
The formula for calculating water heating in the receipt of utilities. How the fee is calculated for hot water

Preparing plants for winter

In the near future, residents will start paying for hot water on a new principle: separately for water itself and separately for its heating.
So far, the old bookkeeping remains for residents, the old accounting remains for residents. Because of the communal confusion, Zhilkomservisi refuse to pay to thermal power engineers. "Fontanka" disassembled in the difficulties of a two-component tariff.


Until 2014, the population and business structures for hot water paid as follows. To calculate, it was necessary to know only the consumed number of cubic meters. It was multiplied by the tariff and the figures artificially derived by officials - 0.06 Gcal. It is such a number of heat energy, according to their calculations, it is necessary for heating one cubic meter of water. As the Deputy Chairman of the Tariff Committee Irina Bugoslavskaya told "Fontanka", the indicator of "0.06 Gcal" was derived based on the following data: the temperature of the hot water provided should be 60 to 75 degrees, the temperature is cold, which is used for cooking hot, should be 15 Degree in winter, 5 degrees - in summer. According to Bugoslavskaya, the committee officials made several thousand measurements, removing information from accounting devices - artificially derived digit confirmed.

In connection with the use of this payment method, a problem arose associated with the hot water supply system with risers and heated towel rails. They heat the air, that is, they spend the gkal. From October to April, this thermal energy is plusing to heating, this can not be done in the summer. Already a year in St. Petersburg there is a system, according to which the board for heat supply can be charged only in the heating period. In this regard, unaccounted heat is formed.


In May 2013, federal officials came up with a way out of the situation of unaccounted heated by heated towel rails and risers. For this, it was decided to introduce a two-component tariff. Its essence is in separate payment cold water And its heating - thermal energy.

There are two types of heat supply system. One implies that a hot water pipe departs from the one that is intended for heating, the other implies that for hot water Water is taken from the cold water supply system and heats up.

If hot water is taken from the same pipe as heating, then payment for it will be calculated taking into account the costs associated with chemical processing, wage personnel, equipment maintenance. If the cold water of the GUP "Vodokanal St. Petersburg" is taken for heating, the fee for it is taken according to the tariff - now it is a little more than 20 rubles.

The heating rate is calculated on the basis of how much resources were spent on the production of thermal energy.

Invangible housing

From January 1, 2014, a two-component tariff is introduced for consumers who are not related to the group "Population", that is, for organizations and enterprises. In order for and the citizens could pay for a new principle, it is necessary to make changes to regulatory acts. Pay on the new system prohibit the rules for the provision communal services. Since the inhabitants still pay over the old scheme, housing organizations, serving houseswhere non-residential premises are present, they received a new headache.

The accrual of the cost of hot water supply consists of two parts, or components, each of which is isolated in the receipt of a separate line - DHW and DHS heating. This is due to the fact that in the houses of academic preparation of water produced directly by the control company in individual thermal points of each house. In the process of cooking hot water, two types of utility resources are used - cold water and thermal energy.

The first component, the so-called

gVS feed - It is directly the volume of water that passed through the hot water meter and was consumed in the premises for the month. Either, if the testimony was not submitted, or the counter was faulty or it came out of the period of calibration - the volume of water, determined by the calculated path, or a standard for the number of prescribed. The procedure for calculating the supply of DHW is exactly the same as for To calculate the cost of this service, the tariff for cold water is applied, since the supplier in this case purchases it precisely cold water.

Second component

DHW heating- This is the amount of thermal energy that was spent to heat the amount of cold water provided in the apartment to the temperature of hot. This amount is determined based on the testimony of the thermal energy meter.

In general, the size of the fee for hot water is calculated by the following formula:

P i gv \u003d vi gv × t x+ (V V CR × VI GW/ Σ VI gv × t v kr)

Vi gv - the volume of hot water consumed for the estimated period (month) in the apartment or non-residential room

T Holy - Tariff for cold water

V V Kr.- The volume of thermal energy used for the estimated period to heighten the cold water during the independent production of hot water by the control company

Σ vi gv- the total volume of hot water consumed during the estimated period in all rooms at home

T V Kr.- Tariff thermal energy

Example of calculation:

Suppose the consumption of hot water in the apartment for the month was 7 m 3. Consumption of hot water as a whole at home - 465 m 3. The number of thermal energy spent on the heating of the DHW on the general home of the accounting is 33.5 Gcal

7 m 3 * 33.3 rubles. + (33.5 Gcal * 7 m 3/465 m 3 * 1331.1 rub.) \u003d 233.1 + 671.3 \u003d 904.4 rubles,

Out of which:

233.1 rubles. - fee for the actual water consumption (GVS string in receipts)

671.3 - Flow for thermal energy, spent on water heating to the required temperature (GVS string Heating in receipts)

In this example, 0.072 gigakloria of thermal energy was spent for heating one hot water cube.

IN elchina, showing how much gigaklori needed to heat 1 cubic meter of water in the estimated period is called the heating coefficient of GVS.

The heating coefficient of the month per month of the neodynaks and largely depends on the following parameters:

The temperature of the supplied cold water. At different times of the year, the temperature of the cold water is from +2 to +20 degrees. Accordingly, in order to heat the water to the required temperature will have to spend a different amount of thermal energy.

The total volume of water consumed in all rooms at home. This magnitude is largely influenced by the number of apartments that testimony in the current month, recalculations and in general discipline for testimony by residents.

The cost of thermal energy on the circulation of hot water. The circulation of water in the pipes occurs continuously, including at the clock of minimum water intake. That is, for example, at night, hot water inhabitants are practically not used, but the heat energy to heat the water is still spent to maintain the necessary hot water temperature in heated towel rails and in the apartment in the apartment. This indicator is especially high in new, minorized houses and stabilizes with increasing the number of residents.

