
What is thermal energy on the DHW? How to calculate heated hot water.

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When receiving receipts for utility payments for January of this year, many fell into a stupor, seeing the amount for payment. And then wondered: "Where do translocked sums come from?"

Before clarifying what such sums are made, I will immediately say: everyone can use the Calculator of utility payments for Russian citizens at and check whether the amounts in receipts with the amounts issued by the data calculator are converged. If you have questions about calculations, you can ask them directly on the site service for the tariffs of the Irkutsk region.

True, there is an explanation on the site: "The inconsistency of the final amount for utilities, accrued by the performer of utility services, according to your payment document and the final amount, according to the results of the calculation of the "Calculator of Communal Payments", may be due, including accounting for the volume of consumed communal resource for general communities. " In other words, due to the fact that the functionality of the "Calculator of the Communal Payments" does not contain information on the testimony of a common (collective) device for taking into account the water established in your home, the inconsistency of the total amount may be due, including accounting in the formation of payment for the service Water supply of volumes of consumed water for general business needs.

But it is also said: "In case of inconsistency of the amount of fee for a communal service, according to your payment document and the result of the calculation of the" Calculator of Communal Payments ", you need to contact the artist of utilities (management company, homeowners, resource-supply organization) to obtain an explanation about the procedure carry out the calculation of your fee for utilities. "

In the article "Light bulbs in the entrances, it turns out that gold ..." ("Voice of Bratsk" No. 1 (19) January 2014) We have already told about the cost of electricity, we have already told how to calculate how much one light is in the entrance and how much costs are Elevator in a standard entrance.

In this article we will talk about what we make payments for utilities.

First you need to understand that this is generally such communal payments. And this water supply (providing us with cold and hot water) and drainage (sewage), providing houses and apartments with electricity and gas, heating.

According to Art. 154 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the structure of the residential premises and utilities is clearly defined. It includes: services and work on the management of an apartment building, use of residential premises (fee for hiring), content and repair, and those municipal services. In addition, a resident pays for garbage collection.

At the same time, the fee for residential premises in accordance with the norms of housing legislation is determined at the general meeting of the owners of residential premises and is fixed in the contract within civil legislation. Thus, the level of the residential premises is determined by direct participation and control by citizens - owners of residential premises in the absence of restrictions on the part of the executive authorities.

Communal fee services will be directly in charge of heat supply, cold water supply, hot water supply, water disposal, power supply, gas supply. Lighting of seats common use, exporting sewage to the board for utilities does not apply, but refers to the concept of "the content of common property apartment house"And is part of the fee for the residential premises.

Recently, the system charge charges for hot water supply has changed. Previously, in receipts, the fee for hot water was affixed in two lines - "hot water" and "hot water. One ". Now the hot water service is broken into two components - the coolant and thermal energy. Accordingly, every citizen sees four lines in his receipt, which belong to the hot water supply service:
GVS T / N - hot water supply (coolant);
GVS T / E - hot water supply (thermal energy);
DHW (ODN) t / n - hot water supply (coolant) used for generalic needs;
DHW (ODD) T / E - hot water supply (thermal energy) used for generalic needs.
The coolant (in the receipt - GVS T / N) is heated cold water. Thermal energy (in the receipt of ¬ GVS T / E) is, in fact, the energy that is used when water is heated.
The volume of the coolant is measured in the same way as the volume of cold water, in m3 (cubic meters). The volume of thermal energy is measured in the same way as heat, in GKAL (gigallariums).

In receipts to pay utility services, the exhibited volume of water consumption is a value other than the indicators of individual (apartment) metering devices. Where do the "extra" water cubic meters come from? Tariffs for water and general business needs are not a whim of management companies, but a consequence of the adoption of the 354th law, according to which the brothers will pay for their negligent neighbors.

The procedure for calculating the size of the board for cold and hot water supply, water disposal, which takes into account the testimony of individual accounting instruments established in the apartment, and set in the house of the general (collective) metering device, is determined by the rules for the provision of utilities. When calculating the payment for the cold and hot water supply, the formulas shown in Appendix No. 2 to the rules that take into account the volume (consumption, consumption) of the water, recorded by a public accounting device, distributed between owners in the manner prescribed by paragraph 21 of the Rules, and in all The premises of an apartment house of individual or general (apartment) metering devices are proportional to their testimony. In the absence of these accounting devices, the calculation of the board size is performed in the manner prescribed by paragraph 19 of the Rules.

Many doubts whether the area of \u200b\u200bbasement and attic rooms in the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe MKD is included? It includes: according to the provisions of Part 5 of Art. 15 LCD RF. The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises consists of the sum of the area of \u200b\u200ball parts of such a room, including the area of \u200b\u200bpremises of the auxiliary use intended to meet citizens of household and other needs associated with their living in the residential premises. It should be noted that the inclusion of the apartment of the loggia or balcony to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or the balcony according to Part 5 of Article No. 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Many still do not understand why they pay for heating in the summer. Everything is simple. The fact is that throughout the year we pay only the heating season: the cost of heating is divided into 12 equal monthly payments - first of all to reduce every individual payment for the service, which gives us the opportunity to pay for heating as it were in installments. In addition, such a payment scheme allows you to plan heating costs. After all, even during the heating season, the volume of thermal energy used for the heating of our homes varies depending on weather conditions: as it becomes heated on the heating of each house, more and more thermal energy is required, as it is smaller. This explains the difference between accounts for different months.

