
Why orchid wrinkled leaves what to do. Write and dry leaves from orchid: what to do and how to help the plant

Fences, fences

Most. popular flower Amateur indoor plants is orchid. Flowers have a variety of color, perfectly decorate any interior at any time of the year.

With the reproduction of orchids at home, the plant needs careful care.

Many loving plants are faced with various problems when careing orchid. The most common problem is the fading of the flower.

There are many reasons why the orchids fade leaves. After buying orchids, some time, the leaves begin to wither the plant.

This is due to the fact that cultivation conditions do not comply with the requirements of the plant. The main reasons for the wilting of orchid:

  • insufficient lighting
  • impact of other plants
  • disadvantage or rejunction of nutrients
  • research of moisture
  • natural dropping of leaves
  • overheating root system

Orchid thermal-loving plant, so it requires good lighting. The flower feels perfectly with bright scattered rays.

If the orchid is located in a shaded place or direct sunlight fall on it, it can also be the cause of plants. In this case, the orchid lacks lighting.

If the plant is located near the peperomy, yukka, cordilina, the influence of these plants negatively affect the state of orchid. Therefore, there is no recommended orchid next to the above plants.

The leaves of the plant can turn yellow when the fertilizer is lacking or re-published. When choosing feeding, pay attention to the composition.

If in fertilizers a small content of potassium, then the orchids leave the leaves first become pale, then the yellow shade is purchased. As a result, they dry and begin to fall.

Support for the plant should be chosen with iron and potassium content, since these elements are the most necessary for the development of the plant.

From the oversupply of moisture, the plant can plant. Behind the root plants need to constantly monitor so that they do not start.

If the leaves have become sluggish and the yellowness appeared, but the general condition of the plant has not changed, they may be proposed for natural reasons.

This is not a sign of the death of the plant. Such a withering is not dangerous and characteristic of some types of orchids.

When exposed to high temperatures, hot air, sun rays, the plant is quickly heated.

At the same time, orchid through the pores of the leaves begins to evaporate moisture. The plants are also heated, and the roots are cooled, which leads to a slowdown or cessation of moisture absorption.

The root system due to various factors may be damaged, which can lead to death. Damage to the roots may be light, medium, heavy.

With this in mind, it is necessary to take measures to restore orchid. To avoid problems, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the care and content of the plant. It is important to eliminate the cause of which the leaves begin to shine.

To reanimate the plant and prevent problems in the future, you need:

  1. So after buying a plant, the leaves are not a cheerful and not falling out, in the first days it is necessary to exclude bait.
  2. Pot with orchid better put in a bright place. The composition of the fertilizer must be diluted with water in equal proportion. Then, after some time, you can feed the nitrogen fertilizer.
  3. The problem with lack of light can be easily solved. To do this, it is necessary to place a pot on the south side.
  4. If the yellowness of light is associated with insufficient lighting, then the affected leaves must be cut off. If the stem becomes brown, then not only the leaves should be cut off, but also the top of the orchid.

After that, the plant will begin to recover. It is necessary to pay attention to the humidity of the air. This is the most important and basic condition for the content of the plant. Orchids need B. high humidity Air especially during heating in winter.

The growth, flowering and development of orchid depends on the right watering. Water is desirable to take a soft room temperature. Watering should only be water if the substrate has become dry. Therefore, it is important not to forget to check the soil for the presence or absence of moisture. When overheated, the plant should be deployed deployed the room and leave for several hours.

Use a pulverizer and water a plant is strictly prohibited, as you can harm more.

Orchid should cool, only then watering should be carried out. To install the water balance will be required for several days. If after watering the plant on the first day was not restored, you do not need to panic.

If the reason for fading the plant is associated with damage to the roots, the following measures should be taken:

  1. You need to slightly stick the plant in one and a friend.
  2. If the root sits tightly, then the reason is possible in dehydration. The root system in this case will still be able to save. To do this, pour water temperature in a basin and put a pot with a plant.
  3. For several days, orchid should recover. If the plant is freely dangling, then it must be reached and see the presence of living roots.
  4. All rotten roots must be removed. It happens that only part of the root is damaged. To do this, trim the rotting and dry part of the plant, and cut the cut by activated carbon, gray or antiseptics, without alcohol content.
  5. In the presence of one healthy root in the plant, transfer a transplant into a small container, put on the illuminated place.

Watering the plant is needed as the substrate drying. In order not to allow orchid fading, it is necessary to adhere to the rules and recommendations for the care of the plant. Then the orchid will delight with its beautiful colors for a long time.

Video about what should be done if the orchid is tissue:

What to do and why dries leaves in room orchid

Fading and drying the leaves in orchid phalaenopsis can occur for various reasons. Orchid leaves, as in all other plants, grow, perform their functions, and then aging and die away. Therefore, you do not need to worry and do something, if the bottom sheet turns yellow and dries, he will give all the accumulated plants nutrientsAnd it will be possible to remove it, only if it is completely dry. This is a legitarious process, nothing to worry about.

