
Echmea Striped care at home reproduction process growing from seeds. Echmea: landing, reproduction, typical problems


Many flowers lovers want to have Ehmya in their collection, but do not know the characteristics of this flower, they fear it to acquire. Caring for it is quite standard, even eliminates many procedures due to the peculiarity of the plant itself. This unusually attractive flower belongs to the Bromelian family (Bromeliaceae).

Attracts the attention of flowerflowers with its unique appearance, monumentality, colorfulness. For the first time, Columbus companions, traveling along the rainforest of South America, collided with exotic beauties. Here and there they came across flowers, with their roots in the bark of huge trees. They were unusually surprised by the type of fabulous bright plants located right on the trunks of trees with flowers resembling birds with a bright plumage.

  • Some species were brought subsequently into the old light. Most bromelievis in natural conditions are epiphyts: they settle on other plants, located on trees or at the base of the roots, clinging for the trunks as for the supports.
  • Echmea refers to the reservoir bromeliev. In these unusual plants leaf plates So tightly adjacent to each other, which form a kind of reservoir, in which water accumulates.

Atmospheric liquid (rain, dew), very soft, flows down the branches down, falling into this container, going there. There are often the leaves and small twigs of trees often showered, which quickly decompose in the wet warm climate, serving Bromeliev. There you can find small animals for which the socket is a peculiar reservoir in which they live, feed on with overworked residues and multiply. And the roots play the role of clothespins, which holds epiphetes on the tree.

They are both in the ground and on any supports. A certain stock of moisture is in their sinuses of the leaves, there is also a small amount of soil. Therefore, most bromelices are undemanding to the conditions of detention. They do not know how to eat through the root, it is worth considering it.

The name of the plant Echmea (Aechmea) has Greek origins and translates as a 'tip of peaks' - for the similarity of pointed bracts with a peak. Stem shorten, it can be said that it is not at all. Leaves in the outlet are long, lanceal, parch-skinned, vigorous-gear along the edges. The inflorescence of the spikes, whining or big head. A variety is the form of inflorescences and individual flowers. Fruit - berry.

Growing and care for Echmea at home

Echmea suffers different lighting: both straight sun rays and multiple light. Silver strips on her leaves formed by a variety of small scraps may disappear after touching them with hand or with a lack of light. A good visible pitt remains from touching the fingers. It suits usual temperatures, but not lower than 12 and not higher than 27 degrees.

If Ehmee is too cold - Inflorescence and blooming dry, acquiring a dirty tint. Transfer it to a warmer place. Need a rather wet land, especially before flowering, watering it twice a week. Also in the funnel, the socket should always be at least 2.5 cm of water, which is changed after 3 weeks. Water is preferable to use rain, and better melt. This is explained by the fact that in nature during the tropical rainfall, raindrops are going to a funnel on the leaves.

  • It is impossible to allow moisture to stay for a long time in the outlet when the temperature decreases, in this case the plant turns over, removing fluid for several days. It should be noted that they have a weak root system, poorly reacting to the oversupply of moisture in the soil, which serves only to strengthen the mooring in the soil to her for nothing.

Echmee feeding is not needed, it is indifferent to the humidity of the air. There are special fertilizers for bromelia, which are added in small quantities into the outlet. The biggest attention should be paid to the location of your flower appropriate place - Pledge of good health, long blossom, presentable external view. Typically, recommendations regarding the orientation of windows on the parties are not quite correct.

  • The lighting of the southern window is not always better and stronger than the northern. Your southern window can go to the courtyard of high-rise buildings, or near it is located. a big treeLimiting light access. And the North, on the contrary, is lit enough and a little sun falls on it in the morning or evenings. Of course, in this case, the second option is preferable.

Watch your own green friend. His appearance will tell you, whether it is good in this place. With the slightest negative change in the appearance of the plant, move it to another place of your apartment. The same goes and humidity. It has a beneficial effect when maintaining a fair warm room. If the temperature is not high, it is not necessary to get involved in the increase in humidity. Outset the soil in the pot of the MKA-Sfagnum layer, periodically its moisturizing. Water, evaporating, will increase moisture, and moss, among other things, still being an excellent antiseptic, protects against diseases and insects.

It is impossible to transplant just bought echoma, it will be hurt for a long time, since Bromeliev's roots are very gentle. Only when the plant will flash and starts to start the children, you can proceed to transplant children. But it should not be hurried here, they must be good to grow and have their own root system.

For suitable any loose unknown soil. The pig separated from the parent plant is planted on individual pots. Before flowering, they are redesigned once again into a larger vase. Purchased flowering plants should not be reluctant, they have already achieved their maturity and do not require additional nutrition.

  • Before the transplant is perfectly span Ehmeu. Lightly knock the edge of the pot from the table and carefully pull out the plant, capturing it between the fingers, the other hand at this time hold the pot. Turn over, remove the pot from the roots. A stick carefully remove the remains of the old substrate with the roots. Plant in the center of the new container and spray fresh soil, trying to cover all the roots, not taking the earth tightly.
  • Do not water the transplanted plant and keep it in a shaded place so that the roots can master the new soil. The pot with the Earth serves Ehmee only in order to hold the plant in a vertical position.

Consider the moment that the green mass of Echmea sometimes exceeds the weight of the pot with roots and substrate, bolds constantly on the side, so when choosing a landing capacity, give preference to more massive instances.

With success, it can be attached to a piece of bark or wood. Choose a suitable snag and make a small recess in it. Carefully get the plant from the pot, put it with the roots with moss-sphagnum, put in the recess destined to it, fixing the wire. Moisten a little root pour water to the funnel. You can cover the soil substrate with a small layer of moss-sfagnum or petty pebbles, it will take an excessive moisture from the roots, evaporating it up, and pebbles will make the container heavier.

Thus, it is possible to create a spectacular decorative composition - the 'bromelian tree', on the basis of which there are several representatives of this amazing group. Pruning the plants is not produced, only the blurred escape is removed by the secateur at the base. What echometh cleaning is also not needed - practically it transfers all the conditions of detention, which is important when there is a lack of free time.

Reproduction of Echmea Projects

How to send Ehmya? You can get new plants from young processes formed after flowering. Do not separate siblings from the parent plant to full development. During this time, they must reach half of the parent's growth. Prepare a small weighty pot with a layer of drainage and a wet peat. Sharp knife cut the baby from the main plant along with the roots.

Young Echmea must have little healthy roots, otherwise she will not survive. Put a young plant in a separate pot, lose weight with palms slightly and moisturize.

Reproduction of Echmea Processions Look at the video:

As you can see, the reproduction of Echmea at home does not represent special difficulties. Get new plants extremely simple, the main thing to comply with simple rules of agrotechnology.

