
Troparion to sv olga. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

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Prayer to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

O Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, accept praise from us, unworthy servant of God ( names), before your honest icon praying and humbly asking: protect us with your prayers and intercession from misfortunes and troubles, and sorrows, and fierce sins; also save us from future torments, honestly creating thy holy memory and glorifying the glorified God, in Holy Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Second Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

About the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the first pleasing of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God. We run to you with faith and pray with love: wake us in everything for the good of a helper and a helper, and, as in our temporary life, you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so it is now, staying in heavenly lordship, favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we flourish in faith, piety and the love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow of the present comfort, give the needy a helping hand, offend and assaulted to intercede, delusions from the right faith and blinded by heresies with reason, and ask us from the All-Blessed God all that is good and useful in temporal and eternal life, so that we will be pleased with the inheritance here. eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, all glory, honor and worship befitting Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

O great saint of God, chosen and glorified by God, Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess Olga! You rejected Thou pagan wickedness and wickedness, Thou hast believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and Thou art received Holy Baptism, and Thou hast laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian land with the light of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you, according to Christ our Savior, are the first to blame for the enlightenment and salvation of our race. You are a warm prayer book and intercessor for the Fatherland of All Russia, the army and all people. For this reason, we humbly pray to thee: look upon our weakness and beg the Merciful King of Heaven, may he not be angry with us, as for our weakness we sin all the days, may he not destroy us with our iniquities, but may he have mercy and save us by His mercy, let His saving fear instill in our hearts, let our minds enlighten with His grace, wow, let us understand the ways of the Lord, leave the paths of wickedness and error, tread on the paths of salvation and truth, the unconditional fulfillment of the commandments of God and the sacred ordinances of the Church. Pray, blessed Olga, the Lord's Man-lover, may he add to us His great mercy, may he save us from the invasion of aliens, from internal disorders, rebellions and strife, from hunger, deadly diseases and from all evil, may he give us the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth, yes He will save our country from all the intrigues and slander of the enemy, may he observe truth and mercy in judges and rulers, may he give the pastor zeal for the salvation of the flock, all people have haste, to fulfill their services diligently, have love among themselves and like-mindedness, for the good of the fatherland and the Holy Church will fight faithfully, may the light of saving faith shine in our country at all ends of it, may the unbelievers turn to faith, may all heresies and schisms be abolished. Yes, tako lived in peace on earth, let us be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss in Heaven, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 1

Having gripped your mind with the krilami of God, you flew above the visible creatures, seeking God and the Creator of all, and having found Him, you received birth by baptism, enjoying the animal tree, imperishable forever, Olga the ever-glorious.

Kontakion, voice 4

Let us sing this day to the Benefactor of all God, who glorified God-wise Olga in Russia: let her prayers give our souls forgiveness of sins.


We magnify thee, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, as if the morning dawn in our land has shone forth and the light of faith has proclaimed the Orthodox people to its people.

The consolidation of Christianity in Russia under the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev was preceded by the reign of the Grand Duchess Olga, who in ancient times was called the root of orthodoxy. During her reign, the seeds of the faith of Christ were successfully planted in Russia. According to the chronicler, St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles, "is the first ruiner of idols and orthodoxy throughout the land of Rus'."

Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga was born in the Psovo land, her family tree goes back to Gostomysl. The Joachim Chronicle reports that Saint Olga belonged to the family of the ancient Russian princely Izborsk dynasty. She was born into a pagan family in the village of Vytuby, near Pskov, on the Velikaya River. She was already in her youth with a deep mind and exceptional moral purity in a pagan environment. The ancient authors call the holy princess the God-wise, the wisest of the family, and it was purity that was the good soil on which the seeds of the Christian faith bore such rich fruit.

Saint Olga was also distinguished by her external, bodily beauty. When the future Kiev prince Igor saw her while hunting in the northern forests, he inflamed with unclean lust for her and began to incline her to carnal sin. However, the wise and chaste girl began to admonish the prince not to be a slave to his passions. "Remember and think," she said, "that you are a prince, and for people a prince, like a ruler and judge, should be a bright example of good deeds." She talked so wisely with Igor that the prince was ashamed.

When Igor established himself in Kiev, he decided to choose his wife among the most beautiful girls in the principality. But none of them pleased him. Then he remembered Olga and sent his guardian and relative, Prince Oleg, for her. In 903, Saint Olga became the wife of Prince Igor. Since 912, after the death of Prince Oleg, Igor began to rule in Kiev with absolute power. He successfully completed several military campaigns. During the reign of Igor, who was loyal to the Christian religion, the faith of Christ spread in Kiev so much that Christians made up a significant part of society. That is why the peace treaty with the Greeks, concluded shortly before the death of Prince Igor, was approved by two religious communities in Kiev: Christians and pagans. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the Drevlyans. Fearing revenge for the murder of the Kiev prince and wishing to strengthen their position, the Drevlyans sent ambassadors to Princess Olga, inviting her to marry their ruler Mal. But Olga, then still a pagan, rejected the proposal of the Drevlyans. Cunningly luring the elders and all the noble men of the Drevlyans to Kiev, she avenged them with a painful death for the death of her husband. Olga repeatedly took revenge on the Drevlyans until they submitted to Kiev, and their capital, Korosten, was not burned to the ground. As a pagan, she could not then ascend to the commandment of forgiveness and love for enemies.

After the death of Prince Igor, she successfully ruled the state and strengthened the power of the Kiev Grand Duke. The Grand Duchess traveled around the Russian land in order to streamline the civil and economic life of the people. Under her, the Russian land was divided into regions, or volosts, in many places she set up graveyards, which became administrative and judicial centers. God-wise Olga went down in history as a great creator of the culture of Kievan Rus. She resolutely refused a second marriage, keeping the grand-princely throne for the growing son of Svyatoslav. The holy princess Olga put in a lot of work to strengthen the country's defense. Historians attribute the establishment of the first state borders of Russia to the time of Olga's reign - in the west, with Poland.

