
Kiev Pechersk Laurel is the first Old Russian monastery. Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra


Bishop Boyarsky Feodosius

Report bishop of Boyarsky Feodosia, Vicar of Kiev Metropolisat the International Theological Scientific and Practical Conference "Monastia of St. Rus: from the sources to modernity" (Moscow, Pokrovsky Stavropigial Women's Monastery, September 23-24, 2015)

Your Eminence, Your Highlights, Shepherds, Honest Monasticism, Brothers and Sisters!

This year, the Holy Church celebrates the 1000th anniversary of the presumption of Holy Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. We are singing Godwood in the saints of their saints - accepted by the Dneprovskaya font holy baptism, we were vaccinated to Christ, got the opportunity to get rid of sin, bring the fruit of holyness and inherit eternal life (Rome 6:22).

The adoption of Christianity from the Holy Russia from Byzantium is an epoching event that forever changed the course of the history of Slavs and their lifestyle. We accepted not only the faith of an eastern rite, which crystallized throughout the first millennium, but also the ancient traditions that the Universal Church lived. The Lord blessed us directly touch the angelic lifestyle, to know the monasticism, which, according to modern devotees, is the face of the church, always facing Christ.

Monasticism is a unique image of the mobility life of an ancient church, this is the life choice of people, the chief of God's own, about which Christ said: "Not everyone can hold the word this, but who is given ... who can accommodate, but welcome" (Mf. 19:11, 12) . And answering the question of the disciples: "What will be to us?", - Christ says: "And every one who leaves houses, or brothers ... or children, or the land, for the name of my name, will receive a hundred times and inherit eternal life" (MF . 19:27, 29).

During the first millennium, we find many examples of solitary salvation among the athlete of the gathering of God, for which this path of righteousness was opened by the Reverend Anthony of the Great and the founder of the monochable hostel Rev. Pakhomiya Great. With his example of serving God, they inspired many for a similar ascetic feat.

Rev. Anthony Pechersky and the birth of the monasses of Kievan Rus

The monasticism of Kievan Russia takes its beginning precisely from this universal source of inochetic life. In many ancient Russian literary monuments, different times of the emergence of Russian monastic tradition, and, as the Church historian says Anton Vladimirovich Kartashev, "The beginning of the Russian monasticism represents some kind of riddle."

"The word about the law and grace" of the Metropolitan of Kiev Hilarion (the middle of the XI century) suggests that after the baptism of Russia, when Prince Vladimir, the first monastic monastery appear: "Monasteries in the mountains stood up, the black workers appeared." The mitropolitis of Moscow Macarius (Bulgakov) reports That monasteries appeared, no doubt, together with the first shepherds who came to us from Greece. At the same time, the "Tale of Bygone Years" PrP Nestor's chronicler (beginning of the XII century) contains information about the later period of the monastic life. After laying a holy Sophia, Knyazhu Yaroslav wisely in 1037, a night life appears in the monasteries of St. George and St. Irina: "And it became a Christian to come true with it, and the black workers began to multiply, and the monasteries appear." At the same time, the existence of monks is not excluded and until that time. This is just saying already mentioned by A.V. Kartashev: "You need to think that the monks were in the Wednesday of Kiev Christians and to St. Vladimir, and that with the arrival of Bulgaria, Athos and Byzantium on Russia, they went to the light of God, connected to societies, began to settle near the newly arising churches. "

At the same time, the emergence of monastics in Russia traditionally associated with the name of the St. Anthony of Pechersky (983-1073), noting the fact that the preserved historical information about the PPP. Antonia is very contradictory.

To this day controversial is the question of the number of prp Anthony on the Holy Mountain of Athos. So in the ancient Catema, it is said only about the visit of Afon and the return of St. Kiev in 1051. There are other opinions according to which the PRP Anthony made the first trip to Athos in a very young age, about 1000 years, and after some time he returned to Rus (some sources indicate the date of 1013).

Information about the second visit to Athos appear only in the second edition of the Cassian Cassian in 1462 by the monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. According to his chronicle, the second walking of the PPP. Anthony on Athos occurred after the death of Prince Vladimir in 1015 and the start of civil workers. From this time, he was pregnant until the final return to Kiev (according to one data it happened after 1030, according to others - after 1051). This opinion was supported by the famous church historian and bibliographer Metropolitan Kiev Eugene (Bolchovitinov) in his famous work "Description of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra".

According to the second version, 1016 became the beginning of Russian monasses in Athos, since it was the monks that came together with the PRP. Anthony, founded the first Russian monastery in the gathering of the Virgin. Some researchers suggest that it was the Holy Assumption of the Mother Original Monastery of Xilurge, in which the monastic stop of the Rev. Anthony Pechersky took. There is a different version, later origin (XVIII-XIX centuries), according to which Anthony took monasticism in the Great Lavra of St. Athanasius or the Esfigman Monastery.

According to the blessing of the elders, the Rev. Anthony took the Athos Charter and brought him to Russia, founded the Kiev-Pechersky monastery on the Afonovsky pattern, putting the beginning of Russian monasses. Thus, the Pechersk Resident was founded on the high ideals of the mobilic life of the Orthodox East. The Pechersk Monastery eventually became a spiritual flower bed and the name of all Russian monasteries. "Prayers, works and feats of Rev. Anthony and his student of Rev. Feodosia became the powerful foundation on which Kievan Rus monasticism increased and strengthened." The newly formed abode of Russia believed their lifestyle on the sample of the Pechersk Monastery. The founders of such monasters for the most part were students of Rev. Anthony and Feodosia.

In addition to the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev, there were also two rich princes of the monastery: Georgievsky, founded by Yaroslav Wiselym, son of Vladimir, and Dmitrievsky, founded by Izyaslav Yaroslavich, where the former igumen of the Pechersk Monastery Varlaam, the immediate predecessor of the Rev. Feodosia, was taken in Igumen. The chronicler, obviously, expressed an opinion that was in the walls of the Pechersk Monastery, when he wrote: "Izyaslav put the monastery of St. Dimitri, although she squeezed the Wig One Monastery (i.e. Pechersky) hoped for wealth."

But other was the fishery of God - the dominant value in Kiev and all of Russia fell to the share of the Pechersk Monastery. By explaining the PSP. Nestor, this happened because it was founded by "tears, fascinating, prayer and occasion."

Today, the classic date of the foundation of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery is considered to be 1051, confirmation of this we find in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of St. Nestor's Chronicler. This initial chronicle, the beautiful and one-of-a-kind work, not only put the beginning of the chronicle of Russia, but also maintained the memory of the initial events of Russian history. This chronicle is one of the essential conditions of our historical identity, and as one of the pre-revolutionary researchers says: "Without this chronicles, our history would represented a book without primary sheets."

Rev. Nestor mentions only the second return of Anthony and about his settlement in the Hilarion cave, while not pointing out the fact that the reverend-old age man's arrival in Kiev told the prince of Yaroslav. Therefore, you can agree with the opinion of Metropolitan Evgenia (Bolchovitinova) that the feat of the Great Monk has become known already when Izaslava Yaroslavich, who often applied to Rev. Anthony for a spiritual conversation and blessing.

With a lot of probability, it can be assumed that only after 1054, devotees who wish to privacy and prayers arrive to Reverend Anthony. Among the fellow PRP. Anthony were Ieria Nikon, a tonsiveness of one of the Kiev monasteries and a 23-year-old Feodosius. Thus, the first Antoniyevo fraternity consisted only of four monks: on the blessing of the PRP. Anthony Reverex Nikon in the monks was tonsured by Feodosiya, and after a while and Rev. Varlaam, the first Hegumen Pechersky.

Here I would like to say a few words about Rev. Nikon Pechersk, who at the initial stage of the existence of the Pechersk Monastery was actually the leader of the monks of Kievan Rus.

The identity of Rev. Nikon is the most mysterious in the history of the monastery. DOYNA Non-explicitly remains its origin, the place is tonsured, the circumstances and the time of arrival at Reverend Anthony. The high position of Rev. Nikon gave a reason to researcher M.D. Crazy suggest that under the name of Nikon adopted Schima Metropolitan Hilarion, information about which is lost around 1053-1054. This assumption does not have an evidence base.

It is reliably known that Reverend Nikon left the Pechersk Monastery because of the conflict with Kyiv Prince Izyaslav. The reason for this was the lead to the Inkas of the Blognya Court of Court Efrema and the Boyarsky Son of Varlaam. Rev. Nikon went to Tmutarakan Island, where he founded the monastery of the Virgin, following the example of the Pechersk Resident. From 1062, until his death in 1074, the Igumen of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery was the Rev. Feodosius.

Rev. Feodosius - the founder of the hostel charter in the main monastery of Russia

If Rev. Anthony mainly built a secret, mystical type of pastoral ministry, then Saint Feodosius as a monk embodied the open world and people an active start. "The Earth Angel and Heavenly Man" - so called his Pechersk chronicler.

