
What to do waterproofing gender. Floor waterproofing rules


The waterproofing of the floor before the tie is necessary for two reasons: first, it prevents the penetration of moisture vapor from the basement or from the lower floor to the concrete screed, secondly, it protects the slabs of overlapping from possible water leaks in wet rooms. It is especially important to perform high-quality waterproofing of the floor before the screed on the first floor of a private house that does not have a basement. Water pairs and capillary moisture, rising from the soil, often have an acidic or alkaline environment, they actively interact with the components of concrete, and after a few years the screed can be covered with a network of cracks and start collapse.

Types of floorpiece of floor before tie

There are several ways of water waterproofing in front of the tie. In private houses without basement, a gravel-sand pillow is often used as the first layer of waterproofing. Under the base of the floor, the gravel or crushed stone is poured first, and they are tamped, and then fall asleep with sand. The resulting pillow due to the presence of air gaps between the particles prevents the capillar climbing of moisture from the soil. At the same time, it practically does not protect from water vapor, therefore additional film vapor insulation is required.

Papohydrozolation films as water waterproofing in front of the tie use not only in private homes, but also in urban apartments. Films make it possible to create a moisture-proof coating and protect the screed from water vapor and moisture emanating from the slabs of the overlap, as well as the slab itself from water leaks in wet rooms.

The third type of floorpiece of the floor in front of the tie - coating waterproofing. It is performed by mastic based on bitumen or rubber, applied to several layers. A distinctive feature Such a screed is the ability to fill any uneven surfaces, which is especially convenient with a large number of pipe penetrations.

In addition, to give concrete slabs, the overlapping of waterproofing properties can be treated with impregnating waterproofing solution. This technology is relatively new, but has already gained popularity with builders due to simplicity and efficiency. Concrete is impregnated with a solution of penetrating waterproofing over the surface from either side of the overlap, after which in the pores of concrete when interacting with its components, the growth of needle crystals that prevent moisture penetration into the thickness of concrete begins.

Gravine and sand pillow technology

Technology of performing waterproofing floor with rolled materials

Technology of performing water insulation of the floor with coating waterproofing

For reliable waterproofing of the floor before the tie, you can use not one, but several ways. For example, when waterproofing the floor in a private house without a basement, a gravel-sand pillow can be performed on top of it, lay a layer of insulation, waterproofing film, and only then mount the reinforcement and pour the screed. In the apartment on the first floor, located above the basement, you can use the penetrating waterproofing of the slabs of the ceiling in combination with rolled or coating waterproofing. In the wet rooms of apartments located on the upper floors of an apartment building, where any leakage may entail damages to neighbors, it is better to equip double waterproofing: until the screed is fulfilled on top of it. In this case, rolled materials are used under the tie, and over the screamers are made of coating waterproofing.

Clay floors are the most ancient option of floor coverings, they are currently started to enjoy popular. True, only among the narrow circle of admirers of natural buildings. Immediately we note that for all physical, technological and operational indicators, earth floors are much inferior to widespread technologies. The device of such floors requires great physical effort, a lot of time and deep knowledge of ancient technologies. Before talking about the methods of waterproofing of the earth's floor, you need to get closer to familiarize themselves with the technology of their manufacture. These knowledge will help developers to understand the weaknesses of the design and choose from several methods of waterproofing the most acceptable in a particular case.

In special articles about earthen floors, you can find a fairly large list of their advantages. But whether all the characteristics correspond to reality? Let's carefully consider some of them.

  1. Availability. This is motivated by the fact that clay there are no problems to find, it does not cost anything, etc. What is really? Not all clay is suitable, but only clean, it's not so easy to find it. Often the material lies on a fairly big depth, you need to dig career, for this you need to attract expensive earthmoving equipment. To these costs should be added to the rental of dump truck and the total amount is no longer so available to developers.

  2. Cheapness. Again, lovers of natural houses argue this advantage of free clay. But here everything is not so simple. First, except clay, it will take pure sand, gravel, waterproofing materials, tools for finish finish. Secondly, it is better to use mechanical machines for the trimmer, and they will have to pay for them. Another significant cost of expenses is the finish coating of the earth's floor. Clay is covered with several layers of natural oil and wax. And their cost is much higher than the prices of the most modern and high-quality paints. And the last large cost of expenses - to repair earthen floors after mechanical damage or flooding, it will take not only a lot of time, but also means.

