
Icon of divine discipline. The Icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost": the History of the Miraculous Shrine

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“Seeking out the lost” - why did the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos receive such a name? Isn't our Lord "not the God of the dead, but the God of the living."

The Mother of God is the last refuge and the last hope for those who have almost taken the fatal step and crossed the threshold of death. Death is not necessarily physical, but spiritual. When a person was in the grip of sin and could not break free.

There is a legend that in the 17th century in the Kaluga province there lived a certain peasant Fedot Obukhov, known for his piety and piety. On Epiphany, in the very cold, a blizzard caught him on the way. The horses were tired, in front there was only an impassable ravine, and Fedot himself began to fall asleep, which, as you know, leads the freezing one to inevitable death. With the last of his strength, he prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, making a vow that in case of salvation, he would make an icon for the parish church “Seeking the Lost”, because he himself hung by a hair's breadth from death. A miracle happened: another peasant, who was waiting out the blizzard at home, heard a wonderful voice under the window, which told him "take it." Trying to find out what was the matter, he went out to meet the bad weather and saw a freezing man.

It was Fedot Obukhov, who later fulfilled his vow. The Bor icon “Seeking the Lost” became miraculous. Many healings and stories of salvation happened through prayer in front of her. The image of the icon is very interesting - the Mother of God leans towards the Baby Jesus. This is the peak of maternal love. She comforts the grief of the Infant. Out of love for us, the Lord saves us when it seems that this is no longer possible.

There is no reliable information about the appearance of the icon. Many believe that the icon painter Matrona Moskovskaya blessed the icon painter to paint the image.

One thing is known, the image glorifies the Mother of God with numerous miracles and healings performed by prayer in front of him. There is no parental love stronger than the love of our Heavenly Father.

Icon Mother of God"Recovery of the dead"

Lists of the Icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost"

  • Resurrection of the Word at the Uspensky Vrazhka (Moscow);
  • In the Church of the Position of the Lord's Robe in Moscow;
  • In Vysotsky male monastery(Serpukhov);
  • In the Nikolsky Cathedral (Serpukhov).

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost"

Diligent, blessed Mother of God to the intercessor!

I am running to You, I am accursed and most sinful man, listen to the voice of my prayer and hear my cry and groaning.

For my iniquity has surpassed my head, and I, like a ship in the depths, sink into the sea of ​​my sins. But Thou, All-Merciful and Merciful Lady, do not despise me who is desperate and perishing in sin, have mercy on me, repenting in my evil deeds, and turn my deluded, accursed soul to the right path.

On You, my Lady Theotokos, I lay all my hope. Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Theotokos, the Assistant of sinners and the Seeking of the lost! Look with Your merciful eye on us, who stand before Your holy icon and pray to You with tenderness: raise us up from the depths of sinfulness, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, do You, Lady, You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we resort to You and cry: do not leave us with Your heavenly help, but appear to us everlastingly and by Your ineffable mercy and mercies save and have mercy on us perishing. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment. You are Bo, Queen and Lady, an ambulance Assistant and Intercessor to all who come to You, and a strong Refuge for sinners who repent. Grant to us, Abiding and Most Immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our belly is peaceful and unashamed, and grant us with Your intercession to dwell in the Heavenly habitation, where the unceasing voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ever since. Amen.

How does prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" help?

  • Before the icon they pray for healing from ailments;
  • About help in hopeless situations;
  • Salvation in times of trouble;
  • About protection from the power of sin.

The icon "Seeking the Lost" is the face of the Mother of God with a child in her arms. Among the Orthodox, it is considered miraculous and helps mothers and fathers to comfort the grief over their children. Parental pleas for children do not go unanswered.

The first mention of the icon "Seeking the Dead" took place in the 6th century. Monk Theophilus was preparing to become a minister of the church, but he left the righteous path and sold himself to the devil. Realizing that he was going on the wrong road, he began to fervently pray to the Virgin Mary. The queen of heaven, having heeded the ardent entreaties, forgave him, freed him from his union with Satan.

