
As year, Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled. Great Prince Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky

Conifers in the garden design

The future Grand Duke was born in 1111 in the "miracle of the outstand", as the Rostov region called the Rostov region, built into a separate principality. Andrei Yuryevich got a good education and education at that time. Dolgoruky entrusted his son to manage Vladimir, a small suburb of Suzdal.

Andrei Rinked in Vladimir for many years. The first mentions of Vladimir Prince in the chronicles appeared in 1146, that is, Andrei was already 35 years old. At this year, Yuri Dolgoruky with a sword in his hand fought for the Kiev throne with his cousin Great Prince Izyaslav Mstislavich (1097-1154). Andrei, with his buddy, also took part in the battles on the side of the Father. In the story of the chronicler about these events, a description of the character of Prince Andrei was found.

His combat delets was an example for a squad. Andrei has always been in the very thick of the battle. He could not notice the helmet shot down from his head and continue to break the opponent to the right and left. The chronicler marks the rare ability of the prince to pacify after the battle of his warlike dust and immediately turn into a cautious and prudent policy.

Despite the fact that Andrei was a glorious fighter, he did not like the war. After each battle, the prince was in a hurry to conclude peace with a defeated opponent. In the chronicles there are lines that reveal one of the features of his character: "He always had everything in perfect order and at the ready, every minute he was on guard and did not lose his head in the suddenly stroke." Andrei inherited this feature from his grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh. In addition, he was the same devout as his grandfather.

In 1149, Yuri Dolgoruky sat on the Kiev throne, but the struggle with a cousin has not yet ended. Izyaslav Mstislavich, returning to his buddy, forced him to leave the city. Dolgoruky very painfully worried defeat, Andrei never understood his father.

He himself did not strive to pronomize in Kiev. Andrei was annoyed to observe how his numerous relatives constantly entangle each other at a time when the Russian cities robbed Polovtsy, and many principalities were completely broken.

Only after the death of Izaslav Mstislavich Yuri Dolgoruky secondly and briefly sat on the Kiev throne, and Andrei put the princes in Vyshgorod. But he could not stand and secretly left the Suzdal Territory to his heart.

From Vigorsh, Andrei managed to take out to Vladimir miraculous icon God's mother. Subsequently, this icon, named by the Vladimir God of God, became the main shrine of the Suzdal Land. Many folk legends are associated with it. Prince Andrei built one of the most beautiful Orthodox churches for the icon - the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin.

In Vladimir, by decree of the pious Andrei, two monasters (Voskresensky and Spassky) were also erected, other Orthodox churches, as well as, following the example of Kiev, are gold and silver gates. The construction of rich churches in Vladimir gave this city a special status and sublifted it over other cities.

Andrei managed to attract to Vladimir millet and enterprising merchants, talented masters and artisans. The population grew rapidly. From the little Suzdal suburbs, Vladimir very soon turned into a major populated city, worthy of becoming the capital of the state.

Yuri Dolgoruky died in 1157 Andrei Bogolyubsky called for the prince of Suzdales and Rostovtsy. Andrei did not want to share power in the evening and senior boyars, so he lost to the Kiev throne of his cousin Rostislav Mstislavich (? -1167), and he himself remained in Vladimir and began to look for ways to the autocratic board over Russian Earth.

Andrei decided not to give the lots of sons, thereby he tried to strengthen the Vladimir Principality. To gain unlimited power over the state, Bogolyubsky simply expelled the visant of younger brothers and nephews, having deprived their inheritance rights.

He expanded the new capital of Russia and even tried to translate the Russian clergy into Vladimir. But Constantinople Patriarch categorically refused to devote to the Metropolitans of the Ukrainian Prince.

Andrei Bogolyubsky attached great importance to strengthening the Christian faith and the fight against the inners. So, in 1164, he and his army first made a campaign to the Bulgarian kingdom, where Moometan vera was preached. As a result, the banners of the Bulgarians were captured, and the prince is expelled. After that, hiking on the booleans began to be kept constantly, and Andrei Bogolyubsky believed that the miraculous icon helped him in the sacred struggle.

After the death of the Kiev prince Rostislav Andrei agreed to the Grand Due to his nephew of Mstislav Iaslavich (? -1170). But soon he made a political mistake by sending Prince to Novgorod his young son of Roman. Andrei Bogolyubsky was tremble - the Kiev prince tried to self-managed without his consent! This disobedience turned out to be in the hand of Bogolyubsky, he was introduced to him a unique opportunity to impose the importance of the great Kiev renovation and become at the head of all Russian princes.

He managed to quickly collect the Suzdal militia, to which eleven princes, displeased by the Board of Mstislav Izaslavich, were joined. Two days a combined army under the walls of the ancient Kiev. On the third day, the city was taken by storm. The army of Bogolyubsky barbarus robbed and destroyed the city. Defenseous inhabitants killed, forgetting that they are the same Russian people. "They were then in Kiev in all people moan and tuga, the grief of the taper and tears are not intractable," the chronicler recorded.

After the victory, Andrei still did not go to Kiev to the reign. Kiev Prince became his younger brother Gleb (-1171). Andrei Bogolyubsky accepted the title of the Grand Prince and remained in Vladimir. This event chronicles refer to 1169

After the fall of Kiev, Andrei Bogolyubsky managed to collect all Russian land under his hand. Only Mr. Velikiy Novgorod I did not want to obey him. Then the prince decided to do with Novgorod the same as with Kiev. In winter, 1170, the army of Bogolyubsky approached Novgorod walls to suppress the riot. But Novgorod, with insane courage, fought for their city, for the sacred statutes of ancestors disturbed by Prince Andrey. They beat so frantically that the army of the Grand Prince retreated.

Bogolyubsky did not forgive the Novgorod defeat of his troops and decided to act differently. A year after the battle, he blocked the help of bread in Novgorod and thus caused recalcitrant to recognize his power. Novgorods expelled the prince of Roman and came to a bow to Bogolyubsky. At this time, Gleb died suddenly in Kiev.

There were a lot of overwhelms about this death. Andrei and this circumstance used to strengthen his power. To get rid of Smolensk Princes Rostislavichi, Bogolyubsky openly declared that Gleb was killed and they hide the murderers of his brother.

Andrei kicked the Rostislavichi from Kiev, but they did not accept and broke the head of the army sent against them. Victory did not help the Kiev to return the former greatness, the city began to move from hand to hand and eventually obeyed the Vladimir prince.

All the activities of the Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky was an attempt to change the political system in the Russian state. He stepped by step continued to go to one-owned. Following brothers and nephews, Andrei expelled large fatty boyars from the Suzdal land. The mistake of Bogolyubsky was the fact that instead of them he surrounded himself a ignorant courtyard.

