
Slavic alphabet. Pre-revolutionary language and its distinctive features

Landscape garden design

The original is taken by W. cambria_1919. to the strength of the stone to know on yat

One of the writers of Russian abroad Boris Panthevimonov left a record of the conversation.
It was in Paris in the late 1940s. On Thursdays drank tea with TEFFI biscuits, they spoke about anything all. I went about the letter "yat".

"Bunin is always for" yat ".
"Think: I will write" chalk ", that is," the one who write "," ass ", that is," went down, on the bottom of the glass. " And without "yat" it turns out that the ass (animal) chalk, that is, was in a glass. Nonsense.
Tafffi recalls, as in St. Petersburg transported some kind of printing house and removed the nine of the hardest signs. "

Then they argued about the orphan reform of 1917! And many have found it extremely harmful. The same Bunin found or philosopher Ivan Ilyin, such a favorite N.S. Mikhalkov. Ilyin reform ruigatelli scolded all his life and believed that the Russian language was spoiled forever and deprived.
So strange now these passions. The bunin example with a donkey and chalk is easily allowed to use the letter E, which has safely existed since 1783 (its inventor is mistakenly considered to be N.M. Karamzin, but he suggested a new letter E. R.Dashkov, then the head of the Academy of Sciences, and the writers first became her Use G.R. IDRAVIN).

Why did the Bunin standing in the mountain?
This letter, reminiscent of a solid sign with a towering line with a vertical stroke with two, like the letters t, serfs (not to be confused with a real hardware, Yerom - Kommersant!) It looks interesting and smashes its stroke of Cyrillic text sticking over the crossbar. However, never in the historical memory of the Eastern Slavs, it did not mean any special sound. This is the same E.
Where is it from?
Cyril and Methodius, the creators of our alphabet, relied on their native Greek (where the yat really sounded) and on the Slavic language well-known to them; They say, in some dialects, Bosnia and Macedonia there is a special sound that denotes Yatem. Maybe. Although in Serbia, they were canceled in the 1st half of the XIX century - much earlier than in Russia.

Jet risked disappear even under a decisive pen of Peter the Great. The king thought rationally and decided to remove the letters-dumplings from the alphabet and the "Greeks" from the alphabet. He also attempted on Izitsa, Fit and Yat, but the clergy managed to defend these letters - allegedly needed to transmit the "finest differences of sound." Peter managed to get rid of such ballast as KSI, PSI, YUS, beer (S), etc.

The emperor Nicholas 1 very much wanted to resemble Peter and was going to hold a lot of reforms, and in the end he did not come alone. Canceling outdated and unnecessary letters in the Russian alphabet seemed the most simple way Like the reformer. But here, supporters of traditions found arguments, as if nothing to do and change nothing. The writer N. Grech, Known, also stated that "Yet and the company" need - "This is a sign of distinction of competent from illiterate." The emperor found such an opinion in witty and nothing in the alphabet.
Meanwhile, the problem is called. Philologist D.I.Yuzykov wrote in the same years about the letter to Yat: "... a stone, not at the place lying, about which all stumble and who are not believed to the side then only that he is an ancient and once needed for the building." Note, for the Greek building!

With the distribution of gymnasiums, folk, and then parish schools, bringing grammar in line with modern Russian language has become urgent. It was a curse of students. So as not to be confused with e, you needed to get all the cases of its use, and this is not a lot of not a few words originating from a hundred roots!
Of course, rhyme-memorable poems were composed to help unhappy children, for example, the famous "Uphlast Bad Baz" (Yat denote the capital Epome Kommersant), but it helped it badly. It was inexplicably in an inexplicable way in geographic names (Dnppr, Dnaster), then in some names (Rognjd, Sergi), then in the title of the letter of the hur (x), then in the month of April, and then it is not clear why? - In the Indian words of vit, Rigvit, etc. All this had to be memorable, so as not to be illiterate (Bunin often repeated these words of Grech). That is why there was an expression "Know on Yat". Catching words with Yatem - reached the limit of perfection.

