
Kazan Lady Mother Beaded. Icons of the Virgin Embroidered Beading

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In her hands she kept the blue ladder. They climbed into the paradise people. Seeing Christ and Peter's approached, the prechival, as it were, justifying, said: I'm sorry, my son, but I am also a mother, and I can not respond to the requests of those who pray for their children. And I give your mother's love to all living on Earth. The Lord, smiling, quietly said: Let's go, Peter, we have nothing to do with you. This is just a parable, but in it - the expression of the love and aspiration of people to their intercession of heavenly.

Types of iconography of Virgin Images

Two millennia passed since the audit of the Mother of God. But in the hearts of believers Christians, she takes a very important place. In every house there is an image of the Most Holy Virgin to whom they pray and in joy and in sorrow. Virgin Mary lived on earth. Her appearance was described by church historians. Traditionally, it is depicted in a purple maforia - a large scarf closing hands and shoulders. It depicts three stars. These are signs of the latest before and after the birth of the Son.

Icons of the Mother of God Embroidered Beading

The number of stars is associated with the idea. The figure of Christ slightly covers one of the stars, which means embodiment of him as one of the trinity hat. Tunic of the Virgin Mary of Blue. Virgin Mary's clothing according to the canons is strictly defined. Nimbi, unlike the Lord, not the Cross. Everything icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sign up μηρ θυ. This is a Greek shortage of the words of the Mother of God.

The first icon of the Virgin, according to legend, was written by the Apostle Luka. The Queen of Heaven, seeing her, said: May the grace of my son and myself will be graceful. All images of the Holy Virgin in the type of iconography are divided into several groups:

1. Type "". The Mother of God and her divine son sniffed to each other. Baby hugs mother behind the neck. Connection of the faces and the intersection of Nimes is a characteristic feature of this type of image. The crossing of Nimes is a symbol of the conjugation of earthly and heavenly. This type includes, Pochaevskaya, Barskaya, and many other icons. In the Greek Icon Pouring, this type received the name "Sweet Lobzia".

Embroidered Beaded Icons of the Mother of God

2. "Odihythrius" or " Guide". The center of the composition is Christ, on which the Virgin, the figure of which is represented by the frontal, indicates a gesture of his hand. This gesture is a characteristic feature of the type of odigitria. It includes many other images.

3. To "odigitria" close type " Panahn"(Prech, Warm). The Mother of God sends on the throne. The baby is Christ - she has on her hands. Such iconography, holding, Kiev-Pecherskaya, Cyprus.

4. "The Omen" or " Oranta"(Praying). The Mother of God with his hands, asked for the sky. In the field of the chest, Christ is depicted in an adolescent or youthful age. These are the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary" Sign ", Tsarskosiel, Kursk-Native.

Embroidered icons of the Blessed Virgin

5. "Agiosoritissa" or " Intercession". The Mother of God is depicted without a baby, in a prayer posture, the figure turns a little. Typical sample -.

Whatever type does not belong to the icon, each conveys the foundations of dogmatic church. 260 Virodal Images of the Russian Church are celebrated Days. In general, in the Christian world there are more than eight hundred images of Our Lady.

Embroidered by beads and stones of the image of the Mother of God

All the images of the Holy Mother of God are honored, but there are especially beloved. This is Kazan, who, together with, is a wedding couple and is the main thing in the Deislist Row of the iconostasis. In any everyday adversity, believers resort to prayer for intercession.

One of the features of Russian Orthodoxy was always a special attitude towards the Most Holy Virgin: the number of revered images of Our Lady, according to specialists, reaches seven hundred. She was devoted to the first Orthodox Church in Kiev, in honor of her in Russia many hymns were folded and many images were written, many of whom were miraculous. The church teaches us, which is not important, in which prayer is performed, since we do a prayer not a holy image, but to the one who is depicted on it. Nevertheless, often the Mother of God itself was the suffering and pointed out, before how you need to pray, in order to healed the ailment, and indeed, coming to the specified place and praying before it, people received healing. Thus, the traditions were gradually developed to ask for help in solving a particular situation in a particular image.

