
The resignation of the Minister of Finance. What to read in print media

Tracks and paving

The Commission on Modernization and Technological Development of the Economy in Dimitrovgrad, which was devoted to the problem of nuclear medicine, ended with the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin. The president responded hard to Kudrin's words, spoken by him in Washington: the minister said he did not see the place in the Government of Medvedev because of the existing differences between them.

The president demanded that Kudrin quickly decide - he retires or not. In the middle of the meeting of the Commission (most of it was held in closed for the media mode) the minister asked permission to get out of the hall, "to talk to the Chairman of the Government." This information was confirmed by Izvestia Member of the Commission Alexander Shokhin. "With the permission of Dmitry Anatolyevich, he (Kudrin. - Izvestia) came out earlier to talk with Vladimir Vladimirovich. President let him go, "said the head of the RSPP.

When a little later, the reporter "Izvestia" approached the head of the Ministry of Finance, he stood alone, leaning against the rack of the wardrobe.

No comment, - immediately cut off Kudrin.

He looked slightly upset, but he kept his face. As usual, it was very polite.

When can I talk to you?

In a week!

Listen, well, this is a comic answer.

And seriously?

I need to stand up, think. You are disturbing me! Said the Minister.

All participants in the Commission meeting, among which many government officials approached Kudrin and seem to comfort him. The Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina took Kudrin at hand and did not let him go for a long time, something whispering. She was very excited, her face seemed exhausted. "Sorry, no comment ... I ask you ... Well, no need now," she said to the news correspondent.

"It is unlikely that I can say anything," said Anatoly Chubais, "Izvestia", noticed anything. "No comment," the director of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Government of the Government, Andrei Belousov, was also. He repeated this phrase three times like a spell. Even "not under the record" officials left, or rather, ran away from the answer. All instantly removed the lesson from the "error" Kudrin.

Only Alexander Shokhin found the strength to say "Izvestia" a few words.

As far as I understand, Alexey Leonidovich was not going to leave the government now. In Washington, he spoke of his intention not to work in the next government, which will be formed in May next year- Shokhin explained. - Kudrin wanted to pay attention to the fact that the next government would have to solve quite complex tasks related to the high commitments to the "Defense" and social election, and at the same time solve the tasks of financial stability in the context of the second wave of crisis. Making statements in Washington, Kudrin wanted to get a mandate to solve these problems - this was the condition for his entry into the government. He did this somewhat unfortunately. It would be possible to formulate a lot.

A high-ranking member of the government, who wished to remain unknown, noticed "Izvestia" that Kudrin will not be easy to replace. Speaking about the candidate of Assistant President of Arkady Dvorkovich for the post of Minister of Finance, he noticed that "Arcasha for himself was also a lot withdrawal."

Before making decisions of discussion, it may be, but after they should stop. This is the principle of government. Kudrin violated this principle, says the source.

Later it became known that Kudrin's telephone conversation with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took place. According to the press secretary of the President Natalya Timakova, the President accepted the resignation of the Minister of Finance.

I resigned. She was adopted, "Kudrin said, leaving the venue of the meeting with Anatoly Chubais (he supported him at hand).

10 minutes after that, Medvedev proceeded to the output. "Happily," he turned into journalists.

Expert opinions ...