With an increase in the number of Inok in 1062, Lavra founded terrestrial monastic structures to live in brethren, but the caves had a reverently for the burial of the deceased brethren and the feat of individual inkoms. Even before the construction of the Ground Monastery of the PRP. Anthony retired from the devotees, digs the cave "under the new monastery". What was it for the "new monastery"? I find the answer to this question in the "Life of Reverene Feodosia", which says that the Nevdima from the monastery, built at the first cave, is a place where before its death of the PRP. Theodosius, managing the community, began to build a stone temple, and where the brotherhood moved at the end of construction, leaving only a few inkom in the old monastery.

The increase in the number of monastic fraternity forced the PRP. Feodosia began to search for the charter to streamline the life of the Pechersk Monastery. It was with the name of the Rev. Feodosia Pechersk, the introduction of the studio hostel monastic charter is connected. Ordinary management has become a fundamental condition for the further existence of the Pechersk Resident; At the beginning of the Igumen of Theodosius (1062) in the monastery there were 20 monks, and in a short time the number of statements increased to one hundred.

According to the researcher V.N. Toporova, "The choice of the studiosal charter was not random, but a conscious and deeply thoughtful step." The hostel prescribed by the Studiosky Charter was the only condition for preserving the monastic community life. Information about the introduction of the Studiosky Charter in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery is found in the "Life of Feodosia Pechersk" and Pechersk Catema. The first part of the charter is the tradition of mars service - was obtained from the Byzantine monk Mikhail, who came to Russia with Metropolitan George in 1062.

For the blessing of the PSP. Theodosius the complete editing of the Charter of the Studiosky Monastery on Russia brought the Pechersk monk Ephrach around 1065. It was this charter that the Social Dormitory of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery was based on the basis. Today there are different opinions about how precisely the PRP Theodosius followed the studiosal charter. For the Heguman of the Pechersk Resident, the foundation of a lifefriend was the compliance with the foundations of the Charter - the principle of strict general lives, renunciation from property, full equality of brethren among themselves, constant prayer and labor.

Thus, the introduction of the PRP. Theodosius of the Studio Consumer Charter in the Pechersk Monastery dramatically changed the usual character of the fraternal community, while maintaining the tradition of "especially". The presence of these two opposite types of mobility is a distinctive feature of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Evidence of the faith of Rev. Anthony and Feodosia Pechersk was the beginning of construction in 1073 the main church of the monastery - the Assumption Cathedral. According to the "Word about creating the Church of the Pechersk" Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir-Suzdalsky († 1226), on the eve of the bookmark of the temple to reverend Anthony and Feodosia, four architects came from Constantinople. They told about the wonderful phenomenon of God's Mother and her command to build a temple in Russia: "And I will come to see the church, and I will live in it." According to the "Tale", with the death of the PRP. Feodosia In 1074, the construction of the temple was stopped, but after a year the next abbot of the monastery of Igumen Stefan resumed the creation of the temple and completed it in 1078.

The history of the creation of the Great Church is performed by the graceful wonders, revealed by God for the approval of young Christian Russia in the Orthodox faith. Different episodes of this story described in detail the leaders of the Lavra: PRP. Nestor Chronicler, SVT. Simon, Bishop of Vladimir-Suzdal and Simonov's student, Ink Polycarp, in his "Epistle" to the Lavrian abbot of Archimandrite Akindin.

According to the "Tale", the consecration of the Great Lavrian Church was committed in 1089 by the Metropolitan of Kiev with bishops at igument John Pechersk.

In addition to the "Life", Feodosiya Pechersk, Rev. Nestor wrote another work related to his name: "The Word of Nestor, the Monk Pechersky, about the transfer of the relics of the St. Petersburg Father of our Feodosiya Pechersk." This event occurred on the eve of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of 1091: from the caves to the right part of the church the church were transferred to the power of the PRP. Feodosia. The consecration of the temple and the position in it of the relics of the founder of the Russian monastic dormitories completed the first stage of the formation of the Pechersk Monastery as the spiritual center of Kievan Rus.

For nine and a half centuries of the historical being of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, great devotees were spawned in it. The monastery's brothers at all times in the grace of God was distinguished by the power of the Spirit. Being jeques of a high nightly attack, the monks were ready to endure a reverent and humility, hunger, cold and poverty. Now in the caves of the glorious Kiev Lavra, the power of many saints, of which we know more than 120 of its statements are known for us.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became the main monastic community and the stronghold of the spiritual life of Saint Rus, the center of the creation of the treasures of Slavic culture, the place of the phenomenon of numerous miracles. The third mood of the Mother of God, as if spiritual oasis, exudes the Spirit of grace, secretly, incomprehensibly connecting the earth and heaven in his walls. And today, the Great Abode, towering over the noisy and idle metropolis, humbly keeps the spirit of the ancient pious traditions of St. Orthodoxy, who find the response in the souls of various contemporaries.

Therefore, it would be completed to complete your word, I would like prayer challenges of the tropar from the canon Reverend Anthony and Feodosius Pechersk: "Who is not surprised to your lives, about the fathers' pretended? Who won't make jealousy at the bose? Yako in the flesh is essential, the angel is very likely, their same cohabitants are now, do not forget us and the songs of you are chewing. "

See: Kazan P.S. The history of Orthodox monasses in the East. T.1. - M., 1854.
Kartashev A.V. Essays on the history of the Russian Church. - M., 1991. T.1. P. 125.
Hilarion, Mitre. The word about the law and grace. - M., 1994. P. 81.
Macarius (Bulgakov), Mitre. Moscow and Kolomna. History of the Russian Church. Part 1. - M., 1996. P. 359.
Tale of temporary years. - M. - Augsburg. 2003. P. 47.
Kartashev A.V. Essays on the history of the Russian Church. P. 126.
Nazarenko A.V., Turilov A.A. Anthony, PrP. Pechersky // Orthodox encyclopedia. - M., 2001. T. 2. P. 603.
Evgeny (Bolchovitinov). Ther. Description of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. - K., 1847. P. 5.
Schmel S. Rev. Anthony Pechersky and Old Russian Athos. About the Afonov roots of Russian monastics. // [Electronic resource]. URL:
Nazarenko A.V., Turilov A.A. Anthony, PrP. Pechersky // Orthodox encyclopedia. T. 2. P. 603.
Kazan P.S. The history of the Orthodox Russian monasticism, from the founding of the Pechersk abode of Reverend Anthony to the foundation of the Lavra of the Holy Trinity by Rev. Sergius. - M., 1855.
Vladimir (Sabody), Mitre. The message of the Blessed Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of the Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra // in the name of Father and Son and the Holy Spirit: Messages, sermons, speeches, interview. - K., 2005. P. 429.
Complete collection of Russian chronicles. T.1. Lavrentievsky chronicle. St. Petersburg., 1846. S. 155.
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Evgeny (Bolchovitinov), Mitre. Description of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. - K., 1847. p.4.
Zhilenko.A. L_Topisnі Dzhelela to the Istorії Kiev-Pecherskoy Lavry XI-XIII Art. View: CPL. 1995. P. 3.
Life of Rev. Feodosia Pechersk. - K.: Phoenix. 1998. P. 23.
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Vasikhovskaya N.S. The dormitory in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (the second half of the XI is the beginning of the XII century). Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. Pp. 146.
Dyatlov V. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Reference Guide. - K.: Ed. CPL. 2008. P. 41.
Life of the reverend father of our Feodosia, Heguman Pechersk. Transferring the relics of the reverend father of our Feodosia, Hegumen Pecherski // Selected lives of Russian Saints (X-XV centuries). - M., 1992. P. 69-104.