  3. Easy to fill the floor. We will not consider the issue of the technology of manufacturing a saman clay solution, talk about it below. Let's tell about the "simplicity of the fill" from the point of view of an ordinary builder. Earth floors can only be done after the building is connected under the roof, otherwise the sediment will destroy all the work. Before starting the device of the earth floor, you need to prepare for them, then take the land, bring sand and gravel, to the ravarity of them, to make waterproof and only after this pour the clay floor. Calculate the approximate scope of work for a small house with a total area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2. According to the technology, the depth of the pit 50-60 cm, to facilitate the calculations, we take a depth of 50 cm. After simple arithmetic calculations, we define the volume of earthworks: 100 m 2 × 0.5 m \u003d 50 m 3. It is so much earth that you need to dig a shovel and remove the car on a wooden ladder, because the house should be under the roof. The same volume of sand, gravel and clays need to be delivered, and again from the technology only handwheel and shovel. It is easy to guess that for such a volume of work you need a lot of time, and if it is not, you will have to hire builders brigades that do not work for free. If you have free time, it is more expedient to spend it with a greater benefit than running with a shovel and a wheelbarrow in your hands.

  4. Ecology. This concept is abused by all construction companies and manufacturers. This environmental friendliness cannot be in principle. For the manufacture of any products you need energy, and it is not environmentally friendly. In addition, as raw materials are used natural materials. Extracting them from the natural environment always brings harm to nature, where is the "environmental friend"? We believe that such words make no sense to use, there is a reason to talk about the harm of building materials for the health of residents. According to this indicator, earth (clay) floors are really harmless. But it is not their unique advantage. Similarly, harmless and natural sawn timber, ceramic tile etc.

  5. Clay floor accumulates solar energy. Yes, this is true, the massive floor can accumulate a large number of thermal energy and then give it to the room. But these laws of thermodynamics apply to all bodies (materials): brick, concrete, iron, etc.
  6. Earth floors can be done with heated. It is true, you can. But the question is whether? Firstly, they will definitely have cracks for them, for which it will be possible to see the layout of the heating system. Secondly, the technology of laying of earth floors prescribes that the minimum coating thickness must be about 20 cm. Such a large weight of clay has a huge heat inertia. In order to feel the heating effect, it will take several hours. Another problem is relatively high thermal conductivity, due to which heat loss increases. Under the earthen floors will have to be installed heat insulation, and this not only significantly increases the cost of the structure, but also requires rather complex special construction solutions.

We hope that this information will be useful for those who plan to make earthen floors.

Types of waterproofing of earth floors

If for other building materials of floor coatings, elevated moisture is considered an unpleasant, but non-critical physical indicator, then earthen floors with high humidity Cannot be operated at all. In connection with these issues of their waterproofing, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention. Building technology recommends applying the following materials for waterproofing of earthen floors.

Table. Types of materials for waterproofing of earthlights.

NamePhysical properties and features of application

This type includes polyethylene film, rubberoid and bitumen coatings based on non-woven materials. Different with complete waterproofability, universal use. The service life is at least fifty years.

It has low indicators of the capillary lift of moisture, for complete waterproofing, sufficiently thickness is quite 20 cm. Use as a single waterproofing layer is problematic due to the fact that there is a possibility of filling the aircraft between sands or other material with high capillary conductivity. It is recommended to use only for the arrangement of the complex waterproofing of the earthy floor.

It uses quite often and not only as a waterproofing layer, but also as a base for an earth floor. Disadvantage - complete waterproofing can provide a layer of washed sand with a thickness of at least 50 centimeters. This is a lot, in practice, sand is used in conjunction with other materials.

The choice of material for waterproofing of earthen floors is an important moment when they are constructed, but not decisive. Decisive is considered to be the complete compliance with the recommended technologies and stages of waterproofing..

Waterproofing technology

For example, consider the technology of making earth floors with detailed description Stages and possible waterproofing options.

Step 1. Preparatory stage. Make a plan of your actions, prepare materials. Laying floors need to be done with the longest room, keep in mind that transport construction Materials According to finished earth coatings, it is strictly prohibited. We will have to remove and feed materials through windows, and this significantly complicates the construction process.

Determine the nomenclature of waterproofing materials and their number. Professional builders are recommended during the arrangement of earthen floors for waterproofing to use sand with a polyethylene film or rubberoid. The film thickness is at least 200 microns, it is necessary to put it at least two layers. Ruberoid can be used both ordinary cheap and expensive on non-woven materials coated with modified bitumen.

Calculate the volume of sand and clay if an earthen floor is prepared from the Saman, then the fillers used should be prepared: wooden sawdust, straw, etc. Recommendations for the thickness of each earth floor layer will be given in step by step instructions. For the manufacture of the floor, you will need straw, sand, clay, natural flaxseed oil, natural wax, mineral solvent, paint. Earth floor consists of the following layers.

The size of the layers can be corrected at its discretion, but it is not recommended to reduce the thickness of the clay.

Step 2. Remove excess ground from the room: a fertile layer and organic layers. Note around the perimeter of the foundation of the room zero level.

