
What built Bogolyubsky. Great Prince Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky

Secrets for harvesting and storage

G., when Kievans invited his nephew Izaslav Mstislavich to their princes of his nephew. A stubborn struggle began between Uncle and the nephew, in which almost all Russian areas took part and almost all the branches of the Princely House, as well as the neighbors of Russia - Polovtsy, Ugra and Poles. Two times Yuri held Kiev and was expelled, and only in the 1155th year, after the death of Izyaslav (+ 1154), he took possession completely in Kiev and died by the Kiev prince in 1157 in an eight-year-old struggle due to Kiev prince Andrey He was an active assistant father and had a case more than once to shoot her wonderful bravery.

For the first time, Andrei Bogolyubsky is on the historical stage in G., when, together with Brother Rostislav, an ally of Izyaslav, Ryazan Prince Rostislav, from his capital city. In the city, when Yuri, defeating Izyaslav, mastered Kiev, Prince Andrei received Vyshgorod from his father (in seven versts from Kiev).

Prince Andrei accompanied his father in a campaign to Volyn Earth - Festo Izyaslav. Here at the Siege of Lutsk (), where the brother of Izyaslav - Vladimir sat down, Prince Andrei almost died. He was carried away by the persecution of the enemy who had made a breakdown, the prince separated from his own and was surrounded by enemies. His horse was wounded, from the walls of the city, like rain, stones in it, and one German wanted to pierce his horns. But Andrei Bogolyubsky, having reached his sword and calling the martyr of Theodore, whose memory was celebrated on that day, he began to fight back and salvation was obliged to be a horse, which made his master from the battle and immediately fell (for that A. I buried the horse over the r. Stimim).

Being brave, Andrei Bogolyubsky was at the same time "Not the greatest to the rather rank, but the praise is looking for from God." Osada Lutsk forced Iaslav to ask the world, which he received through the mediation of Prince Andrew.

Grand Diction (1157 - 1174)

The beginning of the board of Andrei Bogolyubsky was accompanied by political measures aimed at the internal consolidation of the principality, the consequence of what was happening. The collision of the Vladimir Prince with the opposition from a number of younger than Yurievich. As a result, the three younger brothers Andrei Bogolyubsky - Mstislav, Vasilko and Vsevolod, together with the mother of the last, the second wife of Yuri Dolgoruky (apparently, the visant. Origin), as well as the nephews of Prince Andrei, the sons of his deceased Rostislav's brother, were forced to seek refuge in Byzantium imp. Manuel I Comnotine. The prince also expelled the "husbands of the front" of his father, which indicates the radicality of his transformations.

Church policy

At about the same time, the conflict of Prince Andrei with Rostov Ep. Leon (T) Om, which in 1159-1164. (The exact datches are controversial) twice expelled the prince. The cause of the conflict, according to the annals, was the attempt of Leon (apparently, the Greek) to abolish the practice of cancellation of the post in Wednesday and Friday, if the Lord or Great Holiday happened on this day. It is unlikely that the Anti-Visantine trends in the policy of Prince Andrei (N. N. Voronin) is hardly here - after all, the dispute about posts was by no means limited to the Rostov diocese, taking a row of others. Church centers of Russia, including Kiev.

It is possible, however, that the special sharpness of the struggle of the prince against the "Leontian Yershi" attached to the current church-political situation. Undoubtedly, Leon resisted the intention of Prince Andrei to establish Metropolitan independent from Kiev, headed by the favorite of Prince Feodor (Feodorod), who was already named into the Vladimir-Suzdal Department, which Andrei Bogolyubsky was going to separate from Rostov. In this position of the Rostov bishop coincided with the position Kiev Metropolitans, as well as other Russian hierarchs, in particular EP. Kirill Torovsky, who, according to his prolonged life, "Andrey Bogolyubsky Prince Many Messages Nothing". The categorical refusal of the Konstantinople Patriarch Luke Chrysherga destroyed the plans of Prince Andrei: the praise of the prince for diligence to the church, the Patriarch was allowed, however, only to transfer the residence of the bishop from Rostov to Vladimir, closer to the Princely Dvor.

Crisis of power

Geographically, Vladimir-Suzdal Earth acquired noticeable increments in the East at the expense of the sphere of influence of the Volga Bulgaria (the foundation of the Radil City), as well as in the north, in the Zavolochye (Madoy).

However, in the 1170s. In a typical of Prince Andrei, the politics of military pressure and mass trips are obvious signs of crisis. The campaign against the Volga Bulgar in the city did not find support for the nobility and allied Muromo-Ryazan princes.

Apparently, the roots of the crisis should be sought in social sphere. The autocratic board of Andrei Bogolyubsky, accompanied by the extraordinary measures of the military and, obviously, the fiscal property, led to the disorder of relations between the prince and notice, and not only the old Rostov-Suzdal boyars, but also new, Vladimir, in which the purposefully created by Prince Andrei in Counterweight Boyar Class Self Class.

Good relations between Rostislavichi and Prince Andrew soon violated. Andrei Yuryevich was given to know that his brother His Gleb died not his death, and indicated murderers in the face of some Kiev boyars. Andrey demanded them from Rostyslavichi. The latter considered the bonuses unjust and did not obey. Then the prince Andrei sent to say to the novel: "You are not in me in my will with your brothers: so go out from Kiev, David from Vigorshorod, Mstislav from Belgorod; Go through everything in Smolensk and share it, as you wish. " Roman obeyed, but three other brothers (Rurik, David and Mstislav) were offended and sent to Andrei: "Brother! We called you by our father, the cross kissed you, and we are standing in the cross kissing, we want goodness to you, but now you brought our novel from Kiev and our way seems from Russian earth without our guilt; So let us judge us and the power of the godf. "

Without having received any answer, Rostislavichi decided to act by force, captured Kiev, driving from there Andreeva Brother, Vsevolod, put her brother Rurik there. Another brother Andrei, Mikhail, embarrassed by Rostislavichi, agreed to be at the same time with them, for which they promised to get it to the head of Pereyaslavl.