- Patrone of Russian land. She prayed for the cessation of hostility and peace of mind in society. But - the guide of the Russian people. It also saves from epidemics and disasters.

Call another goalkeeper. It is traditionally placed over the entrance door to the house. They ask God's Mater's Iverly to put on the true path, as well as heal the soul and bodily diseases.

- Favorite icon of women. She is asked about the gift of motherhood, assistance in childbirth and raising children. "" helps to get rid of all kinds of dependencies.

Every person has their favorite Virgin Image. There is no such a Christian who would never have experienced a tangible help after sincere prayer to the Virgin. It is important not to forget to thank the most the Mother of God for the inexhaustible love, which she gives everyone living on earth and specifically to everyone from us.

Healer - As a rule, the list of such an icon is necessarily present in any hospital church. Before it is praying for cure from various diseases, about prisoners, as well as about the birth of healthy children. Day celebration October 1 (September 18).

- It is prayed before it is praying for protection from ill-wishers, mitigating their wrath, as well as the cessation of hostility inside the family. Day celebration 20 (7) Martha.

"She prayed if her hands or feet hurt." This name of the icon received in memory of a miracle associated with the reverend John Damascus, who served as a Vizier in the Damascus Calife. Thinking with a sublayer letter and accusing John in the crimes he did not commit, Khalifa commanded cut off the reverend brush with the right hand and throw him into the dungeon. Rev., overcome pain, for a long time made the praying of the Mother of God and in the morning, waking up, discovered that the severed brush grown to back. Soon John became a monk, and in gratitude for healing placed in the bottom of the image the image of a silver hand. Day celebrations -11 July (June 28).

- The Vladimir image of Mr. Mother of God is considered to pray for help in the event of an enemy invasion, to strengthen the Orthodox faith and preventing heresies and splits, reconciliation of the warring. Celebrated three times a year: June 3 (May 21), in the memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Crimean-Tatar raid in 1521; July 6 (June 23) - in honor of the bloodless victory over the Tatars in confrontation on the Ugra River, September 8 (August 26) - in memory of the wonderful salvation of Russia from the invasion of Tamerlane.

« All mournful joy"- This image was first famous for the first time as the miraculous in 1688, after healing that was considered incurable sick sister Patriarch Ioacima. It is praying for it all suffering from seizures, paralysis, diseases of the throat and tuberculosis, as well as unfairly offended and oppressed. Day celebration was installed on November 6 (October 24).

"Allzaritsa" - This image, written in the XVII century, for the first time acquired fame after the miracle, when the young man who came to her, who was fond of occultism, was plunged into Earth an invisible force. At the present time, it is known that by prayer in front of it, many are healed from cancer tumors.

- It is customary to be applied in the case of family troubles, as well as with eye diseases. Days of Celebration -21 (8) July, November 4 (October 22).

Mother of God "Mammal" - Before the "mammal", it is customary to pray to women waiting for a child, as well as nursing mothers. It is also known to the wonders of healing and rescue from fires. Celebrated 25 (12) January.

"Burning bush" - The most famous this image has become the same after the events in 1822 in the city of Slavyansk, when fires performed in the city were often committed by an unknown potter. All attempts to remove the attacker on clean water turned out to be fruitless. One day a certain pious parishioner Belnytsky in a dream was a vision that if the image of Our Lady "Unstasive Cupin" and the bishop serves prayers in front of her, then the arsons in the city will stop. The parishioner told about his vision to the local bishine, Icon was immediately written and prayer was stopped. Soon after the prayer, the fires were stopped, and the arsonist - more precisely, a delicate, a local resident, suffering from dementia, was detained. The grateful inhabitants of the city placed an image in an expensive division, accompanied by his thankful text for salvation. The tradition of praying in front of the disaster from fires, as well as from natural disasters as a whole, is still preserved. The day "Nealimi-bunk" is celebrated 17 (4) September.

God's mother "unfading color" - known in many cases of healing patients. Before the "unfading color" there are prayers about the right choice of the satellite of life and the settlement of family troubles. Day of celebration 16 (3) of April.

