
How to choose a flow water heater: review of the types of "drocks" and advice to customers. How to choose the right flowing electric water heater

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Choose a flow water heater electric becomes a primary task for a demanding household, during planned shutdowns or frequent supplies hot water. As you know, hot water is far from all homes and apartments, not to mention the country villages. It uses various devices, in particular, and flow water heaters for it.

These options have significant differences. The traditional flow water heater is electrical is more compact and mobile, giving the opportunity to get hot water anywhere, only if there is electricity. On the choice of such a device and will be discussed in the following material.

The presence of a permanent source of hot water is one of the main criteria for a comfortable stay. Water heating devices of a flow type are designed to provide need for hot water in the absence of other methods of obtaining it (centralized feed, gas water heating equipment and so on).

Electric flow water heater - appointment of the device

Electric flowing water heaters can satisfy the various need for water - from one kitchen mixer to small production lines. This requires the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof electric current parameters. Mostly flow-through EUNs are used for short-term replacement of a constant source of hot water due to the high cost of heating the water with electrical energy.

Design elements

The design of the flowing water heater is electric, as a rule, has the same in all models and it looks like this. An electrical heating element (TEN) is mounted in the metal tank. The tank has two carvings pipe - the inlet is cold and the yield of hot water. Cranes are installed on the nozzles to ensure the possibility of removing and repairing equipment. Further, the cranes are usually connected to the networks, respectively, cold (source) and hot water.

Perhaps the most expensive and important in the device is the heating element - TEN. Its purpose is heated through the water heater. When the water pressure is created, an inserted pressure switch is triggered in the instrument. It includes a TEN.

Inside the case, on the housing of the copper flask, there is a thermalcyclic breaker. This is a sensor that ensures the safety of people and the device itself in case of exceeding the maximum allowable water temperature. If the temperature reaches the critical value, the breaker will turn off the TEN.

Nevertheless, the main problem during the operation of a flow-down EVN is the failure of the TEN due to the constant elevated thermal and electrical loads. The replacement does not represent any labor and does not require special skills, the only minus - the TEN fails at the most appropriate moment.

You can adjust the temperature of the passing water with a thermostat that is located on the device case. Also, the temperature can be changed by changing water pressure if the water heater is not equipped with a water pressure stabilizer (in expensive models).

Principle of operation of the flow electron heater

Water heating is carried out directly when the crane is opened, during the passage of water flow through the heating element. Water enters the tank, and then heated it is fed to the water-based point. Standard, electric electric water heater has an automatic response system. At the time of opening a water crane, the heater is turned on into operation, and when it closes the crane, it turns off.

Flowing electric water heaters have standard automation. A duct sensor is installed on the hydraulic path. Thus, at the beginning of the water-based (opening of the mixer), a certain amount of water flow is formed, and the sensor gives the command to turn on the heating element. Accordingly, when the water duct is stopped, the heating element is turned off (otherwise it will simply burn).

The entire device has minor sizes and is enclosed in a decorative plastic case. You can meet the use of miniature flowing water heaters installed directly on the mixers, but because of their fragility and inconvenience of the location, the flowing water heater on the faucet is small.

Most flow water heaters are equipped with mechanisms for regulating the water temperature at the outlet (or by the value of the temperature, or by its range). Electric flow water heaters have a metal housing of high strength and the most saturated safety automation - safety valves, sensors, and so on.

Advantages of flowing water heaters

We briefly list all the advantages of flow-type heaters:

1. Electric flow water heater can be positioned anywhere due to its compact size. Even for limited space, you can choose from a huge range suitable in size model.

2. The second plus, the continuation of the first, small dimensions contribute to saving space and do not occupy the useful area in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

3. Quick water heating. It is enough to open a crane, and after a couple of seconds we get warm water. In addition, there is no stagnation of water and the possibility of the development of pathogenic microorganisms is cut off, in particular there are no prerequisites for the occurrence of Legionella bacteria.

4. Economical electricity consumption due to inclusion only after water supply.

5. There are no restrictions on the volume of passing heated water. Probably, this dignity must be put in the first place, the electric electric water heater provides comfortable use. warm water Absolutely without limiting you in time and volume. Water heated occurs as long as the whole family is required.

6. There is an opportunity to change the water temperature.

7. Acceptable value. The flowing water heater is offered in a large assortment with the orientation of a different thickness of the wallet, always in stock there are options where the price has a symbolic value.

Disadvantages of flow water heaters

Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy and we must tell about the minuses, which are endowed with electric electric water heater. To rightly note, low temperature regime, usually heating water does not exceed the value of 45 ° C. Cold in winter, due to the icy incoming water, the test referee does not cope and at the exit we will most likely get a barely warm stream. The flowing design usually does not sleep to bring cold water to the desired temperature.

The second substantial minus is the need for high-quality wiring from accounting devices with automatic corks to the point of connecting the flow water heater. The power flow water heater is not small, which will provoke an increased load on the wires, with their further burning. The bulk of modifications, available drocks, on store shelves is sold with a capacity of 8 to 10 kW.

That is why The old house, most likely there will be a need to fully replace wires with an increase in the cross section. Master call, with a view to Take a separate eyeliner from the counter and equip it with a plug automaton, entail additional financial spending.

With a large consumption of heated water, it is more expedient to install. About energy savings will not and speech if the flow water heater is used for a significant amount of fluid. Use droveon the conditions of increased preparation of heated water - means complete absence of benefits.

Choose a suitable water heater

Choose a flow water heater electric - the task is even a newcomer in water supply issues. To the model you chose completely satisfy your requests, attention should be paid to the device parameters listed below:

Press or non-permanent?

Pressure models are mounted in homes that have several points of water intake. They are crashed into water supply breaks. As a rule, they differ in more solid dimensions, high power and high cost. Water heating is turned on automatically when opening any water supply crane.

Performance models are used in separate points of water intake. If there are several cranes in the house, where there should be hot water, it is recommended for each of them to purchase a separate water heater. Their power usually does not exceed 8 kW. Popular for summer kitchens, dacha DomikovBan.

Single-phase or three-phase?

Choose a model for this indicator simply enough. If the structure has one phase, then the device should be bought single-phase. The power of single-phase devices does not exceed 12 kW.
If there are three phases, you can focus on three-phase heaters having increased power parameters. Their power is usually 10-36 kW.