Grand Duke It was "screamed and attenuating, incredulous and strict." "Such a clever thing in all matters," the chronicler speaks of him, "such a valiant, Prince Andrei destroyed his meaning with the impresentation," that is, the lack of composure.

Bogolyubsky accepted terrible death in his new residence under Vladimir - Bogolyubov. In 1174, he fell victim to a conspiracy, in which relatives of his wife, Kuchkovichi participated. In the chronicle, a description of this fatal event has been preserved. Unarmed Bogolyubski Kolya with swords and spears in his bedroom twenty conspirators. But the worst began after the killing of the prince. Andrei's body was thrown into the street, and his approximate plundered the palace. The wave of robbery and violence overlooked at all Bogolyubovo, and then to Vladimir.

According to the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, "Never in Russia, no princely death was accompanied by such shameful phenomena." The prince did not even fang and did not bite forple the whole five days, and in Vladimir, all this time continued rampant in the black.

For the sixth day, one of the priests took the miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God and began to walk with her in the city with her prayers. On the same day, Bogolyubsky buried the Cathedral Church of the Assumption of the Virgin built according to his decree.

With the tragic death of Andrei Bogolyubsky, folk legends associate some geographical names of Vladimir's neighborhoods and Bogolyubov. In one of the legends it is said that later the people of the Grand Duke Vsevolod III of the Great Nest (1154-1212) grabbed Kuchkovichi (1154-1212). The criminals were cut off his heels and poured into the wounds of a finely naughty horse-wheel hair, then their wolves were dragged from Vladimir to a floating lake. They were planted into the scenar saw blasts, closed tightly and thrown into the lake.

Further, the legend says that from the bottom of the lake often the moans of the killers of Prince Andrew, especially loud cries are heard in the next anniversary of the crime. The bad glory of the lake contributed to the fact that it was quickly nevertheless, and often people took huge peat bumps floating in water.

Not far from the floating lake there is another one - Pogano. According to legend, the wife of Andrey Bogolyubsky was drowned in him - Princess Supervah, headed a conspiracy against her husband. She was tied to the neck of the railings and threw into the water.

The Russian Orthodox Church ranked adopted the martyr's death of the Grand Duke to the Family of Saints. His relics later were postponed to a special adhere to the temple. Memory of sv. Andrei Bogolyubsky is celebrated on July 4th.

It is impossible to say with confidence whether his desire for autocracy was conscious and responsible, or it became an ordinary manifestation of power and self-court. Undoubtedly one thing - it was under Andrei Bogolyubsky ceased to exist Kiev and began its history Vladimiro-Suzdal Rus.

Prince (from 1157 - Grand Duke) Vladimir
1155/1157 - 1174


Yury Dolgoruky


Mikhalko Yuryevich

Grand Prince Kievsky
1157 - 1157


Yury Dolgoruky


Izyaslav Davydovich




06/29/1174 Bogolyubovo.


Assumption Cathedral (Vladimir)



Yury Dolgoruky

Ulit Stepanovna

sons: Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yuri

Grand Prince

Taking Kiev (1169)

Hike to Novgorod (1170)

Siege of Vyshgorod (1173)

Hiking to Volga Bulgaria

Death and canonization

Marriages and children

(about 1111 - June 29, 1174) - Prince Vyshgorodsky in 1149, 1155. Prince Dorogoborovsky in 1150-1151, Ryazan (1153). Great Prince Vladimirsky in 1157 - 1174. Son Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky and Polovtsy Princess, daughter Khan Aepa Asenevich.

On the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality reached significant power and was the strongest in Russia, in the future becoming the core of the modern Russian state.

The nickname "Bogolyubsky" received the name of the princely castle of Bogolyubovo under Vladimir, his beloved residence.

Early biography

In 1146, Andrei, together with the elder brother Rostislav, kicked out from Ryazan an ally of Izyaslav Mstislavich - Rostislav Yaroslavich, he fled to Polovtsy.

In 1149, after class Yuri Dolgoruky Kiev, Andrei received Verdgorod from his father, participated in the campaign against the Mstislavich's Mustlavich on Volyn and showed an amazing valor during the storming of Lutsk, in which Brother Isaslav Vladimir was besieged. After that, Andrei temporarily owned a road to Volyn.

In 1153, Andrei was planted by the Father on the Ryazan Prince, but Rostislav Yaroslavich returned from the steppes with Polovtsy.

After the death of Izaslav Mstislavich and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (1154) and the final approval of Yuri Dolgoruky in Kiev, Andrei again was planted with his father in Vyshgorod, but already in 1155, despite the will of his father left in Vladimir-on-Klyazma. From the Vyshgorod Women's Monastery, he stole and enthusiastically with him the miraculous icon of the Virgin, who was subsequently received the name of Vladimir and became memorable as the greatest Russian shrine. This is how it is described by N. I. Kostomarova:

Was in Vyshgorod in the Women's Monastery of the Icon of St. The Mother of God, brought from Tsaregrad, written, as the legend says, St. Evangelist Luko. Miracles told about her, they said, by the way, that, being set by the wall, she left the wall herself at night and became in the middle of the church, showing seemingly the view that wishes to go to another place. It was clearly impossible to take it, because the inhabitants would not allow it. Andrei decided to kidnap her, transfer it to Suzdal Earth, thus the shrine, respected by this land, respected in Russia, and the fact that the earthly blessing of God will be honored over this earth. Having facilitated the priest of the Women's monastery of Nikolai and Dijon Nestor, Andrei at night there was a miraculous icon from the monastery and, together with the princess and manifestations, immediately convinced to the Suzdal Earth.

On the way to Rostov, at night, in a dream, the Virgin was the Virgin and ordered to leave the icon in Vladimir. Andrei did this, and at the site of the vision built the city of Bogolyubovo, who over time became his favorite location.

Grand Prince

After the death of the Father (1157) became Prince of Vladimir, Rostov and Suzdal. After becoming the "self-assembly of the entire Suzdal land", Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered the capital of the Principality to Vladimir. In 1158-1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky built an earthen fortress with testers from white stone. To this day, one of the five external gates of the fortress survived some - the Golden Gate, which were driven by gilded copper. A magnificent Assumption Cathedral and other churches and monasteries were built. At the same time, the fortified Prince Castle Bogolyubovo, the favorite residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky, grew under Vladimir - the name of which he got a nickname. When Prince Andrei was built the famous church of the Intercession on the nerve near Bogolyubov. Probably, under the direct leadership of Andrei in 1156, a fortress was built in Moscow (according to the chronicles, this fortress was built by a long-term, but he was in Kiev this fortress).

