
Virgo Maria Vladimirskaya. History of the Vladimir Icon of God's Mother: what she helps

Cead furniture

Vladimir Icon God's Mother. Event of the holiday

According to legend, Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Was written by St. The apostle onion on the board from the table, on which the holy family trapes in the house of St. Iosifa Ave - Wrap Blessed Virgin Mary. Until 450, this image of the master was in Jerosalim, and then moved to Constantinople. In the first half of the XII century, the Patriarch of Tsargrad Luka Rukhizhriver sent an icon (along with another Virgin, known as "Pirochnaya") as a gift to the Great Prince Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukhu, who put an image in the Vyshgorod Devyk Monastery near Kiev, in the area that once belonged to the Holy Equal-Apostles great Princess Olga. In 1155, Vyshgorod became the lot of Prince Andrei, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Having decided to move to his native Suzdal Earth for him, Prince Andrei without the knowledge of the Father took the icon with him. In the way, incentive served in front of her prayer. Residents of Vladimir-on-Klyazma met their prince with diligence and joy; From there, the prince went to be further, in Grad Rostov. However, moving away from Vladimir no more than ten miles, horses stood on the shore of Klyazma and, despite the punch, did not want to go further. Bored fresh, but did not go. The prisoner fell by Prince Andrei before the icon and tearfully began to pray. And then he was the Virgin Mary with a scroll in his hand and commanded the way his image in Grada Vladimir, but on the site of this his phenomenon to build a monastery in honor of her christmas. Prince put an icon in Vladimir, and from this time - from 1160 - she received the name of Vladimirskaya.

In 1164, Siah, I was accompanied by Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky in a campaign on the Volga Bulgar. Before the battle, the prince confessed and fell; Pava, and in addition, the Mother of God, he exclaimed:

I don't care about the lady, I will not die!

All the military following his prince with tears was attached to the miraculous and, calling about intercession to the limit, moved into battle. The wicked were broken.

Icon is glorified by giving many victories to Russian people over the enemies of our Fatherland, mainly by Tatars. Her fertile strength Moscow is obliged to get rid of Khan's raids in 1408, Nogai Tsarevich Mazovshi in 1451, his father, Hana Sedi-Ahmet, in 1459.

Tropear and Kondak Vladimir Icon of the Virgin

Tropean, ch. four:

It is light that the sorry town of Moscow, Yako Zarava Sunny perception of Vladychitsa Chudvytivny Your icon. We are now flowing to her, and you are crucial to Sitors, about the stupid Mother of God, pray from you the embodied Christ to our God, yes will deliver the hail of this, and all hails and countries are Christian unharms, from all the enemy and save our soul. Our Jaco Mercy will save .

Kondak, ch. eight:

To the submerged governor and the intercession, the Virgin and the Voi, in the pure conscience, faithfully approved by Rustia Naedi, irrevocatively hopeful to the prudence, and rummaged to Chudvyny, and the prechytoma, and recreate it, rejoice in the bride non-invalid.

Library of Russian faith

Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. History of honor

Memory of the consistency of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God celebrate three times a year: June 3 (May 21, Art. Art.), July 6. (June 23, Art. Art.) And 8 September (August 26, Art. Art.).

Celebration June 3 Installed in 1521 in honor reliable Moscow from the invasion of Kazan Khan Makhmet-Gire. Metropolitan Varlaam and all the people prayed to the face of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich barely managed to assemble the army to meet the Tatars on the far side, on the river Oka. Having restrained their onslaught, he slowly moved to Moscow.

At the very night of the siege of Inokin, the Kremlin Voznesensky Monastery, saw the saint, carrying the miraculous Vladimir icon through the locked doors of the Assumption Cathedral. It was previously those who lived in two centuries of the Saints Metropolitans Moscow Peter and Alexy. And I also saw Inokin, as the Spasskaya Tower met the procession of St. Warlas Khutinsky and Sergius Radonezh - and the NIC fell in order, praying to not leave the Cathedral of the Uspensky and the people of Moscow. And then returned the intercession through the door was locked. Inokine hurried to tell about the vision of citizens. Muscovites gathered in the temple and began to pray hotly. And the Tatars again wondered "the army of the Great, the armor shining", and they fled from the walls of the city.