- "Innegrated Bowls" are praying for cure from alcoholism. Day of celebration - 18 (5) May.

"The Sporian of Breads" - As can be seen by the name, it is customary to pray for a good harvest. The reverence of this image begins from 1891, when the year in the lack of interest in Russia, on the prayers of the residents of the Kaluga province, the local peasants collected a wonderful harvest. Celebrated 28 (15) October.

(Sometimes also called "Disease Quench") - this image is made to make a prayer for recovery. Removing it, as a miraculous, begins with the second half of the XVIII century, after healing recognized by the doctors of a hopeless woman. Celebrated on February 7 (January 25).

Embroidered by beads and stones icon of the Virgin Unreasonable color


More than 2000 images of the Most Holy Virgin

    Embroidered Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • All icons of the Virgin

Icon Kazanskaya Lady Mother in Russia enjoys special reverence. It is bless that the bride and groom bless to the crown, and it is the Kazan Mother of God that is installed from cribs.

Icons of the Kazan Mother of God embroidered with beads and stones

For Orthodox Christians in the image of the Kazan Mother of God, the idea of \u200b\u200bpetition and prayer intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for the world is embodied

Observing the icons of the Kazan Mother of God

In the summer of 1579, the daughter of Sagittarius Daniel Onuchina - nine-year-old Matron, in a dream, the icon of the Mother of God dreamed. Then appeared in a dream herself Most Holy Mother Kazanskaya. The Mother of God told the girl about the fact that her icon was on the ashes of the house of parents Matrona, commanded to convey it to the Archbishop and Governors. It must be said that the summer of 1579 was incredibly severe for Kazan: after a terrible devastating fire, half of the city turned into ashes.

The mother's mother did not listen to the words of his daughter, and then the Matrona again in a dream was the Most Holy Mother of God. She ordered the girl to tell about his phenomenon. However, the mother again did not listen to the words of his daughter. After some time, miraculously, during the sleep, the Matron was moved from the house to the middle of the courtyard. Here, she was again the icon of God's Mother of Kazan, with fiery rays emanating from the face.

Do you need an embroidery scheme of this icon?

Master class: how to embroider a unique icon

Never embroidered. You really want to try, but you can't get anything.

"Pleated" the entire Internet, but did not find the embroidery scheme of the desired icon.

Filled with embroidery already many monotonous and boring schemes, and the soul wants something creative.

Want to embroider truly a beautiful and unique image that will exist in a single instance.

Come on our master - Class Embroidery Icons ..

If you need ready icon - you can order and we will kill it for you

Or choose from already embroidered images

Embroidered icons icons of the Kazan Mother of God

Icon of Kazan Lady Mother - National Shrine

Having heard about the wonderful acquisition of the icon, hurried to Kazan priests of surrounding temples and numerous people. The image was solemnly transferred to the temple of St. Nicholas, and after the prayer, the icon with a congestion was taken to the first Orthodox Temple of Kazan - the Annunciation Cathedral. During the procession, the miraculous icon first appeared his wonders: the two Kazan blinds were transparent. The story has kept their names, it was Joseph and Nikita.

The list with the Kazan icon was sent to Moscow, and at the place of her phenomenon, by order of John the Terrible, the church and the women's monastery were built. Matron's maiden became his first inkine, and then prisstly. Two centuries later, in 1768 the monastery visited Empress Ekaterina II. By defending the liturgy, she decorated the crown of the Kazan icon with a diamond crown.

Soon Icon became a nationwide shrine. The Orthodox people of the whole soul felt a special involvement and help of the Most of the Mother of God in the historical fate of Russia. Many times "Kazan Mother", pointed out the Russian Orthodox soldiers to victory. It did not evenly help them performed by the sacred military debt to their homeland and God. It is not by chance that the Kazan icon is written off with an ancient Varochno icon, and refers to the holy images that cause the name of the odihythrius-guide.

