
How to make a bee lodge with your own hands. Beehive for bees do it yourself: instructions and recommendations


Beehive Dadan passed the test of time - the design was invented at the end of the 19th century. Thoughtful design, simplicity and reliability made it popular among experienced beekeepers and beginners.

The American Frenchman Danan in the 60s of the 19th century calculated mathematically dimensions of the hive. Unfortunately, the work could not be completed. A few years later, another beekeeper, Swiss Blatt brought to the mind of Dadan's work and patented a job as Dadan-Blatt's hive.

Nowadays, Dadanovsky Beyu is represented by several types of structures. The main differences are the volume, material and thermal insulation.

Design dimensions - a strategic question. It is important to understand what is needed in concrete conditions.

  • 10 frame. Classic Dadan scheme.
  • 12 frame. A square cross section allows you to place a frame (with warm or cold drift) in different ways).
  • 14 and 16 framework. It is hard to work alone. The increased number of frames creates a greater load on the design.


Qualitative material will last longer, will not breed or rot. You can not use materials with a sharp smell.

  • Boards. Fits wood without knots and rot. Inadequate, the dried tree with time is silent, creaps will occur.
  • and fiberboard. Cheaper, easier to handle, but less durable.
  • . Light, warm, durable, do not miss the sounds.
  • . Light, warm, do not miss sounds and less reliable.


Depending on the temperature conditions, one of the types are chosen:

  • Double-pane. The walls are double, in the gap between the walls laid the insulation (sawdust, moss, straw, foam). Keeps warm in unpredictable weather in spring. Recommended in the middle and northern latitudes of Russia.
  • Single trigger. Easy option is not designed at low temperature.

What consists of

Regardless of the dimensions and other features, Dadana-Blatt, consists of the following elements:

  • Case. Must accurately match the drawing, not to have distortions. All other parts of the design are attached to it. The pilot is arranged in the housing of the hive.
  • Bottom. Usually done removable. Failure bottom of hermetically tightly, but complicates work with bees.
  • Putting (shop). Installed during the period of active honey. Via special techniques The uterus does not allow putting the eggs in the store. In principle, 2 sets mounted on each other can serve as a second case.
  • Piercing. Need for venting and insulation of hive.
  • Roof. Most of all susceptible to weather influences. The roof is painted in 2-3 layers or tinted with tin. Roofs are single-sided, duplex and flat.
  • Secondary details of the design (pilots, false).

How to make your own hands the twelve-grade hive dadan

Dimensions and drawings of the twelve Framework Ulya Dada are given for a single-section type, since the second walls are extended on top of the internal, and do not matter.

Preparation for work

With some skill, make the hive on their own easily. There are several important points.

  • Storage and processing of wood in a dry place. Only dried wood is used.
  • In advance to study the drawings and represent the work order.
  • Prepare tools and materials.

Well done work will last long. The life of the manufactured hive depends on the material.

Operating procedure

  • From the board 35 mm billets according to the drawing. Prepare the locations of the connection, the folds are chosen. Billets are grouped.
  • Wide boards when assembling are contrasted narrow (if the front bottom board is wide, the side bottoms are neglected).
  • Connection locations are sick. PVA or joiner (casein) glue. It is important that the glue did not have a sharp smell and was not toxic for bees.
  • The ends of the compounds are additionally amplified by pins or screws. Before the subsequent assembly, you need to give glue to dry.
  • The upper pilot is drilled, the bottom on the edge of the housing is cut.

In the process of manufacturing the bottom, the extensions and roof makes sense to periodically try them in order to notice the errors at once.

  • The removable bottom is wider and is going out of the boards in a quarter (or in another way with good tightness). Three planks are stuck with such a calculation to enter Falk at the bottom of the case. The front side remains without a plank, for ventilation. Boards can be thicker than 4 cm, it will take the bottom, but will make it stronger.
  • The add-in (shop) is assembled similarly to the case. Over the upper edge of the superstructure is selected.
  • The roof is put on the housing or shop. Over time, we change a little form, therefore you need to land the roof is not too dense. On the sides or in the front part, the holes for ventilation are arranged. So that the bees can be transported, you need to close the holes of the shallow grid.

The size of the twelve-grade hive

Typical dimensions of elements of the hive Dadan on 12 frames.

Length mmWidth MM.Height mm
Internal dimensions (with a 35 mm board thickness)
Housing450 450 310
Score450 450 155
Roof450 450 70
Housing520 520 320
Score520 520 165
Bottom520 520 70
Roof520 520 80
  • The depth of the fold is recommended 18 mm. It is understood that the space is 10 mm between the frame and the upper cut.
  • The depth of other folds is chosen based on the thickness of the material.
  • The gap between the bottom and the frames leave 25 mm, for cleaning and for the convenience of bees.
  • The upper pilot with a diameter of 25 mm is drilled in 70 mm from the top cut. Under the pillar, an arrival plate is installed.
  • The lower pilot with a height of 10 mm and is made almost entirely in the length of the wall, its length is regulated by special liners.


The type of leakage of Dadan. Option with two shops and boilers.

Housing drawing

To assemble the case, two side and front walls will be required. In the front wall, you will need to drill the upper pilot.

Side wall of the case Dadan on 12 frames

Front wall of the case Dadan for 12 frames

Shop drawing

To assemble the store, you will also need two front and 2 side walls.

