
How to treat ulcerative balanopostitis. What is dangerous Balantostitis in men

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Balanopostit - The disease characterized by inflammation of the head (Balanit) and an internal leaflet of the first-flesh of the penis (will post). Among the urological diseases, its prevalence is quite large. The reason for the occurrence of the Balanopostitis usually serves a banal infection having polyamicrobial etiology, namely yeast fungi, streptococci, fuzospiplosis symbiosis. All these pathogens can be sexually transmitted.

Quite often, Balanopostitis develops on the background common diseasescontributing to the weakening of natural skin resistance to pathological microorganisms and alien agents. These are diseases such as hypovitaminosis, allergies. In addition, there are various local predisposing factors - incorrect hygiene, narrowness of extreme flesh, injury to the penis.

All this contributes to the accumulation of the edge of the gland of the first-flesh of the penis - Smegma. It is gradually going under the skin of the head, which leads to its inflammation. Long inflammation of an internal sheet of extremely flesh or genital head is dangerous by its complications. Most often, this is manifested in a decrease in sensitivity, and, as a result, violation of the quality of sexual life.

In addition, the inflammatory process can spread to the urethra, causing the development of urethritis, the narrowing of the urethra and impairment of urination. However, the most severe effects of Balantostite are phyms and malignant neoplasms of the penis.

Symptoms of Blanopostita

Signs of the disease on each of the stages are manifested in different ways and have different intensity. For example, all the symptoms of Balantostite in acute form can be divided into 3 groups:

    Minor skin lesions.They are accompanied by a torment, burning in the field of the head of the penis, as well as redness and swelling of the skin in this place. Often, the duration of sexual act is significantly reduced, premature ejaculation occurs.

    Changes in the skin of the penis head.It is manifested in the form of thinning of the mucosa and dryness of the skin, cracks and yasers on the extreme flesh or head of the penis. The narrowing of the extreme flesh makes it difficult to expose the head. All of these symptoms of balanopostitis lead to a painful sexual intercourse.

    The appearance of pathological discharges.At this stage, the selection of Smerage (secrets of the sebaceous glands) becomes so intense that it can even soak underwear, although at the normal state of the health of the reshegma stands out in small volumes and usually does not cause a man of concern. Purulent allocations from ureyeing Canal. In some cases, it is possible to increase the temperature and the appearance of general weakness.

All of the above symptoms of balanopostite can manifest themselves either separately or in various combinations. In any case, if the first signs occurrence, the disease should immediately consult a doctor.

By the nature of the course of the disease, the following forms of balanopostitis are distinguished:

    Simple form (Catarial Balanopostitis).It is characterized by swelling, redness and maceration (wet softening) of an internal leaf of extreme flesh and the skin of the head, followed by the formation of erosion foci of different magnitude and outlines with purulent discharges. All this is accompanied by a light itching and burning.

    Erosive form.This form of balanopostitis is distinguished by the appearance of swollen white sections of a dead epithelium, subsequently passing into sharply defined painful erosion of bright red color with a brim of maceration along the edge. The complication of this process may be phimosis. In many cases, there is also painful groin lymphadenitis or regional lymphangitis.

    Gangrenose form.The flow of gangrenous balanopostitis is accompanied by a common weakness and fever. Against the background of a sharp swelling and redness of the extreme flesh and the head of the penis form deep purulent necrotic ulcers of various sizes are formed. Healing of ulcers occurs very slowly, as a rule, develops.

In all cases, the diseases of the Balanopostitis must first be handed over to exclude this disease. In the relevant medical institution, it will be studied for the definition of the causative agent of syphilis - pale treponym, they will hold confrontation and serological reactions.

Uretritis is a frequent satellite of Balantostite. Bacteria that dwell on the head of the penis, will not work up to rise up the urethra and cause its inflammation. Most often, the symptoms of urethritis are observed for 3-7 days from the manifestation of the Balantostite.

Symptoms of infection:

    Hyperemia of the extreme flesh, appearance on it white Nalea, rash, erosion;

    Burning and painful sensations during the emptying of the bladder;

    The emergence of pathological discharge from the urethra;

    The presence of a chronic focus of infection in the body: sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis.

Symptoms of chronic balanopostitis:

    The appearance of the sensation of itching and burning in the field of the body of the organ during intimate proximity and sexual excitement.