Kazan God's Mother - Savior of the Russian Earth

The list with the icons of the Kazan Mother of God was with militia Dmitry Pozharsky, when in 1612 they walked to free Moscow, occupied by the Poles. Since then, October 22, in memory of the liberation of Moscow, in honor of the Kazan Mother of God has been established a special celebration.

Peter the Great prayed with his army in 1709, on the eve of the Poltava battle, in front of the terms of Kazan Our Lady. In 1812, the Kazan image of the Mother of God was protected by Russian soldiers who repel the invasion of the French.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Holy Mother of God appeared to Elibe - Metropolitan of the Mountains of Lebanese. With all my soul pain for the Russian people, he is a few days and nights, without water and food, diligently prayed to the intercession. Elijah asked the Mother of God to open how to save the country.

After three days, the glory appeared before him the Most Holy Mother of God and commanded: to open all the closed temples, to release priests from prisons, to embrace the icon with the procession around Leningrad, serve prayers in Moscow and Stalingrad.

Stalin promised to fulfill everything, because there was no other path of salvation. Everything happened exactly as it was predicted.

Icon Kazan God's Mother with troops passed to borders, and then the beginning of the procession in Russia. She became the common shrine of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and the whole of Fatherland.

Icons of the Kazan Mother of God embroidered beads With the use of amber, pearls, trumpet, rhinestones, panira, precious and semi-precious stones. Laca painted oil paint on fine canvas. Approximate time for embroidery 2 months. Sets for embroidery of the Kazan Mother of God are not used.

Mother of God Kazanskaya

Icon image - an important component of spiritual life in Orthodox society. Despite the difficulty of fulfillment, the embroidery of icons beaded today is very popular among the masters who have rated the special charm of this time-consuming needlework. Embroidered Icons, consecrated in the Church, on the power of intercession and getting rid of troubles and diseases are comparable to traditional.

Features of work with beads

Embroidery beaded to church theme - a very painstaking and responsible occupation, requiring zeal and patience. Even working with ready-made sets will not be impeccable without the right skills and mood, After all, such a complex process requires high accuracy and special care.

No wonder initially, the jewelry type of embroidery was practiced only in monasteries and temple workshops. The release of the sets made it a needlework affordable, but sewing should be very neat and smooth.

The online store "" offers a large selection of sets for embroidery beads of saints, whose feature is a partial sewing image. In the church tradition, the faces on icons are allowed to embroider only nuns, so on sketches of the face and hand brushes are drawn by light-resistant paints and not recommended to firmware.

In embroidery beaded Lady Mother It takes a special place, and many needlewomen begin their fascinating path in beaded creativity from the image of the Virgin. The most famous is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the Virgin Sexy Street. Most revere the believers safety Nicholas Wonderworker, And the saints of faithful Peter and Fevronia Patronize family and marriage.

Do you need to embroider with beads icons?

Doubts and disputes in feasibility and possibility of embroidery icons with a simple person are present for a long time.

Even among the priests there is no consensus on this matter, although most of them bless the parishioners on the needlework in the glory of God's name.

Archpriest Alexander Saltykov, Dean of the Faculty of Church Arts PSTU considers:

"In the embroidery of the icon image, there can be no bad intent, but the needlewoman should receive a blessing. Maybe it will be the first step to deepen into spiritual life. "
Pivot art historians argue about the degree of compliance with church traditions and as far as high art in such creations. After all, the old charming sewing was carried out taking into account the canons of theology under the control of the church. And modern commercial offers are often acknowledged CITC.

Only personal spiritual experience Master will allow you to distinguish real church art from a lobal picture. If you have a desire to embroider an icon image, then it is necessary to think first of all about its destination.

It is not necessary to embroider if you are in a bad mood, angry or offended. After completing the work the icon is recommended to be consecrated in the temple For cleansing and filling divine energy. Only canonical images are allowed to consecrate in the church.

Why icons embroidered on finished schemes

Icons in any form are sacral meaning when each symbol has its own value. Therefore, when performing work, inconsistency, errors in the selection of colors are unacceptable.