The average values \u200b\u200bof the heat heating coefficients for each block are given in the section "Tariffs and calculated coefficients"

With the arrival of the colds of many Russians concerns the question of how to pay utility services. For example, toaK calculate hot water and with which regularity should pay these services. To respond to all these questions, you need to clarify whether the dwelling is installed in this dwelling. If the meter is installed, then the calculation is made according to a specific scheme.

First of all, what needs to be done - see the receipt for utilities services, which came last month. In this document, find the graph in which the size of the water consumed last month is indicated, we will need numbers with indicators at the end of the last reporting period.

First of all, what needs to be done - see the receipt for utilities services, which came last month

After these readings are discharged, they should be entered into a new document. In this case, we are talking about the receipt for the payment of utilities services for the next reporting period. As you can see, answers to questions, how to calculate the cost of hot water in the meter, how to determine its consumption is quite simple. You need to timely and correctly remove all the testimony of the water meter.

By the way, many managers will affect the above information in payment document. In this case, it is not necessary to look for data in old receipts. It is also necessary to remember that in situations where the water meter only installed and these are first readings, then the previous ones will be zeros.

The initial readings of some modern meters may not contain no zeros, but any other numbers

I would also like to clarify that the initial readings of some modern meters may not contain zeros, but any other numbers. In this case, in the receipt in the graph where you need to specify previous readings, you need to leave these numbers.

The process of searching for previous meter readings is very important if you need to understand how to calculate hot water in the counter. Without this data, it will not be possible to correctly calculate how many cubic meters of water were used in this reporting period.

So, before proceeding to studying the issue, how to calculate the cost of hot water, you should learn to remove the water meter.

Designations on the meter

Almost all modern meters have a scale on which the minimum of 8 digits is indicated. The first 5 of which are black, but the second 3 is red.


It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits that have black color are displayed in the receipt. Because these are data of cubic meters, and it is for them that the cost of water is calculated. But the data that is painted in red is liters. They do not need to be specified in receipts. Although this data make it possible to estimate how many liters of water consumes a specific family for a certain reporting period. Thus, it is possible to understand whether to save on this good or consumption goes within the normal range. And of course, you can determine how much water goes to the adoption of bathing procedures, and how much to wash the dishes and so on.

It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits that have black color are displayed in the receipt.

To correctly figure out how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you should know which day the testimony of this device is removed. Here, you need to remember that the data of the water meter needs to be removed at the end of each reporting period, after which they need to be transferred to the appropriate authority. You can do this through a phone call or via the Internet.

On a note! It should be remembered that the figures are always indicated at the beginning of the reporting period (that is, those that were removed last month) and the end (these are those that are removed now).

This Regulation was registered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011. It is 354.

How to calculate the service?

It is no secret that the legislation of our country is constantly changing, in connection with which citizens begin to excite the question of how to calculate hot water or any other utilities.

If we talk specifically about water, then the fact that payment consists of certain terms should be taken into account here:

  • watermark indicators, which is indoors and controls the consumption of cold water;
  • meter indicators that shows hot water consumption in this apartment;
  • the instrument indicators that calculate the consumption of cold water of all tenants;
  • the data of the meter that controls the consumption by residents at home, it is installed in the basement of the house;
  • share of a particular apartment in total consumption;
  • the share that the concrete apartment in this house corresponds.

The penultimate indicator is the most incomprehensible, although in fact everything is quite accessible. It is taken into account when the amount of resource is determined, which was spent at all. It is also called "generalic needs." This, by the way, concerns the last indicator, it is calculated when generalic needs are calculated.

Calculation of hot water flow

As for the first two indicators, they are quite understandable. They depend on the tenants themselves, because a person himself can choose to save the consumption of a particular resource or not. But in other cases it all depends on how often wet cleaning is performed in the entrance of the house, from the number of riser leaks and so on.

The worst thing in this system of calculations is that almost all of the part of all-friendly needs is fictitious. Indeed, every house has such tenants that incorrectly indicate their individual indicators, or, for example, one person registered in their apartment, and five live. Then the general needs were supposed to be calculated based on the fact that 3 people live in Apartment No. 5, and not 1. In this case, everyone else would need to pay a little less. As we see, the question as to how to calculate hot water, still needs a thorough study.

That is why our officials are still trying to figure out how to calculate the fee for hot water and what mechanism would be the most successful.

Is all the same tariffs?

To save, you should always screw the crane, if at the moment it is not necessary to use water

To do this, it is enough to go to the website of the management company or simply call there. Also, such information is contained on the receipt, which comes to each tenant.

After this data is found, the cost of the speared cubic meters of resource should be calculated. Next, calculate the payment for hot water is quite simple, it is done in the same way as in the case of all other resources. You should take the amount of spent cubic meters and multiplied to a specific rate.

It should be noted that today there are many ways to save hot water consumption, thereby reduce your expenses for its payment. To do this, you can use special tap nozzles, they will help not spray water so much and control the power of the pressure. You should also open the valve of the crane is not valid by all the power, so the jet will go under less pressure, but the water will not fly into all directions. And of course, you need to always screw the faucet if at the moment it is not necessary to use water. Suppose when a person brings his teeth or washes her hair (while the head is embroidered or the toothbrush is flashed, the tap with water can be closed).

All these tips will help reduce the cost of paying hot or cold water, thereby help to correctly calculate the consumption of hot water.

