
How to choose an electric water heater for an apartment and at home. Choose a boiler for home - Useful Tips

Water supply, options, device

Water heaters - Garants of year-round comfort in the form of constantly present hot water. It is worth familiar with technical characteristics Devices to come to the store to choose the highest quality model, which will serve as long as possible, will be convenient in operation and economical.

Water heaters externally, quite similar, regardless of the manufacturer's company and the principle of operation. The tanks produce horizontal or vertical, rectangular or cylindrical. Each device is equipped with a heating temperature regulator.

Heaters can operate from electricity or be gas. According to the principle of operation of the device there are flow and universal (cumulative-flow), as well as universally known - accumulative. Each has its own "pros" and "shortcomings."

Such water heaters are also referred to as "gas columns" and are considered the most economical, practical and productive. A powerful column can hear up to 14-17 liters of water in a few seconds (by the way, electrical heaters requires a larger amount of time to heat the same volume). This is enough for washing dishes, and for the adoption of the soul. Exploitation gas speakers It is possible even in systems with unstable gas pressure. If the burner is walked, the gas supply will be covered with a thermocouple fuse.

THERMEX ER 300V, 300 liters

Today, cumulative electric water heaters enjoy high popularity as among owners country houses and summer cottages and among urban residents who want to make their water supply independent and uninterrupted.

In this material, we will look at the top ten currently cumulative water heaters with a volume of 30 to 100 liters, which is optimal option For installation in an apartment or country house.

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing a cumulative water heater

Tank volume

The most compact models of up to 30 liters are perfect for giving, small kitchen or bathroom. It's hard to think about the adoption of the shower, but I cope with dishes, wash it without any problems.

The 50-liter water heaters are already able to provide a completely comfortable one-sided wash, but the next user may have to wait the time for re-heating.

For a family of 2-3 people, the boiler is perfect for 80 liters. However, if there is an insurmountable desire to take a bath or cell of society consists of 4 or more active users, it makes sense to think about buying a model by 100, or even 120 liters.

There are water heaters and more volume up to 300 liters, but it is rather not household, but industrial devices.


Everything is clear here. The more, the faster heating. Usually varies in the range from 1 to 2.5 kW. Just need to decide on the capabilities of your network.

View of the heater

Tenny can be:

  • Classic submersible, directly in contact with water;
  • "Dry" placed in a special capsule.

The first option is simpler and cheap, the second is reliable, durable and eliminates the backrest.

Tank material

There are two main options - enameled or stainless steel.

  • High-quality enamel has anti-corrosion properties, may contain silver ions for disinfection, only you can hardly feel it (it is rather marketing).
  • "Stainless steel" is traditionally durable, reliable, but it is more expensive. Manufacturers often give the same guarantee on the tanks from both materials, then the difference is leveled.

Anticorrosion Anode

Protects the tank from leaks and extends his "life". The tank material does not necessarily have a value, because the problem space is often welded, and the "stainless steel" is different.

A modern urban resident is quite whimsical, and therefore it does not live too comfortable in the country or in his hometown without hot water. Of course, it is not difficult to boil the water for tea at all, but it can be very problematic.

Electric and gas water heaters will help you solve the problem with hot water supply.

Today we learn how to choose a water heater. You need to take it seriously, since in case of incorrect purchase, you risk remain not only without hot water, but also without home, since cases of fires due to excessive powerful heating devices are not rare.

What are they?

You can classify such equipment in dimensions, performance and principle of action. In addition, these devices differ in the method of installation and features of their design. If we speak generally, then the following types of heaters distinguish:


They can be designed for heating both 10-15 liters and thousands of liters of running water per hour. There are models with banal manual control, but recently more and more varieties equipped with complex electronic blocks, with which the water temperature can be kept in strictly certain limits. Some heaters are installed on the floor, some can hang on the wall ... In short, there are enough options with an excess! So how to choose a water heater and not get confused in all this manifold?

On principle of action

As we have already spoken, according to the principle of operation, they can be divided into gas and electric. If there is gas in your house, it is preferable exactly the first type, since this equipment is much more economical, and in operation costs much cheaper. In addition, the gas burner is able to heat the water several times faster than the leaks. That's what good gas water heater is. How to choose the most optimal model, pushing out from the main characteristics of various types?

Flowing and accumulative: what is better?

Both gas and electric water heaters are divided into accumulative and flow models. Cumulative heater - a kind of "thermos". The container is protected by heat-insulated walls, under the protection of which the heated water is capable of remain warm even if the gas or electricity is turned off. In everyday life, much more often you can hear the term "boiler".