According to the news of the Lavrentievskaya chronicle, Yuri Dolgoruky took the crusal kissing from the main cities of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality on the fact that his younger sons should pronomize in him, hoping for the approval of the elders in the south. Andrei at the time of the death of his father was inferior in seniority on the striking right of both the main applicants for the Kiev Prince: Izyaslav Davydovich and Rostislav Mstislavich. Only Gleb Yurevich managed to stay in the south (from this point on, the Pereyaslav Principality was aligned with Kiev), from 1155 married to the daughter of Iaslav Davydovich, and for a long time - Mstislav Yurevich (in the piglee before the final approval in Kiev Rostislav Mstislavich in 1161). The rest of Yurevichi had to leave the Kiev land, but the appointment of a lot (Kidekh) in the north received only Boris Yurevich, who died childless already in 1159. In addition, in 1161, Andrei expelled his stepmother from the principality, Olga Greek, along with her children, Mikhail, Vasilka and seven-year-old Vsevolod. In Rostov land there were two senior everlasting cities - Rostov and Suzdal. In his principality, Andrei Bogolyubsky tried to escape from the practice of the fevering gatherings. Wanting to rule alone alone, Andrei was driven out of the Rostov land after his brothers and nephews and the "front husbands" of his father, that is, big fatty boyars. Contributing to the development of feudal relations, relied on a squad, as well as on Vladimir citizens; It was associated with trade and crafts of Rostov and Suzdal.

In 1159, Izyaslav Davydovich was expelled from Kiev by Mstislav Iaslavvich Volyn and Galitsky army, Kiev Prince became Rostislav Mstislavich, whose son Svyatoslav Prinjal in Novgorod. In the same year, Andrei captured the Novgorodsky suburb of Laman's wolf, founded by Novgorod merchants, and celebrated here the wedding of his daughter Rostislav with the prince of the Moscow Svyatoslav Vladimirovich, the nephew of Iaslav Davydovich. Izyaslav Andreevich, together with Muromskoy, was sent to the aid of Svyatoslav under the settlement against Svyatoslav Olgovich and Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. In 1160, Novgorod residents invited Andrei's nephew, Mstislav Rostislavich, but not for long: in next year Izyaslav Davydovich died when attempting to master Kiev, and Svyatoslav Rostyslavich returned to Novgorod for several years.

In 1160, Andrei undertook an unsuccessful attempt to establish on the subject grounds independent of the Kiev Metropolitan. Konstantinople Patriarch Luka Khizhizhriver in 1168 dedicated Andreeva candidate, the hierarch of Feodorore, not in Metropolitan, and in Rostov bishops, while Feodor elected Vladimir to his seat, and not Rostov. Before the threat of folk unrest Andrei had to send him to kiev Metropolitanwhere he has undergone violence.

Andrei Bogolyubsky invited Western European architects for the construction of Vladimir temples. The trend towards greater cultural independence is also traced in the introduction of new holidays in Russia, not adopted in Byzantium. At the initiative of the Prince, as suggested, were established in the Russian (northeastern) Church of the holidays to the All-storey Sava (August 16) and the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary (October 1 in the Julian calendar).

Taking Kiev (1169)

According to the death of Rostislav (1167), the seniority in the genus Rurikovich belonged to Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky, the greatness of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (elders in the family of Monomakhov, Vosvolod Yaroslavich Vladimir Mstislavich, then Andrei Bogolyubsky himself). Mstislav Iaslavich from Vladimir Volynsky took Kiev, having exhausted his uncle Vladimir Mstislavich, and planted her son of Roman in Novgorod. Mstislav sought to concentrate the Office of the Kiev Earth in his hands, which his cousins \u200b\u200bof Rostislavichi from Smolensk were opposed. Andrei Bogolyubsky took advantage of the differences among the southern princes and sent an army led by his son Mstislav, to which allies joined: Gleb Yurevich, Roman, Rurik, Davyd and Mstislav Rostislavichi, Oleg and Igor Svyatoslavichi, Vladimir Andreevich, Brother Andrei Vsevolod and nephew Andrei Mstislav Rostislavich . Lavrentievsky chronicle, among the princes, also mentions Dmitra and Yuri, also in the campaign participated Polovtsy. The Polotsk Allies Andrei and Muromo-Ryazan Princes did not participate in the campaign. Allies of Mstislav Kievsky (Yaroslav Ommomysl Galitsky, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky and Yaroslav Iaslavich Lutsky) did not take a discharging strike under the deposited Kiev. On March 12, 1169, Kiev was taken by a "spear" (attack). Two days of Suzdaltsi, Smolyan and Polovtsy robbed and burned "Mati Russian cities." Many Kievians were taken captive. In the monasteries and churches of the warriors took not only jewels, but also all holiness: icons, crosses, bells and rises. Polovtsy setagli Pechersk monastery. Metropolia Sofia Cathedral was looted on a par with other temples. "And in Kiev in Kiev, the Women's Women and Tuga, and the grief of the revolving". In Kiev, the junior brother Andrei Gleb, Andrei himself stayed in Vladimir himself.

Andrei's activities in relation to South Rus are estimated by most historians as an attempt to "make a coup in the political stroke of the Russian Earth." Andrei Bogolyubsky for the first time in Russia, I changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe seniority in the genus Rurikovich:

Until now, the title of older Grand Prince was inseparably connected with the possession of the Senior Kiev table. Prince recognized by the seniors among his relatives, it was commonly sitting in Kiev; The prince, who was sitting in Kiev, was usually recognized as older among his relatives: this was the order that was considered right. Andrei for the first time separated seniority from the spot: Forcing himself to recognize himself a great prince of the whole Russian land, he did not leave his Sudal parish and did not go to Kiev to sit on the table of his father and grandfather. (...) Thus, the princely seniority, climbed from the place, received personal importance, and as if the thought flashed to give him the authority of the supreme power. At the same time, the position of the Suzdal region among other regions of the Russian Earth has changed, and its prince became an unprecedented attitude towards it. Until now, the prince who reached the seniority and sat on the Kiev table, usually left his former parish, passing it in turn to another owner. Each princely parish was temporary, the next hold of the famous prince, remaining a generic, not personal property. Andrei, becoming the Grand Duke, did not leave his Suzdal region, which was lost due to the generic value, having received the nature of the personal inalienable heritage of one prince, and thus came out of the circle of Russian regions possessed in turn of seniority.

V. O. Klyuchevsky.

Hike to Novgorod (1170)

In 1168, Novgorods called on the reign of Roman, the son of Mstislav Iaslavich Kiev. The first hike was held against Polotsky Princes, the Allies of Andrei. The land was ruined, the troops did not reach Polotsk 30 wool. Then the novel attacked the Toropetic parish of the Smolensky Principality. Mstislav sent to the rescue of the son of the army led by Mikhail Yuryevich and black hoods were intercepted by Rostislavichi on the road.