History has not preserved the names of the first Christian mentors of Saint Olga, probably because the conversion of the blessed princess to Christ was associated with Divine admonition. One of the ancient texts says about it this way: “O divinity! They themselves do not lead the Scriptures, nor the Christian law, and have not heard of the teacher about piety, but by the nature of piety you diligently study and love the Christian faith with all your soul. About the ineffable Providence of God! Not from the blessed man learned the truth, but from above the teacher has the Wisdom of God. " Saint Olga went to Christ through her search for Truth, seeking satisfaction for her inquiring mind; the ancient author calls her "God's chosen steward of wisdom." The Monk Nestor the Chronicler narrates: "Blessed Olga from an early age sought wisdom, which is the best in this light, and found a precious pearl - Christ."

In 955, the princess went to Constantinople, where she was honorably received by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (913-959) and Patriarch Theophylact (933-956). According to the chronicle, she soon received Holy Baptism with the name Helena, in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena (1327; Comm. 21 May). The emperor Constantine himself became its receiver. Patriarch Theophylact instructed the Russian princess in the truths of the Orthodox faith and gave her commandments about preserving the Church Rule, about prayer, fasting, alms, and keeping cleanliness. “She, bowing her head, stood listening to the teaching like a sponge to drink,” writes the Monk Nestor. Saint Olga returned to Kiev, taking with her the holy cross, icons, and liturgical books. Here her apostolic ministry began. She led many Kievites to Christ and Holy Baptism, and made attempts to influence her son, a convinced pagan, faint-heartedly afraid of the condemnation of the squad. But Prince Svyatoslav remained deaf to the calls of his mother. Without forcing her son, Saint Olga prayed with humility: “The will of God be done. If God wants to have mercy on my family and the Russian land, let him put it on their hearts to turn to God, as God is a gift to me too. " Saint Olga built in Kiev, on the grave of Prince Askold, a church in the name of Saint Nicholas, laid a wooden church in the name of Saint Sophia the Wisdom of God.

Then, preaching the holy faith, the holy princess set off to the north. On the way, she crushed idols and installed stone crosses in the places of pagan temples, from which numerous miracles took place to reason with the pagans. At the confluence of the Pskov River into the Great River, Saint Olga saw "the ray of the Trisly Divine" - a sign of God's care for Russia. The blessed princess put a cross in that place and founded a temple in the Name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. She prophetically announced that a "great city" would be erected here. It is historically reliable that Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, was the founder of Pskov. Upon her return to Kiev, she sent a lot of gold and silver to the construction of the Pskov temple.

At the end of her life, blessed Olga endured many sorrows. Svyatoslav, who did not receive Holy Baptism, left his elderly mother and moved to the city of Pereyaslavets on the Danube. In addition, he interfered with her activities to establish Christianity in Russia. In 968 Kiev was besieged by the Pechenegs. The holy princess and her grandchildren, including Prince Vladimir, were in mortal danger. When the news of the siege reached Svyatoslav, he hurried to help, and the Pechenegs were put to flight. The holy princess, already seriously ill, asked her son not to leave until her death. She did not lose hope to turn her son's heart to God and on her deathbed did not stop preaching. On July 11, 969, Saint Olga reposed in the Lord, bequeathed not to arrange funerals for herself, but to perform a Christian burial.

After 19 years, the grandson of the holy princess Olga, saint equal to the apostles Grand Duke Vladimir was baptized. He built in Kiev a stone church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos (Church of the Tithes), where the incorruptible relics of St. Olga, Equal to the Apostles, were transferred. A window was built over her tomb, which opened itself if they approached the relics with faith. By faith, Christians were vouchsafed to see the radiant relics of the holy princess and receive healing from them. The Russian people honor the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga as the founder of Christianity in Russia, addressing her with the words of the Monk Nestor: "Rejoice, Russian knowledge of God, the beginning of our reconciliation with Him."

Prayers to the saints

Commemoration: July 11/24

Princess Olga, in baptism Elena is called "the head of the faith" and "the root of Orthodoxy" in the Russian land. Patroness of sovereign people. They pray to her for children, for their upbringing in faith and piety, for the admonition of unbelieving children and relatives, or those who have fallen into sects.

Troparion to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga, Tone 1

Having gripped your mind with the krilami of God, you flew above the visible creatures, seeking God and the Creator of all, and having found Him, you received birth by Baptism, you, enjoying the animal tree, imperishable forever, Olga the ever-glorious.

Kondak Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga, Tone 4

Let us sing this day to the Benefactor of all God, who glorified Olga in Russia, God-wise, and through her prayers she will give our souls forgiveness of sins.

First Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

O Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, accept praise from us, unworthy servant of God ( names), before your honest icon praying and humbly asking: protect us with your prayers and intercession from misfortunes and troubles, and sorrows, and fierce sins; also save you from future torments, honestly creating your holy memory and glorifying the glorified God, glorified in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever

Second Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

O great saint of God, chosen and glorified by God, Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess Olga! Thou hast rejected thou wickedness and pagan wickedness, thou hast believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and thou hast received holy baptism and laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian land with the light of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you, according to Christ our Savior, are the first to blame for the enlightenment and salvation of our race. You are a warm prayer book and intercessor about the kingdom of all Russia, about its kings, the governors of the people, the army and about all the people. For this reason, we humbly pray to you: look at our weakness and beg the merciful King of Heaven, may he not be angry with us, as for our weakness we sin all the days, may he not destroy us with our iniquities, but may he have mercy and save us by His mercy, let our saving fear instill in our hearts, let our mind enlighten with His grace, let us understand the ways of the Lord, leave the paths of wickedness and error, strive in the paths of salvation and truth, the unswerving fulfillment of the commandments of God and the statutes of the Holy Church. Pray, blessed Olga, the Humanitarian of God, may he add His great mercy to us: may he deliver us from the invasion of aliens, from internal disorders, rebellions and strife, from hunger, deadly diseases and from all evil; let the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth give us, let the shepherd give zeal for the salvation of the flock, let all people hasten to correct their service diligently, have love among themselves and like-mindedness, for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church, faithfully fight for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church, let the light of saving faith in Our homeland, in all its ends; may they turn to the unbelieving faith, may all heresies and schisms be abolished; so, having lived in peace on earth, let us be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss in heaven, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Third Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

About the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the first pleasing of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God. We run to you with faith and pray with love: wake us in everything for the good of a helper and a helper, and, as in our temporary life, you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so it is now, staying in heavenly lordship, favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we flourish in faith, piety and the love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow of the present comfort, give the needy a helping hand, offend and assaulted to intercede, delusions from the right faith and blinded by heresies with reason, and ask us from the All-Blessed God all that is good and useful in temporal and eternal life, so that we will be pleased with the inheritance here. eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, all glory, honor and worship befitting Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

We magnify thee, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, as if the morning dawn in our land has shone forth and the light of faith has proclaimed the Orthodox people to its people.