The reform of the spelling, which so Bunin Bunin, developed at all, not hated by the Nobeliat Bolsheviks, and the Academy of Sciences, the most prominent experts of the language of the time F.F. Fortunate, A.A. Chess, I.A. Boduen de Courta and others.
For the first time, the emperor Nicholas II got acquainted with their work in 1904. And put it under the cloth. Not time, he decided. Another attempt to overcome the yat reform happened in 1911. "Not recommended" - this was the decision of the sovereign.
Only a temporary government prescribed in the summer of 1917 in schools to move to new spelling, and the law entered into the law in the law. Together with the metric system of measures and the Gregorian calendar. So paradoxically, they intercepted the laurels of the authors of academicians and completed Peter's case.

It is curious that romanticization of old spelling revived in our time. Of course, it is difficult to manage with the Yat - here it is indeed a classical gymnasium to finish. But the other victim of reform - EP, Kommersant is banging everywhere, from the beer bottles of the Pennov type to the logo of the Kommersant newspaper. Decorative "Russia, which we lost."

Associative memory suggested N.Ataffi during the Paris conversation about the wells and spell reform pictures - nine hairs. In the old days, this unprofitable letter was necessarily put at the end of the word, if it ended the consonant. So the era required a lot. WHO
Unlike Yaia, the EP is still alive.
Only became modest. It's just a solid sign.
Congress, Object, Bunk, Injection ...
Yesterday, I saw this: post-property.

to the logo of the newspaper

No, not true, it is just very common myth . Linguists conceived the reform long until October 1917, in the XIX century. By the way, among the developers of this reform there were people with a variety of views, not only revolutionary.

In the first years of the XX century, several reform projects were proposed. All of them considered the spelling committee. But before 1917, I did not have time so.

So the Bolsheviks reform got already fully developed and prepared, it remained only to realize it in life, which was done very quickly. That is why the reform has always been presented as the merit of Soviet power.

They really ran through printing houses and made the letters?

It all happened. After the reform was approved, old symbols disappeared from the printing houses. Revolutionaries carefully watched the letters from last Life No longer left. True, in the revolutionary heat from the printing houses, both the letters that were preserved in new spelling were seized.

So, for example, the literature disappeared (former EP). But in some words she was still needed! That is why in some words I began to replace the apostrophe (sub race) - just not enough signs.

What eventually changed?

There were quite a few changes. First, the reform simplified the Russian alphabet - some letters disappeared from it:Ѣ (yat), ѳ (fit), і ("And a decimal"). A solid sign remained only as a dividing. The rule has changeds / s:now it was necessary to writefrom before the deaf consonant andz. - Before the call.

Some words began to look different. For example, before the reform, I wrote "Greshago", and after - "best", earlier "Novyy", and then - "new". And instead of "her" began to write her.

By the way, in the text of the reform, nothing was said about the fate of the letter "Izhitsa", which was used in some words of Greek origin (ѵ. Officially, no one has canceled this letter, but it came out of consumption by itself, under the influence of general changes.

Interestingly, that the locomotives of the Izhitsa series were produced up to the beginning of the 30s, and they traveled at them to the 50s.

What is written at the end of words, as in the name "Kommersant", is often called Yatem. It is right?

No, this is a mistake. The letter "Yat" looked completely different. Like this:Ѣ. Yat wrote where we now write e, for example, in the word "Vѣra (faith)." Pronunciation of lettersE and ѣ then differed.

An example of illiterate use of the letter to yat. Photo: Nicolay Sidorov / Wikimedia

As part of the Russian alphabet, ѣ remained to the reform itself in 1918. He became a symbol of not just old spelling, but also the old building as a whole: it used the white intelligentsia. Many emigrant editions have retained this letter until World War II.

