
How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? Review of methods, effective options and recommendations. How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: effective ways

Ornamental crops for the garden

08/02/2017 0 1 443 views

For a comfortable stay in a room, certain conditions must be maintained in it, including optimal humidity. And how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier at home? It is quite possible if you know and use effective ways.

The harm of dry air in the apartment

The normal indicator of air humidity ranges from 40-60%. And not only an increase in the level, but also a decrease in it can negatively affect the microclimate of the room, as well as the health and well-being of residents. And if at high humidity and dampness, the risks of education increase, then a reduced indicator can lead to no less serious problems.

To understand why you need to increase your humidity level, you should consider the harm that a decrease in humidity can cause. Here are some of the challenges and risks:

  1. Increased stress on the respiratory system. Firstly, due to excessively dry air, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract suffer, which begin to become thinner and irritated, which causes symptoms such as a dry obsessive cough, perspiration. Secondly, due to low humidity, it may be difficult to excrete sputum and small particles that enter them during breathing from the lungs, which will lead to the development of bronchitis or even pneumonia.
  2. Disorders of the cardiovascular system. The human body is largely composed of water, and it is part of the blood and other biological fluids, and is also present in all tissues. With a lack of fluid, the blood can thicken, which affects the work of the organ that pumps it - the heart.
  3. It is especially important to ensure sufficient moisture for the newborn, because in the womb he was in a humid environment, and a sharp change in conditions can become serious stress and a real test for the body.
  4. The mucous membrane of the eyes becomes thinner and depleted, which provokes the onset of symptoms such as dryness, cramps, redness, and severe discomfort. People who work at a computer or use contact lenses are especially susceptible to these manifestations.
  5. Dry and flaky skin. The skin is in dire need of moisture and absorbs it not only from the body, but also from environment... With insufficient moisture and water shortage, tissues will be depleted, lose elasticity and firmness, and age and wear out much faster.
  6. Increased risk of nosebleeds. Due to the thinning of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity caused by excessively dry air, the capillaries will become more vulnerable and fragile, which can lead to their damage.
  7. Brittle hair and nails. Their condition largely depends on environmental conditions, and with a moisture deficit, they can noticeably deteriorate.
  8. Cooling of the body, significant heat loss. Dry air retains and retains heat very poorly, so in such conditions people can freeze faster and harder, especially in the cold season. In addition, a room with low humidity is not easy to warm up to create a comfortable atmosphere, which automatically increases energy consumption.
  9. Dry air can spoil interior elements. So, it provokes drying out and subsequent cracking of wooden furniture and some musical instruments, provokes significant electrification of synthetic materials, and also accelerates the wear of carpets and fur products, reducing their service life.
  10. The static voltage of household electrical appliances in low humidity conditions prevents dust and other small particles floating in the air from settling. The result is a feeling of dusty room.
  11. Dry air affects pets, which also need moisture.
  12. Particles of water contained in the air provide complete hydration of the ground parts of indoor plants. Therefore, at a reduced level of humidity, flowers can wither and dry out, shed their leaves and lose their decorative properties.
  13. Decrease in the level of such important indicator can provoke an exacerbation of allergies or chronic diseases.

How to tell if the air in the room is dry?

How do you know if you need to humidify the air? To do this, assess the level of humidity and identify its decrease. Most often, the problem arises in the winter and is caused by the active use of heating devices that stimulate accelerated evaporation and dry out the air in the room. But how do you know when it's time to act?

The state of health and well-being of the residents can tell about the change and deterioration of the microclimate in the room. Dry air often provokes an unreasonable dry cough and a sore throat, dry eyes, redness, cramps and discomfort.

In addition, due to the thinning of the mucous membranes, the natural protective barrier of the human body weakens, which often causes colds and various infections, and immunity decreases. Peeling of the skin and a decrease in their elasticity, brittle hair and delamination of the nail plates are also observed.

Assess the condition of your indoor plants. If they grow slowly, and their leaves dry out, turn yellow, curl and fall off, this is probably due to a lack of moisture. You can watch pets. The main indicator of their well-being and state of health is the nose: if it is dry, it means that the pet is experiencing discomfort, and the level of humidity in the room is significantly reduced.

To assess air humidity, you can use a specialized device measuring this indicator - a hygrometer. But if you do not have it, then you can conduct a simple experiment on your own.