Submitting Kiev, Andrei organized a campaign to Novgorod. In the winter of 1170, Mstislav Andreevich, Roman and Mstislav Rostislavichi, arrived under Novgorod, Vasilkovich Polotsky, Ryazan and Murom regiments. In the evening of February 25, Roman with Novgorod defeated the Suzdalians and their allies. Enemies fled. Novgorod was captured so many Suzdaltsev that they sold them for a snap (2 holes).

Probably, Andrei Bogolyubsky after defeating his troops organized the food blockade of Novgorod (there is no direct news in sources, but the Novgorod chronicler reports that the expulsion of Roman Mstislavich, who several months ago was the leader of Novgorod in the victorious battle in the victorious battle a few months ago). Novgorod joined the negotiations with Andrey and agreed to the Ryric Rostislavich Ryricslavich. A year later, I was changed in Novgorod Yuri Andreyevich.

Siege of Vyshgorod (1173)

After death at the Kiev prince Gleb Yurevich (1171) Kiev at the invitation of the younger Rostislavichi and secret from Andrei and from another major challenger to Kiev - Yaroslav Iaslavich Lutsky took up Vladimir Mstislavich, but soon he died. Andrei gave the Kiev reign of a senior from Smolensk Rostislavichi - Roman. Soon Andrey demanded from the novel of the issuance of Kiev boyars, suspected of the poisoning of Gleb Yurevich, but he refused. In response, Andrei ordered him and his brothers return to Smolensk. Andrei planned to give Kiev to his brother Mikhail Yurevich, but he sent a brother of Vsevolod instead of herself to Kiev, which was then captured by Davydov Rostislavich. In Kiev, briefly Ryric Rostyslavich Ryric. The prison was exchanged, according to which Rostislavichi was issued previously expelled from Galich, captured by Mikhail and sent to Chernihigov Knyazhich Vladimir Yaroslavich, and they were released to freedom Vsevolod Yuryevich. Yaropolk Rostislavich was retained, his older brother Mstislav was expelled from Trepoli and was not accepted by Mikhail, then in Chernigov and claimed apart from Pereyaslavl. The moment of climbing Andrei with Rostislavichi Kiev chronicle describes as follows: "Andrei Brother's brother and Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky, and began to Rostislavich." But soon Andrei, through his swordsman, Mikhna again demanded from Rostislavichi "in Russian Earth": from Rürik - to go to his brother in Smolensk, from Davyd - to Bloud. Then the youngest of Rostislavichi, Mstislav Brave, handed over to Andrei's prince, that before Rostislavichi kept him as a father "by love", but would not allow them to contact them, as with "Breaknuts". The novel obeyed, and his brothers turned his beard to the Ambassador of Andrei, than gave rise to the beginning of hostilities.

In addition to the troops of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, the shelves from Muromsky, Ryazan, Torovsky, Polotsk and Gorodensky Principles, Novgorod Land, Prince Yury Andreyevich, Mikhail and Vsevolod Yuryevichi, Svyatoslavich, was participating in the campaign. Rostislavichi elected another strategy than Mstislav Iaslavich in 1169. They did not defend Kiev. Rurik locked in Belgorod, Mstislav in Vyshgorod with his regiment and regiment of Davyd, and Davyd himself went to Galich asking for help from Yaroslav Orel. All the militia was asked by Vyshgorod to take captivity of Mstislava, as Andrei ordered. Mstislav took the first battle in the field before the start of the siege and retreated to the fortress. Meanwhile, Yaroslav Iaslavich, whose rights to Kiev did not recognize Olgovichi, received such recognition from Rostislavichi, moved Volyn and auxiliary Galician troops to the rescue. Having learned about the approach of the enemy, the huge army precipitated was randomly retreat. Mstislav made a successful college. Many, moving through the Dnieper, drowned. "So," said the chronicler, "Prince Andrei, what a clever thing was in all matters, and destroyed the meaning of his definition: I was melted with anger, I was enthusiaved and praised in vain; And praise and pride of the devil instills in the heart of man. " Kiev Prince became Yaroslav Iaslavich. But over the next years, he, and then Roman Rostislavich had to give up the great reign of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chernigov, with the help of the death of Andrei in Vladimir, the younger Yuryevichi were established in Vladimir.

Hiking to Volga Bulgaria

In 1164, Andrei spent the first after the trip of Yuri Dolgoruky (1120) campaign on the Volga Bulgar with Son Izyaslav, Brother Yaroslav and Murom Prince Yuri. The enemy lost a lot of people killed and banned. The Bulgarian city of Bryakhimov (Ibrahimov) was taken and the three other cities were burned.

In the winter of 1172, a second campaign was organized, in which Mstislav Andreevich, the sons of the Murom and Ryazan princes participated. The squads joined when the Oka shook in the Volga and waited for Rati Boyar, but did not wait. Boyare iduchi is not a goal, because not time to fight in winter Bulgar. These events testified to the extreme tension of the relationship between the prince and the boyars that had reached the same extent to which the princely-boyars conflicts came at this time on the opposite region of Russia, in Galich. Princes with their squads entered the Bulgarian land and began robbery. Bulgars gathered an army and made towards. Mstislav pretended to avoid clashes due to the adverse relationship of forces.

In the Russian chronicle, do not contain news about the conditions of the world, but after a successful trip to the Volga Bulgar in 1220, the nephew Andrei Yuri Vsevolodovich The world was concluded on favorable terms, still, as with father and uncle Yuri.

Death and canonization

The defeat of 1173 and the conflict with prominent boyars caused a conspiracy against Andrei Bogolyubsky, as a result of which he was killed on the night of June 28 to June 28, 1174. The legend states that the conspirators (boyars Kuchkovichi) first descended into the wine cellar, they used the alcohol, then they came to the bedroom of the prince. One knocked one of them. "Who's there?" - asked Andrei. "Prokoki!" - answered knocking (it was one of his favorite servants). "No, it's not proof!" - said Andrei, who knew the voice of his servant. He did not open the door and rushed to the sword, but the sword of St. Boris, who was constantly hanging over the princely bed, was previously abducted by the Kejnikist Anlan. Broasting the door, the conspirators rushed to the prince. Strong Bogolyubsky resisted for a long time. Finally, wounded and bloody, he fell under the blows of murderers. Villains thought he was dead, and left - again descended into the wine cellar. The prince woke up and tried to hide. He was found on the bloody trail. Seeing the murderers, Andrei pronounced: "If, God, I am destined to the end - I accept it." The killers tried their job. The body of the prince lay on the street while people robbed the princely choirs. According to the legend, only his courty Kiev Kuzmin Kyyanin remained to bury the prince.

