
Psalm about the health of the sore. Prayers of the Most Holy Virgin about health


The speedy in the intercession is one, Christ, soon we show a visit to your suffering to your slave, and get rid of the diseases and bitter diseases and erect the petitions of Peta and Slavit in general, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

Kondak, voice 2

On the odds of sickness, there is some kind of vulnerable, Jacques sometimes erected, SPACE, Petrov's mother-in-law and seedly on Odra wearable, Sita and now, mercy, walked and heal and heal: you are one of the least notes and the sickness of our generation suffered, and all MOGY, Yako multi-facing.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

About premium God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, in an inseparable Trinity of the Pocked and Militiable, the proud of fragile to the slave of yours (name), diseases are oderer; let him go all the sins of him; give him healing from the disease; Return to him the health and power of bodily; Fend him gradual and graceful lives, peaceful and premium benefits, so that he bring to us with a grateful plenty to you, our God and our creator.

Prayer to Lord.

Vladyko Almighty, the holy king, punisham and do not die, saying the lowered, remove the abortion, the bodies of the broods of grief correcting and, praying, God, our slave (name), I except to visit you, forgotten, forgive him all sinning free and unwitting. She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Ukroti passion and all sorts of weak melting, Budi Doctor's work (name), erect him from Odra painsennago, and from the bodies of the Ombalment of Czek and at all, to give His Church of Your Well-gaining and Will Your Will, Your Bo is, herself to pretty and save us, our God, and you will be happy with you. Father, and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and forever in centuries, Amen.

Other prayer to the Lord

Vladyka Almighty, the doctor of souls and the televisions of our, Smilayay and raise, punish and Paki heal! Slave of yours (name) Issimal to visit and heal it, lifting from Odra and weakness. Forbidden the spirit of weakness, leave him all the ulcers, any disease, and hedgehog there is a sinning or lawlessness, weave, leave, forgive yours for the sake of humising. She, Lord, Merry, the creation of your Jesus in Christ, our Lord, with him the same blessed, and with the Most Holy, and good, and a life-giving your spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Virgin

Holy Mother of God, in allcomers of your oppression help me to chite your son, my God, about the healing of the slave of God (name).

Prayer to all holy and angels

All the Saints and Angels of the Lord, the pray for God about the sick slave (name).

(Compiled by Rev. Gabriel Sedmiezer)

- "The Most Holy Mother of God Devo, alive, and on saving, died your heritage, hear the soul of my soul, calling you to the rescue! Slim in heaven, come and touch my mind and the hearts of my heart, open the eyesight of the soul of the soul, yes, the gaze, my soul, and my son, the creator, Christ and my God, and URAMUME, that there is will his will and what to deprive Az. To her, Mrs.,, sweating by your son and moths of your son, yes, I will scare from my grace, yes, the love of love, his preducal, who is in wounds and illness, wheezing and relaxed by the body, but at his feet. I call you, Lord Jesus! You are my sweetness, life, health, the joy of the sake of the world of this joy, the whole composition of the life of Moj. You eCs are the light of all the light. I see my body's immortal from my illness, I feel the relaxation of all my members, pain in my bones. But, about my light, how the rays of the light of your light falling on my wounds! He warmed them, I forget everything and my feet of your tears washing my sins, we rummaged, blossomed. Sie the one I ask you, Jesus, - Don't turn your face from me, give me forever at your feet happily mourning my sins, because at the sight of you, the Lord, repentance and tears for me are secreria with the joy of all over the world. About the light, my joy, my sweetness, Jesus! Do not quit me from your feet, Jesus,, but on the prayer of my prayer with me you are confused, yes, living you, I sleep with the Father and the Spirit. The prayers of the Virgin and all saints you hear me, Lord. Amen!"

- "O, Miggly Mrs. Tsarice, the Virgin, the highest all the celestial forces of all saints. Fresh and worship you before all the worst and beehlook, your smole phenomenon is your sick cleric Vintiyia and diligently Mraya, the omnipotent kind of our intercession and the assistant, the Yokes of the Alder filed the cleric, so and now our soul and televishes Passions are multi-solid, save us all sorts of misfortunes, troubles, sorrows and fellow conviction. Save from permanent teachings and challenging, from flattering and arrogant attacks invisible. Gone to us the Christian death painlessly, peaceful, physically. Saints are involved. It is easy for us on an uniceceptible judgment of Christ's Straights, all-deemed proud and blissful voice to hear him: take my father's blessedness, inherit the kingdom of the world's temper. Amen!"

Tropear Archangel Unit

- "Heavenly Arronement Hardships, Molim Die Connected We, Unworthy, yes Your Prayers Fences Our Krill's Krill is loved by Village Glory, preserving, falling diligent and blatant: from the troubles of Razbai, Yako Jincenik in the christ, the son of the Empty Father of Heaven, you told the prechile mouth Its that without you can not do anything. I ask your help! Every matter with you to start, for your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen!"

Prayer of the Lord

- "Our Father, izh, for Heavenly! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, IKO and we leave our debtor and do not enter us in temptation, but save us from the evil. Amen! 3 times."