If we paid the service only into the heating season and strictly in accordance with the volume of thermal energy, which "got" into every separate month, our one-time payments, firstly, would have increased significantly, and secondly - every time we would pay different Amounts. Such a payment mode, for obvious reasons, is far from all convenient.

What is the bills exhibited by us for heating?

The determining factor is the presence of thermal energy metering devices. If the house is equipped with such an appliance, then the procedure for payment of heating will be as follows. First of all, the volume of thermal energy consumed in residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building for the previous year is determined. If the accounting device worked for only a few months, then the amount consumed by the electricity house during the period when the counter did not work, calculated on the basis of the conditions specified in the contract with the capacles.

Further, the resulting consumption is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential premises of the apartment building. As a result, we have consumption of 1 m² of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The size of the heating board is calculated by 1 m² of the total area: according to the VT × TT formula \u003d the average monthly consumption of thermal energy for heating for the previous year (Gcal / sq. M) × The tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the law Russian Federation (rub / Gcal). Every year it should be recalculated using the specified formula.

Many still wonder: "How is it more profitable to pay: according to the meter or according to the standard?". Definitely: in the counter! As practice shows, for most inhabitants of our country, it is noticeably more profitable to pay utility services on the meter, and not according to regulations. This is due to the such, for example, that many of us use much less water and thermal energy than "suggests" the standard (since a certain average consumption of certain services is laid in the standard).

But even if you pay according to the standard, then it is not difficult to check the correspondence of the standard in the payment: the formula for calculating standards is described in " Rules for the establishment and definition of public services' consumption standards » (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/23/2006 No. 306).

In addition, many have a question: should they pay utility services in full, if they were on vacation, in the country or on a business trip? First of all, here to make a reservation: all the services for which you have installed counters, you always pay only in the volume in which you really used. Accordingly, if you were in departure, it will automatically affect the readings of the counters and you do not have to overpay.

If you do not have meters, in the absence of you may insist on recalculating payments for the following services: electricity, hot and cold water, water disposal (sewage), gas.

The calculation is made as follows: from the total number of days, the calendar days of your absence, with the exception of the day of departure and the day of return, are subtracted.

If in the apartment in the heating period is a low temperature, instead of hot water flows, then a fee for poor-quality utilities can be reduced. The rules for the provision of utilities are established by the procedure for monitoring the quality of utility services, as well as the order of resizing fee for utilities in providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration. In case of failure to provide utilities or the provision of utility services of inadequate quality, the consumer needs to be notified by the Contractor's emergency dispatch service or other service specified by the Contractor.

Now to the question of who installed public counters in your home and should you pay for the installation? I installed the general metering devices in the houses of Bratchain resource-supplying organization. Nearly whole year Various television I. print mass-media They said that until July 1, 2013, all MKD should be equipped with cognitive metering devices. And the owners of housing had to be held a meeting on which to decide: which counters and with the help of which company you will install in your home. Of course, our laziness, disadvantage and hope on maybe played with us serious joke: Nobody wants to go to these meetings, and nothing else sees anything on his apartment, and the responsibility for the general officer property shifts on the management company, forgetting that each of us is not only the owner of the apartment, and all tenants together are the owners of the most common property, And not the management company at all. Accordingly, by July 1, 2013, not the fact that at home, not all apartments were equipped with accounting devices. In such a case, according to the law, general metering instruments in homes have established a resource-supplying organization at its own expense. And now it is completely legal charges with you a debt for the cost of meters and their installation. And you should pay for this article.

Now let's talk about subsidies: to whom they are laid and how to get them?

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, subsidies for the payment of residential premises and utilities are provided to citizens if their expenses for the payment of residential premises and utilities exceed the regional standard for the maximum permissible share of their own expenses of citizens to pay for residential premises and utilities in the cumulative family income. .

According to Law No. 5 of OZ "On the size of regional standards for paying for residential premises and utilities in the Irkutsk region", it can be counted on subsidies:

- pensioners, people with disabilities who every month pay for an apartment more than 7-22% of their total monthly income (with the federal benefit you can also receive additional);

- working citizens if their rent is more than 16-22% of total income;

- Large families, if the rent is more than 15% of the total income.

You can arrange such a subsidy in social protection or if you do not work, through the labor exchange.

Subsidies are provided to these citizens, taking into account the members of their families permanently residing with them. Citizens and members of their families are provided with one subsidy for a residential premises in which they are constantly registered. Subsidy is provided for a period of 6 months.

In general, each owner of housing should understand: his property is not limited to the limits of the apartment - he is the co-owner of the whole house. The management company is still - how much and for which you will pay resource-supplying enterprises, it is just an intermediary. But you, like the owner, have the right to check where the extra cubic meters of water are leaving or where heat leaks occur. After all, the owner of the basement, attic rooms and the entire property of the house you are, and not the management company.

Someone will seem that this article is designed to somehow justify the actions of public utilities. Not. In fact, this article is designed to help the population in protecting their legitimate rights. Moreover, in Bratsk there are already examples when not indifferent and active residents of the house prove their rightness, significantly reducing the amount in the payments.

