
The help of God from the miraculous icons and prayers - the Lanchansky miracle. Overallian Lanchansky Miracle Flesh and Blood of Christ in Italy


In the Catholic Church, "Study Miracles" began to be much earlier: there was no such alienation between faith and science, as in the atheistic USSR. Therefore, the experience of Western Christians in this area is wider.

Solves dad

In the Vatican phenomena and events that may be called wonderful, special congregation (bishop collegium) is engaged in saints. The principal approach to the study of miracles is similar to the approach Orthodox church. There is some difference in particulars.

The study procedure is built as follows: Congregation instructs the Commission of scientists to carefully examine an unusual phenomenon so that, first, to confirm the fact of the phenomenon, eliminating, for example, hallucination; Secondly, confirm that this phenomenon is not caused by any natural causes.
The Commission may include both believers and non-believers. According to the general vicar of the archo Parts God's Mother The Roman Catholic Church in Moscow Monsignor Sergey Timashova, "The main requirement for them is not the recommendation of the confessor, but the recommendation of the scientific community; The scientist must be a recognized specialist in his field. "

If a scientist committee concludes that some phenomenon cannot be explained by all known science in ways, the question is: is it possible to say that the cause of such a phenomena was the divine intervention and what could be his meaning? Or maybe, on the contrary, it is a phenomenon, although supernatural, but has no divine nature, but is a devilish fake? This is already engaged in theologian.

Theological and scientific commissions work separately, independently of each other, to make a decision within the commission, you need a majority of two-thirds of votes.

When all evidence and results of research of the theological and scientific commissions "on the spot", where the miracle happened, they are collected, they are transferred to the Congregation on the cases of saints. The bishops are Cathedral, a majority of two-thirds of votes are removed by the verdict: it is possible to submit to the judgment of the Pope that any phenomenon can really be called a miracle.

The final decision takes Pope, but in fact it looks like a statement of the Pope of the Congregation. Pope has the right to return the decision of the congregation to the "refinement" if its arguments are not convincing. But these are always closed considerations, and you can learn about the final solution only when it is accepted and published - only positive decisions are published.

Individual approach

The question of the boundaries in the study of the wonders and applicability of various technologies in Catholics, as in the Orthodox Church, is primarily associated with the problem of preservation of the shrine itself. "There are still disputes, as far as reasonable samples of the Turinsk District, for those studies that have already been conducted, - noted about. Sergey Timashov. - But the question is not easy. It is appropriate to the analogy with the study of cells in a diseased person, in order to raise the correct diagnosis, its rescue depends on the accuracy. Such an analysis can be painful, heavy, and those cells that will be taken to study, you will not return back. But everyone understands that this analysis is not disrespectful to a person, but is carried out in order to be done by all possible for his recovery. Independent ethical criteria are needed, but in each case they can be individual, adequate specific situation. "

Mystery Lanchano

In the boundaries of admissible research in the Catholic Church, even the holy gifts are included. Catholics know several eucharistic wonders - changes in the Eucharistic species of holy gifts. As stated about these cases in historical testimonies, these miracles have always been the answer to doubt or distrust of a person, often the priest, the words that Christ said, establishing the sacrament of the communion: "This is my body ... this is my blood" (MF. 26: 26), and which priest utters during the Eucharistic Canon.

The most famous such case occurred in 750 in Lanchano (Italy). The priest of the Church of St. Longgin the Sotnik doubted - is it true of the body and blood of Christ in consecrated guests? And during the Eucharistic canon, he felt that bread became flesh, and wine was blood. Since then, for more than a thousand years, at the throne of the temple of St. Francis of Assisi in Lunchano (Chiesa di San Francesco), built on the site of the Satoper from the VII century, in which this Eucharistic miracle happened, the holy gifts are stored with which There was a change in the Eucharistic species.

