
Little cozy narrow living room. Creating a small living room interior design

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

Modern design little living room suggests not only interesting ideas Interior, but also the functionality of furniture and recreation technology. How beautiful to issue a living room - we will talk about this.

The living room is the main premises in any house or apartment. It is so to speak the center of the entire interior. On this room, judge the life of the owner, taste preferences and prosperity. But how to make stylish and beautiful design The living room in Khrushchev, because there is little space, we will talk about it:

Some time ago, this room served only for receiving visitors and joint time. Now its functions have increased markedly, it can be a learning area, overnight guests and work. Living room design with an angular sofa, which significantly increases the gentleness?

Some time ago it was easier to run the layout of the living room and furnish it with furniture. Now this space must satisfy the numerous needs of owners, and not just form a holiday atmosphere. It began to combine individual nodes, any of which serves a specific goal. The interior of the living room with IKEA furniture can perform all these features.

These objectives form the need to share the living room to certain areas. The division should be emphasized using the internal planning of space. This room should combine such contradictory functions like kids and adults, work and meetings with friends, games and training, rest.


The main task of the interior of the living room is to facilitate the joint existence of owners of housing with a certain equipment and suitable planning. But, do not forget that guests who come to you should feel comfort and comfort. Living room interior design in modern style Photo:


The living room should be fairly light. If not enough sunlightYou can put the glass door or create one more window.

Different zones

In the living room you need to highlight a number of zones. Workspace. If the living room is often used to work, then this area must be placed in a fairly convenient place. The place to work should be placed on the intersection of communications inside the room, in order not to engage in the decomposition of workers every day. Interior design of a small living room with a working area:

You need to perform a communication zone. If there are several doors, you need to create ways to pass from one to another. Leave the location of the window to the window. It is necessary to hold some rules, the more some item will be applied, the more accessible it should be.

It is also worth performing a free space zone. In a small apartment, it is necessary to take into account what can increase the area. It is recommended to group furniture items.

It is not rare, the furniture is installed so as to use it could be during the turn to the face of the wall. Large furniture you need to put a semicircle. Thus, it will be possible to apply furniture from several sides. The interior of the living room with IKEA furniture will help make a spacious even the smallest living room.


For visual increase Rooms, furniture items are installed by groups. With the help of which it will be possible to eliminate the separation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to narrow passages. Interior design of a small living room in the photo:

Furniture and equipment for the living room

The living room is the place, this will tell you any designer with experience in which people not only take guests, but also relax after a difficult day. That is why the design of this room, as well as furniture and equipment must be selected and placed so that everything is, as they say, at hand, and only pleased with comfortable use. Design of the living room in Khrushchev, Interesting options:

To begin with, you should decide what kind of furniture and technique you would like to see in your living room. Those who can boast a large apartment are trying to make the living room be more free, limited to the presence of a sofa, chairs, televisions and a small cabinet or tremor.

If square meters Do not make your big number, then try to pick up such furniture that will perform several functions at once, for example, buy a sofa bed. Modern design of a small living room is a whole art, and make stylish interior Living room with furniture IKEA is much easier.


By the way, pay great attention to the technique. It is better not to place everything in different angles of the room. The design of the living room in Khrushchev implies a reasonable arrangement of the entire technique in the house, try to concentrate all the technique in one corner, where it will not only be conveniently used, but will be a pleasant addition to the entire interior of the living room.

Try to buy high-quality equipment so that it will not be upset to stay out for a couple of months and spend money on buying money again.
Professionals say they should not immediately go to the store and wander the clock among all this "furniture" diversity, not knowing what to draw your attention and what to choose for your home. Living room design with corner sofa, it a good option For small rooms, think about it.

The owners of a small apartment design a small living room will have to, in the literal sense, think over in cramped circumstances. However, do not worry, you can also arise the interior of a small living room so that it will seem spacious and bright.

Of course, the owners of apartments in the so-called "Stalinki" were lucky - there are high ceilings, and more square. In Khrushchevka, the standard living room is designed by such joys.

Photo 1 - Living room design options in a small apartment

Photo 2 - Living room design options in a small apartment

Reference to the living room

To slightly expand the living room area of \u200b\u200ba small size, you can make redevelopment. Usually, the living room is combined or with a kitchen, or with a balcony. For redevelopment, it is often necessary to dismantle one or more walls, so that this question must be thoroughly developed (otherwise, remove the carrier wall and will become the culprit of the local cataclysm). A more sparing option is through niches, arches instead of doorways.

