
How to glue different wallpapers. How to beat two types of wallpapers in the hall: photo and useful tips on choosing materials and sticking


New-fashioned trends in the design of the design of the room with the help of wallpaper, do not exclude the use classic styleinvolving monochrome decoration. However, in recent times, the option of double finishing is increasingly. What makes it possible not only to give the placement of individuality, but also to resolve the issue of zoning. The article will talk about how to punish a room with two types of wallpaper.

Types and combination of wallpaper

Wallpapers are the most common option for design walls in apartments and country houses. This is connected with a number of reasons:

  • simplicity and speed of the process of decorating the room;
  • quality wallpapers can not be changed for several years after the repair;
  • a variety of color palette and material texture.

Selecting the combined options for the decor, it is necessary to take into account quality characteristics. different species Material:

  • paper. The most common and affordable type of wallpaper is most common. Scope: Guest Room, Bedroom, Cabinet or Children. The service life of a similar material is about five years. By method of production paper wallpaper You can divide into two main groups: Simplex (technology of manufacturing a single-layer version) and duplex (improvement of material quality due to the use of a two-layer system);
  • vinyl. In the process of manufacture, a paper base is used to be applied special vinyl coating. The finished product has a necessary margin of strength and ability to stretch. This option is ideal for indoor use with high humidity - Kitchen or bathroom. In addition, care for the coating is simplified due to the detergent properties. Different durability and color quality material. Shelf life can reach about 15 years. And on a properly prepared surface, the joints will be completely invisible. Options vinyl wallpaperpresented in the building materials market only three:
    • shulkographic flat vinyl;
    • volumetric foamed;
    • washable kitchen version;
  • fliseline. The most appropriate solution for the premises located in the newly built building. The reason lies in the residual landing. Wallpapers have special strength and elasticity due to vinyl coating. Therefore, any kind of deformation of the wall surface under the material will not affect its integrity. In addition, phlizelin wallpapers are designed for repeated staining. A similar type of material is ideally combined in vinyl;
  • textile. Option Dear I. stylish finish Premium class. Wallpapers, as a rule, have the basis of phlizelin or paper, and the surface is covered with a cloth (silk, flax, viscose, natural or artificial fibers). A moment that is worth considering when choosing such wallpapers, this is a need for additional care. Not all options presented on sale have moisture resistance. Most good combination - with phlizelin or paper wallpaper;

  • vellar. In the process of manufacturing on the paper basis various particles of small sections are applied: Fabric or sparkles. The process of salary is quite complicated. Material can be painted. In the interior, velor wallpaper is best combined with textile or paper.

Advantages of a combination of two types of wallpaper in the interior

There are a number of tasks that are solved when using two types of wallpaper in the room:

  • decoration of space;
  • practical solution of problems with constructive disabilities and lighting;
  • visual change in the proportions of the room;
  • creating an art object on one or several walls;
  • formation of style unity;
  • concentration of attention to the winning part of the interior;
  • compliance with taste and aesthetic preferences.

A wide range of wallpapers, presented on sale, allows you to solve the above tasks, thanks to the diversity:

  • color forms;
  • patterns (material with a pattern or under painting);
  • textures (smooth, with 3D drawing, relief);
  • surface quality (matte, imitation of other materials, brilliant);
  • manufacturer material (polymeric, natural, fresco plaster, textile);
  • the method of pasting (for glue, self-adhesive option, liquid).

How beautiful to punish the wallpaper of two types

In order to competently combine in one room with two species at once, you do not need to have special experience, it is enough to determine the taste preferences and choose the combined option.

  • The popular trend of double design has influenced the building materials market. Currently, a sufficient amount of wallpaper types are produced, similar to the texture and color scheme.

  • Double finish is the most common option involving solutions to many tasks, among which there is a light and separation of space. Successful considered to choose wallpaper different speciesbut from one collection. This can not be mistaken with the combination of materials and textures.
  • In the process of work, the wallpaper with a saturated shade and a bright pattern is pasted on the most illuminated wall of the room. While the walls entering little light should be taken out with light wallpaper with a small pattern or a monochrome background.
  • In addition to the lighting solution, there is a need to comply with stylistic dynamics. A sharp contrast of textures or patterns can result in oversprint with elements and complicate the interior.

Options how to beat the wallpaper of two types

Vertical way

  • The most classic way to combine the wallpaper of two species in one room. The popularity of such a method is connected with the simplicity of walls of walls, and the ability to visually raise the height of the ceiling.
  • A vertical method involves the alternation of two panels, completely different in color parameters, pattern and surface quality. The basis should be the principle of a contrast or adjacent combination.