The governor of Saratov in 1666, after the battle and received numerous wounds, was preparing for death, as in the Volga an image of an icon appeared to him, and he was cured. Since then, the Povolzhskaya icon "Seeking the Dead" has healed people from diseases.

The Bor icon of the Mother of God in Serpukhov also works miracles. The peasant Fedot got lost in winter and froze. He prayed passionately to the Virgin Mary, promised that if he survived, he would order the image. The Mother of God carried the frozen man with the sleigh to the hut. Having come to his senses, Fedot Obukhov ordered the icon from the master. But the master demanded a high price. The deal did not take place, the artist went blind. Realizing his greed, the icon painter promised to paint the face of the Virgin Mary for free and immediately recovered his sight. This is how the miraculous icon of the Seizure of the Dead in Serpukhov was created, which once prevented an epidemic of cholera in Serpukhov.

How the Seeking of the Lost Prayer Helps

To reward forgiveness, that is, to exact - hence the name of the icon "Seeking the Dead". Prayer to the icon helps everyone who is on the verge of destruction, physical or spiritual.

You can pray to the Mother of God for children, hopelessly sick, in extreme poverty on the verge of starvation, souls trapped by vices and passions.

Prayer to the icon "Seeking the Lost" gets rid of diabolical vices: alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking. The icon protects children from injuries and troubles. You can pray for a happy marriage, children's health. Also protects soldiers in war. Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking out the lost" will be effective even in your own words, the intercessor will hear any request and will certainly help if your faith is strong and sincere. The Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, is especially revered by the Orthodox. She is the unspoken defender of the Russian land. It is difficult to assess the meaning of the image of “Recovery of the lost”. This is the last refuge of people in sorrow and tragedy. Giving hope, forgiveness, has earned great respect and veneration of the Russian people. The word of the lost does not mean the dead. These are souls on the verge of life and death, drowned in vices, lost their face before the Lord and people. And even murderers, alcoholics, notorious villains, with sincere repentance, the Mother of God gives forgiveness and reassurance. Prayer gives peace of mind and strength to such people.

After all, only through repentance, awareness of sins and sincere faith comes salvation. Particularly strong is the prayer "Seeking out the lost" for Orthodox calendar 5 (18) February - the day of veneration of the icon. Sinners will find consolation and comfort by praying. Go to the temple or pray at home, if you do not see a gap in life, despair has overwhelmed you:

  • For the sons who went to war
  • From poverty and ruin
  • In epidemics
  • A serious illness has overpowered you or your relatives
  • With the evil eye, damage for children, protecting
  • Successful marriage of a daughter, granddaughter
  • For girls to preserve and preserve love
  • In gloomy life situations

The text of the prayer "Seeking the lost"

Diligent, blessed Mother of God to the intercessor!

I run to You, I am a cursed and most sinful man, listen to the voice of my prayer and hear my cry and groaning.

For my iniquity has surpassed my head, and I, like a ship in the depths, sink into the sea of ​​my sins.

But Thou, All-Merciful and Merciful Lady, do not despise me who is desperate and perishing in sin, have mercy on me, repenting in my evil deeds, and turn my deluded, accursed soul to the right path.

On You, my Lady Theotokos, I lay all my hope.

Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and forever and ever.


Prayer to the Mother of God for her husband

The Prayer to the Mother of God "Seeking the lost" for her husband is rewarded if the husband has addictions to drunkenness, smoking, cruelty, or, on the contrary, went to war.

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, the Lady of the Theotokos, the Assistant of sinners and the Seeking of the lost!

Look with Your merciful eye on us, who stand before Your holy icon and pray to You with tenderness:

raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies.

Not imams of other help, not imams of other hopes, unless You, Lady, You weigh all our weaknesses and sins, we resort to You and cry:

do not leave us with Thy heavenly help, but appear to us everlastingly, and with Thy ineffable mercy and bounties save and have mercy on us who are perishing.

Grant us the correction of our sinful life and deliver us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment.

You are Bo, Queen and Lady, an ambulance Assistant and Intercessor to all who come to You, and a strong Refuge for sinners who repent.