The intensity of water heating depends on this characteristic, depending on its pressure. It can be said that this is the main criterion for which the electric electric water heater is selected in different installation locations. Simple free-free models have enough power of about 3 kW. It is for such an indicator that most compact and inexpensive models are calculated. For the cottage and summer kitchen, this is quite enough, unless you plan to use the maximum water pressure in winter.

Standard urban apartment will require more power and follows in this case, to purchase a referral with an indicator up to 8 kW. The capacity of 4.5-6 kW is already enough to provide a solid hot water head year-round.Of course, for full-fledged relaxation in a hot tub, it will be not enough, but wash the dishes and rinse in the soul - more than enough.

If, all the same, I want to relax in the hot tub, and enjoy abundant foam, you should check the possibilities of supplying three-phase wiring, and consider the installation of a flow water heater with a capacity of 13 kW. More powerful devices can be designed to connect multiple cranes.

Water heater control

The control system may be hydraulic or electronic.

1. Hydraulic system.

It is used in the simplest and inexpensive models. When the user opens the water crane, the first (initial) degree of heating turns on. When the pressure increases, the heater switches to the second stage. When water ceases to flow, the rod translates the crane to the closed position. The lack of such a management system is that with weak water pressure, the device may not be engaged in operation.

2. Electronic system.

Used in expensive and powerful models. The operation of the heater is regulated by electronics. Water emerging from the tap has a strictly defined temperature, regardless of water pressure. The user is set only its desired temperature. The most advanced models can not only maintain the temperature specified in the settings, but also capable of adjusting the water pressure.

Focusing on these basic parameters, you can buy yourself a really high-quality water heater and use it with maximum comfort for a very long time.

Installation flowing water heater electric

Electric flow water heater should be placed so that it does not interfere in the process of operation, and the splashes did not reach the body of the product. If the acquired model is connected directly to the yield of the pipeline, you should be designed to the tee and shock reinforcement.

The order of installation measures is carried out in the following sequence:

Electrical cable liner to the location of the connection, do not forget to ensure security, supply the shield with an additional machine;

Direct installation of the product to the wall. In some cases, the set includes the installation template (depending on the model);

Overlapping water in the pipeline, carry out connection with pre-acquired Signs, fittings and shut-off valves;

Gradually apply cold water and increase the pressure, we look at the flowing heater - it should be missing any leaks;

Turn on the network and control the performance of heating shades.

Professionals advise, at the entrance to the flow water heater, the electric additionally mount the filter delaying the different kind of garbage formed in the pipeline as a result of rust or incoming sand. Soft Syrneal Protection will help save long work Device without unnecessary breakdowns. specialists of the heating market

The famous blogger in the video review will tell me how to mount everything correctly and without errors:

Flowing and accumulative water heaters. What to choose?

Without hot water difficult to present comfortable conditions Accommodation. Now there are many different water heaters on the market. In addition to differences in consumed resources (gas or electricity), they are divided into flow and accumulative. By the name it is already clear that some heats the water at once, others accumulate it. It may seem that it is better to choose a flow, because you do not need to wait until it raises the water. But is it really? To respond, it is necessary to disassemble the principle of operation of water heaters.

Flowing water heaters

Usually they are called speakers if they work from gas. The principle of water heating is simple: water is in the heat exchanger, heats up with a burner, then goes into the desired tap or mixer. To get hot water to the end point, it takes time. It depends on the removal of the mixer and the water heater. Almost all gas than it is lower, the hotter and slower the water goes. If the pressure is minimal, the column may not start.

Electric flowing water heaters consume a lot of electricity, it is extremely recommended to install them on poor wiring. The advantage of individual models gas speakers In their non-volatility. Piezorozhig or batteries are used for operation.

Electric water heaters benefit in the absence of additional elements (chimney) and permits. In flow water heaters, there is a big drawback - they cannot be used simultaneously for several mixers. For example, if you open water in the kitchen, the temperature falls in the shower.

Cumulative water heaters

In common, they are called. As for the differences in gas and electric boilers, they are similar to flowing water heaters. The difference is that they consume less electricity. But the places occupy more. But you can simultaneously use multiple points. First you have to wait until the boiler will heat a definite amount of water. But you can set the timer, which includes a water heater at the right time. By the way, the gas boilers have a straight and indirect heating.

The size cumulative water heater Depends on the volume of the tank. The more people use hot waterThe greater the volume is required to choose. For example, a family of three people need a 50-100 liter tank. A smaller volume may not be enough, and the larger will require an additional place. One of the advantages of the boiler is the ability to connect to a heated towel rail. Then he will work even in summer timewhen heating does not use.


When choosing a flow water heater, attention should be paid to the principle of its operation and the amount of water consumed by households. Despite all the advantages of storage devices, sometimes the installation of flowing water heaters is more appropriate. In each room there is its own conditions, so you need to take a job compere.

Today we tried to clarify how to choose a flow water heater with acceptable technical parameters fora better water supply option during shutdown periods. Now you know what a treadoptimally consistent with your requests and desires of households.

If you are tired of hot water interruptions, and the choice fell on the flowing water heater, it is worth dealing with a lot of questions to choose the most suitable option.

To do this, it is necessary to find out the principle of operation of the flow-through electric water heater. Learn all the pros and cons of this equipment. Take into account what to pay attention to first.

Principle of operation of the flow water heater

The principle of providing hot water flow heaters is simple. Cold water passes the equipment where it is TEN or Spiral and heating to the desired temperature, It follows from the crane of hot water. Such a system allows not to install a volumetric cumulative tank, which may not be placed in a small room. The flowing water heater makes it possible to use the minimum space where it would be impossible to install a storage tank.

Such an electric heater allows you to not limit the use of hot water as it is taken in the accumulative equipment, so it will not be necessary to calculate the amount of water consumed by each family member. In addition, the process of heating it happens very quicklythat saves consumer time.

The electrical energy that is needed for heating is consumed only during the operation of the device. That is, only when the hot water flows.

Pros and cons of the flow water heater

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to understand exactly pros and consumerwhich should be faithfully not one year to serve its consumers. And in this device of the positive sides, the use of a flow heater is significantly larger than negative.

Water heater equipped protection against pressure surges With differentials and adjustment of the heating system, depending on the amount of water consumed, which can reduce electricity costs.