Side wall of the store Dadan for 12 frames

The front wall of the store is Danan for 12 frames

Help drawing

If you need a piercing, it is also assembled similar to the case and the store, but has its own sizes.

Poddannik Dadan for 12 frames

Roof drawing

The drawing shows a horizontal roof. If you need a skate, you can lift one front wall at 20mm, and do not forget about the side walls in which the maximum external size will increase to 100mm, and the minimum will remain 80mm. Also, the right side should be mirrored left.

After assembling the frame from above, you need to fasten the sheet of plywood 540mm * 540mm or tie a 20mm board, provided that the roof is horizontal. From the inside, insulation, and with an outer coat with a sheet of iron, the tone, linoleum or other material that does not transmit moisture.

Roof Dadan on 12 frames

Drawing of the bottom

In the manufacture of the bottom, we harvest two side walls (1), rear (2 without flyer) and front (2) in which you need to make a flyer 10mm in advance for the length of the tab prepared by you. It is also necessary to prepare the bottom (3) from the board 25mm, the size of 470mm * 470mm. Connecting 2 side walls with the rear insert the bottom, only then we close the front wall. Under the pilots you can fill the board.

Danadan for 12 frames

In the manufacture of the hive, Dadan from the board 40mm. Internal dimensions do not change. The external size of 10mm increases, and the depth of fold is changed by 21 mm.

How to make your own hands tenand dadan

The production scheme of 10 frameworks of Dadan is the same as in 12 frames. You can use 35 mm boards (load on the design is now less). It takes a little space, it is easier to work with him.

The size of ten-hour hiles

Compared to 12 frameworks, only the length of the side walls changes, and the corresponding dimensions of the roof and the bottom.

Length mmWidth MM.Height mm
Internal size
Housing450 380 310
Score450 380 155
Roof450 380 70
Outer size (with a 35 mm board thickness)
Housing520 450 320
Score520 450 165
Bottom520 450 70
Roof520 450 80

Drawing of ten-year beehives Dadan

Decaderacted hive from the twelve-grade differs only width.

Housing drawing

The lateral wall is similar to 12 framework. And the front and rear walls are less. In the front wall you need to drill the upper pilot.

Side wall of the body Dadan for 10 frames

Front wall of the case Dadan for 10 frames

The front wall of the store is Dadan for 10 frames

Help drawing

If you need a piercing, it is assembled similarly to the case and the store, but has its own sizes.

Poddannik Dadan for 10 frames

Roof drawing

After assembling the frame from above, you need to fix the sheet of plywood 540mm * 470mm or tie a 20mm board, provided that the roof is horizontal. From the inside, insulation, and with an outer coat with a sheet of iron, the tone, linoleum or other material that does not transmit moisture.

Roof Dadan on 10 frames

Drawing of the bottom

In the manufacture of the bottom, we harvest two side walls (1), rear (2 without flyer) and front (2) in which you need to make a flyer 10mm in advance for the length of the tab prepared by you. It is also necessary to prepare the bottom (3) from the board 25mm, the size of 470mm * 400mm. Connecting 2 side walls with the rear insert the bottom, only then we close the front wall. Under the pilots you can fill the board.

Bottom Dadan on 10 frames

Frame Dadan

According to the size of the frame, Dadan differ from the standard, with the same length they are higher. Made of soft breeds deciduous trees, for example, linden.

  • The cabinet frame of Dadan has dimensions of 435x300 mm.
  • Shop 435x145 mm. The height, of course, depends on the height of the extension itself.

Dadana-Blatt's hive - reliable for medium latitudes. Standard 12 Framework is easy to manufacture. Using qualitative material And observing technology, you can count on a long service life of the hive.

Undoubtedly, the invention of such a device, as the collapsible hive based on the framework, has become a real breakthrough in such a region as beekeeping. The manufacture of the hives introduced the famous Russian and Ukrainian scientist P. and Prokopovich into practice. Until these, people had no idea how to organize insect work, and the procedure for collecting honey led to the ruin of the nests from which cells were laid out.

The design should be quite extensive for reproduction and stock of honey, as well as a unified in order not to disturb the bees when it is assembled and disassembling.

Manufacturing can be produced by any master. The technology does not represent a special complexity and does not require certain skills.

Selection of material

Optimal materials for hives are such trees:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • aspen.

This takes into account the material moisture rate. It must be thoroughly dried. The humidity factor must be not higher than 15%.

The manufacture of hives with their own hands requires the choice of high-quality wood. Do not purchase boards with cracks, rot, bitch and wormochin. The material with the pores is also not recommended. Its use is possible only with facing works.

Basic principles in the manufacture of hives

The manufacture of hives in homework is the following rules:

  • Details for the future product should be smoothly handled. The presence of sowers and jar is not allowed. Sections of sections should be at a right angle relative to the longitudinal edges.
  • It is necessary to trace so that when crossing the housings, the cut from the core side was outside.
  • Planks are connected using nails. The thickness of them is selected with the way to avoid the split of the material.
  • On dried wood, cracks may form. In order to avoid this, the outer walls of the hives are recommended to subjected to the primer based on the oil. It adds bright shade paint: white, blue or yellow.
  • Making houses for bees can be carried out from the boards of any width. The walls from the inside are recommended to do from one solid board or from two, which are connected by a sheet or comb. Outdoor clamping can be made of tens of any size. They must be located at different levels.
  • On the lecture, the manufacture of hives do it yourself. Drawings have a paramount value. Without them, the master will be very difficult to imagine what he does.