July 6. Celebration of the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vladimir is established in memory rosance of Russia from Mongol-Tatar yoke in 1480. About this significant event of Russian history details in detail in the chronicle "Tale of standing in the thief." After the victory won the Russian state became sovereign not only in fact, but also formally.

In the spring of 1480, Khan Big Horde, Ahmat, went hiking on Russia, refused from 1476 to pay tribute to Tatars. Moving forward to Moscow, he reached the mouth of the Ugra River, the left inflow of Oki, where the Russian Reli was stopped. If the Horde Connection was able to force the river, then through three or four transitions of the army of Ahmata could approach the capital. Russian military leaders blocked the Tatars all the brods and transitions across the river. For several days there were fights for crossing Ugric, and when all the attacks were repulsed, "standing on the thief" began. Standing it, according to the chronicler, was peaceful and quiet. At this time, all of Russia raised the prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, especially in front of the Vladimir Icon, who had repeatedly had his miraculous help, saving the country from death.

In November, Prince Ivan III ordered the Russian forces from the Ugra to Borovsk, and Khan Ahmat, deciding that he was inferior to the shore for a decisive battle, suddenly he was very frightened and began a rapid retreat. In pursuit of retreating orders, only small Russian forces were sent, but they finally expelled the enemy from their native land. In memory of this event, the congestion from the Assumption Cathedral in the Sretensky Monastery began to take annually. And the river UGR has since hear the belt of the Virgin.

8 September The holiday is installed " reliable for the sake of the invasion of godless Agaryan, the Poganago Tsar Temir-Askak" In 1395, Tamerlan with Horde Tatars approached Moscow. The people of Christian remained hope only for the help of God. And then the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily Dmitrievich commanded the icon from Vladimir to Moscow. Ten days lasted the path of the laddy from the shores of Klyazma. On both sides of the road stood the cranked people and, stretching their hands to the icon, called: "Mother of God, save the earth Russian!" A solemn meeting was waiting for a solemn meeting: a procession with all urban clergy, the family of the Grand Prince, boyars and ordinary Muscovites came to the city walls on Kuchkovo field, met and spent the miraculous to the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. It was 26 August (Art. Art.) "All degrees in the influence of the icon on the penitution of it," the chronicler testifies. Metropolitan, great prince, "men and wives, boys and maids, children and babies, orphans and widows, from Mala to Velika, from crosses and icons, from the Psalms and with songs of spiritual, the row decreases with tears, and not to find a person I do not cry with sputter and sobbing. "

And the Mother of God won the mission of those who worked on her. At the very hour of the miraculous on the shore of the Moscow River River, Tamerlan in his tent was shown by a sleepy vision: the High Mountains were descended by the saint with the Zalads, and on them in the unspecified majesty, a radiant wife flew in the shine of bright rays; Countless Suns of Angels with fiery swords surrounded her. Tamerlan woke up, tremble from horror. The wise men convened, elders and fortune holders Tatar explained that the wife was seen in his sleep there is an intercession of the Orthodox, the Mother of God, and that the power of her is non-colon. And then the Iron Chromeman ordered its Hordes to reverse.

The image of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. Iconography

Iconography Vladimir Icon. refers to type Elyus (Uming). Baby fell asleep to the cheek of the mother. Icon transmits full tenderness to communicate mother and child. Maria foresees the suffering of the Son in his earthly path. Such iconography was known in early Christian art, but she received particularly widespread in the XI century. Distinctive feature Vladimir Icons from Other Icons Type: The left leg of the baby of Christ is bent in such a way that the foot sole is visible - "heel".