But when the orchids have faded leaves all at once, sometimes it can occur very quickly, literally in a few hours, it means there is a reason for anxiety. The reason may be stress from change conditions, for example, the flower shop was changed to an apartment with another level of lighting and humidity. After transplanting to another substrate, flowers can also react with noticeable fading for several hours. Even if you transfer orchid from one window sill on another, its leaves will respond. Attentive observation of the plant will show after a while, is there a reason for anxiety.

If the orchid stands on the windowsill on the south side, and the straight sun rays fall on it, the leaves can get burns or dry out overheating. With too high air temperature, heated from near-locked heating devices is very rapid evaporation of moisture, the plant will start from the leaves.

Insufficient air humidity even at a comfortable temperature will result in loss of moisture leaves, which means they will begin to wither, and then dry.

Violation of the irrigation mode cause diseases of the roots, and if the roots do not perform their main function, the plant does not nourish, the nutrients give leaves. With excess watering, the substrate reloads, compacted, it leads to reinforcement of the roots. And with insufficient irrigation, the roots just dry out. Often, trouble brings too hard water - there is a sedimentation of impurities on the substrate and roots, which prevents the absorption of moisture. A large number of fertilizers contributes to pretty salinization.

Having wondered why the orchid slugged leaves, It is necessary to carefully examine them, the cause can become small pests that feed on the plant juice.

How to restore orchid

When the cause of the leaf drying becomes overheating, it is clear what to do - the flowers should be taken into a room with a comfortable temperature from +17 to +24 degrees with sufficient, but multiple lighting. It is not necessary to water until they are cooled to normal temperatures.

If the level of air humidity is below 50%, then it is necessary to install an electric humidifier or simply spray sheets and flowers (trying not to fall on the flowers) with warm soft water with the help of the smallest grid of the pulverizer. Next to the vason you need to put a container with water for constant evaporation.

If the leaves dried due to the root damage, the plant needs to be carefully moved - the pushed substrate will not allow them to move. In this case, you need to abundantly pour orchid warm water, Leave the pot in water for an hour. After that, you can painlessly remove the plant, inspect the roots. Healthy roots have a greenish color of different intensity, an elastic structure.

White color It suggests that they need moisture, but the shredded brown harsh roots do not fulfill their function. Yellow, brown, red slippery roots are an explicit post. All dead roots need to be cropped with a sharp sterile tool to alive fabrics, sections of cuts to treat cinnamon powder or confused in dust activated (woody) coal. After that, orchid can be placed in a new substrate.


The very first thing we should do for exotic beauty is to create comfortable conditions. It requires scattered sunlight, air temperature within + 17-24 degrees, humidity level - 70-80%, correctly selected substrate, reasonable watering mode. Watering is produced when the roots change the green color on white, not in vain, the dishes are used transparent with many holes so that the water is not stuffed, and the air freely falls to the roots. We must not forget about regular resetting with a complete replacement of the soil.

For watering and spraying, you can only use clean soft warm water. If this does not flow from the crane, then it needs to filter or defend, sometimes you have to set up, then boil.

Do not get involved in feeding. After the store of the month of 1.5-2, it is not necessary to feed anything, then you need to use special fertilizers, only to breed them more than it is written in the instructions.

Video "Dry leaves from orchid"

From this video you will learn about what to do if the orchids dries the leaves.

What to do if the orchids have faded leaves

  • Finally

With the fact that the orchids are withering the leaves, people who first have purchased this flower are faced. Orchid is a beautiful plant that is literally every experienced flowerflower or a person who has a good taste. It is able to decorate even the most beautiful flower greenhouse, as it is a very original and exotic flower. At the long stem orchid grow extraordinarily beautiful flowers. They have a large number of bright colors. Contemplation of such a magnificent plant brings aesthetic pleasure. But, probably, everyone knows that it is enough whistling flowerwhich requires special attention and care.

Orchid is quite capricious in his caring flower.

Why orchids are withering and yellowing leaves

Holders of orchids are often found with a problem when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow without much reasons. But there are still reasons.

Sometimes the yellowing and focus of the leaves is the normal physiological process of die off. This is a completely natural genetic quality of the flower. The rate of the onset of this period depends on both the variety and the age of the plant.

Orchid really needs multiple lighting, so when there is little sun, use ultraviolet lamps.

The reason for the fading of the leaves can be accommodation near the colors that negatively affect orchid. You can not put a pelargonium, yukka or araucaria.

The process of fading the leaves may occur due to a shortage sunlight. Bright light is vital for orchids, since it is very warm-loving. In the event of a lack of light, the leaves begin to yellow and the stem is spoiled. To save the flower, you have to completely trim it up. This is a very difficult procedure, and after it you need to wait long enough until the orchid is fully restored.

Despite the love of the Sun, orchid should not be subject to direct sunlight, the light should be scattered. Under the influence of intensive rays on the leaves, stains appear in the form of burns and the flower is swept. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences It is necessary to choose the lighting correctly.

As fertilizer for orchids use compositions with potassium.

In the yellowing of the leaves, the absence of fertilizers or incorrectly selected means can be guilty. Orchid needs a certain amount of potassium, so its lack leads to the yellowing and falling out of the leaves.