One of them is Chairman of the Council of House No. 22 on Karl-Marx Street Olga Ivanovna Selina. She not only finds out where such numbers in the payments come from, not only herself recalculates everything, it decides many other questions of the residents of their home. For example, in collaboration with the deputy of his district, Anatoly Loychitsy, she managed to achieve the expansion of the invadal travel and the arrangement of a large pocket for parking lots of residents.

In addition, she and her supporters from among residents of the house managed to achieve direct control over the court and return the management company. Now they find out where there are general losses on hot and cold water come from, and challenges them implied to them.

To her, as an active fighter for justice in the housing and communal services, we turned with the urgent issue:

- Olga Ivanovna, now there are a lot of complaints on the new rules of charges, including in general class needs. And we, unfortunately, have to state that for the most part, all discontent come from our laziness and our illiteracy. How right are we right?

- Absolutely. It comes from the times of developed socialism, when people are accustomed to that someone does everything for them, and someone should. A lot of laws are now coming out, and there are good laws. But they must be fulfilled: first of all, the power that is far from doing everything, and we, as owners, and not only houses, but as living in the cities and on this land, should already understand that everything should depend on our position , and what will happen. And today our society, to put it mildly, immature. And today all hope for young people. And about general-purpose needs, I think that where the general counters installed, should have been invited and put owners. Now the whole city was transferred to direct control - so the local government wanted, and people are not ready for this. By law, this should happen when the owners are ready to manage their home and have for this desire. And we have no desire, and today the owners have not implemented this rule of law. Because when directly managed, all documentation should be transferred to them, they should understand what they should do. And today no one knows who is responsible for these houses. Even the owners themselves often do not know what controls they are. And therefore, management companies are not even managers, but only providing the services of the company, but the contracts write as managers, and take money for management from us. But when transferring to such control in each house under the Housing Code, there is an authorized person who chose it is unknown, but it must be, and there is formally, even if none of the tenants chose him. And when installing general-purpose metering devices, they were informed that they would establish that there was so much that it would be that there will be a testimony, in such numbers, this is the first testimony, This is the calculation, how will the fee will be charged ... And today people pay for those who do not pay, and is still unknown for whom.

Thus, Olga Selina - a person who defends his rights in practice, confirms - in today's housing legislation it turns out that the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of the drowning.

But soon, namely, in June, all residents are again puzzled by a new graph in receipts: for overhaulAnd someone will tell you that I didn't hear anything about it, but we wrote about it ("Who is now responsible for the overhaul of houses?", Voice Bratsk, February, No. 2 (20), 2014). And again people will think: where are their money go? And they go to our laziness and unwillingness to understand in numbers and for something to respond. For some reason, for some reason, we always forget the wonderful life rule: the road is asset going!

Payment hot water - One of the main items of expenses for apartment owners in the MKD. Managing companies regularly enter issues both on charges for this service and in relevant rates. In the article, we will deal with all the specified moments and give useful reference material, including the table with the hot water rates in 2019 in 2019.

Many consumers are still surprising in the appearance of the "heated water" position in the payments. This innovation appeared for a long time ago - in 2013. According to the Government Decree No. 406 of May 13, 2013, the payment should be made at the 2-component tariff in houses with a centralized water supply system.

The traditional hot water tariff was divided into two parts:

  • cold water consumption;
  • heat consumption.

For this reason, a line appeared in the receipt, indicating the amount of heat spent on the heated of cold water. It seems to many that payment for this heating is charged illegally, although it is indeed legitimate. The head of expert support of the reference system "Department of MKD" answered the question How to calculate the fee for the DHW for different categories of houses? .

The innovation was required due to the fact that tenants additionally use non-taught energy. The GWS system includes heated towel rails and risers that consume heat. These costs were previously not taken into account when calculating payment for ku. It is allowed to take money for heat supply only during the heating season, so the heating of air through the operation of the heated towel rail is not subject to payment as a communal service. The output was found in the form of such a separation of the tariff into two parts.

For a better understanding, it is worth describing the situation with heated by GVS in numbers. If there is nothing more difficult for cold water except for purity and pressure, then everything is a little more difficult with hot. In the case of the DHW, another parameter is added - the temperature. The supplier must withstand it, otherwise complaints are applied, a check is assigned and, when confirming the fact of violations, the fee decreases. For hot water, the temperature should be no less than + 60ºС.

When analyzed, it turned out that he was heated by hot water circulating through pipelines, about 40% of the heat was consumed, as a whole, the home required for the DHW. Hot water coming from the supplier is not spent in full and on the inverse tube is sent to the heat exchanger, where it is heated by boiling water. When passing through the pipes it cools. If little water is consumed in the MKD, then heat loss can reach considerable values, and the fees made by the owners on a one-component rate will not be enough to repay all costs.

The separation of the tariff so that the costs of water heating are separately taken into account, it has become a solution to this problem.

Table of hot water tariffs from July 1, 2018 in Moscow

The introduction of a new billing system in Russia, implying a fee of hot water, is gradually. The decision about this is accepted at the regional level, therefore, the news about the transition to a new system periodically appears. For example, a 2-component hot water tariff in early July 2018 introduced in the Altai Territory. We describe how this separation looks like.

