met a witch in the taiga ...

Mikhail Zadornov

Kiss witches
Autobiographical story

Father and son

At first my father did not want me to become a writer. He did not like what I am writing. Even when my first humorous stories began to print in the "literary newspaper," he said: "To do this non-seriouscase, you still have to have seriousprofession! " Therefore, I advised me not to leave engineers.

Especially since in the laboratory, where I worked at the department, it was dissolved in a serious opening without my participation. We ended the development of unique nozzles with a supersonic fuel injection rate in the vapor phase into the leafing chamber of the combustion of aircraft.Surprisingly, but I still understand the meaning of what now wrote.

Father did not understand anything in nozzles. But when I heard such phrases, I was very proud of my son and, if guests came to us, asked to tell them with the expression, what I do at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Later, when he looked at the performances of the performances in the amateur theater of MAI, where I, being an engineer, worked as a director, began to doubt that my future would be associated with nozzles.

Although the nozzle itself was patented, and if someday in the world will invent special refractory materials to make it and implement in furious chamber of aircraft,several generations of my descendants will be provided with a pension of my name.

Later, when thanks to the performances in the transfer of "around laughter" to me, the first popularity began to come, my father realized that from the stage I was not to drive any supersonic nozzle. And since then, each time it was very upset after the disputes with me. Thank God, we lived in different cities. Father's friends calmed him down: do not require a lot from the son, nature is resting on children.

But for a long time, after I left the engineers, he could not accept my pop future. He did not like the pop humorists at all. Even the most famous. And although at that time censorship did not miss jokes on the theme below the belt, still considered the estrad by vulgarity.

- If you want to become a real writer, he was not tired to teacher, - you need to write a novel about modern life. On ordinary people, and not about what you have under your nose. The construction of the Baikal Amur Highway begins. What is not the topic? About pioneers!

Such his statements were angry with me. First, I believed that they would humiliate me: they say, the novel about Bama is a present, and what I do, something like production waste.

- Dad, as you do not understand, Bam is not pioneer, but parroduction! They go there for dumplings, for carpets, crystals and dumps to the salary. I do not want to be likened to the Soviet writers who in the novels are good always conflict with even more good! He loves her, and she loves his factory, and they both over-fulfill a plan during a honeymoon.

- witty! But the Bam is very much needed by the country. Look at the map. Railway Through Siberia passes almost in the Chinese border. The Chinese, if they want, will be able to destroy it in one day, and all Siberia will be cut from the center. Roman my word, soon China will become dangerous!

Today, in the Millennium, I am surprisingly, as a father, then, in the seventies of the last century, I understood what he was talking about seriously now.

In those brief respite between the "philosophical" quarrels, he tried to explain to me that the real talent can see the wonderful parties in the life of the most unsightly and ordinary people. "Vegetables grow out of dirt, and very helpful!" - I quoted me once someone from the classics of medieval aphorism.

- I suggest you write a novel not about party leaders, but about those people allegedly vegethesthat actually vitamins.

Now I understand: the father thought great. He was not a communist. However, sometimes even in the party secretaries saw people decent. Especially loved Siberians. He lived in Riga. When he lacked impressions, he went to travel along Siberia and the Far East. He liked on traveling to meet and talk with hunters, fishermen, workers, border guards, sailors ...

* * *

The word "working" was so often uttered at that time from the TV screens and in newspapers that I was associated only with the word "proletarian". And the word "proletarian" did not actively like it. For me, the proletarians were those who are always plotalby. Or even more terrible - some "letharia" were killed: something like a mix of reptiles with failed mammals. Of them, clearly imagined with a branch from the evolutionary branch of the development of mankind. I also identified the milkmaid, and Pernarov, and Shakhtars, and Steellers ... In general, everyone, the Soviet speakers shouted with good, well-set votes and who were shown in the "blue lights" ahead with Komsomol and party seats.

- Eh, you would work journalist. By country to ride. To make people decent to look. And it is also hanging between speculators and dissidents, - loved to repeat the father.