According to art historians, the Vladimir icon Bogorodtsi was written in the XII century, apparently, in Constantinople. The initial size of the icon was 78 × 55 cm. Later the fields were recalled. On the back of the icons there is an image of ethimatia (which means "the throne of prepared") and instruments of passions, which relates presumably by the beginning of the XV century (the second repair of the icon). There are versions that icon still from the very beginning was bilateral: they are talking about the same forms of ark and luzi of both parties.

Throughout its history, Icon was recorded at least four times: in the first half of the XIII century, at the beginning of the XV century, in 1514, during alterations in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, before the coronation of Nicholas II in 1895-1896, O. Restorers . Chirikov and M. D. Dicarev. In addition, small factors were conducted in 1567 (in the miracle monastery Metropolitan Athanasiy), in XVIII and XIX centuries. In fact, only fragments have been preserved from Constantinople. The oldest painting of the XII century includes faces of mother and baby, part of the blue sheps and Kaima Mafhoria with a golden assist, as well as part of the fucking, with the golden assist of Chitona baby with a sleeve to the elbow and a clear edge of his shirt, brush and part of it Baby's hands, as well as the remains of a gold background. The scheme-cardogram of fragments of the pivot layers of painting icons "Our Lady Vladimirskaya" allows you to see these records.

Icon stood before in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on the left side royal gates Iconostasis. The Riza of Greek work on an icon of pure gold with precious stones was estimated in the amount of about 200,000 gold rubles (now in the weapon ward). In 1918, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin closed, the icon was seized from the Cathedral for the restoration, and in 1926 it was transferred to the State Historical Museum. In 1930, she was transferred to the State Tretyakov Gallery. From September 1999, Icon is located in the Museum-Museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Temples of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God in Russia

In 1397, Prince Vasily I on a cumulator in Moscow was founded by the Sretensky Monastery in memory of the wonderful event, which the chronicle sources report. On August 26, 1395, the congestion, headed by St. Cyprian, met the miraculous image of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, brought from Vladimir-on-Klyazma. In the day, Timur Tamerlan turned to the south. Launched before him defenseless Moscow was saved. In memory of the deliverance from the invasion, the Sretensky Monastery was founded. Annually, on August 26, the Vladimir icon of the Mother of the Virgin from the Assumption Cathedral was transferred to the place of reference to the miraculous image of the Mother of God. The celebration of the Vladimir icon was the main holiday of Moscow. To date, the initial buildings of the monastery did not survive. The five-page Cathedral Temple of the Monastery (the only surviving in the 20th century) was built in 1679 for the means of King Feodor Alekseevich. In 2008, a gallery with a belfry was attached to the cathedral.

In honor of the Vladimir icon of the Virgin, the Church in Vologda is consecrated. The exact date of its foundation is not known, however, the inscription on the temple icon of the Vladimir Mother of God testifies that in 1549 the wooden church already existed. In 1759, a new Stone Vladimir Church (Cold) was built instead of the previous church in a new place. Closed in 1929, in the 1970s, the church building is renovated.

Old Believes of the Vladimir Icons of the Mother of God

In honor of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, several old-belt temples are consecrated. In Moscow is located. The church was built in 1907-1911. Initially, in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, but because of the large number of Pokrovsky temples in Old Believers, this temple was later re-assigned. Also in the church there is a chapel in the name of the Horn of St. Nichola, the throne is celebrated on August 11.

In the RSSC, in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin, the temple in the Nizhny Novgorod region is consecrated, the chapel in Krasnodar Region and the house temple in.

In the RDC in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin, the temple in the Nizhny Novgorod region is consecrated.

In the DPC, in the name of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the prayer in.

The one-time temple of the Vladimir icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Moscow region.

The image of the Vladimir icon of the Virgin. Wonders

In 1163-1164, the prince of Andrei Bogolyubsky was drawn up the legend "On Chüsjekh Breakfast the Virgin Volodymy Icons". The authors of the compilers are considered by the priests of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir: Jewel Lazar, Nestor and Mikula, who came with Prince from Vigilanod, who he received from his father of his Yuri Dolgoruky after the classes of Kiev. In the tale, 10 miracles were given on the prayer appeal to the Mother of God before her Vladimir Icon.