Chill a glass or other glass container in the refrigerator and keep it away from heaters or other heat sources. If the resulting condensation is completely dry after five to ten minutes, this means that the air is dry and urgent measures must be taken.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier? Basic techniques

There are several ways to humidify the air without a humidifier at home:

  1. Spray water by spraying it all over the room with a spray bottle. In this way, you can moisturize curtains and curtains, carpets, houseplants.
  2. You can place containers filled with water in the room. And they must be open so that moisture can evaporate freely and saturate the air. The containers can be placed on windowsills or near heating appliances. But regular replacement of water is required to avoid its blooming and appearance unpleasant odor... And to speed up the evaporation process, you can place a basin under the battery, place one end of a bandage or piece of cloth in it, and place the other on the heater.
  3. Regular drying of laundry in the rooms. Drying the washed items not in the bathroom or on the balcony, but in all areas of the house or apartment, will increase the humidity. But in order for it to be constantly maintained at an optimal level, the laundry will have to be washed frequently and in significant quantities. To speed up the process, you can place it near heating appliances. In addition, you should not squeeze things too hard. And if you erase them in washing machine, do not turn on the spin mode.
  4. In winter, you can cover batteries and other heating devices with a damp cloth. Under the influence of heat, moisture will actively evaporate and pass into the air, improving its characteristics. But do not let water get into electrical devices: this can lead to their breakage and short circuit. The material should be moderately moist, and constantly, so wet it regularly (with a significant decrease in humidity levels daily or even twice a day).
  5. Use indoor plants to humidify the air. In general, almost all of them synthesize oxygen, and also evaporate moisture absorbed by the roots through the leaves. But some flowers are especially useful from this point of view. It is logical that the more foliage a plant has, and the denser and juicier it is, the more water it will emit. Choose flowers such as ficus, hibiscus, saintpaulia, dracaena, monstera, nephrolepis, sheflera, phytonia, orchid, cyperus, hypoestes, and the like. Arrange a few pots on a windowsill or furniture. And if you have a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia, then this space can be turned into a winter garden.
  6. A decorative miniature home body of water, such as a fountain or waterfall. It not only normalizes the level of humidity, but also additionally decorates the interior of the room.
  7. You can install an aquarium that will act as a natural humidifier and give pleasure to all residents of a house or apartment thanks to the aquatic inhabitants in it. Evaporation of moisture is carried out both through an open surface and during operation of the filtration equipment. But the aquarium is, first of all, a habitat for fish and other creatures, so it will need constant care. In addition, in order to achieve full hydration, you should select a container of significant volumes.
  8. Frequent airing. To maintain a comfortable microclimate, it is recommended to ventilate the room at least two to three times a day. Moreover, such a procedure becomes especially effective in the summer, as well as in the off-season, when precipitation often falls. In winter, in severe frost, the air outside is dry, so airing will not allow you to achieve the desired effect. For humidification, it is recommended to open all windows or vents for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, and preferably for a longer period of time.
  9. To increase the humidity level with your own hands, you can carry out regular and fairly frequent wet cleaning. This procedure allows not only to remove dirt from all surfaces, but also to stimulate the evaporation of moisture. Cleaning should include mandatory washing of floors and dusting with a damp cloth. It is undesirable to use chemical detergents, they are necessary only in the case of severe contamination. You also need to regularly wipe the leaves of plants, on which dust also settles. Cleaning should be done twice a week, and in the nursery more often it is best to do it every other day or even every day.

Video: 5 ways to humidify the air.

Dry air is very dangerous - it causes allergies, dries up mucous membranes, and has a bad effect on the skin. But do not rush to buy a special expensive device! Knowing how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier, you will get rid of problems without spending a penny!

Regular airing is the easiest way to increase the humidity in your apartment. Open the windows wide at least three times a day for about a quarter of an hour. The wider they are open, the faster the room will be ventilated. The only drawback is in the hot summer season, when the air is very dry, this method will not help.

Method 2 - wet cleaning

Damp your home regularly and don't let dust build up in the corners. This will keep the humidity level normal.

Method 3 - vessels with water

This very simple technique has been known for a long time. Place water tanks (vases, jugs, decorative buckets, bowls) throughout the apartment (you can on the windowsills or near the batteries). Evaporating moisture will provide good air humidification. The main thing is not to forget to add water on time.

Important: this effective method has a significant disadvantage - after a while bacteria and microorganisms will begin to multiply in the water. To prevent this from happening, wash them well.