Bloom the wallpaper of two kinds of photos

  • At the same time, the combination can take the following options:
    • simple style (harmonious supplement base color);
    • complex (combination of different colors and textures);
    • designer (use of a non-standard approach in comparison of material and colors using contrast).
  • Vertical location of wallpapers, both symmetrical and asymmetric relative to the composite center, dilute the monotony of the surface. It is possible to combine monochrome and multi-colored wallpapers, with small and large pattern of similar rapport, with stripes or peas.
  • Regarding the selected pattern, it is possible to use methods for sticking online or brakes, with edge, cropped ladder or wave-like.

How to beat the wallpaper of two species with a horizontal way

  • The horizontal option is designed to separate the surface of the wall into two equivalent or asymmetric parts. In the lower area, a dark or saturated tint is glued in the lower area, and the top is light tones. Such a combination creates the effect of panel cladding.

  • With this method, you can efficiently adjust the ceiling height. A similar effect is achieved thanks to the placement of the bottom edge of the Bordur wallpaper. In this case, the ceiling is visually lowered.
  • Note: The horizontal docking of the wallpaper involves accurate determination of the pasting level. Otherwise, the docking line will contrast with the level of furniture.
  • It is important to take into account the width of the canvas, as it is directly dependent with the height of the lower part. In addition, technology finishing work It assumes the sticking of the wallpaper from top to bottom, the edge goes with puff and trimmed with a building knife. This is necessary so that after drying between the strips, the gap is not formed.
  • Another rule of such combination can include the following fact: dense, textured wallpaper must be placed at the bottom, while thin and glossy - in the top. This will preserve the integrity of the coating for a long time.
  • An alternative option for designing the bottom of the wall can be cork covering, artificial stone or decorative plaster.
  • But as a dividing material, you can use a curb, wooden rail, polyurethane molding or decorative frieze.

Patchwork combination

  • It is a combination of horizontal and vertical technique. The result becomes a unique combination of rectangular fragments of various sizes. The process is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bpatchwork mosaic, similar to the patchwork sewage - patchwork. The decorative feature of this combination of the wallpaper of two species is ideally fits into the interior of the children's room, suitable for spatial selection dining area in kitchen space and country premises.

  • Different fragments of wallpaper with a wide range of patterns, colors and drawings are combined into a decorative composition, which has a chaotic or ordered view. Can be used bright accents Or compare wallpaper due to smooth transitions. To harmonize the final composition, it is necessary to use neutralizing shades: black, gray or white.
  • To perform work, you will need wallpaper with the same thickness parameters, and a large number of The junctions involves using only paper material.
  • Inserts from wallpaper. In the decor of the room used and fragmentary sticking of wallpaper. Forms can be the most diverse from the correct geometric shape to unique samples. Causes of coloring uses options with an expressive ornament or pattern, as well as monochrome wallpapers.

Wallpapering of one zone

  • The priority tasks of this style are the design of the walls in the style of Baroque or preparation for the grinding of paintings, to give the style of classicism style.
  • The use of geometric inserts will introduce a note of neoclassicism into the interior. For completed species, plank or molding inserts are used, which are an integral part of the composition.

  • shelves;
  • art paintings;
  • family photos;
  • lighting devices.

If necessary, focus the entire space on the size or functional properties of the interior object is used, inserts from wallpapers, occupying a tangible site, up to the use of the ceiling area.

How can you beat the wallpaper of two widows photo

In each, separately, the room has sections that need extraction.

  • How to Choke the wallpaper of two types in the hall.In the living room, as a rule, a fireplace area is distinguished, place under the placement of the TV, bar counter or floor lighting.

  • Dining room Requires the separation of the area of \u200b\u200bplacing the dishes and dining table.
  • How to shove wallpaper in the bedroom of two types.It is most often decorated with a zone where the headboard is placed.
  • When pasting different wallpaper cabinet The working area is highlighted.

  • How to beat the hallway with two types of wallpaper.Here it is customary to use a horizontal method when the bottom of the wall is covered with darker wallpaper, and the border is separated by a decorative border.

In all options there must be a contrast effect, in this case the inset will focus on the semantic object. In addition, the insertion from wallpaper help to hide certain wall defects, for this use material with a complex geometric pattern.

Photo wallpaper

  • Of course, to some extent, the photo wallpaper has lost their popularity, however, modern options Can become a unique art object in the bedroom interior or children's room. A similar inset not only copes with a spatial orientation, but also can reflect the taste of the apartment owner or at home.
  • The development of digital photos was largely reflected in the number of high-quality photo wallpaper that allow you to create exclusive option Interior in the room of any square. To date, this is the most popular way to punish the wallpaper in the living room of two species.

Practical combination of wallpaper

Not so long ago, any protruding parts of the room be it beam structures, protruding structural parts, reference columns, niches or erkers treated its shortcomings. To date, such elements are created by designers for the embodiment of creative thought.