  1. Cold water for DHW. The calculation of payment here is quite simple - the water passes through the "hot" accounting device, its volume in cubic meters is fixed and is multiplied by the cost of cold water at the current rate.
  2. Heated, that is, thermal energy spent on ensuring the DHW. Here the calculations are made somewhat more complicated - the counter-calculated cubic meters are multiplied by the standard for warming water, as well as the cost of gigaklorine.

A separate explanation requires a moment with a regulatory on the heating of the HPW for the DHW. Under it is understood as the amount of thermal energy, which is spent on bringing the cubometer of water to the required temperature. This standard is approved at the level of a body and tariff regulation.

If the transition to 2-component charges took place in the Altai Territory on July 1, 2018, then in the Chelyabinsk region he occurred earlier. In some regions, the system already works, in other transitions so far is postponed. For example, in the Volgograd region, the introduction of a new system decided to postpone until January 1, 2020. Up to this point, the cost of the service will be accrued as before the principle - simply for the consumer volume depending on the tariff for 1 cubic hot water.

The transition to a two-component tariff is a federal initiative, involving certain freedom of action for the regions. The new system over time should start working across the country, but now the subjects have the right to start working with it or postpone this moment. For example, a recent decision of the government, the period of adopting heat consumption standards for heating HPS for the DHW was postponed at the beginning of 2020.

The table presents tariffs for hot water in Moscow, taking into account the increase that happened from July 1, 2018.

The tariff rate on the DHW for Muscovites does not include a commission remuneration that take payment systems operators and banking organizations for their services when this payment takes. The specified tariff for established practice will be valid for 1-2 years, after which it will again occur to overcome inflationary oscillations.

As you can see, in Moscow, it is currently used by a single-component tariff for DHW, in which consumers pay the service in the amount of cubic meters spent on the established meters or, in their absence (which is already rare), according to the standard.

How rose water heating tariffs

In the capital, as in many other cities, since July 1 of this year, the value of a number of utilities has increased. Average increase by order of the Moscow government should not be higher than 5.5 percent, while there were no increasing positions at all. If we talk about hot water, then for citizens living in the "old" Moscow has become more expensive by 4.4 percent, and now its price is the 188.53 ruble per cubic meter mentioned.

This publication in our housing and utilities Activist Fedor Moiseyev wrote at the request of those senior home to whom he told how to deal with how to understand the accounts for hot water. We warn that the edition of the editorial office may not coincide with the opinion of the author on those problems that it concerns in its blog speeches on the "Chelny Ltd" site.

How to translate gigaklora to cubic meters

To understand payments for hot water, it is useful to be able to translate gigaclorai into cubic meters. Why? Yes, because with the supplier of thermal energy, calculations are carried out for consumed gigaklora, and the board for tenants is numbered in rubles per cubic meters of water.

It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigacalories to cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained.

Calico is the amount of heat that is required to heat one cubic centimeter of water for 1 degree Celsius. Gigakloria -, this is a billion calories. In one cubic meter - 1 million centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from under our crane must be at least 55C (this is for closed Systemss, and for open - 60c). For example, if the cold water at the input in the so-called ITP is an individual heat item has a temperature of 5C, it will need to be heated by 50c. Heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal i.e. It turns out that this is 0.055. (I'll be silent while the heat loss that occurs when the water moves through the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW, as we assure us that all the heating occurs in the basement of the house, and therefore, when transporting pipes from CHP, heat is not lost). The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube we accept equal to 0.059 Gcal. That is, such must be QMZ or the standard of heat generation, that is, what is being written in the receipts below. It is easier - this is the amount of heat required for heating 1 cube Cold. Water to a temperature of 60s. Or if you multiply 0.059 for the cost of 1 Gcal 1439 rubles, it turns out that the price of heating 1 of the cold water cube is 85 rubles. To this, it is necessary to add a tariff for cold-chipped water (now it is 26.44 rubles) and multiply on the coefficient. Losses of heat in an uninsulated heated towel rail (1 + K), where k \u003d 0.03. That is, almost the formula is almost obtained from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 306 as amended by Resolution No. 238 and the price for 1 cubic meter of hot water 115 rubles.

Small Note: I was repelled on the temperature of the cold water -5C, and the NCTS uses 6 +1.33 \u003d 7.33c. To note, in Moscow, the average. The temperature is cold. The water is 8.90 degrees, in Orel - 9.16, in Tyumen - 8.59, even in Petrozavodsk, where the climate is colder, it is 8.16. That is, everywhere for some reason more than us. And further. We often come a receipt with the meaning of the heat content 0.09 or 0.101. It turns out, the water is heated to 90c-101c?!

There is a direct proportional dependence between the heat generation and the temperature of the hot water and it is perfectly seen from the formula of heat engineering QM3 \u003d C * P * (TGVS - TXVS) / 1000 (GKAL / MW). Where with -reat capacity and p is the density of water that conventionally equal to 1. Multiply this value of the heat generation per 1000 and we obtain the approximate value of the temperature of the water temperature from under the tap in the apartment. Look at this temperature and ask your management company as it is possible.