Echmea of \u200b\u200bseeds

We can propagate echoma seeds that are sown in the loose peat ground or into crushed roots of the fern.

You can simply sow on the surface, distributing as much as possible, and then press the seeds into the ground, slightly pressing the palm. You can slightly pour the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Moisturize abundantly, but without water stagnation. It is good to use a pulvelizer, so you definitely do not put extra water.

When sprouts appear, the bag can be removed or venting out every day until the plants rise slightly.

After 3 months, shoots are diverting into individual pots and turn around a year. Echmea, especially its leaves, slightly poisonous and when touched or, leaving a barr, you can earn skin irritation, use rubber gloves when transplanting plants.

Pests and errors in care

Most frequent cause The poor state of Bromelian is incorrect. In summer, easy shading is necessary. From sunlight there are burn-brown burn stains. The tips of the leaves dries off from low air humidity. Roots are lowered when the substrate is overvolving. Rigid water leads to drying off the tips of leafy plates.

On Ehmee, you can meet the shields and worm. Adults are cleaned by hand with a cotton wand. Further distribution can be prevented, rubbed with a cotton swab, moistened with ordinary vodka or diluted alcohol. Pre-test this tool on one sheet. If a day later, changes did not appear - we treat all the plant 3 times with an interval of 5 days. This is usually enough to get rid of insect larvae.

Prejudice, signs and superstitions about Ehmee

Echmea is useful to people with scattered indecisive, those who have many desires and plans, but whoever cannot start acting. It will help those who feel lonely and languishes by these loneliness, cleans the atmosphere from apathy and longing.

With long stay in the house, it affects the atmosphere by producing fluids into it, as a result of which the households increase the content of iron in the blood.

It is able to reduce sleep duration, even if you sleep far from the plant - cheerfulness, the tide of the strength will accompany you all day. Helps people with a violent character to cope with their emotions, balances the psyche of man, increases the adaptability of the body to various conditions, accelerates digestion of food, increasing metabolism.

Protects the echoma of the owner from anger, the greed of those who come with bad intentions, performing the function of a kind of overama. How much benefits and positive emotions get if you have one echumes. And putting quite a bit of strength, causing on it, you will admire again, and again the excellent appearance of this plant, which will become a real friend.

Types of Echmea with description and photos

All species and forms of Echmea feel great in apartments and offices, well tolerate dry air, long bloom. More beautifully and stable artificially derived hybrids, which are easier to care for, since they were initially adapted to the artificial environment - it is native for them.

Echmea Striped Achmea Fasciata

It happened from Northern Argentina, where she was found in 1826. She has green groove leaves collected by a funk-shaped outlet, with transverse white stripes. With them, the pink flowers stretching from the center contrasts. Purple flowers, in spherical inflorescence, between raspberry pericheries. There are varieties with monophonic-green, marble or yellowish-malachite sheet plates.

Echmea striped blooms only once in his life, buds are revealed by each other on inflorescences and hold on the plant for some time. At the end of flowering, the sheet socket gradually fade and dry out, and at least two, and sometimes three young siblings are formed at its base. Empty lasts about 3 months. The deceased mother plant is thrown out, and young sockets searched on separate pots. Their maturity will come no earlier than in a year - one and a half with decent care.

Echmea Sparkling Achmea Fulgens

Another kind of suitable. Leaves of this plant bright emerald with reddish turnover, and inflorescence in the form of brushes with aluminum bracts and purple flowers. The plant lives for 2-3 years, depending on when it blooms. You can speed up this process if you put a ripe apple or banana at the funnels, they release gas - ethylene, stimulating the process of formation of the string. After flowering on panicles, no longer fallen red berries are formed.

Echmea Chantini Achmea Chantinii

On the leaves are the dark greenish perpendicular stripes. The plates themselves are curved by the arc, with the jar of the edge. Dark orange petals flexing, golden buds are exposed.

Echmea Weilbach Achmea Weilbachii

Right from Brazil. Emerald grooved leaves with rare needles around the edge make up a glasswall outlet. Blue-lilac flowers decorate the flower from March to August. Excellent grows on hydroponics.

Echmea vote Achmea Nudicaulis

Right from the mountainous districts of Mexico. Leaves are hard, linguistic, rounded top. Coloros with a thin bloom and tiled reddish leaves. Golden flowers.

Echmea Luddemanna Achmea Lueddemanniana

The leaves are pointed, with bent spines on the edge, it is shrouded with whiten flakes. Squares of gentle-raspberry or Lazorus petals rise at 12-30 cm above the sheets. Forms bluish berries. Growing on stony soils.

Echmea Heavenly Blue Achmea Coelestis Photo

It reaches in a blooming state of a height of 1 m. It dwells in the forests of Mexico on crubstone places.

Echmea pubescent Achmea Pubescens

Right from Central and South America, the rosette consists of grayish green leaves, made from below whitening scales. Spikelets consist of two rows of buds.

Echmea Gamosepala Achmea Gamosepala

Plant with fantastic flowers: on long blooming densely there are tubular pink flowers With blue edges. There are other colors, such as coral and white. Long flowering gives a truly fabulous spectacle. Decorativeness reinforce shiny leathery leaves dark green saturated color.

Echmea Orlandian Achmea Orlandiana

Wide leaves with multi-colored stripes are collected in an elegant socket, topped with a long coral flowers with yellow flowers.

Echmea Samurai Achmea Samurai

Amazing Beauty Flower: Lemon-yellow strips of leaves are intermittent with dark green on the top of the sheet plate. The lower part of the leaves is additionally painted with light-emerald horizontal stripes. Long coral blur with wide bracts crowned with large yellow flowers.

Echometa Tesman Aechmea Tessmannii

A very large plant, produces a fantastic form with massive bracts collected in estimated panicles. Coral-yellow bracts are shaved with small dark brown flowers.

Echmea Biflora Achmea Biflora

Long bright orange-yellow leaves have glossy shine and frequent cloves around the edge. A short coloring is a rather massive, yellow bracts are shaved in dark purple-gray flowers.

Echmea Starbert Achmea Starbrite

Exotic beauties with wide long leaves. Wax glitter of leathery light green leaves lightly overlaps with a light white chain. Flowerines are massive, with volumetric bilyes of bracts.

Echmea (Achmea) is a perennial herbate plant From the Bromeliev family, which has more than 300 varieties. Motherland Echmea is considered to be southern and central America. The name "Echmea" takes roots from the Greek word "Aechme", [ECME] - the tip of the peaks. Probably, this name plant received due to a pointed, peak shape of bracts.

All types of plants are heat-loving, prefer bright rooms. The reproduction of Echmea can occur both seeds and "kids." If the plant is grown out of seeds, then bloom will come on the third year.