Prayer to the Lord.

- "Vladyko Almighty, the Holy King, Cancery and Do not die, saying the lowered, remove the abortion, the bodies of the sorrow by correcting and, praying, our God, your slave ( name), I except to visit your luck, forgive her every sinning free and unwitting. She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Ukroti passion and all sorts of weave melting, Budy Slaves of yours ( name), Easmands it from Odra sickness, and from the bed of the eyes of Czek and is at all, give her the church of your ingoing and creative will be your will, your bo is, hedgehogs and save us, our God, and you are asking for you. Father, and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen!"

"Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Fence serving God ( name) Holy Angels and Prayers All-Straightening Vladech Master of the Virgin and Savorodel Mary, the power of the honest and life-giving cross, the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other Heavenly Force, the Holy Prophet and the Baptist Forces of the Lord of John theologian, the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and the Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop, the World of Lycia Wonderworker, St. Nikita Novgorodsky, rev. Sergius and Nikon, Igumen of Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim of the Sarov Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mother of their Sofia, Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joacima and Anna, and all saints, help us, unworthy, Slava God (name). Get rid of it from all the corners of enemy, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcerence and crap, and they will not hurt to hurt her any evil. Lord, the light of your shine, save the servant of God ( name) In the morning, on the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the power of gracefulness is turned away and deleted all sorts of evil wickers, acting on the baily of the devil. Who thought and did, on the servant of God ( name) To return their evil back, in hell, Yako is your kingdom and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

Psalm 90.

"The crowd in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get to you, and the wound will not approach your television teem, I will have an angel to meet your angel about you, keep you in all ways to you. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call to me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fully fulfill him, and I will tell him my salvation. "

Psalm 50.

- "Verify me, God, by the greatness of your grace, and on the many generotes of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer progress of coat, IKo and justified your word-to-see, and we wonder the fraud is fragile. Behold, in lawlessness, they are conceived, and in Gresh, Mother Mother. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; Smyshed to rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. Scientific lawlessly by yours, and wichas will turn to you. Relieve me from blood, God, God's salvation; My truth is reyielding to your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then you will lay on your Taurus. "

Prayer Cross

- "God will resurrect himself, and the gate of him will rise, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of the fire, so the demaths will die of the face of those who love God and the marked goddes, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and Life-giving cross The Lord, drive the beams by force on you the prisoners of our Jesus Christ, to hell, and corrected the strength of the devil, and who granted us, the cross is honest for the defendance of any sacuost. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen. (Autumn yourself with a criss sign). "

Most Holy Theotoko in front of the Icon "Healer"

- "We accept, about the Mother of God, the Mother of God the Mother of God, the Lady of the Virgin Mary, Siaia Prayer, bringing you from, unworthy slaves of God (name), To your workfield image of the singing of the amoslevatory with aspiration, Yako to you by the very beginning of our Introduction. By KoMu Veneto Boy Vast, the execution of the Creaters, chagrin of facilitates, the weak health of the darueshi, rarely and sucks the healing, from the Demonless Demons of Rocky, who outdated from the misfortunes, levery, peeled and small children of Milouseski: Also, Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary Multi-Russian Doctor's Passion: All Bo is possible by your pet for your son, to our God. Oh full of mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not come to pray for us, unworthy of slaves of God ( name), the famous of the Tu and honorable, and worshiping with the consecutive image of yours, and the hope of cautiously irrevocate and faith is incomprehensible to you, novice and disassembled, now and in the eyelids Amen. "

The Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon of "all the grieving joy"

Tropear, voice 2nd

"All mournful joy and offended intercession, and accustomed to the harpper, strange consolation, spurred, sick visits, weak cover and intercession, the rod of old age, Mother of God Vynyago you are, the most preching: sweat, pray, to be saved by your slave."

Kondak, voice 6th

Not imams of your help, are not the imma of other hopes, do you, Vladychice. You are climbing us, we hope to you and you, you wish you, you will not seem to you.


- "Oh, the Most Vladychitsa of the Virgin, the Mother of Christ of the Savior of our Savior, all mournful glades, sick visits, weakness and intercession, widows and siery patrons, mothers of sadness of the All-Magnitude comforter, babies of weakly fastep, and all helpless is always ready-made help and faithful refuge ! You, oh, the blessing, the grace of all overproach and delight and deliver the sorrow and illness, in the midst of the mudi and sickness of the sickness, looking for the free suffering of your Son of Your Beloved and Togo Foreign Signs, Fair Simeon's Weapon Promdend . The taste of the mother, about Mati, which is a moles of our prayer, comfort of us in the sorrowfulness, Ioko is faithful to the joy of Guodatatian: the precloser of the Blend of the Trinity, the slander of your son, the Christ of our God, Mozheyshi, are ashable. Some for the sake with faith with heart and love from the soul, you fall to you Yako Tsaritsa and Ladychitsa and the psalomsky yelling to you: hearing, dehairs, and everyone, and your ear of your ear, hear the disintegration of our, and save us from the circumstances of the troubles and sorrow; You bo in the petitions of all the faithful, sobly joy, perform, and the souls of their peace and consolation. CE STICH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, we were consolation of our hearts to our heart, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, handing us the tears of repentance to purify our sins and thickening the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, conscience and I hopefully resorted to your petition and interference: we accept, the globule of our Vladychitsa the Virgin, the harder mission is our brought, and do not give us away, unworthy, from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, to protect us from a dental entry and slander Human, wake up the assistant wealthy in all the days of life, Yako, yes, under your mother's intercourse, there will always be a goal and saved by your intercession and prayers to your son and God to our Savior, he also applies any glory, honor and worship, with his original father and his father and Holy Spirit, now and confessed and forever. Amen!"