Having learned about these events, Andrei Bogolyubsky was angry and, calling his swordsman Michna, said to him: "Go to Rostislavichi and tell them: do not go to my will - so go, Rurik, in Smolensk to the brother, in his stepfather; David say: you go to Bhlad, in Russian land I do not work to be; And Mstislav Molvili: You're the instigator, I do not work to be in Russian land. " Mstislav, who is not accustomed to the fear of anyone, except God, for such speeches told the arms of Andreyev to the beard and his head and let go with such words: "Tell us your prince: We still honored you as a father; But if you sent to us with such speeches, not as a prince, but as a girlfriend, then do what I conceived, and God will judge us. " Prince Andrei has changed in his face, having heard the answer of Mstislav, and immediately collected a large army (up to 50 thousand), which consisted in the residents of the Suzdal Prince also from Muromsians, Ryazantsev and Novgorod. He ordered Rurik and David to drive out of their hearth, and Mstislava will live alive. "The smart was Prince Andrei, - notes the chronicler on this occasion, - in all matters, dear, but destroyed the meaning of his definition and, waving anger, said such banging words. " On the way to the army of Andrei, Smolnyan were joined (albeit integrity) and Princes Chernigov, Polotsk, Torov, Pinsky and Gorodensky. The success of the campaign did not justify the expectations: after an unsuccessful siege of Vigors, defended by Mstislav, this huge army appealed to flight.

The influence of Prince Andrei to the south seemed lost. But the Troubles because of Kiev, which began among the southern princes, forced Rostislavichi in less than a year again to join the negotiations with Andrei and ask him Kiev for the novel. Finish the negotiations Andrei Bogolyubsky prevented death.

Conspiracy and murder of Prince Andrew

Among the approximate prince, dissatisfied with his rigor, was a conspiracy, at the head of which were: Jaim Kuchkov, Shurin Andrei in the first wife (who took the prince for the execution of his brother), Peter, the son-in-law of Yakima, and the danger of the Klytnik, Razjan (from the Caucasus). The conspirators among the 20 people came to the bedroom of the prince and broke the door. Prince wanted to capture the sword, which belonged to once sv. Boris, but the sword was not: the Jelly removed him in advance. Despite his old age, the prince was still very strong and unarmed resistance to the murderers. "Mount you are wicked! said Andrei, why did Gorlar (killer Boris) became like? What kind of evil did I do you? If my blood is shed, God will reject you for my bread. " Finally the prince fell under blows. The conspirators thought that the prince was killed, they took the body of their companion, inadvertently killed by them in the fight, and wanted to remove, but heard the moan of Prince, who rose to his feet and went under Song. They brought and finished the prince leaning against a stringful pillar.

In the morning, the conspirators killed the princely pet proof and punished the treasury. They were afraid of mystery from Vladimirstez and sent them to say: "Are you going to us? The prince is not one thing, the prince is killed, there are our accomplices between you. " But Vladimir residents met an indifferent fact. Behind the murder of Prince and the robberies of his palace, the killings of princely enjoyment and tyunov and robbery of their houses followed; Pagebeds also foreign masters of the temple. The robbees and killing the princely administration took place in Vladimir itself and throughout the land ("in the parish") and stopped only after cross Stroke With the Vladimir Icon of Our Lady.

On the first day after the murder of Prince, Krywan Kuzma, a dedicated servant of the deceased, took the naked body of his Mr., lying in the garden, wrapped in Corzno (Cloak) and the carpet and wanted to enter the church. But drunk servants did not want to unlock the church, and had to put the body on pellets. Two days the body lay on the pellets until the goat of the Kozmodemian Igumen Arseny came, introduced the body to the church and served the Panhid. For the sixth day, when the excitement was easy, Vladimirtsy sent to the Body of Prince in Bogolyubov. Having seen the princely staging, which was carried before the coffin, the people were crying, remembering that there was a lot of good deeds for the killed prince. The prince's body was transferred to the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, where the burial was accomplished.

The story of the death of the prince vividly reflects the entire severity of public discontent, who reigned at the end of the reign of the prince and focused on the personality of the prince, who had once served overall love.

The failure is too self-balance, according to the concepts of that time, the politicians of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky was obvious, and she did not find the successors, as well as the Rod Prince. The only one of his sons, who survived the Father, - Yuri was forced to run in Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich to flee to Polovtsam, in 1184 he was invited to Georgia, where he became a husband of Tamara Tsaritsa and after 1188/89, unsuccessfully fought for the Georgian throne.

West and glorification

With all that the story about the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky glorifies the prince as a templer, the second king of Solomon (Rublock with Praise Yaroslav Vladimirovich Mudrome in PVL), a generous donor in favor of the Church, Nishchebets, a zealous distributor of Christianity. The personal piety of the prince, who loved to pray in the church at night: "Repentaging Davido Visible, Ice Over Gresheh." The compiler of the story writes about Prince as a "waters" of God, "Passion Student", which "Blood martyr's mocking of his lacerations with his brother with a novel and with Davyd" (i.e. with Holy Boris and Gleb). The author encourages the deceased prince to pray "about his tribe ... and about the land of Russia." Apparently, the chronicle reflected the existence of the local reverence of Andrei Bogolyubsky in Vladimir during the life of the prince and after his death.

The words of the Lavrentievsky chronicle of the Rostov CN also testify about the existence of reverence. sv. Vasilia (Vasilka Konstantinovich), killed from the Tatar in the city, whom "The God of the Death of Andreyev Blood Martyrsky." Especially honored Prince Andrei King John Grozny. During the preparations for the Kazan campaign, in 1548-1552, he repeatedly visited Vladimir and made an order about the annual commemoration of the princes and hierarchs buried in the Assumption Cathedral; The solemn memories of the prince Andrei Tsarist command was established to serve 2 times a year: on the day of his killing and on the day of memory AP. Andrei First Called (November 30). In the reign of John Grozny, the concept of Russian history was reflected in the "power book", according to which Andrei Bogolyubsky stood at the root of the Russian autocracy, being the founder of the Grand Duchy of the Vladimirsky - the immediate predecessor of the Moscow kingdom.