Possible deviations from sizes

With this process, as the manufacture of hives with your own hands, dimensions, drawings should be accurate. The magnitude of the possible deviation is 1 mm, according to the scheme. If it will have a greater indicator, then an additional fit will be required.

Increased service life of the hives

The technology of manufacturing hives has its own characteristics. But devices require and further care. If you want the design to serve you for many years, you need to stick to a number of rules:

  • use only high-quality material;
  • strace the hive outside every 2-3 years.

How to make hive?

The manufacture of hives for bees with their own hands has a lot of advantages. The duration of the service of this design is at least 10 years. You save money and enjoy the work done.

With such a matter as the manufacture of hives with their own hands, the size of the scum is very important. In beekeeping, it is often resorted to the manufacture of a bilateral model of 16 frames. The dimensions of the frame are 435x300 mm.

The manufacture of hives implies the following steps:

  • First of all, the inner walls of the house (rear, front and lateral parts) are peeling. The thickness of the boards is 2 cm. They are collected like shields. Connect through a sheet or casein glue. The size of the rear and front panels is 605x320 mm, and the side - 530x320 mm. The sidewalls are selected grooves. Their depth is 5 mm, and the width is 20 mm. Distance between grooves - 450 mm.
  • Next, proceed to the manufacture of the rear and front outer walls. They are collected in temporary designs in the form of shields. The thickness of the boards is 15 mm. The size of the shields is equal to 675x500 mm. Side outer walls are 560x500 mm. Each outer wall board is nailed separately. Here is important to fit to the location. The glued inner walls are fixed by temporary lining on nails. All angles should be straight, and the lower edge is to be placed horizontally.
  • In the housing, consisting only of inner walls and not possessing the bottom, the lower pilot is made. Its size is 10x250 mm. It is starting at 50 mm on the right side of the hive. The pilot, located on top, has a size of 10x100 mm. It is located at a distance of 120 mm on the right side of the hive, and in height - by 30 mm from the extreme side of the framework bars located on top.
  • In the back wall of the hive in the bottom level there is a hole in the form of a wedge. It goes into space under the frame, which is necessary to protect against the warroatosis. It closes the liner of a similar shape. Its size is 450x40 mm (inner side) and 450x45 mm (outdoor).
  • The openings of the pilots contribute to the fence from the space between the walls of the ultrasound with small corridors based on the planks. Their thickness is 10-15 mm, and the width is space between the walls of 20 mm.
  • On the housing, having only inner walls, parallel to the front is nailed the first layer of the places of the floor (the length of them is 635 mm). The first board protrudes for 10-15 mm for the conversion of design. The platforms for arrival are mounted on the protrusion. At the same time, the straightness of the angles between the bottom and the walls of the house is checked. Then, when accuracy accuracy, the boards of the first floor layer are nailed, while the wall space should not be blocked. A leaf of rubberoid or cardboard is put on the first layer of the floor, and then the bottom layer is nailed. He overlaps the space between the walls of the hive.
  • On the side of the walls of the walls located from the inside (protruding by 20 mm), the outer front and outer back walls are nourished. Work begins from the bottom of the hive. Each board is nailed alternately. The end of each plank should also perform 20 mm. In parallel, insulation of walls. In the first front wall, the pilot is done. In the rear wall, the hole is cut into space under the frame.
  • So that the outer walls have stability, in the field forming a side of the socket, the boards are nailed from the outside to the corner linings. On the ends of the rear and front walls, which protrude 20 mm beyond the limit of lateral inner parts, side outdoor parts are stuffed. The thickness of them is 15 mm.
  • On the inner walls of the hive throughout the perimeter, a bar with a size of 40x20 mm, which overlap the space between the walls with the upper part is nourished.
  • In the planks that are nailed on the front and rear of the device, the folders are selected with a size of 10x10 mm in order to put the frames. The planks must be adjacent tightly to the insulation in the space between the walls, and with angular splices - to merge into a single line of the plane.

How to make insulation?

For insulation, space between the walls resort to the use of various materials.

For example, when making a hive on inner wall You can decompose a smooth layer of sfagnum moss and press tightly to the outer wall. Moss is not dried, but the used. It is inherent elasticity.

You can apply foam sheets. Their thickness for the above design should be 22 mm. They also put on the inner walls.

Resort to the use of a building insulating plate, as well as a soft porous cardboard, the thickness of which is 12 mm. Plates or cardboard are cut on the shape of walls and pressed the boards outside.

The use of packles, wool, or wool as a heater is not recommended, since these materials do not let the air and often contain smells.

Production of roof Ulya

The roof of the hive should be ease. Beekeeper often removes it and puts on. So that these procedures are performed without the help of strangers, the design should not differ in cumbersome.

Roof strapping height is 120 mm. It is assembled from the boards with a thickness of 15 mm. Above the socket under the roof is formed free space. Its height is 240 mm (120 mm Frame under the jack and 120 mm - the roof lifting). In this space there is a store on the semi-text, and the insulation pillow is placed on top. It is located on top of the nest between the sides on the canvas closing the frame. The pillow must fit tightly.