The question arises, why is potassium so important? The answer is simple. It is necessary that it is necessary in order to launch a full-fledged process of updating old cells. This will allow to extend the life of the flower and rejoice in its flowering.

Ways to restore orchid leaves

Even if you notice that the plant began to fade, do not hurry to get rid of it. Correct care It will help to restore it, and it will long delight you with your bloom.

To restore orchids, cropping dry leaves, roots and mustes.

If you have noticed that the orchid dries the roots, then this means that it lacks moisture. Cut all dry air roots and process cinnamon powder cutting or crushed activated carbon.

After that, put the pot with a plant into a container with warm, stretched water for 2-3 hours. During this time, the plant will select the required amount of moisture.

Try to keep the optimal level of humidity in the room with orchids. In the cold season, when the central heating is included, the air can be very dry, which is detrimental to orchids. For air humidification, use a special electric humidifier. If it is not, then regularly moisturize the air around orchids using a spray gun. You can also put a water container next to the colors. Water for a day will evaporate that he will slightly moisturize the air.

Take the usual magnifying glass and carefully inspect the leaves: perhaps the orchid appeared unwanted "neighbors". When detecting pests, be sure to treat the plant using special means.

Watering orchids is carried out carefully, to the roots.

If the leaves of the orchids were wrinkled, then perhaps most of the roots of the plant dryed or dry out. If you can't see the condition of the roots through the walls of the pot, then the plant needs to be pulled out from the container in which it is planted. If the roots are overpowered or burned, they are necessarily cut, processed by activated carbon and a means of rotting. After that, the orchid is planted into a new soil.

If you recently purchased the flower and noticed that the unacceptable buds dry out and fall, then, most likely, the plant during transport was transferred a tangible temperature difference or received a serious thermal burn. In this case, cut the stalk of the plant so that all the forces he guide to its recovery, and not for flowering. With a lack of lighting, be sure to install a special lamp over the flower and make a fertilizer once a week.


Orchid is a very responsive flower. She reacts very well to careful care. Do not think that it is very complicated. It is enough to devote her 5-10 minutes a day.

Every day check whether the soil is moistened, wipe the leaves with a wet cotton cloth, moisturize the air around the flower.

Regularly water the plant and make a fertilizer, in time cut the dried roots and yellowed stalks. All these actions will help to restore the faded leaves and provoke the growth of new ones.

Why do orchid yellow leaves and stem, what to do if the root dries and fall off the buds (photo,)

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Causes of diseases and treatment of leaves and roots of orchid

Each orchid owner at least once came across in practice with the fact that the leaves of the plant, his stem or buds suddenly yellowed with some of them, become sluggish and lifeless. Of course, it affects the overall condition of the flower, not all flower products, unfortunately, know what to do, and whether it is necessary at all. And it is undesirable to launch such "malaise". Any diseases sooner or later amaze the roots of the plants, and our main task is with you - prevent this, do not give the sore to go deep.

Before you begin to talk about why the leaves are yellowing from orchids, it is worth clarifying which species of these beautiful plants are most often grown at home.

The most popular varieties of orchids

In residential premises, it is customary to plant such types of orchids as a dendrobium or phalaenopsis (epiphytic orchids), shoes or cymbidids (epiphytic), as well as calent (earth orchid). In most, for some reason, the most popular among lovers of households dendrobium and phalaenopsis. The choice of amateur flower products usually falls precisely on these varieties, as they require minimal care. This is especially important if you just started to get involved in falling flowers and you still have a lot of experience in care of them. An unpretentious dendrobium is suitable for noobs as it is impossible. Naturally, you as the owner will have to know all the "features of the behavior" of your flower, including relating to what is associated with the departure, seasonal changes, flowering and changing the leaves.

How to care for orchid?

Orchids do not require some kind of obsessive and careful care. They may well dwell on the windowsill and feel well there with the right watering mode and regular feeding. If you decide to equip a separate "house" with all the conditions - the orchidarium - the better! It is advisable to do it in a bright room, but ideally - after consulting a specialist. However, even in the most luxurious conditions with all the "amenities", the plant can sometimes be bothering.

Yellow leaves - is it dangerous?

In general, in itself the yellowed leaves from different plants Not a reason to beat the alarm. The leaves regularly die and fall out, it is a completely natural process.

The reasons for concern should appear only if the leaves are yellowing too often, even young, and if yellowing covers a significant part of the body of the plant. And also if there are some side manifestations - reinforce the roots, fall out buds, etc.

To know exactly whether everything is in order with your orchid, experts recommend remembering how long the leaves live from your orchid variety. For example, if it is phalaenopsis, then the change of "plumage" occurs at least once a year. First, the leaves are yellow, then dry, lose the shape and fall off. That is, if your phalaenopsis began to drop its lower sheets, know everything is in order, it only gets rid of dead cells. If we are talking about the dendrobium, it is worth remembering that for him the norm will change the leaves twice a year, most often immediately after he poured, but sometimes during the rest period.

Why do they turn yellow?