Historian V. O. Klyuchevsky characterizes Andrey with the following words:

"Andrei loved to forget the sash in the midst of the schump, to be listed in the most dangerous landfill, did not notice how his helmet was shot down. All this was very usually in the south, where permanent external dangers and gravestones developed removal in the princes, but it was not usually the ability of Andrei to quickly cut off from militant intoxication. Immediately after a hot battle, he became a careful, prudent politician, a prudent manager. Andrei has always been fine and at the ready; It could not be captured by surprise; He knew how to lose heads among the overall pass. The habit of every minute to be on guard and everywhere to make order he reminded his grandfather Vladimir Monomakh. Despite his combat delets, Andrei did not like wars and after a successful battle the first approached the father with a request to put up with a broken enemy. "

He was buried Andrei Bogolyubsky in the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. Anthropologist M. M. Gerasimov created a sculptural portrait along the skull of Andrei.

Canonized Russian Orthodox Church Around 1702 in the face of the beloved. Memory 4 (July 17).

Marriages and children

  • (from 1148) Stepanovna Uldan, Boyarina Stepan Ivanovich Hagia
    • Izyaslav, a participant in the campaign against the Volga Bulgarians, died in 1165.
    • Mstislav, died 28.03.1173.
    • Yuri, Prince Novgorod in 1173-1175, in 1185 - 1189, the husband of the Georgian queen Tamara, died. 1190 years.
    • Rostislav, married to Svyatoslav Vychbyzhsky.

§ 31. First Suzdal Princes. If not to consider Vladimir Monomakh, who had only hitting in his Suzdal possession, then the first prince Suzdal should be called Monomakhova Son Yuri Dolgoruky . He lived in Suzdal, and a lot of labor on the device of his principality. But he belonged to that generation of princes, for which the main interests were associated with Kiev. When there was a hope for Yuri to receive a great reign in Kiev, he drew all his attention to the south, took part in the gravestics of the southern princes and, having achieved success, in 1154 he moved to Kiev, where he died in 1157 his distant forest victul, In which he put a lot of cities, he traded, so on a restless Kiev.

Icon of Vladimir Mother of God

Having achieved its goal in the north and becoming a full-fledged sovereign in the Suzdal region, Andrei wished to influence the business of Kiev and Novgorod and sought to predominate in the whole Russian land. In Novgorod, he wanted to keep the princes, dependent on him, and for the most part he managed in this. Novgorod residents rebelled against Andrey and his girlfriends; In 1170, they managed to apply a decisive defeat of Andrei's troops, to drive them from Novgorod and gaining so many prisoners that they sold them for a small coin. But in the end, the Suzdal prince defeated Novgorod residents, since, in addition to military force, in his hands there was a real means against Novgorod: Andrei closed the borders of his land for Novgorod merchants and did not allow the court to Novgorod the bread from the Volga region. Brought to hunger, Novgorod residents were involved in the peace with Andrey and put up "on the whole will" of the Grand Duke. Andrei wished to rule in Kiev. When his nephew Mstislav Iaslavich sat on the Kiev reign (§18), Andrei sent an army against him, which collapsed in Kiev (1169). Two days of the Suzdalians robbed and burned the capital city, after which Andrei, without having arrived in Kiev, gave him one of his younger brothers. Living in Vladimir, he, however, wore the name of the Grand Duke and demanded obedience to himself from the southern princes, he sent his troops against the same slyness. So the outskirts of the Suzdal Prince distributed its influence on all Russian areas.

The powerful and despotic, represented by the new type of Prince, who was striving for one-owned only in his family faith, but in the whole of Russian land. All those who stood for old, habitual orders, did not love Andrei; On the contrary, people who understood the benefits of an unique building, saw the ideal of the sovereign in Andrei. Both glance at him - and hostile, and sympathetic - they reflected in the chronicles in which we read the praise of Andrei next to condemnation. Andrei's own character was, however, it was so difficult for the surrounding him that in 1175 his own courtyard killed Andrey in his beloved village Bogolyubov and plundered his palace.

Andrey Bogolyubsky. Killing. Picture S. Kirillova, 2011

After the death of Andrei in his land there was craftsmen. Andrei had no sons. The older cities of Rostov and Suzdal called on his nephews, and the younger Vladimir and Pereyaslavl - his brothers. Between the princes began the struggle, in which lived participation and citizens took. Senior cities were defeated; The city of Vladimir finally received the championship in the Suzdal region, and the Prince of Vsevolod called Vladimir Plants was strengthened, Andrei's younger brother (called the "big nest"). Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich (1176 - 1212) was the time of the heyday of the Suzdal Principality. The elderness of Vsevolod was recognized in all the edges of the Russian land. Novgorodians were in the whole will of the Suzdal Great Prince; He ordered Kiev, because, as they say in the chronicle, "all the brotherhood in Vladimirov tribe" put on it; Even distant Galic princes were looking for his support. About his power in the "Word about the regiment of Igor", it is poeticly said that Vsevolod can "delay Volga in the orals, and the Don helmets pour out": so much ratties.

In the life of Vsevolod, disagreement began in his family. The eldest son of the Grand Duke Konstantin brought the wrath of Vsevolod what he wanted to return to the old Rostov seniority before new Vladimir and said Father: "Give me Vladimir to Rostov." Vsevolod collected the clergy and a squad and a squad and solemnly deprived Konstantin seniority, leaving after himself the Grand Diction of the second son - Yuri. Konstantin did not reconcile with his subordinate position and at the first time most convenient case tried to regain her elderness. He took advantage of the host of Novgorod to his brothers and connected with Novgorod. Following the example of Vsevolod, the Grand Duke Yury and his younger brothers (Yaroslav and Svyatoslav) wanted to keep Novgorod in unconditional subordination and the ozlgorod residents. Those turned to one of the monomakhovs of the older line, Mstislav Mstislavich's remote. A delete came to Novgorod from his thorny and led the Novgorod residents on the Suzdal princes to the most Suzdal Earth. With Mstislav, Constantine connected against his native brothers. The decisive battle between the opponents occurred not far from Vladimir, on the Lipica River (1216). Novgorod won with Mstislav and Konstantin. Yuri ran away from the battlefield, refused the great reign and gave Vladimir Konstantin; Novgorod did the same dependence on the Suzdal princes. From this pore, in the Suzdal region, there was no minor power. The region was divided into several connections; The Grand Duke was sitting in Vladimir, and his brothers and nephews were sitting in other cities and had little dependent on the Grand Duke. The Grand Diction Of the descendants of Vsevolod inherited by the generic order: Brother after his brother, nephew after uncle. The difference between Suzdal Rus from the ancient Kievan consisted only in the fact that in the cities there was no chassis and the princes were full of owners in their "lots" - so they began to be called their possessions.

Andrey Bogolyubsky (Ok. 1111-74), Prince Vladimir-Suzdalsky (from 1157), son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Made the capital of Vladimir. Killed boyars in his residence with. Bogolyubovo.

Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky (about 1111 - June 29, 1174), Prince Vladimir-Suzdal and Grand Duke Kiev (from 1157). The eldest son of Yuri Dolgoruky and the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Haepe. He is married to the first marriage on the daughter of the first owner of Moscow Stephen Ivanovich Husk, and the second on the captive driver brought from the campaign of 1164 to the Volga-Kama Bulgaria.

Beginning of the prince

In 1149, Andrei received from his father to Holding Vyshgorod, but a year later was translated into Western Russian lands, where he held the city of tours, Pinsk and Peresh. In 1151, he returned to his native Suzdal land with the consent of his father, where, apparently, had a lot (Vladimir-on-Klyazma). In 1155, he was again translated into Vyshgorod, from where, contrary to the father's will, fled to Vladimir-Zalessky, taking with him the icon of the Virgin, written, according to legend, Evangelical Luka (the image of Vladimir Mother of God).

After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky in 1157, Andrei inherited the Kiev Grand Durability throne, but in Kiev, despite the custom, did not go to live. Then he was elected prince Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimirsky. Based on his "mercies" (servants), in 1162 Andrei expelled from the limits of the Rostov-Suzdal land not only his relatives, but also a fatherly squad. At the same time, he suffered the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir, and his residence was to Bogolyubovo-on-Nerley (on which he received his nickname).

Relationship with church

About 1160 Andrei undertook the first in the history of Russia an attempt to divide the Russian church into two metropolis. He requested Constantinople Patriarch to establish a second Metropolitan in Vladimir, independent of Kiev, but this request was rejected. In 1168, Andrei sends the Suzdal Hamman Feodor to the Big Cathedral in Kiev in order to achieve the displacement of Metropolitan Constantine. Without finding support from the Russian bishops, Feodor went to Constantinople, hoping to persuade the Patriarch to appoint Metropolitan himself, but he achieved only the delivery of Rostov bishop. In 1169, Andrei Bogolyubsky had a conflict with an unemployed and ambitious Feodor, which ended the fact that the prince issued a bishop to the Metropolitan court in Kiev, where Theodore was executed on charges of heresy.

Culture under Andrei Bogolyubsky

During his reign in Vladimir and suburbs, widespread construction launched: In 1164, a golden gate was built (like Kiev, Konstantinople and Jerusalem), Bogolyubovo Castle city, as well as a number of temples, including the famous Assumption Cathedral (1158-61) , Pokrov-on-Nerley (1165), the Nativity of the Virgin in Bogolyubov (1158-65).

According to a number of researchers, Andrei Bogolyubsky sought to free themselves from the Byzantine influence in Russia. In particular, he invited Western European architects to build Vladimir temples. The trend towards greater cultural independence is also traced in the introduction of new holidays in Russia, not adopted in Byzantium. At the initiative of the prince, the holidays of the Savior (August 1) and the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 1) were established.

On the night of June 29-25, 1174 Andrei was killed in Bogolyubov a group of conspirators from his inner surroundings. Initially, he was buried in the Vladimir Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin; Later, the remains were repeatedly transferred. In 1934, the burial of Andrei Bogolyubsky was examined and identified by archaeologists and anthropologists; According to the skull found in the burial, sculptor and anthropologist M. M. Gerasimov managed to recreate the unique sculptural portrait of the prince.

If we talk about the history of our country, then there are plenty of bright figures. Almost everything is known about any people, but we don't know anything about someone. Combines them that their life has had a huge impact on the development of Russia. One of these figures is Andrei Bogolyubsky. The historic portrait says that he was an outstanding personality.

Brief information

It is believed that the future prince was born between 1120 and 1125. He was the second (or third, just unknown) the son of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. His mother is a daughter known at the time of the Polovtsy Khan Aepa Aepevich, for the sake of the union with whom this marriage was arranged.

Why is the future prince Andrei Bogolyubsky for the history of our country? The historic portrait says that he was the most important political and spiritual figure in the 1160-1170, since he not only contributed to the creation of a powerful Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (on the site of the former Rostov victorcian of his grandfather, Vladimir Monomakh), but also turned the city of Vladimir-on -Klasma in the center of the political and spiritual life of Russia. Thus, he pushed Kiev on this "position".

Activity of Prince to the Edema for the throne of Vladimir

About what was done and how Andrei Bogolyubsky lived (a brief biography of which is provided in the article) to 1146, we do not know absolutely nothing. But there are still reliable information that after 1130 he married the daughter of the boyar bunch. The latter left his mark in the history of the fact that was the owner of extensive land plots on the shores

His father, always dreamed of reigning at the Kiev throne. And a convenient pretext soon introduced himself. In 1146, the Kievans were invited to the prince who accounted for a dolvoy native nephew. A stubborn and fierce struggle began, in which not only all the political forces of Russia, but even Poles and Polovtsy, have been attended, never overlooking the case to prove on the next confusion.

Yury managed to master the city twice, but also twice happened from there expelled. Only in 1155, when Izyaslav died (perhaps, in 1154), he managed to finally subjugate Kiev. His happiness lasted not so long: the active prince himself was pressed already in 1157. Andrei, throughout this eight-year-old struggle, has repeatedly proved its unparalleled courage. His military talents and analytical mind have repeatedly served the good service of his father.

The first appearance on the political scene

For the first time, the young prince Andrey Bogolyubsky (a brief biography of which is full of these moments), it manifested itself in the above-mentioned 1146, when Prince Rostislav (Ally Izyaslav) from his own capital, hesitated. When the Dolgoruky is once again seized by Kiev, Andrei receives Vergor away as a gift (not far from Kiev).

In addition, he accompanied his father in a campaign to the Volyn parish, which was the lot of Iaslav. Under Lutsk, in which Vladimir sat down (his native brother Izyaslav), he almost died already in 1149. The prince was so fascinated by the persecution of enemies, which went far from his warriors. His horse was wounded, from the walls of the city there are metal stones in it, and some kind of dozen whaleter Vladimir has already made him pierce Andrei Rogatina.

On that day, the Martyr Fedor was remembered, whom the prince prayed: Choosing from the enemies, he managed to break the enemy barrier from the last strength. He was obliged to be a faithful horse. He, being deadly wounded, still managed to convey his master to his warriors. For this, Andrei arranged a lush funeral. His horse was stubbornly on the river shore. Contemporaries noted that the prince was extremely modest and simple person: He never searched for his father's approval, preferring to do everything for honor, was religious. However, the Dolgoruky had certainly seen these qualities because he loved her son very much.

Andrei's peacekeeping activities

After the siege of Lutsk, Izyaslav began to ask the world. Only due to the fact that the Dolgoruky listened to the opinion of the Son, and he was extremely not loved by meaningless civil workers, the peace treaty was signed.