  • First miracle: On the path of Prince Andrei from Vazhligod to Pereslavl on the Vazuz River, the conductor, who sought Bord, suddenly stumbled and began to sink, but he wonderfully escaped along the hot prayer of Prince in front of the icon, transported to them.
  • Second: The wife of the priest Mikula, who was waiting for the child, for the sake of the prayer to Vladimir's image, was escaped from the pussy horse.
  • Third: In the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, a man with a dried hand appealed to the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God and began to pray with tears and a great faith in wonderful healing. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and the priest Nestor showed that they saw how the most recent took the patient and kept her until the end of worship, after which he was completely healed.
  • Fourth: The spouse of Prince Andrei was hardly a child, the birth was very complex. Then (on the day of the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God), the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God was washed with water and gave this water to drink the princess, after which she was easily resolved by the son of Yuri.
  • Fifth: Saving a baby from the sorcerence due to the water from the Water from the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God.
  • Sixth: Healing heart disease from Murom with water from the Vladimir icon.
  • Seventh: Healing from blindness of Igumeni Mary from the Slavs of the monastery near Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky (Ukraine); Her brother, Boris Zhidislavich, who was a governor at Prince Andrew, asked the priest of Lazarus to give him water from the icon, Imbigaire drank her with a prayer, anointed his eyes and clear.
  • Eighth: Woman Efimia for seven years suffered from heart disease. Learning, on the stories of the priest of Lazar, about healing properties Water from the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, she sent with him to Vladimir to the icon of many gold jewelry. Having received holy water, she drank her with prayer and healed.
  • Ninth: A certain boyfriend from Tver could not give three days and was already with death; On the advice of the same Lazaror, she gave the vow of the Holy Mother of God Vladimirskaya, and then the birth quickly ended with the safe birth of the Son. As a sign of gratitude, the boyars sent many precious decorations to the Vladimir image.
  • Tenth: It happened that the Golden Gate of the Vladimir Travel Tower, which is now in the city, fell, and 12 people were under them. Prince Andrei appealed to the most grated in prayer in front of the Vladimir Icon, and all 12 people not only remained alive, but did not even receive any injury.

Grad Moscow and the miraculous image of the Mother of God Vladimirskaya are inseparable and forever. How many times she saved white-named from enemies! This image knitted by the apostolic times and Byzantium, Russia Kiev and Vladimirskaya, and then the Moscow - the third Rome, "and the fourth is not life." Thus, the Moscow state was formed, fanning a mystical connection with the ancient empires, the historical experience, the tradition of other Orthodox lands and peoples. The symbol of unity and continuity was the miraculous image of Vladimir.

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is considered the main defender of Russia, as evidenced by numerous historical references. This image belongs to the Icon of Elyus, that is, "Umunition" - the Boggladères manually touches the cheek of the Virgin, and she, in turn, declares her head to her son. The face is focused on the world's maternal pain. Another significant item is exactly this icon, which is not on the similar type of images - the manifestation of the baby's heel. In addition, it is worth noting that the icon is bilateral and the throne and symbols of passion are depicted on the other side. It is believed that the icon laid a deep idea - the suffering of the Virgin because of the sacrifice of Jesus. From the original image there was a huge number of lists.

It is worth dealing with what is the penitution of the Vladimir icon of God's Mother of God. This is the most important celebration of this image, since it was on this day that the Moscow people were able to defend himself from Tamerlana's troops. It is believed that it happened only due to prayers near the miraculous image. This celebration is celebrated on August 26. Another holiday of the icons of the Vladimir Mother of God is associated with the deliverance of Rus from the Golden Horde of Akhmat, it is customary to celebrate July 6. Icon also worship on May 21 in honor of the rescue of the Russian people from Khan Makhmet-Girea.