Zero level is the location of the upper surface of the floor. From the zero level, the mark should be made, each point should indicate the thickness of the corresponding floor cake layer. Horizontal lines around the perimeter of the foundation are made with a rope with blue, the thickness of the cake is determined by a laser or water level. If you do not have a laser instrument, then the hydroelector can be made independently from an ordinary plastic transparent flexible hose with a diameter of about 5 mm. The length of the hose must be a few meters to exceed the diagonal of the room.

Important! While filling the hose with water, follow the air traffic jams that are not formed. If they are, the testimony of the hydroeer will be distorted.

Horizontal lines around the perimeter of the foundation should be applied in such a sequence:

  • with the help of a roulette, take away the vertical points indicating the thickness of each cake layer;
  • cut the first label one end of the flexible plastic hose;
  • go for a few steps and cut to the foundation summer end end of the hose;
  • lower / raise it until the water level in the second end is equal to the first label;
  • pencil put a new label on the foundation. It should be located exactly at the water level in the second end.

On the same algorithm, make markup throughout the perimeter, and then connect the points located at one height, horizontal lines. Such simple marking will allow control of the height of the layers during the work of work.

Step 3. Align soil. The difference in height at the extreme points of the room should be ± 2 cm. On run meter This value cannot exceed one centimeter. Check the parameters are recommended by rule or long level. Remove the burdock from the pit.

Step 4. Take rubble, layer thickness can fluctuate for several centimeters. Clean the crushed stone carefully, can do it with a manual device or a mechanical tamping machine. The second option makes it much easier and accelerates the process, in addition, it makes it possible to get high-quality traam.

On a note! If you tram the crushed stone manually, then it should be at least two stages. The thickness of each layer is not more than 10 cm, the second is poured only after the final tamper and alignment of the first.

Step 5. If you live in the regions with a cold climate, we strongly recommend making insulation. To do this, you can use quite strong polyurethane sheets, the thickness of thermal insulation is at least 10 cm. Of course, such a floor is already difficult to call natural, but health should be in the first place. On the smooth sheets of the insulation, by the way, it is possible to install any waterproofing, including a polyethylene film without fears and additional construction measures. And one more advantage of polyurethane foam - it effectively interrupts the capillary supply of moisture and serves as an excellent hydrobarier. For such an option, there is often no need to apply additional materials for the hydraulic protection of the earth's floor.

Step 6. If you do not want to warm the floor, then the gravel is applied with a layer of sainted dry sand. Turn the material is also in two stages.

Important! The better the foundation will be tamped, the better the quality and durability of the earthen sex. Remember that insufficiently rammed layers will necessarily give a natural shrinkage. Air chambers are formed between the clay upper layer and the base. As a result, the floor will break a little or give cracks. We have to repair the surface, and it is not easy to do. These are not two boards to change, it is necessary to perform many preparatory construction operations and re-restoring the front surface of the earth's floor.

Step 7. If you do not have a waterproof insulation, then waterproofing should be placed on the sand. You can use rolled modern materials or polyethylene film. The joints of rolled materials to miss the mastic and glue the need for the problem of waterproofing to interrupt the capillar climb of water, and not to restrain the direct contact. The lower layer of the earthquake must lie above the level of groundwater, we have already mentioned.

On a note! It is much more profitable for waterproofing to use a polyethylene film, it is cheaper and allows one whole piece of waterproofing the entire room. In terms of reliability, the film is not inferior to rolled materials, and the duration of operation even exceeds them. Why? The fact is that the chief "enemy" of polyethylene is a rigid ultraviolet radiation. Under its influence, the intermolecular bonds of polymers are gradually destroyed, they lose plasticity and become fragile. Under the influence of minor bending efforts, the film cracks into small pieces. Several layers of earthlight completely exclude the penetration of ultraviolet rays, the film works in ideal conditions. Bitumen, on the basis of which most rolled waterproofing materials are manufactured, loses its initial properties as a result of slow chemical reactions with oxygen. And this chemical element There are in all layers of cake, the process of expansion of bitumen proceeds in continuous mode, albeit slow.

Step 8. Prepare the first basic layer of the Samana, it takes 25% of clay from total and 75% of sand for its manufacture. For hardening, it is possible to add chopped straw (traditional old version) or plastic fiber ( modern option Samana). Components need to be thoroughly mixed with the addition of water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. By consistency, the solution must resemble a fatty sour cream. Purses put into the room prepared mass and pour it into waterproofing. Rule and grout align the mass. If there is a desire, then under the floor can be mounted a water or electrical system of heating. But we have already mentioned that cracked can form on the earth's semi.

The thickness of the base layer of the samana is about 10 cm. After a day, there will be deep cracks on it, they must be embedded with clay.

Step 9. After drying the first layer, the second is falling asleep, and after drying it - the third one. IN natural houses The horizontal of the floor does not play a large value, the parameter is controlled by the eye. If you are not sure of your practical skills of mass leveling or you want to have a smooth earth floor, then it is necessary to align the mixture by lighthouses.

