
Which means Icon is a humility. Icon of the Mother of God "Human Humility"

Tracks and paving

The Mostly Mother of God has changed wonders more than once, giving signs over the icons. And the shrine "Human Humility" is no exception. The Mother of God is grieving for each soul and hesitates sincere prayers.

Icon "Human Humie" is among the "guidebooks". The shrine is distinguished by its beauty and many options for writing it. She appeared in 1420, but popularity and universal love came to her only in the XX century. The circumstances of the wonderful phenomenon of the Virgin image are unknown, but the sacred apocryphas themselves believe that the holy icon has been gained as a sign of consolation and approval of people during a large disaster. Then for the first time on the written face God's Mother Bloody tears were fired - tears of grief, sadness and pain for each living on earth.

History icons

The shrine was revealed not far from Pskov, when terrible diseases and hunger raged throughout the city. The icon of the Virgin I was remembered by Pskov's tears who fought out of the eyes of the Most Holy Virgin. She cried for each living in Pskov lands, thereby speaking: "I hear all your prayers, and my heart is filled with sorrow." Bloody tears - a sign donated by the Heavenly Master and signing that now people are under her defense, there is nothing more fear. The icon was transferred to the Church of the Library Trinity. The clergymen made the crosses with her and prayed before her. Only due to the intercession of the Mother of God, the marine voltage ceased.

About this miracle quickly forgotten, and only in the 20th century people began to learn about the miraculous properties of this icon. She helped in the troubles and performed as an intercession in difficult times, he underwent deadly people. People rushed to a fertile icon from different parts of Russia to pray before the pure and holy face of Our Lady. And numerous healings glorified the shrine. To date, this is one of the most revered and beloved believers of the Mother of God.

Where is the icon of the Mother of God "Human Humility"

Unfortunately, the earliest relic was preserved to this day: she died during one of numerous disasters, comprehended by Trinity Cathedral. However, the listings of the icons are preserved, although not in large quantities. The first image of the Virgin decorates the Sretensky Temple of the Holy Assumption Pskov-Pechersk Monastery. The other is located in the Trinity Cathedral of the Kremlin of the city of Pskov.

The remaining lists dated by the seventeenth century are in the Kiev Floor Association of the Monastery and the Holy Men's Monastery. These icons have changed miracles more than once and reached us completely uncovered. After so many years, they have never been restored, which saved people from doubt in their authenticity and strength.

Description icons

This shrine has several writing options, and in different temples we can see the icons different from each other. The type of writing is "odiantia", which determines the complete freedom of the composition, since it is not associated with any text of the Holy Scriptures.

Baby is always depicted in different ways. It can be depicted sitting in his arms of the Virgin or in the standing position. In his hand, a small Jesus may have a ball or a bundle. Mostly on the icon depicts the Most Holy Virgo. Her head covers the crown, in one hand she has a scepter. Jesus gently touches the cheek of the Virgin Mary, and the other hand holds a ball, symbolic pointing to power over the ground and the world.

The icon received its name from Luke from the words "Watch to humility of his slaves." And we can observe this, only looking at God, he draws the face of his mother to praying, silently speaking to her: "Pay attention to the humility of those who pray for you to intercession."

What does the miraculous image helps

Many miracles brought people the icon of the Mother of God "Human Human". Orthodox Christians from around the world pray in front of it. In prayers, they ask the Virgin about finding humility for themselves and their relatives. Also pray for those who have left loved ones so that their path to heaven is easy. The Mother of God helps everyone at the power of faith. It is believed that prayer before the icon helps to hear from any severe ailments, especially related to the heart and diseases in women.

Days of celebration

The prayer of the Virgin before the icon

"Oh, our great intercession, God's Mother, hurt our prayers and come to help us. Let us release our sins, to send us true and making it easier for us to suffer our worldly. Heal from soul and body diseases, let me rest with the world close to our. Do not leave us alone with your troubles and difficulties, for you can help us alone. Before you on your knees, we ask for help in prayers. We are taking our souls and pray for us before the Lord. Yes, we will glorify your name, the Mother of the Most Holy, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and forever. Amen".

- One of the most revered and favorite saints. People from all over the world are relied on her help. Never lose hope and do not doubt the Heavenly Lady, she will not leave you without help and their love. We wish you a strong faith, take care of yourself And do not forget to click on the buttons and

On October 21, an unusual guest was arrived in the Republic of Sakha. Tell someone, they will not believe: the Queen Heavenly visited us with a visit.

It would seem, what happened? The icon was brought to Yakutia? Do we have no own? There are no such, they said. Officially recognized: miraculous. And the people went - and believer, and unbelieving - for a miracle. I went to look at the one that more than two thousand years ago gave birth to the Savior of the world; That was a witness cross death His Son and His Resurrection; The one that not only forgave this world, which has emerged and continuing to crucify Jesus Christ, but also covered it with his love; The one that above Cherub and Seraphim prays the Lord about each, addressed to her for help; The one is a great miraculous power to people through their images.

One of them, many times famous for miracles, is "Human Humility." Residents of Yakutsk, Lensk, peaceful, Ayhala, Successful, Chernyshevsky, Mohsogolloha, Pokrovsk, Neryungri could pray before him, to make the holy icon. Did everyone understand who they appeal to? Did everyone know whom the preching Virgin will pray for their past? Probably not. But it was like on Easter, joy and believers, and unbeliever, and confident, and confused, both rich, and begging, and experienced prayer prayers, and those who first tried to pray for the first time in his life.

We talked about this unusual journey to an unusual guest with the monk Kiev Holy Inspected Monastery, Ierodiakon Avenir, who accompanied the icon on the trip.

Verdict of scientists: Miracle

- Father Avenir, in the history of Christianity, more than a thousand icons of the Mother of God became famous for wonders. Who and how decides that one or another image is miraculous?