Work on icons should be conducted on strict church canons, so it is better to do it on ready-made color schemes. Developed by professional masters, they are fulfilled in all the rules and eliminate the possibility of error.

Colors are of particular importance, Therefore, the schemes should not be gray, meaning emptiness and non-existence. In the image of God's Mother, Purple in the elements of robes is always present, symbolizing God in heaven. And white, as a symbol of purity and holiness, is always used by masters as an angels, babies and saints.

The same attention is paid to the gestures that may be blessing, protecting and calling.

Online store "" offers to your attention sets for embroidery beads and canvas with drawing From manufacturers, for most of which embroidery icons is the main specialization. You can buy goods of domestic and Ukrainian companies at interesting prices:

  • "Embroide the beads";
  • "Rainbow beads" (crumble);
  • "Charyvna Might";
  • "Russian Snorper";
  • "Nova Sloboda";
  • other.
And remember the main rule - painstaking work in the good location of the Spirit Moves the creation of special protective energy.

The icon embroidered with beads will not only be a faith for your home, but also a warm gift for family celebrations - Name Day, the birth of a child, christening and a wedding.

Consider also section

Embroidery icons is truly real art, which is so fascinating, as well as time consuming. Not every master is capable of embroider the icons, as for this you need to follow some rules and canons. First of all, it is necessary to get a spiritual blessing in the church in the abbot of the temple, and after that, with clean and good thoughts to start work.

Experienced needlewomen love to embroider the image of the Virgin in various hypostasis. For example, Kazan Lady Mother, a swimming chair or an inparable bowl.

This icon is one of the most revered in Orthodox Christianity. It is considered a miraculous, as it eliminates diseases and helps in difficult times. Way Kazan Virgin Mary bless the marriage.

Icon appeared in a dream girl Matrona in 1579 in Kazan. In the vision of the Virgin Mary commanded her to tell the Archbishop and the Gradnik, so they to take an icon from the ground. At the same time, the place itself was also indicated. Sleep repeated three times, until the Matrona heard the voice: "If you do not fulfill my commandment, then I will fall elsewhere, and you will die."

Holy Fork pray when they want to avoid attacks on their native land, motherland. For protection why at home.

In order to correctly embroider the premium appearance, several church provisions should be observed:

  • Before starting work, you need to get a blessing from the father;
  • In the process of embroidery, adhere to piousness (not to squander, not desire evil to others). Do not go to work if you are with someone in sore or keep anger in the shower;
  • The embroidered icon needs to be consecrated so that it is not just a picture, but became the keeper of the family hearth.

If you adhere to all the rules, then not only lines and crosses will be even, and the work itself will pass easily and quickly, but the saving icon will save the divinity.

Is it possible to embroider Kazan (in the Orthodox Church, it is celebrated twice: July 21 and November 4)? This is a question that worries all the needlewomen and still causes a lot of discussion. But in the old days of a woman, on holidays, gathered by groups and engaged in craft. Therefore, decide for yourself how to spend time these days.

Prayer in front of the Kazan Icon of Our Lady:

Icon of the Kazan Mother Embroidery Beading

Beginners are recommended to acquire the ready-made set of the Mother of Kazan for embroidery beads. There is a large range of schemes of the honorable saints to which the Mother of God belongs. You can proceed to work after deciding with the plot of the picture.

Embroidery with beads is carried out:

You can create stitches on the canvas using one bisper or several pieces at once making a small column. It all depends on the embroidery embroidery of the embroidery technique.

Her robes are decorated with markerites of different sizes and color. It is necessary to have it very tight to each other so that there are no clearance. After reviewing the photo and video footage, you can decide on the work convenient for you.

By inserting the canva to the tapestry chains and work on the first row of the circuit on top from the left corner. Before this, retreat five centimeters from the edge of the canvas. Direction Choose for yourself, it can be both vertical and horizontal. But the principle of embroidery icons of the Kazan Mother of God remains a single - stitches are made by rows. Test beads of different colors according to the scheme. If beaded line It is interrupted due to the fact that a series of images of drawn elements such as face and hands, it is necessary to break the thread. On the invalion side should not be a drawing, they contribute to the embossing icon. There is another way to fasten the thread. The last beads in the row we cut several times, and the remaining edge hide in the next stitch. Do not make a node in any way.