Newspaper "Rossiya" (New York, USA) using pre-reform spelling

By the way, it is interesting that this letter was under the threat of disappearance. To abolish her, they wanted toXVIII century. In particular, VK L.Tiakovsky offered from Jody, but I objected M.V. Lomonosov. Later, linguists began to note that the pronunciation of E and ѣ almost does not have differences and the letter is most likely not needed. However, no decisions were accepted.

Then Nikolai I returned to the question, but it didn't go further to reflections. In 1911, the Imperial Academy of Sciences prepared a draft orphography reform project, but Nikolai II frosted him. The letter "Yat" was saved again, and schoolchildren continued to suffer, remembering mnemonic poems:

Bats, sѣni, tsepi, ingy,

Luvy, Nѣki, Pros, Tsѣl.

Duali-Svet! Bolt Rѣzh!

Pechenѣg to melted ...

What in the pre-reform spell more logical than in the current one?

We asked linguists this question.

Vladimir Pakhomov

Chief editor of "" Vladimir PakhomovFor example, lacking letters "EP" and "Ering" (current solid and soft signs). The fact is that in the pre-reform spelling any word ending on the consonant (except th, which was considered a vowel letter), had after this consonant solid or soft sign:house, Tom, Knover, Doctor, Ball, Horse, Steppe, Night, Rye, Mouse. The word could end either a vowel letter orkommersanteither b.

"There was slightness, systemicity and consistency in this," says Vladimir Pakhomov. - after removedkommersantat the end of the words, she collapsed: we began to writehouse, Tom, Knife, Doctor, Ball, Night, Rye, Mouse. By this, I do not want to say thatkommersantat the end of the words I removed in vain. On the contrary: it was worth being consistent and removed (as many times offered linguists)bat the end of the words after hissing, too, because it does not carry any phonetic load. The soft sign would be left only as an indicator of the sample of consonant (horse, steppe), that is, it would be used in his main function. We would writeknifeand rye, balland nightand systematicism and harmony would be left here. "

Alexander Piperski

A linguistist Alexander Piperski seem more logical prereformal rules that concern consoleswithout- and . Now we write "immoral", but "sleepless", that is, in some words, there is a stunning, andz. Changing on from. And before all these consoles ended onz..

"It was logical," explains Alexander Piperski, "because we usually comply with the principle of the unity of the morpheme and do not change the writing due to the automatic changes in the sound: we write to" sign "(how to" put "), and not" dirty "(as it sounds ); "Depart" (how to "postpone"), and not "arched" (as it sounds). "

Alexey Shmelev

Not quite logical seems to him and the decision to get rid of the letter "Yat": "Availabilityѣ Of course, complicated memorization word WordsBut it was less cases when it was incomprehensible to read [e] or [o] (or, speaking in terms of modern letters, "E" or "E"). For example, "Sunѣ" is "all" (mn. H.), And "everything" is "all" (cf. genus. H.)

When pushed, and the lettere. did not make sure how in Belarusian, it created a number of such difficulties:(she) and village (village)».

In turn, Chairman of the Orphographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Shmelev It believes that the parameter of "logicness" is not the main in the assessment of the rules of the letter: "It is important for the newly created writing systems, and for languages \u200b\u200bwith a long-standing written tradition, it is more important not to interrupt it. The gap with the old written tradition has already occurred, and most of the competent carriers of the Russian language closer to the current spelling; It would be nice to at least save it. "

How to write on Older Russian? Cursed letter "Yat" March 26th, 2010

On the motor ship music plays ...: Flowing glory decorate, Magomenet you sweep!

For those who just started learning a diploma, replacing the letter "Yat" on "E" was undoubtedly (nѣsno!), The most joyful result. It became easier to write in Russian. You hear "E" - write "E".

In the pre-revolutionary spelling, the spelling of the letter "yat" was not obvious at all. Existed, of course, general rule: When changing the word "E" turns into "E" or in "B" ("Telon" -\u003e "Tell", "Leo" -\u003e "Lion"), and "ѣ" does not turn. But the rule did not cover the entire diversity of words with the letter "yat". Therefore, for the best revered simply to remember all the words that they write with this malicious letter.