If there are so many advantages, probably there are cons, but in this case this statement is incorrect. There are no minuses in the flow of electric heaters. For its productive work there is only one condition that needs to be observed when connecting such a mechanism to the water supply system. This equipment is very powerful, therefore the load on the electrical wiring will be serious. Specialists recommend connecting the flow heater with a separate specially designed wire, which must be displayed to the junction box. For a powerful water heater, more than 8 kW is needed three-phase voltage with three hundred eight-way volts.

Exactly the complexity of such works Stops buyers and makes you choose some other products.


All flowing heaters can divide into two groups:

  1. pressure (system);
  2. non-free.

Pressure flow heaters can provide hot water to several feed points simultaneously. For convenience, they are embedded in hot and cold water pipes. The main condition that is necessary for its normal operation can be provided with the necessary water pressure. As a rule, the inclusion and shutdown of such a pressure heater occurs automatically from water flow passing through pipes.

Water heaters are non-pressure, as a rule, are installed directly on the crane, from which you need to get hot water. They are produced power from 3.5 to 8 kW And they can be included in the usual outlet with two hundred and twenty volts. Included, such a non-valve heater has a kitchenette or shower watering can and is designed to provide hot water to one point. And such water heaters are best suited for non-permanent use. For example, for use in the summer at the cottage.

By type of water heater control, they can be divided into two groups.

  • Hydraulic control.
  • Electronic control.

Hydraulic control - This is the easiest management mechanism that is used in budget models of flow heaters. It can stepwise switch the power of the equipment or, in general, not to have the possibility of switching.

It consists of a hydraulic unit with a membrane and a rod that moves the switch lever. He has several provisions. The first power stage is turned on, turned on, the second power stage is turned on. When the crane opens, the membrane shifts to the side that it provokes the pushing of the rod switch. Depending on the force of water, the first or second stage turns on. The first stage turns on when a weak pressure flows, the second, if it is strong. When the water supply is stopped by closing the crane, the "Disabled" mode is installed. But there are heaters and only one level of power.

Such hydraulic control has chief flaw. With a small pressure of water, the minimum of which each model has its own, the flowing water heater may not turn on. Also, models with such a mechanism cannot provide permanent temperature regime.

The electronic control mechanism allows you to set the parameters you need, adjusting the specified temperature in a ratio with the volume of the flowing water installed in it by sensors and microprocessors. Such a mechanism saves electricity, choosing optimal parameters.

Electronic control There are two species. Some can set the necessary water temperature with built-in keys using indicators. The second form provides more comfortable hot water supply in the room. They not only regulate the temperature of the water, but can also adjust the flow of water. The last option is more expensive, but helps consumers save due to proper adjustment.

Calculation of the required power of the water heater

How to choose a flow water heater to then do not regret the acquisition? When choosing a suitable model, you need to calculate what power the heater is suitable for installation indoors. Potion is calculated from the accounting of those goals that will have to ensure flow electric water heater. Optimal performance is calculated by formula: V \u003d 14.3 * W / (T2 - T1).

The values \u200b\u200bof the formula are such that V denotes the volume of heated water, which is measured in liters per minute. W denotes the power of the water heater and is calculated in kW. T1 and T2 denote the temperature of the water at the inlet and at the outlet, respectively and is measured in ° C.

To easily understand what parameters you need to specify in the formula, you can see the estimated indicators of the table, where possible options for the necessary consumption are approximately indicated.

There is another simpler method for determining the optimal parameters of the electrical flow heater. For determining need to multiply by two Required water flow rate in l / min. So, if you need to provide placed by eight liters of hot water of thirty-five degrees per minute, then you need to purchase a flow-through electric water heater with a capacity of sixteen kilowatt. You can also calculate in the opposite direction pushing off from the power of the water heater. If the power is indicated in eight kilowatt, then such a heater provides four liters of heated water per minute.

If the water heater power is calculated by several hot water supply points, then you need to consider, focusing on the most voluminous point of water intake. If it is assumed to use hot water at several points at the same time, the power of the electrical flow heater should be increased one and a half times.

What details should pay attention to

The most important part of the flowchart of the electric heater, which directly produces the heating process is a tan or spiral. In order for the equipment to be purchased for more than one year without additional maintenance, you need to choose a water heater with a spiral or anemier protected from water. Other details that will be contact with watermust be made of high-quality materials such as brass or copper.

The material from which the housing of the electric flow water heater is made, plays the last role in the durability of this device. The body is influenced by high temperatures, it affects the chemical composition of water passing through it, so it must be produced from a very durable material. According to the allegations of the specialist, enameled corps are considered. Such a heater perfectly behaves with aggressive media present in water and temperature drops.

Copper and polypropylene housings of electrical flow water heaters also have proven themselves as reliable heaters, which make it a qualitative to produce a heating process for more than one year.

Manufacturers especially expensive models of flow heaters equipped special protection against scalewhich negatively affects the performance of the equipment. Clapped protection contributes to the established "Anode", which successfully performs its work from six to seven years. Also, such water heaters have a special lamp that lights up if the "anode" is destroyed and need to be changed new.

Mixers and shower nozzles that are equipped with almost all flowing water heaters should also be carefully examined for integrity. They must be made of durable and durable material. Shower nozzles should contain many small holes, which will ensure even the smallest water pressure.

What else to take into account when choosing a heater

For an electric flow heater, it is important to still be convenient for regular use by all family members.

Safety of the mechanism Also equally important. Therefore, it is worth choosing a device with overheating protection, water filter. It is desirable that the water heater has an inclusion indicator, heating indicators.

The device must be fully equipped and include fittings, shower nozzle, electric wire With an inclusion fork, the standard fit for the consumer needs.

Flowing electric water heaters are currently very popular equipment for both temporary and constant provision of hot water of various premises. If the device picky consumer correctly, with minimal initial costs and economical current costs of electricity, the room will be provided with the desired amount of hot water of the desired temperature. So carefully learn all the nuances represented by foreign and domestic models, calculate necessary power And choose the water heater suitable for technical specifications.

The boiler is not able to heat the desired amount of hot water or is it always needed immediately? The only reliable and affordable energy source is a network of 220 or 380 V? No desire, opportunities, conditions for mounting bulky equipment? Do not know how to choose a flow electric water heater? Information The article will give answers to all questions.

Installation of flow-heating of water is simple enough. The basis of the engineering solution is the heat transfer zone. It contains a heating element of a type of type.

  1. A classic solution is a TEN, inside of which is a wire spiral.
  2. A more modern heater is tubular. This is a moisture-protected inductance coil having a good efficiency and heaving to high temperatures.
  3. The most technological solution is the induction heating system. It consists of an electromagnetic coil and core, which is rareled by the currents of Foucault.