Go directly to the conversation about why the leaves are yellowing from orchid and what to do about it. This may occur for a number of reasons:

If the orchids have yellow leaves, the best treatment event will be the normalization of the flower life and a change in the care of it depending on the causes of yellowing.

Rooms of orchids have a high degree of environmental plasticity and easily adapt to the home setting. But with too stressful conditions, biochemical processes are disturbed, the leaves are faded, dry and die with time.

If your flower has suffered such a nuisance, is usually the reason for incorrect care. In this article, we will look at why the leaflets lose the elasticity of the leaflet and what to do in each case.

Under the action of most negative factors, the lower sheet plates becomes soft. If the plant lacks moisture and nutrition, and root system It cannot compensate for the lack, the resources are redistributed from the leaves below. Their nutrient stock goes to the top.

Most often, the leaves of orchids are withering and yellow for the following reasons:

  1. lack of moisture;
  2. overheat;
  3. frostbite;
  4. problems with roots;
  5. excess water;
  6. diseases.

Note: If you bought a new orchid, she does not prevent a monthly quarantine. This time is enough to make sure of her health.

Lack of moisture

Orchids are indigenous inhabitants of the tropics, so for a full-fledged life they need wet soil in combination with heat. With incorrect irrigation organization, the filling of the cells of the leaf moisture is reduced, the leaves are wither, become lifeless.

To solve the problem, it is enough to send orchid. For this:

  • prepare a container filled with warm, pre-rested water;
  • immerse the pot there - the level must be "on the shoulders";
  • make a warm shower - irrigate orchid throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe leaves;
  • depending on the size, leave the pot in water for 1-3 hours so that the substrate is completely soaked in moisture;
  • remove the flower, let's fully drain the water, surplus on the leaves in the field of x / b to the cloth;
  • put orchid on a warm, well lit windowsill.

To avoid repetition of the situation, water the flower as the soil grates.

Note: The size of the substrate is affected by its composition, looseness, the temperature at which the plant contains.


When the room is too hot, the soil is quickly heated, due to which the active evaporation of water occurs, the roots dry, cannot absorb moisture. Orchid evaporates water, but the root system does not compensate for it. For several hours of fabrics lose elasticity and frowned. The flower is faded, losing its appearance.

If there is a direct ray of the sun, a burn is possible, in which the tissues of the leaves are damaged, yellow and faded.

If the orchid overheated, it is necessary to perform 3 steps for salvation:

  1. Remove into the cool place away from the sunny window at least 2-3 hours.
  2. Only after complete cooling the plant should be pouring, spray with warm water.
  3. Put a pot on the window sill, protected from direct sunlight.

It takes time to restore water balance and regeneration, so the result will be noticeable only for 3-4 days.

Important moment! In no case cannot be cooled by the heated leaves from the spray. Such actions can cause the appearance of vitreous sections, tissue damage, dying of sheet plates and shoots.


All varieties of tropical extends do not tolerate minus temperatures. Therefore, if in the winter when ventilating, you forgot to close the balcony, the window or you suddenly turned off the heating, orchid will inevitably freeze back and starts to wither.

For minus water in cells freezes, expands, irreversibly injures fabrics. As a result, frostbite occurs, the leaves in their eyes are withering and dying. Critical temperature for orchids - -15º C, after its exposure to save the flower is useless.

Treatment of frostbed sites is to remove damaged tissues. The affected areas are completely cut, the sections of the sections are processed with a crowded coal.

Note! The transplantation during this period should not be carried out in order not to take the force in the plant necessary for recovery.

Problems with roots

In case of non-compliance with the conditions for the content of orchids, the horse system can dry out or contracted. It will immediately affect the state of the leaves - they are withering, frowning, yellow and die away. Roots are damaged due to drying and stagnation of substrate congestion, when making too concentrated fertilizer.

First, make a diagnosis: pull out orchid from the pot and inspect the root system. Signs of healthy roots: light, slightly greenish tint, dense and elastic structure. In patients with roots there are wrinkled, referring or wet mucosa brown colorFrom which the liquid is released during squeezing.

With any of these lesions, orchid needs to be treated. To do this make a transplant:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot, carefully inspect the roots.
  2. Remove all dried or rotten areas with a sharp knife.
  3. Cuts are treated with an activated coal with activated coal.
  4. Put orchid in a specially prepared soil.
  5. Wipe the sluggish leaves by amber acid divorced in water. This measure will help quickly restore elasticity.

After a transplant 3 days, do not perform watering, you can begin to feed in a month.

Note: Soils for orchids do not contain land, their main task is to ensure the stability of the flower and create conditions approximate to natural.

In nature, representatives of the orchid family grow on wood trunks, therefore the main component of the substrate is coarse parts of the cortex coniferous rocksproviding food and aeration.

The remaining components provide moisture intensity, so their proportions depend on air humidity. If in the room is wet - you can do with one bore, adding about 5% coal. With dry air, sphagnum and peat with a low salt content are introduced.

There is a ready-made universal substrate designed for orchid plants. When buying it is desirable to choose a mixture without artificial components.