Method 4 - drying wet laundry

Wet linen will help to increase the humidity in the apartment. Wet a towel and place it on the radiator - the evaporating steam will fill the air in the house with moisture. Once the towel is dry, wet it again.

Method 5 - home greenhouse

To increase the humidity at home, you need to breed flowers that have a beneficial effect on the microclimate. In this case, water evaporation occurs through the leaves.

There are several plants that not only moisturize, but also disinfect, purify and ionize the air, as well as saturate it with useful organic substances:

  • Ficus;
  • Indoor linden (sparmania);
  • Home fern (nephrolepis);
  • Dracaena;
  • Cyperus;
  • Hibiscus;
  • Fatsia;
  • Scheffler;
  • Monstera.

To enhance the effect, regularly spray the leaves with water.

Method 6 - capacity with water on the battery

If you do not want to constantly run to the bathroom with a drying towel, put a container with cold water... It will take a long time for it to evaporate. This is the perfect outlet for very busy people.

Method 7 - home humidifier

DIYers offer two options for home humidifiers:

1. Bandage humidifier:

  • Place a bowl or jar of water on the floor;
  • Hang a bandage or piece of cloth folded in several layers over the battery. Its end should hang down into a container of water.

The bandage will absorb some water, and warm battery will vaporize it.

2. Plastic cup humidifier:

  • Cut out plastic bottle or tin can a glass with a tail;
  • Hook it to a pipe near the battery and fill it with water.

Or you can tinker a little and make such a humidifier:

Method 8 - aquarium

How to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier? Put an aquarium in the room - both beautiful and useful! How does this method work?

All aquariums have a special system that filters the water. A certain amount of liquid passing through it will evaporate into the air. This process also applies to the entire surface of the water. Remember, a small aquarium is unlikely to be able to cope with humidification in big room so please choose the size. The larger the volume, the more moisture will evaporate.

Method 9 - spray bottle

With this affordable tool, you can quickly fix the problem. And if you add ether to the spray bottle, you get home aromatherapy. Moisten floors, furniture, tulle and carpets often - the effect will come almost immediately. Have you already read how to bleach tulle? Read on.

Method 10 - fountain

A decorative fountain is another great way to humidify the air in your apartment. In addition, he will emphasize existing design and will emphasize his individuality.

The principle of operation of the fountain is outrageously simple - water constantly circulates in a closed loop, perfectly humidifying the air.

Everyone wants to be healthy and beautiful. Everyone achieves this in their own way. Some go to gyms and exhaust themselves with all kinds of physical exercises. Others eat according to the rules, using different diets and counting the calories eaten. Still others simply lead a healthy lifestyle and, at the slightest malfunction in the body, try to eliminate them in time.

And few people think about the fact that health and well-being is influenced not only by proper nutrition, but also the microclimate in the apartment - temperature and humidity.

Indoor conditions for well-being

  • The optimum temperature in the apartment should be + 18-20 °.
  • Air humidity is about 40-60%.

As a rule, the tenants regulate the temperature in the apartment. When it is hot, they open windows and create drafts, when it is cold, they turn on the heating devices or are heated with the help of an oven. And they don't pay attention to the humidity of the air. But it is precisely because of the low humidity that malfunctions occur in the body, which make themselves felt in the form of cough, allergic manifestations, cramps in the eyes, peeling of the skin.

For example, if the air in the room is dry, it is useless to lubricate the skin of the hands with a moisturizer, because the skin, oddly enough, will be even drier. After all, dry air will dry it out in an instant.

If the room has low humidity, the throat is constantly tickling, the mucous membranes dry out, breathing is disturbed, the lungs receive insufficient moisture, and therefore not only allergies, but also asthma may appear. Such a person easily picks up colds, SARS and flu.

Most often they suffer from dry air during the cold season, when central heating is turned on. It is this that is the culprit for the low humidity in the apartment. Can the situation be improved?

How to humidify the air in an apartment

First you need to make sure that the humidity is really below normal. For this there is a special device - a hygrometer. And then take other actions.

The best way to humidify indoor air is to install a humidifier, which you can buy at any store that sells household appliances... But such a special humidifier will not be affordable for every family. In this case, you have to look for other solutions.

Wet cleaning indoors

The best way to deal with dust and dry indoor air is with wet cleaning. Thanks to it, most of the microbes and dust mites are destroyed, which, although invisible to the eye, have a detrimental effect on health.


