
Metropolitan Kiev Filaret Denisenko. Breaking Bad

Decorative trees and shrubs

The original is taken by W. andreyVadjra. As Denisenko became "Patriarch": "Philaret is Mafia. He will not stop before "

Fulfills 25 years of events that have become fateful for millions of Orthodox in Ukraine. On May 27-28, 1992, the Cathedral of the Bishops of the UPC (MP) elected a new charter, the banning of the former Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, Denisenko's Philaret in clergy.

But the final victory of Orthodoxy in Ukraine is, as time has shown, did not.

Born in Lie.

On May 3, 1990, Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Pimen. The Metropolitan of Kiev Filaret was elected by the Patriarchar Filaret Location (Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko to the world). This practically meant the election of His Primate of the Russian Church (which, moreover, guaranteed the responsible comrades from the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee). Having moved to the first-paltol phylaret, and ordered the patriarchy kupz.

Everything seemed to be formed for an ambitious bishop as it is impossible. In addition, that in Kiev it became more and more uncomfortable.

In the order of the Gorbachev "Democratization" began to "revive" the so-called. "Ukrainian Autochetal Orthodox Church" ("UAPC"). The so-called, because the church is true, according to its own creed, was created by Christ himself in I c. AD, whereas "UAPC" was established on the territory of the Occupied USSR in accordance with the Rosenberg Reich Minister plan, approved by Hitler on May 8, 1942. In the German warehouse, the leaders of Avtokhefalov left Germany, and from there, as usual, moved to the United States and Canada.

At the end of 1989, one of the leaders of the Hitler Generation "UAPC" the nephew of the Mstislav Mstislav Uzipnik "Avtokhefaly" of the Gorbachevsky "Call" announced by their Primer. Six months later, the "All-Ukrainian Cathedral of the UAOC" took place in the Kiev House of the movie, which announced the transformation of this structure in the so-called. "Kiev Patriarchate". The hidden bar, respectively, became a "patriarch" (although not a single church of the world was never recognized even by a simple christmasport).

But Filaret on the same days, on the contrary, experienced wrecking hopes.

Politburo decided not to interfere with the election of the patriarch. The fact is that the location was, of course, "their person" (Agent KGB with an operational call sign "Comrade Antonov"), but he was very close to the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR Kravchuk, who manifested the separatist inclinations (just a month later he would take a declaration about sovereignty). As a result, Filaret with a crash lost elections not only to the elected Patriarch Alexy II, but also the second place Metropolitan Vladimir Sabodan. The councils of the cathedral could not not know that Philaret two decades reported "curators" about the bishops' brothers and even places contributed to the head of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPU Kravchuk in his war with the church. In addition, Mikhail Antonovich vyoul is clearly not a monastic lifestyle,yes, and just walked Samodor.

« Upon returning to Kiev, Filaret was as depressed, "Metropolitan of Jonafan recalls the then managers of the UPC (MP). - Once he sullenly sat in the Altar of the Vladimir Cathedral. With the words of consolation to him, the protodiakon Nikita Pastenko approached: "Vladyka! You should not get upset so ... "He raised his head and repeatedly repeated several times:" Nikita's father! Ukraine we are [Patra. Alecia] do not give!»

And indeed, soon Philaret convened the Bishop Meeting of the Ukrainian Exarchate, where "gave to understand" that Moscow, they say, "blessed" the creation of an autonomous Ukrainian church. At the sight of the bishops, he hurried to assure that anything about any real autonomy was discussed, and all this is "only a smoke curtain for nationalists."

The Patriarchate of Philaret began to blackmate with horror stories about the alleged rapid banderization of the mass consciousness of Orthodox Ukraine. Like, if you do not add Ukrainian Exarchate the status of the autonomous church, they will run to the "autocephalts" and uniameam, because they themselves are frantically wishing separation from Moscow. So, during the first archpastric visit of Patriarch Alexy in the Ukrainian SSR, the "Pravda of Ukraine" authority was published (obviously, by order of Kravchuk), the so-called. " The appeal of the Ukrainian episcopate to the Patriarch "with a request to provide Ukrainian Exarchant with broad autonomy. "Factorying this document, Philaret again deceived Ukrainian bishops, saying that it makes it only to remove the Eye of the Rukhovtsi from our church and to fight unia, which declared itself as a national Ukrainian church, - Melt assures. Jonathan. - He still believed, and therefore no one thought about the consequences ... Then the former protest driver will not be referred to "documents", mined by such a dishonest way, justifying its solve activity of the "majority».

Patriarch Alexy believed (or simply lost) the monstrous lies of Filaret (especially about the automotive aspirations of Orthodox in Ukraine) and blessed the creation in the Lon MP independent in the management of the UOC.

Not anathema, already mafia

Already in the status of the Primate, Philaret began to "clean" the Ukrainian "spiritual field" from a competitor in the person of the "Patriarch of Mstislav" and one more revived collaborators - uniats. " Leaders of illegal autochefali stand on nationalist and separatist positions- He really did the separatists, which now correctly serves, calling for the separatists of those who fight for the reunification of the country in which he - Mikhail Denisenko - was born. " Using the political situation, separatist forces contribute to the spread of the split throughout Ukraine, putting it a goal of the elimination of the UEO, which resides in canonical unity with the Moscow Patriarchate"Intrusted Philaret (Orthodox Bulletin No. 10 of 1990).

In the appeal, the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada, he paid the attention of lawmakers on " unlawful and hooligan actions of groups of extremists who call themselves automakefalists and Greco Catholics specially brought from the Western regions of Ukraine».

Lawmakers, however, by then adopted the Declaration on the independence of Ukraine. And after "Observing Independence", the failure of the GCCP in Moscow eventually, Philaret realized that he had to grow again. Especially since the information about the disadvantaged life and activities "TOV. Antonova "began to leak into the Russian press, and he understood that the only guarantee would be afloat - to stick to Kravchuk. And how without five minutes by the president of the "sovereign European power", the sovereign church was required for the president. Preferably, not stained with fascism, and even better - canonical. Therefore, in early October 1991, he led by Philaret Cathedral UOC (MP) accepted the appeal to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II with a request to apply the UPC of the Avtochefalia.

This act, to put it mildly, was not perceived by the entire completeness of the Church in Ukraine, which only increased dissatisfaction with Orthodox philaret. To the Patriarch, Alexy began to receive from the dioceses of the telegrams and protocols of parish meetings with a request to take them into their immediate jurisdiction. Philaret in response sent a circular about the obligatory holding of clergy meetings in support of the decision of the CEDD. The lists of the clergy participants with their signatures were prescribed to be delivered to the office of Kiev Metropolis.

Similar to the principles of the Council of the Council of the Orthodox Church, the methods were opposed to the bishops of Bukovinsky onufrius, Ternopil Sergius and Donetsk alpius and all the brethren of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, headed by the governor of Archimandrite Elevferey Didenko. For this, the lords were shifted from the Department (and Metropolitan Odessa Agafantgel for opposing the course on the carcouft was removed from the department even earlier). But believers took the diocesan administrations "in the siege", without releasing their archipers. And although the latter managed to persuade the flock to submit to this decision of the Primate, the Orthodox parishes and other dioceses began protests. The name of the Filaret in many parishes stopped remembering for worship services.