In the sacraments, Andrei Bogolyubsky's memory is traced from the XVII century. Under August 3 "The killing of Blagovevarnago Velikago Prince Andrei Bogolyubskago, Izh in Volodymere, from his Boler, from Yakim Kuchkovich with comrades" Marked in Simon's Personal (Azaryin) Ser. 1650s.; In the Kaidalov salty, the end of the same century, the memory of the Bogolyubsky Prince is under October 2 on the occasion of the foundation of the Pokrovsky monastery near Bogolyubov. The name of Andrei Bogolyubsky was made to "Description of Russian Saints" (Con. XVII-XVIII century).

The saint's relics were found on October 15 and laid in cancer in the Assumption Cathedral from the Northern side. When having fun, the saints were overpowering, the remains of ancient clothes are put in the sacristy of the cathedral, then the Local celebration on the day of memory of SVT was established to Holy. Andrei Cretsky (July 4).

At the beginning of the XVIII century. Life was compiled, stored in the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. In the consecration of the cathedral after repair, the North Day, which before was devoted to the Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary, rearranged in honor of St. Andrei Bogolyubsky; The saint's crayfish was arranged in the saint, and the cancer itself, as well as the wall near her, was decorated with the prince of Andrey verses of Empress Catherine II .. On June 23, the sacred was mentioned in the third poeming on the Lord, as well as in the first tropar and the Virgin of the third canon songs Mattles.


The miniature of the Radzivilovsky chronicle shows the killing of Prince Andrei. One of the early portrait images of the Holy Prince, obviously, was the fresco of 1564-1565. in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; It is reproduced in painting 1652-1666.: The image of the prince on the northern face of the south-east pillar opens a historic row of portraits led. Princes of Vladimir. Prince Andrey is presented with a nimble, in growth, frontal, with arms raised in a dark, in a dark green dress, decorated with an ornament, on top of which the hat is hoping, a hat, a beard crispy, a pointed bowl of the ball, the hair is dark blond on the head. The image refers to the traditional parade type of portraits of rulers.

In the "power book" when describing the appearance of Andrei Bogolyubsky, it was noted that he was beautiful face, with her hair with black and curly, p. His images are present at the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God: in a number of stamps illustrating the tale of her wonders, for example. On the icon of the 1st third of the XVII century. (GMMK); Frame of Letters Afanasiya Sokolova 1680 (GTG); icon con. XVII - NCH. XVIII century Icon painter Kirill Ulanova (Pzihmz). All R. XVII century In the Assumption Cathedral, Vladimir was the icon of St. Prince Andrei in the crankshake of Christ.

In the XVIII century The icon called "prayer about the people" (one of the origins of the Bogolyubsk icon of the Mother of God) with the figure of the Mother of Prince Andrei - one (as on the icon of the con. XIX - beginning. XX century (CAK MDA)) or in the upcoming group; Saint is closed in princely clothes, sometimes in imp. Manty, chopped by ermine.

On the icon created in the con. XIX - NCH. in. The MSTE icon painter O. S. Chirikov (GE), Prince is represented in the ancient Russian attire, without a head remove, with a cross in the right and rod in his left hand, on the background of the landscape overlooking the architectural complex - probably the palace in Bogolyubov. The image is written in the traditions of a representative princely portrait. The belt image of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the medallion, with an icon in his hands, included in the mosaic decoration of the temple of the Resurrection of Christ (saved on the blood) in St. Petersburg, 1894-1907.