- In Ukraine - the Special Commission for the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by Metropolitan, on the basis of the presence of many reliable, documented facts of taking a specific assistance, healing, rescue, etc. There were many such wonders from the icon.

- Tell us about the brightest, please. Two or three examples at least.

- In Kiev on the Dnieper, a woman with her daughter rode in a boat. Mom was distracted and did not notice how the child fell into the water. When she spoolded, the girls were no longer visible. The woman praised the Mother of God, and in the waters of the river, as on the glass, the icon "Human Humility" was displayed. The Virgin Raised the Baby from the bottom, and she was saved.

Once after prayer in front of the icon, the deaf-dumb girl spoke. Surprised grandmother began to ask her how it happened. "The" Aunt looked at me, "the granddaughter said, pointing to the Chu-gable of the Mother of God.

There was a case of healing a young woman, sick hepatitis during pregnancy. Doctors said that the disease will be denying molten on the health of MLA-Denza, and demanded to make an abortion. But the woman was afraid to take the sin, committing the murder of his own child. Three days she prayed in front of the labor of the Virgin, asking for help. Repeated analyzes showed the absence of hepatitis virus in the blood. Born girl was completely healthy.

But the most important thing is the icon carrying peace of mind, for many people, she helped to return to the temple, to visiting services, to confession and communion.

- When and how it happened that the "Humility" icon was officially recognized by the miraculous?

- in the summer of 1993, the abbot of the introduction community Iguumen Damian drew attention that IO-on-on wooden frame Under the glass, swept as if the veil was covered. Invited the restorers to determine the causes of the change in the colorful layer.

However, when the frame with glass was removed, all those present saw that actually paints on the icon did not change. They seemed to be darkened because a silver sequel, a silhouettes of Our Lady and Mla-Denence appeared on the glass on the back side.

Believers with OG-ROMA joy took the news of the sign that occurred from the icon. But some people were convinced that these are falsification. They needed to hold a comprehensive study of the print on the glass, as well as the icon itself to expose the deception. Metropolitan Ki-Evsky and All Ukraine Vladimir gave his blessing for research work. But with conditions, so that the icon and glass with the imprint did not take place from the Temperature Ma: it would be dismissed to the once of the Mother of God.

Special equipment was brought to the temple. Whole year Leading co-workers of the Institute of Judicial Examination, Polytechnic and Other Scientific Institutions of Kiev conducted thorough research. Scientists immediately expressed several hypotheses, but in the end they came to the conclusion that the process of displaying the display of modern natural science so far should not be explained nor to produce. They found that the imprint on the glass of light gray color has organic origin and is non-homework. The reflection of the faith of the mother and baby on a dark background looks like a negative, and on the white - positive. Ukrainian scientists, doctors of sciences, heads of laboratories and departments, who are in their disposal modern equipment and the latest methods of scientific research, were unanimous in opinion: we are talking about one of the wonders of the 20th century.

On November 22, 1995, the Holy Synod of the UOC, hearing the message of Metropolitan Nicodemus about the wonderful mapping on the glass of the Icon of the Mother of God "Human Human" and subsequent healing, decided to consider the Kyiv icon of the Mother of God "Human Human" miraculous.

- I saw the film director of the forest "Kiev Miracle", imprinted these events, he is in videos with our temples. Everyone can see.

And why on the icon hangs a lot of gold jewelry - precious crosses, rings?

- Of course, the Virgin Mary does not need our gifts, but people are so expressing their gratitude. Or strengthen your prayer request. For example, one woman in Yakutsk brought a necklace, her daughter cannot have children, and mother wants this material sign of her prayer next to the icon.

People pray and in front of themselves, and in front of his wonderful print (glass with the display was installed next to the icon for worship), the candles lay, kneeling, be reverently attached to it, asking for fertile care in all everyday adversities, and, of course, thank.

Apostolic ministry of the Bogords

- And who came to such a wonderful thought to bring an icon in Yakutia? How did you decide?

- This is not the first journey of the Icons "Human Humility." For the first time she went to the road in 1995. The first church-secular conference dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ was held in Zaporizhia. For a delegation from Kiev, led by Metropolitan Kiev and All Ukraine, Vladimir, was provided with a special aircraft. But he could not fly out because of strong blizzards. Not accepted because of the blizzard and Zaporozhye Airport. The conference participants, including the governor of Zaporozhye and prominent businessmen, were offered to go by train, but then the delegation would not have time to start the forum. The commander of the ship approached Metropolitan and said: "The weather is not puriable, but I am a believer, if blessing, I will raise the aircraft in the air." The Blessed Lord looked at the icon and said: "Fillim, with us is a prestitable." The plane pulled out on the runway, and, to universal surprise, a tunnel opened in the middle of the blizzard. The flight was successful, and the shrine solemnly met in Zaporizhia.

On the same day, the airport workers said that they had witnessed the phenomenon with which they had never encountered before. Radars who have followed the flight of the aircraft in which there was miraculous iconIt was shown that the airliner flew in the air corridor around which the element was raging.

After that, from different dioceses began to receive requests to bring the Icon "Watch-to-humility" to them for worship. Icon began to travel: first in the territory of Ukraine, then went to Moscow, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia. Seeing how much joy and fertile help brought people this miraculous image in Moscow, the bishop of Yakutsky and Lensky Zosima wanted to and entrust him to get the opportunity to pray in front of him. At the invitation of the historical Lord Icon and arrived in your diocese.

- The road to Yakutsk turned out to be unclean. The plane was very lingered, and I remember, I said: "It was not found in our city and ten humbled, for whom the Mosti Virgin would wanted to come on time."

- I do not know. But seven hours of delay were, besides, the plane turned out to be broken ...