In the end, the bishops of Onufriy Berezovsky and Sergius Gensitsky sent messages to the Patriarch, which declared the refusal of their signatures under the past of the CEDRA of the UPC on the autocephaly.

It is asked why they, not to mention other bishops of the UOC (MP) previously set their signatures under such documents? Patriarch will answer this in 1992: " Philaret is mafia. He will not stop before, even physical violence" How powerful this mafia is, Denisenko will demonstrate already in 1994 - a lowest militant in the Caucasus, opening offshores and banks for scrolling funds from "cut" Western humanitarian aid for the beggar of Ukrainians.

Caliph on MiG

By April 1992, the Kiev Metropolitan Cathedral of the Russian ROC prepared another blackmail: if the UOC does not give autochefali, the Ukrainian delegation leaves the hall, thoring the cathedral.

And when "the hour has come," no one followed the head of the Ukrainian delegation, nobody followed (a man raised five, but looking at the hall, immediately sat down)! All thoroughly built over two years, the operation was played by MiG! I had to Philaret, without leaving the hall, return to the Presidium.

And here, "not reducing the counter-project pace" Participants of the Cathedral raised the question of the change of the Primate of the UOC, as " not relevant to the requirements for personality capable of unifying around themselves all Orthodox clerics and laity in Ukraine" "Going to meet" the wishes of the bishopath, the Patriarch of Alexy appealed to Metropolitan Filaret asking " for the sake of the good of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, in the name of the salvation of the Church in Ukraine to leave from their post and provide the bishops of Ukraine the opportunity to choose a new charter" So nothing remained like before the cross and the gospel Pure the cathedral that "in the name of the world of church", he will convene the Bishop Cathedral of the UPC (MP), which will give a petition for the release of the Primate. He brought his promise by refilling to the Testament of Christ "May Will Will:" Yes, yes "; "no no"; And that is over it, then from the evil. "

Happy New God - "Pure" Ukrainian

Returning to Kiev, Philaret convened a press conference on which he announced that ... "Ukrainian Orthodoxy was given by God," and, accordingly, to leave the throne cannot. Under the "God" he was now obviously obvious to the President of Ukraine, which indirectly indicated a weekly period of rethink by Mikhail Antonovich his being. As the native daughter "Monk" Filaret Vera told, before the press conference, her dad managed to advise with Kravchuk and his old cohabitant Evgenia Petrovna (Mother of Faith). The latter allegedly stated: " Misha, you want to put here (in the residence of the Primate of the UEs on the street. Pushkinskaya) another?! If you do this, I myself will put it in the world with Kotomka: I'll tell you everything about our relationship!"Yes, Misha himself later, in an interview with the Boulevard newspaper, he admitted that he decided on this step on the advice of his old buddy Kravchuk.

Philaret believed that the Ukrainian bishops would not dare against his mafia, enhanced by the "authority" of the president and the Verkhovna Rada (the support of which he also had to enlist). However, on the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow, Metropolitan Kharkiv (MP), Metropolitan Kharkov (MP), kept convening on May 27, 1992, the Cathedral of the Episcopes of the UEOs (MP). By the decision of the Cathedral to which Philaret did not appear, he was shifted from the Kiev Department and from the post of the Primate of the UPC, as well as prohibited in clergy. Even earlier, on May 6-7, 1992, the Holy Synod of the ROC in his expanded meeting (which Philaret was also not appeared, although he was invited twice) forbade the Kiev Metropolitan in the period before the Bishops' Cathedral of the UPC act as a Primate, namely: Correct Synod, Hand up the bishops, publish decrees and appeals relating to the UEO. " As an exception was indicated by "convening the Bishop Cathedral of the USTC to make his resignation and election of the new Primate."

Of the two dozen bishops of the UPC side, the Filaret received only one - Bishop of Pochaevsky Jacob. But for the ordination of the priests in the church, at least three ruling bishops, Jacob was only vicarious, and Filaret himself from the Episcopal Sana was already spent. This couple could not have to handraffer even ordinary priests. In addition, on June 11, 1992, the Bishops' Cathedral of the ROC deprived all the degrees of priesthood and punching. So the project Filaret-Kravchuk suffered collapse.

The nonfascist church at least with a hint of canonism did not take place. Therefore, it is probably wrong to call the act Denisenko split. They did not create a new church structure with Jacob. It can not even be called "Out". After all, Filaret has already been forbidden in clergy.

And yet the split took place

On June 21, 1992, the "Kyiv Patriarchate WEAPC" were five pointing deputies of Rada led by the informatorist worker (thus the future Rivne governor, who falls victim to lightning after the statement that Moscow Patriarch will visit exactly only through his corpse) and employees presidential apparatus. The Delegation demanded immediately convening the "Bishop Cathedral" for admission to Filaret in the UHAPC. "This is the order of the president!" - An Anthony Masiness was stated by the floping managel offices of the Kyiv Patriarchate UAPC. However, as a "dowry" was offered by the Fed Stolere (MP), as well as captured by the militants of the Ukrainian National Self-Defense, Dmitry Korchinsky building of the Kiev Metropolis and Vladimir Cathedral.

The next day, without notifying his "Patriarch" (living in the US), Masyendich urgently called to Kiev "Bishops of the UAPC".

On June 25-26, 1992, a meeting of several "Bishops of the UAPC" and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, named by the "Nepiting Cathedral of the UPC and WEAPC-KP" took place. The decision of the "Cathedral" both structures "abolished", and all their property and finances were announced by the property of the newly created "UPD-KP". "Patriarch" remained a hidden bar (who has not yet been suspected of the abolition of his "church"), and his deputy (unprecedented previous history in the history of the Church) was appointed Philaret.

Three "Bishop UAPC" refused to participate in the scam, leaving the congregation.

So it was the beginning of the split. But not the church in Ukraine, and so-called. "Ukrainian Orthodoxy." Which is the same philaret extended so furiously for some a couple of years before leaving the anticanonical "autochefali".

« Avochefalia should be recognized by other Orthodox churches, - he rightly claimednewspaper Soviet Ukraine dated May 9, 1989 - As you know, during the civil war, a Ukrainian autocephalous church was created, but this act was illegal. Therefore, in the people, she was called the Summy Church. She was then dissolved, and during the war years, during the temporary German fascist occupation of Ukraine, restored, and now individual parishes exist abroad. Other Orthodox Churches did not recognize them. So why do we go off from the Orthodox world now? Why do we need such a church that roaming us from people? ...They say we need a Ukrainian church. But in such a production there is an obvious intent. Russian, our church began to be called since the time of Prince Vladimir, that is, since the times, when there were no Ukrainians or Belarusians nor Russians or Russians. Already 1000 years she carries this name. Now the Estonians and Latvians, and Mordva, and Moldovans and Moldovans, and others ... The church is multinational and the name has something that has received during the days of Kievan Rus ».