Materials on the topic

1) The place of her in a number of other Russian monasteries and the importance of her in the history of the Russian Church and the Russian people. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, according to justice, occupies an outstanding place among all the inochetic abode of Orthodox Russia. Its position was created on the basis of not only the historical tradition, but also a real meaning that this monastery had in the history of Russia. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra belongs undoubtedly, the palm of the championship in a number of all Russian monasteries that existed, before and now existing, not only because it was really the first True People's Monastery (in his own sense of the word) in Russia, in time of its origin, but Also, in the amount of that spiritual good, which she brought the Russian people and which is always superior to the merits of all other later Russian monasteries for the benefit of the Russian people and the state. True, and later our monasteries undoubtedly served their great service for the Russian people. But they all worked, if you can put it, on the field, already partly cultivated, or, at least significantly purified from weed herbs. The original leaders of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra were the first told on the great Russian field, the first employees in the field of spiritual education and the upbringing of the Russian people in the widest, even a comprehensive sense of this expression. Latest monasteries - even those who, by the will of God, it was indicated to work in uninhabited countries of the Great Russia, among the impassable marshes and forests - had already before sampling, the finished sample in the form of a motorized life and activities of the initial Russian monastery - Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . One of this example greatly facilitated their work especially in moral terms. The merits and glory of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery inspired the later Russian inocities in their high ministry to society, excited and strengthened their energy, covered them the way to achieve the high goal of their calling. Especially remarkable, the magshiplessness of the feat and ministry, which acquired the palm of the championship in all respects among the Russian monocar prevails and created its fame Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. All later monasteries have become famous for its activities mainly on one of any field: or a teacher, or a educational, or missionary, or church-political, and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, especially in the first period of its existence, was equally Slav in all of these relations. She was then a true focus of Christian educational activities among the Russian people, the center of all Russian Christian education. The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is the radiance of high moral features, revealed before the Russian people, its first inocities, had a mighty assistance to the Christian sun, who began to take the Russian earth with St. kn. Vladimir, for scattering of that mist, to the darkness that was surrounded by the then Russian land, illuminated while on only the vertices of it. Thanks to this exceptional position among the Russian monastic monastery and meaning, the Kiev-Pechersk Laurel made a deep and irresistible impression not only on the contemporaries of its origin, but also to the remote descendants of them. The greatest power of the human spirit, which world is the first Russian monks, the best in all respects representatives of St. Rus, in the underground, cave monastery, uncontrollably attracted and now entails hundreds of thousands of Russian people in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to worship her numerous and wonderful shrines. This force did not darely darely and did not even weakened at the time when the appearance of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra lost its original beauty for a while, when the monastery temples and the walls lay in ruins, when the Laurel itself, together with Kiev, and from all of the Western Russia was under alien dominion. On the contrary, in the period of alien dominion in South-Western Russia (first Tatar-Mongolian, and then Polish-Lithuanian) Glory and the strength of the moral charm of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra shone for the Russian people are still brighter and stronger than the same: then it was a true focus in which The best and strongest rays of Russian folk faith, morality and education merged. And now the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a sorry and favorite place of pilgrimage to our pious Russian people among all Russian monastic monastic monastic monastery. The world's most high meaning of the Russian Jerusalem is in the eyes of the Russian people, thanks to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and its shrines.

2) The foundation and initial structure of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The founding of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra put in half the XI century. prep. Anthony. He was a native of the city (now the town) Loveness of the Chernihiv region. Having traveled to the Orthodox East, he visited the Athos Mountain, in one of the monasteries of which he accepted the nighttime. Upon returning to Russia, prep. Anthony conceived to establish his monastery and elected the place for him in 3 versts from (then) the city of Kiev downstream r. Dnieper on the high shore of it. Here he first settled one in the cave, which the priest of the neighboring Grasty village of Berestova Hilarion died for himself and who remained free, after the election of Hilarion in 1051 Kiev Metropolitan. Glory about the exploits prep. Anthony spread among the surrounding population, and people began to be gathered, looking for places for secluded exploits. Among others to prep. Anthony came (about 1055-1056) prep. Theodosius, who has been made by the real organizer of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Prep. Feodosi was born in Vasilev (now Vasilkov) of the Kiev region. When he was still in small years, his parents moved to Kursk, where prep. Feodosius held his childhood and youth. As of the death of his father, Feodosius remained at the care of a mother, who herself loved her son and wanted to see his heir to father's estate. But pre. Feodosius, by natural location, sought to remove from the world. Several attempts to escape from the parent team in Kiev were warned and upset by her mother. But in the end prep. Feodosiah after all, managed to secretly go to Kiev. Here he came to prep. Anthony, who, after a short fluctuation (in view of the special youth of the asked), took it into his fraternity. Meanwhile, himself prep. Anthony, always striving for solitude and contemplative mobility life, left the initial cave, which took the appearance of the underground, cave monastery, and retired to the nearest mountain, where he wasked for himself a new cave. Soon, a new small monastic fraternity was formed near him, which led the mobility life in the caves, known now under the name middle, or Anthony caves. Above the old brotherhood remaining in the caves, in which originally launched prep. Anthony and which are now known under the name far or Feodosium Caves, prep. Anthony put Iguumen Varlaam. When this last was taken led. kn. Izyaslav in Hegumen for the Dimitrievsky Monastery, the cave fraternity elected, with the consent of the pre. Anthony, his igumen pre. Feodosia. At this time, there were only 20 inkoms in the monastery, which, by origin, belonged mainly to the highest classes of Russian society. Prep. Feodosius began to take into the monastery of all Russian people in general, not excluding simple, under the condition of the sincere arrangement of them to the monastic life, and soon gathered up to 100 inok. Prep. Feodosius introduced a strict charter in his monastery, according to the sample of Greek so called. Studio. Prep. Feodosius, with blessings prep. Anthony and with permission led. kn. Izaslav, suffered a monastery to the nearby mountain, to the place where he is now. The last concerns about the improvement of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Reverend Anthony and Feodosius expressed that in 1073 they laid the stone church in the name of the Assumption of PRES. Virgin Mary. In 1073, he died prep. Anthony, and on May 3, 1074, he died and prep. Feodosius. The device of the Great Monastery Church continued successors pre. Feodosia - Hegumen Pechersk: Stephen, Nikon and John. It was built by its Greek masters, who were brought with the icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God, who constitutes the Greatest Shrine of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In 1077, the church was ready to be worked out and in such a form remained until 1083. In this last year, Greek masters came, who began to decorate the church of Mosaico, frescoes and icons. In Scripture, the Russian student of the Greek masters participated in Scripture for the Great Lavra Church. Alpirate icon painter. By 1889, the church was completely over and on August 14 of the same year was consecrated by the Kiev Metropolitan John. With the consecration of the Great Church, the initial structure of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra ended.

3) Short essay of the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . During the centuries-old, more than eight-year of its existence, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, who generated the general historical fate of the Russian Church and the Russian people, has undergone many important changes, as a result of which the current state appeared. From this side, the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra can be divided into the following periods: 1st) 1089-1240, 2nd) 1240-1362, 3rd) 1362-1687, 4th) 1687 -1786 and 5) 1786 to the present. 1) During the first period of its existence, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, being under the protection of great princes and taking advantage of the love of all Russian people, continued to be internally developed and from the outside increase and strengthen. It is not known exactly when and under what circumstances (- according to the tradition of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, with KN. Andrei Bogolyubsky and for his coherent -), she already at that time acquired the rights of the patriarchals of Stavropigia and the name of the Lavra, and her the title of Archimandrites . At the same time, a part by buying, but mainly by good donations from princes and other benefactors, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra acquired large immovable estates and other extensive means. The abundance of funds gave her the full opportunity to exercise wide public charity and at the same time get settled. After 1106, the former Chernihiv Prince of Nikolahu, the sick-torn in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, was arranged in her hospital monastery with a church in the name of the CV. Trinity; In 1108, a stone meal was arranged in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; In the second half of the XII century. The monastery was discouraged by the stone wall. In addition, in 1109, at the grade of the Great Church in the South-Western corner, the body of the Princess Eugene, daughter in. To. Vsevolod Yaroslavich, and a chapel was built over her dust. But at the same time, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, dividing the fate of Kiev, was subjected to disasters and ruins, as a result of the transmissionless wars of Russian princes, or the attacks of foreign enemies. So, for example, on June 20, 1096, the Polovtsy invaded the monastery, they robbed the church and the abode. In 1240, Bati completely ruined the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, turning the abode into ruins. Some think that after the Batiev of the pogrom only survived the walls of the Great Church, the small temple of the forerunner, attached to her, and another Trinity Church on the Holy Gate. 2) Over the next period (1240-1362), the Kiev-Pechersk Laurel was, it seems that all the time, in the launch, just as Kiev itself was emptied at that time. Monks Pechersky lived in the surrounding forests and caves, going to the monastery only for listening to the service, which was accomplished in a small surviving temple of the monastery. 3) with the transition of Kiev and with him Kiev-Pechersk Lavra under the authorities first of the great princes of Lithuanian, and then, after the conjunction of Lithuania with Poland in 1386, the Polish kings, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra began to be gradually changed, painted and restore its former internal, and external device. The gradual restoration of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was accomplished among many unfavorable conditions. The destruction of its Tatars continued, for example, in 1399 and 1416 in 1470. The Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was restored from the ruin by the vicar of Kiev Prince S. A. Oleolkovich, and in 1480 KN. Yu. S. Golzhansky complied with a diploma confirmed the rights of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra on ownership of some lands. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra began to arrange, but not long. On September 1, 1482, Tatar Khan Mengly-Girey ruined Kiev and, together with him, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which after once launched. In the XVI century, thanks to the emergence of the Cossacks in the south of Russia, which took on their defense and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the latter again began to gradually, although slowly, recover and arrange. Its material situation - especially with abundant victims in favor of her from different benefactors from Western Russian Jealous, Orthodoxy, was at this time, it can be said, even satisfactory. Most of all, she now suffered from the arbitrariness and interference with its internal affairs from the Polish kings and in general the Polish government. For this reason, a wide field has been opened for all sorts of distortion, intrigue and struggle due to an income archives in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra on the part of different shutters, who were looking for this San, attracted by non-internal location to monastery or desire to work for the benefit of the monastery, but exclusively " spiritual bread ", that is, his richness. Becides from the archimandritis of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the XVI century. Sometimes unworthy persons who made different riots in the monastery began to appear. From the end of the XVI century, when church union was introduced in Western Russia, the reinforced attempts of the Latino-Uniatskaya party began to attract Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to the side of the Unia. To happiness, at the same time, outstanding jeques and fighters for Orthodoxy (eg, Elisha Pletovenetsky, Zakharia Kopystensky, Peter (grave), and others appear on the archimandrike place of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. ). Thanks to which Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is now one of the main lamps and Orthodoxy's Oplots in Western Russia and the center of struggle for faith and the Russian nationality. Such a focus of the activities of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was due to the emergence of educational institutions in the form of printing houses, schools, etc., as well as the revival of publishers who had a polemical character. It was also important for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in its struggle for their independence and for Orthodoxy, the fact that she was at all this time was Stavropigia Patriarch, that is, was under the protection of the Constantinople Patriarch. Since 1654, i.e., with the time of joining Malorossy to the Moscow State, it is referred to the beginning of a new direction in the life and activities of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. She in the face of his archimandrite, now begins to take effectively participating in the church-political life of Kiev and the entire south-west edge, gradually moving actually and legally under the power of Russia. In a trace of submission of Kiev Metropolis, the Moscow Patriarch and the accession of Kiev to Russia (in 1685-1686), the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was made (in 1868) Stavropigia of the Moscow Patriarch and then a new life of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra began.