In a very small apartment, it is possible to expand the space by combining the kitchen with a living room or a balcony with a living room. The ideas of the interior can be the most different. How to make redevelopment? It is necessary to demolish partitions, correctly pick up the flower range, furniture, equipment and rationally to place everything.

Photo 3 - Living room combination with balcony

Photo 4 - Living room combination with balcony

Photo 5 - Union of living room with kitchen

Remember that light tones visually increase the area, and the dark is reduced, but this does not mean that in the brown room you can not put a brown leather sofa. Before making a big room, weigh all the "for" and "against". Undoubted advantages will be:

  • an increase in area;
  • convenience of moving;
  • beauty and freshness of the new interior;
  • the kitchen window will add light in the room;
  • the hostess, standing in the kitchen, will be able to communicate with households and guests.

There are cons of such redevelopment:

  • food smells will spread through the living room, so you need a very powerful exhaust;
  • the hostess will have to constantly maintain the kitchen in perfect clean, because the unwashed dishes and crumbs on the table look not aesthetic.

Photo 6 - Association of living room with kitchen

Photo 7 - living room combining with kitchen

Photo 8 - Union living room with kitchen

Color decoration of the living room

Before starting redevelopment, decide on the color scheme and think about how to furnish the room. For small apartments, it is better to adhere to minimalism in everything. Modern ideas Allowed to make a comfortable and functional living room due to built-in furniture, transformer sofas, folding tables, mirrors, etc.

What affects our perception of space? Of course, color. So that your living room seemed more, forget about dark colors. The dark is always slightly, and in the interior decoration too. Bright colors will make your living room and visually more and lighter. In addition, get rid of all too much. The gross room also seems less than it is. Unnecessary furniture, dusting figures, things that will never be useful - boldly get rid of these remnants of the past.

Know that the color scheme in the room is able to influence the mood and well-being of the owners, so you should not glue bright or dark walls. You will be constantly in an excited or depressed condition.

Photo 9 - Modern interior of small apartments

Photo 10 - Modern interior of small apartments

Try to maximize the room daylight, And artificial dispersal throughout the room. Not limited to one chandelier on the ceiling. It is not only beautiful, but also functionally.

Remember that in the living room of a small area, with the right approach, you can equip a stylish and modern interior.

Design ideas can be the most different. For example, a white small room with a wardrobe, plasma, an angular sofa and a small glass table will be cozy and comfortable for households.

In Stalinki, you can use the height of the ceiling, which allows you to exalt the sofa to the podium, and it makes comfortable shelves or beautiful backlight. Between the living room and the balcony, it is not necessary to completely remove the partition. Excellent solution - passage with arch. Think out what flowers can decorate it and your hall will play new vital energy.

Photo 11 - Modern interior of small apartments

Photo 12 - Modern interior of small apartments

Fireplace in the interior of the living room

The house is a place where you want to return not only from work, but also from everywhere. You are familiar to the expression: "Away is good, and at home is better." Then everything is fine with you, but if suddenly ceased to "pull" home, then you need to change the interior or complement it with various accessories. Excellent designer solution - Fireplace. Everyone knows that it is possible to look at the fire forever and no matter what he is or artificial. Manufacturers produce technique with a real flame effect that can be enjoyed round year. In winter, it heats the room, and in the summer there is no.

How to issue an interior in a very small studio? Excellent solution A white fireplace can be. A small room and technique should choose a small-sized. The device on the floor of the wall will overload the interior and will look cumbersome.

Photo 13 - Fire fiction in the interior of a small living room

Photo 14 - Fire fiction in the interior of a small living room

Enjoy the cozy evenings with a fireplace and a blanket can not only in large apartments and country houses. Modern technologies allow you to fold home And in the usual Khrushchev. To do this, it is enough to purchase electrocamine, a variety of forms and the size of which is pleasantly surprising today. Moreover, the fireplaces are not only decorative, but also with the function of heating.

If the living room is combined with a loggia with two windows, then the technique can be installed there. Conveniently mount a fireplace into a wall with a niche. Artificial fireplaces look gorgeous with wallpaper companions. The main thing is to choose everything in color.