So that the temperature of the fluid passing through the contour of the device could be adjusted by the user, the manufacturers of heaters offer a whole range of control circuits. Among them are necessarily a security system. They prevent heat heating to boiling point or higher than the specified maximum value, work in idle mode, short circuits and other emergencies.

The flowing heater has an impressive list of advantages. They make it a very convenient product for quick, for seconds, getting hot water. For example, future owners attracts:

  • compact size;
  • lack of special installation requirements;
  • the ability to work with any flow of water;
  • clear adjustment mechanics;
  • equipment that allows you to immediately choose a model that meets needs.

But the flowing electric water heater has the disadvantages that can create problems in the average apartment or house. For example:

  • powerful device, having consumption of 7 or more kW, it will easily overload a weak wiring;
  • the number of water liters that the installation is able to heat a minute to a comfortable temperature may be insufficient to meet the needs of the family;
  • incorrectly selected type of water heater can be used inefficient.

The exact estimate of all parameters will allow you to choose a flow-through heater for home, cottages or apartments, whose characteristics will be very attractive. Let us dwell on the details of the device that should be considered when purchasing.

Types of flow electric heaters

As mentioned above, all flow-type devices are built on the same basic scheme. To decide which better to buy an electric water heater is, first of all, according to its performance characteristics and structural execution. The market presents:

  • wall-mounted installation devices with vertical orientation of the case, with lower pipe liner. They can serve water to shower through a flexible hose, on the hussak or in the water selection track;
  • wall mounting heaters with side liner. They are optimal for location behind a partition or wall. Unregulated models work perfectly: water during selection in an amount not exceeding the performance indicator, always has a precisely specified temperature;
  • the appliances with the upper eyeliner are optimal for the kitchen. They are easy to install under the tabletop, inside the furniture headset;
  • systems of flow-heating tubular type. Their connection is made directly inside the engineering systems, the installation is made directly into the pipe pass line. Podding and fluid yield are located with the ends of the heater, and the adjustment systems are either not provided or are designed for a single installation of the heating mode. Separate segment of products - Compact water heaters manufactured in a rack format for kitchen sink crane.

The last type of flow heater can perform optimal decisionIf the owners chose it for installation in the apartment. Such a device can work in a pair with a cumulative boiler through a three-way mixing valve. This ensures the continuous presence of hot water, the possibility of intensive selection and constantly comfortable fluid temperature.

What needs to be considered when choosing a device

Let us dwell on the complex characteristics of the flowchair, the choice of which will allow you to get a device that does not create trouble and providing a sufficient amount of hot water. Immediately note a few features that allow better evaluating the device.

  1. The indicated performance of the flow heater is the amount of water that it is capable of issuing a constant stream at a maximum (specified in the passport) temperature.
  2. Unregulated devices or equipped with mechanical control systems are always clear, indicated in the instrument characteristics of electricity. At the same time, electronic control heaters spend so much energy as needed to heat the water to the specified temperature.
  3. The device equipped with a shower head is not always suitable for giving. The nozzle has very small holes. It is suitable for washing dishes or hands, but it will be uncomfortable if the water heater is put in the shower.

Designed for one point of water selection The devices are called non-per-on. A safety valve is installed at the entrance, which provides internal fluid pressure in 1 atmosphere. Such a water heater cannot supply water more than it allows its design, even if it is intense from the "cold" crane.

The devices calculated for several water take-off points are able to withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. They can be installed directly at the entrance to the apartment and choose performance sufficient for all household needs.

Selection of electric flow water heater

Before you go to the store, you should consult with electricians. The calculation of the average wiring in the modern house is based on the possibility of connecting several powerful consumers. This is a washing machine, oven, electric array. Therefore, a small flowing heater with a power of 4-6 kW can be safely used under the condition of its short-term (before half an hour) of inclusion.

If the house is old, the wiring is weak, it is recommended to make a separate input to the apartment from which the flow water heater will be powered. The perfect solution is to carry out the tire apartment shield directly from the basement or from the central distribution point. At the same time, you can solve another problem: provide a zero wire that is in modern housesrequired to connect the device, but absent in old buildings.

Make a separate entry is recommended in any case. However, realizing that no special needs to do a serious repair with the walls of the walls or opening the channels of laying wires, it is worth carefully assessing the possibilities of existing wiring and choose a water heater capable of working under existing conditions without accidents.

Water consumption

As mentioned above, in the passport to the heater indicates the nominal performance. The flow of water, issued by the instrument, is always diluted. Therefore, if there are 3 liters of selection per minute with a temperature of 55 degrees, such indicators are sufficient for a comfortable taking of the soul.

The second factor that needs to be taken into account is the difference in the performance of the device at the time of the year. Water in the feed tube differs in temperature. In the summer it is warmer, winter is completely cold. For example, in summer, a water heater with a capacity of 8 kW will provide a selection of 3.1 liters of water with a temperature of 55 degrees (18 at the inlet). And in winter, when the water is suppressed in 6 degrees, only 2.3 liters of hot liquid will be obtained.

To successfully select the instrument, it is worth navigating its class and the stated performance indicators. For example, for a non-pressure device that is mounted in one point of selection (kitchen sink, bathroom, shower), there will be quite productivity in 3-4 liters (it is smaller, if there is no habit of taking a shower with a good stream of water).

For a pressure water heater with several selection points, a minimum indicator of 3 liters per minute for one consumer is adopted. Each next crane should add 1.5-2 liters to the recommended device performance.

Features of the heating element

The class of the heating element can be a decisive factor and determine which firm to choose a water heater. For example:

  • the simplest devices use one or more Tan. They can be with anodized or copper sheath;
  • more advanced devices are equipped with ceramic tubular heaters. They are durable, roads are effective;
  • the best heaters are glass-protected spiral blocks. They do not require maintenance, slightly change the rate of heat recovery during the formation of scale.

Spiral induction heat exchangers - the most technological solution. With their work, it is extremely few scale, since Foucault currents, except heating, cause vibration of the central core and a current spiral. Such heaters are equipped with some water heaters of the Swedish brand Electrolux.