And even in 1991 he was "UAPC": "Today, supporters of the so-called "Ukrainian autochetal Orthodox Church" ... with the support of extremist forces tear Not only chiton of the Unified, Cathedral and Apostolic Church, but sow hostility and cruciform Among the Ukrainian people ».

In the same " Orthodox Bulletin "№1 for 1991) got from Filaret and his new boss:"All the so-called crescentations that the priests and the bishops of this "church are carried out are ungifted. This is evidenced by the fact that in the United States of America, no jurisdiction recognizes the church of Mstislava Hypnik ... There is a conference of canonical bishops in the US, which is simply not allowed, because they are not recognized by the canonical bishop. Moreover, his name is the Patriarch of Kiev and all Ukraine (which is now called Denisenko himself, - D.S.) - This is a mockery over the church ... Assign the local church Patriarchal dignity - this is the right of the Orthodox Church ... With the so-called "patriarch", Mstislav Schipnik cannot serve the divine liturgy of any Orthodox bishop, nor in Ukraine or in the United States or in any other country, because his church does not belong to the family of Orthodox churches ... Therefore, I believe that UAPC is really independent, but independent of all Orthodoxy"(" Orthodox Bulletin "No. 1 for 1991).

On July 1, 1992, the mentioned hidden bar arrived to clarify relations to Ukraine, where ... was immediately isolated in the former sanatorium of the CPU Central Committee near Kiev. The next day, his meeting with President Kravchuk took place. The last Mstislav declared that the "unifying Cathedral" had nothing to do with the "Kiev Patriarchate UAPC". This, they say no more than the personal matter of Denisenko and "unclean politicians." So without having agreed with Kravchuk, and even more so with Philaret, the hidden was departed in the United States.

Nevertheless, the Council for Religious Affairs for Cabinet adopted documents of the "Disorder Cathedral". Their registration was such a spelling, which turned out to be a bonded seal for half a year as a non-existent advice on religions at the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. Consequently, it did not have legal force.

On October 20, 1992, the Patriarch Mstislav Zhipinnik spread the appeal to the "Bishopat, the clergy and the Miryans of the UAPC", in which he called for not recognizing the "associations". The appeal was made to the execution of the "Cathedral of Bishops of Western Europe."

On November 10, 1992, the Council on Religious Affairs appealed open letter The parishioners are the first in Kiev community "UAPC", also condemning the "unifying cathedral".

The next day, Mstislav arrive to Ukraine again. This time, the journalists are allowed to him, whom he complains that he is "even no place to spend the night."

At the same time, the "Bishops' Cathedral of the UPTS-KP" takes place. Of course - without blessing the allegedly "Patriarch", which he refuses to arrive. The "Cathedral" accepts the provision on the imposition of the duties of the Patriarch on Synod in connection with the "Patriarch's permanent stay outside the country."

The hidden bar located in the "limits of the country" applies to the President of Kravchuk, the premiere of Kuchma and the Prosecutor General of Shishkin demanding to cancel the decision to eliminate the UHAC, return all the rights "legitimately chosen by the UEP Cathedral of the UAIL Patriarch", and also attract the organizers to criminal responsibility -CP. " After that, he departs in the United States, where he dies in six months and does not wait for the decision on his statement. Which followed literally a week after his death.

Based on the statement of the Nardipa headed (now the member of the Venice Commission), the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine filed a protest in relation to the registration of UPD-KP. However, the case did not reach the court - the Prosecutor General of Shishkin was removed from office at the insistence of Kravchuk, and the Collegium of the Prosecutor General's Office was dissolved.

In the autumn of the same year, "Berkut" dispersed the demonstration of supporters of the UAPC under the administration of the president. The next day, seven "UAPC Bishops" were detained for protests against legal arbitrariness against the UAPC and the demands of the return of property, including the Patriarchate Buildings.

And again, the bug

In October 1993, the election of the new "Patriarch UAPC" took place. And again the ex-agent of the KGB "Ramid" (as successors of collaborators can be understood). In order to avoid full failure from the "UPD-KP", Vice Prime Minister Zhuranysky gave the team to choose the "Patriarch" of the former Ounoves and the Soviet dissident (albeit, also a report, about what, however, did not know many) Vasily Romanyuk but stolen The UOC (MP) remained under the "Deputy Patriarch" (not to mention the "disappeared" party money, in advance invested by Kravchuk in Filaret and multiplied by the latest in his own bank). Therefore, the banquet on the occurrence of the new "Ukrainian Patriarch", which Filaret prepared in honor of himself, was canceled without warning. The Ukrainian Elite remained only to kiss castles on the gate of the Mariinsky Palace.

At the end of October 1993, Kravchuk sent the appeal to Constantinople Patriarch with a request to contribute to "Approval in Ukraine of the Autochetal Orthodox Church (UPD-KP)." However, immediately the subject of petition began to fall apart from the inside. "UPD-KP" has left five "bishops", led by the "father-resortment" - Anthony Masyladic. Moreover, they all spoke with the final appeal, in which they called back to the canonical church to the canonical church, for Filaret and his Ledzerskov "lead them to eternal death."

I thought about the same and Romanyuk. "With his" patriarchast "he did not value at all, knowing his price," His closest assistant, "the governor of the Patriarch courtyard Archimandrite Vicente," - Philaret, and as "cattle" did not call. In the last months of his life, he wanted to send Philaret on peace, issued a decree on his dismissal, went to contacts with the hierarchs of the canonical church, wanted to connect on the canonical foundations, with repentance. " By the way, the late hidden bar on December 19, 1992 at a meeting with representatives of the local government in Kharkov, he stated that with the Primate of the UPC (MP) MTER. Vladimir "You can have a contact not fake and valid."

It was unlikely that it was a desire to attach the "UAPC" precisely to the Moscow Patriarchate. As the head of the press service of the UPC (MP), Vasily Anisimov writes personally, "No illusions about his" patriarchal grace "he did not give, not without humor saying that" her with Gulkin's nose ", but Romanyuk did not hide that The target "UPD-KP" is not serving God, but "Fighting Moscow". " Most likely, in communicating with the new Primer, the UPC (MP) was prone to the inclination of the latter to the action to acquire the UPC (MP) of canonical autocephaly.

Due to communication with Mitr. Vladimir Sabodan or more practical considerations, but Romanyuk began to search for the "privatized" treasury of the UPC (MP). In 1995, he applied for assistance in the management of organized crime, indicating that Philaret was converted 3 billion rubles before the collapse of the USSR collapsed. And placed them on foreign accounts. Also, Romanyuk asked to allocate him to protect him, assuring that Philaret would try to "poison or deal." Common-the-clock security to the staff was highlighted for three days of preparation and holding "Synod of the UPD-KP". During this time (including at night), five attempts of the attack of phylaretovtsians and deputies at the Patriarch (which was recorded in the police report) were suppressed. And yet, as a result, on May 4, 1995, Filaret was dismissed from the post "Deputy Patriarch".