Using plasterboard structures, the room is filled with complex surfaces, which subsequently use a combined finish.

Combination options that hide the visible disadvantages of the room:

  • wallpapers having various shades of the same color;
  • cloths with a pattern combined with monophonic;
  • wallpapers with a pattern with opposite color background;
  • the combination of contrast patterns or various rapport;
  • use of uneven lines at the connection site.

The main difficulty in decorating protrusions and niches is to accurately cut the material and careful processing of the edge. For this, marking appliances are used. However, the painstaking of work with interest pays off by the uniqueness of self-created design and the perfection of the premises.

You can complement the created interior using competently organized lighting, additional accessories and properly selected furniture.

Secrets of combination

To obtain a guaranteed result, the following factors should be taken into account when combining two types of wallpaper:

  • acquire the wallpaper issued by one manufacturer;
  • it is worth considering not only color preferences, but also a combination with existing interior objects;
  • it is easiest to choose the wallpapers that are suitable in one collection and similar to the price category;
  • selecting the material with the patterns, orient, first of all, is worth the presence of a similar color or its shade;
  • wallpapers chosen as a basic basis should have a neutral tone;
  • the vertical option of pasting involves the use of a material with the same thickness;
  • for registration of the curb or panels, you need to choose the wallpaper with the maximum thickness parameters;
  • with a combination of coating made of cane, corks or bamboo with wallpaper of another species, it is worth using natural natural shades.

The process of designing a design combination of several types of wallpaper is associated with the implementation of a creative idea, due to which a unique result is achieved: the premises acquires its unique style and visual originality.

Wall with accent

Risk is a matter of course noble, but carelessness is never superfluous. As aphorism says, "madness should be done carefully." This saying should be adjusted to all who do or is going to do the interior design. The choice in favor of a saturated palette and a dynamic ornament is always a risk. But there is an opportunity to significantly reduce it and keep a safe game. "How to do it?", - You ask. The answer is simple: to know, feel and observed.

Even with a small dose of the bright, energetic color or pattern, you can make a very bold statement. Such inclusions are called accents. About, we already wrote. This time we will stop more in such an element as an accent wall.

What is an accent wall?

This is a special wall, excellent design from the rest of the walls in the room. The accent wall may differ in color, texture, drawing, material. The accent can be the entire surface of the wall or only its part in the form of a wide band.

What is the meaning of creating an accent wall? First, it makes it possible to introduce a bright color in the interior, but in a small, strictly limited quantity. In addition to color, you can bring in the interior and additional textures, shapes, lines. Thanks to the accent wall, the surface of the room does not look homogeneous and flat. The interior is performed spectacular and extraordinary.

Secondly, the creation of accent surfaces allows you to manipulate attention. People entered the room will first of all pay attention to the accent wall and what is near her. So you can attract interest in something worthy and to remove attention from a small attractive object.

Accent wall in the interior: where and why?

Many people remember those times when almost in every house had a wall carpet. With it, they created a kind of accent wall - the one that I wanted to highlight. Most often, the carpet allocated the walls behind the sofa in the living room and behind the bed in the bedroom. It is on these walls that focuses on our time. True, they use not carpets for this, but a combined finish.

The accent often make the wall behind the TV and. A slightly less popular option is an accent wall near. In these cases, emphasis helps to solve the task of zoning in the room.

You can focus part of the wall on which it is planned to place an expensive picture or a different luxury decor. A special way is made to separate and wall near the fireplace. Here we are talking about solving decorator problems.

Accent and partitions, simpleness, protrusions. Allocation of these sites allows you to more explicitly divide zones and rooms. This option also works for zoning.

In the corridors and halls allocate parts of the walls. Square is divided into fragments - it does or the hall is not so monotonous and dull.

Accent walls are drawn up in the bathrooms. You often allocate walls behind the toilet and washbasin, as well as near the bath.

In addition to those considered, other options are also possible. Before you decide on the wall for focusing, you need to answer questions:

  • why do you need to highlight this wall?
  • why it is her, not another?

It should be remembered that the accent wall relieves the main attention. If you want guests to notice your still-life collection, do not make an accent opposite or adjacent wall. It may be that a plot with still lifes simply ignore, because a bright accent wall is overshadowed it.

Accent wall in the interior: how to allocate it?

Color selection

The most spectacular way to highlight the wall is to arrange it in bright color. Than saturated and contrasting the main finish color - the more effectively accent. To create such an accent wall, usually coloring or waters are used.

There are some designer secretshelping to make right choice Colors for an accent wall. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the features of perception. "Hot" colors visually approach us. Therefore, if the room is narrow, do not paint in the "hot" color long walls. The "hot" includes red, orange, warm and many of their shades. If you paint into one of these shades a long wall in narrow roomThe room is visually even more narrowed.