4) Exactly during the century (1687-1786), she lives under the control of its archimandritis, elected (with rare exceptions, for example, Joseph Orange), and under the highest authorities first Moscow Patriarch and his location, and then St. Synod . Despite the fact that at that time she had to postpone a few devastating fires, especially the fire of 1718, when all the temples and buildings (except for the Trinity Church in St. Gates), ancient letters, jewels, a rich library and the archive of her victim of fire - Despite this, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the course of the XVIII. Updated, renounced, decorated and significantly increased its property and funds. 5) In 1786, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is given to a regular position, when many of her estates were selected in the treasury, and was supplied under the management of the Kiev Metropolitan, which received the title of Sacredarchimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Since that time, a new period began in the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, ongoing accurately, with now, no matter, there is a significant reduction in funds, due to the selection of property in the treasury, the pious diligence of the sovereign and the reverent respect of the entire Orthodox Russian people to the Lavrian shrine gives the opportunity of Kiev Pechersk Lavra maintain the external well-being and well-being of the glorious monastery at the height corresponding to its great historical meaning.

4) Temples of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and their shrines.

AND) Cathedral, or the Great Church. It was built, with the circumstances already known to us, the Greek masters in the Byzantine style of the XI century. In 1470 and 1722-1729 It was renewed, and although her initial plan was retained, but the facade was subjected to change, especially the eaves, the frontones and chapters on the domes. At the same time, an extension from the northern and southern sides of it was made to the original church. Recently, the church is capitally repaired - in 1879-1880, outside, and in the 1890s, inside. In addition to the main Assumption throne, it has more attached: a) below: 1) Mikhailovsky, 2) theological, 3) three-way, 4) Stefanovsky, 5) forerunner (in the north-western corner); b) at the top: 1) Andreevsky, 2) Ireofrazhensky, 3) Antoniyevsky and 4) Feodosievsky. The main shrine of the Great Church and in general, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is the miraculous icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God, placing over the royal gates. In the Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are: Icon of the SVA. The Mother of God, called Igorevskoy, as before she prayed to the KN. Igor Olegovich before the killing by his Kievans in 1147, and St. Power in special cancers: St. kn. Vladimir (chapter), St. Mer. Mikhail, prep. Feodosiya (under prior), all Pechersk cooders (particles) and archidacon Stephen; Under the floor in Stefanovsky, there is a nonetable body of a mister. Tobolskaya Paul (Konuskevich), and under the floor of the main (medium) temple buried, the bodies of some archimandritis of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and Princes - its patrons; On the graveyard near the church were also buried the bodies of many archimandrite and others. Eminent people.

II) Refectory in the name of the pre. Anthony and Feodosia ChurchLowned next to the Great Church, on the right side of it, was built in 1893-1895. On the site of Petropavlovskaya, originally arranged in the Domongolian period and restored in 1720, the refectory Antoniyevo Feodosievskaya Church recently Rospisan inside with artistic painting. III) Annunciation Church in a Metropolitan House, started building in 1904 and ended in 1905. It was built dependent on the Metropolitan of Flavia on the place of the previous one, which was built in 1840 in the prejudication of a single-tier building, who served until that time, a ceremony in large holidays of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . Newly built thank. The church, who replaced at the same time, and the Cross Church, which was in the Metropolitan House itself, consists of two floors and choir, in which the following 4 thrones are arranged: 1) the main, in the second floor, in honor of the Annunciation of the Virgin, is consecrated on October 30, 1905; 2) in the lower floor, - in the name holy. Mikhail, the first Metropolitan of Kiev, was consecrated on November 1, 1905 "g.; 3) on the choirs on the right - in the name of St. Flavian, Patriarch Tsareghadsky, was consecrated 2 in ?? 1905, and 4) on the choras on the left - in the name of Saint Mitrofan, the first Bishop of Voronezhsky, consecrated on November 4, 1905 IV) Trinity Church on the holy gates, arranged in the Domongolian period and resumed hetman I. S. Mazepy at the end of the XVII century; It is remarkable especially the iconograph of this church, which represents a curious monument to the South Russian church painting of the very beginning of the XVIII century. V) Nikolaev Church In T. Naz. hospital monastery, located in the north-western corner of the Lavrian estate and founded in the Domongolian period; The church itself is built in the XVIII century; It is the honorable icons of St. Nicholas and Velikomuh. Varvars of an old letter. Vi) Hospital church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God: "My Sorrow" Located above the aforementioned Nikolaev Church and arranged in 1861 in the second floor of a large building built in 1860 VII) Church in the name of all saints per t. Economic gates Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was built in 1698 by the hetman I. S. Mazepe. VIII) Church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God of all the grief joy It was arranged in 1865 in the upper floor of a stone building of a strange hospital, which is behind the fence in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in the yard. IX) Cross-valve church Above the entrance to the neighboring caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is arranged in 1700 x) Church in the name of all Pechersk Rev., A built in 1839 at the end of the gallery leading to the above-mentioned cross-famous church. Xi) Sretenskaya church, Wooden, at the Keels of the Middle Caves Keelis, arranged in 1854 XII, XIII and XIV) Antoniyevskaya, Intraved and Varlamovskaya ChurchUnder the ground in the near caves, moreover, the first two of them were arranged in the Domongolian period, and the last in 1691 Kiev Metropolitan Varlaam Yasinsky, former Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. XV) Christmas-Virgin Church, Arranged in 1696 by the Kiev Colonel Konstantin Mokiyevsky, on the top of the hill, with distant caves, on the place of the old wooden, arranged in the housetomongol period. XVI) Church in the name of conception of St. Anna, built in 1809-1811 above the entrance to distant caves, on the site of the former Zchayatievsky church, built in 1679. XVII, XVIII and XIX) Blagoveshchenskaya, Christ's Church and Feodosievskaya Church, Arranged, probably, even in the Domongolian period (about Blagoveshchenskaya C. This is undoubtedly known).

Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The greatest landmark of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, a reverewe of people who remove the Russian people, thanks to the twisting here. The relics of Pechersk are caves of it - middle and far. The origin of them is known. Kiev caves are arranged, like a labyrinth, so diverse and difficult that a person unfamiliar to their location is very difficult to find a way out without an experienced conductor. The caves are not the essence of the work of nature, but the work of the ancient Pechersk devotees whose bodies in the continuation of several centuries are revealed here with nonploven. Kiev caves from an oldest time produced irresistibly a strong impression on their visitors. Therefore, they were often the subject of hot blast between Orthodox and Latino Uniaat. The main subject of controversy served as a nonstarting of the relics located in the Kiev caves. "Not the quality of the soil is a reasons for this, - ordinary Orthodox poles of the XVII century proved. - Other bodies, there are also laid, turned into dust, but the Pechersk children are honored for the holiness of their life and a special love for God." Started prep. Anthony and Feodosius, caveguancy continued after them for several centuries. Pechersk devotees were by no means "cavemen", as others think. On the contrary, Pechersk devotees were carriers and embodiments began the highest moral perfection, expressive to the victory of the Spirit over the flesh. The cave mobility was by no means no nonsense; On the contrary, it was the expression and fruit of the highest voltage of strong, high and clean religious and moral life, the content of which was: constant prayer, strict post, exhausting bodily labor and continuous struggle of the Spirit with evil and passions. From a long time, when the Kiev Pechersk Monastery was introduced to the surface of the Earth and moved to the present his place, the Cave of Kiev was made by the Inok Cemeter. For eight centuries, due to earthquakes and other reasons, Kiev caves were subjected to both Russian kings and queens, emperors, Malorosi hetmans, Russian venels and spiritual persons. It is collected here and contains a lot of precious gospels, crosses, cups, Panagius, Sakkos, Reese, Mer, Bishops, and others. Things. The most ancient things in the Lauret Risnice are the Gospel of the handwritten and censens from the XVI century, and all other things belong to the XVII and XVIII centuries.

