
Bully swan cancer and pike. Analysis of Basni "Swan, Pike and Rak": History of writing, Images


« Swan, pike and cancer"- Bass Ivan Andreevich Krylova, written in 1814 and published in the collection" New Basni "(1816, part 4). The plot contains a hint of the events of that time: the dissatisfaction of Russian society by the actions of the political allies of Emperor Alexander (the war of the sixth coalition against Napoleon); According to another version, contemporaries tied the plot of Basni with disagreements between the members of the State Council.

FableSwan, pike and cancer

When there is no agreement in comrades,

On the way, their business will not go,

And it does not come out of it, only flour.

One day swan, cancer, yes pike


And together three, everything was injected into it;

From leather climb, and it's not a move!

Choking for them seemed easy:

Yes, swan rushes into the clouds,

Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.

Who is to blame from them, who is right, not to judge us;

Yes, only WHO and now there.

Bass Ivan Andreevich Krylova,

written in 1814.

Bass Swan, pike and cancer - analysis

Bass consists of two parts separated from each other, from the short edification at the beginning and the main narration.

With the heroes this time, everything is very foldable and simply, three different in kind: the swan can only fly and physically and in their thoughts, cancer, that they do not expect, go back, and Pike only swim is destined. Moral Basni is that there are things laid by nature in animals and people with whom it is impossible to do anything, they will not be able to change, no matter how try.

In friendship, the combination of united spirit and in the aspirations of characters is important, and if there is no agreement in the comrades, then, no matter how much they climbed out of the skin, none of them will be the right to blame - there will be no matter. Everyone follows its instinct, works for good, yes only WHO and now there. What is the idea inspired Krylov on this fastener? Probably people hiding or themselves misunderstanding their true intentions in creating a common cause.

In the process of studying literature, children will have to get to know the most diverse genres. Each of them has its own feature and beauty. Studying them, the guys deepen knowledge of the world, as well as on the development of literature. One of the most interesting and unusual genres - bass. It helps in a special, allegorical, form to convey an important and deep meaning. On the example of the analysis of the bass "Swan, pike and cancer", we will show how much means studying this genre to raise children.


Basnie is a small product, which has a predominantly poetic shape and is satirical. This is an allegorical genre, which allows with the help of fictional heroes (usually animals) to expose moral and social problems.

The Basnie story begins in the V century to our era. At that time she created Ezop. Only an allegorical form made it possible to invest even the most bold thoughts into the work. In honor of the Creator, she was called Ezopov Language.

Then bass existed only orally. To record them became approximately II century to our era.

History of creating a work

Before proceeding with the analysis of the Basnie "Swan, Pike and Cancer", you need to know how it was created.

The plot is original and tells about three heroes: Swan, pike and cancer who tried to move with joint efforts to move. However, their undertaking was not crowned with success.

Bass became popular, and it is rightly called the masterpiece of Russian literature. Moral, which enclosed in the work, revealed the problems that remain relevant and in our time.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov saw a society that seeks to make life better, in fact, moves in opposite directions. And excluding the possibility of joint and productive work, it deprives himself such a desired achievement. Not only this fable, but also other satirical works of the author criticized the royal power, as well as the behavior of various officials.


To prepare the analysis of the bass "Swan, Pike and Cancer", it is necessary to highlight the acting characters:

Swan. His element is air, because he desperately strives.

Cancer - as in nature, is five back.

Pike - pulls WHO into water, but to no avail.


The use of animals is not accidental as characters. As a rule, their behavior is dictated by instincts and predictably. This is built by the story of Basni.

At first glance, the problem consists only that the heroes cannot find a common language. Their actions are inconsistent, and therefore do not bring results. However, everything is more complicated.

The analysis of the Basni Krylov "Swan, pike and cancer" detects another problem. All people are very different: their characters, the image of thoughts and actions are unlike. The author shows it on the example of animals.

Swan skillfully soars in heaven. Cancer, on the contrary, moves around land, confident, but only back. Forward, he is unable to make a step. Pike and can only swim.