Grant to us, Abiding and all-immaculate Virgin, the Christian end of our belly is peaceful and not shameful, and grant us by Thy intercession to indulge in the inhabitants of Heaven,

where the ceaseless voice of those celebrating with joy glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.


Prayer for marriage

Prayer to the icon "Seeking the Lost" about marriage helps to create a strong family, live young in peace and harmony.

Oh Most Holy Lady and Holy Mother of God, hear me Servant of God (proper name) give me consolation and give me hope for a prosperous and joyful life. Only you can I ask for refuge in my sorrows and troubles. You are the only one who, standing at the throne of the Lord, pray to the Almighty for the forgiveness of all my sins, committed through my unreasoning. Hear me and save me from death and sorrow. Before your Holy Icon I stand and in tears I fall to Your image, an ambulance Protector and helper of all people who cry out to you in their sorrows and sorrows. Amen

Akathist to the Mother of God about protection in Russian

Glorify in prayer the Mother of God, the intercessor, the Most Holy Virgin, give thanks for what you have, asking for protection and help in illnesses and family matters. Akathist (glorification) of the Mother of God in Russian will surely help you to find a solid ground under your feet in difficult family matters.

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Lady of Heaven, Great Mother of God! Turn your gaze to those who stand before your holy icon and pray to you with love and sincere and deeply, raise us from the depths of sinful, enlighten our mind, clouded by unnecessary passions, and heal the ulcers of the soul and body. There is no other help but yours, there is no other hope but you. You see all our weaknesses and sins, it is we who come to your image and turn: do not leave us without Heavenly support, show us your mercy and grace, save and have mercy on us who are perishing. Let us correct our sins, save us from sorrows, troubles and diseases, from vain death, hell and eternal torment. You are an ambulance assistant and intercessor to all who come to you in their repentance. Give us hope for eternal life into the Kingdom of God. Hear our appeal and do not reject it. We joyfully glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

According to holy church legends, the first icon depicting the Mother of God with the title "Seeking the Lost" was created in the sixth century. However, there is absolutely different variants about how the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" appeared in Russia and why this particular image began to be venerated for the first time.

Versions of the icon's origin

The legend tells that Theophid is a monk who, because of slander, was expelled from the house of the bishop, harbored hatred and resentment inside. This prompted him to turn his back on God and go over to the side of the devil. He literally on the brink prevented a quick spiritual death and began to ask for redemption. The Mother of God heard his sincere prayers and decided to accept repentance, she forgave him generously and withdrew her obligations to Satan. Therefore, the man decided to devote himself to serving God and carry His message to the grieving and fallen.

In addition, there is a version about a certain robber who regularly prayed in front of this image. In his innocence, he asked for help “in work,” and his work was far from righteous deeds. The Most Pure Virgin could not allow such connivance, as a result, the icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" spoke to this, as they say in the world, a finished man and enlightened him. Thanks to such divine intervention, the robber was able to repent and ultimately receive forgiveness. Of course, he ceased to conduct his unwholesome providence and devoted himself to the service of the Lord.

There are other stories about this image, they differ in plot, but in all there is a unifying core that a thoughtful reader could easily notice. If you look at these stories, it is easy to understand how the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost” helps its spiritual children.

She reveals faith even to the most fallen people, even to those who, it would seem, cannot be forgiven and those who cannot return to the right path, She helps and makes it possible to find Salvation.

Here it should be noted and the meaning of the icon "Seizure of the lost", which becomes clear from the name itself. We are talking about lost souls, about those who are far from acquiring genuine gifts and grace. In fact, about all people, because even the righteous are difficult without the help of the Lord. Therefore, here we are talking about the Mother of God, which, as it were, pulls out the lost souls from their frailty and allows them to be transformed into beings of a higher order.

How does the "Recovery of the Lost" icon help?

Icons of this type are divided into several types, on some of the icons of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”, She is depicted with her head covered, and on some with her hands uncovered and not clasped. Other authors include additional elements such as the landscape in the window and the saints. There is an icon "The Seeking of the Perished" in Moscow, in this image of the Mother of God without a headdress and surrounded by saints.

The Mother of God has an endless love for people and a desire to help everyone who gets lost on the way.