The material from which the heater is made

The heater housing is the last thing to be estimated. Each buyer has a personal rating. For example:

  • people practical plastic will prefer. It is easy to care for him, but over time, scratches, roughness, collecting dirt, will inevitably appear;
  • enamel enamelly look rationally. They are durable, the surface is durable, wear-resistant, looks aesthetic;
  • anodized body details look stylish and effectively. However, the coating can overceve the base over time. Excellent durability at the Titan layer. Such a housing is an expensive solution, but it looks extremely attractive;
  • fully metallic, polished, made of stainless steel or alloys water heaters - the top of perfection in the eyes of some buyers. But it is worth considering one factor. On the smooth mirror surface of the metal will constantly see the divorces and other visual shortcomings. It will take careful, constant care.

What a firm is preferable

Knowing how to choose a flow electric water heater, it is impossible not to mention the companies that are leading according to customer preferences. At one end, the scale is simple, inexpensive and reliable solutions. As a bright representative, you can note the Polaris brand. Here are classic, simple tanes, moderate power consumption, repairability and accessibility of spare parts.

On the other end of the scale - the products from the electrolyuks. Technological innovations are used here. For example, induction blocks of heating, spirals protected by glass. The price of water heaters is high, but reliability even higher, products will not require maintenance or repair for many years.

Rating of the best flow electric heaters

It is time to get acquainted with the best representatives of the flow water heater market. In order not to repeat the same indicators: electricity consumption, performance, number of selection points (device type) and others, they are reduced to the table. And the rating will introduce the main features of the devices.

ModelProduction, l / minpower, kWtType of heaterPoints of selectionControl
3,9 8 tubular1 electronic
4,1 8 copper TenSomemechanics
POLARIS MERCURY 5.3 OD4 5,3 TENsomeregular
4 6,5 copper tubular1 regular
7,3 12 (380 V)TENsomeregular
TIMBERK WHEL-7 OC PRIMALUX4,5 6,5 TEN1 mechanics
Electrolux SP 21 ELITEC10,7 21 (380 V)spiral Tensomeungovernable
5 7 TEN1 mechanics
2,8 5,7 spiral blocksomemechanics
4 7,5 copper Tensomemechanics

The solution that can be considered universal. The water heater is controlled by electronics, you can set the temperature threshold, there is an accelerated heating mode. Installing the desired parameters is performed by convenient circular regulators. The water heater refers to a non-pressure class (one selection point), is equipped with a shower hose.

Electric flow-up water heater, which is suitable for an apartment where a family of two people live. Performance is enough to take a shower for household needs. The device withstands up to 10 atmospheres of water supply, can be installed at the entrance of the apartment, it is powered by a single-phase network of 220 V. Its design is simple, pipe supply is standard, 0.5 inches, so even the installation does not cause any difficulties with your own hands.

Representative of simple, reliable solutions for a small apartment or at home. Possessing good performance for its power, the water heater offers a simple scheme for setting modes by pressing one button. Mounted at the entrance to the apartment, is able to ensure the analysis of water for several points. The convenient shape of the body allows you to install it in the bathroom, and the equipment (hose and shower head) allows you to use the device for creating comfort in the country.

Representative of the market segment of the most reliable and unpretentious devices. This water heater is made in the enamel enamel case, equipped with copper tanks, comes with its own water purification filter at the input, offers installation mode by pressing one button. Calculated for one point of consumption (non-variable class), this device will be very efficient in the kitchen or in the bathroom. For mounting in the bathroom, the manufacturer offers a crane - a hussak, which is included with the device.

The product is perfect for a private house. The device works from a three-phase network, has sufficient performance to provide hot water from a family of 3-4 people. It can be installed at the entrance to the house, withstands up to 10 water pressure atmospheres and offers accelerated water heating mode. Temperature adjustment is performed by a single regulator on the housing.

Compact, designed for use in apartments (water pressure at the entrance of up to 6 atmospheres), this water heater will have to taste to many. It is equipped with a regulator, which will balance the water selection and the load on the wiring. This device will be comfortable both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where it can be mounted directly above the bathroom or washbasin. Complete with the device offers a crane-hussak.

Excellent solution for a private house where a big family lives. This reliable unregulated device boasts a whole range of record indicators. First, it is equipped with an induction heating system. Secondly, it has a maximum temperature limit at 60 degrees in its class. Thirdly, it can provide good performance for its power. The device is powered by a three-phase network, can be installed at the input of water into the house, weighs less than 4 kg.

Good and reliable bathroom solution. There is everything that is required of the high-quality protocate heater of the non-pressure type: the average power sufficient for the intensive shower performance, simple mechanical switches of operation mode. The device is completed as if it was specifically designed for the bathroom: the manufacturer offers a crane-hussak and a flexible hose with a shower head.

A unique device from the Swedish brand was developed for the kitchen. Here is the upper eyeliner for mounting the instrument under the tabletop, moderate power consumption and performance sufficient for household needs. In this case, the water heater is designed for several consumers. Therefore, it can be supplied so as to serve water in the sink and in the bathroom washbasin at the same time.

The device is very reliable. Heating element - spiral type with special mechanics of work: It vibrates when the voltage is submitted. It does not give to settle the scale, as a result of the service life of the device is very high.

Completes the rating convenient device for bachelors or family of two. The needs of such a target group this water heater will satisfy completely. There is everything for universal use. For example, you can install this device for hot water supply bathroom or install at the entrance to the apartment (several consumers are allowed). Reliable copper beans will provide durability, and setting the water temperature at the outlet of the simple movement of the circular regulator is a very convenient option.

As a conclusion

About the flow heaters say a lot, but always one-way. The attitude to this device can be described by one phrase: "Don't love? Just do not know how to cook it. " What modern species The flow heaters were considered, everyone will require an integrated approach. It is enough to provide a reliable power source, evaluate water consumption and select the appropriate model, as well as connect it where it will be most effective. And then the acquired heater for many years of work will never make it disappointed in itself. You just need to go to the store and know what to pay attention to when buying.

The presence of hot water is one of the main and inalienable attributes of a comfortable life. Its temporary disconnection can bring modern citizens a lot of inconvenience. In addition, not all country villages and villages are equipped with hot water. To eliminate such circumstances, an electric flowing water heater (direct-flow, non-puncture) from Electrolux, Ariston, Termex and other manufacturers is often used. Such a boiler works in automatic mode, the main condition is the presence of a water source and power supply.

What is flowing water heater

Attainment modern science Both techniques are a flowing electrical heater that allows you to use hot water for household needs all year round, is a small-sized device with a heating element. As the latter there is a TEN (tubular electric heater) or an open spiral. Open spiral is used in very compact devices in the form of tap nozzles, because To put a tan there just nowhere. Heating occurs in a copper flask.