    The occurrence of itching and burning in the appropriate region during physical exertion, after overheating the body.

    Periodic appearance on the skin of the head of red rash, severe redness.

    Constantly moisturized leather of the genital head, the presence of an interstitial fluid on it.

    The appearance of white plaque in the region of the Vernoy Grozde.

    The occurrence of pink papules on the head.

    Too dry leather head, the appearance of cracks causing pain.

Doctors of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University developed a scheme for the treatment of chronic balanopostitis, which allows you to get rid of the disease in 97% of cases:

    Thoroughly wash and dry the sexual organ, after which it is treated with lamizil spray. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day for two weeks.

    Passage of laser formation using lamizil spray. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. Full course Treatment consists of 7 sessions with a break in 1 day.

Balanopostitis is a disease whose development can be prevented by conducting elementary preventive measures.

As a rule, the Balanopostitis is not a consequence of the transmission of the pathogen by sexually. However, the disease can develop with regular sex without a condom with a partner who has vaginal dysbiosis or nonspecific vaginitis. In this case, the infection falls on the head of the penis and gradually leads to a decrease in the immunity of the mucous membrane, as a result of which inflammation develops.

What is the vaginal dysbiosis? This is a disruption of the microflora balance, the basis of which is the lactobacillia and bifidobacteria separating the milk acid. In total, up to 40 types of bacteria live in a vagina, strictly controlling the number of each other and not allowing "strangers".

Nevertheless, under the influence of various factors - and this may be stress, pregnancy, supercooling, and so on - there is a violation of this fragile equilibrium. And then the colony of some microorganisms (for example, mushrooms of the genus Candida or Gardnell) breeding in large quantities and suppresses all the others. The vaginal dysbiosis develops.

Therefore, such measures can be attributed to the prevention of balanopostitis as:

    High-quality genital hygiene.To prevent excessive reproduction of bacteria, you need to carefully wash the extreme flesh warm water at least 1 time per day. After hygienic procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the skin with a dry cloth. Well, when there is the possibility of washing the genital organs before and after intimate proximity. During hygienic procedures, use soap or gel. The nutrient medium for bacteria is sweat, seed fluid, urine residues, dead skin cells.

    Protected intimate proximity. Well, if a person has a permanent sexual partner. In this case, the risk of infection with venereal diseases is much lower than those who practice indiscriminate sex. If random contacts are still occurring, then it is necessary to use a condom. Anal and oral sex increases the risk of developing balanopostitis.

    Using quality personal hygiene. This will avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, prevent skin irritation. It is important to follow the shelf life of the fund used.

    Preventive visits to the urologist. Even if the man does not bother any complaints, he needs to go to this specialist once a year. Especially one no longer should be tightened with a visit to the doctor when any pathological rashes or discharges appear when it is connected to itch and other unpleasant symptoms. The earlier treatment is started, the faster the recovery will come and the lower the risk of complications.

    Therapy of accompanying diseases. It is possible that the Balanopostitis is a consequence of diabetes mellitus, autoimmune processes, cancer tumors, etc. In this case, the inflammation will not be able to get rid until the main disease is treated.

If the men appear the symptoms of the Balanopostitis, then from intimate life it is necessary to temporarily refuse. You should contact the doctor and find out the cause of inflammation.

As for the use of a condom during intimate proximity against the background of Blanopostit, the doctors do not recommend this. The use of such a means of contraception leads to the fact that the inflamed area is missing oxygen, it is shifted, which will help enhance inflammation and delay the process of recovery. Although only a condom can reliably protect a partner from the transfer of venereal infection. therefore general Council For all men with balanopostitis - a refusal of intimate proximity to the moment of recovery.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after passing the order at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAP in the Urological Center of the Central Justice No. 1 of Russian Railways (2007). The graduate school was passed here by 2010.

Balanopostitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases in the male half of humanity. The name consists of two parts - "Balanit" and "post", which always arise in Tandem.

The first term denotes the inflammation of the genital head, the second - extreme flesh. In general, Balanopostitis is inflammatory processes in the extreme flesh and the head of the penis.

Often, Balanopostitis meets in boys of younger age, when the extreme flesh completely covers the head of the penis. Moreover, kids with phimos and too narrow extreme flesh fall into the highest risk group.