Thick boards served in the old days, after frozen clay they were not taken out. If you wish to remove lighthouses, then the boards for a while you need to wrap a polyethylene film. It does not stick to it, the lighthouses will not take out big problems. In the future, the grooves should be carefully lured by one or pure clay. Remember that the earth floor surface will never be perfectly smooth, during the grout try only to hide the samana fillers. Small recesses will always arise due to the different density of the material and, as a result, of various shrinkage during drying.

For the finish coating of the surface, linen is used, the number of coating layers is at least seven. Each layer should dry 12-18 hours, a specific time depends on the ambient air temperature and the efficiency of natural ventilation. You can accelerate the process of drying the oil. To do this, set it about a month in the sun, cover the gauze. Otherwise, various insects will fall into the container. Due to natural weathering, the oil will become thick, before use it must be diluted with an organic solvent.

For improvement external view After drying the oil, the floor can be gratened with natural wax.

Video - clay floor in the house

Practical Recommendations for Earthwide Waterproofing

If you accurately perform all the recommendations described, the earth floor can serve for quite a long time.

Video - Earth-Floor Construction Technology

Concrete floor, along with other types of flooring, needs waterproofing. Concrete itself has some waterproof, but with long-term contact with moisture, it begins to collapse, and unprotected joints between the floor and the wall can provoke a number of serious problems.

For waterproofing concrete floor, both traditional and more modern methods. Consider the technologies of their use, and we analyze the features of the protection of the floor depending on the type of room.

The need for waterproofing concrete floor

Concrete floors are often used in the arrangement of residential and non-residential premises. They are a good basis for laying all sorts of floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet.

Concrete - hygroscopic material, gradually absorbing moisture. In order to save expensive flooring from contact with moisture, on top of a concrete floor (before tie), a layer of a protective barrier is installed. The waterproofing material prevents the contact of the finishing materials with water vapor.

On the first floors of industrial structures and basements, a layer of waterproofing must be stacked over sandy, well-tamped, pillows.

The waterproofing of concrete floor significantly reduces the risk of a number of problems, namely:

Materials for protecting the concrete floor and the specifics of their use

Exist various methods Waterproofing concrete floor. Price, application technology, service life and technical characteristics of the protective layer depend on the material used.

Roll waterproofing. The most common method in which roll materials are used on a bitumen basis. They are two types: floors and self-adhesive.

The advantages of flood materials such as rubberoid include their durability and availability of price. However, they have substantial disadvantages:

  • the need to use during the installation of gasoline or gas burner, which is not always convenient and permissible (especially in small rooms);
  • when heated is highlighted nasty smell and harmful smoke;
  • laying the runneroid requires the subsequent fill of an additional screed - it increases the load on the foundation and reduces the height of the ceilings.

A decent alternative to the traditional rubberoid - rolled materials on an adhesive basis. They are more comfortable in laying and create a high level of moisture protection.

Caution waterproofing. This method gradually displaces rolled waterproofing. Various bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer and bitumen mastics are used. Thanks to plasticizers and special fillers contained in the mastic, the waterproofing layer is solid and elastic.

Some manufacturers add components that prevent the development of fungus and the rise of mold.

Before applying mastic, it is desirable to handle a special primer - this will increase the adhesion of the waterproofing layer with concrete base

Often, protective mastic is sold complete with primer (their composition should have the same main component).

The main advantages of coating waterproofing are economical and simplicity of material.

Cement-polymer mastic can be put on the reinforcing mesh, resulting in a layer of waterproofing and screed at the same time

Penetrating waterproofing You can use as an additional or basic measure of the protection of the concrete floor. The following subgroups of penetrating waterproofing are distinguished:

  1. Concrete - allows you to increase the density, strength and frost resistance of the material. Used as an additive in the manufacture of waterproof concrete structures or to create a protective reinforcing layer.
  2. Polymer cement - can be used for processing concrete, wooden and brick floors. The material is characterized by high adhesion with the surface, environmentally harmless and easy to use.
  3. Cement inorganic waterproofing is used for the processing of concrete floor and walls (relevant for pools, baths, bathrooms).

On the layer of penetrating waterproofing, you can lay ceramic tiles

Flew waterproofing It is used to protect the foundation or floor in wet rooms. Bulk material is covered in the pre-constructed formwork. As a filler, you can use: perlite sand, ashes, mineral wool, concrete (when moisturizing turns into a waterproof gel).

Filing waterproofing reliable, has a long service life, but its installation is a rather time-consuming and expensive process.

Features of the waterproofing of concrete floor in different rooms

Concrete protection in the house and bathroom

When the floor is waterproofing in residential rooms at home or apartments, painting or coating technology is used. This will be enough to provide flooring, and the room as a whole, protection against excessive humidity.

A water resistant paint can be applied to the surface of the floor, which contains polymers capable of clinging concrete pores. To increase the efficiency of the waterproofing layer, the paint is desirable to apply in 2-3 layers.