She is ready to forgive and provide assistance to everyone who is on the verge of death.

Images become symbols that encourage tireless prayer and proclamation of the truth. She is the intercessor of sick people who cannot be healed. She confidently saves everyone in poverty and making ends meet. Briefly, the meaning of the icon "Seeking out the lost" can be described as salvation for everyone burdened and depressed, who has lost all hope and desire to live.

People go to this image to ask to save a sick baby or an unborn child. She has shown miracles more than once, saving mothers from suffering and painful experiences, so she becomes the patroness of children and adolescents, who are also good at praying before this image.

To such icons of the Mother of God as "The Seeking of the Perished", "The Burning Bush" and the Vladimirskaya people try to turn to her with a fervent request and prayers to heal a seriously ill person or relative. Sincere prayer to the image helps to get rid of unnecessary vices, including dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Sinners who have repented go to her to ask for forgiveness and the opportunity to return to the path of God.

Women ask for a happy family and the health of all household members. She is able to protect a person who is on the battlefield and strives home with all his heart. It can heal from fevers, eye diseases and various ailments. Thousands Orthodox people turn to her for help every year, and the importance can hardly be overestimated in the Orthodox culture.

Prayers to the icon

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Icon "Seeking the Lost"

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Mother of God! Behold your merciful eye on us, who stand before your holy icon and pray to you with tenderness; raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Not imams of any other help, not imams of other hopes, except for Thee, the Sovereign. You bear all our weaknesses and transgressions, we run to Thee and cry: do not leave us with Thy heavenly help, but present us appropriately, and by Thy indescribable mercy and mercy save us and have mercy on us in abundance. Grant us the correction of our sinful life and save us from sorrows, troubles and illnesses, from sudden death, hell and everlasting torment. Thou, the Queen and the Lady, the fast Assistant and Intercessor to all who come to Thee, and the strong refuge of sinners who repent. Podazhd DRC us Preblagaya and spotless Virgin, the Christian end of the life of our Mirren and nepostyden And grant us thy petition vselitisya in the Abode of the Heavenly, idezhe incessant voice celebrating the joy praising the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages ... Amen.

Second Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Icon "Seeking the Lost"

Intercessor, the Most Blessed, Blessed Lord Mati, I run to Thee, accursed and most sinful man; listen to the voice of my prayer; hear my cry and hear my groaning. For my iniquity has surpassed my head, and I, like a ship in Puchin, am immersed in the sea of ​​my sins. But Thou all-good and Merciful Lady, do not disdain me who is desperate and perishing in sins; Have mercy on me, who repent of my wicked deeds, and turn my lost, accursed soul into the right path. On You, my Sovereign, Mother of God, I lay all my hope. Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy blood, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Third Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Icon "Seeking the Lost"

Oh, Most Holy Lady and Mother of God, the Highest Cherub and the Most Honest Seraphim, the Divinely Chosen Maid, who perished Punishment and all those who grieve for Joy! Give comfort to us also, in perishing and grieving those that are; Because for You there is no other refuge and help for you. You are one in our joy Khodataitsa, and as the Mother of God and the Mother of Mercy, who stand at the Holy Trinity, can you help us, no one will flow to You, shamed. Hearing you and us now in the day of perished and grieved before Thy image of those who fall and pray to Thee with tears: to drive away from us the sorrow and troubles that lie upon us in this time of great labor and in perfect harmony. ours. Amen.

The Icon of the Mother of God "Seeking the Lost" is of the greatest importance for the Orthodox world and helps all who with sincere faith, hope and love appeal to the Queen of Heaven. The icon is commemorated annually on 18 February.

The history of the image

This image has a confusing history of its origin, because world Orthodox historians have never found consensus about how and where the miraculous image was spread.

In one of the bishop's houses, the noble and pious citizen Theophilus served as an economist. But it so happened that he was slandered and recognized as a thief. For which he was dismissed from home in disgrace. Resentment leaped up in him, and the man began to grumble strongly against God and His Most Holy Mother. Later, he made a deal with the devil and sold his soul to him.