And in ten days, Patriarch was discovered in the Botanical Garden of Mortv with fractures of Röbembers and traces from injections in the heart. As the then head of the "Department of External Church Relations of the UPC-KP Archim told. Vineny, "Nightly before the death of Romanyuk hacked some kind of door on Pushkinskaya and found the archive of Philaret, where there were copies of the Philaret in the KGB of Ukraine for many years and even appealing that he played some outstanding role in Czechoslovak events of 1968 And the government does not solve his apartment and household problems. " According to "Archimandrite", "Romanyuk was very happy with this discovery, since Philaret always sucked by what he had a compromise, collected by the KGB, and here was a compromising on the Philaret himself."

Attempt number 5.

Denisenko's dream about sewn back in 1990. The Patriarch Kuppet (albeit Moscow) was finally carried out on October 21, 1995, when he chose himself with "Patriarch" on the "Local Cathedral of the UPC-KP". "To avoid misunderstandings", challenged at the previous four attempts, "Elections" took place on a non-alternative basis. And "misunderstandings" were quite expected (another 10 August "Cathedral of the Holy Diocese of the UPD-KP of Western Ukraine" appealed to Philaret, demanding to remove his candidacy for the patriarn throne and "intensify dialogue" with the canonical church) and the following happened: in protest against "election Filaret "The next part of the" Episcopat of the UPD-KP "(represented two thirds of the" dioceses ") right from the" Cathedral "went to the" UAPC ". On June 5, 1995, the Council on Religious Affairs was officially restored, for which Kravchuk's lost presidential post was no longer authority.

Philaret again remained in the overwhelming minority ambition. Therefore, on October 22, 1995, joining the "throne", he in the first preaching as a falsepatriar gap eager to "Dialogue of Love" with UNIATA. Those who scared the Moscow Patriarchate, demanding for the church in Ukraine first autonomy, and then autocephaly.

However, "love with uniats" is a completely new page in the development of Ukrainian Orthodoxy. Decent separate research.

Dmitry Skvortsov,

especially for

The head of the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate Filaret During Sunday sermon, on March 22, he stated that the murder of the residents of the Donbass not obeying Kiev was not a sin.

"Where is the truth, behind the Ukrainians or for the separatists who want to sell Ukraine instead of being grateful for the fact that the Ukrainian Earth gave them a shelter, gave them life. Lived, the Ukrainian bread lived, they received life, and now they want the land that does not belong to them, to give in Russia, "said Filaret, - is it possible to defend your land, kill and deprive life? Is it murder? No, brothers and sisters, it is not a murder! And not a violation of the commandment of God! "

Filaret. Photo: RIA Novosti

Such statements of the church hierarch, which seemed to be called to the world, could surprise, if you do not know that the self-stocked Patriarch Filaret supports the punitive operation in the Donbas actually from the very first day.

During a recent visit to the United States, the Kiev Patriarch called on the American authorities to start deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, along the way, awarding the church Order of Holy Prince Vladimir I of one of the most famous Washington "Hawks" John McCain.

In February 2015, Philaret declared a sin to avoid mobilization in the Ukrainian army, thereby helping the Kiev authorities to replenish the stocks of "cannon meat".

Accused of involvement in the murder of Russian journalists ukrainian pumping battalion Nadezhda SavchenkoIn Russian Prison, Philaret on March 1, 2015 awarded the Church Order of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious "for the fight against evil."

Pareniek from Donbass

People who are not dedicated to deep in latest history And the modern realities of the Orthodox Church in the post-Soviet space, such actions of the Kiev hierarch may seem blasphemous and unacceptable.

But the fact is that the ministers of the Church are the same people as all the others, and the number of villains, oaths and frank headings in the medium of priests do not differ fundamentally from the number of similar persons in other areas of activity.

The self-adjacent Kiev Patriarch Filaret is the most striking example.

Philaret in the world Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko, Born there, where today, including from his blessing, blood is poured - on the ground of Donbass. Son Shakhtyra Misha Denisenko On January 23, 1929 appeared on January 23, 1929 in the village of the fertile Ambrosievsky district of the Donetsk region.

After graduating from school, the pious young man decided to associate his life with the ministry of the Church. For this, a good time has arrived, thanks to mitigating the official position of the Soviet power in relation to religion.

In 1946, Denisenko entered the third class of the Odessa spiritual seminary, for which, strictly speaking, did not have the right - it was possible to go to such institutions in the USSR only from 18 years. However, and here he was lucky - the lack of years closed their eyes.

Two years later, Mikhail Denisenko is taking an account in the Moscow Theological Academy.

In the second year, the Academy of Pedagogues celebrate him and promise a big career. It was the beginning of it to the monk under the name Philaret. After that, the Novoye Monk Philaret receives his first position and becomes the acting persons of the Patriarchals in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavre.

Filaret. Photo: RIA Novosti

"To argue that I was not associated with the KGB, it would be not true."

In 1952, 23 years old from the genus, Philaret at the end of the Academy with a degree of candidate theology was appointed teacher of the Holy Scripture of the New Testament in the Moscow Spiritual Seminary.

His further career is comparable to takeoff Steve Jobs - In a conservative church environment, he passed the way from a graduate of the Academy to the Archbishop of Kiev and Galitsky, Exarch of Ukraine and a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. Those heights, what philareta reached 37 years, many priests do not achieve for the whole long life.

Filaret has highlighted the fact that he practically did not have problems with the secular authorities. This looked incredible in conditions when the life of the church was under the rigid state control.

Filaret himself in 2012, in one of the interviews hinted at what happened, noting that "in Soviet times no one could become a bishop if he did not give the KGB agreement, so it was not to say that I was not connected with the KGB, it was It would not be connected. "

The hint turned out to be so transparent that the subordinate philaret had to urgently justify himself for the chef. "Nowhere and never Patriarch Philaret said that he was a KGB agent. He spoke and continues to say that in the USSR it was impossible to engage in church activities without contact with state power, including from the KGB, "said head of the Information Department of the USTC KP Archbishop of Evtrey.

Church owner of Ukraine

Be that as it may, the filaret career was completely cloudless. He went to foreign business trips, representing RPCs on various religious forums, and in 1979 the Soviet Order of Peoples' Friendship with the wording "for patriotic activities in defense of the world" was awarded.

Field of Ukraine Filaret Rules iron hand, suppressing all dissatisfied and disagreeable with his policies in full support of the state.

Ukraine, in which the Soviet power after the war gathered in the Lono of the Unified Orthodox Church, all the different flows, including Greco Catholics, needed a church dictator who can keep the situation under control - apparently, the representatives of the party bodies argued, supporting Filaret.

His most controlled was quite simple - the church hierarch loved his life somewhat more than the monk is. "Somewhat more", in particular, was that Philaret was practically openly lived with a woman, which was well known in church circles.

In the second half of the 1980s, the calm life of Filaret in Ukraine is over. Caught Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika affected the church. Greek Catholics began to demand the return of the temples and complete independence, and representatives of other currents of Orthodoxy were revived.

Filaret himself, however, did not want to boil in this dirt. His ambitions reached the highest mark - he dreamed of taking the place of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

"How to solve the cathedral, so it will be"

Health patriarch Pimenby that time, he was seriously shaken, and the question of successor was published.