Rezond gymnasists composed a poem, compiled only from such words. The poem begins like this:

Bully, blister, BѣD Bѣs
Used the hungry in Lѣs.
Bulka on LѣSU He Bourgal,
Rube Castle
And for the Gorki Tot Obѣd
Gave Obѣt to wear BѣD.

The work it was long enough and included all the main roots, which should have written a problem letter. Still help, although not big. But still dictations in the gymnasium were a curse for those who did not possess good visual memory and did not remember the "track" writing a read word.

However, those gymnasists who knew the Ukrainian language (or "Malorosiysk adverb", as used to say at that time), had a chance to get a higher rating than their peers, such knowledge not possessed. The fact is that in the old Slavonic language the letter "Yat" indicated a special sound, something like "Ye" in today's transcription. In the course of the development of the Russian language, this sound turned into "E". In the Ukrainian language, he became a sound "and" (which is now denoted by the letter i.). So, if in the relevant Ukrainian word costs I, write in Russian "ѣ" and do not make a mistake. Biili \u003d Body.

Polish language could also help. In it, "Yatu" most often corresponded to the sound "I": "starzda" - "Gwiazda", "MѣSto" - "Miasto" (in Polish is the "city", but the community of roots is obvious). In a word, once again a story was repeated when "foreigners" could write in Russian literacy of the greatness.

The letter "Yat" was written and in such small, but very necessary words, like NѣT, GDѣ, two (and therefore, two, and two), all. Through "Yat" wrote the names of the Dnѣprk rivers, Dnѣstro and Nѣman. With "Yathem" and several names of Greek origin were written: Alexѣi, Glѣb, Sergian and Biblical names, Yeremѣi, Matvѣi, Elisѣy. The name of the River Yenisei, although it was rhymed with the last name, was written, though, through "E".

By the way, also written through ѣ. It meant the Slavic folk spirit musical instrument consisting of seven tubes. Such a tool was both Greeks. They called him "Pan Sweet".

"Yat" was also included in the end of the verbs ("boiling", "see", "grind") and consoles in uncertain pronouns: "Nѣkto", "Nѣchto", "Nѣkoty". But here there were many exceptions. So there was a lot of bobs and cokes to get poor gymnasists to learn Russian literacy. Correctly spoke in the old days: "The letter" Yat "in Russian is needed the only thing for competent from illiterate to distinguish it is possible."

But not only for this reason, many of the diplomas and writers decided on the orpography reform conducted in 1918, which has canceled this strange letter. The fact is that, unlike many letters "exported" in Russian alphabet from greek alphabet (And because we saw, very quickly became unnecessary here), the letter "yat" displays the sound of a purely Slavic, which in Greek did not exist in principle. It sometimes quite helped in writing a problem letter. "Yat" in the words of foreign origin was not set: "Kommersant", "Europe", "Venice". For the same reason, the Slavic name of the River Yenisei was written through "E".

True, for some reason the capital of Austria was written with "Yat": " But in fact it was another confirmation of the rule. The resettlement of Slavs on the European continent began from the upper danube. Naturally, the settlement on the site of the coastal Roman fortress, the windows from ancient times is well known to the Slavs under the name of Vivi (or WEMIRS). The place of Staroslavlyansky "Ie", as already mentioned, in Russian ranked the letter "Yat". Q.E.D. By the way, the verification of the Ukrainian language confirms this conclusion. "Vienna" in Ukrainian "Vijen"

So the abolished letter "Yat" was a kind of label that distinguished among the Russian words "original", Slavic. Probably, therefore, in disputes on the reform of Russian spelling, this letter turned out to be a kind of line, separated by "Westerners" and "Slavophiles". One of the first apologists of the abolition of "Yaya" in Russian, writer and translator Dmitry Ivanovich Languages \u200b\u200b(1773-1845), wrote: "Letter ѣ, having lost real reprimand, is like an ancient stone, not at the scene, about which everyone stumble and do not belong to the side then only that he is an ancient and once needed for the building". And Alexander Solzhenitsyn, famous for his conservatism, has already spoken in Soviet times for returning to Russian grammar "Yory" with "Yer".