Soon, being on the verge of his death, the realization came to him of what he had done. The man came to his senses and began to think about how he could fix a difficult situation. He closed himself in the holy monastery and ordered not to let anyone into its walls.

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Theophilus prayed desperately and tearfully before the icon of the Mother of God, calling it "The Seeking of the Lost." His despair was real, sincere and tearful, so the Virgin Mary heeded the man's repentance and announced to him the forgiveness of sins.

After this event, Theophilus took monastic vows, and he ended his earthly journey, becoming famous among the monks.

The miraculous icon "Seeking the Lost"

Glorification of the face

The glorification of the icon happened in the 17th century. The peasant Fedot Obukhov lived in the village of Bor. He loved God very much and often donated his savings to the magnificent decoration of the village church.

Once, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, he set out on a cart pulled by a horse, but on the way he was overtaken by a fierce storm. The road was covered with snow, the severe frost was atrocious, and the cattle was completely exhausted and the immovable stopped at the edge of the ravine.

Fedot foresaw his imminent death from hypothermia and lack of any outside help, so he wrapped himself in a sheepskin coat, lay down in the sleigh and, freezing, began to fall asleep. But before going to bed, he managed to pray to the Mother of God and vowed to write Her Face "Seeking out the lost."

A friend of Obukhov lived in a neighboring village. In the terrible howls of a frosty blizzard, he fancied someone's voice and the word "Take." He left the house and found his friend Fedot in the sleigh under the window. It remained a secret for centuries how Obukhov got to the house of his friend.

Having recovered from his illness, Fedot began to fulfill his vow. He turned to the artist Gurov for help. He began to paint the icon, but announced too high a price. Suddenly, the artist was overtaken by complete blindness, but he understood the reason for its origin. He agreed to paint the image for any money offered to him. And then he regained his sight.

Having received the icon, Fedot brought it to the house of his parents, and later transferred it to his native village church, after which the face became famous for miracles, healings and signs.

Lists icons

Later, other images of the icon became known to the Christians of Russia.

One of them was painted by an Italian icon painter and belonged to a noble family from Moscow.

Tradition says that the owner of the icon died of his wife, and he raised three daughters alone.

He often prayed to the Virgin Mary for their well-being in life. Soon the girls found loving husbands and family happiness. The grateful prayer book handed over the icon "Seeking the Lost" to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Palashi. But during the French attack on Moscow in 1812, the enemies smashed the miraculous Face, but later the icon was restored by the artist Myagkov.

Interesting. It is believed that it was in front of this icon that the great Lermontov laid down his "Wanderer's Prayer".

Icon "Recovery of the lost"

Iconographic features

The icon depicts the seated Mother of God. On Her knees is a little Divine Infant, He hugs the Mother by the neck and presses His left cheek to Her. Mother hugs the Son in a ring-like fashion.

In some versions of the icons, Mother is depicted with a covered head, in others with an uncovered head, in others she is surrounded by a host of saints. The upper part of the image is decorated with a painting of the Baptism of the Lord.

Help from Heaven

Orthodox Christians turn to the Face of the Queen of Heaven:

  • if close people turned away from God, lost faith in Him;
  • in times of hostilities to protect themselves and their families;
  • for healing from eye diseases, migraines, and other serious diseases, including cancer;
  • for the sake of getting rid of nicotine addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • for the sake of helping in finding family happiness and reconciliation of spouses at war with each other;
  • unmarried girls pray before the Mother of God for help in

The Orthodox understand the icon as a guide to the world of God. To know who to pray to in a particular case, what prayers to read in front of a particular icon, you need to know about its meaning.

One of the most revered icons in Orthodoxy is the image of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”. She belongs to the earliest images of the Most Holy Theotokos.

They turn to the Mother of God in front of this icon:

  • brides before marriage asking for the protection and patronage of the marriage;
  • matter about children dying in sins;
  • for getting rid of various vices.

The history of the image

The first mentions of the "Seeking of the Perished" are found in the 6th century, when in the city of Adana in Asia Minor, she saved the monk Theophilus from eternal death. The monk was slandered and expelled from the bishop's house. He was offended and entered into an alliance with the devil, turning away from God. But later he repented and sincerely appealed to the Mother of God, calling her "Seeking the lost" - after all, he was on the verge of spiritual death. The Heavenly Queen heard the fervent prayers of Theophilus, accepted his repentance and granted forgiveness. The monk was released from obligations to the devil. After that, he dedicated himself to serving God and was glorified by the Church in the face of the saints.