  • PSRL. L., 1927-19282. T. 1; St. Petersburg., 19082. T. 2;
  • NPL (by decree); Message Patra. Luke Chrysherga Andrei Yurevich Bogolyubsky // PRRKP. STB. 63-76;
  • [An excerpt from Life A. Yu. B.] // Dobrochotov V. The ancient city of Bogolyubov. M., 1852. Appendix. P. 87-89;
  • Zabelin I. E. Footprints of literary labor Andrei Bogolyubsky // Archaeol. Izv. and notes. 1895. № 2/3. P. 37-49 [ed. Words about the holiday 1 Aug.];
  • Mineya (MP). June. Part 2. P. 240-248;
  • Kuchkin V. A., Svynikova T. A. The oldest editors of the legend about the icon of Vladimir's Mother of God // Miraculous icon in Byzantium I. Ancient Russia. M., 1996. P. 501-509;
  • Pogodin M. P. Prince Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. M., 1850;
  • Joasaf (Hapon), Ier. Church-historical description of Vladimir antiquities. Vladimir, 1857. P. 80-81;
  • Golubinsky. Canonation of saints. P. 59, 134;
  • Sergius (Spassky). Monasses. T. 2. P. 195-196;
  • Sokolov P. Russian bishop from Byzantium and the right of its appointment to the beginning. XV century K., 1913. P. 96-158;
  • Serebryansky N. Ancient Russian Princely Life: (Review of the editors and texts). M., 1915. P. 142-147;
  • Voronin N. N. Architecture of the North-Eastern Russia XII-XV centuries. M., 1961. T. 1. P. 128-375;
  • he is Andrei Bogolyubsky and Luka Chrysierg // BB. 1962. T. 21. P. 29-50;
  • he is Tale of the victory over Bulgarians in 1164 // Problems of the socio-political history of Russia and Slavic countries: Sat. Art. To the 70th anniversary of Acad. M. N. Tikhomirova. M., 1963. P. 88-92;
  • he is "Life of Leonty Rostovsky" and the Byzantine-Russian relations of the second half of the XII century. // explosive 1963. T. 23. P. 23-46;
  • he is From the history of the Russian-Byzantine church struggle in the XII century // BB. 1965. T. 26. P. 190-218;
  • he is Was there existed "Chronicler Andrei Bogolyubsky"? // Monuments of history and culture. Yaroslavl, 1976. P. 26-43;
  • Rokhlin D. G. Disease of Ancient People. M.; L., 1965. P. 261-269;
  • Wagner G. K. Sculpture of Ancient Rus: XII century, Vladimir, Bogolyubovo. M., 1969. P. 5-203;
  • Nosov A. N. History of Russian Chronicles: XI - early XVIII century: Essays and research. M., 1969. P. 112-167;
  • Fishermen B. A. Russian chronicles and the author of "Words about the regiment of Igor". M., 1972. P. 79-130;
  • Schapov Ya. N. Princely Charters and Church in the ancient Rus XI-XII centuries. M., 1973. P. 127-133;
  • Vodoff W. Un "Partie Théocratique" Dans La Russia Du Xiie Siècle? Remarques Sur La Politique EcClésiastique D "André de Bogoljubovo // Cah. De Civilisation Médiévale. 1974. T. 17/3. P. 193-215;
  • Hurwitz E. S. Prince Andrej Bogoljubskij: The Man. And The Myth. Firenze, 1980; Wörn D. Armillae Aus Dem Umkreis Friedrich Barbarossas - Naplečniki Andrej Bogoljubskijs // JGO. N. F. 1980. JG. 28. S. 391-397;
  • Kuchkin V. A. Formation of the state territory of Northeast Rus in the X-XIV centuries. M., 1984. P. 86-93;
  • Limonov Yu. A. Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. L., 1987. P. 38-98;
  • Wheels V.V. Tale of the killing of Andrei Bogolyubsky // Skdra. Vol. 1. P. 365-367 [Bibliogr.];
  • Filippovsky G. Yu. Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky // ibid. Pp. 37-39 [Bibliogr.];
  • he is Tale of the victory over Volzhsky Bulgarians of 1164 and the festival August 1 // Ibid. Pp. 411-412 [Bibliogr.];
  • Klyuchevsky V. O. Course of Russian History. M., 1987. Part 1. P. 318-326;
  • Ebbinghaus A. Andrej Bogoljubskij und die "Gottesmutter Von Vladimir" // Russia Mediaevalis. 1987. T. 6/1. S. 157-183;
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  • Yanin V. L. Molivdul Rostov Archbishop Leonty // View. 1994. Vol. 25. P. 5-18;
  • Georgievsky V. St. Blgv. led. kn. Andrei Bogolyubsky: His invaluable merit for the Russian state and the Orthodox Church. M., 1999P;
  • Aksenova A.I. Zadyssey Prince // Live history: (monuments and museums of the Vladimiro-Suzdal historical and architectural and artistic museum-reserve). M., 2000. P. 172-175.
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  • Pobedinskaya A. G., Wuhanova I. N. Works of the Mster Artists M.I. Dicareva and O. S. Chirikova in the Hermitage Assembly // Culture and Art of Russia XIX century. L., 1985;
  • Bolshakov. Original icon painter. Pp. 123; Markelov. Holy Ancient Rus. M., 1998. T. 2. P. 50.

Used materials

  • A. V. Nazarenko, T. E. Samoilova. Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. Orthodox encyclopedia, vol. 2, p. 393-398.
  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron

So according to the Orthodox Encyclopedia. According to the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, Prince Andrei killed on 63 or 65 years of age, therefore, was born about 1110.

There is no episode in the initial editorial board of the XII century., But his sufficient antiquity makes it mentioning him in the article first floor. XV century "A CE Prince of Rustia" complements the commission list of NPL

According to Orthodox encyclopediaHis body of 2 days was abandoned first at the gardens, and then in the focus of the Christmas church without funeral.

Sergius (Spassky). P. 195-196

Mineya (MP). July. Part 1 P. 262-280

Mineya (MP). June. Part 2. P. 54-71

Mineya (MP). June. Part 2. P. 240, 247, 248

Ban. 34.5.30. L. 214B.; con. XV century

Bolshakov. P. 123.

Irley. Call. Finger. 524. L. 178B., 1830s.

RNB. Laptev Tom. F IV. 233. L. 184-208, 2-meters. XVI century; RNB. Golitsynov Tom. F IV. 225. L. CIA about., 2nd floor. XVI in.

Years of life: 1110-1174
Years of Board: 1169-1174

Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky was born in the city of Suzdal in 1110. His father was prince. The Grand Duke allocated his son to the reign of a small town of Zvenigorod near Kiev, but Andrei Yuryevich was not satisfied with this decision. He wanted more, so in secret from his father he went to Suzdal and Rostov, becoming their ruler.

Years went and in 1150 prince Andrei Bogolyubsky Subdued also Vyrahdskaya from the Vasilyev region. Over time, he moved to a small town of Vladimir.

The history of the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky was filled with several internecine wars, here he often tried victory. The largest of them can be considered confrontation with for the Great Kiev Prince, Andrei's opponent called for help Hungarian and Polish, but it did not help.

Sophisticated and unpleasant events began after the death of Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei, as a direct heir, claimed the throne of the great Kiev Prince, but it was not immediately able to get it. This happened in 1169, when Bogolysky had to take Kiev, his own capital, military forces. Kiev was under the oppression of Mstislav II Izaslavich, so there was the first fierce fight for taking Kiev. The consequences were deplorable, the city was not only looted, but also for the most part burned. Andrei Bogolyubsky got his own state, although decided not to remain in the dilapidated Kiev.

Prince Bogolyubsky in Vladimir

He went to Vladimir, leaving the old capital in managing his brother Gleb. After that, Andrei proclaimed himself a great prince Vladimir, according to many historians, this event opened a new era in the life of Vladimir Rus, and also put the last point in the life of the Kiev state.

Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky He took up the peaceful development of his new capital. He was engaged in the construction of stone buildings, among which cathedrals received the greatest fame. They became a distinctive feature of this beautiful northern city. Nevertheless, Prince Vladimirsky did not stop at this, the religion had a high priority, therefore the icon of the Virgin was moved to the temple of the Virgin Assumption in Vladimir. According to legend, she was written by the hand of the evangelist Luke, and therefore playing an important role. Over time, she became a famous icon of Vladimir God's Mother And appeared before people as a symbol of Suzdal Earth. Now it is not lost, but is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

On the shore of a small river Nerl spread the residence of Andrei. Not far from it was built a simple blonde church of the Intercession. Still they are considered important cultural Heritage Our whole country, as well as one of the few world masterpieces of world architecture. It is not surprising that all the people who have seen her at least once in their lives remember her forever.

Nickname Prince Bogolyubsky

The place where the residence of the First Vladimir Prince spread out, was called Bogolyubovo, because of what Andrei Yuryevich got his nickname. His policy in the state first of all was distinguished by the fact that he wanted to completely stop internecine wars. Rus burst out from the constant opposition to numerous heirs, which was determined by the specific system of government. The principle was that not the son inherited the prince's place, but brother, therefore many heirs had always appeared from official marriages and illegitimate, as well as cousins \u200b\u200band secondary brothers who had full right to the throne. In addition, possession of one or several cities was based on the acquisition from the hands of the prince, although it was often captured by military forces. There was no unity and integrity of the country, which was to be the basis of protection against external conquerors.

Andrei Yuryevich saw the main reason for the weakness of Rus precisely in disunity. Bogolyubsky chose a completely different way of government, which never existed in the Russian state. He refused to distribute cities to his relatives. He was the only ruler, hoping for the fact that in the future the position of the authorities would remain exactly that. True, after his death, the specific board returned, which led to the confusion of his brothers, nephews and other relatives who had the right to the princely throne.

The murder of Prince Bogolyubsky

The end of the prince was a tragic event. It happened in 1174 right on the princely yard in Bogolyubovo, russian Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky was killed by boyars. Historians explain this to the fact that the board was tough, which was not all liked. The discontent was so great that as a result he interrupted his life path.
During the life, Andrei Bogolysky was married twice. His first wife was the Volga Bulgarca, and the second daughter of Boyhar Stepan Ivanovich Hagia - Ulit. They gave birth to him daughter - Rostislav, as well as several sons - Izyaslav, Mstislav, Roman, Gleb, Yuri and Vladimir.

If we talk about the history of our country, then there are plenty of bright figures. Almost everything is known about any people, but we don't know anything about someone. Combines them that their life has had a huge impact on the development of Russia. One of these figures is Andrei Bogolyubsky. The historic portrait says that he was an outstanding personality.

Brief information

It is believed that the future prince was born between 1120 and 1125. He was the second (or third, just unknown) the son of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. His mother is a daughter known at the time of the Polovtsy Khan Aepa Aepevich, for the sake of the union with whom this marriage was arranged.

Why is the future prince Andrei Bogolyubsky for the history of our country? The historic portrait says that he was the most important political and spiritual figure in the 1160-1170, since he not only contributed to the creation of a powerful Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (on the site of the former Rostov victorcian of his grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh), but also turned the city of Vladimir-on -Klasma in the center of the political and spiritual life of Russia. Thus, he pushed Kiev on this "position".

Activity of Prince to the Edema for the throne of Vladimir

About what was done and how Andrey Bogolyubsky lived ( short biography which is given in the article) until 1146, we do not know absolutely nothing. But there are still reliable information that after 1130 he married the daughter of the boyar bunch. The latter left his mark in the history of the fact that was the owner of extensive land plots on the shores

His father, always dreamed of reigning at the Kiev throne. And a convenient pretext soon introduced himself. In 1146, the Kievans were invited to the prince who accounted for a dolvoy native nephew. A stubborn and fierce struggle began, in which not only all the political forces of Russia, but even Poles and Polovtsy, have been attended, never overlooking the case to prove on the next confusion.

Yury managed to master the city twice, but also twice happened from there expelled. Only in 1155, when Izyaslav died (perhaps, in 1154), he managed to finally subjugate Kiev. His happiness lasted not so long: the active prince himself was pressed already in 1157. Andrei, throughout this eight-year-old struggle, has repeatedly proved its unparalleled courage. His military talents and analytical mind have repeatedly served the good service of his father.

The first appearance on the political scene

For the first time, the young prince Andrey Bogolyubsky (a brief biography of which is full of these moments), it manifested itself in the above-mentioned 1146, when Prince Rostislav (Ally Izyaslav) from his own capital, hesitated to Rostislav, his native brother. When the Dolgoruky is once again seized by Kiev, Andrei receives Vergor away as a gift (not far from Kiev).

In addition, he accompanied his father in a campaign to the Volyn parish, which was the lot of Iaslav. Under Lutsk, in which Vladimir sat down (his native brother Izyaslav), he almost died already in 1149. The prince was so fascinated by the persecution of enemies, which went far from his warriors. His horse was wounded, from the walls of the city there are metal stones in it, and some kind of dozen whaleter Vladimir has already made him pierce Andrei Rogatina.

On that day, the Martyr Fedor was remembered, whom the prince prayed: Choosing from the enemies, he managed to break the enemy barrier from the last strength. He was obliged to be a faithful horse. He, being deadly wounded, still managed to convey his master to his warriors. For this, Andrei arranged a lush funeral. His horse was stubbornly on the river shore. Contemporaries noted that the prince was extremely modest and simple person: He never searched for his father's approval, preferring to do everything for honor, was religious. However, the Dolgoruky had certainly seen these qualities because he loved her son very much.

Andrei's peacekeeping activities

After the siege of Lutsk, Izyaslav began to ask the world. Only due to the fact that the Dolgoruky listened to the opinion of the Son, and he was extremely not loved by meaningless civil workers, the peace treaty was signed.

Just a year later, Izyaslav was able to enter Kiev again due to the fact that the townspeople were located to it. He drove to Dolgoruk, the prince did not want to stop at what was achieved, deciding to send the ravoisi and his sons. He decided to start with Rostislav, who was reigning in Pereyaslav. But Andrei came to help her brother. Together, they managed to hide the city. Dolgoruky was also not sitting in place and, with the assistance of Prince Volodirk, re-captured Kiev. Andrei was instructed by defense in reproach, where it was possible to effectively protect the border from Volyn.