Designer solutions can be the most different. For dark Rooms Better to purchase flat small fireplace in brown With the effect of live fire and put it in a distant corner. This will add mysteriousness and a special charm of the room.

Remember that you cannot install a fireplace and a TV. These two objects equally strongly attract attention. Therefore, so that it does not seem to be that the news speaker is fried on the bonorable of the Inquisition, place the center and the TV screen not the distance from each other.

Photo 15 - Foaming a fireplace in the interior of a small living room

Photo 16 - Foaming the fireplace in the interior of a small living room

Interior design living room-bedroom

If the apartment is deprived not only by space, but also the number of rooms, it is worth considering. In the same room will be combined and the zone of sleep and recreation area.

Often a large room has to be used as a bedroom. Modern design ideas and construction Materials allow you to make a beautiful, cozy interior And in Brezhnev, and in Khrushchev, and in a small private house. Divide the correct zones. You can do this with help:

  • shirma;
  • arches;
  • textiles;
  • furniture, etc.

Photo 17 - Bedroom Living Room

The original solution is the separation of a long, narrow aquarium.

In a small living room with a fifth angle, set the fireplace or hang plasma on the wall. In small wooden house You can combine the bedroom with a nursery.

In the combined rooms, the area increases, so separate attention is paid to the design of the doors. They must approach the color and protect the house from drafts.

You can zonite the living room with the help of curtains, light shots or partitions, so as not to lose in space. Suitable for separating book racks or plasterboard partitions. The latter can be used by making small niches in them. In addition, it is visually divided by zones using a multi-level floor or a simple difference in the flooring.

Good advice - Place the "sleepy kingdom" away from the door, in the part of the room, where the least noise. Do not forget about lighting, which can also help in visual separation of zones.

Photo 19 - Bedroom Living Room

Design of passage lounge

In small-sized apartments, there is plenty of recreation room and there is nothing terrible in this if it is used only as a living room. The main thing is that inside a rectangular end-to-end room. Go responsibly to the style of style, correct the furniture, think over the lighting, select soft textiles and light tones, then your living room will be a beloved place to relax for family and friends.

In small apartments, the living room usually becomes a "passing yard", especially if redevelopment was carried out during its arrangement (for example, walls were retracted). Therefore, make a room so that there are no extra things in it, and there were no objects on the aisle, which can be easily hooked (remove the vases of the Qin dynasty to the bedroom, and move your favorite palm to the corner).

Photo 21 - passing living room

In the passing lounge can be relevant transforming furniture, which, if necessary, is going and occupies less place. In addition, one of the destinations of the living room is to receive guests. Therefore, make it in a more weathered style than a personal bedroom.

If at the dacha from a narrow passing room, where many doors and low ceilings need to make a living room, then visually you can expand the space due to light curtains, wallpaper, mirrors and the minimum number of furniture.

Photo 23 - passing living room

A small living room is always confused by the owners of housing, especially if it is a room in a two-room apartment. Any owner wants to have a spacious, cozy living room, in which it would be possible to comfortably receive guests and relax themselves.

The design of a small living room in addition to the placement of the bedroom, requires an existence of a coffee table, a closet for clothes, a fireplace, bedside tables for books and things, racks. It is possible to place the guest in advance, by defining the most suitable lighting, color and placement of furniture in the room.

Color selection

Choice color Gamma. A small living room requires a special approach. Perfectly suitable for the interior of a small living room wallpaper of light tones with a rare miniature pattern. They visually expand the space of the apartment. In the rooms with low ceilings, it is best to glue the wallpaper with vertical lines. So it will be possible to make a room wider. Wallpaper with horizontal lines, on the contrary, narrow the living room by making it less.

It is possible to avoid lightness using a small shape-free living room for interior. Colored dark accents. It can be the design of walls with the help of combined multi-colored wallpapers. If you want to make a wider a narrow living room, you can use the idea of \u200b\u200bdisplaying the opposite wall at the planning stage, hanging the mirror. The design of a small living room can be changed if you distract attention from little space Rooms I. low ceilings Bright panel.

Choice of furniture

When selected, you can proceed to the selection of furniture. The design of a small living room is best done in the style of minimalism. More expedient instead of set soft furniture In the form of a sofa with two chairs to purchase a double sofa or several folding chairs with puffs. This will save space, making more free movements. The interior of the living room in a small apartment involves the minimum of furniture. It must be compact, small-sized and multifunctional.