Waterproofing work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, as the paint has a strong smell

Since the bathroom is a place with high humidity and a high risk of leaks, here it is better to use inlet or coating waterproofing - it is more durable and reliable.

For such work, self-adhesive rolled material, bitumen or synthetic mastic are well suited.

Video of the waterproofing of concrete floor in the bathroom is presented below

Waterproofing floor in the garage and basement

It is particularly carefully necessary to perform waterproofing of concrete floor in the garage, since the permanent excess of humidity can lead to rotting and damage. Shot negative consequences will help ventilation, but not long.

Types of concrete waterproofing:

  • device on the soil;
  • device overlaid.

Waterproofing on the soil is performed at the time of arrangement of the base under the floors. A roll material (polymer membrane, bituminous reference or polyethylene, with a thickness of about 1 mm) fit for work. When laying the material, the launch of the walls should be at least 10 cm. The waterproofing layer must lie smoothly, without the formation of "waves" and breaks.

When the flooring in the garage above the basement (overlapping), a layer of rubberoid or bitumen mastic can be used as protection. However, if the plans are the manufacture of the observation pit in the garage, it will not be that it will not be from such waterproofing.

If there is a basement in the garage, the only correct way is to make waterproofing concrete floor in the basement itself.

There are three types of floor insulation of the floor in the basement:

  • anti-blocking - protection of the floor from capillary water;
  • non-pressure - protection against floods and rains;
  • anti-Final - protection from groundwater.

Perform high-quality waterproofing of the floor different ways. One of the most reliable is the laying of the "cake", in which the floor level rises to a height of about 50 cm.

Stacking sequence of layers as follows:

  1. crushed stone (layer thickness - about 2 cm);
  2. grease clay;
  3. subtle layer of concrete;
  4. layer of waterproofing mastic;
  5. rolled waterproofing (2 layers in a row);
  6. subtle layer of concrete;
  7. reinforced concrete screed.

For the waterproofing of concrete floor in the basement, it is not recommended to use membranes and films - they are not able to withstand friction about the foundation during the seasonal shift of the soil, and will not cope with pressure groundwater

Concrete protection in the bath

Some believe that in the bath it is not necessary to make waterproofing concrete floor, as the air temperature is very high and the humidity will evaporate. However, it is not. Very often, due to the incorrectly performed penetrating waterproofing of concrete, the floor in the bath is not heated. In addition to discomfort, it can lead to the destruction of the floor covering.

To protect concrete bins excess moisture, you can apply penetrating waterproofing. To do this, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor, align it, is predicted and coated with cement, polymer cement or concreting waterproofing composition.

Competently made waterproofing concrete floor in the bath will save the elements of the structure from premature destruction and improve the microclimate in the steam room.

Waterproofing concrete floor with their own hands

Preparatory stage

For waterproofing work, it is necessary to pre-prepare the premises, namely:

Technology covered with rolled materials

For rolled waterproofing, the evenness of the surface is very important, so before work it is necessary to check again, so that the gap between the level and the floor did not exceed 2 cm.

The work sequence is as follows:

When laying a waterproofing material, it is necessary to follow, so that the backstage between the canvas was at least 1 cm

If when laying a roll "left" to the side, it must be trimmed and level the direction of the canvas with a new cut. When the bubble is formed, it is cut, they produce air, re-smeared with mastic and glued to the concrete base. The renovated swollen place should be smoothed by the spatula.

Technology of applying seamless waterproofing (coating)

Alone and in a short time, it is possible to make a coating waterproofing of a concrete floor. Mastic application technology does not require a perfectly smooth surface - the floor is quite suitable or spectacle. Make a wet ruffle is undesirable.

The procedure for applying waterproofing mastic:

During drying, moisture, dust and foreign objects should not fall on the waterproofing layer

You can lay on dry waterproofing flooring: Tile, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, etc.

As you can see, protect the concrete floor from humidity can be independently, the main thing is to choose the power of waterproofing and stick to its laying.

Ensuring the waterproofing of the floor and walls of the building is important both in terms of the stability of the building on the foundation and as a preventive measure that prevents the destructive impact of the external environment on the elements of the foundation and structure.

Specialists identify external waterproofing, providing for a series of actions, the main purpose of which is to prevent the penetration of moisture from atmospheric precipitation into the structure of structural elements of the structure.

The second type of waterproofing, performed for the walls and floor of the basement or the base of the building, provides for insulation of these elements from the external influence from groundwater.

The need to perform the operation for the floor is due to the possibility of penetration or absorption of moisture with the surface of its wooden elements, which will lead to dampness and destruction. In addition, the presence of moisture in the structure brick masonry Or on the surface of concrete can lead to the appearance of fungal formations. And this, in turn, is fraught not only by the worsening of the appearance of the premises and the poor smell, but also may be a threat to human health.