5) Typography of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . In a special building, located east of the Great Lavrian Church, right against her altar, and built in 1720, the Typography of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is placed, which represents one of the most important organs of the wonderful and highly agreed to the entire Russian people of the Orthodox and even Orthodox Christianity educational activities of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This typography was headed by Archimandrite Elisha Pletovenetsky (1595-1624), which acquired the Stryanovsky printing house, which remained after the death of the beodore of the Feodor Balaban († 24 May 1606). The question of the start of typography in the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra has plenty of piety and church rule. " This high goal was achieved by the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra through the printing and distribution among the Orthodox people, a part of the polemical writings defended the Orthodox faith from various accusations and attacks on her Latino Uniats, in Polish, as the state then in the region, and in old-Russian languages, The greatest part and mainly church-friendly books and holy-decent creations, which delivered the Orthodox people, sound and pure spiritual food and claimed him in piety. This high goal is predominantly pursued by the type of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and carried out from the beginning of its existence until 1688, and at all this time she was under the blessing of the Constantinople patriarch and under the action (until 1654 in factual and up to 1686 . Only legal) rights and laws of the Polish-Lithuanian state. From the end of the XVII century. And within the XVIII century. Enlightenment activities of the printing house of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra were expressed in printing and distributed among the Orthodox Russian people mainly and even almost exclusively church-friendly books in Slavyansky and partly in Greek and other foreign languages. At all this time, the typography of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, consisting directly by the Office of Archimandrites with their "Capituet", or later the spiritual cathedral independent of the Kiev Metropolitans, was "under the blessing" and maintaining the Moscow Patriarchs, and then from 1721. Synod, which was particularly closely followed, so that the Typography of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra will not printed any books, except for the church former editions, and these latter printed in perfect harmony with the Great-Russian and Moscow samples. " This guardianship - it must say, "the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra has shy strongly and easily. In this position, the typography of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was until 1786. Baned on April 10, 1786, together with the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, under the authority of the Kiev Metropolitans, who were now the title of Sacred-Archimandrite Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the typography of it already next 1787 . I received important right to print, except for Slavic church-host books, various writings in Russian and other different foreign languages. This right, expressed actually in the opening of the T. Naz. Academic printing house in the printing house of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, has made a significant revival in the activities of the Lavrian printing house. Since that time, under high patronage and strongly, protecting his sacred - archimandritis, the typography of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra began to gradually expand and improved in all respects until it reached the current state. Now the typography of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is quite illicitable 2 1/2 floor building (two floors on the facade, from the Great Church, and the three floors on the part of the Dnieper), in the lower floor of which the locker is placed, giving heating for the entire building and driven by the machine , printing and turning machines, in the middle - several (7) improved twisted machines and manual machines, and in the upper - drying, lithograph, chromolithography and woodcut. And now the typography of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra prints mainly church-host books, which enjoys a significant part of the churches of our Fatherland and the entire Orthodox Slavic world, as well as the books of St. Scripture, church-historical, moral and partly teaching aids. A considerable part of its products that, on the beauty of the font, the grace of the best of our printing houses, are equal to the editions of the best of our printing houses and even exceed them, the Kiev-Pechersk Laurel donates poor churches not only in Russia, but also in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, in Athos and etc.

6) Library and Archive of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The south-west of the Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a large, high and beautiful building representing the main Lavrian bell tower. The bell tower of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was built in 1731-1745. According to the project of the architect Shaden. Its height with the cross is 46 soot. Outside, it is decorated with columns of various architectural orders: Doric, Ionian and Corinthian. Inside the bell tower consists of several tiers. The upper tiers are busy bells. In the lowest tier, the archive of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is now placed. The cases stored in this archive begin only from 1718. Earlier affairs died in a fire and only some ancient documents survived, mainly in the form of copies. The archive is divided into several departments and is in order. In one of the middle tiers of the bell tower of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, representing a fairly spacious and bright room, is now library Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, transferred here relatively recently with the Choir of the Great Church, where she was placed before. Library of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is relatively new meeting. The ancient book of her, obviously died in fire during a fire of 1718. The current library formed mainly in the wills of rebels, the scientist of the brethren of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and some third-party sacrifices consists of a rather significant number of printed books and manuscripts. All manuscripts in the library of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are now up to 429 №№. They came here a part of the branch libraries that existed during monasteries - hospital, near and distant caves and emerged from the fire of 1718, the most part was written after that year. According to the manuscript language, the library of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is divided into Slavic-Russians (276), Latin (133), Polish (4) and Greek (2), according to the material - on parchment (3) and paper (412), in time of writing - On the manuscript of the XIV century. (2), XV century. (5), XVI century. (up to 40) and other XVIII and XIX V.V., in content - on the belonging to the sacred. Scripture, interpretation of his biblical history (18), to liturgical and canonical law (66), to the main theology and philosophy (47), to dogmatic theology, moralization and ascetic (64), to the accusatory and comparativeology (17), Patristics (74) ', to preaching (11), to the verbal sciences (43), to grammar and linguistics (3), to the history of civil and church, universal and Russian (65) and to spiritual education (9). Printed and handwritten assembly of the library of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra has written catalogs; In addition, there is a printed description of the manuscripts (prof. N. I. Petrov), and for printed books a print catalog. In 1908, came out of (??) the first volume of the systematic catalog of books of the library of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the current Lavra librarian Igumen Mikhail (??) Styansky). The first volume of the catalog hugs 4.294 titles of the Bogoslovskiy books. In 1909, the Lavra Library has significantly and significantly enriched, due to the fact that high PR. Flavian, Metropolitan of Kiev, Sacredarchimandrite Lavra, passed its extensive and valuable laurel (??). This is the last meeting contains over 8.298 on (??) and 15.088 volumes of books of theological, church-historical, historical, literary, legal, philosophical and pedagogical content. There are very valuable publications in the cathedral as, for example, polyglotte, patrity, etc. It is very rich in it the department historical and especially Russian church-historical. The work of the writings for church singing is also remarkable. Sighs (??) Sanctified Metropolitan Flavian built, on its own funds, with (??) stone two-storey outline (between Metropolitan houses and paramedic for placing the laurel of their library. In the top (??) the most library is placed, and the lower floor is busy Lavrian reading, for (??) Roy purchased and put in order a new library.

7) Educational and craft institutions of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra C Characteristic activities of her. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to his account contains a two-year church-class school, in which children are trained freely. With it there are also the following craftsmen: 1) a picturesque school; 2) the gaming branch of the same school; 3) Workshops: Plumbing, painting, carpentry, binding and clever (for printing house). Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, fulfilling the covenant of its founders and organizers - prep. Anthony and Feodosia, led to a very wide public charity: it contains a hospital, a stirring, feeds every day many poor, donates generously on public needs; For example, during the Russian-Japanese warriors (1904 and Sl. G.G.), the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra sacrificed the state and society in a total of more than 100,000 rubles.

8) Monastic deserts in the jurisdiction of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In the conduct of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are now deserts: I) Kitaevskaya, II) Preobrazhenskaya and iii) Goloseevskayalocated near Kiev. Iv) Kitaevsky desert is in 9 versts from Kiev-Pechersk Lavra downstream p. Dnipro, on the right bank of him. According to the tradition of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the foundation of this desert refers to the Domongolian time and is attributed to the KN. Andrei Bogolyubsky, who visited "China". The surrounding Kitaevsky deserts of the mountain are littered with caves similar to the Cave of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In the XVII century In Kitayev, there was no doubt there was a small slate. In 1716, Kiev Military Governor KN. D. M. Golitsin resumed the desert, building a wooden church in her name pre. Sergius of Radonezh and with her fraternal wooden Kelly. In 1767, the current Stone Trinity Church with two adhesives was arranged on the site of the dilapidated wooden church - in the name of Pre. Sergius and St. Dimitri Rostovsky. In 1835, a warm church was built here in the name of 12 apostles during a mass meal and stone bell tower, and in 1845 the stone two-story fraternal case. In 1904, the church in the name of the teacher was consecrated in the same year. Seraphim of Sarov's fraternal desert Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, located in the Kitaevskaya desert near the wilderness placed the Lauret Candle Plant, extruding (??? - Vying) candles for the needs of the Lavra and transferred here from the previous premises with the laurel itself in one of the buildings of the current Lavrian hospital courtyard .

Until the 1870s, the Kitaevskaya desert served as the burial place of the dead inkon of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And when the Chinese cemetery was insufficient, the new cemetery was arranged in one verst to the west of Kitaeva, in the terrain called the Kruglik. For the prayer about the departed here, it was arranged in 1873. The stone church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord and since that time the foundation II) Preobrazhensky desert. A little earlier, in 1869 a wooden temple was arranged in the name of the Icons of the PRES. The Virgin "The recovery of the dead" on the island of Zhukov, in 4 versts from Kitaev, with Lavra farm, located here. Iii) in 3 versts northwest from the Kitaevsky desert is Goloseevian desert. Initially in this place, among the secluded and picturesque forest dacha, there was a household farmland of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. More miter. Peter Tomba drew attention to the special beauty of the place, built a church here in the name of one of St. Holidays of his native Moldova - John Sochivsky and with her a house for himself, divorced the garden and put the basis of a small deserted skeoot. The successors of Peter Mogily took care of maintaining the latter, especially Archim. Zosima Valkevich, who, on the dismissal of him in 1786, from the management of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Goloseevskaya desert was given in a lifelong veneer. In 1845, Mitr. Filaret (amphitheaters), especially loved this desert, built in her the current Stone Pokrovsk Church with two adhesives - in the name of St. John Sochivsky and three saint. Currently, Goloseevskaya desert serves as a place for the summer stay of the Sacred-Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - Kiev Metropolitans.