The advantages of this type of devices are quite extensive: they are economical, safe, simple and cheap in operation. Their choice will be perfect if you need to bring hot water immediately to several points. Unlike flowing varieties, they can produce different water pressure, while maintaining the specified temperature.

The most economical and cheap in operation accumulative gas heaters. They consume a meager amount of electricity, which is only spent on the operation of automatic control systems. However, today we will talk about how to choose electric water heater: These models are much more common due to the fact that gas is far from every fall of our country.

Cumulative water heaters are characterized by tanks, power and constructive features. Tanks are small, medium and large capacity. Low capacity water heaters are compact enough, so convenient for installation in any apartments. Large capacity models can be used for heating multi-room apartments and offices, in cafes and shops.

Disadvantages of drives

The disadvantages of this technique include its large dimensions, the need long work To heat all the water in the tank (less valid for gas modifications), as well as the need for periodic control over the state of the heating element. The fact is that in most regions of our country there are very rigid water, which makes it possible to quickly output powerful Ten.

When you completely spend the hot water portion accumulated in the tank, you have to be patient, since the new volume may well heat up several hours (depending on the power and principle of operation). Note! If your heater is installed in the country, which in winter does not heated, then before leaving you need to completely drain the water from it.

As for the method of installation, it is best to deal with that of accumulative electric heaters: they are wall-mounted and floor, with a horizontal and vertical arrangement of the container. Many models are universal. They can be installed in any way, depending on your preferences and a specific situation. If we talk about gas varieties, they can only be installed vertically.

Now we will talk about how to choose a flow water heater electric. It is not so difficult.

The advantages of flowing models

How can you understand from the name, such models are designed to heat the flow water. Their advantage is that they allow you to get hot water immediately after opening the crane. Despite its compact sizes, they are able to ensure the need for water of any farm. In addition, they can be easily masked, which is especially impressed by lovers of modern minimalism in the design of the house.

Unlike the species described above, these water heaters can be wall and outdoor, with a vertical and horizontal arrangement, have the most different shape of the case. But how to choose a flow water heater, if you remember also about their shortcomings?

Disadvantages of "Delocates"

The only, but extremely serious disadvantage is the fact that the electric network is required for the operation of this kind of heaters, capable of withstanding very significant loads. Accordingly, there is no speech about saving electricity. In addition, few models of flow heaters can heat the water to the same extent as their cumulative "colleagues". In short, before choosing a water heater for a private house, think well: can you withstand your wiring such a load?

General characteristics of flowing varieties and problems with them related

Such devices are able to quickly heat the flow water. From here you can make a simple conclusion about their high power. It is quite fair - even household models can be designed for 27 kW. Of course, even a half value from such a power will not withstand the wiring in most of the domestic apartments and houses, but such varieties are in demand from construction contractors: to ensure the needs of the construction team, these heaters are suitable as it is not better.

It is not worth saying that to equip your apartment something like that, you will have to fully replace the wiring and spend on the network in 380 V, since with a capacity of more than 5.5 kW, the standard 220 in no longer suitable. In principle, before choosing the water heater flow, we strongly advise you to make a complete revision of the entire house wiring, as its unsatisfactory condition even on a short segment can lead to very big trouble!

Important! Distinguishing ones from its cumulative "relatives", flowing heaters are largely dependent on the temperature of the cold water at the entrance. The difference between the indicators should not exceed 25 ° C. Note that it is better not to heat the fluid to boil, since in this case the Ten is very quickly fails due to the mass of the scale formed on it.

If you organize the supply of preheated water, it will be possible not only to increase the maximum fluid temperature at the output, but also to save a significant amount of electricity. Modern systems of automatic heating make it possible to accurately maintain the specified water temperature even if the pressure in the water supply is changed sharply. If the flow of fluid and will stop at all due to some problems, then the same systems will automatically turn off the equipment.

Since to choose a flow water heater electric most often want owners of country houses that can be empty by weeks, this option is extremely important and useful.

Number of hot water

However, you can change heating modes depending not only from seasonal factors, but also from your own preferences and needs. It should be remembered that the average water heater by 7 kW can produce a maximum of four liters of hot water in winter, and in the summer, when the temperature of the fluid at the entrance can reach 18 degrees on the Celsius scale, this volume can be increased to 5.5 liters. This productivity is quite not only for the adoption of the shower, but also for relatively fast filling of the bath.

By the way, how to choose a storage water heater?