Properly made waterproofing of floors prevents the penetration of moisture into elements that violates their functional characteristics and appearance.

  • The waterproof of the first type (external), excluding the penetration of atmospheric precipitationThis includes the execution of the scene during the construction of the structure, refers to the external type of work from the quality, which will depend on the durability of the construction of the structure. The scene is a concrete area with a slope away from the building and a width of about 50-100 cm, which is performed throughout the perimeter of the structure in order to remove the water formed during the fallout and melting of snow. If necessary, depending on the level of groundwater at the construction site, it is possible to perform a drainage system for the removal of groundwater from the building.
  • Depending on the purpose of the premises, the requirements for it and the materials used, it is possible to use various hydraulic protection circuits, while the main parameter ensures the quality of the operation will be the continuity of the waterproof layer and the degree of flatness of the floor surface. The flatness of the surface treatment is important in the case of the use of materials having an adhesive base, which will reduce the characteristics of the adhesion of the composition during its contact with dirt or dust.

Waterproofing with liquid base can be several versions:

  • Lata is made from the melting and fluidity of blending mixtures heated to the mixture of bitumen with the addition of polymers and plasticizers. Waterproofing of the floor in front of the screed for the formation of a smooth plane of the film, the molten material is applied by a homogeneous layer on the surface prepared under the base. For the surface of the foundations under the floor in the garage or draft structures, the masts of bitumen-rubber type are used, applied by a single layer or in several steps to form a film with a thickness of up to 100 mm.

  • Insulation by type of impregnation is performed using brushes, spatulas, sprayers through special devices. After drying from the liquid structure of the material, a film is formed. good properties By passing air, but excluding the adhesion of water-based mixtures.

Materials for water protection rooms

One of the indicators of the quality of repair of the room is in the apartment in front of the tie, to perform the structures based on glass or cardboard with fillers in the form of shavings or small particles of basalt or bitumen.

Classic materials for the implementation of waterproofs are represented by rubberoid, tole and glassberoid.

The modern compositions of the materials used to create a waterproof layer are represented by polymer membranes having several layers and combining the properties of hydro, and thermal insulation compositions. This is especially true when waterproofing for a warm floor in an apartment or cottage buildings.

In general, compositions on the basis of which the waterproof ability of the materials used is reached on:

  • Structures with self-adhesive properties are produced in the form and are characterized by a high adhesive ability when mounting to the surface of the base. This type of waterproofing is performed before the device of a dry type screed or before carrying out a cement-sand tie of the floor. The basis of the compositions used in this case is polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene films.
  • They are penetrating materials that have a high degree of plasticity and made on the basis of resins with various compositions, softened rubber, polymers, rubber, bitumen with fillers in the form of plasticizers and additives to give special properties. In the buildings of a residential type of mastic are used in cases where waterproofing of baths, pools, pools and saunas are used for treatment of floors, seams and joints, creating tightness and waterproof of these objects. Inside the type of mastic is divided into compositions used without the need for preheating and requiring heating to softening the structures before visco-plastic state. The surface treatment with the use of polymer-cement type mastic can be combined with reinforcement, and the structure that provides a screed and water protection.

  • Waterproofing under the screed using liquid materials is an extensive group of water repellent and waterproof materials having a different viscosity used to carry out a local work or applying a solid coating. The basis of the structures of this type is varnishes, paints, primers and injection mixtures, characterized in that they are created on the surface of the coating of wood and concrete, a thin waterproof structure having high strength.

Waterproofing waterproofing provides for the use of the latest types of material of this class, which, during solidification, after applying to the surface, form structures with the properties of the hydraulic protection, while preserving the ability of air.

  • Powder type materials are, plasticizers, glue and viscous components used in various proportions depending on the requirements of the requirements. These dry mixes before applying are diluted with water in accordance with the recommendations in the application instructions and are used both in industrial and housing construction, for example, if concrete floor is insolation in the garage, for the surface of basements and walls of pools.

Waterproofing methods

When choosing from a wide range offered for construction work Materials It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the substance from which the base is made, the type of room and the conditions of use.

The most popular methods of applying materials on the treated surface are:

  • The coating appearance at which a layer with a thickness of no more than 2-3 mm is formed using a roller or brush with a waterproofing properties. The filler for a mixture of such a composition, as a rule, add materials with anti-grapple and anti-corrosion properties. The main components of the composition in this case are polymer-bitumen mixtures heated to the desired temperature, the structure based on rubber-epoxy mixtures. Plasticizers, latex or rubber chips are used as a filler, the use of these materials facilitates the application and high adhesive properties. To eliminate the formation of signs of the destruction of the structure after shrinkage, the increase in the strength and durability of the layer is recommended to carry out waterproofing of the floor under the tie with the reinforcement of the Fiber structure. The disadvantages of this method relate to short term Coating services not exceeding 5 years.