Izyaslav sent to him the messengers to ask the father about the gift of the nephew of the volosts "on Goryyn". But this time Andrei could not soften his father, who was terribly warm to Izyaslav. Then he called for assistance to the tribe of the thieves, with the help of which, and with the active assistance of Kiev, was able to take a long-suffering city again. Yuri was forced to retreat in Gorodetsky Ostersky, where Andrei arrived soon.

Defeat of Dolgoruky

In 1151, Yuri again untied the war in which Andrei showed no less valor than in the siege of Lutsk. However, everything was unsuccessful, the troops of Dolgoruky were broken. He himself was blocked in Pereyaslavla Izyaslav, and therefore was forced to swear to the nephew in the fact that he refuses his claims to Kiev, promising in a month to go to Suzdal. Andrei, in his peace-loving custom, immediately went to his beloved Suzdal, hotly persuading his father to abandon a stupid and meaningless war and follow his example. The stubborn Yuri still made another attempt to consolidate in Kiev land: he sat down in the town, but Izyaslav him again broke and, under the threat of imprisonment, managed to force uncle to leave.

Lesson of the Suzdal throne

In 1152, Andrew participated in the father's campaign to the city of Chernigov. This event was unique in that the Dolgoruk managed to put on his banners not only many Russian princes, but also the allied Polovtsy. But the city of the consolidated squad could not take, because Irayaslav Mstislavich arrived at the revenue being deposited. When, in 1155, Yuri still managed to go to Kiev throne finally, he planted Andrei to the reign in Vyshgorod. But the young prince did not like those places, and therefore he, tired of infinite strife, without the will of his father went to Suzdal Earth. In those lands, the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to the emergence of a new and very strong principality.

There is a devout Andrei taken by the Vyshgorod Clear, as well as the sword of St. Boris and the Virgin Eye, which is known today through the Orthodox world as Vladimir Icon. God's mother. By this, he so placed the local one to know that the will of his father, offended by his son because of the refusal to take the Vyshgorod throne and who joined the younger brothers Andrei, was not fulfilled: the boyars sent those rebuas, and the throne was unanimously offered to Bogolyubsky. After that, he started the reform, the result of which was the transfer of the capital of the Suzdal Principality to Vladimir.

Prince Great (1157-1174)

Mondering the bloody and destructive wars for the state, which the Father was unleashed, initially Andrei Bogolyubsky (the years of the Board - from 1157 to 1174) all his strength sent to the creation of a strong and united principality. Around 1161, he withstands a clash with a number of younger Yuryevichi, each of whom wanted to pronounce alone.

As a result, he constraints all his younger brothers, a long friendly wife and a whole pleiad of other relatives in Byzantium, where they find refuge and the patronage of Emperor Manuel I Comnin. In addition, the prince expelled almost all the boyars of his father, which brightly indicates the incredible scale of the reforms taken by him.

Relationship with church

At this time, a hot conflict was broke out with the Rostov bishop of Leon (T) Ohm, whom the prince in the interval between 1159-1164 twice expelled from the city. The cause of such an enemy enmity of the prince, distinguished by a big piousness, with the church, was the desire of the bishop to introduce the Byzantine practice. And the internal policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky was never distinguished by the desire for concessions.

We are talking about the Russian custom of the cancellation of posts on Wednesday and Friday, if that day had a church or great holiday. Bishop against such "liberty" desperately protested. This dispute was a fee of this dispute, it is not worth seeing the prince's attempt to challenge the primacy of Byzantium: similar conflicts at that time were distributed throughout Russia, not only Andrey Bogolyubsky was involved in them. In summary, it can be assumed that the uneasure of this contradiction attached and the difficult church-political situation that pretended in Russia at the time.

The fact is that Andrei seriously relieved to separate the Kiev Metropolitan from Rostov. The prince wanted to put over the Rostov Metropolis of his pet, Bishop Feodorz, \u200b\u200bwhich was contrary to the politics not only Kiev, but also the Rostov church leaders. Of course, Andrei received a categorical refusal to Constantinople Patriarch Luke Chrysherg. However, for the diligence and sincere participation of the church, the prince was given permission to transfer the bishop residence in Vladimir.

But it was done only in 1169. Because of some sharp disagreements with Feodorotz, Andrei Bogolyubsky sends himself that in Kiev, where the former bishop is cruelly executed.

Construction of monasteries

Andrei Bogolyubsky (whose historical portrait we describe) is still honored in the church not only for his reform activity in the spiritual sphere, but also for active participation in the construction of many churches and monasteries. All these architectural objects are unique in that they carry a distinct seal of Western European church construction. It was largely due to the fact that the Galician Arteels of Kamnetsians and builders took part in their erection. However, it is of interest only for architects, whereas it is completely different.

The magnificence and truly divine beauty of the temples built then showed the superiority of Orthodoxy over the pagan cults. Andrei Bogolyubsky built not only the church - he erected a strong foundation of Orthodoxy on his land.

In addition, all this contributed to the enlightenment of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth. Many foreign ambassadors, as contemporaries wrote, "Yes, see truly agrees and pour." Simply put, Andrei was also a talented missionary who contributed to the mass transition of people in Orthodoxy. The church noted it. So, the portrait of Andrei Bogolyubsky was captured on a variety of time icons.

But the prince was not at all a zealous confessor who lived in the separation from earthworks. First, we have already indicated the importance of building temples in enlightenment. Secondly, the building of the church on previously not mastered lands, Andrei contributed to their active inclusion in economic activities. The fact is that the temples were perfectly collected by grant, and they did it much better than the secular rulers. Finally, sincerely grateful to the reformer of historians.