For successful promotion, they need not only to agree on working together, but also to accept that not each of them should do what he can do.

It is necessary to take yourself as you are. If the swan is able to fly perfectly, then you should not bargain it in a wagon like a horse. Not all can be converted.

According to the story of Basni, the heroes act in their own way, but do not even try to negotiate. Everyone seeks to get out of the leaders so that the other remaining heroes had to follow him as for stronger. But as a result, WHO does not move from the spot.

Voice of the people

Analysis of the Basinie "Swan, Pike and Cancer" shows that the author did not talk about such topical things only to express personal discontent. He expressed the general mood of a simple people who needed help, but officials and king remained deaf to their requests. Discussing and planning new laws and projects, they only pulled the same people and the country in different directions, not giving them to develop in one direction.

Ivan Andreevich believed that officials only possess the situation, but the lack of education, upbringing and culture makes them incapable to come up with a decision for the problems of the state.

A brief analysis of the fables "Swan, pike and cancer" will allow the child to better understand the work, get a valuable lesson, develop imagination. In a word, a lot to understand, a lot to rethink, make certain conclusions.

Basinny "Swan, pike and cancer" read need as a work that is fully appropriate to the canons of your genre. Its main idea, voicing in the lesson of literature, is quite simple: the success of the case can not be and speech if its participants are unable to negotiate and move in one direction. And it doesn't matter that they drive - pride, stupidity or greed, the conditional "WHO" will remain in place if they do not agree. Interestingly, this thought is expressed in the first three lines of the text, which is now easy to download for free, and then illustrate with typical allegories with animals typical for the author.

Krylova's Basza "Swan, Pike and Cancer", written in 1814, has an interesting history of creation - the poet, whose poems today know even small children, devoted it to members of the State Assembly. The fact is that these venerable men could not make a common opinion - it came to the point that I had to intervene the emperor. So you can read the fancy "Swan, Pike and Cancer" in a book or online mode, you can not only as an instructive work, but also as a peculiar historical certificate from a person who sincerely hurt the soul about the well-being of his state.

When there is no agreement in comrades,
On the way, their business will not go,
And it does not come out of it, only flour.

Once again swan, cancer yes pike
And together three, everything was injected into it;
From the skin we climb ok, and it's not a move!
Choking for them seemed easy:
Yes, swan rushes into the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame from them, who is right, not to judge us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.

Reckless man who hoping without teaching
Discern useful and harmful.
Socrates (470 / 469-399 BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher, one of the dealers of dialectics as a method of finding truth by producing leading issues.

Physics and fiction: mechanics
Bass "Swan, Pike and Cancer" Ivan Andreevich Krylova

Today in the program bass "Swan, pike and cancer" Deployed Russian Basinoisha Ivan Andreevich Krylova, charming troika Tasks in Physics and delightful fifth illustrations for bass Performance of eminent Soviet artists - Evgenia Mikhailovich Rachieva, Alexey Mikhailovich Laptev, Peter Petrovich Roven, Vladimir Georgievich Arbecova, Mikhail Afanasyevich Taranova.

Bass "Swan, pike and cancer", published in 1816, and today did not lose its relevance, not looking at the change of decorations and existing persons ;-)

Swan, pike and cancer

When there is no agreement in comrades,
On the way, their business will not go,
And it does not come out of it, only flour.
One day swan, cancer, yes pike
And together three, everything was injected into it;
From the skin we climb ok, and it's not a move!
Choking for them seemed easy:
Yes swan rusting into the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame from them, who is right, not to judge us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov (13.02.1769-21.11.1844) - Russian publicist, poet, Basinist, publisher of satirco-educational journals. Most of all is known as the author of 236 Basen collected in nine lifetime collections (left 1809 to 1843). Along with the fact that most of the scenes of Basen Krylov is original, some of them come up with Lafontena's fables (which, in turn, borrowed them from Ezop, Fedra and Babria).
Eggink Ivan Egorovich (1784-1867) - Russian painter, portrait artist, author of painting historic genre. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

Bass "Swan, pike and cancer"
performed by Igor Ilinsky
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Igor Vladimirovich Ilyinsky (1901-1987) - Soviet actor, director of theater and cinema, Master of the Art Word (Reader). Hero of Socialist Labor. People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of the Lenin Prize and three Stalinist premiums of the first degree.