Externally, the device is a relatively small plastic case, which is connected to the source of electricity and the water supply system. For hot water there is only one way out. Depending on the purpose, the performance of such a device can provide with water with a constant temperature of one or more points of water intake. At the same time, some models are equipped with a mechanical control system, others - electronic. The undoubted advantage is the ability to adjust the power and heating of water, especially at the boiler with electronic control.

How does it work

Having decided to establish a design that would provide the opportunity to enjoy the hot shower in any season of the year, first familiarize yourself with the principle of its work. The electric flow water water heater is included in the work when the crane is opened, i.e. The flow of water. Next, water is instantly heated to the optimum temperature, after which it is simply supported at one level. No accumulative tanks of different volumes in the boiler are provided.

Due to the fact that the water heater of this type is an electrical appliance of high power, it requires the laying of separate electrical wiring. In addition, the device must be necessarily grounded. Special devices are used as a protection system for overheating and burns - limitel regulators. In some models, they are triggered when the water heating temperature is exceeded above 65-70 degrees.

Types of flowing water heaters

Flowing boiler is a pressure type and non-per-on. The first one is different is called a closed water heater - it is connected to the gap. water pipe. It has a high power and can provide water supply to several points of water intake. Connecting a non-pressure (open) water heater, performed as a simple household appliances. By removing the tap pipe or flexible hose. Supposes only one point. The advantage is low cost and low power, which will save on electricity consumption. Views:

  • nozzle for kitchen tap;
  • crane with electric water heating;
  • separate device fixed next to the shower / washing.


Regardless of the technical characteristics of any flow-type water heater, including the budget model, is a completely economical device in terms of water flow. The fact is that the user, standing in the bath or in the shower, do not need to wait long, while the water will go the necessary temperature. Pressure device perfectly suitable for kitchens is always under the pressure of the network. One of the popular options for this heater:

  • model name: Thermex System 800;
  • price: 3330 rubles;
  • characteristics: Mechanical control, Power consumption 8 kW (220 V), Sizes (shXVXG) 270x170x95 mm;
  • pros: It is cheap;
  • cons: Low build quality and materials.

If you are looking for a more powerful device, then look at one of the Water heater model Stiebel:

  • model name: Stiebel Eltron DHC-E 12;
  • price: 25878 r.;
  • characteristics: Productivity of 5 liters of water per minute, control mechanical, power consumption 10 kW (220 V), dimensions (shXVXG) 200x360x104 mm;
  • pros: There is a overheating protection system;
  • cons: it is expensive.


The same principle of action, as well as the pressure heater, has a non-puncture, simply in the role of a security group performs a special mixer. In the closed state, it overlaps the water at the entrance, and when heated is resetting the excess water. You can find devices from different manufacturers on sale, so be sure to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each interest. Here is one of the inexpensive models:

  • model name: Timberk WHE 3.5 XTR H1;
  • price: 2354 r.;
  • characteristics: Mechanical control, power consumption 3.5 kW (220 V), dimensions (shXVXG) 124x210x82 mm, Productivity 2.45 l / min., Weight 800 g;
  • pros: It is cheap, there is a system of protection against overheating;
  • cons: small performance.

Among other non-pressure heaters, pay attention to the device of this type:

  • model Name: Electrolux NP4 Aquatronic;
  • price: 5166 r.;
  • characteristics: Power consumption 4 kW (220 V), dimensions (shXVXG) 191x141x85 mm, capacity 2 l / min, weight 1.42 kg;
  • pros: acceptable dimensions, good value for money.
  • cons: low power.

For shower

Purchase such a product as a flow-type water heater in St. Petersburg, Moscow or another city of the country today is not a problem, it is more difficult to determine the appropriate option and optimal power. Depending on the quality of assembly and operating conditions, the purchase may be served about 5-7 years. To answer the question of which flowing water heater is better to buy in the apartment for taking a shower, read several popular devices. Compare all parameters, including approximate electricity consumption. Inexpensive acquisition can be:

  • model name: Atmor Basic 5;
  • price: 1778 r.;
  • characteristics: Mechanical control, power consumption 5 kW (220 V), Productivity 3 l / min. The kit consists of a shower, plug for outlet, hose;
  • pros: Low cost, compact;
  • cons: a small length of the shower hose.

Another popular and demanded representative of this category of flow water heaters is:

  • model Name: Delmita PEVN 5;
  • price: 2541 r.;
  • features: Power consumption 5 kW (220 V), Productivity 3 l / min. The kit consists of a shower nozzle, hose, sizes (shXXXG) 206x307x65 mm;
  • pros: Low cost, simplicity of connection;
  • cons: Heats water badly.

With mechanical control

To adjust the work of the heater, i.e. You can change the degree of water heating using the regulators that are located on a special panel. Control can be mechanical or electronic. The first is often called hydraulic. A nozzle for a water heating or a separate standard device with such control is always switched on with maximum power - even if there are several heating modes there. It is necessary to change the degree of heating manually, i.e. Switching modes after switching on. Here is one of the options:

  • model name: AEG DDLT 24 Pincontrol;
  • price: 37100 r.;
  • characteristics: Power consumption 24 kW (380 V), Performance 12.3 l / min., Maximum water heating temperature + 60 ° C, Dimensions (SHCHG) 226x485x93 mm, weight 3.3 kg;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: High cost.

Check out with another option - a three-phase electric water heater Kospel:

  • model Name: Kospel KDH 21 Luxus;
  • price: 11354 r.;
  • characteristics: Power consumption 21 kW (380 V), Productivity 10.1 l / min., Dimensions (SHXVHG) 245x440x120 mm, weight 5.1 kg;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: High cost.

With electronic control

Considerable distribution today has been purchased flowing water heaters equipped with electronically controlled. They are highlighted with high power and higher cost. This is due to the fact that the installations of this type have heating elements with multistage power adjustment. In addition, these devices have several sensors and a microprocessor, processing data and regulating the operation of heaters. A bright example serves:

  • model name: Stiebel Eltron HDB-E 12 Si;
  • price: 19285 r.;
  • characteristics: Power consumption 11 kW (380 V), Productivity 5.4 l / min., Dimensions (SHXVHG) 225x470x117 mm, Weight 3.6 kg, there is a system of protection against overheating;
  • pros: good power, pressure;
  • cons: High cost.