History of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

According to the existing legend, the image was written by the Apostle Luka back in those days when the Virgin Mary was alive. As a basis, a board was taken from the table, where the meal of the Holy Family took place. Initially, the image was in Jerusalem and in 450 he was redirected to Constantinople, where he stood about 650 years. On one day of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, Kievan Rus was donated and sent it to Vyshgorod. After some time, from there, Andrei Bogolyubsky took her, who drove up the image during his wanders. Staying in Vladimir, he saw the sign of the Virgin, and then it was decided to build in this place the temple, where the image remains. Since then, the icon began to call Vladimirskaya. Today in this temple is a list made by ruble, and the original is placed in the church of St. Nicholas.

What does the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God help?

For several centuries, this image is revered as a miraculous. A huge number of people in their prayers appeals to the icon and asks to get rid of various diseases. The greatest strength of the Vladimir Lady Materia exhibits in the treatment of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Attach the petitions before the icon to protect against various tragedies, problems and from the enemies.

Prayer in front of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps to understand their spiritual experiences and see the very "light beam in the dark kingdom." If you put this image at home, you can try on the warring, soften the human malice and strengthen faith.

The Talka shows wonders associated With the icon of Vladimir's Mother of God:

  1. The conductor of Prince Andrei during a trip from Vigorshospherod to Pereslavl, moving the river, stumbled and started sinking in the river. To save your escort, the prince began before the icon, which allowed him to survive.
  2. The wife of Prince Andrei had complex childbirth, and it was on the day of the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Miraculous icon Washed with water, and after they gave it to drink princess. As a result, she gave birth to a healthy baby.

This only small list of miracles that are associated with the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. She helped a huge number of people to get rid of serious diseases and avoid death.

Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered Orthodox icons. Her story is migrated. According to the legend, Vladimir icon of the Mother of God was written by an evangelist on Luke on the board of that table, behind which Jesus Christ, the Virgin and Joseph Wrapper. Until 450, the image was in Jerusalem, then was transported to Constantinople, and in the XII century he got on Russia.

Orthodox Christians believe that the icon written by two millennia reached us in primeval form. However, impartial scientists dating the Virgin Vladimir began the beginning of the XII century and believe that if it is related to the icon of the Gospel's Brush Luke, is only a list from her more ancient lists. According to art historians, Virgin Vladimirskaya was written in Byzantium.

Around 1131, Konstantinople Patriarch Luke Chrysierg as a gift to the prince of Mstislav sent it to Kiev. The icon was placed in the Mother Original Monastery of the town of Vyshgorod, hence the Ukrainian name of this icon is Vivgorodskaya. In 1155, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered her to Vladimir, so in Russia Icon is known as Vladimirskaya. The shrine was kept in the main temple of the city - Assumption Cathedral. The prince commanded to decorate her expensive salary, for the manufacture of which, if you believe legend, 5 kilograms of gold took.

In 1237, Vladimir was captured by Mongolian Khan Batym. His troops plundered the Assumption Cathedral, broke a lot of icons, but with Vladimir Mother of God only removed the salary, and the image itself was left unscathed.

Many miracles are connected with the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. In 1395, during the devastating invasion, Khan Khan Tamerlana The shrine was brought to Moscow to protect the city from the enemy. Rassaying one city after another, Tamerlana's troops, reaching Moscow, stopped and, stood in one place for two weeks, turned reversal. According to legend, Tamerlane was a vision: appeared before him high mountainWith which the saints descended in golden clothes, and in the sky, surrounded by radiance, was the Virgin and ordered the commander to leave the limits of Russia. Tamerlana has trained inexplicable fear, and he gave an order to retreat.

The wonderful salvation of the city from destruction tied up with the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. At the site of the meeting ("Considering") Muscovites with miraculous shrine Sretensky monastery was erected, which gave the name of Sretenka Street.

Icon Vladimirskaya Our Lady (Detail)

In 1451, another wonderful getting rid of Moscow from the invaders occurred. Nogai Tsarevich Mazovich with his army asked the city. Muscovites whose forces were too small to confront the enemy, decided to resort to the help of their heavenly defenders. They took the Vladimir icon from the Assumption Cathedral, where she had been since the invasion of Tamerlan, and made it with her cross moves On the walls of the city, praying for the intercession of the Virgin. The next day, the unpretentious hordes of the massens retreated. The legend states that the invaders have heard an unusually strong noise. They decided that they had a huge army and were sent to escape in fear.