Just a year later, Izyaslav was able to enter Kiev again due to the fact that the townspeople were located to it. He drove to Dolgoruk, the prince did not want to stop at what was achieved, deciding to send the ravoisi and his sons. He decided to start with Rostislav, who was reigning in Pereyaslav. But Andrei came to help her brother. Together, they managed to hide the city. Dolgoruky was also not sitting in place and, with the assistance of Prince Volodirk, re-captured Kiev. Andrei was instructed by defense in reproach, where it was possible to effectively protect the border from Volyn.

Izyaslav sent to him the messengers to ask the father about the gift of the nephew of the volosts "on Goryyn". But this time Andrei could not soften his father, who was terribly warm to Izyaslav. Then he called for assistance to the tribe of the thieves, with the help of which, and with the active assistance of Kiev, was able to take a long-suffering city again. Yuri was forced to retreat in Gorodetsky Ostersky, where Andrei arrived soon.

Defeat of Dolgoruky

In 1151, Yuri again untied the war in which Andrei showed no less valor than in the siege of Lutsk. However, everything was unsuccessful, the troops of Dolgoruky were broken. He himself was blocked in Pereyaslavla Izyaslav, and therefore was forced to swear to the nephew in the fact that he refuses his claims to Kiev, promising in a month to go to Suzdal. Andrei, in his peace-loving custom, immediately went to his beloved Suzdal, hotly persuading his father to abandon a stupid and meaningless war and follow his example. The stubborn Yuri still made another attempt to consolidate in Kiev land: he sat down in the town, but Izyaslav him again broke and, under the threat of imprisonment, managed to force uncle to leave.

Lesson of the Suzdal throne

In 1152, Andrew participated in the father's campaign to the city of Chernigov. This event was unique in that the Dolgoruk managed to put on his banners not only many Russian princes, but also the allied Polovtsy. But the city of the consolidated squad could not take, because Irayaslav Mstislavich arrived at the revenue being deposited. When, in 1155, Yuri still managed to go to Kiev throne finally, he planted Andrei to the reign in Vyshgorod. But the young prince did not like those places, and therefore he, tired of infinite strife, without the will of his father went to Suzdal Earth. In those lands, the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to the emergence of a new and very strong principality.

There is a devout Andrei taken by the Vyshgorod Clear, as well as the sword of St. Boris and the Virgin Eye, which is known today through the Orthodox world as Vladimir Icon. God's mother. By this, he so placed the local one to know that the will of his father, offended by his son because of the refusal to take the Vyshgorod throne and who joined the younger brothers Andrei, was not fulfilled: the boyars sent those rebuas, and the throne was unanimously offered to Bogolyubsky. After that, he started the reform, the result of which was the transfer of the capital of the Suzdal Principality to Vladimir.

Prince Great (1157-1174)

Mondering the bloody and destructive wars for the state, which the Father was unleashed, initially Andrei Bogolyubsky (the years of the Board - from 1157 to 1174) all his strength sent to the creation of a strong and united principality. Around 1161, he withstands a clash with a number of younger Yuryevichi, each of whom wanted to pronounce alone.

As a result, he constraints all his younger brothers, a long friendly wife and a whole pleiad of other relatives in Byzantium, where they find refuge and the patronage of Emperor Manuel I Comnin. In addition, the prince expelled almost all the boyars of his father, which brightly indicates the incredible scale of the reforms taken by him.

Relationship with church

At this time, a hot conflict was broke out with the Rostov bishop of Leon (T) Ohm, whom the prince in the interval between 1159-1164 twice expelled from the city. The cause of such an enemy enmity of the prince, distinguished by a big piousness, with the church, was the desire of the bishop to introduce the Byzantine practice. And the internal policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky was never distinguished by the desire for concessions.

We are talking about the Russian custom of the cancellation of posts on Wednesday and Friday, if that day had a church or great holiday. Bishop against such "liberty" desperately protested. This dispute was a fee of this dispute, it is not worth seeing the prince's attempt to challenge the primacy of Byzantium: similar conflicts at that time were distributed throughout Russia, not only Andrey Bogolyubsky was involved in them. In summary, it can be assumed that the uneasure of this contradiction attached and the difficult church-political situation that pretended in Russia at the time.

The fact is that Andrei seriously relieved to separate the Kiev Metropolitan from Rostov. The prince wanted to put over the Rostov Metropolis of his pet, Bishop Feodorz, \u200b\u200bwhich was contrary to the politics not only Kiev, but also the Rostov church leaders. Of course, Andrei received a categorical refusal to Constantinople Patriarch Luke Chrysherg. However, for the diligence and sincere participation of the church, the prince was given permission to transfer the bishop residence in Vladimir.

But it was done only in 1169. Because of some sharp disagreements with Feodorotz, Andrei Bogolyubsky sends himself that in Kiev, where the former bishop is cruelly executed.

Construction of monasteries

Andrei Bogolyubsky (whose historical portrait we describe) is still honored in the church not only for his reform activity in the spiritual sphere, but also for active participation in the construction of many churches and monasteries. All these architectural objects are unique in that they carry a distinct seal of Western European church construction. It was largely due to the fact that the Galician Arteels of Kamnetsians and builders took part in their erection. However, it is of interest only for architects, whereas it is completely different.

The magnificence and truly divine beauty of the temples built then showed the superiority of Orthodoxy over the pagan cults. Andrei Bogolyubsky built not only the church - he erected a strong foundation of Orthodoxy on his land.

In addition, all this contributed to the enlightenment of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth. Many foreign ambassadors, as contemporaries wrote, "Yes, see truly agrees and pour." Simply put, Andrei was also a talented missionary who contributed to the mass transition of people in Orthodoxy. The church noted it. So, the portrait of Andrei Bogolyubsky was captured on a variety of time icons.

But the prince was not at all a zealous confessor who lived in the separation from earthworks. First, we have already indicated the importance of building temples in enlightenment. Secondly, the building of the church on previously not mastered lands, Andrei contributed to their active inclusion in economic activities. The fact is that the temples were perfectly collected by grant, and they did it much better than the secular rulers. Finally, sincerely grateful to the reformer of historians.

It was Andrei Bogolyubsky, the years of the reign of which were marked by many important events, approved in the Rostov principality an orderly chroniclel, in which the most active participation took the monks of the Assumption Cathedral. There is also a helpful assumption that it was he who participated in the creation of the Charter of St. Vladimir, who to this day underlies the number of church documents.