If Pimen went to the world of different years five before or restructuring would be delayed for the same period, Philaret would most likely achieve the desired one. His activities in Ukraine quite satisfied the secular authorities, he perfectly knew how to perform instructions and was quite suitable for the role of the patriarch in the realities of the stagnation era.

For trouble Filaret, Pimen died in 1990, when the Soviet regime finally weakened the grip, and the question of the new Patriarch was completely given to the deposit of representatives of the Church himself.

The influence of Filaret was enough to get the post of the Patriarchal location, that is, speaking with secular language, and. about. Patriarch before elections.

But then the problems began. Dissatisfaction with its management methods and bad reputation in terms of moral sustainability led to the fact that the name of the philaret of his supporters only with great difficulty was able to include in the candidate lists.

According to the witness of those events, now the deceased Metropolitan Kharkov and Bogodukhovsky Nicode, on the eve of the Local Cathedral of the ROC, where a decisive vote should take place, Filaret went to take to chapter of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Anatoly LukyanovBy saying that the CPSU Central Committee approved his candidacy for the post of Patriarch. In response, Lukyanov spread his hands: "Mikhail Antonovich, now we can not help you: how to solve the cathedral, and it will be."

Filaret. Photo: RIA Novosti

On June 7, 1990, the filarret's filar's secure cathedral was the most hard way - he did not even fall into the final voting tour, with 66 votes to give way to Metropolitan Rostov and Novocherkassky Vladimir (107 votes) and Metropolitan Leningrad and Novgorod Alexy, the future Patriarch (139 votes).

For Filaret, this defeat became the strongest blow. But he recovered quite quickly, appreciated the situation and realized that she had a chance to take revenge.

"God given to Ukraine"

To begin with, he filed a petition for the provision of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the wide autonomy under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate, explaining this to the need to respond to challenges of time.

Philaret went to meet: In October 1990, the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC transformed the Ukrainian Exarchate to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and gave it independence and independence in management. The charter of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church received the title "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine"; Within this church, he was assigned the title "Blessed". The text of the patriarchals of the diploma dated October 27, 1990 includes the blessing of Filaret to be the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Thus, Filaret was established as the church first Hierarch of Ukraine and began to expect the development of political events.

After decay Soviet Union Philaret decided that his starry hour was: if he could not become the head of the Moscow Patriarchate, it means that you need to create a new one, Kiev Patriarchate.

Hot support Filaret gained in his face first Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk, Hurrying to separate from Russia wherever you can. Pilahilaret's power support, when it came to the departure of the temples and other property from those who remained Verne to the Moscow Patriarchate, provided the militants of Ukrainian nationalist organizations.

In the fall of 1991, Philaret tried to achieve autochefalia, that is, fully independence from the ROC, appeals to patriarch Alexy II. Without a "visa" of the Moscow Patriarch, the church independence of Kiev does not recognize in the Orthodox world.

In Moscow, after a long dispute, they came to the conclusion that the UPT autocephaly at this stage will not lead to the church world. The very same Filaret was accused of the fact that it does not comply with the requirements of the person who can unite all Orthodox clerics and laity around him in Ukraine.

Philaret recognized the mistakes, repented and gave a godfather on returning to Kiev to resign. Repentance made an impression on the participants of the Cathedral: it was assumed that after the resignation of Philaret would be able to continue the archpastorskoy ministry at one of the departments of Ukraine.

An oath before the Cross, Philaret, brought on the demand of Ukrainian hierarchs, well-known the true prices of the words of their "chef".

Doubted hierarchs were not mistaken. Returning to Kiev, Philaret declared the Flare that he did not recognize the accusations put forward by the independence of the Ukrainian Church, and that he would lead the Ukrainian Orthodox Church until the end of his days, since he was "given by God Ukrainian Orthodoxy."

Filaret. Photo: RIA Novosti


On June 11, 1992, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to "spew Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko) from the San San, having deprived him of all degrees of priesthood and all rights related to the stay in Clear", for "cruel and arrogant attitude to the subordinate clergy, dictate and blackmail , making your behavior and personal life to be tempted to the Wednesday Wednesday, an oath, public slander and hulu on the bishop cathedral, committing the sacredness, including ordains in a state of prohibition, learning to split in the church. "

But Philaret was no longer stopped. On June 25, 1992, in Kiev, it was announced the creation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, which included hierarchs who supported the philaret, as well as the Ukrainian autochetal Orthodox Church, after the war acted abroad. The first patriarch of the new church was not Philaret, but a 94-year-old Patriarch Uapz Mstislav, nephew Simon PetlisuraTo the church career managed to serve as an adjutant at uncle.

However, in reality, the leader of the UPC KP remained Filaret, formally became the patriarch of the new structure only in 1995.

In Ukraine, a full-fledged church split occurred when two Orthodox churches were in the country - Philaret UCO KP and the UPC MP, which remained in the Lon of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Based on the support of official Kiev, Philaret has been actively assumed to opponents, selecting temples and property from them, in return "God's Word" blessings of all the undertakings of the Ukrainian authorities.

On February 21, 1997, the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC took the Philaret from the Church and betrayed Anathema. However, Mikhail Denisenko is not embarrassed by any anathema. He achieved what he wanted - became a patriarch, and the price of his question was never interested.

On the threshold of the highest court

The only thing that he never managed to achieve is the recognition of the Kiev Patriarchate with other local Orthodox churches. Recognize Filaret Patriarch exclusively the same church splitters as he himself.

President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko At one time spent a lot of effort to achieve the "legalization" of Filaret, who serves the Ukrainian authorities as devotedly, as the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee served. On the eve of the 1020th anniversary of the baptism of Rus Yushchenko, Konstantinople Patriarch was actively engaged in Bartholomew I.Having achieved the right decision. But, apparently, the Bartholomew was not such a fall on earthly benefits and joy, as Filaret - as a result, the Kiev Patriarchate was never recognized.

In August 2009, during a visit to Ukraine Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill Yushchenko appealed to him with the following words: "The greatest desire of the Ukrainian people is to live in a single local Orthodox Church."

"This church, Mr. President, exists. - Parissed Kirill, having due to the UPC MP, - there is a local church in Ukraine. If it were not, there would be no Ukraine today. "

Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko in January 2015 turned 86 years old. In the pursuit of the satisfaction of the power ambition, he did not stop before. For today's blessing of the bloody killings of the residents of Donbass, he went, step by step, all his long life.

To judge him for everything will be another judge, on which neither the authority of the President of Ukraine, neither the machine guns of the Ukrainian Nazis will not work.

Probably, only this court monk Philaret and fear. Unless, of course, believes in God.

Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate


Born on January 23, 1929 in the village of the fertile Ambrosievsky district of the Donetsk region in the family of Shakhtar. Name in peace - Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko. In 1946, after graduating from high school, he entered the third class of the Odessa spiritual seminary, which he graduated with honors. In 1952, he graduated from the Moscow Spiritual Academy with a scientist degree of candidate of theology.

Career of the priest

On January 1, 1950, he accepted the monastic stop with the name Philaret.