Prayer Saint Healer Matrona

Heals from different ails and saves from death

- "On the blissful mother of Matrono, the soul in the sky before the throne of God, the bodies and the body are already revered, and this is more than grateful to the wonders of the wonders. Watch now with a merciful, sinful, sinful, in rabbits, diseases and sinful temptations, the days of His dependent, the comfort of us, desperate, heals our moths, from God for our sin, to save us from many troubles and the circumstances, the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us our all our sins, lawlessness and fall, imži, from youth, who is even up to the real day and an hour of the sorry, yes, let your prayers grace and Grace, we will glorify in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and dream And forever in the ages. Amen!"

Prayer Saint John Russian

Heals from cancer, AIDS, epilepsy, helps to stand on his feet after the spinal fracture.

- "Oh, Holy Newly End of God, John Russian! The feat of good hurried to the Earth, perceived by the Heavenly of the truth, herself prepared the Lord to everyone who loving him. The same looks at the holy image, we rejoice at the Preslav of the condation of your residence and what your holy memory is. You, upset the throne of God, and our praying, God ( names), and to all-speed God bring, about it all forgive us anything about the gentlemen and help us with the controversial of the goat Diavolski, and the breakdowns of sorrows, diseases, troubles and misfortunes and all slander, piously and righteously live in the current European and will be equitable to your concern. Unworthy of the ESMA, Vocation with the Land of the living, the Slavs of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever and the centuries. "

Tropar angel keeper

"The Angel of God, the keeper is my holy, my belly is observed in the rust of Christ of God, my mind will approve in the truth path, and to love Hornea vulnerable my soul, you will send to God from Christ the Grace."

Prayers about sick

Tropar and Kondak on Salvants

Tropear, voice 4

The speedy in the intercession is one, Christ, soon we show a visit to your suffering to your slave, and get rid of the diseases and bitter diseases and erect the petitions of Peta and Slavit in general, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

Kondak, voice 2

On the odds of sickness, there is some kind of vulnerable, Jacques sometimes erected, SPACE, Petrov's mother-in-law and seedly on Odra wearable, Sita and now, mercy, walked and heal and heal: you are one of the least notes and the sickness of our generation suffered, and all MOGY, Yako multi-facing.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

About the premium God, the father, the Son and Holy Soul, in the inseparable Trinity of the Praquisy and Militiable, the proud of the fraud to the slave of yours (name), disadvantaged disease; let him go all the sins of him; give him healing from the disease; Return to him the health and power of bodily; Fend him gradual and graceful lives, peaceful and premium benefits, so that he bring to us with a grateful plenty to you, our God and our creator.

Prayer to Lord.

Vladyko Almighty, the Holy King, is punishing and not killed, saying the lowered, remove the abortion, the bodies of the grief correcting and, we pray, our God, the servant of yours (name), the prospectfulness of visit you, forgive you, forgive him all sorts of free and unwitting. She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Understand the passion and all sorts of wearing melting, Budi Doctor's slave of yours (name), erect him from Odra painnago, and from the bodies of the County and Vott Well-gaining and creative will be your will, your bo is, herself to pretty and save us, our God, and you are happy with the glory. Father, and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and forever in centuries, Amen.

Other prayer to the Lord

Vladyka Almighty, the doctor of souls and the televisions of our, Smiryiai and and ascend, punish and Paki heal! The slave of yours (name) is unpleasant to visit and heal it, lifting it from Odra and weakness. Forbidden the spirit of weakness, leave him all the ulcers, any disease, and hedgehog there is a sinning or lawlessness, weave, leave, forgive yours for the sake of humising. She, Lord, Merry, the creation of your Jesus in Christ, our Lord, with him the same blessed, and with the Most Holy, and good, and a life-giving your spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

We accept, oh, all-aggregated and assistant Mrs. Vladychitsa Motherod's Major Delo, this prayer, with tears to you now bringing from us, unworthy of your servant, to your workflow of the singing of the delightfulness with aspiration, and to you the very beginning of our item. By KoMuzko Bo Vast, the fulfillment of creatures, chagrin of facilitates, the gentleness of the health of daruenes, rarely and sucks the healing, from the undelated demons of the rogue, who is offended by the offense of delight, levery, and the little children of Milouseshi; Also, Mrs. Vladychitsa The Virgin Mary, and from the Uz and Dunnitsa freedom and anyone, Multi-Distributing Passion of Doctor: Which is possible by your petition to your son, to our God. Oh, the full-length mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not stop praying for us unworthy of your servants, the famous Tu and honorably, and who worshiped with the consecutive image of yours, and the hope of irrevocating and faithful to you, navigasy, and inexplicity, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

In honor of the Icons of the Mother of the Mother of Allzaritsa ("Pantanass").