Akathist Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga:

Canon Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga:

Life and scientific-historical literature about the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga:

  • Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga- Pravoslavie.Ru
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Saint Olga - prayers for help in business

Many historical figures are significant for believers and for their actions during their lifetime they were canonized. These include Princess Olga, who is a significant figure in the formation of Russia. The church honors her memory on July 24 in a new style.

Saint Olga in Orthodoxy

Many churches have an icon of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, who is considered the mother of the clergy in Russia. Together with her husband, she banished paganism and baptized the people. For many, the information about why Olga is saint and why she was canonized is unknown. The priests give an understandable explanation that equal to the apostles, which means equal to the apostles. The church gives such a title to those people who affirmed faith in the Lord and helped people come to faith.

Saint Olga - biography

The girl married the Kiev prince Vladimir at a young age. After his death, the rule of the Kiev state passed into the hands of Olga, since their common son Yaroslav was only three years old. Until the end of her days, the princess was engaged internal affairs Rus. There are several facts of her life:

  1. Disputes regarding the origin of the princess have not subsided for many years, and there are several versions. Normanists believe that Varangian blood flowed in her veins, and there is also an assumption that she was a Slav.
  2. It is believed that Saint Olga was guilty of the death of her husband because she increased the amount of tribute and people refused to pay. She took revenge on the Drevlyans for a long time that they took her husband's life.
  3. She was the first of the rulers of Russia to become a Christian and during the baptismal ceremony she was given the name Elena.
  4. The Holy Princess Olga tried to persuade her son to the faith, but he refused, believing that his squad would not accept him.
  5. The exact date of her death is known - July 24, and she was buried according to Christian customs, and her grandson, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, transferred her imperishable relics to a church in Kiev.
  6. Church-wide glorification took place in 1547.
  7. The saint is considered the patroness of women who have lost their husbands and newly converted Christians.
  8. Olga is revered both in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

How does the icon of St. Olga help?

The image of a princess for Orthodox believers has great importance because she contributed to the spiritual development of an entire people. Saint Olga, whose icon is in many churches, helps people in different situations:

  1. They turn to her for the help of a mother to protect their children from wrong decisions and various problems.
  2. Saint Olga will help to survive difficult periods in life, when hands give up, and faith begins to fade away.
  3. The image can serve as a powerful talisman for the home and the whole family, which will "repel" evil forces, various negativity and troubles.
  4. Prayers before the face of the saint help the believer to gain worldly wisdom and learn to make the right decisions in life.
  5. The saint helps to strengthen faith in the heart of a person.
  6. There is evidence that Olga helped to solve problems in her personal life and conflicts that arose, and also to find the right way out in confusing situations.

Prayer to Saint Olga

There are several features that must be taken into account when referring to an Equal-to-the-Apostles. In order for the Holy Grand Duchess Olga to respond, it is recommended to contact her before the image that can be bought in the church shop. People pray to her that she will convey the request to the Lord and help in providing help. It is important to recite the prayer text with a pure heart and unshakable faith.

Prayer to Saint Olga for help

V difficult situations a person often turns to the Higher powers for help, and Saint Olga also helps. She provides assistance in different situations, which is proved by the reviews of believers. It is important that the request is meaningful and has only good thoughts. The prayer to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga can be said every morning or before some important events, when the need for invisible support is felt.

Prayer to Saint Olga for marriage

Since the princess is considered the patroness and intercessor of the entire Russian people, all believers can turn to her with their problems. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga helps women find their soul mate, successfully marry and maintain feelings for a long time. It is important to read the prayer with full responsibility, and not for fun, and not have any bad intent.

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Prayer to Saint Olga - the first-throne princess of Kiev

The miraculous icon of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is prayed along with other great saints, she is revered not only in the Orthodox faith, but also in the Catholic one. Prayer to Saint Olga always helps those who do this sincerely and heartily. In the 16th century, she was canonized, her imperishable relics were placed in the Tithe Church in Kiev, but then a lot of time passed and they disappeared without a trace. In order to understand how the Grand Duchess deserved such holiness, under what circumstances she can be prayed for, and when is Saint Olga's day, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the description of her life, which is very contradictory, quite voluminous and requires careful study. However, let's go through the most important and interesting moments of her life.

Princess Olga and Christianity

Prayer to Saint Olga is most powerful when you understand what this great ruler experienced and how she achieved her goal. By the way, the Slavic name Olga became a derivative of the Old Norse name Helga, which translates as “wise”, “sacred”, “clear”. And this left a certain imprint on her fate, character and behavior. Of course, she was a very wise and strong woman, everyone knew about this, and even the enemies agreed with this.

Before giving an answer to the question of how Saint Olga's prayer helps in what, it should be noted that Princess Olga became the first woman who, after the death of her husband, ruled Kievan Rus until 962. She was born in about 890, almost a hundred years before the baptism of Russia, and led a very dignified and pious life, having lived up to 80 years. Saint Olga went down in history as the first Russian princess who adopted Christianity and changed the centuries-old pagan foundations and culture of her state.

Saint's life

From the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is known that Olga was from the village of Vybuty, located on the Pskov land. The names of her parents are unknown, most likely, they were not at all a noble Varangian family, in any case, the Old Scandinavian origin of her name hints at this fact. A number of archaeological finds indicate the presence of Scandinavians in those places.