For curious:
According to one of the versions, plot Basni Krylova "Swan, pike and cancer" It contains a hint of the events of that time, namely, on the dissatisfaction of Russian society the actions of the political allies of Emperor Alexander I (the war of the sixth coalition against Napoleon); According to another version, the contemporaries tied the plot of fables with the ugly troubles between the members of the State Council - reforms and the committees, which were illuminated by Alexander I could not stronger from the place deeply bonding in the disagreements of WHO autocracy. In this, from a political point of view, Ivan Andreevich Krylov was the same ;-) And these political troubles are masterfully depicted in his illustrations for Basna "Swan, Pike and Cancer" One of the most popular children's illustrators of the last century Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachiev

Rachev Evgeny Mikhailovich (1906-02.07.1997) - Soviet animal artist, one of the most popular children's illustrators of the last century. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR. Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev devoted all his creative life to the children's book, turning ordinary animals and birds in fairy-tale heroes.

What was really hinted by the grandfather of the wings with you unknown, but quote: "Swan rushes into the clouds, Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water", as well as the title of Basni "Swan, pike and cancer" They are also applied today for the characteristics of the breakdown and the lack of consistency in some kind of business ...
And now ... dive with your head to my adorable physics ;-)

performed by Jacob Isidovich Perelman

The story of how "Swan, Cancer and Pike to carry from the swiss WHO took", known to everyone. But hardly anyone tried to consider this fable from the point of view of mechanics. The result is not at all similar to the withdrawal of the Basinist Krylov.

We have a mechanical task for the addition of several forces acting at an angle one to another. The direction of forces is defined in the Basna as:
... Swan rust in the clouds,
Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.

Fig. 1: The task of the wallest swan, cancer and pike,
solved according to the rules of mechanics

This means (see Fig. 1), that one force, the thrust of the swan ( Oa.), directed up; Other, pike thrust ( OB.), - Block; Third, cancer ( OC.), - Back. Will not forget that there is still a fourth force - the weight of the warp, which is directed to down. Basnya argues that "WHO and now there", in other words, which is equal to all the forces that attached to it is zero.

Equally ( OD.) Must enter the WHO in the river.

Is it so? We'll see. The swan, moving towards the clouds, does not interfere with the work of cancer and pike, even helps them: the thrust of the Swan, directed against the strength of gravity, reduces the friction of the wheels about the Earth and about the axis, alleviating the weight of the war, and maybe even quite balancing it, because after all Cargo is small (). Allowed for simplicity the last case, we see that there are only two forces: craving for cancer and pike pike. About the direction of these forces says that "Cancer is five times back, and the pike pulls into the water". It goes without saying that the water was not ahead of the war, but somewhere on the side (the woven workers were gathered from the side ;-) So, the forces of cancer and pikes are directed at an angle one to another. If the applied forces do not lie on one straight line, then it cannot be equal to zero.

By doing according to the rules of mechanics, we build on both forces OB. and OC. parallelogram diagonal it OD. gives the direction and the amount of the self-effect. It is clear that this automatic strength should move the WHO from the scene, especially since its weight is completely or partially balanced by the swan. Another question - in which direction WHO will be shifted: forward, back or sideways? It depends on the ratio of forces and the value of the angle between them.

Readers who have some practices in the addition and decomposition of forces will easily figure out and in the case when the strength of the Swan does not balance the weight of the VOZA; They will convince WHO and then can not stay still. Under the condition of WHO, it may not be shifted under the action of these three forces: if friction in its axes and the road canvas is greater than the efforts made. But this is not consistent with the statement that "Flow for them seemed easy".