The next miracle associated with the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God occurred in 1480, during the epochal "standing on the Ugra River", which put the end of the Tatar-Mongolian IGU in Russia. The Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay tribute to Horde, and Khan Ahmat sent his troops to punish recurrent. The Russian and Tatar army met on the River Ugra, and no one decided to first forcing the water barrier. Russian wars held the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God in the first rows. Tatars never risked to go to the attack. They retreated and never returned to Russian land.

The wonderful salvation of Russia is also associated with the wonderful salvation of Russia from the invasion in 1521 of the Crimean Hana Makhmet-Gurya. The pedestal army of the enemy, the devastating swirl sweat on Russian lands and reaching Moscow, unexpectedly turned reversed. This is a miracle, like other supernatural deliverances from the invaders, Orthodox Christians consider the fishery of the Lady-Intercession.

After so many miracles associated with the Vladimir Icon, she began to be honored with one of the main Russian Orthodox shrines. Before her, they brought the oath to the loyalty of Russia, they made prayers, going to the military campaigns, elected patriarchs and Metropolitans.

Until 1918, the image was kept in Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow KremlinWhere, after the closure of the temple, was moved to the Tretyakov Gallery. Today, Vladimir Icon is located in the Museum-Museum of Nicholas St. Tolmachy. Her luxurious precious salary has become a separate exhibit that replenished the collection of the Armory Chamber.

Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. Video film

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God belongs to the iconographic type of Elyus or "Uming". The babe of Christ sniffed to the cheek to the cheek of the mother whose head is inclined to son. From other Icons like Elyus, Vladimir icon is characterized by the fact that the left leg of the baby is bent in a special way and it is visible to her feet.

For the nine centuries of its existence, Vladimir Icon was at least 4 times recorded by a new painting, and also survived several restorations. During one of the umbilies, at the beginning of the XV century on the back side of the icon board, a plot depicting the Etimias was written - the throne, prepared for the Second Coming of Christ, and the instruments of the Passion of Christ.

The last large-scale restoration of the icon was carried out in 1919 in order to liberate ancient painting from later layers. Unfortunately, only small disparate fragments remained from the initial letter.

With the Vladimir icon, a huge number of lists were written. Many of them are worshiped as miraculous, for example, the well-known Pskovo-Pechersk icon of the Mother of God "Uming" (1524). In addition, the famous shrine has become the basis for creating new iconographic stories, such as the "Tale of the Vladimir Icon", "Vladimir Icon with Akathist", "Presentation of the Vladimir Icon" and "Praise Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Tree of Russian state. "

According to the materials of the works of I. I. Mosina. Other articles about Old Russian art - see below, in the block "More on the topic ..."

At one of the first places in the list of the most revered in Russia, the icon of the Vladimir Lady Mother of God is. Its value for the country is huge. At one time, the prayer was not once saved Russia from crushing raids of invaders. Only because of the intercession of God's mother, it was possible to avoid.

Majestic history and importance of the Vladimir icon primarily for the Russian people, because it is truly his defender.

Origin and travel icons of the Vladimir Mother of God

About the emergence of the icon says an ancient legend. I wrote it when there was still alive by the Virgin. An image on the board from the table was created, where the trapez had the entire holy family.

Until 450, Icon was located in Jerusalem, in the same year she was sent to Constantinople. There she was kept somewhere around 1131.

In the XII century, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God was presented to the Kiev Rus Luke Chrysierg (Constantinople Patriarch). She was sent to the Virgin Monastery in Vyshgorod.

When she stayed there for some time, the icon takes away from there Andrei Bogolyubsky (son Yuri Dolgorukova). In his journey, he stops in the city of Vladimir, where he was the sign of the Virgin. At the site of this miracle was erected by the temple in which the icon remained. Now she began to be called Vladimir.