If some of the characteristics did not suit you, then read another option:

  • model name: Stiebel Eltron DHC-E 8;
  • price: 25838 r.;
  • features: Power consumption 6 kW (380 V), Productivity 3 l / min., Dimensions (SHXKG) 200x362x105 mm, there is a system of protection against overheating;
  • pros: temperature limit up to 60 ° C;
  • cons: High cost.

How to choose a flow water heater

When choosing, first of all, you need to properly select the optimal installation power. In this case, it is easier to navigate the number of cranes that should be simultaneously equipped with hot water. If there are three points in the living space, then the power of the device should be from 13 kW and more, if 2 - within 8-12 kW, and if 1 is up to 8 kW. Select the type of management: hydraulic or electronic. The first is cheaper, the second has a greater power and a modern "stuffing".

Pay attention to the performance of the device, i.e. Water consumption. The average value for the shower is 5 l / min., Washbasin and washing with a mixer - 2-4 l / min., And the bathtubs with the mixer - 3.5 l / min. If you select, make sure you match both the power value and performance. Only so the flowing water heater will provide you with water heated to a given temperature. Otherwise, you will have to ensure that at the same time more than one crane has not opened.

To purchase, regardless of cost and large / low power turned out to be optimal, make a kind of monitoring of prices, stocks, discounts, sales on a particular flow water heater with a Tan, compare the characteristics of several models, order which can be in the catalog in the online store with delivery by mail or buying household appliances in the nearest store.


If there is electricity in the house, apartment or at the cottage, it is not difficult to provide a seven hot water. The market presents an exceptionally wide selection of heating devices for heating tap water.

The most popular is the accumulative boilers, but the flow models have their own fans. To figure out how to choose a flow electric water heater, the features of the work of this device should be studied.

The design of the flow water heater is very simple. This is a flask for water, in which a powerful electric tank is installed, made of copper. Additionally, there is a control unit, it is possible to configure the functioning of the device in the desired way.

The flow of water enters the flask, where it is almost instantly heated to the desired temperature and is supplied to the points of distribution. More powerful models allow you to warm up the stream of up to 60 degrees, and less powerful - about 40 degrees.

The photo is clearly represented by the device of a household electric flow water heater, in which the role of the heating element performed high-power TEN

The variation of the characteristics of flow water heaters in power is quite wide, it varies within 3-27 kW. Up to 8 kW devices can be safely connected even to an ordinary single-phase outlet for 220 V, although electrician specialists recommend to spend a separate line from the counter for this powerful device.

High-power heaters can only be connected to a three-phase power grid by 380 kW, which is commonly equipped with houses with electric stoves.

If you need to connect a powerful heater, and confidence in the reliability of your electrical network No, it is worth consulting with an experienced electrician. Sometimes the network can be modified, but it does not always manage.

The advantages and disadvantages of "drocking"

Among the advantages of flow heaters should be noted a few points:

  • This is usually compact devices, it is easier for them to find a suitable place.
  • To obtain a stable flux of hot water, a separate reservoir is not required.
  • Electricity is spent only during the device operation.
  • The device is not difficult to install and operate.
  • To install, do not need to do chimney.
  • The operation of the device does not depend on the characteristics of the supply and exhaust ventilation.

But choosing a flowing water heater, it should be remembered about its shortcomings. To begin with, "drocks" during operation consume a rather large amount of electricity, which is inevitably reflected in utility bills.

In addition, the quality of heating will depend on how many points of the hot water consumption serves a heater simultaneously. If there are many such points, and the power of the device is small, the water will be too small, or it will warm up quickly.

Flowing water heaters are distinguished by compact sizes, which makes it easier to install them. Installation is important to comply with the requirements for power characteristics.

High power consumed requires relevant working conditions. Installation of an appliance with a capacity of more than 8 kW is possible only to a modern three-phase electrical network.

Unfortunately at home old buildings Not always equipped in this way. In such conditions, installation of flowing heaters with a capacity of up to 6 kW is allowed. You can clarify the features of your electrical network in the HSEK or at the local electrician.

It matters and the condition of wiring in the house. Of course, it must be good. It is recommended to use for such powerful devices as flowing heaters, high-quality copper wire.

The cable cross section should correspond to the power of the device. On this issue, you can also consult with a good electrician.

With low-power devices there is a significant drawback: they are convenient for use only in the warm season, when the temperature of water coming from the water pipeline is at least 15 degrees. A low-power device can increase the water temperature for another 25 degrees, i.e. To quite comfortable 40 degrees.

If water incoming to the heater for some reason does not have time to warm up to the desired level, the quality of heating will be unsatisfactory.

There are flowing water heaters that are installed directly on the sink. In this case, there is no need to bring to the sink separately pipe hot water supply

Attempts to connect a device designed for a three-phase network, to a conventional power grid in 220 V can become fatal and for a flow water heater, and for electricians, and even for people. Do not risk and arrange an electro-operator in the house. To private home ownership, cottage or cottage you can sum up with the necessary characteristics.

To do this, contact the local energy supplying company and get a special permission - the technical conditions for connecting the electrical installation.

With the features of the connection and operation of the electrical flow water heater, the electrolux with a capacity of 3.5 kW can be found in the following video.

What you need to know about the types of flow heaters

Although manufacturers offer a large selection of flow-type water heaters, they can be divided into two large groups by the installation and features of operation: pressure and non-pressure.

The pressure models are mounted in the water pipeline, they are designed to simultaneously provide hot water of several consumption points.

The flow water heaters of the pressure type are connected directly to the water supply system of the house or apartment. They can serve several hot water consumption points at once.

The device is equipped with an entrance for cold water and the exit for the hot, from which water flows to places of consumption through the pipes.

Thus, if with the help of a flow heater, it is supposed to provide hot water all the apartment or the whole house, it makes sense to stop the selection precisely on the pressure water heater.

Non-free flowing water heaters are usually distinguished by low power, moderate price and high popularity. The device is equipped with special nozzles, for example, a watering can

Performance devices are used in cases where only one specific consumption point needs it in hot water. This is usually a shower room or bath, sink in the kitchen, etc.

The device is installed in close proximity to the hot water consumption point, cold water Enters through the inlet nozzle, and the hot is fed through a special nozzle, for example, through the shower watering can. The heaters of this type are a popular choice for the summer cottage.