In any case, the wings could not confidently assert that "it's not a move" that "WHO and now there." This, however, does not change the meaning of the bass ;-)
("The task of winch, cancer and pike." Entertaining Physics ", Jacob Isidovich Perelman)

Laptev Alexey Mikhailovich (04/10/1905-15.01.1965) - Soviet artist-schedule and book illustrator, poet. Corresponding member AH USSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

And also ... I suggest readers to look into wonderful collection of tasks in physics for entering universities (Bengrikov, G.A., Bukhovtsev, B.B., Kerezhetsev, V.V., Myakyshev G.Ya.) who, in our physico-mathematical school, the people died "Swan, pike and cancer Bukhovtsev" Behind the picture on the cover of the task ;-)
I will transfer the basin of Ivan Andreevich Krylova "Swan, pike and cancer" in the language of formulas ;-)

Solving the problem of winch, pike and cancer
From the collection "Tasks in physics for entering universities"
"Swan, pike and cancer Bukhovtsev" ;-)
Authors: Bengrikov, G.A., Bukhovtsev, B.B., Kergents, V.V., Myakyshev G.Ya.

The task:
What path s for time t will be "yuz" by weight m, if the pike and cancer pull it into opposite sides horizontally with the forms of F 1 and F 2, and the swan pulls with the force of F 3 to the same side as cancer, but at an angle α to the horizon? The coefficient of friction between the wheels and the surface of the earth is k. The initial velocity of the warp V 0 \u003d 0. The forces acting on the air are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Acting force

Consider three options for solving the problem.

First option:
Suppose: MG< F 3 sinα (F 3 – сила с которой тянет воз лебедь)
In this case, WHO will not go to the "yuz", but will rise into the air and in the end it will be "in the clouds" ;-) Thus, the proposed version of the problem of solving the problem, goes beyond its condition, since cancer and pike will not True WHO in opposite sides.

Second option:
Suppose: Mg\u003e F 3 SINα
F \u003d kn \u003d k (mg - f 3 sinα)\u003e | F 2 - F 1 + F 3 COSα |
where N is the reaction force of the surface of the earth, it turns out that "WHO and now there" ;-) - WHO will not shift from the place!
Thus: s \u003d 0

Third option:
Suppose: Mg\u003e F 3 SINα
F \u003d kn \u003d k (mg - f 3 sinα)< | F 2 – F 1 + F 3 cosα |
And also considering that: S \u003d AT 2/2 have:

Here the sign "+" refers to the case F 1\u003e F 3 COSα + F 2 and means that WHO will move for a pike, and the sign "-" refers to the case F 1

Petrovich Petr Petrovich Petrovich (1915-1995) - Soviet artist-director of animated films. From 1944 - a multiplier artist at the Studio "Soyuzmultfilm". He worked at the studio "Diafstilm" all the years of its existence - from 1935 to 1993. Honored Art Worker. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR.

And finally, there are still a little playing with the immortal fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylova "Swan, Pike and Cancer" ;-) We wake yourself physics and bold satire - free interpretation of bass in accordance with the realities of our current life ;-)
In the condition of this task, we will assume that swan, cancer and pike really do not shift WHO, given that their forces are equal in the module and that the friction between the cart and earth does not exist ... I will not argue that the task is somewhat absurd ;-) difficult To imagine that the strength of the swan, cancer and pike are equal in the module, but in mathematics and physics, it is possible to abstract very much !!!
Biophysics will not remove without attention and replenish their knowledge with some of interest ;-) And also dilute the bitterness of satire with delicious illustrations performed by the famous Soviet artists Vladimir Georgievich Arbecova And Mikhail Afanasyevich Taranova.

Lyrical retreat for curious ;-)
Biophysical places, satirical places ...

Swan. Swans are different ;-) Swan-Shipun, swan-trumpeter, tundra swan, swan-clikun ... body length varies from 120 to 180 cm, wings span from 200 to 240 cm, weigh from 5-6 to 8-13 kg. The main feed is the aquatic plants and small animals in them (mollusks, water donkeys). In flight speed can reach 60-80 km / h. Protecting his offspring, swan with a wing blow, without much difficulty can easily break the skull of a red cheer of a fox or a terrible gray wolf.