9) Management of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Since its device, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, consisting under the main authorities of Kiev Metropolitans, was in the immediate disposal of his archimandritis that wasted by the monastic fraternity. But in the second half of the XII century. The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, according to the tradition that remained in it, acquired the rights of Stavropigia of great and independence from Kiev Metropolitans. In the second half of the 20th century Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became Stavropigia Konstantinople Patriarch and continued to be managed by archimandritis, who were elected by the liberty votes of brethren and representatives of secular society. In 1685, the Kiev-Pechersk Laurea was temporarily entrusted to the authorities of the Kiev Metropolitan, submitted to the Moscow Patriarch then. But in 1688, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was again withdrawn from under the authorities of the Kiev Metropolitan and was recognized as Stavropiga of the Moscow Patriarch, and with the establishment of St. Synod was renamed in Stavropiga. In 1786, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was subordinate to the Kiev Metropolitans, which began from that time to be called Her Sacred-archimandritis. Now to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the highest government and administrative power belongs to Sacred-archimandrite, who helps the spiritual cathedral, consisting of higher members of the Lavrian Briat, who is predominantly judicial and economic affairs and has all the rights of pretreatments. At the head of the spiritual cathedral is the governor, wearing San Archimandrite and having a general supervision and guidance on all parts of the management of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Archpriest F. Titov

Official name: Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Address: Kiev, Lavrskaya Street, 15

Design date: 1051

Basic information:

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is the ancient monastery in Kiev, one of the main attractions of the city. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a huge complex consisting of temples, caves, fortification facilities, sources and museums. The monastery is one of the most popular attractions of Kiev, and are an integral part of the majority.


History of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The lands, in which the huge territory of the Lavra, were known, were known in the XI-century, as a wooded area, where the monks were praying. One of these monks was the priest of Illarion, out of the underlying village Berersovo. He dug out a cave for prayers, which he soon left. Approximately in the 1051th year, who came from Athos Monk Anthony, was not satisfied with the life in Kiev monasteries, and soon he retired in the requested cave of Illarion. Anthony began to attract followers to himself, and this particularly served as the basis for the continued development of the monastery. It is the cave of Illarion is considered the "progenitor" of modern neighboring caves.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the photo of the late 19th century

According to the generally accepted data, the date of the foundation of the monastery is considered to be the middle of the 11th century, namely, the 1051st year, when the two monks - Feodosi and Anthony, dreamed of caves near the summer residence of Prince Berezovovo, which was located near the then territory of Kiev. The very first hegumen, then just starting his history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, became the Rev. Varlaam Pechersky, who represented the boyar. In the middle of the eleventh century, asking and as a result, having received the blessings of Anthony, the Rev. Varlaam began construction over the cave of the temple in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was originally wooden. After, already in 1073, the construction of the first stone church was started on the territory of the monastery, which eventually became famous oh..

At the beginning of the eleventh century, the then monastery gradually turns into the center of distribution and approval of the Christian religion on the territory of Kievan Rus. In connection with the defeat of Kiev Hordes Khan Batya, the monastery takes decline for several centuries, like the whole life of Kiev, and only in the XIV-M century the revival of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery begins.

On the 1619 year, the monastery receives a very influential and serious status of "Lavra" - the most important and most enormous at the time of the male monastery. Already by then, two cities are in the possession of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - Radoths and Vasilkov. By the end of the eighteenth century, Kiev-Pechersa Lavra becomes the largest church feudal in the territory of Ukraine: in the possessions of Lavra, there are seven small towns, more than two hundred villages and farms, three cities, and, moreover, e less than seventy thousand fortresses, two paper manufacturing factories , About twenty plants for the production of bricks and glasses, distillers and mills, as well as Kabaki and even equestrian plants. In 1745, the Corainelavl Bell Tower, which for a long time is the highest structure in the territory of the Russian Empire and still remains one of the symbol of the monastery. At the end of the 17th century, Laurea was subordinate to the Moscow Patriarch and, in the end, Archimandrite Lavra receives, the so-called championship to all other Russian metropolitans. In 1786, Laurea passes under the Kiev Metropolitan. As a result, by the end of the 19th century, the Lavra, besides the property listed above, is 6 monasteries, which was very inspired and, almost a record number.

One of the turning and tragic events in the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra occurs in 1917, when the persecution of the priests begin, the temples are welded and closed. On January 25, 1918, the first new homework, Rusky Metropolitan Kiev and Galitsky Vladimir, was shot near the territory of the monastery, after which the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was finally closed, two years later. In 1941, another tragic event takes place - retreating Soviet troops, pre-reinforcing the Assumption Sobbarvarsky explodes the temple with the arrival of Germans. During the fascist occupation of Kiev, the monastery again begins his work, but it does not last long - in 1961, the monks and clergymen are again expelled from the territory and premises of the monastery, and the Lavra is turned into a museum. On June 25, 1988, the first Divine Liturgy in the cave church of the Rev. Feodosius in the distant caves, which becomes a new milestone in the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. The previously blown before the Assumption Cathedral is beginning to rebuild and reconstruct in 2000, and its interior will be renewed so far.

To date, the "Lower Lavra" together with the caves is under the leadership of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, and the so-called "Upper Lavra" is a territory under the leadership of the National Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve

Interesting Facts:

According to generally accepted data, the monastery was founded in 1051

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra enters the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage

On the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra there is more than 20 churches, several museums, neighbor and distant caves, fraternal buildings, a hotel, a meal and a huge number of other structures.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is almost 30 hectares.

Sightseeing on the map:


Kiev-Pechersk Lavra at all times was the keeper of the High Monastic Spirit and Orthodox Piece. And it is Lavra who stands at the origins of Russian monastics. The Metropolitan of Borispolsky and Brovarskaya Anthony (Pakanich), managing the affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, tells about the past and present decades' centuries about the centuries of prosperity and serious decades of demolitioners.

- Above the Eminence, who and when was Laurel was founded?

It was founded in 1051 at the Kiev Prince Yaroslav wise. The basis of his cave was not far from the village of Berestov, who was digging by Metropolitan Ilarion and later became the refuge of Rev. Anthony. Before that, Holy Anthony lasted for several years in Athos, where he accepted the monastic stop. Returning to the blessing of the confessor on Russia, he came to Kiev, and soon the glory about his prayer exploits was widely known. Over time, the students began to gather around Anthony. When the amount of brethren reached twelve, Anthony put them by Igumen Varlaam, and in 1062 he moved to the next hill, where he dug the cave. So there were caves who called the closest and distant. After the translating of the presented Varlaam, the abbot to the Holy Dmitrievsky monastery, Anthony blesses to the Igotum of Rev. Feodosia. By this time, there were already about a hundred monks in the monastery.

Upon completion of the construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the mid-1970s of the XI century, the center of the Pechersk Monastery shifts to the territory of the current Upper Lavra. In the "Old" monastery, only a minor part of the monastery remained. Middle and distant caves have become the place of privacy of devotees and the burial place of deceased brethren. The first burial in the near caves was the burial of Rev. Anthony in 1073, and in the distant - Reverene Feodosia in 1074.

The Igumen of the Athos Monastery informed Reverend Anthony: "Let there be a blessing of the Holy Mount Athos on you, there will be many inkoms from you"

- What is the impact of Athos on the continuity of the traditions of the Afonovian monastic doing?

Undoubtedly, there is a deep spiritual connection between and Kiev-Pechersk inheritant. Thanks to the reverend Anthony, the tradition of monastic business was brought against Rus from Athos. According to legend, the Igumen of the Afonov Monastery informed Reverend Anthony with such words: "May the blessing of the Holy Mountain Athos will be on you, there will be many inocities from you." Therefore, it was not by chance that the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery was still at the dawn of his formation began to be called the "Third Dettle of the Mother of God" and "Russian Athos."

Last year, we celebrated the 1000th anniversary of writing "Tale of Bygone Years", created in the walls of the monastery. It was in the Lavra that the Great Russian Culture was originated, the basis of which was church literature, architecture and an iconist. Please tell us more about this side of the life of the monastery.

It is from the walls of the Pechersk Monastery, the first domestic theologians, agiographs, icon painters, gymnographs, book publishers came out. Here the heads of the ancient Russian literature, visual arts, jurisprudence, medicine, pedagogy, charity were born here.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the living witness of the Holy History of our Fatherland, became the founder of the domestic historical science and founders of schools. The first famous chronicler of Russia was Rev. Nikon, the Hegumen of the Pechersk Monastery. The first Russian historian Nestor Chronicler has been typing and worked here - author of the Pechersk Chronicles and "Tale of Bygone Years". In the XII century in the Lavra, the first arch of the lives of Russian saints was created - .