It was Andrei Bogolyubsky, the years of the reign of which were marked by many important events, approved in the Rostov principality an orderly chroniclel, in which the most active participation took the monks of the Assumption Cathedral. There is also a helpful assumption that it was he who participated in the creation of the Charter of St. Vladimir, who to this day underlies the number of church documents.

Strengthening the Principality of Vladimirsky

Do not think that Andrey Bogolyubsky was completely deprived of power ambitions. So, the main focus of many of his reforms was the future elevation of the Vladimir Principality. All the need to subordinate to the authorities of Novgorod and Kiev rested. When the prince, who also turned out to be a talented politician, managed to solve issues with Ryazan princes, but they showed themselves as his faithful allies, participating in all Military campaigns of the Vladimir principality. Andrei Bogolyubsky is painted, Andrei Bogolyubsky begins to directly intervene in the internal policy of independent Novgorod, demanding from his confession to the throne just asked him princes.

When Svyatoslav Rostislavich, Svyatoslav Rostislavich, was hostile to the throne of Novgorod, who was hostile by Prince Vladimir, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky sent a unambiguous letter to citizens: "Whether you know: I want to look for Novgorod good and lich." The Novgorod residents were afraid of the Terrible Words, immediately expelled Svyatoslav and sat on the reign of Mstislava, who had to Andrey Bogolyubsky his native nephew. But already in 1161, the Father of Svyatoslav puts up with Andrey, and together they again put on the reign in Novgorod the expelled prince. It is not surprising that the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to his confrontation with the southern princes, and the direct competitor of their independence was fairly seen in it.

Expansion of spheres of influence

By the end of the 1160s, the interests of the prince came far beyond its lands. If during the reign of Smolensk (cousin Andrei) there was a special agreement, which delimited the spheres of influence between different princes, then after his death, it was suddenly that the advantage of power in political life indicates the full superiority of the Vladimir principality. The competent policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to this.

Hike to Kiev.

When the city was conquered by Volyn Prince Mstislav Iaslavvich, who had in the allies of Galician princes and Poles, Bogolyubsky immediately went on the campaign "eleven princes." Among them were not only faithful Ryazans, but even the heirs of Rostislav Rurik and David, Roman Rostislavich Smolensky, Chernihiv Rules Oleg and Igor Svyatoslavichi, as well as Prince Dorogoguzhsky Vladimir Andreevich. Speaking modern tongueAndrei created a powerful allied coalition.

A strong and experienced army took Kiev (Andrei Bogolyubsky had a lot of personal accounts to the city) in 1169, and the "Hoodle" was plusized. However, no one sympathized with the Kievans, as a new church confrontation appeared shortly before that with them. The fact is that Metropolitan Konstantin II imposed a ban on the ministry of the Kiev-Pechora Igumen Polycarp, who supported Andrei in an memorable "post-building" dispute. After the conquest of Kiev, Andrei Gleb Yurevich was planted on his throne. In those days, it definitely pointed out that Kiev became a subordinate city. Thus, the policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky gave its fruits.

Novgorod hike

In the winter of 1169-1170, a campaign was made to Novgorod. It was connected with the intersection of the interests of the two principalities in the opposite, where at the time there was an intense colonial expansion. In battle, the Suzdal-Vladimir army was defeated. The tradition was preserved that Novgorod was able to defend only due to the wonderful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the Icon of the "sign". In honor of this event, the icon of the "Battle of Novgorod, with Suzdaltsy" was written.

However, the Novgorod men did not help too much. After a year, in the winter of 1171-1172, they were forced to recognize the power due to the fact that his troops simply blocked the coverage of bread from the southern direction. In 1172, Yuri, son of Andrei was planted at the Novgorod throne. Soon the power of him recognized and Rostislavichi, who concluded with the Bogolyubsky military union. Thus, by that time, the foreign policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky began to very much to remind the behavior of his father, Yuri Dolgoruky.

Crisis of Board

By that time, the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality expanded significantly from the Eastern direction at the expense of land (after booking the town of Radilov). In addition, the expansion occurred due to the accession of part of the northern territories. So, we managed to capture the cloud (a move).

But in the 1170s, signs of crisis in foreign and domestic politics are beginning to grow. The very fact of permanent military campaigns and military intimidation indicates that there were simply no other arguments from the Vladimir Prince, and the activities of Andrei Bogolyubsky by then was aimed at keeping power. The campaign against the Volga Bulgars arranged in 1172 was not as required supported by the Allied troops of Murom and Ryazan princes.

Social politics

Historians say that the activity of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to this position. Permanent military and fiscal pressure led to the fact that the relationship of the prince with a favor to be upset. Moreover, it concerned not only the Rostov boyars, but also those faithful to the princes of people from Vladimir, whom he elevated from the service class. Soon the relationships and Rostislavovichi were disturbed. Andrei did a denunciation, which said that his brother Gleb was poisoned, and called the names of some Kiev boyars who were involved in this. Prince demanded Rostislavichi to issue people mentioned in the den.

But they found that the denunciation does not have sufficient grounds under them, and therefore heard the order. Having accepted, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky commanded them to leave those cities in which they ruled on his will. Prince Roman obeyed, but other rulers were offended. They sent Andrei Message, in which the attitude directly pointed to Him, but warned that they would be forced to go to Prince Vladimir War, if he continues to force them to obedience.

The answer did not follow. Then Rostislavichi captured Kiev, drove away from there Brother Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod, and the reign was satisfied with Rüric's own brother. Another brother Andrei, Mikhail, who was besieged in the knife, concluded with them the Union Agreement, but at the same time demanded that Pereyaslavl switched under his hand.

Having learned about these events, Bogolyubsky sent an ambassador to the Rostislavichi brothers, who once again handed them the order to leave the cities under their jurisdiction, and to leave the ravis. The ambassador was not lucky: Mstislav, the eldest of the princes, was not used to afraid and tremble, and therefore ordered to shake the messenger and argue his beard. He commanded that by Andrei: "So far we have read you as a father ... But if you send to me ambassadors with speeches such, God will judge us." The contemporaries of Prince testified that Bogolyubsky was terribly darkened by his face, having heard such words, and after commanded to collect a huge army (up to 50 thousand) and go to Mstislava to Vyshgorod.