Strengthening the Principality of Vladimirsky

Do not think that Andrey Bogolyubsky was completely deprived of power ambitions. So, the main focus of many of his reforms was the future elevation of the Vladimir Principality. All the need to subordinate to the authorities of Novgorod and Kiev rested. When the prince, who also turned out to be a talented politician, managed to solve issues with Ryazan princes, but they showed themselves as his faithful allies, participating in all Military campaigns of the Vladimir principality. Andrei Bogolyubsky is painted, Andrei Bogolyubsky begins to directly intervene in the internal policy of independent Novgorod, demanding from his confession to the throne just asked him princes.

When Svyatoslav Rostislavich, Svyatoslav Rostislavich, was hostile to the throne of Novgorod, who was hostile by Prince Vladimir, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky sent a unambiguous letter to citizens: "Whether you know: I want to look for Novgorod good and lich." The Novgorod residents were afraid of the Terrible Words, immediately expelled Svyatoslav and sat on the reign of Mstislava, who had to Andrey Bogolyubsky his native nephew. But already in 1161, the Father of Svyatoslav puts up with Andrey, and together they again put on the reign in Novgorod the expelled prince. It is not surprising that the Board of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to his confrontation with the southern princes, and the direct competitor of their independence was fairly seen in it.

Expansion of spheres of influence

By the end of the 1160s, the interests of the prince came far beyond its lands. If during the reign of Smolensk (cousin Andrei) there was a special agreement, which delimited the spheres of influence between different princes, then after his death, it was suddenly that the advantage of power in political life indicates the full superiority of the Vladimir principality. The competent policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to this.

Hike to Kiev.

When the city was conquered by Volyn Prince Mstislav Iaslavvich, who had in the allies of Galician princes and Poles, Bogolyubsky immediately went on the campaign "eleven princes." Among them were not only faithful Ryazans, but even the heirs of Rostislav Rurik and David, Roman Rostislavich Smolensky, Chernihiv Rules Oleg and Igor Svyatoslavichi, as well as Prince Dorogoguzhsky Vladimir Andreevich. Speaking modern tongueAndrei created a powerful allied coalition.

A strong and experienced army took Kiev (Andrei Bogolyubsky had a lot of personal accounts to the city) in 1169, and the "Hoodle" was plusized. However, no one sympathized with the Kievans, as a new church confrontation appeared shortly before that with them. The fact is that Metropolitan Konstantin II imposed a ban on the ministry of the Kiev-Pechora Igumen Polycarp, who supported Andrei in an memorable "post-building" dispute. After the conquest of Kiev, Andrei Gleb Yurevich was planted on his throne. In those days, it definitely pointed out that Kiev became a subordinate city. Thus, the policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky gave its fruits.

Novgorod hike

In the winter of 1169-1170, a campaign was made to Novgorod. It was connected with the intersection of the interests of the two principalities in the opposite, where at the time there was an intense colonial expansion. In battle, the Suzdal-Vladimir army was defeated. The tradition was preserved that Novgorod was able to defend only due to the wonderful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the Icon of the "sign". In honor of this event, the icon of the "Battle of Novgorod, with Suzdaltsy" was written.

However, the Novgorod men did not help too much. After a year, in the winter of 1171-1172, they were forced to recognize the power due to the fact that his troops simply blocked the coverage of bread from the southern direction. In 1172, Yuri, son of Andrei was planted at the Novgorod throne. Soon the power of him recognized and Rostislavichi, who concluded with the Bogolyubsky military union. Thus, by that time, the foreign policy of Andrei Bogolyubsky began to very much to remind the behavior of his father, Yuri Dolgoruky.

Crisis of Board

By that time, the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality expanded significantly from the Eastern direction at the expense of land (after booking the town of Radilov). In addition, the expansion occurred due to the accession of part of the northern territories. So, we managed to capture the cloud (a move).

But in the 1170s, signs of crisis in foreign and domestic politics are beginning to grow. The very fact of permanent military campaigns and military intimidation indicates that there were simply no other arguments from the Vladimir Prince, and the activities of Andrei Bogolyubsky by then was aimed at keeping power. The campaign against the Volga Bulgars arranged in 1172 was not as required supported by the Allied troops of Murom and Ryazan princes.

Social politics

Historians say that the activity of Andrei Bogolyubsky led to this position. Permanent military and fiscal pressure led to the fact that the relationship of the prince with a favor to be upset. Moreover, it concerned not only the Rostov boyars, but also those faithful to the princes of people from Vladimir, whom he elevated from the service class. Soon the relationships and Rostislavovichi were disturbed. Andrei did a denunciation, which said that his brother Gleb was poisoned, and called the names of some Kiev boyars who were involved in this. Prince demanded Rostislavichi to issue people mentioned in the den.

But they found that the denunciation does not have sufficient grounds under them, and therefore heard the order. Having accepted, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky commanded them to leave those cities in which they ruled on his will. Prince Roman obeyed, but other rulers were offended. They sent Andrei Message, in which the attitude directly pointed to Him, but warned that they would be forced to go to Prince Vladimir War, if he continues to force them to obedience.

The answer did not follow. Then Rostislavichi captured Kiev, drove away from there Brother Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod, and the reign was satisfied with Rüric's own brother. Another brother Andrei, Mikhail, who was besieged in the knife, concluded with them the Union Agreement, but at the same time demanded that Pereyaslavl switched under his hand.

Having learned about these events, Bogolyubsky sent an ambassador to the Rostislavichi brothers, who once again handed them the order to leave the cities under their jurisdiction, and to leave the ravis. The ambassador was not lucky: Mstislav, the eldest of the princes, was not used to afraid and tremble, and therefore ordered to shake the messenger and argue his beard. He commanded that by Andrei: "So far we have read you as a father ... But if you send to me ambassadors with speeches such, God will judge us." The contemporaries of Prince testified that Bogolyubsky was terribly darkened by his face, having heard such words, and after commanded to collect a huge army (up to 50 thousand) and go to Mstislava to Vyshgorod.

The social portrait of Andrei Bogolyubsky by the time the striking changes were undergoing: instead of a peacemaker and neat politician, a tough and cruel figure appeared, in which the features of his power father were more clearly visible. Ultimately this badly reflected on internal affairs Principality.

Lost influence

His chronicler about the reason with the crushing noted that the valiant in all respects Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (whose biography did not have such moments before) succumbed to irrepressible anger and Gordin, and therefore said so bold and evil words. By attaching to his army also smolyan (unwillingly), as well as the troops of some Russian princes and Polovtsy, he went hiking. That's just so well defended Vyshgorod that all the huge army appealed to flight.

Prince Andrey completely lost its influence on the southern rulers. But those were not so smoothly: in just a year later, the troubles began in their possessions, associated with the loss of the Kiev throne, and therefore Rostislavichi sent ambassadors to Bogolyubsky in order to ask him about the Kiev throne for Prince Roman. No one knows what the negotiations would end up, but at that time Andrei Bogolyubsky, the historical portrait of which we led in this article, dies.