The difference between the calculations of hot and cold water

Of course, in this formula, as in the one, which takes into account the consumption of hot water, a lot of flaws. Due to the fact that generalical indicators are taken into account, it is difficult to control where the difference between the individual indicators of all residents and those data that were removed from the water meter, which is installed on the house. Perhaps everything really is, and all this water went to clean the entrance. But it really believes in it. Of course, there are tenants who deceive the state and give incorrect data, but there are errors in the work of the pipeline system (the waste pipes in most houses are old and can proceed, so water goes nowhere).

Hot water bill account

For a long time, our government is thinking about how to correctly calculate hot and cold water and how to improve the current mechanism.

For example, in 2013, our authorities came to the opinion that it is necessary to establish standard standards for general business needs and it is these data to take into account during the cost calculations one cubic meter of water. It helped a little restraining the zeal of our management companies and help citizens of the country. You can learn these numbers in the management company. But this applies only to those cases when the tenants have entered into an agreement with the management company. If we are talking about water, then here in each settlement there will be a separate fixed minimum payment. And, let's say, overpayment in this reporting period can block costs in the following.

As you can see, there is a whole scheme that makes it clear how to calculate the heated hot water or how to calculate how much to pay for cold water consumption.

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2017:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rub. / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 14,6095 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d $ 39,0048. / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 44,3347 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d 256.80 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply in the DHW Council in 2017:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. m.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 56,5691rub. / Cube. M.

2016 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2016:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 14,2810 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 38,5595 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2016:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,16 руб. / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2016:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. M.

2015 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2015:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. M * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 12,0841 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 37,6924 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2015:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,1608 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2015:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2014:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 11,4000 rubles / sq.m

october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,8941 rubles / sq. M.

november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2014:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2014:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2013:

Heating Consumption Standard

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq.m
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 10,3826 rubles / sq.m
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 30,0886 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2013:

GVS consumption standard

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180,4184 rub. / person.
  • july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHS meter in 2013:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. m of water

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2012:

Heating Consumption Number * Tariff for thermal energy (Supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M.

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 27,3578 rubles / sq. M.
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 9,1193 rubles / sq. M.
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 27,4032 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq. M.

Calculation of the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person in 2012:

DHW consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january - June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 158.47 rubles / person.
  • july - August 0,2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 792,47 rub. / Gcal \u003d 168.00 rubles / person.
  • september - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180.42 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the cost of hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2012:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d The cost of the heated service is 1 cu. M.

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 34,9073 rubles / cubic meter. M.
  • july - August 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 792,47 rub. / Gkal \u003d 37,0083 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • september-Pectery 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.

The last few years in Russian Federation Gradually, the transition to a two-component tariff for hot water is occurring. Managing companies need to be understood in this matter at once for two reasons. First, you need to correctly charge the payment and make calculations with the RSO and the owners. Secondly, it is necessary to answer the questions of tenants about why in receipts fee for the DHW now goes two lines. In the article, we studied this question in detail and led examples of how a new billing system works.

Features of using a two-component tariff when calculating the payment of DHW

Until 2012, the cost of a cubic meter of hot water in Russia was one. The rules changed with the introduction of a two-component tariff at the DHW when entering into force of the Government Resolution No. 1149 of 08.11.2012. The new rules for charge charges are recently in many times in many subjects of the Federation, among which the Moscow region.

What is the essence of a two-component tariff for hot water

The use of a two-component tariff assumes that the cost of a cubic meter of hot water for the consumer is determined based on the two components:

  • cold water as a coolant;
  • heat as a resource going on its heating.

The volume of the necessary cold water is calculated according to the testimony of counters and is calculated in cubic meters. The second component is considered a little more difficult. Here you need to take the water volume taken into account and multiply it to the heat spending standards for heating.

When using an old single-component tariff for hot water, engineering features of multi-storey houses were not always taken into account. As a result, in certain regions, including the Moscow region, there were situations when the Criminal Code was forced to pay resource-supplying organizations more than they received for this resource from the owners of the apartments.

Representatives of the housing and utilities industry consider a two-component tariff for hot water, which appeared in the rules for the provision of utilities (PP No. 354 of 06.05.2011) from 2016, more economically justified. In the Unified Tariff, the actual temperature of the hot water was not taken into account, which came to the apartments of citizens. Regulators usually prescribed maximum indicators in the tariff rate, and consumers often obtained hardly warm water. At the same time pay it, naturally, it was necessary at full rate.

The use of two-component hot water tariffs is regulated by clause 42 of Rules No. 354. To perform the calculation, formulas 23 and 24 are used in Appendix 2 of this Regulatory Act.

Why there was a need for a two-component tariff

Cold water consumption in residential buildings Some differs from how the cost of hot water by citizens is taken into account. In the first case, it is enough to use the readings of individual accounting devices. For cold water, the requirements for cleanliness are presented, in the rest of the tenants, only the consumed volume is paid.

FROM hot water The situation is somewhat more complicated, as the additional parameter is added here to be taken into account by the supplier - the temperature. IN last years Citizens, with the support of regulatory authorities, have learned to defend their rights in terms of ensuring GVS. If there is not enough hot water from the crane (the temperature is less than + 60ºС), then this circumstance is fixed by testing, and the Criminal Code is forced to conduct recalculation with a decrease in the board.

  • In what cases of the WE, HOA, the LCD, the housing unit can apply a two-component tariff for hot water?
  • How to make a transition to a two-component tariff for hot water services in the case of cooking hot water with the help of ITP?
  • What is the size of the fee for hot water supply in the case of applying a two-component tariff for hot water?

Analysis of the situation showed that more than 40 percent of thermal energy when providing MKD hot water spent not on its direct consumption, but on circulation in pipes. The water is not consumed in full and in the return on the heat exchanger, which is heated by boiling water from the resource-supplying organization. In the process of movement, it cools. If the water is consumed, then such heat losses can be so significant that they will not be covered by the dwellings on a one-component rate just for consuming volume.