Olga's acquaintance with the Grand Duke is described in the annals as follows: once Igor was hunting in the Pskov forests, where, hunting down another prey, he ended up at the Velikaya River and wanted to cross to the other side. At this time, a boat sailed by with a girl, whom the prince at first took for a young man. She was dressed in a man's attire, and he was very surprised when he saw a beautiful girl in her. The prince liked her very much, he wanted to seduce her with his sweet speeches. But the chaste Olga immediately shamed the traveler with wise words. Thus ended their first meeting.

Prophetic Oleg

Prince Igor was the only heir of Prince Rurik, after the death of his father, the Novgorod governor Prophetic Oleg became his guardian, who loved him very much and raised him as a real warrior. Soon the time came to marry Igor, and they began to look for a worthy bride for him, but he never chose anyone. The Pskov girl Olga has already left her mark in Igor's heart. Then he sent his messengers there to find her. After a while, she was taken with honors to the capital city of Kiev, where she became the wife of the Grand Duke.

The voivode, having married Igor, began to make sacrifices to the pagan gods so that they would give Igor an heir, but without waiting for this, Oleg dies from the bite of a poisonous snake.

Olga was disappointed by the pagan gods, who over the years of sacrifices did not bring results, because she never had children. The Grand Duchess was very worried that the prince would start looking for another wife, who would give him an heir. Then she began to tearfully and fervently pray to the one Christian God, and He heard her prayers. Soon Olga gave birth to an heir named Svyatoslav. Prince Igor, distraught with happiness, in gratitude filled his wife with various expensive gifts, which she donated to the Kiev Church of St. Prophet Elijah (this is the first christian temple, which still exists in Kiev on the Dnieper).

In the study of the topic "Prayer to St. Olga - the patroness of the name", it should be noted that the princess so believed in Christian God that very soon she was baptized with the name Elena. The Patriarch of Constantinople blessed her with a cross carved from the life-giving tree of the Lord's Cross. There was an inscription on it, which said that the Russian land should be resurrected along with this Holy Cross, which today was accepted by the Kiev princess Olga.

Since then, Princess Olga became the first-capital woman who revived the Christian faith in Russia. She returned to her homeland and began to preach Christian teachings to the pagans and build temples.

The main miracle that happened thanks to the spiritual asceticism of Saint Olga is the baptism of Rus. Prince Vladimir of Kiev, her grandson, did this on the instructions of his grandmother. Therefore, Orthodox Christians very often in their prayers mention Saint Olga and Saint Vladimir together.

Prayer to Saint Olga: features

In 1547, Princess Olga was ranked among the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. V Christian history such an appeal applies only to five women: St. Mary Magdalene, Martyr Apphia, First Martyr Thekla, Holy Empress Helena (mother of Emperor Constantine I) and Enlightener Nina Gruzinskaya.

The prayer to Saint Olga is read in front of the icon in order to receive her protection in various everyday affairs. But women especially pray to her that she intercede before the Lord for the birth of a child, and if there are children, and especially sons, to protect them from troubles and misfortunes.

There is also a prayer to St. Olga for marriage, which begins with the words: "O Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the first pleasing of Russia ..."

Before the icon of St. Olga, they pray from enemies and from anyone who wants to come to the house with impure thoughts. Women who have lost a child or husband pray to her to cope with grief and find peace in their souls.

Prayer to Saint Olga, patroness of the name

Saint Olga is the heavenly patroness of women with this name, therefore it is especially important for them to seek prayer protection from their saint with the words "Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Olga ...".

St. Olga's Day is celebrated on July 24 (11) and July 17 (4). Only the first date is honored by the Orthodox Church in honor of the first Kiev princess Olga, and the second - in honor of the Holy Passion-bearer Grand Duchess Olga (the eldest daughter of Nicholas II).

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The icon of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga meaning and how it helps

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Saint Olga is considered the mother of the clergy in Russia. It was she and her grandson Vladimir who expelled paganism and christened Russia. In many churches and churches there is an icon of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, to whom many Christians turn for help, as the spiritual mother of the Russian people. The memory of the holy princess is honored annually on 11 July.

The meaning of the icon "Saint Olga"

The significance of this image for the Orthodox world can hardly be overestimated. It is Saint Olga who owns the greatest miracle - the Baptism of All Russia. Therefore, even today, many people bow down in prayer to this saint.

Equal to the Apostles Olga is equated in importance with the apostles, since her role in the formation of Christianity is very great, and only 6 women had the opportunity at one time to receive such a calling. At baptism, Saint Olga received the name Helena - the saint who gained Life-giving Cross... Olga's service to the Lord was just as significant, as it contributed to the spiritual development of an entire people.

During her lifetime, Saint Olga was distinguished by her decisive character and wisdom. She allowed herself tears only once, when she saw the dead body of her husband Igor. After his death, she ruled Russia, and her methods of leadership evoked only respect and praise. During her life, she was unable to fully establish Orthodoxy in the country, but she perfectly raised her grandson Vladimir in the traditions of the faith. And he already performed the Baptism of Rus in memory of his grandmother.

According to legend, when the relics of Princess Olga were removed, they were incorruptible. They were placed in a tomb so that the believers could see their miraculous radiance and could receive healing from various serious illnesses.

How does the icon of St. Olga help?

As one of the main shrines of Christianity, the icon of St. Olga helps in different situations:

  • protect your children and yourself from troubles;
  • to experience the bitterness of the loss of a loved one;
  • protect against the penetration of evil forces into the house;
  • gain worldly wisdom and act justly;
  • strengthen faith;
  • survive dangerous situations;
  • resolve conflicts and disputes.

Saint Olga is the patroness of all women who bear such a name. They are advised to always have a handwritten prayer to the saint with them in order to resort to protection at any time. The prayer text has the following content:

O Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the first pleasing Russian, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God.

We run to you with faith and pray with love: wake us in everything for the good of a helper and a henchman and, as in our temporary life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so it is now, staying in heavenly lordship, favorable with your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we flourish in faith, piety and love of Christ.