What it is?

Balanopostitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the head of the penis and the inner surface of the extreme flesh. A frequent provocateur of the disease becomes infection in the form of bacteria or fungus, which multiply under extreme flesh.

Causes of development

The main factors provoking the disease include:

  1. The difficulty of SMEZHM's outflow as a result of phimosis (narrow of extreme flesh).
  2. Disregarding personal hygiene. The accumulation of Smegma is inflammable under extreme flesh.
  3. Unprotected sex. As a result of the frequent contact of male genitals with pathogenic microorganisms, immunity of the mucous membrane decreases and an inflammatory process develops.
  4. Disease of gonane or trichomonaceous urethritis. Purulent discharges cause inflammation.
  5. The presence of a man of diabetes. The sugar contained in the urine contributes to the development of microorganisms and inflammation of the penis head.

The most common cause of the development of the disease is infectious. Intestinal wand, staphylococci, enterococci, and many other conditionally pathogenic microflora can be causative agents of the disease. But usually, the Balanopostitis in men is a consequence of infection with fungi of the genus Candida and herpes virus. In addition, the disease can begin to develop when infected with such sexual infections as ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis.


Doctors allocate several types of balanopostitis, separating them into groups depending on the source of infection. The most common are:

  • Plain
  • Chronic
  • Erosive
  • Purulent
  • Obrics
  • Xeriotic
  • Candidose
  • Zircycling
  • Fungal
  • Acute
  • Gardnerellic
  • Chlamydia
  • Yeast
  • Trichomonian
  • Adhesive
  • Ring-shaped
  • Ulcery
  • Allergic
  • Traumatic
  • Bacterial
  • Nonspecific
  • Recurrent
  • Gangrenous
  • Herpety
  • Catarial
  • Irritant
  • Follicular
  • Adhesive

According to the method of the course of the disease Balanopostitis can be chronic or sharp

It's contagious?

As a rule, Balanopostitis is not a consequence of sexual transmission. However, it can develop with regular sex without a condom with a partner, which has a vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, the infection falls on the head of the penis and gradually leads to a decrease in the immunity of the mucous membrane, as a result of which inflammation develops.

What is the vagina dysbiosis? This is a violation of the usual migloflora of the vagina, the basis of which is the lactobacillia and bifidobacteria separating the milk acid. In total, up to 40 types of bacteria live in a vagina, strictly controlling the number of each other and not allowing "strangers".

However, under the influence of various factors, and this may be stress, pregnancy, supercooling, and so on, there is a violation of this fragile equilibrium. And then the colony of some microorganisms (for example, the mushrooms of the genus Candida or Gardnerella) multiplies in large quantities and suppresses all the others. The vaginal dysbiosis develops.

Symptoms of Balantostite, photo

Depending on the type of balanopostitis, there are certain symptoms of inflammation of the head and extreme flesh (see photo). However, general are:

  1. Blush and swell outdoor genitals men;
  2. There are unpleasant sensations in genitalia in the form of burning and itching;
  3. From the penis, cottonable or purulent contents, having an unpleasant smell;
  4. Superficial erosions, cracks, ulcers appear;
  5. Increased excitability, sensitivity.

The listed features may be observed as one by one and together.

Chronic form

The chronic flow of balanopostitis in men is more characteristic of venereal, viral and fungal diseases. The main signs of this form of the disease are the following:

  • eveniness and redness of the head of the penis;
  • burning, rubber, itching, pain in the head area;
  • dry skin, ulceration;
  • difficulties when finding the head;
  • soreness with sexual intercourse;
  • purulent discharges that appear from the urethra.


The diagnosis is made by a urologist during a physical inspection. Conduct additional analyzes for explicit clinical symptoms of Balantostite, as a rule, is not required.

In the Diaference Diagnosis of Balanopostitis from the disease of the Reiter, damping the skin, leukoplakia or oncology of the penis applies the study of the bacterial sowing of the selection of urethra, the extreme flesh and the head of the penis. Sometimes the biopsy of the tissues of the genital organs is also necessary.

How to treat Balantostit?

On the early stage The treatment of balanopostitis in men does not represent any difficulties, so timely treatment at home is much simpler and preferable than a long fight against severe complications.