Father Sergey Timashov: "When the church meets with such a phenomenon, a question arises: how to be? It is clear that this is not something that needs to be faithful. Because Christ gave us bread and said: "This is my body" - and wine, saying: "This is my blood." But what about what was found? The priest can see this change, but not to have any evidence. And therefore, the Catholic Church conducted research in order to understand what we are dealing with. "

In 1970, it was decided to explore the case in Lanchen. With the participation of physicians, chemists, biologists have been made by many analyzes and concluded that the human blood of the fourth group is in Lachano in Lachano, preserving all the characteristics of fresh blood, and a fragment of the heart muscle tissue without signs. Over the years, when observations were conducted, the blood did not show and does not show signs of coagulation, in the tissues of the heart muscle, there are no natural changes. An independent medical commission did not find naturally scientific explanations of this phenomenon. In 1973, the World Health Organization (WHO), holding an independent investigation, agreed with its conclusions. The Catholic Church officially recognized the Lunchansky phenomenon miracle.

Father Sergius Timashov: "Interestingly, cases of changing the Eucharistic species of holy gifts were observed during theological disputes inside the church itself about the Eucharist: how to understand the words of Christ:" Cheer, say, this is my body ... this is my blood "? Symbolically, literally? That is, it was about the adequate theological description of the sacrament subject. According to the dogmatics of the Catholic Church, Christ, the body and blood of Christ, under the guise of bread and wine, are really present in the Holy Gifts. The change in the species occurs mysteriously during the Eucharist and, in its theological description, closely in meaning the term "delight", which consumes the Byzantine tradition. "

Believe in word

Does the Orthodox Church recognizes a miracle in Lunchano? "Recognizes and reverends the miracle in the Lunchano, which happened in an undivided church, - the priest notes Oleg Mumricov, teacher of the department of theology and biblical MDAIS. - About the reality of Eucharistic miracles, the presence in the Orthodox service has yet since the XVII century of instructions, briefly referred to as the "Issues of Lesson", how to properly commit the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and what to do if perplexity arise regarding various cases that may be involved during the Divine Liturgy : "What causes the Jeea and Diacona ministry in the Church of the Holiness to commit and to prepare for the priesthood, the very same to the Divine Liturgy, and what are distressful and perplexity in the velocity of cases, how to correct."

Among them, there is a direct instruction on what to do if a priest will have a real change in Eucharistic species in his hands: "If the miracle will be revealed after the sanctification of bread or wine, i.e. the type of bread will seem in the form of a flesh or baby, the wine in The form of blood, and if this appearance will not change, i.e., the type of bread or wine will not appear again, but will remain unchanged, then the Ieria should not communicate with this. Since this is not the essence of the body and the blood of Christ, and a miracle from God, manifested for the sake of disbelief or what other guilt. The Ieria should take another prosperity (if the view of only bread change) and, as it was indicated, all laid on anointing over the Lamb to make and prepare the Holy Lamb and, postponing and retaining the laminate politic to the miracle, start with prayer: with SII and we are blissful ... And everything in order to make (over the bowl does not repeat anything). If, in a cup, the type of wine has changed to the blood, then swaying it into another bowl or a decent vessel, flies into the wine bowl, uttering everything put on anointing, and usually sanctifies it. And, having come, make a service.

If soon the bread, took the type of meat or baby, will again take its own former look, or in the bowl, where the blood was visible, the usual wine view will be revealed again, then Ieria, not a tempting of another lamb and without pouring another wine into the bowl, should come and make a service. Since this is the true body and blood of Christ "."

Were there in the history of the Orthodox Church attempt to explore the holy gifts that changed their Eucharist?

The priest Oleg Mumrikov: "The patristic concept of liberation or the delights (this, in general, interchangeable in the church writing of the concept), of course, does not give an exhaustive description of the" mechanism "of the liberation, demanding special reverence and faith, therefore" scientific study "of St. Gifts in the Orthodox Church, as far as I know, has never been undertaken. Unambiguous gospel (Matt. 26: 26-28; in. 6: 32-66; 1 Cor. 11: 23-29, etc.) and liturgical-hymnographic evidence of the identity of the "historical" and the Eucharistic Body of Christ, the facts collected in Catemaes, reflected in the priestly practice, in themselves are convincing evidence that in the sacrament of the Eucharist, we are taught the most true body of Christ and the most true blood of Christ: "Intererary to refraart bread, the Lord thanks as in order to teach us to bring from thanksgiving and in order to show that he gratefully takes a refraction, that is, the killing of his body, and does not indulge on it, like something involuntary ... Bread, sanctified on the altar, is the most body of Christ, and not the image of it ; For he did not say: this is the image of my body, but this is my body. The bread is inexplicable effect, although we seem to be bread. Alone, we are weak and there would be no raw meat, especially human flesh, then bread is taught, and in fact it is a flesh "," writes Blessed Feofilakk, Archbishop Bulgarian (interpretation to the Holy Gospel. Ch. I. M., 1993. P. 236-237).