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra at all times the same successfully succeeded in educational, missionary, charitable and social activities. Especially in the oldest period of its existence, it was a true Christian-educational center, a treasury of domestic culture. But, above all, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was a piece of piety, spreading from it throughout Russia and beyond its limits.

After the ruin of Kiev in Batym in 1240 in the life of the Orthodox Church in the south-west of Russia, difficult times came. How did the monochners committed their ministry?

The history of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery was part of the history of the state. Disasters and Dischaos did not manage to a quiet abode, which always answered on them the mission of peacekeeping and mercy. Starting from the 40s of the 20th century until the beginning of the XV century, the Pechersk Residents together with the people underwent many disasters from the Tatar-Mongolian raids. The monastery was incredited at the XII century, the monastery was observed in the XII century, which, however, did not save him from emptying in 1240, when Kiev was taken by Batu. Mongol-Tatars destroyed the monastic stone fence, robbed and damaged the Great Assumption Church. But at this hard time, Pechersk Inkoks did not leave their abode. And those who were forced to leave the monastery, organized the monastery in other corners of Russia. So there were Pochaev and Svyatogorsk Lavra and some other monasteries.

Information about the monastery belonging to this time is pretty scarce. It is only known that the Lavrian caves again become a place of habitat of the Inocities, as well as the burial site of the defenders of Kiev. In the near caves there are large niches filled with human bones, which are allegedly burials. The monks of the Pechersk Monastery in heavy godinas carried away the help of the inhabitants of Kiev, fed hungry from the reserves of the monastery, took the disadvantaged, treated patients, provided worries with all those in need.

- What was the role of Lavra in the "Defense" of the Western Lights of the Russian Orthodoxy?

In the middle of the XIV century, Lithuanian expansion begins for most of the territory of modern Ukraine. However, despite the fact that the Lithuanian Prince of Olgerd, who was subordinate to Kiev land, initially confessed the pagan faith, and then, after the adoption of the Krevian Union between Lithuania and Poland, the enhanced attachment of Catholicism began, the Pechersk Resident lived during this period a full-fledged life.

At the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries, the monastery was the center of confrontation between the Catholic Unia and the Orthodox Church, as a result of him. Some of the people of the Pechersk monastery fled from the oppression of Catholics and founded new monasses. For example, Stefan Makhrishsky fled to Moscow, subsequently founded Stefano-Makhrishchsky, Austnezhsky monasteries.

In the fight against the planting of Catholicism and Ulya, a considerable role was played by Lavra Typography

In the fight against the imposition of Catholicism and Ulya, the Lavrian typography was played a considerable role, which was founded in 1615. Outstanding public figures, writers, scientists and artists and artists were grouped around it. Among them are Archimandrite Nikifor (Tour), Elisha (Pletovenetsky), Pamva (Bernda), Zechariah (Kopystensky), Jobs (Boreletsky), Peter (Grave), Athanasius (Kalofoy), Innokenty (Gizel) and many others. With the name Elisha (Pletovenetsky) is associated with the beginning of a typography in Kiev. The first printed book of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the book, which came to this day, is "chast police" (1616-1617). Until the middle of the XVIII century, the Lavrian printingography practically did not have competitors.

An important place in the history of the monastery of this period is occupied by Archimandrite, and later the Kiev Metropolitan Peter (grave). One of the main spheres of its activities was concern for education. In 1631, the saint founded the gymnasium in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in which secular items were studied along with theology: grammar, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic and many others. In 1632, to prepare the Orthodox clergy and the secular elite in Ukraine, the gymnasium was combined with a fraternal school on Podol. The first higher educational institution was created in Ukraine - the Kiev-Mogilyan Collegium, which was subsequently transformed into the Kiev Great Academy.

After the conclusion of the Pereyaslav Treaty of the Lavra, praised letters, funds, land and estates were given

- How has the life of the Lavra changed after the transition to the patronage of the Moscow sovereign?

After the conclusion of the Pereyaslav Treaty of 1654 and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, the Tsarist Government provided the largest Ukrainian monasteries, in particular the Lavra, complained letters, funds, land and estates. Laurea became the "Stavropigion of the Tsarist and Patriarch Moskovsky". For almost 100 years (1688-1786), archimandrite Lavra was given the championship in front of all Russian metropolitans. In addition, at the end of the XVII - early XVIII centuries, the farm Lavra has reached the greatest size. In the XVII century, large repair and restoration and construction work was carried out in the laurel. The architectural ensemble was replenished with stone churches: St. Nicholas in a hospital monastery, the Annosachatievskaya, the Nativity of the Virgin and the Cross-Zoda Church appeared above the caves. Social, charitable activities of the monastery were very active during this period.

Lavra's necropolis is one of the largest Christian necropolia in Europe. What historical and state figures are buried in the laurel?

Indeed, in the Lavra there was a unique necropolis. Its ancient parts began to be formed in the second half of the XI century. The first documented burial in the Great Church was the burial of the son of the Varangian Prince Shimon (in the baptism of Simon). In the ground, the holy monastery, in its temples and caves, reveal outstanding hierarchs, church and state figures. For example, the first Kiev Metropolitan Mikhail, Prince Feodor Ostrogsky, Archimandrite Elisha (Pletovenetsky), Innokenty (Gizel), are resting. The walls of the Assumption Cathedral of the Lavra were a grave of Natalia Dolgorukova in 1771 (in monastics - nectaries), the daughter of the companion of Peter the Great, General Field Marshal B.P. Dolgorukova. The famous poets dedicated to this selfless and beautiful woman, legends went about it. She was a generous benevolence of the Lavra. Also buried the outstanding warlord Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaysky. He himself bequeathed to bury himself in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which was performed at the closure of the Cathedral Assumption Church. An outstanding church leader Metropolitan Flavian (Gorodetsky), which played a significant role in the life of the Lavra was buried in the Cross-Promotional Temple. In 1911, the Earth abode adopted the remains of the outstanding statesman Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin. It is very symbolic that next to Lavra, in the temple of the Savior on Berestov (this is an ancient city that was a summer residence of Kiev princes), the founder of Moscow Prince Yuri Dolgoruki was buried.

Please tell us about the period of Soviet ruin. What was the fate of the Lavra in godless times? When did it begin to be a revival after the goggle period?

For its almost millennial existence, the Pechersk abode experienced not one persecution, but none of them in gravity cannot be compared with the persecution of militiars - Soviet power. Together with the persecution of faith, hunger, typhoid and ruin, after which the monastery followed and the elimination of the monastery followed. The murder of monks and clergy in those terrible times has become almost commonplace. In 1924, Archimandrite Nikolai (Drobyginin) was killed in his cell. Some monks of Lavra and her beds were shot without a trial and the investigation. Soon many from the number of brethren were arrested and exiled. A big process of Bishop Alexy (willing) was staged. One of the most tragic events of Lavra life was the murder of Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky).

In the early 1920s, due to the enthusiasm of representatives of the creative intelligentsia, the Museum of Cults and Life was organized to prevent the destruction of spiritual and artistic values \u200b\u200bof the monastery. In the years of militant atheism, a museum town was created in the Lavra and a number of museums and exhibitions were opened. In 1926, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was recognized as a historical and cultural state reserve. However, in early 1930, the monastery was closed. In the same year, Vladimir and Sophia Cathedrals were closed, which became branches of the reserve. During World War II, the Germans began to rob and export in Germany the most valuable museum treasures, including from the collection of the Kiev-Pechersk Reserve. On November 3, 1941, the Assumption Cathedral was blown up.

The revival of the monastery began in the late 1980s. To commemorate the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus, the Government of the Ukrainian SSR decided to transfer the lower territory of the Kiev-Pechersk State Historical and Cultural Reserve to Ukrainian Exarchant of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1988, the territory of the current distant caves was transferred. The resumption of the activities of the Orthodox male monastery in the territory of the distant caves was even marked by God's miracle - three peaceful chapters began to exhibit the world.

To date, the monastery is located on the lower territory of the Lavra, and we hope that the state will continue to contribute to the return of the shrine to its original owner.

What story from Kiev-Pechersk Caterick is your favorite? Do miracles happen in the laurel in our time?

The collection of stories about the foundation of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery and the lives of his first statements is undoubtedly a storehouse, a spiritual treasury for every Orthodox Christian. This edifying reading still in his youth made an indelible impression on me and today is a desk book. It is difficult to allocate some kind of separate plot. All the personalities of the chicken, miracles and events of their lives are equally dotted and interesting. I remember how I was struck by a miracle of the reverend alpius icon painter, who healed the lepers, putting him to the wound with the paints, which Icons wrote.

To this day, wonders occur in the laure

To this day, miracles occur in the laurence. There are cases of healing from cancer diseases after prayers in the relics of Rev.. There was a case when after the prayer of the icon of Our Lady "Allmenitsa" healed from blindness pilgrimage, which even reported the media. But it is important to remember that miracles are not performed automatically. The main thing is sincere prayer and strong faith, with whom a person comes to the shrine.