But one of the short walls can be done "hot." Due to this room, the room will be visually declining in length and will seem slightly more square.

Cool shades, on the contrary, are able to remove from us. Therefore, for a long wall in an oblong narrow room, it is better to choose one of their cold colors. These include blue, blue, purple, cold green, and many shades.

If you prefer a calm, pacifying atmosphere, choose a color for the accent wall, close to the one that prevails in the room. Look at the color circle: close or, in a different way, similar colors are colors located next door.

For example: if the room is decorated in blue tones, a gentle-green accent wall will be close in color. The situation will be quite calm and restrained, but the green wall will still stand out and attract attention.

If you want something more energetic and impressive, choose a color antagonist, that is, a color located on a circle opposite that shade that prevails in the interior. For example: if the room is decorated in beige-lilac colors, the accent wall can be made light green.

In neutral (white, black and white, gray, beige, beige-brown, etc.) The room is an accent wall can be completely any color - for example, your beloved.

Ornament or drawing

To make one wall other than others, you can use not only color, but also pictures, patterns, ornaments. This will bring new forms and lines to the interior, which will affect the perception of the geometry of the room. In addition, the drawing of the accent wall can work on an idea, creating one or another mood.

For example, the accent wall may be striped. If the strips are located horizontally, the accent wall will visually expand, and the room will seem slightly spacious, but below. In addition, the striped wall will create some kind of dynamics, make a room more energetic.

Plant ornaments will soften the atmosphere. Even if the room will be coarse furniture and a large amount of technology, thanks to the floral accent wall, the room will be balanced, cozy, pleasant eye and not at all rough. But the checkered accent wall in the interior, on the contrary, will add to him the brutality and some reference.

Read more about the role and perception of drawings, patterns and ornaments, read in our articles:

The focusing of drawings and ornaments is especially suitable for those who prefer monochrome interiors. You can not enter additional colors. Let the accent wall be performed in the same color as the other surfaces, but thanks to the ornament, this wall is separated from the total space, it will become dominant.

Selection of texture

The bet can be made not on the color and pattern, but on the texture of the surface. Adding new textures to the interior makes it deep, inhomogeneous, interesting. The accent wall can be finished, stone, tile, mosaic, wooden panels, bamboo cloth, etc.

Brick and stone will perfectly fit both in urban and rustic styles. The tree and bamboo will emphasize the rural or natural component. Mosaic will decorate the interior in which the emphasis is on decorativeness and luxury (for example, in Arab style).

Selection of the plot

It is possible to kill two hares at once: to highlight the wall, having lost the interior from flatlight, and bring the thematic component to the room. To solve these tasks, photo wallpapers are usually used.

If the accent wall is created with the help of photographic, the decor in the room should be at a minimum. Yes, and the palette should be quite scarce. Otherwise, it will be difficult to avoid some redundancy that tiring eyes.

How to choose a plot for an accent wall? If there is no desire to make an additional topic, you can stay at the neutral plot - for example, in the image of plants. To emphasize the modern urban essence of the interior, use photo wallpapers with a fragment of a city street or building. If you want to focus on the "pastorality" of the interior, you choose the photo wallpaper of natural or rural themes.

In addition to photo shutters, there are other options for the plot selection. For example, the accent wall can be saved .... This will allow you to maintain the topic of distant wanderings present in the interior.

More expensive and unmatched a beautiful way to create a thematic accent wall - plot painting, fresco.

Accent wall in the interior: what to connect with?

Is it worth keeping the color and drawing of an accent wall? This is not mandatory. The accent wall can act as a solo, and from anything does not depend on anything without combining. However, this solution is successfully mainly only for light, neutral and fairly faceless interiors. If there are several different colors in the room, the accent wall is preferably supported. For example, other accents in the same color: pillows, carpet, lampshade, or even furniture objects.

One of the most important rolesdesign of any room Playing a selectionwallpaper . This technique makes it possible to significantly transforminterior . If necessary, adjust the deficiencies of the planning is performedfixing wallpaper two types . For example, with different texture,color drawing. Options It may be a lot, but you should always consider a whole list of conditions.

Creating a practical, functional and beautiful interior - Question priority.

Combination and sticking wallpaper of two types It is not necessary to comply with a number of rules that are shown in the table.

The design of the walls of the room largely forms the entire image of the room, its character, mood.

Rule Description Council
Accounting for the height of the ceilings The ceiling height largely determines the requirements forfigure on the wallpaper and their texture. Vertical strips Increase the height.Strip can be distributed only one or twowalls.

If the height of the wall less than 2.5 meters, then it is recommended to choose brightwallpaper . They can be like monophonic and smalldrawings.

