
Zhanna Dark: History of the Orleans Virgin. Zhanna Dark: Biography brief, life history and achievements

Onions, beets, carrots

Young Frenchwoman Joan of Arc He managed to refraart the course of a 100-year war, and led the French troops under his banner. She managed to do that many experienced commander of France considered impossible - to win the British.

Brief biography Zhanna d'Ark

The official date of birth Zhanna d'Ark is considered January 6, 1412(There are 2 more dates - January 6, 1408 and 1409). She was born in the French village of Domremi in the family of wealthy peasants.

Voice of Archangel Mikhaila

When Zhanna d'Ark turned 13 yearsShe, according to her, heard the voice of Archangel Mikhail, who told her about the Great Mission: Zhanna was supposed to interrupt the siege of Orlean by the British and win the battle.

Persistent girl

Visions repeated and in 16 years The girl went to one of the captains of the French army - Robert de Bodrikuru. He told about his visions and asked to give her people to command and transmit to Dofina's court (Chair Charles VI).

The persistence of Jeanne d'Ark took the top over the mockery of the captain, and he gave her people to escort to the king, and also supplied men's clothing, so as not to embarrass the soldiers.

Meeting with the king

March 14, 1429 Zhanna arrived in the residence of Dofina Karl - Castle Shinon. She declared him that he was sent by the sky for the liberation of the country from English domination and asked for troops in order to remove the siege of Orleans.

In France, there was a belief that a young virgin sent by God will help the army to win the war

The girl was struck by the court and king of the skill horse riding and art weapon possessions. It was the impression that she was brought up not in the peasant family, but "in special schools."

Zhanna - Commander-in-Chief

After Matronov confirmed the virginity of Joan and other numerous checks were held, Carl accepted the decision make her commander-in-chief With your troops, and lead them to Orleans.

After that, for the girl produced armor and delivered at her request sword of Charles Greatwho was kept in the Saint Catrine de Fjbua church. She then headed to the city of Blois, appointed by the team for the army, and already at the head of the army made orlean.

"Orlean Virgo"

News that the army was headed by the Messenger of God, caused an extraordinary moral rise in the army. Who lost the hope of chiefs and soldiers, tired of endless defeats, inspired and again found courage.

April 29, 1429 Jeanne d'Ark with a small detachment penetrates Orleans. On May 4, her army won the first victory by taking Bastion Saint-Lay. Victory followed one after another, and in the morning of May 8, the British were forced to remove the siege from the city.

Thus, the task that other French military leaders considered impracticable, Jeanne d'Ark decided for four days. After the victory near Orleans, Zhanna called the "Orleansian Virgin." Day May 8 to this day is celebrated every year in Orleans as the main holiday of the city.

With the help of Zhanna, it was possible to capture some more important fortresses. The French army retired one city after another.

Betrayal and burning

Spring 1430 After the annual absence of hostilities because of the indecision of Karl VII and the Poland intrigue, Jeanne d'Ark again led the troops, her banner was ahead. She rushed to the rescue city CompidentBut I got into the trap - the bridge was raised in the city, and she could no longer escape from him.

Burgundysa sold it to the British for 10,000 gold livres. In February 1431, a court was held in Ruang over it, who sentenced it as a heretic to burn. The sentence entered into force May 30, 1431 - Zhanna d'Ark burned alive on the square of the old market.

Rehabilitation and assignment to the face of saints

At the end of the century of war, Karl VII ordered the lead to investigate the legality of the court over the young heroine. It was established that the English court had many gross violations.

Zhanna d'Ark rehabilitated in the summer of 1456, and after 548 years old - in 1920. She was canonized (ranked saints) in the Catholic Church.

The history of mankind knows many people who have glorified the protection of their country from the external aggressor. But those heroes that are surrounded by halo of mystery and romantic floors are especially interesting (as Zhanna Dark, for example).