  • Washing the floor increases the humidity in the air.
  • Kills germs.


  • There are no downsides, except for those cases when wet cleaning cannot be carried out due to a special floor covering.

Ventilation of the room

It is necessary to ventilate the room daily. Airing not only freshens the air in the apartment, but also increases the humidity, especially if it is damp or raining outside.


  • It increases air humidity well in rainy weather or in winter.


  • Summer ventilation does not increase air humidity, especially if it is hot outside.

Artificial fountain in the apartment

A less expensive, but also effective way to increase air humidity in an apartment is to buy an artificial fountain. His system has a reservoir into which water is poured. In a vicious circle, it flows down in cascades, and then rises up again.

Such a fountain will decorate any interior, and will also perfectly humidify the air. The main thing is to fill the container with water on time and not react to the constant murmur.


  • It humidifies the air well.
  • The murmur of water can be used for relaxation.


  • For some highly impressionable persons, this murmur can unbalance, and also provoke another visit to the toilet room.

Aquarium in the apartment

The aquarium is good moisturizer air, since liquid is constantly evaporating from the surface of the water.

The benefits of an aquarium will be noticeable if its volume is large enough. After all, what larger area the aquarium, the more active is the evaporation of water, which affects the humidity of the air.


  • The aquarium in the apartment humidifies the air well.
  • Keeping fish is an interesting and educational activity. Especially if the family has children who will be happy to help adults take care of the fish.
  • Observing fish calms the nervous system.


  • You need to monitor the condition of the water all the time, feed the fish on time, purchase all kinds of additional accessories for them. And there is not always time and money for this.

Flowers in the apartment

Flowers not only decorate any room, but also heal the microclimate in the family. It has been proven that some flowers have a relaxing effect on a person, others give determination, and still others heal.

To believe or not to believe in the energy of plants is a voluntary matter, but now this is not about that, but about humidifying the air in the room. And flowers do a great job with it. Of course, if you take care of them: water on time, wash the leaves, spray.

Thanks to the flowers, the air humidity returns to normal, since moisture evaporates not only from the leaves, but also from the soil surface.

By the way, many plants are good barometers. The tips of the leaves, beginning to dry out, will say that the air in the apartment is dry. This is especially noticeable in hibiscus, aglaonema, spatiffillum, lemon, chlorophytum.

For daily spraying, a regular spray bottle is suitable, which can be purchased at any flower shop.


  • A large number of flowers not only humidify the air, but also disinfect it.
  • The abundance of flowers has a calming effect.


  • Not everyone can be "friends" with plants.
  • Flowers are not cheap now.
  • It is necessary to monitor their condition daily, because they are alive and require constant attention to themselves.

Drying clothes in the apartment

If the family is large and doing laundry is a daily activity, then drying the clothes will help to perfectly humidify the air. To do this, it is enough to buy a dryer and hang the washed laundry on it. Continuous vapors from the laundry will raise the humidity to normal levels. Those who do not have a dryer can hang the laundry on the heating radiators.

In the absence of a large amount of laundry, you can specially wet terry towels and hang them on the batteries. Moisture evaporating from the fabric will moisturize the air well.


  • Drying clothes in the apartment moisturizes the air well.
  • Laundry detergent or air conditioner with a pleasant scent will scent not only on the laundry, but also on the air in the room.


  • Not very suitable for small apartments where every centimeter of area is worth its weight in gold.

Humidification with a spray bottle

You can buy a spray gun without having a whole greenhouse.

If the air in the room is dry, you can use a spray bottle to moisten curtains and tulle. When they dry, they will slightly increase the humidity of the air.


  • This method is the simplest and cheapest.


  • Drying water droplets can leave marks and streaks on the fabric.

Air humidification with water containers

If the methods described above for some reason are not suitable, you can place containers with water in all rooms. And so that they look beautiful and harmonize with the general background, they are decorated with artificial figurines of fish, sea animals or just shells.

You can put the shoots of plants that feel good in such conditions in jugs of water. For example, a scindapsus can be in the water almost all the time. You just need to top it up on time.

It is also advised to place basins of water around the entire perimeter, which also humidify the air due to vapors. But not everyone will like this decor.


  • Water containers slightly humidify the air.
  • Decorated bottles and vases filled with water decorate the room well.


  • It should be placed in such places that neither children nor animals can reach them.