Interior With ceilings more than 3 meters require another approach todesign . Excellent solution will bewallpaper with a large drawing , stretched horizontally. Permissible horizontal zoningwalls.

Square of the room Space dimensions also fulfill an important role in the selection. For spacious premises You can choose bright, saturatedcolors. Such a way allow you to visually reduce the area,make the room more cozy. It will look goodcombination of wallpaper two types : monochrome and ornament. Horizontal lines or other patterns are not recommended.

For small rooms On the contrary, light will be requiredwalls . It is allowed fine nonsensepicture.

Geometry Wall ratio It should also be considered. Fix long narrowroom will be able to correctfixing wallpaper two types . For example, to smallerwalls glue light monophonicwallpaper . At the same time, in the corners they must go long. The rest of the space is filledwallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern.
Texture When sticking the wallpaper of two species Be sure to comply with the integrity of the invoice. When combining, it is necessary to use the wallpaper of different thickness. If it is used yet different The type of wall coating, then the glue should be selected.
sunlight To choose from color combinations affects the number ofroom sun rays. In a very bright room wallpaper should not be monotonously blond. They can be diluted with coatings with an ornament or any image on a long lightwall.

Methods of combination

There are also severalways to combine such material as wallpaper . The most important thing is in choosing - clearly imagine the end resultdesign.

The selection of modern finishing materials is incredibly wide, the spread is also large - in a modern store it is difficult to get confused.

So, consider the effective methods.

  • Strip placed relatively rarely, but at allwalls of the room at the same interval;
  • Different stripes in color and drawing also allowed, but should act carefully to prevent absurditydesign (You should take everything from one collection);
  • It is possible to combine the wallpaper of three species from one series at once;
  • If wallpaper with stripes enter the ceiling, then it will also helpto do Its visually higher;
  • Fixing wallpaper two types from one collection is a win-winoption, such an interior Always look profitable.

You can select one or another functional zone, decorated the walls.

To find suitable option A homeowner can with any wallet size.

  • Horizontal strip around the perimeter located at the level of the windowsill;
  • In the corridor, the line can be placed at the level of an adult person, while separated areas may vary bycolor;
  • The bottom third of the walls can coverwallpapers in striped , and the remaining area is monophonic or smallpattern.

The finish must create a single, harmonious image of the room.

Decoration of walls with the help of combining one-photon wallpaper is an urgent design method.

  • If possible, the different area can be distinguished by the frame;
  • Select the pattern can be niche;
  • Niche can be saved in contrastcolor.

Where, as not in the living room, you can afford a lot of luxury.

Even in concise modern interiors Such a design of the accent wall is able to create a special mood.

  1. Designers are often used Method for creating color accents. At the same time, two receptions are distinguished here:
  • Distraction from partpremises with unsightly elements;
  • Attracting attention to some subjectinterior

Such a design is able to increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

In case of uncertainty, combination is better to entrust the professional.

He will definitely choose the most appropriatepremises design options . But the newcomer in this business can choose ridiculous combinations.

Basics of combination

It is important to take into account that when combination, the coating with a pattern is based on the sametints As a monophonicwallpaper. Picture Maybe severalspecies : based on geometric elements, classic patterns or floral motifs.

Any of these options will look good with monophonic surfaces.

Special attention is worthy and texturedwallpaper which are becoming more and more famous in moderndesign . it good alternative liquidwallpaper.

The texture can manifest itself in the following elements:strips , curls, abstraction, vegetable elements.This type of wallpaper Convenient in sticking, they can be painted. Also, they are well suited for the decoration of the ceilings.

A significant advantage of such a choice is durability and the ability to repaint the surface.

Proper lighting

Light indoors Always played the main role. It is necessary to take into account it in the selection of wall coatings. If the light Little, then about darkflowers in such Situations can be forgotten.

You will have to choose from beige, cream, light gray shades.

Light can be distributed zerly. For example, wherewallpaper Lighter it will be less saturated, in the darkened areas - brighter.With horizontal divisionwall Additional light can be used around the perimeter of the dark part: along the floor or ceiling.

Choice of wallpaper

Pledge of high qualityinterior - This is a competent selection of finishingmaterials.

For complete or partial decoration of walls, all types of wallpapers can be used in terms of classification by technological characteristics.

Manufacturers offer severaltypes of wallpaper Each of which has a number of its features.

  1. Paper excellentcombined with wallpaper All types due to their flexibility. They smoothly fall even in the most complex and hard-to-reach places.
  2. Vinyl differ high density and durability. it perfect choice forwall prone to mechanical damage. For example, for the corridor. Combine them better withwallpaper from paper.
  3. Fliselinova wallpaper All designers appreciate the texture. They are able to hide any flaw on surfaceswall . At the same time they are finecombined with wallpaper Any quality. The main thing is to gently make pasting.
  4. Textile stand quite expensive. it a good choice For a bedroom or living room. It is worth noting that it is possible to combine them only with fluiseline or paper coatings.
  5. Liquid at first glance resemble decorative plaster.That The solution is suitable forpremises any purpose. It is possible to combine with phlizelinwallpaper.