Useful links:

Elena Perveushin

In the alphabet, which studies schoolchildren in the first grade, 33 letters. And in ancient Cyrillic - the alphabet, compiled in the middle of the 9th century, Kirill and Methodius, there were much more - the whole 46. Brothers-monks, the natives of the Greek city of Soluni (now Thessaloniki), took the Greek letters as the basis of their alphabet and adapted them to the sounds of Slavic Languages, one of which became Russian.

The creators of the Slavic ABC Cyril and Methodius. Painting on the wall of the Trojan Monastery in Bulgaria, 1848. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Pd.

Science and life // illustration

Staroslavyansky alphabet.

Saints Cyril and Methodius. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicles of the XV century.

Alphabet Cyrillic: Novgorod Berevian gram No. 591 and its drawing (1026-1050).

Cyril and Methodius with students. Fresco in the Monastery "Holy Naum" in the territory of the current Macedonia. Photo: Peter Milošenić / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Where did 13 letters disappear? Their time stole them. As the Slavs, including Russians, mastered their language and their writing, many letters disappeared as unnecessary. One of the other from the alphabet disappeared s (bearer), I (and decimal), (whose), oy (oak), ѡ (omega), ҁ (kopp), ѣ (yat), ѧ (small yus), ѫ ( Big YUS), ѯ (KSI), ѱ (PSI), ѳ (Fita) and ѵ (Izhitsa). Not all letters went peacefully, "without a fight." With difficulty defended his place in the alphabet of a solid sign, but now he has a new job.

"Now not in fashion solid ..."

If we were some miracle on the street of the XIX century, it would probably notice that the words were written on signs at all as they are not like today. For example: "Warehouse Manufacture of goods", "Tea, Sugar, Coffee", "Trading House Brothers Alshvang", "Posad" restaurant ".

Why so much solid signs? - Would be surprised. Schoolchildren asked the same question, reading the poem of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak "Bul-Nesbylitsa". In it, the old man who met the guys in the park, tells how merchants were traded in old Moscow and, in particular, about the merchant Bagrov, who "chased to Astrakhan on the Volga steamers ...":

On white vendors along the sides,
On each of their seven,
Was the name "Bagrov" -
By the letter on the bucket.
- There is something, grandfather, not so:
No letters for the seventh!
- And you forgot a solid sign! -
Said the old man is sternly. -
Two signs in your letter.
Now not in fashion solid,
And he was in the go, he was with the king,
And Bagrova on the bucket
He blued proudly.

A hard sign was even the name of Own - "EP". In the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya read: "EP M. (K), a thirtieth letter in the church alphabet, twenty-seventh in Russian; The once semi-welded, currently solid sign, stupid or launched letter. " (Soft sign at the time was called "Er", and the letter "s" - "ETS".)

Why were the hard signs that seem unnecessary now? According to the rules that came from the Old Slavonic language, "Kommersant" should be written:

● At the end of the words of the male race after consonants (that is, always, except when the word ended with a vowel, soft sign or the letter "th");

● in some exceptional words (monkey);

● As a separation mark between consonants and vowels on the border of the console and root.

Where did these rules come from? They are very ancient. In ancient Russian language, solid and soft signs meant vowel sounds. As they were uttered, it is not exactly known, but philologists believe that there was something like a vague "o" ("ъ") and even more vague "e" ("b"). At the same time, it existed that the syllable may end only to the vowels. For example, the word "scroll" in antiquity was written as "Silt". Try it to pronounce! And since the sound "O" makes consonants facing him, hard, people began to be lazy to utter "Kommersant". They wanted to keep it on the letter so that it was immediately clear what is meant. For example: "Here Tel" or "Little" here, "here," or "Here's Mole." But then many Russian writers began to perform against this "remnant of antiquity". It seemed to them that in directions to the hardness of the consonants there were no need. After all, everyone is understandable: unless it is indicated that the sound at the end of the word is soft, you need to pronounce it firmly.