Cancer. The length of the body of widespread river cancer can reach 25 cm or more. The river cancer feeds on plant food and predominantly dead animals ... alive animals only with a successful circumstance ;-) in the river Cancer and floats, and goes head forward. And fives back, when something is scared. If the cancer noticed the danger, greater predatory fish, for example, that, salting, he develops a decent "rear speed", in which he helps his indispensable assistant-tail. But this speed is very modest and amounts to no more than 2 km / h.

Pike. Body length is up to 1.5 m, weight up to 35 kg (usually up to 1 m and 8 kg). Pike - a predator (feeds mainly by fish). The speed with which the pike attacks his sacrifice is 100 km / h, though the duration of the throw is only a split second. Fishing on the fishing hook, an adult pike can easily snatch from the Hand fishing rod even from a multiple fisherman.

Arbekov Vladimir Georgievich (10/21/1927-17.03.2000) - Soviet director of animated films, multiplier artist.

And now the most interesting - dive from the bunch of biophysics in the satir!
"Customize the data" under the condition of the task ;-) We assume that:

Cancer We still have one well done delets! On bloody, but very satisfying breads granted to the 90s of the last century, yes for someone else's account, albeit badly smelling ... fattening for such a fame that neither in a fairy tale say no pen to describe !!!

Swan We have a very young, who is still not realized, and even with broken wings :-( Incessant and irresponsible reform of education, depressive and corrupting propaganda in the media ... - Stably crumpled generation in the generation, make your business! Book not only wings, but also Rog the soul !!!

Pike We have a catastrophically old, who estimated all the delights of the barbaric pension reform of 2018 on the full program ... And therefore the infinitely tired, the sick - barely lively :-(

That's how the Mother-Mother-Mother is pulling in different directions, the obverse of the oligarchs, unwanted, confused young and extinct Soviet generation ... It would be ridiculous when it were not so sad ...

Forces are not equal! To that if we consider that in this case the force is not measured in Newton, but in rubles ... sad !!! Physics and life sometimes categorically disagree, but they can combine literature! Satira - implanting and beating irony !!! Grandfall Kryona great for that thanks !!! Basza "Swan, Pike and Cancer", published in 1816, and today did not lose its relevance, not looking at the change of decorations and acting persons ;-) Well, and we, within the framework of this publication, agreed to abstract; -)

Tarananov Mikhail Afanasyevich (1909-1973) - Soviet artist-schedule, teacher; Professor of the Graphic Faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin. Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR.

So, the strength of the swan, cancer and pike are equal to the module :-)

Solving the problem of winch, pike and cancer
From the collection "Favorite Tasks in Physics"
Authors: Shashlyskaya M.P., Elcin I.A.
1946 Olympics. I Tour for students of 7th grade

The task:
In what cases are the heroes of the fables of Krylov Swan, Cancer and Pike really do not shift WHO, if we assume that their forces are equal and that friction between the cart and earth does not exist? Answer accompanied by drawings.

Decision. 1st case
All three, equal to the module of force, are located in one plane and make up each other in 120 °, which is equal to zero equal to zero - Fig. 3a.

Decision. 2nd case
Cancer and pike pull WHO to the opposite sides, and swan - vertically up - rice. 3b, and the thrust force of the swan is less than the weight of the warp (the last condition, however, is not specified in the bass ;-)

Fig. 3: Two cases of solving problems

Materials of this article will use not only to apply in the lessons of physics and fiction, but also in extracurricular work.
I hope that the solution of the tasks offered in the article on physics will not only help induce interest in schoolchildren to the subject, but also to expand their knowledge and cultural horizons ;-)