Obstacles began in Domodedovo. We together with Alexey drove icons, maslice, akathists, and, of course, was overloaded. In addition, the icon can not be pronounced in the luggage compartment - it is a shrine, it always flies in the cabin. Icon is big, with expensive jewelry. It was necessary to have additional permission. But when we arrived at the airport, it turned out that the person with whom it was previously agreed, fell ill and did not go to work. The icon was allowed to carry in the cabin immediately, but the rest of the questions were difficult to solve.

Departure we expected long. At first, the icon was closed, and people looked at the two churchmen in the regions. But when the flight began to postpone, we opened the icon and began to pray. Our satellites began to look closely to the icon. Then passengers, outraged by the fact that a third of the day departure was detained for an hour, by half, the stewardess announced: "The plane has long arrived, but broke. It is repaired. " People in the face changed. We began to pray again, and the passengers began to approach closer, wondering an icon. Apparently, I realized that there was nothing to count on the technique, and God's Mother is always ready to help. I do not know what feelings they had in the soul, but gradually the faces lit up faith in the fact that the flight would pass safely. We were helped to plunge into the plane, and when we landed in Yakutsk, everyone tried to find out where the icon would be.

Right at the aerodrome we met Vladyka Zosima, accompanied by the clergy. The icon was brought to the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, served prayers. For several days, people prayed before saint. Then the icon came in the Nikolsky temple, and then in the Holy Pokrovsky Women's Monastery. From there she flew in Lensk. Two days the temple was open to twelve night, people walked with a solid stream. There are also television and all the leadership of the city. Taking advantage of this, Igumen Innokenty, de Western District, introduced the first persons of the new abbot of Oanatolia, who flew to Lensk just a few days before arriving an icon. Father Anatoly was glad that the Queen of Heavenly had such support to him. Igumen Innocent accompanied us throughout our delay, and we are very grateful to him for so warm hospitality. We visited the city peaceful and successful, Akeal, Light, Chernyshevsky.

- What impressions did you have from this trip?

- Most of all I was struck by no walls of temples, but a welcoming reception, the attitude of people to us and above all to the icon. Although the temples also really liked, especially Mirninsky - huge, beautiful. And the Lensky Wooden Temple on the shore of Lena, in a very picturesque place is also very beautiful. Innocent's father as a kind shepherd surrounded us care, worried about us. And the elder of the Mirnine Temple Sergey Nikolayevich long organized everything just great, there were no failures.

In Aikhal and successful we went on cars. At first it was planned that only the major cities of the republic will visit the icon, but then our schedule has changed. And people really wanted to see the icon, and the weather favored. They even said that this was God's Mother brought warmth from Kiev.

- For November, the heat was unusual.

- Taking advantage of this, we tried to visit even small parishes, where there are no priests. In Chernyshevsky, for example, there is only a small house church. Father Innokenti served prayers before the miraculous way. People prayed so hotly! I confess, go to the north, we did not expect so warm reception. Of course, in Kiev to the icon, the queue is constantly worth, but here such sincere joy was in humans!

- And then you returned to our capital ...

- Yes. But the icon was not only in the Preobrazhensky temple, we visited the Besti, Mohsogolloh (and correctional colonies, and the village himself), and G. Pokrovsk. There are only house churches there, but there are already selected sites under the temples, and people prayed not so much about their personal needs as much as God's Mother helped in construction.

- I think that where there are temples, many prayed that the priest led to them.

- Yes, in Ukraine now also the lack of clergy. The church split supported by the government is prosperous.

From Yakutsk, holy icon flew to South Yakutia, Neryungri.

Icon - not a computer

People standing in different places of the temple said that the Virgin Mary looked at them, and very differently: on one - so severely, that he knocked cold sweat, to another - so sympathetically wounded the grief, on the third - so mournful, As if he knew about the upcoming tests and promised help. Even good irony in her glance was read. And yet there were obvious miracles?

- There were, but not about all people are ready to report. They talked a lot about the healing of Muslim woman. She had an immoral and started working. People came, told, we fix cases of fertile care, but a lot simply did not have time to write down.

Miracles a lot. People rejoice. But when God's Mother or the Lord commit a miracle, with the person with whom it happened, comes at all new stage in life. For him no longer just "something somewhere" exists, he feels, he understands that God is, he is near you, he hears you and responds to your petitions. Therefore, your life should be another. And this stage, the stage of change, the personal feat is the most difficult.

Many people go to the icon of the miracle, but not many can take God's gifts. Often people begin to scare, justify the circumstances that happened by the coincidence. Others joyfully take a miracle, but then forget about him. Live as if nothing from God did not get. Of the ten legged, healed by Christ, only one returned to thank it.

- And what to think to people who asked about the miracle, about healing, for example, but it was not received - visible, at least. It happens that the disease does not leave, but it becomes easy to endure it or get to a good doctor, or a spiritual consolation man gets. Why not everyone gives a tangible miracle?

- Icon - window to another world, it is not an automatic and not a computer: I pressed the button and got the result. If a person is able not only to get a miracle, but also with the joy of it to incur, change his life according to the commandments of Christ, then God will give him this attempt. Everything, as well as two thousand years ago, is the Lord, healing people, said: "Go to continue not sin, so that nothing happens to you worse." If a person is ready to change his life as the Savior requires (he opens it to everyone through the Gospel, through conscience), then a person gets healing. Certificates - the sea.

From cadets - monks

- Do you personally have given a miracle for God's Mother?

"For me, the biggest miracle associated with the" Humility Warming "icon is that I am in the church, in the monastery.

- How interesting! Tell us.

- I was brought up in a prosperous secured family. She graduated from general education, musical and sports schools and entered the prestigious military institute of communication in Kiev. Like all young people, planned their future life. But at the beginning of the 90s, a fracture occurred in the country. People have changed targets and values. I could not and did not want to take what you need to work only for money, but to live - to enjoy. Maybe because our family has never experienced material difficulties, I wanted something more - to benefit society, homeland (although in our time it sounds insincere). Then I decided to devote myself to scientific work.