Today there is a list that was written by Andrei Rublev. The original icon was postponed in 1480 to the Assumption Cathedral, which is located in Moscow. Then the image was transferred two more times: in 1918 - to the Tretyakov Gallery, and in 1999 - to the temple of St. Nicholas. In the latter, it is still kept.

The great shrine is Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. About the history and meaning of the icon for the Russian people are recorded by many stories that happened in ancient times and at the present time.

Wonderful phenomena associated with this icon

Such is really a great set. And not only with the original icon they are connected, but also with the lists that were created a large number of.

In addition to the three-time and fixed rescue of the Earth, Russian from the invasion of ingenic yoke, the Virgin Mary has repeatedly showed her will through her. For example, where the icon should remain (in Vladimir), there was a sign of Andrey Bogolyubsky during prayer.

In addition, even in the temple in Vyshgorod, cases of moving the icon were recorded. She, no matter the places. Three times it was found in different parts The temple, as a result, after prayer, Andrei Bogolyubsky took her with him to Rostov land.

Then there were numerous healing cases of simple people. For example, water, washing the icon, could heal the disease. So there was healing eyes, hearts.

So became the Vladimir Mother of God. Its value for both simple people and the great world of this was undeniable. She was a witness of many important actions in Russia. This is the appointment of patriarchs, and war hiking. Also in front of her, they were addressed to the loyalty of the Motherland and conducted a coronation of several monarchs.

Prayer before the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

The prayer of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is truly salvation for the state in which the troubles or split happened. It will extract passions, temper anger and enmity. In addition, in the event of heretic sentiment, it should also be praying to this image.

Many believers appeal to the icon during the disease, as well as if necessary, to accept any important decision.

Prayer begins with respectful appeal: "On the unfortunate of Mrs. Virgin". Next asks to protect people and land Russian from different shocks, protect the whole chin spiritual. The prayer of the Virgin Mary strengthens the faith and gives strength to overcome the misfortunes and troubles.

Meaning Icons for Russia

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is the most beloved icon in Russia. And in fact, she so much defended it from everything, a numerous number of signs, healing, was revealed.

Perhaps an interesting sign was that God's Mother herself chose a place to stay his icon, which in the future became known as Vladimir. It was the already mentioned her phenomenon of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Then there were still some signs of her intercession for Earth Russian. For example, in 1395 the great invasion of Tamerlan conqueror was expected, which conquered many land and approached the border of Rusich. It seemed not to be able to avoid battles, but the general prayer of the Vladimir icon of God's mother did not allow this to happen.

According to one of the versions, Tamerlan said in the dream of a majestic Virgin, who ordered him to leave this land.

And so happened more than once. Faith people all increased after each next salvation. It became really miraculous and most revered. It was written with a large number of lists, which also worship believers. It has always been important icons. Vladimir God Mother in Russia especially revered.

Days of celebration

Since the icon is considered to be a delightful of external attacks on Russian land, as well as its defender, then the celebration in honor of it occurs three times a year. Each of these dates is not just like that.

  • On August 26, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is worshiped for liberation from Tamerlane in 1395.
  • June 23 there is a celebration in honor of victory over tatar Igog.which happened in 1480.
  • May 21 - a celebration in honor of the victory over Khan Makhmet-Gyrey, which occurred in 1521.

The prayer of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God saved Russia more than once.

Lists of icons of the Vladimir Mother of God

There are numerous lists that were written with this icon. The most famous can be considered as follows:

  • Orange icon. She was written in 1634.
  • Rostov icon. This image dates back to the XII century.
  • Krasnogorsk icon. Its writing refers to 1603.
  • Chuguev icon. The exact date of creation is not known.

This is not all available lists from the icon. The first of them were written when the image only appeared on the Russian land. Later also created the lists from it, two of the most ancient now left.

Obviously, such a diversity says that the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is very revered, whose value for believers is great.