Rebuilding water

In the natural tropical environment, the roots of orchids are sealed almost daily under warm rains and dried by air circulation. When growing at home, try to the conditions close to natural. This means that the substrate must have good aeration and drainage for ventilation roots.

One of the main enemies of orchids is a stagnant overvailing. When the water is stirred in a pot or even in the pallet, the roots will surely begin to rot. It will immediately affect the leaves - they will become soft and start to wither.

To understand the scope of the defeat, first draw diagnostics and take measures:

  • stir orchid if she is tightly sitting in a pot - the roots are still alive, some time not to water the plants (before the substrate dying);
  • with a too compacted planting mixture, it is desirable to replace it, after drying the roots;
  • if the flower rises from side to side - the root system is damaged, it must be treated as in the previous section.

Note: In order not to fill the plant, determine the time of watering the dryness of the substrate mixture, and not by the calendar. In summer and winter time (when heating), the burnt can occur faster than in the spring-autumn period.


Orchids are infrequently sick, however, with a lack of care, weakened instances may be infected. At the same time, spots appear on the leaves, they are wither, and subsequently die away. The treatment is to remove infected areas, the use of antiseptics and fungicides, disinfection potted.

Please note: Most types of ticks start only during overwhelmed air when the leaves are wither and become soft. Therefore, support moisture, spray orchid regularly, follow the overheating.

To get rid of small pests, carry out a series of processing insecticide, divorced in the maximum possible concentration. For this, the means of system or contact-intestinal action will be suitable. Treatments are conducted three times, with an interval of 10-12 days. At the same time, spraying is subject to all home plants.

Many flower growers are grown by orchid. Unfortunately, when the content of this capricious plant, it is necessary to face problems: the orchid is pretty picky both towards care and conditions. A common problem is the fading of the leaves of the plant, loss of elasticity. Why faded orchid leaves, and how to cope with this problem, we will try to find out in the article.

This is one of the most common causes of fading orchid foliage. Under the influence of active sunlight, the leaves of the plant are actively losing, evaporate moisture, the roots are cooled at the same time. As a result of these processes, the green part becomes sluggish, saves. On faded leaves will be noticeable droplets of moisture - the result of evaporation.

To solve the problem, you need to remove the pot with orchid away from the sun. If the overheating is not critical, then the plant is enough for 2-3 hours to recover. After the support of the main problem, you can already water the plant, spray. But it is necessary to find a place for a flower in the house where secondary overheating will be excluded.

Sometimes the flower roots are overheated and the roots - it happens like that if the plant stands on the windowsill, under which it is a hot working battery. All plant can suffer from root overheating, therefore measures should be taken urgent.

It is necessary to urgently remove the pot from the window sill, rearrange in a cooler, shaded place. For a few hours, then leave the flower alone - if there was no critical root of the roots, he will soon revive himself, recover. Otherwise, the pruning of the affected roots and a transplantation will be required.

Problems with irrigation

Lack of moisture

If the leaves are withering for this reason, they will become also wrinkled, soft. Do not pull with soil moisture - as soon as the top layer of the substrate is noticeably dried, you can water. If all the same is allowed to dry, it is recommended to pour a plant with water dissolved in it by amber acid.

If a amber Acid There is no economy, it is possible to help the restoration of orchid, watering it with a sugar solution with glucose. This nutritional mixture will give the plant forces, will help him to reanimate it faster.

As always, watering orchids is carried out by the submersible method. If the earth dry hard, immerse the pot into the water at least half an hour.

Excess moisture

If you move with moisturizing soil, you can also soon notice that the orchid lowered the leaves. The danger here lies also in the fact that with long-term finding in the water roots can start rotting.

Only a transplant will help with overvalued. Be sure to remove the rotten roots, if any, detect. It is advisable before placing the plant into a new substrate, dry the roots for 8-10 hours in the air. This measure will help to stop the problem.

In order to avoid such trouble, one should not be too diligent with plants. Moisturize the ground only when the air roots become grayish. If they are bright green means at the moment the plant in watering does not need.

Illiterate subcord

If you move with fertilizer or, on the contrary, you can see too little attention to this moment, you can see that the leaves of the orchids wrinkled and observed. Along with fading, foliage will also shine. If the problem is running, can refrigerate or redden the roots of the flower. If the stubble has happened, the plant is transplanted into the new soil and do not contribute additional food for a while.

If fertilizers are missing, you can simply make them - after a few days or weeks orchid is reanimated. When nutrients lack, the lower leaves suffer primarily - they are withering, become soft.


If the reason exactly in this, the leaves of the orchids will begin to wither in the winter in the cold season. It happens like this if contain flower in such a place where there is access to drafts from an open window, or just in a cool room. Perhaps moving if the flower is too close to the window.

When frostbite, the leaves are withering noticeably: they simply blame, resembling sluggish rags. Let's just say - it is impossible to cure frostbite. Damaged leaves will have to lose. If the leaves do not cut off, probably the development of rotary processes. Do not forget that the frozen green part is already dead in essence. Do not transplant after trimming such orchid. The flower is without that fairly injured.