Motherland Zhanna Dark

So, Zhanna Dark was born in 1412, in one of the greatest epochs french history. The country has been repeatedly defeated by the English and allied by them for the troops, and it was standing on the verge of full defeat and crushing. In 1420, a contract was concluded, according to which the English king became the French monarch, and the heir to the throne from inheritance was removed. In fact, it was already on the legislative consolidation of the occupation.

This, naturally, could not bother people. Jeanne did not exception. And although motherland Zhanna Dark - Domromi village, where she lived in the peasant ordinary family, it did not prevent the national heroine. There are rumors and more rumors around the country: "The woman (the queen, which was considered a traitor), ruins France, but the Virgo will be able to save it." Zhanna takes these words to his account. There is no doubt that there were quite a lot of such, but the happy case fell to the share of it alone. In 1425, she begins to "hear and see the saints." Those call it to head to the south, where the heir is located, and stop the defeat.

Why burned Zhanna Dark?

Anyway, the persistent desire to help France in the fight against enemies and accurate forecasting of the outcome of one of the battles near Orleans attracted attention to Jeanne Dark. Her goal at that time was obtained by the command of the troops and unlocking Orleans. Successfully passing some checks, the position of the commander she received. Applying the English troops a few heavy lesions, Zhanna managed to achieve his goal. However, during the continuation of the war, she falls into the Burgundy captivity, and then transmitted to the British. Those accused her in magic and burned on the fire. Here, in general terms, and the entire short life, less than 30 years old.

It's obvious that Zhanna Dark burly In fact, not for "magic", but for those achieved by her at the head of the French Army Victory.

Her actions in the war were rapidly and decisive. So, on March 6, 1429, Zhanna is part of the castle of Shinon (where the dofin was present), and tells him about the "voices", who marked her chosenness - a mission to coronating the heir in Reims. It was believed that only there it is possible to become a legitimate ruler. On April 29, a detachment under the command of Jeanne Darka is part of Orleans, a number of battle occur, as a result of which the city is delegated. The crushed were French troops borrowed a series of victories that had an important moral value.

A hike to Reims is not just a march of troops, but literally a triumphant procession. On July 17, the dofin is crowned in the liberated city. Next month, the attack on Paris (unsuccessful) begins, then a lot of small clashes. And on May 23, 1430, Zhanna turns out to be captive ...

Where burned Zhanna Dark?

There are two versions on this. According to one, it was not executed at all, and just taken away somewhere or secretly freed. But another point of view prevails - On May 30, 1431, Zhanna brought to the market square of the occupied Rouen, where they burned on the fire.

Zhanna d'Ark (1412 - 1431) is the national heroine of France, successfully commanded the French troops in century war. It was burned on the fire by the British, like a heretic. Subsequently, the church ranked her for the faces of saints, pre-rehabilitating. In this article, you will get acquainted with her biography, and learn about interesting facts From her life

The date of birth Zhanna is considered to be 1412, however, in the decree of Pope x about the date of the virgin to the village of Saints, date is named January 6, 1409, which is most likely more believable. Joan of Arc Born in the village of Domremi in the family of wealthy peasants Jacques D'Ark and Isabella Roma. She never had an alternate herself Jeanne D'Ark, but only "Zhanne Virgin." In childhood, everyone called her jetty

House Zhanna d'Ark in Domromy. Now there is a museum of the same name

Picture "Vision Zhanna d'Ark" (Artist Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1879)

When the heroine hit 17 years old, she went to the captain of the city of Vochetor Bodrikur and told about his great mission. Naturally, he ridiculed her and Zhanna had to return to the village, but a year later she repeated his attempt. For the second time the captain struck the perseverance of a young girl. Zhanna predicted the defeat of the French near Orleans and he agreed to allocate her warriors, as well as military men's gear. In the later, D "Ark was always dressed in this way, motivating that in male clothes, it is much easier to fight. Such clothes for everything else does not cause unhealthy attention from a soldier. The two of her faithful companion went to fight the two faithful companions - Knights Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Pulang.