Plants of the kind of Echmea are epiphytes forming vegetative shoots and growing in natural nature in the developments of trees, brine of stone embankments or rocks. The characteristic habitat for Echmea is subtropical and tropical forests.

Most of the types of echomethi are very beautiful plants that have received a well-deserved recognition of flower flowers.

The most common types of indoor flower Echmea and photos of these species

Echmea, despite the fact that the natural habitat is tropical and subtropical forests, grows well and develops in artificially created conditions. Consider the most popular species of Echmea that can grow in a home flower bed.

In the wildlife is found in the tropical forests of Brazil. Echmea Weilbach - Epiphet, has a glasswall outlet of bright green, soft-sized, sword-shaped leaves. This type of echoma is blooming complex inflorescences. Coloros and bract, usually red, and flowers are lilac-blue. Flowers, as a rule, in spring, in April and May.

At home, Ehmyu Weilbach is better to post from Eastern or Western side. In order for the plant to grow correctly, winter temperatures should be maintained at least +18 degrees, watering echoma - evenly. You also need to provide a good drainage flower.

Echmea Weilbach multiplies as a division (during transplantation) and seeds.

View-Echmea Double Room

It has two types: epipheit and ground. Sheet rosette may have a diameter to one meter, stretched, loose structure. Leaves in double-row echons have dark brown spikes along the edges, the leaf itself is green, narrow, reaching up to 50 cm long with a width of 3 cm. Flowers echomethu double-flopful purple flowers with bright red bracts. The bloomout of this plant has a value of about 60 cm. At the variety of Echmea, white stripes pass on the edges of the leaves.

This species of Echmea has narrow and long leaves grow into the tube and form a socket. At the edges of the leaves have small spikes, the main part of the sheet is smooth. Echmea has a curved very beautiful inflorescences, in which the petals and the bractor most often are bright red. As a rule, the inflorescence is above the outlet of the leaves by 15-20 cm.

She is known as Echmea Linden. The leaves of this type of echons are long, sometimes reach a length of 1 meter. The edges of the leaf of fine-grained. Located leaves thick and create a socket. Flowers echoma in winter. Flowers have bright yellow, and bracts - red. Inflorescence is a large, multi-row spacing.

A variety of "Makoyana" resembles the type of Echmea of \u200b\u200bthe two-time "Variegata": the leaves of this species also have white stripes.

View - Echmea Mattovo-Red

One of the most enduring in room conditions Species of Echmea. Semi-meter narrow leaves grow thick and form a funnel-shaped outlet. Very interesting color of the leaves: they are light green on top, and a weak purple tint have below. Suscompacts in the leaves are short, the form of the linguistic, with a narrowed slightly base. The pyramid shape of the inflorescence is crowning a reprehensive flower, which is most often red. The flowers of Echmea Matov-Red two-color: Light blue petals and matte-red cupids. When pollined, the plant gives small fruits of bright pink color.

This type of Echmea has dense remover leathery leaves create a high tubular outlet. The color of the leaves is green, along the edges there are frequent little teeth, at the end of the sheet - barley. The length of the sheet on average is 40-50 cm, and the width is 5 cm.

The inflorescence of plants is large, up to 30 cm long. Located on a straight flower. Bulk-pyramidal scenery shape, color of the flux leaves - pink, glossy.

Echmea Striped flowers at the beginning of flowering have bluette petals and felt-free seashelistic, and over time become blue-red.

Highly interesting view Echmea. It is distinguished by the fact that the rosette of the plant is free, and it is formed from the pale green leaves covered with a gray flare. The length of the sheet in this species reaches 40 cm, the width is 4-6 cm. The sheet has a rounded vertex and rarely planted cloves around the edges.

Echmea blinking with multiple inflorescences. Flowers are red, coral shade, on the top of a little bluish. Bracts also have pink color.

Care for Echmea at home

Ehmeey grows well as in the world and in half

If you wish to have in your home flower bed some of the species of this very beautiful plant, you need to know some subtleties and rules. For proper care Echmea will grow well and regularly delight blossom.

Lighting and watering room plants Echmea

In terms of lighting, Echmea is not too good. The flower willingly grows both with bright light and in a half. Optimal is the placement of pots with Echmea on the eastern or western side. To select the correct lighting for Echmea, it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of its leaves. Plants with rigid leaves prefer bright lighting, southern windows, and in the summer they love to be on the balconies. Types of echonia with soft leaves, on the contrary, prefer to grow in a half, with moderate lighting.

Echmea's plants watered regularly to maintain the soil moist constantly. When watering, water should first pour into the socket, and then directly to the soil. Water for watering Echmea should be warm and soft.

In the fall, watering can be cut, and in the winter and to keep the funnel dry. But it should be remembered that the long-lasting breakup for Echmea is harmful.

Optimal temperature and humidity

Optimal temperature For growing Echmea 20-26 degrees Celsius

Since the wildlife is growing in subtropical and tropical forests, it is thermal-loving. For growing at home, the temperature of the air is considered in summer from 20 to 26, and in winter - 17-18 degrees of heat. Echmea loves the differences of night and daytime temperatures, which also corresponds to temperature regime In the forests of tropics and subtropics. Also favorably in the state of Echmea affects the influx of fresh air.

Echmea is unpretentious and in terms of humidity. Dry air plant tolerates normally, but it will be better to provide a slightly high humidity plant. For this, the flower pot can be put on a wet pebbles, and the plant itself spray warm water every day, especially if in winter Echmea is warm.

Requirements for soil

The optimal soil for most types of echomething is the mixture of humus, peat, delicate and leaf lands taken in equal shares. Also good to this mixture add a bit of sand. The best option for a comfortable development and flowering of Echmea will be a mixture of equal parts of the compost, leaf land, chopped moss, to which sand and crushed shards should be added. You can also grow echo and in a special mixture for bromelia, which is sold in stores.

For good growth, Echmea can make a substrate from finely chopped fern roots and moss - sphagnum (3: 1). Complex, but high-quality soil for Echmea can be obtained by mixing the coarse ground ground, horse peat, sphagnum, and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5, and to this land, add pieces of wood coal and horny chips. If you decide to grow Ehmeyu in such a soil - remember that good drainage is required.

Various liquid fertilizers for bromelian plants will be suitable for Echmea

Fertilizers and feeding Echmea should be produced in spring and summer period. The frequency of the procedure is every 15-20 days. There are various liquid fertilizers for bromelias that are optimal in the care of Ehemee. You can also apply any other fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, but the dose should be doubled.

Flowering Echmea

Echmea flowering occurs from May to October. Each socket blooms only once, after which the blurred inflorescence should be removed. Shortly after flowering, the base of Echmea appears "kids." They need to squock from the parent plant as soon as they achieved in the sizes of His half.