Lion Vasilyevich Uspensky in his book "Word about words" leads an angry statement of Lomonosov in the address of a solid sign: "Some place occupied, like the fifth wheel!" Next, the author produces interesting calculations. In the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" in the pre-revolutionary edition, there were 2080 pages, each of them accounted for an average of 54-55 solid signs, that is, in all the text - 115 thousand unnecessary letters. These signs could be fill out more than 70 pages of text. Uspensky calls them thousands of "Nichkhemny's idlers who do not help anything else. And even interfere ... ". "But after all, the books are not published one by one, as a manuscript," Asspensky writes further. - The publication I read, came out of the printing house in the number of three thousand pieces. And in each of his copies there were - you want or do not want! - 70 pages engaged in someone who are not needed, exactly nothing meaningful signs. Two hundred ten thousand precious book pages engaged in senseless nonsense! Is it not horror? "

The desire to get rid of unnecessary signs was particularly intensified at the end of the XIX - early XX century. In 1904, when separating the Rus-language and literature of the Academy of Sciences, a spelling commission was created, in front of which the task of simplifying Russian writing was, primarily for schoolchildren to be easier to learn Russian. The Commission included the most famous scientific language and lingules of the then Russia. He headed her outstanding Russian Language Philip Fedorovich Fortunate. The commission tried at all to abandon the letter "Kommersant" and use only "B", while canceling the writing of a soft sign at the end of the words after hissing, that is, writing "mph", "night", "Idosh", etc. This project is wide Discussed, but never was accepted.

And on October 10, 1918, the decree of the Council "On the introduction of a new spell" the solid sign was abolished. And at first, it was treated so radically that they were thrown away from the Russian alphabet at all and replaced as an apostrophe. At old photos, you can see signage on which it is written: "Caution! Cool under! " Or "Object protected by dogs!" The use of apostrophe in the middle of the word many seemed wild. Writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin even called him a "monster." Soon the apostrophe refused and returned to a solid sign.

The disappearance of a solid sign from the end of the words caused the fear of linguists. They believed that it would be more difficult to distinguish between the boundaries of words and as a result, the texts would become unreadable. This did not happen, solid and soft signs found our place in Russian.

Now only one work remained for a solid sign. It is placed in front of "E", "E", "Yu" and "I" in the following cases:

● In the consoles ending with a solid consonant: an entrance, volume, supernatural, willing;

● In challenging words, the first root of which also ends onto a solid consonant (these are words beginning with two- "," three- "," four- "): bunk, four-core;

● In some words of foreign language origin, where the same combination is found - solid consonant and vowels "E", "E", "Yu", "I": adjutant, injection, object, subject, pan-European.

In the examples listed, without a hard sign, it is impossible to do, because the vowels "E", "E", "Yu" and "I" have a property to mitigate the consonant sound, which stands in front of them, and, if we want this sound to remain hard , It should be noted this special sign.

A special rule works in cases where the consoles ending on the consonants turn out to be near the root or with another prefix that begin with the letters "and". This letter makes the previous consonant sound soft. Previously, to emphasize that the prefix ends with solid consonant, a hard sign was put here.

What is happening now? The letter "and" began to turn into "s". There are not a lot of such words. For example, the "previous" (compare with the communion "Going"), "Search" ("Search"), "summarize" ("Outcome"), "idle" ("skillful"), "idle" ("ideological"), "Imgnrictantic" ("initiative"), "non-mercenary" or "not essential" ("interesting"), "simpyward" ("improvise"), "prehistory" ("History").

Of this rule there are two exceptions: "And" is written in words with the prefixes "inter-" and "super-" (mezhryerrication, super-space) and in words with foreign language consoles and particles "Pan-", Sub- "," Trans "," Counter- "and so on (panislamism, subgraduker, subgraduker).