In March 1429, Zhanna arrived to the Dauphine, announced that he was sent by the highest forces in order to free the country and asked for a military to remove the siege of Orleans. She surprised everyone with his knowledge of military affairs and riding. The secretary of Karl VI and Karl VII who spoke about her: "The impression was created that this girl was raised not in the fields, but in schools, in close communication with sciences"

Karl still hesitated, but after all inspections (Matronov checked her in virginity, the deaths learned about her in her territories, the theologians spent interrogations) still entrusted her army and surgery for the liberation of Orleans. In addition, Zhanna, the name of God confirmed Karl's legability and the right to the throne, in which many doubts

For Zhanna D "ARK manufactures special armor (as she received the resolution of theologians on wearing male clothes), banner and chorugwe. She was provided by the sword of Charles Great, stored in the Saint Catrine de Fjbua church

Karl Great

The next destination was Blois, where the army was already expected, headed by Jeanne on Orleans. The news that the army was headed by the Messenger of God, inspired warriors and advocated them to feats. As a result, for 4 days, D "Ark fully frees Orleans, since the British were forced to remove the siege. Many commander found this task completely impracticable ...

Military actions resumed in the spring of 1430, but they went pretty slow. Royal courtiers constantly tried to build any goats, as a result, setting up a betrayal, because of which Jeanne D "Ark came pronounced to the Burgundians. King Carl decided not to take any actions to liberate Zhanna, and Burgundy sold it to the British, and transported to Rouen

In the photo Tower in Ruang, in which Zhanna was sharpened

The lawsuit began at the end of February 1431. Formally, Joan was judged by the church, having put forward the accusation of heresy, but in prison they were kept under the guarantee of the British, as a prisoner of war. For the same, the process of the bishop of the Socialist, a supporter of the interests of England, and the government itself did not hide their interests in this matter. The British even paid all legal costs and costs associated with the case, not yet small.

Interrogation Zhanna D "Ark

Trying to break the will of the prisoner, it was kept in terrible conditions, constantly insulting and threatening with torture - but all this without a sense, Jeanne did not recognize himself guilty. The death penalty without recognizing guilt would create around D "An ARK even greater halo of torching, because the judges resorted to deception, slipping the paper about renunciation from the heresies, which an illiterate girl had to sign, allegedly in exchange for pardon. In fact, due to illiteracy. She put a signature under full renunciation from all his delusions

"Joan of Arc". Triptych

A few days later she was accused of having dressed man's clothes again when she was actually a female selected. As a result, the tribunal did not have exit except to sentence a girl to the death penalty. On May 1431, Zhanna d'Ark was burned alive on the square of the old market in Ruang with the "Yeretchik, an expendance, an idolatry." "Bishop, I'm dying because of you. I call you on God's judgment! " - Zhanna exclaimed and asked to give her a cross and when the fire embraced her, she shouted: "Jesus!" The ash was dispelled over Seine, and her remains were allegedly stored in the tire museum. But according to the proceedings, these power do not belong to Jeanne D "Ark

After the end of the war in Normandy in 1452 Carl VII, the process was initiated to justify Zhanna. All documents were studied, all witnesses were interviewed, as a result of which everyone came to the conclusion that the execution was illegal. In July 1456, the judges read the verdict, which fully justified the executed girl, restoring her good name