I recommend to inquisitive readers to pamper yourself with interest in green pages:
§ Constellation Swan
Fascinating journey along the star sky to the Constellation of the Swan and the ancient Greek MiF "Leda and Swan". I suggest readers to get acquainted closer with some interesting objects of this constellation. And also look into the amazing world of fauna - to get acquainted closer with Swan-Shipuno ... Then to plunge into the magic world of fairy tales and ... According to the tradition of green pages, pamper yourself with painting ...
§ Another illustration performed by Evgenia Mikhailovich Rachieva To the Russian folk tale "Veshki and the roots" on the green page "The most Russian vegetable: cabbage? Potatoes? Turnip!" . Your attention is an entertaining-educational material - a fascinating journey into a garden-culinary kingdom! Interesting about cabbage, potatoes and turnips - the ancestor of vegetable crops cultivated in Russia, undeservedly forgotten ... for centuries captured in Russian fairy tales ...

I wish you a pleasant and useful reading, as well as success
in the independent solution of tasks in physics!

Learn physics reading the classics

Dear readers of green pages, glad to inform you about going into the light of my book - "Find out the physics reading the classics".
However, ... "My book," it is indiscreetly said :-) First of all ... This is the divine classic of fiction: A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, K.G. Powesty, A.N. Tough... and then my cognitive comments concerning physics and astronomy ... Thank you very much Tatyana Borisovna Dergach - leading editor of the publishing house "Avanta" ( LLC "Publishing AST"), for a well-coordinated and pleasant work on the book.
The book is dedicated to my parents: Mom - Lebedeva Lydia Stepanne and dad - Lebedev Valery Vladimirovichwhich in 1984 categorically insisted on that :-) so that I tried my forces on entrance exams in Rofmsh

Learn physics reading the classics

I wish you a pleasant and useful reading!


Excellent challenges in physics. Thank you.


Illustrations are very interesting and colorful.
Thanks to Soviet artists for their work and sincere love for children.
Tasks in physics are excellent. Thank you.
Basnie Grandfather Krylov is relevant than ever.
Satire your soul.
All this would be funny when it were not so sad ...

reader of green purses

Cool! Very interesting article!
I liked it insanely.
Tasks in physics cool!
Especially the last.
1946 Olympics. I Tour for students of 7th grade.
The level was what you need !!!

Physics around us
Cognitive and terribly fascinating ;-)

Three stages of recognition of scientific truth: the first - "This is absurd", the second - "There is something in it," the third is "this is well known." Ernest Rangeford
I suggest readers of green pages to go on a fascinating trip through the pages of an amazing book "Physics and music" Soviet journalist, popularizer of science Gleb Borisovich Anfilova ...

§ Physics and music: elegant forms of violin and guitar ...
Music forms the middle between thought and phenomenon. Heinrich Heine
Today, on the agenda, we are very simple with you, but at the same time a very intricate question ;-) Why are violins, guitars, mandolines, Dombra have an oblong form?

Your attention riddles and proverbs about snow, inimitable winter poetry performed by Ivan Bunin and Robert Christmas, masterpieces of world painting and my adorable physics!

§ Physics around us: photo album "Frosty patterns on the windows"
Your attention is a photo accompanied by an enforcement and cognitive material - articles from the popular science and mathematical magazine "Kvant": "On frost patterns and scratches on the glass" (1990, №12).

Physics and fiction
Qualitative Tasks in Physics

§ Physics and fiction: optics
Charming Magic Moonlight ...
Scientists the same fantasies and artists; They are not free over their ideas; They can work well for a long time to work only on what their thought is what their feeling is going. They are replaced by ideas; The most impossible, often crazy; They pianize, circling, merge, shimmer. And among such ideas live and for such ideas they work. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

§ Physics and fiction: optics
Divination with mirrors on the shirt ...
The feeling of secrecy is the most beautiful of the experiences available to us. This feeling is worth the cradle of true art and real science. Albert Einstein

§ Physics and fiction: Optics (N.V. Gogol and H.K. Andersen)
Hardly there is a higher pleasure, how to make pleasure.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

High-quality challenges in physics Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and Hans Christian Andersen ;-) Integration: world fiction and painting.