Memo for doubt

Known by his caution to all sorts of visions, the saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov testified cases of Eucharistic miracles in his own caremba, quoting one of the ancient pathers. According to the saint, it is useful for the insigniance of doubting that the true holy body and holy blood of Christ are the true Holy Body and Holy Blood:

"A certain skateman said that in the Holy Communion We are not acceptable to the Body of Christ, but the image of the body of Christ in the form of bread. This was heard two elders. Knowing that he has been grown in a residence, they realized that he says it is not for maliciousness, but by ignorance and simplicity. They came to him and said: Father! We heard about some brother that he uttered the opinion disagree with the teachings of the right faith, which is that in the Holy Communion We are not taking the body of Christ, but the image of the body of Christ in the form of bread. The elder answered: I said it. They began to convince him: do not think so, father, but confess the legend of the Holy, Cathedral, Apostolic Church. We believe that bread has the body of Christ, and in the bowl - the poolest of Christ, - by no means images. Although it is incomprehensible how the bread can be body, but since the Lord said about Bread: this is my body, then we believe that bread is the true body of Christ. The elder said this: if I am not certified by the most experience, I will be in doubt. They offered him: We will pray to God for the whole of the next week, so that he explains the sacrament to us, and believe that God will open. The elder with joy accepted the proposal; He prayed to God like this: Lord! You know that I do not believe in malicious persistence. Lord Jesus Christ! Discover me about this mystery, so that I was in delusion because of the unbelief ... After the week they came to the church ... And the eyes were rejected. When the bread was proposed on the holy meal, then they saw, alone these three elders, baby instead of bread. When Hieromona stretches his hand to refraart the bread on the holy meal, then the angel of the Lord with a knife in his hand came off, slammed the baby; Blood from it poured into the bowl. When Hieromona refracted bread, - Angel cut the baby to small pieces. When they started the adoption of the Holy Taine, the bloody meat was filed with the unfaithful elder. Seeing this, the old man was frightened and crushed: Lord! I believe that bread is your body! And immediately meat on his hand turned out to be bread on the custom of the sacrament. He fell, the Slavor God. The elders told him: God knows that people cannot use raw meat, and therefore he covered his body her kind of bread, and blood view of wine "(Sech writing. Brussels, 1963. P. 52-53).

Oleg Mumrikov Father: "According to the Archpriest Valentin Asmus (Eucharist. Electronic resource:, this quote takes on special significance if we recall, with what caution, the saint of Ignatius belonged to all sorts of visions. If here he refused his usual incredulsion to the fact that it would be possible to consider "charm", he had very important to the urgency. Moreover, the saint of Ignatius was not pleased with the fact that he had included the earliest that, with unwillingness, he could not include, but also added a similar testimony from the modern church life to him, both for the insigniance of doubting it, and in order To prevent the unreasonable desire to "demand signs" from God (see Mf.12: 38-39):
"Dmitry Aleksandrovich Shepelev ... brought up in the Page Corps. Once B. Great postWhen the flats of the beeles and have already begun to the holy secrets, the young man Shepelev expressed his decisive disbelief near him near him, so that the body and blood of Christ were in the bowl. When he was taught by Secrets, "he felt that he had meat in his mouth. Horror embraced a young man: he stood beside himself, not feeling forces to swallow a particle. The priest noticed the change in him and ordered him to enter the altar. There, holding a particle in the mouth and confessing his sewing, Shepelev came to his senses and used himself to teach him the holy of mystery "(ibid.).