At the 4th year, I began reading books about the life of great scientists, and suddenly I was surprised to find that many of them were deeply believers. For me it was a great discovery. Maybe, because I was engaged in sports, it seemed to me that medicine and the church were not very necessary public institutions. Of course, my attitude to religion has not changed quickly. After all, we were explained at school that only illiterate grandmothers go to church, religion is a surler of the Company. And it turned out that the believers were people who moved scientific progress. It was necessary to digest. I wanted to go to the temple and see what is there.

- How did you first crossed the threshold of the temple?

- With this, my first miracle was connected. Once during the duty in the dress, I met the believer colleague. And, as usual, began to argue with him: the same incidentally, it is not interesting ... It was important for me to hear the opinion of the educated person who was already in church fence. He says: "You know that non-relics in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Are there fires come off from the sky every year? " I am to him about the "unwanted" Lenin, Pharaohs - in response. And convergence Fellow fire Just denied. My arguments were quickly broken, and he suggested me to go to the temple himself and look at everything from the inside.

In the next Sunday, I went to the dismissal, I am going and think: "What should I first go to buy a book" 120 philosophers "(I was fond of psychology and philosophy) or to look into the church?" And suddenly hear: "Hello!" I watch: the very serviceman with his friend Major. "Where are you going?" - Ask. I immediately doubt passed, I say: "To the Church." And they ask me a new problem: "And the service has already ended. She or early in the morning, or in the evening. We are returning home. Let's go with us, let's talk, and then in some temple let's go. " I gladly agreed, because, for his shame, never in one temple was never. We talked, thought, to which monastery it is better to go to the service, and decided that we would go to the introduction. So the first temple, the threshold of which I crossed, was the same monastery, in which the Icon of "Human Human Relations" is located and in which I now serve.

- And how did you immediately imbued with faith?

- At first there was one solid bewilderment. Nothing can be seen, nothing is clear. I stand, I feel heaving, embarrassment. The service is over, I go out, sighing with relief: "Thank God, the phone," it was inconvenient, it was just satellites to quit. But for myself I decided that I would not come here anymore. And then suddenly felt unusual ease and joy - what I have been looking for a long time in philosophy, psychology. I was looking for a goal, my place in life, I thought how to benefit, reveal my capabilities. Passed the day and I felt that I was pulling me to see the church in the world's light, to understand how this joy was called.

- Joy in spite of consciousness ...

- Found?

- You see my clothes. Thank God, for eight years I am in the monastery.

- Why exactly monk? After all, your friends were military, and it did not bother them to believe!

- Maybe because I initially came to the monastery, for me the question was rebir: to serve God or society.

- The choice was difficult?

- For me, everything went to my places immediately, decomposed on the shelves as it remained until now. It was difficult to explain with parents, with teachers, with comrades. After all, there are obvious wonders: the man was clear that the leg was healed - you see? But it happens that the miracle is going on in the heart of a person, the soul is healing, and how to show how to explain? Does not work. All the bones were twisted with me than just tried to explain to the monastery - and unhappy love, and the roof went ... People could not understand this, and I could not explain that I was experiencing my soul when communicating with God, when touched by holiness. Just felt something right.

- Now parents accepted your choice?

- Of course, go to the temple, they are communioned, they have experienced, and the sister was married. And that's what's interesting, she married the military from the institute in which I studied, and call him Alexander (this is my worldly name). Father really wanted to see me by the military, and Mom, when I went to the monastery, I was very crying. And I broke out: "God is everything. He will never be indebted. If I got something, then everything will return. " We had a cold war, then a thaw came, and now my mother says herself: "Everything happened as you said. I now have a son-in-law Alexander, and he is military. "

- Father Avenir, we now perceive your icon as your own. Will you remember us? Pray?

- I am a monk, and the journey for me is a big rarity. And such a long trip on Yakutia, of course, left in my soul an indelible mark. And Vladyka Zosima, and Father Innocent, many parishioners and clergymen became like relatives. Orthodoxy, of course, relatives, and even stronger than the blood bonds.

- Save, Lord, Vladyka Zosimu and all, thanks to whom the icon "Human Humility" visited the Yakut Diocese!

Privit, wiseto which, to whom, take a look, to give up with attention, with participation, sympathetically, mercifully ... take, shelter, attach, give shelter and food, take your cover under cover, and to take care of your neighboring.

Vladimir Dal. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. T.III.

Irina Dmitriev, chief editor of the Yakut newspaper "Logos" conducted a conversation.

The icon of the Mother of God, referred to as "Humility", was revealed in 1420. In the Bezhanitsy region of the Pskov Earth, on the Lake Stone.

The circumstances of the wonderful phenomenon are unknown, but it can be assumed that the holy icon was gained in consolation and encouragement of Pskovichi during the period of a large disaster during the jurisdiction of Vasily II Dmitrievich: "Sea Pottage" (hunger and epidemic), which broke out then over the Pskov Earth, And the invasion of the newly conquered Pskov lands of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt. Then the Blood began to fall out of the right eye of the Virgin. Thus, the prechilate virgin gave Pskov's sign - she grieves about them and is ready to hurry to help.