On January 15, 1950, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexiy, was ordained in San Ierodiacon, and on June 18, 1951 - in San Hieromonach.

Since 1953, a teacher of the Moscow Spiritual Academy.

In 1956, he was appointed by the inspector of the Saratov spiritual seminary with the construction of San Igumen.

In 1957, he was transferred to the position of inspector of the Kiev spiritual seminary, and on July 12, 1958, he was erected in San Archimandrite and was appointed by the rector of the Kiev spiritual seminary.

In 1960, he was appointed managing cases of Ukrainian Exarchate and the abbot of the Holy Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

1961-1962 - rector of the foundation of the Russian Orthodox Church under the Alexandria Patriarchate in the city of Alexandria (United Arab Republic).

In February 1962, by decision of His Holiness Patriarch, Alexy and Sacred Synod became the Bishop of Luzhsky, the vicar of the Leningrad Diocese, with the instructions to manage the Riga Diocese.

From June to October 1962, he performed the duties of the Exarca of Central Europe. After the formation of the ROC diocese in Austria in October 1962, he was appointed Bishop Viennese and Austrian. December 12, 1964 was appointed Bishop Dmitrovsky, vicar of the Moscow Diocese, the rector of the Moscow Spiritual Academy and the seminary. On May 14, 1966, he was erected in San Archbishop and appointed by the Exarm of Ukraine, the Archbishop of Kiev and Galitsky, a permanent member of the Holy Synod.

On February 25, 1968, Patriarch Alexy was erected in San Metropolitan. In 1971, the Patriarch Pimen was awarded the right of wearing two Panagius.

After the death of Patriarch Pimen on May 3, 1990, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church by secret ballot elected Metropolitan Filaret by the Moscow Polystrol in the Moscow Patriarchal. He was the chairman of the Local Cathedral of the ROC, which took place on June 7-8 of the 1990th.

Philaret initiated an appeal to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II on providing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Independence and Independence in Management. On October 25-27, 1990, the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC provided the UPC independence and independence in the Office, and Metropolitan Filaret was unanimously elected by the Ukrainian Bishopat, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the title Metropolitan Kiev and All Ukraine.

Wrestling for autocefali

After the proclamation of August 24, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR independence of Ukraine, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPU became its first president. Like Kravchuk, Metropolitan Philaret sharply changes the beliefs to the cardinal opposite and begins to act under the motto "in an independent state - an independent church." The Bishops' Cathedral of the UEOs November 1, 1991 unanimously decided on complete independence, that is, the Avtochefalia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and appealed to Patriarch Alexy II and the Bishopat of the ROC for the approval of this decision. However, the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC on April 2, 1992 transferred the consideration of the issue on the local Cathedral of the ROC. Being accused of the fact that it does not comply with the requirements for a person who can unite all Orthodox clerics and laity around him in Ukraine, Philaret gave the Archpastorski word to resign. However, returning to Kiev, he announced the flock that he did not recognize the charges put forward by the independence of the Ukrainian Church, and that he would head the Ukrainian Orthodox Church until the end of his days, since he was "given by God Ukrainian Orthodoxy."

In 1991-1992, materials about violation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Monastic Vows began to spread in the Russian media, about its tyranny, etc. Information and that Philaret (Denisenko) was closely connected with the KGB, in which the reports appeared as An agent under the alias "Antonov". He himself does not deny his past contacts with the authorities of the Soviet secret police and espionage: "With regard to the KGB, it must be said that with the Committee of the State Security Committee, all the bishops were associated. All without exception! In Soviet times, no one could become a bishop, if it did not give the KGB consent. Therefore, to say that I was not connected with the KGB, it would be wrong. Was connected, like all. "

On May 27, 1992, chaired by Metropolitan Kharkov Nicodemic (Russian), the Bishops' Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kharkov (as part of 18 bishops) "expressed the mistrust of Metropolitan Philaret (Denisenko) and fired him from the Kiev Department<…> forbade him the priesthood to continue to the decision of the Bishop Cathedral of the Mother of the Church "

San and Anathema eruption

On June 11, 1992, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to "spew Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko) from the San San, having deprived him of all degrees of priesthood and all rights related to the stay in Clear", for "cruel and arrogant attitude to the subordinate clergy, dictate and blackmail (Tit. 1, 7-8; Holy Apostles Rule 27th), making the behavior and personal life to collapse into the Wednesday Wednesday (Matt. 18, 7; the first universal cathedral Rule Z - E, the Fiat-Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral Rule 5- e), oath (holy apostles Rule 25th), public slander and hulu on the bishop cathedral (the second Ecumenical Cathedral Rule 6th), committing the priesthoods, including ordinations in a state of prohibition (Holy Apostles Rule 28), separation of split in Churches (two-time cathedral Rule 15th). " Philaret did not recognize the guilt and did not obey the decision of the cathedral, calling him non-canonic and illegal.

On February 21, 1997, at the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Holy Danilov Monastery in Moscow was excommunicated from the church and was devoted to Anathema. The decision of the Cathedral in the guilt of Philaretu was charged: "Monk Philaret did not immediately appeal to him from the face of the mother of the Church appeal to repentance and continued in the interstitral period, the splitting activity, which he moved beyond the Russian Orthodox Church, facilitating the deepening of the split in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and taking Communication of splitters from other local Orthodox churches. " The emission philaret does not recognize, since it, from his point of view, was committed on political reasons, thus invalid.

Activities in the UPC KP

On June 25, 1992, the All-Ukrainian Local Cathedral took place, at which the union of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Autochetal Orthodox Church was proclaimed into one. The Cathedral recognized the decision of the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC illegally and elected the Patriarch Kiev and All Russia-Ukraine Metropolitan Mstislava (creaknik). Metropolitan Filaret was elected deputy patriarch of Kiev and all Russia-Ukraine Patriarch Mstislav (creaknik).

In October 1995, Metropolitan Filaret was elected the Patriarch Kiev and All Russia-Ukraine at the All-Ukrainian Loan Cathedral. Introny took place on October 22, 1995 in the Vladimir Cathedral of Kiev.

Metropolitan Filaret is fighting for the creation of a local Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate in Ukraine. On his initiative, all liturgical books were translated into Ukrainian.

Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate

Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate since 1995, the former deputy of the previous patriarchs of the UPD KP Vladimir (Romanyuk) (1993-1995) and Mstislav (Hypnik) (1992-1993). Previously - the Blessed Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine (1990-1992), Archbishop of Kiev and Galitsky, Exarch of Ukraine (1966-1990). In 1997, the Bishops' Cathedral of the ROC for solid activity was excited from the Church.

Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko (later - Philaret) was born on January 28, 1929 in the village of the fertile Amvrosievsky district of the Donetsk region in the miner's family.

In 1946, Denisenko graduated from high school, after which he entered the third class of the Odessa spiritual seminary, which he graduated in 1948. In the same year, Denisenko entered the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Studying at the second year, January 1, 1950, he was tonsured in a monk under the name of Filaret and was appointed acting by the Patriarchal Parliament in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. In the same month, he was ordained in San Ierodicone, and 1952 - in San Hieromonach.