The pillow and pillowcase have large sizes compared to an interconnect space by 70-100 mm. Therefore, the recommended dimensions of the pillowcase are 750x538 mm, and the thickness after stinging is 70-100 mm.

Clamping pillow on the nest frame. It is laid between the sides. It contributes to the preservation of heat. This is especially important in the spring period, after the first flight, when the lack of heat becomes detrimental in the northwestern region, where the bees increases spring.

Selection of material for pillow

Moss is the best and cheap material for the pillow. But many beekeepers adhere to the opinions that moss is not suitable as in the pillow and in the side walls. Pillows, in their opinion, are subject to sediment. As a result, an empty space is formed, in which it will always be driving, as the plug-in board is also not a tightness. Microclimate in the ule suffers.

Instead of MCH, an option is offered from plates or foam. Such designs are extremely warm.

The size of the board for the passage of bees is 8-10 mm. It is important that insulation in winter is used along with ventilation. Good insulation is required, as we said, and in the spring.

Beehives can be constructed on the basis of 12 and 14 frames. Then the indicator of its internal length will be 450 and 530 mm. Therefore, it is necessary to increase and the size of other parts.

For greater clarity in the manufacture of hives, it is advised to resort to the use of drawings. They will greatly facilitate your work.

Each beekeeper, seeking to improve your apiary, looks like modern drawings and materials. Innovative designs include hiles made of polystyrene foam. Material has thermal conductivity and ease.

Conservative beekeepers do not exchange hives from a tree to any other design. In their opinion, there is nothing more practical than the manufacture of wood hives. But no material has absolute ideality.

The advantage of the hives from polystyrene foam

The design has a number of advantages:

  • it turns out a house, characterized by silence and durability;
  • the hives are not susceptible to superheat or overheating;
  • cases can be made of the same sizes and change them in places;
  • in the design of little allowance;
  • hiles do not let moisture and do not crack;
  • they do not present chips and jar;
  • they are durable and comfortable;
  • easily disassemble;
  • protect insects from bad weather;
  • ensure the stability of the microclimate for bees;
  • polystyrene foam is not subject to rotting;
  • the walls of the housing are inherent smoothness;
  • no additional insulation of canvas and pillows is required.

It should also be noted that the house is easy to make yourself. His drawings are pretty simple. This design is economical. But many beekeepers note that the fulfillment of such a house is somewhat difficult.

Minuses of such structures

There are in such a design and a number of minuses:

  • Internal folding parts do not have a fortress.
  • The housings from propolis are cleaned with difficulty.
  • In the hives from the tree you can make disinfection by means of lamps, and here you can not do this. Chemicals will be required, which may be destructive for insects and disrupt the design itself. Part of the beekeepers are resorted to washing with water or alkaline means. For example, the ash of sunflower tops are used.
  • The housing does not absorb moisture, it flows on the bottom of the design.
  • In the hives of polystyrene foaming the amount of food fees eaten increases. If the bee family is strong, it produces up to 25 kg of honey. This requires ventilation that reduces feed intake.
  • The hive is more suitable for weak insect families.
  • Due to the impossibility of regulating the letters, the bee begins to pass through each other honey, the microclimate is disturbed. It is possible that rodents penetrate there.

What instruments need?

The manufacture of explosives from polystyrene foam assumes the presence of the following tools:

  • pencil or marker;
  • selflessness (5 cm and 7 cm);
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal meter line;
  • screwdriver;
  • calculus of plastic for finishing (for starters, they are glovent for starting, so that when removing the frame, the material was not painted).

It is important to accurately produce the hives with your own hands. Dimensions, drawings are challenged clearly. Polystyrene foam differs fragility.

There should be no gaps, since the rays of light can begin between the walls of the case, and the insects will begin to gnaw hole. As a result, an additional pilot is formed.

All tools must be at hand. It should be well sharpened.

In the bottom there is a durable ventilation grid, which corresponds to the sizes of cells not more than 3.5 mm. An excellent choice will be a grid for tuning a car, made of their aluminum.

Stages of manufacture

For the manufacture of a construction of polystyrene foams resort to the use of the drawing. Everything should be placed in advance.

  • The knife is taken and on the marked lines under compliance direct corner It is carried out several times until the stove is cut to the end. So the blanks are made.
  • The surfaces to be glued together are labeled with glue and shrink tightly. Details are bonded by screws. Make fastening with a retreat of 10 cm.

Probably it is difficult to overestimate the beekeeping the importance of such a brilliant invention of a last century, as a collapsible framework; After all, before the outstanding Russian and Ukrainian scientists - a beekeeper P. I. Prokopovich Its first design was developed, beekeeping was on a very primitive stage. People did not have the opportunity to interfere in the affairs of the winged workers and help them if necessary, and the procedure for selecting honey in general for a long time was a real ruin of the nest, from which honeycombs simply got out.

It is the collapsible framework hive Its advent marked the transition from low-productive, rostoye beekeeping to a modern, aimed at increasing the productivity of bee families and their distribution worldwide.

At the dawn of the development of my apiary among many different structures of the hives for the content of bees, ordinary 12-frame, so-called Dadans were chosen. In addition to the fact that all familiar beekeepers in the district contained bees in such hihows, six old Dadans affected my decision. big reserve To them, remaining from the Dedovsky apiary. In addition, in the beekeeping stores of hives and then it was not sues, so for a start it was quite possible to do these.