In the Pskov chronicle there are two certificates of holy icon. One thing reads: " In the summer 6934 (1426) for the old Call, on the stone of the lake, to see the sign: from the icon of the Virgin of the Virgin, the blood of the Blood, the month of Septuria on the day 16; Siery Zoz sign Shooting Pogatius Prince Vitovt and a lot of sheds of Christian bloodth. In another, more fully indicated on the wonderful sign from the image, it is said: "In the summer 6934 (1426), the fact of the Autumn, the scenario from the icon of the Mother of God, on the stone of Lake, Vasily at the courtyard: the blood was from Rho-Oka, and on The place of Kapala, where he stood, and on the way there was blood, as lucky, from the icons in the remotion, as the Icon of the Murcuracy was held in Pskov, in 16 months. For the memory of the Holy Holy Martyr Eventimia. "

It follows from the chronicle that the icon was transported to Pskov and placed in the Cathedral Church in the name of the Library Trinity. With her began to commit Cross moves And react diligent prayers for disaster stops. The intercession of the broth by sea tetry ceased.

In memory of this transfer and was established to celebrate the miraculous icon on this day ( 16/29 September).


Iconographic image of the Mother of God "Humility", belongs to the type "Odigitria" ("Guide").

The type of image "odigitria" does not correlate with the text of the Holy Scripture, nor with the Mother's Akathist, which gives certain freedom to solve the composition of the icon. Therefore, there are options for the image "odigitria", when the baby can be on the right or left hand of the Virgin, to portray full growth, or sitting on his knees from the mother, in his hand can hold a scroll or attribute of the royal power. The appearance of any variant of the image could be separated by whole centuries.

The Most Holy Mother of God, crowned with a crown, depicted on the "Humidity Watch" icon. In her right hand, it is a scepter, and she supports the Boggladder, standing on her knees. The baby Christ his right hand is gently touched upon her larib, and the left holds a small ball - the power, the symbol of power over the world. This Icons is likely to differ from the primitiveness icon of Latin origin, where the Godhead raised his hand as a speaker (Ritor), speaking at the court in defense of all unfairly accused and suffering. The name of the icon comes from the words of the Gospel from Luke "Yako prize for humility slaves". The Savior, Holding God's Mother behind the lanit, draws her face to praying, as if by saying: " Watching the humility of those who appeal to you with a prayer that you ask your intercession so».

Miraculous lists

Unfortunately, the ancient image of the "Humility" did not reach this day. In the XIX century, in the design of the Troitsky Cathedral, the mention of the ancient icon is no longer found. Since Pskov in the times described was often subjected to devastating fires, it can be assumed that the ancient miraculous icon of God's Mother died during one of the feasible cathedral disasters.

The image of this icon in the Sretensky Temple of the Holy Assumption Pskov-Pechersk Monastery was caela Icon of the Elder Archimandrite John (Peastery). After his presumption, this icon from the Slai of the elder was transferred to the Sretensky Temple.

Currently, the list of icons is right from the altar in Troitsky cathedral Pskov Kremlin.

Other lists of the Icons "Human Human" know a bit. One of them, the end of the XVII century, is in kiev Florovskaya Voznesenskaya Female Residentand the second is placed in the main temple of the Kiev Holy Enchanted male monastery (Another mosaic image is derived on the wall of the temple).

List of holy enchanted monastery in Kiev According to legend, he was written by a certain princess, who accepted Schima under the name of Mary. She not only had the talent of paintings, but also carried the invisible to the world ascetic feats, for which the Lord honored her to write a face of his immaculate mother. Women are not allowed to concern the relics, but this icon is, according to the special resolution of the highest spiritual persons, was the right to be granted. She wrote the icon of the bone from the saints of the power, dipping it into the paints, mixed in Holy Water, creating Jesus prayer. After the 1917 coup, the icon was on the storage of Boris Kvasnitsky's protoier. In 37th, it was repressed. In front of his arrest, he managed to convey the icon of a spiritual daughter - the obedient of the introduced monastery of the nun, which kept the shrine of as many as 55 years. When in 1961, the abode dispersed, the nuns of Feofania with the rest of her mother-in-law moved to the floor monastery, where for 30 years he kept the holy icon in Kelly.

The first miracle of icon was still in the Floor monastery: healing deaf-dumb girl. While adults went on business, the crumb waited for them in the cell. Returning, they found a patient from the birth of a child talking and hearing. " Aunt dug on me", As I could, the baby explained, nodding to the predicted.

Over 5 years before the death, the keeper of the icon took a schima named Feodora. And 2 years before his death, in 1992, the Schimonakhin of Theodore († 1994) passed the icon as a gift just opened Introduced monastery. So the Queen of Heavenly returned to his house, putting with him the temple with her grace. The image set in a special kyot attracted numerous believers with his extraordinary beauty.

In 1993. The icon, stored behind the glass, decided to give to the restoration, as the image became dim. On August 1, 1993, the glass from the icon was removed. It turned out that the icon remained clear, as it was earlier, and only the covered glass was molded. On it, strictly along the contour, as if light chalk strokes, the silhouette of Our Lady with a baby was imprinted. The image on the glass was a negative: dark places became white, blond face, hands, folds - dark. It is noteworthy that it could not be imprint, as the glass did not fit the image closely, and was at a distance from the icon. All seen miraculous image on the glass visited a sense of joy.

Nevertheless, distrust of this wonderful phenomenon arose and suspicion. The abbot of the temple tried to blame in fraud and herdogo. Specialists came to explore the display. Scientists from the Kiev Center for Nuclear Physics took the plaque on the glass, conducted scientific research, trying to figure out the composition and nature of this unusual oily plaque. Conducting research, Kiev scientists, came to the conclusion that the image on the glass is non-manualAt the same time, it was not possible to give a scientific explanation that happened to the miracle. The nuclear physicists gave their conclusion that the composition of the laid-imprint on glass icons - organic nature!

Glass with a wonderful mapping was installed in kyot next to the icon. And from the icon itself and from her print on the glass began to occur numerous healing.

Holy Enchanted Male Monastery

Decree of the Synod Ukrainian Orthodox church 9 (22) November 1995, the Icon of the Mother of God "Human Hour", which stays in the Kiev Holy Inspection Monastery, recognized miraculous.