  • Depending on the main causative agent of the disease, the doctor selects antibacterial or antifungal drugs, in cases of allergic balanopostitis - hormonal (corticosteroid) anti-inflammatory ointments, or use combined preparations.
  • In all cases, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the toilet, maintain external genital organs clean. It is not recommended to use aggressive detergents - Preferably "soft" soap. After hygienic procedures, it is necessary to dry the head of the penis and the extreme flesh. Be sure to thoroughly wash your arms before the toilet.
  • Mixing of extreme flesh and baths with antiseptic solutions are prescribed: potassium permanganate (1: 5000), 0.1% furaciline solution, 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, etc. 2-3 times a day.
  • A good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect has physiotherapy. Apply electrophoresis with antibacterial drugs, laser and therapy.
  • With severe running forms, as well as in cases where the Balanopostitis is caused by phimosis, surgical treatment is carried out - disqualled from the extreme flesh and in the future its circular circumcision.
  • It is important to remember that self-examination often leads to complications, exacerbations of the infectious process, and it also makes it difficult to diagnose.

If there is a desire to treat Balantostitis folk remedies, then you need to pre-discuss all the details with your doctor. If he approves this measure, it is important to remember: they must complement the main methods, and not to replace them completely. Only in this case will be able to achieve a good result.


The main prevention of the inflammatory process is to comply with the rules of personal hygiene. You should regularly wash the head of the penis, change the underwear at least once a day. So that the balanopostitis does not occur in a newborn, the diapers should be changed as often as possible, use supresses.

In order not to pick up any infection that can provoke an inflammatory process, sexually, do not forget about the means of contraception. Most. effective tool In this plan is a condom. It is also worth remembering that the likelihood of such diseases increases, if immunity, the overall resistance of the body is reduced. So that the body's protective forces have always been active, sufficient time should be given. physical activity, Observe a healthy diet, in time to treat colds and infectious diseases.

If the symptoms of Balantostite still arose, you should immediately consult a doctor, you should not delay with it. No need to try to cope with the disease independently, are really effective against the symptoms and the causes of the Balanopostitis of drugs.

Is it possible to go to the sauna at the Balanopostit?

Naturally, water hygiene procedures, however, a sauna is useful for balanopostitis.

  • First, at elevated temperatures, the pathogenic microflora may begin to develop faster.
  • Secondly, in such places you can get infected with other harmful microorganisms, which will definitely aggravate the situation.

It should not also forget that the body overheating threatens the weakening of immune protection, which, again, will accelerate the reproduction of fungi or bacteria. For the period of treatment, it is desirable to abandon the visits to the bath, saunas, pools and other similar institutions.

Balanopostitis is an inflammatory disease of the head and the extreme flesh of the penis. Let's talk about what it arises from what is dangerous whether this disease is transmitted during sexual contact. Let us discuss the main reasons for frequent development in the presence of a permanent sexual partner and the symptoms of this pathology.

  • Types of Blanopostita
  • Causes and symptoms in men
  • Balapenostitis in women
  • Treatment of Blanopostita
  • Balanopostitis in children
  • Treatment of the house
  • Reviews and treatment of Balantostite

Types of Blanopostita

In clinical practice, the classification on the etiological factor and the clinical course of the disease is most often applied. The main types, based on its reasons:

  • infectious;
  • noncommunicable.

Non-infectious forms are rare. They may have an allergic, radiation, autoimmune, traumatic origin.

Most inflammations of the head and extreme flesh are caused by microorganisms. According to the etiological factor, distinguish:

  • fungal - caused by fungi (basically it is candidiasis balanopostitis);
  • herpesy - viral, which is caused by sex herpes virus;
  • trichomonade - arises against the backdrop of trichomoniasis, caused by the simplest (Trichomonade Vagynis);
  • chlamydia - trusted by chlamydia trachomatis;
  • nonspecific - bacterial, which is caused by a conditional pathogenic microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand);
  • anaerobic is often associated with Gardnellular, can be caused by bacteroides Bacteroides Fragilis and Melaninogenicus, Fusobacterium.

Clinical flow allocate:

  • acute (most clinical cases);
  • chronic (usually associated with scarsing changes in extreme flesh and phimosis).