But all these calculations are only a classic understanding of how the process occurs. In our case, in the heating period, heated cold water with a plate heat exchanger in the basement (for some reason it is called "boiler" and with its help an open heat supply system turns into a closed) due to the energy of the heat carrier from the heating pipe. That is, all thermal energy is calculated at the entrance to the house. Minus from it heat from the return pipeline. The same thing happens when the heat supply system is open, when all the thermal energy is also calculated by the heat meter at the entrance to the house. That is, the hot water tariff should be considered according to the formula 1 of Appendix No. 2 from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 as amended by Resolution No. 344: p \u003d V x T. Where T is a tariff for cold-chipped water (coolant), and V is the entire amount of consumed resource, that is, the number of hot water cubes consumed.

By the way, as it turned out now, with a closed heat supply system, with all its ecology (pure cold water heats up and goes to the DHW system at home), corrosion increases and the surface is "eaten" very quickly metal pipes. Because of what, as one serious specialist told me (I can't call him, the conversation was private) in the republic at a high level there are debates about lowering the temperature of hot water to 50c. I want to warn that both the open heat supply system has its own minus. In this case, we use hot-chemically purified water from the heating pipe, and it is generally not harmless to health. Therefore, the dishes are necessary to be allocated with cold water. And you can smile, but in my opinion in those houses where the opening system of heat supply is operating, the number of bald men and people having skin problems are much more than in houses with boilers.

Sincerely, Fedor Moiseev 8 917 263 39 55

When accrued monthly payments for heating and hot water, confusion often arises. For example, if an apartment building is a common heat meter, then the calculation with the heat energy supplier is carried out for consumed gigakloria (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for hot water for tenants is usually installed in rubles per cubic meter (M3). To deal with payments, it is useful to be able to translate Gkal to cubic meters.

P & G Placement Sponsor Article on "How to Translate Gcal in Cube M" How to Calculate Water Heating How to Fill Water Blank How to Determine Electricity Consumption


It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigacalories to cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained. Consider a simple example. Let it be in the interwoofer when all heat goes only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal per month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, spent 30 cubic meters of hot water. They account for 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person accounts for 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Translating Gkal in m3, we obtain consumption of hot water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person. How simple

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By definition, calorie is the amount of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water to 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities is a billion calories. In 1 meter, 100 centimeters, therefore, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from the crane should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal. However, when water flows, heat loss, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW will inevitably occur in the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on 20% more. The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

How to translate gigakalria in cubic meters

Receiving accounts for utilities, it is quite difficult to understand in many aspects of calculations and understand: where did one or another figure come from? One of the bright examples of such "conversion difficulties" - payment for the heat supplied. If your house has a single heat meter, the bills will come for used GKAL (gigakloria), but the tariff for hot water is known to be installed for cubic meters. How to deal with the calculation of the cost of heat?


Perhaps the greatest difficulty lies just in the technical inability to translate gigakloria into cubic meters or back. These are absolutely different physical quantities: one serves as a measurement of thermal energy, the other volume, and, as the basic course of physics suggests, they are incompatible. The task of consumer of utility services in the end comes down to calculate the ratio of the expended amount of heat and the volume of consumed hot water.

To finally not get confused, it is worth starting with the definition of calculated quantities. So, under the calorie, the amount of heat, which is necessary for heating by 1 ° C of a single cubic centimeter of water. In Gkal billion calories, in the cubic meter - a million centimeters, therefore for heating at 1 ° from one cubic meter of water you will need 0.001 Gcal.

Considering that hot water should not be colder than 55 ° C, and the cold water enters at a temperature of 5 ° C, it is obvious that it will be necessary to heat it at 50 ° C, that is, to spend 0.05 Gcal energy for each cubic meter. In the area of \u200b\u200butility tariffs, there is a slightly higher standard of heat consumption on the heating of one cubic meter of water - 0.059 Gcal, this is due to heat loss, which occur during water transportation through the pipeline.

Further, everything is simple, heat consumption according to the readings of the house meter is divided into the number of tenants. Treat the heat consumption for each tenant, and delivering the resulting digit to the value of 0.059 - the volume of hot water in cubic meters, which should be paid by each resident. The only subtlety under this calculation is the need to subtract those tenants from which the consumption counters in the apartment are installed.

When accrued monthly payments for heating and hot water, confusion often arises. For example, if an apartment building is a common heat meter, then the calculation with the heat energy supplier is carried out for consumed gigakloria (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for hot water for tenants is usually installed in rubles per cubic meter (M3). To deal with payments, it is useful to be able to translate Gkal to cubic meters.


It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, it is not about the gigacalories in the cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained.

By definition, calorie is the amount of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water to 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities is a billion calories. In 1 meter, 100 centimeters, therefore, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from the crane should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal. However, when water flows, heat loss, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW will inevitably occur in the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on 20% more. The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

Consider a simple example. Let it be in the interwoofer when all heat goes only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal per month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, spent 30 cubic meters of hot water. They account for 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person accounts for 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Gkal in m3, we obtain the consumption of hot water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person.

ATTENTION, only today!

All interesting

Gigaklorine per hour (gkal / hour) is a derivative of calorie value, which is a unit of measuring the amount of or produced thermal energy. These measurements are made using special instruments - heat meters. ...