Choose a storage heater

If you are going to choose a boiler in the volume of the tank, then you definitely need to know your daily need for hot water. Do not forget that the pressure in the accumulative models is maintained due to the constant flow of cold water! Thus, if you need 10-15 liters per day, it is advisable to buy a boiler with a capacity of at least 30 liters. So how to choose a cumulative electric water heater, focusing on the needs of people living in the house?

Experts say that 10-15 liter models are enough for periodic washing dishes and hands, but the shower with their help is hardly possible. Of course, if you are not a challenge cold water. In the case when you still want to stand under the jets of hot water, note that a person spends about four liters of water in the shower in the shower. Of course, this is the average indicators, as everyone is fond of water treatments in varying degrees.

So what water heater is better to choose? You can even meet a 300 liters tanks for sale, which should be enough for the satisfaction of the needs of a large family in the conditions of frequent electricity interruptions. If we talk about boilers that are connected to the heating system, then they can be more tons of water.

As for their value, there is a fairly enforcement situation: a large water heater costs a lot, but the cost of heating the liter of water in it is much lower than that of less roomy models. This is due to the fact that large containers are slower than cool, and therefore water remains hot much longer, it does not need to spend additional electricity on it.

Here's how to choose a cumulative electric water heater, if we talk about the satisfaction of hot water needs.

Operating principle

The principle of action of such equipment is simple as possible: when the crane is opened hot water It takes one nozzle towards the consumer, and a cold liquid begins to equilibrate the pressure into the container. Note that the latter enters the tank below.

Many people think that cold water can only come from the water pipeline, but many models are enough of that pressure, which can be created using some kind of accumulative suitable capacity. In the latter case, the height difference should be at least two meters.
So how to choose a water heater accumulative if there is no central water supply in your house? Is such an option real in this case?

However, in this matter the situation varies from the manufacturer to the manufacturer. As a rule, four to six atmospheres are considered the optimal value. In the case when in your home this value can be exceeded, it is better to put a special gearbox that will protect your equipment.

In addition, in this case, it is necessary to choose such a model that has a safety valve. If the water is overheating and the walls of the accumulative capacity will be possible, the device is simply resetting the excess fluid and steam through a special drain valve.

Cumulative boilers come out open and closed. If you are planning to buy a water heater for water supplying only one point with a large fluid consumption ( kitchen sink In the cafe, for example), then it is more expedient to acquire a variety with an open output. Please note: when the initial turn on this heater, you need to wait for the full filling of the tank, and the hot water crane must be completely open! However, much more often a wiring is required at several points, and for such a goal, modifications with a closed output are excellent.

On the durability of the cumulative tank

Note that the period of the exploitation period depends on the material from which the container was made. Particularly important is the durability of those buyers who do not know how to choose a water heater in the apartment: if the tank flows in a private house, nothing terrible will happen. But if 100-300 liters will fall on the heads of your neighbors from the bottom ...

Note that the proceeding tank is not subject to repair, as it is unrealistic to restore the thermal insulation layer at home in any case. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of painting and characteristics of anti-corrosion coatings.

The most durable are those tanks that are made of normal stainless steel that has passed the passivation procedure. As a rule, they are guaranteed at least eight years. We are much more commonly encountered models with carbon steel casing, covered with enamel based on titanium oxide. Such paint is not cracking even with significant temperature differences, and therefore the warranty period for the tank is at least five or six years.

But the most cheap are tanks from ordinary steel coated based on standard enamels. For serious operation, they are not suitable, and the guarantee on such models does not exceed three years. However, B. last years Extremely propagation is obtained by storage heaters from plastics. They are durable, lungs, are not afraid of corrosion. The warranty on them is established within five years, but experts say that the practical time of their service is much more.

Here's how to choose a water heater accumulative, focusing on the characteristics of the LCP of its enclosure.

Note that to increase the durability of the Tan, which are very vulnerable, good manufacturers Installing magnesium anodes inside tanks. The service life is about two years, after which you need a mandatory replacement. Before buying, you need to ask how cost this operation is obtained and how realistic to get new anodes from this manufacturer.

Characteristics of heat-insulating materials

In more expensive models for thermal insulation, rigid polyurethane (PPU) is used. In conventional species, the usual basalt fiber is most often used, whose characteristics are very far from optimal. PPU isolation is much stronger, more reliable and more durable. In addition, due to the excellent thermal insulation qualities of this material, the tanks on its basis are less dimensional and light. Before choosing a water heater for an apartment, be sure to take it into account! Especially appreciative this feature Housing owners on the last floors.