For living rooms, such a type of finish can be used for accent surfaces.

Textile wallpapers look luxurious, have high environmental properties, able to "breathe".

To wallpaper It was glued qualitatively, it is necessary during the repair process to perform the following steps:

  • Preparationwall which consists in cleaning from old coatings, putty and primer;
  • Prepare glue, bought specifically for the selected typewallpaper;
  • Apply glue on wallpaper or walls (do, as indicated in the instructions);
  • Gluewallpaper (those that occupy a large area);
  • When measured, be sure to leave the seams, because when dryingwallpaper able to decrease slightly in size, which threatens the appearance of emptiness betweenstripes;
  • Start glued from the ceiling, aligning the surface with a special roller;
  • Glue wallpapers for combining;
  • Crop the unnecessary sections of the coating, stick the curbs and ribbons if necessary.

Follow simple rules Provide an excellent result.

Designers are always guided by several principles whencombination Wall coatings. Following the advice indicated below will allow you to choose win-winwallpapering options for one or anotherpremises.

Children's chosen wallpaper will give your home beauty and comfort.

  • Stylish harmoniousdesign can be obtained bycombining bright wallpaper covers the same collection, but with a bright saturatedpattern.
  • Make a room You can, highlighting withwallpaper only one wall.
  • With horizontal zoning, it is necessary to select borders or dividing tapes. Without themdesign will be unfinished.
  • For children, permissible patchworkcombination . Well, if the baby himself will choosewallpaper.
  • Juicy shades are better combined with pastel colors.
  • Vegetable elements in some cases overloadroom.
  • Upholstery soft furniture, curtains, carpets should be selected with the finishwalls. This will allow the interior look stylish and holistic.
  • Wallpaper , decorating elements and glue better acquire in one store.
  • Cornerspremises with contrasting colors allows you to visually align the proportionsrooms.
  • During design, more than 5 colors are unacceptable.
  • For small rooms It is impossible to choosewallpaper with large drawings.

To design His housing should always be approached with the maximum responsibility, whatever part of the house or apartment is not. Before starting any work, it is necessary to clearly define the goals that need to be achieved bycombination of wallpaper.

It is necessary to imagine the final result.

Wall-mounted coatings need to be carefully, attention, as a rule, is given not onlycolor , but also quality. This depends on the accomplishmentideas . When selecting contrasting combinations, it is recommended to think wellcolors They need to be combined, not to be heavy to look. For the bedroom, contrasting solutions are not recommended.

In any case, this is an interesting, fascinating occupation, which in a serious approach will provide an excellent result.

Video: Wallpaper combination options.

Classic reception modern designers It became an emphasis wall in the interior. The placement of the desired accents in the room by separating the same wall with color or texture is an easy way to create a special, unique living space.

However, in the design of the accent wall there are subtleties and rules. If you want to know how to properly make an emphasis on the wall, "Dream House" will help to understand this issue.

Creating an accent wall: Simple rules

The accent wall can solve quite a lot of tasks when the room is cleaned, if you find out the main techniques for building interior design. Make focus on the wall capable of not only to attract attention, but also improve the design of the room, the following rules will help:

  • the accent wall in the room should be one, very rare - two. But one should never make three accents on the walls at once - this will bring dissonance to the premises and grotesco will look;
  • it is possible to distinguish only a part of one of the walls, or even emphasize the attention exclusively on the architectural elements of the wall: arches and;
  • build Interior S. accent wall You can both on color contrast and more soft combination tones, depending on the desired effect;
  • using warm and cold shades, it is possible to visually both closer to the accentuated wall, and to vomitfully push it away;
  • the accent wall is an excellent option for. With this simple reception, you can designate a seating area in the living room or separate the dining area from the kitchen;
  • do not forget that the focus on one wall sets the tone to the whole interior, and this is exactly the designer's solution to finally balance the design of the room.

Accent Wall: Interesting Solutions and Basic Takes

Capabilities modern Mira When designing the interior, including the accent wall, is truly limitless. However, there are always techniques that are used most often.


It can be as a contrasting main hue of the room, and he was consonant with him. Often this technique is used when painting the room with paint or pasting with wallpaper.


The accent wall may be in the same color scheme as the rest of the walls of the room, but to be decorated, 3D panels, wooden, artificial stone, brick masonry, mosaic or something else, opposite to the rest of the walls of the room.

Focus on the wall behind the headboard


The color of the room can be identical or different on each of the walls, but one of them is the one on which the emphasis is made is decorated with an active print with the help of wallpaper, a specific pattern ,. Sometimes on one of the walls creates a graphic pattern.