Prayer 1st

Oh all-building, accuordant to the Mother of God, Pantanass, All Commary! Taken worthy yes, it's not necessary for my shelter! But Yako Milostivago God Lyubaglaglantic Mati, the roots of the word, and my soul will heaance and will strengthen my body. IMASHA Bo Power invincible and does not exist to you all the verb, about the Allzaritsa! You are for my thief, you are so bad. Yes, you glorify the copper name yours always, now and in demonstrative eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2nd

Oh Major Bogomatiya, All Commary! We hear the multi-break-eyed rehabilion of our before the miraculous icon, from the lot of Afonovskago to Russia in Russia, the proud of your children, insecral ailments of the suffering, to the holy look at your faith with the faith! Jacques Bird Kromrome covers her chicks, so now, and you are still alive of the land, the faceting of us with a multi-purpose omophore. Tamo, the hope of hope disappears, the bad hope of Budi. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mudi of the grief overwhelm, patience and weakenly appeared. Tamo, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe darkness of despair in the souls, you wanted to take the wrong light of the Divine! Unwell comfort, weakly strengthened, fierce hearts softening and enlightenment Darui. Healing the sore people of yours, about the barking queen! The mind and hands of the dorsal us are blessed, and will serve as a weapon of the doctor of Christ the Savior of our Savior. Yako lives with us, I pray before the icon, about the Vladychitsa! Pretty your Ruta, filled with healing and dozes, joy of grieving, in the cookie comfort, yes the miraculous help will soon receive, we glorify the detached inhabitant Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

St. Archangel Rafail

Oh, Holy Archangel Rafail! Immediately moles, wake us a guide in our lives, save from all visible and invisible enemy, we were healing the shower and bodies of our disease, we manage our life to repent of Gresh and to the creation of good deeds. Oh, the Holy Great Rafail Archangel! We hear us, the sinful slaves of God (names), praying for you, and the controversy in the world and in the future life of Thank you and the famous core creator of our in the endless eyelids. Amen.

Prayer holy doctors

On the magazes of Christ, and the wonderworkers of Panteleimon, Kosma and Damian, Kiru and John, Yermola, Diomide, Feto and Anikito! Hear us praying for you (names). You will explore our grief and ailments, hear the rehabille of the set to you driving. Something for you, Yako, the ambulance and warm prayer of our call: Do not leave us with God by God. We disintegrate from the path of salvation, led us, merciful mentor. We are disgraces of the ESMA in faith, approve us, lawworm teachers. We are the bearer of the deposit of good deeds, enrich us, treasure mercy. We are conferent with Navtuemy Esma from the enemy visible and invisible and ozoblémii, climb us, the bad intercession. The anger is righteous, driven by our lawlessness, turn away from us by your petition from the throne of the proud of God, you are prestone in the sky, saint and righteous. Hear us, the magazines of Christ the facilities, you are with the faithful of you, and ask your prayers from your father in heaven to all of our sinks of our sins and from the troubles. You boat assistants, intercession and prayer, and about you, the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Prayer about the healing of the patient

About the premium God, the father, the Son and the Holy Soul, in an inseparable Trinity worship and famous, the proud of the fraud to the slave of yours (name), the disease is obsessed; let him go all the sins of him; give him healing from the disease; Return to him the health and power of Bodyna; Fend him gradual and graceful lives, peaceful and premium benefits, so that he bring to us with a grateful plenty to you, with my God and my creator.

The Most Holy Mother of God, the omnipious intercession of yours help me to chite your son, my God, about the healing of the servant of God (name).

All the Saints and Angels of the Lord, the pray for God about the sick slave it (name).

Prayers that with love to care for sorry


Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God Zhivago, Agnic God, swallow the sins of the world, a good pastry, the positive soul for your sheep, the heavenly doctor of souls and our televisions, healing every disease and every ulcer in the people of yours! You fall, Poszo to me, unworthy of your servant. Watch, a multi-facing, for doing and serving mine, giving life to life in Male: to serve the sick, for you, wearing weakness of weakness, and not yourself, but you have a single one for all the days of my belly. You bo river echo Sweet Jesus: Further coordinates the one from this brotherhood of my smaller, I will create. She, Lord, judge to me, the sinner, to this verb, Yako how to fit together the good of your will in the fooba and consolation of the temptations, the urgent slave of yours, they redeemed them to honestly. My grace is given to your grace, the terrain passions, called me, sinner, for the service of your name about your name; Without you, we can not create anyhow: to visit the recruitment and the sophose of my heart, the forever to the head of the sore and lowered; I will vulnerable my lover, all tolerant and nicolith disappensary. Then the perpetuity, toy, strengthened, the feat of the kind to hurt and observe the faith, even to the end of my scene. You boat the source of the healings of the spiritual and bodily, Christ, God, and you, Yako the Savior of the people and the fiance of souls, who are coming in the middle, glory and thanksgiving and worshiping, are now dying and in the eyelids. Amen