From the history of the Russian language. Leave letters.
At the beginning of the XVIII century, Peter I spent the reform of the alphabet. Difficult letters for writing were replaced by the so-called civilian font. We use this type of letters with minor changes now.

"Under Peter Great," M. Lomonosov wrote jicely, "not some boyars and boyari, but the letters threw off wide fur coats (he meant the Slavic old font) and dressed in summer clothes." Under summer clothes, the scientist meant a new civil alphabet.

In 1917-1918, another language reform took place - from the Russian alphabet, the letters of Yat, Izhitsu (V), Fit (ѳ) and EP (V) in the end of the word were excluded. What were these letters and why they were expelled from the alphabet?

Letter Yat
The letter is like an inscription look like an icon, which astronomers depict the Planet Saturn: ℏ). The letters ѣ and e were uttered at all equally. Compare: Evening - Wind. In the Word, the evening was written e, and in the word wind - ѣ. Probably you will agree that such difficulties brought a lot of griefs to schoolchildren. The letter of Yat was called the "letter-scarecrow", "letter-terrible". Pupils had to mechanically memorize the rules "on yat". Errors "on yat" were considered the most terrible. The expression that has happened at that time was known to everyone: to know on Yat - it meant "Know something in the best way."

Letter Izhitsa
The letter of Izhitsa looked like a Roman figure "Five" - \u200b\u200bV - and something reminded the twisted whip. Hence, the expression began to register an Izhitsa, which meant "Drop, to divert," and in a broader sense - "to arrange a cobbery, give a strong catch". And really, try, even fearing a good catching, determine in which words what letter to write! Here is 3 words:

The world is "silence, calm",
World - "Universe",
Miro - "fragrant substance".

The first syllable of all 3 words is pronounced equally, but depending on the meaning of the word on the letter was designated 3 different letters. In the first word, wrote the letter and (peace), in the second - and with a point (MIR), and in the third - Izitsa (MVRO). And although there were a lot of difficulties and confusion, the Izhitsa was canceled very soon. A. Pushkin in 1828 published an epigram on the editor of the journal "Journal of Europe" M. Kochenovsky, who stubbornly restored Izhitsa in all texts (although, according to many, it was time to exclude it from the Russian alphabet):

Fooling, to the sun becoming back,
Under the cold "Bulletin" his
Jumped dead water
Jesx "Izitsa" alive.

But the letter still existed in the alphabet until reform 1917-1918.

Letter Fita
The letters f and fit in the alphabet were stood in different places, and they were uttered exactly the same way. In the pre-revolutionary reference book "All Petrograd", people with the name of Fedorov were placed in various places: Some - the letter F, others - on Fit. Why? And because the surname of Fedorov could write differently: and through f, and through fit.
In 1748, V. Tredyakovsky in the article "Talk about spelling" wrote: "What is without benefit to suffer and waste time for Tokmo to know where the fit should write and where f? Not everyone has studied Greek, or Latin, or Some other language, without knowing which it is impossible to know the differences in this case. "

Letter EP
The EP (K) letter, the so-called solid sign, is now considered a useful letter. It always performs the same job: separates the consonant console from vowels (raising, detour). And before the reform of 1917-1918, a solid sign was written at the end of the words after solid consonants, for example: house, oak, drifted, city.
As soon as I did not call the EP: "loaf", "Lodio", "Darmo", "Robber", "blood pressure"! Indeed, this letter at the end of the word devoured more than 8% of time and paper.
L. Uspensky in the book "Word about words" writes that only in one pre-revolutionary edition (to reform in the language) of the Roman L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" on 2080 pages there are 115 thousand letters of idlers, and if all the letters of the EP gather in One place and print in a row at the end of the last volume, they would take 70 with excess pages.
And how much will it be with the edition of the publication in 10 thousand copies? And if you still imagine that the set of "wars and the world" was required at that time about 100 working days, then 3.5 days of them, the type of hard signs were gaining some kind of solid signs.
And how much paper is excessively spent! This letter-loaf was the most expensive letter of the world.