In turn, sharp balanopostitis can be:

  • catarial or simple - manifests painting in the field of pathological focus, edema and soreness;
  • purulent - accompanied by purulent inflammation;
  • purulent-ulceal - deep defects arise due to severe purulent inflammation;
  • gangrenoz - observes necrosis of fabrics in the head area and extreme flesh.

The easiest form of the disease is catarry, and the hardest is gangrenous. It requires surgical treatment and leaves no irreversible defects after itself.

Causes and symptoms in men

Often patients ask, from which the inflammatory process of the head and the foreskin of the penis.

As already mentioned, the main factor is infectious. Other reasons are rare.

Infectious balanopostitis occurs as a result:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy (fungal balanopostitis);
  • insufficient genital hygiene;
  • obesity (sweating increases, the folds of the skin are formed, foci of infection occur, propagating from groin on the genitals);
  • foci of purulent inflammation near Genitals;
  • mechanical damage to the penis;
  • medical procedures and surgical operations (possibly in infection).

In men, symptoms can be different, depending on:

  • clinical form of the disease;
  • pathogen pathology.

Male balanopostitis makes it easier during the catarrhal form of inflammation.

In this case, it is observed:

  • head swelling and extreme flesh;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin and mucous membrane of the penis;
  • palcity, increasing during palpation (pain may be observed and at rest);
  • increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

Macrarization of the skin with the formation of erosions is possible.

Then the erosive form is diagnosed. This is the most favorable course of the disease. Even if erosion appears, the scars after them do not remain. Because the pathological process does not affect the deep layers of the skin.

For purulent form of the disease:

  • swelling is enhanced;
  • foci of purulent inflammation, which can break through;
  • there is severe pain;
  • may increase body temperature;
  • because of the edema, urination is often hampered.

On the site of the broken ulcers can form ulcers. Then the purulent-ulcer form of pathology is diagnosed. After the suffering disease, the scars may remain. They create aesthetic defect, can be a source of not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. The consequence of scar changes can be phimosis. This disease, in which it becomes impossible to expose the head of the extreme flesh. At the same time, favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms are created. The result often becomes chronic balanopostitis.

The problem is radically solved only by a surgical way. The most severe form is gangrenous.

It is characterized by purulent melting of tissues and can end the removal of the male organ. Such a form of pathology carries the risk of sepsis with the formation of foci of inflammation in the internal organs.

Do not allow the development of the disease. It is necessary to contact a specialist immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of pathology.

If you do not know which doctor treats Balanopostitis, we will tell me: it is a venereologist or urologist. Turning to the doctor, you:

  • protect yourself from complications;
  • get adequate treatment and get rid of Balanopostitis 2-3 times faster than if they were treated independently;
  • diagnostics will pass (this may be specific balanopostitis, and he does not pass in itself);
  • you will not infect other people (the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that you are not contagious).

Before treating the disease, a man gives tests. This is required to determine the cause of pathology. It is then assigned targeted therapy. As long as the disease is treated, depends on the clinical form, the pathogen, the reaction of the body into medication.

Balapenostitis in women

Balanopostitis in women cannot develop.

The term itself means translated from Latin's inflammation of the head and the extreme flesh of the penis.

But women do not have this organ. Accordingly, they cannot develop symptoms.

A similar disease in women is called vulvit. It is characterized by an inflammatory process of external genital organs with frequent distribution to the vagina (vulvovaginitis).

Treatment of Blanopostita

Treatment may be different, depending on the etiology of the disease. Let us dwell on how to treat various inflammatory processes of infectious origin.

Fungal inflammation

A fungal infection may occur against the immunodeficiency. In addition, a man can get infected from his partner. In such medicines must be appointed not only to the patient, but also his woman. Treatment can be both local and common. It is usually not difficult to get rid of the candidomic form of the disease.

In 80% of cases, pathology is caused by a mushroom Candida Albikans. But in 20% of cases, these are other candids, and then the reaction to treatment may not be so bright.

Usually, with sporadic fungal inflammation to cure, it is enough 1 week to use local antimicotics. Most often, clotrimazole or miconazole in the form of a cream is used, 3 times a day. With the ineffectiveness of such treatment or in the case of severe fungal inflammation, drugs are shown inward.

The most comfortable tablets from the candidiasis are fluconazole. It is taken once in a dose of 150 mg. It is also possible to use itraconazole. It is prescribed for 3 days to 200 mg per day.