Image in Russia

One of the most ancient icons "Seeking the Dead" in Russia is mentioned in church records as early as 1548. Most likely, it was written by a certain Italian master; now it is kept in Moscow, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

The famous miraculous icon, written in 1707, was previously kept in the St. George Church of the city of Bolkhov, Oryol province. This icon became famous in the middle of the 18th century, when it miraculously saved the peasant Feodot Obukhov from death, who was very pious and spent a lot of energy on decorating the temple he visited.

One night on the way he was caught by a strong blizzard, the horse was exhausted. Realizing that he would soon die, Obukhov began to appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos and vowed to make a list of the icon "Seeking the Dead" from the Bolkhov St. George Church for the church in the village of Bor. At this time, in a neighboring village, a peasant heard someone say under the window: "Take it." He went out into the yard and saw a horse with a sleigh, and in them Obukhov. The freezing one was brought into the house and warmed up.

When he recovered, he immediately ordered a copy (list) of the icon, which he brought as a gift to his church, to the icon painter Gurov. However, according to legend, Gurov asked for a very large fee for the list. Obukhov didn't have that much money, so he left. But as soon as he left the door, Gurov went blind. He realized that this was the punishment of the Mother of God for greed, so he agreed to paint an icon for as much as Obukhov would offer. The vision returned immediately!

Obukhov handed over the painted icon to the church in the village of Bor. People reached out to her - to bow and ask for her intercession. Admirers of the icon began to make generous donations. These donations were enough to build a large stone church instead of a poor rural church. Even before the construction began, the church elder dreamed of the place where the shrine would stand. After some time, the Holy Synod sent a decree in which it determined this very place for the construction of a new church.

The Bor icon "Seeking the Lost" was famous for its signs and wonders... In 1871, it was brought to Serpukhov, where a cholera epidemic began, and it stopped. At the same time, a dumb non-walking boy who lived in this city began to speak and got to his feet. In gratitude for this miracle, the Serpukhovites presented the church in Bor with the Gospel, which contained the image of the icon "Seeking the Lost" and a record of this event.

After that, the image was annually carried in solemn religious procession from Bor to Serpukhov. This tradition ended only after the Soviet government destroyed the temple and the icon itself disappeared. Believers continued to worship copies of it, which they carefully kept, for example, a copy in the Trinity Cathedral. But when it was closed in 1961, the icon was transferred to the History and Art Museum, where it was kept in storage. And only in 1985 a copy of the Bor shrine was handed over to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ near Serpukhov.

And in 1996, the icon was temporarily returned to the parishioners. She was taken from the Vysotsky monastery to the Ilyinsky temple, accompanied by the return miraculous image a holiday with bells and church chants. A lot of believers gathered in the central square, an akathist was read to the icon "Seeking the Dead".

The shrine finally returned in 1997, when the museum handed it over to the Vysotsky Monastery. It was a real holiday for believers, who now have access to it any day.

Miracles that are shown by the image of "Seeking the Lost"

The icon "Seeking the Lost" is known for many miracles performed for those who offered her sincere prayer.

In 1666, the Saratov governor was healed after a mortal wound when the icon appeared to him in the Volga. In 1866, A. I. Kadysheva, who was a descendant of this voivode, transformed the women's community in the village of Rakovka into a convent and became his first abbess. The family icon "Seeking the Dead" became the main shrine of the monastery, it healed the faithful and was known not only in the Volga region. One of those healed by this icon was the son of Count Sheremetyev, who in gratitude for this presented the monastery with a gilded icon case with precious stones for the icon.

Preserved shrines

Today in Russia there are several ancient lists of "Recovery of the dead":

  • in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word at the Assumption Vrazhka in Moscow;
  • in the Intercession Church in Marienburg in St. Petersburg;
  • in Pokrovsky cathedral in Samara.