Dates of water heating

In a normally isolated tank, water cools around half generators in one hour (under the condition of disconnected electricity). Heating can vary from 30 to 90 degrees. From the temperature of the incoming water, this indicator does not depend. In expensive models, there is often an additional electronic unit responsible for maintaining this temperature within ± 0.5 degrees Celsius. Specialists say 100 liters in standard model It is heated to 70 degrees for approximately four hours.

About equipment power

If you are going to buy a model with a capacity of 2.5 kW and below, you can not worry about the state of your finances, as you can do the existing wiring (if it is in good condition, of course). Instruments with a capacity of 2.5 to 5.5 kW need a separate cable from the distribution panel and a separate block of reliable fuses. If, for your purposes, it is not necessary to do without buying something even more powerful, then in this case you will have to be discarded on the network in 380 V.

Before choosing a water heater for giving, consult electricians. Even if you put a low-power cumulative model, it will not hurt to stretch a separate cable with a machine gun from the distribution panel.

Today, a lot of rather expensive models with electronic control units can be found on the market, which can work on power from two to six kilowatts and at the same time operated in networks both by 220 and at 110 V. in our country today you can most often meet Goylers for 80-100 liters with a capacity of up to 2.5 kW inclusive.

Characteristics of the heating elements used

Heating elements are "wet" and "dry" types. As you can guess, in the first case, the agents are immersed in water, and therefore the fact of the presence of a magnesium anode is especially important for them, which we talked above.

Of course, when the heating elements are output, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the accumulative tank and disassemble almost all the device. In contrast, the "dry", theta does not have direct contact with water, they do not settle down on them, and for their repair there is no need to turn into a professional mechanical mechanic, since this procedure is carried out without a complete parsing of the boiler.

If two such elements are at once in one heater, it significantly increases its overall reliability. Even if one of them fails, in any case a standby element will remain. It is even better when the heater allows you to choose how many heating elements can be included in a particular case: for rapid heating of a large amount of water (subject to disconnection of other consumers of electricity) it is better to use two at once, whereas only one TEN can be left overnight. On the same element, the boiler is better to leave in the "thermos" mode when the specified temperature is required for a long time.

If we talk about how to choose a water heater correctly, it is impossible not to mention a different kind of additional options that sellers consultants like to tell.

Required and convenient additional features

Oddly enough, but in the past eyelids, welding stories of marketers were true: the digital control unit really is worth overpaying for it. With it, you can control the filling of the tank and water consumption with accuracy to the liter, set the individual water heating modes and do other things. In addition, in an emergency or when a malfunction, the display shows the error code, which will accelerate several times and reduces the process of diagnosis and subsequent repairs.

Here's how to choose a water heater, paying attention to the most different features of these devices. Summing up, you can formulate the basic principles that should be guided. First, you need to accurately determine the needs of the family in hot water. Secondly, take into account the condition electric wiring in the House. Thirdly, choose only those heaters whose body is painted with titanium dioxide.

By the way, what is the water heater to choose? We urge you to stop your choice on products of famous companies: Bosh, "Ariston", "Siemens", "Aquatex" and the like. Their technique is reliable and will serve you for a long time.

Household Water Heater: Functions

Electric accumulative water heaters are boilers that heat the water collected in the inner tank to a predetermined temperature. Due to the thermal insulation and the automatic mode of operation of the TANOV, the water heating devices support the temperature at the required level. The boilers described are capable of heat to 75-80 degrees, after which they support this temperature in automatic mode. Since heating occurs for a long time, that is, gradually, the water heating devices when used for cottages do not require significant costs of electricity.

It is thanks to this, their quality, boilers for home can be installed in almost any room where a constant need for hot water is required. Another advantage of electrical accumulative water heaters is that the heated water can be spent simultaneously with several water intake points. The boiler capacity can vary from 10 to 500 liters, choose one or another option in accordance with the planned water consumption. Almost all water heaters of this type work only under the pressure of tap water, that is, they are pressure pressed.

The lineup

Some of the most sought-after accumulative electrical heaters are devices of world famous companies:

  • Electrolux
  • Thermex.
  • Stiebel Eltron.
  • Garanterm.

Cumulative water heaters for the shower of these manufacturers have long established themselves as reliable, energy-intensive and durable. The wall water heater Timberk SWH FSM7 50 V has, for example, a very flat housing made from mirror polished stainless steel, equipped with an electronically controlled, which allows you to select the required power mode and set the desired temperature water.