There are a lot of ways by which you can humidify the air in the room. There would be a desire to use them. And then even in a small room it will breathe easily and freely.

The formation of dry indoor air is considered a dangerous phenomenon. Humidity is necessary condition favorable microclimate, which prevents many unpleasant sensations, as well as the development of many diseases. Not every family can afford a good one, so in our review we offer alternative options for such devices for your consideration. So let's figure out how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier. Also from our review you will learn about staying indoors, as well as how you can build a simple structure for humidification from available tools.

To determine if an apartment is needed, let's find out why dry air is so dangerous. It is worth noting the various factors of its impact on human health.

  • the severity of the load on important organs increases, resulting in functional disorders such as decreased immunity, distracted attention and sudden fatigue;
  • there are problems with the mucous membrane of the eyes, which provokes the appearance of cuts and inflammations;
  • people with dry skin surface develop rashes and irritations;
  • the airways dry up. And in allergy sufferers and asthmatics, the function of cleansing the lungs is impaired;
  • colds become more frequent;
  • hair and nails begin to break;
  • favorable conditions are created for the electrification of synthetic fabrics, wear of carpets, as well as drying out of objects and musical instruments.

Complications after a cold can manifest themselves under the influence unfavorable conditions... With the initial symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to reduce it to 18-20 degrees, which will maintain the optimal level of humidity.

Advice! Particular attention should be paid to the options for humidifying the room for babies. Consider methods for safely saturating the air with moisture.

Related article:

In a separate publication, we will consider what kind of device it is and why it is needed for children, what types of devices there are, what characteristics you need to pay attention to when choosing.

How to find out the optimal air humidity in an apartment

What to do if dry air is felt in the apartment? First, you should identify the degree of moisture. The normal value is 50-70%. This is an indicator not only for your home, but also for furniture, office equipment and musical instruments. When arranging winter gardens and planting, this value should be - 60-75%. You can determine this indicator different ways... The easiest option is to apply. This device is not so common, so you can use a special Assman table. To do this, measure the air temperature with a wet and dry thermometer, and then correlate the readings with the values ​​in the table.

There is and folk way... Pour water into a glass and place it in the refrigerator. Then the cooled water must be exposed in the room. Better away from batteries. If misted surfaces dry in less than five minutes, then the air is definitely dry.

For your information! A spruce cone can become an indicator for determining the desired indicator. If its scales are strongly attached to each other or slightly open, then the presence of moisture is optimal. If the scales are open, then it is worth taking some measures.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier: basic methods

A humidifier is often used to humidify the air in an apartment. This mechanism distributes water droplets in the air. It is small and easy to operate.

The design also has certain drawbacks. It consumes a lot of electrical energy, can make noise when used, and some models are quite expensive.

If such shortcomings matter to you, then do not despair. The people invented a large number of ways to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier.

Application of water

High-quality moisture transfer is excellently done with ordinary water. You can place special containers filled with water everywhere. In this case, the container should be wider, which will increase the evaporation area. It is better to use plates than mugs and glasses. The water must be changed, since bacteria can develop rapidly in the liquid.

When deciding how to humidify the air in an apartment, you can do without a humidifier, without a large number of bowls in all rooms. In this he will become a good helper. This option is ideal for a child's room. With its help, you can not only humidify the room, but also keep the children busy. Placing special plants in the aquarium will increase the moisture content of the air.

An aquarium is not only an excellent way to saturate the air, but also a wonderful decor for creating a relaxing environment.

For your information! Remember that the aquarium requires special care... Before buying, you should evaluate your strengths. Consider choosing a fountain that is cheaper and easier to maintain. Inside such a device there is an engine, which promotes the circulation of water, which contributes to the rapid saturation of the air around.

Drying wet items

The consequences of dry air in an apartment can be the most negative. Therefore, for moisturizing, you can use the old way- drying damp laundry. As a rule, drying clothes in rooms is not recommended due to the appearance of mold and condensation, but in very dry air, such an event will only be beneficial. A simple method is to wet more of the towel and hang it on. Under the influence of high temperatures, the fabric will warm up and intensively evaporate moisture. Can not be used for drying. You can use another simple device - a wet bandage. It is necessary to pour water into the container and lower one end of the matter there, and distribute the other to the battery. In this case, one part will dry out, and the second will be saturated with the contents from the can. In this case, the air will be perfectly humidified.