The reproduction of Echmea takes place both proceedings and seeds, new plants obtained from the processes ("kids") begin to bloom for 1-3 years. But those Echmea that grown out of seeds, bloom for the first time later: after 3-4 years.

Spray reproduction. "Children "Echmea is taken to separate from an adult plant in March. They should not have roots, but the leaves should already be sufficient. Places on the maternal echometho, from where the "kids" were cut, you need to spray with crushed charcoal and add a little.

Reproduction seeds.Echmea seeds are best sowing into small fern roots or in peat loose mixture. The optimal temperature of the content is 25 degrees of heat, when high humidity And in the shaded place. With proper care, seed shoots in 2-3 months is fashionable to dive into a special soil mixture, which consists of equal parts of herassk and leaf land. Further, for one year, new plants need proper care: regular spraying and temperature indoors not lower than 22 degrees of heat. After the year, Echmeu can be transferred to a comfortable pot and an ordinary substrate.

Echmea transplantation

It is best to transplant Echmya annually. The flower pot for comfortable growth of Echmea should not be deep, but better if the diameter it is not small. Basically, the container serves to give the flower of the vertical position. After transplanting it is necessary to help the plant restore the root system. For this, Ehmya should be kept in the shade and not to water within 2-3 days.

Watch the video about how to transplant Ehmeu and separate the kids from the parent plant.


As a rule, Echmea Neyovitis. But one of her appearance - echoma striped, has a minor poisonousness. The poison is mainly contained in its leaves, so the careless touch of them can cause a skin inflammatory response.

Diseases, pests and flower care during this period

The most common cause of the death of all types of Ehmee is the wrong irrigation, overflow. It should be remembered that water in the rosette of the plant should not be constantly. Otherwise, Echmea will rot. It will become apparent if the leaves of the plant are rude. But, besides this, the leaves of Echmea can be built if the plant is cold.

If the plant slugged leavesSo it is not enough moisture. Dry leaves tips sign about too dry air around.

If your plant persistently does not want to bloom, it means that it is not enough light. Most often, echons with motley leaves behave. In case of insufficient illumination, the plant leaves can also lose their initial color.

Pests that might damage Ehmee, these are root workers, shield, root ticks and a wave. Get rid of them very easily, with the help of insecticides coming on sale.

Echmea is a representative of a numerous kind of bromelic family, the original habitat of which is considered Central and South America. A distinctive feature of the rosette plant are spines, on the edges of sheet plates of various colors and structure, depending on the variety. Care for Echmea at home relatively simple, making tropical plant welcome inhabitant of urban apartments.

In the wild, the genus has more than 180 species, of which are only some are grown as potted crops.

The most common:

  • Echomethu striped is a large plant with remover gray-green in a transverse lane with leaves collected in a rosette, the diameter of which reaches 1 m. Gun-pyramidal inflorescences, consisting of blue flowers, covered with pink bracts in the lower part.
  • Echmea Weilbach - a socket consists of sword-shaped reddish-green leaves up to 50 cm long, whose edges are crowned with small spikes. From the center of the socket develops a high bloomon, at the top of which blister-and-lilac flowers, collected in a cysterious inflorescence, with bright red bracts.
  • Echmea duplex - a plant with a loose rosette, the diameter of which can reach 1 m. Green leaf plates at the ends have brown spikes. On a 60 cm flower, purple flowers with red flux leaves are blooming. Also occurs a pile form.
  • Echometa is represented by removal leaves up to 1 m long with rounded edges covered with short spines. During the flowering period, the formation of a spike inflorescences is noted, consisting of bright yellow flowers with crimsheral flux.
  • Echmea tailed - stands out with a yellow edging directed up the rosette leaves of a green color. Golden flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a sweater.
  • Echmea sparkling is a variety with green leafy plates, the edges of which are gear. In the flowering phase, coral-red flowers are observed, 100 pieces in inflorescence, with pink bracts. In the culture there is a form of discolor, characterized by non-standard coloring of the leaves - they are painted below the bottom, and from above - olive-green color.

Echmea: Growing Features

When growing Ehmei, it is worth considering the needs of the culture, consisting in:

  • large soft light;
  • regular additional diet through leaf plates;
  • abundant irrigation;
  • enhance the level of humidity.

Optimal flower content

In order for an exotic flower to feel comfortable in the apartment environment, you need to create appropriate content conditions.

Lighting and location

Like many other tropical representatives, being under the crowns of trees, Echmea loves a large amount of soft light. It is best to place a pot with a flower near Eastern or Western windows. If there is no such possibility, you can install a plant on the south side, having organized protection against direct sunlight at noon.

Tip! In the summer, you can take a plant on fresh air, but it should be done gradually that the leaf plates do not get burns.


For better growth and the onset of flowering phase, it is necessary to properly organize the temperature mode:

  • In the summer season, the temperature value can fluctuate in the range of 22-26 ° C.
  • With the arrival of cold weather, where the flower contains, it is also recommended to lower the temperature by 7 °.

During the day, the fluctuations between day and night temperatures stimulate the formation of a bloody. Also for the development of culture requires a constant influx of fresh air. But at the same time it is impossible to find Echmea on drafts.

Requirements for the soil and pot

Due to the surface and undeveloped Koroi System, the flower needs a wide and low pot. The soil for cultivation of the representative of the tropical flora is required lightly with a weakly acidic reaction. For these purposes, the substrate prepared from the leaf land, peat and sand in proportions 2: 1: 1, or a ready-made universal soil purchased in a flower shop.

Home care

Of all the Bromellene Echmea is considered the most unpretentious, but this does not mean that it does not require a systematic and complex care.


At home, Echmea flower is poured abundantly in two ways: in the ground and in the outlet. Water for moisturizes is taken to be peeled and warm.

The watering system depends on the phase of development:

  • During the period of active vegetation, immediately after drying up the upper layer, moisture reserves are replenished with a new portion of the liquid with the two above-mentioned paths.
  • With the arrival of autumn, the frequency of soil moisturizes is reduced, and the water is not pouring completely into the outlet.

Caution! It is impossible to water Echomethu through a socket in stagnation and after flowering: there is a big risk of intensive development of rot.

Air humidity

Echometh easily adapts to dry air in apartments. However, it will be grateful for increasing the level of humidity by spraying or placement next to the culture filled with water-filled water.

Attention! Spray tropical flower can only be warm water.


Full care for the tropical representative provides systematic extraxanitic feeding with liquid mineral complexes:

  • in the spring-summer period - twice a month;
  • autumn - monthly;
  • in winter - every 1.5 months.