From a long time, embroidery existed using pearls. The needlewomen were stripped on one on a thread and sewed them with a seam. Basically, in this way, saint's nimes were decorated. In our time, stones are used with pearl imitation, which looks no less beautiful. Embroidery Nimba begins with the outer edge of the icon, so it turns out beautiful and smooth. Categories fantasy and connect the pearls with beads and waters. After that, he will look at Jury.

Further completion of the work on the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, place the embroidery in the baguette. Pasparta in this case cannot be used. Be sure to sanctify your product in the church. If this is not done, we can assume that it is just embroidery with religious themes, and not a real icon.

Examples of schemes for embroidery icons of Kazan Virgin

Circuit for wedding embroidery

For weddings, images are needed that are embroidered in all church canons. It consists of the faces of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, which can be sewed with both separate paintings and one.

Video master class embroidery beads holy icon

Painting mosaic icon

Crystals and stakes are delightful in their overflows, but at the same time they do not require special efforts, in comparison with other embroidery techniques. Small and large sizes of the image will be pushed by volume, and the textured stones give the icon painting 5D effect.

Sets in full and partial. Also, they differ in the design, in some rods have a sticky layer, but in most - the scheme has a self-adhesive foundation. The crystals themselves differ in form and structure.

The prepared kit includes:

  • symbolic color scheme applied to dense fabric
  • acrylic rhinestones
  • tweezers for calculation
  • container for pebbles.

Video: Diamond Mosaica Kazan Virgin Mary

Cross Embroidery Icon of Kazan Our Lady

The fascinating embroidery of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God with a cross can not only dilute leisure, but also become a faith for the owner, since the Holy Lick has a miraculous effect.

The very first thing you need to do is choose an embroidery scheme. The picture must generate a desire to embroider it.

Scheme for embroidery of the Kazan Mother of God with a cross:

The main difference between the church embroidery from secular is that the person engaged in the work receives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also seeks to fully reveal the inner meaning of the image.

The generally accepted way of embroidery has been considered to be facial sewing, approximately artistic expressiveness to the skill of the icon painter. Work on the icon is a titanic work, first of all spiritual. Therefore, this method of embroidery requires not only the Council of the Priest, but also his blessings.

Today, the icons are made to embroider the icons in three versions:

1. The first assumes the superimposition of the paper icon on the fabric and the trim only the salary and the versions.

2. Working according to the second option, the master embroiders the vestment beaded, and the face is a facial sewing method.

3. Third way: to embroider need a cross, according to the counting scheme. It is important to remember that in this case the work will not be considered canonical.

Preparatory stage

Before you proceed to such a complex and serious process, like an embroidery of a beaded icon, must pay prayer. It can be like a prayer "before the start of every case" and appeal to the Virgin.

Bright light plays great importance, since the embroidery beaded assumes both visual sharpness and maximum accuracy.

Preparation of workplace

It will be right to embroider at the table. Remember that it is important to create a comfortable working conditions for work:

1. Cover the working surface with a white cloth. If the beer will fall from the needle, it will not be discovered.

2. Place the beads in Mezhitsa (each color in the "His" cell), for convenience, cover the numbers on it corresponding to the scheme.

3. On the right side of yourself, put the scheme on which you will work.

4. With the help of threads, mark the material on the squares 10 per 10 cells.

Materials and tools for embroidery

For embroidery icon, you will need the following "ingredients":

  • canva with a pattern;
  • czech (or jewelry) beads;
  • needle;
  • instruction (relevant for beginners);
  • pickles (square or round);
  • threads (for beginners are perfectly suitable for monoh);
  • stones (semi-precious and diverse);
  • rhinestones;
  • beads (different sizes).

Work on the icon "Holy Elena"

Making icons with their own hands suggests that it is possible to embroider vertical and horizontal rows. You can start both from the bottom and from the top. Icon "Holy Elena" is considered the most simple on execution.