Selecting the device: what to pay attention to

Before you go to the store, you should decide on the number of indicators that characterize the operation of the water heater:

  • The number of consumption points to which heated water will be supplied.
  • The total volume of water, which will be consumed per unit of time while turning on at all points of consumption.
  • The power of the device that will provide a sufficient heating temperature.

In addition, a number of questions should be clarified in the store:

  • The complexity of the installation of the device, which can be carried out independently or with the help of a specialist.
  • The cost of installing the heater (sometimes you can get a discount or even free installation services).
  • The presence and cost of spare parts that may be needed in the event of a breakdown of the product.
  • The duration of the warranty period.
  • Order of warranty service.

The last moment is very important, because sometimes it is quite difficult to get a warranty service from a little-known manufacturer, despite the fact that the warranty is provided. The center that carries out the warranty repair may be in the neighboring city, the region or even in another country.

The maximum amount of hot water depends on the power of the heater, which the device can produce per unit of time. Low power appliances can supply from two to six liters of water per minute. In fact, heating when using such an instrument is usually only 20 seconds.

Usually this amount of water is enough to quickly take the shower and wash the dishes. If the needs of residents at home exceed these indicators, you will need a more powerful water heater.

With this scheme, it is not difficult to determine which level of the number of hot water is necessary for a family for a comfortable stay in the house

To find out the need for your family in hot water, it is possible to carry out simple practical calculations using a bucket of a well-known container, for example 8, 10 or 12 liters. Water is allowed with the usual pressure and flow the time during which the bucket will be filled.

By dividing the number of liters to the resulting number of seconds and multiplying the result by 60, determine the need for hot water for this particular consumption point. You can immediately share liters for a minute so that you do not have to multiply 60, but if the number of minutes is not intended, you should properly translate additional seconds in the tenth / hundredths of the minute. For example:

1 min.30 sec. \u003d 1.5 min.

45 sec. \u003d 0.75 min.

2 minutes. 15 sec. \u003d 2.25 min. etc.

The same practical measurements and simple calculations should be carried out for each point of consumption of hot water, and then summarize the result.

Information about the performance of the flow water heater is contained in the process of the product, and usually this indicator indicates the description of the goods on the sites of manufacturers, online stores, in advertising prospects, etc.

To determine the power of the flow water heater, it is possible to use a completely scientific formula that uses data about the needs of the consumption point / house / apartment in hot water. Calculate the power of the device according to the following formula:

P \u003d Q × (T 1 - T 2) × 0,073Where:

P. - Power of the flow water heater, W;

Q. - necessary duct hot water, l / min.;

t 1. - the necessary temperature of hot water entering the consumption point, 0 C;

t 2. - water temperature entered into the device for heating, 0 C;

0,073 - correction factor.

Here is an exemplary calculation of the power of the flow water heater for the conditional situation, when the level of hot water consumption is 15 l / min, the water temperature at the outlet should be 400 ° C, and at the input working temperature of the water on average is equal to 100 ° C.

In this case, the power of the flow water heater should be p \u003d 15 × (40-10) × 0.073 \u003d 32.85 kW. It is quite high power, the acquisition of such an appliance will be no longer sues.

Before choosing a suitable flowing water heater, you should evaluate the upcoming costs not only for its acquisition and installation, but also for further operation.

The higher the power of the device, the more the electricity is consumed during its operation, but the higher the temperature of the water that can be obtained using such an instrument. It all depends on the needs and specific conditions.

For example, if hot water is needed only for washing dishes or to take a shower, a fairly power model up to 8 kW. This device is enough to solve these small household tasks.

If you need hot water to ensure big house, especially throughout the year, and not just in summer periodYou will have to consider devices with a power of 18 kW.

It is also worth estimating the location of hot water consumption points. Usually, if the shower cabin and the kitchen are near, it is possible to use one low-power device for these two points.

True, hot water will only be supplied to one consumer: or in a shower, or in the kitchen.

The scheme clearly demonstrates the features of the installation of a flow water heater. With the placement of the device and the order of its connection it is worth decreasing before the purchase

If funds allow, to improve comfort in the house using two small water heaters. One put in the kitchen, and the other in the bathroom or in the shower.

They do not occupy a lot of space, so the presence of two devices of big problems will not create. For the soul it makes sense to buy a water heater equipped with a remote control unit. However, the device can be put directly in the shower.

Such devices are usually designed to work in conditions. high humiditySo the splashes are not terrible.

Some models of flow water heaters are equipped with a remote control unit. Such devices are very convenient to use in the shower

How much is?

It should be noted that in Russia the most popular is the flower heaters of Termex, Electrolux, etc. The models of the well-known company Bosch are distinguished by high quality.

AmartFix 5.5 T, SmartFIX 6.5 T, SmartFIX 2.0 6.5 T, 5.5-6.5 kW with a capacity of 5.5-6.5 kWs uses high popularity among Electrolux devices. The cost of such devices ranges from 50-70 dollars.

The stream 350, Stream 500, Stream 700, the power, respectively, are 3.5 kW, 5.0 kW, and 7.0 kW, 5.0 kW and 7.0 kW, can be called popular flow water heaters from Termex. The price varies around 80-100 dollars.

If you need to choose a high-power device, it makes sense to consider the line of flow water heaters from Vaillant. The cost of devices with a capacity of 12-27 kW ranges from 210 to 230 dollars.

In general, buyers are inclined to choose the low-power models of "drocking", which are easier and more convenient in operation. Where it is necessary to get a large amount of hot water, it is usually made a choice in favor of a storage water heater, which during operation costs a little cheaper.

This explains the low popularity of flow water heaters with high power.

To reduce the consumption of electricity and minimize the flow of water, ensuring sufficient water pressure, in the shower canes of non-pressure "drocks" make very small holes. Over time, these holes are clogged due to scale, as well as poor water quality.

After that, pollution is usually not difficult to remove the rigid brush or metal sponge.

The holes in the leak of the soul of the flow water heater specifically make small to reduce water consumption. Special filters will help protect the device from pollution

When a specific heater model is selected, it is recommended before buying carefully examine the manufacturer's instructions. This will help to understand the features of the installation of the device, as well as assess the features of its operation, i.e. As far as it is convenient to use the device after installation.

Small water heaters who acquire for the cottage, at the end of the season, it is recommended to remove and take it into a warm apartment.

In the spring, the heater is not difficult to connect again, but to ensure sufficiently good storage conditions on the unheated dacha can be quite difficult.