If the pot with orchid stood on a cold tile or marble floor in winter, they can penetrate and roots: this problem is already much more serious. You will have to remove the flower from the soil and inspect the roots, then remove the affected, dead. After trimming, transfer the plant into the pot on the other ground and put in a warm place.

Problems with root system

This problem may also cause fading orchid foliage. Due to the fact that the roots of the orchid air, it is possible to estimate their condition, without digging the plant from the soil. Healthy roots have a light green or silver-white shade, dark and brown indicate rotting.

Usually roots rot, if there is no enough air. It is connected with an overly a dense substrate, which has not buried it for a long time. For the cultivation of orchids, a loose soil is needed, a dense substrate plant is not suitable. In such conditions, the leaves can lose the turgor, elasticity, begin to blacken, wrinkle. To solve the problem, you should either break out the existing substrate or rehabilitate the plant with a transplant.

Diseases also can cause the rotation of individual or even all the roots. In this case, the plant must be removed from the soil and carefully examine its roots. Damaged, dark, rotten parts are removed by a disinfected knife. Cuts are treated immediately by antiseptic solution, but without alcohol.

Then orchid should be rooted in a new pot with pure ground. Before boarding the roots of the plant in the solution of drugs such as Alin or Maxim. Even if only one root survived the orchid, it has every chance of seeing and further normal development.

First time after the transplant, do not water and do not fertilize orchid. Place it in the shaded place without access direct sunlight - it is necessary to give the time to the plant for adaptation. Instead of irrigation, if necessary, make spraying. When the flower is rooted, you can resume standard treatments.

Orchid, in addition to renal diseases of the roots, may also suffer from the drying of the latter. In this case, the leaves will also wither, and from the hauling roots will have to get rid of circumcision.

Defeat by pests

Also a completely likely cause of the sorcement of leaves. Most often, the problem happens if the pliers come on the plant. These insects feed on the flower juices, sucking them - as a result of this, the plant is nicked, sluggish. A special danger is pincers are red and colorless.

Note that the pests are afraid of moisture and usually come true if the orchid is contained in a dry room. However, it is necessary to dry out the rosette of the leaves, since the water remaining in it can lead to the rotting of the green part.


This pest, as well as his "partner" of Slaughter-friendly - frequent "guests" on orchid, especially suffers from phalaenopsis. Mount the pest on the leaves from the bottom, so it's not easy to detect it. Yes, and remove the panel hard - because of the solid shell on it weakly affect insecticides.

To cope with the problem, it is necessary to use the poisonous drugs of intestinal contact. Such a solution is watered with the soil in the pot, and after a while the population of the shields die. Processing should be two, and the second one week after the first one.

Cobbed tinger

This pest can be recognized by thin webs that have arisen in secluded flower places. If you do not start to get rid of the tower on time, it can lead to noticeable yellowing, drying and twisting the leaves. The pest is starting under air conditioning.

You can save orchid with flushing leaves with soap solution, and the creation then for some time the greenhouse effect in the pot in order to kill the surviving specimens. Help insecticides.

If the flowers are withering

The most common and natural explanation this fact - The end of the flowering period of the plant. However, if the reason is precisely in this, the first to always wake are those inflorescences that they were blossomed first.

Sometimes, having bought a magnificent blooming orchid and bring it home, the owner after a while with surprise notice that the flowers began to actively wither. Perhaps in the store the plant has already bloomed quite a long time, that's the result. In order to avoid this, always buy orchid blooming, only if several flowers bloomed on it: the rest let them be in a bolonized state.

Can plant flowers and due to the adaptation of the plant. It happens like after purchase, transplants. Orchid is pretty seriously tolerates stress associated with adaptation, so if several flowers started from this - nothing terrible. Provide good content and care - and soon it is completely in a new place.

Flowers are becoming flowers and due to supercooling. Do not forget that orchid is a gentle plant, tropical, contain it in cold conditions and is prohibited under drafts categorically. At least a flower for a long time can withstand without prejudice to its beauty and health +15 degrees.

Sometimes their spraying leads to the fading of flowers. Note that it is impossible to carry out this procedure - only the leaflets of the plant can be sprayed, and then from a distance of at least 20 cm and in the warm time.

So, we found out for what reasons the leaves are withering from orchids and found out how to deal with the problem. The reasons may be somewhat - the most common ones we have considered. Now you can help your home plant if the leaves dropped.

This phenomenon is quite natural, but only experienced flowers know how to deal with such a problem. Do not worry, if this exotic miracle started the lower leaves. You do not need to climb them immediately, because the leaves did not have time to give all its nutrients. They will disappear independently as soon as the time comes.

Important! If orchids, all the leaves become sluggish, then the alarm should be beaten, because it is possible that the plant dies, and the cause of this may be a disease.

Learn more about the diseases of the green cover of orchids, and also see photos of the affected leaves can be.

Elastic leaves begin to gradually descend, they lose the exhaust color and acquire strange wrinkled divorces. This flower urgently needs help. In detail about what to do if the leaves of orchids lost the tour and wrinkle, we told in.