Echmea transplantation

Bromellene do not have acute need for systematic transfers, because due to the undevelopability of the roots nutrients Little depends on the substrate.

In case the transplant is still needed, it is carried out as follows:

  1. A new pot is selected.
  2. The drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the container.
  3. From above, suitable for growing bromelian grounds.
  4. By transshipment, flower moves.
  5. The emptiness is filled with a prepared substrate.

Blooming Plants

For stimulating flowering Bromeliev, ethylene is needed, which is released from apples and bananas.

So that the gas does not disappear need:

  1. Next to the pot put an apple and a banana.
  2. Cover the package and sustain in this form 2 weeks.

After 4 months, floweros will begin to develop.

Protection against pests and diseases

To pests that can populate the plant include a wave, shield, root worm. When one of them is detected, it is worth spraying insecticide shoots. Among the disease is sometimes marked gray rot. The impetus for its development is the oversupply of moisture, whose prevention is the best protective event.

Echmea breeding methods

The exotic plant is multiplied both vegetative and seeds.

Seed method

A rather labor-intensive process in which to obtain a positive result should be followed by the following scheme:

  1. Capacity for seedlings is filled with peat and moss.
  2. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the moistened substrate.
  3. The box is covered with polyethylene and moves into a warm, shaded room.
  4. The film is systematically removed for watering and venting.
  5. After 3 months, when the seedlings appearing 4 of the present leaflet, seedlings are seeded in a mixture of leaf land and needles.
  6. After a year, the rapid seedlings are planted into individual containers.

Reproduction of offspring

If the flower has echoma, it is better to propagate it with a vegetative way, which is carried out at the beginning of spring:

  1. Selected the most developed offspring.
  2. Children are separated with a sharp, sterile knife.
  3. Sections of sections are treated with charcoal.
  4. The processes are planted into separate, shallow containers filled with a special substrate.
  5. For speedy rooting, the capacity is covered with a package that is removed for ventilation and moisturizing.

Precautions: Echmea Pointed

Echmea is poisonous plant. When contacting it, irritations may appear on the skin. To avoid discomfort and other unpleasant situations, when working with a flower, it is necessary to protect your hands using rubber gloves.

Thus, if the flower desires decided to get an exotic flower, but did not make a choice in favor of some particular one, then it is better to look at Echmea, which fits perfectly into any interior and does not require too close attention.

Echmea is one of the most milk room plants. The name of the flower has a Greek root translated as a tip of peaks. Echmea's pointed flowers in appearance resemble a peak. The room flower looks like a warrior who has prepared to battle. Wide leaves of Echmea thick covered with spikes, and even the flowers are protected by pointed bracts.

Amazing inflorescences and flowers depending on the species have different color: pink, coral, red - gold, red and blue. Flowering plant indescribably beautiful!

Echmea has about 180 species common in Central and South America. Its seating flowers are bangible in compact, thick inflorescences - sweatshirts, head or cooled.

Ehmey is grown both in pots and in special baskets or on snags. This room flower is tremendous.

If you want your home echoma early bloom, then put the plant in a transparent plastic bag for 1 to 2 weeks. Put several ripe apples there. Just do not tie the package too tight. After a month, Echmea will delight you with long-awaited flowers.

The militant flower helps become active, purposeful. Therefore, Echomethu is better not to put in the bedroom. The most sensitive people under the influence of this plant can begin insomnia.

The best place for Echmea is a study room near the desktop.

Echmea care at home: watering, lighting, reproduction

This plant, all year round, can be maintained in a sunny place. At a temperature not lower than +18 degrees. Water only with soft water. In the summer, on hot days, Ehmey watered directly into the leaf funnel, only water should not be there constantly, otherwise the leaves can be understood.

Also for maintaining air humidity The plant must be regularly sprayed with a driver.

Pour a little outcast water 1 - 2 times a week, as they evaporate. Also, to maintain air humidity, the pot with Ekmey can be put on a small tray with pebbles, in which water will reach the base of the pot.

Casual drying of the soil will not bring tightness. However, long-lasting is harmful.

Since autumn, watering is reduced, winter is rarely watered.

We breed with echoma seeds and siblings. The last way is more popular. Young processes are separated from mothers in March. At this time, kids easily form roots. Separations It is desirable to spray with powder of charcoal.

Substrate under the landing of Echmea is prepared from sheet, fibrous and peat ground, sand (2: 2: 2: 1). After a year of the grown, the warrior transplanted into the substrate for adult plants.

If you like the sun and warm, you are easy to make friends with this unusual room flower, After all, she also does not tolerate bad weather.

In detailed flower growing, echoma sparkling. She is not good, its leaves on top are green, the bottom is reddish - purple. Flowers sparkling in spring small red flowers.

Echmea striped, probably the most common appearance. Its leaves are achieved 50 cm long, and 5 - 7 cm in width. Light - green with wide transverse white - silver stripes or pink, can not leave a single flower indifferent.

The inflorescences of Echmea sparkling thick, resemble a bump with a lot of reddish - pink flowers.

There is a legend of the warrior who defeated many of his enemies with his peak. Its loved by the plant was of course Echmea, which he carefully kept at home. But one day, robbers broke into him and broke the pot with a favorite plant. After this warrior was not able to win a single battle.

The flowering of Echmea is long - May..Okthamber. It is a pity, but every socket blooms only once in life. But, you should not decide because the beauty of the plant is not only in bright inflorescences. Echmea leaves are very interesting, according to their colorful due to the stripes. In addition, the plant after some time blooms again thanks to the grown new kids.

Care at home for echons after flowering

The closest relative of the plant as it will not seem strange - pineapple. A new young socket, as it goes to grow, increase and eventually close an old outlet, which gradually on the contrary will begin to see.

Since Echomethi tropical, accordingly loves warmth, loves spraying, but you can not get involved in the winter. The stagnant water in the outlet is the source of the appearance and reproduction of all the coogeon microorganisms. In nature, happens like. After Echmea blends the season of continuous rainfall, that is, the water is constantly updated there.

So at home the old water is desirable to pour, and add a new one. What is swinging fertilizers, they are added exclusively under the root of the plant.

The light is not particularly demanding echoma sparkling and others, can grow perfectly on the northern window or under the lamp of artificial light. Since it belongs to the plants of the lower tar of the rainforest.

As for transplant. It's not a difficult thing. You need to take a pot on the bottom to pour more grams of more, a quality drainage is important for EchMi. Give the plant from the old pot, the lower part of the earthen koma can be slightly denied.

Then I will advise you to make ritual mixing of old earth with a new one. This will help any plant, including Ehmee "feel" a new land and a flower will rather plunge into it with roots.