Believers decorate modesty

In Lourdes - the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary Bernette Siburu, where millions of pilgrims arrive every year every year, a lot of healing evidence left. However, officially recognized as the Catholic Church of no more than seventy. Why? Explains Monsignor Sergey Timashov, General Vicar of the Mother of the Mother of the Roman Catholic Church in Moscow, Candidate of theology:

- It is not about the fact that the church does not recognize them. But in order for healing to be wonderful from the point of view of strict Scientific and theological criteria, evidential medical records are necessary. In Lourdes, the main problem for recognizing healing is the lack of such. For example, healing occurred, how to confirm that it happened exactly wonderful, and not naturally? In the event that there are two X-rays - a week before and a week after healing, doctors can object to and evidence that the disease that was in a person could not disappear in any time. And if the last shot to healing was made for six months, here already "the probability" of a miracle is much declining much, because for six months there is a lot of things happen.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine that all the suffering who come to Lourdes will be reserved by X-rays, the first test results and prepared for the struggle for the proof of the wonderless of their healing. This is an incorrect attitude towards miracles, to its faith and to the saints. The normal believer is usually modest. Before the pilgrimage, he usually prays, and not the documents laid. Rather, he will try to avoid walking along the streets of Lourdes with a sign "I am the witness that God is, he loves us and interferes with our lives!". Yes, and from a spiritual point of view, it is not safe to become a facility of such close attention, especially on the soil of miracles.

The Catholic Church in relation to miracles proceeds from the principle of sobriety and calls for this believers. And the fact that God wants to glorify, he will glorify.

In the VIII century, the Nativity of Christ occurred a miracle, which time and forever gave an answer to questions relating to the sacrament of the Eucharist. In the Church of the San Leguns of the ancient Italian city, lunch was committed by worship. One of the priests who served that day of Lee Tregia suddenly began to experience strong doubts about the truth of the body and the blood of the Lord, hidden under the guise of bread and wine. The story did not bring to our time the name of this hieromonach, but the doubt that was mastered by them became the cause of the event known as revered to this time. It happened exactly on the very day when performing the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The priest tried to drive these doubts from himself, but they were returned with a new force. He became relentlessly to pursue the thought, why should he be able to believe that bread would not be bread, and wine will be blood? At the same time, they continue to look still and never changed ... Ieromona constantly came to the conclusion that, probably, it is just symbols, a reminder of the secret evening.

The gospel rows returned the priest to the events of the ancient days: "That night, when he was devoted, he took her bread ... blessed, prevented and filed his disciples, saying: take, taste: this is my body, which is refracted by you to leaving sins. Also a bowl, saying: Drink out of it: this is the blood of my new covenant, for you and for many exhausted to leaving sins. "

He uttered the holy words of the Eucharistic Canon with reverence and fear, but he was unable to overcome his doubts. Of course, the Lord Jesus Christ, the sacrificial Lamb, being God, could turn the wine into the blood, and bread in the flesh. He could all, he came to the world by the will of his Heavenly Father. But he has long been ascended from the ground, leaving this sinful world. He gave him the holy words of Scripture and his blessing. But as for his flesh and blood ... Is it possible to accommodate it into the human mind? Perhaps the present sacrament of the Eucharist with him to the Horland world? Was the Holy Communion only rite and only? Successfully tried the priest to restore peace and faith in the soul.

Meanwhile, a miracle happened. As soon as the Eucharist's bread with the words of prayer was refracted by them, a small church announced a cry of amazement. In the hands of Hieromona, the refracted bread suddenly turned out to be something else - he did not immediately realize what it was. Yes, and in the bowl, it was not at all no wine ... It was a thick allay, amazing blood like blood. The shocked priest looked at his hand. It turned out to be a thin section of the flesh, similar to the muscular fabric body of a person. The monks surrounded the priest, shocked by a miracle that happened, unable to keep his amazement. He also confessed his doubts about them, the answer to which came so miraculously. When Holy Liturgy ended, he silently fell on his knees and began to pray for a long time and diligently. What he prayed: I thank for this over the sign, or asked for forgiveness for Malovery, we were not given to know. But probably known, but one thing: since then in the city of Lanchano, the wonderful blood and flesh are kept, which materialized during the sacrament of the Eucharist in the Church of San Leguns (San Francesco). The news of the Lanchansky miracle quickly spread in the nearby cities and the area, and the strings of numerous pilgrims stretched in the lunch.