Ariston Platinum Si 200 T boilers are designed mainly for small businesses, as they have a large volume (200 L), do not require constant additional prevention, equipped with a stainless steel tank of increased quality. Separately, it is worth mentioning the ARISTON devices designed for giving. They possess a titanium coating, as a result of which they have a great guarantee, while being in the average price category.

How to buy a water heater in Moscow inexpensive?

The catalog of our online store can boast a multitude of models - from the most budget household water heaters to industrial instruments, the price of which is more than 400,000 rubles.

How to choose the boiler for home. What should pay attention to when choosing a boiler: volume, shape, tank, electrical part. Video of choosing a boiler.

How to choose boiler

Even in spoiled communal services Large cities of hot water supply can not boast everyone. Annual inspections of thermal networks, frequent accidents, repairs of neighbors with disconnection from the water of the entire entrance - is familiar to many. In the other cities, the situation is often even more impossible - in almost all settlements of Russia, a centralized flow of warm (hot, it does not rise its tongue) water or is absent or there is no maximum, or a maximum of several hours per day. In such conditions, it is simply necessary to establish an autonomous water heating system. Different options here just 3: it is - gas boilers, as well as flow and accumulative electric water heaters. To install the boiler, you need permission, the receipt of which requires considerable time costs (at best). Flowing water heater It requires the availability of electrical wiring of high power (about 10-20 kilowatt), so this option is not available for most inhabitants of our country. It is logical that the best way to ensure yourself hot water is the installation of the house of electric cumulative water heateralso called boiler. Let's find out how to choose a boiler.

general description

Boiler is a special heat insulated tank. Its volume can be from 5 to 300 liters. The boiler has 1 or 2 tubular electric heaters (TENA) and a thermostat that turns off the heater when the water is reached, the temperature is needed and includes it when it is cooled.

It is interesting: the full tank can warm up to the maximum temperature (as a rule, about 70-80 ° C) during from 15-20 minutes to 3 hours and more. It depends on its effectiveness from the volume of the tank and the power of the device.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a boiler?

Correctly selected boilers - the security deposit

Volume of the tank

Of course, the first question to be asked for yourself before buying a cumulative heater - what volume of the tank will be enough? The answer "than the tank is more - the better" here will not be correct - except for the obvious economic factor associated with the impressive energy consumption, a huge boiler will take a lot of space in your home, in addition, the time of water heating will be on average, rather than the small . That is, rational evaluate your needs.

If hot water is at least sometimes appears in the pipes, and the meter is installed on it - you can independently calculate the required volume. The final value should be increased by 30%: the fact is that at the same time cold water fills with the selection of heated fluid from the tank, and as a result of mixing, its yield is about 70-75% of the nominal capacity.

If a similar method of determining the volume cannot be applied - you can use a special table.

Table to determine the required boiler

It should be noted that the numbers in the last column of the table are calculated from that consideration that the bath receives one person, and then there will be some more water (for example, for washing dishes). Also consider that the table for residents of cities is calculated in the table - dumart sites Consumption is usually higher about 25-50%.

Of course, the choice of the boiler should have the impact and the possibility of installing this device in a particular apartment. In addition to the existing free space, it is important to pay attention to the wall to which the heater will hang. As practice shows, mostly boiler is installed in the bathroom, the walls in which they do not always have the necessary strength for hanging the device weighing tens (or even hundreds) kilograms. Doubting the strength of the wall, you can put the heater on a specially made outdoor base.

Useful advice: In some cases it will be more appropriate to buy 2 boilers. For example, with regular use washing and rare - shower, there is no need to maintain a 70-degree temperature in 100 liters of water. In this case, you can set the first heater for the bathroom (with a large volume), and the second - for washing (usually enough and 15 liters).

Vertical or horizontal?

Today we are produced both boilers intended for installation in a horizontal or vertical position and models that can be installed and so. Nevertheless, if it is possible - it is desirable to choose a vertical heater.The fact is that hot and cold water in the tank are divided naturally - having a smaller specific gravity The heated liquid rises up, leaving the cold below. At the same time, the lower the total area of \u200b\u200bthe zone of their contact will be, the more slowly the cooling of water will occur. Consequently, the boiler will have greater energy efficiency.

Modern horizontal boiler Thermex

That is, the heaters with horizontal placement must be purchased only when the places for the installation of their vertical analogues are not enough.

The form

The domestic market offers boilers representing 3 form factor:

  • Ordinary (in the form of cylindrical, resembling a barrel). Their diameter correlates with a height in the proportion of approximately 1: 2.
  • Thin models ("Slim"). For them, this ratio is 1: 2.5, 1: 3, 1: 5, etc.
  • Rectangular.