Subsequently, when the apiary began to grow, I began to do it with my own hands, according to the drawings from books. In principle, the manufacturing technology of the hives is simple, the structures are set by many, you can even develop your own over time, only it is necessary to observe mandatory internal dimensions relative to the framework, namely:

1) Side strips of the frames must be at a distance of 7.5 - 8 mm from the wall of the hive.

2) Distance between the centers of the frame 37 - 38 mm.

3) The thickness of the frames is 25 mm.

4) The distance from the bottom of the hive to the lower plank of the frame 15 - 20 mm.

5) The distance between adjacent floors of the framework in a multi-circuable hive is 10 mm.

In the manufacture of hives, it is convenient to navigate the template of the Dadanovskaya frame, the dimensions of which can be viewed in the figure below.

Manufacturing hives, follow some standard so that all parts of different hives were interchangeable. In the future, it will protect you from such an unpleasant situation as unlocking parts, for example, shopping bag, well-sitting on one hive, is badly suitable for the rest, and the like.

Here is the Dadanovsky Beehive for 12 frames, I now turn out about the day of work. Corps material - Pine or cedar, the roof of the cedar to be easier.

Flow consumption - From the cube five it turns out about 14 buildings, plus about 0.01 cube Tesa goes to each roof. By the way, a slightly changed the technology of the roof production - instead of a nichelnik, I choose a quarter from neighboring boards and combine them, the saving of material and weight is obtained. Corps board combine and rack, without glue.

The boards have to be cut on the circular, which is not convenient for a long time, in the future I will take a reysmus.
It is very convenient to connect the boards with screws with a screwdriver, not so long ago came from the nails - now I do not redeem. The edges and ends feed the grinder with the emery circle so that the roof suits without problems. Powered with the addition of aluminum powder - I read that it is useful for shielding electromagnetic waves.

The task of each beekeeper is to create favorable conditions for living its insects. The very first bees mined honey and wax directly from the hollow trees. And somewhere half a thousand years ago, they began to equip forest aparts, which consisted of the same decks with bees. And only 150 years ago, collapsible hives were invented. They are the basis of domestic apiary.

Design of bee hiles

The design of the classic hive for bees on the 20 frames is represented by a housing, two compartments, lid and shop. In appearance, such a product resembles the oblong box, which has a tight bottom and roof. In addition to the classic hive-sunrise, other house configurations for bees are possible. A fairly common view is a riser for 12 frames, but it has many inconveniences, most importantly of which is small.

Consider in more detail the structural parts of the bee hive:

  1. Case. It is the walls of the hive. Cases may have different sizes. Depending on the design, a different amount of enclosures is installed in the hives. Inside it there are parallel grooves that are required for mounting the frames. Also in the walls of the hive are the letters for bees.
  2. Shopping bag. This element is a shortened housing. The store is not always present in the design of the hive. It is used in order to preserve honey during a medical board or for weak families of bees that do not collect a lot of honey.
  3. Piercing. The jerking stall is a store that has no recess. It is located between the roof and the upper case. This design improves insect living conditions, if we talk about nomad. The insulation is installed in the crook and the feeder is placed.
  4. Bottom. This element is placed under the housing of the hive, it is removable and non-removable. It is better to choose the first option, as it allows you to quickly care for bees and treat insects if necessary. The internal bottom also has its advantages: it forms a peculiar protrusion that bees are used as an attachment site.
  5. Ceiling. It is responsible for saving heat in the nest. The ceiling is represented by separate planks, which close the socket at the top. Ceiling over the frames or extensions. Sometimes instead of the ceiling, the socket is closed with canvas.
  6. Roof. This part of the hive protects the house from atmospheric precipitation. It is made of strapping and a flat shield and is made single, double or flat. For the convenience of transportation of the hives choose the last option. Ventilation holes are made in the strapping. The roof is put on the housing in the stepper or a quarter.
  7. Nest frame. Such frames are intended for tuning with bees cells. The design of the socket frame consists of the upper, lower bar and 2 side planks. The nesting frames have permanent separators. Or you can set the frames without them. Holders are present in the upper bar. The nesting frames are suspended on them. Depending on the variety of hives, the frames have different sizes.
  8. Sectional framework. Similar structures are used to obtain a cellular honey. Wood chips apply for the manufacture of sections. Their width reaches the width of the semi-third, and the thickness is 2 mm. To detail the cells in section frames insert the mass worker, which is attached to the wire stretched.
  9. Cut. It is needed for feeding bees in the spring and autumn period, as well as for their treatment by applying sugar syrup. Distinguish the upper and intraeval feeders.
  10. Plugboard. This element of bee hive is intended to limit the dimensions of the nest of insects, depending on the strength of the family. Also, using a plug-in board, it turns out to be divided into one family. If the weather is cold on the street, behind the stamped boards heat insulation materialWhat helps maintain the necessary thermal regime in the ulle.

The hives are divided according to 3 types:

  • Narrow-high. The height of the frame of such a house is greater than its width.
  • Low-wide. The height of the frame is less than its length.
  • Square. The altitude and width of the frame are the same.