JOAN OF ARC (Jeanne D "ARC) (approx. 1412-1431), Holy, National Heroine of France, called Orleansian Virgin, was born, perhaps on January 6, 1412 in the village of Domremi on the Möza River, in Northeast France. Zhanna was a daughter of a prosperous peasant Jacques D "Ark and his wife Isabella. She was endowed with a sharp mind and the ability of belief, she had common sense, but did not receive a book formation. Zhanna was proud of those home skills that he received from her mother who had learned her to spin, sew and pray. Since childhood, she is accustomed to fights and battles, since the English and Burgundy troops acting at the same time, then the matter ruled the terrain around Domremi, the remaining faithful royal house of Valua. Burgundys answered the treacherous murder on September 10, 1419 by the Armagnacs of their leader, the Duke of the Burgundy John of Fearless (in involvement in this crime, Dofina Karl), the device in the 1420 peace treaty in True, who was concluded between the mental French king Karl Vi and the King of England Henry V. Two years later, both kings died, and, in accordance with the contract, the Baby Heinrich VI, the son of Henry V, became the king of both states. A skilled warrior and politician Duke Bedford, Uncle King and Regent, led the promotion of the British and Burgundy troops to Loire. In 1428 they reached Orleans and began his siege. Dofina Karl, who was influenced by Armagnakov, was recognized as a king in the south and south-west of the country, but he did nothing to approve his royal powers, nor to support the emerging national movement against the British.

Domremi village and all this area of \u200b\u200bChampagne remained faithful by Karl due to the fact that nearby the vocational school was located a detachment of royal troops. From the age of 13, Zhanna heard "voices" and had a vision in which she was her favorite saints and many angels who encouraged her to save France. She said that with the beginning of the siege of Orleans, the voices became louder and commanded her to go to Orleans and remove the siege, and then take the dofina in Reims to trite there in accordance with the tradition of the French kings. In February 1429 Zhanna appeared to Robert de Bodrikur, the captain of the royal squad at the vocational school. Taking finally in the sacred mission of Zhanna (it was already the third visit, the first two were in May 1428 and in January 1429), Bodrikur gave her a few people in the accompanying, and Jeanne in men's clothing borrowed from one of them, Jean Nuyonpon (Jean From Metsa), headed at Karl's bid, in Shinon Castle, which is approximately 150 km south-west of Orleans. On March 6, the first meeting of Zhanna with the king, whom she learned despite the fact that he was deliberately kneaded in a large crowd of court. At first they were suspicious, but then Karl and many of the people close to him believed that she was sent to him to help God. Initially in the tire, and then the tests and interrogations were arranged in Poitiers. After that, she almost all of April waited in a round until they were finally collected by the number of troops. At the head of this detachment, Zhanna, who was closed now in white armor, made specifically for her, went to Orleans. She knew nothing about the strategy and tactics, but discovered common sense, attacking the precipitated from the north, where they did not have the fortifications. The French fiercely fought, and the British gave way, consider that Jeanne is in collusion with the devil. The siege from Orleans was removed on May 8, 1429, after which the French won a number of victories, and at the end of June, meeting the weak resistance, moved to the north. Accompanied by Zhanna and the troops of Karl joined the Reims on July 16, 1429. The next day, Zhanna stood near his anointing to the kingdom.

After that, Karl put little effort in order to help the Virgin in the expulsion of enemies from Northern France. September 8, 1429, heading an unsuccessful attack on Paris, Zhanna was wounded, and then the king led his army back to Loire. Prestige Zhanna began to fall, but her desire to continue to fight for France did not weaken. After the major forces of the French refused to attempt to help the computer, Jeanne with a small faithful squad entered the city. On May 23, 1430, the Burgundians took her captive during the bold babble outside the city walls. Karl VII did not suggest ransom, and Burgundysa sold Zhanna to the British for 10 thousand livres. Negotiations about this led Bishop Beauvais Pierre Socon, expelled from his diocese by the troops of Charles. It was he who got up in the spring of 1431 at the head of the Special Court of the French clergy in Ruang, who judged Zhanna as a witch and heretic. The result of the proceedings was predetermined, the courageous and skillful defense of Zhanna did not help her. In May, mainly due to the refusal of Zhanna to conquer the church, as she stated that he was responsible only before God, she was found guilty of heresy and excommunicated. By signing the recognition of their guilt under pressure, Zhanna returned to the church, but was convicted of life imprisonment. In the future, Zhanna refused his confession, again put on a male dress and insisted that the guides of her votes emanate from God. Then the Church Court condemned it as a secondary soldier in heresy and handed over to the secular authorities to commit the execution. On May 30, 1431 Zhanna D "ARC was burned alive on the fire on the square of the old market in Ruan.