  • The painting type is applied to the prepared surface of the composition based on paints of polymer or bitumen composition. Depending on the consistency of the structure in each case, its distribution over the surface is performed using brushes, rollers, spatulas. This type of protection provides high insulation rates, however, has disadvantages similar to the previous type of hypostation. Waterproof layer of this type, despite a small thickness component of several mm, provides sufficient protection against moisture and steam transmission, lack of fungal lesion of a concrete screed material or base. In view of these qualities, the device of waterproofing the floor of the painting and coating type is practiced during the repair of residential premises and apartments.

To perform high-quality waterproofing of the paint type, it is important to use rollers, brushes and high-quality brushes, eliminating the loss of hardness or pile particles. The implementation of the method implies a sequential application to the prepared surface of several layers of the mixture composition and is used to provide the required characteristics for the floor of concrete or wood.

To obtain high-quality waterproofs, it is critical with any method of its implementation to ensure the continuity of the coating. In addition, in the contact places of waterproofing layer with walls of the room or other surfaces having a level difference with the floor, in addition to continuity, a rise is needed relative to the floor level at a height of more than 300 mm. This requirement is critical in the case where waterproofing under the warm floor is carried out.

  • Powered hydraulic waste is very sensitive to stresses on compression or shift, Therefore, this waterproofing is not carried out when the floor protection is performed in places of presence of rigid-type structures based on reinforced concrete, brick or concrete. Waterproofing of the inlet type is performed by mounting on a specially prepared surface of the base, purified from garbage and dust, waterproof insulating material.

The inlet technology in which waterproofing of the surface of the base and gender is carried out, in most cases, it is carried out by applying material into several layers and is carried out by one of three methods:

  • Lata waterproofing is performed using gas-type burners, soldering stations or devices for feeding heated air. Waterproofing of the floor screed is carried out by laying the prepared material using the molten material to fasten the sheets to the surface of the base and between the molten material, ensures no water permeability. This method is used to produce monolithic structures before making a sandy-cement screed, while the material that provides the properties of waterproofing, is placed in several layers with the reinforcement of the space between them using a fiberglass or metal mesh. Usually the thickness of this coating for concrete screeds is in the range of 5-15 cm with a high degree of flatness and diffusion of preheated composition in the pores of the building material.

  • In this case, materials having a special adhesive base or prepared structures of glue and mastic special composition are applied to aligned and pre-treated planes under the surface of the future floor. Mastic for the floorproofing of the floor has a number of advantages in relation to other types of consistency of the material structures to ensure the hydraulic protection of the room. First of all, it can be applied to the layer of necessary thickness, if necessary, ensuring the alignment of the floor surface, in the second plastic viscous structure of the material allows you to fill the smallest depressions of the structures, which helps to reduce the water permeability.
  • Distribution at which the materials for waterproofing of the floor are laid out under the basis of a prepared surface with fixation using a combination of the bracket and fixing the sticky tape. A similar scheme is used when performing a rough type of waterproofing or when pouring the screeds under the floor, while the size of the material is more than 15 cm.

  • The plaster method at which the composition used is based on cement mortar With filling with polymer and knitting additives is characterized by a high degree of filling of voids. The solution of plaster has a sufficient degree of plasticity for leveling the surface, eliminate cracks and cracks and can be applied to the surface of various materials. Waterproofing floor in the garage, ensuring tightness before performing a screed when working with a stone, concrete, wood and tiles - a far from the full range of methods.

When performing plastering waterproofs to complete solidification, which occurs within a few weeks, it is necessary to eliminate excess dryness of the surface. This is achieved using moisture every few hours during the first day after coating and several wetting throughout each week in the subsequent period of drying time.

In addition, the plastering type of waterproofs has a flowing variety, the essence of which is that materials with the properties of hardness, when contacting with moisture in a bulk state, fill the space necessary for processing. The materials used to perform this type of protection include: perlite-based sand, concrete, mineral wool, ash. After that, when exposed to moisture, a uniformly applied layer of absorbent material absorbs moisture, for some time it hardens, after which a waterproof layer of high strength is formed on the surface.

Video about waterproofing

The qualitative performance of waterproofing provides for thorough cleaning and preparation of the surface to coating, which provides for the achievement of high flatness of the processed areas. Right choice Materials and compliance with the technology of water protection will ensure the absence of excessive humidity of the room, fungal formations and unpleasant odors in it.

The floorproofing of the floor protects the room not only from the penetration of moisture from the outside, but does not protect against the leaks from the room.

Why do we need waterproofing

In the apartment, waterproofing is made in front of the device wet screed so that the water does not leave the cement mortar and the screed of dried uniformly. In a private house, special attention is paid to the waterproofing of the basement, garage and the first floor. In the basement, waterproofing protects the house from the penetration of soil, storm, drainage waters and water sewage. If you incorrectly made a cesspool or built a toilet with a pit instead of a filtering system, then sooner or later wastewater get to your home.