Pre-Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin

Mikhail Khazin, zonomist:
The resignation of the Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin is the beginning of large permutations in the government, stated on the Echo of Moscow radio station "Economist" Economist, General Director of Neocon Company Mikhail Khazin.
In his opinion, the Russian elite turned out to be in this position when she needs not people with high ambitions, but specialists. "The resignation of Kudrin is a demonstration of people with high ambitions, which in the crisis, they must be managed, and not to portray what kind of great economists," said M. Khazin.
He is convinced that now "the elite must consolidate, sharply reduce interest on 70 and radically rebuild the management system", in which "people from old who have ambitions exceed their abilities, become superfluous." Mikhail Zadornov, ex-head of the Ministry of Finance:
The resignation of Alexey Kudrin from the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation will negatively affect the Russian economy, stated on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Ex-Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Board of the Bank "VTB 24" Mikhail Zadornov.
According to him, the resignation of Kudrina is extremely unexpected and occurred at the most inopportune moment when the whole world and Russia are on the threshold of a new crisis
"The resignation of the head of the Ministry of Finance is definitely difficult for the government and the Central Bank adequate and quick response to the challenges that will occur every week," M. Zadornov said.
He also noted that Kudrin personified a conservative approach to macroeconomic politics, and he would be lacking in the government. Igor Bunin, director of the Center for Political Technologies:
The dismissal of the Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin will not lead to the split of the elite. But we are waiting for a serious perturbation of ministers in May of next year, "the director expressed such an opinion on the Echo Radio Station
Center for political technologies Igor Bunin.
"The split elite will not be. We are waiting for cleaning and new composition Governments. This means that part of the elite will go to the State Duma or in the State Committee, "he said.
According to I. Bunina, the loud resignation of Kudrin from the post of Minister of Finance is "a rare case, when a proud person went, a professional, not ready to obey the rules."
The political scientist noted that this is not the first conflict between Medvedev and Kudrin. Lilia Shevtsova, political scientist:
The dismissal of Alexei Kudrin Finance Minister will not lead to a conflict between Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin. Such an opinion on the Echo of Moscow radio station expressed a political scientist, leading employee of the Carnegie Center
Lilia Shevtsova.
In her opinion, it is necessary to split more serious shocks than the resignation of one member of the government. "In the situation of the existing demoralization of both the political class, and the entire society and the still continuing role of Putin as a guarantor of the squalled lifeless and rotational status of the CVO, the elite is impossible," L. Sleszova said.
She believes that "our cowardly elites will begin to express disagreement with each other only in the case of a social protest tsunami."

The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon made personnel permutations in the leadership of several state institutions, having removed from the posts of their leaders, the press service of the head of state on Friday, January 19, said.

The first Tajik leader dismissed the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Abdusaloma Kurbonien, who occupied this post since the end of 2013, with the wording "in connection with the transition to another job" - which one is not yet known.

His place was taken by the head of the Committee on Investments and Management of Public Property (already former) 46-year-old Fieriddin Kakhhorzoda. Prime Minister Cocir Rasulzoda has already presented him to the staff of the Ministry of Finance. The head of the State Committee was the 51-year-old Mahmoud Hamralizod, last year He headed the Accounts Chamber of the Republic, before that, the former presidential assistant on economic issues, and in the 2010th - Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

Emomali Rahmon dismissed the Minister of Finance Abdusaloma Kurbonien (first left). His place was taken by Fieriddin Kakhhorzoda (the third left)

Lost office "In connection with the transition to another job" and the head of the Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdufatoh Goib, as well as his first deputy Khridd Karimzod, who took the place of his boss. Also lost positions deputy head of the Sydalisode service. The reason for his dismissal is not specified.

In connection with retirement, the Deputy Chairman of the Tax Committee Rustam Jabborov was fired. In his place was appointed Khun Ismoilzoda. For the same reason, Makhmad Rakhmizod dismissed the chair of the director of the National Center for Legislation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, in which Fierzali Fieriii.

The reason for liberation from the posts of Judges of Gissar Dilshod Iskandurzods and the district of Rudaki Parviz Holmurodzoda was the violation of the law when considering cases.

Emomali Rakhmon dismissed the chief of the customs service of Lieutenant General Abdufatto Goiba

On the eve, on January 18, an expanded meeting of the Government of Tajikistan, devoted to the results of 2017 and plans for the 2018th. On it, local media reported with reference to the participants of the event, Emomali Rakhmon criticized the former chapter of the Ministry of Finance Kurboniene for non-fulfillment of the plan for the revenue part of the state budget, late payment of salaries in Tursunzade, Vakhdate and Sharinav, the inappropriate use of budget funds (perhaps we are talking about funds for the construction of Rogun HPP, which were given on credit of the private company Umot-88).

The Chief of Customs Service Tajik President reported for lack of payments, corruption crimes on the part of employees of the department, pass to the republic of low-quality food. For the last head of the state made a reprimand back in November 2017.

Former Minister of Finance of China Lu Jvale

The unexpected change of the reformist minister of finance and the appointment of trusted allies of the head of the PRC of Jinpine to key roles mean that Beijing is more worried about short-term growth than the capital modernization of the economy.

Supporters of SI occupied important government positions immediately before the congress of the Chinese Communist Party next autumnwhere politics will be formed for many years.

Observers note that the head of China is now facing political resistance, therefore needs consolidation of power for economic restructuring, which passes very painful.

Nevertheless, in political, scientific and business circles there are concerns that Si Jinping is increasingly focused on achieving the goals of growth and the suppression of dissent, and not on the structural restructuring of the economy and the solution of other urgent problems.

Especially severely increased against the background of Beijing's attempts to intervene in Hong Kong's policy, as well as in connection with the plans to expand the use of coal, despite the promises to fight against air pollution.