For young, born already in our time, I will clarify: "Journalist" sometime - this is now difficult to believe - it was not just a good word, but commendable. For him, first of all, a talented person. Journalists respected! There were no such figurative words as "journalists" or "journalist". Yes, many words have changed their meaning on our century. For example, "Fuck" in my youth meant "hit", "disassembly" was the term designers and engineers, "Troka" - a device in the kitchen for rubbing vegetables ... I'm not talking about the "blue". In Soviet times, no one would have caused a smile name of the cartoon "Blue Puppy". It would not come to anyone that the puppy could be a pervert, especially when he sings the song: "It's good to be blue, if you love everyone."

Most recently, the young editor subtracted my story, written at seventy-sixth year. In it, I described how, when working in a construction engine, we, being students, in the evening they gathered by the fire. Our construction unit we called the abbreviated "building project". I had such a phrase in my story: "I'm lying by a fire for construction project." The young editor made me a remark: they say, how not to describe such vulgarity? I did not immediately realize that he was under the "construction project" did not mean my jacket, but a student from a construction engineer.

Advanced scientists from the West today argue that the thought is material. You can throw it with the finest modern experiments. No wonder the philosophers who were considered crazy, convinced humovassthat, if you think about something persistently and powerfully, a dream can materialize. Apparently, Father secretly dreamed about my future journalist, that I suddenly really became a journalist!

It would seem that it happened by chance. But still ancient philosophers tried to explain to people that there are no accidents in the world: any accident is the result of regularity.

Of course, before becoming a journalist, I traveled a lot in our country and with my father, and with the student theater of Mai. Already in the first long journeys began to notice how much always around me appears interesting peopleMany of them wanted to record when they talked about their destinies or simply shared interesting observations.

Father was right - even among the Komsomol and party workers, very decent people came across. They were away from the capital they were not as poster and did not go from the slogan speeches. In the sailors, fishermen, lumberjacks, who also ranked to the "leti", the faces were clearly happier than the Moscow "nonmetaris". Yes, and in life they were more fun. Not sad, did not eat and did not complain about everything and everything, as it likes to constantly do our intelligible intelligentsia.

I started notebook. She is still stored with me. She is now interested to reread. It recorded words and expressions heard from a variety of "vitamin vegetables", which I would have been sitting at the table in Moscow, never came up with: "In such a face, like she, only the wolves in the Sayan scare," "I'm afraid of Komsomol, like a bubne hare", "This is not a child, this is Cogaton," I swear, so that I don't ride a century with our chairman in a boat "...

Probably, people are vegetable and really affected me as vitamins. Many where we visited theater. On shaking, as a cart, the bus drove almost all of the Ussuriy Territory, on Agittelod, they dangled in the seas behind Kamchatka. On various dry cargos and icebreakers, as on the trafficking, along the northern seas they got almost to the North Pole. Several times they were on the mother and then, returning to Moscow, flashed the knowledge of such incomprehensible to the metropolitan parties, as Chegdomyn, Mogocha, Tynda ... I wrote about these trips a few essays. They were published in the then Millionnote Magazines. If you now print at least one excerpt from this essay in some newspaper, no one farts in his author of today's Malignant Satirik.

And then our theater, like any amateur team, collapsed. Everyone dispersed, ran away by distributions. I was offered work in the trendy, advanced, lively journal "Youth". I, of course, was delighted - whether a joke, I even had my office! Only for this could be agreed to prestigious work. And in the very center of Moscow. I edited and printed humorous stories of the best writers of humorists of that time, read letters with the works of young satirists, as well as the grunting graphomans. But after six months, I began to feel that my life is although it becomes in all pairs in the future, but on a narrow scene! I obviously lacked vitamins.

Father said:

- There is an island thinking, and there is continental. The society that surrounds you, with island thinking. The writer should have continental. He should seem to see continents, peoples, countries ...