Image iconography

If we talk about writing this image, then its style belongs to "caressing." It is characterized by the fact that the icons of this type are talking about the communication of the Virgin and her son, that is, it is the deep-human side of the Holy Family.

It is believed that in early Christian art did not exist such a style of writing icons, it appeared much later.

This writing style contains two central figures. This is God's Mother and Baby Jesus Christ. Their bodies are closely in contact, the son hugs her mother's hand for her neck. This image is very touching.

The peculiarity that the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God has, the meaning of the infant's heel, which is not on others like this type.

This is a bilateral icon. On the back shows the throne and symbols of passion. This suggests that the icon itself carries a special idea. This is the future victim of Jesus and mourning his mother.

There is also an opinion that this icon is a list of Our Lady of the Various Basilica. In any case, the Vladimir image has long been an independent wonderful face.

Other revered icons of the Mother of God

In addition to the Vladimir Virgin, there are many more miraculous imagesTo which they appeal. So, before which icon of the Mother of God, what are usually praying?

  • For example, prayer in front of the Iver Icon helps to increase the fertility of the Earth, as well as it is a comforter in various troubles.
  • Prayer before the Bogolyuba icon is help during epidemics (cholera, plague).
  • In cancerous diseases, prayers are the image of God's Mother of Allsers.
  • Kazan Icon is blessing to marriage, as well as a protector from various invasions and in difficult times.
  • The image of God's Mother "Mammal" is very honored by nursing mothers, he also attains prayers during childbirth.

As you can see, a lot of images that believers help with their wonders. Always pay attention to the value of icons. Vladimir God Mother is no exception. Just each of the images assumes intercession in various situations. God's mother as if covered all the sorrows and sadness of their subjects, helping them in difficulties.

The holiday of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is annually celebrated on June 3, 2019. According to legend, this image is written by an evangelist Luko on a board from that table, followed by a meal of the Holy Family.

As the legend says, the Mother of God, having seen this icon, said: "From now on, all the birth please me. Grace born from me and mine with this icon will be. "

What helps the Vladimir icon of God's Mother of God, what are the traditions of celebrating in honor of this icon and what is its meaning? This will make our story.

History and meaning Vladimir icons of Our Lady

The history of this image in Russia has several centuries. In the middle of the XII century icon was sent Constantinople Patriarch Veliky prince Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukhu, after which he was kept in the maiden monastery in Vyshgorod.

In 1155, Prince Vyshgorod, Andrei Yuryevich, going north, took this icon with him. When the procession arrived at Klyazma, the horses suddenly stopped and could not move away. The prince received in a dream the commandment of Our Lady to leave her icon in Vladimir.

In 1395, Vladimir Icon was postponed to Moscow, where he is located.

In 2019, the holiday of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is celebrated orthodox Church Three times:

  • September 8 (August 26 in the old style) - in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Haling of Tamerlanov;
  • July 6 (June 23) - in honor of the deliverance of Russia from the troops of Khan Akhmat;
  • June 3 (May 21) - in memory of the salvation of the Moscow lands from the Mahmet-Gurya troops.

The last event occurred in 1521, when the icon fence in Moscow from the invasion of the Tatar troops. The enemies fled in fear, and the capital of the Russian state was saved.

The value of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God is difficult to overestimate. It was made in front of it many of the most important state acts: oath on loyalty to the Motherland, prayers in front of military campaigns, election of Russian patriarchs.

What helps Vladimir icon of Our Lady?

Back in the XII century, the priests of the Assumption Cathedral created a legend "On the wonders of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Vladimir Icon."

They described ten wonders to her: Salvation from drowning, from the horse whisching, about healing the dried hand, about the salvation of the wife of Prince Andrei in difficult birth, the salvation of the baby from the sorcerer, the healing of people from heart disease and blindness, as well as 12 people from death under Golden gates that collapsed in Kiev on people.

This icon strengthens in faith contributes to spiritual insight and eliminates delusions, helps to choose the right decision in a difficult life situation. It is requested about strengthening the marriage, improving relations in the family, health restoration.