On the gift of Christian Mercy. Saint Wam Mironas

Oh holy Merfo and Marie and other saints of the MyrRos Wife! The boldness of you and you who loved the sweethesko Jesus loved you, you confessted Christ, the Son of God, will give us, the sinful slaves of God (names), the sins of Leaving, in the faith of the right of non-estate and firm standing. We are in the hearts of our Spirit of God, Smrennago on God of Hope, Patience and to near Mercy. Ensure us with your prayers from the temptations of the everyday, troubles and misfortunes, yes, a quiet and peaceful life, with a purious and heart, I will be clean with the thoughts, and a good response to it, the joy is inexplicit in the kingdom of heaven will take advantage of the centuries.

Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky

Oh, stuffed by Seraphim, the great Sarov, the miracle, all resorting to you a pileous assistant! During the days of Earth's lives of your nickname from you too, and disassembled, but everyone in the sweetness can be the vision of your face and fraxtful voice of your word. To the Sim, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak shower of healing is abundant in you. You just know the god of God from earthly work to heavenly rest, Nikolizh is still your presence from us, and it is impossible to eat your wonders, multiplying, Iko's stars of heaven; Behold on the entire end of the Earth Our People of God is the darishes of healing. The darkness and we are yelling: oh, pretijah and the gentle waters, daring to him prayer, Nikolizh urging the teeboriy! I will ask us a bug your prayer to the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual rescue is useful, let us protect us from the falls of sinful and true repentance, let us teach us, in the hedgehogs of the outright of us in the eternal heavenly kingdom Nowadays Silayshi, and Tamo to chant with all the saints, the alien trinity forever. Amen.

Other prayer, he

About Rev. Father Seraphim! Ascending about us, Rabe God (names), a bug in your prayer to the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual salvation is useful, and we will protect us from falling sinful and true repentance, let us teach us, in the hedgehog In the eternal celestial kingdom, the earnest of you are in the open Silayshi glory, and Tamo to chant with all the holy Trinity in the eyelids.

St. John of Hazelle, Patriarch Alexandria

Saint God John, gracious defender of sirah and destroying in the attack! We are resorting to you and you pray, Rabi Your (names), Iko to the fast patron of all seeking the desolation from God's troubles and sorrow. Do not come to pray to the Lord about everyone with faithful to you! You, filled with Christ love and goodness, appeared to Yako, the wonderful mistake of the virtues of mercy and soiled the name "merciful". You were an enemy of Yako River, incessantly the current generous milles and all thirsting richly sulking. Believe, Yako, to prevent from the ground to the sky, aggravate in you the gift of graceing Say and Yako predicted the uniexedible vessel everyone to a blessing. Sobori Woof by his petition and intercession before the God "Everybody," yes VSI, resorting to you, acquire peace and serenery: give them consolation to the searcheaux temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday life, there are hope of the hope of resting in the kingdom of heaven. In their lives on the Earth, you were the reflectance by all in any kind of misfortune and the need, offended and affected; Neither one from those who who who who who asked you mercy are deprived of the silence of your blessing. Tower and now, who reigns with Christ in the sky, Yavi to all the preachable Icon and praying for help and intercession. Itself no sharpening himself created the mercy of the outlord, but also the hearts of others erected to the consolation of the weak and the charity of the poor. The foggy of the recruitment and now the hearts are faithful to the intercession of sires, the consolation of mournful and reassuring of the poor. Yes, they do not indulge in them gravity gifts, and there is nothing more having fun in them (and in the house of ses around the suffering), the world and the joy of the Holy Spirit, - in the glory of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.

Saint Tikhon Zadonsky

About the all-walled saint and waters of Christ, our Tikhon! Angelic on the Earth, Yako, the Angel of BlaHae appeared and in a long-standing glorification: Believe from all souls and thinking, Yako, you, blessing our assistant and prayer, your nozzles and gratefulness, from the Lord, are gratitude to you, confessed with our rescue. We will receive a recreation of Christ, and the hour of this is our unworthy prayer: freedom of your intercession from the obsegiousness of us consensus and Pemudria, unlawfulness and the ominance of human humanity; Fur, soon about us a concept that is favorable by your petition of the Lord, and I will try my own greatness and rich the gravity of our sinful and unworthy to worry your own (names), yes, it all widespread the inexhaustory ulcers and strata souls and the televisions of ours, and our fossil heart solutions tears of lunizing and crushing about the premium sins of ours, and it will save us from the eternal torment and fire of Geenskago; With all the true people of His, in the current European world and silence, health and salvation and in all the good harees, yes, tako, quiet and silent lives lived in every piety and clean, will be advised from the angels and with all the saints of Slaviti and chanting the all-name Father's name and son and saint spirit forever.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God "Delicate"