In 1952, Philaret graduated from the Academy with a degree of candidate of theology and was appointed teacher of the Holy Scripture of the New Testament in the Moscow Spiritual Seminary. At the same time, Philaret performed the responsibilities of the adolescent Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. In March 1954 he was awarded the title of associate professor.

In August 1956, Philaret was erected in San Iguman and took the post of inspector of the Saratov spiritual seminary. IN next year He took a similar position in the Kiev spiritual seminary. In July 1958, Philaret was erected in San Archimandrite. In 1960, Archimandrite Filaret took the post of managing the affairs of Ukrainian Exarchate.

In May 1961, Filaret became the abbot of the Orthodox Church of the Alexandria Patriarchate in Alexandria (United Arab Republic), and held this post until January 1962.

In 1962, Philaret was erected in the San Bishop of the Luzhsky, the Vicar of the Leningrad Diocese (the sacrament of Charotonia, or ordination, was committed on February 4, 1962). Then he was appointed by the Governor of the Riga Diocese. In the summer of the same year, he was freed from the duties of the Vicar of the Leningrad Diocese and was appointed vicar of the Middle Eastern Exarchian with the temporary management of the Middle Eastern Exarchate. In November of the same year, he became a bishop of Viennese and Austrian.

In December 1964, Firaget - already as a bishop of Dmitrovsky - became the vicar of the Moscow Diocese and the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy and the seminary.

On May 14, 1966, Philaret was erected in the San Archbishop of Kiev and Galitsky, Exarch of Ukraine, and appointed a member of the Holy Synod. In this capacity, he began to take an active part in the international activities of the ROC and in December of the same year headed the department of external church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate in Kiev. In this post, he continued to actively work, repeatedly as part of the delegations of the Ukrainian Exarchate, Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church traveled abroad, taking part in various kinds of events - conferences, assemblies and congresses. In 1979, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR Filaret was awarded the Order of the Friendship of Peoples, and in 1988 - the Order of the Labor Red Banner (the reward of the clergyman was awarded the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for active peacekeeping activities and in connection with the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia).

In May 1990, after the death of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Philaret became the Patriarcharchy Patriarch and one of the candidates for the Patriarch. For the election of the new Patriarch was convened an extraordinary secant Cathedral, which was elected on June 7, 1990 by the new head of the ROC Metropolitan Alexy (Alexy II). Meanwhile, according to tradition, it was Metropolitan "Kiev was considered the second on the meaning of the Russian church by the Patriarch and the most influential from the permanent members of the Holy Synod. However, despite the fact that Philaret was the most likely candidate for the post of charter of the ROC, his candidacy was not satisfied. In particular, the renewal caused its obspecific moral appearance - manner of behavior, rudeness, powerfulness and "nonmonish" lifestyle.

The election of the new patriarch was held against the background of the exacerbation of the struggle of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for independence. In January 1990, a new "provisional of exarch" was adopted in the Bishops' Cathedral of the ROC, according to which Ukrainian Exarchant was given more rights in self-government and building church life according to his church-national traditions. In October of the same year, examined by the Synod of the Ukrainian Exarchate "Appeal of the Bishopata of the UEO Holy Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Sacred Synod of the ROC ", the Bishops Cathedral of the Russian ROC decided to provide the UPC independence and independence in management. After that, the name" Ukrainian Exarchate "was abolished, Philareta, as the Primate of the UPC, was provided by the title" Blessed Metropolitan Kiev and All Ukraine " . In November 1990, the Secondary Cathedral of the UEOs adopted a Resolution: "Contact the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy and the Bishop of the ROC with a request to bestow the Avochefali of the UPz", that is, complete canonical independence. In the future, the issue of providing the automakefali of the Ukrainian church was considered at the Sacred Synod meetings ROC December 25-26, 1991 and February 18-19, 1992, but the decision was not taken.

However, Philaret continued to activities aimed at the department of the Ukrainian Church, while maintaining the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian Supreme Council Leonid Kravchuk (talking about the connections of the church hierarch with Kravchuk, the media called the Ukrainian leader "a long-time friend" Philaret "still at work in the ideological sector of the Central Committee of the Community of Ukraine "). After in 1991, Ukraine became an independent state, Kravchuk actively supported the work on the creation of an independent church on the basis of the canonical UOC (Church of Uniats, as well as the Ukrainian Autochetal Orthodox Church (UAPC) was not suitable for this purpose, since they did not use the general support of the population). It was noted that the empowerment of the status of canonical autocephaly could serve as the association of Orthodox churches of Ukraine in one denomination, which should have contributed to a decrease in religious confrontation in the country, and consequently an increase in the socio-political stability of Ukrainian society.

In January 1992, after in December 1991, Kravchuk took the post of President of Ukraine, Filaret gathered the Ukrainian episcopal meeting, on which the appeal to Patriarch, the Sacred Synod and all the Russian ROC branches were taken. It was accused of deliberately tightening a positive decision of the QU. "We humbly declare that our asced to new historical conditions our desire to obtain complete canonical independence is dictated exclusively by the benefit of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, and not by pressure from the state," said, in particular, in this appeal.

The topic of providing autocephaly Ukrainian Orthodox Church was discussed by the Bishop Cathedral of the ROC in the spring of 1992 (Philaret was not present on it). Participants of the cathedral were announced that Philaret, using the autonomy provided by the UPC as an "instrument of strengthening his personal power in the Ukrainian Church," puts pressure on Ukrainian bishops and priests in order to force them to support the autocephaly. Gradually discussion of the AvtoCefali problem "turned into a discussion about the immoral behavior of the Kiev Metropolitan and its gross miscalculations in the management of the UPC. As a result, the Cathedral offered Philaret to voluntarily leave the post of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Philaret promised to do this and gave the floor of the bishop, which will not reflect any obstacles to the free will of the UEz when electing her new first-herierach. However, later he refused to put off the responsibilities of the Primate of the UPC and renounced the bishop of the bishop, which laid the beginning of a new split, which was in the history of Orthodoxy called "Philaretovsky". Philaret explained his actions by the fact that this promise to free the post of heads of the UOC was forced and therefore insincere. According to him, he could not go in the current circumstances, "for it is responsible for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church before God." The cathedral on which he would resign and which would be elected new Metropolitan Kiev and all of Ukraine, Philaret never convened.

Nevertheless, in May of the same 1992, the Bishop Cathedral of the UPC was assembled. He displaced the Filaret from the Kiev Department and from the post of First Hierarch of UPz, enrolling it at the staff, but with the prohibition of clergy. The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Bishopat, by a majority of votes elected the bishop of the RPC Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassky Vladimir (Viktor Sabodan).