When calculating thermal power of heating equipment, derivatives from calories are most often used (cyloalories, megaclorini, gigakloria, etc.). While in the international system of units of si measurement units ...

Thermal losses with a high length of pipelines are simply inevitable, but the task of serving organizations is to minimize the temperature decrease on the way from the source to the end consumers - heating devices. Instructions1 in the course ...

The calculation of gas calorie is required, as a rule, owners of houses and cottages for settlements with gas suppliers. Blue fuel in this case is used to maintain heat indoors and heating water, and these utilities are evaluated ...

Watt, W, W - In Si, this unit of measurement of capacity was called in honor of his Creator James Watt. Watt as a measure of power accepted in 1889, prior to that were used by L.S. - horsepower. It will not be superfluous to know how power can be ...

Many people when paying utilities are surprised, seeing the phrase "heated water" in the receipt. In fact, this innovation was made back in 2013. According to Government Decree No. 406, in the presence of a centralized water supply system, payment must be carried out according to a two-component rate.

Thus, the tariff was divided into two components: the use of cold water and thermal energy. Now the calculation is made separately for two resources: water for DHW and thermal energy. That is why a graph appeared in the receipts, meaning the amount of thermal energy spent on heating cold water. However, many believe that the heating fee is charged illegally, and write complaints on housing and communal services. To make sure the legality of this type of accrual should learn more about this service.

The reason for such innovation was the additional use of energy. The risers and heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply system consume thermal energy, but this consumption was not taken into account in the calculation of payment for utilities. Since the heat supply fee can be charged only in the heating period, air heating due to the use of the heated towel rail was not paid as a utility service. The government has found a way out of such a situation, dividing the tariff for two components.


If the water heater fails, the account for hot water does not increase. In this case, authorized employees of the management organization are obliged to repair the equipment urgently. But since repair requires payment, this amount must still pay tenants. Despite the fact that the heating account will remain the same, the amount of payment will be increased for the repair and content of property. This is explained by the fact that water heating devices are part of the property owners of housing.

As for non-standard situations, when, for example, part of the apartments in a multi-storey building has access to hot water, and the second is only for cold, questions regarding the heating payment are solved individually. As practice shows, often from tenants require payment of a fee for the common property that they do not use.

Component "Heavy Energy"

If, with the calculation of payment for cold water, everything is quite simple (carried out on the basis of the established tariff), then not everyone understands what is included in the cost of such a service as heated.

The amount for payment of such a service as heated water is calculated taking into account the following components:

  • established tariff for thermal energy;
  • the costs required for the maintenance of a centralized hot water system (from central thermal points where water heated) is carried out);
  • the cost of the loss of thermal energy in pipelines;
  • the costs needed to carry out hot water transportation.

Calculation of payments for utilities for hot water supply is carried out taking into account the volume of water used, which is measured in m 3.

As a rule, the number of necessary thermal energy is determined on the basis of common values, which show the hot water counters and the spent thermal energy. The used amount of energy in each room is calculated by multiplying the volume of water (determined by the counter) on the specific consumption of thermal energy. The amount of energy is multiplied by the tariff. The resulting value is the amount necessary to pay for payment that in the receipt is registered as "heated water".

How to calculate yourself in 2018-2019

Water heating is one of the most expensive utilities. This is due to the fact that when heated, the use of special equipment operating from the power grid is necessary. To make sure that the receipt indicates the correct amount to pay, you can make calculations yourself and compare the value with the amount specified in the receipt. To do this, find out the amount of payment for thermal energy established by the Regional Tariff Commission. Further calculations depend on the presence of the absence of accounting devices:

  1. If you have a meter in the apartment, then you can calculate thermal energy consumption, focusing on its indicator.
  2. If the counter is missing, calculations should be based on the established regulatory indicators (installed by an energy-saving organization).

If there is a building in the residential building of the total consumption of thermal energy and established individual counters in the apartments, the accrual of the heating amount is calculated based on the testimony of the overall metering device and further proportional distribution for each apartment. If such a device is absent, the amount required to pay for heating is calculated on the basis of the energy rate standards for heating 1 m 3 of water in the reporting month and readings individual counter water.

Where to write a complaint

If the legitimacy of the emergence in the receipts of an additional line "Heated Water" is in question, so as not to overpay for heating, it is recommended to first contact the CM with a request to explain what this item means. The appearance of a new line in the receipt is legal only on the basis of the decision of the owner of the MKD premises. In the absence of such a solution, you should write a complaint to GGG. After handling a claim in the Criminal Code, you must provide an answer with explanations within thirty days. In case of refusal to justify why such a service is prescribed in the receipt, the complaint should be submitted to the prosecutor's office with a lawsuit in court. In this case, if you have already paid the amount specified in the receipt, the basis of the claim will serve Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the return funds are not required, but at the same time you have to pay for the services that you do not provide, apply for the exclusion of the Water Heating Row. In this case, it is necessary to refer to Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Hello! Help please understand. Our HOA changed the Criminal Code. The new Criminal Code is charged to us for hot water by seizing the methodology from the Resolution P No. 354 .. The fee for the hot water supply in our receipts is divided into two parts individual consumption and one and consisting of 2 mains: HOV and heated. There are no problems with the first line in individual consumption .. there is the volume (according to the meter in the apartment) and the tariff ... But heated (i.e., the number of kcal for heating) they are calculated based on the general water consumption (by the house meter) And calculate the share of my calories based on the volume of HOV in my meter. Calories turns out 0.74 (on my 6 cubes) and the board in the line. Individual consumption in new receipts increased by 2 times. The past company was expected easier, they simply took my XOV consumption on the meter and multiplied to the approved heating standards of 1 cube of water 0.0615. And the difference between the general flow rate and the amount according to the meters of Zhilscho was spread in part of the ONI proportionately. In the new receipts, the basement with one is impoverished ... That is, as I understand it, a new company, all the way, considers not separating the general needs and intra-quarterly .. or am I mistaken?
I revised a resolution of 354 .. And I did not find the formulas there for which you should count on hot water supply in apartment buildings with centralized water supply (open scheme) .. Help to figure out .. Are there any actions of the new Criminal Code? Thank you!