In the apartment may not open a crane with hot water at all, but it will still be able to consume energy. The simplest example This is heated towel drivers connected to the DHW system. Previously, the flow of these devices of thermal energy when calculating payment for ku was not taken into account. The heat fee can only be taken during the heating season, so heated towel rails and risers warmed the air in the apartments without paying this as a utility service.

As a result, the question arose about making changes to the calculations on which the fee for hot water for residents of multi-storey houses is charged. However, it was necessary to determine the following moments:

  • what formula to use for the distribution between the consumers of heat spent on the circulation of hot water;
  • how to call a communal service for paying such thermal energy that will fit into the receipt.

Heat supply organizations offered various options Solutions that did not fit together.

1. Do not use the heating standard of one cubic meter of hot water, as in PP No. 354, the moment is not settled with the distribution of heat costs.

2. Use the standard for calculating the DHW board only in those MKD where there is no OPA.

3. Calculate the fee for hot water according to the standard, and the heat loss to the circulation is to set the Criminal Code in accordance with paragraph 21.1 (a) of PP No. 124 of February 14, 2012.

Changing the tariff for hot water as a solution to the problem

Further discussions on the issue and practical attempts to solve it showed that the formula for calculating the cost of hot water should be two components.

First, you need to pay water consumption itself, which, with a two-component tariff, includes the price of cold water and the cost of its heating.

The formula for calculating water heating costs is simple: the amount of heat for heating one cubic meter is multiplied by a consumed volume. It takes into account that water must be heated to the + 60ºС regulatory acts. Tariffs for thermal energy are established by regional authorities.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay heat spent on circulation in the hot water supply system. For this, the total amount of heat taken into account by the DHS meter is taken, from which the energy of water heating consumed by residents and spent on the norm is required.

When charging the heat-energy fee on the DHW, it is necessary to take into account the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, as is done in the calculations for heating. It is wrong to use only the area of \u200b\u200bapartments here, since heat losses in circulation occur, among other things in public areas.

Actual tariffs for the example of the Moscow region

In Moscow and MO from July 1, 2018, there was another increase in hot water tariffs for the population. It also affected two-component tariffs. There are no single bets on the DHW in the region, as there are more than 900 resource-supplying organizations. As a result, in the Moscow region, more than 2,000 tariffs in the field of housing and communal services have been revised annually.

According to the current legislation, the reasonable costs of each enterprise must be taken into account separately. They are the basis for the formation of tariffs.

Municipalities in the suburbs are distinguished by heterogeneity. Closer to the capital there are compact cities with high population density, on the outskirts - administrative education with a large territory and a much smaller number of residents. This means that in remote settlements, engineering networks of high lengths are needed, for which less resources will be supplied. The cost of servicing such communications is higher, which is directly reflected in the tariffs.

In addition, tariff rates on similar services differ due to:

  • features technological process production and delivery of resources;
  • non-uniformity of the level of upgrading networks;
  • differences in the number of resources implemented.

For example, we give tariffs for hot water supply In several municipalities of the Moscow region.

Payment for each of the components is listed in different recipients. Usually, cold water is paid to water, and for thermal energy, the branch "MOEK" or "Mosenergo".

About standards

When calculating the DHW fee for a two-component tariff, a standard of thermal energy flow rate per heated 1 cube is used. m of water. These figures are established by regional authorities. The Tariffs of the subject of the Federation shall divide the territory of the region into climatic zones depending on the period of passing the heating season. In addition, the development of parameters takes into account the following technical and constructive features houses:

  • does the hot water system have an outdoor network;
  • whether the heat insulation of the risers was produced;
  • are there in the apartments of heated towel rails.

For each parameter, its own coefficient indicating the heat loss intensity in hot water pipes.

The house is assigned certain indicators entirely, without taking into account the design features of the pipes in each specific apartment. If the MKD was originally equipped with heated towel rails, but some of the owners cut it off, then for it, the formula for calculating the cost of hot water will not be converted.

The transition to a two-component tariff for DHW in the cities and regions of the Russian Federation the government will gradually carry out. The first time can act and the old, taking into account only cubic meters of water consumed, and a new tariff rate. However, the process of change is consistent, and outdated one-component tariffs remain in the past. In the transitional period, the final decision on the use of a system of calculations remains for managers and resource-supplying organizations. At the same time, the deadline for the final transition is set, after which the choice will not remain.

An unequivocal answer to the question of whether the use of a two-component tariff will cause payment growth, no. Calculate the fee will really be more difficult, but this does not mean that the resource will rise in price. The country has an extreme index of changing the fee for the LCQ, and above it is not enough prices, including due to the revision of the tariffing system.

The use of water, both cold and hot, is an integral part of the maintenance of any household in our country. At the same time, the issue of payment for water consumption services remains open at the moment, since the tariffs constantly undergo changes. What the cost of a cube of water in the meter in 2019 will be discussed in this article.

Since this moment is relevant to many categories of the population, we will try to consider all the nuances in detail.

How are the tariffs for water in the meter calculated?

First of all, it is worth noting that in the calculations of the cost of water consumption services, in addition to the water cubic meter specifically spent on the meter, another number of indicators are taken into account that are related to the maintenance of water supply networks. These include:

  • Fee for consumed electricity;
  • The cost of acquiring reagents, with which water is purified to indicators of compliance with sanitary standards;
  • Funds that go to pay wages to Vodokanal employees (here is given to the deductions in the FIS, FSS, as well as income tax);
  • Amounts that are paid for renting premises and equipment that are in time operation;
  • Expenses that are related to the repair of water supply networks and the water tax payment;
  • Costs aimed at the destruction of waste, etc.