Materials for the manufacture of hives

The very first hive of the collapsible type was wooden. But the progress on the spot is not worth it, and gradually with the goal of making houses for bees began to be used modern materials. Let's find out which one.


Housing for bees since sincervilla is emitted from a natural tree. This material has the "breathe" property and produce outside steam. To make a hive, choose wood coniferous trees. This is a non-massive pine, spruce, cedar, fir. Among deciduous soft rocks, give preference to lip, aspen or a topol. Such wood is characterized by a low level of thermal conductivity. Thus, bees are well protected in hot weather and cold.

Choose for the manufacture of hives, on which there are no bitch, rotten sites and cracks. Permissible can only be thickening bones. However, the tree has such a disadvantage as the ability to retain moisture, which got into the bees hive.


For the production of hives, plywood is very often used. Such products are environmentally friendly and durable. And they are not too light, so they are characterized by good resistance when transporting the hives. If you compare Paneur with natural wood in terms of dryness and thermal insulation, it exceeds wood.

However, this is possible, subject to the coating of plywood with special paint based on acrylic, creating a reliable strengthening of the walls of the house and insulation with the help of polystyrene foam. In the hives made from such a combination of materials, insects perfectly increase the family and spend less energy for heating, as comfortable conditions are created inside.

Polystyrene foam

The polystyrene foam is a lightweight material with which it is convenient to work. It demonstrates a large level of thermal insulation, and also has a low price. Repair of the hive made from expanded polystyrene will not give you difficulties. Among the disadvantages, except that low strength indicators, if you compare this material with natural wood. In addition, it is useful for you to know that the bees love to try the polystyrene foam.


For the manufacture of hives, even such a material is suitable that does not immediately come to mind. Styrofoam - a budget option For a bee house, which is also able to simplify the work on the construction of the hive. In addition, such designs are very lungs - one hive weighs close 14 kg. Fontoam bee hives retain warmth in winter strules, and in the summer they hold the coolness. Of the disadvantages of the material it is worth noting the need to paint the finished hive to protect the material from the factors of the external environment.

Polyurene Foolder

Polyurethane foam is known as the material that is used in the insulation of houses, as it has a low thermal conductivity. This property will be useful and when manufacturing a hive for bees. If you compare such a design with a wooden one, it stands out in best side. Beehive from polyurethane foam does not miss moisture, does not respond to solvents, does not rot and does not act as a favorable medium for fungi and microbes.

Polyurethane foam has very great strength. It is not inferior in this indicator the most solid wood. Therefore, the hives from polyurethane foam are not gnawing mouse and bees. The main disadvantage of this material is a flammability, which, by the way, and the tree is inherent. In the manufacture of a bee house from polyurethane foam necessarily pride the ventilation system. After all, this material is not able to pass the air, but along with this and greatly accumulates steam.


Today you can meet the hives for bees from miscellaneous material - Even from polycarbonate. This is a solid plastic, which, along with this, is practical, easy and durable. It demonstrates good wear-resistance indicators. Regardless of the fact that polycarbonate is a synthetic polymer, it is suitable for the content of bees.

Polycarbonate always retains its durable characteristics. It is not afraid of a cold, nor high temperature nor the impact of direct sun rays. Therefore, inside the hive will always be supported by microclimate for insects.

Foam Flame Beehives do it yourself

If you do not have the ability to buy a beef, you can make it yourself at home.

Advantages of foaming ulives

Many apiary owners in the manufacture of hives for bees give preference to foam due to its advantages:

  1. Fontoam hives characterize the absolute absence of thermal conductivity. Therefore, they withstand very low minus and high positive temperatures.
  2. Polyfoam does not rot and not exposed to the charge. The term of its operation is about 30 years.
  3. The hives from the foam just to serve. You can simply replace the spoiled part. Also, if you wish, you can add any section or remove it.
  4. The small weight of the foam allows you to declare that such hives are the basis of mobile apiary. The house body weighs a little more than one kilogram! Passage carriage closer to the messengers will not give you problems.
  5. In foam bee houses, water is not saved, it simply flows down.
  6. In winter, the flow rate of insects is reduced if they live in foam honey. In addition, the productivity of the bee works - approximately 20% increase.
  7. Honey, which gives bee living in foam house, has no extraneous smells.

However, along with the advantages in the manufacture of hives, the foam demonstrates some drawbacks. The main of them consists in low resistance to ultraviolet rays. And this means that the house is rapidly destroyed in the sun. Since the hives from the foam is very lungs, they are recommended to be weighting a stone or brick placed on the roof.

Requirements for bee

Beehive bees, regardless of the material you choose, must comply with some requirements:

  • The hive should be warm.
  • Reliable ventilation plays a big role.
  • Well, if the design of the hive makes it easy to change the volume if such a need arose. Depending on the number of nectar, sometimes it has to increase or decrease. It is desirable that the arrival boards and covers are interchangeable.
  • The hive should protect insects from overheating and bad weather.
  • The house for bees should be energetic and small.

Overall dimensions in drawing up the drawing of the hive are determined by the number of frames that you plan to install in it, and wall thickness:

  1. Width of the hilt depends on the number of frames. It can be determined by multiplying the number of frames by 37.5 mm.
  2. The length of the bee house should be counted, taking into account the length of the frame itself - the distance between the side planks. It should be included in the calculation of the dimensions themselves. Usually the length of the hive is equal to the sum of the length of the frame and the value, which is 14 mm.
  3. Determine the height of the hive succeed, having aroused the height of the folds and the height of the frame.
  4. The remaining sizes are taken at the discretion of the beekeeper.