Hundreds of years, a look at the wonderful gifts, accepted scientists of various activities. Starting from 1574, various experiments and observations were made over the holy gifts, and since the early 70s of the 20th century, they began to wear a systematic experimental character. However, the results obtained every time were critical evaluation. Experiments conducted by alone scientists (respectively, the results obtained) have not satisfy others.

One of the most authoritative researchers in this area is Professor of the Medical Faculty of Siena University, Odoardo Linoli. The scientist operates in the field of anatomy, pathological histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, and decided to personally spend the studies of the Holy Gifts with his collee-gami. The work was carried out in 1970-1971, after carefully done work, the researcher with colleagues came to the following conclusions. The holy gifts that are stored in Lunchano from the VIII century, nothing but the genuine human flesh and blood. The flesh is a frag-cop of the muscle tissue of the heart, in its cross section contains myocardium, endocard and a wandering nerve. This fragment of the flesh also contains the left ventricle, since the thickness of the myocardium in the tissues of the flesh is quite significant. And flesh, and blood belong to the band of the blood ab. The same group also includes blood recorded on the Turin Plat-Shahnica. Blood contains proteins and minerals in human nor-human relationships. Experts made special emphasis on the fact that flesh and blood during twelve centuries are maintained, despite the impact of physical, atmospheric and biological factors without artificial protection and the use of special preservatives. Moreover, blood, being given into a state of fluid, remains suitable for transfusion and has all the properties of fresh blood. Professor Normal Anatomy of the Human University of Siena University of Rujsero Bertelli, conducted research in parallel with Odoardo Linoli and came accurately to the same results. In the course of repeated experiments, which were conducted in 1981 with the use of more accurate equipment, as well as taking into account the latest achievements of science in the field of anatomy and pathology, these results were fully confirmed.

The contemporaries of the Lanchansky miracle, which occurred during the sacrament of the Eucharist, testify that the mother-lied blood in the future curled five balls, after the hardened time. It is amazing that each of these balls, taken separately, has the same weight as all five combined. This contradicts all the well-known laws of physics, but this is an existing fact, to explain which scientists are not in a state so far.

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Lanciano town (Lanciano), which in the Italian region, Abruzzi, located east of Rome, know throughout christian world. Pilgrims come to the local church of St. Francis, more known as the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle (Miracolo Eucaristico) to see the material testimony of the supernatural, the divine essence of the sacraments of the Church.

In the early Middle Ages on the site of the temple of St. Francis, there was a small church of Holy Legoncian. Sv. Legoncian was the Roman Centurion, which during the crucifixion of Christ hit him in a spear in the edge. After that, amazing things began to happen to him. He used to see badly, and after the blood of Christ splashed him into his eyes, he was clear. But the main thing is that he is not only physically, but also spiritually. St. Legoncian not only believed in the teaching of Christ, but he himself began to preach him. He left the military service and went to Cappadocya, where he died with a martyr's death and was subsequently canonized. And since he was from the anxanum, the city at the beginning of our era was renamed Lanciano (Lanciano) from the word Lancia (Spear). It is deeply symbolic that the Eucharistic miracle happened in the city, which received its name from a spear, piercing Christ on the cross, and in the church dedicated to the Holy Legun, which caused the same blow.

The Lanchansky miracle happened in the VIII century from the Nativity of Christ. The sacrament of the Eucharist was committed in the Church of the San Leguns of the old Italian city. But in the heart of one of the priests who served on that day by Liturgy, suddenly doubt whether the body and blood of the Lord were true, hidden under the guise of bread and wine. The chronicles did not convey to us the name of this hieromonach, but the doubt that the evailing miracle was called in his soul was the cause of the Eucharistic miracle, revered to this time.

The priest drove doubts from himself, but they immediately returned again and again. "Why should I believe that bread ceases to be bread, and the wine becomes blood? Who will prove it? Moreover, they never change in any way and never changed. Probably, these are just symbols, just a memoir about the secret evening:

That night, when he was devoted, he took her bread: blessed, prevented and filed his disciples, saying: "Take, taste: this is my body, which is refracted for you to leaving sins." Also, the bowl, saying: "Drink it all: this is the blood of my new covenant, for you and for many poured into leaving sins."