On June 11, 1992, the judicial act of the Bishop Cathedral "for a cruel and arrogant attitude ... to the subordinate clergy, dictate and blackmail ... Making the behavior and personal life is tempted to the Wednesday Wednesday," for an oath (failure to comply with the promise to convene a bishop cathedral and submit on it to The resignation given in the Cross and Gospel), as well as the "Public slander and Hulu on the bishop Cathedral ... Completing the Sacredness, including ordains, in a state of prohibition ... Film learning in the church" Filaret was spent from San, with his deprivation "of all the degrees of priesthood and all rights related to stay in a clearing. "

In response to this, supporters of Filaret's policies on June 25-26, 1992, a unifying cathedral was collected in Kiev. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UPC KP) was created as a result of the unification of the part of representatives of the UOC (Moscow Patriarchate) and the UEAC. In the same year, Filaret became the Deputy Patriarch of UPC KP Mstislav (Hypnik), after which in 1993 he became the deputy of the new Patriarch Vladimir (Romanyuk). On July 14, 1995, Vladimir died in mysterious circumstances, and on October 25, 1995, Philaret was elected the patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate.

On February 19, 1997, Philaret's Council of the Russian Orthodox Church was recalled from the Church, since "did not return to him from the face of the Mother of the Church appeal to repentance and continued in the interstructural period of splitting activities."

But in subsequent years, Philaret, referred to in the Russian press "Lzapatirarch", heading Kiev Patriarchate, actively contributed to the attempts to associate the UPC KP and UAPC in the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It was noted that his activities were carried out with the assistance of the authorities of Ukraine and was highly appreciated - Filaret was awarded the orders of Prince Yaroslav Wise II, III, IV and V degrees for a special considerable contribution to the construction of the Local Orthodox Church in Ukraine, many years of church activity According to the ideals of spirituality, mercy and interfaith harmony in society. "At the end of 2005, supporters of Filaret asked President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko to contact the Patriarch of Konstantinople Bartholomew with a request for recognition of the Kiev Patriarchate an independent local autocephalous church. In 2007, the bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate ( UPC MP) "expressed bewilderment" about the proposal made by him on possible negotiations with "lzhepastors".

At the end of July 2008, celebrations took place on the occasion of the 1020th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. The head of the ROC Alexy II and the Patriarch of Konstantinople Bartholoma I were invited to them, however, Philaret was not present at official events. Meanwhile, Yushchenko, speaking after a solemn service, which made the Patriarch Bartholomew, again spoke about the National Laying AutoChetal Church and asked the Primate of the Constantinople Church to bless her creation. In the response word, Bartholomew left behind himself "not only the right, but also the duty to support within the established Orthodox tradition, any constructive proposal, which as soon as possible would eliminate dangerous separations in the church body." The "independent newspaper" on this occasion noted that the speech of Bartholomew "was very foggy" and as a result, it remained incomprehensible that it was precisely hidden "for such streamlined wording." Indeed, a number of media reported that Bartholomews did not give blessings to the establishment of the local Ukrainian church, and Yushchenko's speech clearly did not gain popularity among the "believers relating to the waters of the Moscow Patriarchate." However, the next day, the ITAR-TASS agency has stated that Patriarch Constantinople "supports the creation of a single Orthodox Church in Ukraine, but within the framework of canonism." "We are interested in the Unified Ukrainian Church," the Bartholomew agency quoted. In turn, the head of the State Committee of Ukraine for Religious Affairs Alexander Sagan urged not to dramatize the fact that Patriarch Constantinople did not express the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an independent local church independent of Moscow. "Whatever opposition exists, this process is objective and cannot be stopped," he said.

Philaret - Doctor of theology Honoris Causa (1982), author of numerous works on theology.

The media wrote about the Filaret family: despite the canons, he almost publicly lived with his family. His wife was called Yevgeny Petrovna Rodionova (died in January 1998). Three children were mentioned - the son of Andrei and the daughter of Vera and love.

In 1991-1992, during the confrontation between Filaret and leadership of the ROC, information appeared in the media that Jewell was closely connected with the KGB, in which the reports appeared as an agent under the alias "Antonov", but this was not published in documentary evidence.

Moscow, 1 Dec - RIA Novosti. The head of the self-proclaimed Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate Philaret Denisenko said that the UEO KP would never return to the Moscow Patriarchate, and he himself never decides in his actions.

"I want to declare the Russian bishop: Never a Ukrainian Church will return to the Moscow Patriarchate, because we have our own state. As they have their own state, and we will never be a return," he said.

According to Filaret, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church missed his appeal.

"Reconciliation did not happen, because the cathedral, taking advantage of my appeal, sent him not to reconciliation and on solving the question of the autocephalius of the Ukrainian Church, and that we supposedly want to return to the Moscow Patriarchate. Not we, and they want us to return. ", - he said.

Moreover, he stressed that he would never leave his post, even if it helped the dialogue about the carcouft.

"I will not reject death from the Kiev Department," said Philaret.

Dialogue without reconciliation?

On the eve of the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, which these days takes place in Moscow, adopted a resolution, which outlined the head of the head of the self-proclaimed UPC of the CP on the restoration of prayer and eucharistic communication with Christians consisting in the Ukrainian church split. The cathedral considered this letter "step to overcoming the split" and created a special commission for negotiations with the Kiev patriarchy.

Philaret explained that he turned to the bishops of the Cathedral with a proposal for reconciliation for the sake of creating an autochetal Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"We are interested in the autochefalia of the whole Ukrainian church. For the sake of creating a unified local Orthodox Church in Ukraine," he said, adding that he did not agree to the text of the treatment of the Ukrainian authorities.

According to him, Kiev parliament is ready to create a commission and does not refuse dialogue.

"But from what dialogue? From the dialogue on the Avtochefali of the UOC, if such a dialogue is, then we will go to it. If the dialogue about returning to the Moscow Patriarchate, we will not go to the dialogue, we don't need it," said the head of the UPC KP.

If Moscow does not want to negotiate the autocephaly, the Kiev Patriarchate will continue the dialogue with Patriarch Konstantinople, the head of the UPC KP added.

The initiative about reconciliation proceeded from the Moscow Patriarchate, he argues.

"And not directly from Moscow to Kiev, but through New York, through the Metropolitan of the Foreign Russian Church of Hilarion," said Philaret.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion. He stated that the appeal of Philaret to the Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church was the initiative of the "letter of the writer themselves."

"We stretched out"

Philaret also stated that it would insist on the adoption of the Law on the Special Status of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, and called the decision of the Bishop Cathedral that the Center for MP is located in Kiev.

The Verkhovna Rada in May planned to consider the bill, which assumed that religious organizations with a center in the "country-aggressor" (such status, the Kiev authorities officially appropriated to Russia) will be able to appoint Metropolitans and bishops only in coordination with the authorities. Parliament did not discuss the document due to a lack of votes for his adoption.

"The center of this church is located in Moscow<…>. Let them not deceive the people and the Verkhovna Rada, which is currently discussed by the Law on Freedom of Conscience, where there is an article about the church, the center of which is located in the country-aggressor. They are afraid not to be stained on this church, "the head of the UPC KP.

These statements commented on the representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich.

"I watch the press conference of Philaret. I already conclude:" How much wolf is neither feed, still looks into the forest ". Sorry. Lies, justification, attempts to stay in trend, etc. The glimpse of the church consciousness is overshadowed by worldly wise. But we were ready , stretched out her hand, even if they spit into this hand, but we did it as Christians. Forced to heaven, "he wrote on his page in