Hello, Natalia!

For a start, how to say our president Vladimir Putin, "Separate flies from the kitlet: Flies - separately, cutlets - separately!"
In our case, "cutlets" we will have a scheme of hot water supply (DHW) of your home, and "flies" - what and what is the new Criminal Code. With "Flys" we will understand the second border.
To begin with, we will deal with "cutlets":

Please specify:
At the beginning of the letter you write: "... The fee for the hot water supply in our receipts ... consists of 2 lines: Hove and heated ...".
As far as I know and understand the power housing and utility housing and utilities, such a division of the GVS fee is applied with a closed heat supply system - at which two pipelines (direct and reverse) heat supply (heating) are used from your quarterly boiler room (or from CHP), and hot water supply water is heated by part Water heating in water heaters (boilers) located in every home (or group of houses).
Is there a DHW boiler in your home?
Regarding the GWS fee with a closed heat supply system: the regulatory and technical documents are allowed two methods for calculating and paying the DHW, depending on which method is more suitable for specific conditions of the city, from the city-adopted calculation system between house-playing companies, heat pool and waterochannel, Or who has "attracted" the authorities and accountants.

the fee is taken under the article "Hot Water Supply", which includes the amount of fees for the warmth, received from the boiler room and spent in a boiler for heating water plus a fee for cold water filed with water soloal and then heated in a boiler and spent by residents. Then, this fee from all the inhabitants enrolled in the home-controlling company is divided by the accounting department between the heat pool and the Vodokanal according to the rules known to them.

the board is taken on two articles:
- "Hot water supply" is a fee for the heat received from the boiler room and spent in a boiler for heating water. As a rule, this money is directly entering the heat itself without "drying and rock" in the Criminal Code;
- "Cold water on the DHW" is a fee for water filed by water soloal and then heated in a boiler and spent by residents. As a rule, this money is directly entering water scabs without "drying and rock" in the Criminal Code.

If the fee "Cold water to the DHW" appeared, then the "hot water supply" fee should decrease.

However, at the end of the letter you are writing: "... I did not find the formulas in the decision number 354 ... The formulas for which the hot water supply should be calculated in MKD houses With centralized hot water supply (open circuit) »
The opening system of the DHW is the system when water for the goals of the DHW is heated in the boiler room (CHP), it goes through a separate pipeline and further is distributed through the water treatment cranes of the MCD. In this case, the fee for the DHW is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 (for an apartment equipped with an ind. Counter) and 10, 13 (on one in the house with a general-friendly meter) Annex 2 "Calculation of the amount of fee for utilities" of decisions No. 354.
What is the DHW system in your home - closed or open?

Nataliya! Let's go to the "flies".

Unfortunately, according to the numbers you presented and the arguments, without having before your eyes (in the hands) of the texts of your letter in the Criminal Procedure, with the requirement to provide you with written explanations on the problem with the calculation of fees for the DHW and the corresponding replies of the Criminal Code - it is very difficult to give you an intelligible answer.
If you did not write such a letter, demand that the Criminal Code gives you an explanation, on the basis of which documents calculations are made, with the indication of their items, articles and items, including calculations for the forms of the relevant paragraphs 1, 10, 13 (or others, which calculations were made?) Annex 2 "Calculation of the amount of fee for utilities" of decisions No. 354.

In his letter, refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, "The Standard of Information Disclosure by organizations engaged in the management of apartment buildings" (approved. Post. RF of September 23, 2010 No. 731), as well as paragraph 31 "Rules for the provision of utilities Services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings "(approved. POST. Government of the Russian Federation № 354 of May 6, 2011):
"... 31. The Contractor must:
... d) produce directly when contacting the consumer Checking the correctness of the calculation of the consumer presented to the payment of payment fees for utilities, debt or consumer overpayment for utilities, ... and immediately according to the results of the inspection to issue documents containing correctly accrued payments to the consumer. Documents issued by the consumer must be certified by the signature of the head and the printing of the Contractor "

From your answers will depend on our future considerations and actions.
Good luck to you in the board for the DHW!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