If we consider the formation of tariffs for water flow (hot and cold) in the counter and without it, then there is no difference here. The difference in payment arises only that in the absence of a meter in the apartment, the payment for water is made on the basis of the established consumption standards per person. At the same time, to obtain the final amount for payment, the tariff is multiplied by the number of people who live in this house. If there are counters for hot and cold water in the apartment, the water consumer is paid exclusively the amount of water that was actually used (according to the water reading). It should be noted that the last option is most beneficial for both apartment owners and tenants if they need to pay communal services themselves in accordance with the lease agreement. The presence of water meters makes it possible to significantly save.

Now consider how much water cube is (when paying for the meter) and how much will need to pay in 2019 for water supply services.

Hot and cold water: How much is a cubic meter of water in 2019?

In Russia, the function of the regulator of tariffs for utilities takes over the state, and rates for specific cases are under maintaining regional authorities. And this year, our government decided to make a gift to our citizens and raise tariffs in two stages. At the first stage from January 1, 2019, it will be elevated by 1.7%, and at the second stage from July 1, 2019 by 2.1%:

Cost of cube water in the meter in Moscow and residents of the new Moscow

For Moscow, the price for 1 cube of water on the meter in 2019 will increase from July 1 compared to the previous year by 5%. For those who are interested, how much is 1 cubic meter of water (according to the meter) at the first half of 2019 we inform:

  • The cost of one cold water cube is 38.06 rubles;
  • The cost of one hot water cubic meter - 125.69 rubles.

Of course, these prices can not be called low, but they are in accordance with both the standard of living and with the level of wages of Muscovites.

Tariffs for cold water (drinking) and drainage in Moscow for 2019 for 1 and 2 half year (with the exception of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts)

Created consumers Tariffs on drinking water, rub. / cubic meters. Tariffs for drainage, rubles / cubic meters.
1 half year 2 half year 1 half year 2 half year
Population (with VAT) 38,70 40,48 27,47 29,57
Other consumers (without VAT) 32,25 33,73 22,89 24,64
Organization of the water supply and sewer household region, at the place of execution of obligations of Moscow (without VAT) 23,72 24,81 19,84 20,75

Tariffs will strongly change towards the appreciation only in the second half of the year from July 1, 2019. This increase was scheduled. It is adjusted under the Program on the Socio-Economic Development of the capital until 2019.

Tariffs for cold water (drinking) and drainage in Troitsk and Novomoskovsky districts on the first and second half of 2019

Name of systems of centralized water supply and drainage in the territories of internal municipalities of the city of Moscow

Consumer name

Tariffs (rubles / m 3)
From 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019

Tariffs (rubles / m 3)
From 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019

Drinking water Drainage Drinking water Dried drainage
1 Urban district Shcherbinka Population (with VAT) 22,97 27,89 26,48 29,57
Other consumers ** 19,14 23,24 22,07 24,64
2 Moscow settlements, Vnukovo, Voskresenskoye, Derovskoye, Mosrentgen, Pine, Filimkovskoye Population (with VAT) 38,70 37,30 40,48 36,55
Other consumers ** 32,25 31,08 33,73 30,46
3 Schupovskoe settlements, Klenovskoe Population (with VAT) 29,51 37,99 32,46 36,85
Other consumers ** 24,59 31,66 27,05 30,71
4 Settlements Voronovskoye, Krasnopahorskoe (with the exception of the village of Minzag), Mikhailovo-Yantsevskoe, Rogovskoe Population (with VAT) 24,12 39,38 27,54 38,21
Other consumers ** 20,10 32,82 22,95 31,84
5 Village utility farm Minzah settlement Krasnopahorskoye Population (with VAT) 25,58 28,80 29,52 29,57
Other consumers ** 21,32 24,00 24,60 24,64
6 Settlement Ryazanovskoye Population (with VAT) 22,12 29,18 25,72 29,57
Other consumers ** 18,43 24,32 21,43 24,64
7 City District Troitsk Population (with VAT) 25,30 30,23 28,63 29,32
Other consumers ** 21,08 25,19 23,86 24,43
8 Settlements Kiev, Pervomayskoye, Novofedorovskoye, Kokoskino, Marushkinskoye Population (with VAT) 34,87 29,05 40,48 29,57
Other consumers ** 29,06 24,21 33,73 24,64

* - Order of the Department economic Policy And the development of the city of Moscow entered into force on January 1, 2019.

How much is a hot water cube on the meter in 2019

The relevance of the question is "How much is a cube of hot water in the meter?" There is only for those Russian cities that have heat supply organizations. At the same time, the prices of 1 cubic hot water can vary significantly. In addition to the factors that were mentioned earlier, the price of hot water is influenced by the price in this region on cold water, which is purchased with the aim of heating heating networks.