Preparing for the manufacture of hives

For the manufacture of bee hive you will need such a material:

  • polyfoam in sheets;
  • sandpaper, which is characterized by a small graininess;
  • self-tapping screws that have a length of 50 mm;
  • poly-emulsion painting composition;
  • liquid Nails.

Also prepare such tools:

  1. Steel corner;
  2. Metal ruler;
  3. A circular saw;
  4. Stationery knife;
  5. Screws;
  6. Roller

Production of housing Ulya

Make elements of the housing elements can be 2 ways:

  • For the manufacture of bee hiles, the insulation can be used in tiles, which can be bought in any construction trading point. Its thickness is 20, 30 or 50 mm. At the beginning of the workflow, make a marking of the foam sheet, pre-calculated the dimensions of the structure. Transfer dimensions directly to the material. To do this, use a marker and metal ruler. Dispress all elements of the hive using a circular saw. Also, the material can be cut on the workpiece with the help of the metal or an ordinary stationery knife, as the foam is easy to handle. Cut on the marked lines. To ensure straightness and tidy of edges, use sandpaper. To do this, install an element on the emery skin of the side you want to clean up, and drive the edge of the abrasive.
  • If you use foamed polystyrene foam, then act as follows. Commier in advance about a special room where you can use electrical or gas appliances. Also in the room should be a water supply. Prepare special forms in which you will make the housing of the hive. Fill polystyrene foam using hot water or couples, then place it in the mold. Cool it with water. After removing the blanks from the form, they should be painted. So you will prevent the destruction of the material under the influence of environmental factors.

The elements of the housing are connected in a single so:

  1. For the future attachment of the side walls, do the so-called quarters along the edges. They are equal to the amount of half the thickness of the elements of the hive. To cut quarters, the same circulation saw is used.
  2. Details of the house are connected by self-drawing. Along with them, liquid nails are used. Apply glue to the docking plots, after which they are tightened with self-draws. They are screwed outside with self-tapping screws. Position them with 10-12 cm increments and deepen on half acetimeter.
  3. Collected ready-made housings by tight out the top on the bottom. No cracks and gaps should be present in foam hoses. This can provoke penetration into the bee house of unnecessary light or lead to a violation of the installed microclimate. In addition, insects can use such slots as an additional flyer.

Assembling bee hiles

The structural elements of the hive of the foam do it with their own hands in this way:

  1. Bottom. Pallet Ulya is recommended to produce from galvanized tin. He must be filmed when such a need arises. For example, when transporting apiary. Install the bottom of the hive on the self-tapping screw. It should be cut open, it must be done with the purpose of adjustment temperature mode.
  2. Framework. Frame for two-circuit hiles has standard dimensions 435x300 mm. For its manufacture, it is desirable to apply spruce wood. It is mandatory should not be resolar. The distance between the bottom planks of the frame and the bottom of the hive should be no more than 9 mm. If the passage is large, then the bees will be built it up. The distance between the side plank and the wall of the house should be 8-10 mm. At a shorter distance, insects will fill it with propolis, with more - build up with hundreds. To make it easy to install the frames, glue the foam strips on the side walls of the bee house. They will prevent gliding frames. Also strips ensure the maintenance of the required distance between the frames.
  3. Cut. When making a hive for bees, do not forget to make a feeder. To create it, take a nomadic grid that has a 3 mm cell size. The feeder should occupy half the inner volume of the hive.
  4. Roof. Making roofs of the hive is recommended at the very last moment. It should be easily open, but it is strong. Polyfoam - very light materialTherefore, such a roof requires weighting. Use for this brick or stone.
  5. Anti-tech grid. For the manufacture of mesh against ticks, use a galvanized grid, the size of the cells of which is 2-3 mm.
  6. Heating device. When wintering inside the hilt, the temperature should be maintained at 2-4 degrees. Attach the heating device, which is characterized by a power of 10 W. Such a device connect to the thermostat device.
  7. Summer. In the wall of the case, make a pilot. It is advisable to place it on the front wall. The piloter should have a diameter of about 25 mm. Equip it with aluminum valve.

After the bees were made for bees, at the final stage, do the excavation on all walls, which are meant for the handles. So you can conveniently transport the hive when transporting apiary. After making a bee house, get comfortable about the presence of several foam plates about the reserve, since over time the need to replace some structural details of the hive will arise.

Beekeeping is a very popular type of activity. The armor-bees will provide a caring owner and fragrant honey, and healing propolis, and Perga, wax, even poison. That is why many owners of dacha and land plots acquire bees and begin to comprehend the art of care. The bee house is important - hive.

You can distinguish several varieties of hives:

From the right choice of hive depends on the health of the bee and their ability to produce honey, which is why it is very important right to determine the type And make a hive with your own hands.

The embesies can use the designs of various types. The choice is primarily due to the conditions of use, beekeeping, breed of bees. It is also important to take into account the method used by the colony to preserve feed reserves.

That is why, when choosing a type of construction, experienced beekens are addressed primarily to their own practical experience, taking into account the temperature regime of the region and the singularities of the passive.