§ Physics and fiction: optics
Bass "Mirror and Monkey" Ivan Andreevich Krylova
People neglecting knowledge becomes face to the wall.
Saying Chinese wisdom

§ Physics and fiction: optics
Bass "Marty and Points" Ivan Andreevich Krylova
Our business is to learn and learn, try to accumulate more knowledge, because serious public trends are where knowledge, and the happiness of the future of humanity only in knowledge.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

§ Physics and fiction: Sound oscillations
Bass "Quartet" Ivan Andreevich Krylova
Sad it happens to listen to music without words,
But still sadder - listen to music without music ... Mark Twain

§ Physics and fiction: Mechanical Waves - Sound
A feature of the live mind is what he only needs to see a little and hear so that he can reflect and understand a lot for a long time. Jordan Bruno

§ Physics and fiction
poetic collection for true connoisseurs of science and art
Science without literature is soulless and rude; Literature without science is empty, because the essence of the literature is knowledge. Anatole France

§ Physics and fiction (Vladimir Galaktovich Korolenko)
Inspiration is not an exceptional belonging of the artist: without him, a scientist will not go far, without him even a craftsman will do without him, because it is everywhere, in any case, in every work. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

§ Physics and fiction (Alexander Ivanovich Kurprin)
A man is born for great joy, for indifferent creativity, in which he is God, for a wide, free, unfortunate love for everything; To the tree, to the sky, to the man, to the dog, to the cute, gentle, beautiful earth, ah, especially to the ground with its blissful maternity, with its in the morning and nights, with her beautiful daily miracles. Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin

§ Physics and fiction (Konstantin Georgievich Powestsky)
Knowledge is organically connected with human imagination. This paradoxical law can be expressed at first glance: the imagination force increases as knowledge grows. Konstantin Georgievich Powesty

§ Physics and fiction (Ivan Alekseevich Bunin)
Science and art are as closely related to each other, like light and heart, so if one body is perverted, then the other cannot act correctly.
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

§ Physics and fiction (Johann Wolfgang Goethe "Faust")
Goette represents, perhaps, an example of a combination of a great poet, a deep thinker and an outstanding scientist in the history of human thought. Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev

§ Physics and fiction (Main Reed "Horseman without a head")
The purpose of scientific classes should be the direction of mind in such a way that it takes place durable and true judgments about all encountered subjects.
Rene Descartes

I bring to your attention the integrated qualitative tasks in physics from the famous English captain Main Reed.

§ Physics and fiction: thermal phenomena
Beauty - the shine of truth. Plato
To your attention 20 qualitative problems in physics (two cards for ten tasks) and ... in the topic :-) A small gallery: "Fog in painting."

Biophysics in physics lessons

§ Biophysics: insect sound
Bass "Dragonfly and Ant" Ivan Andreevich Krylova

The essence of the Basinie Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant", it would seem, lies on the surface - "who does not work, he does not eat," but in the realities of modern Russia, all the collar-skid :-(

§ Biophysics: Legs, Tails ... The main thing ... - Ears!
Cognitive material dedicated to the adaptation of animals to different temperatures on the example of representatives of the Pins family - Fenquee, Foxes, Sands ...

§ Biophysics: Echo in the world of wildlife - Sonias of volatile mice
My goal is to rescue the mind from tenacious superstitions. Tit Lucretia Car
Why are bats even in complete darkness do not fly on obstacles?
Cognitive biophysical material dedicated to amazing animals - volatile mice, undeservedly offended human genus ...

§ Biophysics: Dolphin Secrets
An enforcement and educational biophysical material that opens the veil of secrets over some features of the organization of dolphins: self-adjusting skin and an unsurpassed hydrolytator ...

§ Biophysics: Living Jet Movement
On the principle of the reactive movement in wildlife, a whole series of animals moves, for example, jellyfish, sea mollusks scallops, dragonflies, squid, octopuses, Caracatar ...
We will get acquainted with some of them closer ;-)

§ Biophysics: Why is the cat's eyes glow?
"Physical surprise and interestingness" ;-)
Why do dogs, cats and other animals having good night vision, eyes glow in the dark?