The social portrait of Andrei Bogolyubsky by the time the striking changes were undergoing: instead of a peacemaker and neat politician, a tough and cruel figure appeared, in which the features of his power father were more clearly visible. Ultimately this badly reflected on internal affairs Principality.

Lost influence

His chronicler about the reason with the crushing noted that the valiant in all respects Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (whose biography did not have such moments before) succumbed to irrepressible anger and Gordin, and therefore said so bold and evil words. By attaching to his army also smolyan (unwillingly), as well as the troops of some Russian princes and Polovtsy, he went hiking. That's just so well defended Vyshgorod that all the huge army appealed to flight.

Prince Andrey completely lost its influence on the southern rulers. But those were not so smoothly: in just a year later, the troubles began in their possessions, associated with the loss of the Kiev throne, and therefore Rostislavichi sent ambassadors to Bogolyubsky in order to ask him about the Kiev throne for Prince Roman. No one knows what the negotiations would end up, but at that time Andrei Bogolyubsky, the historical portrait of which we led in this article, dies.

Andrei Bogolyubsky - Grand Duke Vladimir. Bogolyubsky is called for the fact that his residence was in Bogolyubovo, not far from Vladimir.

Briefly Biography Andrei Bogolyubsky

At about 1111, the son of Andrei was born in the family, in the future Bogolyubsky. Since 1157, becomes Prince Vladimir-Suzdal. He often participates in Father's campaigns, where he manifests itself an excellent diplomat and a bold warrior.

In 1155, abandoning the reign in Vyshgorod, arbitraryly retired to Suzdal Earth, taking from the city of the icon of the Virgin. On the way, in the place where the horse, the holy shrine, got up, was built by the castle and the village of Bogolyubovo. Died Prince 06/29/1174.

New Old Russian Political Center

  • In 1157, Yuri Dolgoruky died. Not wanting to fight for Kiev, it is based on the new Principality of Suzdal and Vladimir with the capital in Vladimir.
  • From Vladimir, he seeks to make the communional capital. The city expands its borders and is built up. According to his order, the fortress walls are decorated with gold and silver gates, the Assumption Cathedral is built. A palace complex is erected in the village of Bogolyubov, and on the River Nerlin - the beautiful Church of the Intercession of the Virgin.
  • In contrast to the cult of St. Sophia, which was honored in the territory of South Rus, the cult of the Virgin Mary is introduced.

Foreign Policy Andrei Bogolyubsky

  • In 1162 he walked in the midst.
  • In 1164, uniting efforts from a friend Yuri Yaroslavl Muromsky, makes a victorious campaign on the Volzhsko-Kamsky Bulgarian. Returns with rich prey.

The inner policy of Bogolyubsky

  • Having gained state power and striving for the centralization of power, he begins to actively interfere in the affairs of the neighbors and draws attention to Novgorod. Dragged a number of military failures from Novgorod, it changes the power methods for diplomatic. Sits in Novgorod Prince of his son Yuri.
  • In 1169, collecting allies from 11 princes, makes a decision to compete for Kiev. Under the NATIC united troops, Kiev was taken and underwent looting and burning. Andrei Bogolyubsky receives the title of the Grand Prince of Kiev and returns to his principality. Vladimir becomes the main political center of Russia. Kiev he gives his brother Gleb.

Andrei Yuryevich's hard policy, violence and self-liberal character led to a spraying and his murder in Bogolyubov in 1174.

Results of the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky

  • Built a communional political center in northeastern Russia
  • Sought to unite the country
  • Changed the political system, getting rid of the lots, moved to centralized power.

Prince Vladimir, Rostov and Suzdal, Grand Duke Kiev (from 1157).

Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky was born around 1111. He was the eldest son of the Grand Duke and daughter of Polovtsy Khan Haepe.

The chronicles begin to mention Andrei Bogolyubskom during the war of his father with his nephew, the Grand Duke Kyiv Izyaslav Mstislavich, who took the Kiev throne against the painful law, when his uncle was still alive - Vyacheslav and Yuri.

In 1149, Andrei Yuryevich received from the holding of Vyshgorod, but in a year he was transferred to Western Russian lands, where he held the towns of Tours, Pinsk and Perestopnitsy. In 1151, he returned to his native Suzdal Earth with the consent of his father, where, apparently, had a lot. In 1155, Andrei Yuryevich was again translated into Vyshgorod, from where, in spite of his father's will, he returned to the Icon of the Virgin, written, according to legend, Evangelical Luka (the image of Vladimir Mother of God).

After death in 1157, Andrei Yuryevich inherited the Kiev Grand Duty Throne, but in Kiev, despite the custom, did not go to live. Then he was elected prince Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimirsky. Based on his "Mercles" (servants), in 1162 Andrei Yuryevich expelled from the limits of Rostov-Suzdal land not only his relatives, but also a fatherly squad.

In the "Sudalest Earth" he made the capital of the Principality, turning a small fortress in a rich city with majestic cathedrals, many churches and impregnable fortress walls with gold, silver, copper gates. Not far from the prince laid on the river Nerli "the city of Kamen, the name", according to which he received his nickname.

Andrei Bogolyubsky won a huge authority and after the death of his father began to spend an independent policy, seeking to subjugate the princely and boyar victivers to himself. For three years, he turned into a powerful prince who had a future political center of the state in the north-east of Russia. In 1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky committed a victorious campaign on the Volga Bulgarians, and in 1169 his troops took and plundered Kiev.

Strengthening the princely power and conflict with prominent boyars caused a conspiracy against Andrey Bogolyubsky. On the night of June 29-25, 1174, the Grand Duke was killed in a group of conspirators from his closest environment. Initially, he was buried in the Vladimir Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin, the remains were repeatedly transferred. Around 1702, Andrei Bogolyubsky was canonized orthodox Church In the face of faithful.