One of the first confirmations of the miraculous image was the case of the healing of a young woman, sick hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother. Doctors who conducted observations of the patient were unanimously in the opinion that the disease will affect the health of the infant, so they demanded immediately stop pregnancy. But a young woman, being a believer man, was afraid to take over the sin, committing a murder in the womb of his own child. Three days she prayed in front of the breach of the Virgin, praying for help. Soon repeated analyzes were made, which showed the absence of hepatitis virus in the blood, which meant a sudden suspension of the disease. Born girl was completely healthy, and Hegumen Damian darted the baby in the introduction of the temple.

Evidence of fertile help to people and the healing of the offeads, who appealed to the Most Holy Mother of God with prayers, are numerous decorations icons.

In front of the Icon of the Mother's Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos about the gift of humility and repentance, both for himself, and for sinners who do not want to repent and because of diseases suffering from diseases and spiritual terms, on the facilitation of the afterlife of the victims, about the fence from false and evil teachings . According to the prayers of the Mother of God, in front of the icon of her "Heriatory Watch" is given to all oppressed, persistent, desperate, fastening in faith, is revealed to the truth and implanted mounds and slander, innocent people are justified. By intercession Blessed Virgin Mary Healing occurs from cardiovascular diseases, female diseases. Prayers in front of the icon help in solving housing issues.

Oh, the Most Holy Mrs., the Virgin of the Virgin, the highest cherub and the honest Seraphim, Godisbramnaya Otrokovice! Watch from the height of the heavenly gracious OK on us, unworthy of your slaves, with loss and tears of praying before yours; Do not lish us your intercession and cover of the mainstream in the sides of this earth, multi-size and multi-member. Save us in the death and grief, erected from the depths of sinful, enlighten our mind, overshadowed with passion and rub our souls and our television ulcers. Oh, having a hatched Mother of the human loving lord! Surprise on us to hide the grace of yours, strengthened our powerful will to do our commandments to the commandments of Christ, soften the petrified hearts our love for God and the near, give us a crushing heart and repentance, and the sinful sinful sinfulness, will be able to be a peaceful Christian death and the Dobago answer on the scary and An impartial trial of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, Jesh with the original father and the Most Holy, good and life-giving spirit, pleases all the glory, honor and worship, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4
Unexpusable Wall image Your and source of miracles, Jacques an army from him a concession of your dear to PskovAdd to ESI, Tako and now we are from all the troubles and sorry mercifully save and save our soul, Yako loving Mati.

Kondak, voice 3
Desecracial Delo, mapping of your honoring gratitude gifts of acceptances, alive and dead helps, hail and country our saves, and before your son's sick, and saves all of us.

Major, the Most Holy Devo, God-in-Phone, and honor the holy icons of your wonderful mapping.

One of the most beautiful and therefore notable miraculous church images are the God's Mother "Humility".


Now the famous story icons of the Mother of God "Human Humility" It begins with its appearance in the 20th year of the 15th century on Lake Stonov (Bejanitsky region of Pskov lands). The exact circumstances of this event are not specified, but many believe that the way the image was extremely necessary for the consolation and encouraging of people during the "sea tier" (the so-called the time of hunger and epidemic) and the invasion of Lithuanian Prince Vitovita.

The new image of the Mother of God crushed blood (the liquid flowed from the right eye of the Virgin). So the Virgin was Pskovichs their grief and the desire to help them. The chronicles indicate that the icon was transferred to Pskov, where she was placed in the Cathedral Church named after the Liberty Trinity. Later, the godpodes began to be held with her and the hot prayers were raised to the resolution of all the misfortunes that fell into Pskov.

Thanks to the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin, marine tetree still ended.

Description and value

The image of Our Lady "Humility" refers to the type "Odigitria" (otherwise, the "guide"). Virgo Maria on this icon is crowned with a crown, his right hand holds a scepter, and the left applies to the baby Jesus, who stands on her knees. Drainage (right hand) of the Savior gently admits to the cheek of the mother, and in his left palm, the power rests, which symbolizes the Divine power over the world.

But this description is quite common. Due to accessories to the image "Guide", an image may be unequal in various temples and have many fundamental differences.

The name of the icon has its source of the words of the Gospel of Luke and implies the request of people, pay attention to their praying and humble waiting for heavenly intercession.

Lists and their location

Unfortunately, in the 19th century, there are no mention of the most ancient initial image of the Varia for Humility. There is a suggestion that he disappeared in one of the devastating Pskov fires.

One of the lists of this Virgin Lik was among Archimandrite John (Peasteankin). It was his celon icon. After the death of John, the image was postponed to the Sretensky Temple of the Holy Uspensky Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery. At the moment, it is placed in the Trinity Cathedral (Pskov Kremlin) on the right side of the altar.

About other lists of information. One of them since the end of the 17th century dwells in the floors of the Ascension of the Women's Offweath (Kiev), and the other was sent to the main temple building of the Holy-Vvedensky Male Monastery (Kiev).

The appearance of a Kiev image

The authorship of that list, which was transferred to the Holy Introduction Kiev Monastery belongs to some Princess, who accepted Schima and was informed by Maria. She and in the world possessed significant artistic talents, and after carrying various ascetic feats, it became a sufficient spiritual experience that the Lord blessed her to write her face of the Major Virgin.

Usually women are not allowed to touch the relics, but an exception was made for Mary. She borrowed a small bone from them, which was used as a tool for writing an image. In the process of work, she looked at this part of the paint in paints, mixed on the Holy Water, and continuously worked with Jesus prayer.

From 1917, after a coup, the image was kept first at Boris Kvasnitsky (20 years old), and after his spiritual daughter, the nuns of Foodfia (55 years old).