Tariffs for hot water in the city of Moscow, with the exception of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative district of the city

Tariffs for thermal energy for the population of Moscow, with the exception of the Trinity and Novomoskovsky administrative district of Moscow

No. p / p Name of company Tariffs for thermal energy for the population of the city of Moscow, taking into account VAT (rubles / GKAL)
1 Public joint-stock company Energy and electrification "Mosenergo" - a tariff for consumers connected to the heat network without additional transformation on thermal points operated by the heat supply organization 1773,19
2 Public Joint Stock Company "MOSCOW JOINT ENERGY COMPANY", subsidiaries and dependent on this organization of the Company - a tariff for consumers connected to the thermal network without additional transformation on heat points operated by the heat supply organization 1806,89
3 Public Joint-Stock Company "MOSCOW JOINT ENERGY COMPANY", subsidiaries and dependent on this organization of the Company - a tariff for consumers connected to the heat network after thermal points (on thermal points) operated by the heat supply organization 2279,95

Tariffs for hot water in Troitsk and Novomoskovsky districts

MUP "Troitskterenergo" to consumers using closed hot water systems

Tariffs 2019 for technical water for consumers Mosvodokanal JSC

Consumer groups Tariff's action period Tariff, (rub. / M 3)
Population (with VAT) 8,98
Other consumers ** First half of the year - from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 7,61
II half - from 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019 8,02

* - Resolution of the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow entered into force on January 1, 2019;

** - The tariffs are not included in the value added tax.

Tariffs for drinking water (drinking water supply) and drainage
For consumers JSC "Mosvodokanal" in the territory of the Moscow region *

Type of service (Products) Tariff actions for 1 and 2 half
from 01/01/2019 to 06/30/2019 from 01.07.2019 to 12/31/2019
Drinking water ** (rub. / M 3) 21,94 22,82
Drainage ** (rub / m 3) 17,68 18,39
Water transportation for Vodokanal OJSC. Korolev ** (rub / m 3) 4,05 4,46

* - the disposal of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region of December 19, 2018 No. 373-P came into effect from 01/01/2019;

** - The tariffs are not included in the value added tax.

Note :

  • Tariffs for drinking water and drainage are used for consumers attached to the water supply system and drainage of the city of Moscow in the Moscow region;
  • Based on the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 22, 2016 No. 103-PP, the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow is abolished with the imposition of functions and powers at the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow.

As for other cities, the tariffs will differ there. Consider them further.

The cost of 1 cube of cold water and hot water in the counter for the cities of Russia for 2019

How much costs 1 cold water and hot water cube for large cities of Russia for the first half of 2019 you can find in the table, which is shown below.

Price for water in the counter in the cities of Russia
City Cold water price Drainage Price of hot water
Moscow 38.70 rubles / m.Kub 23,43 rub. / M.Kub 188,53 RUB / M.KUB - OAO MOCEK
St. Petersburg 30,60 rub. / M.Kub 30,60 rub. / M.Kub 106,53 руб. / M.Kub
barnaul 19,45 rubles / M.Kub 12,66 руб. / M.Kub Component on cold water - 3140rub. / Cube. M.

Component for thermal energy - 2207,46 rub. / Gkal

Yekaterinburg 35.77 rubles / m.Kub 22,03 rub. / M.Kub 124,92 rub. / M.Kub
Nizhny Novgorod 18,29 rubles / M.Kub 14,16 руб. / M.Kub 87,42 rub. / M.Kub
Kazan 18,19-56,41 rub. / M.Kub 18.65 - 71,32 rub. / M.Kub 137,79 руб. / M.Kub
Kaliningrad 24,62 руб. / M.Kub 19,90 руб. / M.Kub
Krasnoyarsk 24,95 rubles / M.Kub 15,96 руб. / M.Kub component for thermal energy - 1702,16 руб. / Gkal

component for coolant - 41,90 rubles / cubic meters

Omsk 16,33 rub. / M.Kub 19,92 руб. / M.Kub component on cold water, rub. / cubic meters - 16.33

component on thermal energy, rub. / Gcal - 1 902,54

Permian 33,03 rub. / M.Kub 21,67 руб. / M.Kub LLC "Perm network company" - 159,12 rubles / cubic meters
PJSC "T Plus" - 126,02 rubles / cubic meters
PAO "T PLUS" Zone PTEC-14- 158,72 rubles / cubic meters
Rostov-on Don 42,59 rub. / M.Kub 29,23 rub. / M.Kub Component on cold water, rub. / Cube. M, - 42,59

Component for thermal energy, rub. / Gcal - 2614,52

Ufa 25,43 rub. / M.Kub 30,29 rubles / m.Kub Component thermal energy - 2092,32 rub. for 1 gkal
Component Cold Water - 25,43 rub. For 1 m3

*** - Tariffs for different areas of the city and region depending on the service provider.

The following averaged rates for the supply of cold and hot water are valid:

  • The cost of 1 cubic meter of cold water in the cities of Russia is in the range of 16 rubles. up to 56 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water ranges from 87 rubles. and higher.

Separately, it should be noted that benefits are fully preserved. The following categories of citizens include preferential:

  • Pensioners;
  • Veterans;
  • Persons having disability (either degree);
  • Other categories that can count on social protection.

In order for the above-mentioned population categories and in the future, we use subsidies and benefits in paying utilities, the government allocated more than 80 billion rubles.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that at the end of 2017 there was some correction of legislation. Now in apartments and houses, where there was an opportunity to establish counters for water, but the tenants abandoned this, the norms of water when setting off for water consumption will be multiplied by an increase in the coefficient. From this we can conclude that the installation of individual water meters will help to significantly save money for water consumption in 2019.

From the above information, we can conclude that the inhabitants of the Russian regions pay more for water will have only from the first half of 2019. Of course, any increase in tariffs can not be called a pleasant moment for the population. However, if you installed meters on water and know how much the water cube is on the meter, then this increase will not be able to significantly affect your well-being.

If you pay utility bills, you are not able to apply for registration of subsidies to the relevant authorities. Such subsidies, in case of allocation, will be able to partially cover the cost of paying utility bills.

In addition to the above information, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the video on how to calculate the cost of 1 cube of hot water.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the payment of accounts on the tariffs installed in the region should be carried out in a timely manner. In this case, controlling services will not have any complaints to you.