In poverty and sorrow of the present comfort, give the needy a helping hand, offend and assailed to intercede, delusions from the right faith and blinded by heresies with reason, and ask us from the all-generous God all that is good and useful in a temporal and eternal life, so that we will be pleased with the inheritance here. eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, all glory, honor and worship befitting Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The widow's prayer for protection, for help, for illumination and softening of the offenders (compiled by the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga):

O merciful Lord my God Jesus Christ, kiss my soul to you, and your right hand is pleasing to me: incline your ear to me and hear my prayer. And let me find the way, and I will get to please You: I long for the source of salvation.

Wake me helper and do not leave me. God to my Savior, as my Father and my mother have left me, and my wife has been deprived of life; from him they hugged one son, and that one is rebellious and unfaithful, so also people are unfaithful. You, Lord, alone have called me to hope.

But I, Lord, put my soul in Thy mercy on Thy mercy and on the abyss of Thy compassion, and, running to You, I pray: teach me to do Thy will and save me from this obstinate generation, a multitude of unfaithful people. If they have misled the essence of Your grace, but You, O Lord, for Your humanity's sake, do not despise them, but visit and call into your mind, and bring your knowledge.

July 24(July 11, Old Style) The Church honors memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, baptized Helena... Saint Princess Olga ruled the Old Russian state from 945 to 960 as regent under her young son Svyatoslav, after the death of her husband, Prince of Kiev Igor Rurikovich. Olga was the first of the rulers of Russia to adopt Christianity. They pray to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga for the strengthening of the Christian faith and for the deliverance of the state from enemies. Saint Olga is also revered as the patroness of widows.

Life of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

The chronicles do not tell Olga's year of birth, but the late Book of Degrees claims that she died at the age of about 80, which puts her date of birth at the end of the 9th century. The approximate date of her birth is reported by the late Arkhangelsk Chronicler, who clarifies that Olga was 10 years old at the time of her marriage. Based on this, many scientists have calculated the date of her birth - 893. The pristine life of the princess claims that at the moment of her death she was 75 years old. Thus, Olga was born in 894. But this date is called into question by the date of birth of Olga's eldest son, Svyatoslav (c. 938-943), since Olga at the time of her son's birth should have been 45-50 years old, which seems unlikely. Looking at the fact that Svyatoslav Igorevich was Olga's eldest son, a researcher of Slavic culture and history Ancient Rus B.A. Rybakov, taking 942 as the date of birth of the prince, considered the year 927-928 as the last point of Olga's birth. A. Karpov in his monograph "Princess Olga" claims that the princess was born around 920. Consequently, the date around 925 looks more accurate than the year 890, since Olga herself in the annals for 946-955 appears to be young and energetic, and gives birth to her eldest son in 942. The name of the future enlightener of Russia and her homeland is named by the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the description of the marriage of Prince Igor of Kiev:

And they brought him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.

The Joachim Chronicle specifies that she belonged to the family of the Izborsk princes - one of the ancient Russian princely dynasties.

Igor's wife was called by the Varangian name Helga, in Russian pronunciation Olga (Volga). Tradition calls the village of Vybuty, not far from Pskov, up the Velikaya River, Olga's homeland. The life of Saint Olga tells that here for the first time her meeting with her future husband took place. The young prince was hunting in the Pskov land and, wishing to cross the Velikaya River, he saw "a certain one floating in a boat" and called him to the shore. Having sailed from the coast in a boat, the prince discovered that a girl of amazing beauty was taking him. Igor was inflamed with lust for her and began to persuade her to sin. Olga turned out to be not only beautiful, but chaste and intelligent. She put Igor to shame, reminding him of the princely dignity of the ruler:

Why do you embarrass me, prince, with immodest words? I may be young and ignorant, and alone here, but know: it is better for me to throw myself into the river than to endure the reproach.

Igor parted with her, keeping in memory her words and a beautiful image. When the time came to choose a bride, the most beautiful girls of the principality were gathered in Kiev. But none of them pleased him. And then he remembered Olga and sent Prince Oleg for her. So Olga became the wife of Prince Igor, the great Russian princess.

In 942, the son of Svyatoslav was born into the family of Prince Igor. In 945, Igor was killed by the Drevlyans after repeatedly collecting tribute from them. Fearing revenge for the murder of the Kiev prince, the Drevlyans sent ambassadors to Princess Olga, inviting her to marry their ruler Mal (d. 946). Olga pretended to agree. By cunning, she lured two Drevlyan embassies to Kiev, putting them to painful death: the first was buried alive "in the prince's court", the second was burnt in a bathhouse. After that, five thousand Drevlyansky men were killed by Olga's soldiers at a funeral service for Igor near the walls of the Drevlyansky capital Iskorosten. The next year Olga again approached Iskorosten with an army. The city was burned with the help of birds, to whose feet a burning tow was tied. The surviving Drevlyans were captured and sold into slavery.

Along with this, the annals are full of evidence of her tireless "walks" across the Russian land in order to build the political and economic life of the country. She achieved the strengthening of the power of the Kiev Grand Duke, centralized state administration with the help of a system of "graveyards". The chronicle notes that she and her son and retinue walked through the Drevlyansky land, establishing tributes and dues, marking villages and encampments and hunting places to be included in the Kiev grand ducal possessions. She went to Novgorod, arranging churchyards along the Msta and Luga rivers. The Life tells the following about Olga's works:

And Princess Olga ruled the regions of the Russian land subject to her not as a woman, but as a strong and reasonable husband, firmly holding power in her hands and bravely defending herself from enemies. And she was terrible for the latter, loved by her own people, as a merciful and pious ruler, as a righteous judge and not offending anyone, imposing punishment with mercy and rewarding the good; she instilled fear in all the evil, rewarding each in proportion to the dignity of his actions; in all matters of government, she showed foresight and wisdom. At the same time Olga, merciful by heart, was generous to the poor, the poor and the poor; fair requests soon reached her heart, and she quickly fulfilled them ... With all this Olga combined a temperate and chaste life, she did not want to remarry, but was in pure widowhood, observing her son's princely power until the days of his age. When the latter matured, she handed over to him all the affairs of the government, and she herself, having withdrawn from rumor and care, lived outside the worries of government, indulging in matters of goodness..