How plants affect moisture levels

If you have no idea how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, then you should use plants. They not only produce oxygen, but also saturate the air with moisture. At the same time, the air masses are ionized and cleaned of all kinds of bacteria.

The highest moisture content is found in the jungle. Therefore, it is precisely such plants as orchid, fern or phytonium that can be of great benefit. But these crops require abundant watering. You can also purchase plants that are characteristic of middle lane Russia. These are ficus, home fern, dracaena and hibiscus.

There are plants that have antibacterial effects. They help relieve stress and improve sleep quality. Let's look at these plant options:

  • Scheffler allows you to maintain favorable humidity. When growing it, consider certain subtleties of care. Moderate watering, abundant light and a temperature of at least 17 degrees are important. The soil should not become dry;

  • monstera perfectly saturates the air with moisture particles. For her, you need to provide sufficient moisture, lighting and high-quality watering. This option is not suitable if you have small children or pets, since the leaves of this culture are poisonous;

  • Cyperus is a great interior decoration, in addition, it can release up to three liters of moisture per day. Care is simple: you need normal watering and ventilation;

  • ficus can grow in any apartment. For this culture, it is necessary to provide high-quality watering, warmth and abundant light;

  • dracaena is unpretentious plant... It also releases moisture. With regular watering and good lighting, dracaena forms into a beautiful plant.

When choosing any plant, you need to study the features of caring for it in advance.


Every person wants to live comfortably, trying to equip his home with the most convenient interior items. But not everyone knows that properly selected furniture will not be able to create full comfort in the house. After all, an important role is played by the microclimate in the room, which ensures the well-being of all people living in it. To improve the quality of oxygen, you need to know how to humidify the air in the room. Without it, this procedure can be even more effective if you follow the recommendations in this article.

Read in the article

What is the danger of dry air?

IN winter period over time, the level of dry air in living quarters increases. The reason for this is the intense heating by heating devices that burn oxygen. The consequences of dry air affect human health, and the number of diseases associated with this phenomenon is quite large.

Potential complications table

Affected organ Disease Characteristics of the disease
Dehydration of body cells Reduced immunity Headache, weakness, increased sensitivity to stimuli, fatigue, sleep disturbance
Damage to the protective cells of the mucous membrane AllergiesViral diseases Allergic reaction to dust particles, flu, colds, ARVI, sinusitis
Narrowing of the bronchial canals Bronchitis Bronchial asthma Lung tissue diseases Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, nausea
Mucosal irritation Conjunctivitis Loss of vision, tearing, redness of the eyeballs, swelling of the eyes
Blockage of skin glands Seborrhea Dermatitis Eczema Severe itching, peeling, keratinization of the skin, redness in the form of spots, dandruff,

Now you know that the question "Do you need a humidifier in the apartment?" the answer is only one - yes!

Important! Some of the diseases listed in the table above are chronic, that is, they accompany the wearer throughout his life. Such people should take care of the humidity in the room in which they live in advance.

How does air dry out?

Air itself is a natural mixture of gases, of which nitrogen and oxygen are the main ones. The percentage of water in the air depends on the ambient temperature, the higher it is, the more humid the air. But these indicators correspond to reality only in natural conditions, but indoors, everything happens a little differently.

Under the influence of heating elements of heating, the natural structure of the air is disturbed, since the oxygen that it contains is sensitive to high temperatures, which simply burn it. As a result, only nitrogen remains, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other impurities that are not able to feed the human body. Since all cells are fed with oxygen, for the metabolism, which ensures the vital activity of all organs, such a composition of the air in the room is unacceptable and entails the consequences of dry air in apartments.

How is air humidity measured?

Here are the three most effective methods for measuring air humidity, each of which is unique in its own way:

  1. Hygrometer- the easiest way to measure moisture. A special device that automatically measures the oxygen content in the air. In household appliances, there are digital and analog models that are equipped with additional gadgets such as a clock, an atmospheric pressure sensor, and so on. Experts in this field advise to purchase digital devices of well-known companies, otherwise the error of indicators can reach five percent.

  2. Method using chilled glass. You will need a glass of clear glass, which must be filled with cold water and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then you need to put this container in the room where you want to measure the humidity. After waiting 20 minutes, look at the outer walls of the glass, if the surface is completely dry, then there is dry air in the room, and if there is a puddle on the glass and a puddle has accumulated around the glass, then the air is too humid. Optimal indicator moderate humidity - these are motionless drops on the glass surface.