Karl VII managed to persuade the Burgundians to conclude with him the Separate world in Arrase in 1435, and the death of the Duke Bedford in next year deprived England of the wise ruler. Carl concluded a number of truivers with the British, conducted the reorganization of the army and public finances, after which he resumed a war. With the fall of Bordeaux in 1453, the British lost all their possessions in France, with the exception of Kale. Now Carl tried to clear his stained reputation, rehabilitating Jeanne. The case was again reviewed in the church court, held in Ruan in 1455, and the sentence was canceled. In 1909, Virgo was recognized as blissful, and on May 16, 1920 her canonization was held by Pope Benedict XV.

Biography and episodes of life Zhanna d'Ark. When born and died Zhanna d'Ark, memorable places and dates of important events of her life. Quotes saint, Images and video.

Years of life Zhanna d'Ark:

born on January 6, 1412, died on May 30, 1431


"Listen, in the night -

France crying:

Come again and save me, meek martyr

Zhanna! "
From the prayer of Holy Teresa from Lizyo


The name of Jeanne d'Ark, convicted as a heretic and subsequently ranked saints, an expensive heart of any Frenchman as a symbol of freedom and justice. Trait bright Star Zhanna from ascension to the sky and to a martyr's crown shone less than two years. A lot of legends go around this historical personality, there is no confidence even at the right year of the birth of Zhanna. But one thing is known for sure: the young inexperienced girl made in his short life what seemed impossible.

Zhanna was born in the family whether wealthy peasants were born, whether there are burstons - on this expense of historians there are disagreements. At the age of 13, she first heard the voices and saw the saints that told her that her fate was to lead the army and drive the English invaders from their native land. At 16, Zhanna went to the captain of the city of Vooler, who raised her on laughter. But the girl did not give up, and in the end she was allocated a detachment for a trip to Shinon, where he was at that time an unworn dofyr Karl.

Having achieved an audience at Doughne, Jeanne withstood all the trials that were prepared to test it, and eventually convinced Dofina to convey to her command for troops. Already in itself it was a miracle. But they soon resurgered others: with a small detachment of Jeanne freed Orleans from the siege of the British for 4 days, while French military leaders could not cope with this for many months. After this victory, Zhanna received the nickname "Orleans' Virgo" and moved to the Pat, won one victory after another. In the last battle of troops, the British were defeated, and Jeanne called Dofina in Reims for coronation.

"Jeanne d'Ark on the coronation of Karl VII", Jean Auguste Dominique Engr, 1854

A hike to Reims was called "Bekro": the presence of Zhanna convinced residents of cities in whose side God. But after the coronation, a danger and cautious Karl did not allow Zhanna to develop success. Courtnie also did not complain the Orleans. Finally, during the siege, Jeanne was predicted by his associates, captured by Burgundians and sold by the British for 10,000 gold livres.

The court over Jeanne d'Ark officially accused her in intercourse with the devil, but was fully paid from the English pocket. In order not to give her to get the crown of martyrs, from Zhanna tried to achieve confession of guilt, but unsuccessfully. In the end, the signature of Zhanna under the appropriate document was obtained fraudulent, and Orleans sentenced to burning alive.

The centenary war ended 22 years after the execution of Zhanna. Orleans, actually organizing the world-building of the French king on the throne, caused a too serious blow to the attractions of England. Immediately after the end of the war, Karl VII ordered to collect all the materials of the trial and investigate the case. Jeanne d'Ark was fully justified, and four more than a century - canonized.