According to experienced craftsmen, for the manufacture of the "Holy Elena" icon, it is most correct to start embroider from the upper right corner and move horizontal rows. The thread is attached to the wrong one, then displayed on the "face" of work in the lower right corner.

How to embroider the face of the Icons "Holy Elena", tells the master class. Follow him, and you will certainly succeed.

Work process

The embroidery process of the "Holy Elena" icon looks like this:

Important to remember

If one row turned out to be longer or shorter than the previous one, you can twice sew the latest beerinka, and then return to the wrong side and the small stitches to reach the required site. If the color of the sewn of the beert accidentally turned out to be inappropriate, then you can use the round-rolls or pliers. Carefully "Having enveloped" an erroneous element, the trick of that beerink, the color of which is suitable.

Embroide the icon "Uming the Most Holy Virgin"

Icons from beads often "participate" in the design of the temple. Special love of believers enjoys the icon "Defense of the Most Holy Mother", whose prayer helps girls and the girl adequately go through all the difficult stages of growing up. Embroidery this icon beaded requires some experience. In the photo of the icon embroidered with her own hands, it looks very impressive.
The complexity lies in the study of small elements - the eyes, fingers and lips of the saints. Schemes coming on sale involving the presence of fabric fabrics are allowed to cope with this difficulty.

To embroider the icon "Uming the Most Holy Virgin" with your own hands will help you master class. Do not forget that there is a special prayer before work.

Preparation for work

Many icons schemes are more suitable for embroidery with a cross. But, judging by the recommendations of the photo and video of master classes, you can simply pick up the beads for the color and embroider icons from beads.

Experienced craftswomen, divided by their secrets in the photo and video lessons, advise to work on this icon to work with the Canveya "Aida 14" and Czech beads number 10.


In order to understand which the size of the tissue is needed, you can count all the cells of the canvas and add one centimeter at the edges. Before work, you need to carefully fix the canvas in the hoop.

The width of the canvas is 149 bisper, and the length is 150 beerin.

The embroidery process of the Icons "Uming the Most Holy Virgin" looks like this:

  • Before embarking on embroidery, you need to pull the threads and consolidate the working thread using the nodule;
  • Then type biserini for the first row working thread;
  • Spend a thread for the basis (from left to right) so that each of the elements is between 2 threads of the foundation;
  • On one of the video lessons of the needlewoman, they are advised to stretch the needle with the working thread to the right to the left through each base on top of the bases of the foundation;
  • Before the transition to the second row, as you should pull the thread;
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to embroider the second series of the icons "Defense of the Blessed Virgin Mary." To do this, type the biserinet desired by the pattern, spend the working thread under the bases of the base and tension it;
  • Over the first row beads, install multiple bispers (between threads);
  • Stretch the needle with a working thread through every beerinka (the technique is the same - on top of the filaments of the base, right to left);
  • In the same way, work the third row;
  • Carefully secure all the threads.
  • Icon "Templement of the Blessed Virgin Mary" will be completely ready after you fly all the elements of the scheme. If you wish, you can make work with high-quality pearls.

    Kazan icon of the Mother of God

    To create from beads, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, you have to stick to mixed technique. In the same principle, the icon "Inspromandable Bowl" is performed. Schemes are freely available, but you can also work with the picture found from our site. If you follow all the recommendations that the master class offers, then in a short time your job will delight you and your loved ones.

    The "Kazan Icon of the Mother of God", as well as the icon "Inspromandable Bowl," involves the use of mixed equipment embroidery cross and beads:

    • stitches "Extra Long Cross" and "Simple Cross";
    • seam "Semi-Crest" (countable embroidery beads);
    • arched seam (countable embroidery beads).


    Before embroidering the icons "Kazan icon of God's Mother of God" and the "indeliable bowl" must be read by prayer.