With fear, the priest uttered the Holy Words of the Eucharistic Canon, but doubts continued to torment him. Yes, he, a sacrificial lamb, could turn wine into blood with his divine power, and bread in the flesh. He could, who came by the will of the Heavenly Father. But he left for a long time, leaving this sinful world and giving him his holy words and his blessing to consolation: and maybe his flesh and blood? But is it possible? Was the genuine sacrament of communion with him to the world of Holly? Did the Holy Eucharist become only a rite - and no more? Viciously tried the priest to restore the world and faith in the shower. Meanwhile, the liberation happened. With the words of prayer, he was prevented by the Eucharist Bread, and here the cry of amazement announced a small church. Under the fingers of Jeromona, the refractive bread suddenly turned into something else - he did not immediately understand what it was. Yes, and in the bowl it was no longer wine - there was a thick allay liquid similar to: Blood. After some time, blood curled into 5 globul incorrect form and different sizes.

The stunned priest looked at the subject that he was in his hands: it was a thin section of the flesh, resembling the muscular tissue of the human body. The monks surrounded the priest affected by miracle, unable to keep the amazement. And he confessed before them his doubts permitted in such a miraculous way. After graduating from Holy Liturgy, silently fell on his knees and plunged into a long prayer. What did he pray then? Thanks for this over the sign? Asked for forgiveness for his Malovery? We will never know this. But one thing is one thing: since then in the city of Lanchenno, twelve centuries are kept wonderful blood and flesh, materialized during the Eucharist in the Church of San Leguns (now San Francesco). The news of the miracle quickly flew through the nearby cities and areas, and the strings of pilgrims stretched in the lunch.

Passed century - and wonderful gifts became the object of attention of scientists. From 1574, various experiments and observations were conducted over the holy gifts, and since the early 1970s, they began to be conducted at the experimental level. But the data obtained by one scientists did not satisfy others. Professor of the Medical Faculty of Siena University, Odoardo Linoli, a major expert in the field of anatomy, pathological histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, conducted with his colleagues of the study in November 1970 and in March 1971 and came to the following conclusions:

- flesh - genuine flesh. Blood - genuine blood.

- flesh and blood belong to the human being.

- The flesh consists of muscle heart fabric.

- The presence of myocardium particles, endocardis, wandering nerve and also left ventricle of the heart, is observed in the flesh, which explains the great density of myocardial tissue.

- The flesh represents the heart as a whole with its main components.

- Flesh and blood have the same blood group (AV). What is especially important, traces of blood, having experienced on the Turin Dospider also belong to the AB group, according to the conclusion of Professor by Baima Bollone.

- The blood content is fixed in the blood in normal proportions characteristic of the seroprotein composition of normal fresh blood.

- Minerals were found in the blood: chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.

- The preservation of flesh and blood, which were in a natural state during the twelve centuries and were exposed to atmospheric and biological factors, is an exceptional phenomenon. In addition, blood, being given in liquid state, It remains suitable for transfusion, possessing all the properties of fresh blood.

Blood, which came across five balls of different shapes, then hardened, stored in an antique bowl from a solid piece of rock crystal. Interestingly, each of these balls, taken separately, weighs as much as all five together. This is contrary to the elementary laws of physics, but this fact is to explain which scientists cannot still.

Rujseo Bertelli, Professor of the normal human anatomy of the Siena University, conducted research in parallel with Odoardo Linoli and received the same results. In the course of repeated experiments conducted in 1981 with the use of more perfect equipment and taking into account new achievements of science in the field of anatomy and pathology, these results were confirmed again.

The church of St. Francis was built in 1258 on the place of the previously existing church of the VII century. Near the Cathedral in the XV century, a high multistage bell tower with arcats and double-paced windows and a semicircular dome, covered with multi-colored tiles were erected.

The church consists of one nef. Ornate interior contrasts with a strict facade, characteristic of Franciscan temples. The Eucharistic miracle was first kept in a chapel, located on the side of the main altar. From 1636, it was in the side altar of the nef, where the iron casket and a memorable inscription were still preserved. In 1902, the miracle was transferred to the current monumental marble altar, erected on donations collected by residents of Lanchen.