Russia grew and became stronger. Cities were built, surrounded by stone and oak walls. The princess herself lived behind the reliable walls of Vyshgorod, surrounded by a faithful squad. Two-thirds of the collected tribute, according to the chronicle, she gave at the disposal of the Kiev Veche, the third part went “to Olga, to Vyshgorod” - to the military building. The establishment of the first state borders of Kievan Rus dates back to the time of Olga. The heroic outposts, sung in epics, guarded the peaceful life of the Kievites from the nomads of the Great Steppe, from attacks from the West. Foreigners rushed to Gardarika, as they called Russia, with goods. Scandinavians, Germans willingly joined the Russian army as mercenaries. Russia was becoming a great power. But Olga understood that it was not enough to worry only about state and economic life. It was necessary to start organizing the religious, spiritual life of the people. The Book of Degrees writes:

Her feat was that she recognized the true God. Not knowing the Christian law, she lived a pure and chaste life, and she wanted to be a Christian by free will, with her heart's eyes she found the way of knowing God and followed it without hesitation..

Reverend Nestor the Chronicler(c. 1056-1114) narrates:

Blessed Olga from an early age was looking for wisdom, what is the best in this light, and found a valuable pearl- Christ.

The Grand Duchess Olga, entrusting Kiev to her grown-up son, set off with a large fleet to Constantinople. Old Russian chroniclers will call this act of Olga "walking", it combined in itself a religious pilgrimage, and a diplomatic mission, and a demonstration of the military might of Russia. " Olga wanted to go to the Greeks herself in order to see with her own eyes the Christian service and be fully convinced of their teaching about the true God.", - narrates the life of St. Olga. According to the chronicle, Olga made the decision to become a Christian in Constantinople. The sacrament of Baptism was performed over her by the Patriarch of Constantinople Theophylact (917-956), and the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus (905-959) was the recipient, who left in his work "On the ceremonies of the Byzantine court" detailed description ceremonies during Olga's stay in Constantinople. At one of the receptions, a golden dish decorated with precious stones was presented to the Russian princess. Olga donated it to the sacristy of the Cathedral of St. Sophia, where he was seen and described at the beginning of the 13th century by the Russian diplomat Dobrynya Yadreykovich, later Archbishop Anthony of Novgorod (died 1232): “ The dish is great, the service gold of Olga Russian, when she took a tribute, went to Constantinople: in Olga's dish there is a precious stone, on the same stones Christ is written". The Patriarch blessed the newly-baptized Russian princess with a cross carved from a single piece of the Life-giving Tree of the Lord. There was an inscription on the cross:

The Russian land was renewed with the Holy Cross, which was also received by Olga, the noble princess.

Olga returned to Kiev with icons and liturgical books. She erected a church in the name of St. Nicholas over the grave of Askold - the first Christian prince of Kiev and converted many Kievites to Christ. With the preaching of faith, the princess set off to the north. In the Kiev and Pskov lands, in distant lands, at crossroads, she erected crosses, destroying pagan idols. Princess Olga laid the foundation for a special veneration of the Most Holy Trinity in Russia. From century to century, the story of a vision that happened to her near the Velikaya River, not far from her native village, was passed on. She saw that "three bright rays" were descending from the sky from the east. Addressing her companions who had witnessed the vision, Olga said prophetically:

Let it be known to you that the will of God in this place will be a church in the name of the Most Holy and Life-giving Trinity and there will be a great and glorious city here, abounding in all.

At this place Olga erected a cross and founded a church in the name of the Holy Trinity. It became the main cathedral of Pskov. On May 11, 960, the Church of St. Sophia of the Wisdom of God was consecrated in Kiev. The main shrine of the temple was the cross received by Olga during Baptism in Constantinople. In the Prologue of the XIII century about Olga's cross it is said:

It now stands in Kiev in St. Sophia in the altar on the right side.

After the conquest of Kiev by the Lithuanians, the Holguin cross was stolen from the St. Sophia Cathedral and taken by the Catholics to Lublin. His further fate is unknown. At that time, the pagans looked with hope at the growing Svyatoslav, who resolutely rejected his mother's persuasions to accept Christianity. " Tale of Bygone Years»So narrates about it:

Olga lived with her son Svyatoslav, and persuaded his mother to be baptized, but he neglected this and plugged his ears; however, if anyone wanted to be baptized, he did not forbid him, nor mocked him ... Olga often said: “My son, I have come to know God and I rejoice; here you too, if you learn, you will also begin to rejoice. " He, not listening to this, said: “How can I want to change my faith alone? My vigilantes will laugh at this! " She told him: “If you are baptized, everyone will do the same.

He, not listening to his mother, lived according to pagan customs. In 959, a German chronicler wrote: “ The ambassadors of Helena, the queen of the Russians, who was baptized in Constantinople, came to the king, and asked to consecrate a bishop and priests for this people". King Otto, future founder of the Holy Roman Empire Germanic nation, responded to Olga's request. A year later, Libucius was made bishop of Russia, from the monastery of St. Alban in Mainz, but he soon died. In his place, they dedicated Adalbert of Trier, whom Otto finally sent to Russia. When in 962 Adalbert appeared in Kiev, he “ did not have time in anything for which he was sent, and saw his efforts in vain. " On the way back " some of his companions were killed, and the bishop himself did not escape mortal danger"- this is how the chronicles of Adalbert's mission tell. The pagan reaction manifested itself so strongly that not only German missionaries suffered, but also some of the Kiev Christians who were baptized with Olga. On the orders of Svyatoslav, Olga's nephew Gleb was killed and some churches built by her were destroyed. Princess Olga had to come to terms with what had happened and go into matters of personal piety, leaving control to the pagan Svyatoslav. Of course, she was still reckoned with, her experience and wisdom were invariably referred to on all important occasions. When Svyatoslav left Kiev, the administration of the state was entrusted to Princess Olga.