All flowswies are hard to watch their own plant, which begins to die. They cared and cherished the plant, but nevertheless there were problems that resulted in such an outcome. Why do the orchid children have a soft leaf, and over time they all become? It remains important to find out the true cause resulting from the softness of the leaves.

If the plant still overheated, then it is necessary to put it for several days in the shadow. It is not necessary to water it or spray. Later you can move the flower to the illuminated area, but then from heat sources.

To determine whether the soil is reheated, you should move the soil a bit, but if it is bad to succumb, then you need to conduct water procedures. The flower for an hour is placed in warm water, and then slightly sprayed. Leafs should be wiped with a dry cloth.

Damaged roots can cause the softness of the leaves, so it is worth the plant. Orchid needs to be carefully removed from the pot and inspect the roots. All damaged areas must be removed and washed with warm water. Healthy sections of the roots need to be treated with a dried cinnamon (about how to increase the roots of orchids with the help of corneeling and other means, you can learn). Plant transplanted into a new soil.

If the plant lacks moisture, then it should be watered more often. A large number of Fertilizers eliminate enough. You need to rinse the roots and get rid of excess fertilizers. Pot put in the shadow and simply expect when he fully recovers.

Plant care

Orchid leaves can also be soft if the plant is experiencing stress. To prevent it, you need to properly care for the flower after treatment. If the plant brought from the store, then you need to give it proper care.

As soon as the plant is cured, then it is necessary to put it in the shadow not a few weeks, not anxious and not watered. Once the flower is isolated from other flowers, it will be much faster to recover. No need to speed up this process and put a flower ahead of time. Internal mineral substances will begin their activation and allow the plant to fully heal.

Even so unpretentious in the care of orchid, like phalaenopsis, can hurt at home. This flower is rarely subjected to fungal and bacterial diseases. In most cases, Phalaenopsis turn yellow and wither the leaves. This is the result of improper care. Why does this happen and what to do when the orchid phalaenopsis turn yellow and wither the leaves? Explains the cause of the disease and offer them effective treatment Only experienced flowerflowers. Their experience of struggle with the ailments of orchid is proposed below.

Why yellow and fed leaves from phalaenopsis? Causes, treatment

If, with a careful inspection on the plant, pests were found, but its leaves are yellow and wither, experts indicate the wrong care. Falenopsis suffers from him most. So, why and what to do if the orchid phalaenopsis turn yellow and faded leaves - explanations of specialists with photos.

Why is the leaves of the orchid phalaenopsis:

  • frostbite;
  • periodic falling on the plant flow of cold air;
  • problems with root system - Incorrect transplantation, Publishing or overvolving, root rot;
  • the damage to the fungal infection, which leads to the blockage of the honestore vessels of the sheet.

Why does phalaenopsis yellow leaves:

  • natural flower aging process. The norm, if yellow is 1 sheet 1 time per year. Abnormally, if in a short period of time yellow 2 or more sheet plates;
  • oversupply of sunlight;
  • oversupply fertilizer;
  • a variety of rot and illness;
  • lack of moisture.

The signs of each ailment and how to eliminate them are shown below.

Faleenopsis has sluggish leaves talking about their frostbite. In this case, the sheet plate loses the tour without any, visible mechanical lesions and painful spots. For orchids, transportation without protection in the cold air or content near the window, where the air temperature often falls below + 15 degrees. Frupbed leaves lose elasticity, become dark green and watery. Treatment: The affected parts of the plant are to be removed to a healthy fabric. Dead fabrics are a favorable medium for breeding a variety of rot. Slices to make a sharp blade. Sections of sections sprinkle with a crowded, activated carbon.

In addition, you need to carefully examine the flower, whether there is no stem or other parts of black spots. The frozen plant is not transplanted. This is an additional injury that can lead to death.

Falenopsis has sluggish leaves can talk about the wrong transplant, as a result of which the root system has occurred. Many newbies are in a hurry to transplant the purchased plant, forgetting his adaptation. The transplant is an additional stress. The plant on it can react by fading the leaves. If, after the transplantation, the flower fade the leaves, you need to do the following: take it out of the soil and carefully examine the roots. Next roots are immersed in water. Healthy roots, regardless of their original coloring (green, whiten) and states (sluggish, wrinkled), be sure to "go" water and become elastic. If the roots even remain dry and wrinkled in water, they are subject to removal.

Crop the roots with a sharp blade before a healthy fabric. In some cases, the dead roots of phalaenopsis amazes rot. It can be black or gray spots. They do not have to be wet and slippery. Plyopsychia often sick dry, gray rot. If such stains are on the roots, they are necessarily removed. The stem, affected by fungus, is also cut to a healthy fabric. In some cases, completely bottom of the flower is cut. There are only leaves. This is not trouble. With the right further care, Between healthy leaves, the plant will release roots.

After Phalaenopsis has removed strite and sick roots, the sluggish leaves, the affected areas of the stem (if there are), phalaenopsis is placed in greenhouse. At the same time, the roots of the plant are descended into a transparent vessel without water. The roots do not need to immerse the liquid more. The flower is covered with a film. Thus make greenhouses. Inside it maintains a high level of humidity. Greenhouses are ventilated 1 time per day for 15 minutes. Sections of sections on the stem are treated with activated carbon. On the 2 day, the plant sprinkle with dry cycon. Waiting for the emergence of new roots and carefully follow the condition of the flower. Does it have black and gray spots on it.