Which of the saints glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church studied or taught in the Kiev Great Academy?

Among the graduates of the Kiev Spiritual Academy are such outstanding saints, as (Tuputall), Feodosius Chernigovsky (Uglitsky), Pavel and Philofee Tobolsk, Innokenty Kherson (Borisov). St. Joasaf Belgorod (Gorlenko) at the end of the training was tonsured to the mantle in the Kiev-fraternal monastery and was collected by the Academy teachers. Saint Feofan, the Reasanist (Govorov), Rev. Paisius Velichkovsky and Sacred, Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) studied. The Cathedral of the Holy CDA includes 48 names, more than half of which are new martyrs and confessors of the twentieth century.

Rev. Anthony Pechersky, founder of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra († 1073)

Anthony Pechersky (983-1073) - The founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, occupies a special place in the host of the ancient Russian saints and worshiped by the Russian church as "the head of all Russian monks", since the Pechersk Resident founded in the Kiev Mountains, many centuries served as the center and school of the ancient Russian monasticism and Enlightenment for all Russia. The names of Anthony are called Middle (Antoniyev) Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Rev. Anthony (in the world of antipa) born in 983 not far from Chernigov, in the town of Lyubech. From the young age, the antipa wanted to become ink. And matured, went to Western. Having reached Athos, the antipa was amazed by the beauty and the arrangement of this holy place. Two years later, in one of the Athos monasses, he accepted the monastic tonsure with the name of Anthony - in honor of Anthony of the Great, recognized people of monastic and deserted, who lived in the III-IV centuries.

There is a legend, according to which he accepted the inhang, with the name of Anthony in a small ancient monastery of the Efigmen and passed the monastic obedience as a hermit, under the leadership of the elder of Hegumen Feoktist.

Monastery Effigmen

However, the question of exactly where the Rev. Anthony Pechersky on Athos remains open. A number of researchers questioned the hypotheses from the middle of the XIX century on the existence of the caves of St. Anthony Pechersky as near the Great Lavra of St. Athanasius and the Extgmensky Monastery. In Athos, among Russian monks, there is a more long-standing tradition that the future father of Russian monasticism initially lasted on the Holy Mountain not in Greek, but in the Russian monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin ("Panagia Xilurge", or "Wheel").

Young ink in all tried to please God. He especially succeeded in meekness and obedience. When he acquired spiritual experience in his exploration, Igumen gave him obedience so that he was going on Rus and athlete the athlest in this newly known Christian country. For goodbye, Igumen said: "Anthony! It's time for you and others to lead in holy life. Return to your Russian land, and there will be a blessing of the Holy Afonov Mountain. There will be many inkom from you. "

Rev. Anthony Pechersky on Athos

When Rev. Anthony came to Kiev, there were already several monasteries based at the request of the princes of the Greeks. Anthony began to visit monasteries in Kiev land. But nowhere has he found such a right arranged, strict monastic life, which is accustomed to Athos.

And so, on one of the hills of Kiev, on Bereskaya Mountain, on the steep shore of the Dnieper, who resembled him Favorite Athos, he saw the cave dug off the priest Hilarion, the future Metropolitan of Kiev. Here Anthony and stopped. It was in 1028.

The future holy betrayed an advanced feat in a cave, where he began to work out in prayer, post, expectation and work, tasting a little food every other day, sometimes did not eat.

Soon, the glory of him was separated not only in Kiev, but also in other Russian cities. People began to come to the devotee for the blessing, advice, and other began to ask for a residence permit. Among the first students of Rev. Anthony was St. Nikon, who in 1032 he had tonsured in the prevail.

Anthony took the sought for an inocurement with love. When 12 people were gathered about the reverend, a large cave was died with general efforts, and church and celi are arranged in it. As soon as the works were completed, Anthony retired from the monastery, putting the Blessed Varlaam over Britia.

I dug out a new cave, Rev. Anthony fell in it. But there, near the place of his privacy, invas soon began to settle. So formed Middle and distant laurel caves .

After some time, the cave on Berestovaya Mount has become closely for multiplying brethren and pilgrims. And here the Great Kiev Prince Izyaslav has contacted the monastery instead of the caves.

As the Kiev-Pechersk Catering testifies, the Queen Heavenly sent to the banks of the Dnieper of Mason. And he sent with them an icon of his Assumption, which became the main shrine of the monastery. "I want to build a church in Russia, in Kiev ... I will come to see this church, and I will live in it"- Mastechman polly. So start to form Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Pecherskaya, i.e. Based on caves).

The abode has become the first spiritual center of the state of the Russian and Russian Church. Famous archpastors, zealous preachers of faith and wonderful writers came out of its walls. The Saints Leontius and Isaiah are especially known - the Bishops of Rostov, Nifont - Bishop Novgorod, Rev. Kushsha - Vodkitich's educator, Nestor and Simon Chronicles.

During the lifetime of Anthony, Igumen formed by the monastery was supplied.

Reverend Anthony and Feodosius Pechersk

When the number of statements reached 100 people, with the blessing of Anthony of Briath, built on a mountain over a long cave the first wooden church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin .

The glory of the monastery already in the first decades of its existence spread throughout Russia. Others began to be built on the sample of the Pechersk abode of St. Anthony.

Shortly after the founding of the monastery, the Rev. Anthony went in full shutter, removing from the management of the monastery. It died on May 7, 1073 , Being a 90 year old old man. Before his death, he was the Most Holy Mother of God and predicted a close ending. He asked her to, as his life was always secret, and his relics were never discovered. The desire of Rev. Anthony was performed: his power has not yet been found. .

To this day, several legends have been preserved about his burial. According to one of them, Reverend Anthony, providing the approach of his death, said goodbye to Britia and retired to the cave, in which the burial place himself was dug. Mentor of the Pechersk Monks forbade the Briat to follow him. And when he was somewhat dismantled, the Earth suddenly fell behind him. Inaks wanted to dig up the remains of Rev., but here the flame broke out from under the ground and they moved them. They decided to move left and dig there, but the flow of water fell on them. Traces of fire and water beyond the icon of Rev. Anthony, standing on the place where the earth fell apart, visible today.

During the years of Soviet power, attempts were made to discover the power of the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, but since they were not official, then confirm the documented results of these searches is not possible. There is a modern oral tradition that archaeologists who tried to spread the alleged scene of Reverend Anthony prevented fiery sparks that began to appear during the excavations. One way or another, but the Lord does not open our relics of two great worships, Anthony and Feodosia.

Rev. Anthony was canonized in 1133 .

The memory of Reverend Anthony is performed:

July 23 (July 10th old style);
September 15th (September 2 at the old style) - along with the Reverend Feodosius Pechersk;
October 11 (September 28, according to the old style) - as part of the Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk, in the near caves who are already revealed.

Tropear, voice 4
From Mirskago Mountain Mouthwested, the rejection of the world of the Gospelski was followed by Christ, and equivalent lives, in the Pacific Ranish, the Holy Mountain of Athon reached EMI: the blessing of the Fents in the mountain of Kiev came and Tamo is hardly worrying the life of the life, the Fatherland has enlightened, and a lot of monastic To the heavenly kingdom showing that Christ was led by the Esi, the Eagle Moli, Anthony Reverend, and our souls will save.

Kondak, voice 8
Having possession of God to all the beloved from youth, the loving followed by the Loveness of all souls: the world was the same thorough sickness, the cave was pleased with the cave, and in her good anti-invadigamago enemy of the goose . It was overwhelmed with the opposite of the heavenly drawn, and now I will give the throne from the angels to the throne, remembering our memory of your memory, yes by calling: rejoice in Anthony, our father.

Prayer Reverend Anthony Kiev-Pechersky
Oh, kind of our shepherd Majcin, acknowledged inkon Russian initial, reverend and the gardener of our Anthony! You are grief in the districts of the stays, we are lower on the earth, removing it is not tortuous from you not to Toliko place, Coliko sinful unclean our own; Obacheu Mondainly, the father's love of yours to the people, so much, fall and pray with as a moutigation and faith: Pomping us, sinful, repentance to be cleaned and worthy of life pardon and forgiveness from the Lord and the creator of our. His adolescence to give us a great and rich gravity: the lands of fruit, air is foolishness, the world of deep, britally sincerely, piety unlocking, everyday consumption, and not in evil, we turn the benefit, giving us from the generous kindergarten of his land And in saving our. Observation, the miraculous holy, the most bondable prayers of Russian hands, the abode of yours and the whole country of Orthodox-Russian is invalid from ever Silent consolation, deliverance and healing them, I am grateful to Slavim, praise and magnify the gluts of the Lord, all the benefit of us, the original father, the only beggar of his son and the one of his spirit, the Trinity of the Library and inseparable, and your holy intercession forever centuries. And mine.

God of God. Rev. Anthony Pechersky

Rev. Anthony Pechersky

Transferring about the lives of the St. Anthony of Pecherski from the cycle "Life of Reverend Pechersk".
Production: Telebito Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. year 2012