Main types of waterproofing

According to regulatory documents and work practices, possible next species Floor waterproofing:

  • Waterproofing by pasting rolled materials;
  • Paint water waterproofing;
  • Waterproofing monolithic;
  • Waterproofing plaster;
  • Impregnating waterproofing of porous surfaces;
  • Flew waterproofing.

In practice, for furniture of floors in apartments and private houses, apply Rolled waterproofing, including a simple flooring polyethylene film for floating screeds pilot waterproofing Liquid polymer mastic. Less often, monolithic waterproofing from waterproof solutions or mastics based on bitumen (asphalt) is made. For concrete floors, the liquid penetrating waterproofing of penetron and lonely compositions is becoming popular.

The main principle of inlet and painting waterproofing

  • Proper waterproofing of floors should include waterproofing and seams: stove plate (joints), wall-stove, wall-wall (angle). In addition, it is necessary to isolate all the covered holes and cracks in the floor. An example of waterproofing in the bathroom can be viewed on video:
  • The waterproofing layer is applied not only to the floor, but also scorches on the walls by 15-20 cm.
  • Any waterproofing needs to be protected from damage to the screed.

Types of insulating materials

Consider the types of insulating materials used in repairs, apartments and houses. Three main types of insulating materials used during the repair of residential premises can be distinguished.

  • Polymer mastic;
  • Polymer cement dry mixes;
  • Rolled insulating materials.

We will analyze each type of insulating materials.

Polymer Mastics for Waterproofing

Polymeric mastic are used in painting waterproofing.

1. In a small space of apartments, liquid polymer mastic, this is the most popular waterproofer. Its popularity is determined by ease of use.

2. Mastics are sold in the finished form, in buckets. According to the consistency, it resembles a thick "Kisel". Such mastics from polymers divorced water are produced. Polyurethanes, rubber, acrylic, butadiene styrene, and the like are taken as polymers.

3. They are applied to almost any surface: concrete, cement ties and plaster, dry-fiber plates, Knauf Superfield, and the like.

4. Liquid masts are applied to dry, dust painted with brush or roller. Application is recommended at least two layers. Save mastic 12-14 hours. After drying, a waterproofing layer resembling rubber is formed. To avoid skipping, in isolation, mastic makes color, usually blue or light green.

5. The relative drawback of such mastics is a high price.

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Technology painting waterproofing

The surface that needs to be processed is usually all the joints of the walls and the floor in the room, you need to clean the fat and paint. The surface on which the mastic will be priced, primer deep penetration (do not confuse with surface primer, it will close the surface, and the mastic does not penetrate into the surface).

After drying, the primer is applied mastic. A mastic is applied with a brush or a narrow roller. It is important to miss the entire surface without skipping. The bathroom covers the floor mastic and 20 cm wall plus all the angles. In the room in which the screed will be placed, only the corners and joints of the floor and walls are covered. There should be no passage of the surface of the surface of non-missing mastic. It is better to put the mastic twice, this is guaranteed to provide waterproofing.

Waterproofing floor with polymer-cement dry mixtures

This type of waterproofing refers to plaster waterproofing. Polymer cement dry mixtures This is a building mixture, which includes cement and polymer additives. Usually it is a one-component mixture that is prepared by diluting with water.

In fact, this is a plaster solution with a high elasticity of the solution, which after the frozen does not miss moisture. Usually, such polymeric mixtures are plastering the walls of bathrooms and toilets and walls of "looking" to the street.

Technology plastering waterproofing

Dry mixtures, for waterproofing, storage angles are stuffed. Waterproofing places are cleaned with a metal brush. The surface of the concrete is moistened. A sour cream solution is prepared, which are stored angles in the entire room. The second layer is applied no later than after 6 hours. It describes the total technology, the features of each mixture read on the package of the purchased mixture.

Roll insulating materials

Roll insulating materials can be called traditional material. In the repair of apartments they found wide use in the device cement-sand ties. Here you need to distinguish between rolled insulating materials according to the laying method. The separation here is simple, some materials are glued, that is, they have a sticky edge, other materials need to be adjusted, that is, fasten them with a gas burner.

Floor Waterproofing Roll Materials - Technology

Concrete floor need to be cleaned of dirt and dust. There should be no construction garbage on the surface. (He can damage the insulator). The self-adhesive rolled material is stacked with an inquiry of equal edge width with glue. The walls are on the walls 15-20 cm.

That's all! I remind you poland waterproofing Mandatory in the bathroom and other "wet" premises, at the joints of the floor and walls in the rooms with a liquid floor and screed. Mandatory waterproofing with rolled materials when the cement-sand tie device. In some cases, the rolled waterproofer is changed to a polyethylene film.