    After that, you can safely start working:

  • First of all, you need to prepare a cut of the canvas. Approximate size - 29 by 31.1 centimeters;
  • In order for the "Kazan Icon of the Mother of God" or "Inspromandable Bowl" was not damaged along the work and spectacularly looked in the photo, use a frame or tapestry chains;
  • Focusing on the scheme, define the middle of the picture. Start working on the "Simple Cross" technique;
  • At the next stage, you need to carefully ensure that there are no errors with an embroidery background. After you have completed work on the facilities of the Icons "Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God" or "Unfortunate Bowl", make an embroidery beading (seam "Semi-Crest"). Background and Nimbi should be made with Moulin;
  • Fifth stage - embroider icons (arched seam). Remember that the cells in the diagram correspond to the stripped bispers. To avoid errors, strip three or four pieces, fix them and return the needle back (for 1 bispers);
  • Take the bispers, guided by the "prompts" of the scheme;
  • After the Icons "Kazan" or "Insprising Bowl" are ready, you can wash them and arrange large beads (edge \u200b\u200bof the salary).
  • Video: Embroidery icons of the Kazan Mother of God

    Embroidery nominal icons

    Not so long ago, those embroidered with beads were enjoyed by beaded icons, or guardian angels. It is important to remember that the "personal" saints may be somewhat, so before work it is important to obtain a consultation of the priest.


    Make luxury nominal icons, superbly looking in the photo, you will be helped by recommendations that professional master class will help:

  • Named icons suggest work with the finished set, which includes both detailed instructions and the necessary inventory and canvas with the image;
  • Announced nominal icons on a special framework, for the manufacture of which should be led by 4 closer bars under the size of the work. If you do not tighten the can, then you can do without frame;
  • Named icons are embroidered as follows: two ends of the working thread are inserted into the needle and the loop is formed;
  • It should be brought to the "face" of the working material (left lower corner);
  • The next stage is the renovation of the bead;
  • Enter the needle to the opposite angle, and then output it (bottom left corner, the next cell);
  • After the thread ended, stretch it through a couple of stitches on the wrong side.
  • Nominal icons do not assume the presence of broach and nodules. In order to avoid annoying mistakes, you will need to embroider, forming a loop- in 2 additions. At the end of the thread, the beads need to be sewn twice and "hide" on the wrong side under several stitches.

    In order for your personal icons perfect, remember that:

    • quality criterion is evenness, and it is necessary to embroider with diagonal or horizontal rows, producing the input and output of the needle in the same "paragraph";
    • if nominal icons will be reliably "hidden" under glass;
    • nominal icons must be sewed on linen fabric.

    Ready work can be made with pearls.

    We work with jewelry beads

    An embroidery beaded icons is often compared with jewelry skill. And in fact, work with jewelry beads requires not only the perpetuity and patience, but also certain knowledge and skills. In this case, the embroidery beaded icon involves the performance of work, a practically inconspicuous eye.

    Features of work

    Embroidery with beads icons is highly appreciated by the connoisseurs of art. In order to correctly embroider the icon with jewelry beads, you need to follow the following rules:

    Embroidery of the picture by jewelry beads involves work not in colors, but rows, in the direction from top to bottom;

  • When working with jewelry beads, it is important to ensure that the canvas is well stretched on the frame (the hoops);
  • In the course of working with jewelry beads, several shades may be required at the same time. A special "beyond" organizer can help;
  • When embroidering the picture with jewelry beads, each element is recommended to immediately improve the needle.
  • Many craftsmen working with jewelry beads recommend paying attention to Czech or Japanese production material. The pearl icon may become a real decoration of both home iconostasis and the temple.

    In order for the embroidery of the icon to the icon always pleased you and your loved ones, follow the simple advice:

    • always bring a row to the end;
    • remember that only the background and the decoration of the saint is drawn up with beads and pearls, while the leak itself should remain untouched;
    • make sure that the lengths of the threads are enough to the end of the row;
    • if you process the wax thread, it will not be confused, and the work will turn out very strong.

    Do not get upset if the embroidery beaded icons will not be right away. Remember that the most important thing in the spiritual needlework is the process itself.

    Video: Master class embroidery icons beads