We accept, all-stock, the predierable Mrs. Vladychitsa Velibian, this honest gifts, you are still applied, from us, unworthy of your slaves: From all the births of the chosen, all the creatures of Heaven and Earth, the Higher Overhead, Further More Than you for the silence of the Lord God's designer and the fairness of the saint body and the prechistant blood of him; The darkness of the blessed of the blessed in the born of birth, the bodied, the cherubes of the light shelter and seraphims of the honestly judged. And now, the fulfillment of the Most Holy Mother of God, do not be pretty praying for us, unworthy to worry your worker, all the circumstances from all the Council of Lucavago and all the circumstances and to preserve us with a nausea nodogo-nodogo; But even to the end of the prayers of your unlocked observance of us, Iko Yako and your intercession and help with Savaymi, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worshiping for all in the Trinity of the One God and all the creator of the creator, now and are confused, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer thanks on healing from the disease

St. John Kronstadt

Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ's son's midst of the original father, just healing any ailment and everyseality in the people in the people, Yako pardoned Mia Esi Sinvenago and delivered the Esi from Moj's illness, without drinking it to develop and kill me for sins. To be given to me from now on, Vladyko, the will firmly will do the will of your will into the salvation of my hearty and in the glory of yours with the original father and a one-way spirit, now and are also confined and forever. Amen.

Prayer first about healing sore

Vladyko, Almighty, Holy King, Cancer and Do not die, claim low-tech and removed, bodies of mourning people correct, pray for you, our God, the servant of yours (the name of the rivers) is intact, forgive you, forgive him all sinning free and unwitting. She, Lord, your medical strength with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Understand the passion and all sorts of wearing melting, Budi Doctor's slave (the name of the rivers), erect him from Odra sickness and from the bodies of the Czech and from the Church of Your Church Well-gaining and creative will be your will. Your Bo is, hedgehog is pretty and savage, God, and you, the glory I am releasing, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.


Oh, premieceful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, In the inseparal Trinity, worshiped and famous, proud of the fraud to the slave of yours (name), sickness of Odersago; let him go all the sins of him; give him healing from the disease; Return to him the health and power of body; Fend him gradual and graceful life, your peaceful and recriminative benefits, so that he brought with us with grateful plenty to you, with my God and my creator.

If we ask something from God and at the same time do not donate with nothing, then our request is inexpensive. If I sit back and say: "My God, I ask you, heals such a patient," and at the same time I don't go for any kind, then I don't care what I just pronounce good words. If I have love if I have a victim, then Christ, seeing them, will fulfill my petition - of course, if this benefits another. Therefore, when people ask you to pray for a sick, tell them that they themselves prayed too or, at least, tried to get rid of their flaws.

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets (1924-1994).

In the church orthodox Christian Prepares himself to subsequent treatment in the hospital: he confesses (the sacrament of repentance), the Saints of Christ Tyne comes, takes the blessing for the upcoming treatment, asks his prayers about himself. Extremely godly, if (under the capabilities available), a forty-head about health and commemoration for a psalter for 1-2 months (the latter is possible in monasteries and monastic counseurs), if relatives under the agreement pray for sore and the suffering (prayer by agreement). However, relatives should be remembered that the church prayer about the sicks has power, if accompanied by the prayer of the service ordered ... Matching on liturgy, especially at ambassading and on the Sudeurway, expresses the strongest faith, our and hope that the Lord will not leave the patient with his help ...

Unfortunate psaltir

Priest Sergiy Filimonov (XX century).

God has pleased to surround us except natural and supernatural means. And no one closes access to SIM sources. The key to them is faith. And God, when the sympathy is healing, it is vague and the strength of faith itself, and goes there, where it fade to give healing.

God makes a prayer when they pray sick about something. If no one dispels from the heart, then the prayer will swipe, and there will be no prayer for sore. The same ambassadium, the same and dinner ... But do you yourself on prayers? If not, then your faith is silent ... But, giving money, so that others prayed, they themselves dropped from the shoulders all the concerns ... no one is sick of the sick. Serving prayers and the mind does not come to the Lord to the Lord of the soul about those who are coming on a prayer ... and where and where do they fulfill them? Another thing is when you yourself for prayers, or in the church on the liturgy pray during the service ... Then your sickness takes the prayer of the church and faster to the throne of God ... and the sampling of the prayer of the church makes a painful, although employees do not suffer .. . See what power?! Come on the prayer yourself, and the painfulness of the soul about sick.
Saint Feofan, Zaishensky's replacement (1815-1894).

Prayer sore
(Compiled by Rev. Gabriel Sedmiezer)

The Most Holy Theotokos Devo, alive is soching and after death Saving a dreaming your heritage, I hear the soul of my soul, calling you to the rescue!

Sewing with heaven, get and tap the mind and my heart, open the eyesight of the soul of Moyya, yes a narrower of you, my mistress, and my son, creator, Christ and my God, and URAMUME, that there is will his will and what to deprive Az. To her, Mrs.,, sweating by your son and moths of your son, yes, I will scare from my grace, yes, the love of love, his preducal, who is in wounds and illness, wheezing and relaxed by the body, but at his feet.

I call you, Lord Jesus! You are my sweetness, life, health, the joy of the sake of the world of this joy, the whole composition of the life of Moj. You are the light of a patch of any light. I see my body's immortal from my illness, I feel the relaxation of all my members, pain in my bones. But, about my light, how the rays of the light of your light falling on my wounds! He warmed them, I forget everything and my feet of your tears washing my sins, we rummaged, blossomed.