The bright baroque space of the Church of St. Francis strengthens the excited expectation of a meeting with a miracle. Walls and high vaults of the cathedral are decorated with beautiful frescoes of the XVI century, but they notice them a lot later. Despite the fact that there are many people in the cathedral, there is a special reverent silence. In silence, people are suitable for an elegant altar, in which the Eucharistic miracle is stored, the flesh and blood concluded in silent vessels are contemplated in silence. Since 1713, the flesh is stored in a silver chased darahed, and blood is in a richly decorated with an old cup of rock crystal.

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Wound the VIII century from the Nativity of Christ. The sacrament of the Eucharist was committed in the church of the San Leguns of the old Italian city. But in the heart of one of the priests who served on that day by Liturgy, suddenly doubt whether the body and blood of the Lord were true, hidden under the guise of bread and wine. The chronicles did not convey to us the name of this hieromonach, but the doubt that the evailing miracle was called in his soul was the cause of the Eucharistic miracle, revered to this time.

The priest drove doubts from himself, but they immediately returned again and again. "Why should I believe that bread ceases to be bread, and the wine becomes blood? Who will prove it? Especially because they do not change in any way and never changed. Probably, these are just symbols, just a memoir about the secret evening:"

That night, when he was devoted, he took her bread: blessed, prevented and filed his disciples, saying: "Take, taste: this is my body, which is refracted for you to leaving sins." Also, the bowl, saying: "Drink it all: this is the blood of my new covenant, for you and for many poured into leaving sins."

With fear, the priest uttered the Holy Words of the Eucharistic Canon, but doubts continued to torment him. Yes, he, a sacrificial lamb, could turn wine into blood with his divine power, and bread in the flesh. He could, who came by the will of the Heavenly Father. But he left for a long time, leaving this sinful world and giving him his holy words and his blessing to consolation: and maybe his flesh and blood? But is it possible? Was the genuine sacrament of communion with him to the world of Holly? Did the Holy Eucharist become only a rite - and no more? Viciously tried the priest to restore the world and faith in the shower. Meanwhile, the liberation happened. With the words of prayer, he was prevented by the Eucharist Bread, and here the cry of amazement announced a small church. Under the fingers of Jeromona, the refractive bread suddenly turned into something else - he did not immediately understand what it was. Yes, and there was no wine in the bowl - there was a thick allay liquid similar to ... Blood. The stunned priest looked at the subject that he was in his hands: it was a thin section of the flesh, resembling the muscular tissue of the human body. The monks surrounded the priest affected by miracle, unable to keep the amazement. And he confessed before them his doubts permitted in such a miraculous way. After graduating from Holy Liturgy, silently fell on his knees and plunged into a long prayer. What did he pray then? Thanks for this over the sign? Asked for forgiveness for his Malovery? We will never know this. But one thing is one thing: since then in the city of Lanchenno, twelve centuries are kept wonderful blood and flesh, materialized during the Eucharist in the Church of San Leguns (now San Francesco). The news of the miracle quickly flew through the nearby cities and areas, and the strings of pilgrims stretched in the lunch.

Passed century - and wonderful gifts became the object of attention of scientists. From 1574, various experiments and observations were conducted over the holy gifts, and since the early 1970s, they began to be conducted at the experimental level. But the data obtained by one scientists did not satisfy others. Professor of the Medical Faculty of Siena University of Odoardolinoldi, a major specialist in the field of anatomy, pathogical histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, conducted a study with its colleagues in November 1970 and in March 1971 and came to the following conclusions. The holy gifts stored in Lunchano from the VIII century are genuine human flesh and blood. The flesh is a fragment of the muscle tissue of the heart, contains in the cross section of myocardium, endocardium and a wandering nerve. Perhaps the flesh fragment also contains the left ventricle - this conclusion allows you to make a significant thickness of myocardium in the tissues of the flesh. Both flesh and blood belong to a single group of blood: ab. It also includes blood discovered on the Turin Dospanice. Blood contains proteins and minerals in normal interest ratios for human blood. Scientists emphasized: most surprisingly that flesh and blood twelve centuries are stored under the influence of physical, atmospheric and biological agents without artificial protection and the use of special preservatives. In addition, blood, being brought into a liquid state, remains suitable for transfusion, having all the properties of fresh blood. Rujertertelli, Professor of the normal human anatomy of the Siena University, conducted research in parallel with Odoardenolinoli and received the same results. In the course of repeated experiments conducted in 1981 with the use of more advanced equipment and taking into account new achievements of science in the field of anatomy and pathology, these results were confirmed again:

According to the evidence of contemporaries, the miracle, materialized blood later curled five balls of different shapes, then hardened. Interestingly, each of these balls, taken separately, weighs as much as all five together. This contradicts the elementary laws of physics, but this is a fact, to explain which scientists cannot still. Placed in an antique bowl from a solid piece of mountain crystal, wonderful blood for twelve centuries appeared to the eyes of the pilgrims visiting the lunch and traveling.

According to the materials of the site "Alphabet of Faith"

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In the old Italian city of Lanchanously stored testimony of the Eucharistic miracle, the most famous in the world and history!

VIII century passed from the Nativity of Christ, probably 730-750, the time of the Board of the Byzantine Emperor Lion III Isavronin, the iconoborets and the cruel persecutor of Orthodox. It was then that many Greek monks, admirers of holy icons, found shelter in Italy. Some of the inocities found a refuge in Lanchen. Once in this city, the sacrament of the Eucharist was committed in the Church of San Legongs (St. Longgin - Centulty). But in the heart of one of the priests who served on that day by Liturgy, suddenly doubt whether the body and blood of the Lord were true, hidden under the guise of bread and wine. The doubt about his soul became the cause of the Eucharistic miracle, revered to this time.

The priest drove doubts from himself, but they immediately returned again and again. "Why should I believe that bread ceases to be bread, and wine becomes blood? Who will prove it? Moreover, they do not change in any way and never changed. Probably, this is just a symbol, just a memory of the mystery evening ... "The priest tried in vain to restore the world and faith. Meanwhile, the liberation happened. With the words of prayer, he was prevented by the Eucharist Bread, and then a miracle happened. Under the fingers of Jeromona, the refractive bread suddenly turned into something else - he did not immediately understand what it was. Yes, and the cup was no longer Wine - there was a thick allay liquid, surprisingly similar to ... Blood. The stunned priest looked at the subject that he was in his hands: it was a thin cut of the flesh resembling muscle tissue of the human body. The monks surrounded the priest affected by miracle. And he confessed before them his doubts permitted so miraculously. Since then, in the city of Lanchenno, twelve centuries are stored wonderful flesh and blood materialized during the Eucharist in the Church of San Leguns (now San Francesco).

The news of the miracle quickly flew through the nearby cities and areas, and the strings of pilgrims stretched in the lunch. Passed century - and wonderful gifts became the object of attention of scientists. From 1574, various experiments and observations were conducted on the holy gifts. And in March 1971, Professor of the Medical Faculty of Odoardo Linoli, Chief Physician of the city of Arezzo, a teacher of pathological anatomy and a chemical microscopic clinic, together with his colleagues conducted research and based on the analysis came to the following conclusions. The holy gifts stored in Lunchano from the VIII century are genuine human flesh and blood. The flesh is a fragment of the muscle tissue of the heart, contains in the cross section of myocardium, endocardium and a wandering nerve. Perhaps the flesh fragment also contains the left ventricle - this conclusion allows you to make a significant thickness of myocardium located in the tissues of the flesh. Blood refers to a single band of Blood AB, it also applies to the blood found on the Turin Dospanice. Blood contains proteins and minerals in normal interest ratios for human blood. Scientists have particularly emphasized: most surprisingly that flesh and blood twelve centuries are preserved under the influence of physical, atmospheric and biological agents without artificial protection and the use of special preservatives. In addition, blood, being brought into a liquid state, remains suitable for transfusion, having all the properties of fresh blood. According to the evidence of contemporaries, the miracle, materialized blood later curled five balls of different shapes, then hardened. Interestingly, each of the balls taken separately, weighs as much as all five together. This contradicts the elementary laws of physics, but this is a fact, to explain which scientists cannot still.

Placed in an antique bowl from a solid piece of rock crystal, wonderful blood for twelve centuries appears to the eyes of the pilgrims visiting the lunch and traveling.

Material prepared Tatyana Tyumenev