Moscow icon "Recovery of the dead"

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word, in which this image is kept, was erected in the middle of the 17th century. It was never closed, services were always held in it. “Seeking the Lost” is one of the main icons of the temple. It was donated to the believer who was helped by this image: his family was on the verge of ruin, his wife died, so he prayed in front of his home icon to ward off trouble, and the Mother of God heard him.

At first, the parishioner donated the shrine to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Palashi, but in 1812 French troops razed the temple to the ground, and the icon was cut into pieces. Despite the damage, the image continued to work miracles and heal the sick. After the war, the temple was restored, but it worked only until 1934, then it was closed, and all the utensils and icons were transferred to other churches and monasteries.

When transporting the image "Seeking the Dead" to a new place, miracles began again: when they wanted to take her to the Pimenovskaya church, the horses did not even want to move from their place. But as soon as they decided to transfer it to the Sunday Church on Malaya Bronnaya, they immediately rushed at a gallop. When this church was destroyed, the icon found its abode in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

Image from the Rakovsky Monastery

In the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in Marienburg there is a copy created in 1888 nuns from the Rakovsky convent... She was lost after October revolution, but re-acquired in the middle of the 20th century - it was used as a board on the pedestrian floor. The icon found in such a miraculous way was handed over to the temple. In February 1994, on the eve of the commemoration day of this icon, she pacified.

It is believed that this is not the first case of the myrrh-streaming of the Rakovsky image of the Most Holy Theotokos. For example, drops of peace appeared on the hands and faces of the Mother of God and the Child in 1895 during the consecration of the new church of the Holy Trinity Monastery. In ordinary times, this shrine was dark color, but sometimes it seemed like light was coming out of it - this was considered a good omen of joyful events.

What does the image of "Recovery of the dead" look like?

The image "Seeking out the lost" represents the seated Holy Mother of God, on whose knees the Infant Christ stands, embracing the Mother of God by the neck and pressing his left cheek to her face. The Mother of God embraces the Child with her hands, forming a ring at the same time.

There are options in which there is an icon "Recovery of the dead": photos of different lists can show the difference between them. They mainly differ in the following details and where the Mother of God can be:

Sometimes other saints were present on the icon(at the Moscow shrine, the Queen of Heaven is depicted with her head uncovered, surrounded by saints), any additional elements.

The upper part of the Borskaya icon depicts the Baptism of Christ - it was on this holiday that Theodot Obukhov was saved from death. The dimensions of this image are impressive - 1.25 m wide and more than 2 m high. Obukhov brought him to the church in his arms, thus honoring the Mother of God.

What is the meaning of the icon "Seeking the Lost", what it helps - lies in the name itself. The Most Holy Theotokos feels boundless love for people and is always ready to grant forgiveness and help to those who are close to death - spiritual or real. She tirelessly prays for the seriously ill, dying in poverty or vices and saves them, returns to faith. This image is the last hope of those who are desperate and unable to help themselves.

What to pray for this shrine

Those who go to the icon with prayers who needs salvation... Mothers can pray for the salvation of babies - the icon has repeatedly shown miracles of salvation from diseases and suffering of children, it is their patroness and intercessor. Women can ask for the health of their children and a happy marriage.

To her hopelessly sick and their relatives and friends, including about the healing of those who are dying. Prayer before images helps to get rid of headaches, fever, eye diseases, toothaches.

In war days, the image helps to protect warriors on the battlefield..

Prayer to the image "Seeking out the lost" relieves of vices- alcohol or drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc. Reading the akathist, as well as prayers before the akathist, helps to embark on the saving path of life, to find one's purpose. These images save repentant sinners who have turned their backs on God.

"Recovery of the lost" is a very significant icon in Orthodoxy There are few such images, but they are all miraculous. The most important thing is that requests to them come from the heart. You must be filled with faith in God in using the “Seeking the Lost” image. You need to learn the prayers addressed to this icon, the texts of these prayers, as well as the akathist, are even on the Internet. But you can turn to the Mother of God in your own words - it is important that they are sincere, from a pure heart. Then the Queen of Heaven will show her mercy and become your intercessor.