I no longer so often quarreled with him. First, I understood that every our quarrel would strike him, secondly, as life showed, he was in many ways right. And although the misunderstanding between us still remained, I still thought with horror that I would ever be in my life someday. Once I saw how in Riga, he slowly crossed the street in front of our house, and realized that he was very much. Then I gave myself a promise while he is alive, have time to do as much as possible in the life of what he dreamed of.

In one of the arrival in Riga, while walking on the beach Jurmala, overpowing his pride, I asked him:

- Dad, if you go to the bass to write a novel or essay about pioneers, how do you think exactly?

My father answered not immediately. He did not expect that I could overpow my pride, - I fell.

- Perhaps you are more laid out than I thought, he said, "can, and it's good that you left the engineers!"

He promised me to think about my question. I called to consult one of my best friends - the hunter, the ship, the director of the Khabarovsk Museum of Museum Vsevolod Petrovich Sysoev.

Like the Father, Sysoev was far from the metropolitan views. No matter how they say, "did not enter the writing party." By the way, at that time the word "Tusovka" did not exist. They spoke "intelligentsia". How quickly changes the language!

Sysoev immediately guessed - it is necessary to save the son of his older friend?

- And what if Misha drives to the present tagged to the Ambun River? And I will write about the essay! That would be nice.

I even liked this idea. Although in those years I have already become a full member of the metropolitan journalist-acting tusovki.

Why, asks, the young, who commemorates the hoping of the party is needed to break for the thirty lands in the Zaamur Taigue? Yes, I just wanted to visit invadant-unknown edges. See fresh faces. Around me in our housing, they were all completely some unstuck.

Now such desires that arise without any calculation for profits, I call "Heart Tract".

The heart feels the future! The brain calculates the present!

The heart has a gift of clairvoyance. I am expressed by a chess language, it can suggest a very correct move, which will unexpectedly work in the future, and the party will be won.

Of course, at that time I did not reason. I just first felt a passionate desire to forget somewhere away: where there are no slogans, pathoral speeches and pseudo-sensing anti-Soviet passages in small-sized kitchens to the music of Vivaldi, so that Kramol did not hear the neighbors.

So, having obeyed heart thrustand the parent council, I made a move, which in twenty years old helped me win the very necessary "party". However, I will not run forward ...

I remember how I came to the responsible secretary of the journal "Youth" and asked him to send me to Amgun.

- Where to send you?! - He did not immediately realize what Amgun is: holiday home, military base, collective farm or new disco? Discos at that time, by the way, just appeared and caused a greater interest not only from young people.

I explained that Amgun is a river, the influx of Amur, it is difficult to get there, but there is a place where real Siberian anthewers have been preserved.

I spoke ignore and convincingly, as if I had been in those places. The responsible secretary thought first that I played him.

- What kind of humor about them wrote about them?

- No, I want to write an essay in the journalism department!

It must be said that the responsible secretary was a man gambling and a fresh theme of him seemed to hooked. He, in bloating, looked around the room - my offer clearly seemed interesting to him, but, as a party, for such a "prick" responsibilityi did not want to take on myself, although it was considered responsiblesecretaria.

- I do not decide one such questions! Let's go to the main one. Let him then bring out for this recovery.

The chief editor at the time was a legend man - Writer Boris Field. For the "Tale of the Real Man" at the very top of Soviet power, he was so respected, which was allowed much more than other chief editors.

Therefore, the journal "Youth" was considered very smashed. The praise of religious people in the atheistic Soviet society was not encouraged. I think, the entire editorial board of "youth" liked not so much the theme of the morality of believers (we were all then atheists), how much the opportunity to edit the Soviet power once again.

A month, unexpectedly even for my father, I was given a business trip to Amgun!

Now, remembering everything that happened, I think: no matter how my life happened, if I did not go to that distant journey? I would have a lot of things disadvantagedand certainly lost Vitamins. So it would continue to participate in races with colleagues ... on a narrow scene.