Such a murmur of the earth in a circle fall asleep pot with transplanted Ehmeei. After returning a green room warrior to its usual place.

Echmea looks good both in itself and in the composition with other bedroom flowers. Florists with special designs even make trees from them.

Want to sleep less, and more so much? Get yourself Ehmya. This plant helps to increase vitality improves the physical power of the body, improves the tone. And large, wide leaves of Echmea are able to help their owner to improve well-being, improve the material sphere. If you suffer from scatleton and indispensable - be sure to buy yourself echoma, and it's not so important what kind of grade. The flower energy has a beneficial effect on determination, helps to fulfill desires and plans. Cheerfulness and cheerful arrangement of the Spirit will never leave you anymore if there is a militant echoma.

Types of Echmea

  • Striped or chamfer - an unforgettable plant. With amazingly pink bracts, and carefully peeking blue flowers. Photo.

  • Echmea sparkling - charming red bubble with purple flower. Photo

  • Echmea Channtina (Shantini) - Brightly red striped bracts, wide multi-colored striped leaves, as if they are readiness to give back to any enemy. Looks excellent. Photo

Exotic Echmea places certain requirements for the conditions of content. It is unlikely to grow a beginner flower plant with growing beauty stroke. However, with proper care, this plant looks very impressive and well grows. And extraordinary flowers will delight you, and your home.

Appearance and other characteristic features of Ehmee

Echmea (Aechmea) - the genus of perennial epiphytic plants belonging to the Bromelian family (Bromeliaceae). Echmea are close relatives of pineapples. The homeland of the absolute majority of the currently known 270 species is Brazil, Mexico and Islands in the Caribbean.

The name of the genus is obliged to the unusual form of bracts. Translated from Greek Achme means "Spear Tip". Connected Aichme - "Point", "Chestka". Perhaps the name also indicates the presence of a pattern on the leaves of some species.

In nature, Echmea rarely grow on Earth. Being epiphyts, they are attached to tree trunks, snags, releasing additional air roots for absorption of moisture from the atmosphere.

The plant is a dense glasswall outlet of smooth juicy leaves, leathery straight or soft nicknames. In shape they look like straps. On the edge of the sheet plate there is a solid border of a rather solid spiny. You can turn on the tips of the petals. The stem is as short that it seems to be generally absent.

In nature, Echmea leaves are covered with silver-gray raids, similar to the developed rot. These hairs are also helping to absorb moisture from the air. At home, they are almost invisible, especially if the flower is in the shade. In the rainy season, the water is mixed for a long time in the outlet with the tolerated wind of floral garbage, insect larvae, organic residues. As a result, "suspended swamps" are formed on the trees, in which plants and even small amphibians are seized and successfully. Well adapted to remove the offspring in such a reservoir bromelia crab.

From the middle of the outlet comes long blur. It can be covered with scales. Coloring and leaf plate, and flowers varies depending on the type of plant, but this does not affect the total decorativeness of Echmea. It is invariably beautiful, regardless of whether one-photon leaves or they have a drawing.

The inflorescence of Echmea is accositous or mellowee-shaped. Chassels are covered with a short soft "pile". Between them there are outflowing bracts, painted in bright shades of pink and red. Small flowers are "hiding" in them. In the nature of Echmea bloom from late spring until the middle of the autumn, at home the flowers may appear in winter. They quickly wither, only bracts remain.

After flowering, the socket dies. But before the death of Echmea, he necessarily gives offspring in the form of several formed alternately daughter sockets. They are easily rooted, so the lack of landing material is not foreseen. It is possible to predict, rather, its excess. Echmea seeds are also successfully multiplied at home. After flowering, a berry is formed.

The leaves of one of the most popular in the room flower growing - Ehmeei striped contain moderately poisonous juice, which can cause irritation and redness, if the skin on the hands is unnecessary sensitive. To avoid damage, proceed to any work with a flower in rubber gloves.

Recently, a fashion appeared to give Ehmya as a "live bouquet". If you decide to purchase such a gift, choose a plant, which has the entire flowerclosure and bracts purchased characteristic of the grade of the shade. Otherwise, the flowers will not dissolve.

Videos about the plant

Types grown at home

"Domesticated" quite a lot different species Echmea. Most Popular:

  • Echmea Striped (Fascian, FasciaTa). The height of the socket is about 50 cm, the diameter is about 1 m. The length of the sheet is 60 cm, the width is 6-7 cm. Flowers first purple, then change the color on the blue-scarlet. The Popular PRIMERA hybrid has a more contrast drawing and clear stripes.
  • Echmea Wailbachi (Weilbachii). Leather leather, but soft, about 50 cm long. The spikes are rather small and not rigid. Light reddish tint sheet laid back. Coloros are covered with punch scales. On the edge of the bluish-lilac petals there is a snow-white border. Self-detention facility is about 15 cm.
  • Echmea double (distichantha). The outlet is wide, not too dense. In diameter reaches 0.8-1 m. The spikes on the leaves are painted in chocolate color, are located very often. Compared with a length (50 cm), the width is small (3-4 cm). The leaves are monochromatic, but there is a breeding hybrid Variegata, who has a wide border of the creamy shade along the edge.
  • Echometa curved (Recurvata). In nature, there may be both epiphytes, and as a terrestrial plant. The leaves in the outlet are a bit (7-12 pieces), length - 35-40 cm, width 1.5-2 cm. Both they grow up, forming a "floor leg". The height of the color saw is not more than 25 cm. It blooms this species, in contrast to the majority of "relatives", in the spring. There is a miniature natural variety of ORTGIESII (the height of the socket is not more than 15 cm).
  • Echmea Cosmata (Comata), or Linden (Lindenii). A sheet length is about 1 m with a width of 5-7 cm. The leaf plate is not acted up, but it is spoiled. Flowers unusual for echonia of sunny-yellow color. In nature blooms in winter. The Makoyana hybrid leaves are covered with a pattern of cream bands.
  • Echmea Matov-Red (Miniata). The socket is assembled from a variety of leaves. The length of the sheet is about 45 cm, the width is 2-3 cm. At the base of the leaves ink purple, then this shade is smoothly moving into a dark green color. Blossom brightly scary. Inflorescence in shape resembles a pyramid. The view is highlighted by the duration of flowering, unpretentiousness and endurance.
  • Echmea taped, or bearded (Caudata). Leaves are rigid, grow almost horizontally, at a small angle. On the edge of the leaf plate there is a strip of yellowish color. Inflorescence Meltelko-shaped. The blooming is covered with blesses, as if fused to flour.
  • Echmea Luddemaniana (Achmea Lueddemaniana). Leaves on both sides are covered with small bright flakes. Length - 55-60 cm. The height of the bloomon is about 70 cm. It is covered with thin translucent leaves. The lower fit to it is tight, the upper is a bit flex. Blue-pink petals gradually change the color on the raspberry.
  • Echonia sky blue, or blue (Coelestis). The number of leaves in the funnel varies from 9 to 20. The length of the sheet is 65 cm, the width is 3-5 cm. Coloros and inflorescence are covered with white "Poham". Flowers at the beginning of winter.
  • Echmea Orlanda (Orlandiana). Creation of nature, although it is believed in it with difficulty. The length of the sheet is about 35 cm, the width is 4-5 cm. The leaves are covered with flakes, spikes around the edge are almost black. Blossom brightly scary. More demanding to heat than other echons. In nature, the species is considered to be extinct, preserved only "in captivity".
  • Echmea Chantina (Chantinii). The length of the sheet, depending on the conditions, reaches 0.5-1 m. In the outlet of them a bit. Due to the fact that the leaves are almost vertically, it resembles a cylinder. The blooming is covered with brightly alami leaves and as if piled up with flour.
  • Echmea Queen Mary (Mariae-Reginae). One of the most spectacular, but it is extremely rare. The plant has copies with "male" and "female" flowers. In nature, pollen suffer hummingbirds, at home artificial pollination is required. The cone-shaped inflorescence is about 50 cm long covered with soft white "Villages". Bracts also achieve significant sizes - 20 cm long.