The growth of cities leads, first of all, to an increase in apartment buildings and, accordingly, to an increase in the inhabitants of the metropolis. Providing citizens with water, electricity and gas produced centrally, but even in one area of \u200b\u200bthe city may differ. Paying receipts from housing and communal services, consumers are gnawing the worm of doubts how true tariffs are exposed and expenses are counted.

Water meter calculator, from the federal antimonopoly service of the Russian Federation

Some time ago, a separate service for tariffs worked in Russia. Since 2015, it has been abolished as an independent division and included in the antimonopoly service, the Department of "Prices and Tariffs". Any citizen of Russia can learn tariffs for cold or hot water vacation for own house. All data on the regions flock to the site:, in the section "Calculator Housing and communal services".

Water payment calculator in the counter, work order:

  • log in to the site and go to the "Housing Housing Calculator" tab, it is right below under the "Important Information" heading;
  • on the page that opens, click the button "Go to the calculation" button, select your region on the map, and again proceed to the calculation;

  • enter the municipal area of \u200b\u200bthe consumer to the appropriate string;
  • introduce a month whose tariffs are interested;
  • fill out lines by living conditions and note the service of interest: water disposal, water supply, heating, etc.;
  • selecting water in the meter, it is necessary to note the service provider at the place of residence and to put water consumption over the calculation period;

  • in the reversal of interest to the service of interest, for example, "cold water supply", noted which calculation is necessary - by residential premises or one;
  • select the method of calculating the counter or standards;

  • calculations can be continued by selecting a different service in the underlying list, such as "hot water supply", and get the necessary data.

If the fee for water in the counter, its tariff must comply with the specified on the site, is higher than the calculated on the Internet resource, you will have to contact the executive. Data on prices and tariffs are regularly updated, when the information is delayed, we advise you to report this to the site of the FAS RF. The appeal is sent through the "Write to FAS Russia" tab.

Calculation of payment for water in a meter through the website of the GU of Moscow

The All-Russian Portal does not reflect information on the costs of maintenance, repair and hiring of a residential building. Moscow residents on the site can make data on the costs of utility resources on individual accounting devices and fulfill the preliminary calculation of the services.

The order of working with the portal:

  • enter the page and find the "Services" tab;
  • select a line "Transfer data to IPU";
  • in the window that opens, click on the "Calculator Housing Hospital" manual;
  • in the proposed table, make the required data, the basic information is reflected in a single payment document;
  • when you click the tab with the service, which is expected to calculate, goes to the following table;

  • by calculating the same service, you can go to the next, etc.;
  • as a result, the lower line will reflect the full amount needed to pay housing and communal services.

How do generalive needs are calculated in apartment buildings equipped with IPU and

Most of all complaints come from residents to the overestimated amounts of payment. It seems that it seems difficult, deduct from the testimony of the counter at the entrance to the building, the fact that the tenants consume, and the rest distribute according to the apartment area. But here, there are many loophole lasers. Moreover, not only by the management companies.

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, paragraph 44, determined the maximum amount of services on the OND for the living space, based on the regulatory consumption for the needs of the house. Managing organizations or DAYs independently conclude agreements with performers for the supply of utility resources. Accordingly, it takes responsibility for the full payment of letting of water or electricity. If, after calculations with the tenants, the housing offices remain unemployed volumes of resources, it will make them look for bars in pipelines or to determine the negligent payers.

When delivering resources directly from the artist, all unaccounted IPU volumes are on the shoulders of residents at home. These are unregistered tenants, and old water supply networks, and fraud with counters. Despite this, the decline in its own costs for utility payments, already a considerable help for citizens. Our company will help the owners of apartments of multi-storey houses, establish and put into operation modern water meters with the possibility of remote reading of indications.

To date, the main document that determines the requirements for accounting for thermal energy is the "Rules for accounting for thermal energy and a coolant".

The rules provide detailed formulas. Here I simply simplify for a better understanding.

I will describe only water systems, as their majority, and I will not consider steam systems. If you understand the essence of the example of water systems, the steam will consider themselves without problems.

To calculate thermal energy, you need to decide on the objectives. We will consider calories in the coolant for heating purposes or for hot water purposes.

Calculation of GKAL in the DHW system

If you have a mechanical hot water meter (turntable) or you are going to install it, then everything is simple here. How much screwed, so much will have to pay, according to the approved tariff for hot water. The tariff in this case will already take into account the number of Gcal in it.

If you are mounted for a node of heat metering in hot water, or you only intend to install it, then you will have to pay separately for heat energy (GKAL) and separately for network water. Also according to the approved tariffs (rubles / Gcal + rubles / ton)

To calculate the calorie calories obtained with hot water (as well as steam or condensate), minimum that we need to know this hot water consumption (steam, condensate) and its temperature.

Consumption is measured by flow meters, temperature - thermocouples, thermal sensors, and Gcal calculates the heat meter (or a heat register).

QGV \u003d GGV * (TGV - TX) / 1000 \u003d ... Gkal

QGV - the number of thermal energy, in this formula in Gkal. *

GGV - hot water consumption (or steam, or condensate) in m. Cubic meters. or in tons

tGV - Temperature (enthalpy) Hot water in ° C **

tCHV - Temperature (enthalpy) of cold water in ° C ***

* We divide for 1000 in order to get no calories, but gigaklora

** It is more correct to multiply not to the difference in temperatures (T GW-T HF), but to the difference entalpy (H GW-H HF). The values \u200b\u200bof the HGV, the HTX are determined by the corresponding measured on the metering node for the temperature and pressures considered. Enhaulpius values \u200b\u200bclose to temperature values. On the heat metering unit, the thermal conductor is counting and the enthalpy itself, and Gcal.