Choosing lighting

So that the narrow living room seemed wider, it is necessary to choose the corresponding lighting. With bright lighting, the room will seem more spacious.

Natural lighting is provided light curtains. It is worth saying no massive curtains, because They only "steal" excess space, and to stop their choice on the Roman curtains, which give the room additional centimeters of the useful area.

A narrow one-room apartment can be expanded by combining the living room with a kitchen. In this case, it is enough to apply the method of zoning space, separating them with the arch into two zones.

The interior of a small living room implies the execution of two main tasks:

  • the correct location of the furniture;
  • arrangement of decorative fireplaces;
  • maximum expansion of space.

A small living room is a room where there is no need for massive upholstered furniture. Therefore, compact folding two or three-bed sofas, racks, low cabinets, TV cabinets perfectly fit into small interiors for small living rooms.

When creating a design for a mini-living room, you should follow the following rules:

  • compactly place upholstered furniture in the interior of a small living room;
  • draw up a room in bright colors;
  • use white background and bright accessories in the form of vases, paintings, carpets, pillows for the purpose of leaving the "boring" design;
  • use simple geometrically correct forms (this applies not only to furniture, but also walls, ceiling, gender).

The original solution can be used in a glass furniture room or furniture made of durable plastic (provided that there are no small children in the house or apartment). Glass interior items significantly increase room space. Despite the fact that they look as well as ordinary furniture, the living room seems much lighter and more mobile.

Choosing, for example, a set of furniture "Two chairs + sofa", the room decreases the free space, but, at the same time, compactness is purchased. Choosing, consider that in this case it becomes impossible to rearrange, but more space appears. Pay attention to the massiveness of angular sofas. An excellent option is the acquisition of a compact bed.

Among other things, the interior of a small living room can be decorated miraculously, if you do not take place near the window. It is easier to put the bedside table under the window. If this fails, it remains to organize a sleeping place there.

Do not fear the heat from the batteries. The furniture will not be damaged if you put it on 30 cm further from heating. In the case of such a placement, a cozy design of the living room is created, the fourth wall is involved in the work, it becomes an acceptable distance from the eyes to the TV screen (up to 3.5 meters). It will be unusual to look at the small apartment replacement of centralized heating by a narrow fireplace.

The location of the sofa in the center of the room saves a place and draws a look with its originality. Here the focus is on the window. In no case can I put furniture. The design of windows with drapets with the addition of light tulle and curtains of light shades is welcomed.

Do not need in the living room of Curtains, if the owner wants to hang the Roman curtains. Today they are very popular, easy to care, stylish, elegant.

In the case when the owner is the owner of a small living room in one-room apartment On the first floor wishing to change the style on, it is recommended to use Japanese curtains.

In general, the walls and the guest room window should not be overloaded. Everything you need is to create an interior of a small living room in an unobtrusive style without unnecessary drapes and ruffs, since their excess makes the already small guest stuffy.

The design of a narrow living room is more expedient to draw up with the addition of racks with open or transparent shelves, visual examples of which can be viewed in the photo of sites offering repair services. Thanks to the so-called "artificial" voids improve general form Rooms.

Browsing photos modern interiors For small living rooms, you can see the following feature: the design of the walls of monophonic wallpaper, the installation of modern energy-saving fireplaces, the expansion of the room space due to the painting of the ceiling.

Tip: Monophonic wallpaper or painting walls living room - perfect option visual expansion space.

The possibilities of design interiors are very wide, but they are not limitless. Do not try to make from narrow room 18 meters square royal hall. The classic design of a small living room is the lack of drapes on the windows, massive furniture, patterned wall decoration, dark carpets. Remember that they are intended for large squares 40-50 squares and not for the interior of small living rooms.

Easy in design and bright light - that's what will turn a narrow guest in a spacious cozy room.

In a small living room you can create a wonderful design. You only need to find the right decor elements to expand the room and create a style at your discretion.

Increase the living room area by:

  • color solutions;
  • successful placement of furniture;
  • the right choice of decorating elements (paintings, fireplaces, figurines);
  • universality lighting;
  • optimal layout.

Tip: The correct combination of color has favorably affect mood, well-being, efficiency.