  3. This option is to use a conventional mercury thermometer. It is necessary to measure the temperature in the room, far from the heating devices, after which, after wrapping the head of the thermometer with damp cotton wool, take the measurement again. Having two results, you need to compare them with the numbers shown in the table below.

  4. Of course, the last two methods will not give accurate results, but you can easily find out in which direction to move.

    What should be the indicator for optimal air humidity in apartments?

    A comfortable microclimate in a room depends on two factors, the first of which is the air temperature, and the second is its humidity. As for the temperature, it should fluctuate between 18 and 23 degrees, although during the heating season it is difficult to maintain such parameters, for this you need to constantly monitor the temperature and adjust accordingly. To automate this process, special electronic devices will help that read the outside temperature, compare it with the temperature in the rooms, and regulate the heat supply for the necessary balance.

    Speaking of humidity, it is worth noting that its level should vary from 40 to 60 percent.

    Note! If the temperature in the apartment is more than 25 degrees and the humidity level is correct, then such a microclimate has a negative effect on infants. Be aware of the temperature and humidity levels in the nursery.

    A detailed description of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier

    There are a number of actions that can help to normalize the humidity in the room without any investment of money:

    Important! Due to the fact that in the cold season, the apartment is subjected to intense heating, cleaning must be done without chlorine-containing detergents, since increased evaporation of moisture will lead to the collection of chloride particles in the air, and a person will breathe harmful fumes. And yet, use settled water for cleaning, it will not leave matte stains on the furniture.

  • Placement of containers with water. If, for example, a jug or an eggplant with a wide neck, which will be filled with water, is placed next to the heating elements, then the liquid will evaporate when heated. The steam, in turn, will humidify the air, which will lead to the normalization of the microclimate. With this method, there is a possibility of the spread of bacteria, in order to avoid this, once a week, thoroughly rinse the container from bloom and plaque.
  • Increasing humidity due to wet clothes. When drying the wash takes place in the room, the evaporated water from the fabrics humidifies the air, but if we take into account the fact that washing is not done every day, then during its absence, you can moisten a towel and hang it on. Well, if you live in your house Small child then washing your sliders and nappies daily will provide you with stable moisturizing raw materials. This is good example how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier.
  • Living corner in the form. This method works by evaporating the water from the tank. But the main criterion for the normal functioning of the humidification process is the size of the aquarium, since a small volume will not cope with the task. Of the downsides, regular cleaning of the top of the walls of the aquarium can be noted, because, evaporating, the water leaves a plaque.
  • Humidification with indoor plants. Potted flowers are capable of producing large amounts of oxygen through photosynthesis when the leaves come into contact with the sun's rays. Place 3-5 pots of dracaena, ficus or monster on the sunny side and regularly spray the leaves as they wilt, so you will provide a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Spraying a room from a spray bottle. Take a spray bottle, fill it up clean water and add essential oil if desired for a pleasant scent. Spray upholstered furniture, carpet and to achieve instant hydration.
  • Moisturizing with a decorative piece of furniture. A mini-fountain acts as a decoration capable of fully humidifying the air, which will not only perform the function you need, but also decorate the room with its aesthetic appearance. A good addition would be the sound of bubbling water, it calms and pacifies.

Note! When choosing any of the options, follow standard safety precautions. Do not cover the electric heater with wet things and do not place the aquarium or water tank where children can reach.

Master class: how to make a do-it-yourself air humidifier at home

If you have dry air in your house or apartment, useful tips below will tell you what to do. Here will be presented 3 options for designs that will perform the function.

Factory air humidifiers: features and prices

When your family budget allows you to purchase a humidifier in the store, you should not give up this opportunity. Although you already know how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier, factory models have their advantages. Interesting design, ease of use, additional options (ionization, dehumidification, sleep timer), endow these devices with qualities that satisfy the consumer.

Modern humidifier table

Image Manufacturer Functions price, rub.

Stadler form Jack J-020/021 Ultrasound, cold / warm steam 19000

Polaris PUH 5206 Di Ultrasound, ionizer 5500

Royal Clima Sanremo RUH S380 Ultrasound, fragrance 1800

Boneco Air-O-Swiss S450 Warm steam, inhaler, self-cleaning 16000

Stadler Form Fred F005EH Steam, sterile release 8800

Fanline VE-200 Ozonizer, ionizer, flavor 7300