Jeanne D'Ark Brush John Everetta Mill, 1865

Life line

January 6, 1412 Date of birth Zhanna d'Ark.
1425 The phenomena of saints Joan.
March 1429 Arrival in Shinon and Auditorium at Dofina Karl.
May 1429 The first victory of Zhanna d'Ark and the removal of the siege of Orleans.
June 1429 Swift series victories and the full defeat of the English troops in the battle of Pat.
July 1429 Presence at the solemn world of carl in Reims.
September 1429 The dissolution of the army Zhanna.
May 1430 Prison of Zhanna d'Ark Burgundy.
November-December 1430 Transportation Zhanna to Rouen.
February 21, 1431 The beginning of the lawsuit over Zhanna d'Ark.
May 30, 1431 Date of death Zhanna d'Ark.
1455 The beginning of the re-trial.
1456 Justification Zhanna d'Ark for all points of the previous indictment.
May 16, 1920 Canonization Zhanna d'Ark.

Memorial places

1. House in Domromy, where Jeanne was born and lived, now - Museum.
2. Shinon, where Zhanna met with King Carl.
3. Orleans, where Zhanna won the first victory.
4. Battle's place in the package in which the Army Jeanne broke the British.
5. Reims Cathedral, the traditional place of coronation of French monarchs, where the presence of Zhanna was a minor formazan Dofe Karl.
6. Compène, where Zhanna captive occurred.
7. Tower Zhanna d'Ark in Ruang, the former part of the Ruan Castle, where, according to legend, Joan contained during the trial.
8. House number 102 on ul. Zhanna d'Ark, in the yard of which are the remains of the foundation of the Tower of the Virgin, where they actually kept Jeanne.
9. Monument and church on the site of the execution of Zhanna d'Ark on the square of the old market in Ruang.

Episodes of life

Faith in Jeanne d'Ark was based in many ways on the prophecy that the maiden will save France. After her appearance at Dofina, Charles last checked her different waysBut Jeanne really turned out to be a girl, and besides, he learned Karl, who walked on the throne of another person and the challenge in the crowd of the court.

Jeanne herself never used the last name "D'Ark" and called himself only "Zhanne Virgin." There is an opinion that the dissemination of the name "Jeanne D'Ark" was promoted by the British due to the consonance of his word "Dark" - "Dark".

Jeanne preferred to wear men's clothing, as it was more convenient in battle and smashed her satellite-men. In medieval France, this was considered a grave sin, and the Special Commission of theologian from Poitiers gave an Orleans a special permission to this. Nevertheless, wearing men's clothing appeared as one of the points of the prosecution, proving the connection of Zhanna with the Devil.

Monument of the work of Maxim Real Del Sarte on the site of the execution of Zhanna d'Ark


"To give God to give a victory, the soldiers must fight."

"Peace we will not like otherwise at the end of the spear."

Documentary film "Conflicting the history of Jeanne d'Ark. Part I "


"Zhanna embodied the spirit of patriotism, became his personification, his alive, visible and tangible way.<...>
Love, mercy, valor, war, peace, poetry, music - For all this, you can find a lot of characters, all this can be represented in images of any gender and age. But the fragile, slim girl in the heyday of the first youth, with the crown of the martyr on the chel, with a sword in his hand, which she ruled the bonds of his homeland, "Will she be left, it is she, the symbol of patriotism before the condation of times?"
Mark Twain, writer, author of the book "Jeanne d'Ark"

"The famous Jeanne d'Ark proved that French genius can work wonders if freedom in danger."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor France

"Jeanne D'Ark could remain a rural provincial, could prophesy and heal. Could finish the work by the revered abbatisa, and not that and respected civilian. All were the way. But the great law was supposed to find another bright testimony of truth in it. The flaper of her heart, the firefield of the fire - the crown is fused - all this is far from the usual laws. Even on top of the usual imagination of the human. "
Nikolay Roerich, artist and philosopher