For the disease caused by trichomoniasis, nitroimidazoles are prescribed. Preparations are used:

  • ornidazole;
  • tinidazole.

Sometimes there is enough one-time reception drug In a high dose, as it is not difficult to cure trichomoniasis at the initial stage.

You can take the metronidazole in the amount of 2 g overnight. But if the infection has spread, a longer treatment will be required.

How much the inflammation of the penis head of trichomonaceous etiology is treated, depends on the limitation of infection, as well as from what bodies are amazed. The longest course of treatment is shown in the spread of infection on the prostate gland.

Antibiotics with balanopostite

The disease is most often treated with antibiotics. They are shown in the case of bacterial etiology of inflammation.

When catarrhal form, they can only be destined. You can also get along with alone baths with antiseptics. But with a purulent inflammatory process, the use of antibacterial drugs inside is mandatory.

The ideal solution is a tank of sowing with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics. But it takes a few days. Therefore, drugs are often assigned empirically.

At the same time, the tank of sowing is either not carried out at all, or the doctor is waiting for its results, after which it may if necessary to change the antibiotic.

Preference is usually given erythromycin, doxycycline, ceftriaxone or other preparations of a wide range of action.

The course of treatment can last 1-2 weeks. Its duration depends on the reaction to treatment.

When attenuating clinical manifestations, antibiotic therapy is usually not canceled immediately, because it is fraught with a relapse, but used for another 2-3 days. With severe form of inflammatory process, drugs can be appointed intramuscularly or intravenously.

Usually parenteral forms apply the first 3 days. After that, go to tablets.

Viral form of the disease

Balanite can be viral. He often provokes herpes. In this case, bubbles appear on the head. They are filled with liquid.

This type of inflammation is often accompanied by severe symptoms.

Systemic manifestations are possible: an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache, chills. In the field of genital organs, a man feels a strong burning.

Genital herpes is treated with acyclovir or other drugs of this group. They are appointed for 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of pathology.

What doctor treats the disease?

Some patients, noticing the inflammation of the head, do not even know what to seek the doctor. Options are not so much. There are only two specialists who you can show your penis without causing surprise.

The first is a urologist. He is engaged in the treatment of diseases of the urinary organs in men.

The second doctor, to which you can go, is a venereologist. The representative of this medical specialization is engaged in the treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive bodies in men and women.

Whatever expert you choose, it is important to appeal for help as soon as possible to get timely treatment. Because infection of infectious origin can progress and accompanied by complications.

Balanopostitis in children

The boys always have phimosis. This is a physiological phenomenon - the newborn head of the penis does not open.

Phozo in itself does not represent danger over the years passes. But at the same time there is a risk that there will be a balanopostitis in a child.

Perhaps the development of paraffimose is the infringement of the head of the narrowed extreme flesh. In this case, symptoms appear:

  • penis head and skin swelling;
  • difficult urination;
  • strong pain.

With a late right, the first-flesh tissues are possible, and sometimes heads.

Children's cavalopostitis in the baby appears as a result of improper care. The skin is accumulated in the skin fold, which can be infected. Balanopostitis develops in children usually against the background of phimosis and paraffimose. With recurrent inflammatory processes, a fight of the head and extreme flesh is possible. As a result, phimosis physiological turns into pathological. Basic symptoms:

  • early urination;
  • fear of urination, as a result - an increase in the water bubble capacity with its subsequent aid;
  • itching and burning in the head area.

In children, Balanopostitis carries the risk of ascending infection - cystitis and pyelonephritis. In inconsistent cases, treatment of the disease in children is successful when using local antiseptics. But with severe repetitive inflammations, surgery is carried out. In such cases, the excision of the extreme flesh is shown. To prevent heavy inflammatory processes, you should provide high-quality care to the child. And in the event of paraffimose, to enter the penis head.

Treatment of the house

In case of balanopost, treatment at home is unacceptable. There are several reasons for this:

  • you do not know which pathogen caused pathology, accordingly, you cannot learn how to cure a disease of the house (various drugs are used in different pathogens);
  • at home, neither laboratory nor instrumental research methods are available;
  • incorrect treatment with a high probability will result in complications;
  • improper antibiotic therapy will cause the antibiotic resistance of the pathogenic flora (this means that the microorganism will produce resistance to drugs);
  • you cannot adequately assess the state of the inflamed penis and is not able to forecast the further development of the disease.