Sie the one I ask you, Jesus, - Don't turn your face from me, give me forever at your feet happily mourning my sins, because at the sight of you, the Lord, repentance and tears for me are secreria with the joy of all over the world.

About the light, my joy, my sweetness, Jesus! Do not quit me from your feet, Jesus,, but on the prayer of my prayer with me you are confused, yes, living you, I sleep with the Father and the Spirit. The prayers of the Virgin and all saints you hear me, Lord. Amen.

Massage on Divine Liturgy (church note)

About health commemorate with Christian names, and about the rest - only baptized in Orthodox church.

On liturgy, you can apply notes:

The first part of the liturgy, when for each name specified in the note, the particles are removed from special prospects, which subsequently fall into the blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Prayer for every sort

Vladyko Almighty, the doctor of souls and televisions, Smilayayy and raise, punish and Paki healing; Our brother (name) will be inseminating to visit your breath, move your muscle, performed by healing and dozes, and heal it, argue from Odra and weakness, prohibit the spirit of weakness, leave him all the ulcers, every disease, anywhere, all the fire and a rain. And there is some kind of sinning or lawlessness in it, weave, I'm sorry, yours for the sake of humising.

About healing sore

Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy King, are punishing and not killed, saying the lowered removal is the overall, the bodies of the sorrow correct, pray for you, our God, the slave of yours (name) is in a sense, forgive him, forgive him all sorry. She, Lord, Medical Troops with Heaven Night, Touch Tedesi, YGACI Fire Feet, Ukrot Passion And I melt melting, Budi Doctor's Slave (Name), erected him from Odra sickness and from Lodge County and from Your Church of Your Church Well-gaining and creative will be your will. Your BS is, hedgehog is pretty and saving. Our God, and you get wishes. Father and son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon of all the grieving joy

Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God, the Mother of Christ of the God of our Savior of our Savior, all mournful glands, sick visits, weakness and intercession, widows and siery patrons, mothers of sad all-to-eat comforter, babies of weakly stupid, and all helpless is always ready-made help and faithful refuge! You, about the blessing, giving all the grace of all overgrown and deliver all the sorrow and diseases, in the middle of the muddy sorrow and the disease has undergone ESI, look at the free suffering of your Son Your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose, Fair Weapon Simeon Protded Heart Your Password . The taste of the task, about Mati is different, the sinking of our prayer, the comfort of us in the grief of the destroyer, the faithful of the joy of the Guodatais: the preclosion of the Holy Trinity, the slander of your son, the Christ of our God, Mozheyshi, are ashable. Sorry for the sake with faith heart and love from the soul, you fall to you by Jaco Zaritsa and Vladychitsa, and the psalomski you dare to you: I hear, deck, and have you, and your ear of your ear, hear our mission, and save us from working out troubles and sorrow: you bo The petitions of all the faithful, sophisticated joy, executables, and the souls of their world and consolation are served. CE WHIRCH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, you have a consolation of our hearts, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, give us tears of repentance to the cleansing of our sins and quenching the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, consistency and I hope for an incompetent residence to your petition and interference: we will accept, united by our Vladychitsa the Mother of God, a zealous disobey of our brought, and do not remove us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, protect us from every naval entangle and slander people, Whether the assistant is relended in all the days of life, Yako Yes, under your mother's intercourse, always be the goal and keeping your intercession and the prayers to your son and God to our Savior, Jerzhe applies any glory, honor and worship, with his original father and Holy Spirit, Now and are confessed and forever and the ages, Amen.

Prayer of the Great Martyr and the healer of Panthermonumolitva Great Martyr and the healer Panteleonon

Oh, holy cycling and healer Panteleimon, God of the Milostivago imitator! Winning and hearing us sinners, before Holy Icon's zealous, I am satisfied with the Lord God, to him with the Angels of the prestigations in the sky, the restoration of sins and the gentlemen of our: Heals of the soulless and body slaves of God, now commemorated, the current and all Christians Orthodox, to your intercession of those flowing: Be Bo, the sin of our sake, LUCE obsessed with many fewers and not Imams of help and consolation: to you, we are resorting, IKO is given to the grace of praying for us and guess every disease and every disease: give us a fear of all The holy prayers of your health and blessing souls and bodies, the preservation of faith and piety and the whole to be temporary and to salvation is needed, Yako yes, who makes up the great and rich fees, we will glorify the execution of all the best, Divnago in the saints of our god, father and son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Unfortunate psaltir

The unprecedented psalm is read not only about health, but also about rest. Since ancient times, the order of commemoration on the Psaltiri Psaltiri is considered great alms for the deceased soul ..

It is also good to order a non-saturated psalm and for itself, will live support. And one more the most important thingbut far from the most unavailable
There is an eternal remembrance on the non-saturated Psaltiri. It seems expensive, but the result is more than in millions of times more than the money spent. If there is no such possibility anyway, then you can arrange for a shorter term. And well also read yourself.

Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky, Wonderworker

Tropear, voice 1st

The Cathedral of Pervago seemed to be a champion and the wonderworker, the garde of Spiridone, our father. You're in the coffin in the coffin, and Zmia in Zlato proved the ESI: And the convicts of prayers, angels, serving you, had the sacred, sacred. Glory to you the fortress, thank the crowned to you, glory to all healing to all!
Kondak, voice 2nd

Loving Christ was vulnerable, the sacred, the mind of the sketch of the spirit, an active vision of your act found the Esi, wounded, the altar of the divine probion, asking for all the divine radiance.
Corolor Spiridon, Bishop Trimifuntsky, Wonderworker

Oh, the great and stupid saint of Christ and the miracle, Spiridon, Kerkirskaya praise, the All Universe, the Luminaire, the warm to God prayer and everyone, who resorted and with the faithful, praying, comprehensive intercession! You are the Orthodox faith on the Notesty Cathedral, by the FTS, it clearly explained to Esi, you are the unity of the sodies of the Trinity wonderful Silo. I showed the ECI and heretics to the end of the disasters. We hear us the sinful, the Saint of Christ, who are praying for you, and the strong victim of the Lord to save us from all the zlago, the circumstances: from the glad, the flood, fire and deadly ulcers. You boils in the time of your lifestyle from all the disasters of your people from all disasters: from the invasion of Agaryan and from the glad's country, your country retained, the king, the king from the Neeszelnago, the illegigue delivered a lot of sinners to repentance led by And she served you, had the Esi. Sita will glorify you, Vernago of your slave. Vladyka Christ, Yako, all the secret human act of Darov to you, of course, and nods are unrightened to the living. Many, in poverty and insufficiently living, you diligently helped Esi, people of poorly abundant during the glady drinking Esi, and a lot of signs by force in you the Luxury Spirit of God created Esi. Sita and we will not leave us, the saint of Christ, remember us, have their own, in the throne of the Almighty, and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, there are no one-minded and peaceful lives yes, let us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future It will make us, let it be releasing the glory and thanks to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Holy Damiean straws and Damian, Wonderworkers

Tropear, voice 8th

Self-scenarioless and miracle, visit our essentials: Tuna arrive, give TUN to us.
Kondak, voice 2nd

Grace of having healing, extend to health in need, doctor, miraculous miracles: but your visit to the warriors deposit, the world is healingly miracles.
Sainry debris and wonderworkers of Kosma and Damian Asia
Oh, the wonderworkers of Slavny, physician, Cosmo and Damian! You, from the youngestness of Christ God alone, not to the doodle of Tokmo art, but in more than a whirlpool grace of healing all the ailments from God are friends. Toky and us, before honestly, your fallen, soon hear. Young Children, Help In the teaching of the book asking, with their prayers with their instructions, and your lives are jealous, not the earthly figure is acquiring, and in pupgo in piety and the right of faith is incredibly invesuve. For examples of the diseases lying in humanity to help those who are desperate, to you, warmly with the faith and diligent prayer, give, healing the diseases to your gracious miraculous visiting: Takjddeh and from the people's ailment to despondency, foolishness and rapidation of the coming, let's notify you from God in patience Suppose, yes, you have been so-free from them, God's holy and perfect, and the participants are prefeed by the Saving Grace. All, to you diligently resort to, from the diseases of the people are unharmed, save, and from the supreme death to protect, and with a powerful petition for God in the right of faith, comply with the firm, in piety in the same way, and you will advise with you in the future in the future, Etsie The magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.
Prayer for health

Oh sore

Tropar, voice 4th

The fast in the intercession is one, Christ, soon more than show your visit to your suffering slave, and get rid of illness and bitter diseases; And erect in Yezhin Pettea and Slavith ineffective, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

Kondak, voice 2nd

On the odds of the disease Lying and death, I wondered the vulnerable, I sometimes erected the ESI, SPACE, Petrov's mother-in-law and ramlablang on Odra Navigaro; Sita and now, merciful, walked and healed: you are one of the unland and illness of the genus of our suffered and all MOGO, YAO of a multi-cell.


Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy King, is punishing and do not die, saying the lowered and remove the absenteey, the bodies of the grief correct, pray for you, our God, the slave of yours (...) I am sorting to visit you, forgive him, forgive him. She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, touched Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Ukroti passion and every sorts of melting, Budi Doctor's slave (...), Erend him from Odra sickness and from the bodies of the Oblochell and Valves and Vyazhant And your willow will be creative. Your Bo is, hedgehog is pretty and savage, God, and you, the glory I am releasing, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

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Prayers for sick

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Prayers about rookes troparov, glas 4? YTA one fast in the intercession, Jesus Christ, an ambulance with the help of a slave of yours (serving yours) (name) and get rid of the ailments and bitter diseases and rebel to sing you and praise you incess Prayers of the Virgin, one

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About the sick prayer Vladyko Almighty, the Holy King, Cancery and Do not die, saying the lowered and remove the abandonment, bodies of grief fighting, pray for you, our God, your slave (name) is a common visit to you, forgive him anyone