As soon as Falenopsis releases air roots, it is planted in a transparent vessel with a large bark. The formed roots are sprinkled with a crust. The layer should not have a thickness of more than 2 cm.

What to do if the leaves have a healthy orchid phalaenopsis? In this case, the transplant was not carried out. The plant is contained at a temperature in the range of +18 ... + 22 degrees, there are no cold air threads. Possible reasons: Movement of the substrate, which causes the rotation of the root system. As a result, the plant can hit black rot. Signs of its appearance: black spots on the roots and base of the stem, the sluggish leaves from the orchid phalaenopsis. On the leaves may appear black dots.

If Phalaenopsis was overwhelmed, black spots appeared on his trunk, they come as follows: the plant is taken out of the pot, inspect the roots. Patients (which do not absorb moisture when immersing in water and with black dots) are to be removed as described above. Leaves are also removed. The plant is placed in greenhouse.

In the extreme case, the overvaluity and, as a result, black rot, lead to the crowding of the flower stem. If this happens, the orchid is no longer saved. It is thrown out.

Phalaenopsis has intensively yellow the lower leaves, although the plant blooms plentiful. Most roots are healthy and green, although there are air roots. They are wrinkled. Some of them appeared black spots and tugs. Over time, the plant shines stem. Possible disease Flower: black, dry rot, which is caused by fungus. Cause: Movement of the soil, lack of light. If the plant is intensely color, this is not an indicator of its good health. Phalaenopsis throws out the flower, after experienced stress, sometimes, in case of illness, as the last hope for reproduction.

Mass yellowing of leaves from orchid is abnormal. This state of affairs should alert. In particularly severe cases, the lower leaves are yellow if Phalaenopsis affects the rot. It looks like dry black spots. On the stem and leaves there will be no wet spots characteristic of rot on other types of plants. Orchids wet rot do not hurt. They are characterized by dry rot. It affects the fabric, prevents the movement of the juice, from which the leaves begin to yellow.

To verify the presence of a disease, a sheet neatly sharp blade is cut off. From separated from the stem. Next, the stem is inspected. If there are black specks - this is a black rot. In this case, the bottom of the plant is cut to a healthy tissue. To completely remove the disease from the flower, make cut to a healthy fabric. How to find out how healthy fabric or not? Very simple. The slice must be clean, without any inclusions. Very often after surgical intervention, the flower remains without roots. It is not scary. The main thing is to remain not affected and the green point of growth or upper kidney.

Next, the flower is placed in greenhouse. It can be a transparent container or cocoon built from polyethylene film. Inside the acet support a high level of humidity. But the flower in no case put in water. Phalaenopsis is rotting. It is necessary to continue observation of the flower. If black spots continue to appear on it, they are cut with a sharp blade. Sections of sections are migrated with green or poured, activated carbon. The greenhouse is carried out 1 time in 1-2 days. The plant is removed from the greenhouse when healthy roots appear on his stem between healthy leaves.

Discuss the diseases of the orchid phalaenopsis and get advice from a specialist in their treatment.

Why yellow leaves from orchid phalaenopsis, if there are no diseases and black dots on it, as a clear sign of dry, black rot?
Cause: Wrong watering. In some cases, the excess moisture accumulates in the ground as a result of its heterogeneity. So, phalaenopsis grows in a large cortex of the same fraction. The presence in the core of the peat, moss or even different peat in size leads to the fact that the mixture in the pot does not make it equally equally. Another irrigation leads to the oveurgement of peat. As a result, the roots or stem flower begin to heat.

The second case is when irrigated by plants without immersing the pot into the water after a complete bark graze for 15 minutes, and the upper, the ending watering. Thus, inexperienced flowers are trying to compensate for dry air in the room where the flower is located. The upper irrigation is not suitable for phalaenopsis, only the immersion method. Otherwise, the stem begins to rot. As a result, yellow leaves from the orchid phalaenopsis.

To understand whether the leaves are yellowing from a flower because of the rotting of the stem and the roots, the plant is removed from the pot, its roots are fully cleaned from the crust and inspect. Rotten stem will have a decayful view with a possible mold (as shown in the photo). Even if on such a stem is healthy in the form of the roots and the root of new roots, they are still subject to complete removal. Stem is removed to a healthy fabric. A healthy stem must be elastic and on a slice white without any inclusions.

After the location of the sections are processed with activated carbon and dry. After that, the phalaenopsis with healthy leaves is either stacked on a wet bark, while the bottom of the stem bark cannot be covered, or is placed in a transcendent capacity with water so that the bottom of the stem does not touch the liquid. All this is covered with polyethylene so that there is a greenhouse. The plant spray, the greenhouse is ventilated. You can 1 times a week the bottom of the stem to be treated with dry clook. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the stem, if it continues to be installed, it is cut it again. Healthy roots in the flower should appear between the leaves.