Svyatoslav defeated the long-standing enemy of the Russian state - the Khazar Kaganate. The next blow was dealt to the Volga Bulgaria, then the turn of the Danube Bulgaria came - eighty cities were taken by the Kiev warriors along the Danube. Svyatoslav and his soldiers personified the heroic spirit of pagan Rus. The chronicles have preserved the words Svyatoslav surrounded with his retinue by a huge Greek army:

We will not put the Russian land to shame, but we will lay our bones here! The dead have no shame !.

While in Kiev, Princess Olga taught her grandchildren, the children of Svyatoslav, the Christian faith, but did not dare to baptize them, fearing the anger of her son. In addition, he obstructed her attempts to establish Christianity in Russia. In 968 Kiev was besieged by the Pechenegs. Princess Olga and her grandchildren, among whom was Prince Vladimir, were in mortal danger. When the news of the siege reached Svyatoslav, he hurried to help, and the Pechenegs were put to flight. Princess Olga, already seriously ill, asked her son not to leave until her death. She did not lose hope to turn her son's heart to God and on her deathbed did not stop preaching: “ Why are you leaving me, my son, and where are you going? Looking for a stranger, to whom do you entrust yours? After all, Thy children are still small, and I am already old, and even sick, - I expect an imminent death - a departure to beloved Christ, in whom I believe; I now do not worry about anything, but only about you: I regret that although I taught and persuaded a lot to leave the idolatrous wickedness, to believe in the true God, which I have known, and you neglect this, and I know what kind of disobedience you are a bad end awaits you on earth for me, and after death - eternal torment prepared for the pagans. Fulfill now at least this last request of mine: do not go anywhere until I am dead and buried; then go wherever you want. After my death, do not do anything that is required in such cases by pagan custom; but let my presbyter with the clergy bury my body according to the Christian custom; do not dare to pour a grave mound over me and do funeral feasts; but went to Constantinople gold to holy patriarch so that he would make a prayer and an offering to God for my soul and give alms to the poor». « Hearing this, Svyatoslav wept bitterly and promised to fulfill everything she bequeathed, refusing only to accept the holy faith. After three days, blessed Olga fell into extreme exhaustion; she partook of the Divine Mysteries of the Most Pure Body and the Life-giving Blood of Christ our Savior; all the time she was in fervent prayer to God and to the Most Pure Theotokos, whom, according to God, she always had as a helper; she called all the saints; Blessed Olga prayed with special zeal for the enlightenment of the Russian land after her death; looking into the future, she repeatedly predicted that God would enlighten the people of the Russian land and many of them would be great saints; Blessed Olga prayed for the speedy fulfillment of this prophecy at her death. And another prayer was on her lips, when her honest soul was dissolved from the body and, as a righteous one, was received by the hands of God.". The date of the death of Princess Olga is July 11, 969. Princess Olga was buried according to Christian tradition. In 1007, her grandson Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavichokolo (960-1015) transferred the relics of the saints, including Olga, to the Church of the Virgin in Kiev, which he founded.

Veneration of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

Probably during the reign of Yaropolk (972-978) Princess Olga began to be revered as a saint. This is evidenced by the transfer of her relics to the church and the description of miracles given by the monk Jacob in the 11th century. Since that time, the day of remembrance of St. Olga (Helena) began to be celebrated on July 11 (Art. Art). Under Grand Duke Vladimir, the relics of Saint Olga were transferred to the Tithe Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and placed in the sarcophagus. There was a window in the church wall above the tomb of St. Olga; and if anyone came to the relics with faith, he saw through the little window of the relics, and some saw the radiance emanating from them, and many sick people were healed. The prophecy of the holy princess Olga about the death of her son Svyatoslav has come true. According to the chronicle, he was killed by the Pechenezh prince Kurei (10th century), who cut off Svyatoslav's head and made a cup for himself from the skull, bound it with gold and drank from it during feasts. The prayer labors and deeds of Saint Olga confirmed the greatest deed of her grandson Saint Vladimir - the Baptism of Rus. In 1547 Olga was canonized as a saint equal to the apostles.

The main information about Olga's life, recognized as reliable, is contained in the "Tale of Bygone Years", the Life from the Book of Degrees, the hagiographic work of the monk Jacob "Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodimer" and the essay of Konstantin Porphyrogenitus "On the ceremonies of the Byzantine court." Other sources provide additional information about Olga, but their reliability cannot be accurately determined. According to the Joachim Chronicle, Olga's original name was Prekras. The Joachim Chronicle reports on the execution by Svyatoslav for his Christian beliefs of his only brother Gleb during the Russian-Byzantine war of 968-971. Gleb could have been the son of Prince Igor both from Olga and from another wife, since the same chronicle reports that Igor had other wives. Gleb's Orthodox faith testifies in favor of the fact that he was Olga's youngest son. The medieval Czech historian Tomáš Peshina, in an essay in Latin “Mars Moravicus” (1677), told about a certain Russian prince Oleg, who (940) became the last king of Moravia and was expelled from there by the Hungarians in 949. According to Tomáš Peshina, this Oleg Moravsky was Olga's brother. Constantine Porphyrogenitus mentioned the existence of Olga's blood relative, calling him anepy (hence, nephew or cousin), in listing her retinue during a visit to Constantinople in 957.

Troparion and kontakion to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

Troparion, voice 1

Kriloma of Godmind, having fixed her mind, you have flown above the visible creatures, seeking God and the Creator in every way. And having acquired that, you received the baptismal creation. And you delight in the tree of the animal cross of Christ, you abide forever, forever glorious.

Kontakion, voice 4

Let us sing this day to the Benefactor of all God, who glorified God-wise Olga in Russia. And by her prayers to Christ, grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Library of the Russian Faith

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. Icons

On the icons, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is depicted full-length or up to the waist. She is dressed in royal clothes, her head is adorned with a princely crown. In her right hand, Saint Princess Olga Vladimir holds a cross - a symbol of faith as the moral foundation of the state, or a scroll.