Every hive must have a sufficient inner volume so that the bees were comfortable, as well as well protect insects From weather conditions.

Gallery: Wives do it yourself (25 photos)

Singleproof model

The wide use of this appearance was found in the regions where the honeycomb soup:

  • Frame dimensions: 435 x 330 mm.
  • Consist of a nesting hull (12 frames), with the addition of shopping supplements.
  • Families are very insignificant.
  • If you need to build up, you should strengthen the hive add-in.
  • The main advantage: Ease of transportation.

Two-circuit bee house

The structure is similar to one-circuit design, no nomagazine settings. They are replaced by a full-sized case with twelve frames.

The advantages of this type: the overall harvest of honey bees will be significantly higher than in one-circuit hive, the design allows prevent potential.

Beehive Lezhak

It is the same two-circuit hive, but in a horizontal position.

  1. The extension of the nest is not up, and on the parties.
  2. Conduct 15-20 frames, 435 x 300 mm.
  3. Dignity - to serve the apiary is very convenient, it is not necessary to remove the housing.
  4. Perfect design for selection.
  5. The bees give the honey well and carry wintering.

Multicpustea view

A complex design consisting of several buildings (from 4 to 8), vertically adds to each other;

  • in each case, there are 10 frames (dimensions - 435 x 230 mm);
  • it is possible to use stores;
  • we found use on industrial apieges, as well as amateur with a large medical board, are used for large families.

Double-type type

Designed to remove bees in areas with unfavorable conditions. Due to the two shells occurs warming UlyaTherefore, for bees, an acceptable microclimate for wintering on the street is created.

It consists of 14 frames (dimensions of 435 x 230 mm), two stores (12 frames).

The choice of the type of hive depends on in what conditions will be the bees, as well as from the tasks that the beekeeper poses.


Before building a house for bees, you should know from which parts it consists. Regardless of the design, the device of the hives is largely similar.

Case. That is so referred to walls House for Beeswhich can differ significantly from each other with dimensions. Each body in the upper part has special holes, the grooves in which the leisure of the frames are inserted. May contain and pilots. Sometimes several buildings are placed one on another, creating a huge bee house.

Bottom. Beekeeper chooses how it will be - essential from the case or removable. The second option is more practical, because it makes care of the beeme simpler, allows you to clean, not a touch frame. This is exactly the bottom of the bee family as convenient as possible.

The shops. Represent a hull, but shouted in height. Not every hive has this component, as a rule, used for weak families, as well as during a medical device - it is here that honey is stored and saved.

Piercing. Represents semblance of a store without recesses for frames, placed between the roof and shop. Creates a space that improves the bees of living conditions during a nomad and also here can be placed feeders or insulation. And if you place the piercing housing under the bottom case, it will help create excellent conditions for insects for insects.

Roof. For its manufacture should use flat materials - Faneru, boards, and on top covered with thin iron sheets.

Framework. For the creation of the cells, the socket frames are used, for the workpiece of the honey - sectional.

Cut. Application areas - feeding insects or treatment.

The simplest for a novice beekeeper who decided to create a hive with their own hands is classic design - Case with twenty frames, two compartments, roofs and shops. By appearance Such a hive is similar to the oblong box with a thickened bottom and roof.

Drawings and materials

Beehive for bees with their own hands is easy, but before you start work, you should decide which materials it will be made. Options may be as follows:

By selecting the most suitable material, you should proceed to the manufacture of the hive with your own hands, the drawings can also be compiled independently or use already available.

When choosing a drawing is very important to pay attention proper ventilation organizationOtherwise, there is a risk to destroy the beyrem or force it to leave such a uncomfortable house.

Necessary materials and tools

First of all, it is necessary to choose a drawing, on the basis of which will be working, the video will be useful. For classic hives (such is considered to be Dadanovsky), it will be necessary hardwood boards - Linden or coniferous trees - pines, cedar, spruce.

When working on the drawing, it is important to remember the following:

  • The size of the house for bees depends on the required number of frames.
  • The calculation of the width is carried out by the formula: N * 37.5, where N is the number of frames.
  • Left length: Frame length and number 1.4 cm should be added.
  • The height of the hive is equal to the sum of the height of all frames and folds.

The main thing - the boards should be carefully sucked. To make your own hands and the bottom, the material is required 4 cm thick. To have the ability to separate the walls of the case, the grooves must be made in the boards.

To make a beehive for bees, it will take some devices and materials:

  • the material from which hive will be made: wood, foam, plywood;
  • to carry out measurements: Roulette / Rule, Cornel;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill, selflessness, drill;
  • glue, liquid nails;
  • chisels;
  • galvanized pet - to cover the roof;
  • the required number of frames.

Prepared required Material, You should proceed to work.

Stages of work

To make a hive with your own hands, you need to perform a certain procedure:

What color is it better to choose for the manufacture of hives, chooses the beekeeper itself, but it is worth remembering that since the bees most memorize white, then the walls of their house it should be painted white paint.

Manufacture of Legazhaka

The drawings of the hives for bees such a design is easy. Key stages of work look like this:

This instruction will help in making a house for bees with their own hands. After reading the description and having studied the video, even the newcomer will cope with such work and soon the apartment will decorate the new hives of our own production.