In Nature, Echmea suffer little from cold and long droughts. It brings a lot of bigger harm to them, cutting the tropical forests for the extraction of minerals, wood blanks, agricultural landing. In many countries of South America, seven types of echume are listed in red books or lists.

Species diversity in the photo

Echmee Cantina Unusual Configuration Outlet
Echmea Orlanda - Spectacular Creation of Nature
Echoma heavenly blue blooms in winter - unlike most "relatives"
Echmea Luddeman in the flowering process changes the shade of petals
White raid on a talker Echmea Tailed - this is normal
When looking at the flower it is immediately clear why Ehmya Mattovo-Red called this way
Echmea Cosmata Flowers painted in an unusual color
Echmea curved occupies a relatively little place
Echmea Double - base for breeder experiments
Leaves of Echmea Weilbach can cast a little red
Echmea Striped - Most common in home flower growing

At Motherland, Echmea was accustomed to a microclimate, significantly different from the conditions of the modern apartment. Completely recreate the flower the desired conditions without prejudice to living in the room will not work, but to ensure an acceptable environment - quite. It is necessary to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively - each of the factors is equally important.

Factor Recommendations
Location The windowsill window of the Western or Eastern direction will be suitable. If there is no place, put the flower in the depths of the room, but so to provide access to it fresh air. In summer, you can take a pot on open air, gradually catching it to change the habitat. Take care of protection against drafts and precipitation.
Lighting The plant needs to be protected from direct sunlight and provide a light day duration of 14-16 hours. To protect enough light translucent fabric or blinds. At a distance of 30-50 cm above the pot, there is a special phytolampu, including it in cloudy weather and in winter. Pestro Painted Echmea require more light, views with monophonic leaves suffer light half.
Temperature In the spring and summer, the temperature is maintained at +22 ... + 28 ºС, winter is lowered to +19 ... + 21 ºС. 17 ºС - Echmea survival threshold. Significant differentials between day and night temperatures in winter stimulate the development of a bloody.
Air humidity The factor is not critical for the cultivation of Echmea. She does not survive in a dry air without additional measures. modern apartments. But for the flower to grow faster, the daily spraying of heated water is recommended, accommodation near other plants, adding to the pallet of clay or pebbles, followed by periodic wetting. However, the echonia is curved with a shortage of light and high humidity of the leaves shine.

How to transplant echomethu?

Echmea to transplant each spring, during March. The pot is annually in diameter a maximum of 1-2 cm. You can take the capacity of the same size. This is due to the fact that Echmea's switched outlet is inevitably die away. Root system There are few plants, so it is better to choose pots, similar to a flame. The prerequisite is the presence of a large drainage hole.

Special soil is found for bromelia or orchids. You can add to it chopped moss-sphagnum or small pieces of charcoal, and it is quite suitable for the cultivation of Echmea. If there is a desire to mix the substrate yourself, use one of the following options:

  • Fertile garden rod (upper 15-20 cm soil), universal soil for indoor plants, leaf humid, large river sand either perlite, vermiculite (2: 2: 1: 1).
  • Humid, chopped moss-sfagnum, leaf land (1: 1: 1). Useful additive - small crumb of old red bricks.
  • Peat crumb, sand either vermiculite, chopped fir bark (1: 1: 1).

More exotic options are finely outdoor fern rhizomes and moss sphagnum (3: 1) or chopped to the powder state of the bark of coniferous trees and charcoal (equally).

Transplant procedure:

  1. Pour a pot of drainage layer with a thickness of 2-3 cm (about a third of the capacity of the container). From above - 1-2 cm substrate.
  2. Remove the echo from the old pot, gently shake the soil with the roots. Cut dead outlets and dry roots.
  3. All sections sprinkle in flawed in the powder activated carbon, let's dry 2-3 hours. Place the plant into a new pot, spread the ground, not tamping. You can evenly distribute it, changing the pot several times.
  4. For 2-3 days, remove the transplanted echume in the shadow. First watering - after returning to the "Silent of Registration".

In principle, the interval between transplants can be increased to 2 years later, subject to the creation of an optimal microclimate plant, proper watering and regular fertilizers. Focus on the appearance of Echmea. If there is no deterioration in it, set aside a transplant.

Correct flower care


The correct watering is critically important in order for Echomethae to feel comfortable. Depending on the temperature on the street and indoors during the active vegetation, the flower is moderately watered every 2-3 days. In a strong heat, the leaves on both sides are sprayed daily, water is poured not only in the soil, but also to a funnel (it evaporates for 3-4 days). Echmea categorically does not endure the stagnation of moisture, therefore, after 20-30 minutes after watering, the excess water is drained from the pallet.

Water for Echmea is only suitable soft, estimated. The one flows from under the tap, it is advisable to skip through the filter. If there is no such possibility, throw several crystals into the container citric acid. Water is heated so that its temperature is slightly higher than in the room.

Making fertilizers

During the period of active vegetation, Ehmey is fed by a complex fertilizer for bromelia, strictly observing the dosage prescribed by the manufacturer or versatile means for flowering indoor plants in half concentration.

How to make echimea blossom?

In nature, the new Echmea socket blooms in 4-5 years. But at home flowering conditions can be achieved faster or "moving" it at any convenient time.