Yellow color in a small apartment is considered unique, because Symbolizes wealth. Combining it with fresh shades of green, the owner enhances activity and vitality indoors.

For a small living room, a mononographic light wallpaper will be suitable for the walls. It is easiest to choose them, given the room configuration. For example, wallpaper with photos make it possible to lengthen the guest. As for the elements of the decor, they must be one style and must be combined with each other.

Remember that the most important thing in the creation of the living room is the creation of space in an apartment, ideally suitable for yourself, and affordable guests.

The color scheme must be made with a certain taste to focus on some "more profitable" areas of the room and hide others ("less profitable") zones. In general, the guest design should be performed in calm colors and customize a comfortable full-fledged rest.

Determining in the interior of a small living room should always be TV. It is only important to correctly establish it so that it successfully "fits" into the angle.

Today, the hosts are increasingly choosing the design of a small living room in the modern style of High-tech, seeking to turn it into a spacious cozy place of rest.

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The living room is a display of the taste of the owners, they are immediately visible to their preferences and lifestyle. After all, the whole family is often gathering in this room, solemn dates are often celebrated and ambitious plans for the future are discussed.

The situation of this room largely affects the mood of its owners. Agree when you come to a small uncomfortable room, the mood right away. Stall repairs in the living room of small sizes need to know several nuances that will be useful to create a comfortable and easy atmosphere in this room.

Highlights when repairing a small living room

Immediate tasks should be immediately allocated for themselves, the solution of which will be embodied in the interior. Naturally, it is an expansion of the room space due to the game of light and creating the ease and smoothness of lines in common details.

Everyone will agree that at first it is necessary to clearly think over: where you can position all the necessary furniture. This dilemma requires carefully selected furniture, which would not clutter the space and could perform its own functions.

Designer tricks for living room expansion

Here with the location of the furniture and the narrative of all intricacies will begin to help expand the space.

FURNITURE - Let's put accents!

For such a living room, convenient chairs and light chairs are selected without armrests, multifunctional furniture (sofa with countersunk boxes for things) and modular. As well as furniture transformers (folding table, bedside table - Coffee table).

They will help free up as much space as possible, but at the same time will perform the responsibilities of several items.

Important! No - bulky furniture. It takes a lot of useful area, makes space smaller and visually looks oppressing.

Important! Window opening should not be overloaded. Use air and light fabrics combinations simple forms. Otherwise, there may be a sense of air shortage.

Textiles are used for covering up a soft furniture to extend the life of its drapery. This does not need to choose bright and screaming colors, especially large color motifs or images of animals. It is better to stay on fantasy compositions or endless interlacing patterns that are made maximum in three shades in order not to focus on them. The exception will be a room made in a monophonic light color (White or cream), then you can use any bright rich color.

Decorative pillows and puffs should be concisely fit both in style and color execution.

Wallpaper and floor covering for small space

Due to the lining of walls and a properly selected material for the floor, you can visually expand the living room.

Important! For registration of small rooms, only light shades or pastel colors (, white, pink, light olive, gentle overflows of blue and salad) should be chosen. They not only expand the room, but also create a cozy atmosphere.

Scenery as a special reception in expanding space

This is not a new trend, all designers are resorted to this trick and achieve good results, because they know the lot. If you put a narrow and long outdoor vase In the corner of the room or one of its walls, then immediately creates the impression that the ceiling is located higher than it really is. Here is a proverb: "Everything is known in comparison."

Council. Make a wider room will help the mirror in a light and nonsense frame if you hang it on the free wall. The surface of the furniture, made of glass or gloss, will also create in the living room of the spacious effect.

Bright single paintings or photos will perform a distracting role, and focus on attention. These small decorative tricks will create uniqueness and expansion of the boundaries of the room.

It is worth noting another option that will require the destruction of the walls between the living room and the kitchen or dining room. This technique is now widely used by many, especially it is justified when a tiny kitchen is adjacent to the hall. Thus, the boundaries of two rooms are expanding. When using it, you need to adhere to the same rules that are described above with several nuances.

Between the two adjacent rooms, you can install light partitions from plasterboard or shelves made from the floor itself and to the ceiling, without rear walls, which visually organize a smooth transition from one zone to another. You can also make a separation using the podium or. Combining two zones in any case will make the room area more.