Decorative elements

Create an emphasis on one or two walls can not be stolen, it is enough to decorate the necessary walls with elements of the interior decor. For this, the frames, baguettes, sockets, photos, plates, bamboo elements, or soft panels - anything, your taste!

Wall mural and vinyl stickers

Accent Wall behind the headboard

Focus on the wall behind the headboard

Focus on the wall behind the head of the photo

In the kitchen

What walls in the kitchen room wisely make the leading? Of course, this is a work area - kitchen apronwhich can act as an emphasis wall in the kitchen, attracting high attention to the cooking zone.

However, this reception has already been bored with designers, and more and more emphasous walls are encouraged to draw attention to the dining area.

Accent wall in the kitchen photo

The first thing we notice, getting into an unfamiliar accommodation, the walls are unfamiliar. It was on them that a look is directed, and it is they define the tone to the whole room. Gray, the gloomy hallway instantly spoils the impression of the owner of the apartment, too bright with an abundance of contrasting stains also does not add bonuses to his piggy bank. Oh, if he knew that there are numerous options for combining wallpaper, which even make a luxurious foil from a narrow foam, it would probably take advantage of this opportunity. Do you know how to combine wallpaper correctly? How to combine colors and textures? How to find the perfect union among the variety of shades, drawings and patterns? Not? Then this article is exactly for you!

Wallpaper combination rules were invented by designers in order to "not spoil" the interior of the room for chance (for ignorance or nonsense). A large or small, narrow or wide, high or low, right form or with protrusions and niches is all the characteristics of the premises. Each of these parameters is crucial when choosing electric materials, so before going to go shopping, you should familiarize yourself with some rules.

  1. For low rooms, wallpaper with a large, bulk pattern, dark tones are categorically contraindicated. The most suitable option in this case is bright monophonic or small pattern wallpapers.
  2. A room with a high ceiling So it looks cumbersome, so you should give preference to wallpaper or with a large pattern, or with horizontal stripes that visually reduce the height of the walls.
  3. Spacious premises do not like a light gamut. The most appropriate is the wallpaper of dark, saturated tones or monochrome or with a large pattern.
  4. The wallpaper should also be taken on the basis of the functional purpose of the room. So, for the children you can combine monochrome wallpaper with photo wallpapers or with wallpaper with a large pattern. For the living room, the ideal will be a combination of striped wallpapers and wallpaper with small pattern.
  5. Consider both the orientation of the room in space: the northern rooms should not be covered with blue and gray wallpaper - without that cool color in the absence of proper lighting will be even colder. Rooms located on the south side, on the contrary, can even be decorated with wallpapers - in summer heat this room will turn into a real oasis of freshness.
  6. Those wallpapers that will be decorated by combining should have the same thickness, otherwise all the joints will be noticeable.
  7. It is advisable to buy the wallpaper of the same width - it will be easier to combine and customize the strip to each other.
  8. It is also worth focusing on the color of furniture, accessories and gender, so as not to get the effect of "mosaics" - a lot of shades, and the common style and the direction of the host thoughts cannot be determined.

Methods of combining wallpaper

Combine incompatible simply, especially if you know ways of combining wallpaper, there are six more than six.

Method number 1. Combining Wallpaper with vertical stripes

Strips are an interesting designer technique that allows you to visually make the room below or higher, wider or already, naturally, depending on their orientation. Alternation of wallpaper bands of different color creates the effect of a kind of shadow game, which will bring some nobility and elegance into the interior.

To finish the room in this way it is necessary to purchase rolls of the same texture and width, it is desirable that they are from one collection. Shining stripes on the wall, just alternate them in a ratio one in two, one through one or two through two - everything depends on the size of the room and your own vision.

Queuo color Gamma.: Choose either a combination of different shades of one color, or the same contrast shades of opposing spectrum colors. For example, beige and dark brown, light pink and pink, black and white, etc. An unusual selection of colors (as in the latter case) is able to drastically change the concept of the room: from a standard quadrangle it will turn into a unique space for its characteristics, special, unusual, bright.

But it is not necessary to think that only the monochrome wallpaper bands can be combined - it is quite acceptable to apply the helmet with drawings and patterns. This design of the combination of wallpaper will create a certain mood of comfort, heat and comfort in the room, and will also give guests a certain hint of an interior style ratio to affiliation to a particular era.

It is easy to glue multi-colored stripes and conveniently, because the joints on the border of different shades are practically not noticeable. And to give standard tremendosity and originality, all conventions can be destroyed - to crop the edges of the wallpaper with zigzags or waves, pierce them with a hole panel by creating a perforation effect, or decorate the joints with thin ribbons into the tone.