Holyuri, hello! Thanks for your reply. There are no boilers in our house. We have an open hot water system in all auto plant. And in our many companies, hot water supply is divided into two lines: Xov and heated. (My mother lives in the neighboring quarter of 9th floor. MCD has a DHW of one line .. Tariff 109, / 83 p \\ m3)
I found a website with a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2012 No. 1149 in which tariffs are introduced for open and closed water supply systems.Http: //kongiLFOND.RU/? Element_id \u003d 1391 .. and it is explained that when the tariff is open HOV articles (heat carrier) and heated (heat and energy) ..
In addition, on the website of our heat and power company "Tevis", they posted tariffs for 13 years -44-47 / -2013 they refer
on the order of the Ministry of Samara Region №418 Paragraph 43 talks about setting the tariff for Tolyatti (open system) and there is an application with tariffs for heat carrier and heat . So here it seems not to sink ...
I am more in our receipts perturbes the method of calculating the heating string (number of kcal) in the individual part.
Yesterday was at the Chairman of the HOA. She explained to me that she herself abandoned the standards for heating 1 cube of water., And agreed with the Criminal Code on the fact of expense. That is, in our receipt for February
hove water consumption on a total meter 1081 m3 ...
common kcal 127.
according to an individual counter in our apartment Hov - 6.3 m3
regulatory for Hove - 27,27p / m3
calculation of the Kcal (Individual) Next:
127/1081 x 6.3 \u003d 0.74 Cal
accordingly, 0.74 x 1058.46 \u003d 783.4 ..
plus 6.3 x 27,27 \u003d 171.8
Total for 6.3 m3 Mountain payment. water 955 p.
cube of water 151 rubles.
I must say that we remove this apartment. Nobody is registered in it. Therefore, as I was explained by the Chairman of the HOA .. we have in ODN if the exploration of the area is distributed in proportion to the square .. and if the savings are proportional to the people registered ... that is, we have zeros.
I'm talking about 354, the decree said that it was necessary to separately consider the individual expense and one. After the calculation explained to explain where such a method of calculation was found .. she answered me that our house is not suitable for any technique because we have common counters on Hov and on heat and ... :-)
Today I want to ask her a copy of the contract with this Criminal Code and I will write a letter in the Criminal CC (as you recommended to me).
I have a question: can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and is not spelled out there. Thank you.
Best regards, Natalia.

answer from Natalia

Hello, Natalia!

I understood as follows: The Avtozavodskiy district is the district of Togliatti?, Since from the years mentioned by you. Samara and Tolyatti Avtozavodsk region is only in Tolyatti.
Then we are fellow countrymen - in my youth, I am about 15 years old (in the 60s - 70s of the past century) I lived in Tolyatti and worked at the Togliatti CHP. Wife still twice a year he travels to Togliatti to the sister and numerous relatives - just tomorrow travels to your city.

From pleasant memories of youth, we turn to matters.
On your last question: "... can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and is not spelled out there?" I will answer this: if "they" will not want to communicate with the "annoying fiddler", they may well be "swelling" of you on the legitimate basis. But you do this - write letters on behalf of the apartment owner - of course, warning it about it.

While you breathe in your numbers. Something I can "stand" in the "Methodology" of the Chairman of the Board of Your HOA. Some kind of helica. It would be nice to have before your eyes payment document (invoice receipt).

Please apply in letters only generally accepted wording and reduce technical values \u200b\u200bused in laws and NTD on housing and communal services.
For example, Hov in the energy sector is "chemically desalted water". What do you mean? Cold water? If we are forced to apply your own abbreviations to reduce text, it is advisable to make the appropriate decoding (do not be offended on the old struggling for "moral"!)

I will also get acquainted with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2012 No. 1149, the tariffs of the heat and energy company Tevis, the order of the Ministry of Samara Region No. 418 and other Togli Togli documents.

I know such a document: " Guidelines (MR) for the calculation and collection of payments of the population for housing and communal services »Gosstroy, LLC" Scientific and Advice Center of Housing and Communal Services "(" NCC Housing Holy Service ") Moscow 2003, and in it, paragraph 3.3" Heating and hot water supply ".
The content of the above-mentioned MR, as well as your answer, confirms my opinion that the procedure for calculating standards and tariffs in the regions, including (possibly) and in the Samara region, is determined by professional competence, understanding (or doss), decency (or meanness ), honesty (or greed) developers and approters of these standards and tariffs, and often the degree of corruption and "merging in the financial ecstasy" authorities, resource-supply organizations and management companies. About this in the media we hear a lot and see.

Nataliya! Do you think you do not consider it appropriate and convenient to continue the exchange of consultation information on DHW (and on other LCD issues) by El. addresses? If you ask for kindly at the administration of this site (e-mail [Email Protected]) Transfer me your email. Address, I will answer you and you will have my address - it will be more convenient than asking - responding on zhkhvrossy.
The ability to transmit files will appear - for example, with housing and utilities receipts (to evaluate the correctness of the accrual), letters in housing and communal services and answers to them, texts of documents on housing and communal services, etc. The archive is decent in the form of files - it is more convenient to send them, you do not need to "fill" text in response on the site. If something is needed - I will send in the form of files - torture to open, save and read (or delete as unnecessary).

And once again I repeat my opinion - if you want to succeed, everything business conversation With housing and communal services and the authorities, in writing (or by email).
Good luck to you!

answer from Kalnin Yuri