To do this, the pot with a plant is placed in a loosely knotted plastic bag, placing several apples snapped into pieces, pears, bananas. Waste - peel, grizzles. Mature fruits highlight ethylene, stimulating flowering. After 1.5-2 weeks, Ehmeu is returned to the previous place. Flowers will appear in about 4 months.

Flowering Amazing Echmea - Video

Period of rest

Echmea's rest period is expressed pretty weakly, some species do without him. For the winter, the plant is transferred to a cooler, but also a bright room, watered only the soil in a pot of times in 5-7 days. Water is not poured into the funnel. Fertilizers make approximately 1.5 months. You can spray the ambient air, but not more than once a week.

Secrets and Care Subtleties - Video

Typical color errors

The fact that in the actions of the flower, it does not suit her, Echmea immediately signals the change in appearance. It is important to learn to "read" the signs submitted to it and react to them correctly.

Common problems in the cultivation of Echmea - Table

Description of the problem What is the reason?
Leaves boil, dryIf the color change applies to the tips, it is too cold in the room, if the base of the sheet - the echoma began to rot (the reason is a rich watering in combination with a low temperature).
No blossomIn the painted species, the most likely cause is a shortage of light. At the same time, as a rule, the leaves begged. Monophonic echmea needs to more often feed or pick up more suitable fertilizers.
Monophonic leaves blocked, drawing disappearsPlant received sunburn. Pick up a place protected from direct sunlight.
Leaves lose tone, covered with wrinkles, nicon, tips dryEhmee lack moisture. This may also relate to air humidity, and to too rare watering.
Leaves yellowEhmey landed in an inappropriate substrate, poorly transmitting moisture and air. Another possible reason is a shortage of fertilizer or an attack of pests.

How to deal with diseases and pests?

Echmea pests are typical for indoor plants and are familiar with most flower products that have at least minimal experience. No insects, "brought by" flower from a historic homeland, will not have to bring.

Typical Diseases and Pests - Table

Disease or pest External manifestations How to get rid of and prevent the appearance?
Insects of different colors (from pale green to almost black) fill the leaves from the bottom, feeding the plant juice. The leaves are deformed, folded, yellow and fall. Simultaneously there is a saccharous turbid liquid.Visible pests are erased with a soft cloth moistened with 40% ethyl alcohol or acetic acid, pink potassium permanganate solution. Then a thick soap foam is applied to the leaves and after half an hour they arrange a hot flower (40-45 ºС) shower. When water strokes, echoma spray insecticide (ineon, actara, karate, inta-Vir, FAS, Decis) and for 2-3 days they are tied in the package.
Chemistry can be replaced with a turpentine or kerosene (0.5 teaspoon per liter of water), putting a tank next to the pot and cover them with their package. Good prevention is a weekly spraying with influences of any herbs having a sharp specific smell, tobacco crumb, dry citrus peel, burning pepper.
Shield Leaves are covered with brownish or gray-shaped ellipses. First they are almost flat, but quickly swell. The plot around blushes or yellow. With mass damage, the soil becomes almost black.Visible individuals with a cotton wand are lubricated with acetic acid, kerosene, alcohol or turpentine and effortlessly removed in 2-3 hours. The leaves wipe with soap foam or wash under the shower. Effective Insecticides - Bangcol, Aktellik, Arrivo, Permetrin. Unexpectedly a good effect is given less toxic detergents from Bloch - butoxy, entomozan (ampoule by 1.5 liters of water).
For prevention times in 1.5-2 weeks, flowers spray with infusion of pods acute pepper, garlic or tobacco crumbs. Pretty controversial method - fusion of a cigarette smoke.
Root Cherver The roots appear fine whitish lumps, similar to cotton swabs or poplar fluff. In the case of mass lesion, the soil departs from the edge of the pot, a blessing agent appears like wax. The leaves are blocked, nicon and fall.Best Prevention is the use of sterilized soil and pots. Highly injured Ehmyu, together with an earthen room, remove from the pot and placed on 10-15 minutes in the container with hot (50-55 ºС) water (it should completely cover the roots). Then the flower is dried during the day and again planted. Water for watering every 10-12 days is replaced with a solution of accuters, phytodeterm, carbofos, fosa alone, inta-virus in half concentration.
Fusariosis Leaves lose tone, yellow spots are broken on them incorrect form. The yellowness extends to the bottom up. On the edge of the sheet plate there is almost transparent, as if a water-bearded border. Then yellow stains change the color on the brown, an unpleasant shuttle smell appears.The development of fusariosis promotes stagnation of water in the soil and increased humidity air. Check the room more often. Do not use for Echmea too heavy, easily zeroing soil and be sure to sterilize it before transplanting. For prophylaxis once a week, water the plants phytoospierin-m.
Finding the disease, strictly according to the instructions, use the Vector, Agat-25K, Benomyl, Fundazol, Bactophitis, Vitaros.

Characteristic diseases and pest insects in the photo

Durable shield shell causes low efficiency folk remedies in the fight against pest
TLL can settle on any bedroom plant, Echmea is not an exception


Rooting subsidiaries

After flowering, Echometh socket is dying. But not immediately, but after forming several subsidiaries. New plants will bloom after 2-3 years. The only suitable time for landing is March.

  1. Wait until the daughter socket reaches half or 2/3 maternal.
  2. Gently separate the "baby", trying to injure an adult plant as little as possible. Proceed sections or separation of activated carbon powder, pile of chalk, colloid gray. It is best to do this in the process of another transplant.
  3. Outlets (with roots or without them) Slide into individual pots with a diameter of 5-9 cm, filled with any substrate suitable for adult echometh.
  4. Within 2-3 weeks, hold them under a glass jar or a cropped plastic bottle, as the substrate is drying up. Check the "Greenhouse" daily. All conditions - as for adult plants. When the roots appear, stop at a permanent place, take care, as usual.

How to transplant "Baby" at home - video


Echmea seeds are easy to purchase or assemble themselves. The flowering will have to wait 4-5 years. Varietary signs are not always saved. This is especially true of Petroy color.

  1. Shallow flat containers are filled with a mixture of peat and sand. The substrate is moderately moistened.
  2. Seeds are laid down on the surface of the soil, plug by 0.5-1 mm, covered with glass or film.
  3. "Greenhouses" put on a bright place, but not under the bright sun, provide a constant temperature +23 ... + 25 ºС. Daily landing for 7-10 minutes ventilated. As the soil is drying, the soil is sprayed from the sprayer.
  4. After 3-4 months, seedlings are transplanted into individual containers. The substrate is a mixture of peat and humus. The temperature is supported not lower than +20 ... + 22 ºС. The landing is regularly sprayed, not allowing the drying of the soil, and they will be seized from direct sunlight.
  5. After the year, adults are planted in soil for adult plants, carefully, respectively.