Method number 2. Wallpaper combination by horizontal wall division

This method is a bright example. classic design walls. They used them during the reign of Catherine II, and today he did not lose its relevance.

Alternating horizontal bands are suitable for any style, because they can be successfully combined not only by texture and color, but also in the drawing. Horizontal strips can be monochrome, contrasting, with a pattern. Alternating them is better than one through one or one after two, based on the height of the walls. For example, for premises with high ceilings Ideal will be a combination of a 1.5-2 meters wide stripes with stripes slightly fit - 1-1.5 meters, and for low rooms, the width bands should not exceed one meter.

Interesting can be a combination of various textures: textile and vinyl, silk-screen printing and fliesline - such a combination of deliberate rudeness and feminine softness will look great on the walls.

So, if you start repairing the combination of wallpaper in which it is expected precisely in the horizontal direction, then you should know the following:

  • For a clear definition of the borders of the joints, measurements must be measured from the floor level to the location of the intended junction. By connecting the resulting points, you need to spend the line parallel to the floor (not the ceiling!) - So the border of the connection of two colors will always coincide with the level of furniture.
  • The top stripe is first glued, then the bottom, and at the place of their connection you need to leave the lap by glue. After complete drying of the wallpaper, the excess is trimmed, and the edges of the strips have been drawn into the joint. Why do such intrigations are needed? Just it will be possible to make perfect in terms of external view The joint, because wallpaper during drying can be a little dyeing.
  • Sometimes the junction does not work (cracks, irregularities remain). In this case, it can be simply closed by a border, wooden slaughter or molding. Select these decor elements should be based on not from your own preferences, but from the interior style of your chosen and wallpaper characteristics. Thus, a paper border, glued to the joint between thick and subtle wallpaper, will be treacherously issuing irregularities on the wall arising due to the dirtyness of the chopler. Replacing it on a border from a more dense material, you can eliminate the problem.

Method number 3. Combining wallpapers by inserts

This method is good in that it is possible to use it on already trained walls. They can be painted, plastered or saved by wallpaper.

Technology to madness is simple: inserts are cut in an arbitrary form of dense wall-mounted cloths. You can perform them in the form of squares, rectangles, ovals, circles, rhombuses, well, if you are a creative person, not accepting landed forms, you can develop and come up with your own figure, which will reflect your essence.

Simple gluing inserts will not be enough - the edges of the wallpapers will start to grow with time and will spoil the interior. Therefore, for finishing contours of the figure, it is worth using all the same borders, straps or moldings.

Examples of combining wallpapers by inserts can be viewed below, perhaps on one of the pictures you will see what you want to implement.

Method number 4. Wallpaper combination by volumetric inserts

Volumetric inserts differ from the usual because they occupy much large squares. Their main purpose is the visual separation of the parts of the room to different sectors. For example, in the nursery you can allocate working area, sleeping and gaming. In the first sector, the wallpaper must have more rich shades, encouraging the child to work and work, in the second, on the contrary, the colors should be a pacifying character, setting the baby to sleep and rest, but in the third you can stick bright wallpaper And the favorite heroes of movies or cartoons.

In the bedroom you can highlight the headboard, however, it is not necessary to get too involved in experiments here - it will be enough to combine the same type of different shades of one color spectrum.

Method number 5. Combining wallpaper Loskutami

This the method will suit For bright, emotional, creative people who love experiments and all unusual. Just cut the flap of arbitrary shape from the available wallpaper. However, all the flap must combine something in common. For example, it can be a drawing, or different shades of the same color, or texture.

Clear multicolored pieces can be both online and braziness.

Method number 6. Combining wallpapers by allocating interior protrusions and niche

Some apartments would be designed by the insane architect, who decided to collect all the niches and protrusions in one place. Sometimes such a reception is quite by the way, and sometimes it is not at all appropriate. However, any drawback can always be turned into dignity, the main thing is to know how to do it.

Niche or protrusion can be allocated with the help of wallpaper contrasting with a common background of colors. So, if white is chosen white as the main background, then for niches is suitable dark gray or black, to the blue background - peach, to pink - salad. In addition, the niches will look great if you decorate them with wallpaper with textured pattern, ornaments or hieroglyphs.

Combination of liquid wallpaper

It is worth focusing on the liquid wallpaper, because this finishing material has recently become a wonderful demand. It is easy to install and care, it can be easily updated, removing contamination and apply a fresh layer, and it looks like a coating originally and unusual. Combination liquid wallpaper It gives a lot of opportunities - they can be mixed with each other, creating an individual, unique decor, can be combined with other types of finishing materials, and you can even draw with them.

In any case, the combination of wallpaper, photo options you can look just below, is a creative process, requiring an individual approach, therefore, first of all, rely on your own intuition.