Therefore, it is worth highlighting in your tight chart 1-2 hours of time to go to the doctor. In the future, these time costs will pay off a hundredfold, if a visit to the clinic will protect you from complications.

Acute Balanopostitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the field of the head of the penis and bringing a mass of discomfort and painful sensations. Treatment of the disease should be started immediately to prevent the progression of infection and the spread of the pathological process on the urethra and other urinary system departments.

Causes of disease development

Inflammation of the head of the penis can develop due to infectious and noncommunicable factors. Most often, the disease arises as a result of penetration under the extreme flesh of pathogenic microorganisms.

There are other reasons for the development of the disease:


Clinical manifestations of Balantostite in men depend on the stage and form of the disease. The first signs appear suddenly and in the absence of timely treatment rapidly progress.

Main symptoms:


To diagnose the Balantostitis doctor may, according to the results of inspection of the penis in the patient. However, in order to determine the cause provoking the development of inflammation, additional research should be carried out. The main one:

The diagnostic scheme includes generally clinical research methods. The patient must necessarily pass general analysis urine and blood. This will allow to evaluate the patient's condition and establish the degree of dissemination of infection for all departments of the urogenital tract (urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys).

Treatment of acute Balanopostita

Therapy of the disease is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the factor provoking its development.

Local treatment of the disease

On the initial stages Diseases The patient must strengthen the conduct of hygienic procedures using infusions based on medicinal herbal. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort and other plants with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antiseptic properties.

Good results showing the use of local baths with the addition of antiseptics. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furaticillin is suitable. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a day. During the treatment of Balantostitis, the head of the penis should be exposed to rinse all hard-to-reach places.

With all the forms of balanopostitis, drugs are used in the form of ointments. This provides a long impact of the healing components on the pathological center. For this purpose, most often apply. This drug has a comprehensive composition, due to which the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect is provided.

With acute uncomplicated Balanopostit, other ointments can be used - Derozolon, Lorinden-C, Lamyxil, etc.

If the reason for the occurrence of inflammation of the head of the penis became mushrooms, it is advisable to use antimicotic drugs (batânfin, klutimazole, micaogel, terbinafin, etc.).

With the autoimmune nature of the Balanopostitis, preparations are used, which include antiallergic and antiseptic components. These are medicines based on fluumatazone PERAILA.

Powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antihistamine effects possess glucocorticosteroids. Most often use prednisone, locoid or elode. These funds not only quickly remove pain, but also eliminate itching and tissue swelling, contribute to the rapid improvement in human well-being.

Systemic treatment of the disease

The erosive and gangrenous forms of the Blanopostite require the use of systemic drugs. This is due to the fact that the pathological process is not localized, but applies to nearby sections, which leads to a deterioration in general human well-being.

The treatment of complicated balanopostitis use drugs of the following medicines:

Sometimes it is shown to carry out the surgical treatment of Balantostite. It consists in circumcision of the foreskin, under which favorable conditions are created for the development of the inflammatory process.

Possible complications

The absence of timely treatment of acute inflammation often leads to the fact that a chronic form of balanopostitis is formed, in which frequent relapses are recorded.

Other complications are subject to the following pathologies:


In order to prevent the occurrence of Balantostite, a man must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Daily make a thorough toilet of external genital organs with the obligatory exposure of the head of the penis, in order to prevent the accumulation of death, urine residues and other types of pollution.

Intimate life should be ordered, erratic sexual contacts are not allowed. A person should always use barrier contraception methods to prevent infection with sexually transmitted infections, milk and other diseases.

Lead a healthy lifestyle: refuse harmful habits, physical training or sports, organize a full and balanced nutrition. This will allow not only to strengthen the immune system and increase your own protective forces of the body, but also to normalize weight.

An important role in the prevention of Balantostitis plays a timely examination and treatment of sexual partner. After all, violation of the normal composition of the vaginal microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis in a woman can provoke the occurrence of Balantostite in a man.

There are many reasons why the man may have balanopostitis. One of the most widespread is the lack of regular personal hygiene of the penis. It quickly accumulates urine and Smegma (the special secret allocated during sexual excitement).