The last 30 years of Feofania lived in the Frolov monastery, where the first thing happened, the miracle icon - a deaf-and-dumb girl was healed. Some time remained one in the cell. Returning behind the child, parents discovered that the girl hears and says. The baby herself, not quite understanding how much more precisely describe what happened to her, she simply said "aunt for me" and pointed to the image of the Mother of God.

In 1992, the image was submitted as a gift to the newly opened introduced monastery. There was a special kyot for the image. Very many believers attracted to him, attracted by the beauty of the Virgin Lika.

A year later, it was decided to renovate the icon God's mother "Human Humility", Since it seemed that the image was sweat. However, after the protective glass was removed, it became clear that it was alleged that it was not the image itself. At the transparent initial material, the silhouettes of the Virgin and the Savior were clearly visible. In this case, the image has acquired the type of negative, where the light areas became dark and vice versa.

Even scientists who confirmed the original origin of the imprint, and also pointed to its organic nature. Subsequently, the face on glass, like the icon itself, served as the cause of numerous healing.

Miraculous Power Image

Decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, adopted in November 1995, decided to recognize the miraculous power of the image located in the Holy Internal Monastery of Kiev. This is not surprising, since many of those who have been there, have witnessed the real miracles. In support of these events, the icon is framed by an incredible number of various jewelry left by grateful parishioners.

What to pray for

Particularly suitable in order to ask not only about yourself (first of all, about learning to humility), but also about those who do not want to repent in their acts, and therefore suffers from diseases and spiritual burrs. In addition, it can be applied to her, praying for those who have already so much, asking for the facilitation of their afterlife.

Praying in front of the face of Our Lady "Humidity to humility" will also help not get into the trap of heresy and falsecracies, get help at the time of oppression and persecution, to protect against the imaging and slander, justify innocent.

Heavenly intercession also contributes to:

  • cure of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • getting rid of the problems "on the female part";
  • resolution of housing issues;
  • overcome despair;
  • strengthen your faith.

The icon of the Mother of God, referred to as "Humility", was revealed in 1420. In the Bezhanitsy region of the Pskov Earth, on the Lake Stone.

The circumstances of the wonderful phenomenon are unknown, but it can be assumed that the holy icon was gained in consolation and encouragement of Pskovichi during the period of a large disaster during the jurisdiction of Vasily II Dmitrievich: "Sea Pottage" (hunger and epidemic), which broke out then over the Pskov Earth, And the invasion of the newly conquered Pskov lands of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt. Then the Blood began to fall out of the right eye of the Virgin. Thus, the prechilate virgin gave Pskov's sign - she grieves about them and is ready to hurry to help.

In the Pskov chronicle there are two certificates of holy icon. One thing reads: " In the summer 6934 (1426) for the old Call, on the stone of the lake, to see the sign: from the icon of the Virgin of the Virgin, the blood of the Blood, the month of Septuria on the day 16; Siery Zoz sign Shooting Pogatius Prince Vitovt and a lot of sheds of Christian bloodth. In another, more fully indicated on the wonderful sign from the image, it is said: "In the summer 6934 (1426), the fact of the Autumn, the scenario from the icon of the Mother of God, on the stone of Lake, Vasily at the courtyard: the blood was from Rho-Oka, and on The place of Kapala, where he stood, and on the way there was blood, as lucky, from the icons in the remotion, as the Icon of the Murcuracy was held in Pskov, in 16 months. For the memory of the Holy Holy Martyr Eventimia. "

It follows from the chronicle that the icon was transported to Pskov and placed in the Cathedral Church in the name of the Library Trinity. With her, they began to make crosses and reassure diligent prayers for disaster stops. The intercession of the broth by sea tetry ceased.

In memory of this transfer and was established to celebrate the miraculous icon on this day ( 16/29 September).


Iconographic image of the Mother of God "Humility", belongs to the type "Odigitria" ("Guide").

The type of image "odigitria" does not correlate with the text of the Holy Scripture, nor with the Mother's Akathist, which gives certain freedom to solve the composition of the icon. Therefore, there are options for the image "odigitria", when the baby can be on the right or left hand of the Virgin, to portray full growth, or sitting on his knees from the mother, in his hand can hold a scroll or attribute of the royal power. The appearance of any variant of the image could be separated by whole centuries.

The Most Holy Mother of God, crowned with a crown, depicted on the "Humidity Watch" icon. In her right hand, it is a scepter, and she supports the Boggladder, standing on her knees. The baby Christ his right hand is gently touched upon her larib, and the left holds a small ball - the power, the symbol of power over the world. This Icons is likely to differ from the primitiveness icon of Latin origin, where the Godhead raised his hand as a speaker (Ritor), speaking at the court in defense of all unfairly accused and suffering. The name of the icon comes from the words of the Gospel from Luke "Yako prize for humility slaves". The Savior, Holding God's Mother behind the lanit, draws her face to praying, as if by saying: " Watching the humility of those who appeal to you with a prayer that you ask your intercession so».

Miraculous lists

Unfortunately, the ancient image of the "Humility" did not reach this day. In the XIX century, in the design of the Troitsky Cathedral, the mention of the ancient icon is no longer found. Since Pskov in the times described was often subjected to devastating fires, it can be assumed that the ancient miraculous icon of God's Mother died during one of the feasible cathedral disasters.

The image of this icon in the Sretensky Temple of the Holy Assumption Pskov-Pechersk Monastery was caela Icon of the Elder Archimandrite John (Peastery). After his presumption, this icon from the Slai of the elder was transferred to the Sretensky Temple.

Currently, the list of icons is right from the altar in Trinity Cathedral of the Pskov Kremlin.

Other lists of the Icons "Human Human" know a bit. One of them, the end of the XVII century, is in kiev Florovskaya Voznesenskaya Female Residentand the second is placed in main Temple of the Kiev Holy Inspected Male Monastery (Another mosaic image is derived on the wall of the temple).