Caskets of high-quality problems in physics

§ Physics and geography of Kazakhstan
Joint project: Best and Technical Lyceum №165 (Alma-Ata)

§ Yak-3 - the easiest fighter of World War II
Special thematic release of green pages.
Your attention is five questions and tasks dedicated to legendary Soviet Yak-3 fighter... + Thematic selection of 10 tasks.
"Only in the cheese of hot rum, in passionate love for his native country, courage and energy will be born VICTORY. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, how much in the hard mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning, which slowly and steadily shifts the mountains, opens unknown depths and takes them on solar clarity ... " Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

§ Basket quality challenges in physics "Solid Solyanka" :-)
Throwing pebbles into the water, look at the circles, they are formed, otherwise such a throwing will be empty fun. Goat rods
The casket consists of four thematic blocks: 1) Brownian movement. Diffusion; 2) atmospheric pressure; 3) fluid properties. Archimedean power; 4) thermal phenomena.

§ Box quality challenges in physics: The structure of the substance, diffusion
The creativity of the poet, the dialectic of the philosopher, the art of the researcher - these are the materials from which the Great Scientist is found. Clement Arkadyevich Timiryazev

§ Box quality challenges in physics:
Static elements: equilibrium bodies, moment of force, simple mechanisms
Science is growing more deeply striving, the knowledge of the eternal thirst for the problem. Only the first knowledge will gline the light, you know: there is no limit for knowledge. Firdusi.

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Inertia
Dedicated to Chernobia Alexander Arsenyevich ,
director. Rofmsh (Alma-Ata, Rofmsh , 1984-1987)
Let nobody think that the great creation of Newton can be exposed to the theory of relativity or some other theory. Clear and wide ideas of Newton will forever maintain their value of the foundation on which our modern physical representations are built ... Albert Einstein

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Friction force
It is much more difficult to see the problem than finding her decision. For the first, imagination is required, and for the second only skill. John Desmond Bernal

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Pressure solid tel
The thinking mind does not feel happy until he manage to tie together the scattered facts, they observed. Dieurd de Heveshi

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Pressure of liquids and gases
The reduction of the set to one is in this beauty of beauty. Pythagora Samossky

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Work, power, energy
The more our knowledge is developing, the more nature riddles get up to us ... Ivan Antonovich Efremov

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Archimedean Power
Natural science is so human, so truthful that I wish you good luck to everyone who is given to him ... Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

§ Box quality challenges in physics:
Wetting, Surface Tension, Capillary Phenomena
Education does not give sprouts in the shower, if it does not penetrate to considerable depth. PROTAGOR.

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Melting and crystallization
Science is a force that reveals the relationship of things, their laws and interactions. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen. Your attention 50 quality tasks in physics and ... in the topic :-) A small gallery: "Winter in painting".

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Evaporation, condensation, boiling
Attach your heart to the teachings and your ears - to smart words. Bible, Old Testament, "The Book of Solomon Proverbs"

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Types of heat transfer
The joy see and understand is the most beautiful gift of nature. Albert Einstein

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Heat engines
Live as if you die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever. Mahatma Gandhi

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Electricity
Investments in knowledge always give the greatest profit. Benjamin Franklin

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Magnetic phenomena
Knowledge must serve as the creative goals of a person. Little accumulate knowledge; It is necessary to distribute them is wider and applied in life. Nikolay Alexandrovich Rubakin

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Mechanical Waves - Sound
Many things are incomprehensible to us not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in our concepts. "Fruits of thoughtful", goat rods

§ Box quality challenges in physics: Optics (light phenomena)
We must learn a lot to know at least a bit. Charles Louis Montesquieu

The distribution of materials of the site is welcome.
The reference to the materials is very desirable, but not strictly obligatory ;-)
"Knowledge must serve as the creative goals of a person. Little accumulate knowledge;
It is necessary to distribute them is wider and applied in life. " Rubakin N.A.