*** The temperature of the cold water, it is the temperature of the feeding, is measured on the cold water pipeline on the heat source. The consumer, as a rule, is not possible to use this parameter. Therefore, a permanent computational approved value is taken: in the heating period, the TX \u003d + 5 ° C (or +8 ° C) is taken into the heating period, in the ultimate TX \u003d + 15 ° C

If you have a cloth and there is no possibility to measure the temperature of hot water, then for the isolation of GKAL, as a rule, the heat supply organization establishes a constant computational value in accordance with the regulatory documents and the technical capabilities of the heat source (boiler room, or thermal item, for example). In each organization, we have 64.1 ° C.

Then the calculation will be the following:

Qv \u003d ggg * 64.1 / 1000 \u003d ... Gkal

Remember that you need to pay not only for gkal, but also for network water. By the formula and we consider only Gkal.

Calculation of Gcal in water heating systems.

Consider the differences in the calculation of the amount of heat when open and closed system Heating.

Closed heating system - This is when it is forbidden to take a coolant from the system, nor for the purposes of hot water supply or for washing a personal car. In practice, you know how. Hot water For the goals of the DHW in this case, it comes on a separate third pipe or is not at all if the DHW is not provided.

Open heating system- This is when it is allowed to take a coolant from the system for the goals of hot water supply.

With an open system, the coolant can be taken from the system only within the contractual relationship!

If with hot water supply we take the entire heat carrier, i.e. All network water and all gkal in it, then when heating, we return some part of the coolant and, accordingly, some part of Gcal back into the system. Accordingly, it is necessary to calculate how much Gkal came and how much left.

The following formula is suitable for both an open heat supply system and closed.

Q \u003d [(G1 * (T1 - TXV)) - (G2 * (T2 - TXV))] / 1000 \u003d ... Gcal

There is still a couple of formulas that are used in accounting for thermal energy, but I take a higher one, because I think that it is easier for it to understand how heat meters work, and which give the same result in the calculations as the formula.

Q \u003d [(G1 * (T1 - T2)) + (G1 - G2) * (T2-TX)] / 1000 \u003d ... Gkal

Q \u003d [(G2 * (T1 - T2)) + (G1 - G2) * (T1-TX)] / 1000 \u003d ... Gkal

Q is the number of consumed thermal energy, Gcal.

t1 - temperature (enthalpy) heat carrier in the supply pipe, ° C

tCHV - temperature (enthalpy) of cold water, ° С

G2 - coolant consumption in the return pipe, T (M.Kub.)

t2 - temperature (enthalpy) coolant in the return pipe, ° С

The first part of the formula (G1 * (T1 - TXV)) considers how much Gkal came, the second part of the formula (G2 * (T2 - TXV)) considers how much Gkal came.

By formula [3] Heat meter calculate all Gkalone digit: for heating, on the waterscence of hot water with an open system, instrument error, emergency leaks.

If open system Heat supply It is necessary to allocate the number of Gcal, which went to the DHW, then additional calculations may be needed. It all depends on how the accounting is organized. Is there an appliances connected to the heat meter on the pipe DHW, or there is a turntable.

If the devices are, then the heat meter must count everything and issue a report, provided that everything is configured correctly. If the turntable is worth it, then you can calculate the amount of Gcal on the GVS by the formula. . Do not forget to subtract Gcal to DHW from the total amount of Gkal in the meter.

The closed system implies that the coolant is not taken from the system. Sometimes the projectors and assembers of accounting nodes are clogged into the project and program the heat meter to another formula:

Q \u003d G1 * (T1 - T2) / 1000 \u003d ... Gkal

Q: The number of consumed thermal energy, Gcal.

G1 - coolant consumption in the supply pipe, T (M.Kub.)

t1 - the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipe, ° C

t2 - the temperature of the coolant in the return pipeline, ° C

If there is a leak (emergency or intentional), then according to the formula, the heat meter will not fix the number of lost gkal. This formula does not suit the heat supply companies, our at least.

Nevertheless, there are accounting nodes that work on such a calculation formula. I myself issued a prescription consumers several times to reprogram the heat meter. While the consumer brings a report to the heat supply company, it is not seen in what formula is the calculation, it is possible to calculate, of course, but it is extremely difficult to calculate manually.

By the way, from those heat meters for the consignment of the warmth, which I saw none provides for measuring the flow of the coolant in direct and reverse pipeline at the same time. Accordingly, it is impossible to calculate the number of lost, for example during an accident, the GKAL is impossible, as well as the number of lost heat carrier.

Conditional example:

Initial data:

Closed heating system. Winter.
heat and power - 885,52 rubles. / Gkal
network water - 12.39 rubles. / M.Kub.

the heat meter issued the following report per day:

Suppose that the next day there was a leakage, an accident, for example, undercluded 32 MK.

the heat meter issued the following day report:

Error of calculations.

With a closed heat supply system and in the absence of leaks, as a rule, the flow rate in the feed pipe is greater than the consumption in the opposite. That is, instruments show that one amount of the coolant comes, and it goes a little less. This is considered the norm. In the heat consumption system, there may be regulatory losses, a small percentic, small sublifts, leaks, and the like.

In addition, accounting devices are imperfect, each device has a permissible error set by the manufacturer. Therefore, it happens that with a closed system comes one amount of the coolant, and it turns out more. This is also normal if the difference is within the permissible error.

(See the rules for the accounting of thermal energy and coolant P.5.2. Requirements for metrological characteristics of accounting devices)

Error (%) \u003d (G1-G2) / (G1 + G2) * 100

Example if the error of one flow meter, installed by the manufacturer ± 1%, then the total permissible error is ± 2%.