List of holy enchanted monastery in Kiev According to legend, he was written by a certain princess, who accepted Schima under the name of Mary. She not only had the talent of paintings, but also carried the invisible to the world ascetic feats, for which the Lord honored her to write a face of his immaculate mother. Women are not allowed to concern the relics, but this icon is, according to the special resolution of the highest spiritual persons, was the right to be granted. She wrote the icon of the bone from the saints of the power, dipping it into the paints, mixed in Holy Water, creating Jesus prayer. After the 1917 coup, the icon was on the storage of Boris Kvasnitsky's protoier. In 37th, it was repressed. In front of his arrest, he managed to convey the icon of a spiritual daughter - the obedient of the introduced monastery of the nun, which kept the shrine of as many as 55 years. When in 1961, the abode dispersed, the nuns of Feofania with the rest of her mother-in-law moved to the floor monastery, where for 30 years he kept the holy icon in Kelly.

The first miracle of icon was still in the Floor monastery: healing deaf-dumb girl. While adults went on business, the crumb waited for them in the cell. Returning, they found a patient from the birth of a child talking and hearing. " Aunt dug on me", As I could, the baby explained, nodding to the predicted.

Over 5 years before the death, the keeper of the icon took a schima named Feodora. And 2 years before his death, in 1992, the Schimonakhin of Theodore († 1994) passed the icon as a gift just opened Introduced monastery. So the Queen of Heavenly returned to his house, putting with him the temple with her grace. The image set in a special kyot attracted numerous believers with his extraordinary beauty.

In 1993. The icon, stored behind the glass, decided to give to the restoration, as the image became dim. On August 1, 1993, the glass from the icon was removed. It turned out that the icon remained clear, as it was earlier, and only the covered glass was molded. On it, strictly along the contour, as if light chalk strokes, the silhouette of Our Lady with a baby was imprinted. The image on the glass was a negative: dark places became white, blond face, hands, folds - dark. It is noteworthy that it could not be imprint, as the glass did not fit the image closely, and was at a distance from the icon. All seen miraculous image on the glass visited a sense of joy.

Nevertheless, distrust of this wonderful phenomenon arose and suspicion. The abbot of the temple tried to blame in fraud and herdogo. Specialists came to explore the display. Scientists from the Kiev Center for Nuclear Physics took the plaque on the glass, conducted scientific research, trying to figure out the composition and nature of this unusual oily plaque. Conducting research, Kiev scientists, came to the conclusion that the image on the glass is non-manualAt the same time, it was not possible to give a scientific explanation that happened to the miracle. The nuclear physicists gave their conclusion that the composition of the laid-imprint on glass icons - organic nature!

Glass with a wonderful mapping was installed in kyot next to the icon. And from the icon itself and from her print on the glass began to occur numerous healing.

Holy Enchanted Male Monastery

Decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church 9 (22) of November 1995, the Icon of the Mother of God "Holy Humility", which stays in the Kiev Holy Enchanted Monastery, recognized miraculous.

One of the first confirmations of the miraculous image was the case of the healing of a young woman, sick hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother. Doctors who conducted observations of the patient were unanimously in the opinion that the disease will affect the health of the infant, so they demanded immediately stop pregnancy. But a young woman, being a believer man, was afraid to take over the sin, committing a murder in the womb of his own child. Three days she prayed in front of the breach of the Virgin, praying for help. Soon repeated analyzes were made, which showed the absence of hepatitis virus in the blood, which meant a sudden suspension of the disease. Born girl was completely healthy, and Hegumen Damian darted the baby in the introduction of the temple.

Evidence of fertile help to people and the healing of the offeads, who appealed to the Most Holy Mother of God with prayers, are numerous decorations icons.

In front of the Icon of the Mother's Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos about the gift of humility and repentance, both for himself, and for sinners who do not want to repent and because of diseases suffering from diseases and spiritual terms, on the facilitation of the afterlife of the victims, about the fence from false and evil teachings . According to the prayers of the Mother of God, in front of the icon of her "Heriatory Watch" is given to all oppressed, persistent, desperate, fastening in faith, is revealed to the truth and implanted mounds and slander, innocent people are justified. In the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, healing occurs from cardiovascular diseases, female diseases. Prayers in front of the icon help in solving housing issues.

Oh, the Most Holy Mrs., the Virgin of the Virgin, the highest cherub and the honest Seraphim, Godisbramnaya Otrokovice! Watch from the height of the heavenly gracious OK on us, unworthy of your slaves, with loss and tears of praying before yours; Do not lish us your intercession and cover of the mainstream in the sides of this earth, multi-size and multi-member. Save us in the death and grief, erected from the depths of sinful, enlighten our mind, overshadowed with passion and rub our souls and our television ulcers. Oh, having a hatched Mother of the human loving lord! Surprise on us to hide the grace of yours, strengthened our powerful will to do our commandments to the commandments of Christ, soften the petrified hearts our love for God and the near, give us a crushing heart and repentance, and the sinful sinful sinfulness, will be able to be a peaceful Christian death and the Dobago answer on the scary and An impartial trial of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, Jesh with the original father and the Most Holy, good and life-giving spirit, pleases all the glory, honor and worship, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4
Unexpusable Wall image Your and source of miracles, Jacques an army from him a concession of your dear to PskovAdd to ESI, Tako and now we are from all the troubles and sorry mercifully save and save our soul, Yako loving Mati.

Kondak, voice 3
Desecracial Delo, mapping of your honoring gratitude gifts of acceptances, alive and dead helps, hail and country our saves, and before your son's sick, and saves all of us.

Major, the Most Holy Devo, God-in-Phone, and honor the holy icons of your wonderful mapping.