Gradually these vital products men begin to cause inflammationSeamlessly developing in balanopostitis.

Another pretty frequent cause Men becomes any congenital pathogue. For example, negatively on the health of the penis head and its extreme flesh affects. The disease in this case develops on the same principle, as in the absence of personal hygiene.

Anyone infectious defeat may also cause this unpleasant disease.. It can be caused by different fungi, bacteria.

If a man ever hurt any of venericual diseases and normally did not prolish the microflora, then the risk of the emergence of the Balanopostitis is significantly increasing. Sofilis and gonorrhea are considered particularly dangerous diseases that quickly cause inflammation in the men's body.

Almost always infection occurs during sexual intercourse without the use of condoms, when microorganisms begin to fall into the blade of men.

When wearing rough, uncomfortable or too small underwear There is also a risk of developing balanopostitis. The fact is that narrow clothes strongly drags the movements of a man, in which the head of the penis begins to rub more intensively.

And, of course, we must not forget that the reason for the occurrence of inflammation can be the usual diabetes and the lack of certain vitamins and trace elements. Sometimes balanopostitis is manifested after a long nervous shock or against the background of suffering severe diseases.

What types of balanopostitis are men?

There are several varieties of balanopostitis, which are diagnosed in men of different ages. Among them must be allocated:

Simple balanopostitis

So in medicine they call the process of inflammation flowing on the surface of the skin of a penis head. Gradually, it goes to the inside of the foreskin of the penis. Often this type of disease manifested after contacting the penis with mechanical and chemical stimuli, as well as during non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Such a disease is detected by the soreness of the head, small purulent secretions, redness and edema. In the launched stages of the patient, it can complain about phyms and urine delay.

Candidal Balanopostitis (Balanit) in men and its treatment

The patient complains about the constant deterioration of the quality of life and on unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain.

Acute purulent balanopostitis

This type of balanitis develops against the background of staphylococcal and streptococcal infection. In addition, he may appear during complicated allergies and diabetes.

From all the remaining forms of Balantostite, this is distinguished by the appearance of purulent-necrotic lesions on a sexual member, the head of the penis acquires a bright red color and begins to hurt much.

Ulcerative Balanopostit

It is characterized by the emergence of numerous ulcers on the surface of the penis head. A man begins to experience discomfort while walking and urination.

In the absence of normal treatment, inflammation of lymph nodes in groin may appear.

Traumatic balanopostitis.

This form of the disease develops while wearing uncomfortable clothes.

Easy redness appears on the penis, characterized by small edema and small painful sensations.

Allergic Balanopostit

The disease develops against the background of genital allergies. As for the latter, she arises due to the personal intolerance of latex, fabric underwear and personal hygiene.

The head of the penis pinkies and blushes, it appears red spots and watery blisters, which slowly turn into small erosion.

Gangrenoz Balanopostit

A very many sections covered with a pus and a white bloom are formed on the sexual penis. In this case, the patient of a man significantly increases the body temperature, and gangrene begins penis head.

Unfortunately, necrosis develops very quickly, so doctors rarely save the sexual body from destruction. It is for this reason that it is important not to launch this form Diseases.

Balanopostitis caused by phimosis, is treated exclusively surgically.

After that, an operation is carried out on its excision under local anesthesia.

Prevention of male balanopostita

One of the most common causes of balanopostitis is a disturbed microflora from a sexual partner. That is why you need to jointly visit the gynecologist and the urologist to get rid of this unpleasant condition. In case the partner is non-permanent, need to practice protected sex Or regularly verified for the presence of infections.

Moreover, need to comply with the right personal hygiene: Wash the sexual member at least once a day and always after sex.

In this case, the sequence of hygienic procedures should be as follows:

  1. To wash hands;
  2. Lay them before the appearance of foam;
  3. Mix the penis, watering it with water comfortable temperature;
  4. Wash the penis well and the area around it;
  5. Barley and rinse the head;
  6. Carefully rinse the bridle where the megro accumulates;
  7. Sighup a penis.

Observing all these recommendations, you can completely protect yourself from the occurrence of Balanopostit. Timely treatment of any disease protects against the emergence of complications in the future. Attend the urologist regularly, and no diseases will bring discomfort into your life.