The former Minister of Finance Lu Jievae was a veteran of the Communist Party, which was headed by the Office for its competence, and not because he was in close relations with si.

The Wall Street Journal with reference to its sources writes that in the spring of 2013, that is, before its destination, Lu in a conversation with Prime Minister Lee Chanisan expressed the desire to work a full five-year term to reform the budget system and tax codeSince it is necessary for it. And he headed the Ministry of Finance as a reformer.

But he was dismissed from his post almost two years before the expiration of the term of office, partly it is associated with the loss of support from Lee Chanisan. Experts note: the dismissal of Lu Jivea is a clear signal that all economic reforms are considered by Jinpin in terms of strengthening their power.

Back in 2012, when Si was headed by China, he took a course to the centralization of power, and now he has serious opportunities for influencing the outcome of the Congress of the Communist Party next year.

In general, the leadership of the People's Republic of China expects serious "cleaning": five of the seven current members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, the highest authority of the leadership, should be retired; Also, about 60% of the Central Committee will be replaced, that is, ministers, generals and other officials.

Despite the consolidation of power, Si still competes with other major political figures that seek to promote their own favorites.

In addition to the replacement of the Minister of Finance, the posts of ministers of state security and civil cases received other SI-Chen Vencin and Cai Qi.

Nevertheless, Lu Jivea's resignation was unexpected, as it is considered the main acting person China's struggle with the dominance of pro-American financial institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank.

It is expected that now he will be headed by the National Pension Fund of China, and its 59-year-old Xiao Jie will replace, which previously held a high post in the country's tax system.

Party officials note that Lu could lose the post of Minister simply because he was the initiator of harsh measures, including attempts to cope with the growth of local administration debts, and this negatively affected the short-term growth rates.

In response to comment No. 37 (Sergey (Operator)): Well, what are the unifying moments? What does it mean? Well, as you can unite with meanness, and knowingly knowing that she is on someone else's side. I am atheist, even read did not. I looked at the nickname, which he called me and that's it. Next, you can not read how to drink to give that I am copied, idiot and everything around it can be collected. Maybe you have a better deals, but I am not. Do not forget that, it is with such a mud of the 20th years fled! Experience, it will not be shaken as dust from clothes. He is the same in life. His for it and do not love there. It works, but constantly sits here. And where should he be? They smile there, talking to him, but the departing is disgrupted. I had a copy of it at work. The same scoundrel. I generally think it is that it is. I did not read my story "Primates" on the page about Muscovites. It is he. In the city goes in a suit in a tie, politely says, the old women translates across the road. And coming to where people depend on it, the creature becomes an ordinary. This monkey. Yes, you were on this page. Remembered. About the shooting sign told!))) Remember why you began to communicate with me? After all, I offered two options. Civilized and stupid. And what did we get out of stupid communication? Madhouse! However, there was enough mind to understand each other alone and another, but when? When they learned each other better. Shared by some stories. Not everything is so simple, it turns out. Everyone through the prism of his life experience is watching. And what atheist? What do you know about him? What is he with a Kulman sign! What archive knocking started! And what I idiot! Everything! Look, who found friends to themselves. Who lives with each other with each other, experience. He and the response of the spiritual response received. He himself felt it here. With whom the soul is resting, and from whom you want to move away. Well, for hell, he stamped me - atheist? What I will look for with him, what points of contact? He is a coward. Normal, ugly, slumpy coward. Also a squirrel, such a petty shkhodnik. He will give us all bourgeois, for the jar of jam, for a stack of cookies! He's yours! Bourgeois! No, Sergey, I have no problem in my life and in communication too, except with a scoundrel. And I cut them out, completely. And I do not support the connection. So in the life of the shit enough, they have to communicate with them, it is necessary. I have a lot of who likes here, I will not list. And now present here, and long-stayed, and recently. By the way, everyone has passed hello. Normal boys and girls. Affairs of the throat. He does not have time to hang out at all. Atheist, a separate word said to convey. Soften. You, BlackoFrorosseyan, as far as possible to put pressure and will not calm down, until it sees that people around him live humanly, they go through the streets without fear, they live in homes, they are calm for children. Sergey, and I agree with you in many positions, I just stand on some hard, in view of the experience gained in service. They don't start my brains. I am through their tolerance with your legs protopal. With their own eyes saw their tolerance. Enough, it's time and honor to know. Many could tell me, yes the framework here are close.

Old Russian 2011-10-01 01:37 Reply