Icon "Blessed Princess Olga and Great Martyr George". Russian North, early 18th century

Temples in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

In the north-west of Russia there was a graveyard of Holguin Krest. It was here, as the chronicle sources say, that Princess Olga came to collect taxes in 947. In memory of her amazing salvation while crossing the rapids and non-freezing Narova, Princess Olga erected a wooden and then a stone cross. In the Holguin Cross tract there were local revered shrines - a temple in the name of St. Nicholas, built in the 15th century, a stone cross, installed, according to legend, in the 10th century by Princess Olga. Later, the cross was embedded in the wall of the church of St. Nicholas. In 1887, the church was supplemented with a chapel in the name of the holy princess Olga. Nikolsky temple was blown up in 1944 by retreating German troops.

In Kiev, on Trekhsvyatitelskaya street (street of the Victims of the Revolution) until the 30s. XX century there was a church in the name of three saints - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. It was built in the early 80s. XII century by Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich in the prince's court and consecrated in 1183. The church had a chapel in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga.

In the Church of the Assumption from the ferry (from Paromenia) in Pskov, a chapel was consecrated in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. The church was erected on the site of an earlier one, built in 1444. Since 1938, the church has not functioned; in 1994, divine services were resumed in it.

In the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, a church of the same faith was consecrated in Ulyanovsk. The church was built in 1196.

In the city of Ulyanovsk there is a church of the same faith of the Russian Orthodox Church.

National memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

In Pskov there is the Olginskaya embankment, the Olginsky bridge, the Olginskaya chapel, as well as two monuments to the princess. Monuments to the saint were erected in Kiev and Korosten, and Olga's figure is also present at the monument "Millennium of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod. In honor of the holy princess Olga, the Olga Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan and an urban-type settlement in the Primorsky Territory are named. Streets in Kiev and Lvov are named in honor of St. Olga. Also, in the name of St. Olga, the following orders were established: The insignia of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga (established by Emperor Nicholas II in 1915); "Order of Princess Olga" ( state award Ukraine since 1997); Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga (ROC).

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. Paintings

Many painters turned to the image of the holy princess Olga and her life in their works, among them V.K. Sazonov (1789-1870), B.A. Chorikov (1802-1866), V.I. Surikov (1848-1916), N.A. Bruni (1856–1935), N.K. Roerich (1874–1947), M.V. Nesterov (1862–1942) and others.

The image of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga in art

Many literary works are dedicated to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, these are "Princess Olga" (AI Antonov), "Olga, Queen of the Rus" (B. Vasiliev), "I know God!" (ST Alekseev), "The Great Princess Elena-Olga" (M. Apostolov) and others. Such works as “The Legend of Princess Olga” (directed by Yuri Ilyenko), “The Saga of the Ancient Bulgars. The Legend of Olga Saint "(director Bulat Mansurov) and others.

All prayers to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga (Elena)

Commemoration: July 11/24

Princess Olga, in baptism Elena is called "the head of the faith" and "the root of Orthodoxy" in the Russian land. Patroness of sovereign people. They pray to her for children, for their upbringing in faith and piety, for the admonition of unbelieving children and relatives, or those who have fallen into sects.


Troparion to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga, Tone 1

Having gripped your mind with the krilami of God, you flew above the visible creatures, seeking God and the Creator of all, and having found Him, you received birth by Baptism, you, enjoying the animal tree, imperishable forever, Olga the ever-glorious.

Kondak Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga, Tone 4

Let us sing this day to the Benefactor of all God, who glorified Olga in Russia, God-wise, and through her prayers she will give our souls forgiveness of sins.

First Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

O Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, accept praise from us, unworthy servant of God ( names), before your honest icon praying and humbly asking: protect us with your prayers and intercession from misfortunes and troubles, and sorrows, and fierce sins; also save you from future torments, honestly creating your holy memory and glorifying the glorified God, glorified in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever

Second Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

O great saint of God, chosen and glorified by God, Equal to the Apostles Grand Duchess Olga! You rejected Thou pagan wickedness and wickedness, Thou hast believed in the One True Trinitarian God, and Thou hast received holy baptism and laid the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian land with the light of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you, according to Christ our Savior, are the first to blame for the enlightenment and salvation of our race. You are a warm prayer book and intercessor about the kingdom of all Russia, about its kings, the governors of the people, the army and about all people. For this reason, we humbly pray to thee: look upon our weakness and beg the merciful King of Heaven, may he not be angry with us, as through our weakness we sin all the days, may he not destroy us with our iniquities, but may he have mercy and save us by His mercy, let our saving fear instill in our hearts, let our mind enlighten with His grace, let us understand the ways of the Lord, leave the paths of wickedness and error, strive in the paths of salvation and truth, the unswerving fulfillment of the commandments of God and the statutes of the Holy Church. Pray, blessed Olga, God's Man-lover, may he add His great mercy to us: may he save us from the invasion of aliens, from internal disorders, rebellions and strife, from hunger, deadly diseases and from all evil; let the goodness of the air and the fruitfulness of the earth give us, let the pastor give zeal for the salvation of the flock, let all people hasten to correct their service diligently, have love among themselves and like-mindedness, for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church, to work faithfully for the good of the Fatherland and the Holy Church, let the light of saving faith in Our Fatherland, in all its ends; may they turn to the unbelieving faith, may all heresies and schisms be abolished; so, having lived in peace on earth, let us be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss in heaven, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Third Prayer to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia Olga

About the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the first pleasing of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God. We run to you with faith and pray with love: wake us in everything for the good of a helper and a henchman, and, as in our temporary life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so it is now, staying in heavenly lordship, favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we flourish in faith, piety and the love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow of the present consolation, give the needy a helping hand, the offended and assaulted intercession, delusions from the right faith and blinded by heresies with reason, and ask us from the All-Blessed God all that is good and useful in temporal and eternal life, so that we will be pleased with the inheritance here. eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit all glory, honor and worship always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.