Useful information: The last type, as a rule, has a size comparable to cylindrical models, but it allows you to more profitably enter the boiler into the wall of the wall niche. "Slise", in addition to saving a useful area in the house, they also guarantee a slightly larger yield of warm water.

Heaters of a small volume (less than 15 liters), intended for installation under the sink, are mainly produced in rectangular housings.
Image 5: Compact boiler installed under the sink


Choose tank material - a rather difficult task. In many modern boilers, the housing is made or made of steel with an enameled or glass coating, or from special stainless steel varieties. Naturally, both species have both pros and cons.

Steel coating tanks are much more reliable than stainless analogs. Choosing from a pair of heaters with about the same price, do not forget: a stainless body has less thick walls, therefore, they are not particularly durable. It is important if you regularly occur in the plumbing network (instantaneous pressure jumps). In this case, less durable tank will have a high chance to get damage.

Electrolux water heaters with stainless steel tank

However, stainless steel is characterized by better corrosion resistance. At the same time, the coating on the tanks from simple steel through time can take a crack, and the boiler will come into disrepair. The pace of coating is dependent, first of all, from the composition of the water - the indicator of its stiffness (the greater the salts in it - the greater the scale is formed), as well as the presence of small abrasive particles (for example, miniature grains).

Electrical part

Inside the tank of each boiler is a TEN, actually, and heating fluid. Some models are equipped simultaneously with a pair of independent beans, which is very convenient. In conditions of high load on electric network From other electrical appliances, one TEN can be temporarily turned off, thereby preventing automatic protection. If other powerful devices are turned off - it will be more convenient to include both heater, accelerating the heating of water.

Contemporary heaters have two types of tagged - wet and dry. As it is not difficult to understand the name, the first metal surface Constacty with water in the tank.

It is interesting: Dry Tanes are separated from water with hermetic tubes - glass, ceramic or mineral. They are more durable and guarantee the highest level of electrical safety. In addition, it is formed less than scale. The disadvantage is a higher price.

Ten for boiler

In order to ensure additional protection against corrosive processes on the surface of the tank, all the boilers are equipped with electrochemical protection systems based on the protector anode (most often magnesium). This element during operation is slowly oxidized and dissolved, ensuring the integrity of the tank metal.

The internal thermostat controls the inclusions and disconnections of the heater, supporting the temperature specified temperature with an accuracy of about 4-5 ° C. In modern boiler, the thermostat's response temperature can be adjusted, but in terms of models, the regulator is subject to a protective lid. It would seem that it is not particularly convenient, but, as practice shows, the desire to rotate the knob of the regulator disappears from the user after a few days - after the exact setting of the water heater, according to individual needs, it is rarely worried.

Some boilers also come with a built-in thermometer showing the real temperature in the tank on the arrow or digital indicator. With permanent operation, this feature becomes useful.

Complete set, installation, maintenance

Choosing a boiler, pay attention also to whether the accompanying details are followed - they will still be needed for installation, and their separate purchase will fall out in an additional expense. Preferably, besides the heater itself, get the power cord of the desired length and a special subversive valve (installed at the inlet of cold water to protect the tank from excessive pressure).

Scaffolding valve with manual pressure reset

You can independently need to purchase fastening elements, pipes for connecting the necessary connecting accessories, drainage tube (put on to the valve and displayed in the near sink or directly into the sewer) and several valves. If possible, it is worth installing a filter for rough Cleaning Water, as well as a separate switch-machine for the water heater supply line.

Useful Tip: Typically, the manufacturer does not object to self-installing the heater by the user. However, consider that in order to be saved the possibility of warranty repair, you need to strictly execute the requirements prescribed in the instructions.

As a rule, this requirement is reduced to such a set:

  • Availability properly implemented protective grounding (It should be noted that the common options for the "on the housing of the apartment shield" either at all "on the battery" are not considered as such).
  • Compliance of the real pressure of cold water inside the water pipeline to the working pressure of the heater you choose. If these values \u200b\u200bdo not match, you need to install a pressure reducer.

Adjustable water pressure reducer

  • Connect the boiler to the water supply is needed by plastic or metal-plastic tubes (use of flexible rubber hoses is prohibited).
  • The presence of free space near the boiler for unhindered access to the device (the numbers are indicated in the instructions).

Take advantage of our advice - and you can choose a boiler, ideally satisfying all your requirements!